urlibkey citationkey referencetype firstauthor author title year journal volume number pages month alternatejournal callnumber metadatarepository targetfile repository label keywords abstract notes url lastupdate metadatalastupdate site size numberoffiles language contenttype hostcollection copyholder childrepositories parentrepositories databaserepository e-mailaddress secondarykey secondarytype tertiarytype area firstgroup group project index sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ POPPELScal:1989:RESEFO Journal Article POPPEL,W.G.L. POPPEL,W.G.L.; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio RESULTS OF A SEARCH FOR H20-MASERS IN THE P OPHIUCHI CLOUD 1989 Revista Brasileira de Astronomia e Astrofísica 17 : 121-125 2946 astrofíca>. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1082 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TavaresVieiMore:1983:CoAeAt Journal Article Tavares, M.F.M. Tavares, M.F.M.; Vieira, B.M.; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Analise quimica de ions em aguas de chuva de regioes naturais. Correlacoes com aerossois atmosfericos 1983 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 3 1 351-376 4773 meteorologia. O conhecimento da composicao quimica qualitativa e quantitativa, tanto do particulado em suspensao na atmosfera como das aguas pluviais, de uma dada regiao, tem possibilitado o estabelecimento de correlacoes interessantes do ponto de vista de qualidade ambiental, como tambem no que se refere ao entendimento da formacao, transformacao e movimentacao de material na natureza. Particulamente no Brasil, poucos sao os estudos ate entao realizados, em confronto com alguns paises europeus e Estados Unidos, em que estudos desse tipo vem sendo realizados de modo sistematico, ha mais de 15 anos. No presente trabalho, amostras de agua de chuva e aerossois atmosfericos foram coletadas sistematicamente, ha 2 anos (junho 81/julho 83)em 3 estacoes situadas na regiao leste do estado de Sao Paulo, a saber: Ubatuba (litoral norte), Sao Jose dos Campos (Vale do Paraiba)e Campos do Jordao (Serra da Mantiqueira). A analise de alguns ions de interesse em estudos de composicao quimica da atmosfera, tais como, Na , Mg , Ca , K e Cl , foi efetuada tanto nos extratos aquosos do material particulado como nas amostras de agua de chuva. A concentracao dos cations foi determinada por espectrometria de absorcao atomica e o anion Cl , foi determinado potenciometricamente, utilizando-se em eletrodo ion seletivo. Dados meteorologicos de precipitacao media mensal, para os 3 locais de coleta, no intervalo aproximado de 10 anos, demonstram correlacao nitida entre os periodos de estiagem e de pluviometria intensa. Os resultados experimentais obtidos para as 3 regioes indicam que pluviometria e a concentracao dos diversos ions analisados nas amostras de agua de chuva, se correlacionam inversamente. Os resultados obtidos permitem calcular a contribuicao da agua da chuva em ions e, no caso de Ubatuba e Campos do Jordao, estabelecer padroes destas contribuicoes para regioes naturais. E nitido o decrescimento da concentracao de Na , Mg e Cl com o afastamento em relacao a costa maritima, o que confirma a origem essencialmente marinha desses. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 535 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiEtchCalb:1990:DeSiCo Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar; Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo de Uma descricao sinotica das condicoes meteorologicas associadas as precipitacoes fortes no Rio de Janeiro em abril de 1990 1990 Climanalise 5 4 51-56 April 6475 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 114 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Neri:1999:MiINPr Journal Article Neri, José Ângelo da Costa Ferreira Neri, José Ângelo da Costa Ferreira Microssatélites do INPE e o Programa Espacial Brasileiro 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 227-233 October 9579 transfrência de tecnologia, programa espacial brasileiro, satélites científicos, brazilian space program, scientific satellites. Este artigo apresenta as estratégias implementadas nos projetos dos satélites de aplicações científicas SACI-1 e SACI-2. Consta nesta apresentação a metodologia de trabalho utilizada para o desenvolvimento de microssatélites e faz-se um paralelo com a metodologia usada no desenvolvimento de satélites em programas espaciais convencionais. Apresenta-se também considerações sobre a política industrial bem como sobre as aplicações e os benefícios que podem advir dos microssatélites. Sugere-se também uma opção para impulsionar o programa espacial brasileiro. ABSTRACT This paper presents the strategies applied in the development of the Scientific Applications Satellites SACI-1 and SACI-2. It is presented the work methodology used in the microsatellites and comparisons with the methodology used on conventional space program. It is also analyzed some points of the industrial participation as well as the benefits and applications raised by microsatellites. Some interesting options for the activities of the Brazilian Space Program are also analyzed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES ETE 1378 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LoureiroVascPere:1992:TrElDe Journal Article Loureiro, A.L.M. Loureiro, A.L.M.; Vasconcellos, M.B.A.; Pereira, Enio Bueno Trace element determination in aerosols from the Antarctic Peninsula by neitron activation analysis 1992 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Articles 159 1 21-28 8805 geofisica espacial, , aerossois, estacao comandante ferraz. The knowledge of the composition of atmospheric aerosols in remote areas, like the Antarctic Peninsula is of great importance for the study of long-range transport of atmospheric contaminants and also from the climatological point of view. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was applied in the present work to determine the elements Al, V, Mn, Na, Cl, Ca, Au, Br, Sb, Sc, Fe, Zn, K Th and La in aerosol samples collected in the Brazilian Antarctic Station ""Comandante Ferraz"" (62 degree S, 58 degree W)located on King George Island in the Antarctic Peninsula. The sources of the aerosols were investigated by means of Enrichment Factors and Principal Factor Analysis. Both methods yielded similar results. Sea and soil were identified as the major sources of aerosols, in the samples collected at the Brazilian Station. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 505 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraHamzFurtAdam:1984:ReWo Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Hamza, V.M.; Furtado, V.V.; Adams, J.A.S. U, TH, K content, heat production and thermal conductivity of Sao Paulo, Brazil Continental Shelf Sediments: a reconnaissance work 1984 Seminario Sobre Automacao de Bibliotecas e Centros de Documentacao, 1., Sao Jose dos Campos, 3-7 Dez. 1984 2543 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE GEONUC 729 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1981:SeVaOz Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonih, Dale M Seasonal variation of ozone inthe mesosphere 1981 Journal Geophysical Research 86 A3 1463-1466 2050 geofisica espacial. The mesospheric ozone density at a height of 88 km has been deduced from simultaneous ground-based observations of neutral sodium density and sodium nightglow intensity, using a photochemical equilibrium model. The data been obtained at São José dos Campos (23§S, 46§W). Sodium densities are measured as a function of height between 76 and 106 km by laser radar, and the nightglow intensities by a tilting strong photometer. The ozone density shows a strong seasonal variation with well defined maxima at the equinoxes, and a mean annual value of 8 X 107 cm-3. The average nocturnal variation shows a factor of 2 increase between sunset and sunrise. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE IONO 142 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesKaya:1991:EsPrPr Journal Article Alves, Jose M. Brabo Alves, Jose M. Brabo; Kayano, Mary Toshie Estudo preliminar da precipitacao no sul do Ceara durante a pre-estacao chuvosa 1991 Climanalise 6 4 41-50 April 7309 ciencias meteorologicas, , zona de convergencia intertropical, goes-east, precipitacao (meteorologia), chuva, zcit. Imagens no infravermelho do satelite GOES-EAST (1981-1989)foram utilizadas para identificar os principais sistemas atmosfericos organizadores de conveccao no Cariri (setor sul do Ceara)de novembro a janeiro. Os principais sistemas atuantes nesta regiao na pre-estacao e inicio da estacao chuvosa sao as frentes frias, os vortices ciclonicos de altos niveis e a conveccao isolada. A analise de precipitacao media mensal (1974-1989)mostrou que a estacao chuvosa do Cariri ocorre de janeiro a abril. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 298 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraSilvNord:1991:RaCoPr Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Radon concentration profiles over the brazilian Amazon basin during wet season 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geopfisica 9 1 61-68 8784 geofisica espacial, , radonio atmosferico, medidas da concentracao, gte/able 2b, perfis verticais. Atmospheric radon measurements were performed airborne in the Brazilian Amazon Basin during the wet season ABLE-2B experiment. The vertical profiles of radon showed a small decrease of concentration with increasing altitude at a rate varying from 6.5 to 11 x 10-2 Bq M-3 km-1. The calculation of the flux balance of radon in the troposphere above the Amazon Basin indicated a residual flux A the upper boundary of the measurement domain (6 km)of 0.14 atom cm-2 s-1. This residue may be associated with the turbulent transport of radon due to cloud activity. A rough estimate of the cloud mass flux at 6 km was of the order of 0.4 x 10-2 kg M-2 s-l. The horizontal survey of radon between Belem (1.5 degree S, 48 . 5 degree W)and Manaus (3 degree S, 60 degree W)performed at two different levels (300 m and 3000 m)indicated strong enhancement of radon near Santarem (2 degree S, 54.5 degree W)at the lower level, and a marked decrease at the higher level flight. It is suggested that mesoscale subsidence in this region inhibited the removal of mixed layer radon by the convective activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 308 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Braga:1989:FODEIM Journal Article Braga, João Braga, João FORMACAO DE IMAGENS EM ASTROFISICA DE ALTA ENERGIA 1989 Boletim da SAB 11 2 45-58 2941 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS ASTRO 1080 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduMedr:1990:MaAcEf Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Magnetic activity effects on range type spread-F and vertical plasma drifts at Fortaleza and Huancayo as studied through ionosonde measurements and theoretical modelling 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 5 357-364 2940 aeronomia, , ionossonda, medição, ionosonds, measurement, spread f. Ionosonde measurements are used to study the effects of magnetic activity on spread F and on the postsunset enhancement (Vzmax)of the F region vertical plasma drift at two longitudinally separated stations, Fortaleza and Huancayo, situated along the magnetic equator, in the American sector, during a period of high solar activity. The analysis is made for three different levels of magnetic activity. It is seen that, during the winter, Vzmax and the range spread F occurrence (RSFO)in the premidnight hours systematically increase with Kp at both locations. During the summer and equinoxes the RSFO decreases with magnetic activity in the premidnight hours and increases in the postmidnight hours, the increase being generally more pronounced during very disturbed periods. On the other hand Vzmax deduced from the ionosonde measurements shows almost no variation with magnetic activity during equinoxes and summer although during individual months of those periods both increases and decreases are seen. With the help of theoretical model calculations for the electrodynamical coupling between the equatorial E and F regions it is shown that a disturbance F region dynamo associated neutral wind could account for the variations of Vzmax with magnetic activity, that are consistently observed during winter months. On the other hand, competing influences of penetration electric fields, and/or those of disturbance meridional winds, seem to mask the expected gross effect of zonal winds in the summer and equinoctial months. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1079 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HibbardPaSaDyBaVo:1994:InViEa Journal Article Hibbard, Willian L. Hibbard, Willian L.; Paul, Brian E.; Santek, David A.; Dyer, Charles R.; Battaiola, Andre L.; Voidrot-Martinez, Marie-Francoise Interactive visualization of Earth and space science computations 1994 Computer 27 7 65-72 7392 estudos do tempo e do clima. Computers have become essential tools for scientists simulating and observing nature. Simulations are formulated as mathematical models but are implemented as computer algorithms to simulate complex events.Observations are also analyzed and understood in terms of mathematical models, but the number of these observations usually dictates that we automate analyses with computer algorithms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 689 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraMasc:1994:NuSiRe Journal Article Pereira, Claudio Solano Pereira, Claudio Solano; Mascarenhas Jr., Affonso da S Numerical simulation of a response of an oceanic front to an atmospheric frontal passage 1994 Journal of Geophysical Research 99 C8 16081-16093 7393 ciencias meteorologicas, estudo do tempo-simulacao numerica. The influence of middle cyclones and their associated clod fronts on open-ocean fronts is studied with an embedded mixed layer ocean circulation model similar to that of Adamec et al. (1981). Finite differences with horizontal resolution of 5 km in a staggered grid are used to solve the model equations within a domain of tatal meridional extension of 300 km and 500 m depth. three numrical experiments were performed to investigate the response of an oceanic front, similar to the South Atlantic subtropical convergence zone, to an atmospheric frontal passage. Under the effect of the cold air outbreak the thermal and dynamic structures of the upper layer are substantially modifield with a higher singking/cooling rate of the mixed layer. The sinking/cooling rate depends strongly on the magnitude of the thermal gradient at the top of the thermocline and on the mixed layer depth. Due to the differences in sinking/cooling rates, a single storm can move the oceanic front up to 20 km from its initial the position. For low-intensity winds, a change in the wind direction does not affect the thermal structure of the upper layer ocean, even inthe frontal region. The mixed layer oscillations are entirely a function of the daily scale of the solar heating. For a sudden change in the wind direction, the response of the current velocity field in the mixed layer is almost instantaneous. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 690 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kayano:1990:AnChNo Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie Analise das chuvas no Estado do Ceara em dezembro de 1990 1990 Climanalise 5 2 36-43 February 6473 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 112 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaKata:1999:HiEsOb Journal Article Souza, Petrônio Noronha Souza, Petrônio Noronha; Kataoka Filho, Mário O programa brasileiro para a estação Espacial Internacional: histórico, estratégias o objetivos 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 137-150 October 9575 transferência de tecnologia, estação espacial internacional, programa espacial brasileiro, international space station, iss, brazilian space program. Este artigo descreve o programa da Estação Espacial Internacional sob os pontos de vista internacional e brasileiro. A Estação é descrita, são apresentados seus objetivos técnicos e científicos, bem como a forma como o programa está organizado sob a liderança da NASA. Em seguida é apresentado um histórico da participação brasileira, são descritos os compromissos assumidos e os direitos de utilização alocados para o Brasil. É feita uma breve descrição dos equipamentos a serem entregues, assim como da estratégia adotada para a implementação do programa em nosso país. Também são apresentados os objetivos e estratégias do programa científico criado para sua utilização. ABSTRACT This article describes the International Space Station Program from the international and Brazilian standpoints. The station is described, its technological and scientific objectives presented, as much as the way the program is organized under NASA leadership. The historical background of the Brazilian participation is presented together with its responsibilities and utilization rights. A brief description of the equipments that will be delivered is made and also the strategy for the implementation of the program in Brazil is discussed. Finally, the objectives and strategy of the scientific program created to manage the effort towards the Station utilization by the Brazilian scientific community. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES 1376 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Pereira:1992:RaAtNa Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno A radioatividade atmosferica natural 1992 Ciencia Hoje 14 81 42-50 8794 geofisica espacial, radiacao nuclear. Quando se ouve falar em radioatividade, vem logo a mente imagens terriveis, como as das vitimas do acidente de Tchernobyl, na antiga Uniao Sovietica, em 1986. O que a maioria das pessoas nao sabe, porem, e que no dia-a-dia - dentro de casa, ao ar livre e ate viajando de aviao a grande altitudes - somos constantemente borbardeados por essas mesmas radiacoes nucleares, emanadas do espaco exterior da superficie dos continentes e, principalmente, do ar que respiramos. Embora a radiatividade ambiental evidentemente ofereca menos perigo que um acidente nuclear, seus efeitos sobre os seres vivos e sua importancia em variados fenomenos naturais despertam cada vez mais o interesse dos cientistas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 503 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffTaka:1985:FiSoNi Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter J.Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter J.Heinrich; Takahashi, Hisao First sodium nightglow results for Natal 1985 Planetary and Space Science 33 6 757-760 2541 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 727 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Yelisetty:1981:ReBeTo Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham The relationship between total precipitable water and surface dew point 1981 Journal of Applied Meteorology 20 1 3-8 1974 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT 139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaCostTriv:1992:UpCrHi Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Costa, I.V.J.M. da; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Upper crustal high conductivity layer in the intraplate seismic province of NE-Brazil revealed by magnetotellurics 1992 Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica 27 1 111-119 7251 geofisica espacial. A magnetotelluric survey consisting of fifteen high-frequency AMT and six low frequency MT soundings was carried out in the intraplate seismic province of northeast Brazil. A NW-SE profile with nine AMT and four MT stations was positioned to cross the seismic zone of Joao Camara (5.5 degrees S, 35.7 degrees W)which is the easternmost swarm of the NE province. Two conductive layers were derived from 2D modelling of the TM-mode of electromagnetic wave propagation: 1. a shallower one (depth of 10 km)in the NW-end of the profile with conductance of 60 S, and 2, a deeper one (at 30 km)in the SE-end. Preliminary interpretation of these results suggests that the crustal conductivity structure of the region could be controlled by unexpected temperature differences between conterminous crustal blocks. In the western block are concentrated the principal upper crust geophysical and geological inhomogeneities and the most important recent shallow-depth seismic activity. The 10 km deep conductive layer in this block could be possible associated with a ductile layer which limits the maximum depht of the earthquakes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 296 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScaliseJrRODRMEND:1989:WAMAEM Journal Article Scalise Jr.,Eugenio Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; RODRIGUES,L.F.; MENDOZA-TORRES,E. WATER-VAPOR MASER EMISSION FROM BRIGHT, UNASSOCIATED IRAS POINT SOURCES 1989 Astronomy and Astrpphysics 221 1 105-109 2938 astrofísica, h2o masers, infrared sources, star formation. We present a list of bright IRAS point sources selected with the following criteria: i)flux larger than 1000 Jy at 60 or 100 æm, ii)no association reported in any of the 37 catalogs listed in Table V. H. 1 of the IRAS Explanatory Supplement, and iii)no water maser emission reported previously. We searched for H2O maser emission toward these objects at Itapetinga (southern hemisphere)and Haystack (northern hemisphere), detecting 23 new sources. From their frequent association with water maser emission, their IRAS colors, their galactic distribution, and their estimated large luminosities, these bright, unassociated IRAS point sources seem to be, in most cases, sites of recent OB star formation. We believe that these sources were not detected previously because their cm radio continuum fluxes are expected to be a few tenths of a Jy, below the sensitivity of radio continuum surveys of the galactic. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1077 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoKous:1990:CoBeTw Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Southern Hemisphere blocking: a comparison between two indice 1990 Meteorology and Atmosphere Physics 42 3-4 165-170 6464 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 110 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sobral:1999:SoImEs Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobre a importância estratégica da ciência espacial para o Brasil 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 87-102 October 9572 transferencia de tecnologia, transferência de tecnologia aerospacial, ambiente orbital da terra, ciências aerospaciais, aerospace sciences, aerospace technology transfer, earth orbital environments. A pesquisa científica do ambiente espacial próximo ao nosso planeta vem sendo realizada por cerca de três décadas. Grande parte dessa pesquisa vem sendo feita por cientistas da área de ciências espaciais e atmosféricas (CEA)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Considerando as dimensões continentais do Brasil, o corpo da área de ciências espaciais e atmosféricas do INPE é relativamente pequeno e isso demonstra a necessidade de se criar outros centros de pesquisas espaciais no país. Baseados em tal necessidade, cientistas da CEA tomaram a iniciativa de incentivar o desenvolvimento de novos núcleos de pesquisas espaciais junto a algumas universidades e instituições de pesquisa nacionais. O sucesso de tal esforço, entretanto, não depende só dos cientistas mas também do governo, por se tratar de uma ciência básica. Esse artigo focaliza a importância da ciência espacial tanto para a geração do conhecimento científico como para ajudar a melhor assessorar a sociedade. Por ciência espacial subentende-se aqui a ciência das diferentes regiões atmosféricas, incluindo a ionosfera, (excluindo, porém, a meteorologia), a magnetosfera, o espaço interplanetário, as relações Sol-Terra e o espaço cósmico galático e extra-galático. Este artigo trata do desenvolvimento de cargas úteis para balões, foguetes e satélites, porém não aborda a construção de veículos lançadores. A importância da ciência espacial foi aqui apresentada através de exemplos de experiências passadas da necessidade do conhecimento científico aqui concernente, além da necessidade de preparar o país para um futuro próximo, no novo século, que certamente exigirá um maior dinamismo na geração do conhecimento científico deste ramo emergente da ciência. ABSTRACT Scientific research on our planet's space environment has been conducted in Brazil for the last three decades. Most of this research has been accomplished by scientific groups of the Space and Atmospheric Science Area of the National Institute for Space Reserarch (INPE). Considering the continental dimension of Brazil, the size of INPE's space and atmospheric science group is very modest indeed, which highlights the need to have a broader base of science community spread over the country. INPE's scientists have taken important initiatives, especially during the last ten years , to encourage and establish space science education and training programs in Brazilian universities and research institutions. However, the success of such efforts do not depend entirely on INPE's scientists. Since space science is basically seen as a fundamental science, not withstanding its multisided and eventual benefits to the society, political willpower on the part of the government is important to guaranty success in such efforts. This article focus on the importance of space science education and research to improve our understanding of the diverse problems of space environment in Brazil, and for the eventual use of such knowledge in many space activity based solution to human/societal problems. By space sciences it is understood here the sciences of earth's atmosphere including the ionosphere (but not including meteorological domain), the magnetosphere, the interplanetary space, solar-terrestrial relationship, and the galactic and extra-galactic space. This article covers also programs and developments of scientific payloads for balloons, rockets and satellites, but does not cover technology aspects of rocket and satellite platforms. The importance of space science studies in Brazil is highlighted through practical examples, from our experience, of the need of information, stemming from such studies, to private firms, national and international scientific communities. Examples will be cited of problems arising from the space environmental characteristics unique to Brazilian territory such as the ionospheric plasma bubble phenomenon that cause strong interference on space based telecommunication systems. Besides the practical need to know about the influence of space phenomena in our day to day life it is pointed out that the study of space sciences is important also for a better understanding of the different processes that control our space environment. Other points of importance to the study of space sciences addressed here include some suggestions to improve the development of this branch of science in Brazil. Because space phenomena do not posses international frontiers the field of space science investigations constitute natural subject of common interest to many countries. This situation can stimulate international collaboration projects and political/diplomatic approximation among countries. Since the early years of space research present Brazilian space environment has offered challenging opportunities for numerous experimental campaigns initiated by many foreign countries, notably, USA, Germany and Japan, with the active participation and collaboration of Brazilian scientists. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1374 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiTakFagCleTei:1992:ObThNe Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Observations of thermospheric neutral winds at 23 deg.S 1992 Planetary and Space Science 40 6 767-773 8779 aeronomia, termosfera, interfferometro fabry-perot, luminescencia, emissoes oi 630.0. Observations of night-time thermospheric neutral wind velocities from measurements of Doppler shifts of the 0I 630.0 nm airglow emission line, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer, have been carried out from 23 degree S geographic latitude in the Brazilian setor during We period March 1988-December 1989. The observing location is situated inside both the equatorial ionospheric and South Atlantic magnetic anomalies. In this paper we present and discuss salient features of the average nocturnal variations of the thermospheric meridional and zonal wind velocities during autumn, winter, spring and slimmer seasons. The results are compared with the wind velocities predicted by the HWM-87 and HWM-90 models. The observed and predicted meridional and zonal wind velocities from the HWM-87 and HWM-90 models show a reasonable agreement in terms of tendencies of nocturnal variations during different seasons. However, some discrepancies arc observed with regard to the magnitudes and detailed variation in the nocturnal patterns. The observed zonal winds are stronger than the meridional winds. Also the summer zonal winds are stronger than in winter, contrary to the HWM-87 model predictions. The observed thermospherie wind velocities, presented here, are comparable with those report from other low latitude stations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 501 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtTins:1976:TrFRe Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Tinsley, B.A Tropical F region winds from OI 1356-Angstron and [O I]6300-Angstron emission 1. Theory 1976 Journal Geophysical Research 81 22 3781-3785 3107 aeronomia, regiao f, regiao tropical, ionosfera. The time-dependent latitudinal distribution of the vertical column emission rates of 0 I 1356 Angstron and [0 I]6300 Angstron in the tropical region is theoretically investigated by numerically solving the coupled nonlinear system of time-dependent continuity equations for the ions 0+,O2+,N0+, N2+ and N+ in which.production and loss of ionization, ambipolar diffusion, E x B drifts, and neutral winds are taken into account. Radiative recombination, ion-ion neutralization, and dissociative recombination are considered as main mechanisms in producing the atomic oxygen tropical nightglow. The specific effects of neutral winds and plasma drifts on the emissions and the time response of the ionosphere and airglow to changes in the wind velocity are investigated. A quantitative relationship is obtained between the neutral wind velocities and the resultant asymmetry about the magnetic equator in the airglow emissions. The method is useful for studying the neutral wind system in the tropical ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 472 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffBarnTorr:1991:OzClAt Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Barnes, R.A.; Torres, A.L Ozone climatology at Natal, Brazil, from in situ ozonesonde data 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 D6 10899-10909 7230 geofisica espacial, , ozone regime, ozone variation. Results are presented from analysis of a large ozone profile data set obtained from balloon ozonesonde soundings made at Natal, Brazil (6 degrees S, 35 degrees W)during the last 10 years (1978-1988). The measurements have been made through an Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)/NASA long-term collaboration program. The balloons were released by the Brazilian Air Force at the Natal rocket range. The data set is sufficiently large to provide useful climatology on the average ozone concentration behavior and its seasonal variation. The day-to-day ozone concentration variability in the troposphere is rather large, giving standard deviations of about 30-40 for seasonal averages. Maximum ozone concentrations occur during local spring, September-October, and minimum concentrations during late autumn, April-May. The seasonal variation in the troposphere is much larger than in the stratosphere. If there were no seasonal variation at all in the stratosphere, the seasonal variation observed in the troposphere alone would be strong enough to drive a total ozone column variation of about 5, which is about one half the size of the variation observed in the Natal Dobson spectrophometer data. The ozone concentration at Natal increases with height between the surface and about 500 mbar, almost linearly, from about 15 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)to about 38 ppbv, in autumn. For the spring average the ozone concentration increases from about 25 ppbv at the surface to about 66 ppbv at 500 mbar. The sonde data suggest that limitations in aneroid pressure sensors used until 1986 caused the Natal sondes to indicate too much ozone above 6 mbar. Because of the relative sparsity and uneven distribution in time of the ozone soundings, the data are not adequate to study ozone trends. The Dobson data time series shows no definitive ozone trend but displays a pronounced quai-biennial oscillation in ozone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 294 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSaha:1978:FrNeWi Journal Article Bittencourt, José Augusto Bittencourt, José Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar F-region neutral winds from ionosonde measurements of hmf2 at low latitude magnetic conjugate regions 1978 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 40 6 669-676 1786 aeronomia. The behavior of the F2-peak height difference ?hm F2, between low latitude magnetic conjugate points, is known to be governed by thermospheric winds blowing along the magnetic meridian. Ground based ionosonde measurements of hmF2, at two pairs of magnetic conjugate stations, have been analysed in conjunction with the results of a realistic dynamic computer model of the tropical ionospheric F-region, to determine thermospheric: wind velocities. The behavior of monthly average values of the sum, at conjugate points, of the thermospheric horizontal wind velocity component in the magnetic meridian, at low latitudes, has been inferred for months of solstice and equinox, as well as for periods of low and high solar activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE IONO 275 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPint:1994:Pa10Mi Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Brasil: o pais de 100 milhoes de raios 1994 Superinteressante 8 8 26-31 7297 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 685 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeiraFoFortBarc:1999:CoSoNa Journal Article Meira Filho, Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho, Luiz Gylvan; Fortes, Lauro Tadeu Guimarães; Barcelos, Eduardo Dorneles Considerações sobre a natureza estratégica das atividades espaciais e o papel da Agência Espacial Brasileira 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 7-20 October 9570 transferência de tecnologia, programa espacial brasileiro, estratégias, brazilian space program, strategy. Neste artigo mostra-se que a atividade espacial, com intensidade crescente nos últimos anos, vem se tornando um campo de ação de agentes não apenas técnicos e científicos, como também econômicos e políticos. Diversamente da bipolaridade da era da Guerra Fria, o atual quadro caracteriza-se pela variedade não apenas de nações mas também de grupos empresariais partícipes em empreendimentos multinacionais. Neste quadro cada vez mais complexo e dinâmico, a necessidade do pensamento estratégico é patente, ainda mais ao se ponderar a relevância das atividades espaciais para o País. Será a partir de uma compreensão ampla do contexto internacional das atividade espaciais que deverão ser elaboradas as linhas mestras que guiarão as iniciativas nacionais. Através de ações coordenadas pela AEB, dispõe-se atualmente de uma Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Atividades Espaciais e do Programa Nacional de Atividades Espaciais. Como resultado de decisões estratégicas do passado, no que tange ao setor espacial o Brasil ocupa hoje um papel de destaque no cenário mundial. Apesar de dificuldades orçamentárias crônicas, situa-se entre os únicos 15 países do mundo a terem desenvolvido com sucesso um satélite, dispõe de um dos 14 centros de lançamento de satélites operacionais em todo o mundo, e será em breve provavelmente o nono país a dispor de seu próprio veículo lançador de satélites. Em função destas posições já conquistadas, intensificam-se constantemente as manifestações de interesse e as oportunidades de novos projetos em parceria internacional, entre as quais certamente destaca-se aquela de tornar-se o único país em desenvolvimento a participar da Estação Espacial Internacional. ABSTRACT This article argues that in recent years space activities are increasingly involving not only scientific and technological agents but also economic and political ones. Differently from the bipolarity of the Cold War era, the present stage is characterized by the variety not only of nations, but also of entrepreneurial groups taking part in multinational endeavors. In this increasingly complex and dynamic scene, the need for strategical rationale becomes clear, even more when the relevance of space activities for Brazil is taken into account. The main guidelines for the national initiatives in the area must be based on a deep understanding of the international context of space activities. Presently, the Brazilian space activities are guided by the National Policy for the Development of Space Activities and the National Program of Space Activities, with actions coordinated by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). As a result of strategical decisions made in the past, Brazil occupies today a relevant role in the space segment world scenario. Although having to face continuous budgetary constraints, it is among the only 15 countries in the world that successfully developed a satellite, it has one of the 14 operational satellite's launch centers in the world, and it will soon become the ninth country to have its own satellite launching vehicle.As a consequence of the position it has attained in the international space scene, Brazil has been facing a growing number of offers and opportunities to take part of projects in cooperation with foreign partners. Among those, the opportunity to become the only developing country to participate of the International Space Station program should be highlighted. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES DIR 1372 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LoganKirc:1986:SeVaTr Journal Article Logan, J. Logan, J.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Seasonal variations of tropospheric ozone at Natal; Brazil 1986 Journal Geophysical Research 91 D7 7875-7881 2751 geofisica espacial, , ozonio, troposfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 920 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TexeiraAngSahTinChr:1975:TrTwHe Journal Article Texeira, Nelson Rodrigues Texeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Angreji, P.D.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Tinsley, B.A.; Christensen, B. Tropical twilight HeI 10830 emission 1975 Planetary and Space Science 23 : 1425-1430 3102 aeronomia, ionossonda, crepusculo, emissoes hei 10830, fisica da alta atmosfera. A further year's observation of twilight HeI 10830 Angstrom emission made in Brazil confirms the trend of seasonal variation found earlier. The 10830 intensities taken with concurrent ionosonde data are discussed in the context of recent model calculations of the emission rates. An increase with Kp is attributable to changing production and loss rates of He 2 3S with changing thermospheric temperature. The morning intensities being greater than those of the evening can be due to several effects, an important one of which appears to be the much greater loss rate of photoelectron energy to ambient electrons in the evening, arising from the very high evening electron concentrations at the Appleton Anomaly ionization crests. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 470 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SILVAGALV:1988:NODIIN Journal Article SILVA,T.L. SILVA,T.L.; GALVAO,R.M.O. NONLINEAR DIFFUSION IN THE PRESENCE OF A TIME-DEPENDENT EXTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD 1988 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 30 5 605-608 5684 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601411 1270 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiMeloClemSimo:1996:AtHyOz Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Melo, Stella M.L.; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Atomic hydrogen and ozone concentrations derived from simultaneous lidar and rocket airglow measurements in the equatotial region 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 D2 4033-4040 8669 geofisica espacial. Nighttime atomic hydrogen and ozone concentrations are derived from simultaneous measurements ofthe vertical profiles of,upper mesospheric airglow emissions and atmospheric sodium. The airglow profiles were obtained in a sounding rocket experiment launched from Alcantara (2.5 degrees S, 44 degrees 2 degree W)on May 31, 1992. A lidar operating at the launch site was used to measure sodium at the time: of the rocket experiment. A total 10 airglow photometers, 6 forward looking and 4 side looking, observed the 0I557.7 nm, 02 Herzberg and 02 atmospheric (0,0)bands, sodium D lines, OI 630 mn, OH(8,3)band, and the airglow continuum. The simultaneous ground-based sodium lidar and onboard sodium airglow measuremetits made it possible to derive the ozone concentration at heights between 85 and 100 km. The hydrogen,concentrations were then calculated from the O2 atmosphere (0,0), OH (8,3)and the ozone profiles. The results suggest that the hydrogen concentration varied 1 x 10 cm-3 at 85 km to 1 x 10 8 cm-3 at 100 km, values much higher than those suggested by recent model atmospheres and by some rocket observations at middle and high latitudes. Although themethod of obtaining the concentrations of the minor constituents in the upper atmosphere is an indirect optical technique, this is the first time that these concentrations have been measured by rocket in the equatorial region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1175 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MendoncaMuzz:1964:DiFaMe Journal Article Mendonca, Fernando de Mendonca, Fernando de; Muzzio, J.L.R Differential faraday measurement of electron content with the S-66 satellite 1964 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 26: 1281-1286 1422 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CEA 14 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NunesYeli:1981:CaRaIn Journal Article Nunes, Getulio Soriano de Souza Nunes, Getulio Soriano de Souza; Yelisetty, Viswanadhan Calculo de radiacao infravermelha na atmosfera por um metodo numerico 1981 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 11 (3) 657-681 1788 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesKaya:1991:EsPrPr Journal Article Alves, Jose M. Brabo Alves, Jose M. Brabo; Kayano, Mary Toshie Estudo preliminar da precipitacao no Sul do Ceara durante a pre-estacao chuvosa 1991 Climanalise 6 4 41-50 April 7380 estudos do tempo e do clima, , , goes-east, precipitacao (meteorologia). Imagens no infravermelho do satelite GOES-EAST (1981-1989)foram utilizados para identificar os principais sistemas atmosfericos organizados de conveccao no Cariri (setor sul do ceara)de novembro a janeiro.Os principais sistmas atuantes nesta regiao na pre-estaao e inicio da estacao chuvosa sao as frentes frias, os vortices ciclonicos de altos niveis e a conveccao isolada. A analise de precipitacao media mensal (1974-1989)mostrou que a estacao chuvosa do Cariri ocorre da janeiro a abril. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 302 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-Alarcon:1991:FlTrEv Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Flux transfer events and reconnection at the magnetopause 1991 EOS, Transaction, American Geophysical Union 72 40 431-434 7222 geofisica espacial. For the general reader on magnetopause reconnection, it would appear that mixed information is coming from the global and quasi-steady type of large-scale reconnection (LSR)models and from the ""patchy"" and transient character of models related to flux transfer events (FTEs). I will attempt here to address complementary aspects of both types of models, with the goal of moving toward a unified model of magnetopause reconnection. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 292 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchuchNorBarCarZag:1994:NaArRa Journal Article Schuch, L.A. Schuch, L.A.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Barreto, W.O.; Cardoso, A.; Zago, A Natural and artificial radionuclides in soils from Parana State, Brazil 1994 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Articles 177 1 39-49 7279 geofisica espacial. Soil samples from Parana State, Brazil, were collected in 1991 and compared with others collected at the same location in March 1977 and at the end of 1983. Pedological analyses were practiced on these samples and Cs an Th, Ra and K activities were determined by gamma-ray spectometry. A latitude dependence of Cs was found as well. It was impossible to determine the Cs contribution from Chernobyl nuclear accident because of low fallout and intense leaching, erosion and re-suspension in soils of regions with high annual precipitation. Natural radionuclides did not show such effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 683 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduJayCecBatMac:1998:PrSpFo Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Jayachandran, PT; Cecile, JF; Batista, Inez Staciarini; MacDougall, J.W Presunrise spread F at Fortaleza 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 A10 23415-23425 9551 aeronomia, propagação f, rastreamento por radar, estabilidade magnetohidrodinamica, radar tracking, magnetohydrodynamic stability, spread f. At Fortaleza, Brazil, in the equatorial zone about 400 km south of the magnetic equator a presunrise (secondary)maximum of spread F occurrence is observed during sunspot minimum and, in particular, during December solstice, The spread F takes the form of patches of irregularities that are convecting eastwards at similar to 50 m s-1. Most of the patches are collocated with bottomside bulges of the ionosphere. Our measurements indicate that these bottomside bulges are unstable due to a gradient-drift instability that is slowly growing and produces the spread F. The bulges themselves seem to be evidence of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability process. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DAS IONO 1369 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneSahaSalg:1998:LaDeQu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia Latitude dependence of the quasi-biennial oscillation and quasi-triennial oscillation characteristics of total ozone measured by TOMS 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 D7 8477-8490 9552 geofísica espacial. The 12-month moving averages of total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS)total ozone data for 14 years (1979-1992)were examined for quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)and quasi-triennial oscillation (QTO)and compared with stratospheric low-latitude zonal wind and equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). The equatorial ozone had a strong QBO with a period of similar to 30 months, and its maxima tallied with westerly wind maxima. At other latitudes the ozone maxima spacings were often different from 30 months, more so in the northern hemisphere. A spectral analysis showed that both hemispheres had one peak at similar to 20 months and another peak at similar to 30 months, only up to similar to 50 degrees latitude. At higher latitudes these peaks shifted to similar to 23 and similar to 36 months. For 0 degrees-50 degrees the similar to 30-month periodicity in the northern hemisphere showed abrupt phase changes, while he southern latitudes showed a roughly gradual phase shift. The northern hemisphere had an additional periodicity at similar to 4 years, roughly matching the SST. Analysis of the same data without 12-month averaging showed the above characteristics more clearly and revealed additional peaks at similar to 0.7 years (8-9 months)and similar to 1.30 years (16-17 months). All of these peaks showed shifts (mostly increases)at higher latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1370 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduDeSoBaMuPa:2002:SoInRe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Denardini, C.M.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Muralikrishna, P.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Equatorial electrojet irregularities investigations using a 50 MHz back-scatter radar and a digisonde at São Luís: some initial results 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics In press 9884 AERONOMIA, eletrojato, equatorial, irregularidades, investigação, região E, região F, eletrodinâmicas, equatorial electrojet, irregularities, investigation, E region, F region, electrodynamics. A new 50 MHz coherent back-scatter radar has recently become operational at the Equatorial Space Observatory of INPE at São Luís (2.33øS, 44.2øW, dip: -0.5ø), in Brazil, located close to the center of the equatorial electrojet. Preliminary results from a 12-day campaign in December 1999 involving this radar and a nearby digisonde are presented in this paper. The rangeîtimeîintensity (RTI)maps of electrojet irregularities show short-period ( 5 min or larger)fluctuations and significant day-to-day variability. A notable characteristic is the midday descent in the altitude of the RTI pattern observed on some days when the dominant Doppler spectra are of type-2. This feature is similar to the diurnal variation of the base height of the q-type sporadic-E-layer (h'Es-q)simultaneously observed by the digisonde. Quasi-periodic fluctuations in the RTI and type-1 and type-2 spectral intensities seem to indicate electric field modulation from winds associated with typical gravity wave periods. Large surges in the westward irregularity drift velocity, presenting a higher velocity tail to the Doppler spectral distribution, is observed at sunset concurrent with the evening F-layer vertical uplift as observed by the digisonde. Some implications of these results on the E- and F-region electrodynamics are discussed for OI5577, 23 for O2b (0,1)and 26 for OH(6,2). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8942-PRE/4644 PI CEA DAE DAE 231 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TinsleyBitt:1975:DeReHe Journal Article Tinsley, Brian A. Tinsley, Brian A.; Bittencourt,José Augusto Determination of F region height and electron density at night using airglow emission from atomic oxygen 1975 Journal of Geophysical Research 80 16 2333-2337 3098 aeronomia, região f, aeroluminescência, densidade de electrons ionosféricos, medição, f region, airglow (atmospheric emission), ionospheric electrons density, measurement. Measurements of the-vertical-column emission rates-of atomic oxygen emissions arising from radiative recombination, ion-ion recombination, and dissociative recombination in the nighttime F region are sufficient to remotely sense the F layer height and peak plasma density. For example, measurements can be made of O I 1356 A and [O I]6300 A, with vertical column emission rates J1356 and J6300. To a very good approximation the peak electron density is proportional to (J1356)1/2, and second-order dependence on height and exospheric temperature is very small. To a good approximation the ratio (J1356)1/2/J6300 is a single-valued function of the layer height. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 467 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1995:GeReLa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, B.T Geomagnetic response to large-amplitude interplanetary alfen wave trains 1995 Physica Scripta T60 : 140-143 8667 geofisica espacial, ondas alfven. A review of the geornagnetic response to large-amplitude interplanetary Alfvdnwave trains (LAIAWT)is presented, highlighting its dependence on solar activity levql and its role in the storm/substorm relationship problem. Also some recent observations obtained by the Ulysses spacecraft at high heliospheric: latitudes dealing with the origin and dynamics of these wave trains are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1173 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DurandSaDruiSaid:1991:UsInDi Journal Article Durand, P. Durand, P.; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Druilhet, A.; Said, F Use of the Inertial dissipation method for calculating turbulent fluxes from low-level airborne measurements 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 8 1 78-84 7311 estudo do sinal geofisico, medida, turbulencia. Airborne measurements are currently used for computing turbulence fluxes of heat and momentum. The method generally used is the eddy correlation technique, which requires sophisticated equipments to calculate the absolute velocities of the air. We used the well-known inertial dissipation method to calculate the turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum from low-level airborne measurements. This only requires knowledge of inertial subrange characteristics of velocity and scalars. The method was validated by comparing dissipation fluxes with those computed by the eddy correlation method. The agreement between the two is very good, particularly for heat fluxes. Last, it is shown how the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate can be easily calculated, using a single measurement (the attack angle by example), and therefore how turbulent fluxes can be simply calculated from low level airbone measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 300 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AssisAzeChiSakShi:1991:OnPlPr Journal Article Assis, A.S. Assis, A.S.; Azevedo, C.A.; Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Sakanaka, P.H.; Shigueoka, H. On plasma processes in the solar corona 1991 Advances in Space Research 11 1 (1)233-(1)236 7220 geofisica espacial. This paper reviews theoretical research on the solar corona performed in Brazil. Three coronal processes are discussed: (1)coronal heating by surface Alfven waves, (2)coronal heating by global Alfven waves, and (3)generation of type III radio emission. The surface Alfven waves can power, directly, at least 10 of the required coronal flux density; in the case of mode conversion into kinetic Alfven waves the bulk of energy flux density can be provided. The global waves can power at least 20 of the required coronal energy flux density. It is shown that the electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instability driven by intense Langmuir waves, can be a likely generation mechanism of type-III radio bursts. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 290 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianArag:1991:UnThNo Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Aragao, Rogerio F A unified theory of nonlinear Langmuir waves, ion-acoustic solitons, and doubles layers 1991 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 19 4 565-568 7219 geofisica espacial. Steady-state, nonlinear potential solutions in a two-fluid plasma are formulated in terms of an integral equation that expresses the conservation of total pressure. By specifying appropriately the conservation constants and boundary conditions of the effective potential function, the integral curves yield, respectively, three types of solutions: Nonlinear Langmuir waves, ion-acoustic solitons, and double layers. The similarities and differences of the existence conditions for these nonlinear potential structures are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 289 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WofsyHarrSkolKirc:1994:PrNACo Journal Article Wofsy, S. Wofsy, S.; Harriss, R.; Skole, D.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Amazon biogeochemistry and atmospheric chemistry experiment (AMBIACE). The influence of tropical forest (intact, deforested and regrowing)on atmospheric greenhouse gases and on the oxidizing potential of atmosphere: a proposed NASA/INPE cooperative study. 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 10-28 7277 geofisica espacial, . The Amazon Biogeochemistry Experiment (AMBIACE)is proposed as a joint NASA/INPE study in the Amazon Basin to study the consequences of forest conversion, agricultural practice and abandonment, and secondary succession, on regional and global biogeochemistry and atmospheric chemistry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 681 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShinoharaYHYTSKTCS:1998:WaChGe Journal Article Shinohara, M Shinohara, M; Yumoto, K.; Hosen, N.; Yoshikawa, A.; Tachihara, H.; Saka, O.; Kitamura, TI; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Costa, JM; Schuch, NJ Wave characteristics of geomagnetic pulsations across the dip equator 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 A6 11745-11754 9549 geofísica espacial, condutividade ionosférica, regiões equatoriais, pulsações geomagnéticas, geomagnetic pulsations, equatorial regions, ionospheric conductivity. In order to clarify the wave characteristics of Pi2 and Pc 4-5 magnetic pulsations around the dip equator, we analyzed magnetic data from the latitudinally dense magnetometer array in Brazil. We found that the phase difference between Pi2 pulsations observed at globally separated low-latitude stations is small, whereas Pi2 pulsations observed within the dayside dip equator region of +/-2 degrees latitude show phase lags of about 30 degrees similar to 50 degrees behind those in the off-dip equator region. Pc 4-5 magnetic pulsations at the dip equator also show the same phase character. Pi2 amplitudes are enhanced in the equatorial region, where the phase lags of pulsations must be associated with the enhancement of ionospheric conductivity. The equatorial phase lags can be explained by invoking the induction effect of the equatorial enhanced ionospheric current above the good conductor Earth. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1367 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduMacDSouz:2002:LoTeTr Journal Article Batista, Ines Staciarini Batista, Ines Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; MacDougall, J.; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de Long term trends in the frequency of occurrence of the F3 layer over Fortaleza, Brazil 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics In Press 9881 AERONOMIA, ionosfericas, atividade solar, região F, camadas, ionospherics, solar ativity, F region, layers, magnetic equator. Recent studies using model calculation and ionospheric observations have revealed the existence of an additional layer in the topside equatorial ionosphere, the F3 layer. The observations using bottomside ionograms from locations close to the magnetic equator in Brazilian region have shown that the occurrence of the layer is very high from December to February (local summer)and from June to August (local winter). In fact, for the year 1995 the occurrence of the F3 layer is >75during the months of January, February and December, and it is >65 for the period of June, July and August (Geofisica Int. 39 (2000)57). In this work, we use 25 years of data for the months of January and August to investigate how the layer occurrence varies with the magnetic dip angle and solar activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8939-PRE/4641 PI CEA DAE DAE 228 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ginzalez-AlarcanMoze:1974:QuMoPo Journal Article Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Mozer, F.S Quantitative model for potential resulting from reconnection with an arbitrary interplanetary magnetic-field 1974 Journal of Geophysical Research 79 28 4186-4194 3095 geofísica espacial. A three-dimensional model is utilized to derive the electric potential induced across the magnetosphere by reconnection between the geomagnetic field and an arbitrary interplanetary magnetic field. Assumptions that the magnetosheath flow is uniform and that reconnection is not limited by processes occurring at the magnetopause are made so that the model calculation provides an upper limit to the magnetospheric potential produced by reconnection. The magnitude of the polar cap ionospheric electric field computed from this model is larger than that measured on balloons by an average factor of about 3, and the model reproduces the temporal variations of the experimental data. Some magnetospheric properties related to the magnetopause reconnection line and potential are discussed as a first suggestion toward using the model in studies of relevant magnetospheric problems. The model potential induced across the magnetosphere becomes less dependent on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field as the strength of its transverse component increases. Thus a reduced correlation between magnetospheric pheDomena and the southward component of the interplanetary field should exist when the transverse interplanetary field component exceeds about 8 y. Observed dependences of the polar cap ionospheric current system on Bx are explained by the model, and similar variations with Bx are predicted. Graphs of the model potential as functions of the interplanetary magnetic field components are given as an aid in its application to other pr. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 465 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KantorTriv:1980:EsPoCa Journal Article Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Trived, Nalin Balbul Espectro de potencia do campo geomagnetico pelo método de entropia máxima 1980 Revista Brasileira de Física 10 3 569-595 September 9677 aeronomia, método de entropia máxima, geomagnétismo, análise espectral, método espectrais, maximum entropy method, geomagnetism, spectral analysis. Monthly mean values of Vassouras (state of Rio de Janeiro)geomagnetic field are analyzed using the maximum entropy method. The method is described and compared with other methods of spectral analysis, and its advantages and disadvantages are presented. Médias mensais do campo geomagnético em Vassouras RJ são analisados pelo método da entropia máxima. O método é descrito e comparado com outros métodos de obtenção de espectros de potência, discutindo- se tamé6m as vantagens e desvantagens do método em questão. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA 131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MontoyaSampAlme:1995:AnAnEf Journal Article Montoya, G.de J. Montoya, G.de J.; Sampaio, A.J.C.; Almeida, Fausto Carlos de An analysis of the effect of decreasing the size resolution in two techniques to solve the stochastic collection equation for growing cloud drops 1995 Atmospheric Research 35 : 173-188 7399 meteorologia. A comparison is made between the methods for solving the stochastic collection equation fo Berry and Teinhardt, using 72 categories, and the method of moments as improved by Tzivion et al., using only 36 classes. The computations, carried out for different kernels and several initial mean drop radii, showed that the mumerical acceleration inherent to the Bleck's method is also present in the approach of Tzivion et al., but in a weaker form. This accleration depends on the type of kernel and, for cloud conditions allowing coalescence development, it remains between acceptable limits and decreases with time. When the method of moments is rum for 72 categories, the numerical acceleration pratically disappears. Although, in terms of mass storage, the requirements of both methods are the same, in terms of computational speed, this approach has advantages over Berry and Reinhardt's method for use in cloud models with detailed description of microphysical processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET MET 875 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1991:ElRaEm Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Electromagnetic radiation emitted by supersonic Langmuir turbulence in active experiments in space 1991 Planetary and Space Science 39 8 1217-1222 7217 física de plasma. Experimental evidence of supersonic Langmuir turbulence has been reported by Pulinets and Selegey (1986; J. atmos. terr. Phys. 48, 149)and Shuiskaya et al. (1987; Report, Space Research Institute of the U.S.S.R.)in the vicinity of a satellite when high-power radio waves were transmitted for topside sounding of the ionosphere. It is shown that, in the presence of supersonic Langmuir turbulence, electromagnetic radiation near the local electron plasma frequency can be emitted through the electromagnetic parametric instabilities driven by intense Langmuir waves. The growth rates of these electromagnetic parametric instabilities are shown to be identical to the corresponding growth rates of the electrostatic Langmuir parametric instabilities. It is suggested that the stimulated electromagnetic emission can become a useful diagnostic technique for active experiments in space. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 287 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1994:SpAnMa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Spectral analysis of the magnetic susceptibility record of Chinese Loess 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 61-69 7274 geofisica espacial, analise espectral, susceptibilidade magnetica, chinese loess, spectrum analysis, magnetic permeability. The magnetic susceptibility record of Chinese Loess Plateau for the last 2.5 million years was subjected to Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis. The portion 0 - 800 ka B.P. showed 95,000 years as the strongest peak, resembling the 98,000 year peak in the spectra of oxygen isotope series from deep-sea cores, and matching the eccentricity peak of Earth's rotation axis. The astronomical peaks 19,000 and 23,000 years related to Earth's precession and 41,000 years related to Earth's obliquity were also observed but weakly. For earlier periods (800 ka - 2400 ka B.P.), nine peaks were observed (including 41,000 and 100,000 years)but weakly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 678 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sansigolo:1989:VaInEs Journal Article Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli Variabilidade interanual da estacao chuvosa em Sao Paulo 1989 Climanalise 4 9 40-43 September 7406 estudos do tempo e do clima, chuva. A variabilidade interanual da estacao chuvosa em Sao Paulo e analisada atraves dos 70 anos de registros para Piracicaba, no interior do estado e as distribuicoes de probabilidade acumuladas para as quantidades, datas de inicio e fim, duracao e diferentes sequencias de dias secos, sao apresentadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1460 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RochaNobrBarr:1989:VaNaLo Journal Article Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Barros, Marcos Costa Variabilidade natural de longo prazo no ciclo hidrologico da Amazonia 1989 Climanalise 4 12 36-42 December 7405 estudos do tempo e do clima, , florestas tropicais, ciclo hidrologico, chuva, estatistica. A retirada das florestas tropicais nativas da Amazonia pode causar alteracoes no ciclo hidrologico, observaveis em variacoes do regime de chuvas e vazoes dos rios que compoem a bacia amazonica. Neste trabalho, procedeu-se a uma analise etatistica de tendencias em series temporais de precipitacao e vazao para alguns pontos da bacia no priodo dos anos 60 e 70. Observou-se tendencias crescentes nas series de vazao e precipitacao, que perduraram entre 10 e 15 anos. As tendencias de precipitacao e vazao foram qualitativamente semelhantes entre si, indicando que, provavelmente, tais tendencias ocorreram devido a causas naturais e nao devido a efeitos de alteracoes da cobertura vegetal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1459 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSalgZamo:1997:OzHoOv Journal Article Kirchhoff, VWJH Kirchhoff, VWJH; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia; Zamorano Banda, Felix de la Cruz The ozone hole over Punta Arenas, Chile 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 D7 8945-8953 9546 geofísica espacial, radiação ultravioleta, espectro uvb, depleção do ozônio, ozone depletion, uvb spectra, ultraviolet radiation. Three fundamental questions are addressed for the location of Punta Arenas (53.0 degrees S, 70.9 degrees W), Chile: Does the Antarctic ozone hole extend over the city? If so, at what height is most of the ozone depleted? And by how much does the UVB radiation increase under ozone hole conditions? It is shown that Punta Arenas is affected by the Antarctic ozone hole, even though it is a considerable distance away from the pole. In comparison with the average global trend of -0.25 per year, the downward ozone trend at Punta Arenas is -0.5 per year (twice as large as the global average)and -1.2 per year (almost 5 times larger than the global average)using the monthly October averages. To obtain these figures, an ozone climatology of TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)data from 1979 to 1992 has been used. observations of the ozone hole over Punta Arenas are described during the austral spring periods of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Systematic observations with a Brewer spectrophotometer have been made in order to measure the vertical column of ozone and the simultaneous variations in UVB radiation. In addition, the vertical distribution of ozone has been investigated during ozone hole conditions, by using ozone ECC (Electrochemical Concentration Cell)sondes launched on balloons, in order to determine at which height the ozone is reduced most. Using the 220 DU (Dobson Units)threshold as reference, we identified the ozone hole over Punta Arenas on five occasions during the 3 year period of these observations, September 1993, October 1992, 1994; and November 1993 and 1994. The vertical distribution of ozone during ozone hole conditions shows maximum ozone destruction efficiency near 15-17 km, where ozone nearly vanishes completely, on several occasions. The largest amount of ozone depletion, however, occurs above this height, just under and at the main ozone peak, where it may reach about 50. The UVB radiation in small spectral bands may increase dramatically during ozone hole events; at 295-297 nm the observed factors of increase for Punta Arenas were between 10 and 38. The maximum integrated/weighted intensities in October, during hole events increased over background values between 2 and 3 times, which represent values near the local summer maximum but not yet beyond levels normally observed at low-latitude stations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 1365 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TINSLEYBitBLAHICREE:1974:TRFRWI Journal Article TINSLEY,B.A TINSLEY,B.A; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; BLAMONT,J.E.; HICKS,G.T.; REED,E.I. TROPICAL F-REGION WINDS FROM OGO-4 AIRGLOW DATA 1974 Trans. of AGU 56 : 1159 December 3093 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 463 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CohenSilvNobr:1995:CaSt Journal Article Cohen, Julia C.P. Cohen, Julia C.P.; Silva Dias, Maria A.F.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Environmental conditions associated with Amazonian squall lines: a case study 1995 Monthly Weather Review 123 11 3163-3174 7396 estudos do tempo e do clima, . The enviromental conditions associated with squall lines (SL)that were observed during the period of 13 April-13 May 1987 (GTE/ABLE-2B)originating at the northern coast of South America and propagation over the Amazon Basin are documented . the SL observed on 5-7 May are axamined in more detail. The SL days had in common a stronger and deeper low-level jet when compared with the days without SL. two possible explanation are found for the intensification of the low-level jet: propagation easterly waves inthe tropical Atlantic, which eventually reach Manaus, and localized heat sources in the western Amazon. Both were observed on 5-6 May. It is suggested that numerical should be performed to unravel the relative importance of each large-scale mechanism. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 873 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AguiarJohnHami:1991:CrDoPa Journal Article Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; Johnson, W.W.; Hamilton, W.O A cryogenic double-resonant parabridge motion transducer for resonant-mass gravitational wave detectors 1991 Review of Scientific Instruments 62 11 2523-2534 7176 astrofisica, detectors, cryogenics. We designed, constructed and tested at 4.2 K (using two different low phase noise electrical pump generators)a cryogenic double-resonant parabridge motion transducer made out of niobium, whose electrical output was amplified by a two-stage metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor cryogenic amplifier. Most of the experimental results agreed well with the theoretical models. We were able to adjust the two electrical bridge resonant frequencies at the pump frequency, allowing us to obtain an electromechanical coupling as high as 0.054, and we successfully measured the mechanical Brownian motion of this transducer. In one case, we observed a dip in the electrical noise spectrum near the mechanical resonant frequency due to destructive interference between this noise and its ""reflection"" from the mechanical resonator. At the bottom of this dip, in a bandwidth of 0.7 Hz, we measured an equivalent displacement noise of 4 x 10-16 m/ Hz with a systematic error of less than 10. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 285 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FABBRIFERR:1983:IMSTIN Journal Article FABBRI,M. FABBRI,M.; FERREIRA DA SILVA,A. IMPURITY STATES IN N-TYPE MANY-VALLEY SEMICONDUCTORS 1983 R. BRAS. FIS., V.ESP. 370 4645 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 519 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TAKAKURAKaCoDEOHNI:1983:SUPUSI Journal Article TAKAKURA,T. TAKAKURA,T.; Kaufmann, Pierre; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; DEGAONKAR,S.S.; OHKI,K.; NITTA,N. SUB-SECOND PULSATIONS SIMULTANEOUSLY OBSERVED AT MICROWAVES AND HARD X-RAYS IN A SOLAR BURST 1983 NATURE 302 317 4647 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 520 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1994:ReAnOz Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Relationship of the Antarctic ozone hole with India and other regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres as determined from dobson data 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 2 177-190 7272 geofisica espacial, , stratosphere, ozone hole. A study of the monthly values of total ozone in the Indian region indicated long-term trends generally less than 5 in 13 years (1977-1989)and solar cycle effects also less than 5 (solar maximum to solar minimum). The quasibiennial oscillation (QBO)was at times as large as 10. Simultaneously with the Antarctic ozone depletion of 45 in October 1987, the Indian region showed 10-15 depletions in November and December 1987. Depletions were observed at other latitudes and longitudes also. However, the percentage depletions in low latitudes seem to be smaller than those at middle latitudes in both Southern and Northern Hemispheres. The changes observed in the Northern Hemisphere at high latitudes are most problably not related to the Antarctic ozone depletion but are, instead, caused by winter planetary waves. However, low latitudes, even in the Northern Hemisphere may have some effect of the Antarctic ozone hole. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 676 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiEtch:1989:Se19No Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar Seca de 1988/89 no Extremo sul do Brasil 1989 Climanalise 4 10 31-38 October 7403 estudos do tempo e do clima, estiagem, precipitacao, estacoes meteorologicas. Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo preliminar da estiagem ocorrida no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, no periodo de janeiro de 1988 a agosto de 1989. Foram analisados dados de precipitacao mensal de seis estacoes meteorologicas, etabelecendo uma relacao com os sistemas sinoticos que atuaram sobre a regiao estudada e com os fatores globais. Observou-se que a permanencia de uma crista; a confluencia da corrente de jato em altos niveis sobre a regiao e a ausencia de esteira quente ao norte contribuiram para a estiagem. O indice de Oscilacao Sul permaneceu positivo durante todo o periodo e as temperaturas na superficie do mar apresentaram na maioria dos meses anomalias negativas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1457 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MedeirosAbduBati:1997:ThMeWi Journal Article Medeiros, Rui Terturiano de Medeiros, Rui Terturiano de; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Thermospheric meridional wind at low latitude from measurements of F layer peak height 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 A7 14531-14540 9544 aeronomia, termosfera, medição do vento, tropical region, methodology, metodologia, thermosphere, wind measurement, tropical region, f region, metho. Thermospheric meridional winds are calculated in this paper for the low-latitude station, Cachoeira Paulista, in Brazil using ionospheric F layer peak height h(max)as the primary database for different seasons and solar activity conditions. A servo model is used that expresses the ionospheric F layer peak height displacements as a function of chemical loss, diffusion, thermospheric meridional wind and vertical plasma drift. The method used is similar to, and an extension of, the one used in recent years for midlatitudes, where the effect of vertical plasma drift is considered negligible. We have included in our analysis the effect of vertical plasma drift on h(max)over Cachoeira Paulista by using a vertical drift model which is a field line extension of an equatorial electric field model developed for our longitude, for which the radar data from Jicamarca, Peru, are complemented, in the sunset sector, by vertical drift from ionosonde data over Fortaleza. A numerical model on the electrodynamic coupling of the E and F regions is used to obtain the equatorial height dependence of the vertical drift needed for its field line mapping to low latitude. Meridional winds were calculated using the servo equations in which the vertical plasma drifts, and h(max)values deduced from Cachoeira Paulista ionograms, were the main inputs. The magnetic meridional winds calculated for the summer equinoctial and winter months of high and low solar activity epochs are compared with the HWM-90 and with the measurements by Fabri-Perot technique available for Cachoeira Paulista. The results show varying agreements. The paper presents details of the method of analysis and the comparison of the results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA dae 1363 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuralikrishnaAbdu:1988:SoMaDe Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Solar and magnetic declination control on the electrojet and distributed currents in the ionosphere over Jicamarca 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 A2 1017-1022 2742 aeronomia, correntes ionosféricas, controle magnético, eletrojatos, declinio, ionospheric currents, magnetic control, declination. Daytime variation in the average east-west drift velocity of electrons in the height range of 95-110 km over Jicamarca (0.9 degree N, dip latitude)is compared with variation in the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field at the closeby Huancayo station (0.6 degree N, dip latitude). On magnetically quiet days, the ratio of H to the electron drift velocity shows a local time variation asymmetric with respect to local noon, although one would expect a symmetric cos X (where X is the solar zenith angle)type of variation for the same, if, indeed, H arises solely from the electrojet region in which the electron drift velocities are measured. The observed asymmetry indicates significant contribution of distributed currents from height regions above the electrojet in the integrated current represented by H. Further, the observed seasonal variation in the degree of the asymmetry seems to point out the importance of magnetic and solar declination angles in controlling the relative contributions of the distributed (and electrojet)currents to the magnitude of the observed H values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 911 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediAbduBatiCost:1974:LASCMA Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Costa, José Marques da LARGE SCALE MAGNETIC FIELD FLUCTUATIONS AND ASSOCIATED PARTICLE PRECIPITATION IN THE REGION OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC MAGNETIC ANOMALY 1974 Transactions American Geophysical Union 56 11 909-909 3091 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 903302 461 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Vianello:1980:CoVeVe Journal Article Vianello, R. Vianello, R.; Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao Componete vertical de velocidade do vento forcada pela topografia do Hemisferio Sul 1980 Revista Ceres 27: 180-187 6388 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 126 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CovaultGrinManaBrag:1991:TeReNo Journal Article Covault, C.E. Covault, C.E.; Grindlay, J.E.; Manandhar, R.P.; Braga, Joao Techniques for removing non-uniform background in coded-aperture imaging on the energetic X-ray imaging telescope experiment 1991 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 38 2 591-596 7174 astrofisica, ura, telescopes. The coded-aperture technique for reconstructing images for a position-sensitive detector looking through a stationary URA mask requires that the background illumination be distributed uniformly accross the surface of the detector. Non-uniformities in the background are typical of balloon and space-borne detectors, and introduce large artifacts into the reconstructed image, with a subsequent loss of signal-to-noise. Here we describe a technique, employed for the Energetic X-ray Imaging Telescope Experiment (EXITE)to remove the systematic effects of non-uniform background. We explore the time dependence of intensity and two-dimensional shape of the background detector image during the flight. We construct a ""flat field"" image from observations where x-rays sources were absent from the field of view. We demonstrate that this technique can successfully reduce RMS fluctuations to within a few percent of ideal Poisson statistics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 283 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KISHORE:1983:ELCOIN Journal Article KISHORE,R. KISHORE,R. ELECTRON CORRELATION IN NARROW BAND SYSTEMS 1983 R. BRAS. FIS., V.ESP 380-386 4643 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 517 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyKaya:1980:ClStTr Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Kayano, Mary Toshie A climatological study of the tropospheric circulation over the Amazon region 1980 Acta Amazonica 11 4 743-758 2045 meteorologia, , climatologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 51 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KroehlGonzJose:1994:MaStSu Journal Article Kroehl, H. Kroehl, H.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Joselyn, J.A Magnetic storms and substorms compared contrasted at Workshop 1994 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 75 34 387-388 7270 geofisica espacial, magnetic storm. Are magnetic storms qualitatively different than magnetospheric substorms ? Are the magnetospheric processes that cause a substorm fundamentally different from those that cause a storm ? The National Geophysical Data Center and the Space Environment Laboratory hosted a workshop in Breckenridge, Colo., in June 1993 to discuss these questions and to investigate the relationship between magnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 674 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiMore:1989:EsInCh Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Estudo da interacao chuva/particulado atmosferico em Sao Jose dos Campos 1989 Ciencia e Cultura 41 8 583-590 7401 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, chuva, aerosol, particulado, solubilizacao. Amostras de particulado atmosferico foram coletadas em Sao Jose dos Campos e submetidas a quatro tratamentos diferentes com a finalidade de verificar a solubilizacao dos ions em funcao da acidez. Nestas solucoes foram entao dosados sodio, calcio, potassio, magnesio, e cloreto. Os resultados foram discutidos em funcao dos teores ionicos determinados, da quantidade de material particulado total e da pluviometria do periodo de coleta. Tambem foram coletadas e analisadas amostras de agua de chuva, no mesmo local e durante o mesmo periodo de amostragem do material particulado. Os dados obtidos mostram a chuva como agente de precipitacao atmosferico, assim como de solubilizacao dos ions. No entanto, verificou-se que uma maior acidez da agua nao implica uma maior capacidade de solubilizacao dos ions analisados neste estudo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 1455 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TaylorPeClTaGoGo:1997:ImMeSh Journal Article Taylor, M.J. Taylor, M.J.; Pendleton Jr., W.R.; Clark, S.; Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbi, Delano; Goldberg, R.A Image measurements of short-period gravity waves at equatorial latitudes 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 D22 26283-26299 9542 aeronomia, fotografia todo céu, imagnes, medições, ondas gravitacionais, regiões equatoriais, all sky photophy, images, measurements, gravity waves, equatorial regions. A high-performance, all-sky imaging system has been used to obtain novel data on the morphology and dynamics of short-period (<1 hour)gravity waves at equatorial latitudes. Gravity waves imaged in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere were recorded in three nightglow emissions, the near-infrared OH emission, and the visible wavelength OI (557.7 nm)and Na (589.2 nm)emissions spanning the altitude range similar to 80-100 km. The measurements were made from, Alcantara, Brazil (2.3 degrees S, 44.5 degrees W), during the period August-October 1994 as part of the NASA/Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais ''Guara campaign''. Over 50 wave events were imaged from which a statistical study of the characteristics of equatorial gravity waves has been performed. The data were found to divide naturally into two groups. The first group corresponded to extensive, freely propagating (or ducted)gravity waves with observed periods ranging from 3.7 to 36.6 min, while the second group consisted of waves of a much smaller scale and transient nature. The later group exhibited a bimodal distribution for the observed periods at 5.18 +/- 0.26 min and 4.32 +/- 0.15 min, close to the local Brunt-Vaisala period and the acoustic cutoff period, respectively. In comparison, the larger-scale waves exhibited a clear tendency for their horizontal wavelengths to increase almost linearly with observed period. This trend was particularly well defined around the equinox and can be represented by a power-law relationship of the form lambda(h)= (3.1 +/- 0.5)tau(ob)(1.06+/-0.10), where lambda(h)is measured in kilometers and tau(ob)in minutes. This result is in very good agreement with previous radar and passive optical measurements but differs significantly from the relationship lambda(h)proportional to tau(ob)(1.5)inferred from recent lidar studies. The larger-scale waves were also found to exhibit strong anisotropy in their propagation headings with the dominant direction of motion toward the similar to NE-ENE suggesting a preponderance for wave generation over the South American continent. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1361 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SrivatsangamKous:1982:ApAuMo Journal Article Srivatsangam, S. Srivatsangam, S.; Kousky, Vernon Edgar A study of meteorological time series part II: applications of autoregressive models 1982 Monthly Wather Review; 2289 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET MET SINO 321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VellosoJúniorMeloAgui:2000:ViIsSu Journal Article Velloso Júnior, Walter Ferreira Velloso Júnior, Walter Ferreira; Melo, José Luiz; Aguiar, Odilio Denys Vibration isolation support system for a truncated icosahedral gravitational wave antenna 2000 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 71 6 2552-2559 9862 ASTROFÍSICA, antenas de onda gravitacional, isolamento de vibração, programa de análise estrutural da NASA, gravitational wave antennas, vibration isolation, NASTRAN. We designed a mechanical isolation system for an icosahedral resonant gravitational wave detector we plan to construct in Brazil. We have used the NASTRAN finite element software to perform the numerical analysis. Our results show that the designed system could allow a damping factor better than -200 dB in the spectral range of interest, which is adequate to the sensibility level we want for the antenna. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9898-PRE/4607 PI CEA DAS DAS 222 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreUvoBrit:1992:PeEsCh Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Perspectivas para a estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 1 14p. January 7388 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, perspectivas. As chuvas da estao chuvosa (fevereiro a maio)de 1990 para a regiao semi-arida como um todo foram deficientes (cerca de 28 abaixo da media)Em 1991 as chuvas no semi-arido situaram-se em torno da normalidade (13 abaixo da media), porem ressalta-se que a grande vriabilidade espacial das chuvas ocasionou condicoes de estiagem em algumas regioes como, por exemplo, o Baixo Jaguaribe, o Sertao Central e o Sertao de Inhamuns, no Ceara, a regiao de Picos, no Piaiu, o sertao de Araripina, em Pernambuco e grande parte do rio Grande do Norte. A disponibilidade hidrica dos acudes da regiao esta reduzida e uma grande quantidade de acudes de pequeno (e ate mesmo de medioporte)ja secou. A situacao nao apresentou nenhuma melhora nas duas primeiras semanas de janeiro deste ano, caracterizadas pela total ausencia de chuvas no norte da regiao semi-arida, o que as precipitacoes deste mes quase certamente ficarao aquem dos valores normais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 477 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kantor:1974:HiFrIn Journal Article Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Kantor, Ivan Jelinek High frequency induce enhancements of the incoherent scatter spectrum at Arecibo, 2 1974 Journal of Geophysical Research 79 1 199-208 3087 aeronomia, ionosfera, regiao f, radar de espalhamento coerente. When the ionospheric F region is illuthinated with a strong 0 mode HF,radio wave, excitations of longitudinal plasina and acoustic waves are observed by 430-MHz radar scattering. The frequency structure of the excited waves and their variability with local parameters, time, and space are described. The observations are interpreted in terms of parametric instability theory. The spectra of the observed features and the correlation of their amplitudes are shown. The upshifted and downshifted plasma lines exhibit some marked asymmetries. Absolute as well as relative amplitudes of the enhancement are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 458 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannStraOpheLapo:1980:EvQuSo Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Strauss, F.M.; Opher, Reuven; Laporte, C Evidence for quasi-quantization of solar flare mm-wave radition 1980 Astronomical Journal 87 : 58-62 6176 radiastronomia. Spikes superimposed on impulsive mm-wave solar bursts are associated with the flare source function. The flux level of bursts rises as the repetition rate of spikes increases, following an approximate linear relationship. The simplest interpretation suggests the possibility that the flare energetic injections are quasiquantized in energy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 124 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesTakaTeix:1991:ObSiEm Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Takahashi, Hisao; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Observacoes simultaneas das emissoes OI 5577 Angstron, 02A(0-1)NaD 5893 Angstron, OH (9-4)e das temperaturas rotacionais TO2 e TOH na alta atmosfera 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 9 1 77-83 7117 aeronomia, , luminescencia atmosferica, mesopausa. Medidas simultaneas de OI 5577 Angstron, NaD, 02A(0-1)e OH(9-4)de luminescencia atmosferica noturna na regiao da mesopausa tem sido feitas em Cachoeira Paulista (22,7 degrees S, 45,0 degrees W)desde 1983. Todas estas emissoes envolvem o oxigenio atomico e tem origem numa faixa de 15-20 km, centrada na altura de 90 km. As medidas de O2 e OH sao usadas para estudar as temperaturas rotacionais TO2 e TOH, respectivamente. As variacoes temporais das intensidades e das temperaturas rotacionais constituem uma importante tecnica para estudar a fotoquimica e a dinamica da mesosfera; uma analise de correlacao cruzada entre as intensidades e as temperaturas rotacionais nos permite avaliar a resposta dos constituintes minoritarios (O, Na e OH)quando a mesosfera e perturbada. Os dados analisados correspondem ao periodo de janeiro/87 a janeiro/88, e pode-se verificar que as temperaturas rotacionais respondem mais rapido que as emissoes a passagem de uma perturbacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 281 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreYeliSaManz:1989:ChPaAm Journal Article Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar Characteristic parameters for the Amazonian Forest 1989 Forest Ecology and Management Journal 19 November 2917 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT 1062 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianRizz:1994:PoInEl Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Rizzato, F.B Ponderomotive interaction of electrostatic and electromagnetic parametric instabilities in active experiments in space 1994 Planetary and Space Science 42 7 569-573 7268 geofisica espacial. We show that the ponderomotive coupling of electrostatic Langmuir parametric instabilities and electromagnetic filamentation instability can occur in the vicinity of the reflection level where the frequency of the high power heater radio wave, injected into space plasmas by active experiments, is near the local plasma frequency. In general, the heater-generated parametric instabilities are not purely electrotastic or electromagnetic in the proximity of the critical density, but become hybrid (coupled electrostatic-electromagnetic)modes. As a result, the growth rate and bandwidth of the parametric decay line are significantly modified by the electromagnetic effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 672 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SteinerCiesJablWill:1999:PhSpCh Journal Article Steiner, Joao Evangelista Steiner, Joao Evangelista; Cieslinski, Deonisio; Jablonski, Francisco José; Williams, R.E The photometric and spectroscopic characterization of the V Sagittae star V617 Sagittarii 1999 Astronomy and Astrophysics 351 3 1021-1027 9535 astrofísica, estrelas wolf-rayet, estrelas, nova, variaveis cataclísticas, estrelas binárias, wolf-rayet, stars, novae, cataclysmic variables, binary stars. Photometric and spectroscopic characterization of the V Sge star V617 Sgr (WR 109)is presented. The orbital period, 0.207 day, is the shortest of its class. The optical light curve presents a double wave with minima and maxima of uneven brightness. Strong emission lines of highly ionized species such as HeII, NV and OVI dominate the optical spectrum. High and low photometric states have been observed and the primary eclipse becomes shallower at eruptions. H alpha emission becomes stronger and broader at high state when compared to low state. The striking similarities to V Sge are discussed. The photometric and spectroscopic observations suggest that a high and asymmetric rim exists associated with the accretion disk. This star is interpreted as a X-ray quiet galactic counterpart of the supersoft X-ray binaries seen in the Magellanic Clouds. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 1358 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DantasRibeCapeCarv:2000:TwViTh Journal Article Dantas, C.C. Dantas, C.C.; Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Capelato, Hugo Vivente; Carvalho, R.R. The two-component virial theorem and the physical properties of stellar systems 2000 Astrophysical Journal 528 1 Part 2 L5-L8 9859 ASTROFÍSICA, cosmologia, teorias, matéria escura, galáxias elípticas, dinâmicas, galáxia, cinética, cosmology, theories, dark matter, galaxies, elliptical galaxies, dynamics, galaxy, kinematics. Motivated by present indirect evidence that galaxies are surrounded by dark matter halos, we investigate whether their physical properties can be described by a formulation of the virial theorem that explicitly takes into account the gravitational potential term representing the interaction of the dark halo with the baryonic or luminous component. Our analysis shows that the application of such a ""two-component virial theorem"" not only accounts for the scaling relations displayed by, in particular, elliptical galaxies, but also for the observed properties of all virialized stellar systems, ranging from globular clusters to galaxy clusters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9807-PRE/4616 PI CEA DAS DAS 220 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GerbalCapDurLimMar:2001:SoNeOb Journal Article Gerbal, D Gerbal, D; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Durret, F; Lima Neto, GB; Marquez, I Some new observed properties of elliptical galaxies 2001 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 276 2-4 861-868 9858 ASTROFÍSICA, propriedades, galáticas elípticas, entropia, profiles, perfis, elliptical galaxies, entropy. We suggest that elliptical galaxies, as stellar systems in a stage of quasi-equilibrium, may have a specific entropy. We use the Sersic law to describe the light profile. The specific entropy (the Boltzmann-Gibbs definition)is then calculated assuming that the galaxy behaves as a spherical, isotropic, one-component system. We predict a relation between the three parameters of the Sersic law linked to the specific entropy, defining a surface in the parameter space, an `entropic plane'. We have analysed a sample of simulated merging elliptical galaxies (virtual)and a sample of galaxies belonging to the Coma Cluster (real). Both virtual and real galaxies are: 1)located in their own entropic plane' and 2)in this plane, they are located on a straight line, indicating constant entropy: another physical property. A careful examination of the value of the specific entropy indicates a very small increase in the specific entropy with the generation after merging (virtual sample). Although one cannot distinguish between various generations for real galaxies, the distribution of specific entropy in this sample is very similar to that in the virtual sample. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9806-PRE/4615 PI CEA DAS DAS 219 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoBrit:1992:MoEsCh Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Monitoramento da estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 5 7p 7386 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, monitoramento, el nino-oscilacao sul, enos. O episodio quente do fenomeno EL Nino-Oscilacao Sul (ENOS)continua em evolucao no Oceano Pacifico e aumentando sua influencia sobre as chuvas na regiao semi-arida brasileira. Neste mes de abril a influencia do El Nino sobre a circulacao geral da atmosfera. deslocou a Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT)para posicoes mais ao norte encerrando prematuramente a estao principal de chuvas no semi-arido nordestino (como previsto nos boletins n.1/92 e 2/92). Foram observadas chuvas generalizadas pelo semi-arido apenas ate os primeiros 10 dias de abril quando entao a ZCIT se deslocou mais para o norte e as chuvas passaram a ser localizadas, preferencialmente ao longo do litoral. O periodo de fevereiro a abril e responsavel por 84 da precipitacao total da estcao. Neste ano, durante o mesmo periodo foi observada apenas 73 da precipitacao, o que indica que ate o presente momento, as chuvas da estacao encontram-se 11 abaixo da media. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 475 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LORANBROWCorrKauf:1985:INOFFA Journal Article LORAN,J.M. LORAN,J.M.; BROWN,J.C.; Correia, Emilia; Kaufmann, Pierre INTERPRETATION OF FAST RIPPLE STRUCTURE IN SOLAR IMPULSIVE BURSTS 1985 Solar Physics 97 2 363-373 5613 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1256 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuralikrishnaAbdu:1991:InMeOf Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali In-situ measurement of ionospheric plasma density by two different techniques - a comparison 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53 8 787-793 7114 aeronomia, equatorial aeronomy. Night-time ionospheric plasma density profiles over the equatorial station Natal, Brazil measured simultaneously using a rocket-borne Langmuir Probe (LP)and a High Frequency Capacitance Probe (HFC)on two occasions, show considerable differences, especially above the F-region peak. In this height region, the electron density values estimated from the LP ion currents are considerably less than those estimated from the HFC data, while below the F-region peak, the LP electron densities seem to be slightly greater than the HFC electron densities. From considerations of the basic principles of the two experiments it is seen that while the higher LP electron densities at lower heights are probably due to an increase in the effective sensor surface area caused by the sheath formation, in the region above the F-peak the relative lower plasma density obtained from LP current seems to be caused by (a)change in the floating potential of the rocket, (b)a decrease in the thickness of the plasma sheath, and (c)an increase in the mean ion thermal velocity relative to the rocket velocity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 278 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianOliv:1994:MaPaIn Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Oliveira, L.P.L. Magnetohydrodynamic parametric instabilities driven by a standing Alfven wave in the planetary magnetosphere 1994 Astronomy and Astrophysics 286 1 L1-L4 7265 geofisica espacial. The parametric instabilities driven by a standing Alfven wave of circular polarization are studied. Above a certain threshold amplitude, a standing Alfven wave can generate convective or purely growing MHD parametric processes. It is shown that the threshold conditions can be satisfied by the ULF waves in the planetary magnetospheres. Large density flutuations and cavities may result from the ponderomotive interaction of Alfven and acoustic waves. Application of this theory to the observation of Alfven-acoustic turbulence in the Earth's auroral plasma is dicussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 669 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianLopeAlve:1994:GeAuWh Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian-Long Chian, Abraham Chian-Long; Lopes, Sergio Roberto; Alves, Maria Virginia Generation of auroral whistler-mode radiation via nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and Alfven waves 1994 Astronomy and Astrophysics 290 1 L13-L16 7266 geofisica espacial, ondas alfven. A novel generation mechanism of nonthermal electromagnetic radiation near the electron plasma frequency by Langmuir waves in space and astrophysical plasmas is proposed. It is shown that large amplitude Langmuir waves may nonlinearly interact with Alfven waves to generate electromagnetic waves. This radiation mechanism may explain the excitation of whistler-mode emission in the Earth's and Jupiter's auroral acceleration regions where the electron plasma frequency is smaller than the electron cyclotron frequency. Observational evidence in support of the proposed emission mechanism is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 670 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StarenMCLLLSGFVWTO:1999:SpTeMa Journal Article Staren, J Staren, J; Meinhold, P; Childers, J; Lim, M; Levy, A.; Lubin, P.; Seiffert, M.; Gaier, T.; Figueiredo, N.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Tegmark, M.; Oliveira-Costa, A A spin-modulated telescope to make two-dimensional cosmic microwave background maps 1999 The Astrophysical Journal 539 1 52-56 9526 astrofísica, cosmologia, observação, radiação cósmica de fundo, microondas, anisotropia, cosmology, observation, microwaves, anisotropy, background radiation. We describe the HEMT Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer (HACME), a balloon-borne experiment designed to measure subdegree-scale cosmic microwave background anisotropy over hundreds of deg(2), using a unique two-dimensional scanning strategy. A spinning flat mirror that is canted relative to its spin axis modulates the direction of beam response in a nearly elliptical path on the sky. The experiment was successfully flown in 1996 February, achieving near laboratory performance for several hours at float altitude. A map free of instrumental systematic effects is produced for a 3.5 hr observation of 630 deg(2), resulting in a flat-band power upper limit of [l(l + 1)C-I/(2 pi)](0.5)< 77 mu K at l = 38(-20)(+25)(95 confidence). The experiment design, flight operations, and data, including atmospheric effects and noise performance, are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 1356 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduRWHSFWS:1988:SuCa19 Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Reddly, B.M.; Walker, G.O.; Hanbaba, R.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Fejer, B.G.; Woodman, R.F.; SZUSZCZEWICZ, E.P. Processes in the quiet and disturbed equatorial-low latitude ionosphere: Sundial Campaign 1984 1988 Annales Geophysicae 6 1 69-80 2733 aeronomia, ionosfera, sundial, solar minimum equatorial camapaign. A network of ionospheric diagnostic instruments was operated on a world wide basis during the October 5-13, 1984 SUNDIAL campaign. The network provided a unique opportunity for a truly multiple technique global analysis of the equatorial-low latitude ionospheric behaviour during the campaign period. The SUNDIAL equatorial-low latitude data set included electric field and spread F data from Jicamarca radar, ionosonde data from 15 stations and magnetograms from 5 stations operated in the American, African, Asian and Indian sectors. Also included are data from electronic polarimeters at Brazilian low-latitude sites. The data analysis has focused attention on the global scale steady state ionospheric behaviour and its predictability by global theoretical model of Sojka and Schunk (1985)and by the International Reference Ionospheric (IRI). The results are suggestive of the need to modify existing quiet time electric field and neutral wind models in varying degrees for different longitude sectors. The analysis also concerns global scale ionospheric transient behaviour in response to exo-ionospheric variabilities under disturbed conditions, in an approach towards a better understanding of the factors that effect short-term prediction schemes. Among the important outcomes of this study is the possibility of using longitude chains of equatorial region ionosondes (and magnetometers)for investigation of equatorial ionospheric response to magnetospheric electric field penetration events and disturbance dynamo effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 904 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NetoCaDuGeLa:2001:PhCo Journal Article Marquez I Marquez I; Neto, GBL; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Durret, F; Gerbal, D; Lanzoni, B Two physical laws for elliptical galaxies: Photometrical consequences 2001 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 277 Suppl.1 481- 9856 ASTROFÍSICA. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9804-PRE/4613 PI CEA DAS DAS 217 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoBrit:1992:PeEsCh Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Perspectivas para estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 3 7p March 7384 estudos do tempo e do clima. As chuvas que foram abundantes na ultima quinzena do mes de janeiro, diminuiram na primeira semana de fevereiro, voltando a ocorrer a partir da segunda semana do mes resultando, ao final de fevereiro, em chuvas 42 acima da media. O episodio El Nino de aquecimento das aguas do Pacifico Equatorial, atualmente em sua fase madura com intensidade moderada, enfrequeceu em fevereiro. No entanto, espera-se que este episodio ainda causara diminuicao das chuvas sazonais no norte do Nordeste e leste da Amazonia em 1992. Os parametros oceanicos e atmosfericos do Atlantico Tropical modificaram-se neste mes assumindo caracteristicas desfavoraveis as chuvas no Nordeste. Levando-se em consideracao todos os fenomenos atuantes no momento que influenciam o clima do norte do Nordeste e a precipitacao ocorrida no mes de fevereiro, reforcado ainda pela ocorrencia de um episodio quente do fenomeno El Nino-Oscilacao Sul de intensidade moderada, estima-se que o total das chuvas da quadra chuvosa (fevereiro a maio)para a regiao norte do Nordeste como um todo deve permanecer abaixo da media climatologica (15 a 30 abaixo da media), com uma distribuicao temporal irregular, com periodo de chuvas intercalados por periodo de veranicos. Provalvemente, os maiores impactos do episodio El Nino-Oscilacao Sul em curso sobre as chuvas do semi-arido dar-se-ao na segunda metde da quadra chuvosa (abril e maio), isto e, uma diminuicao das chuvas deste periodo mais acentuada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 473 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduANANANANMASS:1973:EvVLPh Journal Article Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali; ANANTHAKRISHNAN,S.; ANANTHAKRISHNAN,B.; MASSAMBANI,O. Cosmic ray ionization on the D region at surise: evidence from VLF phase measurements 1973 733-736 3079 aeronomia, , raios cósmicos, ionização, região d, levantar do sol, cosmic rays, ionization, d region, sunrise. A temporary phase recovery observed on long-distance VLF propagation paths at sunrise is shown to be associated with cosmic-ray ionization. Simultaneous measurements of the phase carried out at Atibaia, São Paulo, and Jaguarão, Rio Grande de Sul, appear to demonstrate a latitudinal effect in this phenomenon. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 454 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndradeeSilvaCunhFerrLeal:1988:DiOfDi Journal Article Andrade e Silva, Erasmo A> Andrade e Silva, Erasmo A>; Cunha Lima, Ivan da; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio; Leal, Carlos Eduardo dos Santos Diagonal and off-diagonal disorder in doped quantum wells 1988 Physical Review B 37 14 8228-8233 5605 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 1254 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTakBatSahSim:1991:TeDeAi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Simonich, Dale Martin The temperature dependence of airglow emissions from the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere 1991 Planetary and Space Science 39 10 1397-1404 7112 aeronomia. An analysis of a long time-series of measurements of the airglow emissons, OH(9,4)775.0 nm, NaD 589 nm, OI 557.7 nm and 02(0,1)864.5 nm atmospheric band, shows that the nocturnal mean intensities of all these emissons are highly correlated with the nocturnal temperature means, as determined from the rotational structure of the OH(9,4)emission. After removing seasonal and long-term variations, the closest correlation is observed between the OH(9,4)emission intensity and the corresponding rotational temperature, followed by the NaD, and the OI 557.7 nm and O2A emissions. The regression coefficients, (dI/I)/(dT/T), where I is intensity and T is temperature, are between 8 and 9 for the NaD and oxygen emissions, and about 5.5 for the OH band. It is clear that these regression coefficients do not reflect the temperature dependences of the various reactions involved. It seems probable that the observed correlations are the result of correlated temperature and density changes in the upper atmosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 276 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Yelisetty:1980:ExEmFl Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham Examination of the empirical flux-profile models in the atmospheric surface Boundary Layer 1980 Boundary Layer Meteorology 22 1 61-77 2036 meteorologia, vento, camada limite, modelos atmosféricos, wind, atmospheric models, boundary layer, boundalaire layers, boundalaire layers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 44 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconTsur:1994:InCoIS Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T Interplanetary-magnetosphere coupling from ISEE-3 1994 Solar terrestrial Energy Program ?? ?? 197-204 7235 geofisica espacial. This review deals with the interplanetary-magnetosphere coupling during intense geomagnetic activity near solar maximum as learned from the ISEE-3 satellite. For this purpose we use the plasma and magnetic field measurements obtained by this satellite during the interval of August 1978 to December 1979, when it was at the L1 libration point of the sun-earth system. During this interval nine out the ten intense geomagnetic storms (Peak Dst < -100nT)were preceded by the arrival of interplanetary fast forward shocks at 1AU. For these events we show the interplanetary structures that are associated with the large-amplitude and long-duration negative Bz fields that were found in the sheath and/or driver gas regions of the shock and that are thought to be main cause of the intense storms. The storm that was not preceded by a shock was found to be associated with a non compressive density enhancement (NCDE)event. On the other hand, during this same interval, ""High-Intensity, Long-Duration and Continuous Auroral Activity"" events (HILDCAAs for short)were found to be caused by the southward magnetic fields of large-amplitude interplanetary Alfven Waves, presumably through magnetic reconnection with the geomagnetic field. Observations at the L1 point are also of great importance for studies of solar-interplanetary coupling. Thus with respect to the intense geomagnetic storms of the ISEE-3 monitored interval, new hints about the solar origin of these storms are also addressed. With respect to geomagnetic storm predictability we emphasize the need to have a satellite at the L1 point, such as ISEE-3, continuously monitoring the solar wind, as perhaps the only reliable tool at the moment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 667 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Mazure:2002:ExSoSp Journal Article Mazure, A. Mazure, A.; Capelato Hugo Vicente Exact solutions for the spatial de Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws and related quantities 2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics 383 2 384-389 9854 ASTROFÍSICA, galáxias, agrupamentos, campos gravitacionais, elliptical galaxies, galaxies, clusters, gravitational fields. Using the Mathematica package, we find exact analytical expressions for the so-called de-projected de Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws as well as for related spatial (3D)quantities - such the mass, gravitational potential, the total energy and the central velocity dispersion - generally involved in astronomical calculations expressed in terms of the Meijer G functions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9802-PRE/4611 PI CEA DAS DAS 215 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nobre:1992:CoElRe Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso Alteracoes climaticas globais e suas implicacoes para o Brasil. Contribuicao para elaboracao do relatorio do Brasil para a CNUMAD 1992 Revista de Energia : 11-48 7382 estudos do tempo e do clima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 471 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1986:ArDrPr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalim Babulal Are droughts predictable 1986 Climatic Change 8 3 209-233 2508 geofisica espacial, seca, geomagnetismo, drought. From a study of rainfall series at several locations, it is shown that approximate but meaningful predictions of drought-prone intervals are possible only for regions where the rainfall series have prominent periodicities (of large amplitudes)in the long periodicity region (about 10 yr or more), provided the patterns do not change abruptly and drastically. Also, rainfall for individual years cannot be predicted accurately. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMAGNETISMO 695 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSaha:1991:IoPlIr Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar Ionospheric plasma irregularities from atomic oxygen airglow emissions 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 9 2 121-124 7110 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the atomic oxygen nightglow emissions at 777.4 nm and 630.0 nm have been used in the past few years to determine the ionospheric F-layer peak electron density and peak height, and to investigate the pattern of F-layer depleted plasma regions, or ionospheric transequatorial plasma bubbles, and their associated irregularities in the tropical ionosphere. Meridional scanning observations of these emissions at low latitudes, made with groundbased filter photometers, are presented in the form of computer generated three-dimensional perspective views, showing the spatial north-south and temporal intensity variatons of these OI emissions, for both normal conditions and in the presence of magnetic field-aligned large scale plasma irregularities or bubbles. The significant features of these observations are discussed. This remote sensing airglow technique shows to be very useful to study ionospheric plasma dynamical processes and to investigate the pattern and time evolution of large scale plasma irregularities in the nightime tropical ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE DGE 274 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FigueroaNobr:1990:PrDiOv Journal Article Figueroa, Silvio Nilo Figueroa, Silvio Nilo; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Precipitation distribution over central and western tropical South America 1990 Climanalise 5 6 36-40 June 6347 estudos do tempo e do clima, , precipitacao (meteorologia), circulacao atmosferica. Apresenta-se uma nova analise da distribuicao de precipitacao sobre as porcoes oeste e central da America do Sul Tropical a partir dos dados de um total de 226 estacoes pluviometricas. Procurou-se relacionar a variabilidade espacial e temporal observadas a aspectos dinamicos da circulacao atmosferica, principalmente a componente divergente do vento em 200 mb. Discute-se diversos aspectos da grande varibilidade tanto espacial como temporal (sazonal e intrasazonal ). Verificou-se que, durante o verao austral, os maximos de precipitacao estao aparentemente ligados a influencia da ZCAS (Zona de Convergencia do Atantico Sul). Durante todo o ano, a Cordilheira dos Andes desenpenha um papel fundamental; ao mesmo tempo que induz a formacao de regioes com valores muito baixos e muito altos de precipitacao nas sua encostas, tambem cria, provavelmente, as condicoes para a ocorrencia do maximo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 97 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GunjiHKMSTTTYYNMBN:1994:ObPuHa Journal Article Gunji, S. Gunji, S.; Hirayama, M.; Kamae, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Sekimoto, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Tamura, T.; Tanaka, M.; Yamasaki, N.; Yamagami, T.; Nomachi, M.; Murakami, H.; Braga, Joao; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira Observation of pulsed hard x-rays/gamma-rays from PSR 1509-58 1994 Astrophysical Journal 428 1 Part 1 284-291 7201 astrofisica, gamma rays, pulsars, star. We observed a young rotation-powered pulsar, PSR 1509-58, in the hard X-ray/gamma-ray or the soft gamma-ray band with a balloon-borne detector in Brazil on 1991 November 19 (UT). With a timing analysis we detected pulsations in the energy band 94-240 keV at the 150.687 ms period determined from radio observations. The pulsating flux is (7.1 +- 1.7)x 10 -4 cm -2 s -1 in this band, and the energy spectrum follows a power law with photon index alfa=1.64 +- 0.4. The averaged pulse profile shows a broad single peak with a sharp rise and has a duty cycle around 50 or higher: these features are similar to what have been observed in the X-ray band by the Ginga satellite. Based on the data available now, the fraction of energy transformed from rotational energy loss to pulsed/nonpulsed soft gamma-ray radiation is estimated. If the solid angle swept by the pulsed beam is about the same as for the Crab pulsar (PSR 0531 + 21)and the Vela pulsar (PSR 0833-45), PSR 1509-58 turn out to be an extremely efficient pulsar, converting a large fraction of its rotational energy loss to radiation, as the outer gap model predicts. The observed pulsed spectrum, however, is strong in the soft gamma-ray band, in a sharp contrast to what has been observed in the Vela pulsar, a pulsar expected to be similar PSR 1509-58 in the outer gap model. The fact that the pulse profile remains broad and single-peaked in the soft gamma-ray band is also new for Crab-like pulsars. In these regards, PSR 1509-58 may require some alteration to the standard outer gap model or even a new model for gamma-ray emission in pulsars. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 665 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SabaPintPint:1999:StCoMe Journal Article Saba, Marcelo Magalhães Fares Saba, Marcelo Magalhães Fares; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Stratospheric conductivity measurements in Brazil 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 D22 27203-27208 9462 geofísica espacial, estratosfera, condutividade, medidas, temporal, stratosphere, conductivity, measurements, thunderstorms. On January 26, 1994, a coordinated campaign was conducted to study the stratospheric conductivity in Brazil. The measurements were obtained, each 10 min, by a double probe electric field detector during a stratospheric balloon flight launched at 0720 LT from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil (geographic coordinates 22 degrees 44'S, 44 degrees 56'W). The data were supported by radar and Meteosat satellite images. The balloon reached the ceiling altitude of 29.2 km in 1 hour and 20 min after launch and then floated for about 7 hours. For the first time, positive and negative conductivity vertical profiles were obtained in Brazil. During the flight, at an average altitude of 27.5 km, the balloon passed over two thunderclouds as identified by onboard video images and photographs, as well as by radar data. The simultaneous conductivity measurements and thundercloud observations allowed to determine that the presence of clouds affects the stratospheric negative conductivity, producing an extended and cumulative drop after the balloon passed over each cloud. The positive conductivity, in turn, was found to be predominantly influenced by the photoelectric effect. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1352 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuskoStei:1988:ObOI Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Profiles of emission lines in agn part I: observarions of (OIII)lines 1988 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 232 3 525-538 2728 astrofisica, alta energia. We present high resolution (35 km.s -1)spectroscopic observations of the [OIII]4959/5007 emission lines in 13 southern active galactic nuclei. Profile parameters are presented for each object, using the characterization methods defined by Heckman et al. (1981)and Whittle (1985a), The parameters are compared with measures from other authors, obtained with different resolutions and detectors. We show also the very unusual [OIII]? 5007 profíle of NGC7213, with two very distinct components, a narrow one being attributable to a ""classical"" Narrow Line Region, and a very wide one which may originate in a region characteristic of LINERs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 900 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VatsCecMehSawNer:2001:DiVaIn Journal Article Vats, HO Vats, HO; Cecatto, JR; Mehta, M; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Neri, JACF Discovery of variation in solar coronal rotation with altitude 2001 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 548 1 L87-L89 9852 ASTROFÍSICA, sol, coroa solar, rotação solar, radiação, emissão radio, sun, solar corona, solar ratation, radiation, radio emission. Here we report the first measure in radio emission of differential rotation as a function of height in the solar corona. This is derived from the disk-integrated simultaneous daily measurements of solar flux at 11 radio frequencies in the range of 275-2800 MHz. Based on the model calculations, these radio emissions originate from the solar corona in the estimated average height range of similar to (6-15)x 10(4)km above the photosphere. The investigations indicate that the sidereal rotation period at the highest frequency (2800 MHz), which originates from the lower corona around 6 x 10(4)km, is similar to 24.1 days. The sidereal rotation period decreases with height to similar to 23.7 days at the lower frequency (405 MHz), which originates at similar to 13 x 10(4)km. It is difficult to identify clearly the rotational modulation at 275 MHz, perhaps because these missions are significantly affected by the turbulence in the intervening medium. Since these investigations are based on disk-integrated solar flux at radio frequencies, it is difficult to say whether these systematic variations in sidereal rotation period are partly due to the latitudinal differential rotation of the solar corona. It will be interesting to investigate this possibility in the future. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9811-PRE/4619 PI CEA DAS DAS 213 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaFoYeliSant:1992:DeCoVo Journal Article Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Santos, Jesus Marden dos Determinacao da constante de von-Karman a partir de dados coletados na Amazonia 1992 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 7 1 535-541 7324 ciencias meteorologicas, , , micrometeorologia, equacao de von karman, florestas, terra firme, velocidade do vento. O parametro constante de von-Karman (k)tem importancia fundamental em estudos de mecanica dos fluidos e ciencias aplicadas. A literatura especializada apresenta discussoes controversas referentes a valores de k variado desde 0,2 ate 0,8. Neste trabalho o valor de k e estimado a partir dos dados coletados em uma floresta virgem de Terra Firme na Amazonia, a qual e parte integrante da Reserva Florestal Duck (2 graus 57minS; 59 graus 57minW), localizada proximo a Manaus, Amazonas. Valores de k sao obidos usando-se dados de velocidade de friccao (u*)e velocidade do vento em perfil, para condicoes de quase-neutralidade, coletados simultaneamente. Como resultado tem-se k=0,38, com um desvio padrao de 0,17, valor para o qual convergem os publicados na literatura. Obseva-se que os erros devidos as estimativas de z (comprimento da rugosidade)e d (deslocamento do plano zero)sao responsaveis por cerca de 90 do erro total, enquanto cerca de apenas 10 deste erro e decorrente das estimativas dos valores de u*. Uma possivel diminuicao de k com o aumento do numero de Reynolds, nao foi detectada para este caso. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 468 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1971:OpWaLa Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert Optimum wavelenghts of laser radars 1971 Journal of Applied Meteorology 10 1 171 3073 aeronomia, radar de laser, fisica da alta atmosfera, comprimento de ondas, medidas por espalhamento rayleihg. In a recent note Boudreau (1970)discusses the problem of choosing the optimum wavelength for a laser radar used for Raman studies of the atmosphere. By considering the effect of Rayleigh scattering along the atmospheric path, he derives an expression for the range beyond which a decrease in the wavelength used will decrease rather than increase the radar sensitivity. The purpose of this note is to point out a number of complicating factors which indicate that some caution should be exercised in applying the formulas derived by Boudreau. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO FISICA DA ALTA ATMOSFERA 449 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtDELBDALLLUDW:1988:PLCEDE Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; DEL BOSCO,E.; DALLAQUA,R.S.; LUDWIG,G.O. PLASMA CENTRIFUGUE DEVELOPMENT AT INPE 1988 Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics 236-247 5593 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DAE LAP 601128 1249 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuchmannMourHira:1984:StInEx Journal Article Buchmann, J. Buchmann, J.; Moura, Antonio Divino; Hirata, M.H. A study of the influence of extra-tropical latitude systems on the climatic variability in northeast Brazil 1984 Tellus 2506 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT TECLIM 693 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClemSimo:1991:HoStIn Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Horizontal structures in sporadic sodium layers at 23 degrees S 1991 Geophysical Research Letters 18 6 1027-1030 7108 aeronomia, , sporadic sodium layers. During 1979 and 1980 the INPE lidar located at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil was operated in a steerable mode, measuring the sodium profiles sequentially at three points in the sky. Twelve sporadic sodium layer events (SSLs)which occurred in this period are studied in the present work. The evolution of the sporadic peaks at the three positions shows short time structures generally separated by consistent time lags in almost all events. On some occasions, the time evolution at one position is very different than at the other two. These data indicate that short duration SSLs have cloud-like structures which are advected over the measuring station by the horizontal winds, and the long duration layers show a patchy and wave-like structure. In no case did we observe rapid growth in the sodium density to occur simultaneously at all 3 measuring points. On this basis we believe that there is no evidence for fast production of sodium, and consequently that there is no need for theories for the formation of SSLs to be consistent with such fast production. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 272 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CARLEIAL:1983:OUBOON Journal Article CARLEIAL,A.B. CARLEIAL,A.B. OUTER BOUNDS ON THE CAPACITY OF INTERFERENCE CHANNELS, 24P. 1983 IEEE TRANS. ON INFORMATION THEORY IT29 4 602-606 4518 engenharia e tecnologia espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 331015 506 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuklaNobrSell:1990:AmDeCl Journal Article Shukla, J. Shukla, J.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Sellers, P Amazon deforestation and climate change 1990 Science 247 4948 1322-1325 6332 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 95 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesGaSiJeJaFiGa:1994:MöStSa Journal Article Rodrigues, O.D. Rodrigues, O.D.; Garg, R.; Silva, E. Galvao da; Jesus Filho, M.F.; Jayanthi, Udaya Baskharam; Figueiredo, A.M.G.; Garg, V.K. A Mössbauer study of samples from an oil well 1994 Hyperfine Interactions 83 ? 379-384 7199 astrofisica. Seven different samples obtained from the Petrobras Oil Well 1-ICA-1BA from depths down to 1872 m have been studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and neutron activation analysis. The X-ray diffraction showed the presence of clay minerals, feldspar, calcite, pyrite, quartz, dolomite, andrite and others. The neutron activation analysis has been used to obtain the iron concentration in the samples. The Mossbauer spectra were obtained both at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. Spectra are complex in nature indicating multiple sites or mixture of iron containing minerals. The spectra at 85 K could be least squares fitted are resolved up to four doublets with typical values of IS(Fe)=1.4, 1.21, 1.16, 0.40 and QS=3.62, 2.82, 2.37, 0.61 mm/s respectively. They have slightly large line widths except for the first doublet. Two samples also showed the presence of hematite. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 663 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1999:QuHiOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial and higher-period oscillations in mean winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Saskatoon, 52 degrees N, 107 degrees W 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 A2 2645-2652 9459 geofísica espacial, entropia (estatísticas), análise espectral, ondas gravitacionais, oscilações, entropy (statistics), spectrum analysis, gravity waves, oscillations. The mesospheric zonal and meridional winds over Saskatoon (52 degrees N, 107 degrees W)show significant QBO (quasi-biennial oscillations), with periods of 2.01, 2.42, 2.30, 2.37, and 2.31 years at 94, 91, 88, 85, and 82 km, respectively, in the meridional (north)component and 2.51, 2.88, 2.52, 2.29, and 2.61 years in the zonal least)component, mostly not matching with the QBO (similar to 2.50 years)of equatorial stratospheric winds. Also, significant higher periodicities (similar to 4 years)are seen in the mesospheric winds, indicating that QBO and higher periodicities in the midlatitude mesosphere could be highly distorted forms of stratospheric wind QBO and/or may have altogether different origins (e.g., El Nino-Southern Oscillation effects). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1350 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerSchePaul:1999:EfVePl Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Scherliess, L.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Effects of the vertical plasma drift velocity on the generation and evolution of equatorial spread F 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 A9 19859-19869 9458 aeronomia, disturbios ionosféricos, equador magnético, região f, cintilações, plasma drift, magnetic equator, scintillations, f region. We use radar observations from the Jicamarca Observatory from 1968 to 1992 to study the effects of the F region vertical plasma drift velocity on the generation and evolution of equatorial spread F. The dependence of these irregularities on season, solar cycle, and magnetic activity can be explained as resulting from the corresponding effects on the evening and nighttime vertical drifts. In the early night sector, the bottomside of the F layer is almost always unstable. The evolution of the unstable layer is controlled by the history of the vertical drift velocity. When the drift velocities are large enough, the necessary seeding mechanisms for the generation of strong spread F always appear to be present. The threshold drift velocity for the generation of strong early night irregularities increases linearly with solar flux. The geomagnetic control on the generation of spread F:is season, solar cycle, and longitude dependent. These effects can be explained by the response of the equatorial vertical drift velocities to magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbance dynamo electric fields. The occurrence of early night spread F decreases significantly during equinox solar maximum magnetically disturbed conditions due to disturbance dynamo electric fields which decrease the upward drift velocities near sunset. The generation of late night spread F requires the reversal of the vertical velocity from downward to upward for periods longer than about half an hour. These irregularities occur most often at similar to 0400 local time when the prompt penetration and disturbance dynamo vertical drifts have largest amplitudes. The occurrence of late night spread F is highest near solar minimum and decreases with increasing solar activity probably due to the large increase of the nighttime downward drifts with increasing solar flux. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1349 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-Nordemann:1986:GeMe Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Geoquimica e o meio-ambiente 1986 Revista Geochimica Brasiliensis 1 89-107 December 2714 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT Geoquimica Ambiental 887 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VatsSawOzaIyeJad:2001:InScOb Journal Article Vats, HO Vats, HO; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Oza, R; Iyer, KN; Jadhav, R Interplanetary scintillation observations for the solar wind disappearance event of May 1999 2001 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS 106 A11 25121-25124 9850 ASTROFÍSICA, magnetosfera, dependencia, velocidade, vento solar, cintilação, observação, magnetosphere, dependence, latitude, velocity, solar wind, scintillation, observation. In this article we present ground-based interplanetary scintillation (IPS)measurements at 103 and 327 MHz for the period of the solar wind disappearance event of May 1999 as seen by various space probes. The solar wind velocity measurements at 327 MHz showed a variable solar wind velocity during this period at a distance of similar to0.5 AU from the Sun. The average solar wind velocity from three radio sources varied in the range of 200-300 km s(-1). The scintillation index measurements at 103 MHz indicate that plasma density was very low in the interplanetary medium closer to the Earth and that the density was normal away from it during May 11-13. The scintillation index was enhanced significantly on May 14 after the disappearance event. The comparison with the in situ observations shows that the effect is dramatic in IPS observations. IPS and in situ measurements show that a large, tenuous, and slow plasma cloud engulfed our planet around this time, which could be because of a corotating low-density narrow stream. From the source (Sun)point of view, this was mostly a normal plasma flow in most of the interplanetary medium. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8909-PRE/4617 PI CEA DAS DAS 211 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraMoreNord:1992:RaNaRe Journal Article Ferreira, C. Ferreira, C.; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger A radioatividade natural da regiao de Irece, BA 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 22 2 167-174 June 7322 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, espectrometria gama, medidas de cintilometria, radioatividade, calcario, uranio, torio, potassio. Perfis de cintilometria cobrindo uma area de 10.000 Km quadrados foram efetudados na regiao calcaria de Irece, Estado da Bahia. As contagens situam-se entre 45 e 80 cps e o valor medio obtido foi 50 cps, revelando assim uma radioatividade total ambiente bastante homogenea. Coletas de 70 amostras de rochas e solos da regiao foram efetuadas e os seus teores de uranio, torio e potassio foram analisados por espectrometria gama em laboratorio. Paralelamente, concrecoes ricas em Fe e Mn foram coletadas e estudadas, tendo sido observadas fortes correlacoes do tipo MnO-U e Fe dois O tres-Th. O conjunto de resultados obtidos foi discutido do ponto de vista do comportamento geoquimico dos elementos radioativos estudados, assim como correlacionados com dados anteriormente obtidos em aguas subterraneas da regiao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 466 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YanoTaka:1971:ObInRa Journal Article Yano, Kyo Yano, Kyo; Takahashi, Hisao Observation of the intensity ratio between (5,1)and (9,4)bands of OH emission in the night airglow 1971 Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan 25 4 302-317 3071 aeronomia, emissao de oxigenio, luminescencia, fotometro. Observations were made of the intensity ratio of (5, 1)to (9, 4)bands of OH emission in the nightglow during a term from November 1968 to October 1969 with an interference filter tilting photometer. The methods of evaluating the ratio from photometer readings are described in some detail. About 245 values of the ratio were obtained on 25 clear nights in the twelve months, scattering around 1.7 with the maximum of 2.1 and the minimum of 1.4. Although some consistency of its monthly variation was found, no regularity such as seasonal variation could be ascertained because observations were obtained through only one year. It was also revealed that on more than half of the observed nights the ratio was roughly constant in the course of night except in twilight conditions, while a nocturnal change from 1.4 up to 2.1 was observed on several occasions. These results are interpreted in terms of the vibrational population of OH molecules in he ground state. It is suggested that the OH molecules in the upper atmosphere could be produced through various kinds of chemical. reactions with different amounts of energy being released, and that there might be a change in the rate of each reaction contributing to the OH formation with a characteristic time of only a few hours duration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE LUME 447 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sansigolo:1996:NoMaCh Journal Article Sansigolo, Claudio A Sansigolo, Claudio A Non-stationary markov chains for modeling daily sunshine at Sao Paulo, Brazil 1996 Theoretical Applied Climatology 56 : 1-6 8600 estudos do tempo e do clima, CEA DAS DAS 208 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RigozoEcheVieiNord:2001:ReWoSu Journal Article Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo; Echer, Ezequiel; Vieira, LEA; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Reconstruction of Wolf sunspot numbers on the basis of spectral characteristics and estimates of associated radio flux and solar wind parameters for the last millennium 2001 Solar Physics 203 1 179-191 9835 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. A reconstruction of sunspot numbers for the last 1000 years was obtained using a sum of sine waves derived from spectral analysis of the time series of sunspot number R-z for the period 1700-1999. The time series was decomposed in frequency levels using the wavelet transform, and an iterative regression model (ARIST)was used to identify the amplitude and phase of the main periodicities. The 1000-year reconstructed sunspot number reproduces well the great maximums and minimums in solar activity, identified in cosmonuclides variation records, and, specifically, the epochs of the Oort, Wolf, Sporer, Maunder, and Dalton Minimums as well the Medieval and Modern Maximums. The average sunspot number activity in each anomalous period was used in linear equations to obtain estimates of the solar radio flux F-10.7, solar wind velocity, and the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8888-PRE/4597 PI CEA DGE DGE 198 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NealFortJenk:1992:PeBaMA Journal Article Neal, Colin Neal, Colin; Forti, Maria Cristina; Jenkins, Alan Towards modelling the impact of climate change and deforestation on stream water quality in Amazonia: a perspective based on the MAGIC model 1992 The Science of the Total Environment 127 : 335-241 7306 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, hidroquimica, desflorestamento, modelos, magic. The MAGIC model is applied to a catchent in Central Amazonia to illustrate the potential effects of forest clearing on stream water chemistry. The results show effects on two time scales. On the short time scale ( up to 5 years), increased calcium, magnesium and potassium supplies to the soil, due to felling, augment base cation levels in the soils and promote higher cancentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and hydrogen ions in the stream. Such concentrations are particularly marked when deforestation results in the production of elevated concentrations of nitrate in the soil and the stream waters. On the centennial timescale, much smaller changes occur as the soils revert to pre-felling levels: calcium, magnesium and potassium concentrations in the stream reduce while sodium and hydrogen ions increase with time. This change is counter-balanced by changes in the cation exchange store: the rates of supply of cation from the atmosphere are sufficiently low for replenishment in the soil to be lengthy. It is concluded that there are many possible scenarios for how stream water chemistry will evolve with deforestation. The need for further field studies to characterise this variability is stressed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 464 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RastogiTriv:1970:LuTiSt Journal Article Rastogi, R.G. Rastogi, R.G.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Luni-solar tides in H at stations within equatorial 1970 3069 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 445 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CalvetAlJaDeNoWrNo:1997:MaSuPa Journal Article Calvet, J.C. Calvet, J.C.; Alvala, Regina Celia dos Santos; Jaubert, G.; Delire, C.; Nobre,Carlos Afonso; Wright, I.R.; Noilhan, J Mapping surface parameters for mesoescale modeling in forested and deforest southwestern Amazonia 1997 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78 3 413-423 8597 estudos tempo e do clima, , mesoescala, florestamento, desflorestamento. Surface parameter digital maps of vegetation, soil, and relief are obtained over Rondonia, Brazil, covering the 5 degrees x 5 degrees region 8 degrees-13 degrees S, 65 degrees-60 degrees W. Numerical maps of the natural landscape structure have been achieved by digitizing existing 1: 1000 000 paper maps. Satellite data give information about the most recent modifications of the surface due to hurnan activities. This mapping work is the first step of a mesoscale meteorological modeling program. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPTEC 1151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraBatiSobr:1991:RoObEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Rocket observation of equatorial plasma bubbles over Natal, Brazil, using a high-frequency capacitance probe 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A5 7689-7695 7103 aeronomia, , sonda-iii, equatorial ionosphere, ionospheric irregularities, plasma temperature, plasma density. In situ measurement of electron density height profile of the equatorial nightime ionosphere, under a developing spread F event, was carried out using a dual mode high frequency capacitance (HFC)probe that was flown on board a SONDA-III rocket launched from Natal on December, 11, 1985. This represents the first measurement of plasma bubble characteristics using an HFC probe. A series of plasma bubbles in varying degrees of their growth phase was detected mostly during the upleg of the flight. A somewhat detailed discussion, and comparative studies, of the measurements at the two probe frequencies (6.17 MHz and 11.75 MHz)are presented in this paper. Among the important findings from the present study is an evidence of electron temperature enhancement in the plasma bubble possibly caused by electron heating from energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 267 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasStei:1988:PhPeNo Journal Article Dias, M.P. Dias, M.P.; Steiner, Joao Envagelista The photometric period of Nova Muscae 1983 1988 Astrophysical Journal 339 1Part 2 L41-L43 2901 astrofisica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 1048 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantFernNeri:1994:MiTyII Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira Microwave type III-RS Bursts 1994 Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 90 2 689-691 7194 astrofisica, sun, radio radiation. A decimetric (1600 +- 100 MHz), high-sensivity digital spectroscope has been put into regular operation at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, since 1991 March. The dynamic spectra are recorded on 35 mm film while 20 frequencies each separated by 10 MHz are digitized with time resolution of 100 ms. So far, about 350 groups of solar bursts have been observed by this system. These have been classified as microwave type and decimetric reverse slope (RS)type III bursts. Here, we report statistical investigations of the properties of the 44 moderately strong groups of decimetric type III-RS bursts. The average total duration of these bursts is ~0.7 s, the drift rate varied between ~400 and 3000 MHz s-1, and average decay time is ~120 ms. These observed drifts and timescales suggest that the decimetric type III-RS bursts are generated by beam plasma interaction at second harmonic in the inhomogeneous chromosphere, and that the acceleration region is located at a density level of <- 10 9 cm-3. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 658 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbTaSaZaBo:1999:SoGeAc Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Takahashi, Hisao; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Zamlutti, Carlos José; Borba, G.L. Solar and geomagnetic activity effects on noctural zonal velocities of ionospheric plasma delpetions 1999 Advances in Space Research 24 11 1507-1510 9416 aeronomia, deriva, atividade solar, efeitos magnéticos, velocidade, deriva ionosférica, depleção, solar activity, magnetic effects, velocity, ionospheric drift, depletion. The understanding of post-sunset zonal drifts of ionospheric plasma depletions in the equatorial and subequatorial regions are of importance to the knowledge of the electrodynamics of the nocturnal ionosphere. Drifts occurring over the low latitude station Cachoeira Paulista - CP (Geogr. 22 degrees 41' S, 45 degrees 00', dip 29 degrees for the epoch of 1985)during the October and March time frames are analyzed for the period of 1980 -1992. That analysis is based upon about 650 days of zonal scanning photometer measurements of the nocturnal OI 630 nm airglow. The zonal motions of valleys of the OI630 nm intensity are used to infer the eastward plasma velocity variations with local time. In this way, the velocity variations with solar activity and magnetic activity are studied. The mean trend in the velocity local time variation is a decrease from early evening to post-midnight hours, as expected in view of the F-region vertical electric fields, naturally decreasing magnitudes after sunset due to recombination. The zonal velocity decay between 21 LT and 02 LT faster during the period of maximum solar activity than during the solar minimum period. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1345 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannFortSetz:1986:ChCoRa Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Forti, Maria Cristina; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Chemical composition of rainwater in the Antartic Peninsula 1986 Journal of Geophysical Research 26 2710 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT DSM PROANTAR 883 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZhangGuptSaha:2002:MoSoAl Journal Article Zhang, YS Zhang, YS; Gupta, S; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Rapp RA Modeling of the solubility of alumina in the NaF-AIF(3)system at 1300 K 2002 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process 33 2 315-319 9843 AERONOMIA, fundições, termodinâmicas, fluoretos, melts, thermodynamics, fluorides. The experimentally well-known alumina solubility in the range of acidic to neutral cryolite-base melts has been modeled thermodynamically in terms of several oxyfluoride solutes. For an acidic melt, cryolite ratio r = 1.5, the dominant solute is monoxygen Na2Al2O2F6. In a less acidic regime, dioxygen Na2Al2O2F4 is dominant, whereas for neutral compositions (r = 3), Na4Al2O2F6 starts to gain importance. The fit of the model to the experimental solubility data is virtually perfect. The values of the equilibrium constants for the formation of the individual solutes are reported. The formation and conversion of these oxyfluoride complexes serve as an effective buffer opposing change in the melt basicity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8894-PRE/4603 PI CEA DAE DAE 206 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2000:ElNiNi Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam El Nino/La Nina relationship with rainfall at Huancayo, in the Peruvian AndesSID/SCD 2000 International Journal Climatology 20 1 63-72 9832 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. The major rainy season at Huancayo (central Peruvian Andes)is in the months DJFM (December-March). For years when El Ninos were active during these months, two types of effects were noticed. Either there were rainfall deficits in the DJF months, or there were excess rains in DJ, followed and preceded by deficit rains for a month or two. when El Ninos were active in other months, the non-rainy season rainfall at Huancayo was sometimes far above average. During years of La Nina (Anti-El Ninos), there were often excess rains, in both the rainy and the non-rainy seasons. In coastal Peru, heavy rainfall is considered as one of the criteria for identifying an El Nino. If true, the rainfall patterns at Huancayo are different from those of coastal Peru. In the recent El Nino of 1997, southern Peru had droughts while eastern and northern Peru, Ecuador had floods. The ENSO relationships in different parts of Peru are probably different and need detailed investigation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8885-PRE/4594 PI CEA DGE DGE 196 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaCostTriv:1992:UpCrHi Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Costa, I.V.J.M. da; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Upper crustal high conductivity layer in the intraplate seismic province of NE-Brazil revealed by magnetotellurics 1992 Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica 27 1 111-119 7251 geofisica espacial. A magnetotelluric survey consisting of fifteen high-frequency AMT and six low frequency MT soundings was carried out in the intraplate seismic province of northeast Brazil. A NW-SE profile with nine AMT and four MT stations was positioned to cross the seismic zone of Joao Camara (5.5 degrees S, 35.7 degrees W)which is the easternmost swarm of the NE province. Two conductive layers were derived from 2D modelling of the TM-mode of electromagnetic wave propagation: 1. a shallower one (depth of 10 km)in the NW-end of the profile with conductance of 60 S, and 2, a deeper one (at 30 km)in the SE-end. Preliminary interpretation of these results suggests that the crustal conductivity structure of the region could be controlled by unexpected temperature differences between conterminous crustal blocks. In the western block are concentrated the principal upper crust geophysical and geological inhomogeneities and the most important recent shallow-depth seismic activity. The 10 km deep conductive layer in this block could be possible associated with a ductile layer which limits the maximum depht of the earthquakes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 462 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyFerr:1981:SpDiOr Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Ferreira, Nelson de Jesus Interdiurnal surface pressure variations in Brazil: their spatial distribution origins and effects 1981 Monthly Weather Review 109: 9 1999-2008 2124 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DSM 443 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBona:1981:OnSoCl Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo On some climatological aspects of the zonally averaged atmosphere in the southern hemisphere 1981 Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie 30: 87-94 2161 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT 108 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonPinMen:1989:EfCoEl Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Mendes Jr., Odim; Mendes J Effects of corotstion electric field on the dynamics of energetic particles in an asymmetric planetary magnetic field 1989 Annales Geophysicae 7 5 515-518 2898 geofísica espacial. The effects of the corotation electric field on the dynamics of energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth and Jupiter is investigated, using the concept of drift paths of constant effective potential and assuming that the particles corotate rigidly with the planet. We restrict the study to equatorial particles and also assume that, in both planets, the magnetic field in the inner magnetosphere can be well described by an eccentric dipole model. We found that several different types of trajectories do occur, going from those encircling the planet to those restricted to a given longitude sector, this behaviour being dependent of the charge (electron or proton)and energy (10 keV to 1 MeV for Earth and I MeV to I GeV for Jupiter)of the particles. These results are discussed in the context of the possible implications on the morphology of the particle precipitation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PLACIR 1046 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ElizaldeStei:1994:LuCoNG Journal Article Elizalde, Flavio Elizalde, Flavio; Steiner, Joao Evangelista The narrow-line quasar IRAS 20181 - 2244: a luminous cousin of NGC 1068? 1994 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 268 2 L47-L50 7192 astrofisica, galactic nuclei, emission, quasars, infrared astronomy satellite, iras. We have identified the ROSAT-detected object IRAS 20181 - 2244 with a V=16.8 mag narrow-line quasar with redshift z=0.185. The permitted and forbidden line-widths are typical of Seyfert 2 galaxies. The absolute magnitude is Mv=-23.6 and the reddening is Av -1.1. The unreddened absolute magnitude (Mv)0 - -24.7 makes this the most luminous known narrow-line (type 2)quasar. Similarities with X-ray-detected Seyfert 2 and ultraluminous infrared galaxies, as well as implications for the unified model for active galactic nuclei (AGN), are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 656 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiFaguBitt:1999:SoCyEf Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, José Augusto Solar cycle effects on large scale equatorial F-region plasma depletions 1999 Advances in Space Research 24 11 1477-1480 9414 aeronomia, ciclo solar, efeitos, região f, propagação transequatorial, bolhas de plasma, atividade solar, solar cycle, effects, f region, transequatorial propagation, plasma bubbles, solar activity. In recent years, scientists have used wide-angle imaging observations of F-region nightglow emissions (e.g., OI630 nm and OI777.4 nm)to map the F-region equatorial ionospheric irregularity structures, characterized by large scale plasma depletions, generally known as transequatorial plasma bubbles. In Brazil, an OI630 nm all-sky imaging system has been in operation at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)since March 1987. This has provided an extensive data-base of the OI630 nm all-sky imaging observations in the equatorial ionospheric anomaly region. In this paper, the morphology of large scale equatorial F-region plasma depletions under sunspot maximum and minimum conditions is presented and discussed. It has been observed that the occurrences of plasma depleted regions are relatively lesser during low solar activity than during high solar activity. The seasonal occurrence pattern is fairly similar for high and low solar activities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 1343 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MejiaVGLBJRMKKDCNSTS:2002:SiObBu Journal Article Mejia, J Mejia, J; Villela, Thyrso; Goldoni, P; Lebrun, F; Bouchet, L; Jourdain, E; Roques, JP; Mandrou, P; Kuznetsov, S; Khavenson, N; Dyachkov, A; Chulkov, I; Novikov, B; Shuhanov, K; Tserenin, I; Sheikhet, A Sigma observations of the bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28 2002 Astrophysical Journal 566 1 387-391 9841 ASTROFÍSICA, galaxias, centros, pulsares, explosões, raios x, galaxies, centers, pulsars, bursts, x rays. We present the results of the GRANAT/SIGMA hard X-/soft gamma-ray long-term monitoring of the Galactic center (GC)region concerning the source GRO J1744-28, discovered on 1995 December 2 by CGRO/BATSE. SIGMA observed the region containing the source in 14 opportunities between1990 and 1997. In two of these observing sessions, corresponding to 1996 March and 1997 March, GRO J1744-28 was detected with a confidence level greater than 5 p in the 35-75 keV energy band without detection in the 75-150 keV energy band. For the other sessions, upper limits of the flux are indicated. The particular imaging capabilities of the SIGMA telescope allow us to identify, specifically, the source position in the very crowded GC region, giving us a mean flux of (73.1 +/- 5.5)x 10(-11)and (44.7 +/- 6.4)x 10(-11)ergs cm(-2)s(-1)in the 35-75 keV energy band, for the 1996 March and 1997 March observing sessions, respectively. Combining the 1997 March SIGMA and BATSE observations, we found evidence pointing to the type II nature of the source bursts for this period. For the same observing campaigns, spectra were obtained in the 35 to 150 keV energy band. The best fit corresponds to an optically thin thermal Bremsstrahlung with F-50keV = 3.6(+/-0.6)x 10(-4)photons cm(-2)s(-1)keV(-1)and kT(Bremss)= 28 +/- 7 keV for the first campaign, and F-50keV = 2.3(+/-0.7)x 10(-4)photons cm(-2)s(-1)keV(-1)and kT(Bremss)= 18(-7)(+12)keV for the second. This kind of soft spectrum is typical of binary sources containing a neutron star as the compact object, in contrast to the harder spectra typical of systems containing a black hole candidate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8893-PRE/4602 PI CEA DAS DAS 204 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2001:ExThQu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 2001 Journal Geophysical Research 106 A11 25125-25131 9830 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8882-PRE/4591 PI CEA DGE DGE 194 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1992:ExFiSo Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Sunspot number time series: exponential fitting and solar behavior 1992 Solar Physics 141 1 199-202 7248 geofisica espacial. The annual mean sunspot number time series for the period 1700-1990 A.D. was examined for possible fitting with exponential functions of the form N=No.exp(kt)for each phase, where the values of k, analogous to probabilities, are positive for the rising phase and negative for declining phase. The results obtained suggest the participation of physical processes following macroscopic laws similar to those of explosion or nuclear divergence for sunspot production and of nuclear decay for sunspot disappearance. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 459 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NordemannTriv:1992:ExFiPe Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Sunspot number time series: exponential fitting and periodicities 1992 Solar Physics 142 2 411-414 7249 geofisica espacial. In a previous communication, the annual mean sunspot number time series for the period 1700-1990 A.D. was studied through fitting with exponential functions of the form N=No.exp(kt)for each phase. In this letter every solar cycle is reduced to five characteristic parameters: exponents K and observed durations for the rising and declining phases and values of the maximum. The periodicities between 50 and 200 yr for these five parameters are analyzed and compared between themselves, showing similar patterns (dominating periodicities at about 59 and 86 yr)and differences such as different periods for the exponent of the rising (83.5 yr)and declining (105 yr)phase and for the observed maximum (99 yr). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAS 460 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianAlve:1988:NoGeFu Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian-Long Chian, Abraham Chian-Long; Alves, Maria Virginia Nonlinear generation of the fundamental radiation of interplanetary type III radio bursts 1988 Astrophysical Journal 330 1 Part 2 L77-L80 5575 física de plasma, headings plasmas, sun radio radiation, sun solar wind. A new generation mechanism of interplanetary type III radio bursts at the fundamental electron plasma frequency is discussed. It is shown that the electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instability, driven by two oppositely propagating Langmuir waves, can account for the experimental observations. In particular, the major difficulties encountered by the previously considered electromagnetic decay instability are removed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 620009 1241 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1995:NoAlWa Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear Alfen wave phenomena in the planetary magnetosphere 1995 Physica Scripta T60 ? 36-43 7300 geofisica espacial. Three nonlinear Alfven wave phenomena in the planetary magnetosphere are discussed: (1)magnetohydrodynamic parametric instabilities induced by a nonlinear standing Alfven wave, (2)parametric excitation of Alfven and Langmuir waves by a nonlinear electromagnetic whistler wave, and (3)parametric generation of electromagnetic waves in the vicinity of electron plasma frequency via nonlinear coupling of Langmuir and Alfven waves. Observational evidence in support of these nonlinear Alfven phenomena, such as the auroral Alfven-acoustic turbulence and the auroral Langmuir-Alfven-whistler (LAW)events, in the planetary magnetosphere is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 851 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DevlinCGHHLLLMMRSTTW:1994:MeAnCo Journal Article Devlin, M.J. Devlin, M.J.; Clapp, A.C.; Gundersen, J.O.; Hagmann, C.A.; Hristov, V.V.; Lange, A.E.; Lim, M.A.; Lubin, P.M.; Mauskopf, P.D.; Meinhold, P.R.; Richards, P.L.; Smoot, G.F.; Tanaka, S.T.; Timbie, P.T.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre Measurements of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation at 0.< degree angular scales near the star Gamma Ursae Minoris 1994 Astrophysical Journal 430 1 Part 2 L1-L4 7190 astrofisica, cosmic background radiation, cosmology, observation. We present results from a four-frequency observation of a 6 degrees x 0.6 degree strip of the sky centered near the star Gamma Ursae Minoris (GUM)during the fourth flight of the Millimeter-wave Anisotropy eXperiment (MAX). The observation was made with a 1.4 degree peak-to-peak sinusoidal chop in all bands. The FWHM beam sizes were 0.55 degree +- 0.05 degree at 3.5 cm-1 and 0.75 degree +- 0.05 degree at 6, 9 and 14 cm-1.During this observation significant correlated structure was observed at 3.5, 6 and 9 cm-1 with amplitudes similar to those observed in the GUM region during the second and third flights of MAX. The frequency spectrum is consistent with cosmic microwave background (CMB)and inconsistent with thermal emission from interstellar dust. The extrapoled amplitudes of synchrotron and free-free emission are too small to account for the amplitude of the observed structure. If all of the structure is attributed to CMB anisotropy with a Gaussian autocorrelation function and a coherence angle of 25', then the most probable values of delta T/T cmb in the 3.5, 6, and 9 cm-1 bands are 4.3+2.7-1.6 x 10-5, 2.8+4.3-1.1 x 10-5, and 3.5+3.0-1.6 x 10-5 (95 confidence upper and lower limits), respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 654 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:1999:AnEvEv Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin An evaluation of the evidence forion recombination as a source of sporadic neutral layers in the lower thermosphere 1999 Advances in Space Research 24 5 547-556 9412 aeronomia, recombinação de ion, camada e esporádica, baixa ionosfera, termosfera, ion recombination, sporadic e layer, lower ionosphere, thermosphere. Sporadic layers of metal atoms (Ns), occurring in the same height range as ionospheric sporadic-E layers, were first detected by lidar some 20 years ago. Ns layers have typical thicknesses of a few hundred meters to a few km, peak atom concentrations several times that of the ambient background layer, and are sometimes seen to grow and decay over time scales as short as a few minutes. Layers have been detected in Na, Fe, K and Ca, but it seems likely that they exist in other meteoric metals such as Mg. Despite a great deal of excellent experimental work over the past decade, the source of Ns layers is still an open question. Mechanisms suggested include direct meteor deposition, release from aerosol particles, chemical reduction of appropriate metal compounds, redistribution of existing atoms, and recombination of ions. The last-named of these mechanisms, although capable of explaining many of the observed characteristics of Ns layers, including their strong correlation with Es, has generally been rejected in the past, at least in the case of Na, because mass spectrometer measurements of Na+ have mostly shown concentrations too small to explain the observed sporadic sodium layers. However, recent laboratory measurements of the relevant recombination processes, and a re-evaluation of the rocket-borne mass-spectrometer measurements, suggest that ion recombination is in fact the strongest contender. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1341 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannFoDiEsDaLo:1986:PrChSo Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Forti, Maria Cristina; Di Lascio, V.L.; Espirito-Santo, Clovis Monteiro do; Danelon, Olga Maria; Lopes, Joao C Preliminary characterization of the Southeastern Brazilian Environment 1986 Scientific Comittee on Problems of the Environment 107 2705 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT Geoquimica Ambiental 878 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbaldeFaguBittSaha:2001:NeRe Journal Article Abalde, José Ricardo Abalde, José Ricardo; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar Observations of equatorial F region plasma bubbles using simultaneous OI 777.4 nm and OI 630.0 nm imaging: New results 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research 106 A12 30331-30336 9839 AERONOMIA, propagação F, propagação transequatorial, depleção, bolhas de plasma, emissão, imagens, spread F, transequatorial propagation, plasma bubbles, depletion, emission, images. Simultaneous observations of the OI 630.0 nm and OI 777.4 nm nightglow emissions using all-sky imaging systems and ionospheric radio sounding using a Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI)digisonde have been recently carried out at Sao Jose dos Campos (23.21degreesS, 45.86degreesW), Brazil. The all-sky imaging systems use novel CCD devices, with high quantum efficiency and which provide an exceptional capacity for quantitative measurement of faint- and low-contrast emissions. On October 23-24, 2000 (high solar activity), the presence of large-scale F region plasma irregularities (plasma bubbles)was observed using both techniques (i.e., optical and radio). The high-resolution images, recorded using the OI 777.4 nm nightglow emission, show a new striated or ray-like pattern, which has not been detected before. These OI 777.4 nm optical observations show for the first time, in great detail, the field-aligned ionospheric plasma bubble structures, in contrast with the OI 630.0 nm images, which show a diffuse image of the bubbles. The optical signatures of the OI 777.4 nm emission are more closely related to the actual ionospheric bubble structure, owing to its prompt emission and dependence only on the electron density, with no F layer height dependence. On the other hand, the OI 630.0 rim emission comes from the bottomside of the F layer with a strong F layer height dependence and shows blurred images due to its 110-s lifetime. An additional advantage of using the OI 777.4 nm emission for ionospheric irregularity studies is that the plasma bubbles can be observed earlier on the OI 777.4 nm images than on the OI 630.0 nm images (by similar to 15 min). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8891-PRE/4600 PI CEA DAE DAE 202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OltmansJHVTKSBLHSKMSSTEACP:2001:OzPaTr Journal Article Oltmans, S.J. Oltmans, S.J.; Johnson, B.J.; Harris, J.M.; Vomel, H.; Thompson, A.M.; Koshy, K.; Simon, P.; Bendura, R.J.; Logan, J.A.; Hasebe, F.; Shiotani, M.; Kirchhoff, VWJH; Maata, M.; Sami, G.; Samad, A.; Tabuadravu, J.; Enriquez, H.; Agama, M.; Cornejo, J.; Paredes, F. Ozone in the Pacific tropical troposphere from ozonesonde observations 2001 Journal Geophysical Reserach 106 D23 32503-32525 9828 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, Pacific IslandsIlha do Pacífico, ozônio, troposfera, observação, ozone, trophosfere, observation. Ozone vertical profile measurements obtained from ozonesondes flown at Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti, and the Galapagos are used to characterize ozone in the troposphere over the tropical Pacific. There is a significant seasonal variation at each of these sites. At sites in both the eastern and western Pacific, ozone mixing ratios are greatest at almost all levels in the troposphere during the September-November season and smallest during March-May. The vertical profile has a relative maximum at all of the sites in the midtroposphere throughout the year (the largest amounts are usually found near the tropopause). This maximum is particularly pronounced during the September-November season. On average, throughout the troposphere, the Galapagos has larger ozone amounts than the western Pacific sites. A trajectory climatology is used to identify the major flow regimes that are associated with the characteristic ozone behavior at various altitudes and seasons. The enhanced ozone seen in the midtroposphere during September-November is associated with flow from the continents. In the western Pacific this flow is usually from southern Africa (although 10-day trajectories do not always reach the continent)but also may come from Australia and Indonesia. In the Galapagos the ozone peak in the midtroposphere is seen in flow from the South American continent and particularly from northern Brazil. High ozone concentrations within potential source regions and flow characteristics associated with the ozone mixing ratio peaks seen in both the western and eastern Pacific suggest that these enhanced ozone mixing ratios result from biomass burning. In the upper troposphere, low ozone amounts are seen with flow that originates in the convective western Pacific. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8878-PRE/4587 PI CEA DGE DGE 192 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffBrowFish:1992:CaMaNa Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heirinch Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heirinch; Browell, E.V.; Fishman, J Ozonio ""bom"" versus ozonio ""ruim"": o caso das manchas na baixa atmosfera 1992 Ciencia Hoje 15 85 58-62 October 7245 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico. O ozonio, considerado o protetor dos seres vivos contra os efeitos danosos da radiacao ultravioleta solar, tem tambem seu lado ""vilao"". Para esse gas natural ser biologicamente favoravel ou nao so depende de sua altura na atmosfera. Na chamada camada de ozonio, a cerca de 30 km da superficie, ja na estratosfera, ele e ""bom"", porque filtra a radiacao perigosa. Porem na baixa atmosfera, a historia muda. Concentracoes elevadas desse oxigenio trimolecular (O3), em especial se proximas a superficie, prejudicam o desenvolvimento das plantas. Ai, ele e o ozonio ""ruim"". Nesse enredo, o homem e um justiceiro as avessas: suas atividades industriais e suas queimadas reduzem o ozonio ""bom"" e aumentam o ""ruim"", formador de grandes manchas na baixa atmosfera. Uma cooperacao cientifica internacional vai estudar melhor esse fenomeno. Pesquisadores brasileiros estarao operando na regiao central e na costa brasileira, os norte-americanos sobrevoarao o Atlantico Sul, e os cientistas alemaes, franceses e africanos farao um trabalho de campo na Africa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 457 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MendesdaCostaRizz:1995:NiDrDe Journal Article Mendes da Costa, Aracy Mendes da Costa, Aracy; Rizzo Piazza, Liliana Night-time D-region density variations observed in the South Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly in association with solar-proton events 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 8 899-904 7296 astrofisica. Very low frequency signals (VLF)received in Atibaia (Brazil)during the occurrence of the two major solar-proton events of August 1972 and July 1974 were analysed. Phase and amplitude changes observed at night were introduced in the model given by Wait and Spies (1964)properly adapted to the ionospheric conditions of the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (SAGA)region. Electron density disturbed profiles for ""L"" shell intervals 1. 15 < L < 2.0 and 1.08 < L < 1. 15 were deduced. The results highlight the great amount of ionization produced at low ""L"" values due to the precipitation of energetic particles in the SAGA, mainly at night. Some discrepancies among the electron density profiles proposed by different authors are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE 848 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuchmannMourHira:1983:EsViDi Journal Article Buchmann, J. Buchmann, J.; Moura, Antonio Divino; Hirata, M.H. Influencia de fenomenos meteorologicos extratropicais no clima do Nordeste Brasileiro: um estudo via diferencas finitas 1983 Matematica Aplicada e Computacional 2 2 143-156 2417 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT METBA 485 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Medrano-BalboaAbdu:1995:3.19Lo Journal Article Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Effects of the total solar eclipse of Nov. 3. 1994 on the lower ionosphere observed by 30 Mhz riometers 1995 Revista de la Academia de Ciencias de Bolivia 69 : 162-172 7163 aeronomia. Specifically for the total solar eclipse of Nov. 3, 1994 observations, a 30 Mhz riometer, with a Yagi-Uda antenna, was installed in the vicinities of Sao Bento Alto (28 degrees 42'34""S, 49 degrees 30'37""W), very near the center of the Moon shadow. At the same time two other riometer stations were in operation, one at a lower latitude (C.Paulista)and the other at a subauroral latitude (brazilian station)in Antarctica. In S.B. Alto, contrary to the expectations, a noticeable enhancement of ionospheric absorption started several minutes after the first contact, lasting for few hours. No such effect was noticed on the other riometer stations. However, peculiar periodic kinks have been recorded during and after the solar eclipse by the C. Paulista riometer. Based on these experimental results a preliminary interpretaton, based on energetic particle precipitation from the Van Allen radiation belts, into the atmosphere if the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly, is offered. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 652 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MacielFo:1998:NaEmAl Journal Article Maciel Filho, Luiz Maciel Filho, Luiz A natureza em alta voltagem 1998 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 16 1 38-51 9392 geofísica espacial, eletricidade atmosférica, raio, temporais, atmospheric eletricity, lightning, thunderstorms. Com sua energia errante e misteriosa, capaz de iluminar momentaneamente uma cidade, os raios podem ter sido decisivos para o surgimento da vida na terra. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1338 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1988:SPCHOF Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SERIES OF ANNUAL RAINFALL IN ENGLAND AND WALES 1988 Climatic Change 12 1 77-92 2703 Despite the small size of England and Wales, the rainfall there shows large variations, possibly due to geographical and topographical conditions. Spectral analysis shows a large number of periodicities, but many are statistically insignificant, indicating considerable randomness. Significant periodicities are invariably in the low periodicity region (periodicity < 5 yr). Occasionally, high periodicities are also encountered, but are always accompanied by low periodicities. Hence, meaningful predictions are not possible. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 876 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TorsaniYeli:1982:EsDiAt Journal Article Torsani, Jose Aparecido Torsani, Jose Aparecido; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Estudo da difusao atmosferica usando imagens do satelite Landsat 1982 Ciencia e Cultura 34 10 1313-1316 2233 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT RECAT 288 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2001:ExThQu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 2001 Journal Geophysical Research 106 A11 25125-25131 9837 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8882-PRE/4591 PI CEA DGE DGE 200 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianRemMacRosChr:2002:HiInCr Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Rempel, E.L.; Macau, E.E.; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Christiansen, F High-dimensional interior crisis in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation 2002 Physical Review E 65 3 Part 2A 9824 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. An investigation of interior crisis of high dimensions in an extended spatiotemporal system exemplified by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is reported. It is shown that unstable periodic orbits and their associated invariant manifolds in the Poincare' hyperplane can effectively characterize the global bifurcation dynamics of high-dimensional systems. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8875-PRE/4585 PI CEA DGE DGE 190 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VieiraGonzGonzDal:2001:StMaSt Journal Article Vieira, L.E.A. Vieira, L.E.A.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Dal, Lago Alisson A study of magnetic storms development in two or more steps and its association with the polarity of magnetic clouds 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 63 5 457-461 9823 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, tempestades magnéticas, nuvens magnéticas, correntes intrnas do anel, polaridade, magnetic storms, magnetic clouds, ring currents, polarity. The study of the response of the magnetosphere, measured by the Dst index, to different interplanetary magnetic field configurations observed in magnetic clouds has led us to conclude that about 20 of intense magnetic storms have the growth of their main phases in three or more steps. We also have found that the magnetic clouds with south-to-north magnetic field rotation tend to lead to moderate or intense magnetic storms with a two-step main phase development due to the closer southward magnetic fields in the sheath and in the cloud. On the other hand, magnetic clouds with a north-to-south magnetic field rotation mostly seem to lead to magnetic storms with one-step main phase development, due to the larger separation between the southward magnetic fields in the sheath and in the cloud. Furthermore, the magnetic clouds with a substantial tilt to the ecliptic plane appear to lead to intense magnetic storms when they have a prolonged southward axial field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8874-PRE/4584 PI CEA DGE DGE 189 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMari:1992:TrOzMe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade Tropospheric ozone measurements at the Brazilian Antarctic Station 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 10 2 61-71 7243 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico, medição, concentração. Tropospheric ozone measurements are described from observations made at the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz (62.1 degrees S, 58.4 degrees W). Ozone measurements at the surface were made almost continuously during several years, using ultraviolet absortion photometers. In the upper troposphere, ozone concentrations were obtained using balloon sondes, launched in the summer of 1991 and between March and October, 1992. Surface ozone concentrations show strong variations each year. The minimum monthly average occurs in February, 11.7 ppbv (parts per billion by volume)and the maximum in July, 29.6 ppbv. There is no apparent diurnal variation. Sporadic fast decreases in ozone are associated with synoptic scale perturbations during front passages, when the ozone mixing ratio may drop by 10-20 ppbv for about 6 hours or more. The ozonesonda data show a well-defined local mixing layer. The ozone mixing ratio does not change at the upper boundary of the mixing layer, indicating little or no photochemical activity. The mixing ratio follows a vertical distribution with a small positive gradient of about 2.5 ppbv/km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 455 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Oliveira-CostaSmoo:1995:CoToUn Journal Article Oliveira-Costa, Angelica de Oliveira-Costa, Angelica de; Smoot, George F Constraints on the topology of the universe from 2 year COBE data 1995 Astrophysical Journal 448 2 Part 1 477-481 7294 astrofisica. The cosmic microwave background (CMB)is a unique probe of cosmological parameters and conditions. There is a connection between anisotropy in the CMB and the topology of the universe. Adopting a universe with the topology of a three-torus, or a universe where only harmonics of the fundamental mode are allowed, and using 2 years of COBE/DMR data, we obtain constraints on the topology of the universe. Previous work constrained the topology using the slope information and the correlation function of the CMB. We obtain more accurate results by using all multipole moments, avoiding approximations by computing their full covariance matrix. We obtain the best fit for a cubic toroidal universe of scale 7200 h-1 Mpc for n=1. The data set a lower limit on the cell size of 4320 h-1 Mpc at 95 confidence and 5880 h-1 Mpc at 68 confidence. These results show that the most probable cell size would be ~1.2 times larger than the horizon scale, implying that the three-torus topology is no longer an interesting cosmological model. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS SPG 846 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBona:1980:EfMeEd Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo On the efficiency of meridional eddy transport processes during the major stratospheric warming of January 1977 1980 Tellus 33 1 61-67 2012 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 26 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiClemSahaBati:1994:SeVaMe Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado Seasonal variations of the mesopause temperature observed at equatorial (4 degrees S)and low (23 degrees S)latitude stations 1994 Advances in Space Research 14 9 (9)97-(9)100 7145 aeronomia, luminescencia, oscilacoes atmosfericas, temperatura. Upper mesospheric temperature at around 87km have been observed by measuring the rotational temperature of the airglow OH(9,4)band emission at two ground-base locations, one in the equatorial region, Fortaleza (3.9 degrees S, 38.4 degrees W)and the other at low latitude, Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W). The data obtained from 1987 to 1991, which includes the DYANA Campaign period, show predominantly semi-annual oscillations at both the locations with maxima at the equinoxes and minima during solistices. The seasonal variation in the equatorial region is, however, much larger (18K peak to peak)than at low latitudes, where it is around 8K, peak to peak. These results agree fairly well with the SME satellite data, but do not agree with model atmospheres presently available. It is suggested that the seasonal effect in vertical turbulent mixing is stronger in the equatorial regional than at low to middle latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 649 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1994:TrEqMu Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Transport equations for multicomponent isotropic and anisotropic high speed space plasmas 1994 Planetary and Space Science 42 7 557-568 7146 aeronomia. This paper presents revised sets of the 13- and 16-moment systems of transport equations using the flow form, which may eventually be more convenient in the studies of interhemispheric transport of plasma, polar wind, solar wind, etc. This alternative form can be recast into the traditional well known forms existing in the literature. A discussion of the structural aspects of the equations is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 650 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCeFeSoAlDaTr:1995:HiSpRe Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, José Roberto; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Alonso, Edurado Mena Barreto; Day, W.R.G.; Trigoso, H.E.A High spectral resolution decimetre (1.5+-o.1)Ghz, solar total eclipse of 3rd november, 1994 observations at Chapecó (Brazil) 1995 Revista de la Academia Nacional de Bolívia 69 : 129-139 9389 astrofisica, eclipses solar, resolução espacial, emissão de radiação, solar eclipses, spatial resolution, radio emisson. Solar observations were carried out in the south of Brazil at Chapecó by using Decimetric High Spectral. time resolution spectroscope in conjunction with 5 meter diameter antenna. The observations were carried out from 10 UT to 15 UT. All necessary calibrations were carried out and excellent data were obtained right from the first time (11: 39:29 UT)of contact up to the last contact time ( 14:14:47 UT)of the partial eclipse. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1336 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AraujoMiraAgui:2002:GrWaBa Journal Article Araujo, J.C.N. Araujo, J.C.N.; Miranda, O.D.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Gravitational wave background from Population III black hole formation 2002 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 339 3 651-659 9820 ASTROFÍSICA, cosmologia, buracos negros (astronomia), gravitação, física, cosmology, black holes (astronomy), gravitation, physics. We study the generation of a stochastic gravitational Wave (GW)background produced from a population of core-collapse supernovae, which form black holes in scenarios of structure formation. We obtain, for example, that the formation of a population (Population III)of black holes. in cold dark matter scenarios. could generate a stochastic GW background with a maximum amplitude of h(BG)similar or equal to 10(-24)and corresponding closure energy density of Omega(GW)similar to 10(-7). in the frequency band nu(obs)similar or equal to 30-470 Hz (assuming a maximum efficiency of generation of GWs, namely, S-GWmax = 7 x 10(-4)) for stars forming at redshifts z similar or equal to 30-10. We show that it will be possible in the future to detect this isotropic GW background by correlating the signals of a pair of 'advanced' LIGO observatories (LIGO III)at a signal-to-noise ratio of similar or equal to40. We discuss what astrophysical information could be obtained from a positive (or even a negative)detection of such a GW background generated in scenarios such as those studied here. One of them is the possibility of obtaining the initial and final redshifts of the emission period from the observed spectrum of GWs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8864-PRE/4574 PI CEA DAS DAS 187 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGoTaLeOkPa:1992:SoWiRa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tang, Frances; Lee, Yen Te; Okada, Masaki; Park, Daniel Reply to L.J. Lanzerotti: solar wind ram pressure corrections and an estimation of the efficiency of viscous interaction 1992 Geophysical Research Letters 19 19 1993-1994 7241 geofisica espacial. Lanzerotti (1992)has pointed out that there was a central United States outage of the AT T L4 line (Anderson et al., 1974)and significant satellite solar cell damage associated with the August 4-5, 1972 magnetic storm, even though the storm was not classified as a great storm (peak DST <- - 249 nT). Lanzerotti quotes a value of DST of only - 125 nT for the August 5 event. Anderson et al. (1974)speculated that the geomagnetic disturbance may have been caused by large magnetopause currents which were highly distorted (displaced to much lower latitudes). This effect was due to unusually high solar wind speeds. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 453 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OkidaAnjoVene:1998:MaUrAd Journal Article Okida, Rosana Okida, Rosana; Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos; Veneziani, Paulo Mapa geomorfologico da borda oeste do Pantanal: Macico do Urucum e Adjacencias 1998 Revista GEOSUL 14 : 630-632 8574 geologia, , landsat 5, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, satelites landsat, zoneamento geoambiental. Este trabalho foi elaborado na borda oeste do Pantanal (Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul)e teve como ira caracterizar os principais compartimentos e unidades de relevo desta localidade. Para tal caracterizacao foram utilizados produtos orbitais do TM-LANDSAT-5, bem como cartas topograficas e dados de campo. A area foi compartimentada de acordo com formas de relevo de origem denudacional/estrutural, denundacional e de acumulacao. Essas formas de sao o produto da intensa fragmentacao tectonica que ocorreu na area durante o Terciario, bem como de sucessivos erosivos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DSR 1140 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:SeDeSt Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Seasonal dependence of stratospheric temperature variations 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 2 211-216 7292 geofisica espacial, middle atmosphere, pressure, density temperature. Stratospheric temperatures show distinct trends, not necessarily monotonically upward or downward. At the North Pole, trends were large only during winter and spring and were different for different months; downward for November, December, mixed for January and upward for February, March and April. For the 10 degrees-90 degrees N belt, the trends were variable, viz., downward during 1971-1975, upward during 1975-1978 and downward again from 1978 onwards up to date, opposite to the upward trend of ground temperature in the Northern hemisphere in recent years. Twelve-monthly running averages revealed strnog QBO (quasi-biennial oscillation). For the North Pole, the QBO showed colder (lower)temperatures during 50-mb wind QBO westerly phase maxima. For the 10 degrees-90 degrees N belt, the QBO was similar for 30 mb and 50 mb but the QBO phases did not match well with 50-mb wind QBO phases. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 844 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Fabbri:1990:StToIm Journal Article Fabbri, Mauricio Fabbri, Mauricio Stability of the totally implicit finite difference scheme for the one-dimensional diffusion equation with a moving bounadry 1990 Computin, 45 4 333-343 5877 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 79 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtChry:1994:IRMoPr Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Chryssafidis, M On the IRI model predictions for the low-latitude ionosphere 1994 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 56 8 995-1009 7143 aeronomia, ionosfera. Measurements of ionospheric electron density vertical profiles, carried out at a magnetic equatorial station located at Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W; dip latitude 2 degrees S)in Brazil, are analysed and compared with low-latitude electron density profiles predicted by the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)model. The analysis performed here covers periods of high (1979/1980)and low (1986)solar activities considering data obtained under magnetically quiet conditions representative of the summer, winter and equinox seasons. Some discrepancies are found to exist between the observed and the IRI model-predicted ionospheric electron density profiles. For high solar activity conditions the most remarkable one is the observed fast upward motion of the F-layer just after sunset, not considered in the IRI model, and which precedes the occurrence of nighttime ionospheric plasma irregularities. These discrepancies are attributed mainly to dynamical effects associated with the low latitude E x B electromagnetic plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds, which are not satisfactorily reproduced either in the CCIR numerical maps or in the IRI profile shapes. In particular, the pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical E x B plasma drifts around sunset hours has a great influence on the nightime spatial distribution of the low-tatitude ionospheric plasma. Also, the dynamical control exerted by the electromagnetic plasma drifts and by the thermospheric neutral winds on the low-latitude ionospheric plasma is strongly dependent on the magnetic declination angle at a given longitude. These important longitudinal and latitudinal dependences must be considered for improvement of IRI model predictions at low latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 647 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1986:ElNiVo Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero El Nino de volta em 1986? 1986 Ciencia Hoje 5 32 20 July 6471 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 1428 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:CoQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Comparison of quasi-biennial oscillations of stratospheric winds and atmospheric temperatures at different altitudes 1998 Mausam 49 2 223-228 9385 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1334 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiCSBECRD:1985:RoObAt Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado; Eras, Agnaldo; Chaves, A.H.P.; Rossire, B.; Daniel, J.R. Rocket observations of the atomic and molecular oxygen emissions in the equatorial region 1985 Advances in Space Research 7 10 47-50 2699 aeronomia, , alta atmosfera, regiao equatorial, oxigenio, foguete de sondagem. A Brazilian sounding rocket, SONDA III, with two airglow photometers and two ionospheric electron density probes, was launched successfully from Natal (5.8 degree S, 35.2 degree W), Brazil, on December 11, 1985, at 23:30 GMT. The observed heigbt profiles of the atomic oxygen 0I 5577 Angstrom and molecular oxygen Atmospheric (0,0)band at 7619 Angstrom emissions are discussed. This is the first simultaneous measurement of these emissions in the equatorial region. A preliminary analysis shows that the two emissions have peak emission heights located between 95 and 96 km, and their half widths are about 6 km. The 02A 7619 Angstrom emission peak, however, is located slightly lower, less than 1 km, than that of the 0I 557Angstrom emission. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISICA DE ALTA ATMOSFERA 872 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMedeSobr:1982:EqSpIn Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Equatorial spread F instability conditions as determined from ionograms 1982 Geophysical Research Letters 9 6 692-695 2225 aeronomia. Conditions of plasma irregularity (or Spread F)generation under the Rayleigh-Taylor mechanism in the nighttime equatorial ionosphere are examined from ionogram data registered over Fortaleza (4§S, 38§ W, mag. dip lat. - 1.7§)Brazil for a one year period. The results show that local ionospheric conditions such as the bottomside F-region electron density scale length and the ion-neutral collision frequency at the base of the layer, at sunset hours, determine the generation of the spread F irregularities over the equator in the post sunset hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 284 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffEche:2001:ErUVEx Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Echer, Ezequiel Erythema UV-B exposure near the Antarctic Peninsula and comparison with an equatorial site 2001 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology 60 2-3 102-107 9764 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, Antartic (Região), radiação ultravioleta, aumento, ultraviolet radiation, augmentation. Observations of UV-B radiation in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula are described, with the objective to obtain an evaluation of the UV-B enhancements observed during ozone hole episodes, and compare these with equatorial values. The enhancements observed during Southern Hemisphere spring are described in terms of a specific case of enhancement, at the Antarctic peninsula, which has shown a maximum UV-B index of 8.7, in October 1998. The average enhancement between the autumn-unperturbed and spring-perturbed periods results in an UV-B index of 5.4. but with large fluctuations in which much larger indices are produced. These values are compared to indices normally observed in the equatorial region. For measurements obtained with the same kind of instrument at Natal (5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degreesW), the UV-B index varies between 7 and 14, which means that enhanced UV-B indices in the Antarctic Peninsula may become of the same order of magnitude of the lower limit equatorial values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8782-PRE/4503 PI CEA DGE DGE 185 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1992:ReInGe Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, Bruce T The region of intense geomagnetic storms at solar maximum 1992 Trends in Geophysical Research 1 ? 69-76 7239 geofisica espacial. In this review we address the interplanetary and magnetospheric origin of intense geomagnetic storms (Dst <-100nT)during solar maximum. For this purpose we use the magnetic field and plasma data collected by the ISEE-3 spacecraft during the interval of August 16, 1978 - December 28, 1979. For the storm events we will discuss the interplanetary structures that are associated with the large - amplitude and long - duration negative Bz fields that are thought to be the main cause of the intense storms. We will also present a summary of the interplanetary/magnetosphere coupling functions, based on the magnetopause reconnection process. We will end by an overview of the long - term evolution of intense geomagnetic storms such as those associated to the seasonal and solar cycle distributions. About the associated solar sources the reader is referred to Tang et al.(1989). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 451 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:EfAnOz Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Effect of Antarctic ozone holes of 1988, 1989, and 1990 on lower latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 6 656-659 7290 geofisica espacial, ozone hole. The October depletions in the Antarctic ozone spread to lower latitudes in early November in 1988, in late November in 1989, and in late October in 1990. The depletions were 10-15 for latitudes up to 40 degrees S and smaller thereafter, and almost negligible at 25 degrees S and beyond. However, for the southern hemisphere, the normal seasonal changes at middle latitudes from October to December are much larger (about 20). Also there are superposed fluctuations of about 20 over a few (5-6)days. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 842 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaTakaClem:1994:SoCyQB Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Solar cycle and the QBO effect on the mesospheric temperature and nightglow emissions at a low latitude station 1994 Advances in Space Research 14 9 (9)221-(9)224 7141 aeronomia, luminescencia, temperatura, mesosfera. Average nightly intensities series for the NaD, OI 5577-E, OH(9,4)airglow and the OH(9,4)rotational temperatures from 1977 to 1986 obtained at Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W)have been correlated to solar 10.7 cm flux. Generally there is a positive correlation for all parameters with F10.7 at a high significance level. The series are also divided in the west and east phase of QBO oscillation in the tropical stratosphere and no significant effect is found. This positive correlation agrees with many previous studies, but the temperature dependence disagrees with recent results obtained between 50 degrees N and 70 degrees N. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 645 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1985:InFl Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Interacao floresta-clima 1985 Ciencia Hoje 3 17 14 March 6469 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 1426 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:PeTiAn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Periodicities in the time-series of the annual mean temperatures of Central England 1997 Mausam 48 1 41-44 9383 geofísica espacial, temperatura, variações periódicas, picos, temperature, series, periodic variations, peaks. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA)of the annual mean temperature series for Central England for 1659-1991 indicated significant periodicities at T=7.8, 11.1, 12.5, 15, 18, 23, 32, 37, 68, 81, 109 and 203 years. These compare well with T=22, 30, 80, 200 years obtained for China. Also, a good comparison is obtained with some periodicities in the sunspot number series. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1332 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1988:SuOzMe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Surface ozone measurements in Amazonia 1988 Journal Geophysics Research 93 2 1469-1476 2696 geofisica espacial. Surface ozone concentrations have been measured continuously for the first time, in a forest preserve area near Manaus (3§S, 60§W)during the ABLE 2A field expedition of July-August 1985. Major subjects addressed are diurnal variations and processes that might control it, both dynamic and chemical. Intense transient variations have been observed in association with showers and thunderstorms. The diurnal variations are well defined, with minimum concentrations during the night and maximum concentrations in the daytime. At night it is not uncommon to find zero O3 mixing ratios, whereas the daytime maximum of between 7 and 31 parts per billion by volume occurs around 1200-1300 LT. Below a height of 6 m a very strong O3 concentration gradient is found. On two occasions, nearby thunderstorms have caused strong abnormal enhancements of the O3 concentration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 869 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoKous:1982:MoSiCi Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Um modelo para simulacao das circulacoes locais aplicado a regiao costeira do Nordeste do Brasil 1982 Ciencia e Cultura 34 11 1484-1498 2219 estudo do clima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM MASC 282 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MelgarejoMagaCarcRodr:2001:11PoBe Journal Article Melgarejo, R Melgarejo, R; Magalhaes, AM; Carciofi, AC; Rodrigues, Cláudia Vilega S 111 and the polarization of the B[e]supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds 2001 Astronomy and Astrophysics 377 2 581-588 9762 ATROFÍSICA, evelopes estelares, nuvens de Magellanic, estrelas, espalhamento, polarização, galaxias, stellar envelopes, Magellanic clouds, stars, scattering, polarization, galaxies. We have obtained linear polarization measurements of the Large Magellanic Cloud B[e]supergiant S 111 using optical imaging polarimetry. The intrinsic polarization found is consistent with the presence of an axisymmetric circumstellar envelope. We have additionally estimated the electron density for S 111 using data from the literature and revisited the correlation between polarization and envelope parameters of the B[e]supergiant stars using more recent IR calibration color data. The data suggest that the polarization can be indeed explained by electron scattering. We have used Monte Carlo codes to model the continuum polarization of the Magellanic B[e]supergiants. The results indicate that the electron density distribution in their envelopes is closer to a homogeneous distribution rather than an r-2 dependence. At the same time, the data are best fitted by a spherical distribution with density contrast than a cylindrical distribution. The data and the model results support the idea of the presence of an equatorial disk and of the two-component wind model for the envelopes of the B[e]supergiants. Spectropolarimetry would help further our knowledge of these envelopes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8780-PRE/4501 PI CEA DAS DAS 183 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1992:MaStPr Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Magnetic storm predictions 1992 Science 256 5054 159 7236 geofisica espacial. Tim Appenzeller's article ""Hope for magnetic storm warnings"" (Research News, 21 Feb., p. 922)was an excellent overview of coronal mass ejections (CMEs)and their possible effects at Earth, one of the best that has been published on the topic. There is, however, a clarification that should be made. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 448 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MolionBent:1979:LaAgMa Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Bentancurt, Juan Jose Verdesio Land-use and agrosystem management in humid tropics 1979 Roessleria 3 2: 165-187 November 1987 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 430 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KanePaulTriv:1995:VaSoEU Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Variations of solar EUV, UV and ionospheric foF2 related to the solar rotation period 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 7 717-723 7288 geofisica espacial. Spectral analysis of daily values of various solar indices viz. sunspot number, 10.7-cm flux, H Lyman-alfa and -beta, specific He, Fe and Mg lines and solar X-rays was carried out for two selected intervals. During interval A (May-August 1978, 123 days)the solar indices showed a prominent periodicity near 27 days, while during interval B (January-May 1979, 151 days)the solar indices showed a prominent periodicity near 13 days. For the same intervals, foF2 (max)and foF2 (average)during 1000-1500 LT were similarity analysed for the locations Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W)and Okinawa (26 degrees N, 128 degrees E)and Kokubunji (36 degrees N, 139 degrees E)in Japan. The 27-day and 13-day periodicities in solar indices were reflected in the foF2 series, but in different relative proportions at the three locations, probably due to the interference of local aerodynamical effects. Some other periodicities were common to solar indices and foF2, while some others were present in the solar indices but not in foF2, or vice versa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 840 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1995:ImReSo Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio The future of geomagnetic storm predictions: implications from recent solar and interplanetary observations 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 12 1369-1384 7287 geofisica espacial. Within the last 7-8 years, there has been a substantial growth in our knowledge of the solar and interplanetary causes of geomagnetic storms at Earth. This review article will not attempt to cover all of the work done during this period. This can be found elsewhere. Our emphasis here will be on recent efforts that expose important, presently unanswered questions that must be addressed and solved before true predictability of storms can be possible. Hopefully, this article will encourage some readers to join this effort and perhaps make major contributions to the field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 839 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BritoNobrZara:1991:PrPrPr Journal Article Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Zaranza, Antonio Ribeiro A precipitacao da pre-estacao e a previsibilidade da estacao chuvosa do Norte do Nordeste 1991 Climanalise 6 6 39-54 June 6374 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 252 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LepineGneLapDiaEpc:1990:NePhLa Journal Article Lepine, J.R.D. Lepine, J.R.D.; Gneiding, C.D.; Laporte, R.; Dias, A.O.; Epchtein, N A near-onfrared phometer for the laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 659-661 3048 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 75 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FitzjarraldKKKMMAZWGM:1986:ExPrBe Journal Article Fitzjarrald, D. Fitzjarrald, D.; Kaplan, W.; Keller, M.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Martin, C.; Martin, D.; Andreae, M.; Zimmermam, P.; Wofsy, S.; Garstang, M.; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Exchange processes between the Amazon forest canopy and the atmosphere 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 16 249 6465 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1424 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1996:NoLoTr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Non-uniformity of the long-term trends in some tropospheric, astratospheric and mesospheric parameters 1996 Mausam 47 47-52 9381 geofísica espacial, efeito estufa, clorofluocarbono, direções, aclopamento, gases, greenhouse effect, gases, clorofluorrocarbons, trends, linkages. During the last 3 decades, the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased mono-tonically. These are expected to produce warning in the troposphere and cooling at higher altitudes Experimental observations of various atmospheric parameters were examined. It was noted that not all parameters showed monotonic trends. In some cases the trends before and after about 1970-75 were opposite; or. the trends developed only after 1970-75. The reason for this transition needs to be explored. A possible caused could be a more rapid increase of CFC concentrations in recent years. Also. effect of meteorological factors specially sea-surface temperature changes before and after 1975, could be a possible cause. though this, in turn. way be related to increasing levels of greenhouse gases. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1330 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RizzatoLopeChia:1997:NoInIo Journal Article Rizzato, F.B. Rizzato, F.B.; Lopes, Sergio Roberto; Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonintegrable interaction of ion acoustic and electromagnetic waves in a plasma 1997 Physical Review 55 3 Part B 3423-3430 9380 geofísica espacial, ondas acústicas de ions, física de plasmas, modo de propagação5radiação eletromagnética (ondas), ion acoustic waves, plasmas (physics), propagation modes, electromagnetic radiation (waves). In this paper we reexamine the one-dimensional interaction of electromagnetic and ion acoustic waves in a plasma. Our model is similar to one solved by Rao et al. [Phys. Fluids 26, 2488 (1983)under a number of analytical approximations. Here we perform a numerical investigation to examine the stability of the model. We find that for slightly overdense plasmas, the propagation of stable solitary modes can occur in an adiabatic regime where the ion acoustic electric-field potential is enslaved to the electromagnetic field of a laser. However, if the laser intensity or plasma density increases or the laser frequency decreases, the adiabatic regime loses stability via a transition to chaos. Different asymptotic states are attained when the adiabatic regime no longer exists. In these states the plasma becomes rarefied and the laser field tends to behave like a vacuum field. [S1063-651X(97)05603-1]. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1329 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Martin:1982:INDOVE Journal Article Martin, Inacio Malmonge Martin, Inacio Malmonge INFLUENCIA DO VEICULO PORTADOR NO LEVANTAMENTO AEROESPACIAL DA RADIOATIVIDADE 1982 Ciência e Cultura 34 8 1065-1070 2195 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS ASTRO 279 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiVadlMour:1982:SuBaIn Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Moura, Antonio Divino Subynoptic-scale baroclinic instability 1982 Journal of the Atmospheric Science 39 5 1052-1061 2204 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT 280 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Costa:1992:ImBrDe Journal Article Costa, José Marques da Costa, José Marques da A importancia para o Brasil do desenvolvimento das ciencias e tecnologias espaciais e atmosfericas 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 10 1 9-17 7233 geofisica espacial. Modernamente, o grau de desenvolvimento da area de Ciencias e Tecnologias Espaciais e Atmosfericas e, um dos mais importantes fatores que regem o nivel das relacoes entre as grandes potencias e os paises do resto do globo. Fenomenos naturais diversos, como a atividade solar, comportamento do campo magnetico terrestre e condicoes atmosfericas e ionosfericas podem afetar, de forma favoravel ou desfavoravel, setores produtivos da nacao, como a agricultura, a pesca, o transporte aereo, o transporte maritimo e sistemas de geracao e transmissao de energia eletrica. O conhecimento do comportamento da atmosfera e da ionosfera sobre o territorio, assim como o dominio das tecnologias de foguetes e satelites, sao hoje itens prioritarios em varios paises desenvolvidos. Urge aumentar o apoio ao Programa Espacial Brasileiro para manter as conquistas ja conseguidas e garantir um crescimento coerente com as necessidades e as peculiaridades do Pais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 446 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndradeeSilvaCunh:1987:ImBaIn Journal Article Andrade e Silva, Erasmo E. de Andrade e Silva, Erasmo E. de; Cunha Lima, Ivan C. da Impurity bands in N-Type Si/Si02 MOS 1987 Physical Review Letters 58 9 925-928 5505 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 604135 1227 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthGLMRMFSRMSNCPM:1985:DaVaTe Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Gash, J.H.C.; Lloyd, C.R.; Moore, C.J.; Roberts, John; Marques Filho, A.O.; Fisch, Gilberto; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Ribeiro, Maria de Nazare Goes; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Patel, Sukaran R.; Moraes, J.C. Daily variations of temperature and humidity within and above Amazonian forest 1985 Weather Magazine 40 4 102-108 2481 meteorologia, , florestas, umidade. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT MICRA/TECLIM 671 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGoGoFeSmPaOk:1995:DoCoHo Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Feynman, J.; Smith, E.J.; Park, D; Okada, M Do coronal holes cause 27 day recurring geomagnetic storms? 1995 Journal Geophysical Research 100 ? 21717-? 7285 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 837 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoVadl:1991:QuPoVo Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity transport in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and simple climate models 1991 Journal Meteorogical Society of Japan 69 2 233-239 6338 estudo do tempo e do clima, , , climatologia dinamica, modelos atmosfericos, potential vorticity transport. The meridional transport of quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity is calculated for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The results show that the transport of potential vorticity is negative over most of the atmosphere except over a thin layer near surface where it is positive. Exchange coefficients for the transport of potential vorticity are computed for both the hemispheres using the evaluations of the transport of quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity and calculating the meridional gradient of potential vorticity. The volues of the exchange coefficients are used in a simple, two-level quasi-geostrophic numerical model for zonally averaged conditions. The model is applied to the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the general characteristics of mean annual temperature and zonal wind variation are reproduced reasonably well. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 249 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MorliereServPere:1991:TeSeDu Journal Article Morliere, A. Morliere, A.; Servain, J.; Pereira, Claudio Solano Test de sensibilite du modele oceanique du LODYC a des flux de chaleur observes 1991 Document Scientific ORSTOM/Brest 60 63 6352 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 250 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraPaulKant:1990:RoMeEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Rocket-borne measurements of equatorial ionospheric electron densities and their comparison with IRI-10 predictions 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 8 (8)41-(8)44 2880 aeronomia, , bolhas de plasma, ionosfera equatorial, sonda, electron density profiles, internacional reference ionosphere, iri, slim, equatorial atmospheric, rockets. Three experiments were conducted using high frequency capacitance probes carried on board SONDA III rockets launched off the coast of Natal (6 degrees S, 36 degrees W), Brasil. Electron-density height profiles from the two of the experiments, one daytime, and one nighttime, are representative of quiet equatorial ionospheric conditions whereas for the third experiment the rocket was launched into a nighttime ionosphere that was disturbed by a developing plasma bubble event. Agreement between experimental results and the IRI predictions for the quiet day and night densities varies with height. Comparisons are also made with electron densities obtained from the semi-empirical Low Latitude Ionospheric Model (SLIM). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1031 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaJablStei:1990:EcCaVa Journal Article Baptista, R. Baptista, R.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Steiner, Joao Evangelista The eclipsing cataclysmic variable NSV 12615 (v4041 SGR) 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 383-385 3046 astrofisica, photometry, espectroscopy, stars, accretion, cataclysmic variables. Photometric and spectroscopic observations of NSV 12615 (V4041 Sgr)are presented. It is argued that this object is probably a magnetic cataclysmic variable. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 73 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MolionMSYAVAMC:1988:MiDyTe Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Silva, Filho, Vicente de Paula; Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Volpe, C.A.; Almeida, A.; Marques Filho, A.D.; Cruz, R.S Micrometeorological dynamics of a ""terra firme"" forest in Central Amazonia during GTE/ABLE-2B Mission 1988 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 69 16 320 6462 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1422 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MagalhaesAguiJohnFraj:1997:PoReCo Journal Article Magalhaes, N.S. Magalhaes, N.S.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; Johnson, W.W.; Frajuca, Carlos Possible resonator configurations for the spherical gravitational wave antenna 1997 General Relativity and Gravitation 29 12 1511-1525 9378 astrofísica, ondas gravitacionais, detetores, gravitational waves, transducers, detectors. We solve algebraically the equations of motion for a spherical antenna coupled to an arbitrary number of small resonators. twe o move radially, and investigate the conditions under which damping forces can be neglected in the system. We show that in order that the antenna's modes be decoupled a preferred distribution of the resonators on its surface should be used. We find that either 5, 6, 10 or 16 1, resonators, can be used as long as they are conveniently positioned on the antenna's surface. We calculate and analyze the frequency shift and the signal to-noise ratio of the coupled system for the various distributions studied. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA das 1327 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantanaSobrTakaTayl:2001:OpStIo Journal Article Santana, D.C. Santana, D.C.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Takahashi, Hisao; Taylor, M.J Optical studies of the ionospheric irregularities over the Brazilian region by nocturnal images of the OI 630 nm emission 2001 Advances in Space Research 27 6-7 1207-1212 9755 AERONOMIA, Brasil, bolhas de plasma, ionosféricas, irregularidades, aeroluminescência, imagnes, plasma bubbles, ionospherics, irregularities, airglow, images. This study is an extension of previous statistical studies (Sobral et al., 1990,1991,1999)of both the local time and latitude variations of the zonal drift velocities of ionospheric plasma depletions, over the Brazilian low latitude station Cachoeira Paulista - CP (22.54 degreesS, 45.00 degreesW). The past studies were based on OI 630 nm scanning photometer data and the present one is based on digital OI 630 nm airglow images obtained by an all-sky imager system. These data were gathered between October 1998 and October 1999, at CP. The present results show that, in general, the velocities clearly tended to decrease with local time. Such a decrease should be associated with decreasing intensity of the vertical component of the ambient electric field which, in turn can be accounted for by recombination. All zonal drifts obtained for the 18 nights were eastwards. During equinox, the velocities clearly tended to decrease with local time at lower rates as compared with spring and summer. The highest and lowest zonal drift velocities, from all three seasons considered here, were observed to be in the summer similar to 180 ms(-1)at 21:45 LT, and in the spring similar to 25 ms(-1)at 03:15 LT, respectively. Ionospheric plasma bubbles were detected out to the maximum extra-tropical geographical latitude of similar to 28 degreesS, which was the highest latitude position analyzed in this study. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8777-PRE/4500 PI CEA 178 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GunjiKMSTTTYYYNMBN:1992:Li57Co Journal Article Gunji, S. Gunji, S.; Kamae, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Sekimoto, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Tamura, T.; Tanaka, M.; Yamaoka, N.; Yamagami, T.; Yamachi, T.; Nomachi, M.; Murakami, H.; Braga, Joao; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira A limit on the 57 Co Gamma-ray flux from SN 1987A 1992 Astrophysical Journal 397 2 Part 2 L83-L86 7181 astrofisica, gamma rays, supernova 1987a, neclear reactions, nucleoynthesis, abundance. We studied the gamma-ray flux from SN 1987A with a balloon-borne detector in Brazil on 1990 November 29. By comparing on- and off-source data, we obtained limits to the total gamma-ray flux due to 57Co decays and presumed pulsar activity. If the pulsar contribution is neglected, an upper limit (90 confidence limit)is set to the total 57Co contribution above 60 keV at 2.7 x 10-4 cm-2 s-1 where the 122 keV line contribution is 1.10 x 10-4 cm-2 s-1. The corresponding limit on the abundance ratio of 57Co and 56Co is 3.4 times that of the Sun. The present upper limit implies that the reported leveling off in the light curve of SN 1987A is primarily due to the pulsar activity. If the pulsar is Crab-like (photon index -2.2), the light curve requires an energy outflow greater than 0.95 x 10 37 ergs s-1 (above 1 keV)now being supplied to SN 1987A by its presumed pulsar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 444 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianAbal:1995:NoMoLa Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Abalde Guedes, Jose Ricardo Nonlinear modulation of Langmuir waves by ion acoustic waves in the interplanetary medium and planetary foreshocks 1995 Astronomy and Astrophysics 298 1 L9-L12 7283 geofisica espacial, sun, radiation, stability, plasma. Highly structured Langmuir wave packets with low-frequency modulations have been observed in the interplanetary medium and planetary foreshocks. In order to interpret these observations, a coherent nonlinear analysis of three-wave processes is performed for both electrostatic and electromagnetic Langmuir decay processes. The Manley-Rowe relations that relate energy levels of the interacting waves are derived, which show that the ion-acoustic wave energy is much less than the Langmuir wave energy. Analytical expressions describing the nonlinearly modulated Langmuir wave packets are obtained. The nonlinear modulation period is shown to be a function of the wave amplitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 835 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreSellShuk:1991:ReClEf Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Seller, P.; Shukla, J Regional climate effectes of Amazon deforestation atmosphere model 1991 Journal of Climate 4 10 957-988 6333 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 247 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonz:1989:CoOnPe Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Comments on periodicities in the interplanetary magnetic field polarity by Villante and P. Francia 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 2 4142 2877 geofísica espacial. Using ISEE-3 observations of the interplanetary plasma and magnetic field it is shown that the substorm reported by Sauvaud et al. (1987), that occurred at 22:40 UT of March 4, 1979, was directly driven by the solar wind. This result was found when the solar wind ram pressure is taken into account in the solar wind magnetosphere coupling function and is in conflict with the result found by Sauvaud et al., who claimed that the energy necessary to drive this substorm came form a magnetospheric reservoir (stored energy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 1028 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasStei:1990:EcCaVa Journal Article Dias, M.P. Dias, M.P.; Steiner, Joao Evangelista The eclipsing cataclysmic variable AY Piscium 1990 Astronomy and Astrophysics 238 1-2 170-172 3044 astrofisica, stars, novae, eclipses binary stars, binary stars, cataclysmic variables. Photometric observations of the cataclysmic variable AY Psc are presented. We found that the star shows deep eclipses with an orbital period of 5.2 h. The orbital ephemeris is given as well as an analysis of 30 h of fast photometry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 71 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PradoBrou:1994:StEfAt Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida; Broucke, Roger A A study of the effects of the atmospheric drag in swing-bay trajectories 1994 Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Mecanicas 16: 537-544 7017 engenharia e tecnologia espacial. In this paper, we study the effects of the atmospheric drag in Swing-By maneuvers. Our goal is to simulate a large variety of initial conditions for those orbits and study them according to the effects caused by this close approach. The practical importance of this topic is to allow mission designers to explore close approaches with planets in a more realistic model, as well as to take advantage of the atmospheric effects, when it is possible. We use the well-known planar restricted circular three-body problem plus atmospheric drag as our model. We integrate numerically the equations of motion forward and backward in time, until the spacecraft is in a distance that we can consider far enough from the planet's effect and consider the system formed by the Sun and the spacecraft as a two-body system. At these two points we can use the two-body celestial mechanics to compute energy, angular momentum and the Jacobian constant before and after the close approach. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES DMC 638 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaDiasCutrMoli:1986:PrAnMe Journal Article Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Cutrin, E.M.C.; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Preliminary analysis of meteorological soundings over Manaus region during GTE/ABLE-2A 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 16 247 6459 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 1419 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HarrisWofsGarsMoli:1986:AGSpMe Journal Article Harris, R.C. Harris, R.C.; Wofsy, S.C.; Garstang, M.; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero The Amazon boundary layer experiment. AGU spring meeting 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 16 246 6460 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1420 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediArCoDuChRi:1997:GlPcGe Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Arora, B.R.; Padilha Antonio Lopes; Costa, José Marques da; Dutra, Severino Luis Guimaraes; Chamalaun, F.H.; Rigoti, A Global Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations of March 24, 1991 as observed along the american sector 1997 Geophysical Reseach Letters 24 13 9376 geofísica espacial, pulsacoes geomagnética, regioes equatoriais, geomagnetic pulsations, equatorial regions. Analysis of the globally coherent Pc5 geomagnetic pulsation event of March 24, 1991, from a chain of stations extending from the auroral oval to the equatorial region along the American sector, has shown unequivocal evidence on the enhancement of pulsation amplitude in the narrow equatorial band centered at the dip equator. The fine spatial structure of this equatorial enhancement, documented observationally for the first time, emphasizes the importance of an ionospheric component associated with enhanced Cowling conductivity. The presence of an ionospheric component is also indicated at mid-latitudes by the sharp increase in the amplitude of pulsations, more dominantly in the, Y than in the X component, on the sunward side of the dawn terminator. The sunrise effect also causes a reversal of the sense of rotation of the wave polarization across the dawn terminator. Propagation of the magnetospheric inducted polar electric field to low and equatorial latitudes through the ionosphere is invoked to account for the equatorial enhancement and the sunrise effect seen in these Pc5 pulsations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1325 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KanePaul:1982:COOFFO Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de COMPARISON OF FOF2 CHARACTERISTICS AT SIMILAR LOW LATITUDES BUT DIFFERENT LONGITUDES IN THE SOUTH AMERICA REGION 1982 Journal of atmospheric and Solar terrestrial Physics 44 1 9-11 2158 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DGE DAE GEOMA 275 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ProustQuMaSoEsSoCa:1992:ClGaAb Journal Article Proust, D. Proust, D.; Quintana, H.; Mazure, A.; Souza, R. da; Escalera, E.; Sodre Jr., L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente The cluster of galaxies Abell 151 1992 Astronomy and Astrophysics 258 2 243-249 7179 astrofisica, galactic clusters, abell 151, galaxies. We use a sample of 65 redshifts to study the kinematics and dynamics of the cluster Abell 151. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and the accuracy of the determined velocities are discussed as well as some properties of the cluster. The velocity data reveal a foreground group and a background population at the same redshifts as the closely projected cluster A 166. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 442 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JAGERKUIJCorrKauf:1987:HIENSO Journal Article JAGER,C. JAGER,C.; KUIJPERS,J.; Correia, Emilia; Kaufmann, Pierre A HIGH ENERGY SOLAR FLARE BURST COMPLEX AND THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ITS SOURCE REGION 1987 Solar Physics 110 : 317-326 5499 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1223 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WuChia:1995:TeVaPu Journal Article Wu, X. Wu, X.; Chian, Abraham Chian Long Temporal variation of pulsar dispersion measure 1995 Astrophysical Journal 443 1 Part 1 261-264 7281 geofisica espacial, pulsars, stars, dispersion measure, radio continnum. A new theory is proposed to explain the temporal variation of the dispersion measure of pulsars. In view of the extremely high values of the observed radio luminosity, the pulsar radio waves in the vicinity of the source region within a pulsar magnetosphere obey a nonlinear dispersion relation which depends on the pulse amplitude. Hence the observed DM variations might be due to the influence of the pulse amplitude on the dispersion relation. It is shown that there is a correlation between the DM fluctuation and the radio luminosity, suggesting that the variations of the pulse intensity may be one of the important causes of DM fluctuations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 833 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiVadl:1985:ZoAvTe Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao On the zonally averazed temperature in the Southern Hemisphere 1985 Journal Climatology 6 417-421 6457 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT 1417 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LaBelleTaylEcclSobr:1997:HiRe0L Journal Article La Belle, J. La Belle, J.; Taylor, M.J.; Eccles, J.V.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade High resolution 0L (630 nm)image measurements of F-region depletion drifts during the Guará campaign 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 13 1699-1702 9374 geofísica espacial, deplecao, alta resolucao, regiao f, luminescencia (emissao atmosférica), depletion, high resolution, f region, airglow (atmospheric emission). A high performance, all-sky, imaging system has provided data on the evolution and drift motions of F-region depletions above the magnetic dip equator at Alcântara, Brazil, (2.3 degree S , 44.5 degree W). Monochromatic images of depletions in the OI(630 nm)nightglow were recorded on eight nights during 1-16 October, 1994, as part of the Guará campaign. The drift motions of the depletions were typically 80-100 m/s eastward prior to local midnight and reduced to a minimum of 30-50 m/s in the morning hours, in accord with previous observations. However, on October 2-3 and 12-13 the depletions were observed to reverse direction for 60-90 min, achieving westward speeds of 30 m/s before the motion reverted to eastward around 0100 LT and accelerated to 35-45 m/s near dawn. Magnetic activity and other evidence suggests that these reversals in the motion of the airglow depletions probably result from reversals in the F-region dynamo rather than from shifts in the altitude of the shear in the nighttime F-region plasma drift. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1323 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GobbiTakaClemBati:1992:EqAtOx Journal Article Gobbi, Delano Gobbi, Delano; Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado Equatorial atomic oxygen profiles derived from rocket observations of OI 557.7 nm airglow emission 1992 Planetary and Space Science 40 6 775-781 7148 aeronomia. Two rocket observations of the OI lambda 557.7 nm nightglow emissio in the lower thermosphere have been carried out from the equatorial region at Natal (5.8 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W), one on 9 December 1985 and the other on 31 October 1986. The volume emission rate obtained from these observations showed a maximum at a height of 97+-1 km with a half-width of 6 km for the first experiment and 98+-1 km with a half-width of 7 km for the second experiment. The observed emission profiles showed large variability, suggesting dynamical control of the atomic oxygen. The atomic oxygen density profiles deduced from the present data are compared with atmospheric models and currently available experimental data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 440 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaSouzAbduPaul:1994:ToElCo Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Total electron content at low latitudes and its comparison with the IRI90 1994 Advances in Space Research 14 12 (12)87-(12)90 7142 aeronomia. We used total electron content (TEC)data measured by Faraday rotation technique over Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W), in Brazil, to study the TEC variations with the solar flux at 10.7 cm(F10.7)and to compare the results with the IRI90 predictions. The data were divided into summer, equinox and winter. During the analysed period F10.7 varied from 66 up to 330. Our data shows that the observed TEC at 1600 LT (around the diurnal maximum)and at 0500 LT (around the diurnal minimum)increases with f10.7 until saturation is reached which occurs at F10.7 210 to 220 for equinox and summer, and at f10.7 180 for winter months. Comparison with the IRI90 predictions shows that IRI overestimates the TEC at 0500 LT for all solar flux values. At 1600 LT, IRI overestimates the observed TEC for low solar flux but underestimates it for high solar flux values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 439 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DeGouveiaDalPinoHeHoWuViAr:1995:EvVeLa Journal Article De Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M. De Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.; Hetem, A.; Horvath, J.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Araujo, J Evidence for a very large scale fractal structure in the universe from COBE measurements 1995 Astrophysical Journal 442 2 Part 2 L45-L48 7206 astrofisica, cosmic background radiation, cosmology. In this work we analyze the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation observed by COBE and show that the distribution can be fitted by a fractal distribution with a fractal dimension D=1.43+-0.07. This value is in close agreement with the fractal dimension obtained by Coleman Pietronero and Luo Schramm from galaxy-galaxy and cluster-cluster correlations up to 100 h-1 Mpc. The fact that the observed temperature fluctuations correspond to scales much larger than 100 h-1 Mpc and are signatures of the primordial density fluctuations at the recombination layer suggests that the structure of the matter at the early universe was already fractal and nonhomogeneous on those scales. This result may have important consequences for the theoretical framework that describes the universe. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 831 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NakamuraYamaCabrNing:1988:MeOzTo Journal Article Nakamura, Yukitaka Nakamura, Yukitaka; Yamazaki, Yoshihiro; Cabral, Maria Roseli; Ning, Carlos Ho Shih Medidas de ozonio total por meio de satelite no setor brasileiro 1988 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 6 2 49-54 June 2872 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM SONSAT 1024 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RamosRosaRodrZana:2000:GeCoEn Journal Article Ramos, Fernando Manuel Ramos, Fernando Manuel; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Rodrigues Neto, C.; Zanandrea, Ademilson Generalized complex entropic form for gradient pattern analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics 2000 Physica A 283 1-2 171-174 August 10173 ASTROFÍSICA. In this paper we describe a new computational operator, called generalized complex entropic form (GEF), for pattern characterization of spatially extended systems. Besides of being a measure of regularity, this operator permits to quantify the degree of phase disorder associated with a given gradient field. An application of GEF to the analysis of the gradient pattern dynamics of a logistic Coupled Map Lattice is presented. Stimulations using a Gaussian and random initial condition, provide interesting insights on the system gradual transition from order/symmetry to disorder/randomness. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9250-PRE/4921 PI CEA LAC LAC DGE 368 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MejiaVillBrag:2000:CCStSe Journal Article Mejia, J. Mejia, J.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Braga, João The CCD stellar sensor of the MASCO telescope pointing system 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 9 1407-1410 9429 ASTROFÍSICA, telescópio de raios gama, rastreadores da estrela CCD, câmara CCD, sistemas de controle de pontuação, reconhecimento (automático)de padrões, gamma ray telescopy, CCD star tracker, CCD cameras, pointing controle systems, pattern recognition. We describe the development of a CCD stellar sensor capable of determining the pointing coordinates with an error smaller than 0.5'. This instrument is part of the attitude control system of the balloon-borne gamma-ray MASCO (acronym in Portuguese for coded mask - MAScara COdificada)telescope. It acquires an image of the sky, recognizes the most brilliant stars in the image, creates with them a ""constellation"", and searches for this pattern in an on board star catalogue of the observed region. The searching algorithm is based on the analysis of the geometrical configuration of the ""constellation"" and considers the distances and angles among the stars and their relative brightness. This instrument consists in an inexpensive CCD camera coupled to a telephoto lens and a frame grabber which digitizes the images at 512x400 pixels resolution in a field of view of about 6 degrees x5 degrees. The implementation of interpolation algorithms allowed an accuracy in the determination of the pointing coordinates of 1/10 of a pixel, i.e., a few arcseconds. The tests carried out with this sensor showed the following results: 100 of correct matching of the point patterns in more than 1500 sky images, error dispersion in the determination of the pointing coordinates smaller than 30 "" and dispersion smaller than 4 "" in the determination of the star image's positions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8450-PRE/4217 PI CEA DAS DAS 98 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:SpCoEn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Spectral comparison of Enso and stratospheric zonal winds 1998 International Journal of Climatology 18 11 1195-1208 9371 geofísica espacial, temperatura da superfície do mar, oscilação sulista, método de máxima entropia, análise espectral, variações periódicas, sea surface temperature (sst), southern oscillation (so), el nino (en), maximum entropy method, spectrum analysis, periodic variation. The 12-monthly running means of stratospheric low latitude zonal winds at 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 mb, Southern Oscillation Index represented by Tahiti - Darwin atmospheric mean sea level pressure difference (T - D)and equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST)were subjected to maximum entropy spectral analysis for the whole period 1953-1995 as also for its portions. The SST and (T - D)had similar periodicities, as expected, the majormost at ca. 4.5 years and other smaller ones in the quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial regions. The stratospheric winds had the most prominent periodicity at ca. 2.17 years (26 months)in the early years, which changed to ca. 2.22 years (26.5 months)in the middle and ca. 2.50 years (30 months)in recent years, and had other minor periodicities. Some of the wind periodicities matched some of the SST, (T- D)periodicities during some intervals, indicating possible partially common origins and/or mutual influences. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1981:AtNeSo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin The atmospheric neutral sodium layer, I, recente modeling compared to measurements 1981 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 86 A8 6892-6898 2126 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 271 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiCleSahBatSim:1992:SeVaMe Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin Seasonal variations of mesospheric hydrogen and ozone concentrations derived from ground-based airglow and lidar observations 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 D5 5987-5993 7131 aeronomia. Upper atmospheric airglow emissions in the mesopause region, OI557.7 nm, NaD at 589.3 nm and OH(9,4)band at 774.6 nm have been observed since 1977 at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W), Brazil. The seasonal dependence of the intensity variations of these emissions was studied using the data from a total of 560 nights, during the period June 1977 to November 1986. Strong semiannual variations in the NaD and OI557.7 nm emissions were observed with maxima at the equinoxes, in contrast to the OH(9,4)emission, which showed a much smaller seasonal variation. Hydrogen and ozone concentrations at around 87-89 km were calculated using the observed NaD and OH(9,4)band intensities and the sodium concentration observed by lidar at a nearby station. The obtained seasonal variations of the two species, opposite in phase with each other, are in good agreement with current atmospheric dynamics models, which show a seasonal variation of the vertical transport of atomic oxygen and hydrogen. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 437 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CunhaLimaFerr:1987:DeStDu Journal Article Andrade e Silva Erasmo A. de Andrade e Silva Erasmo A. de; Cunha Lima, Ivan C.; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio Density of states due to pairing of impurities in semiconductor systems 1987 Solid State Communications 61 2 795-798 5460 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 1218 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BragaDAmiVill:1995:DeBaHa Journal Article Braga, Joao Braga, Joao; D'Amico, Flavio; Villela Neto, Thyrso Development of the balloon-borne hard X-ray imaging experiment TIMAX 1995 Advances in Space Research 15 5 (5)157-(5)160 7203 astrofisica. The TIMAX experiment is a balloon-borne hard X-ray coded-aperture imaging telescope designed to image 10 degrees x 10 degrees field with a 2 degrees angular resolution. The experiment incorporates a one-piece mask-antimask system based on a 7x5 uniformly redundant array (URA)pattern, which has been shown to be very effective in reducing systematic variations of the background in the detector plane . The mask is placed at a distance of 1.5 m from the detector plane, which consists of 35 NaI(TI)scintillators (31.8 mm-diameter, 2 mm-thick), with a total area of 400 cm2. The detectors operate in the 30-100 keV energy range, divided in 32 energy channels. TIMAX is a prototype of a much larger experiment currently under development in laboratory. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 828 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyMasc:1978:AvFlRa Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Mascarenhas Jr., A.F. Silveira Avaliacao do fluxo de radiacao infravermelha da atmosfera em estacao oceanicas 1978 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 8 1 1-34 1726 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 222 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconTSGoSMTAAR:1989:SOWICO Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; TSURUTANI,B.T.; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; SMITH,E.J.; TANG,F.; ARASOFU,S.I. SOLAR WIND-MAGNETOSPHERE COUPLING DURING INTENSE MAGNETIC STORM (1978-1979) 1989 Journal Geophysical Research 94 A7 8835 2868 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 1022 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesNetoZaRaRoBoSa:2001:MuAnTu Journal Article Rodrigues Neto, C. Rodrigues Neto, C.; Zanandrea, Ademilson; Ramos, Fernando Manuel; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Bolzan, M.J.A.; Sa, L.D.A. Multiscale analysis from turbulent time series with wavelet transform 2001 Physica A 295 1-2 215-218 June 10171 ASTROFÍSICA. We present a multiscale signal analysis based on the multifractal spectrum obtained by the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima technique. We analyze time series from turbulent data: the first step is to obtain the PDF of the flutuations for velocities records and then to fit them by means of the Tsallis generalized thermodynamics (Tsallis, J. Stat. Phys. 52 (1998)479)the second step is to obtain the multifractal spectra of the time series by the wavelet transform (Muzy et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991)3515). The aim of this approach was to investigate a possible phenomenological connection between the entropic parameter (q)and the multifractal spectrum fur turbulence. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9248-PRE/4919 PI CEA LAC LAC DGE 366 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaTakaGobbMede:2000:FiAiAl Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbi, Delano; Medeiros, A.F. First airglow all sky images at 23 degree (0)S 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 6 925-928 9427 AERONOMIA, aeroluminescência, fotografia todo céu, ionosféricas, bolhas de plasma, imagens, airglow, all sky photography, ionospherics, plasma bubbles, images, OH. An all sky imaging system using a cooled CCD camera with 4 interference filters mounted has been constructed and was installed at Cachoeira Paulista airglow observatory (22.7(0)S, 45.0(0)W)in February 1996. The airglow OI 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, hydroxyl Meinel bands in the near infrared region (<930 nm)and background continuum at 578 nm emission were measured successfully. Wavelike structures in the OH emission were observed. Occasionally airglow depletions in the ionospheric plasma bubbles were also observed for both the OI 630.0 nm and OI 557.7 nm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8452-PRE/4219 PI CEA DAE DAE 96 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesMagaCoynPiir:1997:InPoEx Journal Article Rodrigues, Claudia V. Rodrigues, Claudia V.; Magalhaes, A.M.; Coyne, S.J.; Piirola, V Dust in the small magellanic cloud: interstellar polarization and extinction 1997 Astrophysical Journal 485 : 618-637 9359 astrofísica, poeira, extincao, nuvens magalhães, polarizacao, espectro ultravioleta, dust, extinction, magellanic clouds, polarization, ultraviolet spectra. The typical extinction curve for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), in contrast to that for the Galaxy, has no bump at 2175 A and a steeper rise into the far-ultraviolet. For the Galaxy, the interpretation of the extinction, and therefore the dust content of the interstellar medium, has been greatly assisted by measurements of the wavelength dependence of the polarization. Up to the present, no such measurements existed for the SMC. Therefore, to further elucidate the dust properties in the SMC, we have measured, for the first time, linear polarization in five colors in the optical region of the spectrum for a sample of reddened stars. For two of these stars, for which there were no existing UV spectrophotometric measurements, but for which we measured a relatively large polarization, we have also obtained data from the IUE in order to study the extinction. With the help of parameterization, we attempted to correlate the SMC extinction and polarization data. In addition, we performed dust model fits to both extinction and polarization using silicate and graphite, or amorphous carbon spheres and silicate cylinders. The size distribution for the cylinders is taken from a fit to the polarization, and we introduce the notion of volume continuity between this and the silicate sphere size distribution. The main results are (1)the wavelength of maximum polarization, max in the SMC max typical of that in the Galaxy, its polarization curve is narrower, its bump is shifted to shorter wavelengths as compared with the Galaxy, and its UV extinction does not conform to the Galactic analytical interpolation curve based on the ratio of total to selective extinction; (3)the ""typical,"" monotonic SMC extinction curve can be best fitted with amorphous carbon and silicate grains; (4)the extinction toward AZV 456 may be explained only by assuming a larger gas-to-dust ratio than the observed N(HI)/A(V)value, with a small amount of the available carbon in graphite form; and (5)from an analysis of both the extinction and polarization data and our model fits, it appears that the SMC has typically smaller grains than those in the Galaxy. The absence of the extinction bump in the SMC generally has been thought to imply a lower amount or even an absence of carbon in solid form in the SMC compared with the Galaxy. Our results show that the size distribution, and not only the carbon abundance, is different in the SMC as compared with the Galaxy. In addition, and contrary to previous findings, another component besides silicates is indeed needed to provide a sizable part of the observed extinction toward the SMC. Using the SMC as a laboratory for studying the solid component of the interstellar medium, we also discuss some of the implications of our results in view of proposed interstellar dust models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1318 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralTakAbdMurZam:1992:O1O1Yi Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Takahashi, Hisao; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose O(1S)and O(1D)quantum yields from rocket measurements of electron densities and 557.7 and 630.0 nm emissions in the nocturnal F-region 1992 Planetary and Space Science 40 5 607-619 7128 aeronomia. The quantum yields f('D)and f('S)of the atomic oxygen excited states O('D)and O('S), respectively from dissociative recombination in the nocturnal F-region are determined utilizing rocket airglow (OI 630 nm and OI 557.7 nm)and electron density data obtained in two experiments that were carried out at Natal (geogr. 5.8 S, 35.2 W), Brazil, on 11 December 1985 and 31 October 1986. Using the 557.7 and 630 nm airglow data from the second experiment Takahashi et al. (1990, Planet. Space Sci. 38. 547)calculated the ratio f('S)/f('D). From a different approach we utilize in this paper the airglow volumetric emission rate and electron density to calculate f('S)and f('D), individually, which are compared with the previously published results from in situ and laboratory measurements. Our results show f('S)to be height dependent. In the second experiment it varied from 1,96 x 10-2 at 190 km to 1,33 x 10-1 at 315 km with an average value of 0,053. The average value for the first experiment was 0,041. The f('D)magnitude was also found to vary significantly with altitude, its value increasing both upwards and downwards from 250 km where it attains a minimum of about 0.77. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 435 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiVadl:1985:ZoAvTe Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao On the zonally averaged temperature in the Southern Hemisphere 1985 Journa of Climatology 5 4 417-421 2470 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT TECLIM 660 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanBaiSubAbdRao:1996:MoCoEq Journal Article Balan, N. Balan, N.; Bailey, G.J.; Subbarao, K.S.V.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Rao, P.B Model comparisons of equatorial plasma fountain and equatorial anomaly at three locations 1996 Advances in Space Research 18 6 69-78 7172 aeronomia, , ionospheric plasma fountain, ionospheric equatorial anomaly. The equatorial plasma fountain and equatorial anomaly in the ionospheres over Jicamarca (77 degrees W), Trivandrum (77 degrees E), and Fortaleza (38 degree W)are compared under magnetically quiet (Ap=4)equinoctial conditions (day 264)at high solar activity (F10.7 = 178). The comparison, carried out using the Sheffield University Plasmaphere-Ionosphere Model with the same perpendicular ExB drift velocity at all locations, is aimed to investigate the modulating effect of neutral wind. The neutral wind is found to produce north-south asymmetries in the plasma fountain and anomaly, with larger plasma flow and stronger anomaly crests occurring in opposite hemispheres at all locations. The north-south asymmetry in the plasma fountain is stronger at locations of larger displacement between the geomagnetic and geographic equators than at locations of larger magnetic declination angle. The vertical ExB drift velocities at the magnetic equators of Trivandrum and Fortaleza are also derived by matching the measured and model values of the peak height hmax. The derived velocities (which correspond to the ionospheric peak)are compared with that measured at Jicamarca using the incoherent scatter radar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 826 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Farina:2002:OnEnPr Journal Article Farina, Leandro Farina, Leandro On ensemble prediction of ocean waves 2002 Tellus Series A - Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 54 2 148-158 March 10167 METEOROLOGIA. The numerical ensemble prediction is a well accepted method for improving the performance of atmospheric models. In the context of ocean wave modeling little has been researched or documented about this technique. An essential study of the method of ensemble prediction applied to deep water waves has been carried Out. A framework is defined for obtaining perturbations of the directional wave spectra and for employing an ensemble of wind fields generated by an atmospheric model. The third-generation global wave model WAM is used with real atmospheric conditions to investigate the effect on wave predictions of perturbed initial conditions and atmospheric forcing. Due to spectral shape stabilisation. perturbing wave initial conditions has limited utility in ensemble prediction. However. the members Could be used in wave data assimilation schemed, in an interactive way. Using ensembles of the atmospheric condition can generate diverging solutions, justifying the ensemble procedure by itself, In the cases studied. it is observed that the ensemble mean outperformed the other members. The solution behaviour suggests using a lower-order approximation of the model to generate ensemble members with less computational cost. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9244-PRE/4916 PI MET CPT CPT 364 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VillelaNetoBMDASSFC:2000:PrTeMA Journal Article Villela Neto, Thyrso Villela Neto, Thyrso; Braga, João; Mejia, J.; D' Amico, Flavio; Alves, A.; Silva, E.; Santos, Elisete Rinke dos; Fernandes, J.; Correa, Ricardo Varela Prefligh tests of the MASCO telescope 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 9 1411-1414 9425 ASTROFÍSICA, images, telescópios de raio gama, relação sinal ruíso, gamma ray telescopes, signal to noise ratios, images. We present some of the preflight tests carried out with the MASCO balloon-borne imaging gamma ray experiment in order to test the detector system and associated electronics employed by the telescope. The detector system is composed by a 41 cm-diameter, 5 cm-thick NaT(Tl)crystal surrounded by plastic scintillators on the top and on the sides, for shielding. A similar NaI(Tl)is used at the bottom with the same purpose. The imaging device capability is provided by an extended 19x19 MURA-based coded mask placed 305 cm away from the detector plane which is mounted in such a way that it becomes an antimask with a 90 degree rotation. The tests determined the position sensitive detector diameter to be approximately 24 cm and showed that it is possible to do imaging in a fully coded circular (14.2 degree-diameter)field of view with a positioning power of 4.5 arcminutes for a 5 sigma source. The measured energy resolution was about 10 at 662 keV and the spatial resolution was approximately 10 mm at 100 keV. We have made a series of laboratory images using a 320 mCi Cs-137 radioactive source to test the effectiveness of the mask-antimask subtraction technique and obtained a 60 improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of the images. Temperature tests of the on board electronics were carried out and the results of the peak detector circuits tests are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8448-PRE/4216 PI CEA DAS DAS 94 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduAndr:1974:RoPlBy Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Andreji, P. D The role played by ozone the lower D-region electron density variations in winter 1974 Journal Geophysical Research 79 4 649-657 1596 aeronomia, ozonio, região d, densidade de eletron (concentração), inverno, variações, ozone, d region, electron density (concentration), winter, variations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE SONDA 98 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SukhanovDuraLazz:2001:LoMaAs Journal Article Sukhanov, AA Sukhanov, AA; Durao, O; Lazzaro, D Low-cost main-belt asteroid sample return 2001 Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 38 5 736-744 3131 A main-belt asteroid sample return without l asteroid flyby, crossing the dust cloud produced by a projectile, and delivers the sample to the Earth. To lower the launch energy, the spacecraft uses a Venus and Earth gravity assist trajectory type maneuver. Five launch windows in the 2004-2010 period are considered, offering several mission options, with the respective results of the trajectory design. Most mission options offer other asteroid encounters in addition to the primary target. On completion of the primary sample return mission, the spacecraft can swing by the Furth to fly by additional asteroids or a comet. Secondary targets and possible mission extensions are considered for some of the mission options. Spacecraft navigation and the projectile targeting are also discussed, as well as estimates of the mass of the sample to be collected. The sample ejection considers two projectile types: passive, using only the impact energy, and active, carrying an explosive inside. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9171-PRE/4844 PI ETES DMC DMC 8 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PesceUMTGKPSAABBCFHJKKKKLMMMPPRSSTVVWW:1997:I.GrCa Journal Article Pesce, Josephe Pesce, Josephe; Urry, C.Megan; Maraschi, Laura; Treves, Aldo; Grandi, Paola; Kollgaard, Ronald.I.; Pian, Elena; Smith, Paul S.; Aller, Hugh D.; Aller, Margo F.; Barth, Aaron J.; Buckley, David A.H.; Covino, Elvira.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Hooper, Eric J.; Joner, Michael D.; Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna; Kilkenny, David; Knee, Lewis B.G.; Kunkel, Michael; Layden, Andrew C.; Magalhaes, Antonio Mario; Marang, Fred; Margoniner, Vera E.; Palma, Christopher; Pereyra, Antonio; Rodrigues, Claudia V.; Schutte, Andries; Sitko, Machael L.; Tornikoski, Merja; Van der Walt, Johan; Van Wyk, Francois; Whitelock, Patricia A.; Wolk, Scott J Multiwavelength monitoring of the BL lacertae object PKS 2155-304 in 1994 May. I. The ground-based campaign 1997 Astrophysical Journal 486 : 770-783 9357 astrofísica, objetos bl lacertae, fotometria, galáxias ativas, polarizacao, bl lacertae objects, photometry, active galaxies, polarization. Optical, near-infrared, and radio observations of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 were obtained simultaneously with a continuous UV/EUV/X-ray monitoring campaign in 1994 May. Further optical observations were gathered throughout most of 1994. The radio, millimeter, and near-infrared data show no strong correlations with the higher energies. The optical light curves exhibit flickering of 0.2-0.3 mag on timescales of 1-2 days, superposed on longer timescales variations. Rapid variations of 0.01 mag minute -1, if real, are the fastest seen to date for any BL Lac object. Small (0.2-0.3 mag)increases in the V and R bands occur simultaneously with a flare seen at higher energies. All optical wave bands (UBVRI)track each other well over the period of observation, with no detectable delay. For most of the period the average colors remain relatively constant, although there is a tendency for the colors (in particular, B-V)to vary more when the source fades. In polarized light, PKS 2155-304 showed strong color dependence (polarization increases toward the blue, Pu/PI = 1.31)and the highest optical polarization (U = 14.3) ever observed for this source. The polarization variations trace the flares seen in the UV flux. For the fastest variability timescale observed, we estimate a central black hole mass of < 1.5 x 109(10)M , consistent with UV and X-ray constraints and smaller than previously calculated for this object. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1316 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralTATSSGMZSB:2001:ThFrTr Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Takahashi, Hisao; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Taylor, M.J.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Santana, Daniela Cristina; Gobbi, Delano; Medeiros, A.F.; Zamlutti, Carlos José; Schuch, N.J.; Borba, G.L. Thermospheric F-region travelling disturbances detected at low latitude by an OI 630 nm digital imager system 2001 Advances in Space Research 27 6-7 1201-1206 9739 AERONOMIA, região F, ondas gravitacionais, aeroluminescência, regiões tropicais, F region, gravity waves, airoglow, tropical regions. Gravity wave effects in the nocturnal thermospheric F-region domain are seldom detected in the intertropical region by optical (airglow)techniques, especially during geomagnetically quiet times, in part because the low inclination of the magnetic field, as opposed to the case of the mid-latitude region, does not favor significant vertical excursions of ionospheric plasma in response to meridional winds. Such difficulty in detecting gravity wave signatures in the F-region by means of optical techniques tends to increase in the absence of geomagnetic storms because of the lack of strong forcing mechanisms necessary to generate high intensity gravity waves. The purpose of this work is to show that during the quiet day of 9 August 1999, the Terminator may have been a source region of wave-like disturbances in the nocturnal F-region at the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees 41'S; 45 degrees 00W, dip 30 degrees). A digital all-sky OI 630nm imager system located at that station has shown propagating wave-like spatial structures in the airglow intensity near the Terminator. This observation supports a previous study on the evidence of the presence of gravity aves during the post-sunset period at the same location by means of a scanning photometer system (1997, Sobral et. al., J Atmos. Terr. Phys. 59, 1611-1623). The absence of range-type spread-F as monitored by a local digisonde and the absence of radio wave scintillation as monitored by a local GPS receiver, excludes the hypothesis that the wave-like airglow structures are associated with the occurrence of the ionospheric plasma bubbles. Downwards motion of the iso-density real height contours at 22.0 ms(-1)and 33.1 ms(-1)are observed. The wave detection by the imager system is reported and discussed here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9775-PRE/4498 PI CEA DAS DAS 167 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimTakBatSah:1992:PoEvCo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Sahai, Yogeshwar The annual variation of the height of the atmospheric sodium layer at 23 degrees S: possible evidence for convective transport 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 D5 5981-5985 7126 aeronomia. On the basis of a long series of lidar measurements made at Sao Jose dos Campos, it is found that the centroid height of the atmospheric sodium layer is about 1 km lower in November than during the rest of the year. Photometric measurements of the OH(9,4)and OI 557.7 nm airglow intensities, observed at a nearby location, show that these emissions have maximum values at this time of the year. The hydroxyl emission shows a sharp increase in intensity by about 20 in November, and the atomic oxygen emission has a broader peak in October, November, and December. There is a strong inverse correlation between the seasonal variations in sodium layer centroid height and the OH intensity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.86 and a regression coefficient of -89+-16 Rayleighs km-1. It is suggested that the anticorrelated variations in sodium layer height and airglow intensity could be the result of seasonal changes in convective transport in the lower thermosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 433 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRAABRASILVBAND:1986:DEFOLA Journal Article FERREIRA,S.O. FERREIRA,S.O.; ABRAMOF,E.; SILVA,M.D.; BANDEIRA,I.N. DETETORES FOTOVOLTAICOS E LASERS SEMICONDUTORES DE PB1-XSNXTE FABRICADOS POR EPITAXIA A PARTIR DA FASE LIQUIDA 1986 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FIS. APL. E INSTRUMENTACAO, 1 4 420-436 5448 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 1214 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChagasYeli:1985:UmEsDa Journal Article Chagas, Julio Cesar Santos Chagas, Julio Cesar Santos; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Um estudo das funcoes de similaridade da camada limite planetaria. Parte II: resultados 1985 Ciencia e Cultura 37 5 786-799 2467 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT RECAT 657 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PaulaSoAbBaBaBiBo:1996:IoElCo Journal Article Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Bailey, G.J.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Bonelli, E Ionospheric electron content over Brazilian low latitude and its comparison with the IRI and SUPIM models 1996 Advances in Space Research 18 6 245-248 7170 aeronomia, , ionospheric electron content, ionospheric models, intenational reference ionosphere. Ionospheric Electron Content (IEC), measured at the Brazilian low latitude station of Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W, dip latitude 14 degrees S)was compared with IEC calculated using the IRI-90 and Sheffield University Plasmaphere-Ionosphere (SUPIM)models for a large range of solar fluxes at 10.7 cm (F10.7). The analysis of the 10.7 influence on IEC showed that, for Cachoeira Paulista (CP)at 05 LT (around the diurnal minimum)there is a good agreement between the IEC measurements and the models. At 16 LT (around the diurnal maximum), substantial discrepancies were observed in the IRI-90 results while SUPIM presents a good agreement up to F10.7 = 200. The measured IEC diurnal variation is better represented by SUPIM, mainly during higher F10.7. At low latitudes two critical parametric inputs for the SUPIM mathematical model are the equatorial ExB plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds. Therefore, updated values of these parameters should be introduced in the model calculations everytime they are available. At CP, a station located close to the southern Appleton anomaly peak due to the fountain effect, where large discrepancies between IRI-90 and observations were found with high F10.7, this model should include adequately this effect, which we believe is the main reason for the discrepancies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 824 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moura:1976:EiLiBa Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino The eigensolutions of the linearized balance equations over a sphere 1976 Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 33 6 877-907 1721 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CEA SEM 217 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BarrosoJrJabQuaThu:1990:AnAnOb Journal Article Arlot Arlot; Barroso Jr., Joaquim; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Quast, G.R.; Thuillot, W An analysis of observations of mutual events of the galilen satellites made in 1985 in Brazil 1990 Astron. Astrophysics. Supplement Series 82 3 513-518 3003 astrofisica. Mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites occur every six years. These eclipses and ocuultations of a satellite by another lead to very accurate astrometric observations. During the last period in 1985 the Bureau des Longitudes organized a campaign of observation, and the Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica in Brazil joined it. This paper gives an analysis of the results obtained. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI DAS 60 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CavalcantiFollColm:2002:NoOnPr Journal Article Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque; Folland, C.K.; Colman, A.W. Note on ""Predictability of northeast Brazil rainfall and real-time forecast skill, 1987-98"" 2002 Journal of Climate 15 14 1993-1996 July 10165 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9105-PRE/4780 PI MET CPT CPT 362 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RosaSCNLSFSMMFM:2000:PhDyCo Journal Article Rosa, Reinando Roberto Rosa, Reinando Roberto; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, José Roberto; Neto, C.R.; Lopes, V.C.A.; Subramanian, K.R.; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Saito, J.H.; Moron, C.E.; Mucheroni, M.L.; Furuya, N.; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Phenomenological dynamics of coronal loops using a neural network approach 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 9 1917-1921 9423 ASTROFÍSICA, laços coronais, redes neurais, imagens de raio, atmosfera solar, simulação computacional, coronal loops, neural nets, x ray imagery, solar atmosphere, computer simulation. The objective of this study is to simulate the X-ray 2D-coronal dynamics using an artificial neural network multilayer backpropagation algorithm with inputs of Energy Fragmentation Patterns obtained from Yohkoh images in soft and hard X-rays. Details of a single loop structure have been investigated for initial analysis. The images are spatio-temporal series showing the loop-top in Soft X-ray (SXR)and foot points in Hard X-ray (HXR). Using a square electron density gradient model, we have characterized the spatio-temporal loop dynamics concerning its twister-relaxation regime. The performance of this trained network model has been tested with classical image statistics applied to the Yohkoh data. In this paper we show preliminary results indicating that this technique can be useful for coronal dynamics analysis. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8446-PRE/4214 PI CEA DAS DAS 92 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PapenPfenSimo:1995:SeAnNa Journal Article Papen, George C. Papen, George C.; Pfenninger, Willian M.; Simonich, Dale M Sensitivity analysis of Na narrowband wind-temperature lidar systems 1995 Applied Optics 34 3 480-498 9355 aeronomia, mesosfera, temperatura mesosférica, radar de laser, sodio mesosférico, banda estreita, medida de temperatura, mdição do vento, narrowband, mesopause (region), optical radar (lidar), temperature measurement, wind measurement, na-sodium, power spectra. The performance and measurement accuracy of Na narrowband wind-temperature lidar systems are characterized. Error budgets are derived that include several effects not previously reported, such as power-dependent spectral characteristics in the frequency reference, magnetic-field-dependent oscillator line strengths (Hanle effect), saturation, and optical pumping. It is shown that the overall system uncertainty is dependent on the power, pulse temporal characteristics, and beam divergence of the laser transmitter. Results indicate that even systems with significant saturation can produce accurate measurements, which implies the prospect of continuous daytime wind and temperature measurements on semidiurnal and diurnal time periods. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1314 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSiCoLePaZa:2001:UVOpTh Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Silva, A.A.; Costa, C.A.; Leme, Neusa Maria Paes; Pavao, H.G.; Zaratti, F UV-B optical thickness observations of the atmosphere 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research 106 D3 2963-2973 9736 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, radiação ultravioleta, espessura ótica, observação, atmosféra, medições, ultraviolet radiation, optical thickness, observation, atmosphere, measurement. The optical thickness of the atmosphere, tau, was deduced from measurements of narrowband direct solar W-B radiation. A measurement campaign was organized to obtain the radiation at three different sites, during the month of August 1999, using the same methods and instruments, in order to deduce the atmospheric optical thickness in the spectral UV-B range (280320 nm). The three observation sites were chosen to cover a wide range of measurement conditions; located near the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Natal, 5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degreesW), on the Andes mountains (La Paz, 16.5 degreesS, 68.1 degreesW), and in the biomass burning area of central Brazil (Campo Grande, 19.2 degreesS, 54.3 degreesW). The UV-B measurements were made with a Brewer spectrophotometer at each site. Since the instrument measures atmospheric ozone and SO2 simultaneously, it is possible, from the total atmospheric optical thickness tau to deduce the aerosol optical thickness tau (aerosol). The results have been combined in different ways to compare with satellite data, showing good performance. Time variations as short as about 10 min can be seen. On clear days the time variations are relatively small, as expected. On the other hand, for the biomass burning site, for conditions of mixed air masses (the instrument is not looking directly at plumes)one can see very large variations in tau in relatively short time intervals, for example, for one case, from 3.5 to 7.0 in about 30 min. Absolute values for tau at Natal and La Paz were near 2.0 and at Campo Grande, between 2.5 and 3.0, but with occasional highs of about 4.5. For tau (aerosol)Natal and La Paz had values between 0.0 and 0.4, whereas Campo Grande had most values near 0.4, with occasional highs near 1.0, 1.2, and 2.2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8769-PRE/4492 PI CEA DGE DGE 165 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSahaTeixTaka:1992:CoStLo Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Takahashi, Hisao A comparative study of low-latitude ionospheric and OI 630nm nightglow observations with the SLIN and IRI models 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 6 (6)275-(6)278 7123 aeronomia. Measurements of ionospheric F-region peak electron densities, peak heights and atomic oxygen 630 nm airglow emission column intensities, carried out at a low-latitude station located at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45 degrees W; dip latitude 11,9 degrees S), in Brazil, are analysed and compared with the ionospheric parameters predicted by the SLIM and by the IRI ionospheric models. The MSIS neutral atmosphere model is used with the IRI model to calculate the 630 nm nightglow emission intensities. This comparative analysis considers data representative of the summer, winter and equinox seasons, obtained during the high solar activity period around 1980. Reasonably good agreement is obtained between the local time variations of the ionospheric and airglow data, and the IRI model predicted parameter variations, but the SLIM model overestimates the F-region peak heights especially during the late afternoon and nightime hours. These height discrepancies are explained in terms of the strong logitudinal dependence of the electromagnetic E x B vertical plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds, which greatly influences the dynamics of the low-latitude ionospheric plasma and airglow emissions. Due to the importance of the relative alignement condition between terminator and magnetic meridian, with its longitudinal and seasonal dependence, on the vertical plasma drifts around sunset, it is suggested that the slim ionospheric model should separately consider the longitudinal zones of positive, negative or zero magnetic declination. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 431 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRA:1988:REOFTH Journal Article FERREIRA,A.C.A. FERREIRA,A.C.A. REDUCTION OF THE GENERAL SPITZER-HARM PROBLEM IN PLASMA PHYSICS 1988 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 30 8 935-941 5443 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601136 1212 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTaka:1995:UpAtRe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao Upper atmosphere research at INPE 1995 Advances in Space Research 16 5 141-149 7168 aeronomia, regiões tropicais, lidar, alta atmosfera, radar a laser de corante sintonizado na linha do na d do sódio, tropical regions, upper atmosphere. INPE - the Brazilian National Space Research Institute - carries out research in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere at a number of low latitude locations including Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W), Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W)and Alcantara (2 degrees S, 44 degrees W). This brief review, which is mainly concerned with work related to the chemistry and dynamics of the neutral mesosphere and lower thermosphere, describes INPE's facilities for research in these areas, and presents some recent results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 822 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPiRoDiCaCa:1999:TiVaFl Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Rocha, RML; Diniz, JH; Carvalho, AM; Cazetta, A Cloud-to-ground lightning in southeastern Brazil in 1993 2. Time variations and flash characteristics 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 D24 31381-31387 9834 geofísica espacial. About 1.1 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes were recorded by a lightning positioning and tracking system in southeastern Brazil in 1993. The data have been analyzed in terms of their monthly, seasonal (summer/winter), and diurnal (local time)variations. The monthly variation shows a double peak characteristic of tropical lightning activity. The seasonal variation indicates that most flashes occur in the spring and summer seasons, with less than 25 occurring in the autumn and winter. The lightning flash polarity and multiplicity were found to be very similar in the summer and winter seasons. Radiation field and direct current lightning data were obtained in towers located in the same region of the network to verify the multiplicity data obtained by the network. The results indicate that the multiplicity obtained by the system is much lower than that obtained by radiation field measurements of close lightning in the same region of Brazil. The lightning flash peak current were found to be larger in the summer than in the winter, in contrast with results obtained in other parts of the world. The diurnal variation of the negative flashes shows in the summer and winter seasons the same behavior, with a peak around 1500-1800 LT, associated with the maximum convective activity in the afternoon. The diurnal variation of positive flashes, in turn, shows this behavior only in the winter. In the summer, it shows a maximum around 1400-1500 LT, with a secondary peak at 1900 LT. However, considering only positive flashes with peak currents higher than 15 kA the diurnal distribution in the summer is similar to that for negative flashes. This fact indicates that the positive flashes with a peak current less than 15 kA are probably intracloud flashes erroneously identified by the network. The results are discussed in association with the findings presented in paper 1 [Pinto et al., this issue]and compared with results obtained in other parts of the world. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1498 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:EfQuTi Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Effects of quiet time plasmaspheric electric fields on electron and proton precipitation 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A3 2691-2695 2860 geofísica espacial. The effect of the corotation and the quiet time ionospheric dynamo electric fields on the dynamics of energetic electrons and protons (with energies between 50 keV and I MeV), inside the inner magnetosphere, is investigated, using the concept of drift paths of constant effective potential. The quiet time ionospheric dynamo electric field is given by an analytic empirical model based on scatter radar observations. The corotation electric field and the Earth's magnetic field are given by analytic expressions corresponding to a centered and an eccentric dipole model. The main conclusion is that the quiet time electric fields cause a diurnal modulation of the electron and proton precipitation. At. low L values the locus in longitude of the maximum precipitation is shown to be energy dependent. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PLACIR 1015 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoCarmFran:2002:SeVaSo Journal Article Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda; Carmo, A.M.C.; Franchito, Sergio Henrique Seasonal variations in the Southern Hemisphere storm tracks and associated wave propagation 2002 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59 6 1029-1040 March 10163 ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA, HEMISFÉRIO SUL. Seasonal variations in the Southern Hemisphere (SH)storm track characteristics and associated wave propagation are studied using 19 years of NCEP-NCAR grided data. It is found that the SH storm track is strongest in the austral autumn season and weakest in sping. The characteristics of wave packets are studied by computing 1-point lag correlation maps with unfiltered meridional wind at 300 hPa. It is found that the eastward grupo velocities of waves are much higher than the phase velocities in the transition seasons. This shows that the downstream development occurs throughout the year and is a basic feature of upper-tropospheric waves in the midlatitudes os the SH. This extends previous studies made for winter and summer seasons. Based on the indices that show wave coherence and correlations maps, it is found that the pathways in the transition seasons split into two branches east of Australia in a way similar to what happens in the zonal wind distribution. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9242-PRE/4914 PI MET DCM DCM 360 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediRuBaDuTeMeNe:2000:GeFiIn Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Russell, C.T.; Barbosa, M.J.F.; Dutra, Severno Luiz Guimaraes; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Means, JD.; Neri, José Angelo Angelo da Costa Ferreira Geomagnetic field investigation on the polar microsatellite SACI-I 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 7-8 1315-1323 9420 GEOFISICA ESPACIAL, eletrojatos equatorial, geomagnetismo, investigação, órbitas polares, correntes de campo alinhado, equatorial electrojet, geomagnetism, investigation, polar orbits, field aligned currents, magnetic storms. The first Brazilian Scientific Microsatellite, SACI-1, is scheduled to be launched in July 1999 in a near circular polar orbit at an inclination of 98.5 degrees and an altitude of 750 km. It will carry a three-component fluxgate magnetometer constructed by IGPP/UCLA for measuring three components of the Earth's Magnetic Field in space at a rate of 10 samples per second. The scientific objective is to study field-aligned currents in the auroral oval and the electrojet of the equatorial ionosphere. Together with the geomagnetic data from other polar orbiting spacecraft e.g. POLAR, FAST, OERSTED, it will be possible to obtain a truly global picture of a field-aligned current system. The experimental details and the plans of this project are presented here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8443-PRE/4211 PI CEA DAE DAE DGE 90 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanOtsFukAbdBai:2000:ReBaRa Journal Article Balan, N. Balan, N.; Otsuka, Y.; Fukao, S.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Bailey, G.J Annual variations of the ionosphere: a review based on MU radar observations 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 1 153-162 9419 AERONOMIA, região F, ciclos solares, modelos, ionosfera terrestre, observações de radar, variações anuais, annual variations, earth ionosphere, radar observation, F region, solar cycles, models. A review of the annual variations of the ionosphere, which focuses on the physical mechanisms causing the well-known seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry, is presented. In this review, the electron density (Nc), electron and ion temperatures (Te and Ti)and field-parallel and field-perpendicular plasma velocities (V-parallel to and V-perpendicular to), measured by the MU radar in the 180-600 km altitude range during 1986-1994, are analysed to study the altitude dependence of the seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry. The meridional component of the thermospheric neutral wind velocity (U-theta)derived from V-parallel to and neutral densities obtained from MSIS-86 are used to investigate the relative importance of the chemical and dynamical processes causing the anomaly and asymmetry. The review concludes that, although the anomaly and asymmetry involve chemical and dynamical processes, the dynamical processes (mainly through the neutral wind)predominate in the asymmetry while the chemical processes predominate in the anomaly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8442-PRE/4210 PI CEA DAE DAE 89 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiDiazStei:1999:SpStV6 Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Diaz, M.P.; Steiner, Joao Envagelista A spectroscopic study of V617 Sagittarii 1999 The Astronomical Journal 117 1 534-540 9352 astrofísica, astronomia, astronomia galática, nova, variavel cataclísmica, estrelas, estrelas wolf-rayet, novae, cataclymic variable, stars, wolf-rayet stars (w-r stars). We present the results of an analysis of time-resolved spectroscopy of V617 Sgr, the Wolf-Rayet star WR 109, in the H and He ii 4686 region. Radial velocity curves were obtained confirming the orbital period of 4.97 hr found from photometric observations. These curves indicate that the superior conjunction of the line-forming region occurs close to the primary eclipse. Constraints on the stellar masses in this peculiar binary are derived from the emission lines. The orbital behavior of the emission line profiles is analyzed in detail. A Doppler tomography study of the H and He II 4686 lines is performed, aiming to estimate the locus of line formation in the system. The observations may suggest the presence of an optically thick wind. An extended emission region consistent with a hot spot and free-falling gas is also inferred from our analysis. The observed characteristics, such as the strong intensity of He ii 4686 (He II/H flux ratio 2.9)and the presence of emission lines of highly ionized elements like N v and O vi not usually seen in normal cataclysmic variables and, in this respect, V617 Sgr is quite similar to the star V Sge. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1312 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1987:LoDiSQ Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Longitudinal difference in the SQ profiles in the South American region 1987 JATP 49 5 439-441 2675 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo. The average daily variation profiles of the H component at Huancayo on the west coast and Eusébio, Fortaleza, on the east coast in the dip equator region and La Quiaca near the west coast and Vassouras near the east coast in the southern low latitude region of the South American continent indicate that the profiles are broader for the east coast. Thus, distortions in the overhead current systems while passing from one coast to the other are indicated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMAGNETISMO 849 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TorsaniYeli:1982:EsDiAt Journal Article Torsani, J. A. Torsani, J. A.; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Estudo da difusao atmosferica usando imagens do satelite Landsat 1982 Ciencia e Cultura 34 10 1303-1316 838 O modelo gaussiano e comumente utilizado para calcular a concentracao de poluentes. Para isso sao necessarios os valores dos parametros de difusao (desvio padrao da distribuicao de concentracao)para diferentes condicoes. Neste trabalho, valores do desvio padrao da distribuicao da concentracao, ao longo do eixo Y (oy), foram medidos a partir de imagens obtidas pelo satelite Landsat, e comparados com os valores previstos pelos modelos de Pasquill-Gifford, Julich e Hogstrom. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET 262 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarinhoJrAguiFraj:2001:ExMoSp Journal Article Marinho Jr., Rubens M. Marinho Jr., Rubens M.; Magalhães, Nadja, S.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; Frajuca, Carlos Excitation of the modes of a spherical antenna for gravitational waves by high energy particles 2001 Physical Review D 64 6 6517-1-6517-7 9732 ASTROFÍSICA, antenas esféricas, ondas gravitacionais, partículas, antenas de onda gravitaciona, spherical antennas, gravitacional waves, particles, gravitational wave antennas. In this paper we determine how the energy generated by the interaction between a high energy particle and a spherical gravitational wave antenna is distributed over the antenna's eigenmodes. We observe that the important mode for gravitational wave detection, the first quadrupole, is much more weakly excited than other modes of interest by this kind of noise. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8771-PRE/4494 PI CEA DAS DAS 163 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1992:SaInDi Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Satellite investigations of disturbed equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system 1992 Indian Academy of Sciences ? ? 135-154 7120 aeronomia. This article reviews the major processes governing the Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (EITS)response to forcing from magnetospheric disturbances. Some outstanding disturbance features of the EITS in response to specific cases of magnetospheric electric field penetration and storm induced high latitude thermospheric disturbance propagation to equatorial latitudes are discussed, based mostly on recently available satellite measurements. The discussion, complemented by results from ground based observations as well, focusses attention on the prospect of the EITS being a final sink in the solar-interplanetary-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction chain. Some outstanding problems relating to such response processes to be pursued for further investigation by satellites in the future are also pointed out. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 428 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CASTROMONTLUDW:1986:RFFIPR Journal Article CASTRO,J.J.B. CASTRO,J.J.B.; MONTES FILHO,A.; LUDWIG,G.O. RF FIELD PROFILES IN WEAKLY IRREGULAR OPEN RESONATORS 1986 INT. J. ELECTRONICS 61 771-794 5432 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 601136 1210 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CalbetePrak:1996:VoCiEm Journal Article Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo; Prakki, Satyamurty Vortices ciclonicos em altos niveis que atuaram na regiao nordeste no periodo de 1987 a 1995 1996 Climanalise Especial 168-181 October 8523 estudos do tempo e do clima, , vortices, ciclones. Os vórtices cíclônicos em altos níveis que atuam sobre a Região Nordeste (NE)são de origem tropical e em geral são persistentes. Frank (1970)observou que o tempo de vida dos ciclones tropicais frios varia consideravelmente, de algumas semanas a algumas horas. A circulação ciclônica associada a esses vórtices é mais intensa entre os níveis de 500 e 300 hPa e diminui para baixo e para cima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1115 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1995:BoReOn Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Book review on low latitude ionospheric physics 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 13 1676 7165 aeronomia. This book contains selected papers from those presented at the COSPAR Colloquium on Low Latitude Ionospheric Physics held in Taipei, Taiwan, from 9-12 November 1993. Some 26 out of the 33 papers that constitute this book directly address the subject of low latitude ionospheric physics, while the remainder mainly concern midlatitude or other problems which are also of some relevance to the low latitude ionosphere. Our existing understanding of ionospheric currents, electric fields, small and large scale plasma structures, the equatorial anomaly, atmospheric gravity waves, TID's, field-aligned irregularities, etc. constitutes the key topics of the various articles presented here. About half of these are of review nature, and half focus on new results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 819 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Aguiar:1995:AcQuFa Journal Article Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Acoustic quality factor of vanadium 1995 Cryogenics 36 ? 53-55 7166 astrofisica. The mechanical quality factor of vanadium has been measured at audio frequencies at 294, 77.4 and 4.2 K. A quality factor as high as 1.2 x 10 7 was obtained in an annealed disc at 4.2 K. The vanadium resonator, however, presented an abundant oxidation layer on its surface a few years later, and part of this layer could easily loosen itself from the resonator. Therefore, when not in use, pure vanadium electromechanical transducers should be kept in vacuum or inert gas environments in order for them to work efficiently for long periods of time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 820 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ginzalez-AlarcanTsurGonz:1999:InOrGe Journal Article Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Interplanetary origin of geomagnetic storms 1999 Space Science Review 88 3-4 529-562 9821 geofísica espacial. Around solar maximum, the dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms (Dst <-100 nT)are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of storms, involving intense southward IMFs: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Whereas the initial phase of a storm is caused by the increase in plasma ram pressure associated with the increase in density and speed at and behind the shock (accompanied by a sudden impulse [SI]at Earth), the storm main phase is due to southward IMFs. If the fields are southward in both of the sheath and solar ejecta, two-step main phase storms can result and the storm intensity can be higher. The storm recovery phase begins when the IMF turns less southward, with delays of approximate to 1-2 hours, and has typically a decay time of 10 hours. For CMEs involving clouds the intensity of the core magnetic field and the amplitude of the speed of the cloud seems to be related, with a tendency that clouds which move at higher speeds also posses higher core magnetic field strengths, thus both contributing to the development of intense storms since those two parameters are important factors in genering the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling via the reconnection process During solar minimum, high speed streams from coronal holes dominate the interplanetary medium activity. The high-density, low-speed streams associated with the heliospheric current sheet (HCS)plasma impinging upon the Earth's magnetosphere cause positive Dst values (storm initial phases if followed by main phases). In the absence of shocks, SIs are infrequent during this phase of the solar cycle. High-field regions called Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs)are mainly created by the fast stream (emanating from a coronal hole)interaction with the HCS plasma sheet. However, because the B-z component is typically highly fluctuating within the CIRs, the main phases of the resultant magnetic storms typically have highly irregular profiles and are weaker. Storm recovery phases during this phase of the solar cycle are also quite different in that they can last from many days to weeks. The southward magnetic field (B-s)component of Alfven waves in the high speed stream proper cause intermittent reconnection, intermittent substorm activity, and sporadic injections of plasma sheet energy into the outer portion of the ring current, prolonging its final decay to quiet day values. This continuous auroral activity is called High Intensity Long Duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAAs)Possible interplanetary mechanisms for the creation of very intense magnetic storms are discussed. We examine the effects of a combination of a long-duration southward sheath magnetic field, followed by a magnetic cloud B-s event. We also consider the effects of interplanetary shock events on the sheath plasma. Examination of profiles of very intense storms from 1957 to the present indicate that double, and sometimes triple, IMF B-s events are important causes of such events. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms. Finally, we argue that a combination of complex interplanetary structures, involving in rare occasions the interplanetary manifestations of subsequent CMEs, can lead to extremely intense storms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1496 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrBati:2000:SoPrRe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Batista, Inez Staciarini Equatorial spread F statistics in the American longitudes: some problems relevant to ESF description in IRI scheme 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 1 113-124 9417 AERONOMIA, Fortaleza (Estado), bolhas de plasma, cintilações, ionosferas, difusão F, equador magnético, distribuição estatísitica, ionogramas, plasma bubbles, scintillations, ionospheres, spread F, magnetic equator, statistical distribution, ionograms. Ground based ionograms (followed by radio wave scintillation and satellite in situ measurements)provide the most abundant data base for generating equatorial spread F (ESF)irregularity occurrence statistics. For practical purposes it is necessary that the statistics of the spread F occurrence distribution (from ionograms)be based, separately, on the range spreading and frequency spreading components of the spread F. The well known features of spread F include its day-to-day, seasonal and solar cycle variations. There seems to exist general consensus on the geomagnetic declination-, longitude- and solar- control of seasonal occurrence of spread F, whereas solar flux seems to produce superimposed effects, including the solar activity cycle in its occurrence features. The day-to-day variability is certainly the least understood of all the known spread F variabilities. Empirical description of the spread F occurrence statistics in the IRI (International Reference Ionosphere)prediction scheme requires detailed examination of the available statistics not only over the magnetic equator but necessarily also over low latitudes extending to equatorial anomaly location. We have produced, and are continuing to improve upon, such statistics based on spread F data covering the solar activity minimum and maximum years for the two Brazilian stations, Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista. In this paper we present a comparative study of these results with the published statistics available by other technique and for other longitude sectors, and discuss the findings in terms of their implications for formulating an empirical description of the ESF for possible incorporation into the IRI model. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8440-PRE/4208 PI CEA DAE DAE 87 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBati:1997:SpScEd Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Space science education and training in Brazil 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 7 1421-1425 9322 aeronomia, educaçao, programa espacial brasileiro, ciencias espaciais, aerospace science (space science), education, instructions, use education. With the beginning of space research in Brazil in the early 60's a national commission for space activities was created. This commission took important steps, in parallel, to create a program of education and training activities that was forseen as of critical importance for the maintainance of a desirable to ambitious degree of space activity in the country. Early efforts were, as a first step, in favour of training of Brazilian students in foreign centers of excellence (mostly in the US and Europe), as a means for achieving the potential human resource necessary for eventual development of a national program. Today a large percentage of the needs in the area is met by programs developed inside the country at different institutions, the most notable being the ""Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais"" -INPE (National Institute for Space Research)at São José dos Campos, where post graduate courses and training programs are well established. Under-graduate courses in selected areas are provided at some Universities, notably at the University of São Paulo. A brief description of the existing programs and an evaluation of the results being achieved are presented in this paper. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1299 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesCiesStei:1998:PoSpPo Journal Article Rodrigues, C.V. Rodrigues, C.V.; Cieslinski, Deonisio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Polarimetry and spectroscopy of the polar RX J1141.3-6410 1998 Astronomy and Astrophysics 335 3 979-984 9346 astrofísica, estrelas raios x, estrels, nova, variáveis cataclísmicas, disco de acreção, polarização, stars, novae, catalysmic variable, deposition (accretion), accretion disks, polarization. We present the first optical polarimetric measurements of RX J1141.3-6410 which confirm that star as a polar. The circular polarization varies between 0 and 13 with the orbital period. Ha spectroscopy shows that this line is formed by, at least, two components: a broad and a narrow one. The phase of maximum redshift of the broad component is shifted by 0.5 with the phase of maximum circular polarization which is not usual for this class of stars. We not usual for this class of stars. We suggest a geometrical configuration for the system which could explain the main features of the polarimetric and spectroscopic data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1309 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbaldeGuedesAlveChia:1998:NoGeTy Journal Article Abalde Guedes, Jose Ricardo Abalde Guedes, Jose Ricardo; Alves, Maria Virginia; Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear generation of type III solar radio bursts by the hybrid modulational instability 1998 Astronomy and Astrophysics 331 2 L21-L24 9347 física de plasma, estabilidade, erupções de radiação solar, vento solar, stability, solar radio bursts, solar wind, solar plasma ration. An improved model of the fundamental plasma emission of type III solar radio bursts is presented. It is shown that nonlinear conversion of a traveling Langmuir pump wave into an electromagnetic wave can occur via either convective or absolute hybrid modulational instabilities. resulting from the coupling of two wave triplets, with the Langmuir pump wave and ion-acoustic daughter wave common to both wave triplets. The properties of these four-wave hybrid modulational instabilities are studied using the observed interplanetary parameters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE LAP 1310 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakashMura:1981:AnReEl Journal Article Prakash, S. Prakash, S.; Muralikrishna, Polinaya E and F region electric fields over Dip Equator 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A4 2095-2098 9452 aeronomia, região f, eletrojato equatorial, região e, condutividade, irregularidades, campos elétricos, f region, e region, equatorial electrojet, conductivity, irregularities. The horizontal east-west drift velocity VE of ionisation irregularities in E region, and the vertical drift velocity VF of electrons in F region over Jicamarca (dip latitude 1 degree N)are used to estimate the average diurnal variation of the east-west components of the electric fields in these two regions. The F region field is estimated from VF by using the relationship derived earlier by Woodman. The E region field is estimated from VE by using a relationship different from the one used earlier by Balsley and Woodman and is derived by using more realistic electrojet and conductivity models. The E region electric field thus obtained is found to be weaker at least by a factor of 3 than that estimated by Balsley and Woodman. A comparative study shows that the east-west electric field in the F region is, most of the time, stronger than that in the E region, and also that the ratio of the E region field to the F region field systematically increases from forenoon to afternoon hours, and from pre-midnight to post-midnight hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 259 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBuriGobbBati:2002:EqPlWa Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Buriti, R.A; Gobbi, Delano; Batista, Paulo Prado Equatorial planetary wave signatures observed in mesospheric airglow emissions 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 64 : 1263-1272 9730 AERONOMIA, aeroluminiscencia, regiões equatoriais, ondas planetárias, airglow, equatorial waves, planetary waves. The upper mesospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm, NaD 589.3 nm, OH (6,2)and O2 atmospheric (0,1)band have been measured using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer in the equatorial region, São João do Cariri (7øS, 37øW), Brazil. Good weather condition made it possible to study nocturnal and day to day variation of the emission rates continuously for more than 12 days per month from January to December 1998. It is found that there are distinct 2- and 3.5-day period oscillations in the emission rates, those are most probably due to Rossby-gravity wave and Kelvin wave, respectively. The amplitudes of oscillation of the Kelvin wave are large in June and July, being 40 for OI5577, 23 for O2b (0,1)and 26 for OH(6,2). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8768-PRE/4491 PI CEA DAE DAE 161 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtLUDWLUDW:1985:STSTBE Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; LUDWIG,G.O.; LUDWIG,G.O. STEADY STATE BEHAVIOR OF ROTATING PLASMAS IN A VACUUM-ARC CENTRIFUGE 1985 STEADY STATE BEHAVIOR OF ROTATING PLASMAS IN A VACUUM-ARC CENTRIFUGE 29 5 601-620 5411 The steady state behavior of the fully ionized, multiple species, rotating, magnetized plasma in a vacuum-are plasma centrifuge is described in detail. The analysis is based on a multiple species fluid model which includes electromagnetic, pressure gradient, centrifugal and collisional forces, for each species, in cylindrical geometry. It is shown that there is a family of theoretically possible dynamical equilibrium configurations, which can be achieved by different combinations of ion rotation velocity, radial ion density distribution and radial dependence of internal electric potential. The parametric dependences of the various plasma parameters under equilibrium conditions, including the ion separation factor, are presented for a nickel-copper plasma. The numerical results are analysed and discussed in light of experimentally measured plasma characteristics in a vacuum-arc plasma centrifuge. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE LAP 601101 1207 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiBite:1996:PrNuTe Journal Article Prakki, Satyarmuty Prakki, Satyarmuty; Bitencourt, Daniel Pires Previsao numerica de tempo no CPTEC 1996 Climanalise Especial 225-228 October 8521 estudo do tempo e do clima, modelo de circulacao global da atmosfera, mcga. A previsao numerica de tempo no CPTEC e realizada com a utilizacao dos resultados do modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera (MCGA), global do CPTEC/COLA. Este modelo e espectral e possui resolucao horizontal de 62 harmonicos que equivale a um espacamento de aproximadamente 200 km. Esta resolucao indica que os valores, numericos das variaveis meteorologicas previstas pelo modelo representam valores medios sobre quadriculos de 200 lan x 200 lan. Para as previsaes realizadas com o MCGA do CPTEC ainda sao utilizadas analises das 00 e 12 UTC geradas pelo NCEP, porem pretende-se usar o modulo de analise do CPTEC para as condicoes iniciais. Resultados de previsoes realizadas com o modelo global do NCEP, o qual possui resolucao de 126 harmônicos (aproximadamente 100 km), bem como as análises com dados observados das 00 UTC sao utilizados para comparacoes e avaliacoes do modelo do CPTEC. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1113 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Medrano-BalboaAbdu:1995:3.19Lo Journal Article Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Effects of the total solar eclipse of Nov. 3. 1994 on the lower ionosphere observed by 30 Mhz riometers 1995 Revista de la Academia de Ciencias de Bolivia 69 : 162-172 7163 aeronomia. Specifically for the total solar eclipse of Nov. 3, 1994 observations, a 30 Mhz riometer, with a Yagi-Uda antenna, was installed in the vicinities of Sao Bento Alto (28 degrees 42'34""S, 49 degrees 30'37""W), very near the center of the Moon shadow. At the same time two other riometer stations were in operation, one at a lower latitude (C.Paulista)and the other at a subauroral latitude (brazilian station)in Antarctica. In S.B. Alto, contrary to the expectations, a noticeable enhancement of ionospheric absorption started several minutes after the first contact, lasting for few hours. No such effect was noticed on the other riometer stations. However, peculiar periodic kinks have been recorded during and after the solar eclipse by the C. Paulista riometer. Based on these experimental results a preliminary interpretaton, based on energetic particle precipitation from the Van Allen radiation belts, into the atmosphere if the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly, is offered. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 817 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraLudwMont:1991:EXINOF Journal Article Ferreira, Jose Leonardo Ferreira, Jose Leonardo; Ludwig, Gerson Otton; Montes, Antonio EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF ION-ACOUSTIC DOUBLE-LAYER IN THE ELECTRON FLOW ACROSS MULTIDIPOLE MAGNETIC FIELDS 1991 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 026 6013 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FISPLASMA LAP 60111X 229 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreYeli:1983:RaBaSo Journal Article Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Radiation balance of soybeans grown in Brazil 1983 Agricultural Meteorology 30 3 157-173 2369 meteorologia, , radiacao, soja, energia solar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM RECAT 454 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HARNETTLOISREUT:1990:12OFBA Journal Article HARNETT,J.I. HARNETT,J.I.; LOISEAU,N.; REUTER,H.P. 12CO(1-0)OBSERVATIONS OF BARRED GALAXIES WITH INTENSE FIR EMISSION 1990 REVISTA MEXICANA DE ASTRONOMIA Y ASTROFISICA 20 2991 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 53 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzusczewiczFRSWLARJWW:1998:WoInIo Journal Article Szusczewicz, E.P. Szusczewicz, E.P.; Fejer, B.; Roelof, E.; Schunk, R.; Wolf, R.; Leitinger, R.; Abdu, Mangalathil ali; Reddy, B.M.; Joselyn, J.; Wilkinson, P.; Woodman, R. SUNDIAL: a world-wide-study of interactive ionospheric processes and their roles in transferof energy and mass in the Sun-Earth system 1998 Annales Geophysicae 6 1 3-18 9316 aeronomia, ionosfera, energy transfer, earth ionosphere, solar terestrial interactions, mass transfer, sundial, solar-minimum equatorial campaign. During the period 5-13 October 1984 a coordinated solar-terrestrial data base was acquired to develop a comprehensive understanding and an associated predictive capability for the cause-effect relationships which control the global-scale ionosphere. The effort, the first in a series of continuing investigations :n a program called SUNDIAL, combined modelling of the ionospheric, magnetospheric, and thermospheric domains with a measurements activity that included a network of ionospheric monitoring stations at high-, middle-, and low latitudes in the American, European/African, and Asian/Australian sectors. Solar, solar wind, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data were also obtained through the NOAA Space Environment Services Center. The period began with nearly two full days of typically quiescent solar minimum conditions, with the night of the 6th marking a transition to a substantial increase in solar wind velocities, and enhanced dynamics in the interplanetary magnetic field with associated geomagnetic disturbances. The increased solar wind velocities resulted from a corotating high-speed stream coupled to a transequatorial solar coronal hole. Evidence points to a step-wise coupling of processes from the coronal hole through the interplanetary and magnetospheric domains down to the equatorial ionosphere, where penetrating electric fields participated in triggering the most disturbed condition of equatorial spread-F ever recorded by the Jicamarca Observatory. The correlation of events also included : (1)enhanced particle precipitation power at high latitudes, (2)an associated cross polar cap potential of 75 kV, and (3)simultaneous global observations of F-region dynamics. In addition, detailed model comparisons with observations of the quiet and disturbed ionosphere point to requirements for improved global specification of thermospheric winds and electric fields. The content of this paper presents an overview of the program. its initial findings, recommendations, and future perspectives. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1297 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1997:NoWaIn Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear wave-wave interactions in astrophysical and space plasmas 1997 Astrophysics and Space Science 242 2 249-295 9341 geofísica espacial, interação de onda, vento solar, nucleo galático, ativo, caos, magnetosferas planetárias, pulsares, wave interaction, solar wind, active galatic nuclei (agn), chaos, planetary magnestospheres, pulsars. We discuss nonlinear mode-mode coupling phenomena in cosmic plasmas. Four problems are considered: (1)nonlinear three-wave processes in the planetary magnetosphere involving the interaction of auroral Langmuir, Alfvén and whistler waves, (2)nonlinear three-wave processes in the solar wind involving the modulation of Langmuir and electromagnetic waves by ion-acoustic waves, (3)order and chaos in nonlinear four-wave processes in cosmic plasmas, and (4)regular and chaotic dynamics of the relativistic Langmuir turbulence and its application to pulsar and AGN emissions. The observational evidence in support of nonlinear wave-wave interactions in space and astrophysical plasmas is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1307 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OyamaAbduPielThie:2000:WhHaNe Journal Article Oyama, K.I. Oyama, K.I.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Piel, A.; Thiemann, H What is Happening near Sq focus? 2000 Advances in Space Reseach 26 8 1263-1266 9727 AERONOMIA, zonas de temperatura anômalas, energia de eletrons, instrumentos embarcados em foguetes, região E, anomalous temperature zones, eletron energy, rocket borne instrumnets, E region. Rocket measurements of electron temperatures (Te)in the E region over Kagoshima Space Center, Japan, carried out in a series of experiments conducted from 1970 to 1988 are analysed in this paper. All the 13 flights whose results are presented here took place around 11 AM, close to the Sq current intensity maximum. Anomalously high electron temperatures associated with large increases of high energy tail electron population were observed whenever the estimated Sq current vortex was very close to the launch site. Such anomalous temperatures were observed only in local winter months. A mechanism for the anomalous heating is proposed based on the solsticial asymmetry of the Sq electric potentials and the resulting field-aligned current that could flow from winter to summer hemisphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8766-PRE/4489 PI CEA DAS DAS 158 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DELBOSCODALLLUDWBitt:1987:ISENPL Journal Article DEL BOSCO,E. DEL BOSCO,E.; DALLAQUA,R.S.; LUDWIG,G.O.; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto ISOTOPIC ENRICHMENT IN A PLASMA CENTRIFUGE 1987 Applied Physics Letters 50 24 1716-1718 5396 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP DAE 601128 1205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gomes:1996:MoRA Journal Article Gomes, Jorge Luis Gomes, Jorge Luis Modelo RAMS 1996 Climanalise Especial 208-218 October 8519 estudo do tempo e do clima, sistema de modelo atmosferico regional, parametrizacao, rams. 0 Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS)foi desenvolvido na Colorado State University para unificar varios codigos existentes de simulacao numerica de tempo (Pielke,1974; Tripoli e Cotton, 1982; Tremback et al., 1985). Concluiu-se que a unificacao desses codigos, mantendo-se os atributos originais de cada um , facilitava mais efetivamente a pesquisa cientifica no Departamento de Ciencias Atmosféricas da Universidade Estadual do Colorado. Alem disso, na fusao dos modelos, uma gama de melhorias foram introduzidas no RAMS, entre as quais a capacidade de aninhamento de grades, que e uma das mais importantes. Baseado no metodo de grades iterativas de Clark e Farley (1984), o RAMS possui a habilidade para representar a larga escala, e entao aninhar-se progressivamente para escalas menores. Mais do que uma grade aninhada pode ser setada dentro do grid de grande escala. As figuras 1, 2, 3 e 4 exemplificam um aninhamento de grades, onde na figura 1 temos o campo de larga escala fornecido como condicoes de contorno para o modelo RAMS, a figura 2 mostra a previsao obtida pelo RAMS com uma resolucao de 80km, a figura 3 mostra o mesmo campo valido para o mesmo horario aninhado a primeira grade com uma resolucao de 4OKm, e a figura 4 mostra o mesmo campo valido para o mesmo horario aninhado a segunda grade com uma resolucao de 2OKm. Notamos que com essa capacidade podemos obter, com o RAMS, um melhor detalhamento dos campos. Na figura 5 temos uma visao de como e feito o aninhamento. 0 RAMS possui uma opcoo nao hidrostatica para que todas as escalas espaciais meteorologicas relevantes possam ser representadas. 0 conceito de modulos ""plug-compatible"" (Pielke e Aritt, 1984)e usado no RAMS para fazer a assistencia no desenvolvimento de parametrizacoes de interfaces no RAMS. 0 termo Plug-compatibIe quer dizer que a interface entre as subrotinas (i.e., os modulos)e o resto do RAMS e claramente definido pelos usuarios do codigo. Caracteristicas atuais e opçoes do RAMS sao mostradas na Tabela 1 (Pielke et al., 1992). Um detalhado overview do RAMS e suas opcoes é dado em Walko e Tremback (1991). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1111 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraFuji:1984:CORADO Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Fujimori, K CONTRIBUICAO A RADIOLOGIA DOS GRANITOS DE SAO ROQUE, SP 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 19 2456 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE RADON 648 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahaBittTaka:1995:ReBeGe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao Relationship between generation of the equatorial F-region plasma bubbles and thermospheric dynamics 1995 Advances in Space Research 16 5 117-120 7161 aeronomia, bolhas de plasma, termosfera, dinâmicas, ondas gravitacionais, região f, irregularidades, propagação f, plasma bubbles, spread f, thermosphere, dynamics, gravity waves, irregularities. Simultaneous zenith measurements of the OI 630.0 nm and 557.7 nm nightglow emissions, using a multi-channel tilting filter type photometer and nighttime thermospheric neutral wind velocities from the Doppler shifts of the OI 630.0 nm emission line, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer, have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), Brazil, during 1988-1991. These measurements constitute a unique opportunity to study the relationship between the generation of F-region plasma bubbles (regions of depleted electron densities)and thermospheric dynamics. During the period of March 1988 to June 1991, we have 9 nights on which there were nearly full nights of simultaneous observations of thermospheric wind velocities (zonal and meridional)and the OI 630.0 nm and 557.7 nm emissions showing formation of plasma bubbles. On the night of March 18, 1991, the zonal wind was unusually strong in the beginning of the night (300 m/s)and this night shows very strong formation of plasma bubbles, indicating that a strong zonal wind in some way may be connected with plasma bubble formation through the electric field created by the interaction between the zonal wind and the Earth's magnetic field. However, both the zonal and meridional winds on several nights with, and without plasma bubbles, are comparable. This feature possibly indicates only a secondary role of thermospheric winds in the generation of the equatorial ionospheric plasma depletions. It should be pointed out that an analysis of the nocturnal intensity variations of simultaneous mesospheric (E-region)emissions (O1 557.7 nm, O-2 atm. 864.5 nm, NaD 589.0 nm and OH (9-4)775.0 nm)on all the nine nights studied, shows the presence of gravity waves, indicating possible relation between wave processes in the mesosphere and F-region irregularities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 815 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NeriJayaAlve:1990:SiGrDa Journal Article Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Alvers, A.M.R Sistema de gravacao de dados digitais 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 20 Numero Especial 677-680 2988 astrofísica, data recording, instruments. Um sistema de gravação digital de alta capacidade de armazenamento (- 3,7 Gigabytes/fita)que utiliza videocassetes comerciais está sendo desenvolvido no INPE. A interface digital converte os dados em sinal de vídeo NTSC para gravação. Este sistema, de grande velocidade de gravação, destina-se a armazenar dados científicos de experimentos a bordo de balões estratosféricos. ABSTRACT. A Large data ( 3.7 Gigabytes/tape)recording system using commercial videocassette recorders with digital data interface is being developed at INPE. The digital interface converts the data into NTSC video format for recording. This high-speed system is planned for use in stratospheric balloon experiments. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 51 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSaMeBaBiTa:1997:NiF2Pe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao Nightime F2-layer peak height changes due to thermospheric wind 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 6 1141-1144 9329 aeronomia, região f2, termosfera, velocidae do vento, interferometros falery-prot, campos magnéticos, f2 region, thermosphere, wind velocity, fabry-perot interferometers, magnetic fields. Simultaneous observations of F2-layer peak heights, from an ionosonde, and nighttime thermospheric neutral win velocities inferred from measurements of Doppler shifts of the OI 630 nm airglow emission line, using a Fabry-Pertinterferometer, have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W, dip latitude 16 degree S), Brazil. The MSIS-86 neutral, density model is used to calculate the F-layer balance heights (H0)due only to diffusion and recombination processes. The observed meridional and zonal wind velocities and H0 are used to estimate variations in the F2-layer pea heights (HM). In this paper we present and discuss results from a comparison between the observed F2-layer peak heights and the estimated HM variations produced by the observed meridional wind velocities along the magnetic field lines. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1305 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PugachevaGusJayMarSpj:2001:FECoSi Journal Article Pugacheva, G.I. Pugacheva, G.I.; Gusev, A.A.; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Spjeldvik, W.N FEM code simulation of the magnetospheric proton fluxes 2001 Advances in Sapce Reseach 28 12 1759-1762 9725 ASTROFÍSICA, método de elemento finito, simulação, magnetosfera terrestre, protons, fluxos, finite element method, simulation earth magnetosphere, protons, fluxes. We report a study of the numeric solution to the diffusive transport equation for energetic protons magnetically trapped in the Earth's equatorial magnetosphere. The analysis takes into account the pertinent physical processes in this region, including deceleration of protons by Coulomb collisional interactions with free and bound lectrons, the charge exchange process, cosmic ray albedo neutron decay source, and electric and magnetic radial diffusion. These results were obtained using the Finite Element Method with magnetic moment and geomagnetic L-shell as free variables. Steady state boundary conditions were imposed at L=1 as zero distribution function and at L=7 with proton distribution function extracted from ATS 6 satellite observations. The FEM-code yields unidirectional proton flux in the energy range of 0.1î1000 MeV at the equatorial top of the geomagnetic lines, and the results are found to be in satisfactorily agreement with the empirical NASA AP-8 model proton flux within the energy range of 0.5î100 MeV. Below 500 keV, the empirical AP-8 model proton fluxes are several orders of magnitude greater than those computed with the FEM-code at L<3. This discrepancy is difficult to explain by uncertainties of boundary spectrum parameters or transport coefficients. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8696-PRE/4432 PI CEA DAS DAS 156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KISHORE:1987:QUSPOF Journal Article KISHORE,R. KISHORE,R. QUASI-PARTICLE SPECTRUM OF THE HUBBARD MODEL 1987 Physical Review B 35 13 6854-6859 5375 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 604100 1203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ QuadroMacCalBatOli:1996:ClPrTe Journal Article Quadro, Maria F. Leal Quadro, Maria F. Leal; Machado, Lucia Helena Ribas; Calbete, Sergio; Batista, Nadja N. Marinho; Oliveira, Gilvan sampaio Climatologia de precipitacao e temperatura 1996 Climanalise Especial 90-100 October 8505 estudo do tempo e do clima, , precipitacao (meteorologia), temperatura, sistemas frontais. o Brasil, por ser um pais de grande extensao territorial, possui diferenciados regimes de precipitacao e temperatura. De norte a sul encontra-se uma grande variedade de climas com distintas caracteristicas regionais. No norte do pais verifica-se um clima equatorial chuvoso, praticamente sem estacao seca. No Nordeste a estacao chuvosa, com baixos indices pluviometricos, restringe-se a poucos meses, caracterizando um clima semi-arido. As Regioes Sudeste e Centro-Oeste sofrem influencia tanto de sistemas tropicais como de latitudes médias, com estacao seca bem definida no inverno e estacao chuvosa de verao com chuvas convectivas. 0 sul do Brasil, devido a sua localizacao latitudinal, sofre mais influencia dos sistemas de latitudes medias, onde os sistemas frontais sao os principais causadores de chuvas durante o ano. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1098 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nunes:1996:InSiCo Journal Article Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno Instabilidade simetrica condicional:um estudo observacional 1996 Climanalise Especial 188-197 October 8515 estudo do tempo e do clima, precipitacao (meteorologia), ciclones. Estudos observacionais realizados no inicio do seculo por Bjerknes (1919)registraram regioes de intensa precipitacao em forma de banda nos ciclones extratropicais. Tais bandas se apresentam como estruturas bidimensionais, ou seja, a precipitacao e bem definida ao longo de um eixo horizontal geralmente paralelo ao vetor cisalhamento vertical medio do vento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1108 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediOguAndCosBar:1995:RiCoFl Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Ogura, F.X.K.; Andrade, J.C. de; Costa, José Marques da; Barreto, L.M Ring core fluxgate magnetometer for IEEY Program in Brazil 1995 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 13 1 37-43 7159 geofisica espacial. A three component ring core fluxgate magnetometer was constructed to record geomagnetic daily variations in the Brazilian Equatorial Electrojet Region during the IEEY (International Equatorial Electrojet Year)period. The ring core sensor and electronic circuits of the magnetometer are acommodated in a PVC tube with a diameter of 20 cm and height of 35 cm. The magnetometer has three analog outputs of +- 5 volt or +- 1000 nanoTesla corresponding to the H, D and Z components. It has a precision better than 1.0 nanoTesla. The magnetometer showed an acceptable performance in monitoring the daily variations in the H, D and Z components of the geomagnetic field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 813 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1999:LoRaCo Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José Long range collision effects for drifting velocity distributions 1999 Planetary and Space Science 47 1-2 57-66 9846 aeronomia, equação fokker planck, ionosfera, plasma solar, fokker planck equation, space plasmas, ionosphere, solar plasma, plasma espacial. The interparticle force acting during a binary encounter is usually modeled by a potential of the inverse power law form. The influence of one particle on the other decays with distance and here the effects felt around the so called 'cutoff distance' are considered. Attention is given to the Fokker-Planck model in generalized and restricted forms to describe the collisional consequences of this sort of interaction. Particular emphasis is placed on the peculiar details of the Coulomb collision theory overlooked in earlier works on this matter as: (a)the form of the collision term, (b)the definition of the Coulomb logarithm and (c)the value of the effective cross section. Only the long range effects are focused. To combine close and long ranges into a unique collision term the cross section corresponding to each range must be added. The classical use of the same expression for the cross section in both ranges is shown to be inappropriate. The proposed approach is valid regardless the form of the distribution function, on the magnitude of the flow velocity, besides being applicable to other types of interparticle forces as Maxwell molecule interactions. The material is relevant for solar plasma, interplanetary transport and planetary magnetosphere studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1500 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FernandesSawaZhel:1996:DeSlDr Journal Article Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Zheleznyakov, V.V. Decimetric slow drift split pair 1996 Advances in Space Research 17 4-5 143-146 9326 astrofísica, espectro solar, eclosao tipo 3, ondas de plasma, emissoes de radiacao solar, solar spectra, type 3 bursts, plasma waves, solar radio emission. We report examples of the type III bursts and a patch like emission exhibiting split in frequency observed for the first time. This burst was observed over a frequency range of (1630-1580)MHz lasting for about 15 s, on 15th June, 1991. The separation between the two split components is - 30 MHz and lower split frequency component is less intense compared to the higher split frequency component. These observed characteristics favour the hypothesis of conversion of plasma waves by combinational scattering on upgoing ion-sound waves in a magnetic loop. Emission is assumed to be at fundamental and propagation effect explains, the observed characteristics of the decimetric long lasting split frequency burst. Detailed analysis permits to estimate parameters of the exciter and that of the source sizes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1303 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NordemannTaka:1986:SiAqDa Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Takashima, A.M. Um sistema de aquisicao de dados usando o TK 1986 Microhobby 4 38 16-20 2667 geofisica espacial, ionosfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PESQUISA DA IONOSFERA 841 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GusevJayMarSpj:2000:OnPoRa Journal Article Gusev, A.A. Gusev, A.A.; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; pugacheva, G.I.; Spjeldik, W.N On positiron radiation the Earth's magnetosphere 2000 Brazilian Journal Physics 30 3 590-593 9722 ASTROFÍSICA, radiação nuclear, magnetosfera terrestre, nuclear radiation, spallation, earth magnetosphere. The ratio of positron/electron fluxes originated in nuclear spallation reactions in the Earth's magnetosphere is considered. It is supposed that positrons as well as electrons are produced in the decay of charged pions ()born in nuclear collisions of trapped relativistic inner zone protons with the residual atmosphere. These positrons and electrons are captured in the magnetosphere and create positron and electron radiation belts of nuclear origin. The positron/electron trapped magnetospheric fluxes formed with this mechanism are simulated and the resulting computed e+/e- flux ratio 4 appears in agreement with the recent observations. This ratio is significantly different from the ratio obtained from the primary cosmic ray source through the same mechanism. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8718-PRE/4449 PN CEA DAS DAS 154 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiNealJenk:1992:MoMa Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Neal, Colin; Jenkins, Alan O uso de modelos matematicos para avaliar processos hidrogeoquimicos em regioes tropicais: o modelo magic 1992 Geochimica Brasileira 6 2 11-126 6625 ciencias meteorologicas, , , , hidroquimica, modelos, geoquimica ambiental. Neste trabalho e discutida a validade da utilizacao, em regioes tropicais, de modelos desenvolvidos para avaliar processos hidroquimicos em regioes temperadas. Para tal, sao apresentados resultados da aplicacao do MAGIC ( Model of Acidification of Groundwater InCatchment), que avalia impactos ambientais e processos de acidificacao, para larga escala de tempo, em pequenas bacias de drenagem. Esse modelo foi aplicado a bacia do igarape Barro Branco (Amazonia Central)para ilustrar seu potencial para estudos hidrogeoquimico nessas regioes. Atraves de dois estudos de caso, procura-se mostrar quais sao as necessidades em termos da determinacao de parametros e variaveis, para que os resultados obtidos com esse modelo sejam uteis na avaliacao de impactos ambientais em regioes tropicais. Sao apresentadas as seguintes hipoteses para avaliar a alteracao na bacia: (1)aumento significativo nas entradas totais de calcio, potassio e magnesio, em funcao da conversao total da regiao em pastagem (as entradas totais para o sistema, apos o desmatamento, apresentam valores iguais aos do pre-desmatamento)e (2)aumento significativo das entradas totais das especies ionicas majoritarias para a bacia, em funcao do desmatamento em larga escala na regiao circunvizinha (as entradas totais para o sistema, apos o desmatamento, apresentam valores superiores aos do pre-desmatamento). Os dois estudos de caso sao analisados considerando a possibilidade de mudanca climatica. Os resultados obtidos atraves do MAGIC, embora qualitativos, sao consistentes com as descricoes dos processos hidroquimicos observados nessa regiao, nao apresentando valores discrepantes. Demonstra-se que esse modelo pode ser empregado para realizar estudos hidrogeoquimicos em regioes tropicais. Porem, e reconhecida a necessidade de avaliar alguns parametros-chave no modelo, como a fase solida do aluminio e a quantidade de materia organica no solo e na agua. Para que as previsoes obtidas atraves da modelagem representem quantitativamente os processos hidroqumicos da regiao em estudo, sao necessarios dados historicos para calibracao e validacao do modelo e, portanto, o monitoramento de campo e indispensavel. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 419 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kayano:1996:OsInOu Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie Oscilacoes de Madden Julian - oscilacoes intrasazonais ou oscilacoes de 30-60 dias 1996 Climanalise Especial 65-69 October 8503 estudos do tempo e do clima, oscilacao. No inicio da decada de 70, Madden e Julian (1971, 1972)aplicando analises espectral e espectral cruzada nos dados diarios de radiosondagem de quase 10 anos de algumas estacoes no Pacifico tropical oeste, detectaram e documentaram oscilacoes com periodo de 40 a 50 dias, daqui em diante referida como oscilacao de Madden e Julian (OMJ). Uma excelente revisao sobre o assunto e encontrada em Madden e Julian. (1994). Estas oscilacoes caracterizam-se por um deslocamento para leste de uma celula zonal de grande escala termicamente direta, que causa variacoes na conveccao tropical. Madden e Julian (1972)apresentaram um esquema ilustrativo das variacoes em tempo e espaco (plano zonal)dos disturbios associados a OMJ. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CRI 1096 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LorencoFerrGan:1996:VoCiEm Journal Article Lorenco, Maria Cristina Maciel Lorenco, Maria Cristina Maciel; Ferreira, Nelson de Jesus; Gan, Manoel Alonso Vortices ciclonicos em altos niveis de origem subtropical 1996 Climanalise Especial 163-167 October 8513 estudo do tempo e do clima, , vortices, ciclones, vcan. Os vortices ciclonicos em altos niveis (VCAN)de origem subtropical atuam sobre as Regioes Sul e Sudeste do Brasil por um periodo de 1 ou 2 dias provocando chuvas e ventos fortes. Um dos primeiros estudos a respeito de VCAN foi feito por Palmer (1951), que documentou a ocorrencia de dois casos sobre o Oceano Pacifico Norte. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1106 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiClemBati:1995:PrSeOs Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado Predominant semi-annual oscillation of the upper mesospheric airglow intensities and temperatures in the equatorial region 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 4 407-414 7157 aeronomia. The upper mesospheric and lower thermosphere airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm, NaD 589.3 nm and the OH (9,4)band and its rotational temperature have been measured using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer located at Fortaleza (3.9 degrees S, 38.4 degrees W)since 1986. The observed emission intensities show predominantly semi-annual oscillations with maxima at the equinoxes and minima during the solstices. The amplitudes of the oscillations are larger than those observed from the low latitude station, Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W). The OH rotational temperature, which represents a gas kinetic atmospheric temperature at around 85-95 km, also shows a strong semi-annual oscillation, 18 K peak to peak, with an average value around 10 K higher than that observed from Cachoeira Paulista. These results do not agree with model atmospheres presently available. It is suggested that the differences result from the effects of seasonal variations in vertical eddy transport and/or meridional circulation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 811 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ANDERNACHANDR:1990:THDIOF Journal Article ANDERNACH,H. ANDERNACH,H.; ANDREAZZA,C.M. THE DISTRIBUTION OF RADIO SOURCES TOWARDS RICH CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES. 1990 Revista mexicana de Astronomia e Astrofísica 2982 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 46 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RosaSawaValdShar:1997:DiStWe Journal Article Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Valdivia, J.A.; Sharma, A.S Dissipative structure and weak turbulence in the solar corona 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 12 2303-2308 9324 astrofísica, coroa solar, aceleracao de partículas, missao soho, telescópios de raio x, energia solar, imagens de raio x, solar corona, particle accereration, soho mission, x-ray imagery, solar energy, cme. We have analysed, for the first time, the high resolution X-ray images of the solar corona, obtained by the Yohkoh Mission, as non-linear extended systems. To quantify the spatio-temporal complexity in this extended system, we use an asymmetric spatial fragmentation parameter computed from a matrix representing an image. Choosing different spatial scales on the same image, wave numbers are computed from the intensity contours and this yields a fragmentation spectrum. This spectrum is used to analyze the images of a complex transient event obtained by the Soft X-ray Telescope board the Yohkoh satellite. The dynamics of the fine structures of the contours suggests the origin of the observed fragmentation to be localized weak turbulence process occuring in an evolving coronal active region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1301 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiLascio:1987:LoPoSy Journal Article Di Lascio, Marco Alfredo Di Lascio, Marco Alfredo Long-term power system simulation for real-time training with a reduce size program 1987 IEEE T Power Syst 2 1 113-118 2664 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 838 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbaldeBoroChia:2000:GeCiPo Journal Article Abalde, José Ricardo Abalde, José Ricardo; Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo; Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang Generation of circularly polarized raio waves within magnetic holes of the solar wind 2000 Physica A 283 1-2 237-242 9703 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, sinais eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência, vento solar, ondas, solar wind, langmuir turbulence, whistlers, waves. The possibility of nonlinear interaction between Langmuir waves and ion-acoustic waves in the solar wind has received considerable interest in the last years. However, little attention has been paid to the possibility of nonlinear coupling between Langmuir waves and whistler waves in the interplanetary medium. Close temporal correlation between high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves has been observed recently within magnetic holes of the solar wind. In order to account for these observations within magnetic holes of the solar wind, we develop a nonlinear three-wave theory describing the parametric interaction of Langmuir waves, electromagnetic whistler waves with either right- or left-hand circularly polarized electromagnetic waves. We suggest that the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves may lead to the formation of modulated Langmuir wave packets as well as the generation of circularly polarized radio waves at the plasma frequency in the solar wind. (C)2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8712-PRE/4442 PI CEA DGE DGE 152 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RepelliNobr:1996:MoEsAn Journal Article Repelli, Carlos Alberto Repelli, Carlos Alberto; Nobre, Paulo Modelagem estatistica das anomalias de temperatura da superficie do mar do Oceano Atlantico Tropical 1996 Climanalise Especial 46-51 October 8501 estudos do tempo e do clima, , modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, mcga, temperatura da superficie do ma, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, temperatura da superficie do mar, anomalias. A mais recente e promissora classe de metodos de previsao climatica na escala sazonal utiliza modelos de circulacao geral da atmosfera (MCGA)para prever as anomalias pluviometricas e de temperatura de varias regioes do Brasil com dois a tres meses de antecedencia. A grande vantagem deste metodo reside na possibilidade de, se prever a distribuicao espacial desses parametros (Bamston, 1992). Em todos os modelos, sejam estatisticos ou dinamicos, utilizados em previsao climatica, faz-se necessario o conhecimento das anomalias de TSM dos oceanos tropicais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1094 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Spinoza:1996:DiOnLe Journal Article Spinoza, Elizabete Spinoza, Elizabete Disturbios ondulatorios de leste na regiao tropical 1996 Climanalise Especial 147-154 October 8511 estudos do tempo e do clima, umidade, vento, precipitacao (meteorologia), meteorologia tropical, disturbios de ondas, funcoes ortogonais empiricas. Na atmosfera tropical, caracterizada por muita umidade e intensa atividade convectiva, sao observados fenomenos meteorologicos em varias escalas de espaco e de tempo, desde a conveccao cumulos ate a oscilacao quase-bienal. Os estudos destes fenomenos foram no passado bastante limitados pela escassez e baixa frequencia das observacoes meteorologicas nos tropicos. Felizmente os centros meteorologicos tem ao longo dos ultimos 10 a 15 anos gerado analises globais, o que tem possibilitado melhorar o entendimento de varios aspectos da atmosfera tropical. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1104 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbduSaha:1985:EqPlBu Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, mangalathyil Ali; Sahai, Yogeshwar Equatorial plasma bubble eastward velocity characteristics from scanning airglow photometer measurements over Cachoeira Paulista 1985 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 47 8-10 895-900 2448 aeronomia. Regular observations were carried out of airglow depletion patch motion, associated with equatorial plasma bubble events, using east-west and meridional scan OI 6300 airglow photometers over Cachoeira Paulista (22§42'S, 45§W, dip -26§), Brazil. Results from the east-west scan photometer for 31 nights obtained during the period January 1980-February 1981 that are analysed in the present work show that eastward motion of airglow depletion patches is a regular phenomenon in the post-sunset period, extending often to early morning hours ( 02 LT), during the summer-equinoctial months. Such moving airglow structures were absent during the winter months (June, July and August). The main results from this first extensive study of the airglow depletion patch zonal movements over Cachoeira Paulista are the following: (1)the night-time mean eastward drift velocities for the months January-May 1980 are higher than those for the period September 1980-February 1981; (2)plots of eastward velocity versus local time for the second period mentioned in (a)show a decrease of the drift velocity with local time, while for the first group the velocity oscillates around an apparently local time-independent mean value; (3)the drift velocities vary in varying degrees with geomagnetic activity index Kp. These results are discussed in the light of other reported measurements of the zonal F-region plasma motions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE IONO 642 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesTakaSahaGobb:1995:ObGrWa Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Gobbi, Delano Observations of gravity waves from multispectral mesospheric nightglow emissions observed at 23 degrees S 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 4 395-405 7154 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the OI 557.7 nm, O2 atmospheric (0,1)band, NaD and OH (9,4)band emissions obtained during the period October-November 1989 at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), Brazil, have been analysed to study gravity waves in the mesospheric region at a low-latitude station in the southern hemisphere. It was found that, when these emissions showed large temporal intensity variations, there were also short period quasi-coherent temporal variations superposed on them, suggesting a possible passage of internal gravity waves in the emission layers. Cross-correlation analysis indicates that the time lag between the different emissions is smaller for short period variations compared with the long period variations. The wave parameters, namely a vertical wavelength of 12 km, a horizontal derived wavelentgh of 200 km with a period of 80 min, estimated from one of the observed short-period coherent oscillations, are typical of the internal gravity waves at the airglow emission height. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 808 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SubbarayaMuraSastSaty:1972:StStEl Journal Article Subbaraya, B.H. Subbaraya, B.H.; Muralikrishana, P.; Sastry, T.S.G.; Satya, Prakash A study of the structure of electrical consuctivities and the electrostatic field within the equatorial electrojet 1972 Planetary Space Science 20 : 47-52 9735 aeronomia, provas eletrotáticas, eletrojato equatorial, resistência eletrica, campos elétricos, perfis de densidade eletrônica, electrostatic probes, electron density, equatorial eletrojet, eletrical resisvity, eletric fields, eletron density profiles. Simultaneous measurements of the electron density and the electrojet current intensity made from rocket borne Langmuir probes and proton precession magnetometers flown from Thumba (magnetic dip 0 degree 47'S)have been used to study the structure of the electrical conductivities and the electrostatic field within the equatorial electrojet in the Indian zone. The results reveal that in this height region the horizontal electric field is not constant with height and most probably increases with increase in height. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 780 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBati:1977:EvRePa Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Sporadic E-layer phenomena in the brazilian geomagnetic anomaly: evidence for a regular particle ionization source 1977 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physical 39 6 723-731 1705 aeronomia, , anomalias magnetica. A study of Sporadic E-layer phenomena over Cachoeira Paulista (22.6 degrees 45 degrees W), located in the vicinity of the Brazilian geornagnetic anomaly centre is presented. Monthly average diurnal behaviour of the Es occurrence presented for summer, winter and equinoctial months shows that the simidiurnal tidal component dominates in some months while others show a single diurnal maximum. The night-to-day ratio in the occurrence rate of Es appears to be greatly enhanced over our station in relation to middle latitude stations. This and the frequent night occurrence of high blanketing frequencies (fbEs)are interpreted as evidence of a regular night-time ionization source in the geornagnetic anomaly. From considerations based upon the theory of redistribution of ionization by neutral winds a lower limit in the ambient ionization needed to produce the observed fbEs is determined and a corresponding precipitating electron flux is estimated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MolionMoor:1983:EsZeDi Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Moore, C.J Estimating the zero-plane displacement for tall vegetation using a mass conservation method 1983 Boundary Layer Meteorology 26 2 115-125 2358 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 445 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FigueiredoViJaWuNeCe:1990:GaObSN Journal Article Figueiredo, Newton Figueiredo, Newton; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira; Cesta, Rita de Casia Gamma-ray observations of SN1987A 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 459-462 2980 astrofisica, stars, gamma-rays, supernova 1987a. We present gamma-ray observations of SN1987A in the energy range from 150 keV to 1 MeV carried out on June 19, 1988, on-board a stratospheric balloon with two NaI(T1)detectors (600 cm2 total area). The telescope incorporated a passive collimator and was mounted on a stabilized platform which allowed observations with a pointing accuracy of approximately 2 degrees in azimuth. The flight altitude was about 5.5 mb and the total observation time was 6 hours, divided between source and background. The 2 sigma upper limits for the continuum are 2.45x10-5 and 5.42x 10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 in the 0.15 to 0.30 MeV and 0.30 to 1.00 MeV energy bands, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 44 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ManziPlan:1994:AnCyEx Journal Article Manzi, Antonio Ocimar Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Planton, S Implementation of the ISBA parametrization scheme for land surface processes in a GCM - an annual cycle experiment 1994 Journal of Hydrology 155 3-4 353-387 6851 micrometeorologia, , parametrizacao, modelos atmosfericos, gcm, solo, planta, atmosfera, interacao. A parametrization scheme for the Interaction between Soil, Biosphere and Atmosphere (ISBA), has been implemented in the French spectral general circulation model (GCM)Emeraude. ISBA represents surface physical processes including the variability of soil hydrological properties and the influence of vegetagion cover on the exchanges between the soil-cover system and the atmosphere. The main characteristics of the scheme, and the more recent improvements concerning the tropical rain forest, are briefly described. The method used to derive the maps of the surface parameters is also presented, Two 3 year experiments with and without ISBA are compared, with special emphasis on the results at specific locations where observations are available. The general features of the model climatology are found to be independent of the inclusion of the scheme. With ISBA, the model gives a lower surface soil temperature, mainly owing to an increased surface albedo, and an intensification of the hydrological cycle. A more striking response to the inclusion of ISBA is the improved partitioning of the surface energy budget, which then agrees moderately well with the observations over different systems of land cover. A comparison with previous GCM experiments with new land surface parametrizations shows that the models with the new schemes are in better agreement with each other and with the observations over the Amazon region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 612 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffEcheLemeSilv:2000:VaSaRa Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Echer, Ezequiel; Leme, Neusa Maria Paes; Silva, A.A A variação sazonal da radiação ultravioleta solar biologicamente ativa 2000 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 18 1 9694 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, radiação solar, radiação ultravioleta, Eritema, UV-BBiomêtro, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiationErythema, Biometer. Séries temporais de radiação UV-B, biologicamente ativa, obtidas em vários locais no Brasil, em Punta Arenas no Chile e em La Paz na Bolívia são apresentadas. O quadro atual de mudança atmosférica, principalmente a tendência global de redução no ozônio total, fez surgir na comunidade científica preocupações quanto a um possível aumento na intensidade da radiação ultravioleta (UV)solar na superfície terrestre. Nesse contexto, o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE opera uma rede de medidores do tipo Biômetro, radiômetros especialmente projetados para medir a radiação UV causadora de efeitos danosos à saúde humana, a radiação UV-B Eritema, desde o início dos anos 1990. Analisam-se neste trabalho as séries temporais de máxima dose diária de radiação UV-B Eritema obtidas com o Biômetro, estudando-se a variação sazonal e calculando-se o Índice UV. Os maiores valores do Índice UV são encontrados nas regiões de La Paz, Campo Grande e Natal. A radiação UV-B apresentou uma forte dependência da latitude geográfica e da altitude, conforme esperado. Os Índices UV atingiram valores próximos a 15 em La Paz, e acima de 12 em Natal e Campo Grande no período de verão. Também é apresentado o resultado de um experimento para medir a radiação UV-B difusa realizado em Cachoeira Paulista em 24 e 25 de novembro de 1998. A radiação difusa representa pelo menos 45 da radiação global para o UV-B Eritema. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8843-PRE/4485 PN CEA DGE DGE 150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RigozoNord:2000:RSBr Journal Article Rigozo, N. R. Rigozo, N. R.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Registros da atividade solar nos anéis de crescimento de árvores em São Francisco de Paula - RS (Brasil) 2000 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 18 1 March 9693 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, dendrocronologia, atividade solar, análise de imagem, análise espectral, dendrochronology, solar activity, image analysis, spectrum analysis. O aspecto mais conhecido da variabilidade solar é o ciclo de 11 anos, observado no número de manchas solares. No entanto, este ciclo tem sido observado em outros registros, como os das atividades nucleares dos cosmonuclídeos 14C e 10Be em testemunhos de gelo das calotas polares. Cronologias dos índices das espessuras dos anéis de crescimento das árvores, recentemente, começaram a ser usadas como possíveis registros das variações do ciclo solar no passado. Em diferentes locais no mundo foi observado uma influência do ciclo solar de 11 anos nos anéis de arescimento de árvores. Entretanto em outros locais não foi possível encontrar vestígios dessa influência solar nas árvores. Isto nos levou a fazer um estudo das possíveis influências da atividade solar nos anéis de crescimento de árvores da América do Sul. A determinação das espessuras de anéis é feita através de uma metodologia ótica e computacional. Este trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos para um destes locais, que é São Francisco de Paula, Brasil. Uma cronologia média de 65 anos foi determinada para as espessuras dos anéis de crescimento de árvores, neste lugar. Para a procura das periodicidades, relacionadas com os fenômenos de origem solar, foi usado o método de análise da regressão iterativa. Nós encontramos periodicidades de 20,7, 12,8 e 5,6 anos relacionadas aos ciclos solares de 22 anos (Ciclo de Hale), 11 anos (ciclo de Schwabe)e o segundo harmônico do ciclo de 11 anos. Também foi encontrado um período de 8,6 anos, o qual é devido ao desbaste feito na floresta. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8751-PRE/4484 PN CEA DAE DAE 149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MORAESVENKPILC:1987:ELPOAN Journal Article MORAES,I.M. MORAES,I.M.; VENKATARAMAN,N.S.; PILCHOWSKI,H.U. ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND DENSITY ESTIMATION AROUND A IONOSPHERIC SATELLITE - 24P 1987 Acta Astronautica 15 4 5295 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 34110X 1186 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FischMareNobr:1996:ClAm Journal Article Fisch, Gilberto Fisch, Gilberto; Marengo, Jose A.; Nobre, Carlos Afenso Clima da Amazonia 1996 Climanalise Especial 24-41 October 8499 estudos do tempo e do clima, , clima, paleoclimatologia, desmatamento, desflorestamento. A Bacia Amazonica possui uma area estimada de 6,3 milhoes de quilometros quadrados, sendo que aproximadamente 5 milhoes em territorio brasileiro e o restante divido entre os paises da Bolivia, Colombia, Equador e Peru. Esta regiao e limitada a oeste pela Cordilheira dos Andes (com elevacoes de ate 6000 m), a norte pelo Planalto das Guianas (com picos montanhosos de ate 3000 m), ao sul pelo Planalto Central (altitudes tipicas de 1200 m)e a leste pelo Oceano Atlantico, por onde toda a agua captada na bacia escoa para o mar. Segundo o IBGE, a area da Amazonia Legal no Brasil e de 5032925 km2, compreendidos pelos estados do Para, Amazonas, Rondonia, Roraima, Acre e Amapa e parte dos estados do Tocantins, Mato Grosso e Maranhao. Imagens de satelites analisadas pelo INPE estimam em 126.000 km2 a area ja desmatada ate 1991, com uma taxa de desmatamento anual de 21000 km2 ano, durante o periodo de 1978-1989, decrescendo este valor para 11.130 km2 ano durante os anos de 1990-991 (INPE, 1992). As regioes que mais sofreram com o desmatamento sao as partes Sul e Leste do Para (apos a construcao da rodovia Belem-Brasilia)e as partes Norte do Mato Grosso e Sul de Rondonia (devido a rodovia Cuiaba-Porto Velho). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1092 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Calbete:1996:Pe1919 Journal Article Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo Casos de ocorrencia de gedas e neve sobre a regiao Sul do Brasil - periodo de 1986 a 1996 1996 Climanalise Especial 129-130 October 8509 estudos do tempo e do clima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1102 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrNelsBati:1985:SoCyRe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Nelson, O.R..; Batista, Inez Staciarini. Solar cycle related range type SPREAD-F occurrence characteristics over equatorial and low latitude stations in Brazil 1985 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 47 8-10 901-905 2446 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 640 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatSobPauKan:1985:EqIoPl Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Batista, Inez Stacuarini; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Equatorial ionospheric plasma bubble irregularity occurrence and zonal velocities under quiet and disturbed conditions, from polarimeter observations 1985 Journal of Geophysical Research 90 A10 9921-9928 2445 aeronomia, disturbios magnéticos, bolhas de plasma, equador magnético, polarimetros, observação, magnetic disturbances, plasma bubble, magnetic equator, polarimeters, observation. Amplitude scintillation and Faraday rotation angle fluctuations of satellite VHF beacons registered by electronic polarimeters operated at two stations spaced 110 km apart in the magnetic east-west direction namely Cachoeira Paulista, 22 degree41 degree S, 45 degree W, dip angle of -26 degree, and São José dos Campos, 23 degree 12'S, 45 degree 51'W, dip angle of -26 degree, in Brazil are analyzed for equinoctial and summer months of 1982-1983 to determine the irregularity patch occurrence characteristics and their zonal velocities under varying levels of magnetic disturbances. The scintillation patch occurrences and total electron content fluctuations representing plasma depletion structures decrease during premidnight hours and are enhanced in the postmidnight period. The occurrences often extend to morning hours, with increasing magnetic activity index. While the night events are associated with eastward irregularity patch motion, the morning events have westward velocities (the reversal)occurring around 0400 LT, reflecting the morning velocity reversal in the F region bulk plasma motion reported earlier from Jicamarca radar measurements. The westward plasma bubble motions reported here represent the first observation of this kind. Another important finding from the present investigation is a clear tendency for the zonal plasma motion, namely, the equatorial meridional electric field, to become enhanced mainly in the premidnight hours immediately following strong magnetic activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 639 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesArulReesBitt:1995:GrWaGe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Aruliah, A.L.; Rees, D.; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Gravity wave generation and propagation during geomagnetic storms over Kiruna (67.8 degrees N, 20.4 degrees E) 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 4 358-366 7152 aeronomia. Atmospheric gravity waves, detected over Kiruna (67.8 degrees N, 20.4 degrees E)during geomagnetic storms, are presented and analysed. The data include direct measurements of the OI 630.0 nm emission line intensity, the x-component of the local geomagnetic field and thermospheric (meridional and zonal)wind velocities derived from the OI 630.0 nm Doppler shift observed with an imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer (IFPI). A low pass band filter technique was used to determine short-period variations in the thermospheric meridional wind velocities observed during geomagnetic storms. These short-period variations in the meridional wind velocities, which are identified as due to gravity waves, are compared to the corresponding variations observed in the OI 630.0 nm emission line intensity, x-component of the local geomagnetic field and the location of the auroral electrojet. A cross-correlation analysis was used to calculate the propagation velocities of the observed gravity waves. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 806 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FreemanJrFeHiLiMeMe:1972:SuLoNe Journal Article Freeman Jr., J.W. Freeman Jr., J.W.; Fenner, M.A.; Hills, H.K.; Lindeman, R.A.; Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid; Meister,J Suprathermal lons near the Moon 1972 Icarus 16 328-338 9698 aeronomia, superfície lunar, pacote de experimentos da superficie lunar apollo, lua, lunar surface, apollo lunar surface experiments package (alsep), ions, moon. This paper reports some preliminary results from the Suprathermal Ion Detectors deployed on the lunar surface, by the Apollo 12 and 14 astronauts. Salient features of these results include - the possible observation of sporadic venting of gas from the lunar surface; evidence for a prompt ionization and acceleration mechanism operating in the lunar exosphere; and a preliminary measurement yielding approximately 1 month for the e-folding decay time for the heavier components of the exhaust gases from the Apollo lunar landing systems. Prominent phenomena from which these results have been derived are: (1)ion bursts of low to moderate energy seen in conjunction with lunar sunrise and sunset; (2)solar wind energy ions detected out the night side of the Moon; (3)ions of several keV energy seen during the lunar sunset to midnight quadrant of the Moon's orbit; (4)magnetosheath ion flux enhancements; (5)ion bursts generated by the lunar impact of the Apollo 13 Saturn upper stage and other man-made objects; and (6)geomagnetic storm associated ion flux variations in the Earth's magnetotail. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 777 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1983:ANUP Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich ATMOSPHERIC SODIUM CHEMISTRY AND DIURNAL VARIATIONS: AN UP-DATE 1983 Gophysics Research Letters 10 8 721-724 2355 geofisica espacial. Recent results for sodium reaction rates have led to a reassessment of the importance of atmospheric sodium constituents and their distribution with height. The largest changes occur at the bottom of the neutral atmospheric sodium layer. A much larger reaction rate coefficient for the three body production of NaO2 makes this constituent potentially much more dense below about 80 km, whereas the inclusion of photolysis produces a large diurnal variation in the NaOH loss frequency. Because many of the Na reaction rates are still uncertain static calculations for four different options on reaction rates have recently been offered in the literature. We show that only one of these choices is able to produce diurnal variations that are in agreement with recent measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE FISAT 443 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuskoStei:1990:ObAlNi Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Profiles of emission lines in active galactic nuclei - III. Observations of H alfa, Nii and Sii profiles 1990 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 245 3 470-483 2978 astrofisica. High-resolution (FWHM=28 km s-1)observations of Halfa [N ii]lambda6548/6583 and [S ii]lambda6717/6731 emission lines in several southern active galactic nuclei (AGN)are presented. Deblending of the Halfa+[N ii]profiles was performed using, when available, the [O iii]lambda5007 profile shape as a template. Line profile measurements, as well as line intensities, are tabulated. We found to be relatively common among the observed objects the existence of structure in the line cores, pointing to the complexity of dynamics in the low-velocity emission region. Differences in profile shape and width amongst different lines are also common, indicating that often there is a superposition, on the spectrograph slit, of emission regions with different dynamics and excitation conditions. This superposition is quantified in the case of IC 5063. We found weak, broad H alfa emission in IC 5063 and IC 5135. In NGC 2992, we were unable to confirm the presence of a broad H alfa component with the same intensity as found by previous authors, which we ascribe to spectral resolution effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 42 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyKaya:1994:PrMoOu Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Kayano, Mary Toshie Principal modes of outgoing longawave radiation and 250-mb circulation for the South American Sector 1994 Journal of Climate 7 7 1131-1143 6215 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, circulacao atmosferica, modelos, eof. Principal modes of anomalous upper-tropospheric circulation and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)are determined for the South Amerian sector. A combined EOF analysis is performed using anomalous 250-mb zonal and meridional wind components plus anomalous OLR. The data are filtered so that modes on both intraseasonal and interannual timescales can be studied separately. The resulting patterns show a consistent relationship between anomalous OLR and anomalous upper-tropospheric circulation features. The first and second interannual modes contain many atmospheric features related to extremes in the Southern Oscillation. These include 1)variations in the pattern of tropical convection, and 2)changes in the intensity of upper-troposferic zonal flow in the equatorial band and in the subtropics. The first intraseasonal mode has its greatest loadings in the Tropics and is most active during the southern summer season. For positive (negative)amplitudes of this mode, anomalous upper-tropospheric westerly (easterly)flow dominates the Tropics throughout the region, and positive (negative)OLR anomalies are observed over northeastern South America and over the eastern equatorial Pacific. These features are associated with the 30-60 day (Madden-Julian)oscilation. An extended combined EOF analysis was performed to study the evolution of intraseasonal oscillations in the South American sector. The first rotated combined extended EOF mode describes a sequence of patterns in wich anomalous equatorial westerlies and positive OLR anomalies over tropical Brazil gradually weaken and then reverse. The largest loadings throughout the evolution of the patterns contained in the first mode remain in the Tropics and subtropics. These results provide information on the combined relationship between atmospheric circulation and convection over the South American sector and on the evolution of patterns associated with 30-60 day (intraseasonal)oscillations. By projecting the combined fields of anomalous OLR and 250-mb zonal and meridional wind onto the individual patterns contained in the first rotated combined extended EOF mode, one obtains indices that should enhance real-time monitoring efforts and may lead to improved monthly forecasts for the South American sector. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 609 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GanVadl:1994:InAnCo Journal Article Gan, Manoel Alonso Gan, Manoel Alonso; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao The influence of the Andes Cordillera on transient disturbances 1994 Monthly Weather Review 122 6 1141-1157 793 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, disturbios transientes. The influence of the Andes Cordillera on transient disturbances is investigated in this study using a lagcorrelation analysis. This analysis shows that the unfiltered geopotential height data have a wavelike pattern moving to the east while tilting to the west in the vertical. When the wave approaches the Andes Cordillera, it exhibits orographic effects such as anticyclonic turning of a low-level disturbance trajectory, a zonal trajectory in the upper levels, distortions of the isolines of correlation, and an elongation of maximum correlation on the lee side of the Andes. The anticyclonic turning of the trajectory in the low-altitude level and a zonal trajectory in upper levels implies a decrease in the vertical tilt of the system on the windward side and an increase in the tilt on the lee side. The increase of baroclinicity on the lee side results in baroclinic development as predicted from a linearly obtained normal-mode solution in the presence of mountains. A cross-correlation analysis of the high-pass-filtered disturbances shows an eastward phase propagation and a westward vertical tilt with height on the order of one-quarter wavelength between 1000-and 300-hPa levels. The horizontal structure and phase propagation show characteristics similar to the fastest-growing baroclinic normal mode in a two-layer, quasigeostrophic, Beta-plane, linear model with a mountain placed in the north-south direction. This shows that the high-pass-filtered anomalies over the South American region are associated with baroclinic disturbances influenced by the Andes Cordillera. The results further show that the interaction of these anomalies with the Andes Cordillera is responsible for lee cyclogenesis. The composite maps show that the positive and negative high-pass-filtered anomalies have the same structure and paths of phase propagation. These anomalies intensity over the Pacific Ocean near the South American continent. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 599 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreYeli:1986:DiEnNu Journal Article Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Distribuicao de energia numa cultura de soja [Glycine Max (l.)Merril] 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 1 29-37 6376 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 1381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LemesFran:1986:UsMeQu Journal Article Lemes, Marco Antonio Maringolo Lemes, Marco Antonio Maringolo; Franchito, Sergio Henrique Uso de metodos quantitativos em previsao meteorologica 1986 Geociencias 7: 295-298 2660 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT CPT PNTE 834 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarengoUvo:1996:VaMuCl Journal Article Marengo, Jose A. Marengo, Jose A.; Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Variabilidade e mudanca climatica no Brasil e America do Sul 1996 Climanalise Especial 1-7 October 8497 estudos do tempo e do clima, mudanca de clima, variabilidade, precipitacao (meteorologia). Neste capitulo E apresentado um estudo de series temporais de precipitacao e de vazoes/cotas de rios em diversas regiões do Brasil, com o objetivo de observar a existencia de variacoes sistematicas nesses parametros que indicariam mudanças climaticas. Series historicas de dados desde o inicio do seculo foram analisadas e o teste de Mann-KendalI (Lettenmaier et al. 1991, 1994, Marengo 1995)foi utilizado para determinar a presença de tendencias, suas direçoes e se sao estatisticamente significantes ou nao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1090 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CalbeteCalb:1996:PrInOc Journal Article Calbete, Nuri O. Calbete, Nuri O.; Calbete, Sergio precipitacoes intensas ocorridas no periodo de 1986 a 1996 no Brasil 1996 Climanalise Especial 106-122 October 8507 estudo do tempo e do clima, chuva, precipitacao (meteorologia). A precipitacao e uma das variaveis meteorologicas mais importantes para os estudos climaticos das diversas regioes do Brasil. Tal importancia deve-se as consequencias que estas podem ocasionar, quando ocorridas em excesso (precipitacao intensa), para os setores produtivos da sociedade tanto economico e social (agricultura, transporte, hidrologia, etc), causando enchentes, assoriamento dos rios, quedas de barreiras, etc. Chuva intensa define-se como sendo aquela que registra um grande volume de agua precipitado num curto espaco de tempo. Por exemplo, uma chuva de 20 mm, ocorrida em 24 horas, e considerada fraca, no entanto, este mesmo valor, ocorrido em poucos minutos, que caracteriza a chuva de verao, e geralmente forte e a ocorrencia e conhecida popularmente como pancadas de chuva. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1100 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBaWaSoTrPa:1995:LoTiDe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Walker, G.O.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Equatorial ionospheric electric fields during magnetospheric disturbances: local time/longitude dependences from recent EITS campaigns 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 10 1065-1083 7150 aeronomia. Data sets collected during a few coordinated Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (EITS)observational campaign periods, mainly from the Brazilian and Asian longitude sectors are analysed in this paper. Ionosonde magnetometer and Ionosphere Electron Content (IEC)data from the EITS-1 and -2 campaigns (during March and December 1991)are complemented by interplanetary magnetic field and some ground based data sets from other campaigns. The analysis focuses on the response of the equatorial ionospheric heights and ionizaton anomaly to disturbance electric fields, identified as a direct penetration electric field associated with IMF B, changes and development of the ring current (especially the asymmetric component), and that produced by a disturbance zonal neutral wind. New evidence on the local time and longitudinal dependences of these electric fields constitute the main results of this paper. Especially, a large eastward electric field (associated with the asymmetric ring current)in the dusk-dawn sector causes significant expansion of the EIA in this sector, and amplification of the evening preversal uplift of the F-layer over Brazil. Significant inhibition of the evening prereversal electric field enhancement seems to be produced by the disturbance zonal wind associated with the magnetic disturbances prevailing several hours earlier. Some tentative evidence on the Brazilian dusk sector disturbance field being larger than that of the Asian dusk sector support the existence of a longitude asymmetry in the intensity of the disturbance electric field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 804 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sobral:1979:MeVaPa Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Medidas de variações de parâmetros da atmosfera neutra a partir de medidas de espalhamento incoerente e luminescência noturna 1979 Revista Brasileira de Física 9 2 473-483 9676 aeronomia, região f, luminescência noturna, regiões tropicais, atmosferas neutras, medição, f region, nightglow, tropical regions, neural atmosphere. Significant variation of neutral composition in the F-region is shown by means of comparisons between experimental and predicted values of 0 1 6300 nightglow. Diffusive equilibrium is assumed for the altitude range under investigation. Such variations were more readily observed during major perturbations of the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere. These perturbations are in turn supposed to be generated by the global pressure pattern of the Earth nocturnal sector, viz., by large low latitude pressure gradients stemming from thermospheric winds crossing polar Terminator with speed vectors oriented towards the equator in the midnight zone. The input data for the 0 I 6300 airglow simulation are basically high accuracy (5) eletron density data plus an appropriate model of the neutral atmosphere. All data were collected at Arecibo, Puerto Rico (geographic coordinates 18,35§N, 66,75§W). Resumo: A comparação entre resultados teóricos e práticos de emissão integrada da luminescência da linha 6300 mostra, supondo-se perfis de componentes neutros da atmosfera em equilíbrio de difusão, significantes variações de composição de constituintes neutros da atmosfera. Tais variações foram detectadas durante a ocorrência de grandes perturbações da atmosfera tanto neutra como ionizada. Crê-se que a origem de tais perturbaçõeses esteja no gradiente de pressão na metade noturna do globo terrestre em virtude do constante fluxo atmosférico, em altura ionosférica, transpolar indo do setor diurno para o setor noturno. Os dados de entrada para o cálculo da emissão vermelha foram basicamente dados de densidade eletrônica de alta precisão obtida pelo radar de A-recibo e um modelo de atmosfera. O fotômetro, que media a luminescência vermelha, estava na vizinhança do radar. Deve-se ressaltar que a utilização simultânea do radar de espalhamento incoerente de alta precisão e de um fotômetro de medir 6300 formam um par ideal para se efetuar o cálculo do perfil de emissão. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 775 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraNord:1983:THEFTR Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger THE EFFECTS OF A TROPICAL RAIN FOREST COVER ON AIRBORNE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETRY 1983 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 1 2 99-108 2351 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEONUC 441 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1990:AlDeCh Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Altitude dependence of H changes at magsat altitudes (325-550 km) 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 7 883-888 2975 geofisica espacial. Changes of the H component observed by MAGSAT for equatorial dawn and dusk passes at seven altitude slabs equivalent to 30 km each, viz. 340-370, 400-430, 430-460, 460-490, 490-520 and 520-540 km were compared with ground Dst. The correlation coefficients were generally high (>+0.90)except for some slabs in some longitude belts, when correlations were lower, indicating these slabs as possible sources of some stray, transient currents. However, deltaHo, i.e. the intercepts on the deltaHo axis, were always negative for all slabs, indicating that, if a steady current existed, it should be above the ground, but below 340 km altitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 39 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HiguchiSantImanYosh:1994:AbBiEs Journal Article Higuchi, N. Higuchi, N.; Santos, Jesus Marden dos; Imanaga, Masaaki; Yoshida, Shigejiro Aboveground biomass estimate for Amazonian dense tropical moist forests 1994 The Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture Kugoshiwa University 30 39 43-54 6118 ciencias meteorologicas, , micrometeorologia, biomassa, modelos, inventario florestal, desflorestamento. A forest inventory was carried out exclusively to obtain an estimate of aboveground biomass for Amazonian dense tropical moist forests, particulary in the South of Para and South of Roraima. These regions have suffered very high deforestation rates in the last five years. Aboveground biomass was estimated through mathematical model for total (stem and crown)fresh and dry weight of all vegetatin with a diameter at breast heigth (dbh)greater than 5 cm. The selected models contained tree dbh and total height. Besides biomass this paper also presents estimates for number of trees (N)and basal area (BA)on a hectare (ha)basis. Sampling size was 22.8 ha, and plot demensions were 20 by 200 m for both regions. Dry weigth estimates for South of Para and South of Roraima are 185 t/ha and 228 t/ha. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 607 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VillelaNeto:1993:GrAvCi Journal Article Villela Neto, Thyrso Villela Neto, Thyrso Uma pequena variação de temperatura: um grande avanço científico 1993 Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira 13 1 37-49 9714 astrofísica, raios cósmicos, temperatura, variações, cosmologia, cosmic ray, temperature, variations, cosmology. Discutem-se os resultados recentes dos satélites COBE e Relict 1 e sua importância para a Cosmologia. Os dados mostram variações na temperatura da Radiação Cósmica de Fundo da ordem de seis partes por milhão. Esses resultados favorecem as teorias que se baseiam na gravidade como o agente responsável pelo processo de formação dê estruturas no Universo. Os dados do Relict 1 mostram também a existência de um sinal anômalo vindo de uma vasta região, dando margem a várias interpretações. Os resultados dos dois experimentos são consistentes com um espectro de flutuações primordiais do tipo Harrison Zeldovich com índice espectral n.1 e dão uma forte sustentação aos modelos cosmológicos baseados na Teoria do Universo Inflacionário. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 597 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduBitt:1986:SeLoAs Journal Article Batista,Inez Staciarini Batista,Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Equatorial f region vertical plasma drifts: seasonal and longitudinal asymmetries in the American sector 1986 Journal Geophysical Research A 91 11 12055-12064 2658 aeronomia, equador magnético, região f, condutividade, movimento de plasma, magnetic equator, f region, conductivity, plasma drift. Longitudinal and seasonal asymmetries in the evening ionospheric F region plasma vertical drift (Vz)enhancements, between two longitudinally separated stations situated along the magnetic equator, in the American sector, are investigated under solar maximum conditions, based on results obtained from the analysis of ionosonde data for these stations. The two stations are Huancayo, Peru, and Fortaleza, Brazil, which have markedly different magnetic declination angles. The observed asymmetries are interpreted using a detailed numerical simulation of the E and F region electrodynamic coupling process that takes into account also its asymmetry about the magnetic equator arising from the finite magnetic declination angle. The results of the simulation show, in agreement with observations, that the occurrence time of the evening F region vertical drift prereversal peak and its seasonal variation at a station are controlled by the magnetic declination angle at that station, which determines the seasonal variation of the sunset times (and hence the Integrated Pedersen conductivity longitudinal gradient)at its magnetic conjugate E layers. The amplitude of the prereversal peak, on the other hand, undergoes the influence of the magnetic declination angle as well as of the thermospheric zonal wind component. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PESQUISA DA IONOSFERA 832 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAYGGBZT:2001:ReLoIo Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Yamashita, S.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua de; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Zamlutti, Carlos José; Tsurutani, B.T Responses of the low-latitude ionosphere to very intense geomagnetic storms 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 63 9 965-974 9640 AERONOMIA, temperatura magnéticas, ionosferas, regiões tropicais, magnetic storms, ionospheric drift, tropical regions, ionospheres. In this work, we investigate the ionospheric responses to exceptionally high-intensity and long-duration magnetic storms over Brazil. Disturbed ionospheric F-region vertical drifts and peak electron density changes observed at the equatorial station Fortaleza - Fz (3 degrees 55'S; 38 degrees 25'W; dip - 3.5 degrees)and the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista - CP (22 degrees 41'S; 45 degrees 00'W; dip 24 degreesS), for three magnetospheric storm events that occurred in December 1980, April 1981 and September 1982, are analyzed. These storms had minimum Dst indexes -240, -311 and -289 nT, respectively. The interplanetary magnetic field (Bz)data from the ISEE-3 satellite, the auroral activity index AE, and the ring current index Dst are used as indicators of the magnetospheric conditions. The ionospheric response features are analyzed using the F-layer critical parameters h'F, hpF2 and foF2, from ionograms obtained at Fz and CP. The Bz and the AE index variations were much higher than those in many previous studies. Therefore, many of the observations reported here either have not been observed or are not readily explained by current models for predicting the penetration/dynamo disturbance electric fields. The altitude of the nocturnal ionospheric F-layer at low latitudes may undergo significant variations during storm-time, caused by magnitude variations on the local zonal component of the F-region electric field intensity. During the period studied here, clear association of the F-layer rise (vertical velocity and altitude)and spread-F occurrence is observed. It is shown that the storm-time layer rise has a dominant role on the equatorial spread-F. An attempt is made to identify the origin of electric fields responsible for the disturbed F-layer alterations. The main conclusions of this study are that (a)some effects on the F-layer height and peak electron concentrations are consistent with model predictions. Some others are in discrepancy or have not been either predicted by model studies or experimentally detected, (b)the F-layer rise over Fz played a major role in the generation of spread-F, (c)the maximum disturbance electric field intensity observed was about 1.09 mV m s-1, (d)in some cases, foF2 increases (decreases)over CP were seen to be related to increases (decreases), in the fountain effect mechanism, (e)storm-time-induced h'F post-sunset height rise inhibitions over Fz may extend for at least 4 days, as observed, (f)daytime foF2 depressions of amplitude up to -9 MHz are observed over Fz, (g)in particular, a rather unexpected disturbance rise in h'F over Fortaleza, on September 8 at 08 LT, does not seem directly associated with either disturbance winds or penetration electric fields with origin at high latitude, where the convection remained low during the preceding 10h. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8679-PRE/4415 PI CEA DAE DAE DGE 145 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1984:REDEVA Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger REUNIAO DE VARIOS PROGRAMAS E PACOTES DE DADOS NA MEMORIA DO 2X81/TS1000/TK82C/CP200 - 15P 1984 MICROHOBBY 2 13 16-19 2441 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEONUC 635 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VilasBoasScalSanz:1991:YoOb Journal Article Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; Scalise Jr., Eugenio; Sanzovo, C.G G305.8-0.2 water vapor source: a young object 1991 Astronomical Journal 102 5 1734-1737 3041 radioastronomia. Observations of water vapor and silicon monoxide masers were conducted in the direction of G305.8 - 0.2. No SiO maser emission above 7 Jy of flux density was detected. The short-time variability of the H2O maser together with the absence of compact radio continuum emission suggests that the excitation energy of the maser could originate from an O7-O9 protostar in its earlier evolutionary stages. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 214 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LunettaAbdu:1971:StLaFe Journal Article Lunetta, M. Lunetta, M.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali A study of the latitudinal features of the ionospheric absorption exursion 1971 Revista Brasileira de Física 1 3 369-379 9674 aeronomia, absorção eletromagnética, propagação ionosférica, região f2, eletromagnetic absorption, ionospheric propagation, f2 region. This paper is concerned with a study of the range of absoption variation termed here as ""Ionospheric Absorption Excursion"", making use of the average differences between the upper and the lower deciles of absoption. The behavior of this parameter is discussed for low and middle latitude ionospheric conditions. The relative importance of this parameter in the F-region and the lower ionosphere is then considered using the latitudinal variation in the F-region absorption expected from the observed latitudinal variation in the critical frequency of the F2 layer. Trata-se de um estudo da faixa de variação da abosorção, aqui denominada ""Excursão da Absorção lonosférica"", utilizando a média das diferenças entre os decís superiores e os decís inferiores da absorção. Discute-se o comportamento dêste parâmetro para condições ionosféricas de baixa e média latitude e considera-se então a importância relativa do parâmetro na região F e na baixa ionosfera por meio da variação latitudinal da absorção na rgiãoo F conforme a observação dessa variação na freqüência critica da camada F2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 773 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrMendGonz:1987:DyNoEq Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Mendes Jr.,Odim; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Dynamics of non-relativistic equatorial electrons and protons inside the plasmaphere 1987 Journal of Geophysical Research 92 9 2656 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera. In this paper, the trajectories of equatorial low-energy particles (electrons and protons with energies between 1 and 100 keV)inside the plasmasphere (L = 1.5-4.5)have been computed for an average quiet dynamo-electric field model that is deduced by incoherent scatter radar observations. it is concluded that electrons tend to corotate with the Earth. On the other hand, protons show a more complex dynamical behavior, strongly depending on energy and local time, presenting open orbits similar to those of electrons, except for an L-dependent energy-interval in which closed orbits are found to exist within certain local time intervals. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PESQUISA DE MAGNETOSFERA 830 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniZAGLVPAYRHLB:2001:AuZoDa Journal Article Tsurutani, B.T. Tsurutani, B.T.; Zhou, X.-Y.; Arballo, J.K.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Lkhina, G.S.; Vasyliunas, V.; Pickett, J.S.; Araki, T.; Yang, H.; Rostoker, G.; Hughes, T.J.; Lepping, R.P.; Berdichevsky, D. Auroral zone dayside precipitation during magentic storm initial phases 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 63 5 513-522 9636 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, zonas aurorais, tempestades magnéticas, magnetosferas, auroral zones, magnetic storms, magnetospheres. Significant charged-particle precipitation occurs in the dayside auroral zone during and after interplanetary shock impingements on the Earth's magnetosphere. The precipitation intensities and spatial and temporal evolution are discussed. Although the post-shock energy flux (1020 erg cm-2 s-1)is lower than that of substorms, the total energy deposition rate may be considerably greater (similar to an order of magnitude)than nightside energy rates due to the greater area of the dayside portion of the auroral oval (defined as extending from 03 MLT through noon to 21 MLT). This dayside precipitation represents direct solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere, ionosphere system. The exact mechanisms for particle energization and precipitation into the ionosphere are not known at this time. Different mechanisms are probably occurring during different portions of the storm initial phase. Immediately after shock compression of the magnetosphere possible precipitation-related mechanisms are: (1)betatron compression of preexisting outer zone magnetospheric particles. The anisotropic plasma is unstable to loss-cone instabilities, leading to plasma wave growth, resonant particle pitch-angle scattering and electron and proton losses into the upper ionosphere. (2)The compression of the magnetosphere can also lead to enhanced field-aligned currents and the formation of dayside double-layers. Finally (3)in the latter stages of the storm initial phase. there is efidence for a long-lasting viscous-like interaction occurring on the Ranks of the magnetopause. Ground-based observations identifying the types of dayside auroral forms would be extremely useful in identifying the specific solar wind energy transfer mechanisms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8677-PRE/4413 PI CEA DGE DGE 143 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CorreiaKaufVilaVaz:1985:SEFOFA Journal Article Correia, Emilia Correia, Emilia; Kaufmann, Pierre; Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi. SEARCH FOR FAST 22 GHZ PULSES FROM GBS 0526-66 - 02P 1985 ASTROPHYS. LETT., 5271 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1179 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClemSimoKirc:1985:TIOSIN Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich TIDAL OSCILATIONS IN THE ATMOSPHERIC SODIUM LAYER 1985 Journal Geophysical Research 90 D2 3881-3888 2439 aeronomia. The vertical distribution of atmospheric sodium has been measured at São José dos Campos (23§S, 46§W)over a total of about 20 complete diurnal cycles between April and August 1981. Average time variations of the sodium density show strong oscillations with 12- and 24-hour periods. Both the diurnal and semidiurnal components of the oscillation display large amplitudes and a 180§ phase inversion near the layer peak. These features are interpreted in terms of the propagation of tides in the layer, taking into account the interaction between the tide and the minor constituent layer. It is shown that the vertical wind is the most important factor that determines the amplitude of the oscillation in sodium density at a fixed height, thus making it possible to estimate the phase and amplitude of the wind oscillations over a limited height range. Diurnal and semidiurnal vertical wind amplitudes of 2-6 cm s-1 and 5-20 cm s-1, respectively, have been inferred. The 12-hour component shows vertical phase propagation with a wavelength of 50 km, in agreement with recent theories. The 24-hour component, however, shows ,characteristics of an evanescent mode instead of the expected S1,1 mode. Maximum upward vertical velocity occurs at about 2100 LT at all heights for the diurnal component and at 0600 and 1800 LT at 85 km for the semidiurnal component. These results appear to be the first reported measurements of tidally induced vertical displacements in the mesopause region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 633 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1971:PoReBe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali On the possible relationship between substom electron drift and cosmic noise absorption on the morning side of the auroral zone 1971 Journal Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33 11 1703-1710 9622 aeronomia, dissipação de energia, ruido cósmico, zonas da aurora, precipitação de eletrons, energy dissipation, cosmic noise, auroral zones, electron precipitatation. Calculation of the energy loss in the atmosphere of drifting electrons during auroral substorms shows a harder energy spectrum for the electrons reaching the morning side than those near the midnight side of the auroral zone. The possibility of detecting the precipitation effect of these electrons on the morning cosmic noise absorption events is examined by studying the variation of the exponent n in the expression Absorption xŸ-n in relation to the position of the magnetic-bay current system which accompanies such absorption events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 771 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimo:1983:LIOBOF Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin LIDAR OBSERVATIONS OF THE EL CHICHON DUST CLOUD AT 23 DEGREES SOUTH 1983 Geophysics Research Letters 10 4 321-324 2342 aeronomia. . Lidar observations of the stratospheric aerosol scattering at São José dos Campos (23§S, 46§W)show a very large increase in the stratospheric aerosol burden to have occurred in mid-1982. Peak scattering ratios greater than 5 have been observed, as compared with pre-enhancement values between 1.1 and 1.2, representing an increase by more than an order of magnitude in particulate scattering. It is concluded that the main source of the. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 436 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirhakosStai:1990:OpSp Journal Article Kirhakos, S.D. Kirhakos, S.D.; Stainer, Jose Envagelista X-ray and infrared selected AGN - II. Optical spectroscopy 1990 Astronomical Journal, 99 6 1722-1739 2971 astrofisica. In a search for obscured active galactic nuclei we selected 144 x-ray/infrared emitting galaxies. Optical spectroscopy of this sample is presented. A classification according to the nuclear activity shows that 28 are AGN, 39 are transition-type objects and 44 are H ii region-like galaxies. Three of the 28 AGN are Seyfert 1 galaxies and the others are of Type 2. We suggest that the objects identified as narrow line AGN are obscured Seyfert 1. Most of the observed galaxies are seen edge-on, indicating that dust may have a flattened distribution coplanar to the disk of the parent galaxy. With the inclusion of the newly identified AGN, the sample of the x-ray emitting Seyfert 2 galaxies is fairly complete above a flux limit of log FHX - 10. 8. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 35 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiMelf:1994:HyStIn Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Melfi, A.J. Hydrogeochemistry studies in northeastern Amazonia 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 39-43 1363 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, hidrogeoquimica. The purpose of this to carry out comprehensive research projects on representative ecosystems as well as on relevant human activity in the region in order to determine basic conditions required to harmonize environment and development. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 603 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AraiMoli:1986:MoNuDi Journal Article Arai, Nelson Arai, Nelson; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Um modelo numerico de difusao de poluente 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 2 77-81 2653 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DSM PROSAT 827 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonSobDalVie:2001:SoInCa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Dal Lago, A; Vieira, L.E Solar and interplanetary causes of very intense geomagnetic storms 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 63 5 403-412 9634 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, tempestades magnéticas, disturbios, vento solar, magnetic storms, disturbances, solar wind. The dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of such class of storms, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures also lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary Structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more Bs structures. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8675-4411 PI CEA DGE DGE 141 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyCasa:1984:BlSoHe Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Casarin, Darci P. Blocking in the Southern Hemisphere during 1975-1979 1984 Tellus 2433 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME SINO 631 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1991:LoTeVa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Long term variation of solar UVB(290-330nm)observed the Earth's surface 1991 Pure and Applied Geophysics 136 2-3 201-210 3036 geofisica espacial. During solar cycle 21 (1976-86), the primary solar irradiance at 300 nm was steady during 1980-82 and thereafter decreased until 1986 by only 2-3. The stratospheric ozone in middle latitudes had a QBO of 3-4 in this interval but the long-term ozone trend was less than 3 per decade, which could result in a UVB increase of only 5-6 per decade. Thus the combined effect of changes in primary solar irradiance and ozone changes could be an increase of 5-6 in UVB, observed at ground during 1977-81 and a steady level during 1981-86. During 1976-86, the average cloudiness changed by less than 5 indicating UVB changes of 5 or less on this count. The aerosol level was almost constant during 1976-82 and increased abruptly in 1982 due to the El Chichon eruption and decayed slowly until 1986. Thus, due to aerosols only, the UVB was expected to be constant during 1976-82, to decrease sharply in 1982 and to recoup slowly thereafter. Measurements of clear-sky solar UVB at ground made at Jungfraujoch (Swiss Alps, 47 degrees N, 8 degrees E)during 1981-89 and at Rockville, USA (39 degrees N, 77 degrees W)were not comparable between themselves and did not follow the above expected patterns. Neither did the all-day R-B meter UVB measurements at Philadelphia, USA (40 degrees N, 75 degrees W)and Minneapolis, USA (45 degrees N, 93 degrees W). We suspect that some of these measurements are erroneous. This needs further detailed scrutiny. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 210 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1991:ExAnOz Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Extension of Antarctic ozone hole to lower latitudes in the South-American region 1991 Pure and Applied Geophysics 135 4 610-624 3035 geofisica espacial. A comparison of monthly mean values of total ozone at South Pole, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cachoeira Paulista and Natal (Brazil), and Huancayo (Peru)revealed that whereas South Pole showed an ozone depletion of 45 in October 1987 (as compared to October, 1977), Buenos Aires showed a small decrease ( 10) while the other locations showed very small decreases (1-2). When daily values are considered, the Antarctic ozone hole of October 1987 seems to have caused 10 depletion at Buenos Aires and 5 at Natal and Huancayo in December 1987. However, a large part of this is normal seasonal variation, except at Huancayo, where a residual effect of 5 depletion in December 1987 remains. The QBO effects (5-8 changes in the ozone level in 2-3 years)could cause 10-15 fluctuations in solar UVB on the ground on clear-sky days and could be a possible health hazard unless factors like cloudiness reduce the UVB intensities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 209 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BasuAbdu:1972:SoTrRe Journal Article Basu, D. Basu, D.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Some trends in the red-shift distribution of quasi-stellar objects and related peculiar galaxies 1972 Astrophysics and Space Science 19 2 303-308 9593 aeronomia, lacunas, galáxias, distribuição, gaps, galaxies, quasars, red shift, distribution. Gaps in the red-shift distribution of quasi-stellar objects and related peculiar galaxies have been studied using 205 sources. The result indicates certain definite trends in the distribution of the gaps but does not suggest any periodicity when the entire sample is considered. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 768 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MartinSchGooFerBru:1994:SaEsEv Journal Article Martin, David W. Martin, David W.; Schmit, Timothy J.; Goodman, Brian; Ferreira, Nelson de Jesus; Brueske, Kurt F A satellite-based estimate of evapotranspiration over Amazonia 1994 Remote Sensing Reviews 10 1-3 179-191 969 meteorologia por satelite, , modelos, medida, goes, evapotranspiracao. If rainfall, storage and flux divergence are known, evapotranspiration can be estimated as the residual in a budget of atmospheric misture. We describe a new approach to misture-budget estimates of Amazon evapotranspiration. Synoptic observations ( and numerical model analyses from the U.S. National Meteorological Center)are combined with wind, humidity and rain information retrieved from radiances measured by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satelite (GOES). Rainfall is inferred from the thermal infrared of the Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR). Humidity is retrieved from the VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS). Winds are inferred from both VISSR and VAS images, using visible, thermal infrared and water vapor bands. Satellite and station or model informations is merged by means of a recusive filter. The GOES-budget approach was tested over a three-day period from May 1987. Our estimate of evapotranspiration over the basing, 9mm/d, is unrealistically large. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the largest part of the error originated in GOES cloud and water vapor winds and the next largest part in VAS humidity. We conclude that the approach failed in its first test. However, since the test was conducted researchers have found better algorithms for selecting cloud and water vapor targets and for assigning altitudes. In addition, simulation suggest that even in the absene of better algorithms the next generation of GOES will provide more accurate winds and humidity than the present generation. If it is supported by direct measurements of evapotranspiration, a second test of the approach might be successful. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET 601 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BastableShuDalFisNob:1993:ObClAl Journal Article Bastable, H.G. Bastable, H.G.; Shuttleworth, W.J.; Dallarosa, R.L.G.; Fisch, Gilberto; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Obsrvations of climate, albedo and surface radiation over cleared and undisturbed Amazonian Forest 1993 International Journal of Climatoloy 13 7 783-796 7391 estudos do tempo e do clima, , diurnal temperature, humidity, albedo, net radiation, deforestion. Measurements from the first comparative study of climate over Amazonian tropical forest and an embedded deforested clearing are presented. Observations comprise a continuous 60-day run of data from mid-October to mi-December 1990, covering the end of the dry season and beginning of the wet season. Mean hourly observations are calculated for the hole period; and for two 10-day periods, one in the dry season and one at the start of the wet season. Much greater variation in weather variables was observed at the clearing compared with over the forest. While the mean values of temperature and specific humidity deficit differed by less than 1 C and 1 g kg-1 respectively, their daily ranges at the clearing were twice those at the forest. Mean daily albedo of the forest was 1.1 per cent, agreeing well with other tropical forest measurements, and of the clearing was 16.3 per cent, somewhat lower than the values currently being used in GCMs. The surface energy balance was investigated and mean available energy calculated for each site. The significant difference in the daily pattern of net radiation between the sites was found to be least as much due differences in the langwave radiation balance as to differences in albedo. the diurnal pattern of net radiation therefore changed between dry and wet period as the higher plant water stress experinced by clearing vegetation alterd the daily temperature cycle. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 591 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BorottoChávezChiGonGonTsu:2001:ChDyLa Journal Article Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo; Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, B.T Chaotic dynamics of large-amplitude Alfvén-wave trains in the solar wind 2001 Advances in Space research 28 5 771-774 9619 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, ondas magnetohidrodinâmicas, equação de Schoefinger, intermitência, vento solar, magnetohydrodynamic waves, Schoedinger equation, intermitency, solar wind. The chaotic dynamics of a driven-dissipative Alfvén system is studied by analyzing the stationary solutions of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We demonstrate that there are two types of Alfvén intermittency. In the Pomeau-Manneville intermittency, the time series of magnetic field fluctuations switches intermittently between nearly periodic and chaotic states; whereas, in the crisis-induced intermittency, the time series of magnetic field fluctuations switches intermittently between weakly and strongly chaotic states. These nonlinear dynamic phenomena can improve our understanding of Alfvénic chaos and turbulence observed in the solar wind. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8645-PRE/4379 PI CEA DGE DGE 138 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCorrCostVaz:1986:ASYCO Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi A SYNCHROTRON/INVERSE COMPTON INTERPRETATION OF A SOLAR BURST PRODUCING FAST FLUXES AT LAMBDA < 3MM AND HARD X-RAYS - 34P 1986 Astronomy and Astrophysics 157 : 11-18 5248 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1175 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuivanMartBlanBrag:1984:BAEXTO Journal Article Buivan, N.A. Buivan, N.A.; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Blanco, F.G.; Braga, João PULSAR: A BALLOON-BORNE EXPERIMENT TO DETECT VARIABLE LOW ENERGY GAMMA-RAY 1984 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia e Astrofísica 9 1 85-89 2424 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 628 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakashMura:1981:AnReEl Journal Article Prakash, S. Prakash, S.; Muralikrishna, Polinaya E and F region electric fields over Dip Equator 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A4 2095-2098 9452 aeronomia, região f, eletrojato equatorial, região e, condutividade, irregularidades, campos elétricos, f region, e region, equatorial electrojet, conductivity, irregularities. The horizontal east-west drift velocity VE of ionisation irregularities in E region, and the vertical drift velocity VF of electrons in F region over Jicamarca (dip latitude 1 degree N)are used to estimate the average diurnal variation of the east-west components of the electric fields in these two regions. The F region field is estimated from VF by using the relationship derived earlier by Woodman. The E region field is estimated from VE by using a relationship different from the one used earlier by Balsley and Woodman and is derived by using more realistic electrojet and conductivity models. The E region electric field thus obtained is found to be weaker at least by a factor of 3 than that estimated by Balsley and Woodman. A comparative study shows that the east-west electric field in the F region is, most of the time, stronger than that in the E region, and also that the ratio of the E region field to the F region field systematically increases from forenoon to afternoon hours, and from pre-midnight to post-midnight hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 766 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtTeixSahaTaka:1983:MAOFIO Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao MAPPING OF IONOSPHERIC F-REGION PARAMETERS FROM ATOMIC OXYGEN AIRGLOW EMISSIONS 1983 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 45 10 697-705 2334 aeronomia. Simultaneous North-South scanning observations of the OI 7774 and 6300 nightglow emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (geographic coordinates 22.7§S, 45.0§W; geomagnetic latitude 12.0§S), Brazil, to study the tropical F-region dynamics under spread-F and no spread-F conditions. From the observed emission intensities the ionospheric F-region peak electron densities and peak heights can be determined with a good coverage both in latitude and local time. The results are presented in the form of computer generated gray level shade maps showing the variations of the column intensities of the 7774 emission (J7774 ) and of the 6300 emission (J6300), as well as the variations of (J7774)1/2 (related to F-region peak electron density)and of the ratio (J7774)1/2/ J6300 (related to F-region peak height), as a function of zenith distance (latitude)and local time. Significant features of these observations are discussed. This technique is useful to study dynamical processes and large scale plasma irregularities in the night-time tropical ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE IONO 432 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrevisanSawaKalmGesz:1990:HoHoLi Journal Article Trevisan, R.H. Trevisan, R.H.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Kalman,B.; Gesztelyi, L Homologous and homologous like microwave solar radio burst 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero especial 557-561 2965 astrofisica. Solar radio observations at 1.6 GHz were carried out in the month of July, 1985 by using 13.7 m diameter Itapetinga antenna with time resolution of 3 ms. Homologous Bursts, with total duration of about couple of seconds and repeated by some seconds were observed associated with Homologous H- flares. These H- flares were having periodicities of about 40 min. Observed long periodocities were attributed to oscillation of prominences, and small periods were attributed to removal of plasma from the field interaction zone. Also observed are ""Homologous-Like"" bursts. These bursts are double peak bursts with same time profile repeating in time. In addition to this, the ratio of the total duration of the burts to time difference in the peaks of bursts remain constant. Morphological studies of these bursts have been presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 31 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiLimaFran:1993:SeInVa Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Lima, Marley Cavalcante de; Franchito, Sergio Henrique Seasonal and interannual variations of rainfall over Eastern Northeast Brazil 1993 Journal of Climate 6 9 1754-1763 7332 ciencias meteorologicas, , climatologia dinamica, chuva, temperatura da superficie do mar, seasonal rainfall variation. Using the data for the period 1914-83, rainy and dry seasons of eastern Northeast (ENE)Brazil are determined. The principal rainy season is April through July (60 of the annual rainfall), and the principal dry season is September through December (10 of the annual rainfall). The fall and winter rains over ENE Brazil are associated with southeasterly winds blowing perpendicular to the coast. The subtropical high in the South Atlantic modulates the strength and direction of winds along the coast that have a determining influence on the interannual variations of rainfall over ENE Brazil. The possible link between the rainfall over ENE Brazil and SST anomalies in the Atlantic is examined. The SST anomalies of the season January, February, March, April (JFMA)in the southeast Atlantic are positively correlated with the rainfall anomalies of ENE Brazil.The sea surface temperature (SST)anomaly pattern frequently becomes established by January/February over southeast Atlantic suggesting the predictive value of SST anomalies over southeast Atlantic for the rainfall over ENE Brazil. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 588 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MedeirosTayTakBatGob:2001:AnAnAi Journal Article Medeiros, A.F. Medeiros, A.F.; Taylor, M.J.; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Gobbi, Delano An anusual airglow wave event observed at Cachoeira Paulista 23 degree S 2001 Advances in Space Research 27 10 1749-1754 9617 AERONOMIA, ondas de gravidade, aeroluminescencia, gravity waves, airglow. An all-sky CCD airglow imager has been used to obtain a wealth of data on the MLT airglow emissions from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W). Measurements of the NIR OH, OI(557.7 nm), O2(0,1)and the thermospheric OI(630.0 nm)emissions have been made since October 1998. In addition, simultaneous measurements of the airglow zenith intensities and rotational temperatures, and vertical wind structure between 80 and 100 km were made using a co-located multi-channel photometer and a meteor radar. On the night of July 13, 1999, the CCD images showed active wave events exhibiting a variety of short period wave structures. The activity started with ripple patterns over the whole sky, lasting for almost one hour. Later the patterns changed to extensive band-like structures that lasted for several hours. After local midnight a bore-like wave-front passed overhead propagating towards the North. When the front was in the zenith the image data showed an increase in both the OI (5577 nm)and O2 (0,1)emissions, whilst a decrease in the OH intensity was observed, which is opposite to that observed by Taylor et al., (1995a). The co-located photometer revealed an exceptionally large intensity (>40) and temperature (similar to 12) perturbation throughout the night that appears to be associated with a large-scale gravity wave perturbation with significant vertical phase shift between the different emissions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8643-PRE/4377 PI CEA DAE DAE 136 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaKauf:1986:COONFA Journal Article Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Kaufmann, Pierre COMMENTS ON FAST PULSES IN MM-WAVE BURSTS - 08P 1986 Solar Physics 104 : 253-256 5242 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1173 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1984:ArNoHe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich Are northern Hemisphere toposoheric ozone densities larges? 1984 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 65 3 449-450 2416 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 626 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduAnanCout:1973:AzDrPr Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Ananthakrishnan, S.; Coutinho, E.F. Azimuthal Drift and Precipitation of Electrons into the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly during an SC Magnetic Storm 1973 Journal of Geophysical Research 78 25 5830-3836 9449 aeronomia, anomalias magnéticas, precipitação de partículas, junção ionosfera, magnetosfera, vlf, temperatura magnética, magnetic anomalies, magnetic storms, magnetosphere ionosphere coupling, very low frenquencies. The south Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly provides a permanent sink for trapped particles, in the inner radiation belt. Losses occur during the longitudinal drift of these particles, when their mirror altitudes dip lower down in the region of the anomaly, thus resulting in a loss of energy owing to interaction with atmospheric constituents. Day to night changes in the precipitation are believed to take place owing to the corresponding changes in the atmospheric density. More significant changes, however, occur owing to disturbances produced as a result of injection of charged particles into the radiation belt either by artificial means such as occur during high-altitude nuclear explosions (for example, the 'Starfish' explosion of 1962)or by geophysical disturbances produced by the sun. The latter phenomena in particular provide a natural means of studying, the coupling or the interaction between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere over low latitudes. Very few such investigations, however, have been made so far. Recently some studies [for example, Mendes et al., 1970]were made on the propagation of very low frequency (VLF)signals through the geomagnetic anomaly that showed that the phase and amplitude of VLF signals received at a station located within the anomaly underwent changes during certain polar cap absorption (PCA)events that could be interpreted as being due to particle precipitation into the anomaly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 764 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyTors:1983:NoOnVe Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Torsani, Jose Aparecido A note on vertical eddy diffusion coeficient from the Landsat imagery 1983 Boundary Layer Meteorology 26 1 1495-98 2293 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT RECAT 430 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaJMBDOSMV:1983:TEGELI Journal Article Costa, José Marques da Costa, José Marques da; Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; BOCLET,D.; DUROUCHOUX,PH.; OLIVIER,E.; Senador, Renato; MALUTA,A.; Villela Neto, Thyrso TELESCOPIO GE(LI)PARA LINHAS DE RAIOS GAMA NA ATMOSFERA DO HEMISFERIO SUL 1983 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 12 4P2 900-911 2288 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE ASTRO 429 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantLattBenzDenn:1990:TiDeBe Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Lattari, C.J.B.; Benz, A.O.; Dennis, B.R Time delays between decimetric type III-RD bursts and associated hard x-rays 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 562-566 2962 astrofisica, sun, flares, bursts. In July, 1985 radio observations were made at 1.6 GHz using 13.7 m Itapetinga antenna with time resolution of 3 ms. The hard X-ray observations were obtained from HXRBS on SMM. Comparison of 1.6 GHz observations with dynamic spectra in the frequency range of (1000 - 100)MHz and hard X-rays shows the following results: i)In 12 cases we identify continuation of type III-RD bursts up to 1.6 GHz suggesting presence of type III-RD at 1.6 GHz. ii)For the first time, we have identified hard X-ray peaks delayed in comparison to decimetric type III-RD bursts. These delays are longer - 1 s - than expected ( 100 ms)and have been interpreted assuming that the decimetric emission is at 2 nd harmonic and caused by the leading edge of the exciter, whereas peaks of X-rays have been attributed to entire entry of the exciter into the X-ray producing region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 28 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiMarq:1993:EfEdTr Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Marques, R.F.C. Efficiency of eddy transport and nongeostrophic effects during the life cycle of a baroclinic instability 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 2 233-246 7330 ciencias meteorologicas, climatologia dinamica, transporte turbulento, instabilidade baroclinica, efeitos nao geostroficos, eddy transport, baroclinic instability, nongeostropic effects. Correlation coefficients between the meridional wind and zonal wind and temperature can be used to define the efficiency of eddy transport of momentum and heat. We used such a definition and found that medium-scale baroclinic eddies become efficient in transporting heat and momentum during the mature stage of the life cycle.The correlation coefficients between eddy momentum efficiency and eddy heat transports and heat efficiency are significantly high showing that efficiencies are associated with higher momentum and heat transport. We found that nongeostrophic components are more for the momentum transport than for the heat transport. We calculated the contribution of nongeostrophic components for different forms of the energies and also for the energy conversion. It is found that the highest contribution of nongeostrophic components is for eddy available potencial energy which is around 40 and the lowest is for conversion term between zonal and pertubation available potencial energies which is around 10. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 586 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraMascMour:1989:BaDeEn Journal Article Pereira, Claudio Solano Pereira, Claudio Solano; Mascarenhas Jr., A.S.; Moura, Antonio Divino Balanco de energia da camada de mistura superior oceanica: uma revisao 1989 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 3 2 233-245 6351 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1367 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1981:RESTCO Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long RELATIVISTIC STRONG COUPLED TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL WAVES IN AN ELECTRON ION PLASMA 1981 Physical Review A 24 5 2773-2776 4294 fïsica de plasma. A method for obtaining exact periodic solutions of relativistilly strong coupled transversp-longitudiW.1 waves in an electron-ion plasma is presented. Suitable choice of initial conditions yields wave solutions whose longitudinal component has twice the frequency of the transverse. In addition, the significance of the plasma velocity in the nonlinear theory is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 233 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuritiTakaGobb:2001:TeVaVo Journal Article Buriti, R.A. Buriti, R.A.; Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbi, Delano Temporal variation of the volume emission rates between OI5577 and O2(0,1) 2001 Advances Space Research 27 6-7 1159-1164 9614 AERONOMIA, luminescência, noturna, nightglow. The intensities of the upper mesospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm and O-2(b)atmospheric (0,1)band at 864.5 nm, have been measured since October 1998 using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer located near the equator at Sao Joao do Cariri (7S, 35W). The intensity ratio between the two emissions, OI5577/O(2)b(0,1), was obtained as a function of time. The annual average of the ratio R in 1998 was 0.41 +/- 0.14, and showed considerable day to day variations, ranging from 0.2 to 0.6. Nocturnal variations of the ratio also demonstrate a large amplitude of oscillation, varying between 0.3 to 0.6. These results were compared with a model calculation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8641-PRE/4375 PI CEA DAE DAE 134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyKayaCava:1984:OcCiCh Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Kayano, Mary Toshie; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque A review of the southern oscilation: oceanic-atmospheric circulation change and related rainfall anomalies 1984 Tellus 36A 5 490-504 2412 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT SINO 624 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiNealJenk:1995:MoPeDe Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Neal, Colin; Jenkins, Alan Modeling perspective of the deforestation impact in stream water quality of small preserved forested areas in the Amazonian rainforest 1995 Water, Air and Soil Pollution 79 : 325-337 7029 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, magic, chuva. A long-term predictive model, MAGIC, was applied to a Central Amazonian catchment area to ilustrate large scale deforestation effects on 'islands' of preserved areas, for the situations with and without climate changes. In addition,model sensitivity in response to different organic matter levels in the soil and stream waters as well as to different Al solubility constants was evaluated. The model output was strongly dependent on the chosen values of organic matter concentration and Al solubility constant. Application of the model to a 30 yr deforestation program revealed increases in streamwater ionic concentrations with or without climate change, although streamwater ionic concentrations were predicted to be higher as a consequence of climate change. On the centennial scale, streamwater ionic concentrations reach a new equilibrium, with concentrations higher than those prior to the surrounding deforestation. With the assumed increased cation deposition to the preserved forest areas,soil exchangeable cation concentrations increase with time and aluminum is released to solution. At the end of the simulated deforestation program, SO2-4 (sulfate ion)in the preserved areas began to be relased to streamwater, inducing acidification. Application of the MAGIC model makes possible to estimate, for the rainforest environment, water quality changes as a function of different climate and land use changes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 781 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSaBiAbTa:1977:VeZoEq Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista Inez Staciarini; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Takashi, Hisao Vertical and zonal equatorial F-region plasma bubble velocities determined from OI 630 nm nightglow imaging 1977 Advances in Space Research 20 6 1297-1300 9328 aeronomia, região f, bolhas de plasma, luminescência noturna, observação, f region, plasma bubbles, nightglow, observation. An all-sky (180 degree)imaging system for observations of the OI 630 mn nightglow emission is in routine operation at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W; 16 degree S dip latitude), Brazil. This technique permits observations covering a large area, extending from the equatorial region to nearly mid-latitude from this observational site. During February 1995, a relatively good sequence of observations on six consecutive nights were obtained. On five out of the six nights, weak to strong nearly north-south aligned intensity depleted regions, which are the optical signatures of large-scale field-aligned equatorial F-region plasma depletions, were observed. Important features from this set of observations, including vertical and zonal velocities of the plasma bubbles, are presented and discussed in this paper. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 762 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SimonichClem:1983:ReExLi Journal Article Simonich, Dale Martin Simonich, Dale Martin; Clemesha, Barcley Robert Resonant extinction of lidar returns from the alkali metal layers in the upper atmosphere 1983 Applied Optics 22 9 1387-1389 2280 aeronomia. Resonant extinction is shown to have a small but significant effect on lidar returns from upper atmospheric sodium. An equation to correct for it is developed, and the magnitude of the correction for broadband and monochromatic lasers is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 112003 427 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantLattBenzDenn:1990:HaXrAs Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Lattari, C.J.B.; Benz, A.O.; Dennis, B.R Hard X-rays associated weak decimetric bursts 1990 Solar Physics 130 1-2 57-73 2960 astrofisica. In previous attempts to show one-to-one correlation between type III bursts and X-ray spikes, there have been ambiguities as to which of several X-rays spikes are correlated with any given type III burst. Here, we present observations that show clear associations of X-ray bursts with RS type III bursts between 16:46 UT and 16:52 UT on July 9, 1985. The hard X-ray observations were made at energies above 25 keV with HXRBS on SMM and the radio observations were made at 1.63 GHz using the 13.7 m Itapetinga antenna in R and L polarization with a time resolution of 3 ms. Detailed comparison between the hard X-ray and radio observations shows: (1)In at least 13 cases we can identify the associated hard X-ray and decimetric RS bursts. (2)On average, the X-ray peaks were delayed from the peak of the RS bursts at 1.6 GHz by 400 ms although a delay as long as 1 s was observed in one case. One possible explanation of the long delays between the RS bursts and the associated X-ray is that RS bursts is produced at the leading edge of the electron beam, whereas the X-ray burst peaks at the time of arrival of the bulk of the electrons at the high density region at the lower corona and upper chromosphere. Thus, the time comparison must be made between the peak of the radio pulse and the start of the X-ray burst. In that case the delays are consistent with an electron travel time with velocity 0.3 c from the 800 MHz plasma level to the lower corona assuming that the radio emission is at the second harmonic. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 26 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoChapFernFran:2002:RoWaVa Journal Article Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda; Chapa, S.R.; Fernandez, J.P.R.; Franchito, Sergio Henrique A diagnosis of rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Nino event. Part II: Roles of water vapor transport and stationary waves 2002 Journal of Climate 15 5 512-521 10078 A diagnosis of rainfall over South America (SA)during the 1997/ 98 El Nino year is made examining the roles of water vapor transport and stationary waves. It is found that the low-level jet (LLJ)on the eastern side of the central Andes is stronger during the El Nino event and transports more moisture. This seems to be the source for higher rainfall over southeast SA noted during the El Nino years. A calculation of three-dimensional stationary wave activity (F-s)for 1997 and 1998 showed that in the summer of 1996/97 stationary waves propagate poleward and eastward from midlatitudes into the higher latitudes to the west of south SA and then propagate equatorward to the east of SA. During the autumn of 1997, the vertical component of F-s is consistent with a blocking high over the southeast Pacific. To the east of this high cold air advection from Antarctica occurs, and to the west warm air advection occurs. This is consistent with negative and positive centers seen in the vertical component of F-s to the east and west of south SA. The rainfall anomalies during a particular season seem to be due to multiple causes and this complicates a direct connection between them. Although over the southeast of SA, the higher rainfall during 1997 and 1998 can be attributed to some specific causes such as higher water vapor transport by LLJ in summer of 1997/ 98, in other parts such an association was not possible. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9104-PRE/4779 PI MET LMO LMO 328 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LimaVadl:1993:AsClVa Journal Article Lima, Marley Cavalcante de Lima, Marley Cavalcante de; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao A precipitacao do litoral do nordeste brasileiro parte -I: aspectos climatologicos e variabilidade 1993 Climanalise 8 11 41-46 November 7328 ciencias meteorologicas, , climatologia dinamica, chuva, variabilidade, precipitacao (meteorologia). Esta e a primeira parte de um trabalho que visa definir as caracteristicas regionais das chuvas na costa Leste da Regiao Nordeste do Brasil (NEB), sua variabilidade e os mecanismos dinamicos responsaveis pelas mesmas. Nesta etapa, apresenta-se os aspectos climatologicos e a variabilidade da precipitacao do leste do NEB. Os resultados mostram que as chuvas sao mais intensas no quadrimestre abril-julho (AMJJ), contribuindo com 60 para a media anual, e possuem um curto periodo seco de setembro a dezembro (SOND), cuja contribucao para a media anual e de 10. A incidencia de anos extremos (secos/chuvosos)e uma das caracteristicas marcantes dessa regiao, onde as enchentes sao mais severas do que as secas. O sentido em que ocorre a reducao (aumento)das precipitacoes nos anos secos (chuvosos)nas partes norte e sul do leste do NEB reflete a orientacao dos sistemas dinamicos da circulacao atmosferica que atuam nas partes norte e sul do NEB, respectivamente. Entretanto, a parte leste do NEB possue um regime de chuvas distinto. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 584 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kondapalli:1973:ShPeIn Journal Article Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao Short periodicities in solar activity 1973 Solar Physics 29 1 47-53 1560 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CEA RADA/SOL 63 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiKircLemeSalg:2000:ObUVRa Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Leme, Neusa Maria Paes; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia Observations of UV-B radiation during biomass burning at Cuiabá, Brazil 2000 Advances Space Research 26 12 1979-1982 9612 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, buraco de ozonio, biomassa, aerosois, radiação ultravioleta, observação, ozone depletion, biomass, ultaviolet radiation, observation. During the last few years, a network (6 stations)of Brewer spectrophotometers has been established in different ecosystems in South America by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). A Brewer spectrophotometer permits simultaneous observations of total ozone and UV-B radiation and is operational on a routine basis at Cuiaba (16 degreesS, 56 degrees W), Brazil, since 1991. Surface ozone is also measured at Cuiaba using UV ozone monitor since 1987. In this paper we present and discuss the simultaneous observations from these two instruments obtained in 1995. This study permits comparison of the observations during the biomass burning period (dry season)with the wet season. Although surface ozone levels were considerably higher during the biomass burning season, no effect on the total ozone column could be observed. The UV-B radiation, however, was significantly reduced due to absorption by biomass burning aerosols. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8639-PRE/4373 PI CEA DGE DGE 132 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DelBoscoDallLudw:1985:UTANQU Journal Article Del Bosco, edson Del Bosco, edson; Dallaqua, Renato Sergio; Ludwing, O UTILIZACAO DE UM ANALISADOR QUADRUPOLAR DE MASSA PARA MONITORAMENO DE PLASMAS DE ELEMENTOS METALICOS 1985 Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo 5 1-2 160 5211 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ FISPLASMA LAP 601128 1168 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1985:COOFSS Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam COMPARISON OF SSC MAGNITUDES AT MAGSAT ALTITUDES (325-550KM)AND AT GROUND LOCATIONS 1985 Journal Geophysical Research 90 NB3 2445-2449 2405 A comparison of the total ssc magnitudes at MAGSAT altitudes (325-550 km)and at ground observatories indicated equality, implying virtually no ionospheric contribution and instead, a predominantly magnetospheric origin, at dusk and dawn hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 622 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LettauLettMoli:1979:AmHiCy Journal Article Lettau, Heinz Lettau, Heinz; Lettau, Katharina; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Amazonia's hidrology cycle and role of atmospheric recycling in assessing deforestation effects 1979 Monthly Weather Review 107 3 227-237 8524 estudos do tempo e do clima, precipitacao (meteorologia), desmatamento, desflorestamento, modelos atmosfericos. Atmospheric and hydrologic phases of the water cycle in Amazonia are modeled coherently by subdividing the basin (which extends from about 47.5degree to 77.5 degrees west longitude)into six adjacent regions each 5 degrees wide. Due to long-distance travel of the air masses, the recycling of vapor evaporated from upwind land surfaces is important. For example, it is found that 88 of the water precipitating on the westernmost region falls at least a second time from the air. The modeling of the longitudinal profiles of precipitable water in the atmosphere as well as exchangeable moisture in the soil is supplemented by the modeling of the complementary longitudinal profiles of annual mean surface and air temperature. In a climatonomical experiment, the forest cover in central Amazonia (i.e., in the two regions between about 57.5 degrees and 67.5 degrees W)is assumed to be reduced to one-half of the original value, thereby increasing the evaporative flushing rate of soil moisture in the two partly deforested regions. Computations show that due to recycling the precipitation increases at all longitudes between 57.5 degrees and 77.5 degrees W; however, the primary augmentation of evaporation outweighs the precipitation increase. Conse quently, total runoff from the entire basin decreases from the original 1075 mm year-1 to 1018 min year-1 but the atmospheric througliflow (i.e., precipitable water moving westward across the continentai divide)increases by 3, which could benefit the ""dry side"" of the Andes cordillera. Soil moisture in the Amazonas basin is found to decrease at all longitudes eastward of the midpoint of the partly deforested area. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET MET 760 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1983:ONINSC Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Zamlutti, Carlos Jose ON INCOHERENT SCATTER OBSERVATIONS OF MID-LATITUDE SPORADIC E AND COMMENTS ON ITS DATA ANALYSIS 1983 Journal Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 45 2-3 79-87 2278 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 425 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RamosWuenRibeRosa:2002:MuNoLa Journal Article Ramos, Fernando Manuel Ramos, Fernando Manuel; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto Multiscaling and nonextensivity of large-scale structures in the Universe 2002 Physica D 168 404-409 August 10076 ASTROFÍSICA, cosmologia, estruturas do espaço grandes, fractais, universo, turbulência, cosmology, large space structures, fractals, universe, turbulence. There has been a trend in the past decade to describe the large-scale structures in the Universe as a (multi)fractal set. However, one of the main objections raised by the opponents of this approach deals with the transition to homogeneity. Moreover, they claim there is not enough sampling space to determine a scaling index which characterizes a (multi)fractal set. In this work we propose an alternative solution to this problem, using the generalized thermostatistics formalism. We show that applying the idea of nonextensivity, intrinsic to this approach, it is possible to derive an expression for the correlation function, describing the scaling properties of large-scale structures in the Universe and the transition to homogeneity, which is in good agreement with observational data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9129-PRE/4802 CEA LAC LAC DAS 326 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CalvetYeli:1993:AmFoRa Journal Article Calvet, J.-C. Calvet, J.-C.; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Amazon Forest radiation budget from satellite data 1993 Journal of Applied Meteorology 32 5 844-847 7326 ciencias meteorologicas, , , micrometeorologia, goes-7, radiacao, medida. The top-of-the-atmosphere net radiation is determined over the Ducke Reserve Forest site, Manaus, Brazil (2 degrees 57S, 59 degrees 57W), from GOES-7 visible and infrared data during the 1987 wet season (April-May), for 0900 and 1500 LST. It is shown that a very good correlation exists between the top-of-the-atmosphere net radiation and the met radiation measured at the surface. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 582 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreShukSell:1989:ImClDe Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Shukla, J.; Sellers, P Impactos climaticos do desmatamento da Amazonia 1989 Climanalise 4 9 44-54 September 6344 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1363 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sansigolo:1996:VaInEs Journal Article Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli Variabilidade interanual da estacao chuvosa no Estado de Sao Paulo 1996 Revista Brasileira de Agrometeorologia 4 1 101-105 8873 , estacao chuvosa, variabilidade interanual, agricultura, precipitacao (meteorologia), rainy season, interannual variability. A variabilidade Interanual dos eventos relacionados a estacao chuvosa no Estado de Sao Paulo foi analisada atraves de registros diarios de precipitacao, usando metodos diretos simples, visando planejamento e gerenciamento agricola. Resultados probabilisticos sobre o Inicio, fim e duracao das chuvas, assim como distribuicao das quantidades e risco de veranicos sao apresentados para um conjunto de dez estacoes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DSR 1268 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaVito:2000:MaGeDe Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro Magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth soundings around the Torres Syncline hinge, Southeast Parana Basin, Brazil 2000 Geophysical Research Letters 27 22 3655-3658 9605 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, Bacia do Paraná (PR), distorção, pesquisas magnéticas, distortion, magnetic survey. A MT/GDS survey has been carried out around the NW plunging Torres Syncline in the southeastern border of the Parana Basin, in Brazil. Induction arrows show a N N-trending conductive anomaly nearly coincident with the hinge of the syncline and ocean effects Varying as a function of the distance from the coast. 2-D inversions of MT data along two profiles parallel to the coast and across this anomaly have distinguished electrical anomalies in the upper crust. The most prominent of these anomalies is an electrical conduit dipping to the NW from a depth of 500 m at the coast to 1000 m at a distance of about 100 km further inland. The conductor, located in the crystalline basement, can be possibly ascribed to residual metasomatic fluids concentrated along the hinge of the downfolded Torres Syncline, as a fossil record of the Early Cretaceous volcanic events that affected the Parana Basin and underlying lithosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8632-PRE/4366 PI CEA DGE DGE 130 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PaulaSouzKantDutr:1984:EsSoAp Journal Article Paula, Eurico Rodrigues Paula, Eurico Rodrigues; Souza, A.C.R.; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimarães Um estudo sobre aplicabilidade do modelo internacional de ionosfera IRI 79 para obtenção de perfis de densidade eletrônica em cachoeira Paulista 1984 Ciência e Cultura 36 6 1007-1010 July 2387 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE IONO 620 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffTaka:1984:SoClLo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Takahashi, Hisao Sodium clouds in the lower thermosphere 1984 Planetary and Space Science 32 7 831-836 2381 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 619 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1991:SpAnOf Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Spectral analysis of annual sunspot series: an update 1991 Pure and Applied Geophysics, 135 3 463-474 3004 geofisica espacial. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA)of annual spots series for 1700-1987 (288 points)indicated the most prominent peak at T=10.91 years, followed by T=10.62, 10.00 and 103 years of comparable amplitudes and twelve others of smaller amplitudes, all significant at a 3sigma a priori level. MacDonald (1989)has suggested that the method of spectral analysis should depend upon the choice of the chosen model. However, our results compare well with his results from a periodogram study, indicating that the choice of the model, generally difficult in geophysical problems, is not vital. Since amplitude estimates in MESA are unreliable, our prescription is to use MESA only for detecting possible periodicities and then, estimate amplitudes and phases by a separate Multiple Regression Analysis. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 188 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuralikrishnaPrak:1978:HeShRa Journal Article Muralikrishna, Poliyna Muralikrishna, Poliyna; Prakash, S Height shift in the radar echoes from the E-region around the morning and evening reversals 1978 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 30 : 125-129 6961 aeronomia, região e, ecos de radar, eletrojatos, irregularidades, e region, radar echoes, electrojets, irregularities. A VHF back scatter radar installed at Thumba (dip. lat. 0§47'S), India was used to study the nature of radar echoes close to the morning and evening electrojet reversal periods. A significant height shift in the radar echo peak was observed close to the reversals. The height region corresponding to the echo peak is seen to be higher in altitude close to the reversal periods, than before or after the reversal periods, both during mornings and evenings. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 757 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MedeirosAbduKant:1983:CoStVH Journal Article Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano; Abdu, Mangalatyil Ali; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek A comparative study of VHF scintillation and spread F events over Natal and Fortaleza in Brazil 1983 Journal of Geophysical Research 88 A8 6253-6258 2270 aeronomia, propagação, cintilação, atmosfera equatorial, pblha de plasma, disturbios ionosféricos, spread f, scintillation, equatorial atmosphere, plasma bubble, ionospheric disturbances. A comparative study is carried out of the equatorial ionospheric irregularity occurrences, as observed by range spread F events over Fortaleza (4 degree S, 38 degree W, dip latitude 1.8 degree)and satellite VHF signal scintillation event over Natal (5.8 degree S, 33.23 degree W, dip latitude 4.8 degree S)for a one-year period 1978. Close association is observed in the occurrences and the durations of the irregularities at the two stations. Marked differences in the seasonal behavior of the occurrences of the irregularity events over these two stations are noted with respect to that over Huancayo, most important of them being that while the latter station presents equinoctial maxima in the occurrence rates (as over some African stations), the Brazilian stations show an additional and pronounced peak in December. This result is explained as possible evidence of magnetic declination control of the spread F irregularity generation and its seasonal dependence. The present results have important implications also on the coexistence of different irregularity scale sizes during equatorial plasma bubble irregularity events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 423 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaBain:2001:LaSpSt Journal Article Fonseca, IM Fonseca, IM; Bainum, PM Large space structure integrated structural and control optimization, using analytical sensitivity analysis 2001 Journal of Guindance Control and Dynamics 24 5 978-982 10073 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. The analytical sensitivity analysis procedure to implement the integrated structural and control optimization of a large, low-Earth-orbit space structure is dealt with. The objective is to show that significant computation time can be saved when the analytical procedure is used instead of numerical calculation of the sensitivity. Despite that the numerical approach is attractive because it does not require the hard algebraic task to develop the sensitivity derivative expressions, the approach is often responsible for the major computational cost of an optimization process. The analytical approach represents an attractive option when the computational effort becomes prohibitive under cost consideration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9149 -PRE/4822 PI ETES DMC DMC 324 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1993:ToOzTr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Total ozone trends in the Southern Hemisphere - an update 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 2 223-231 7262 geofisica espacial. The largest variation of total ozone is the seasonal variation, which, at middle latitudes, can be as large as 30 decrease from spring to autumn. The next important variation is the Quasi-biennal oscillation which is irregular and can have a range of 0-10. The long-term variation (decrease)is comparatively small, only about 2-3 from 1980 onwards up to 1987, after which a rising tendency is indicated, data inaccuracies notwithstanding. As a health hazard, the seasonal variation would be most dangerous, specially from spring to summer, during 10 AM to 3 PM. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 580 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KanePaul:1993:RaChIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Rainfall characteristics in different parts of northeast Brazil 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 1 7-21 7261 geofisica espacial. To reduce the effect of randomness as well as of local characteristics, rainfall data for subregions of NE Brazil were combined. The resulting series (1913-1977)was smoother and showed some general characteristics like excess rainfall during 1917, 1921, 1924, 1964, 1974 and droughts during 1915, 1919, 1932, 1953, 1958. However, these and other events seemed to occur irregularly. A spectral analysis showed significant periodicities near T = 2-3, 3-4, 5-6, 13, 26 and 50 years. But their contribution to total variance was only about 55 leaving about 45 as random or irregular. In the future, deficit rainfall during the next few years is indicated, but the reliability of this prediction is difficult to judge. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE DAE 579 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClem:1973:AtSoMe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Reinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Reinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Atmospheric sodium measurements AT 23 S 1973 Journal Atmospheric Terrestrial Physics 35 8 1493-1498 1555 aeronomia. Measurements of the nighttime atmospheric sodium layer have been made over a period of 4 months at São José dos Campos (23§S, 46§W), using the laser radar technique. Peak sodium concentration is found at a height of 95 km and the topside scale height of the layer is usually less than 2 km. On six occasions a secondary peak has been observed at heights between 100 and 105 km. Detailed structure in the layer is frequently conserved from night to night and it is suggested that such structure may be the result of atmospheric tidal oscillations. Comparison with twilight measurements indicates that the average total abundance of sodium shortly after sunset is between 0-38 and 1-25 of the twilight value. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE MIRO II 58 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nobre:1988:ImOcAt Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso Ainda sobre a Zona de Convergencia do Atlantico Sul: a importancia do Oceano Atlantico 1988 Climanalise 3 4 30-31 April 6342 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1361 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-Nordemann:1981:GeSoBr Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Geochemistry of some brazilian rivers 1981 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 11 3 153-158 4185 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 226 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1985:EqElMo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Equatorial Electrojet Movements at Huancayo and Eusébio (Fortaleza)on Selected Quiet Days 1985 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 37 1 1-9 2377 geofisica espacial. The H and Z variations for the Five International Quiet Days, each in October 1978 and February 1979, were compared for Huancayo (12§S, 75§W, dip + 1.9§)and Eus6bio near Fortaleza (4§S, 39§W, dip - 3.5§). The H ranges at both the locations fluctuated widely but not parallel to each other, indicating violent, rapid space-time variations of the equatorial electrojet characteristics. The Z patterns were generally dissimilar at the two locations and indicated large scale latitudinal meanderings of the electrojet center from day to day as also during the same day. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 617 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiMurt:1972:StPrNo Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Murty, D.S.R. On the Stability Properties of the non Geostrophic Disturbances in a Barotropic Zonal Current 1972 Pure and Applied Geophysics 96: 193-2-4 6468 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 755 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KondapalliESPI:1983:UMTEPA Journal Article Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao; ESPIRITO SANTO,C.M. UM TELESCOPIO PARA FOTOMETRIA ULTRAVIOLETA, P.20 1983 Ciência e Cultura 35 11 1663-1670 2264 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS ASTRO 421 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KIRHAKOSStei:1990:XRANIN Journal Article KIRHAKOS,S.D. KIRHAKOS,S.D.; Steiner, Joao Evangelista X-RAY AND INFRARED SELECTED AGN.I. THE MISSING EDGE-ON GALAXIES 1990 THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2943 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 20 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduMedr:1990:MaAcEf Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Magnetic activity effects on range type spread-F and vertical plasma drifts at Fortaleza and Huancayo as studied through ionosonde measurements and theoretical modelling 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 5 357-364 2940 aeronomia, , ionossonda, medição, ionosonds, measurement, spread f. Ionosonde measurements are used to study the effects of magnetic activity on spread F and on the postsunset enhancement (Vzmax)of the F region vertical plasma drift at two longitudinally separated stations, Fortaleza and Huancayo, situated along the magnetic equator, in the American sector, during a period of high solar activity. The analysis is made for three different levels of magnetic activity. It is seen that, during the winter, Vzmax and the range spread F occurrence (RSFO)in the premidnight hours systematically increase with Kp at both locations. During the summer and equinoxes the RSFO decreases with magnetic activity in the premidnight hours and increases in the postmidnight hours, the increase being generally more pronounced during very disturbed periods. On the other hand Vzmax deduced from the ionosonde measurements shows almost no variation with magnetic activity during equinoxes and summer although during individual months of those periods both increases and decreases are seen. With the help of theoretical model calculations for the electrodynamical coupling between the equatorial E and F regions it is shown that a disturbance F region dynamo associated neutral wind could account for the variations of Vzmax with magnetic activity, that are consistently observed during winter months. On the other hand, competing influences of penetration electric fields, and/or those of disturbance meridional winds, seem to mask the expected gross effect of zonal winds in the summer and equinoctial months. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 19 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DelaTorreCivi:2002:DyMoPr Journal Article Lacava JCD Lacava JCD; De la Torre, AVP; Cividanes, L A dynamic model for printed apertures in anisotropic stripline structures 2002 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 50 1 22-26 10071 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. This paper presents a full-wave analysis method for printed apertures in anisotropic stripline structures. Both electric and magnetic anisotropy of the most general form are assumed. Working in the Fourier domain, closed-form expressions for the transformed electromagnetic fields are derived. Special attention is dedicated to the particular case of dielectrics with uniaxial anisotropy. In this case, spectral Green's functions in compact and closed form are obtained. Effects of the anisotropic ratio on the input impedance of a printed slot are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9147-PRE/4820 PI ETES DEA DEA 322 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffASMCZVC:1993:Ob19Oz Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Alves, J.R.; Silva, F.R. da; Motta, Adalton Gouveia; Chagas, Jose Roberto; Zamorano Banda, Felix de la Cruz; Valderrama, V.; Casiccia, Cláudia Angel Rigoberto The brazilian network of stratospheric ozone monitors: observations of the 1992 ozone hole 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 2 205-213 7259 geofisica espacial. A network of spectrophotometers for ground based operation has recently been installed in South America (Brazil and Chile)to provide systematic total column ozone data. First results are described for some of these stations, includimg the 1992 observation of the Antarctic stratospheric ozone hole at Punta Arenas, Chile, and at the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUAIT 577 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1987:PrPoAr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Prediction possibilities of arosa total ozone 1987 Pure and Applied Geophysics 125 1 131-145 2637 geofisica espacial, ozonio, periodicidade. Abstract-Using the periodicities obtained by a Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA)( Arosa total ozone data (CC')series for 1932-1971, the values predicted for 1972 onwards were comPARED with the observed values of the (AD)series. A change of level was noticed, with the observed (AD) lower by about 7 D.U. Also, the matching was poor in 1980,1981,1982. In the monthly values, the prominent periodicity was the annual wave, comprising some 80 variance. In the 12 month ru averages, the annual wave was eliminated and the most prominent periodicity was T = 3. 7 years, encompassing roundly 20 variance. This and other periodicities at T = 4.7, 5.4, 6.2, 10 and 16 were all statistically significant at a 3.5 a priori i.e., 2 a posteriori level. However, the pred from these were unsatisfactory, probably because some of these periodicities may be transie changing amplitudes and/or phases with time. Thus, no meaningful predictions seem possible for total ozone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 812 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RastogiTriv:1966:NiSuCo Journal Article Rastogi, R.G. Rastogi, R.G.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Night-time sudden commencements in H within equatorial electrojet region 1966 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 28 1 131-136 3083 aeronomia. It is shown that during the night the change of H accompanying a SC is greater at small magnetic dips than at large magnetic dips in the American zone-but that this difference is not so clearly marked in the Indian zone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE GEOMA 93 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LUDWIG:1981:TWEQOF Journal Article LUDWIG,G.O. LUDWIG,G.O. TWO-DIMENSIONAL EQUILIBRIUM OF FIELD-REVERSED ION RINGS 1981 Plasma Physics 23 : 303 4143 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 224 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TegmarkOSMLCFGLSVW:2000:CoMiBa Journal Article Tegmark, M. Tegmark, M.; Oliveira-Costa, A de; Staren, J.W.; Meinhold, P.R.; Lubin, P.M.; Childers, J.D.; Figueiredo, N.; Gaier, T.; Lim, M.A.; Seiffert, M.D.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre Cosmic microwave background maps from the HACME experiment 2000 Astrophysical Journal 541 2 Part 1 535-341 9558 ASTROFÍSICA, cosmologia, observação, microondas, radiação cósmica de fundo, balões, cosmology, observation, balloons, microwaves. We present cosmic microwave background (CMB)maps from the Santa Barbara HACME balloon experiment (Staren et al.), covering about 1150 square degrees split between two regions in the northern sky, near the stars gamma Ursae Minoris and alpha Leonis, respectively. The FWHM of the beam is similar to 0.degrees 77 in three frequency bands centered on 39, 41, and 43 GHz. The results demonstrate that the thoroughly interconnected scan strategy employed allows efficient removal of 1/f-noise and slightly variable scan-synchronous offsets. The maps display no striping, and the noise correlations are found to be virtually isotropic, decaying on an angular scale similar to 1 degrees. The noise performance of the experiment resulted in an upper limit on CMB anisotropy. However, our results demonstrate that atmospheric contamination and other systematics resulting from the circular scanning strategy can be accurately controlled and bode well for the planned follow-up experiments BEAST and ACE, since they show that even with the overly cautious assumption that 1/f-noise and offsets will be as dominant as for HACME, the problems they pose can be readily overcome with the mapmaking algorithm discussed. Our prewhitened notch-filter algorithm for destriping and offset removal is proving useful also for other balloon- and ground-based experiments whose scan strategies involve substantial interleaving, e.g., Boomerang. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8550-PRE/4294 PI CEA DAS DAS 125 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoFerrRami:1997:SuCiPa Journal Article Kayano, M.T. Kayano, M.T.; Ferreira, N.J.; Ramirez, M.C.V. Summer circulation patterns related to the upper tropospheric vortices over the tropical South Atlantic 1997 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 64 3-4 203-213 7922 meteorologia, , vortices, alta troposfera. Daily 200-hPa relative vorticity data have been used to study the dominant patterns related to the cyclonic vortices over the South Atlantic Ocean in the vicinities of northeast Brazil, during the 1980-1989 period. Reference modes were obtained through empirical orthogonal function (EOF)analysis of the 200-hPa filtered vorticity anomalies over northeast Brazil, considering all the southern hemisphere (SH)summers within the study period. The amplitude time series of the first reference mode, separately for each SH summer, was correlated with the corresponding filtered vorticity anomalies in a larger area extending from 20 N to 40 S and between 120 W and 20 W. The correlation patterns feature a wave-like structure along eastern South America, with three main centers: the first one, over the South Atlantic off the northeast Brazil coast, is associated with the cyclonic vortices; the second one, over eastern Brazil, represents the corresponding anomalously amplified ridges; and the third one, over southern Brazil/Uruguay, is related to the equatorward incursions of midlatitude upper level troughs. This wave-like pattern is consistent with with the vortex formation mechanism suggested in previous works. Another wave-like pattern southwest-northeast oriented is evident over the tropical southeastern Pacific, for some years. The interannual variability of these patterns is discussed in this paper. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET 968 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ InnocentiniCaet:1992:NuStRo Journal Article Innocentini, Valdir Innocentini, Valdir; Caetano Neto, Ernesto dos Santos A numerical study of the role of humidity in the updraft driven by moist slantwise convection 1992 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 49 13 1092-1106 6336 ciencias meteorologicas, micrometeorologia, modelos. A hydrostatic numerical model simple microphysical parameterization is used to simulate moist slantwise convection (MSC)in an archetypal inital condition tree of other kinds of instability. The numerical experiments are designed to explore the roles of rain evaporation and the spatial distribution of humidity on the evolution of the unstable motion. The simulations show that the necessary condition of instability q<0 (equivalent Ertel potential vorticity)becomes less negative in the region where the slanted updraft and downdraft develop. Potential upright instability is generated above the updraft and also below it in the colder sector. The updraft resembles an ageotrophic streak of 200 km perpendicular to the thermal wind vector and drifts slowly into the warmer sector with a velocity of 4,5 km/h , while the parcels near the surface in this sector move toward the updraft. The results indicate the occurrence of a weak low-level jet ahead of the updraft along the thermal wind vector and also a strong high-level jet in the sector. It is found that the surface acts to decrease the value of qe in the colder region in a shallow layer, although this not essentialin the updraft maintenance. Instead, two conditions play important roles in its maintenance: 1)rain evaporation below the updraft and 2)moist atmosphere on the warmside of the updraft. The rainwater evaporation drives an unstable slantwise downdraft into the worm sector and increase the convergence at low levels, maintaining the slanted updraft active for many hours. The difficult in triggering the unstable motion with a small initial perturbation suggests that MSC is perhaps unlikely to occur in nature without a coupled forcing, such as frontogenetical forcing or convective buoyant instability. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1985:STCHOF Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal STORM-TIME CHANGES OF GEOMAGNETIC FIELD AT MAGSAT ALTITUDES (325-550 KM)AND THEIR COMPARISON WITH CHANGES AT GROUND LOCATIONS 1985 Journal Geophysical Research 90 NB3 2451-3464 2354 geofisica espacial. The values of H, X, Y, and Z at MAGSAT altitudes were first expressed asresiduals ?H, ?X, ?Y, and ?Z after subtracting model values HMD, XMD, YMD, and ZMD. The storm time variations of ?H showed that ?H(dusk)was larger (negative)than AH(dawn)and occurred earlier, indicating a sort of hysteresis effect. Effects at MAGSAT altitudes were roughly the same (10 accuracy)as at ground, indicating that these effects were mostly of magnetospheric origin. The ?Y component also showed large storm time changes. The latitudinal distribution of storm time ?H showed north -south asymmetries varying in nature as the storm progressed. It seems that the central plane of the storm time magnetospheric ring current undergoes latitudinal meanderings during the course of the storm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 615 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Pereira:1989:SeVaCo Journal Article Pereira, Claudio Solano Pereira, Claudio Solano On the seasonal variability of control circulation in the Brazilizn continental shelf (29oS-35oS) 1989 Continental Shelf Research 9 3 285-299 2838 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT OCEAN 996 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffHilMotSahMed:1983:EqOzCh Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Hilsenrath, E; Motta, Adalton Gouveia; SahaiI,Yogeshwar; Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Equatorial ozone characacteristics as measured at Natal (5.9 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W) 1983 Journal of Geophysical Research 88 C11 6812-6818 2246 geofisica espacial. Ozone density profiles obtained through ECC sonde measurements taken during the first three years of a joint INPE/NASA long term program of measurements at Natal have been analysed. Time variations, as expected, are small. Outstanding features of the data are tropospheric densities substantially higher than those measured at other stations, and also a total ozone content that is higher than the averages given by satellite measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 418 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1990:VaSqFo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Variability of the Sq focus position in the South American Continent 1990 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Earh and Planetary Sciences 99 3 405-412 2899 geofisica espacial. The daily variation of the H component at Pilar (31.7 degrees S, 63.9 degrees W)and Trelew (43.3 degrees S, 65.3 degrees W)in the South American continent indicates a great variability in amplitude from season to season and even from day to day. However, Pilar always remains equatorward of the southern Sq focus. On the other hand, Trelew is in most cases slightly poleward of the Sq focus but the focus has large latitudinal excursions above and near Trelew. A cause of this variability could be the encroachment of polar ionospheric current systems into the low latitude ionospheric Sq current system. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 17 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MakhmutovKCLMABS:2002:GrSoBu Journal Article Makhmutov, V.S. Makhmutov, V.S.; Kaufmann, Pierre; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Lagrotta, P.R.; Magun, A.; Arzner, K.; Bazilevskaya, G.A.; Shea, A.A. Great solar bursts of October 19, 22 and 23, 1989 2002 Advances in Space Research 29 12 2101-2104 10059 RADIOASTRONOMIA, raios cósmicos, eventos, cosmic rays, events, flares, solar. Itapetinga measurements at 48 GHz with the multibeam technique are used to determine the relative position of solar burst centroid of emission with high spatial accuracy and time resolution. For the Great Bursts of October 19,22, 1989, with a large production of relativistic particles, and October 23, it is suggested that, at 48 GHz, the bursts might have originated in more then one source in space and time. Additionally the October 19 and 22 Ground Level Events exhibited very unusual intensity-time profiles including double component structures for the onset phase. The Bern observatory spectral radio emission data show a strong spectral flattening typical for large source inhomogeneties. The interpretation for this is that large solar flares are a superposition of a few strong bursts (separated both in space and time)in the same flaring region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9128-PRE/4801 CEA CRAAM CRAAM 319 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaBainLour:2002:StCoOp Journal Article Fonseca, Ijar Milagre Fonseca, Ijar Milagre; Bainum, Peter M; Lourenção, Paulo Tadeu M Structural and control optimization of a space structure subjected to the gravity-gradient torque 2002 Acta Astronautica Article in press 10060 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. This paper focuses on the integrated structural/control optimization of a large space structure with a robot arm and tip payloads subjected to the gravity-gradient torque. Constraints from the structure and control disciplines are imposed on the integrated optimization process with the aim of obtaining the structure's minimum weight and the optimum control performance. The result demonstrates the feasibility to solve the problem by taking into account combined constraints from the separate disciplines, structures and control. Further, the resulting minimum structural weight represents a aving of about 20 with respect to the weight of the initial given structure while the control design accomplishes the objectives of suppressing and controlling the structural vibration and attitude without violation of the control damping factor imposed on the problem. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9131 -PRE/4804 PI ETES DMC DMC 320 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OliveiraKircAlva:1993:PeMoAt Journal Article Oliveira, M.A.S Oliveira, M.A.S; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Alvala, Plinio Carlos Performance of a monitor for atmospheric methane measurements 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 1 57-64 7257 geofisica espacial, metano. The performance of a Shimadzu gas chromatograph, model GC-14A, installed at INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, was evaluated as a monitor of atmospheric methane. The system uses two stainless steel columns, a FID detector and two valves in the injection and back flush operation. The retention time of methane in the molecular sieve column is about 1.8 min. The precision of the system was 0.66. The reproducibility test showed that the results are within the above uncertainly margin. Excellent linearity of the measured responses was obtained in the range of 1500 to 2500 ppbv, which is closest to the clean air concentrations to be expected from samples of remote areas. Several analyses of air samples especially collected at different ecosystems are also reported. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 575 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RossGarrMendRosa:1968:CoOnLo Journal Article Ross, W.J. Ross, W.J.; Garriott, O.K.; Mendonca, Fernando; Rosa, Aldo Vieira Comments on local electron concentration determination from doppler dispersion measurements of satellite radio beacons 1968 Journal of Geophysical Research 73 A3 1102-1106 3064 aeronomia, ionosfera. During the past several years the use of satellite radio beacons in the study of the ionosphere has become well established. In particular, the measurement of dispersion in the optical path length between a satellite source and a receiver on the ground (ionospheric Doppler shift)has been used exten-sively and successfully to determine the integrated electron content of the ionosphere over the propagation path, and to follow its variation as the satellite moves in the field of view of the receiver. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 91 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CaproniAbraVila:2000:StAmEm Journal Article Caproni, A Caproni, A; Abraham, Zulema; Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Study of the ammonia emission in the NGC 6334 region 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 361 2 685-694 9536 RADIASTRONOMIA. The region centered in the NGC 6334 I(N)radio continuum source was surveyed in an extension of 6' in right ascension and 12' in declination, in the NH3(J,K)= (1,1)transition, using the Itapetinga radio telescope. The spectra show non-LTE behavior, and gradients of velocity and line-width were detected along the region. A detailed analysis of the spectra showed that the surveyed region is composed of at least three overlapped sources related to regions that are in different stages of star formation: NGC 6334 I, associated with an already known molecular bipolar outflow, NGC 6334I(N)w, the brightest ammonia source, coincidental with the continuum source NGC 6334 I(N), and NGC 6334 I(N)e, weaker, more extended and probably less evolved than the others. The physical parameters of the last two sources were calculated in non-LTE conditions, assuming that their spectra are the superposition of the narrow line spectra produced by small dense clumps. The H-2 density, NH3 column density, kinetic temperature, diameter and mass of the clumps were found to be very similar in the two regions, but the density of clumps is lower in the probably less evolved source NGC 6334I(N)e. Differences between the physical parameters derived assuming LTE and non-LTE conditions are also discussed in this work. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8507-PRE/4258 PI CEA DAS DAS CRAAE 123 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:1996:TrBeLa Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Traveling between the Lagrangian points and the earth 1996 ACTA Astronautica 39 7 483-486 7920 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, manobra orbital, mecanica espacial, pontos de equilibrio lagrangianos. This paper is concerned with minimum energy trajectories to transfer a spacecraft between the five Lagrangian points and Earth. The planar circular restricted three-body problem in two dimensions is used as the model for the Earth-Moon system, and Lemaitre regularization is used to avoid singularities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 966 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBati:1979:NiOxHe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Nitric oxide height distribution in the lower ionosphere from rocket ion composition results over a southern temperate latitude station 1979 Journal of Geophysical Research 84 A9 5267-5271 1878 aeronomia, baixa ionosféra, óxido nitrico, ionização, densidade ion ionosférica. Ion composition results obtained by Narcisi et al. (1972a)from rocket observations carried out during the November 1966 solar eclipse campaign at Cassino, south Brazil, are analyzed on the basis of the presently known detailed ion chemistry of the lower ionosphere, to deduce the height distribution of nitric oxide concentration in the region from 80 to 110 km. The results are compared with certain available experimental determinations of the NO height distributions carried out by other workers using rocket-borne radiometric measurement of NO Y band emissions in the dayglow. Other available NO deductions from ion composition data are discussed in the light of the present results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DAE IONO 359 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiMeClSiStWi:1996:AtHyCo Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Melo, Stella Maris Ludovic; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Stegman, J.; Witt, G Atomic hydrogen and concentrations derived from simultaneous lidar rocket airglow measurements in the equatorial region 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 D2 4033-4040 6213 aeronomia. Nighttime atomic hydrogen and ozone concentrations are derived from simultaneous measurements of the vertical profiles of upper mesospheric airglow emissions and atmospheric sodium. The airglow profiles were obtained in a sounding rocket experiment launched from Alcantara (2.5 degrees S, 44.2 degrees W)on May 31, 1992. A lidar operating at the launch site was used to measure sodium at the time of the rocket experiment. A total of 10 airglow photometers, 6 forward looking and 4 side looking, observed the OI 557.7 nm, O2 Herzberg and O2 atmospheric (0,0)bands, sodium D lines, OI 630 nm, OH(8,3)band, and the airglow continuum. The simultaneous ground-based sodium lidar and onboard sodium airglow measurements made it possible to derive the ozone concentration at heights between 85 and 100 km. The hydrogen concentrations were then calculated from the O2 atmospheric (0,0), OH(8,3), and the ozone profiles. The results suggest that the hydrogen concentration varied from 1 x 10 9 cm-3 at 100 km, values much higher than those suggested by recent model atmospheres and by some rocket observations at middle and high latitudes. Although the method of obtaining the concentrations of the minor constituents in the upper atmosphere is an indirect optical technique, this is the first time that these concentrations have been measured by rocket in the equatorial region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 769 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoJrSanSanLeiHig:1995:TrRaCl Journal Article Carvalho Jr., Joao Andrade Carvalho Jr., Joao Andrade; Santos, Jesus Marden dos; Santos, J.C.; Leitao, Mario de Miranda V.B.R.; Higuchi, N A tropical rainforest clearing experiment by biomass burning in the Manaus region 1995 Atmospheric Environment 29 17 2301-2309 6223 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, biomassa, chuva, temperatura do solo, florestas. A tropical rainforest clearing experiment by biomass burning performed in a one hectare area of INPA's forest reserve located 60 Km from Manaus, the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, is described. The experiment is part of a major effort to quantify the amounts of carbon dioxide generated by this Kind of clearing process. Following the procedure used by native people in the region, the trees were cut and the biomass left to dry on the ground for three months before burning. The fire burned through the whole one hectare area. The results include a carbon mass balance of the test site, air temperatures and heat transfer rates inside the ground. The carbon balance allowed the estimation of the carbon gasification efficency for this kind of fire. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET LCP DCM 770 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GanVadl:1991:SuCyOv Journal Article Gan, Manoel Alonso Gan, Manoel Alonso; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Surface cyclogenesis over South America 1991 Monthly Weather Review 119 5 1293-1302 438 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, ciclogeneses. The frequency of surface cyclogenesis over South America (approximately the area enclosed by 15 degrees - 50 degrees S and 30 degrees - 90 degrees W)has been calculated using 10 years (1979-1988)of data. The frequency of cyclogenesis is more in winter than in any other season. Highest frequency (139)is found in the month of May and the lowest frequency(71)is found in the month of December. In addition to seasonal variation, the frequency of cyclogenesis shows interannual variation. The occurrence of cyclogenesis is more during the years of negative Southern Oscillation index (EL Nino years)and less during the years of positive Southern Oscilation index. The years of higher (lower)cyclogenesis are found to be associated with higher (lower)rainfall. This explains the negative correlation between the precipitation over southern Brazil and the Southern Oscillation index. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 182 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LUBINVillEpatSmoo:1985:MAOFTH Journal Article LUBIN,P. LUBIN,P.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Epatein, G.; Smoot, G A MAP OF THE COSMIC BACKGROUND RADIATION AT 3 MILLIMETERS 1985 The Astrophysical Journal 298 1 L1-L5 2836 astrofísica, heading, cosmic, background, radiation. We present data from a series of balloon flights covering both the northern and southern hemispheres measuring the large angular scale anisotropy in the cosmic background radiation at 3.3 mm wavelength. The data cover 85 of the sky to a limiting sensitivity of 0.7 mK per 7§ field of view. The data show a 50 o (statistical error only)dipole anisotropy with an amplitude of 3.44 + 0.17 mK and a direction of a = 11h. 2+ 0h.1 and d=-6§0+1§5. A 90 confidence level upper limit of 7 X 10-5 is obtained for the rms quadrupole amplitude. Flights separated by 6 months show the motion of Earth around the Sun. Galactic contamination is very small with less than 0.1 mK contribution to the dipole and quadrupole terms. A map of the sky has been generated from the data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 994 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prakki:1983:GeSuUn Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty Generation of subsynoptic-scale unstable baroclinic waves by surface friction 1983 Journal of Atmospheric Science 40 8 2075-2079 2242 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT META/MASC 416 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1990:ObTh Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert Stratification processes in the atmospheric sodium layer: observations and theory 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 10 (10)59-(10)70 2886 aeronomia, atmospheric lasers, atmospheric tides, sodium layer. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of the alkali metal layers seem to be quite different in nature to those responsible for other atmospheric layers. In discussing the sodium layer in this context we must include both the mechanisms responsible for its basic production and the phenomena which produce structures within the layer. Although there is little doubt that the sodium layer owes its origin to the deposition into the atmosphere of extra-terrestrial material, how this deposition leads to the formation of a narrow layer of free sodium atoms is still an open question. With respect to the formation of structures within the layer it is clear that tides and gravity waves play an important role, although there can be little doubt that other factors are also at work. Of particular interest is the observation of thin layers having peak densities about an order of magnitude greater than normal, and a width an order of magnitude less. A number of mechanisms for the formation of these layers have been discussed in the literature, including direct meteor deposition, ion layer formation via the windshear mechanism, and evaporation from aerosol layers. None of these mechanisms has been analysed in detail, however, and the origin of these layers is still open to debate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 15 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannMCCCSYHGGGLMR:2002:SoSuGa Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Raulin J.P.; Melo, A.M.; Correia, E.; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Castro, C.G.G.; Silva, A.V.R.; Yoshimori, M.; Hudson, H.S.; Gan, W.Q.; Gary, D.E.; Gallagher, P.T.; Levato, H.; Marun, A.; Rovira, M. Solar submillimeter and gamma-ray burst emission 2002 Astrophysical Journal 574 2 Part 1 1059-1065 August 10057 Solar are emission was measured at 212 GHz in the submillimeter range by the Submillimeter Solar Telescope in the 1.2-18 GHz microwave range by the Owens Valley Solar Array and in the gamma-ray energy range (continuum)by experiments on board the Yohkoh ( > 1. 2 MeV)and Shenzhou 2 ( > 0.2 MeV)satellites. At the burst onset, the submillimeter and microwave time profiles were well correlated with gamma rays to the limit of the temporal resolution (less than or equal to10 s). At 212 GHz, fast pulses (< 1 s), defined as time structures in excess of the bulk emission, were identified as the flux increased. Their spatial positions were scattered by tens of arcseconds with respect to the main burst emission position. Correlation of submillimeter emission with gamma-ray fast time structures shorter than 500 ms is suggested at the gamma-ray maximum. The time variation of the rate of occurrence of the submillimeter rapid pulses was remarkably well correlated with gamma-ray intensities in the energy range ( > 1. 2 MeV), attaining nearly 50 pulses per minute at the maximum. These results suggest that gamma rays might be the response to multiple rapid pulses at 212 GHz and might be produced at different sites within the flaring region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9125-PRE/4789 PI CEA CRAAM CRAAM 317 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1993:SoInCa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio On the solar and interplanetary causes of geomagnetic storms 1993 Physics of Fluids B 5 7 2623-2630 7255 geofisica espacial. One of the oldest mysteries in geomagnetism is the linkage between solar and geomagnetic activity. In 1852, it was first noted that both the numbers of sunspots and geomagnetic storms at Earth have an 11 year cycle. A few years later, it was noted that a large magnetic storm followed the great September 1859 solar flare and a causal relationship between flares and storms was speculated. It was not until this century that a well-accepted statistical survey on large solar flares and geomagnetic storms was performed. The results indicated that a significant correlation between flares and geomagnetic storms exist. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 573 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Calheiros:1972:ReFoSa Journal Article Calheiros,R.V Calheiros,R.V Reproducao de fotografias de satelites meteorologicos por fotodetecao de sinais de video 1972 ITA Engenharia 18: 20-23 1548 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DME MESA 52 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KUGA:1989:COONNE Journal Article KUGA,H.K. KUGA,H.K. COMMENT ON NEW COMPUTATIONALLY EFFICIENT FORMULA FOR BACKWARD-PASS FIXED-INTERVAL SMOOTHER AND ITS UD FACTORISATION ALGORITHM 1989 IEEE PROCEEDINGS-D CONTROL THEORY AN APLICATIONS, 5942 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 201405 1354 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyNogu:1980:DiWiPr Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Nogueira, Maria Tereza de Lima Carvalho Diabatic wind profile and its relation to the scale of turbulence 1980 Meteorology Geophysics and Bioclimatology 31 1-2 105-115 2120 meteorologia, turbulencia, perfis de vento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 88 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MelianiArauAgui:2000:CaVaAs Journal Article Meliani, M.T. Meliani, M.T.; Araujo, JCN; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Cataclysmic variables as sources of gravitational waves 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 358 2 417-424 9533 ASTROFÍSICA, ondas gravitacionais, estrelas, nova, variavéis cataclísmicas, gravitational waves, stars, novae, cataclysmic variables. General relativity predicts that binary systems of stars produce gravitational waves of significant intensity. Here we are particularly interested in the cataclysmic variable binaries (CVs). These systems emit low frequency gravitational waves, f < 10(-3)Hz. We present here a catalog of CVs and argue that part of them are capable of being detected by the LaserInterferometer Space Antenna (LISA). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8506-PRE/4257 PI CEA DAS DAS 121 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PradoBrou:1996:TrOrEa Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida; Broucke, Roger Transfer orbits in the earth-moon system using a regularized model 1996 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 19 4 929-933 7918 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, mecanica espacial, manobra orbital, problema restrito de tres corpos. In a continuation of previous research where the problem was studied for the Earth-sun system, we search for transfer orbits from one body back to the same body (known in the literature as Henon's problem)in the Earth-moon system. In particular, we are searching for orbits that can be used in three situations: 1)to transfer a spacecraft from the moon back to the moon (passing close to the Lagrangian point L3 in most of the cases); 2)to transfer a spacecraft from the moon to the respective Lagrangian points L3 , L4 , and L5 ; and 3)to transfer a spacecraft to an orbit that passes close to the moon and to the Earth several times, with the goal of building a transportation system between these two celestial bodies. The model used for the dynamics is the planar and circular restricted three-body problem. The global Lemaitre regularization is used to avoid numerical problems during close approaches. An interesting result that was obtained in this research is a family of transfer orbits from the moon back to the moon that requires an impulse with magnitude lower than the escape velocity from the moon. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 964 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kaufmann:1985:COENRE Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre COMPARABLE ENERGY RELEASE RATES AT THE ORIGIN OF SMALL AND LARGE SOLAR BURSTS - 05P 1985 Solar Physics 102 : 97-98 5180 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1157 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1998:PeTePr Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Periodicidades, tendencias e previsao a partir da analise espectral dinamica da serie dos niveis do rio Paraguai, em Ladario (1900/1995) 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero especial 1787-1790 October 8315 geofisica espacial, , hidrologia, analise de fourier, inundacao. As series das medias mensais e anuais dos valores do nivel do rio Paraguai, em Ladario (1900/1995), foram estudadas por varios metodos numericos que incluem: analise de Fourier, periodograma, analise espectral dinamica e regressao iterativa. A finalidade do trabalho e identificar as grandes caracteristicas do regime do rio e, atraves das principais periodicidades embutidas na serie, as possiveis causas ou os fatores que podem intervir em suas variacoes. O regime do rio nao e estacionario, porem, tentou-se utilizar apenas as oito periodicidades maiores para prever o comportamento do rio numa escala de tempo de algumas decadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1063 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MartinBuiv:1984:VADARA Journal Article Martin, Inacio Malmonge Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Buivan, N. A. VARIACAO DA RADIACAO NATURAL DE FOTONS GAMA EM FUNCAO DA LATITUDE 1984 Ciência e Cultura 36 5 804-806 2297 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS ASTRO 611 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KantorMuraAbdu:1990:CoIoEl Journal Article Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Comparison of ionospheric electron temperature rocket measurements over Natal, Brazil, with the IRI model 1990 Advances Space Research 10 8 91-92 9610 aeronomia, temperatura ionosférica, cinética, energia de electrons, e region, measurement, região e, medidas, ionospheric temperature, kinetics5electron nenergy. A SONDA III rocket was launched from Natal on 11 December 1985, at 2030 LT, carrying a Langmuir probe that measured the kinetic electron temperature in the E and F regions of the equatorial ionosphere over Natal, Brazil. The rocket attained an altitude of 524 km. The electron temperature was determined through the derivative of the current versus voltage characteristics of the Langmuir probe and the detection of the floating potential. Results are compared with the IRI model, and the divergence of the results with the model is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 179 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzuszczewiczWARHSKBJLLWRS:1990:SoCoDu Journal Article Szuszczewicz, E.P. Szuszczewicz, E.P.; Wilkinson, P.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Roelof, E.; Hanbaba, R.; Sands, M.; Kikuchi, T.; Burnside, R.; Joselyn, J.; Lester, M.; Leitinger, R.; Walker, G.O.; Reddy, B.M.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Solar-terrestrial conditions during SUNDIAL-86 and empirical modelling of the global-scale ionospheric response 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 6 387-398 9927 aeronomia, interações terrestre solar, densidade de eletrons ionosféricos, aeronomy, ionospheric storms, cowpling, solar terrestrial interactions, sundial, solar-minimum equatorial campaign. Covering the period from 22 September through 4 October 1986, the SUNDIAL-86 Solar-Minimum Equinoctial Campaign studied the behavior of the global-scale ionosphere. The period covered the most quiet (Q1)and second most disturbed (D2)days of the entire month of September, with the disturbed conditions triggered by a high-speed solar wind stream. Ionospheric responses were monitored by the SUNDIAL network of nearly 70 stations distributed approximately in three longitudinal domains ; and global maps of f0 F2 results were compared with the << predictions >> of the International Reference Ionosphere modified to include an empirical specification of auroral oval boundaries and associated high-latitude morphological domains. Comparisons that included regions in the polar cap, diffuse auroral oval, mid-latitude trough, equatorial anomaly and the sunrise/sunset terminator showed good agreement between the hourly 8-day-averaged ionospheric observations and the model. The inclusion of an auroral oval and the good agreement between model contours of f0F2 and SUNDIAL observations adds to the quality and applicability of the IRI and builds a foundation for the development of an adaptive time-dependent empirical model to describe global-scale ionospheric responses to storm dynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 180 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ProustTALSALMazCap:1988:NeMeRa Journal Article Proust, D Proust, D; TALAVERA,A.; SALVADOR-SOLE,E.; Mazure, A.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente New measurements of radial velocities in clusters of galaxies (*) 1988 Astronomy and Astrophysics. Supplement Series 67 1 57-61 2834 astrofísica, redshifts of galaxies, clusters of galaxies. We have obtained 101 new redshifts for 100 galaxies in ten clusters of galaxies. Data for individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of velocities determined using four different instrumentations (located at Calar Alto, La Palma, ESO and Hawal)is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 992 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortuneKous:1983:PrSyEv Journal Article Fortune, Michael Fortune, Michael; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Two sever freezes in Brazil: precursos and synoptic evolution 1983 Monthly Weather Review 111 1 181-196 2237 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME METBA/SINO 414 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraPaulKant:1990:RoMeEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Rocket-borne measurements of equatorial ionospheric electron densities and their comparison with IRI-10 predictions 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 8 (8)41-(8)44 2880 aeronomia, , bolhas de plasma, ionosfera equatorial, sonda, electron density profiles, internacional reference ionosphere, iri, slim, equatorial atmospheric, rockets. Three experiments were conducted using high frequency capacitance probes carried on board SONDA III rockets launched off the coast of Natal (6 degrees S, 36 degrees W), Brasil. Electron-density height profiles from the two of the experiments, one daytime, and one nighttime, are representative of quiet equatorial ionospheric conditions whereas for the third experiment the rocket was launched into a nighttime ionosphere that was disturbed by a developing plasma bubble event. Agreement between experimental results and the IRI predictions for the quiet day and night densities varies with height. Comparisons are also made with electron densities obtained from the semi-empirical Low Latitude Ionospheric Model (SLIM). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 13 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TosittiPeSaCaTuBe:2002:AsSuTr Journal Article Tositti, L. Tositti, L.; Pereira, Enio Bueno; Sandrini, S.; Capra, D.; Tubertini, O.; Bettoli, M.G. Assesment of summer trends of tropospheric radon isotopes in a coastal antarctic station (Terra Nova Bay) 2002 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 82 5 259-274 10055 This work reports the first results of atmospheric radon measurements performed at the Italian Antarctic station located at Terra Nova Bay (74.69degreesS; 164.12degreesE)during summer campaigns of 1995-96, 1996-97 and 1997-98. Mean 222 Rn concentrations was 0.51 +/- 0.43 Bq m(-3)(median = 0.37 Bq m(-3)), and ranged from 0.01 to 2.74 Bq m(-3). On the average, these values were considered high, in comparison to results reported for other sites in Antarctica at equivalent latitudes. This could be explained by two causes: radon data for Terra Nova Bay were only for the summer period, when the ice-free area is at its maximum and thus the radon emission to the atmosphere; and by the larger ice-free area at Terra Nova Bay compared, for example, to measurements taken at another Antarctic site by the same technique (Ferraz station - 62degrees05'S; 058degrees23.5'W). The mean Rn-222 to Rn-220 activity ratio was 4.4 +/- 4.2, ranging between 0.1 and 45.3. The highest ratios indicated that some of observed surges of concentration of Rn-222 could be attributed to not local sources. Lower radon concentrations were observed during katabatic wind events. The diurnal radon variation followed the general trend observed for continental areas located at lower latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9123-PRE/4797 PI CEA DGE DGE 315 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1993:CoOnGe Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Comment on ""Geomagnetic activity associated with Earth passage of interplanetary shock disturbances and coronal mass ejections"" by J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, J.L. Phillips, and S.J.Bame 1993 Journal of Geophysical Research 98 A2 1507-1508 7253 geofisica espacial. Gosling et al. [1991]have presented a very nice set of statistical data on solar wind driver gases (CMEs), interplanetary shocks, solar wind velocities, magnetic field magnitudes and Bz values, and geomagnetic activity (Kp). The statistics are quite nice and similar to our own. We have no questions or comments concerning these. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 571 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarquezLimCapDurGer:2000:GrPrFo Journal Article Marquez, I Marquez, I; Lima Neto, G.B.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Durret, F.; Gerbal, D Gravo-thermal properties and formation of elliptical galaxies 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 353 3 873-886 9530 ASTROFÍSICA, gravitação, metodologia, galáxias, aglomerados, simulação, formação de galáxias, coma, gravitation, methodology, galaxies, clusters, simulation, galaxy formation, coma. We have analyzed a sample of galaxies belonging to three clusters: Coma, Abell 85, and Abell 496 (real galaxies)and a sample of simulated elliptical galaxies formed in a hierarchical merging scheme (virtual galaxies). We use the Sersic law to describe their light profile. The specific entropy (Boltzmann-Gibbs definition)is then calculated supposing that the galaxies behave as spherical, isotropic, one-component systems. We find that, to a good approximation (similar to 10), both real and virtual galaxies have an almost unique specific entropy. Within this approximation the galaxies are distributed in a thin plane in the space defined by the three Sersic law parameters, which we call the Entropic Plane. A further analysis shows that both real and virtual galaxies are in fact located on a thin line, therefore indicating the existence of another - and yet unknown - physical property, besides the uniqueness of the specific entropy. A more careful examination of the virtual galaxies sample indicates a very small increase of their specific entropy with merging generation. In a hierarchical scenario, this implies a correlation between the specific entropy and the total mass, which is indeed seen in our data. The scatter and tilt of the Entropic Line, defined by Lima Neto et al. (1999a), are reduced when this correlation is taken into account. Although one cannot distinguish between various generations for real galaxies, the distribution of their specific entropy is similar to that in the virtual sample, suggesting that hierarchical merging processes could be an important mechanism in the building of elliptical galaxies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8504-PRE/4255 PI CEA DAS DAS 118 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:1996:PoSw Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Powered swingby 1996 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 19 5 1142-1147 7916 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, tecnica swingby, manobra orbital, mecanica espacial. The problem of applying an impulsive thrust in a spacecraft that is performing a swingby maneuver (also called gravity-assisted maneuver)is studied. The objective is to derive a set of analytical equations that can calculate the change in velocity, energy, and angular momentum for this maneuver as a function of the three usual parameters of the standard swingby maneuver plus the two parameters (the magnitude of the impulse and the angle between the impulse and the velocity of the spacecraft)that specify the planar impulse applied. The dynamics used to obtain those equations are given by the patched-conic approach. A study is also performed to find in which cases the impulse is more efficient when applied during that close approach or after that, in a two-step maneuver. After that, the same maneuvers are computed under the dynamics given by the restricted three-body problem, and the results are compared with the ones obtained previously under the patched-conic dynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 962 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ferreira:1992:PlDiTh Journal Article Ferreira, Jose Leonardo Ferreira, Jose Leonardo Plasma diffusion through multipole magnetic fields 1992 IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science 6310 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FISPLASMA LAP PQUI 374 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScaliseJr:1985:OCOHA Journal Article Scalise Jr.,Eugenio Scalise Jr.,Eugenio O COMETA HALLEY E SUA PROXIMA PASSAGEM - 20P 1985 Ciência e Cultura 37 19 1573-1582 5176 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 90130X 1155 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrNaka:1985:ONTHLO Journal Article Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Nakamura, Y ON THE LOW LATITUDE SCANNING PHOTOMETER SIGNATURES OF THE EQUATORIAL IONOSPHERE PLASMA BUBBLES 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 3 : 33-39 2261 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE IONO 608 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AravequiaVadlBona:1995:RoMoBa Journal Article Aravequia, Jose Antonio Aravequia, Jose Antonio; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo The role of moist baroclinic instability in the growth and structure of monsoon depressions 1995 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 52 24 4393-4409 6120 estudo do tempo e do clima, climatologia dinamica, instabilidade, modelos. The effect of latent heat of condensation on baroclinic instability process is studied using the model developed by Bonatti and Rao. This model includes the effect of latent heat of condensation as parameterized by Mak, a zonal wind profile that varies linearly with pressure, and a constant lapse rate of-6 degrees C Km-1. The effect of dissipative terms and vertical variation of heating on baroclinic instability with positive and negative zonal wind shears is studied. Dissipative terms and the type and intensity of heating change the selecton of the most unstable wave. Viscosity and Newtonian cooling stabilize short waves. The characteristics of the most unstable wave obtained using a double maximum in the vertical distribution of heating and observed vertical profiles of zonal wind and temperature representative of the summer monsoon of India resemble those of observed monsoon depressions.The inclusion of dissipative effects makes the Green mode the most unstable wave. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 765 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1990:SiAt Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger A ""fusao fria"" e a geofísica: situacao atual 1990 Mineracao Metalurgica 510 : 51 9386 geofísica espacial. Devido à possível revolução energética que ela pode representar para o século XX, a fusão a frio ou fusão fria, o as tentativas para realizá-4o nos laborat6rios, passaram a ser notícias quentes na imprensa mundial desde o início do 1989. O interesse para ô paládio e a água pesada, a correlativamente o seu preço no mercado internacional, subiram, uma vez que poderiam tornar-se as matérias-primas da melhor fonte de energia do século XXI, limpa e de custo razoável. Porém, com o decorrer do tempo, há necessidade de tentar esclarecer os fatos, diante da confusão gerada pelos resultados discordantes que forem divulgados, a fim de tentar uma avaliação do que pode vir a acontecer com a chamada fusão fria. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 177 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTeix:1983:ObLaSc Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Observations of large scale F-region irregularities using airglow emission at 7774A and 6300A 1983 Annales Geophysicae 1 3 271-276 2201 aeronomia, f-region, nightglow, ionospheric irregularities. Simultaneous scanning measurements of the atomic oxygen 7774 A and 6300 A emissions, to study the dynamics of low-latitude large scale F-region irregularities, were carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (geographic coordinates 22.70 S, 45.0( W; geomagnetic latitude 11.950 S), Brazil, during the period October-November, 1980. The measurements were made with a two-channel photometer which permitted scanning observations both along and across the magnetic meridian. Observations at 7774 A can detect large scale irregularities near the F-region peak height, whereas observations at 6300 A detect such irregularities at an altitude about 50 km to 100 km lower, depending on the F-region height. On many nights, during spread-F conditions, as indicated by an ionosonde operating at the same location, the presence of large intensity depletions of short duration were detected in both emissions. These depletions were observed to move towards the cast in the east-west scans, and apparently towards the south in the north-south scans. Salient features of these observations are presented and discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 412 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbdu:1990:LaGrPl Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Latitudinal gradient in the plasma bubble zonal velocities as observed by scanning 630-nm airglow measurements 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A6 8253-8257 2865 aeronomia, , bolhas de plasma, ionosfera, atmospheric composition, plasma bubbles, airglow, electric fields, equatorial atmospheric. Equatorial ionospheric plasma bubble zonal velocities were measured using two 630-nm scanning photometers. Simultaneous scanning measurements were made in two east-west planes that were tilted 30 degrees northward and southward of the vertical. The results of measurements carried out during 5 days covering the summer equinoctial period of 1988, presented here, show evidence of marked latitudinal gradient in the bubble zonal velocities, the velocities decreasing with increasing latitude over low-latitude observing site, Cachoeira Paulista (-28 degrees dip). We suggest that this velocity gradient is consistent with expectations at solar minimum, when our measuremnts may be associated with the region above the maximum in the eastward plasma velocity height profile. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 11 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LichsteinFoCoTaGoBu:2002:QuKeWa Journal Article Lichstein, Gilbert S. Lichstein, Gilbert S.; Forbes, Jeffrey M.; Coll Angelats, M.; Takahashi, Hissao; Gobbi, Delano; Buriti, R. A. Quasi-3-day Kelvin wave and the OI(5577 A), OH(6,2)Meinel, and O2(0,1)emissions 2002 Geophysical Research Letters 29 4 February 10053 Ground-based zenith photometric observations in Brazil reveal the existence of 25-40 quasi-3-day oscillations in OI(5577)and OH(6,2)emissions and upper mesospheric temperatures ( 6K)during June and July, 1998. A previous numerical study [Forbes, 2000]has reported on the global characteristics of a 3-day Kelvin wave with zonal wavenumber s=1, and consitency with satellite and radar observations. Herein we present the results of a one-dimensional dynamical-chemical simulation that demonstrates that the photometric observations are consistent with a Kelvin wave interpretation. Thus, a connection is made for the first time between convective processes in the tropical troposphere, and upper atmospheric airglow emissions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9120-PRE/4794 PI CEA 313 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiGonFigRigJay:1993:NeAcTe Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Goncalez, O.L.; Figueiredo, A.M.G.; Rigolon, L.S.Y.; Jayanthi, K.A. A neutron activation technique for the analysis of cryolite in core samples 1993 Nuclear Geophysics 7 4 515-517 7185 astrofisica. A short-lived, delayed neutron activation technique has been investigated to determine the content of cryolite (Na3AlF)in core samples, by the detection of fluorine through the fast neutron reaction 19F(n, )16N. The resultant gamma-rays in the energy range of 2.84-8.14 MeV measured for pure cryolite and background samples, established that cryolite concentrations > 13.6 wt in rock samples could be estimated with uncertainties of about +-4.3wt. The results are very satisfactory for exploration purposes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 568 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RamamurtiNandYeli:1979:PrStPr Journal Article Ramamurti, Keelappandal Subramanialyer Ramamurti, Keelappandal Subramanialyer; Nandamudi, Jagan Mohana Rao; Yelisetty, Viswanaham; tantravahi, Venkata Ramama Rao A preliminary stydy of precipitable water over Brazil 1979 Pure and Applied Geophysics 117 5 883-890 1543 meteorologia. A preliminary study of precipitable water over Brasil is attempted. Mean values for January are presented in this paper. A regression equation connecting the surface dew point temperature and the precipitable water was computed on the lines of studies made by Rietan (1963)and the results are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DCT MESA 47 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBrit:1985:TeBeRa Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Teleconnections between the rainfall over Northeast Brazil and the winter circulation of Northern Hemisphere 1985 Pure and Applied Geophysics 123 6 951-959 2617 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT 793 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffAlveSilv:1986:PrRe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrichv Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrichv; Alves, J.R.; Silva, I.M.O Medidas de 03 no Amazonas: primeiros resultado 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 4 : 155-160 April 2628 geofisica espacial, . 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 803 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RibeiroWuenLete:2000:SmDeGa Journal Article Ribeiro, A.L.B. Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Letelier, P.S Small deviations from Gaussianity and the galaxy cluster abundance evolution 2000 The Astrophysical Journal 539 1 Part 1 1-4 9527 ASTROFÍSICA, cosmologia, aglomerados, galaxias, universo, grandes estruturas espaciais, cosmology, large space structures, universe, galaxies, clusters. In this paper, we raise the hypothesis that the density fluctuation field, which originates the growth of large-scale structures, is a combination of two or more distributions, instead of assuming that the observed distribution of matter stems from a single Gaussian field produced in the very early universe, as is widely accepted. By applying the statistical analysis of finite-mixture distributions to a specific combination of Gaussian plus non-Gaussian random fields, we studied the case in which just a small departure from Gaussianity is allowed. Our results suggest that even a very small level of non-Gaussianity may introduce significant changes in the cluster abundance evolution rate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8502-PRE/4254 PI CEA DAS DAS 116 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BrouckePrad:1996:OrPlMa Journal Article Broucke, Roger A. Broucke, Roger A.; Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Orbital planar maneuvers using two and three-four (through infinity)impulses 1996 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 19 2 274-282 7914 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, manobra orbital, manobra impulsiva, mecanica espacial. We consider the problem of minimum time-free impulsive transfers between coplanar Keplerian orbits. We studied two types of maneuvers: the ones performed with two impulses and the ones performed with three or four impulses that go to infinity in the middle of the transfer. For the two-impulse maneuver, we develop optimality conditions that lead to a nonlinear system of three equations and three unknowns. For the three-impulse maneuver, we develop a new maneuver that uses two elliptic transfer orbits that are connected by a negligible impulse applied at an infinite distance from the attracting body. It is an extension of the bi-elliptic transfer, where the two orbits involved in the transfer are not coaxial. We study in detail and show regions of optimality for the most trivial cases of transfers: between two circular orbits, one circular and one elliptic orbit, and two elliptic coaxial orbits. We complete the research by studying a scheme to reduce the total for some of those maneuvers, by adding a second impulse at infinity, and making it a four-impulse maneuver. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 960 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1985:PeInSu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Periodicities in sunspot numbers 1985 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 37 12 1071-1085 2212 geofisica espacial. The annual mean sunspot numbers during 1749-1971, are subjected to power spectrum analysis by the recentmost Least-Squares linear prediction method evolved by Barrodale and Erickson. For the two consecutive intervals 1749-1844 and 1845-1971, only one major peak at T=9.7yr is common and many other peaks are different, indicating either unreliability of the earlier data, or a possibility that the two samples do not belong to the same population. In general, peaks near T= 5yr have only border-line significance, peaks near T= I lyr are highly significant and multiple and probably change with time. In the large periodicity region peaks definitely exist for T=60-100yr range, but probably change with time. Attempts at prediction of future activity yielded a number less than 100 for cycle 21, much lesser than the observed value of 155 in 1979-1980. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 606 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Padilha:1999:BeMaSo Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes Behaviour of magnetotelluric source fields within the equatorial zone 1999 Earth Planets and Space 51 10 1119-1125 6051 geofísica espacial, , eletrojatos equatorial, pesquisa magnética (perfis magnetoteluricos), equatorial electrojet, magnetic surveys (magnetotelluric profiling). It is well known that equatorial electrojet (EEJ)currents can significantly affect the geomagnetic variations. However, in a recent study (Padilha et al, 1997)it was observed that magnetotelluric (MT)soundings carried out across the dip equator in the Brazilian equatorial zone were not affected significantly due to EEJ currents. By using new results from geomagnetic variation signals, measured simultaneously to the MT experiment at a chain of equatorial and mid-latitude stations, an attempt is made here to explain the MT results in terms of the behaviour of the primary inducing field during the survey. Most of the analysis is performed by considering a single frequency (0.885 mHz), representative of the MT frequency interval. It is observed that the amplitude of the geomagnetic variations appears horizontally homogeneous within the study area (from -3 degrees to +3 degrees of geomagnetic latitude), indicating that the primary field in the analysed frequency range may be considered sufficiently uniform in the horizontal direction thus satisfying the Tikhonov-Cagniard plane-wave criterion. The same geomagnetic data also show that, if any EEJ source effect exists, it would be restricted to the transition zone (between 3 degrees and 5 degrees, at both sides of the dip equator). Dmitriev-Berdichevsky's constraints calculated at two different frequencies and a modelling exercise using EEJ parameters derived from a magnetometer array were able to explain the MT observations and have shown that source effects would just appear in frequencies lower than 1 mHz (resistive regions)and 0.1 mHz (conductive regions). Considering the characteristics of propagation and amplification of geomagnetic variations at the equatorial zone it is concluded that EEJ currents could be used as a source for lithospheric MT studies in these regions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE 763 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BitterncourtChry:1990:CoIRMo Journal Article Bitterncourt, José Augusto Bitterncourt, José Augusto; Chryssafidis, M Comparison of IRI model predictions with low latitude ionospheric observations 1990 Advances in Space Research 11 10 97-100 9321 aeronomia, efeitos de atividade solar, regioes tropicais, densidade eletrônica ionosférica, international reference ionosphere, iri, solar activity effects, tropical regions (low latitudes), ionospheric electron density. During a period of high solar activity (1979/1980), IRI-predicted electron density profiles were compared with measurements made at Fortaleza (Brazil), 2 degrees off the dip equator. A few discrepancies were found. They are attributed mainly to dynamical effects associated with the low latitude E x B electromagnetic plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds that are not correctly reproduced in the CCIR numerical maps and in the IRI profile shapes as well. In particular, the dependence on the magnetic declination angle, which strongly affects the electrodynamical plasma motions at low latitudes, is not satisfactorily considered in the models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 175 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoVadl:1971:HaAnMe Journal Article Rao, G. Rao, G.; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Harmonic analysis of the mean surface temperature of the Northen Hemisphere 1971 Indian Journal Met. and Geophys 25: 575-580 6389 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 744 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CecattoSawa:1996:FrFlSo Journal Article Cecatto, José Roberto Cecatto, José Roberto; Sawant, H.S. Fragmentação de flares solares em rádio 1996 Boletim da SAB 16 1 56-57 9771 astrofísica, explosões solares, radiômetros, solar flares, radiometers. Investigamos os espectros da parte opticamente fina (f>fpico)de explosões solares simples associadas à fase impulsiva de ""flare"" observados em microondas (18-23 GHz)com alta espectral ( f/f < 0,1), utilizando o Radiômetro de Freqüência Variável - RFV (com resolução espectral de 1 GHz e temporal de 0,6-1,2 s), operando em conjunto com a antena de 13,7m de diâmetro do Rádio Observatório do Itapetinga. Também investigamos explosões complexas associadas à fase impulsiva de ""flares"" observados em microondas pelo RFV e simultaneamente em raios-X duros (52-863 keV)pelo experimento HXRBS à bordo do satélite SMM. Construímos o espectro e a evolução temporal deste e determinamos os parâmetros físicos - Ne,T e B - e o número e energia totais para os elétrons emissores na fonte para as explosões simples bem como para as explosões complexas. Para as explosões simples, o índice espectral variou entre -1 e -4, o comportamento temporal fc i mole-duro-mole, a densidade de elétrons emissores na fonte foi Ne=108 - 1010 cm-3 e o número total de elétrons emissores na fonte foi NT=1029 - 1032. As explosões complexas apresentam, para cada um de seus picos constituintes, mesma faixa para o índice espectral, mesmo comportamento temporal deste e faixa de densidade dos elétrons emissores semelhante àquela observada para as explosões simples, contudo, um número total de elétrons emissores de 2-3 ordens de grandeza maior visto que se originam em regiões com uma área maior que aquela geradora de explosões simples. Isto sugere que as explosões complexas apresentam um caráter temporal fragmentado em explosões simples. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 1449 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NicolliYeli:1975:FlVeCa Journal Article Nicolli, Domingos Nicolli, Domingos; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Fluxo vertical de calor em funcao dos perfis de velocidade do vento na camada limite inferior da atmosfera 1975 Ciencia e Cultura 29 7 818 April 1658 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CEA 156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiShClSiTeLoEr:1989:EqMeFr Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Shai, Yogeshwar; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Lobo, Raquel M.; Eras, Agnaldo Equatorial mesospheric and F-region airglow emissions observed from 4 degree S 1989 Planetary and Space Science 37 6 649-655 2828 aeronomia. Simultaneous ground-based measurements of the atmospheric airglow emissions OI 5577, 6300 and 7774, NaD 5893 , OH (9, 4)band and O2 atmospheric (0, 1)band at 8645Ahave been made at an equatorial station, Fortaleza (3.9§S, 38.4§W, geomag. 2.1§S), Brazil, since November 1986. A microprocessor controlled multichannel tilting filter type photometer was constructed for this purpose. Hydroxyl rotational temperatures in the range 190-210 K were obtained from the 011 (9, 4)Q and R branch measurements. Surprisingly low OI5577 and NaD intensities, about 40 and 25, respectively, of those observed at low latitude (23§S), were observed. The OH (9, 4)band intensities, however, did not show any such difference. Time lagged nocturnal intensity variations of the mesospheric emissions observed provide evidence of dynamical effects in the equatorial upper atmosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 987 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1983:THATNE Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin THE ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRAL SODIUM LAYER .2. DIURNAL-VARIATIONS 1983 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS 88 442-450 2177 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DGE DAE FISAT 410 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimo:1981:ReMeTr Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin Remote measurements of tropospheric and stratospheric winds by ground based lidar 1981 Applied Optics 20 17 2907-2910 2127 aeronomia. Horizontally spaced lidar measurements of spatial irregularities in particulate scattering have been used to measure wind velocity in the 12-16 km height range. A steerable lidar at a fixed zenith angle was aimed at three different azimuths in sequence, enabling a determination to be made of the atmospheric scattering profile at three horizontally spaced positions. An analysis of the time variations of the backscattered lidar signal shows that they are mainly caused by the horizontal translation of spatial irregularities in atmospheric particulates and can therefore be used to determine the magnitude and direction of the horizontal wind. The derived wind vectors are in good agreement with radiosonde measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 409 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2002:CoSoIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Correlation of solar indices with solar EUV fluxes 2002 Solar Physics 207 1 17-40 10048 The paper presents a more extensive comparison of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV)irradiances during AE-E (1977-1980), Pioneer Venus (1979-1992)and SEM/SOHO (1996 onwards)with other solar indices than has been discussed previously. For long-term changes (solar cycle), all indices had similar trends and inter-correlations were high, so that any one could serve as a proxy for the other. For intermediate time-scales (monthly means), only Lalpha, F10 (2800 MHz)and Mg II had reasonably high correlations with EUV. The 2695 MHz radio emission also had a high correlation. For daily values, data for many indices are intermittant and these cannot serve as proxies. Again, only Lalpha, F10 (and 2695 MHz), Mg II stand out as possible proxies for EUV, particularly during intervals of strong 27-day sequences. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9007-PRE/4685 PI CEA 311 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSoNeFeCeRo:1993:HiSeDi Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Cecatto, Jose Roberto; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto High sensitivity digital decimetric spectroscope 1993 Advances in Space Research 13 9 (9)199-(9)202 7183 astrofisica, spectroscopy. Decimetric Solar Radio Spetroscope has been put into operation since March 1991 at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Presently, it is operating over frequency range of (1.6+-0.1)GHz, with time resolution of 100 ms and frequency resolution of (0.3-3)MHz, in conjunction with a 9 m diameter polar mounted antenna. The dynamic spectra are recorded on 35 mm film, while 20 frequencies each separated by 10 MHz are digitized with time resolution of 100 ms. So far, various types of bursts have been observed by this system. Morphological studies of these bursts are presented. Particularly interesting are reverse slope (RS)type III bursts. Soon this system will start operating over a frequency range of (0.2-2.5)GHz, simultaneously in two circular polarizations. Flexibility of this system permits to select desired frequency range with resolution in time of (1-250)ms and in frequency of (0.1-3)MHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 566 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyNamd:1972:ThDiSo Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Namdamudi, Jagan Mohana Rao The thermal diffusitivy of soil at stations in Southern Hemisphere 1972 Pure and Applied Geophysics 10 9 247-260 1541 meteorologia. The study of heat transfer or temperature changes in the surface layers of the soil are important in agricultural science at tropical latitudes. The quantity, thermal diffusivity largely determines the temperature changes produced in the layer of the soil when heat is conducted there from an adjacent layer. Therefore, the authors have determined the thermal diffusivity of the soil at the sites Arapongas (23.5 S,51.7 W)and Sao Jose dos Campos (23.3 S,45.8 W), in Brazil (South America), in accordance with the simple theory of periodic heat flow in a one dimensional, semi-infinite, homogeneous medium. The diffusivity increases with the increase of moisture content in the surface layers of the soil. The results of diffusivity obtained from these methods agree well with those of past workers obtained by other techniques. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT 45 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonzKami:1997:MaSt Journal Article Tsurutani, B.T. Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Kamide, Y Magnetic storms 1997 Surveys in Geophysics 18 4 363-383 8807 geofisica espacial, tempestades magneticas. This talk provides a brief summary of the first conference devoted entirely to magneti storms. The conference was held in Pasadena, California, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 12-1 February 1996. Topics covered the relevant time-varying phenomena at the sun/corona, propagation c these structures through interplanetary space, the response of the magnetosphere from its interactio: with these interplanetary structures, the formation of the storm-time ring-current (in particular the oxygen content of the ring-current), and storm ionospheric effects and ground based effects. A complementary summary is provided by Gonzalez et al. in EOS, 1996. The full set of review articles will be published in an AGU monograph and many of the contributed articles will appear in a special section of the Journal of Geaphysical Research Space Physics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1253 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconDutrPint:1987:MiAtEl Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes; Pinto Jr., Osmar Midle atmospheric electrodynamic modification by particle precipitation at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly 1987 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49 4 377-383 2615 geofisica espacial, . Evidence for a localized middle atmospheric electrodynamic modification at low latitudes (southern Brazilian coast)of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA), in association with enhanced geomagnetic activity, are presented in a unified way combining recent observational efforts and related numerical studies. They involve a distortion effect in the fair weather electric field at balloon altitudes. This effect is attributed to a local intensification of energetic electron precipitation through a related middle atmospheric ionization enhancement and is elucidated by numeric simulation. From the electric field measurements and the numeric simulation, the intensification of precipitation is considered to occur in fairly narrow regions at the observed low L values (around L = 1.13)of the SAMA, with horizontal extensions of the order of a few hundred kilometers. A physical mechanism that could be responsible for this sort of intensification is suggested. Furthermore, a comparison of the phenomenon of middle atmospheric clectrodynamic modification at the SAMA with a similar one at auroral latitudes, in response to enhanced solar and geomagnetic activity, is also given. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE PESQUISA DE MAGNETOSFERA 791 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaganoMour:1986:Ni19Pr Journal Article Kagano, Mary Toshie Kagano, Mary Toshie; Moura, Antonio Divino O El Nino de 1982-83 e a precipitacao sobre a America do Sul 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 4 2 201-214 2626 meteorologia. Os aspectos regionais de grande escala do El Nino de 1983 sao discutidos relacionando-se os padroes anomalos de precipitacao observados sobre a America do sul com os resultados de trabalhos diagnosticos e teoricos. Enchentes de longa duracao e muito intensas ocorreram nas partes sul do Brasil, norte da Argentina, Paraguai,Uruguai e sul da Bolivia, principalmente durante o periodo maio-junho de 1983. Tambem, secas severas ocorreram no nordeste do Brasil, inclusive a regiao Amazonica. Ecuador e noroeste do Peru sofreram fortes enchentes desde o final de 1982 ate agosto de 1993. As simulacoes de circulacao geral reproduziram os principais aspectos da circulacao atmosferica. resultados teoricos sugerem que as anomalias de precipitacao observadas sobre a America do Sul podem ser explicadas como a resposta atmosferica a uma fonte de calor sobre o Pacifico Leste associada com o El Nino. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT ESOS 801 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:DiPrMa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Did predictions of the maximum sunspot number for solar cycle number 22 come true? 1992 Solar Physics 140 1 171-180 6276 geofisica espacial. The solar cycle No. 22 which started in 1986 seems to have already passed through a maximum. The maximum annual mean sunspot number was 157 for 1989. The maximum twelve-month running average was 159, centered at July, 1989. For cycle 21, similar value was 165 centered at December 1979. Thus, cycle 22 is slightly weaker than cycle 21. Schatten and Sofia (1987)had predicted a stronger cycle 22 (170 +- 25)as compared to cycle 21 (140 +- 20). Predictions based on single variable analysis viz. Rz (max)versus aa (min)were 165 and came true. Predictions based on a bivariate analyses viz. Rz(max)versus aa (min)and Rz(min)were 130 and proved to be underestimates. Other techniques gave over or underestimates. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 370 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:ReBeQB Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Relationship between QBOs of stratospheric winds, Enso variability and other atmospheric parameters 1992 International Journal of Climatology 12 5 435-447 6275 geofisica espacial. The 50-mbar tropical zonal winds has a predominent QBO mode of an average period of 28 months with variation in the range 21-33 months and amplitudes varying within +- 20 per cent. For the SO, Tahiti minus Darwin (T-D), SST and equatorial rainfall indices, QBO is not the strongest mode. Periods of 3.6 and 6 years are stronger. The QBO modes for these and other parameters (e.g. surface winds and winds in upper and lower troposphere and stratospheric winter temperature at the North Pole)are very irregular, with amplitudes, phases and sometimes even period having large changes with time. It seems that these have little relationship with the 50-mbar zonal wind QBO and may have altogether different origins. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 369 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScaliseJrAbraVALE:1986:RAOBOF Journal Article Scalise Jr.,Eugenio Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; Abraham, Zulema; VALE,J.L.M. RADIO OBSERVATIONS OF COMET P/ CROMMELIN 1986 Revista mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 12 Sp. Iss 371-373 5127 radioastronomia, radio, comet continuum, line emission. The upper limits of the radio continuum and line measurements at 22 GHz of comet P/ Crommelin are presented briefly. The results may be valuable in programming the observations of comet P/Halley. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RigotiChamTrivPadi:1999:ChEqEl Journal Article Rigoti, A Rigoti, A; Chamalaun, F.H.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Padilha, Antonio Lopes Characteristics of the Equatorial Electrojet determined from an array of magnetometers in N-NE Brazil 1999 Earth Planets ans Space 51 2 115-128 8120 geofísica espacial, análise regressiva, correntes, profundidade, campos, camadas, eletrojatos equatorial, ridges, regression analysis, currents, depth, fields, layers, equatorial electrojet. An array of 29 vector magnetometers was operated in N-NE Brazil from November 1990 until March 1991, We present the analysis of 16 selected quiet days, for which a simple model of an equivalent current distribution for the Sq and EEJ, fits the observed maximum amplitude of the daily variation at midday. In equatorial regions the precise latitude profile of the Sq field is masked by the EEJ, this uncertainty is resolved by assuming that the EEJ, obtained after substracting the Sq from the daily ranges, should present a ratio of 0.3 for the westaward to easward current. With this constraint, a combined non-linear least squares inversion of Sq and EEJ was used to estimate the parameters of Onwumechlis's model of the EEJ curent distribution. The H and Zcomponents of the EEJ are jointly inverted and good a, agreement obtained between the calculated and observed data for all 16 days.The EEJ's main parameters averaged for 16 quiet days were: A total positive current intensity equal to 67+/-20 (10-3)A)for diurnal range Mg (or 80+/-20 (10(3)A)for M-3)and a half-width of 403+/-67 Km. The EEJ centre was located at 21+/- 16 Km south of the dip equator. The Sq was estimate from several permanent observatories and found to be mean latitude of 5.5 +/-2 degrees south. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1056 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1986:EFOFLI Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal EFFECTS OF LINEAR TREND AND MEAN VALUE OF MAXIMUM ENTROPY SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 1986 Proceedings Indian Academic Science: Earth and Planetary Sciences 95 2 201-208 1958 geofisica espacial. Using artificial samples, it is shown that, even for the method of Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA)evolved by Burg, a presence of a linear trend gives distortions (frequency shifts)in the low frequency (high periodicity)region and hence, it is advisable to eliminate linear trends before attempting spectral analysis. The effect of the presence of a non-zero mean is not very definite but, very large mean values seem to reduce the sharpness of the peaks. The implications of these findings for the results by Jin and Thomas for some geomagnetic parameters are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 594 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1997:EfReTe Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Zamlutti, Carlos Jose On the effects of the reactive terms in the Boltzmann equation 1997 Annales Geophysicae 15 1 79-87 3924 aeronomia, alta atmosfera, modelos atmosféricos, boltzmann-vlassov equation, upper atmosphere, chemical reactions, reactivity, atmospheric models. The effects of the production and loss mechanisms that affect the Boltzmann equations are considered by the inclusion of a reactive term. The necessary elements to develop a proper form for this term are revised and the curent trends analyzed. Although no accurate theoretical treatment of the problem is possible due to the many body nature of it, important relations can be derived which, besides being representative of the quantitative aspects of the matter, are illustrative of the qualitative features of the phenomenon. The overall procedure is detailed in this revision. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 761 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduRWHSFWSS:1990:SUCa19 Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Reddy, B.M.; Walker, G.O.; Hanbaba, R.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Feijer, B.G.; Woodman, R.F.; Schunk, R.W.; Szuszcewicz, E.P Processes in the quiet and disturbed equatorial-low latitude ionosphere: SUNDIAL campaign 1984 1990 Annales Geophysicae 6 1 69-80 9315 aeronomia, ionosfera, regiao equatorial, equatorial regions, ionospheric disturbances, eletric fields, spread f, ionosonds, sundial campaign. A network of ionospheric diagnostic instruments was operated on a world wide basis during the October 5-13, 1984 SUNDIAL campaign. The network provided a unique opportunity for a truly multiple technique global analysis of the equatorial-low latitude ionospheric behaviour during the campaign period. The SUNDIAL equatorial-low latitude data set included electric field and spread F data from Jicamarca radar. ionosonde data from 15 stations and magnetograms from 5 stations operated in the American, African. Asian and Indian sectors. Also included are data from electronic polarimeters at Brazilian low-latitude sites. The data analysis has focused attention on the global scale steady state ionospheric behaviour and its predictability by global theoretical model of Sojka and Schunk (1985)and by the International Reference Ionospheric (IRI). The results are suggestive of the need to modify existing quiet time electric field and neutral wind models in varying degrees for different longitude sectors. The analysis also concerns global scale ionospheric transient behaviour in response to exo-ionospheric variabilities under disturbed conditions, in an approach towards a better understanding of the factors that effect short-term prediction schemes. Among the important outcomes of this study is the possibility of using longitude chains of equatorial region ionosondes (and magnetometers)for investigation of equatorial ionospheric response to magnetospheric electric field penetration events and disturbance dynamo effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 173 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:QuQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillation in geomagnetic activity indices 1997 Annales Geophysics 15 12 1581-1594 9766 geofísica espacial. Data for geomagnetic activity index aa for 1868-1994 were subjected to spectral analysis for 12 intervals each of 11 consecutive years. In each interval, QBO and QTO (quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillations)were observed at - 2.00, 2.15, 2.40, 2.70 y and - 3.20, 3.40 y, but not all in all intervals. These fluctuations are absent near (2-3 y before and after)the sunspot minima and are present only as 2 or 3 peaks in aa indices, one near or before the sunspot maximum and the other (one or two, generally the larger ones)in the declining phase of the sunspot cycle. Comparison with the solar wind (1965 onwards)showed a fairly good match, indicating that the aa variations were mostly due to similar variations in the solar wind, which must have their origin in solar physical processes. A few aa variations did not match with solar wind. When compared with terrestrial phenomena, no match was found with stratospheric low-latitude zonal wind QBO; but some QTO in aa matched QTO in ENSO (El Nino/ Southern Oscillation). This may or may not be a chance coincidence and needs further exploration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1447 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HarariGiar:2002:SoAtEx Journal Article Harari, J Harari, J; Giarolla, E On the use of the Galerkin method for 3D numerical modelling of the general circulation: The South Atlantic experiment 881-893 MAR 30 2002 2002 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS 38 9 881-893 10045 METEOROLOGIA, ocean general circulation model,, Galerkin method, spectral method. A linear three-dimensional hydrodynamical numerical model, with the application of the Galerkin Method for the vertical dependence, is here presented. The spherical coordinate system is used, in order to allow large-scale simulations. The equations and mathematical development of the model are shown in detail, together with the boundary and initial conditions, and the sequence of equations' solution. The model is applied to the South Atlantic Ocean, for estimating typical seasonal circulations, and the results are summarized in maps of currents at surface and 1000m depth, and in transport values of the Brazil Current between 30degreesS and 40degreesS. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9088-PRE/4764 PI MET LMO LMO 308 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimoTakaMelo:1993:SiMeVe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao; Melo, S.M.L A simultaneous measurement of the vertical profiles of sodium nightglow and atomic sodium density in the upper atmosphere 1993 Geophysical Research Letters 20 13 1347-1350 7140 aeronomia, sodio, fisica da alta atmosfera, luminescencia, experimento em foguetes. On May 31, 1992, a rocket payload equipped with 10 airglow photometers was launched from the Alcantara Launch Center in Northern Brazil. The payload was designed to measure sodium, hydroxyl, atomic and molecular oxygen airglow emissions, in addition to electron density and temperature. At the time of launch, a sodium lidar was operated at the same site, giving vertical profiles of atmospheric sodium density. The measured vertical profiles of the Na D line emission and atomic sodium density are remarkably similar, with sharp boundaries at 81 km and 99 km. On the assumption that the Chapman mechanism is responsible for the Na D emission, the measurements imply an almost constant ozone density of 4 x 10 7 cm-3 between 87 and 99 km. The unexpectedness of this height independent ozone concentration suggests that our understanding of the sodium excitation mechanism might be inadequate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 564 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianAbal:1997:HyStMo Journal Article Chian, Abrahan Chian-Long Chian, Abrahan Chian-Long; Abalde Guedes, Jose Ricardo Fundamental plasma radiation generated by a traveling langmuir wave: hybrid stimulated modulational instability 1997 Journal Plasma Physics 57 Part 4 753-763 8803 física de plasma, ondas de langmuir, plasma espacial, processos nao-lineares, radiacao de plasma. A new generation mechanism for electromagnetic waves near the fundamental plasma frequency is discussed. It is shown that a travelling Langmuir pump wave can nonlinearly convert into electromagnetic, Langmuir and ion-acoustic daughter wave via a hybrid stimulated modulational instability. The linear and nonlinear temporal dynamics of this modulational process involving coupling to a resonant ion-acoustic wave are studied. The wave energy conservation relations are derived. The roles of frequency mismatch, dissipation and wave dispersion in the temporal evolution of nonlinear coupling of two wave triplets are analysed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA LAP MAGHEL 1251 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPintGinMend:1998:PoThIn Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Gin, Rosangela Barreto Biasi; Mendes Jr., Odim Positive thunderstorms in Brazil 1998 Annales Geophysicae 16 3 353-355 3706 geofísica espacial, elat, eletricidade atmosférica, relâmpagos, thunderstorms, mesoscale phenomena. Thunderstorms with predominance of positive cloud-to-ground flashes have been identified to occur in the southeastern region of Brazil during the summer season. The thunderstorms are similar to those recently identified to occur in the Great Plains of the United States, although some differences are evident. The differences may be very important to elucidate their origin. Also, the observation seems to indicate that such thunderstorms may occur in several other regions of the world. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI DGE 758 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BiondiMeriSahaTaka:1990:OpInRe Journal Article Biondi, M.A. Biondi, M.A.; Meriwether, J.W.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao Thermospheric neutral winds at low latitudes during the September-October 1986 SUNDIAL campaign: optical interferometer results 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 6 409-418 9313 aeronomia, ozonio, luminescência atmosférica, optical measurement, interferometer, thermosphere, tropical regions (low latitude), meridional flow, wind (meteorology), sundial, solar-minimum eqiatorial campaign. Results of Fabry-Perot interferometer determinations of near-equatorial thermospheric temperatures and winds are presented for the late September and early October 1996 period. Measurements were made from Arequipa, Peru (16§ S)and from São José dos Campos, Brazil (23§ S). The thermospheric temperatures during the night (19 h-05h LT)at São José averaged 915 K, with a measurement uncertainty of +- 75 K, some 180 K higher than MSIS-83 predictions. There is evidence in the data of the midnight temperature enhancements seen in other measurements. At both Arequipa and São José, the meridional component of the thermospheric winds was generally poleward (southward)in the early night, became equatorward (northward)after 21-22h LT, reached a maximum velocity of - 40- 100 m/s near local midnight, then decreased to zero and became poleward after 02-03h LT. The zonal wind component was eastward after 19h LT. reached a maximum of 100-150 m/s at 22h LT and decreased thereafter. Substantial day-to-day variability and convergence effects were seen in the Arequipa wind determinations. The poleward-equatorward- poleward change in the meridional wind component at the two stations agrees with the midnight pressure bulge model of Mayr et al.., but the São José winds are about half the model values. The Arequipa meridional winds are consistent with the AE-E satellite results and mirror the behavior measured at Kwajalein Atoll during the 1977 solar minimum. The eastward zonal flow at both stations agrees in magnitude with the average of the DE satellite data, but only the São José data clearly exhibit the double-humped shape noted in the DE data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 171 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:ReRE Journal Article Pinto Jr.,Osmar Pinto Jr.,Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Energetic electron precipitation at the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly: a review REVIEW 1989 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51 5 351-365 2824 geofisica espacial. This paper reviews the status of knowledge concerning energetic electron precipitation at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). The main purpose is to place recent results in the context of the long-standing problems about energetic electron precipitation at the SAMA region. A synopsis of results achieved in the last two decades, in relation to the various physical mechanisms responsible for precipitating energetic electrons, are also presented. The major uncertainties in the understanding of the energetic electron precipitation at the SAMA include: (1)temporal and spatial precipitation changes from magnetically quiet to disturbed periods; (2)the role of wave-induced precipitation processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 983 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HodnettToma:2002:NeWaPe Journal Article Hodnett, M.G. Hodnett, M.G.; Tomasella, Javier Marked differences between van Genuchten soil water-retention parameters for temperate and tropical soils: a new water-retention pedo-transfer functions developed for tropical soils 2002 GEODERMA 108 155-180 10043 METEOROLOGIA, solos, regiões tropicais, funções de transferência, ciência de solos, soils, tropical regions, soil science, tranfer functions. All of the physical, chemical and soil water-retention data suitable for the derivation of a Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTF)for water retention for tropical soils (771 suitable horizons)were extracted from the IGBP-DIS soil database. The parameters theta(s), theta(r), alpha and n of the van Genuchten (vG)[Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44 (1980)892]equation were derived and compared with parameter values from two published data sets of temperate region soils. Thirty-five percent of the soils in the tropical (IGBP/T)database were classified as clays, compared with only 4 and 7 in the temperate databases. The IGBP/T soil bulk densities were significantly lower (p<0.001)for nine textural classes. For the more clayey textural classes, the value of alpha; was higher for the IGBP/T soils, implying more large pores and more structure. For kaolinitic soils in the IGBP/T database, alpha; was typically around 0.4 kPa(-1)compared with 0.04 kPa(-1)for montmorillonitic soils. Mineralogy is clearly important and should be included in PTFs (if available). The value of n for clay soils in the IGBP/T data set was significantly higher than for temperate soils, and theta;(s)was significantly higher for nine textural classes (p < 0.001)reflecting their lower bulk density. theta(r)was also significantly higher for all textural classes except sand. For clay, the mean value of theta(r)was 0.27 m(3)m(-3), compared to only 0.11 m(3)m(-3)for temperate soils. For 17 of the IGBP/T data, theta(r)exceeded 0.3 m(3)m(-3), a value often used as a fitting constraint. A tropical soil PTF was developed using multiple regression techniques. This predicted water-retention curves more reliably than either class PTFs or ""soil class"" PTFs, but was not reliable for low-density soils such as Andosols. The IGBP/T data set includes some groups of soils, e.g., Andosols and Ferralsols, whose properties are extremely different from those of most temperate soils. These differences emphasise the need to develop separate PTFs for tropical soils, or perhaps for specific groups of soils. There were few water-retention data from below 1.5-m depth and a complete lack of hydraulic conductivity data in the IGBP/T database. This is a major impediment to the modelling of water movement and uptake in deep-rooted ecosystems, for example, tropical forest and savannah. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9080-PRE/4756 PI MET CPT CPT 306 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaPaulAbduAqui:1993:MoAlCa Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Aquino, M.G.S A modified algorithm to calculate hpF2 from ionograms 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 1 23-29 7138 aeronomia. Comparisons between the height of the F layer peak (hmF2)derived using a true height analysis method, and the hpF2 approximation are used for two Brazilian low latitude stations to derive a modified algorithm to obtain the F layer peak height from ionograms as the virtual height, h'F, where the relation hmF2 = h'F(f=c.foF2)holds. The c factor shows a local time dependence, as well as variations with season, sunspot number and latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 562 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRAFERRDAMA:1989:ESEXDE Journal Article FERREIRA,J.L. FERREIRA,J.L.; FERREIRA,J.G.; DAMASIO,W.C. ESTUDO EXPERIMENTAL DE FORMACAO DE IONS NEGATIVOS DE HIDROGENIO NA MAQUINA DE PLASMA QUIESCENTE DO INPE 1989 Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo 9 : 5917 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 60111X 1343 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPinDinCarMen:1997:SuNoCe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Diniz, Jose Henrique; Carvalho, Andre Martin; Mendes Jr., Odim Tempestades positivas: surpresa nos ceus brasileiros 1997 Ciencia Hoje 22 132 26-34 8797 geofisica espacial, relampagos, eletricidade atmosferica, tempestades eletricas, cargas eletricas. Caracteristicas marcantes das tempestades, os relampagos causam espanto tanto pela beleza quanto pelo poder de destruicao. Eles podem ser definidos, de modo simplificado, como transferencias de cargas eletricas entre as nuvens e entre estas e o solo, mas a origem dessas cargas e muitos fatores envolvidos na liberacao das faiscas sao pouco conhecidos. Essa area, portanto, ainda reserva surpresas. Estudos feitos em diversos paises, inclusive no Brasil, indicam que a maioria dos relampagos traz carga eletrica negativa para o solo. entretanto, pesquisadores brasileiros descobriram que o Sudeste do pais, de vez em quando, e assolado por tempestades nas quais os raios positivos sao mais numerosos. Tempestades como essas tambem foram identificadas recentemente nos Estados Unidos. Como esses raios sao mais dstrutivos que os de carga negativas, e importante conhecer as tempestdes positivas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE ELAT 1248 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreNobrMour:1985:LaCiAn Journal Article Nobre, Paulo Nobre, Paulo; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Moura, Antonio Divino Large-scale circulation anomalies and the predictability of Northeast Brazil droughts 1985 Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Newsletter 30: 11-15 2607 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT TECLIM 786 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiNeal:1992:OvEmOn Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Neal, Colin Hydrochemical cycles in tropical rainforests: an overview with emphasis on Central Amazonia 1992 Journal of Hydrology 134 1-4 103-115 6269 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, chuva, agua. The ionic content of the solutions found in the hydrological cycle component that cross the aerial phytomass (rainfall and throughfall), percolate through the root zone and drain to streams, for tropical rainforest, particulary in Central Amazonia, is examined. The rain waters in tropical rainforest are, in general, acidic and they provide the main chemical input to the rainforest ecosystem. The cycling of elements in the ecosystem, dominated by the transfer of compounds between throughfall and soil solution at shallow depth, contributes a much greater flux than that from rainfall input and stream output. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM AMAZONIA 365 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniKamArbGinLep:1999:InCaGr Journal Article Tsurutani, B.T. Tsurutani, B.T.; Kamide, Y.; Arballo, J.K.; Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Lepping, R.P Interplanetary causes of great and superintense magnetic storms 1999 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24 1-3 Part C 101-105 3148 geofísica espacial. We examine possible interplanetary mechanisms for the creation of the largest magnetic storms at the Earth. We consider the effects of interplanetary shock events on magnetic cloud and sheath plasma. We also examine the effects of a combination of a long-duration southward sheath magnetic field, followed by a magnetic cloud B-S event. Examination of profiles of the most intense storms from 1957 to the present indicate that the latter (double IMF B-Z events)is an important cause of superintense D-ST events. (C)1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 756 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1990:XeOz Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Xerox e ozonio 1990 Ciencia Hoje 12 69 1 8793 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico, camada de ozonio, danos, xerox, concentracao de ozonio. 0 ozonio e muito importante para a vida neste planeta e a existencia de uma camada de ozonio a altitude de 26 km e um dos assuntos mais discutidos no momento. Porem, o ozonio artificialmente produzido pode ser encontrado bem perto de nos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 168 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianMira:1979:RENOEL Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Miranda, R.B RELATIVISTIC NONLINEAR ELECTRON CYCLOTRON WAVES IN PLASMAS 1979 Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 26 8 249-252 4095 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 737 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvalaKircCava:1999:PrMeEm Journal Article Alvala, Plinio Carlos Alvala, Plinio Carlos; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Cavalcanti, Cristine Gobbato B Metano na atmosfera: produção de metano em regiões de queimada e área alagadas 1999 Bio Tecnologia Ciência e Desenvolvimento 7 : 40-43 9723 geofísica espacial, atmosfera terrestre, metano, hidrocarbonos, terras alagadas, ozosfera, earth atmosphere, methane, hydrocarbons, combustion, marshalands. O metano (CH4)é o hidrocarboneto mais abundante na atmosfera terrestre, com uma concentração média global de 1,72 ppmv (partes por milhão por volume)em 1994. Medidas sistemáticas da sua concentração na atmosfera tiveram início na metade da década de 70, quando foram identificadas atuações importantes desse gás na química atmosférica e no clima. A partir dessas observações, determinaram-se várias de suas características na atmosfera, como um acentuado gradiente de concentração em função da latitude, com os maiores valores ocorrendo no Hemisfério Norte, uma variação sazonal nos dois hemisférios e uma taxa de crescimento global anual da ordem de 0,6. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1443 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoMour:1988:TrCiAs Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao; Moura, Antonio Divino Tropical circulations and the associated rainfall anomalies during two contrasting years 1988 Journal of Climatology 24 14 477-488 2822 meteorologia, el nino. Secas severas observadas durante 1983 sobre grandes extensoes das areas continentais tropicais estiveram associadas com o evento EL Nino de 1982-83. Em contraste, durante 1984, precipitacoes acima da normal foram observadas sobre estas areas. Nos examinamos as circulacoes tropicais para dois anos de contraste. A intensidade e localizacao dos movimentos ascendentes e descendentes foram consistentes com as anomalias de precipitacao e tambem com as anomalias de radiacao de onda longa emitida para o espaco. Nos encontramos que a migracao norte-sul do cavado tropical desempenhou um papel importante em modular a precipitacao tropical durante estes dois anos. No contexto das nocoes teoricas sobre a circulacao tropical, presentemente aceitas, encontramos que alguma das caracteristicas observadas poderiam ser explicadas em termos de uma resposta atmosferica a fontes tropicais de calor. Nossos resultados sugerem que mudancas sazonais estiveram envolvidas no colapso do El Nino de 1982-83. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT CLIMA 981 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2002:PrAnIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottan Kane, Rajaram Purushottan Precipitation anomalies in southern South America associated with a finer classification of El Nino and La Nina events 2002 International Journal of Climatology 22 3 357-373 9978 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. The relationship between rainfall in sub-regions of Uruguay and South Brazil and a finer classification of El Ninos (ENs), was studied. ENSOWs were defined as years when an EN existed on the Peruvian coast, the southern oscillation index (SOI = Tahiti minus Darwin pressure)was negative (SO), and Pacific sea-surface temperature SST)anomalies were positive (W). Further, unambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the middle of the calendar year, and ambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the earlier or later part of the calendar year (not in the middle). In contrast with India and some other regions where unambiguous ENSOWs were associated predominantly with droughts, in the case of southern South America the association was with excess rains. Among the ambiguous ENSOWs, some were associated with floods in southern South America, but some had normal or mixed rainfalls (floods in some sub-regions, droughts in others)and a few even had droughts. C events (La Ninas, i.e. no EN, SOI positive, and SST negative)were associated mostly with droughts, but occasionally with floods in southern South America. Many non-events were associated with floods or droughts, indicating that factors other than EN/La Nina could also be important. Copyright (C)2002 Royal Meteorological Society. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9003-PRE/4681 PI CEA DGE DGE 294 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KilKintPaulKant:2002:LaVaSc Journal Article Kil, H. Kil, H.; Kintner, P.M.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Latitudinal variations of scintillation activity and zonal plasma drifts in South America 2002 Radio Science 37 1 U65-U71 10040 GEOFÍSICA. Latitudinal variations of scintillation activity and zonal plasma drifts were investigated simultaneously at three locations in Brazil during 23 November to 26 December 1999 using Global Positioning System measurements. The scintillation morphology at 1.575 GHz showed large latitudinal differences in scintillation activity. At the magnetic equator the occurrence probability was very low without showing strong scintillation (S-4 > 0.5)during the solar maximum period, whereas strong scintillation was observed during most of the days at the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). The scintillation activity was mostly limited to 1900-2400 LT at the magnetic equator and to 2000-0200 LT at the EIA. The scintillation onset time delay of about an hour at the EIA compared to that at the magnetic equator illustrates the development of ionospheric irregularities at the magnetic equator and then their expansion to higher latitude by drifting upward. The zonal velocities of the ionospheric irregularities were inferred using the cross-correlation technique, and the eastward velocity of all observations decreased with local time. However, the zonal velocity magnitude also decreased in proceeding from the magnetic equator to the EIA, which indicates negative vertical shear of the eastward plasma drift velocity at nighttime in the equatorial ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9005-PRE/4683 PI CEA DAE DAE 304 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduWaRePaSoFeSz:1993:GlScEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Walker, G.O.; Reddy, B.M.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Fejer, B.G; Szuszczewicz, E.P. Global scale equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA)response to magnetospheric disturbances based on the May-June 1987 SUNDIAL-coordinated observations 1993 Annales Geophysicae 11 7 585-594 7136 aeronomia, sundial, solar-minimum equatorial campaign. Equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA)responses to magnetospheric disturbances have been investigated using ionosonde and geomagnetic data sets obtained for different longitude sectors during the 9-day (28 May-7 June)globally-coordinated SUNDIAL 87 campaign. Attention is focused on the EIA response features of the two magnetically most-disturbed days of the campaign window, 29 May and 6 June. Anomalous EIA inhibition and development were simultaneously observed at widely separated (American and Asia)longitude sectors, accompanied respectively by events of morning electrojet reversal and evening partial ring current development. A numerical model of the low-latitude ionosphere has been used to quantify the role that a disturbance electric fiel could play in the observed EIA response features. The implications of the results on the global low-latitude disturbance electric field pattern is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 560 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OyamaAbTaPaBaWaOy:1993:AnElTe Journal Article Oyama, K.-I. Oyama, K.-I.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Takahashi, T.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Watanabe, S.; Oya, H An electron temperature anomaly in the equatorial ionosphere 1993 Submetido Geophysical Research Letters 7135 aeronomia. Elevated electron temperature regions detected first by KYOKKO Satellite in 1978 and later, more extensively, during the 17-month observational period by HINOTORI Satellite are found to be closely associated with the ionizaton crests of the equatorial anomaly (EIA), also known as Appleton anomaly. This phenomenon which we call equatorial electron temperature anomaly (EETA)occur predominantly in the equinoctial months of March-April and September-October. The elevated electron temperature is found to get enhanced during high solar radio (F10.7 cm)flux. It is a predominantly nightime phenomenon and shows maximum amplitude around 21 LT. We present a mechanism for its occurrence that is based on the plasma transport pattern of the evening equatorial ionosphere resulting from the sunset electrodynamic processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 559 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1997:InRaUl Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Cuidado com os raios solares do sol: indices de radiacao ultravioleta medidos no Brasil podem evitar doencas graves 1997 Ciencia Hoje 22 127 72-74 8788 geofisica espacial, , rediacao utravioleta, indice uv-b. Estimativas do Instituto Nacional do cancer previam a ocorrencia, no Brasil no ano passado, de cerca de 90 mil casos de cancer de pele, todos decorrentes do abuso da exposicao ao sol, ou, mais especificamente, do excesso de radiacao ultravioleta do tipo B. Enquanto o bronzeamento e uma reacao normal da pele humana a radiacao solar, a queimadura por execesso de exposicao e uma agressao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1246 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimo:1981:CoMeAb Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin Comments on a meteor ablation model of the sodium and potassium layer 1981 Geophysical Research Letters 8 10 1023-1025 2185 aeronomia. The published results of lidar observations of the atmospheric sodium layer show that any consistent change in the abundance of sodium during the night is very small, and that there is probably little change between day and night. These measurements also show that the winter increase in sodium observed at mid-latitudes occurs mainly on the bottomside of the layer. Recent 24-hour observations show that any 24-hour component in the diurnal variation in abundance is less than about 5 of the mean. At least as it stands the recently proposed meteor-ablation model, in which sodium atoms which enter the atmosphere during meteor ablation are lost by ionization and subsequent attachment of the ions to aerosols, is shown to be inconsistent with these experimental data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 196 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiTaSoMeGoSa:2001:FiStIo Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Taylor, M.J.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Medeiros, A.F.; Gobbi, Delano; Santana, Daniela Cristina Fine structure of the ionospheric plasma bubbles observed by the OI 6300 and 5577 airglow images 2001 Advances in Space Research 27 6-7 1189-1194 9466 AERONOMIA, ionoféricos, bolhas de plasma, aeroluminescência, imagens, estrutura fina, ionospherics, plasma bubbles, airglow, images, fine structure. Simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric airglow OI 630.0 nm and OI 557.7 nm emissions have been carried out by means of an all-sky CCD imager system at Cachoeira Paulista, since October 1998. During a developed phase of plasma depletion (bubble)in the equatorial anomaly region, both emissions show intensity depletions along the mgnetic North-South direction, and also bifurcation of the bubbles. It is frequently observed that the OI 557.7 image shows more fine structure of the bubble than the OI 630.0. The amplitude of the intensity depletion was also larger for OI557.7 than 0I630.0. This might be due to the difference in life time between the O(1D)and O(1 S)states, which are responsible for the OI 630.0 and OI 557.7 emissions, respectively. The O(1D)might be affected by thermal relaxation and diffusion processes before the radiative transition. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8495-PRE/4249 PI CEA DAS DAS 107 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSaha:1979:BEOFTH Journal Article Bittencourt, José Agusto Bittencourt, José Agusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar BEHAVIOR OF THE (OI)6300A EMISSION AT THE MAGNETIC EQUATOR AND ITS RELATION TO THE VERTICAL EXB PLASMA DRIFT VELOCITY 1979 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 41 12 1233-1239 1860 aeronomia. -Observations of the local time dependence of the [OI]6300 zenith intensity made with a filter photometer at Natal, Brazil, near the magnetic equator, are presented, together with the local time behavior of theoretical 6300 intensities calculated using a realistic dynamic computer model of the tropical ionosphere. It is shown that the observed local time variation of the 6300 emission is controlled by the local time behavior of the vertical ExB plasma drift velocity at the magnetic equator. The typical 6300 enhancement which occurs near midnight gives an indication of the magnitude and time of reversal of the vertical plasma drift velocity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 344 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPintGonz:1990:EfElPr Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio On the effect of electron precipition on the fair-weather electric field 1990 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52 1 21-22 8753 geofisica espacial, , eletricidade atmosferica, anomalias magneticas, sama. In this short paper we have estimated the influence of the diurnal modulation of the electron precipitation at low and middle latitudes of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)on the fair-weather electric field. We have used simple exponential atmospheric conductivity models, together with the ion production rates determined from balloon and rocket measurements in the SAMA. An upper limit to this influence was also calculated and compared with the normal diurnal variation of the fair-weather electric field due to the diurnal variation of the global thunderstorm activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO ELAT 166 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PavãoKirc:1997:VaCoGá Journal Article Pavão, H.G. Pavão, H.G.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Variação da concentração de gás carbônico atmosférico no cerado brasileiro 1997 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 12 : 1-8 9719 geofísica espacial, , concentração de dióxido de carbono, atmosfera, efeito estufa, medição, carbon dioxide concentration, atmosphere, greenhouse effect, measurement. O dióxido de carbono (CO 2)é UM gás importante nos processos de fotossíntese e respiração das plantas e também no balanço climático terrestre. Dos gases produzidos por atividades humanas, o CO 2 é o principal contribuinte para o efeito estufa, Sua principal fonte de produção é a queima de combustíveis fósseis seguida pela queima de biomassa enquanto os principais sumidouros são os oceanos e, em menor escala, a biomassa vegetal viva. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados das primeiras medidas sistemáticas da concentração de gás carbônico atmosférico, realizadas na região do cerrado do Brasil Central e, também, verificar a influência das queimadas no aumento desta concentração. Os resultados mostraram uma variação diurna da concentração de CO2 com maiores concentrações durante a noite e madrugada, com o máximo ocorrendo entre as 24 e às 5 horas e menores concentrações durante o dia, com o mínimo ocorrendo entre as 12 e às 17 horas. Outro aspecto verificado foi o aumento da concentração durante os meses de agosto a outubro, coincidindo com a estação das secas, quando se constatou um maior número de focos de queimadas e menor produtividade primária. Este fato foi bastante evidente em Porto Nacional, TO, onde houve um aumento de 2O na concentração de CO2 na época das queimadas em relação à época das chuvas. ABSTRACT: Carbon dioxide (CO 2)is a gas important in plant photosyntesis and respiration processes and also in the terrestrial climate balance. Among the gases produced by human activities CO 2 contributes with more than 50 to the greenhouse effect. Its main source is fossil fue combustion followed by biomass burning, while its main sink are the oceans and in a smalle scale, the live vegetal biomass. The aim of this work is to present results of the first systematic measurements of the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide performed in the cerrado of central Brazil and to verify the influence of biomass burnings on its concentration. The results showed a large diurnal variation of concentration, with maximun concentration during night and dawn hours (betwen 24:00 and 5:00 L.T), and the minimun occurring betwen 12:00 and 17:00 L.T. Another aspect that was verified was a concentration increase during august to october periods, wich coincide with the dry season, when great number of fires occur. This result was more evident in Porto Nacional (TO)where there was an increase of about 20 in the CO 2 concentration during the burning period ii relation to the wet period. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1441 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PaduaPadiVito:2002:CaStSo Journal Article Padua, Marcelo Banik Padua, Marcelo Banik; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Ícaro Disturbances on manetotelluric data due to DC electrified railway: A case study from southeastern Brazil 2002 Earth Planets and Space 54 5 591-596 9976 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. Magnetotelluric (MT)soundings were carried out in the period range of 20 to 6000 s along profiles roughly orthogonal to the Campos do Jordao Railway (CJRW), in the Brazilian southeastern region. The profiles were located over two adjacent regions with contrasting conductivity, the conductive sedimentary region of the Taubate Basin and the resistive crystalline region of the Serra da Mantiqueira, The railway operates with DC current that produces an intense electromagnetic noise but only during diurnal periods, being turned off at night. The objective of this study is to characterize the CJRW noise in order to verify its effect on MT parameters. It was inferred that the entire length of the Taubate Basin is probably affected by the noise, whereas in the crystalline terrains the noise reaches distances in the range of 76 to 126 km. The electric channels show a strong dependence on geology which is suggestive of the potential application of the CJRW as a controlled source in geophysical studies. The data were processed with modern techniques presently available to the scientific community. Under the conditions of the present study, it was observed that the robust Single Station technique is as efficient as the robust Remote Reference to remove the kind of noise generated by the CJRW, an intense perturbation that affects only some well-defined portions of the time series, Finally, the analyses reaffirm the necessity of a careful choice of the station to be used as reference in the Remote Reference technique. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8998-PRE/4676 PI CEA DGE DGE 292 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MendesJrDomi:2002:InElAt Journal Article Mendes Jr.,Odim Mendes Jr.,Odim; Domingues, Margarete Oliveira Introdução à Eletrodinâmica Atmosférica 2002 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 24 1 3-19 10027 A Eletrodinâmica atmosférica governa os processos físicos na Terra, afetando a vida, instalações e serviços tecnológicos. Com o objetivo de auxiliar os professores, pesquisadores e estudantes a lidarem com esta área e suas conseqüências, o ambiente eletrodinâmico é apresentado neste tutorial Abstract The atmospheric Eletrodynamics rules important processes in the Earth, affecting the life, instalations and technological services. In order to help teacheers, researches and students to deal with this area and their consuquences, the electrodynamical environment is presented in this tutorial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9008-PRE/4686 CEA DGE DGE 302 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1993:EqSpF Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Equatorial spread F and ionosphere-thermosphere system: a review 1993 Trends in Geophys. Res. 2: ? 193-209 7133 aeronomia. This article briefly reviews our current understanding of the plasma irregularity processes of the nighttime equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system (EITS), the composite effects of which on their different diagnostic techniques produce the phenomenon widely known as the equatorial spread-F(ESF). The morphology of this phenomenon, in terms of the spatial structure, and the diurnal, seasonal and longitudinal distributions of the irregularities, is discussed in some detail. The basic mechanism for the generation of these irregularities, with respect to the development of large scale structures by primary instability processes, is focused to examine the ambient EITS conditions that favour or inhibit their development. A brief update is given on our existing knowledge on these ambient conditions specially on the thermospheric winds, electric fields and conductivities that govern the sunset electrodynamic processes responsible for the quiettime spread F development. The competing role of zonal wind versus that of meridional wind in the instability development and inhibition processes is discussed in some detail, and the importance of these competing roles on the day-to-day variability in the ESP occurrence, a problem of great current interest, is pointed out. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 557 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WeigangNord:1996:StPrPa Journal Article Weigang, Li Weigang, Li; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Study and prediction of the Paraguay river level by harmonic analysis and reural networks 1996 Revista Brasileira de Geopfisica 14 2 195-211 8786 geofisica espacial, , previsao, redes neurais, analise harmonica, regressao iterativa, niveis. Neural networks and harmonic analysis by iterative regression are implemented for the prediction of the level of Paraguay River, The selected neural networks include Feed-forward Neural Networks with Backpropagation learning law and Time Delay Neural Network. Using the 1145 monthly mean values, the trained networks predict the levels of the 12 next months with Normalized Mean Squared Error NMSE < 0.06 and Negative Average Log Likelihood NALL.< 9.0. On the other hand, the determination of the most important sine functions embedded in the same series allows to reconstruct the main features of the variations of the river level and to predict yearly mean values for the next two decades (assuming no major change of the environment). The results obtained show that both methods seem to be efficient to process time series related to phenomena influence by complex climatic and geophysical processes, even not dealing with causal relationships involved in the phenomena studied. They may be used to predict future behavior of such phenomena, at ranges depending specifically on the method used, interval, size and quality of data available. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1244 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaAbduBatiBail:2000:SuSoMi Journal Article Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Bailey, G.J. Determination of vertical plasma drift and meridional wind using the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model and ionospheric data at equatorial and low latitudes in Brazil: summer solar minimum and maximum conditions 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 A6 12813-12821 9436 AERONOMIA, campos elétricos, região F, regiões tropicais, electric fields, F region, plasma drift, tropical regions. The F region critical frequency f(0)F(2)and peak height h(m)F(2), measured simultaneously at the equatorial location Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W, magnetic latitude = 3.5 degrees S)and at the low-latitude location Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees S, 45 degrees W, magnetic latitude = 15 degrees S), are compared with their values calculated by the Sheffield University Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model(SUPIM)to determine the vertical (ExB)drift velocity at the equator and the magnetic meridional wind velocity over the two locations. The calculated and observed values of f(0)F(2)are then matched at both Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista to obtain the magnetic meridional winds over their respective conjugate locations. To account for the observed f(0)F(2)diurnal variation pattern over Cachoeira Paulista, it was found necessary to include a small source of ionization, attributable to energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic anomaly region. The vertical drift velocity and magnetic meridional wind velocity derived for summer months during both solar minimum and solar maximum are compared with their values given by other published models. While the diurnal variation of the modeled vertical drift velocity shows general agreement with the values based on Jicamarca radar measurements (the exception being during the sunset-midnight period at solar maximum and between 2000-2300 LT at solar minimum), the magnetic meridional wind shows significant differences with respect to the Horizontal Wind Model 1990 (HWM90)[Hedin et al., 1991]during both solar minimum and solar maximum at Fortaleza and at locations conjugate to Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE- 8462-PRE/4227 PI CEA DAE DAE 105 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Trosnikov:1996:PrExPr Journal Article Trosnikov, Igor Trosnikov, Igor Prognostic experiments for prediction of Low-Frequency components of the atmospheric circulation 1996 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 68 1 59-65 7885 meteorologia, atmosfera, atmosphere, climate, barotropic, low-frequency, prediction. Two series of prognostic experiments were conducted with a barotropic model. In one of them, the model was used for the calculation of long time series of streamfunction fields. These data were used for creating ensembles of the initial conditions and for the estimation of a forcing. The second series of the prognostic experiments were conducted with real data. The experiments were aimed at evaluating the prognostic ability of the barotropic model for long time period integration, and studying the influence of the lagged average forecast (LAF)technique on prediction errors. The experiments have shown that using LAF technique makes better the prediction skill of the model, and the predicted linear trend of time evolution of the atmospheric circulation has a positive skill beyond 10 days. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET 948 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LoiseauNaSoWiKlRe:1990:AnUpLi Journal Article Loiseau, N. Loiseau, N.; Nakai, N.; Sofue, Y.; Wielebinski, R.; Klein, U.; Reuter, H-P An upper limit to 3000 GeV gamma ray emission from centaurus A 1990 Astronomy and Astrophysics 228 2 327-330 8727 The nearby active galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128)which has been previously identified as a source of very high energy gamma rays has been observed with the Narrabri very high energy (VHE)gamma ray telescope. A total of 44 h of data collected between 1987 March 29 and 1988 April 20 place an upper limit on the gamma ray emission of 7.8 10 - "" photons cm -' s -' at a threshold energy of 300 GeV. A corresponding 3 a upper limit of 2.5 104 'ergs-' is found for the luminosity of >250GeV gamma rays, a result which is compared with an earlier result at E>300 GeV. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 164 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPintDini:1998:SoLoCi Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Diniz, J.H.; Carvalho Tormentas positivas: sorperesa de los cielos brasileiros 1998 Ciência Hoje 8 44 42-49 9711 Los relámpagos característica importante de las tormentas, causan espanto por su belleza, como también por su poder de destrucción. Ellos pueden ser definidos, de manera simplificada, como transferencia de cargas eléctricas entre las nubes, y entre estas y el suelo. Pero el origen de esas cargas y de muchos factores involucrados en la liberación de los rayos, son poco conocidos. El tema, por lo tanto, reserva sorpresas. Estudios hechos en diversos paises, incluso en el Brasil, indican que la mayoría de los relámpagos transporta carga negativa hacía el suelo. Entretanto, analistas brasile¤os descubrieron que el sudeste del país, a veces, es asolado por tormentas en las cuales los rayos positivos son más numerosos. Tormentas como esas fueron identificadas recientemente en los Estados Unidos. Puesto que esos rayos son más destructivos que los de carga negativa, es importante conocer mejor las ""tormentas positivas"". 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1438 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediKanePadiCost:1988:GeDaVa Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Costa, Jose Marques da Geomagnetic daily variations in H at Alcantara and Eusebio in the brazilian equatorial region 1988 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51 3 155-157 2817 geofisica espacial. Daily variations in H at Alcântara (dip + 3.8§)and Eus6bio (dip - 6.5§), two stations in the equatorial electrojet region in Brazil, are compared. The electrojet in NE Brazil exhibits N-S asymmetry. The discrepancy between the daily variation range in H indicates the presence of complicated ionospheric currents in this region and warrants a detailed investigation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE GEOMA 976 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesChiMorAbaRiz:2002:ThFuPl Journal Article Alves, Maria Virginia Alves, Maria Virginia; Chian, Abrahan Chian Long; Moraes, Marcio Augusto E.; Abalde, José Ricardo Guedes; Rizzato, F.B. A Theory of the fundamental plasma emission of type-III solar radio bursts 2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics 390 1 351-357 9973 ASTRONOMIA. Results from plasma wave experiments in spacecraft give support to nonlinear interactions involving Langmuir waves, electromagnetic waves and ion-acoustic waves in association with type III solar radio bursts. In this paper we present a theory of the fundamental plasma emission of type-III solar radio bursts. Starting from the generalized Zakharov equations, considering the pump wave as a pair of oppositely propagating Langmuir waves with different amplitudes, and the excitation of electromagnetic and induced Langmuir waves, we obtain a general dispersion relation for the coupled waves. We numerically solve the general dispersion relation using the pump wave amplitude and plasma parameters as observed in the interplanetary medium. We compare our results with previous models. We find that the stability properties depend on the pump wave numbers and on the ratio of wave amplitude between the forward and backward pump wave. The inclusion of a second pump wave allows the simultaneous generation of up and down converted electromagnetic waves. The presence of a second pump with different amplitude from the first one brings a region of convectiv e instability not present when amplitudes are the same. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8989-PRE/4667 PI CEA DGE DGE LAP 289 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RickerAVBTYGTO:2002:LoObHi Journal Article Ricker, G. Ricker, G.; Hurley K.; Lamb D.; Woolsey S.; Atteia, J.L.; Kawai N.; Vanderspek R.; Crew G.; Doty J.; Villasenor, J.; Prigozhin G.; Monnelly G.; Butler, N.; Matsuoka M.; Shirasaki Y.; Tamagawa, T.; Torii K.; Sakamoto T.; Yoshida,A.; Fenimore E.; Galassi, M.; Tavenner, T.; Donaghy T.; Graziani C.; Boer M.; Dezalay J.P.; Niel M.; Olive, J.F.; Vedrenne G.; Cline T.; Jernigan J.G.; Levine A.; Martel F.; Morgan E.; Braga João; Manchanda R.; Pizzichini G.; Takagishi K.; Yamauchi M. GRB 010921: Localization and observations by the High Energy Transient Explorer satellite 2002 Astrophysical Journal 571 2 - Parte 2 L127-L130 9974 ASTROFÍSICA. On 2001 September 21 at 05:15:50.56 UT, the French Gamma Telescope (FREGATE)on the High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE)detected a bright gamma-ray burst (GRB). The burst was also seen by the X-detector on the Wide-field X-ray Monitor (WXM)instrument and was therefore well localized in the X-direction; however, the burst was outside the fully coded field of view of the WXM Y-detector, and therefore information on the Y-direction of the burst was limited. Cross-correlation of the HETE and Ulysses time histories yielded an Interplanetary Network (IPN)annulus that crosses the HETE error strip at an similar to45degrees angle. The intersection of the HETE error strip and the IPN annulus produces a diamond-shaped error region for the location of the burst having an area of 310 arcmin(2). Based on the FREGATE and WXM light curves, the duration of the burst is characterized by t(90)= 34.2 s in the WXM 4-25 keV energy range, and 23.8 and 21.8 s in the FREGATE 6-40 and 32-400 keV energy ranges, respectively. The fluence of the burst in these same energy ranges is 4.8 x 10(-6), 5.5 x 10(-6), and 11.4 x 10(-6)ergs cm(-2), respectively. Subsequent optical and radio observations by ground-based observers have identified the afterglow of GRB 010921 and determined an apparent redshift of z = 0.450. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8890-PRE/4668 PI CEA 290 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:2002:CoOnIn Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin Comment on "" In search of greenhouse signals in the equatorial middle atmosphere"" by Gufran Beig and S. Fadnavis 2002 Geophysical Research Letters 29 16 10017 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8899-PRE/4677 PI CEA DAE DAE 300 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SalatiNobrSant:2001:ReGlIs Journal Article Salati, E Salati, E; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Santos, A.A. dos Amazonian deforestation: Regional and global issues 2001 Amazoniana Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas 16 3-4 463-481 8713 Amazonia (Região), climate change, global change, carbon, deforestation, emission, Neotropics, biodiversity. How does the deforestation of Amazonia affect global and regional climates? What arc the roles of these changes on Amazonian ecosystems? We have concluded that the relation between Regional Climate Changes (RCC)and Global Climate Change (GCC)is directly associated with anthropogenic activities and therefore sensitive to social, economical and political interventions. The RCCs are caused by actions within the realm of the Brazilian sociopolitical scenario, and prone to changes through the implementation of public policies regulating the sustained use of the renewable resources. The GCCs belong to an international arena, and are caused by the high emission rates of greenhouse gases by the developed countries. The effects of the RCCs could be abated if the developed countries would endeavor to reduce the present emission levels as documented in IPCC meetings and collaborate in the implementation of a regulation to curb the carbon emissions, in accordance to the Kyoto Protocol. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-7362-PRE/3252 PI MET CPT CPT 30 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduFejBatSobSzu:1993:EqIoSu Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Fejer, B.G.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Szuszczewicz, E.P Equatorial ionosphere sunset electrodynamics in the American sector from SUNDIAL December 1988 Campaign results 1993 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 33 1 16-23 7124 aeronomia, sundial, ssoalar-minimum equatorial campaign. During the 3-4 December 1988 SUNDIAL campaign, coordinated ionospheric measurements were conducted using the low latitude networks of ionosondes and magnetometers distributed at different longitude sectors of the globe and the Jicamarca radar. The results for the American longitude sector are analysed here to examine outstanding features of the sunset F-region electric field developments at Jicamarca and at the Brazilian stations, Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista, during the 8-day interval that represented predominantly quiet (except 3 and 11 December that were weakly disturbed)geomagnetic conditions. A comparative study, carried out for the first time, on the simultaneous measurements of F-region plasma vertical drift velocity by Jicamarca radar and the equivalent drift velocity measured by Fortaleza ionosonde testifies the existence, previously known, of the large difference in the evening prereversal electric field development at the two locations. Further, comparison of simultaneous vertical drifts over Fortaleza and over Cachoeira Paulista points to the existence of a height gradient in the zonal evening electric field for the near-solar maximum condition of this campaign measurements. A physical explanation for these effects is attempted using a simplified model of the equatorial evening electric field development processes that considers also asymmetric conjugate E layer sunset decay conditions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 555 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1972:LaEnMo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert A laser energy monitor with digital output 1972 Journal Physics E 5 9 859-876 1530 aeronomia. This article describes an instrument for monitoring the energy output of a pulsed laser, and displaying this quantity in digital form. The device operates by measuring the charge which flows in a photo-diode exposed to a small fraction of the laser output. A pulse is generated whose duration is accurately proportional to the charge flow, and the duration of the pulse is subsequently measured by digital timer techniques. The linearity of the instrument isbetter than 0.5. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE RASA II 34 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffMulLeeRowPau:1996:EfEnO3 Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Mulchi, Charlles L.; Lee, Edward H.; Rowland, Randy; Pauch, Roman Effects of enhanced O3 and CO2 enrichment on plant characteristics in wheat and corn 1996 Environment Pollution 94 1 53-60 8778 agronomia, estresse em plantas, dioxido de carbono, ozonio, camara de teste, plant stress, carbon dioxide, ozone, test chambers (enviromental chambers). The effects Of C02 enrichment and 03 induced stress on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)and corn (Zea mays L.)were studied infield experiments using open-top chambers to simulate the atmospheric concentrations of these two gases that are predicted to occur during the coming century, The experiments were conducted at Beltsville, MD, during 1991 (wheat and corn)and 1992 (wheat). Crops were grown under charcoal filtered (CF)air or ambient air + 40 nl liter- 1 03 (7 h per day, 5 days per week)having ambient C02 concentration (350 l liter- C02)or + 150 l liter- 1 C02 (12 h per day). Averaged over 03 treatments, the C02-enriched environment had a positive effect on wheat grain yield (26 in 1991 and 15 in 1992)and dry biomass (15. in 1991 and 9 in 1992). Averaged over C02 treatments, high 03 exposure had a negative impact on wheat grain yield (- 15 in 1991 and -11 in 1992)and dry biomass (-11 in 1991 and -9 in 1992). Averaged over C02 treatments, high 03 exposure decreased corn grain yield by 9. No significant interactive effects were observed for either crop. The results indicated that C02 enrichment had a beneficial effect in wheat (C3 crop)but not in corn (C4 crop). It is likely that the 03-induced stress will be diminished under increased atmospheric C02 concentrations, however, maximal benefits in crop production in wheat in response to C02 enrichment will not be materi-alized under concomitant increases in tropospheric 03 concentration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI DSR DSR 1242 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiKircPaesSalg:2000:ToOzTr Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Paes Lemes, N.M.; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia Total ozone trends in the tropics 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 D15 19823-19823 9434 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, Brasil, ozônio, estratosfera, modelos, depleção, estações, qualidade, Pinatubo, pzone, stratosphere, models, ozone depletion, stations, quality. Measurements with Dobson spectrophotometers are used to study ozone trends at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)and Natal (5.8 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W)in Brazil. The time series are from 1974 to 1997 for Cachoeira Paulista and from 1978 to 1997 at Natal. Using a model that accounts for the quasi-biennial oscillation, seasonal variation, and solar cycle, a trend in total ozone of-2.0+ -1.2 per decade was found at Cachoeira Paulista for the period 1974 to 1997. At Natal the trend was -0.8+ -0.8 per decade over the period 1978 to 1997. The annual values of column ozone reported at Cachoeira Paulista are lower in the 1990's than in the previous two decades: total ozone amounts are 12.5 Dobson units (DU), or 4.6, lower in the 1990s than those observed during the 1970s. From a monthly analysis it is shown that these ozone decreases have occurred in all months of the year. There was no statistically significant change between the 1980s and 1990s at Natal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8460-pre/4225 PI CEA DGE DGE 103 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZiauddinAbdu:1978:ApEqPr Journal Article Ziauddin, S. Ziauddin, S.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali On the apparent equatorward propagation of auroral substorm absorption events at low auroral latitudes 1978 Canadian Journal of Physics 56 1855 aeronomia, absorção auroral, tempestades magnéticas, medições, auroral absorption, magnetic storms, measurements. Auroral substorm absorption events observed at two stations. Val d'Or, P.Q. and Ottawa. Ont., located on the lower latitude side of the auroral zone (around L =4)show a consistent tendency for an apparent equatorward propagation of the events. The observed velocities of' propagation do not show any local time dependence or other trends expected from a pure gradient B drift of substorm electrons from the midnight precipitation region to the day side. Though a limited number of events are analysed the results indicate the possible influence of strong electric fields on the drift velocities of the substorm electrons. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE IONO 339 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCorrCostVaz:1986:SYCOIN Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi A SYNCHROTRON/INVERSE COMPTON INTERPRETATION OF SOLAR BURST PRODUCING FAST PULSES AT LAMBDA < 3 MM AND HARD X-RAYS 1986 Astronomy and Astrophysics 157 : 11-18 5078 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiHadaHerd:1995:SeDr19 Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Hada, Kioshi; Herdies, Dirceu L. On the severe drought of 1993 in north-east Brazil 1995 International Journal of Climatology 15 6 697-704 1328 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, seca, enso. During the period 1990 through to 1993 a dry spell occurred over north-east Brazil. The drought of 1993 was very severe, Rainfall series for north-east Brazil are updated to 1993 and the drought conditions during 1993 are discussed. The 1993 drought seems to be connected at least partially to the unusual ENSO conditions during that year. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 749 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoKous:1990:CoEnPr Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Correlacao entre a precipitacao estimada por satelite e a precipitacao observada sobre o Estado do Ceara 1990 Climanalise 5 5 38-42 7379 estudos do tempo e do clima, , precipitacao (meteorologia), estimativa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 162 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AroraPaViTrFoRiCh:1999:2DGeMo Journal Article Arora, B.R. Arora, B.R.; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Fontes, S.L.; Rigoti, A.; Chamalaun, F.H. 2-D geolectrical model for the Parnaíba basin conductivity anomaly of northeast Brazil and tectonic implication 1999 Tectonophysics 302 1-2 57-69 9708 geofisica espacial. A magnetometer array study in the north-northeast of Brazil has revealed a roughly NEîSW-trending conductive structure in the southeastern part of the intracratonic Parnaíba Basin. The magnetovariational response functions of this structure are numerically modelled to constrain its geometry to facilitate its geological and tectonic interpretation. The 2-D numerical model that incorporates the ocean effect and can account for the spatial and period dependence of the observed response locates the source regions of enhanced conductivity in a graben structure in the basement as well as in a block confined to the central part of the basin with an embedded resistive body. The anomalous electrical character of the sediments in the central part of the basin is consistent with the magnetotelluric data, the graben structure in the basement is corroborated by the aeromagnetic data. The formation of the graben structure is considered to be a manifestation of the extensional tectonics associated either with the Brasiliano orogeny or with the JurassicîCretaceous magmatic events. The diabase dikes intruded in the basin in association with the JurassicîCretaceous magmatic activity are shown to be accountable for the mapped resistive body entrapped in the conducting Paleozoic sediments. The thermal effects associated with magmatic activities are invoked to produce enhanced conductivity by the generation of carbon through the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon-saturated sediments. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1436 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RibeiroIvaAguFra:2002:PrImNo Journal Article Ribeiro, Kilder Leite Ribeiro, Kilder Leite; Ivanov, E.N.; Blair, D.G.Tobar, M.E.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys; Frajuca, Carlos A proposal for improving the noise floor of the gravitational wave antenna Niobe 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1967-1972 9970 ASTROFÍSICA. The gravity wave detector at the University of Western Australia is based on a bending flap of 0.45 kg tuned near the fundamental resonant frequency of a 1.5 tonne resonant bar of 7 10 Hz. The displacement of the bending flap is monitored with a 9.5 GHz superconducting re-entrant cavity transducer. The performance of the transducer is related to the development of a low-noise microwave pump oscillator to drive the transducer. In this study we describe how to improve the quality of the existing microwave pump oscillator using a second servo frequency control system. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8996-PRE/4674 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 287 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1972:DuUpAt Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert Dust in the upper atmosphere 1972 Nature 237 5354 328-329 1528 aeronomia. During October 1971 we observed a large influx of dust into the upper atmosphere at heights above 30 Km. The magnitude of this influx appears to be considerably greater than anything previously reported. At the time of writing (January 1972)dust is still being observed. The observations were made using a laser radar with transmitted energy of 3 0 in pulses 2 s long: the repetition rate was 300 h , and the wavelength of the radiation was 0.6943 m. The receiver had a collecting area of o.39 m , and a bandwidth of 2.0 nm; its efficiency was 2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MIRO II 32 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiStei:1997:ThOrPe Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista The orbital period of RX J1141.3 - 6410 1997 Montly Wearher Review 291 2 321-323 8771 astrofisica, estrelas, estrelas variaveis cataclismicas, binarias de raios x, rxj1141.3-6410, novas. We report the detection of a photometric period of 3h09m23s from the optical counterpart of RXJ1141.3-6410. The amplitude of the optical modulation,... 0.5 mag, and the period are consistent with the suggestion that this is an AM Herculis star. Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs)with time-scales in the range 20.0-42.1 min are also reported. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1239 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1996:GeReLa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, B.T. Geomagnetic response to large-amplitude interplanetary alfven wave trains 1996 Shysica Scripta T60 : 140-143 8772 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera, ondas de alfven. A review of the geomagnetic response to large-atmplitude interplanetary Alfven- wave. trains (LAIAWT)is presented, highlighting its dependence on, solar activity level and its role in the storm/substorm relationship problem. Also some recent observations obtained by the Ulysses spacecraft at high heliospheric latitudes dealing with the origin and dynamics of these wave trains are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1240 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SabaPintPintMend:2000:StBaMe Journal Article Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Mendes Jr., Odim Stratospheric balloon measurements of electric fields associated with thunderstorms and lightning in Brazil 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 D14 18091-18097 9432 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, ionosfera, radiação, temporal, medição, nuvens bigorna, condutividade, conductivity, storm, ionosphere, radiation, measurements, anvil clouds. Measurements of electric fields associated with thunderstorms and lightning were obtained during two balloon flights carrying double-probe electric field detectors launched from Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees 44'S, 44 degrees 56'W), Brazil, on January 26, 1994, and March 23, 1995. From data obtained in 1994, a linear relationship between the quasi-de vertical electric field peak amplitude and the decay time constant of lightning signatures was found for negative flashes. The results are compared to similar data for intracloud flashes. Based on electric field data obtained in 1995 and on the present knowledge about the differences between positive cloud-to-ground and intracloud flashes, two methods to distinguish them at balloon altitudes are presented: The first is based on an estimate of the destroyed charge in the event; the second is based on the peak amplitude ratio between the vertical quasi-de and the VLF electric field. The behavior of the vertical quasi-de electric field before and after large cloud-to-ground lightning flashes is discussed and attributed to the existence of a shielding layer around the thunderstorm. This shielding layer is associated with a threefold or greater decrease in the conductivity inside the cloud. An abrupt variation observed in the quasi-dc electric field possibly associated with the occurrence of positive flashes was observed and attributed to the formation of a transient shielding layer just above the thunderstorm, which could be produced by the near-breakdown field inside the cloud. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8458-PRE/4223 PI CEA DGE DGE 101 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SimonichClemKirc:1979:NoSeVa Journal Article Simonich, Dale Martin Simonich, Dale Martin; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich The mesospheric sodium layer at 23 S: Nocturnal and seasonal variation 1979 Journal Geophysical Research 84 NA4 1543-1550 1853 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 337 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CMFA:1985:THUSOF Journal Article CASTRO,J.J.B. MONTES FILHO,A. CASTRO,J.J.B. MONTES FILHO,A. THE USE OF SYNTHESIS METHOD IN THE DESIGN OF GYROTRON ELECTRON GUNS 1985 International Journal of Electronics 59 1 33-47 5037 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601136 1137 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SansigoloRodr:1990:TeNaTe Journal Article Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli; Rodrigues, Rita de Cassia Meneses Tendencias nas temperaturas medias do Brasil 1990 Climanalise 5 9 33-41 September 7376 estudos do tempo e do clima, , , , , , , , , , temperaturas medias. Analisam-se as series historicas de temperaturas medias mensais do ar a superficie em 10 grandes cidades brasileiras, visando detectar a existencia e magnitude de tendencias significativas. Tendencias lineares de aquecimento de 0,007 a 0,012C por ano foram observadas em Belem, Fortaleza, Salvador e Curitiba. Valores bem superiores ocorrem em Sao Paulo (0,03)e Rio de Janeiro (0,02). Nao existem tendencias nas series de Manaus, Cuiaba e Porto Alegre, sugerindo que os valores observados nas outras localidades sejam devidos a urbanizacao e nao ao aquecimento global que poderia ser provocado pelo efeito estufa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 159 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiEtchCalb:1990:DeSiCo Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar; Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo de Uma descricao sinotica das condicoes meteorologicas associadas as precipitacoes fortes no Rio de Janeiro em abril de 1990 1990 Climanalise 5 4 51-56 April 7377 estudos do tempo, , frente fria, mesoescala, chuva. Uma frente fria, acompanhada de uma crista da mesoscala na alta troposfera(250 mb), deslocando-se rapidamente para nordeste, foi a responsavel pelas chuvas fortes que aconteceram nos dias 18 e 19 de abril de 1990, no Rio de Janeiro e redondezas. A localizacao favoravel dos anticiclones propiciou uma confluencia na regiao da frente na baixa troposfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 160 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrNaka:1985:LoLaSc Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Nakamura, Y On the low latitude scanning photometer signatures of equatorial ionospphere plasma bubbles 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 3 : 33-39 9681 aeronomia, regiões tropicais, fotômetros, bolhas de plasma, ionosferas, tropical regions, photometers, ionospheres. Meridional and east-west scan 6300 night airglow photometers are being extensively used at the low latitude station Cachoeira Paulista (23§S 45§W, dip latitude 14§), Brazil, for investigation of trans-equatorial ionospheric plasma bubble dynamics. The zonal velocities of the flux tube aligned plasma bubbles can be determined, in a straightforward way, from the east-west displacement of the airglow intensity valleys observed by the east-west scan photometer. On the other hand, the determination of the other velocity component of the plasma bubble motion (namely, vertical motion in the equatorial plane)has to be based on the meridional propagation of the airglow valleys observed by the meridional scan photometer. Such determinations of the bubbles' vertical rise velocity should, however, involve considerations on different bubble parameters such as, for example, the phase of the bubble event (whether growth, mature or decay phase), the limited east-west extension, and the often observed westward tilt of the bubble. In this brief report there were considered in some detail, possible influences of these different factors on the interpretation of low latitude scanning photometer data to infer trans-equatorial plasma bubble dynamics. Resumo:Medidas de varredura da luminescência do oxigênio atômico (? = 6300)no período noturno, nos planos verticais Leste-Oeste e Norte-Sul (magnéticos), em Cachoeira Paulista (23§S 45§W, inclinção14§), Brasil, tem sido utilizadas em grande escala no estudo das chamadas bolhas ionosféricas. Tais bolhas são zonas de depleção de eletron e íons e extendem-se por milhares de quilômetros ao longo das linhas de força do campo magnético terrestre e transversalmente, por cerca de algumas dezenas ou centenas de quilômetros. As velocidades dessas bolhas, no sentido leste-oeste, são facilmente determinadas pelas medidas fotométricas, Por outro lado, velocidade vertical de propagação pode ser determinada pela sua projeção no plano vertical meridional. Contudo a determinagção da componente vertical envolve consideração de diversos parâmetros, tais como a fase da bolha (seja de crescimento, desenvolvida ou de decaimento), a limitada extensão leste-oeste e a freqüentemente observada inclinação da bolha para oeste. Neste trabalho considerou-se possíveis influências destes diferentes fatores na interpretação de dados fotométricas de baixa latitude, para inferir sobre a dinâmica da bolha de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1528 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianLopeAbal:1996:HaChIn Journal Article Chian, A.C.L. Chian, A.C.L.; Lopes, S.R.; Abalde, José Ricardo Hamiltonian chaos in two cpupled three-wave parametric interactions with quadratic nonlinearity 1996 Physica D 99 2-3 269-275 9704 geofísica espacial, caos, modos casados, ótica não linear, chaos, cupled modes, nonlinear optics plasmas. The nonlinear dynamical behavior of parametric wave-wave interactions is studied. The temporal dynamics of the model equations describing resonant coupling of two wave triplets in a quadratic nonlinear medium is analyzed. This Hamiltonian system is shown to undergo transition from regular to chaotic states via the route of quasiperiodicity. Application to nonlinear optics in plasmas is exemplified. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1434 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTeixTaka:1989:SEVAOF Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Takahashi, Hisao SEASONAL VARIATIONS OF TROPICAL F-REGION NIGHITGLOW EMISSIONS AND CORRELATIVE IONOSPHERIC STUDIES 1989 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 51 5 433-439 2811 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 972 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeloVellAgui:2002:ViIsSu Journal Article Melo, José Luiz Melo, José Luiz; Velloso Jr., Walter Ferreira; Aguiar, Odylio Denys Vibration isolation support design for the SCHENBERG detector 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1985-1989 9968 ASTROFÍSICA. We designed a mechanical isolation system for a spherical resonant gravitational wave detector we are building in Brazil. We have used the finite element method to perform the dynamical analysis. The system is a multiple stage passive pendulum formed by cylinders joined by C springs and rods. Our results showed that the designed system could allow a 280 dB attenuation factor in the bandwidth, from 3.1 to 3.2 kHz, where the SCHENBERG detector will be sensitive. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8994-PRE/4672 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 285 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PradoRios:1993:EsBiSo Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida; Rios Neto, Atair Um estudo bibliografico sobre o problema de transferencias de orbitas 1993 Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Mecanicas 15 1 65-78 7024 engenharia e tecnologia espacial. This paper presents the results obtained from a search in the literature about the problem of minimum fuel consumption spacecraft orbit transfer. The problem and several of its models are presented to allow a non-expert reader to understand them. More than one hundred papers are discussed allowing the reader to have a first idea about their contents before a more detailed study. The majority of these papers are available in Brazilian libraries. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES DMC 551 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiPere:1997:UBPhPu Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Pereira, Marildo G UBVRI photometry of the pulsations in V2116 Ophiuchi GX1+4 1997 Montly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 289 4 L17-L20 8769 astrofisica, astronomia galatica, estrelas, binarias simbioticas, v2116 oph, cx1+4, pulsacoes estelares, raios x. The colours of pulsed and non-pulsed light in V21160ph have been measured with the UBVA photometer of the Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica, in Brazil. The symbiotic binary was in optical bright state with V~17. If the blue component in the spectrum of V2116 Oph follows the prescription for a standard optically thick accretion disc spectrum, its contribution to the liht of the system at 6600 Angstrom is ~20 times the contribution of the red giant, with E(B - V)= 2.1 ñ 0.1 mag and a distance of 8.3 kpc. The pulsed component is estimated 1 have Mv ~ - 1.7, implying characteristic sizes (for blackbody emission)of 1.4, 4.3 and 9.3 R..., for temperatures TBB = 100 000. 20 000 and 10 000 K, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1237 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TATEYAMASTRAAbra:1986:22COAN Journal Article TATEYAMA,C.E. TATEYAMA,C.E.; STRAUSS,F.M.; Abraham, Zulema 22GHZ CONTINUUM AND SPECTRAL INDEX MAPS OF THE GALACTIC CENTER REGION 1986 Astronomy and Astrophysics 154 : 176-180 5019 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAEE RADIO 1135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MolionDall:1990:SaOsDa Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Dallarosa, Ricardo Luiz G. Pluviometria da Amazonia: sao os dados confiaveis? 1990 Climanalise 5 3 40-42 March 7374 estudos do tempo e do clima, , circulacao atmosferica, bacias. Nos estudos de aproveitamento hidreletrico de bacias, uma pratica comum e fazer transposicao das precipitacoes pluviomentricas de uma bacia que possua series longas de dados para a bacia em estudo. Isso e muito comum na Amazonia, dada a escassez de dados na regiao. Este trabalho mostra, araves das analises dos totais pluviometricos em diferentes estacoes do ano, que nao e recomendavel utilizar series pluviomentricas coletadas as margens dos grandes rios para gerar series sinteticas no interior da bacia. Um mecanismo de circulacao de ar local conhecido como brisa fluvial pode estar reduzindo os totais pluviometricos das estacoes a beira do rio.Como a maior parte das estacoes da Amazonia foram preferencialmente colocadas as margens dos rios devido a facilidade de acesso, e provavel que o verdadeiro total pluviometrico da grande bacia esteja sendo subestimado, em outras palavras, chove mais do que se supoe. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 157 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PhillipsPBGHSJSCSWHTSTHMRLURGCSLL:1987:OpPhSp Journal Article Phillips, M.M. Phillips, M.M.; Phillips, A.C.; heathcote, S.R.; Blanco, V.M.; Geisler, D.; Hamilton, D.; Suntzeff, N.B.; Jablonski, Francisco José; Steiner, João Envagelista; Cowley, A.P.; Schmidtke, P.; Wyckoff, S.; Hutchings, J.B.; Tonry, J.; Strauss, M.A.; Thorstensen, J.R.; Honey, W.; Maza, J.; Ruiz, M.T.; Landolt, A.U.; Uomoto, D. A.; Rich, R.M.; Grindlay, J.; Cohn, H.; Smith, H.A.; Lutz, J.H.; Lavery, R.J. The Type Ia supernova 1986G in NGC 5128: optical photometry and spectro 1987 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 99 592-605 9662 astrofísica, supernova, fotometria, spectrofotometria, supernovae, photometry, spectrophotometry. Optical light curves and spectra of the Type Ia supernova 1986G in NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)are presented. SN 1986G was discovered approximately one week before maximum light. The initial rate of decline of the B light curve was remarkably fast and characteristic of the infrequently observed Pskovskii photometric class B = 12. Although the spectral evolution closely resembled that of the more common ""slower"" photometric classes of Type Ia supernovae, subtle differences in the maximum-light spectra were detected. The expansion velocity of the photosphere of SN 1986G decreased rapidly at early phases, suggesting that the outer-envelope density gradient was less steep than in supernovae with smaller values of B . SN 1986G appears to have been heavily obscured (E (B - V)= 0.90 t 0. 10)by the dust lane of NGC 5128. This circumstance accounts for the strong interstellar-absorption lines of Ca II H and K and Na I D observed in the spectra as well as for several weaker absorption features that we identify with the diffuse interstellar bands. SN 1986G provides graphic confirmation of the existence of intrinsic differences in the optical light curves and spectroscopic properties of TypeIla supernovae. Consequently, these objects must be used with considerable caution as cosmological standard candles, On the basis of the very close resemblance of SN 1986G to SN 19711 in NGC 5055, we derive a relative distance of DNGC528/ DNGC50,= 0.39 +- 0.04. Further distance estimates are hampered due to the lack of other well-observed Type Ia supernovae with BP = 12. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1526 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GodoySNRRRBO:1998:132222 Journal Article Godoy, J.M. Godoy, J.M.; Schuch, L.A.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Reis, V.R.G.; Ramalho, M.; Recio, J.C.; Brito, R.R.A.; Olech, M.A 137Cs, 226, 228 Ra, 210 Pb and 40K concentrations in Antartic soil, sediment and selected moss and lichen samples 1998 Journal of environmental Radioactivity 41 1 33-45 9700 geofísica espacial, espectroscopia, raios gamma, raios cósmicos, latitude, fallout, spectroscopy, gamma rays, cosmic rays. During the summers of 1986, 1988 and 1992, soil, sediment, lichen and moss samples were collected near the Brazilian Antarctic station, Comandante Ferraz, King George Island, South Shetland Archipelago, and also in other South Shetland Islands. The content of Cs-137 and of natural radionuclides were determined by gamma spectrometry. Highest Cs-137 levels were found in the lichen and mass samples, with mean values of (15 +/- 14)and (23 +/- 14)Bq kg(dry)(-1), respectively. Particularly in soil, the Ra-226 and Ra-228 contents were much higher for the samples from King George Island than for those from the other islands of the same archipelago. Based on its content in soil, the Cs-137 inventory for the 60-70 degrees S latitude band was estimated at 143 Bq m(2), which agrees with the literature data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1432 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AraujoMiraAgui:2002:BaGrWa Journal Article Araujo, José Carlos Neves de Araujo, José Carlos Neves de; Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte; Aguiar, Odylio Denys Background of gravitacional waves from pre-galactic black hole formation 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1335-1342 9966 ASTROFÍSICA. We study the generation of a gravitational wave (GW)background produced from a population of core-collapse supernovae, which form black holes in scenarios of structure formation of the Universe. We obtain, for example, that a pre-galactic population of black holes, formed at redshifts z similar or equal to 30-10, could generate a stochastic GW background with a maximum amplitude of h(BG)similar or equal to 10(-24)in the frequency band nu(obs)similar or equal to 30-470 Hz (considering a maximum efficiency of generation of GWs, namely, epsilon(GW)= 7 x 10(-4)). In particular, we discuss what astrophysical information could be obtained from a positive, or even a negative, detection of such a GW background produced in scenarios such as those studied here. One of them is the possibility of obtaining the initial and final redshifts of the emission period from the observed spectrum of GWs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8974-PRE/4663 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 283 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraAbrStuRieCol:1996:SuInSo Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Abreu, S.L.; Stuhlmann, R.; Rieland, M.E.; Colle, S. Survey of the incident solar radiation in Brazil by use of Meteosat satellite data 1996 Solar Energy 57 2 125-132 8767 geofisica espacial, meteosat 2, radiacao solar, energia solar. Meteosat-2 satellite data in the visible band were used to calculate monthly averages from daily mean incident solar radiation over Brazil, using the IGMK physical model for the period 1985-1986. Satellite estimates are compared with ground data from 22 national stations. The global root mean square error between model and ground results for all data points was 13, and the mean bias error was 1.23 MJ m-2. About 68 of the individual errors were below 10 and clustered around 8. Global radiation estimated by the model ranged from 9.0 to 27 M.1 m ` with the diffuse to global ratio failing into the 02-0.5 interval. Enhanced inverted zonal trends were found for both satellite predictions and the ground station results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1235 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarianoKirc:1992:InMoOz Journal Article Mariano, Marina M. Mariano, Marina M.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Indices de monitoramento de ozonio de superficie 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 10 1 43-53 6113 geofisica espacial. A queima de biomassa na epoca seca produz gases precursores (CO, NO, NO2)que em presenca de OH e radiacao ultravioleta, na baixa atmosfera, podem produzir ozonio, O3. A concentracao deste gas tem sido observada ha varios anos pelo INPE. Mostramos neste trabalho que as concentracoes e o seu potencial de afetar o meio ambiente sao melhor descritas por indices de monitoramento que sao definidos quantitativamente: o Indice de Exposicao e o Indice de Queima. O primeiro indice refere-se a expressao da dose (concentracao x tempo)relacionada a eventos de curta duracao. O segundo descreve a intensidade de producao de gases da queima de materia organica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 352 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBati:1980:CoPaEn Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado Comments on the paper entitled ""the quenching of OH 1980 Planetary and Space Science 28 5 559-561 1911 aeronomia. In a rec aper by Llewellyn et al. (1978), the band intensities and the emission profiles of the OH airglow were calculated using a model atmosphere by Moreels et al. (1977)and the radiative transition probabilities, Av'v"", calculated by Mies (1974). It was pointed out that the calculated band intensity distribution (a set of 1v'V"")is in good agreement with the observed intensities. In calculating the intensity, Llewellyn et al. assurned that the vibrationally excited OH molecules OH*)are produced by the hydrogen-ozone reaction, H+o, --- >OH* (V--9)+02, and qijenched by reactions with atomic oxygen, N2 and 02. The vibrational relaxation rates related to N2 and 02 (hereafter M)were derived so as to make the calculated intensities agree with the observed intensities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 5 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPint:1994:NaEmAl Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida A natureza em alta vontagem 1994 Os caminhos da Terra 3 22 58-63 9716 geofísica espacial. Um segundo. Nesse curtíssimo espaço de tempo, que já ficou para trás na leitura da segunda ou terceira palavra deste texto, cerca de 100 raios iluminaram o céu nas diversas regiões do mundo. Em 24 horas, o número dessas descargas elétricas naturais, disparadas pelas 2 mil tempestades que agitam permanentemente o planeta, vai passar de 8 milhões, Em um ano, serão mais de 3 bilhões - um bombardeio que fazia o homem primitivo se encolher de medo nas cavernas e que até hoje, mais de dois séculos depois da invenção do pára-raios, ainda nos assusta. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 743 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kayano:1990:AnChNo Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie Analise das chuvas no Estado do Ceara em dezembro de 1989 1990 Climanalise 5 2 36-43 7371 estudos do tempo e do clima, , goes-e, chuva, precipitacao (meteorologia), zcas, zcit. Precipitacoes diarias para 143 postos pluviometricos no Ceara e imagens do satelite GOES-E (canal infravermelho)para dezembro de 1989 e pressao de superficie de Fortaleza de dezembro para os anos de 1973 a 1989 foram utilizados para investigar a relacao entre as chuvas observadas em dezembro de 1989 nesse Estado e as posicoes da Zona de Convergencia do Atlantico Sul (ZCAS)e da Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT). Durante a primenira quinzena as chuvas foram escassas e apenas as do sul do Ceara estiveram marginalmente relacionadas com a posicao anomala da ZCAS. Durante o restante do mes houve excessivas precipitacoes na maior parte do Estado que estiveram relacionadas com a ZCAS anomalamente ao norte e com a ZCIT anomalamente ao sul. E aparente que a ZCAS durante este periodo atuou como um fator secundario, abaixando a pressao de superficie nas latitudes equatoriais, o que favoreceu o deslocamento da ZCIT para o sul, enquanto a ZCIT comportou-se como o principal mecanismo para organizar a convencao durante a segunda quinzena de dezembro de 1989 no Ceara. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 155 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CoziolCarvCapeRibe:1988:EvGaIn Journal Article Coziol, Roger Coziol, Roger; Carvalho, Reinaldo R. de; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Ribeiro, André L. B The evolution of galaxies in compact groups 1988 Astrophysical Journal 506 545-556 9590 astrofísica, galáxias, abundância, galáxias ativas, agrupamentos galáticos, evolução galática, galaxies, abundance, active galaxies, galactic clusters, starburst galaxies, galactic evolution. We present an analysis of the spectra of 62 galaxies in 15 compact groups. The galaxies are classified into four activity classes: galaxies without emission, starburst galaxies, luminous AGNs (Seyfert and LINERs), and low-luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs). The star formation in the Hickson compact group (HCG)starbursts is more intense than in normal spirals, but comparable to that observed in starburst-nucleus galaxies (SBNGs)in the field. In general, the HCG starbursts have mean solar gas metallicity and do not follow the metallicity-luminosity relation traced by the early-type SBNGs in the field, suggesting that most of them are late-type SBNGs. This morphology preference, coupled with the observation that the HCG starbursts are predominantly located in the halos of the groups, is consistent with the idea that compact groups are embedded in sparser structures. The stellar metallicities of the nonstarburst galaxies are comparable to those observed in normal galaxies with similar morphologies, but are relatively high for their luminosities. In these galaxies, the metal absorption line equivalent widths are slightly narrower than normal, while the Balmer absorption lines are relatively strong. All these observations suggest the presence of a population of intermediate-age stars. These galaxies could be poststarburst, but at a very advanced stage of evolution, the last bursts having happened more than 2 Gyr in the past. Our observations support a scenario in which the cores of the groups are slowly collapsing evolved systems embedded in more extended structures. In the cores of the groups, the interactions were more frequent and the galaxies evolved at a more rapid rate than in their halos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1524 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSaBaAbBiTa:1999:ObDaVa Journal Article Fagundes, P.R. Fagundes, P.R.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Takahasho, Hisao Observation of day-to-day variability in precursor signatures to equatorial F-region plasma depletions 1999 Annales geophyicae atmosphere hydrospheres and Space Science 17 8 1053-1063 9695 aeronomia, composição da atmosfera, aeroluminescência, equador magnético, região f, irregularidades, bolhas de plasma, atmospheric composition, airglow, auroras, magnetic equator, f region, irregularities, plasma bubbles. In December 1995, a campaign was carried out to study the day-to-day variability in precursor signatures to large-scale ionospheric F-region plasma irregularities, using optical diagnostic techniques, near the magnetic equator in the Brazilian sector. Three instruments were operated simultaneously: (a)an all-sky (180 degrees field of view)imaging system for observing the OI 630 nm nightglow emission at Alcantara (2.5 degrees S, 44.4 degrees W); (b)a digisonde (256-Lowell)at Sao Luis (2.6 degrees S, 44.2 degrees W); and (c)a multi-channel tilting filter-type zenith photometer for observing the OI 630 nm and mesospheric nightglow emissions at Fortaleza (3.9 degrees S, 38.4 degrees W). During the period December 14-18, 1995 (summer in the southern hemisphere)a good sequence of the OI 630 nm imaging observations on five consecutive nights were obtained, which are presented and discussed in this study. The observing period was geomagnetically quiet to moderate (Kp = 0+ to 5+; Dst = 18 nT to -37 nT). On four nights, out of the five observation nights, the OI 630 nm imaging pictures showed formations of transequatorial north-south aligned intensity depletions, which are the optical signatures of large-scale ionospheric F-region plasma bubbles. However, considerable day-to-day variability in the onset and development of the plasma depleted bands was observed. On one of the nights it appears that the rapid uplifting of the F-layer in the postsunset period, in conjunction with gravity wave activity at mesospheric heights, resulted in generation of very strong plasma bubble irregularities. One of the nights showed an unusual formation of north-south depleted band in the western sector of the imaging system field of view, but the structure did not show any ard movement, which is a normal characteristic of plasma bubbles. This type of irregularity structure, which probably can be observed only by wide-angle imaging system, needs more investigations for a better understanding of its behaviour. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 1429 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinkiSteiJablHick:1997:ByApNe Journal Article Cieslinki, D. Cieslinki, D.; Steiner, Joao Envagelista; Jablonski, Francisco José; Hickel, G.R By apodis:a new mira variable 1997 Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 4528 9697 astrofísica, variaveis mira, estrelas, espectrofotometria estelar, observação, mira variables, stars, stellar spectrophotometry, observation. We have observed this star in the course of a photometric and spectroscopic program on southern and equatorial irregular variables (Cieslinski et al. 1997a, 1997b). The photometric observations (Table 1)were obtained with the FOTEX and FOTRAP (Jablonski et al. 1994)photometers at the 0.6-m Zeiss and 1.6-m Boller Chivens telescopes of the CNPq/Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica, Brazil. The spectroscopic observations were carried out in 1986 with the Boller Chivens Spectrograph + 2D-Frutti on the 1.0-m Yale telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, Chile. The spectral coverage is 3900-6800 A, with 7 A resolution. Several spectra of BY Aps were collected and in all occasions the object showed a continuum compatible with M3-M711 spectral types. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1430 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRADELBLUDW:1982:I.MADE Journal Article FERREIRA,J.L. FERREIRA,J.L.; DEL BOSCO,E.; LUDWIG,G.O. TRABALHOS EXPERIMENTAIS EM PLASMA DESENVOLVIDOS NO INPE: I. MAQUINA DE PLASMA DUPLO PARA ESTUDO DE ONDAS LONGITUDINAIS. II. CENTRIFUGA DE PLASMA 1982 Revista Brasileira de Física Volume especial 2 493 4462 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA LAP 601101 380 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1982:SeSoPu Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long On the Self-consistent Solutions of Pulsar Plasma Waves 1982 Astronomy and Astrophysics 112 2 391-393 4449 física de plasma, plasma dhysics, pulsars. Summary. In the theoretical study of strong pulsar electromagnetic waves in an electron-ion plasma a dynamic parameter relating electron and ion velocities necessarily appears. It is shown that the dynamic parameter is a function of the plasma stream velocity, the wave velocity, the wave amplitude and the electronion mass ratio. In order to obtain self-consistency in the solutions the dynamic parameter must be chosen appropriately when other parameters have been specified. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 379 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FrajucaRiAnVeAgMa:2002:TrBrGr Journal Article Frajuca, Carlos Frajuca, Carlos; Ribeiro, Kilder Leite; Andrade, Luiz A. de; Velloso Jr., Walter Ferreira; Aguiar, Odylio Denys; Magalhães, Nadja Simão Transducers for the Brazilian gravitational wave detector ""Mario Schenberg"" 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1961-1965 9964 ASTROFÍSICA. 'Mario Schenberg' is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave (GW)detector that will be part of a GW detection array of three detectors. The other two will be built in Italy and the Netherlands. Their resonant frequencies will be around 3.2 kHz with a bandwidth of about 200 Hz. This range of frequencies is new in a field where the typical frequencies lie below I kHz, making the transducer development much more complex. In this paper, the design of the mechanical part of the transducer will be shown, as well as the attachment method to the sphere and the expected sensitivity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8992-PRE/4670 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 281 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LiebmannMare:2001:InVaRa Journal Article Liebmann, B. Liebmann, B.; Marengo, J.A Interannual variability of the rainy season and rainfall in the Brazilian Amazon basin 2001 Journal of Climate 14 22 4308-4318 6253 The interannual variability of deep convection over the South American sector and regional hydrometeorological anomalies are studied using International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)data for 1984-1988. Satellite-derived convection anomalies are compared with regional rainfall and river runoff anomalies. At the height of the austral summer, the deep convective clouds (DCC)and ISCCP depict the centres of intense convection over central Amazonia and the mouth of the River Amazon, as well as the enhanced convection over north-east Brazil, which is related to the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Positive/negative regional hydrometeorological anomalies are consistent with positive/negative anomalies in the deep convection over northern Amazonia, the mouth of the River Amazon and north north-east Brazil, whereas this is not always true over southern Amazonia and southern Brazil. Over north-east Brazil and the mouth of the River Amazon, abundant rainfall and large DCC are both in agreement with variations in the latitudinal position and intensity of the Atlantic ITCZ, which extends between 4 degrees N and 5 degrees S along the Atlantic coast, where the precipitation maximum is found. The related rainfall anomalies over Amazonia and north-east Brazil during years with anomalously warm or cool surface waters in the central equatorial Pacific (e.g. the El Nino event in 1987), are consistent with the convection anomalies as depicted by the ISCCP deep convective clouds. For the Amazon Basin and north-east Brazil, DCC based on 2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees horizontal resolution explained about 50 per cent of the variance of rainfall at individual surface stations. A new finding is the enhanced convective activity located at the east side of the central Andes and over central Amazonia around 5 degrees S, with a region of reduced convection in between. These two subcentres are oriented west-east and are part of the summertime semi-permanent centre of convection over the Amazon Basin, and have not been identified previously from the analysis of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)or highly reflective clouds. These subcentres of large DCC exhibit interannual variations in intensity and location, where the centre located near the east flank of the Andes shows a wider range of latitudinal variations than that located over central Amazonia. South of this area convection and rainfall decreases rapidly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9099-PRE/4774 PI MET CPT CPT 21 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RIOSNETOKond:1988:STAPTO Journal Article RIOS NETO,A. RIOS NETO,A.; Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao A STOCHASTIC APPROACH TO GLOBAL ERROR ESTIMATION IN ODE MULTISTEP NUMERICAL INTEGRATION 1988 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 5857 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES 6653 201405 1327 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantRosaCecaGopa:1997:SoPaIm Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Cecatto, Jose Roberto; Gopalswamy, N Sources parameters for impulsive bursts observed in the range 18-23 GHz 1997 Solar Physics 171 1 155-159 8765 astrofisica, explosoes solares, fisica solar. Here, we report on impulsive solar radio bursts observed for the first time with high time/spectral resolution in the range 18 to 23 GHz. Using observational parameters and assuming nonthernial gyrosynchrotron emission from energetic electrons in a loop structure, we have estimated the density of nonthermal electrons, magnetic field, and dimension of the source along the line of sight. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1233 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1985:CaCoDi Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Calculo da componente difusa entre 30-150kev em 4G.CM-2, para um detetor semi-onidirecional, utilizando o metodo de Monte Carlo 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 4 1 11-14 2591 geofísica espacial, magnetosfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE PESQUISA DE MAGNETOSFERA 771 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ferreira:1992:PlDiTh Journal Article Ferreira, Jose Leonardo Ferreira, Jose Leonardo Plasma Diffusion Through Multidipole Magnetic Fields 1992 IEEE Transaction and Plasma Science 23 6076 fisica de plasma. The diffusion of cold plasma through multidipole fields of a magnetic picket fence is presented. The ion diffusion and trapping is determined by electric potentials inside the multidipole fields. The electron diffusion is regulated by an anomalous transport process driven by low frequency fluctuations inside the magnetic sheath. Particles drifting with velocities above the ion acoustic speed generates high amplitude turbulent waves responsible for an anomalous diffusion process. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP PQUI 349 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VilasBoasLemePiazMACE:1986:MESHEF Journal Article Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; Leme, Neusa Maria Paes; Piazza, Liliane Rizzo; MACEDO MOURA,M.S.S. METEOR SHOWERS EFFECTS IN THE LOW TERRESTRIAL IONOSPHERE DETECTED AT V.L.F. IONOSONDE AT LONG DISTANCE PROPAGATION PATHS 1986 JATP, 5000 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE RADIO 1131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonz:1987:PeInMa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Valter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Valter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Periodicitties in the interplanetary magnetic field polarity 1987 Journal geophysical Research 92 : 4357-4375 1890 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 574 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RibeiroCarvZepf:1994:LuFuGa Journal Article Ribeiro, A.L.B. Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Carvalho, R.R.; Zepf, S.E Luminosity function of Galaxies in compact groups 1994 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 267 : L13-L16 9707 astrofísica, galaxias, luminosidade, massa, aglomerados galáticos, galxies, galatic clusters, luminosity, mass, functions. We use counts of faint galaxies in the regions of compact groups to extend the study of the luminosity function of galaxies in compact groups to absolute magnitudes as faint as MB = - 14.5 + 5 log h. We find a slope of the faint end of the luminosity function of approximately a = - 0.8, with a formal uncertainty of 0. 15. This slope is not significantly different from that found for galaxies in other environments. Our results do not support previous suggestions of a dramatic underabundance of intrinsically faint galaxies in compact groups, which were based on extrapolations from fits at brighter magnitudes. The normal faint-end slope of the luminosity function in compact groups is in agreement with previous evidence that most galaxies in compact groups have not been dramatically affected by recent merging. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 741 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Brito:1990:EsCh19 Journal Article Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de A estacao chuvosa de 1990 no norte do Nordeste 1990 Climanalise 5 7 47-56 July 7368 estudos do tempo e do clima, previsao de tempo, meteorologia sinotica. Efetuou-se uma analise da qualidade da estacao chuvosa de 1990 (fevereiro e maio)no norte do Nordeste. Analisaram-se os fatores de grande escala e de escala sinotica que responsaveis pela deficiencia de precipitacao observada na regiao, tais como ZCIT, oscilacao de 30-60 dias, TSM e circulacao atmosferica sobre o Pacifico e o Atlantico Tropicais. Avaliarm-se tres diferentes metodos de previsao da qualidade da estacao chuvosa, bem como alguns metodos de previsoes de episodio El Nino - Oscilacao Sul. A media espacial da precipitacao ocorrida durante a estacao chuvosa (fevereiro a maio)para regiao norte do Nordeste como um todo foi de, aproximadamente, 70 da media climatologica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 153 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KlobucharAbdu:1989:EqIoIr Journal Article Klobuchar, J.A. Klobuchar, J.A.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Produced by the Brazilian Ionospheric Modification Experiment (BIME) 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A3 2721-2736 9447 aeronomia, bolhas de plasma, modulos de liberação química, região f2, irregularidades, ionosféricos, plasma bubbles, chemical release modules, f2 region, irregularities, ionospherics. On two separate evenings in September 1982, rockets were launched into the bottomside equatorial F2 region off the coast of Natal, Brazil, to inject chemicals, consisting of mainly H20 and C02, to create a hole in ionization, The chemicals were injected near the height where the density gradient was steepest, and at a time when the F2 region was rising rapidly, to see whether plasma bubble irregularities could be generated from instabilities triggered by the ionization hole. On both occasions, hole-induced depletions in total electron content (TEC)of more than 10 16 el/M2 were observed over horizontal distances of at least 60 km from the chemical injection point. The eastward drifts of these artificial depletions were observed by the time difference in the TEC features observed at various TEC monitoring stations, and from the changing range of oblique ionosonde echoes observed by an ionosonde located 300 km magnetically east of the chemical release point. Their subsequent evolution into plasma bubble irregularities was demonstrated from the observations of spread F echoes, strong-amplitude scintillation, and TEC depletion at distances of from 300 to 500 km eastward of the release points. The fact that similar behavior of the ionosphere was observed during the evenings of both rocket chemical releases, and on no other nights of the campaign, is strong evidence of successful artificial generation of bubble irregularities by chemical injection into the bottomside F2 region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1522 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1998:OnThBa Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José On the basic trends of the upper atmosphere modeling: a review 1998 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 16 2-3 9691 aeronomia, modelos atmosféricos, termosfera, atmospheric models, thermosphere. An overview is presented on modeling alternatives. The work is devoted to provide a general orientation on the subject to novices and non-specialists in the field. The problem of upper atmosphere modeling is presented as well as the basic trends followed to solve the equations employed for this purpose. It is shown that according to these trends the methods can be classified as analytical-empirical, integral transform and numerical. The essentials of these three categories are discussed and commented upon. A brief account of their historical evolution is also included. It allows the reader to observe that, in spite of the present sophistication, the foundations on which the methods are grounded remain unchanged. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1427 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DegaonkarAbdu:1968:ElTeIo Journal Article Degaonkar, S.S. Degaonkar, S.S.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Electron temperatures in the ionospheric F-region over Ahmedabad 1968 Journal Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 30 4 555-562 9630 aeronomia, medidas locais, energia eletrônica, temperatura ionosférica, região f, in situ measurement, electron energy, ionospheric temperature, região f. The electron temperature in the F-region has been deduced from the derived F-region component of absorption of cosmic radio noise at 25 MHz in high sunspot year (1957-1958)and 21-3 MHz in low sunspot year (1964-65). It is shown that the diurnal and seasonal variation of electron temperature obtained from the present analysis are in good agreement with in situ measurement of electron temperature by satellites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE Projeto IONO 115 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Marengo:2000:ClAsEx Journal Article Seluchi ME Seluchi ME; Marengo, JA Tropical-midlatitude exchange of air masses during summer and winter in South America: Climatic aspects and examples of intense events 2000 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 20 10 1167-1190 6240 LOW-LEVEL JE, SCALE COMMON FEATURES, BAIU FRONTAL ZONE, MOISTURE TRANSPORT, PRECIPITATION, INCURSIONS, CLOUDINESS, EVOLUTION, South Atlantic Convergence Zone, SACZ. Meridional transport of air masses between the tropics and midlatitudes in South America are the most intense in the entire Southern Hemisphere, mainly due to the presence of the Andes. The incursions of tropical air into midlatitudes occur on the eastern side of the Andes in two preferred regions. The first is located in the tropical latitudes, close to the mountains between 20 degrees and 30 degrees S, and the second is a function of the position of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). All year long, the two preferred regions maintain their behaviour, with only small variations of their position or relative importance in different seasons of the year. The variability of the meridional transport is larger on the eastern side of the Andes, due to the presence of the mountain barrier, which favours baroclinic activity and allows an active exchange of air masses in both senses, especially during winter. The importance of the air mass transport is evident in the precipitation and surface temperature fields. During summertime, the Chaco Low (25 degrees S and 65 degrees W)intensifies due to the positive net radiation, favouring the transport of tropical air masses towards the south and the presence of strong convective activity, which is fed by moisture from tropical regions. During winter, the penetration of tropical air towards higher latitudes is more sporadic. The displacement of midlatitude air towards tropical latitudes occurs on both sides of the Andes. On the western side, the air associated with the subtropical Pacific anticyclone flows northward channelled by the Andes. On the eastern side, incursions of polar air towards lower latitudes are linked to cold fronts whose trajectory and movement is also favoured by the presence of the Andes. In particular, during wintertime the cold fronts are more intense and faster, and sometimes even reach tropical and equatorial latitudes which produces freezes in subtropical regions, such as the coffee growing areas in southeastern Brazil. In contrast, the incursions of cold air are notably weaker and less frequent in summer, and during these events the active cold fronts move northwards merging with the SACZ, which becomes more intense. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9085-PRE/4761 PI MET CPT CPT 18 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaCorrKauf:1995:MeARDe Journal Article Costa, Jose Marques da Costa, Jose Marques da; Correia, Emilia; Kaufmann, Pierre A method for ARC-Secnd determination of solar burst emission centers with time resolution and sensitivity at 48 GHz 1995 Solar Physics 159 1 157-171 8763 radiastronomia, fisica solar, explosoes solares, antenas, ondas milimetricas, itapitinga. A 48 GHz five-radiometer front end was installed at the Cassegrain focus of the 13.7-m Itapetinga antenna for the observation of solar bursts. The system works with five beam patterns partly overlapping. The five antenna temperatures are recorded with a temporal resolution of 1 millisecond, including time and antenna position. The ratios of the incoming antenna signals are used to determine the centroid of burst emission. Its coordinates are determined from groups of three receivers by using a least-square fit. In favourable observing conditions we obtain an angular accuracy of about 2 are sec (r.m.s.), with a time resolution of 1 ms and a sensitivity of 0.05 s.f.u.The accuracy of the antenna tracking, the absolute pointing and the quality of radio seeing at Itapetinga are discussed. A preliminary analysis of an implusive solar bunt event is used to illustrate the capabilities of the method described here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE CRAAE 1231 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoRaoStecLore:1996:InTeSu Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda; Stech, Jose Luiz; Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio Influencia da temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM)noclima de Cabo Frio (RJ) 1996 Geociencias 15 2 435-445 7793 oceanografia, circulacao local, ressurgencia costeira, simulacao numerica, brisa maritima. Este trabalho aborda o papel da ressurgencia costeira na circulacao atmosferica local na regiao de Cabo Frio (RJ). Para tal, foi utilizado um modelo numerico tridimensional, nao-linear, de equacoes primitivas, que simula as circulacoes atmosfericas locais. Foram realizados experimentos considerando as situacoes de verao (quando ocorre ressurgencia)e de inverno (quando nao ocorre ressurgencia). Os resultados mostraram que a circulacao da brisa maritima e intensificada na presenca de ressurgencia gracas ao maior contraste termico continente-oceano. A comparacao dos resultados com dados observados na regiao de estudo mostrou uma boa concordancia das simulacoes com as observacoes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM DSR 935 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GanKous:1980:VoCiAl Journal Article Gan, Manoel Alonso Gan, Manoel Alonso; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Vortices ciclonicos da alta troposfera no Oceano Atlantico Sul 1980 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 1 19-28 1320 estudos do tempo e do clima, , ciclones, vortices, imagens de satelites, precipitacao (meteorologia). A climatological study on upper tropospheric cycionic vortices based on satellite images is presented. Their formation is associated with the upper tropospheric anticyclonic flow over South America during the summer months. Vortices entering Brazil affect the distribution and intensity of the observed precipitation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimo:1979:CoSeVa Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin Concerning the seasonal variation of the mesospheric sodium layer at low latitudes 1979 Planetary Space Science 27 6 909-910 1843 aeronomia. It is shown that, contrary to a recent claim in the literature, there is a strong seasonal variation in the abundance of atmospheric sodium at 23§S. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 328 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRARIOSVENK:1985:STCOOF Journal Article FERREIRA,L.D.D. FERREIRA,L.D.D.; RIOS NETO,A.; VENKATARAMAN,N.S. STOCHASTIC CONTROL OF PITCH MOTION OF SATELLITES USING STABILIZING FLAPS 1985 Acta Astronautica 12 11 899-905 4995 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 352403 1128 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoRibeZepf:1994:StPrCo Journal Article Carvalho, R.R. Carvalho, R.R.; Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Zepf, Stephen E Structural properties of compact groups 1994 Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 93 47-63 9591 astrofísica, galáxias, agrupamentos, galáxias compactas, galaxies, clusters, galáxias, agrupamentos. Based on the spectroscopic survey of de Carvalho et al., we analyze the structural and dynamical properties of 17 Hickson compact groups. This analysis probes a region of 0.degrees 5 x 0.degrees 5 around each group and shows that most of them are part of larger structures. Our results also suggest that the Hickson sample is composed of different dynamical stages of the groups"" evolution. Specifically, we identify three possible evolutionary phases among groups in the sample: loose groups, core + halo systems, and compact groups, each one presenting a distinct surface density profile. This sequence is consistent with the replenishment scenario for the formation and evolution of compact groups within larger and less dense systems. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 738 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kousky:1990:CoBeTw Journal Article Kayano Mary Toshie Kayano Mary Toshie; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Southern Hemisphere blocking: a comparison between two indices 1990 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 42 3-4 165-170 7304 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, nivel do mar. Two different blocking indices are computed for the Southern Hemisphere for the period 1979-1985, one is based on sea level pressure and the other on upper tropospheric zonal wind. The Southern Hemisphere blocking climatology based on these two indices separately presents very similar results, mainly in identifying the region of maximum occurrence over eastern Australia and the western Pacific. The sea level pressure index shows strong orographic influences, while the 250hPa zonal wind index is not affected by orography but does exaggerate seasonal variations. It is apparent that blocking occurrence in the eastern Australia and neighbouring areas has a link with climatological atmospheric features. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BrowellGregHarr:1988:TrOzAe Journal Article Browell, E.V. Browell, E.V.; Gregory, G.L; Harriss, R.C. Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosol Distributions, Across the Amazon Basin 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 D2 1431-1451 9444 geofísica espacial, , troposfera, ozônio, aerosois, distribuição, troposphere, ozone, aerosols, distribution. Ozone and aerosol distributions were measured during July-August 1985 over the tropical rain forest of Brazil as part of the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment to study the Amazon boundary layer. Remote and in situ measurements of O3 and aerosols were made from a NASA Electra aircraft on several long-range flights spanning different areas between Tabatinga and Belem, Brazil. Continuous O3 distributions were obtained between the aircraft altitude and the ground with an airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL)system. Aerosol distributions were also continuously measured above and below the aircraft with the DIAL system. In Situ O3 measurements were made on the aircraft and from ground-launched ozonesondes at Manaus and Natal. Large-scale variations in the vertical and horizontal distributions of O3 and aerosols were observed on nearly all flights over the Amazon Basin, with O3 exceeding 50 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)in some regions. Both positive and negative correlations were observed between O3 mixing ratios and aerosol concentrations. In nearly all cases, when O3 and aerosols were negatively correlated, this represented clean, midtropospheric air, and when they were positively correlated, the air mass had undergone photochemical O3 production as a result of biomass burning. A 59 increase in the planetary boundary layer (PBL)O3 level was observed between the initial Manaus-Belem flights on July 23-24, 1985 and the later flights on August 8-9, 1985. This was attributed to the increase in biomass burning near the Rio Amazonas and its tributaries and in savannah regions south of the Amazon Basin. Flights to the west of Manaus measured enhanced O3 and aerosol levels near the Rio Solimões, while the area sampled upwind of the river exhibited lower O3 levels. This was explained by the increased incidence of biomass burning near the river. This paper also examines the variability of the trade wind inversion (TWI)height across the Amazon Basin and the influence of O3.levels above the TWI on the budget of, O3 in the PBL. Measurements reported for the early dry -season characterize the background distribution of O3 and aerosols in the PBL prior to the onset of extensive biomass burning. These data provide the basis for a basin-scale estimate of photochemical O3 production from biomass-burning emissions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA GDE 1519 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffBrowGreg:1988:OzMeTr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Browell, E.V.; Gregory, G.L Ozone measurements in the troposphere of an amazonian rain forest environment 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 D12 15850-15860 9445 geofísica espacial, , ozonio, medição, florestas tropicais, troposfera, ozone, measuremets, rain forests, troposphere. Ozone concentration profiles from the ground to above the stratospheric peak have been obtained, for the first time, in an equatorial rain forest environment near Manaus (3 degree S 60 degree W). We have described in detail the average ozone profile in the troposphere, the observed variations, and a major biomass-burning event that occurred near the end of the experiment. The average ozone mixing ratio at 1000 mbar was 13 parts per billion by volume (ppbv), increasing to 45 ppbv at 500 mbar. From 500 mbar upward, in the free troposphere, the mixing ratio stays roughly constant. The peak 03 concentration occurs at 20 mbar (26.6 km)reaching 4.4 x 1012 molecules cm-3. The values in the troposphere are much lower than results from the low-latitude Atlantic coast. The average gradient below 1000 m in Manaus is twice as large. The diurnal variation is strongest near the surface, decreasing upward. Close to the surface the ozone gradient is largest in the early morning, decreasing toward noon. A significant pollution (burning)event, near the end of the experiment, was responsible for large changes in ozone concentrations, which increased first in the lower troposphere but eventually reached the free troposphere as well. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA GDE 1520 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchuchAOBPPLFTCKDSAT:1997:CeReSu Journal Article Schuch, Nelson Jorge Schuch, Nelson Jorge; Adaime, Silsomar F.; Oliveira, Norberto U. V.; Bortolotto, Elias; Paulo J. Sarkis, Paulo J.; Pinheiro, Damaris K.; Lüdke, Everton; Francisco A. Wendt, Francisco A.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Costa, José Marques da; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Dutra, Severino Guimarães; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Takahashi, Hisao O Observatório Espacial do Sul: Centro Regional do Sul de Pesquisas Espaciais OES/CRSPE/INPE em São Martinho da Serra - RS 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 15 1 March 9689 geofisica espacial. O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)e a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)tem interesse em dar continuidade, estimular, e desenvolver trabalhos conjuntos de cooperação técnico-científica em áreas de comum acordo. O INPE vem colaborando de forma ininterrupta e sistematicamente com a UFSM promovendo e apoiando o desenvolvimento das Ciências Espaciais e Atmosféricas no Rio Grande do Sul, principalmente na grande região de Santa Maria, desde outubro de 1985, quando assegurou sua participação no Projeto RA - Radioastronomia - Desenvolvimento e Instalação de Instrumental Radioastronômicoù, aprovado pela FINEP/PADCT (Projeto 092/85). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE DAE 1425 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DegaonkarAbdu:1967:EfAnAp Journal Article Degaonkar, S.S. Degaonkar, S.S.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali The effect of antenna aperture on the reception of cosmic radio noise at the ground 1967 Journal Institution of Telecommunication Engineers (India) 13 7 290-295 9559 aeronomia, sntenas, som cósmico, recepção de rádio, região f, antennas, cosmic noise, radio reception, f region. The effect of antenna aperture on the reception of cosmic radio noise is considered and it is shown that with the arrangement used at Ahmedabad, the ionospheric aperture and wedge refraction due to horizontal gradients of ionization do not introduce any significant attenuation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 113 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCostSTRA:1982:TIDEIN Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; STRAUSS,F.M. TIME DELAYS IN SOLAR BURSTS MEASURED IN THE MM-CM RANGE OF WAVELENGTHS 1982 SOLAR PHYSICS 81 : 159-172 4414 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 375 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerPaulScheBati:1996:InScRa Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Scherliess, Ludger; Batista, Inez Staciarini Incoherent scatter radar, ionosonde, and satellite measurements of equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts in the evening sector 1996 Geophysical Research Letters 24 14 1733-1736 8760 aeronomia, ionosfera, radar de espalhamento coerente, ionossonda, sondagem ionosferica, regiao f, plasma ionosferico. Studies of equatorial F region evening vertical plasma drifts using different measurement techniques have produced conflicting results. We examine the relationship of incoherent scatter radar and ionosonde drift observations over the Peruvian equatorial region, and AE-E satellite drifts for different geophysical conditions. Our data show that there is large day-to-day variability on the ratios of radar and ionosonde drifts, but on the average the measurements from these two techniques are in fair agreement during low and moderate solar flux conditions. For high solar activity, however, the Jicamarca evening drifts during equinox and December solstice are significantly larger than the ionosonde drifts. These results can be explained by the different height ranges of the radar and ionosonde measurements, and the increase of the upward drift velocity with height below the F region peak. This altitudinal variation is related to the longitudinal gradient of the zonal plasma drifts as a result of he curl-free electric field condition. Our results also indicate that during equinox the increase of the vertical prereversal velocity enhancement with solar activity is largely longitude independent. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONOSFERA 1228 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSahaMott:1981:FiOzPr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Motta, Adalton Gouveia First ozone profiles measured with ECC sondes at Natl (5.9 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W) 1981 Geophysical Research Letters 8 11 1171-1981 2160 geofisica espacial. The average ozone profile obtained from 43 balloon flights at Natal is compared to data obtained elsewhere, in particular to an average profile obtained between latitudes ñ 30 degrees. Above 100 mbar and below about 15 mbar the ozone density at Natal is higher than predicted by the model. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 178 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kaufmann:1994:EnEmFu Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre Entrou em funcionamento novo Rádio Observatório Espacial do Nordeste (ROEN) 1994 Boletim da SAB 13 3 21-24 9362 radiastronomia, rádio telescópio, interferometria de muito longa linha de base, radio telescopes, very long base interferometry, vlbi. Entrou em funcionamento o novo rádio-telescópio espacial situado em Eusébio, próximo a Fortaleza, CE. Os primeiros ensaios integrado o terminal de Fortaleza à rede mundial de VLBI-geodésico, realizados em 21/22 de abril de 1993, tiveram pleno êxito. A partirde julho de 1993, as sessões de VLBI passaram a ser regulares, seguindo várias sessões internacionais programadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE 736 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BrowellGregHarrKirc:1990:OzAeDi Journal Article Browell, E.V. Browell, E.V.; Gregory, G.L.; Harriss, R.C.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Ozone and aerosol distributions over the Amazon Basin during the wet season 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D10 16887-16901 7227 geofisica espacial. Measurements of ozone (O3)and aerosols were made over the tropical rain forest of Brazil during ther wet season in April-May 1987 as part of tha NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment to study the Amazon boundary layer. Remote and in situ measurements of O3 and aerosols were made from aircraft on flights over Brazil in the vicinity of Manaus and between Manaus and Belem. Ozonesonde data were also obtained near Manaus. Ozone mixing ratios <12 ppbv were found in the mixed layer during the wet season with no significant evidence of O3 produced from biomass burning or photochemistry. These values are lower than those found during the 1985 dry season by 6-8 ppbv. These low O3 mixing ratios indicate a strong removal process near the surface during the wet season. The region from the mixed layer top to 3 km in altitude had a slowly increasing O3 profile from 12 to 20 ppbv. On long-range flights between Manaus and Belem, no significant difference was found in the distribution of O3 above the mixed layer between the inland tropical rain forest and the marine conditions near the coast. Within the mixed layer, there was a definite trend to lower O3 levels above the forest compared to over the ocean. This reflects the marked difference in the sinks for O3 over these two regions. The rate of growth of the mixed layer over the rain forest in the wet season was found to be 9 cm s-1, which is within the 7-10 cm s-1 range found for the dry season. There was no evidence of the trade wind inversion that was seen during the dry season, and due to frequent precipitation, the background aerosol loading was lower in the wet season than in the dry season. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 148 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPintGonz:1989:SoAsSt Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walte Demetrio Some aspects of stratospheric electric fields due to a constant convection current density-charge model of cloud structure 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 D7 9979-9982 9441 geofísica espacial, campos elétricos, medição, instrumentos embarcados em balão, corrente de transmissão, canstante, constant, convection currents, eletric field, stratosphere, measurements, balloon borne instrumens. This brief report presents the results of the numeric computation of the electric field due to positive polarity clouds at balloon altitudes with a constant convection current density (CC)model of charge distribution. For reasonable values of the parameters involved, we show that at horizontal distances larger than approximately 20 km from the top of the cloud, the CC model can give vertical electric fields with similar large magnitudes (volts per meter)in both directions in the stratosphere. We claim that even this simple charge distribution model may explain some ""unusual"" observed signatures during several events of balloon-borne electric field measurements reported in the literature, without the necessity to search for more complicated charge distribution models. Another aspect found in association with the CC model is that the ratio between the vertical and horizontal electric fields increases when the balloon drifts away to the cloud. As far as we know, this latter aspect has not been observed in balloon electric field measurements as yet. We suggest that measurements associated with large storms (with tens to hundreds of Coulombs)should be useful for identifying this aspect of the electric field measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1517 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1999:PrSuMa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Prediction of the sunspot maximum of solar cycle 23 by extrapolation of spectral components 1999 Solar Physics 189 1 217-224 9669 geofísica espacial, ciclos solar, manchas solares, método de entropia máxima, solar cycles, sunspots, maximum entropy method (mem). A simple method MEM-MRA, where spectral peaks are located by MEM (Maximum Entropy Method)and about a dozen most prominent ones are used in MRA (Multiple Regression Analysis)to estimate their amplitudes and phases, was applied to the sunspot number (Rz)series of 1748-1996. Spectral characteristics were different in the successive 3 intervals of 83 years each. Hence, for predictions, only data for the recent 83 years were considered relevant. From the spectra for 1914-1996, the most significant peaks at 5.3, 8.3, 10.5, 12.2, 47 years were used for reconstruction. The match between observed and reconstructed values was good (correlation +0.90). When extrapolated, the reconstructed values indicate a sunspot number maximum for the present solar cycle 23 as 140 +/- 9, to occur in year 2000 and for the next solar cycle 24 as 105 +/- 9, to occur in year 2010-2011. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1423 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduDegaRama:1967:AtGaNo Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Degaonkar, S.S.; Ramanathan, K.R. Attenuation of galatic noise at 25 Mhz and 21.3 Mhz in the ionosphere over Ahmedabad during 1957-1964 1967 Journal of Geophysical Research 72 5 1547-1554 9437 aeronomia, ruído eletromagnético, ondas radio galáticas, região f, espalhamento de elétrons, ruído ionosférico, atividade solar, solar activity, electromagnetic noise, galatic radio waves, f region, electron scattering, ionospheric noise. Measurement of the intensity of galactic radio noise at Ahmedabad from 1957 to 1964 has, shown that its attenuation has decreased steadily with the decline of solar activity. Calculation of the absorption in the D region and in the F region up to the F2 peak using N(h)profiles and effective collision frequencies of electrons has shown that a large part of the absorption of galactic radio noise takes place in the F region over Ahmedabad, both below and above the F peak. It is also found that the nighttime attenuation in low solar activity period (1964-1965)is much larger than can be explained on the basis of electron-ion collision processes alone. It is suggested that scattering of galactic radio noise by inhomogeneities in the F region is a source of extra attenuation during night in a low solar activity period, since it is known that the occurrence of spread F shows a considerable increase during night at Ahmedabad in low sunspot years. The absorption measurements also suggest that electron temperatures are appreciably higher than neutral gas temperatures in the early morning hours and that the excess temperature of electrons is higher in low sunspot years than in high sunspot years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 111 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CARLEIAL:1982:MUCHWI Journal Article CARLEIAL,A.B. CARLEIAL,A.B. MULTIPLE-ACCESS CHANNELS WITH DIFFERENT GENERALIZED FEEDBACK SIGNALS 1982 IEEE TRANS. ON INFORMATION THEORY 28 6 841-850 4405 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 331015 373 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShaiAaMeBaBiTa:1997:OI63Nm Journal Article Shai, Yogeshwar Shai, Yogeshwar; Aarons, J.; Mendillo, M.; Baumgardner, J.; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao OI 630 nm imaging observations of equatorial plasma depletions at 16 degree S dip latitude 1997 Journal of Atmospheric Terrestrial Physics 56 11 1461-1475 8758 aeronomia, regiao f, deplecoes de plasma, ionosfera equatorial, ionosfera, luminescencia, emissoes oi 6300, bolhas de plasma. Equatorial ionospheric irregularities in the F-layer have been the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigations during recent years. The class or irregularities which continues to receive much attention is characterized by large scale plasma depletions, generally referred to as ionospheric plumes and bubbles. The 0I 630.0 nm F-region night-glow emissions arising from recombination processes can be used to observe the dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and smaller scale plasma irregularities. In a collaborative project between the Center for Space Physics of Boston University and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE), an all-sky imaging system was operated at Cachoeira Paulista (22,7 degree S, 45.0 degree W, dip latitude 15.8 degree S), between March 1987 and October 1991. In addition to the imager, photometer and VHF polarimeter observations were conducted at Cachoeira Paulista, with ionospheric soundings carried out at both C. Paulista and Fortaleza, the latter at 3.9 degree S, 38.4 degree W, 17- S dip latitude. For this longitude, the observed seasonal variation of the airglow depletions shows a maximum from October through March and a very low occurrence of airglow depletions from April through September. This long series of 0I 630.0 nm, imaging observations has permitted us to determine that when there are extended plumes, the altitudes affected over the magnetic equator often exceed 1500 km and probably exceed 2500 km, at times, the maximum projection that can be seen from Cachoeira Paulista. This holds true even during years of low solar flux. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1226 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaDiasBonaKous:1987:DiFoTr Journal Article Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Bonatti, Jose Paulo; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Diurnally forced tropical tropospheric circulation over South America 1987 Monthly Weather Review 115 8 1465-1478 2583 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT TECLIM/MASC 764 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kaufmann:1994:NoRáEs Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre Novo rádio-observatório espacial do nordeste entra em funcionamento 1994 Revista Politécnica 212-213 : 56 9360 radiastronomia, rádio telescopes, interferometria de muito longa linha de base, radio telescopes, very long base interferometry, vlbi. Entrou em funcionamento o novo radiotelescópio espacial, situado em Eusébio, próximo a Fortaleza, CE. Os primeiros ensaios integrando o terminal de Fortaleza à rede mundial de VLBI-geodésico, realizados em 21/22 de abril de 1993, tiveram pleno êxito. A partir de julho de 1993, as sessões de VLBI passaram a ser regulares, seguindo várias sessões internacionais programadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE 734 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffRasm:1990:TiVaAn Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Rasmussen, R.A Time variations of CO and 03 concentrations in a region subject to biomass burning 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D6 7521-7532 7225 geofisica espacial. Carbon monoxide (CO)and ozone (O3)concentrations have been observed in the Brazilian Amazon region, at a site strongly affected by biomass burning (Cuiaba, 16 degrees S, 58 degrees W). Time variations are described for the first longterm program for studying the effect of biomass burning on O3 and CO over a complete seasonal cycle, including the seasonal maxima of 1987 and 1988. Concentrations of O3 are measured continuously, and CO samples are collected three times a week. In order to obtain elements for comparison, an identical observational program was maintained at a site totally outside of the direct influence of biomass burning (Natal, 6 degrees S, 35 degrees W). The biomass burning contribution to the Cuiaba concentrations of CO and O3 is very large. Diurnal maximum concentrations exceeded 90 ppbv (parts per billion by volume)O3 in 1987 and 120 ppbv O3 in 1988, in September. For the wet season, the monthly average ozone concentration in March-April is about 10 ppbv. During the month of maxima, September, the O3 concentration average was 41 ppbv for 1987 and 71 ppbv for 1988. The CO concentrations are about 90 ppbv in the wet season. In September, 460 ppbv and 660 ppbv of CO were observed for 1987 and 1988, respectively. At Natal the seasonal variaton is of the order of a factor of 2. For the biomass burning site this factor is 4 for 1987 and almost 7 for 1988. In contrast, during the wet season, the concentrations of CO and O3 at both stations are about the same. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUAIT 146 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonTanAkaSmi:1988:OrInSo Journal Article Tsurutani, B.T. Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tang, Frances; Akasofu, Frances I.; Smith, Edward J Origin of interplanetary southward magnetic fields responsible for major magnetic storms near solar maximum (1978-1979) 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 A8 8519-8531 9439 geofísica espacial. The origins of the interplanetary southward Bz. which cause the 10 major (Dst < - 100 nT)magnetic storms detected during the 500 days of study (August 16, 1978, to December 28, 1979)of the Gonzalez and Tsurutani (1987)work are examined in detail. A full complement of ISEE 3 plasma and field data, an 11 -station AE index and the near-equatorial Dst. index, are used in this analysis. It is found that the origins of the interplanetary southward Bz. events are quite varied. If it is defined that the Bz event which leads to Dst < - 100 nT is ""the cause"" of the storm, then one of the storm intensifications is caused by shock compression of preexisting southward interplanetary magnetic fields, four (or five)are related to driver gas magnetic fields, one (or two)are caused by shocked kinky heliospheric current sheets, two (or three)by turbulence or waves behind interplanetary shocks, and one possibly by draped fields associated with a noncompressive density enhancement event (without a shock or a high-speed stream). In simplistic terms, four (or five)storms are caused by driver gas fields, four by shocked (sheath)fields, and one possibly by high-intensity draped fields. In actuality, many of the interplanetary southward B. and corresponding magnetic storm (Dst)structures are more complex than stated above. At least four of the interplanetary events have both major sheath and driver gas southward Bz. events. In two storms, sheath southward B. features led to Dst reaching levels of -90 nT prior to driver gas southward B. features; the following driver gas fields then caused Dst to exceed our storm criteria of - 100 nT. In two other cases, sheath B. features led to magnetic storm onsets (Dst < - 100 nT); the following driver gas southward B. features cause further storm intensifications. The above magnetic storms therefore displayed two-stage development characteristics. The results of this study indicate the equal importance of both sheath fields or draped fields and driver gas fields for the generation of major geomagnetic storms. Because of the importance of the sheath fields the intensity and duration of geomagnetic storms cannot be predicted by solar observations of active regions alone. Tang et al. (1988)will address this topic in detail. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA GDE 1515 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianAbal:1999:NoCoLa Journal Article Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang; Abalde, José Ricardo Nonlinear coupling of langmuir waves with whistler waves in the solar wind 1999 Solar Physics 184 403-419 9667 geofísica espacial, vento solar, explosões de radio, turbulências de langmuir, ondas de plasma, solar wind. Close temporal correlation between high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves has been observed recently within magnetic holes of the solar wind. In order to account for these observations, a theory is formulated to describe the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves. It is shown that a angmuir wave can interact nonlinearly with a whistler wave to produce either right-hand or left-hand circularly polarized electromagnetic waves. Nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves map lead to the formation of modulated Langmuir wave packets as well as the generation of circularly polarized radio waves at the plasma frequency in the solar wind. Numerical examples of whistler frequency, nonlinear growth rate and modulation frequency for solar wind parameters are calculated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1421 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonzGonz:1989:TiRaFl Journal Article Pinto Jr.,Osmar Pinto Jr.,Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Time-variations of ray fluxes at South Atlantic magnetic anomaly in association with a strong geomagnetic storm 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A12 17275-17280 2793 geofisica espacial. This paper describes the temporal characteristics of the X ray fluxes measured by a balloon-borne scintillation detector on April 14, 1981, due to electron precipitation at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly and in association with a strong geomagnetic storm. The data clearly indicate the dynamical nature of the precipitation process and also give some clues on physical mechanisms that could be responsible for it. As a result, it is suggested that the modulation of the electron precipitation during this storm would have been caused by processes involving wave-particle or wave-modulated wave-particle interactions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 958 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KISHORE::THSOOF Journal Article KISHORE,R. KISHORE,R. THE SOURCES OF PHOTOVOLTAGE IN SOLAR CELLS JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 5835 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FISMAT LAS 602116 1318 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PfaffAcunMariTriv:1997:DCPoEl Journal Article Pfaff, R.F. Pfaff, R.F.; Acuna, M.; Mariini, P.A.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal DC polarization electric field current density, and plasma density measurements in the daytime equatorial electrojet 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 13 1667-1670 8756 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo, eletrojatos equatorial, plasma espacial, campanha guara. Measurements of the vector DC electric field, current density, and plasma number density were gathered in the daytime equalorial electrojet on a sounding rocket launched from Alcantara, Brazil. The data set provides a self-consistent picture of the electrodynamics of the daytime electrojet, permitting a detailed comparison of the altitude profiles of the vertical Winponent of the DC electric field, Evert,, the current density, J, and the plasma number density, Ne Good agreement in the upper electrojet region between both the magnitude and the profile of the plasma drifts, calculated independently from Evert/B and Jzonal/qNe, demonstrates that the equatorial electrojet is a Hall current consisting of electron motion driven by a vertical DC electric field. The data support the basic Cowling conductivity ideas of electron flow at the dip equator within a narrow conducting layer in which the ions are at rest. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 1224 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralTAMSBZP:1994:CoCaPr Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Takahashi, Hisao; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishana, Polinaya; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Borba, Gilvan L.; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues Contribution of the cascading process 0(1S)0(1D)to the production of the atomic oxygen 0(1D)an OI 630 nm airglow in the nocturnal ionosphere 1994 Journal Geomagnetic Geoelectr. 46 9 747-754 8802 aeronomia, regiao f, luminescencia, emissoes oi 6300, emissoes ionosfericas, oxigenio, termosfera. The contribution of the excited state species O(1S)to the production of 0(1D)in the nocturnal Fregion is investigated here utilizing rocketborne electron density and photometric (557.7 nm and 630 nm)airglow dam obtained over Natal (geogr. 5.8 degree S, 35.2 degree W), in Brazil, on October 31, 1986. Even though this contribution is rather small it is observed to remarkably vary with height. In the bottomside ionosphere it varies from 1. 15 at 190 km to 6.85 at 265 km. It is suggested here that such rapid height variation in the contribution at the bottornside ionosphere is associated with a positive height gradient of the 02+ population at higher vibrational levels (v = 1 and 2). Such hypothesis is consistent with the fact that in the individual neutral dissociative state of the symmetry, which is the only source channel for the 0(1S), the rate of production of 0(1D)increases with v. The contribution of the cascading process W the 0I 630 nm airglow, which is generally assumed to be negligible, is found here to be about 5. 1 of the total 0I 630 nm airglow intensity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE DAE IONO 732 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconLeeTsur:1990:CoPoMa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Lee, L.-C.; Tsurutani, Bruce T Comment on the polarity of magnetic clouds 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A10 17267-17269 7223 geofisica espacial. The recent studies by Zhang and Burlaga [1988]and Wilson [1990]as well as other related investigations [Wilson, 1987, 1988; Rangarajan, 1989], deal with the geomagnetic response to magnetic clouds, for which the main classifying parameter is a cloud polarity defined according to the sign of the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)during the cloud's passage at Earth. Such studies assume that this passage has two subintervals with Bz pointing south first and then north (SN or ""negative"" clouds)or vice versa (NS or ""positive"" clouds). Using this classification scheme, these authors have explored important aspects of the geomagnetic response to magnetic clouds. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 144 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1989:EfSoBr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich A reducao da camada de ozônio: efeitos sobre o Brasil 1989 Engenharia Ambiental 2 7 32-35 July 9365 geofisica espacial, reducao de ozonio, cancer, ozometria, radiacao ultravioleta, ozone depletion, ozonometry, ultraviolet radiation. Medidas recentes usando várias técnicas, por grupos diferentes, mostram que a camada de ozônio está diminuindo, o que deve implicar em menor proteção contra a radiação ultravioleta. Embora variações maiores sejam esperadas para latitudes maiores, mostra-se através de cálculos simples que nas latitudes equatoriais o efeito será também significante, o que recomenda a governantes e à sociedade científica uma atenção cada vez maior para melhor estudar o fenômeno, principalmente no levantamento de dados sobre a incidência de câncer de pele. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1513 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AroraRiViPaTrCh:1998:CoImBu Journal Article Arora, B.R. Arora, B.R.; Rigoti, A.; Vitorello, Icaro; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Chamalaun, F.H Magnetometer array study in North-Northeast Brazil: condutivity image building and functional induction models 1998 Pure and Applied Geophysics 152 2 349-375 9664 geofísica espacial, indução eletromagnetica, condutividade, magnetometros, anomalias geomagnéticas, sondagem, electromagnetic induction, conductivity, magnetometers. Magnetovariational fields recorded by an array of magnetometers in the equatorial region of north-northeast Brazil are analyzed to infer the configuration of internal induced currents in and around the extensive intracratonic Parnaiba basin. Only nighttime magnetovariational fields were used because of the prevailing uniform source field conditions. For periods exceeding 40 min. the vertical fields at all inland sites are dominated by the effects of electric currents originating in the northeast, in the deep Atlantic Ocean. Below this period, although best developed in the 12-15 min. period range, the anomalous signatures are principally controlled by two distinct continental current paths. The first is associated with a N60 degrees E trending graben-like structure in the southeastern part of the basin (named the Parnaiba Basin Conductivity Anomaly-PBCA)and the second appears as a subsurface sedimentary channel, from the NW corner of the array to the central part of the basin. This is named the LINK anomaly, as it connects the northwestern Marajo basin with the Parnaiba basin. While the PBCA is shown to highlight the importance of basement tectonics in the geological evolution of the Parnaiba basin, the LINK anomaly provides strong geophysical evidence of the direction of the sea intrusion into the region of the basin and possibly indicates the connectivity of the Parnaiba basin to the adjoining Amazon basin through the Marajo basin. Frequency and polarization dependence suggest that the induction response of individual structures is not determined by the local conductivity alone but also by their interconnectivity as well as by their linkage to the continental shelf and deep oceanic region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1418 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TinsleyRohrSahaTeix:1982:EnOxPr Journal Article Tinsley,B.A. Tinsley,B.A.; Rohrbaugh,R.P.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Energetic oxygen precipitation as a source of vibrational excited N2+IN emissions observed at low latitudes 1982 Geophysical research Letters 9 5 543-546 3156 astronomia, hidrogenio, oxigenio, emissoes, fisica da alta atmosfera. Observations have been made at Mt. Haleakala, Hawaii (dip lat. 22 degree N)and Cachoeira Paulista, Brasil (dip lat.-12 degree S)of emissions excited by particle precipitation during periods of magnetic activity. The first negative bands of N2+ were found to have a high degree of vibrational excitation at both sites, and with the absence of emissions attributable to hydrogen and helium, this finding leads to the interpretation that the excitation was due to a flux of precipitating oxygen atoms or ions, more plausibly the former, produced by charge exchange of ring current O+ions with exospheric neutral constituents. More laboratory work is needed to properly interpret the data, but crude estimates of the associated energy deposition and ionization production fall in the range 10-1 to 10+1mWm-1, and 10 degree-10 degree cm-3s-1 respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 368 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AroraRaoTriPadVit:2001:ApElIn Journal Article Arora, B.R. Arora, B.R.; Rao, P.B.V.S.; Trivedi, N.B.; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro Appraisal of electromagnetic induction effects on magnetic pulsation studies 2001 Annales Geophysicae 19 2 171-178 3147 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. The quantification of wave polarization characteristics of ULF waves from the geomagnetic field variations is done under 'a priori' assumption that fields of internal induced currents are in-phase with the external inducing fields. Such approximation is invalidated in the regions marked by large lateral conductivity variations that perturb the flow pattern of induced currents. The amplitude and phase changes that these perturbations produce, in the resultant fields at the Earth's surface, make determination of polarization and phase of the oscillating external signals problematic. In this paper, with the help of a classical Pc5 magnetic pulsation event of 24 March 1991, recorded by dense network of magnetometers in the equatorial belt of Brazil, we document the nature and extent of the possible influence of anomalous induction effects in the wave polarization of ULF waves. The presence of anomalous induction effects at selected sites lead to an over estimation of the equatorial enhancement at pulsation period and also suggest changes in the azimuth of ULF waves as they propagate through the equatorial electrojet. Through numerical calculations, it is shown that anomalous horizontal fields, that result from induction in the lateral conductivity distribution in the study region, vary in magnitude and phase with the polarization of external source field. Essentially, the induction response is also a function of the period of external inducing source field. It is further shown that when anomalous induction fields corresponding to the magnitude and polarization of the 24 March 1991 pulsation event are eliminated from observed fields, corrected amplitude in the X and Y horizontal components allows for true characterisation of ULF wave parameters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8867-PRE/4577 PI CEA DGE DGE 10 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlerconTsurMcinGonz:1996:CoHoRe Journal Article Gonzalez-Alercon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alercon, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T.; Mcintosh, P.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua Coranal hole-active region-current sheet (CHARCS)asociation with intense interplanetary and geomagnetic activity 1996 Geophysical Research Letters 23 19 2577-2580 8754 geofisica espacial, tempestades magneticas, magnetosfera. Intense geomagnetic storms (Dst ... -100 nT)have been associated with interplanetary structureres involving large-intensity (B... 10 nT)and long duration (T ...3 hours)values of the southward component of the IMF. We show that near solar maximum, the solar origin of such structures seems to be associated with active regions* (involving flares and/ or filament eruptions)occurring close to the streamer belt and to growing low-latitude coronal holes. It is also shown that low-latitude coronal holes had a dual-peak solar cycle distribution during solar cycle 21, similar to that previously reported for the above mentioned interplanetary and geomagnetic phenomena. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1222 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1986:AtXrAt Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Atmospheric x-rays at 11 degree s geomagnetic latitude 1986 Journal Atmospheric Terrestrial Physics 48 5 485-489 2577 geofisica espacial, geomagnetismo, raios-x. X-ray measurements at balloon altitudes were made at São José dos Campos, Brasil (23§12'S, 45§51' W geographic coordinates, 11§S geomagnetic latitude)on 18 December 1981, using an omnidirectional NaI(Tl)scintillation detector. Atmospheric X-rays, namely secondary X-radiation from cosmic rays, were measured for the energy interval 30-155 keV and up to an atmospheric depth of 5.5 g cm-2. A comparison of the flux measured at the Pfotzer maximum during these measurements with those obtained previously by several research groups at other latitudes and with a similar technique has also been made. Finally, a comparison of the atmospheric component with that attributed to the diffuse component is also presented and it is concluded that both components are of about the same magnitude at 5 g cm-2 and at 11§S geomagnetic latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PESQUISA DA MAGNETOSFERA 759 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBittBati:1981:MaDeCo Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Batista, Inez Staciarini Magnetic declination control of the equatorial F region dynamo electric field development and spread F 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A13 11443-11446 2151 aeronomia, equador magnético, região f, propagação f, teoria de dinamo, campos elétricos, polarização, magnetic equator, f region, spreed f, dynamo theory, eletric fields, polarization. We have carried out a comparative study of the evening prereversal enhancements in the equatorial F region vertical ionization drift velocities (Vz)over Fortaleza (4 degree S, 38 degree W), Brazil, and Jicamarca (12 degree S, 77 degree W), Peru, two magnetic equatorial stations in the American zone. The results show profound dissimilarities in the seasonal trends in the times and widths of the Vz prereversal peak, which reflect in the spread F characteristics as well, at the two stations. The dissimilarities are shown to be arising mainly from the difference in the magnetic field declination angles that causes differences in the conjugate E region sunset durations and, hence, in the F region polarization electric field development rates at the two stations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 172 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaKaufTAKA:1984:TIANOF Journal Article Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Kaufmann, Pierre; TAKAKURA,T. TIMING ANALYSIS OF HARD X-RAY EMISSION AND 22 GHZ FLUX AND POLARIZATION IN A SOLAR BURST 1984 SOLAR PHYSICS 94 : 369-378 4920 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1119 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FelipePrad:1999:ClOuSw Journal Article Felipe, Gislaine Felipe, Gislaine; Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Classification of out-of-plane swing-by trajectories 1999 Journal of Guindance, control and Dynamics 22 5 634-649 7980 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, astrodinâmica, trajetorias espaciais, mecânica celeste, manobras orbitais, astrodynamics, spacecraft tejectories, celestial mechanics, orbital maneuvers. The swing-by maneuver uses a dose approach with a celestial body to modify the velocity, energy, and angular momentum of a spacecraft. The literature has several papers studying this problem, usually using a patched-conic approximation. In the present paper the swing-by maneuvers are studied and classified under the model given by the three-dimensional restricted three-body problem. To show the results, the orbits of the spacecraft are classified in four groups: elliptic direct, elliptic retrograde, hyperbolic direct, and hyperbolic retrograde. Then the modification in the orbit of the spacecraft caused by the close approach is shown in plots that specify from which group of orbits the spacecraft is coming and to which group it is going. Several families of orbits are found and shown in detail. The effect of every parameter involved in this problem is studied individually. The results generated here have a potential use to solve optimal problems, such as finding trajectories that satisfy some given constraints (such as achieving an escape or capture)with some parameters being extremized (position, velocity, etc.). Two optimal problems are solved in this paper to show this application. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 1025 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoNobr:1989:PaInVe Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Nobre, Carlos Afonso A Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT)e sua relacao com precipitacao da regiao do Nordeste Brasileiro: Parte A Influencia dos ventos CTSM no Atlantico Tropical 1989 Climanalise 4 10 44-47 708 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 563 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantRosaCeca:1994:SoSiBu Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Cecatto, Jose Roberto Solar simple bursts observed with high spectral resolution in the 18-23 GHz range 1994 The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series 90 2 693-695 8720 astrofisica, explosoes solares, fisica solar. For the first time, solar bursts in the frequency range of (18-23)GHz have been observed with high-time (0.6-1.2 s)and high-frequency resolution (I GHz), by using the Itapetinga 13.7 m diameter antenna. Here, we investigate the microwave type ""simple low level (<10 SFU)bursts"" associated with the impulsive phase of solar flares. Observed properties of these simple bursts are: rise time tr 3 s, decay time td 5 s and spectral index ranging between - 1 and -4. These bursts were found to be associated with SF or SN flares as seen in Ha. The above properties suggest that they are likely to be a microwave counterpart of elementary flare bursts. In the majority of the cases the spectral evolution is soft-hard-soft. This suggests a nonthermal gyrosynchrotron mechanism for generating these elementary flare bursts. Estimated parameters of these simple burst sources are height (h - 2400 km), electron density (N, < 8.8 X 10 9 cm-3 ), and magnetic field (B 300 G). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 730 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGoSmGoTaAkAn:1990:InSoCa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Smith, Edward J.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tang, Frances; Akasofu, Syun I.; Anderson, Roger R The interplanetary and solar causes of geomagnetic activity 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 1 109-126 7215 geofisica espacial. We present a review of recent work done on the topic of interplanetary and solar causes of geomagnetic activity. During solar maximum (1978-1979), 90 of the major magnetic storms (Dst <- 100 nT)are caused by large southward Bz events associated with interplanetary shocks. Of these, roughly half of the Bz events are located in the sheath and half associated with the driver gas. These two sources of southward IMFs often give magnetic storms a two-step profile. The sheath field events are generated in the interplanetary medium between the outer corona and the Earth from the ""shocking"" of the slow solar wind upstream of the high speed stream. In constrast, the driver gas events are fields which come from the solar source region. A correlation between the field orientation at the solar source and that at 1 a.u. was sought, but none was found. Thus, quantitative predictions of storm intensities from solar observations appear to be very difficult. Prominence eruptions are shown to be an important cause of the high speed solar wind streams that lead to magnetic storms. The other 10 of the magnetic storms are not related to interplanetary shocks or high speed streams, but to high density ""non-compressional density enhancements"". Following magnetic storms are ""high density long duration AE activity events""(HILDCAAs)that are series of continuous auroral substorms that last from days to weeks during of after the storm's recovery phase HILDCAAs can also occur independently of magnetic storms. This continuous auroral activity is caused by the southward component of the magnetic field of interplanetary Alfven waves, presumably through the process of magnetic reconnection with the Earth's field. These Alfven wave trains are often observed in the trailing portions of high speed streams. From an analysis of a year's data during solar maximum, it is found that the interplanetary medium is ""Alfvenic"" approx. 60 of the time. There appear to be no substantial differences in magnetopheric response to Alfvenic or non-Alfvenic interplanetary intervals. The magnetopause boundary layer is shown to contain broad-band ELF/VLF plasma waves at least 85 of the time at all dayside local times. These waves have sufficient amplitude to cause cross-field diffusion of magnetosheath plasma to form the low latitude boundary layer. Pitch angle scattering of the low latitude boundary layer particles is adequate to account for the dayside aurora. The only interplanetary/magnetosheath parameter that appears to affect the wave intensities is the IMF Bz. Although the waves are present at almost all times, they are intensified during southward IMF Bz intervals. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 142 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1997:NoWaIn Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear wave-wave interactions in astrophysical and space plasmas 1997 Astrophysics and Space Science 242 2 249-295 9341 geofísica espacial, interação de onda, vento solar, nucleo galático, ativo, caos, magnetosferas planetárias, pulsares, wave interaction, solar wind, active galatic nuclei (agn), chaos, planetary magnestospheres, pulsars. We discuss nonlinear mode-mode coupling phenomena in cosmic plasmas. Four problems are considered: (1)nonlinear three-wave processes in the planetary magnetosphere involving the interaction of auroral Langmuir, Alfvén and whistler waves, (2)nonlinear three-wave processes in the solar wind involving the modulation of Langmuir and electromagnetic waves by ion-acoustic waves, (3)order and chaos in nonlinear four-wave processes in cosmic plasmas, and (4)regular and chaotic dynamics of the relativistic Langmuir turbulence and its application to pulsar and AGN emissions. The observational evidence in support of nonlinear wave-wave interactions in space and astrophysical plasmas is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1511 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TelloVWFTBBAS:1999:MoPr Journal Article Tello, Camilo Tello, Camilo; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Figueiredo, N.; Torres, S.; Bersanelli, M.; Bensadoun, M.; Amici, G. de; Smoot, G.F Diffraction analysis of a double-shielded antenna in the Fraunhofer and Fresnel regimes: model predictions 1999 Radio Science 34 3 575-586 9660 astrofísica, emissão de rádio, contínua quantidade, frequências, mapas, radio emission, continums, frequencies, maps, sky. We analytically investigate the use of a wire mesh ground screen (fence)and a halo of extension panels around a helically fed parabolic reflector in order to estimate the ground contribution to the antenna noise temperature in an experiment aimed at surveying the sky at decimeter wavelengths. We use geometric diffraction theory to model the effect of these screening and blocking shields when scanning in azimuth at tilt angles from zenith in the range 0 degrees greater than or equal to Z greater than or equal to 45 degrees. We report estimates based on existing formulas for monofilar axial-mode helical antennas with expected low-level sidelobes in the direction of the halo region. As long as there is no significant coupling between the near-field patterns of both the feed and the diffracting halo, estimates using the Fraunhofer approximation agree with those calculated with the Fresnel approach at a tilt angle Z(eq), which increases with the proximity of the diffracting edge from the near-/far-field boundary of the feed pattern. Our estimates show that for a fence of some IO-dB attenuation and high enough to level out the horizon profile at the prime focus of the antenna, the diffracted components dominate the contribution for tilt angles Z less than or similar to 35 degrees The fence is the main diffractor when Z greater than or similar to 20 degrees, but for Z greater than or similar to 25 degrees its contribution becomes insensitive to the presence of the halo. On the other hand, if the attenuation is low (<1dB), the increase in ground solid angle with tilt angle makes the contribution due to transmission and ground exposure the dominant one. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1416 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduRai:1975:GrWaIn Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Rai, D. B Gravity waves in low latitude F region 1975 Planetary and Sapce Science 23 Part 1 3 487-491 1622 aeronomia. The paper presents a study of large scale travelling ionospheric disturbances detected by riometers operating at 30 MHz, over São José dos Campos (23*S, 45'W)and a nearby location in São Paulo, Brasil. The TID's are observed mainly at night and have wavelengths greater than 500 Kin. In a few cases it is possible to determine the E-W component of the velocity of propagation, which is of the order of 450 Km per hour. Most of the events are characterized by disperions; the period is found to increase from half an hour to nearly two hours. These and other features are identified with the propagation of atmospheric gravity waves in the F-region, whose source might be located far away from the observing site. The results also suggest that a suitably designed riometer system could profitably be used for future investigation of gravity waves in the F-region in low latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE MIRO 123 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuskoStei:1988:OBOFOI Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista PROFILES OF EMISSION LINES IN AGN PART I: OBSERVATIONS OF (OIII)LINES 1988 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 232 3 525-538 2788 astrofísica. We present high resolution (35 7 km.s-1)spectroscopic observations of the [OIII]4959/5007 emission lines in 13 southern active galactic nuclei. Profile parameters are presented for each object, using the characterization methods defined by Heckman et al. (1981)and Whittle (1985a). The parameters are compared with measures from other authors, obtained with different resolutions and detectors. We show also the very unusual [OIII]5007 profile of HGC7213, with two very distinct components, a narrow one being attibutable to a ""classical"" Narrow Line Region, and a very wide one whic4 may originate in a region characteristic of LINERs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 954 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MartinAlbeVedr:1971:VaDuFl Journal Article Martin, Inacio Malmonge Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Albernhe, F.; Vedrene, G. Variation du flux des neutrons et des rayons gamma d'origine cosmique en fonction de la latitude et de l'altitude 1971 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 1 2 263-288 1508 Medidas dos espectros de neutrons rapidos, entre 1 a 15 MeV e de raios gama de 0.7 a 4.5 MeV foram efetuadas utilizando-se baloes estratosfericos a 10 N, 46 N e 62 N de latitudes geomagneticas. Os espectros observados seguem uma lei da forma AE com = 1.4 0.1 para os neutrons e = 1.5 0.1 no caso dos raios gama. Constatamos, de acordo com estas medidas que a expoente ( ) mantem-se constante em funcao da latitude e da pressao entre 120 e 4 g/cm . O valor do coeficiente A e funcao da latitude e da altura. A 4 g/cm , uma relacao de 9 existe para os neutrons entre o fluxo medido a 10 N e 46 N, enquanto que para os raios gama esta relacao e de 3. Esta diferenca, assim como a analise do coeficiente de atenuacao e a posicao do maximo de Pfotzer, para as tres latitudes, mostram que os raios gama sao pela maior parte, ligados a componente fotoeletronica. Esta provem da desintegracao de mesons , criados no topo da atmosfera pela radiacao cosmica primaria. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA CEA TELA 12 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesBitSahTakTei:1998:PlDrIn Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahash, Hisao; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Plasma drifts inferred from thermospheric neutral parameters during geomagnetic storms at 23 degree S 1998 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 60 13 1303-1311 8750 aeronomia, radar de espalhamento coerente, regiao f, tempestades magneticas, medidas, ionosfera. Nighttime themospheric neutral winds and temperatures are derived from measurements of Doppler shifts and widths of the 0I 630.0 nm airglow emission line, respectively, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W, 16 degree S dip latitude), Brazil. The observed nighttime East-West and North-South temperature gradients and neutral wind velocity variations are presented for two geomagnetic storm periods 7-10 July 1991 and 4-9 August 1991. Zonal plasma drifts inferred during an intense geomagnetic storm, from the nighttime neutral wind velocities and temporal temperature gradient variations, suggested that a strong zonal plasma drift (-240 m/s)on 9-10 July 1991 changed the direction of the zonal winds to westward at 01:30. Also A was noticed that, during the geomagnetic storm, the zonal temperature gradients were not well defined like those observed during quiet time. The meridional wind was towards the pole for the whole night during the geomagnetic storm of 9-10 July, a behaviour which is unusual during winter time (southern hemisphere)at Cachoeira Paulista. However, the meridional plasma drifts inferred did not show significant differences during the quiet and disturbed periods. The method presented to infer plasma drifts using the observed neutral parameters showed results comparable with those observed by incoherent scatter radar measurements at Arecibo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1219 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBaBuGoNaTsFu:1998:SiMeAi Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Buriti, R.A.; Gobbi, Delano; Nakamura, T.; Tsuda, T.; Fukao, S Simultaneous measaurements of airglow OH emission and meteor wind by scanning photometer and the MU radar 1998 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 60 17 1649-1668 8751 aeronomia, luminescencia, radar, fometro, mu radar, medição, emissoes. Simultaneous observations of the night airglow OH (6,2)band emission intensity and rotational temperature, by a sky scanning airglow spectrophotometer, and meteor winds, by a middle and upper atmosphere radar (MU radar), were carried out at Shigaraki (34.9 degree N, 136.1 degree E), Japan, from 29 October 11 November 1994, during the CRISTA/MAHRSI campaing. Horizontal structures in the OH emission intensity and rotational temperature were monitored optically, together with the background wind and its wave induced fluctuations, measured by MU radar. A total of 5 nights among the 7 nights of useful data showed wavelike oscillations in both the emission intensity and temperature. Good agreement was found between individual wave parameters-intrinsic period, phase velocity, horizontal and vertical wavelength- obtained from the radar and optical techniques. On some occasions a short period ( 3 h)gravity wave was observed to propagate, superposed on a long period ( 9 h)wave. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO LUME 1220 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyMoli:1981:CoClDi Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Uma contribuicao a climatologia da dinamica da troposfera sobre a amazonia 1981 Revista Brasileira de Hidrologia e Recursos Hidricos 3 2 199-211 2147 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME CLIMA 169 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGouGolGonSug:1990:InAlWa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gould, T.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Sugiura, Masahisa Interplanetary Alfven waves and auroral (substorm)activity: IMP 8 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A3 2241-2252 7212 geofisica espacial, ondas alfven. Almost 1 year of IMP 8 interplanetary magnetic field and plasma data (days 1-312, 1979)have been examined to determine the interplanetary causes of geomagnetic AE activity. The nature of the interplanetary medium (Alfvenic or non-Alfvenic)and the Bs correlation with AE were examined over 12-hour increments throughout the study. It is found that Alfvenic wave intervals (defined as Vx-Bx cross-correlation coefficients of >0.6)are present over 60 of the time and the southward component of the Alfven waves is well correlated with AE (average peak correlation coefficient 0.62), with a median lag of 43 min. The most probable delay of AE from Bs is considerably shorter, about 20-25 min. Southward magnetic fields during non-Alfvenic intervals (Vx-Bx cross-correlation coefficient of <0.4)are equally effective in producing geomagnetic activity. Peak correlation coefficients and lags are similar of those Alfvenic intervals. From this statistical study, no major differences in the magnetospheric response to Alfvenic and non-Alfvenic intervals were obvious. The high-intensity long-duration continuous AE activity (HILDCAA)events discussed previously by Tsurutani and Gonzalez (1987)are demonstrated to be caused by the southward components of the Alfven waves, presumably through the process of magnetic reconnection. The lag times of AE from Bs were variable from event to event (and at different times within the Alfven wave train), ranging from 45 min. to as little as 0 min. The cause of this variable delay is somewhat surprising and not presently well understood. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1990:TaTsW. Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Reply to ""comments on solar sources of interplanetary southward Bz events responsible for major magnetic storms (1978-1979)"" by F. Tang, B Tsurutani, W.D. Gonzalez, S.L. Akasofu, E. Smith and Hewish 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A8 12305-12306 7213 geofisica espacial. In a series of three interrelated articles, we have studied the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling process for 10 major (Dst <-100 nT)magnetic storms [Gonzalez et al., 1989], the interplanetary features that are responsible for the southward Bz causing the storms [Tsurutani et al., 1988], and the solar sources of the high-speed solar wind streams which contain the interplanetary magnetic field events [Tang et al., 1989]. Nine out of the 10 high-speed stream events were led by an interplanetary shock at 1 AU ( the tenth was associated with a noncompressional density enhancement or NCDE, [Gosling et al., 1977]. The 10 magnetic storms occurred during 1978-1979 [Gonzalez and Tsurutani, 1987], an interval near solar maximum (1979-1981). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 140 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1989:ReBeSo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Relationship between the southern oscillation/ El Nino and rainfall in some tropical and midlatitude regions 1989 Proceedings of the Academic Science (Earth Planet. Sci.) 98 3 223-235 8775 geofisica espacial, oscilacoes sul, el nino, chuva tropical, correlacao. Association of ENSO (El Nino/southern oscillation)events with annual rainfalls in S. America, Africa, India. Australia and New Zealand was found to be poor except for India and Victoria. For these two regions the relationships were one-sided i.e. most of the ENSO were associated with droughts. but many droughts were not associated with ENSO. For some rainfall series. the relationships are significant and prominent periodicities existed in the long periodicity region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1498 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanOyBaFuWaAb:1997:PlTeAn Journal Article Balan, N. Balan, N.; Oyama, K.I.; Bailey, G.J.; Fukao, S.; Watanabe, S.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali A plasma temperature anomaly in the equatorial topside ionosphere 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (A4) 7485-7492 9657 geofísica espacial, temperatura do plasma, anomalias, atividade solar, equador magnético, ondas (crista), temperatura ionosférica, plasma temperature, anomalies, solar activity, magnetic equator, waves (crests), ionospheric temperature. A study of the thermal structure of the low-latitude (30 degrees N to 30 degrees S)ionosphere under equinoctial conditions at low, medium, and high solar activity has been carried out using the Sheffield University plasmasphere-ionosphere model (SUPIM)and Hinotori satellite observations. The study reveals the existence of an anomaly in the plasma (electron and ion)temperature in the topside ionosphere during the evening-midnight period. The anomaly, called the equatorial plasma temperature anomaly (EPTA), is characterized by a trough around the magnetic equator with crests on either side. The trough develops before the crests. The model results show that the anomaly occurs between 1900 and 0100 LT at altitudes between 450 and 1250 km; the strongest anomaly occurs around 2130 LT at 950 km altitude during high solar activity. The temperature trough of the anomaly arises from the adiabatic expansion of the plasma and an increase in plasma density caused by the prereversal strengthening of the upward vertical E x B drift. The temperature crests arise from the combined effect of the reverse plasma fountain and nighttime plasma cooling. The electron temperature measured by the Hinotori satellite near 600 km altitude during medium and high solar activity periods shows the existence of the EPTA with characteristics in close agreement with those obtained by the model. The model also reproduces the occurrence of a daytime temperature bulge in the electron temperature in the bottomside ionosphere; the ion temperature shows no bulge. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1414 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrNakaZaml:1987:EqPlBu Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Nakamura, Y.; Zamlutti, Carlos José Equatorial plasma bubble zonal velocity height gradient from spaced VHF polarimeter and scanning 630 Nm measurementsE 1987 Geophysical Research Lettrs 14 9 965-968 2786 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of equatorial ionosphere plasma bubble zonal elocities by two different techniques, namely, In east-west spaced vhf electronic polarimeter system and an east-west scan 630nm airglow photometer, carried out over Brazilian low atitude sites, yielded different velocities, but similar local time variation pattern; the polarimeters always measuring higher velocities an the photometer. Based on the difference in height regions sensitive to the two the results are interpreted as idence of the presence of a vertical shear in zonal plasma motion over our low latitude serving site. The results are compared with existing evidences on the velocity shears over the equator as measured by vhf radars and other different techniques. The implications of these res,.ults are briefly discusse. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 952 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraNord:1983:THEFTR Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger THE EFFECTS OF A TROPICAL RAIN FOREST COVER ON AIRBORNE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETRY 1983 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 1 2 99-108 2351 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEONUC 364 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbramofFerrBoscBand:1989:ChPbFi Journal Article Abramof, Eduardo Abramof, Eduardo; Ferreira, S.O>; Boschetti, Cesar; Bandeira, Iraja N Characterization of Pb0.8Sn0.2Te films grown on KCL substrates by hot wall epitaxy 1989 Journal of Crystal Growth 96: 637-644 5818 fisica e tecnologia de materiais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS SENSORES DE RADIACAO 1312 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPinCarDinChe:1997:ArEqNe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Carvalho, A.M.; Diniz, J.H.; Cherchiglia, L.C.L Are equatorial negative lightning flashes more intense than those at higher latitudes? 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 15 1881-1883 8748 geofisica espacial, , relampagos, eletricidade atmosferica. For the first time, direct peak-current measurements with an instrumented tower of 27 negative downward lightning flashes were obtained at latitudes below 25'. The measurements were carried out in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (geographic latitude 20'S)from 1985 to 1995. The medians of the peak current for the first and subsequent strokes are compared with the values obtained in other locations. The comparison suggests that the first-stroke peak current of negative flashes tends to increase (when moving from high latitudes)towards 30 degrees of geographic latitude, and then remains approximately constant to the equator. The peak current of the subsequent strokes, in turn, seems not to be related to latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO ELAT 1217 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbrahamScal:1984:RAOBOF Journal Article Abraham, Zulema Abraham, Zulema; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio RADIOASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS OF COMETS IRAS-ARAKI-ALCOCK (1983D)AND SUGANO-SAIGUSA-FUJIKAWA (1983E)- 17P 1984 Icarus 60: 215-220 4868 strofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1115 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-Alarcon:1990:UnViSo Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio A unified view of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling functions 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 5 627-632 7210 geofisica espacial. It is shown that all widely used coupling functions about the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction can be derived as particular cases of general expressions for the electric field and the energy transfer at the magnetopause due to large scale reconnection. Although the solar wind electric field gets transmitted along the reconnection line (e.g. Gonzalez and Mozer, 1974, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 4186), it is also shown that the net effect of this transmission in the magnetosphere seems to be associated only to the transverse component (dawn to dusk directon)of this field with respect to the geomagnetic field at the magnetopause. Furthermore, the most general expression for power transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere via a MHD process is shown to lead to similar limits for the coupling function as those obtained from the general expression for the reconnection power when the particular values for the power law index introduced by Vasyliunas et al. (1982, Planet. Space. Sci., 30, 359), about the dependence of the power transfer on the interplanetary Alfven Mach number, are used. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 137 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMari:1986:SuCoCo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos Andrade A survey of continental concentrations of atmospheric CO the Southern Hemisphere 1986 Atmospheric Environment 23 2 461-466 8717 geofisica espacial, , monoxido de carbono, gas carbonico, concentracao, queimadas. The first large scale survey of surface CO concentrations at Southern Hemisphere continental sites is described. Marine sites are compared to sites with a true continental character with the objective to identify different ecological surface conditions in terms of CO concentrations. The marine sites at the Atlantic coast show the lowest concentrations, about 100 ppbv, whereas the sites in the savannah region show concentrations 3 times as large owing to the influence of nearby biomass burning activity. The observations were highly variable, with one result as high as 700 ppbv. These high values are comparable to sites near urban developments. Sites in the Amazonian rain forest show concentrations as low as the coastal sites, on the average, but sporadic peaks have been seen when air masses are brought in from city areas or from large forest fires. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1496 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconPinGonChiPin:1989:Au Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Chian, Abrahan Chian-Long; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Auroras 1989 Ciencia Hoje 10 60 26-31 8791 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera, auroras. Fenomeno que sempre intrigou o homem, as auroras sao efeito do bombardeio de particulas energeticas provenientes do Sol sobre atomos e moleculas das camadas superiores da atmosfera. O processo assemelha-se ao que ocorre nos aparelhos comuns de televisao: eletrons sao acelerados rumo a tela, produzindo as imagens. No caso do nosso planeta, a tela e a atmosfera e a imagem, a aurora. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE MAGHEL 1506 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MacMahonGonz:1997:EnDuMa Journal Article MacMahon, R.M. MacMahon, R.M.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Energetics during the main phase of geomagnetic superstorms 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (A7) 14199-14207 9655 geofísica espacial. The study of energy transfer between the different regions of the solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere system is a fundamental issue in Solar-Terrestrial Physics. In this work we have studied the degradation of the solar wind energy budget through the solar wind - magnetosphere coupling down to the ring current injection and the auroral ionospheric dissipation during the main phase of magnetic superstorms (Dst < -240 nT). The interplanetary magnetic field, density, temperature, and solar wind velocity measurements collected by the ISEE 3 satellite, and the total energy flux of high-latitude precipitating particles collected by the NOAA 6 satellite were used for this study. The solar wind energy budget was determined from the kinetic energy flux of the particles in the interplanetary medium. The energy transfer from the solar wind into the magnetosphere was estimated through a dayside magnetopause ram pressure corrected and Akasofu epsilon function. The energy injection into the ring current was estimated under the DPS theorem restriction and introducing the decay parameter tau in the evolution equation as a continuous function of the Dst index. The energy dissipation estimate in the auroral ionosphere via Joule heating in one hemisphere was computed using ionospheric and interplanetary data through a new method. Previous statistical and case studies for substorms have shown that the total energy dissipated as Joule heating is roughly twice that of the ring current injection. Our results show that the energy dissipation via Joule heating in the auroral ionosphere is about half of the ring current energy injection during superstorms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1412 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BottiAbra:1988:LOVAOF Journal Article Botti, Luiz Claudio Lima Botti, Luiz Claudio Lima; Abraham, Zulema LONG-TERM VARIABILITY OF 3C273 AT 22 AND 44 GHZ 1988 Astrophysical Journal 96 2 465-469 5815 radiastronomia. In this paper, we report observations of 3C 273 at 22 and 44 GHz during the past 7 yr. Between 1981 and 1984, the QSO was in a high-flux-density state at both frequencies, the intensity decreasing by a factor, of 2 during 1985, reaching a minimum value in April 1986. The changes in the flux density were larger, at 44 GHz and preceded the changes at 22 GHz. We identified the variability in 198 3 with the millimeter and infrared outburst of February 1983, and were able to correlate the observed flux-density fluctuations with the appearance of the superluminal knots observed at 10.7 GHz with VLBI techniques. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1310 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:1997:LoSoCy Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin Long-tem and solar cycle changes in the atmospheric sodium layer 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 13 1673-1678 8746 aeronomia, fisica da alta atmosfera, camada de sodium, ionosfera, ciclo solar. A new analysis of atmospheric sodium measurements, made at Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degree S, 46 degree W)since 1972, confirms the previously detected trend in the centroid height of the layer (near 92km altitude)and shows the existence of a 10-yr solar-cycle related oscillation. The centroid height fell at an average rate of 37ñ9myr-1 between 1972 and 1994, and the 10-yr cyclehas an amplitude of 170ñ 110m. An analysis of the vertical distribution of atmospheric sodium shows that the fall in height of the centroid is not caused by a simple vertical displacement of the sodium profile, but by the growth of a bulge on the bottomside of the layer. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO FISAT 1215 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NogueiraYeli:1980:FlAdCa Journal Article Nogueira, Maria Teresa de Lima Carvalho Nogueira, Maria Teresa de Lima Carvalho; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Fluxos adimensionais de calor e momentum na camada limite superficial da atmosfera 1980 Ciencia e Cultura 33 9 1246-1250 October 2108 meteorologia, calor. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 90 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1990:FrShSp Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Frequency shift of space-change waves in a relativistic electron or positron beam 1990 Astrophysics and Space Science 173 1 165-167 7208 geofisica espacial. Nonlinear frequency shift of espace-charge waves in a relativistic electron or positron beam is analyzed. The frequency shift is shown to be a function of the wave amplitude. It is suggested that the frequency shift of beam space-charge waves may be a saturation mechanism for astrophysical free-electron lasers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1988:AmSoAn Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Ozonio: ameaca sobre a Antartida 1988 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 19 4 55-58 8702 geofisica espacial, , buraco de ozonio, ozonio estratosferico, destruicao, camada de ozonio. 0 buraco de ozonio da Antartida e talvez o fenomeno geofisico mais extraordinario dos ultimos vinte anos. A priori pode ser interpretado como a materializacao indesejavel da destruicao da camada de ozonio na atmosfera, hipotese prevista ha mais de vinte anos por pesquisadores americanos preocupados com os constantes aumentos de injecoes de gases poluentes na atmosfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1494 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMotaAzam:1987:FiAm Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Mota, Adalton G.; Azambuja, S.O A camada de ozonio: um filtro ameacado 1987 Ciencia Hoje 5 28 28-33 8789 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico, medição, concentração, espectrometro dobson, camada de ozonio, radiacao ultavioleta. Nem so continentes e mares adquirem, ao longo dos periodos geologicos, sucessivas conformacoes. Tambem a atmosfera terrestre experimentou mudancas. A mais significativa teve inicio ha cerca de 600 milhoes de anos, como decorrencia do surgimento e da multiplicacoo dos organismos capazes de usar a luz solar para a producao de energia atraves da fotossintese. Como subproduto de sua atividade, eles pasaram a garantir um suprimento continuo do oxigenio molecular ao envoltorio gasoso da Terra, iniciando transformacoes que ajudaram a moldar a composicao do ar que respiramos hoje. longo tempo decorreu desde entao ate o pleno desenvolvimento da vida animal e vegetal, pois a incidencia de radiacao ultavioleta oriunda do sol permaneceu suficientemente grande para impedir o desenvolvimento celular na superficie terrestre. este processo biologico so se tornou possivel a partir da formacao de uma camada atmosferica de um suproduto do oxigenio - o ozonio - que funciona como um filtro natural daquela radiacao. A vida primordial criou, portanto, o oxigenio livre e, por esta via, contribuiu decisivamente para formar a camada de ozonio que nos protege. O que se pergunta hoje e se a vida moderna pode destrui-la. Data de 1974 o primeiro alerta cientifico nessa direcao. O preco ja o conhecemos. O aumento da radiacao ultravioleta que atinge a superficie terrestre provocaria maior incidencia de cancer de pele, reducao das safras agricolas e morte de muitas especies, alem de modificacoes na distribuicao termica e na circulacao de ar no palneta. Toda a quimica da atmosfera seria afetada, com aumento nas concentracoes de metano (CH4)e de monoxido de carbono (C)), fenomeno evidentemente indesejaveis. Tais constatacoes estao na origem dos esforcos sistematicos de medicao e acompanhamento levados a efeito por inumeras equipes cientificas em escala global. No Brasil, esse trabalho esta sendo desenvolvido por cientistas e tecnicos do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, sediado em Sao Jose dos Campos e Natal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1504 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EmeryLSRRRMNERDCWPOHAJIR:1996:AsMaIo Journal Article Emery, B.A. Emery, B.A.; Lu, G.; Szuszczewicz, E.P.; Richmond, A.D.; Roble, R.G.; Richards, P.G.; Miller, K.L.; Niciejewski, R.; Evans, D.S.; Rich, F.J.; Denig, W.F.; Chenette, D.L.; Wilkinson, P.; Pulinets, S.; O'Loughlin, K.F.; Hanbaba, R.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Jiao, P.; Igarashi, K.; Reddy, B.M Assimilative mapping of ionospheric electrodynamics in the thermosphere-ionosphere general circulation model comparasins with global ionospheric and thermospheric observation during the GEM/SUNDIAL period of March 28-29, 1992 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A12) 26681-26696 9652 aeronomia, junção ionosfera-magnetosfera, tempestades magnéticas, campos elétricos, magnetosphere ionosphere coupling, magnetic storms, electric fields. Satellite and ground-based observations from March 28 to 29, 1992, were combined in the assimilative mapping of ionospheric electrodynamics (AMIE)procedure to derive realistic global distributions of the auroral precipitation and ionospheric convection which were used as inputs to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)thermosphere-ionosphere general circulation model (TIGCM). Comparisons of neutral model winds were made with Fabry-Perot measurements and meridional winds derived front ionosondes. The peak equatorward winds occurred 1-2 hours later in the model. Gravity waves launched from high-latitude Joule heating sources reached the equator in about 2 hours and agreed with observed variations in the height of the maximum electron density (hmF2)and in the meridional winds. Joule heating events produced minima in the O/N-2 ratio that moved equatorward and usually westward in longitudinal strips which lasted about a day. Changes in the O/N-2 ratio and in the peak electron density (NmF2)were strongly correlated so the observed daytime NmF2 values for stations near 50 degrees magnetic latitude were generally reproduced by MIE-TIGCM on the second day of the simulation, The AMIE-TIGCM underestimated the electron density after midnight by up to a factor of 2 in midlatitudes, while the modeled F2 layer was about 35 km lower than the observations at midnight. Shifting the model winds 2 hours earlier at night could double the NmF2 at 0400 LT and increase hmF2 by 20 km. NmF2 could also be increasedat night by realistically increasing the TIGCM nighttime downward fluxes of O+ at the upper boundary. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1409 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzuszczewiczTWRRELAEHIJLPRBMJ:1996:MoCoCa Journal Article Szuszczewicz, EP Szuszczewicz, EP; Torr, D; Wilkinson, P; Richards, P.; Roble, R.; Emery, B.; Lu, G.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Evans, D.; Hanbaba, R.; Igarashi, K.; Jiao, P.; Lester, M.; Pulinets, S.; Reddy, B.M.; Blanchard, P.; Miller, K.; Joselyn, J F region climatology during the SUNDIAL/ATLAS 1 campaign of March 1992: Model-measurement comparisons and cause-effect relationships 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A12) 26741-26758 9653 aeronomia, região f, medições, climatologia, características, ionosfericos, termosfera, modelos, f region, measurement, climatology, characteristics, ionosphrics, thermosphere, models. We present the first joint comparison of global measurements of F region characteristics with three models used widely in the specification of the ionospheric-thermospheric system. The models, the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), the field line interhemispheric plasma (FLIP)model, and the Thermospheric-Ionospheric General Circulation Model (TIGCM), represent a unique set of capabilities with major differences in approaches to the prevailing physics and different levels of computational complexity. The database was developed by a global network of 53 ionosonde stations operating around-the-clock for the period March 22 through April 4, 1992 in collaboration with the ATLAS 1 mission. The emphasis is on the F region characteristics of peak heights (h(m)F(2)) and densities (NmF2), their climatological (i.e., average)behavior during the ATLAS 1 period, and associated cause-effect relationships. We explore latitudinal and local time variations with attention to the influences of meridional winds and Plasmaspheric fluxes in the maintenance of different domains in the ionospheric-thermospheric system. We find that all three models tend to underestimate the values of h(m)F(2)and NmF2 with the largest discrepancies in NmF2 resulting in the FLIP and TIGCM representations at night. These discrepancies can grow to levels as large as 110 near 0400 LT, a ''rediscovery'' of the old but unsettled issue of maintenance of the nighttime ionosphere. This nighttime discrepancy is traceable in first order to model underestimates of prevailing meridional winds. The contributions of plasmaspheric fluxes are also considered, with the conclusion that they are of secondary importance, but substantially more work is necessary to uniquely quantify their role. In contrast to their nighttime characteristics, the FLIP and TIGCM generally have excellent agreement (i.e., 6 +/- 6) with daytime observations of NmF2, and the IRI tends to underestimate the observed values of NmF2 by a nominally LT-insensitive level of 28 +/- 6. Other campaign results are reviewed in this issue, with a focus on regional responses to the prevailing conditions and their characterization in terms of latitudinal distributions off region heights and densities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1410 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaTriCosDupCav:1989:AuStIn Journal Article Padilha,Antonio Lopes Padilha,Antonio Lopes; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Costa, Jose Marques da; Dupis, A.; Cavoiti, C Audiomagneticellurig study in northeast region of Parana basin(South America) 1989 Geophysics 54 7 824-831 2781 geofisica espacial. Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT)soundings at 31 stations along a 215 km long profile in the region of Parana Basin (South America)were conducted. This AMT profile runs across an important gravity positive anomaly. The anomaly is located near Grande river which demarcates a natural baundary between the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais in Brazil. The objective of this AMT survey was to map the resistive structures of upper couple of hundred meters and select sites for deeper MT soundings that may throw light on possible causes of the gravity anomaly. Results of this survey made possible to map the uppermost layer of sediments called Bauru Formation reaching depths of up to 250 m. The varying depths of Bauru Formation sedimente and its contact point with volcanic resistive rocks called Serra Geral Formation along the profile presented certain irregularities (ondulations)not known before. Five sites for deeper MT soundings were selected with three sites in the region of anomaly and one each at the extremities of the profile. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 947 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1997:MaPhEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Major phenomena of the equatorial-thermosphere system under disturbed conditions 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 13 1505-1519 8744 aeronomia, , ionosfera equatorial. We present here a brief review of recent results related to the response of the major phenomena of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system (EITS)to magnetospheric disturbances. Modifications to the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), equatorial spread F (ESF)and equatorial electrojet (EEJ)are produced by (a)disturbance electric fields resulting from prompt equatorward penetration of magnetospheric/high latitude electric fields, (b)disturbance dynamo driven by enhanced global thermospheric circulation resulting from energy input at high latitude, and (c)disturbance winds (zonal and meridional)modifying the equatorial thermospheric dynamics. While the disturbance electric fields could cause enhanced development or inhibition of these phenomena the disturbance winds seem to always inhibit them, especially the EIA and ESF. New results discussed concern the role of meridional winds in the disturbance electric field induced F layer height response over low latitudes, evidence on ESF/plasma bubble inhibition by disturbance meridional/trans-equatorial wind, EIA expansion in latitude reaching spectacular magnitude during intense storms, longitudinal/local time dependence of EIA enhancements; and common sources of ESF and EIA response features and related aspects, among others, We advance, further, suggestions on specific studies to be pursued for better understanding of the problems presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1213 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:LoVaSt Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Long-term variation of stratospheric temperature at the North Pole 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54: 9 1139-1148 3060 geofisica espacial. The (30mb)stratospheric temperatures at the North Pole during the winter months (November-February)showed large QBO (Quasibiennial Oscillations)but of an intermittent nature, different for different months and matching in phase with the QBO of tropical zonal wind. When the QBO was minimized by moving averages over two sucessive (yearly winter)values and then further over three successive values, the resultant series showed clear solar cycle variations with lags or leads of (0-2)yr for temperature maxima with respect to sunspot maxima. However, in solar cycle 21 from 1978 onwards, temperatures seem to be more depressed, indicating enhanced stratosferic cooling in recent years, probably due to increase of greenhouse gases. No relationship with El Nino events is indicated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 330 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1990:ShRe Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Thermospheric models: a short review 1990 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 8 1 7-16 2795 aeronomia, thermosphere. In this short review, thermospheric models are briefly discussed concerning their completeness compared to the first order Navier-Stokes equations. It is concluded that empirical models are the most reliable reference for the dynamical equilibrium behaviour of the thermosphere. The three-dimensional time dependent models still need some work before they reach their final stage. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE DIO 8 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiSahaBatiClem:1992:AtGrWa Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Atmospheric gravity wave effect on the airglow O2(0,1)and OH(9,4)band intensity and temperature variations observed from a low latitude station 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 10 (10)131-(10)134 7130 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the night airglow O2 atmospheric (0,1)band (864.5 nm)and OH(9.4)band (774.6 nm)emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)since 1983. We present a study of gravity wave induced variations in the emission intensities and rotational temperatures. For both the emissions, the intensity variations are normally delayed with respect to the temperature variations, and the phase difference is larger for OH(9,4)than for O2(0,1). The ratio between the amplitudes of fluctuation of the intensity and temperature, expressed as n=(deltaI/I)/(deltaT/T)has been calculated for both the emissions. The mean value of eta for OH(9,4)was 4.9 with a range of 1.03 to 7.9, in agreement with a recent model. For the O2A(0,1)band, varied from 3.4 to 16.1, with a mean of 7.1. The relation between eta and the fluctuation period is also different for the two emissions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 133 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1988:ImAmDe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Geoquimica da media e baixa atmosfera: impactos ambientais por deteriorizacao da camada de ozonio 1988 Geochimica Brasileira 2 1 41-52 8699 geofisica espacial, ozonio estratosferico, camada deozonio, gases, destruicao. Atmospheric ozone is discussed in view of recent concerns about the ozone layer. We emphasize the atmosphere, its chemical aspects, the definition of the ozone layer, and its possible destruction. Even the parcial destruction,of the ozone layer would have disastrous consequences. Among these we present characteristics of skin cancer, action on microorganisms, the greenhouse effect, and possible impacts on forests. The objective of this presentation is to share these concerns with the community and stimulate more studies and research in this area of Geochemistry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1492 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniMcphGonz:1989:AuHy Journal Article Tsurutani, B.T. Tsurutani, B.T.; Mcpherron, Robert; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Aurora hypotheses 1989 Science 239 4845 1228 8782 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera, aurora, ondas alfven. Richard A. Kerr's Research News article (28 Aug., p. 974)and the letter Robert McPherron with Kerr's rcply,(4 Dec., p.1340)concerning interpretation of the find of the Bruce Tsurutani and Walter Gonzalez (1)that high intensity long duration continaurora events (HILDCAAs)are caused large-Wlitude, Alfven waves was a stimting discussion. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1502 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OliveiraRizzChia:1997:InMoAl Journal Article Oliveira, L.P.L. Oliveira, L.P.L.; Rizzato, F.B.; Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang Intrinsic modulation Alfvénic turbulence 1997 Journal of Plasma Physics 58 Part 3 441-453 9629 geofísica espacial. The nonlinear dynamics of a finite-amplitude Alfven wave in a dispersive modulational regime is analysed. Use is made of a conservative model to show that turbulence may ar ise via, deterministic chaos. The behaviour of the system is studied as one varies the initial amplitude of the pump Alfven wave, the dispersion parameter and the plasma parameter beta. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1397 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaTakaClemLlew:1996:MeOzCo Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Baclay Robert; Llewellyn, E.J Mesospheric ozone concentration at an equatorial location from the 1.27-mu m 0-2 airglow emission 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A4) 7917-7921 9650 geofísica espacial, mesosfera, ozonio, concentração, regiões equatoriais, aeroluminescência, regiões tropicais, mesosphere, ozone, concentration, equatorial regions, airglow, tropical regions. The vertical emission profile of the O-2 (alpha(1)Delta(g)) airglow at 1.27 mu m has been measured during the evening twilight near the equator (Alcantara, Brazil; 2.5(0)S, 44.2(0)W)using a rocket-borne infrared photometer. The profile is used to derive the vertical distribution of ozone between 60 and 86 km. The ozone profile shows a minimum I concentration at 77 km and a secondary maximum of 1.34 x 10(8)cm(-3)at 82 km. The height of the secondary maximum is lower than observed at midlatitudes, and the 77-km minimum is sharper than that which has been observed at low latitudes by satellite measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1407 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GiersSahaCoggRyan:1997:OcChMe Journal Article Giers, D.H. Giers, D.H.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Cogger, L.L.; Ryan, E.H. Occurrence characteristics of mesospheric gravity waves at 51 degree N 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 10 1197-1203 8742 geofisica espacial, luminescencia, ondas gravitacionais, mesosfera. Observations of the 0H(8-3)band rotational temperature have been carried out from Calgary (51 N. 114 W). Canada. from 1988 to 1990. The measurements have been taken in orthogonal scanning mode and the data set has been analyzed to study salient features of gravity waves in the mesospheric region from this mid-latitude station. Rotational temperature data from 36 nights showed distinct gravity wave activity during this period. The gravity wave characteristics studied include the dominant period. horizontal structure speed. implied horizontal wavelength and horizontal component of direction of propagation. The preferred direction in the horizontal wave propagation at Calgary is towards the northwest. A comparison of the observed horizontal propagation directions with the permitted directions, using model wind profiles for Calgary. shows good agreement. This indicates that the upward flow of wave energy could be modified by the background wind. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1211 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NelsonAbduBati:1986:EqFrIr Journal Article Nelson, O.R. Nelson, O.R.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Equatorial F-region irregularity latitudinal extension and dynamo electric field 1986 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 48 2 181-186 2566 aeronomia, ionosfera. F-layer height and ionization vertical drift evening enhancements over Fortaleza, a magnetic equatorial location in Brazil, are investigated under different circumstances of range-type spread-F occurrence over that station, together with those over the low latitude location, Cachoeira Paulista. Over the latter location the spread-F seems to occur only in association with vertically extended flux tube-aligned plasma bubble development over the equator. The present study shows that the threshold conditions at the F-layer height and ionization vertical drift for plasma bubble generation and growth over the equator are different from those required for the production of equatorial bottomside spread-F only. Conditions of the F-layer dynamo-induced eastward electric field evening enhancements for these cases are briefly discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PESQUISA DA IONOSFERA 748 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:SuSoRa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Sunspots, solar radio noise, solar EUV and ionospheric FOF2 1992 Journal of Atmospheric Terrestrial Physics 54 3-4 463-466 3034 geofisica espacial. Plots of monthly median noon time foF2 values at Manila, Kodaikanal and Vanimo vs solar EUV flux (170-190 Angstrom), smoothed sunspot number R12 and smoothed solar radio noise (10.7 cm)flux indicate saturation effects in the foF2 vs sunspot plots. The saturation diminishes in the foF2 vs solar radio noise plots and disappears for foF2 vs solar EUV plots. Thus, in the absence of EUV data, solar radio noise could be a reasonably good substitute, better than sunspots, for predicting foF2 values on time scales of one month, or more. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 327 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1979:SoNiMe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Sodium nightgglow measurements and implications on the sodium photochemistry 1979 Journal Geophysical Research 84 A4 1323-1227 1822 geofisica espacial. Sodium nightglow measurements made at São José dos Campos (23.2degrees S), with a tilting filter photometer, over a period of two years show that on the average the intensities reach a minimum close to local midnight. Between midnight and dawn the intensity remains fairly constant or increases slightly. The most consistent feature is the pre-midnight decrease in intensity. Seasonal variations show peak intensities at the equinoxes, with the stronger one occurring in autumn. In a few cases, the nocturnal variation does not follow the average trend, showing rather strong peaks in intensity which have been related to dynamic effects. Based on the photochemistry described, the sodium oxide is estimated to vary-with season in a similar fashion to mesospheric ozone. The generally accepted rate coefficients for the sodium photochemistry cannot explain the measured intensities. In order to produce results that are consistent with the measurements, model calculations require a coefficient larger by a factor of about 10 for the reaction Na + 03 - Na0 + 02,and for Na0 + 0 - Na* + 02 a rate smaller by a factor of 10 3. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 308 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kaufmann:1984:PRBRDE Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre O PROGRAMA BRASILEIRO DE FISICA SOLAR E RESULTADOS SOBRE A ENERGETICA DAS EXPLOSOES SOLARES 1984 Ciência e Cultura 36 3 367-376 4620 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA CRAAE RADIO 1098 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCorCosSawVaz:1985:THSISO Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi THE SIMPLEST SOLAR MICROBURSTS FLUX AND CIRCULAR POLARIZATION AT 22GHZ 1985 SOLAR PHYSICS 95 1 155-165 4844 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE DAS RADIO 1108 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClemSimo:1991:HoStIn Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Horizontal structures in sporadic sodium layers at 23 degrees S 1991 Geophysical Research Letters 18 6 1027-1030 7108 aeronomia, , sporadic sodium layers. During 1979 and 1980 the INPE lidar located at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil was operated in a steerable mode, measuring the sodium profiles sequentially at three points in the sky. Twelve sporadic sodium layer events (SSLs)which occurred in this period are studied in the present work. The evolution of the sporadic peaks at the three positions shows short time structures generally separated by consistent time lags in almost all events. On some occasions, the time evolution at one position is very different than at the other two. These data indicate that short duration SSLs have cloud-like structures which are advected over the measuring station by the horizontal winds, and the long duration layers show a patchy and wave-like structure. In no case did we observe rapid growth in the sodium density to occur simultaneously at all 3 measuring points. On this basis we believe that there is no evidence for fast production of sodium, and consequently that there is no need for theories for the formation of SSLs to be consistent with such fast production. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGodsGonz:1988:HeP.Du Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Godstein, Bruce E.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Comment ""a new method of forecasting geomagnetic activity and proton showers"" by A. hewish and P.J. Duffet-smith 1988 Planetary and Space Science 36 2 205-206 8777 geofisica espacial, plasma espacial, magnetosfera. We commend the efforts of Hewish and Duffct-Smith (1987)to develop a method and system which can detect and track solar wind plasma densities at a distance of up to 0.6 a.u. from the sun (to 1.5 a.u.). The method discussed would identify high plasma densities behind interplanetary shocks well in advance of measurements made by the ISEE-3 spacecraft (in orbit about We sun-Earth 0 Earth L1)libration point; see Tsurutani and Baker, 1979). If such an interplanetary scintillation system were put into continuous usage, it would indeed increase our advanced knowledge of impending high speed solar wind streams. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1500 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobBatRioMed:1998:DiSeSo Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Rios, V.H.; Medina, C Equatorial spread-F occurence statistics in the American longitudes: diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle variation 1998 Advances Space Research 22 6 851-854 9611 aeronomia, bolhas de plasma, regiões equatoriais, ciclos solares, cintilação, plasma bubbles, spread f, equatorial regions, solar cycles, scintillation. Incorporation of equatorial spread-F (ESF)occurrence statistics into the IRI requires first a detailed characterization, as a function of longitude, of the spatial and temporal distribution of the different types of ESF irregularity activity indices based on data from the different available techniques, ionosondes/digisondes, scintillation and satellite in-situ measurements. In this paper we present and discuss the distribution statistics of ESF events, mainly from ionograms, using the long term data sets available from Equatorial and low latitude stations in Brazil and Argentina. Significant longitudinal dependence in the ESF occurrence is observed. The results are discussed on the basis of the longitude dependent magnetic declination angle that characterizes this region and on relevant thermospheric parameters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE Projeto IONO 1395 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSalgZamo:1997:OzHoOv Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia; Zamorano Banda, Felix de la Cruz The ozone hole over Punta Arenas, Chile 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (D7) 8945-8953 9648 geofísica espacial, , buraco de ozônio, radiação ultravioleta, espectrômetro de mapeamento de ozônio total, ozone depletion, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone mapping spectrometer (toms). Three fundamental questions are addressed for the location of Punta Arenas (53.0 degrees S, 70.9 degrees W), Chile: Does the Antarctic ozone hole extend over the city? If so, at what height is most of the ozone depleted? And by how much does the UVB radiation increase under ozone hole conditions? It is shown that Punta Arenas is affected by the Antarctic ozone hole, even though it is a considerable distance away from the pole. In comparison with the average global trend of -0.25 per year, the downward ozone trend at Punta Arenas is -0.5 per year (twice as large as the global average)and -1.2 per year (almost 5 times larger than the global average)using the monthly October averages. To obtain these figures, an ozone climatology of TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)data from 1979 to 1992 has been used. Observations of the ozone hole over Punta Arenas are described during the austral spring periods of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Systematic observations with a Brewer spectrophotometer have been made in order to measure the vertical column of ozone and the simultaneous variations in UVB radiation. In addition, the vertical distribution of ozone has been investigated during ozone hole conditions, by using ozone ECC (Electrochemical Concentration Cell)sondes launched on balloons, in order to determine at which height the ozone is reduced most. Using the 220 DU (Dobson Units)threshold as reference, we identified the ozone hole over Punta Arenas on five occasions during the 3 year period of these observations, September 1993, October 1992, 1994; and November 1993 and 1994. The vertical distribution of ozone during ozone hole conditions shows maximum ozone destruction efficiency near 15-17 km, where ozone nearly vanishes completely, on several occasions. The largest amount of ozone epletion, however, occurs above this height, just under and at the main ozone peak, where it may reach about 50. The UVB radiation in small spectral bands may increase dramatically during ozone hole events; at 295-297 nm the observed factors of increase for Punta Arenas were between 10 and 38. The maximum integrated/weighted intensities in October, during hole events increased over background values between 2 and 3 times, which represent values near the local summer maximum but not yet beyond levels normally observed at low-latitude stations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1405 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VieiraFortTavaMore:1988:MgAtNa Journal Article Vieira, B.M. Vieira, B.M.; Forti, Maria Cristina; Tavares, M.F.M.; Moreira Nordemann, Lycia Maria Na, Ca, Mg e Cl atmosfericos na regiao nordeste do estado de S.Paulo 1988 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 6 1 17-23 June 2775 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT PACHU 943 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoYama:1986:MoSiCa Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Um modelo simplificado de camada limite 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 2 91-99 2330 estudo do clima. O modelo simplificado da camada limite planetaria (CLP)apresenta a sub-camada do solo modelada segundo Blackadar (1976)e a superficial empregando a teoria da similaridade de Monin-Obukhov. As trocas de calor e quantidade de movimento na CLP sao efetuadas atraves do esquema de ajustamento do numero de Richardson proposto por Chang (1979). Uma serie de experimentos foram conduzidos objetivando uma analise da habilidade do modelo em apresentar os detalhes dos processos fisicos envolvidos na CLP e na possibilidade de ser incorporado como parte de modelos mais complexos que requeiram tratamento especial da CLP. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT MASC MET.Basica 355 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RibeiroCarCozCapZep:1996:HiCoAc Journal Article Ribeiro, A.L.B. Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Carvalho,R.R. de; Coziol, R.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Zepf, Stephen E. HGG 16: a high concentration of active galaxies in the nearby universe 1996 Astrophysics Journal 463 : l5-l8 8723 astrofisica, galaxias, astronomia extragalatica, aglomerados de galaxias, interacao de galaxias, hgg 16. In the course of an extensive campaign to measure radial velocities of galaxies in a selected sample of compact groups photometrically studied by de Carvalho et al., we report the discovery of a system very rich in starburst galaxies and active galactic nuclei. This is the system HCG 16 of Hickson's catalog of compact groups. The seven brightest galaxies form a kinematical group with biweighted estimate mean velocity of Vbi=3959 ñ 66 km s-1, dispersion bi = 86 ñ 55 km s-1, a median radius (R)= 0.197 Mpc, a mean density of (D)= 217 galaxies Mpc-3, and a total absolute magnitude of MB = -22.1. From their spectral characteristics, we have identified one Seyfert 2 galaxy, two LINERs, and three starburst galaxies. Thus, HCG 16 appears to be a dense concentration of active galaxies. In our sample of 17 Hickson groups, HCG 16 is unique in this regard, which suggests that it is an uncommon structure in the nearby universe. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1198 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiKircAlva:1997:PiErEf Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Alvala, Plinio Carlos Rapid communication: Pinatubo eruption: effects o stratospheric O3 and SO2 over Brazil 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 3 265-269 8739 geofisica espacial, vulcao, gases, ozonio estratosferico, aerossois, sondagem de ozonio, volcanic eruption-ozone composition relationships, sulfur dioxide emissin by volcanoes, vulcanic eruption. The Mt. Pinatubo eruption in June 1991 were some of the largest of this century. In addition causing devastating local effects, they injected large quantities of particles and gases, especially sulfur dioxide, SO2, straight into the middle atmosphere. In this paper we present and discuss simultaneous observations of stratospheric O3 and SO2 carried out at Cuiaba (16.0 degrees S, 500 degrees W), Brazil, where an automated Brewer spectrophotometer is operated on a routine basis. The data. presented cover both the pre- and post-eruption conditions (October 1990-August 1994). Also, some complementary total ozone observations carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)and Natal(5.8 degree S, 35.2 degrees W)in Brazil have been used in this report. After about two wo major eruption (early July), a strong enhancement (factor of six)in the column SO2 observations was detected at Cuiaba. The enhanced SO2 levels continued two and half months. The total ozone observations at Cuiaba showed a significant (11) decrease in the stratospheric ozone levels during the winter months in 1992, possibly associated in part with delayed volcanic injection effects in the stratosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE PROJETO QUIAT 1208 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimo:1981:ReMeTr Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin Remote measurements of tropospheric and stratospheric winds by ground based lidar 1981 Applied Optics 20 17 2907-2910 2127 aeronomia. Horizontally spaced lidar measurements of spatial irregularities in particulate scattering have been used to measure wind velocity in the 12-16 km height range. A steerable lidar at a fixed zenith angle was aimed at three different azimuths in sequence, enabling a determination to be made of the atmospheric scattering profile at three horizontally spaced positions. An analysis of the time variations of the backscattered lidar signal shows that they are mainly caused by the horizontal translation of spatial irregularities in atmospheric particulates and can therefore be used to determine the magnitude and direction of the horizontal wind. The derived wind vectors are in good agreement with radiosonde measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 158 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BeraldoScalLepi:1990:AcSp2. Journal Article Beraldo, Nori Beraldo, Nori; Scalise Jr., Eugenio; Lepine, Jacques Raymond Daniel The acousto-optic spectrometer of the 2.4 m IAG-USP radiotelescope 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia Y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 655-658 2974 astrofisica, instruments, radio telescopes. We describe a compact acousto-optic spectrometer and its data acquisition system, developed for radioastronomical observations with the 2.4 m millimetric antena of the University of Sao Paulo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 325 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyMMSSANS:1990:MiMeIn Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Nogueira, J. L. M.; Santos, Regina Celia dos Micrometeorological measurements in Amazon forest during GTE/ABLE-2A Mission 1990 Journal Geophysical Research 95 D9 13669-13682 1306 ciencias meteorologicas, , , micrometeorologia, troca de energia, momentum, medida, gte/able 2a missao. As part of the Global Tropospheric Experiment/Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment 2A, micrometeorological measurements were made using a 45 m scaffolding tower located in the Ducke Reserve Forest site (2 degrees 57 min S, 59 degrees 57 min W)26 Km northeast of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. We report the daily variation within and above the forest of several meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, winds, radiation exchange, and energy partition into latent and sensible heat fluxes. Estimates of eddy diffusivity coefficients for momentum, heat, and water vapor were made using the observed profiles. These results provide information on the physical processes involved in the exchange of momentum, heat, and water vapor between the forest and the air layer above. To account for the anomalies in eddy diffusivities, a brief discussion is presented based on turbulent transport processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 4 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BeurleBEHQSFFGWM:1984:BaAlSt Journal Article Beurle, K. Beurle, K.; Bewick, A.; Engel, A.R.; Harper, P.K.G.; Quenby, J.J.; Spooner, N.J.C.; Fenton, A.G.; Fenton, K.B.; Giles. A.B.; Greenhill, J.G.; Warren, D.M.; Martin, Iganio Malmoge Balloon altitude studies od Southern hermisphere hard X-ray sources by the imperial College-University of Tasmania-INPE collaborations 1984 Advances in Space Research 3 10/12 43-46 3162 astrofisica, detectores de balao, galaxias, hard x-rays, balloon detectors, comtonisation, sco x-1, active galaxies, gx1+4, ss433. Hard X-ray balloon altitude measurements with a 1600 cm2 phoswich array are described. Data from observations on Sco X-1, GX1+4, GX5-1, Nova Oph. 1977, SMC X-1, SS433, IC 4329A and MR 2251-178 are presented. The role of Comptonisation in X-ray production for Sco X-1 and GXI+4 is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1096 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FABBRIPERO:1984:STCOCA Journal Article FABBRI,M. FABBRI,M.; PERONDI,L.F. STATISTICAL COMPUTER-AIDED CALCULATION OF MOLECULAR INTEGRALS 1984 INT. J. QUANT. CHEMISTRY 26 6 1029-1037 4785 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 1106 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiSahaTeix:1990:AiInTe Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Airglow intensity and temperature response to atmospheric wave propagation in the mesopause region 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 10 (10)77-(10)81 7102 aeronomia, , mesopause, airglow. Simultaneous measurements of the 02(0,1)atmospheric band (864.5 nm)and OH(9,4)band (774,6 nm)emissions in the night airglow, using a tilting filter photometer, have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 deg. S, 45.0 deg W), Brazil, since 1983. The band intensities of the 02(0,1)band, I(02)and OH(9,4)band, I(OH), and their rotational temperatures, T(02)and T(OH)have been obtained. In the nocturnal variations time-lagged wave-like co-variations between the intensities and rotational temperatures were frequently observed. Correlation studies reveal that, in general, the rotational temperature variations, T(02)and T(OH), lead the intensity variations, I(02)and I(OH), respectively. It is found that the time lag between T(02)and T(OH)is less, by about 0.5 hour, than that between I(02)and I(OH), which is about 1.5 hours, indicating that the airglow intensity response to atmospheric wave propagation is different from the temperature response. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 128 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:OzDeRe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Ozone depletion, related UVB changes and increased skin cancer incidence 1998 International Journal of Climatology 18 4 457-472 9608 geofísica espacial, ozônio, radiação ultravioleta, pele, cancer, ozone, ultraviolet radiation, skin (anatomy). Stratospheric ozone at middle latitudes shows a seasonal variation of about +/- 20, a quasi-biennial oscillation of 1-10 range and a long-term variation in which the level was almost steady up to about 1979 and declined thereafter to the present day by about 10. These variations are expected to be reflected in solar UVB observed at the ground, but in an opposite direction. Thus UVB should have had a long-term increase of about 10-20,, which should cause an increase in skin cancer incidence of about 20-40. Skin cancer incidence has increased all over the world, e.g. about 90 in USA during 1974-1990. It is popularly believed that this increase in skin cancer incidence is related to the recent ozone depletion. This seems to be incorrect, for two reasons. Firstly, the observed skin cancer increase is too large (90) compared with the expected value (40) from ozone depletion. Secondly, cancer does not develop immediately after exposure to solar UVB. The sunburns may occur within hours; but cancer development and detection may take years, even decades. Hence the observed skin cancer increase since 1974 (no data available for earlier periods)must have occurred due to exposure to solar UVB in the 1950s and 1960s, when there was no ozone depletion. Thus, the skin cancer increase must be attributed to harmful solar UVB levels existing even in the 1960s, accentuated later not by ozone depletion (which started only much later, by 1979)but by other causes, such as a longer human life span, better screening, increasing tendencies of sunbathing at beaches, etc., in affluent societies. On the other hand, the recent ozone depletion and the associated UVB increases will certainly take their toll; only that the effects will not be noticed now but years or decades from now. The concern for the future expressed in the Montreal Protocol for reducing ozone depletion by controlling CFC production is certainly justified, especially because increased UVB is harmful to animal and plant life also. However, because the increased cancer incidence observed so far may not be (entirely)due to ozone depletion, other causes need to be investigated urgently and, if possible, remedied. Otherwise, deaths due to skin cancer will continue even after CFC production is controlled and ozone levels are recovered. There is no room for complacency. If nothing else is possible, use of protective screens and creams and avoiding exposure to sunlight during peak hours (10:00-15:00 h)should be strongly recommended. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1393 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OlsonFisKirNgaCro:1996:AnDiOz Journal Article Olson, J.R. Olson, J.R.; Fishman, J.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Nganga, D.; Cros, B Analysis of the distribution of ozone over the southern Atlantic region 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D19) 24083-24093 9645 geofísica espacial, análise, distribuição, ozônio, regiões equatoriais, troposfera, analysis, distribution, equatorial regions, projeto trace, troposphere. Tropospheric ozone data measured by ozonesondes during the Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A)field mission and the multiyear pre-TRACE A program are analyzed jointly with tropospheric ozone amounts derived from remote satellite data (''residuals''), We present here the first detailed analysis of the entire Ascension Island pre-TRACE A data set, Data from the three pre-TRACE A ozonesonde sites are used to establish a coherent spatial and temporal climatology of ozone in the southern tropical Atlantic region. This analysis shows a significant ozone seasonality over the Atlantic region, with a period of maximum values that extends from the austral winter through at least October at Natal, Brazil, and Ascension Island. Concentrations begin to decline somewhat earlier at Brazzaville, Congo, especially at lower altitudes. Although Natal exhibits a significantly lower annual average than Ascension Island or Brazzaville by about 4 Dobson Units (DU), the magnitude of the seasonal amplitude at Natal is the largest of the three stations. Additionally, more of the seasonal amplitude at Natal is due to a contribution from ozone in the middle and upper troposphere than at either Ascension Island or Brazzaville Amplitudes as large as 15 DU are measured at individual sites, and the residuals show an average amplitude over the southern tropical Atlantic region of 10-12 DU. Statistical comparison of the residuals to the ozonesonde climatology show that while the residuals tend to underpredict both the means and the seasonal amplitudes compared to the in situ data, they provide a good representation of the variance of ozone in this region and predict the local annual and seasonal means to within better than 10 and seasonal amplitudes to within 15. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO TRACE 1403 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiPereTrivLazu:1997:XrObSA Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Pereira, M.G.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Lazutin, L X-ray observations in the SAA-pulsations in electron precipitation accompanied by Pc4 events 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 3 509-512 8715 astrofísica, balao estratosferico, anomalia do atlantico sul, anomalias magnetica. A balloon experiment conducted on December 20, 1994, in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)region, detected events with increases in x-ray flux due to electron precipitation coincident with a mild substorm activity. For the first time in the SAA, the analysis of the x-ray Flux associated with the electron precipitation and the geomagnetic H-field component showed simultaneous Pc4 pulsations at periods in the range 95 to 100s. Analysis of a prominent precipitation event of this Right showed direct correlation between the pulsation strength in the x-ray and in the magnetic data and are related to the intensity of the precipitation. While the substorm associated electric fields and currents in the ionosphere can induce amplification of Pc 4 pulsations, the x-ray pulsations due to electron precipitation may be related to wave modulated pitch angle scatterings. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1196 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahaBittTaka:1996:PlDrIn Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittecourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao Plasma drifts inferred from thermospheric neutral winds and temperature gradienta observed at low latitude 1996 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 58 11 1219-1228 8737 aeronomia, termosfera, palsma ionosferico, ionosfera, temperatura doppler, interferometro fabry-perot. Low-latitude plasma drifts (zonal and meridional)in the F-region are inferred from the observed night-time thermospheric neutral wind velocities and temperature gradients, together with models for the neutral density (MSIS-86 model)and the electron density (IRI model). The thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures are derived from measurements of Doppler shifts and widths of the 01630.0 nm airglow emission line, respectively, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W), Brazil. The equations considered are the ideal gas law and the momentum equation for the thermosphere, which includes the time variation of the neutral wind, the pressure gradient which is related to the temperature and density gradients and the ion drag force. The present method to infer the night-time plasma drift using observed neutral parameters (6me variation of neutral wind velocities and temperature gradient)showed results 29 am in reasonable agreement with our calculated plasma drifts and those observed in other low-latitude locations. On the other hand, it is surprising that sometimes the winds flow from the observed coldest sector to the hottest part of the thermosphere during many hours, suggesting that plasma drift can drive the neutral winds at low latitudes for a period of time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1206 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreYeli:1981:UtPaMi Journal Article Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Utilizacao de parametros micrometeorologicos para caracterizar ambientes agronomicos 1981 Ciencia e Cultura 33 12 1563-1569 January 2125 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DutraPereGonzGonz:1992:DOMAOF Journal Article Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes; Pereira, A.E.C.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua DOWNWARD MAPPING OF QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERIC ELECTRIC-FIELDS AT LOW LATITUDES DURING FAIR WEATHER 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research, 54 3-4 223-230 2608 geofisica espacial, campo eletrico, ionosfera. The problem of downward mapping of equatorial ionospheric electric fields is studied in two dimensions employing the finite elements and finite differences numerical techniques. The solutions obtained for low latitudes are compared with known results for high latitudes. It is found that equatorial ionospheric electric fields of scale lengths of the order of 100 km or more reach balloon heights (30-40 km)without undergoing noticeable attenuation. However, in the case of equatorial ionospheric electric fields of scale lengths of a few tens of kilometers it is found that these fields reach balloon heights with severe attenuation. The corresponding attenuation factors are significantly larger than those known for high latitudes. It is also shown that the presence of mountains with a fairly large height as well as of a large-scale conductivity irregularity in the middle atmosphere, such as that expected in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)region during energetic electron precipitation events, can considerably distort the mapped ionospheric electric fields at the middle atmosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 323 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediKane:1985:EqElMo Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Equatorial electrojet movements at Huancayo and Eusebio (Fortaleza)on selected quiet days 1985 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 37 1 1-9 3150 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 1094 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannLuchMuni:1985:PhSpSu Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann,L.M. Moreira-Nordemann,L.M.; Lucht,L.A.M.; Muniz,R.P.A Photoacoustic spectroscopy and surface temperature measurements of tropical soils 1985 Soil Science 139 6 538-546 4771 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI DCT 1104 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMedeBittBati:1983:VeIoDr Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Batista, Inez Staciarini Vertical ionization drift velocities and range type spread f in the evening equatorial ionosphere 1983 Journal of Geophysical Research 88 A1 399-402 9453 aeronomia, propagação f, ionogramas, equador magnético, spreed f, ionograms, magnetic equator. Range type spread F indices in the post sunset hours, determined from ionograms, are compared with F layer vertical velocities, also deduced from ionograms, for a period of one year, over the magnetic equatorial station Fortaleza (geographic coordinates: 4 degree S, 38 degree W; dip latitude: 1.8 degree S), Brazil. Besides good correlation between the two parameters, the results suggest the presence of a certain threshold value for the vertical ionization velocity and a corresponding threshold height for the base of the evening F layer,- as one of the necessary conditions for the occurrence of spread F irregularities valid for southern solstice (summer)and equinoctial months. The nature of the possible variabilities in the amplitude of the initial perturbation in the ionization (seeding mechanism), which is another prerequisite for the generation of irregularities, is discussed briefly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 547 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSahaSimoTaka:1990:CoOnNi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao Comment on ""nighttime Na D emision observed from a polar-orbiting DMSP satellite"" by A.L. Newman 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A5 6601-6606 7100 aeronomia. In a recent paper, Newman [1988]has presented Na D airglow profiles obtained by a limb-scanning instrument aboard one of the DMSP satellites. These profiles show a number of surprising features. The unexpected characteristics of the satellites measurements are (1)surprisingly high intensities at the equator, as compared with midnorthern latitudes; (2)topside scale heights for the emission intensity as large as 16 km; and (3)peak emission heights as low as 75 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 126 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaVesBatJorSim:1999:FiMeTe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Veselovskii, I.; Batista, Paulo Prado; Jorge, M.P.P.M.; Simonich, Dale Martin First mesopause temperature profiles from a fixed southern hemisphere site 1999 Geophysical Research Letters 26 12 1681-1684 9604 aeronomia, , mesopausa, perfis de temperatura, mesoupause, temperature profiles. The INPE sodium lidar was recently modified so as to enable measurements to be made of the Doppler temperature of the Na atoms in the:atmospheric sodium layer. Measurements have been made-on a total of 15 nights from July to October, 1998, providing temperature-profiles between heights of about 83 and 105 km. Almost:all measurements showed a mesopause temperature structure strongly perturbed by oscillations which appear to be caused by gravity waves and/or tides, with peaks in sodium density occurring at almost the same height as the temperature maxima on the bottom side of the sodium layer. The lowest temperatures, between 170 and 200 K, typically occur above 100 km, and the average profile for all our measurements is similar to the winter profile seen at midlatitudes, with a mesopause temperature of 190 K at 103 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1391 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PickeringTWTMKHSBGB:1996:CoTrBi Journal Article Pickering, K.E. Pickering, K.E.; Thompson, A.M.; Wang, Y.; Tao, W.K.; McNamara, D.P.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Heikes, B.G.; Sachse, G.W.; Bradshaw, J.D.; Gregory, G.L.; Blake, D.R Convective transport of biomass burning emissions over Brazil during TRACE A 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D19) 23993-24012 9643 geofísica espacial, , transporte de gas, biomassa, combustão, emissão, troposfera, ozônio, gas transport, biomass, combustion, emission, troposphere, ozone. A series of large mesoscale convective systems that occurred during the Brazilian phase of GTE/TRACE A (Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator-Atlantic)provided an opportunity to observe deep convective transport of trace gases from biomass burning. This paper reports a detailed analysis uf flight 6, on September 27, 1992, which sampled cloud- and biomass-burning-perturbed regions north of Brasilia. High-frequency sampling of cloud outflow at 9-12 km from the NASA DC-8 showed enhancement of CO mixing ratios typically a factor of 3 above background (200-300 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)versus 90 ppbv)and significant increases in NO, and hydrocarbons, Clear signals of lightning-generated NO were detected; we estimate that at least 40of NOx at the 9.5-km level and 32 at 11.3 km originated from lightning, Four types of model studies have been performed to analyze the dynamical and photochemical characteristics of the series of convective events. (1)Regional simulations for the period have been performed with the NCAR/Penn State mesoscale model (MM5), including tracer transport of carbon monoxide, initialized with observations. Middle-upper tropospheric enhancements of a factor of 3 above background are reproduced. (2)A cloud-resolving model (the Goddard cumulus ensemble (GCE)model)has been run for one representative convective cell during the September 26-27 episode. (3)Photochemical calculations (the Goddard tropospheric chemical model), initialized with trace gas observations (e.g., CO, NOx, hydrocarbons, O-3)observed in cloud outflow, show appreciable O-3 formation postconvection, initially up to 7-8 ppbv O-3/d. (4)Forward trajectories from cloud outflow levels (postconvective conditions)put the ozone-producing air masses in eastern Brazil and the tropical Atlantic within 2-4 days and over the Atlantic, Africa, and the Indian Ocean in 6-8 days, Indeed, 3-4 days after the convective episode (September 30, 1992), upper tropospheric levels in the Natal ozone sounding show an average increase of similar to 30 ppbv (3 Dobson units (DU)integrated)compared to the September 28 sounding. Our simulated net O-3 production rates in cloud outflow are a factor of 3 or more greater than those in air undisturbed by the storms, Integrated over the 8- to 16-km cloud outflow layer, the postconvection net O-3 production (similar to 5-6 DU over 8 days)accounts for similar to 25 of the excess O-3 (15-25 DU)over the South Atlantic. Comparison of TRACE A Brazilian ozonesondes and the frequency of deep convection with climatology [Kirchhoff et al., this issue]suggests that the late September 1992 conditions represented an unusually active period for both convection and upper tropospheric ozone formation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 1401 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaRodr:1971:StScPr Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Rodrigues, S. N. The stratopheric scattering profile at 23 degres South 1971 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33 8 119-1124 1500 aeronomia. This paper presents some atmospheric scattering profiles obtained using a ruby laser radar. The height range studied is from 5 to 35 Km. Scattering in excess of that expected from a purely molecular atmosphere is observed at all heights up to 33 Km. The aerosol scattering for the 15 to 25 Km stratospheric region is about 40 of the molecular scattering, corresponding to a peak particle concentration of about 0.4 per cubic centimetre at a height of 17 Km. Below 15 Km the aerosol population increases rapidly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE MIRO 5 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HARRISLLEWGATTSaha:1987:APOFTH Journal Article HARRIS,F.R. HARRIS,F.R.; LLEWELLYN,E.J.; GATTINGER,R.L.; Sahai, Yogeshwar APPLICATION OF THE STS GET AWAY SPACIAL TO OPTICAL STUDIES OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE 1987 Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal 33 211-217 2770 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 938 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SakuragiFerrDiasHo:1993:UsSoTo Journal Article Sakuragi, Jojhy Sakuragi, Jojhy; Ferreira, Marlene Elias; Dias, Pedro Leite da Silva; Ho, Maria Roseli Cabral O uso de sondagens Tovs em um modelo diagnostico no estudo das chuvas intensas ocorridas em Sao Paulo em marco de 1991 1993 Revista UNIVAP 1 1 3-6 September 4993 Satellite soundings are an important source of upper air data over South America, where radiossonde observations are scarce. Nevertheless, this sort of data has not been used either operationally or in research. In this work, TOVS temperature and humidity profiles obtained by processing raw radiances, provided by NESDIS, using the International TOVS Processing Package (ITPP), were assimilated in a simple diagnostic model in order to evaluate the impact of satellite data. The case study refers to the heavy rainfall event that hit the city of Sao Paulo as well as the Sao Paulo State coastal areas in March 19, 1991, and were undected by the Brazilian conventional prediction services and were underestimated by the ECMWF and NMC numerical weather predictions. The results show that TOVS data are important for detecting monitoring and characterizing rapidly evolving sub-synoptic scale events in continental mid-latitudes in South America. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET MET> 517 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DELBOSCODALLBittLUDW:1989:VAPLCE Journal Article DEL BOSCO,E. DEL BOSCO,E.; DALLAQUA,R.S.; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; LUDWIG,G.O. VACUUM-ARC PLASMA CENTRIFUGE EXPERIMENT 1989 IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science 17 5 701-704 5752 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP DAE 601128 1288 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduMedePaul:1996:CoBeIR Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano de; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Comparison between IRI predictions and digisonde measurements at low latitude station 1996 Advances in Space Research 18 6 49-52 8713 aeronomia, , ionospheric electron density profiles, international reference ionosphere. The digisonde database from Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W)is used to compare the observations with the IRI predictions. The data were registered during some periods from 1990 to 1993. The comparison is made for the F region parameters NmF2 and for true height profiles a Well The analysis, based on the quietest days during the data pe shows that While IRI provides realistic profiles during daytime hours of high solar activity it seems to underestimate the bottomside electron density during the early morning and la afternoon hours. The F-layer peak density obtained using the CCIR-89 coefficients are underestimated for most of the nighttime hours during equinox and summer months of hi activity periods, and are oveerestimated for most of the time during low solar activity. Ionospheric electron density profiles. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1194 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiSteiElizPere:1997:IdSeDT Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista; Elizalde, Flavio; Pereira, Marildo G Identification of DQ serpentis and DT serpentis as symbiotic satrs 1997 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 124 1 57-60 8731 astrofisica, estrelas, astronomia galatica, estrelas binarias symbiotica, dq ser, dt ser. Optical and near infrared spectroscopy of the stars DQ Ser and DT Ser are presented. DQ Ser shows a late-type continuum (M3 - M5)with emission lines of Balmer series, Hel, Hell, [0III], 0I and CaII triplet while DT Ser presents a earlier spectral type with emission of Balmer lines, HeI, HeII and [0III]. DT Ser is a faint V = 15.4 star 5 arcsec from a V = 12.8 G companion. We suggest it to be a yellow symbiotic star. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1204 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1981:AVNOAN Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin AVERAGE NOCTURNAL AND SEASONAL-VARIATIONS OF SODIUM NIGHTGLOW AT 23-DEGREES-S, 46-DEGREES-W 1981 PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE 29 7 765-766 2118 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 154 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JardimJardBENSMart:1992:MEDARA Journal Article Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias; Jardim, maria Virginia Alves; BENSON,J.L.; Martin, Inacio Malmonge MEDIDAS DA RAIA DE ANIQUILACAO ELETRON-POSITRON EM 511 KEV EMITIDA PELO CENTRO GALATICO 1992 Ciência e Cultura 34 8 1062-1065 2194 atrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS ASTRO 321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaDenn:1980:AnAnTw Journal Article Almeida, Fausto Carlos de Almeida, Fausto Carlos de; Dennett, Roger D An analysis of two schemes to numerically solve the stochastic collection growth equation 1980 Atmospheric Science 37 12 2707-2711 2087 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 78 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1994:TrAtIn Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heirinch Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heirinch TAHBIS: a tropical atmosphere-hydrospehere-biosphere integrated study in the Amazon 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 3-4 8607 geofisica espacial, atmosfera, biosfera, hidrosfera, gteable/able, trace-a, projeto abracos. Several important scientific missions, with emphasis on the atmosphere, have taken place in the Brazilian Amazon region over recent years, in which scientists from the USA and Brazil have planned and participated with great enthusiasm. Interest in studies related to the Amazon basin in other scientific areas, has increased as well over the years. Some of these efforts have been officially approved by the Brazilian Government, such as the NASA GTE ABLE missions near Manaus, in 1985 and 1987, and the TRACE-A mission in 1992, and the Anglo-Brazilian ABRRACOS project. Besides these, several other smaller missions, some of which have been performed by isolated researchers, have also done considerable progress towards better understanding the Amazon. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DGE 712 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimo:1990:KiP.Co Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Comments on a paper entitled ""gravity wave generation of simultaneous auroral sporadic-E layers and sudden neutral sodium layers"" by S. Kirkwood and P.N. Collis 1990 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52 1 85-86 7098 aeronomia. KIRKWOOD and COLLIS (1989)have suggested that the sudden sodium layers (SSLs)which have been observed at high latitudes (von ZAHN et al., 1987; von ZAHN and HANSEN, 1988; GARDNER et al., 1986)might be produced by strong downward neutral winds, probably produced by gravity waves resulting from Joule heating caused by auroral precipitation. They show that the presence of such a wind could produce enhanced concentrations of minor atmospheric constituents provided two conditions were met: (1)the vertical wind would have to decrease rapidly with decreasing height (in Kirkwood and Collis's model it was reduced to zero just below the height at which the layer was to be formed), and (2)the mixing ratio of the minor constituent would have to increase with height above this point. The suggestion of Kirkwood and Collis is an interesting one, especially in view of the fact that the alternative mechanisms which have been suggested in the literature (CLEMESHA et al., 1978, 1980; von ZAHN et al., 1987; CLEMESHA et al., 1988)have not been shown to explain all the observed characteristics of enhanced sodium layers. Unfortunately, however, there appear to be two fatal flaws in the proposed mechanism. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 124 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSaLuTaTrKi:1998:DPElFi Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sastri, J.H.; Luhr, H.; Tachihara, H.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Sobral José Humberto Andrade; Kitamura, T DP2 electric field fluctuation in the dusk-time dip equatorial ionosphere 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 9 1511-1514 9601 aeronomia, equador magnético, variações magnéticas, correntes ionosféricas, eletrojato equatorial, magnetic equator, equatorial electrojet, magnetic variations. We have studied the geomagnetic and ionospheric manifestations of the DP 2 activity that occurred on April 7, 1995 using high time resolution magnetometer data of IMAGE network in Scandinavia and of Alcantara (dip 1.2 degrees N), Brazil, and F layer vertical plasma drift, V-z, measured by an HF Doppler radar at Kodaikanal(dip 4 degrees N), India. Quasi-periodic fluctuations in dusk-time (1730-1900 LT)F layer vertical plasma drift (eastward electric field)occurred over Kodaikanal coherent with DP 2 type magnetic fluctuations (period approximate to 25 min)at the day-side dip equator and auroral/subauroral latitudes. This first-ever observation at the dusk-side equator is in agreement with the two-cell equivalent current system previously proposed for DP 2 fluctuations. The results strongly suggest that the magnetospheric electric field responsible for DP 2 fluctuations penetrates to equatorial ionosphere on the dusk-side as on the day-side. An additional observation is that the electric field fluctuation amplitude increases towards the nightside suggesting the influence of duck sector electrodynamics in the observed signature of the DP 2 electric field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1388 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1988:LoVaTo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Long-Term Variation of Total Ozone 1988 Pure and Applied Geophysics 127 1 143-154 2768 geofisica espacial, total ozone, long-term variation. Abstract-The long-term variation of total ozone is studied for 1957 up to date for different latitude zones. The 3-year running averages show that, apart from a small portion showing parallelism with sunspot cycles, the trends in different latitude zones are dissimilar. In particular, where northern latitudes show a rising trend, the southern latitudes show an opposite (decreasing)trend. In the north-temperate group, Europe, North America and Asia show dissimilar trends. The longer data series (1932 ownards)for Arosa shows, besides a solar-cycle-dependent component, a steady level during 1932-1953 and a downtrend thereafter up to date. Very localised but long-lasting circulation patterns, different in different geographical regions, are indicated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 936 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlbernheVedrMart:1979:PoAnLi Journal Article Albernhe, F. Albernhe, F.; Vedrenne, G.; Martin, Inacio Malmoge The position annihilation line at 511 keV in the upper atmosphere 1979 Journal Geophysical Research 84 A11 6658-6662 3153 astrofisica, balao estratosferico. We present the results of a series of ballon flights made at two latitudes over Aire sur L' Adour, france (4.5 GV), and Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil (12.5 GV). We used two types of omnidirectionnal detectors: a 4.5x5.1 cm Nal crystal and a 23 cm3 Ge-Li high-energy resolution detector. The two were surrounded by a 0.8-cm thick plastic anticoincidence. These measurements allowed us to determine precisely the characteristics of the 0.55-MeV line versus altitude and latitude. We have also determined from the analysis of the growth curves at the latitudes an extraterrestrial compnent values (4.3 +-1.5)x 10-2 photons/cm2 and upper limit of 4x10-3 photons/cm2 s for the from the galactic center region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 486 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSFNAM:1996:HiSeWi Journal Article Sawant,Hanumant Shankar Sawant,Hanumant Shankar; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Cecatto,, Jose Roberto; ay, W.G.; Neri, Jose Angelo Costa Ferreira; Alonso, E.M.B.; Moraes, A High sensitivity wide band digital solar polarimetric spectroscope 1996 Advances in Space Research 17 4/5 385-388 8710 astrofisica, espectrometro, antena. Frequency range of existing narrow band (1.6 ñ 0.1)GHz high sensitivity digital spectroscope is extended to (0.2 - 2.5)GHz in conjunction with a 9-meter diameter polar mounted antenna. This spectroscope will be recording two circular polarizations almost simultaneously. Normally two spectroscopes will be operated simultaneously in the frequency ranges of (0.2 - 1.0)GHz and (1.O - 2.5)GhZ with time resolution of 100 ms. However, flexibility of each receiver independently will permit us to select the desired band of observation and frequency and time resolutions. This is the major advantage of this system over similar ones operating in the world. Digital HP8595E spectrum analyser will be used in the frequency range of (1.0 - 2.5)GHz as variable frequency radiometer which will enable us to change time and frequency resolution quickly. Also, necessary hardware and software developed by HP will be used in conjunction with spectrum analyser, in order to digitize 200 frequency channels with desired resolutions. Data will be stored in PC486 and also will be tranfered to ""SUN Station"" in real time. Following details of the instrumentation are presented here: i)field tests of the ""front end"" including wide band (0.2 - 2.5)GHz antenna, low noise pre-amplifiers, and polarization switches; ii)typical example of the solar microwave type III burst analysed using software that will be used in the broad band system. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1192 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianOliv:1996:SeThMH Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian-Long Chian, Abraham Chian-Long; Oliveira,L.P.L A self-consistent theory of MHD parametric instabilities driven by a standing Alfven wave in the planetary magnetosphere 1996 Astronomy and Astrophysics 309 2 673-676 8728 geofisica espacial, plasma espacial, magnetosfera, ondas de alfven. A finite-amplitude standing Alfven wave of circular polarization can excite MHD parametric instabilities in a low- plasma. In the presence of a standing Alfven pump wave, two independent gratings associated with the density fluctuations we gmerated. The role of the second grating in the convective and purely growing instabilities is elucidated. The intense aurora]Alfven-acoustic events observed in the planetary magnetosphere provide good experimental evidence in support of the Alfven parametric instabilities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimo:1978:StDuMe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Stratospheric dust measurements, 1979-1977 1978 Journal Geophysical Research 83 C5 2403-2408 1802 aeronomia. Stratospheric aerosol measurements have been made by laser radar at São José dos Campos (230S, 46OW)since July 1970. From 1970 to 1974 the measured scattering ratios for the 20 km layer were similar to those reported for other locations. A large increase was observed in April 1975, six months after the eruption of Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala. This delay in the transport of the Fuego dust to our latitude is interpreted as being due to the inhibition of southward eddy transport, duving the southern summer, by the mean meridional circulation. A maximum monthly average scattering ratio of 1.28, measured at a wavelength of 5890 2, was observed at 20 km in August 1975. Since early 1976 the 20 km scattering ratio has oscillated around a value of about 1-15, but the integrated columnar back-scattering coefficient above 17 km indicative of the total stratospheric dust loading, has increased by about 40. Scattering from the upper stratosphere, at heights above 30 km, was observed in the southern springs of 1971, 1972 and 1973. There appears to be some evidence that the dust responsible for this scattering was of extraterrestrial origin. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 290 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KANESouz:1988:PoSpAn Journal Article KANE, Rajaram Purushottam KANE, Rajaram Purushottam; Souza, Elesbao G. de Power spectrum analysis of various annual rainfall series in the Eastern part of Brazil 1988 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 3 2 257-267 2969 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE GEOMA 1089 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BLHBGWR:1989:STOFTH Journal Article BECK,R. LOISEAU,N. HUMMEL,E. BERKHUIJSEN,E.M. GRAVE,R. WIELEBINSKI,R. BECK,R. LOISEAU,N. HUMMEL,E. BERKHUIJSEN,E.M. GRAVE,R. WIELEBINSKI,R. HIGH-RESOLUTION POLARIZATION OBSERVATIONS OF M31 I. STRUCTURE OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD IN THE SOUTHWESTERN ARM 1989 Astronomy and Astrophysics 222 58 2987 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1090 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VazKauZIRKAUZIR:1984:PE1.OS Journal Article Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi; Kaufmann, Pierre; ZIRIN,H.; KAUFMANN,P.; ZIRIN,H. PERSISTENT 1.5S OSCILLATIONS SUPERIMPOSED AT A SOLAR BURST OBSERVED AT TWO MM-WAVELENGTHS. 1984 SOLAR PHYSICS 92 1-2 283-298 4683 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1100 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianKENN:1983:SEFOOF Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; KENNEL,C.F. SELF-MODULATIONAL FORMATION OF PULSAR MICROSTRUCTURES 1983 Astrophysics Space Science 97 1 9-18 5700 física de plasma. We discuss a nonlinear plasma theory for self-modulation of pulsar radio pulses. A nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived for strong electromagnetic waves propagating in an electron-positron plasma. The nolinearities arising from wave intensity induced particle mass variation may excite the modulational instability of circularly and linearly polarized pulsar radiation. The resulting wave envelopes can take the form of periodic wave trains or solitons. These nonlinear stationary waveforms may account for the formation of pulsar microstructures. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 543 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerKSLHTBASWKL:1990:LoMiIo Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Kelley, M.C.; Senior, C.; La Beaujardiere, O. de; Holt, J.A.; Tepley, C.A.; Burnside, R.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Woodman, R.F.; Kamide, Y.; Lepping, R Low-and mid-latitude ionospheric electric fields during the January 1984 GISMOS Campaign 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A3 2367-2377 7096 aeronomia, electric fields, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, ionospheric disturbances. This paper examines in detail the electrical coupling between the high-, middle-, and low-latitude ionospheres during January 17-19, 1984, using interplanetary and high-latitude magnetic field data together with F region plasma drift measurements from the EISCAT, Sondre Stromfjord, Millstone Hill, Saint-Santin, Arecibo, and Jicamarca incoherent scatter radars. We study the penetration of both the zonal and meridional electric field components of high-latitude origin into the low-latitude and the equatorial ionospheres. In the dusk sector, a large perturbation of the zonal equatorial electric field was observed in the absence of similar changes at low and middle latitudes in the same longitudinal sector. The observations in the postmidnight sector are used to compare the longitudinal variation of the zonal perturbation electric field with predictions made from global convection models. Our results show that the meridional electric field perturbations are considerably more attenuated with decreasing latitude than the zonal fluctuations. As a result, we conclude that variations in the meridional electric field at low latitudes are largely due to dynamo effects. These observations are used to show that the global convection models reproduce a number of characteristics of low-latitude and equatorial electric fields associated with changes in the polar cap potential drop. In addition, we highlight several areas where there is still substancial disagreement between the electric field data and the theoretical results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 122 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Tandberg-HanssenKaReTeMoOrZi:1984:ObImPh Journal Article Tandberg-Hanssen, E. Tandberg-Hanssen, E.; Kaufmann, Pierre; Reichmann, E.J.; Teuber, D.L.; Moore, R.L.; Orwig, L.E.; Zirin, H Observation of the impulsive phase of a simple flare 1984 Solar Physics 90 : 41-62 8664 radiastronomia. We present a broad range of complementary observations of the onset and impulsive phase of a fairly large (1B, M1.2)but simple two-ribbon flare. The observations consist of hard X-ray flux measured by We SMM HXRBS, high-sensitivity measurements of microwave flux at 22 GHz from Itapetinga Radio Observatory, sequences of spectroheliograms in UV emission lines from Ov (T 2 x 10-5 K)and Fexxi (T 1 x 10-7 K)from the SMM UVSP, H and Hei D3 cine-filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory, and a magnetogram of the flare region from the MSFC Solar Observatory. From these data we conclude: (1)The overall magnetic field configuration in which the flare occurred was a fairly simple, closed arch containing nonpotential substructure. (2)The flare occurred spontaneously within the arch; it was not triggered by emerging magnetic flux. (3)The impulsive energy release occurred in two major spikes. The second spike took place within the flare arch heated in the first spike, but was concentrated. on a different subset of field lines. The ratio of 0v emission to hard X-ray emission decreased by at least a factor of 2 from the first spike to the second, probably because the plasma density in the flare arch had increased by chromospheric evaporation. (4)The impulsive energy release most likely occurred in the upper part of the arch; it had three immediate products: (a)An increase in the plasma pressure throughout the flare arch of at least a factor of 10. This is required because the Fexxi emission was confined to the feet of the flare arch for at least the first minute of the impulsive phase. (b)Nonthermal energetic ( 25 keV)electrons which impacted the feet of the arch to produce the hard X-ray burst and impulsive brightening in 0v and D3. The evidence for this is the simultaneity, within ñ 2 s, of the peak Ov and hard X-ray emissions. (c)Another population of high-energy ( 100 keV)electrons (decoupled from the population that produced the hard X-rays)that produced the impulsive microwave emission at 22 GHz. This conclusion is drawn because the microwave peak was 6 ñ 3 s later than the hard X-ray peak. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE 1481 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzuszczwicBWCFRABHLLLMWPRSVZ:1998:AdInSu Journal Article Szuszczwic, E.P. Szuszczwic, E.P.; Blanchard, P.; Wilkinson, P.; Crowley, G.; Fuller-Rowell, T.; Richards, P.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Bullet, T.; Hanbaba, R.; Lebreton, J.P.; Lester, M.; Lockwood, M.; Millward, G.; Wild, M.; Pulinets, S.; Reddy, B.M.; Stanislawska, I.; Vannaroni, G.; Zolesi, B The first real-time worldwide ionospheric prediction network: an advance in support of spaceborne experimentation, on-line model validation, and space weather 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 4 449-452 9599 aeronomia, operação em temp real, previsões, ionosféricas, espaço, tempo (estado atmosférico), real times operation, networks, predictions, ionospheric, space, weather. We report on the first realtime ionospheric predictions network and its capabilities to ingest a global database and forecast F-layer characteristics and ""in situ"" electron densities along the track of an orbiting spacecraft. A global network of ionosonde stations reported around-the-clock observations of F-region heights and densities, and an on-line library of models provided forecasting capabilities. Each model was tested against the incoming data; relative accuracies were intercompared to determine the best overall fit to the prevailing conditions; and the best-fit model was used to predict ionospheric conditions on an orbit-to-orbit basis for the 12-hour period following a twice-daily model test and validation procedure. It was found that the best-fit model often provided averaged (i.e., climatologically-based)accuracies better than 5 in predicting the heights and critical frequencies of the F-region peaks in the latitudinal domain of the TSS-1R flight path. There was a sharp contrast however, in model-measurement comparisons involving predictions of actual, unaveraged, along-track densities at the 295 km orbital altitude of TSS-1R In this case, extrema in the first-principle models varied by as much as an order of magnitude in density predictions, and the best-fit models were found to disagree with the ""in situ"" observations of Ne by as much as 140. The discrepancies are interpreted as a manifestation of difficulties in accurately and self-consistently modeling the external controls of solar and magnetospheric inputs and the spatial and temporal variabilities in electric fields, thermospheric winds, plasmaspheric fluxes, and chemistry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1386 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TINSLEYRORASaTeSL:1986:LOAUAN Journal Article TINSLEY,B.A. TINSLEY,B.A.; ROHRBAUGH,R.; RASSOUL,H.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; SLATER,D. LOW-LATITUDE AURORAE AND STORM TIME CURRENT SYSTEMS 1986 Journal Geophysical research 91 10 257-269 2766 aeronomia. An analysis is made of the vibrational development shown in N2 + 1N (first negative)emissions in low-latitude aurorae during the last half century. The data imply collisional excitation by energetic heavy particles (oxygen, helium, or hydrogen ions or neutrals)of velocity of the order of 107 cm s-1, and there may be additional pumping in some cases due to solar photons and low-energy electrons. When lowenergy electrons are present as large fluxes, they produce bright red (O I 6300 )emission, with weaker emission from N I 5200 and other features of excitation potential only a few electron volts. From about 40' dip latitude to the auroral zone the decrease of N2 + 1N vibrational development with increasing latitude is consistent with satellite observations of the increase with increasing latitude of the mean energy of precipitating 0+ fluxes and the increasing fraction of H' in the ion precipitation. From the equator to about 40§ dip latitude the intensity and the latitudinal gradients of the emissions are consistent with energetic neutral precipitation as the primary source. The intensity variations of lowlatitude displays show large-amplitude changes on a time scale of 0.1 hour, which are closely related to the magnetic signatures of the storm time current system. The brightest emissions occur when [Dst]is large and specifically when positive H excursions take place, with first positive then negative D excursions, as recorded on magnetograms from nearby observatories. The positive ?H at low latitudes is accompanied by the negative ?H of large substorms as recorded at higher latitude observatories. The 0.1-hour time scale of these fluctuations implies that the ring current is incompletely shielded, allowing ionospheric currents and the injection of the ring current to unusually low latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE 902810 934 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Coelho:1999:PrCBSa Journal Article Coelho, Jose Raimundo Coelho, Jose Raimundo O Programa CBERS de Satelites Sino-Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto 1999 Revista Tempo Brasileiro 137 123-130 8701 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, programa sino brasileiro de recursos terrestres, programa de cooperacao entre brasil e china, cbers, programa espacial brasileiro. 0 Programa de Cooperacao entre o Brasil e a Republica Popular da China para o desenvolvimento de satelites de sensoreamento remoto, denominado CBERS (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellites), iniciou com a assinatura do protocolo "" Sobre aprovacao de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de dois satelites de recursos terrestres"", durante a visita do Presidente Sarney a China, em julho de 1988. 0 engajamento do Brasil no programa CBERS marca o inicio de uma nova etapa do programa espacial brasileiro e serve como. fator estrategico para a diversificacao de parcerias no escopo mais amplo da ciencia e tecnolopa. Um pouco da historia da aproximacao do Brasil a China, no setor de Ciencia e Tecnologia, indica que o primeiro esforço de cooperacao entre os paises traduziu-se atraves do Acordo Quadro em Ciencia e Tecnologia, assinado em marco de 1982. Dois anos apos, em maio de 1984, os Governos brasileiro e chines assinaram o primeiro Protocolo Suplementar ao Acordo de 1982, declarando a intencao de intensificar a cooperacao e elegendo areas prioritarias, entre as quais incluiram a espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES ETE 1189 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ :1996:InVaPr Journal Article kane, Rajaram Purushottam kane, Rajaram Purushottam Interannual variability of precipitable water 1996 Annales Geophysicae 14 4 464-467 8705 geofisica espacial, m, precipitacao (meteorologia), variacao anual, radiossanda. The 12-month running means of the surfaceto-500 mb precipitable water obtained from analysis of radiosonde data at seven selected locations showed three types of variability viz: (1)quasi-biennial oscillations; these were different in nature at different latitudes and also different from the QBO of the stratospheric tropical zonal winds; (2)decadal effects; these were prominent at middle and high latitudes and (3)linear trends; these were prominent at low latitudes, up trends in the Northern Hemisphere and downtrends in the Southern Hemisphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1190 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WangLuoXie:1996:SpReBe Journal Article Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Jiancheng; Luo, Quinghuan; Xie, Guangzhong Spectral relation between x-ray and gamma rays for brazer high-energy emisssion 1996 Astrophysics Journal 457 : l65-l68 8725 astrofisica, galaxias, raios gamas. We collect 10 active galactic nuclei with both X-ray and gamma-ray spectral data. A correlation is found between X-ray and gamma-ray spectral indices. Possible constraints on existing models for gamma-ray emission are discussed. A new model involving inverse-Compton scattering of beamed relativistic electrons in the full cross section is outlined to account for this spectral relation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS PROJETO GRAVITON 1200 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtAbdu:1981:ThCoBe Journal Article Bittencourt,Jose Augusto Bittencourt,Jose Augusto; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali A theoretical comparison between apparent and real vertical ionization drift velocities in the equatorial F-region 1981 Journal of Geophysical Reserach 86 A4 2451-2454 2096 aeronomia, campos elétricos, ionização, região f, equador magnético, electric fields, ionization, f-region, magnetic equador. A theoretical analysis of the time dependent distribution of ionization in the low latitude ionosphere is performed by using a realistic dynamic computer model of the equatorial F region, with special interest in the vertical motions of the electron density profile at the magnetic equator. The time dependence of the F2 peak height, at the magnetic equator, is governed primarily by the electromagnetic E x B plasma drift velocity. It is shown that, for special time periods during sunset and evening hours, when the height of the F layer is above threshold of 300 km, the apparent vertical displacement velocity of the F layer, inferred from ionosonde measurements, is the same as the vertical E x B plasma drift velocity, as determine from incoherent backscatter radar measurements, in the F region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DAE IONO 149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvalaKirc:1994:TRGaMe Journal Article Alvala, Plinio Carlos Alvala, Plinio Carlos; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich TRACE gas measurements at the Pantanal 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 49-50 7722 geofisica espacial, , enchente, carbono dioxido, monoxido de carbono, trace-a, medidas. The Pantanal is a floodplain region with a surface of approximately 140.000 km2 located south-west of Mato Grosso and north-west of Mato Grosso do Sul States, fed by the Paraguai River and its tributaries. Topographic relief and degree of inundation divide the Pantanal into three main subregions: high elevatimi Pantanal ""Alto Pantanal"", middle elevation Panianal ""medio Pantanal"" and low-lying Pantanal ""Baixo Pantanal"". During the rainy season the water column changes from 30 cm to 2 m. Savana (""cerrado"")is the main vegetation type. It has a tropic semihumid climate with an annual mean temperattire of 25 degrees C. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 707 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1990:PeENRe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Periodicities and ENSO relationship of rainfall in different regions of India 1990 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 5 2 417-430 6661 geofisica espacial. The summer monsoon rainfall series for 29 subdivisions of India were subjected to Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis for detecting periodicities and to Multiple Regression Analysis for estimating their amplitudes and standard errors. For almost all the subdivisions significat QBO ( Quasi-biennial Oscillations, T = 2-3 years)were noticed and were found to be transient i e strong during some intervals and weak in other intervals. Hence meaningful predictions were not possible. For some subdvisions, significant periodicities near sunspot cycle (11+-1 years)and Hale solar magnetic cycle (22 +-1 years)were noticed. For some regions ( western part of India), some association of droughts and El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenom was noticed. However, this relationship was one-sided. Whereas a large number of El Ninos were associated with below-normal rainfall, a large number of droughts had no corresponding El Ninos. All that one can say with some confidance ( 80) is that the All India summer monsoom rainfall will probably not be above average in El Nino (warm episode)years and will probably not be below average in La Nina (cold episode)years. Regession models using several parameters also do not seem to be very satisfactory as yet. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 119 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MouraFerr:1987:AsPePl Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino; Ferreira, Marlene Elias Meteorologia: as perspectivas de plena capacitacao 1987 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 18 4 15-25 July 8599 estudos do tempo e do clima, treinamento. 0 estagio atual da meteorologia reflete a acumulacao de conhecimentos desde os tempos primitivos - quando o homem, ignorante e indefeso, buscava proteger-se em seu meio ambiente - ate os dias de hoje, epoca em que se reconhece a influencia dos fenomenos atmosfericos nas mais diversas atividades da sociedade e se utilizam metodologias cientificas, supercomputadores e sofisticadas plataformas espaciais de observacao para a previsao do tempo e do clima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 1478 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TorresCCUTVBDLSW:1996:InCoSu Journal Article Torres, S. Torres, S.; Canon, V.; Casa, R.; Umana, A.; Tello, Camilo; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Bersanelli, M.; De Amici, G.; Limon, M.; Smoot, G.; Witebsky, C The GEM projevt: an international collaboration to survey galatic radiation emission 1996 Astrophysics and space Science 240 2 225-234 9595 astrofísica, radiometros, contínua qualidade, emissão, radiação galática, radiometers, continuumas, emission, microwaves, galatic radiation. The GEM (Galactic Emission Mapping)project is an international collaboration established with the aim of surveying the full sky at long wavelengths with a multi-frequency radio telescope. A total of 745 hours of observation at 408 MHz were completed from an Equatorial site in Colombia. The observations cover the celestial band O-h < alpha < 24(h), and -24 degrees 22' < delta < +35 degrees 37'. Preliminary results of this partial survey will be discussed. A review of the instrumental setup and a similar to 10 degrees resolution sky map at 408 MHz is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1384 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ArlotTBBBBBBBBBCCDDDDFFFFGGHJLLLLMMMQRRRRSSSSVVW:1992:CaObMu Journal Article Arlot, J.E. Arlot, J.E.; Thuillot, W.; Barroso Jr., J.; Bergeal, L.; Blanco, C.; Boninsegna, R.; Bouchet, P.; Bourgeois, J.; Briot, D.; Bulder, H.; Burchi, R.; Cano, J.A.; Colas, F.; D'Ambrosio, V.; Di Paolantonio, A.; Dourneu, G.; Dumont, M.; Ferrand, S.; Figer, A.; Francou, G.; Froeschle, M.; Gomes-Forrellad, J.M.; Gouiffes, C.; Helmer, G.; Jablonski, Francisco José; Laques, P.; Le Campion, J.F.; Lecacheux, J.; Lecontel, J.M.; Manfroid, J.; Meyer, C.; Morando, B.; Quast, G.R.; Remis, J.; Renaudineaux, J.; Rouan, D.; Ruatti, C.; Sareyan, J.P.; Schimieder, F.X.; Sevre, F.; Souchay, J.; Valtier, J.C.; Vu, D.T.; Wahiche, J.D A catalogue of the observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in 1985 during the PHEMUS85 campaign 1992 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 92 151-205 9594 astrofísica, satélite galiano, júpiter (planeta, observação, galilean satellites, jupiter (planet), observation. In this paper, all the usable light curves obtained during the PHEMU85 campaign of observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites are presented. These observations will provide accurate astrometric positions of major interest for dynamical studies of the motion of the Galilean satellites. The aim of this work is to give observational data directly usable for theoretical studies. We made 166 observations of 64 mutual events from 28 sites. The corresponding data are given in the present paper and compared with the theoretical predictions. The accuracy of each observation has been determined. For each observation, information is given about the telescope, the receptor, the site and the observational conditions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 511 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ginzalez-AlarcanGonz:1978:InCuSh Journal Article Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Inter-planetary current sheet and magnetic field sector structure 1978 TRANSACTIONS-AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION 59 12 1178-1178 3142 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 482 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianKENN:1984:REELWA Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; KENNEL,C.F. RELATIVISTIC ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN AN ELECTRON-ION PLASMA 1984 Laser International and Related Plasma Phenomena 6 : 1129 5702 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 1282 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiPrakBrit:1986:19DrIn Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Prakki, Satyamurty; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de On the 1983 drought in northeast Brazil 1986 Journal of Climatology 6 1 43-51 2549 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT TECLIM/ESOS 735 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTeixTaka:1981:PlIrTr Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Takahashi, Hisao Plasma irregularities in the tropical F-region detected by OI 7774 A and 6300 A nightglow measurements 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A5 3496-3500 2071 aeronomia, irregularidades, região f, luminescência noturna, medição, irregularities, f region, nightglow, measurement. Simultaneous measurements of the permitted OI 7774 A and the forbidden OI 6300 A nightglow emissions were carried out at-Cachoeira Paulista (geographic 22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W), Brazil, during the period of April 1978 to March 1979. Both the emissions were observed with tilting filter-type photometers. During spread-F conditions, on several nights, both the emissions showed simultaneous short-time large intensity depletions, indicating the presence of large-scale irregularities in the F-region. Data for the period September-October 1978 are presented and discussed. The depletions observed are possibly associated with the passage of F-region holes or bubbles drifting across the sky. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 147 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaLimiAbdu:1991:CoEnDo Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Limiro, L.A.T.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Altura real da ionosfera: uma comparação entre dois metodos 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 9 2 125-134 9685 aeronomia, disturbios ionosféricos, ionogramas, região f, ionospheric disturbances, ionograms, f region. O perfil de altura real da ionosfera obtido a partir de ionogramas é uma ferramenta muito útil para os estudos ionosf6ricos. Neste trabalho faz-se uma comparação entre os perfis deduzidos usando dois métodos: POLAN e Digissonda. O POLAN é o método polinomial de cálculo de altura real que tem sido mais usado recentemente pela comunidade científica, para fins de compatibilidade dos resultados. A Digissonda também calcula a altura real usando um método polinomial. A vantagem da Digissonda é que a tarefa de conversão do ionograma em perfil de altura real é bem mais simples uma vez que os dados já estão em forma digital e prontos para serem processados. Foi observado que, para a maioria dos casos analisados no período março/abril de 1990, há uma boa concordância entre os perfis obtidos pelos dois métodos e que, em média, os perfis da Digissonda podem ser usados para os mesmos estudos nos quais o POLAN tem sido usado. Apesar de que algumas discrepâncias tenham sido observadas elas são previsíveis (ocorrem quando a densidade eletrônica da região F, à noite, está muito acima dos valores médios para períodos magneticamente calmos), portanto não invalidariarn o uso, dos perfis deduzidos pela Digissonda, perante o POLAN. No entanto, é necessária uma revisão dos dois métodos para que a causa dessas discrepâncias seja corrigida. Abstract: The ionospheric real height profiles from ionograms are very useful in ionospheric studies. In this work, the real height profiles deduced using two different methods, POLAN and Digisonde, are intercompared. POLAN is the polinomial method whose use has been recommended by the international scientific community. Digisonde also uses a polinomial method to calculate real height profiles. The advantage of the Digisonde over the POLAN is the facility that it offers to calculate the profiles because, in this case, the data are already in the digital form and ready to be processed. The intercomparison of the results obtained during the period March/April 1990 shows a good agreement of the real height profiles obtained using the two methods. It was also observed that during some disturbed periods the two methods strongly disagree, but this only occurs f when the night-time F region peak density is much higher than its quiet-time mean value. It is concluded that Digisonde real height profiles can be used in the same studies in which POLAN are being used, once one pays attention to the discrepancies observed during disturbed periods, at night. It is also suggested that it is necessary to make a revision in the two methods in order to correct for the problems leading to the disagreement between their results in some special cases. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 314 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianBoroGonz:1998:AlInTu Journal Article Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang; Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Alfvén intermittent turbulence driven by temporal chaos 1998 Astrophysical Journal 505 2 993-998 9587 geofisica espacial. The temporal evolution of Alfven intermittent turbulence in cosmic plasmas is studied. The chaotic dynamics of a driven-dissipative Alfven system is determined by numerically solving the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the low-dimensional limit. Two types of Alfven intermittent turbulence are identified: Pomeau-Manneville intermittency and crisis-induced intermittency. The significance of this theory for Alfvenic intermittent turbulence observed in the solar wind is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1382 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1986:OZMEIN Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich OZONE MEASUREMENTS IN THE AMAZON 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 29 577-592 2761 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE OZONIO 929 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannDaneLopeMase:1987:PaBr Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Danelon, Olga Maria; Lopes, Joao Ciarrochi; Maset Filho, Bruno The composition of precipitation in Cubatao Region (S. Paulo - Brazil) 1987 Water, Air and Soil Pollution; 2762 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT GAMB 930 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaJablStei:1992:OrPeVa Journal Article Baptista, R. Baptista, R.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Orbital period variations in V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615) 1992 Astronomical Journal 104 4 1557-1562 8721 astrofisica, estrelas, variaveis cataclismicas, v44o sgr. We present 20 new eclipse timings for V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615). The analysis of this data together with 25 timings obtained earlier by Baptista et al. ( 1989, MNRAS, 241, 63 1)indicates that the orbital period is not constant. The inclusion of a nonlinear term in the ephemeris to predict the times of minimum is significant at a 3- level, either considering a quadratic or a sinusoidal behavior versus time. If the quadratic fit is the correct one, the system is increasing its orbital period in a time scale of 1.2 X 10 7 years, with a mass transfer rate of... The corresponding orbital period derivative (P)is very similar to the one earlier determined for Z Cha (Wood et al. 1986, MNRAS, 219, 629). If the sinusoidal fit is correct, the system presents a cycle of 5.4 years, which may be explained in terms of a magnetic activity cycle in the secondary star. The observed orbital period variations cannot be explained as a result of either apsidal motion or orbital motion around a third body. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 498 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NAKAMURATSUKLUDWFERR:1985:LAAMSO Journal Article NAKAMURA,Y. NAKAMURA,Y.; TSUKABAYASHI,I.; LUDWIG,G.O.; FERREIRA,J.L. LARGE AMPLITUDE SOLITARY WAVES IN A MULTICOMPONENT PLASMA WITH NEGATIVE IONS 1985 PHYSICS LETTERS A 113 3 155 5698 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 60111X 1279 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NAKAMURAFERRLUDW:1985:EXONIO Journal Article NAKAMURA,Y. NAKAMURA,Y.; FERREIRA,J.L.; LUDWIG,G.O. EXPERIMENTS ON ION-ACOUSTIC RAREFACTIVE SOLITONS IN A MULTI-COMPONENT PLASMA WITH NEGATIVE IONS 1985 J. PLASMA, PHYS 33 2 237-248 5699 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 60111X 1280 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraBatiSobr:1991:RoObEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Muralikrishna, Poliyna; Batista, Ines Staciarini; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Rocket observation of equatorial plasma bubbles over Natal, Brazil, using a high-frequency capacitance probe 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A5 7689-7695 9537 aeronomia, anomalias magnéticas, bolhas de plasma, capacidade, altas frequências, medição no local, energia de eletrons, precipitação de partículas, magnetic anomalies, plasma bubbles, high frequencies, capacitance, in situ measurement, electron energy, energy particles, particle precipitation. In situ measurement of electron density height profile of the equatorial nighttime ionosphere, under a developing spread F event, was carried out using a dual mode high frequency capacitance (HFC)probe that was flown on board a SONDA-III rocket launched from Natal on December 11, 1985. This represents the first measurement of plasma bubble characteristics using an HFC probe. A series of plasma bubbles in varying degrees of their growth phase was detected mostly during the upleg of the flight. A somewhat detailed discussion, and comparative studies, of the measurements at the two probe frequencies (6.17 MHz and 11.75 MHz)are presented in this paper. Among the important findings from the present study is an evidence of electron temperature enhancement in the plasma bubble possibly caused by electron heating from energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 312 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannBertCunhPalo:1983:ImAm Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Bertoli, J.L.R.; Cunha, R.C.A.; Palombo, C.R. Analise quimica preliminar das aguas de chuvas de Cubatao: impactos ambientais 1983 Revista Brasileira de Engenharia 3: 339-350 November 4774 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 536 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Carleial:1999:BrHiCo Journal Article Carleial, Aydano Barreto Carleial, Aydano Barreto Uma breve história da conquista espacial 1999 Parceria estratégica 7 21-30 October 9580 exploração do espaço, veículo espacial, satélites artificiais, lançadores, space exploration, spacecraft, artificial satellites, launchers. Este artigo relata a história da exploração do espaço, desde a primeira contemplação do céu por seres humanos primitivos e o raiar da era espacial até os últimos anos do Século XX, com ênfase na conquista sistemática das cercanias da Terra e do Sistema Solar por espaçonaves não-tripuladas. É destacado o esforço do Brasil em participar com seus próprios satélites e lançadores. ABSTRACT This paper reviews the history of space exploration, from the earliest stargazing by primitive humans and the dawn of the space age up to the final years of the Twentieth Century, with an emphasis on the systematic conquest of the Earth's surroundings and the Solar System by unmanned spacecraft. Brazil's effort to participate with its own satellites and launchers is highlighted. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES ETE 1379 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CoziolRibeCarvCape:1998:NaAcIn Journal Article Coziol, R. Coziol, R.; Ribeiro, A.L. de; Carvalho, R.R. de; Capelato, Hugo Vicente The nature of the activity in Hickson compact groups of galaxies 1998 Astrophysical Journal 493 563-570 9585 astrofísica, galáxias, galáxias ativas, agrupamentos, galáxias interativas, galaxies, active galaxies, clusters, intracting galaxies. We present the results of the spectral classification of the 82 brightest galaxies in a sample of 17 compact groups. We verify that the active galactic nuclei (AGNs)are preferentially located in the most early-type and luminous galaxies of the groups, as is usually observed in the field. But these AGNs also appear to be systematically concentrated toward the central parts of the groups. Our observations suggest correlation between activity types, morphologies, and densities of galaxies in the compact groups. This is consistent with a scenario in which galaxies of compact: groups evolve by interacting with their environment and are currently in a quiet phase of their activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 1380 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittercourtTeixSahaTaka:1992:CoStLo Journal Article Bittercourt, José Augusto Bittercourt, José Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hiasao A comparative study of low-latitude ionospheric and OI 630 nm nightglow observations with the SLIM and IRI models 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 6 275-278 9331 aeronomia, regiões tropicais (baixas latitudes), região f, densidade electrônica ionosférica, tropical regions (low latitudes), f region, ionospheric eletron density. Measurements of ionospheric F-region peak electron densities, peak heights and atomic oxygen 630 airglow emission column intensities, carried out at a low-latitude station located at Cachoeira, Paulist (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W; dip latitude 11.9 degree S), in Brazil, are analyzed and compared with the ionospheric parameters predicted by the SLIM and by the IRI ionospheric models. The MSIS neutral atmosphere model is used with the IRI model to calculate the 630 nm nightglow emission intensities. This comparative analysis considers data representative of the summer, winter and equinox seasons, obtained during the high solar activity period around 1980. Reasonably good agreement is obtained between the local time variations the ionospheric and airglow data, and the IRI model predicted parameter variations, but the SLIM model overestimates the F-region peak heights especially during the late afternoon and nighttime hours. These height discrepancies are explained in terms of the strong longitudinal dependence of the electromagnetic E x B vertical plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds, which greatly influences the dynamics of the low-latitude ionospheric plasma and airglow emissions. Due to the importance of the relative alignement condition between terminator and magnetic meridian, with its longitudinal and seasonal dependence, o the vertical plasma drifts around sunset, it is suggested that the SLIM ionospheric model should separately consider the longitudinal zones of positive, negative or zero magnetic declination. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE DGE 506 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconCres:1972:HiLaEl Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Crespi, V High latitude electric-field and 3-dimensional interaction interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic-fields 1972 3118 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 477 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DENDYMONTLEIT:1987:RATRFO Journal Article DENDY,R.O. DENDY,R.O.; MONTES FILHO,A.; LEITE,J.P. THE EFFECT OF ASYMMETRIC CURRENT-SUPPORTING ELECTRON VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS ON SECOND HARMONIC ELECTRON CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING: A RAY-TRACING TREATMENT FOR THE COMPASS TOKAMAK 1987 PHYS. FLUIDS 30 4 1137-1141 5695 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601411 1277 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbduBatiZaml:1981:WaDiLo Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Wave disturbances in the low latitude ionosphere and equatorial ionospheric plasma depletions 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A3 1374-1378 2054 aeronomia, baixa ionosfera, ondas, perturbações ionosféricas, densidade do plasma, lower ionosphere, waves, ionospheric disturbances, ionospheric propagation, plasma density. An isolated nighttime ionospheric wave disturbance was observed simultaneously by a meridional scanning 6300- A photometer, a 6300- A zenith photometer, a 30-MHz riometer, and an ionosonde over Cachoeira Paulista, a low-latitude station in Brazil. From the results we have identified at least two different scale sizes for the disturbances which could be broadly classified as(l)a larger scale component easily identified in the riometer data and has characteristics similar to those of a large scale TID and(2)smaller scale disturbances observable in the scanning photometer data, occurring during the ascending phases of the larger scale waves. A Fourier analysis of the zenith airglow variations clearly reveals a dominant period of about 104 min that seems to correspond to the period of the larger scale waves and no single dominant period is present for the smaller scale waves. Whereas all these have a poleward velocity component, the smaller scale waves show up this feature more markedly. The equatorial source of the smaller scale disturbances and other characteristics have led us to suggest that these disturbances are perhaps the low-latitude manifestations of the upward propagating field aligned plasma bubbles in the equatorial ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 143 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaStei:1991:AcDiIm Journal Article Baptista, Raymundo Baptista, Raymundo; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Accretion disk image reconstructions in V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615) 1991 Astronomy and Astrophysics 249 1 284-294 9348 astrofísica, processamento de imagens, estrelas binárias, nova, estrelas variáveis, variáveis cataclismicas, image processing, eclipes, binary stars, novae, variable stars, cataclysmic variablles. We have developed a program to map the accretion disk brightness distribution in cataclysmic variables from their eclipse light curves. This program is an alternative implementation of the Eclipse Mapping Method (Horne, 1985), employing penalty function optimization techniques with a conjugate-gradient algorithm. To improve the method's performance when faced with relatively low signal-to-noise (S/N)input data we used the combination of X2 and another statistic (T'), which measures the correlation between the residuals and the inverse of the measured fluxes, as the statistical consistency check. This avoids the occurence of biased residuals in the light curve, present when the X2 statistic alone is used. We applied this method to map the accretion disk brightness in V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615). The analysis of the reconstructed images suggests the existence of an optically thick disk, which presents a temperature distribution with radial dependency very close to the one expected from the standard accretion disk model (T R -3/4 ). The results are compatible with the scenario proposed for V414O Sgr by Baptista, Jablonski Steiner (1989), emphasizing the differences between this system and the ultra-short period eclipsing dwarf novae. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 310 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1991:MaAnEm Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Um mapa da Antartica em 1931 1991 Ciencia Hoje 13 76 64 8795 geofisica espacial, , mapa. Ate ha alguns anos, acreditava-se que a Antartida havia sido descoberta no seculo XIX, por exploradores, mas a revelacao de que um mapa publicado em 1531 inclui o continente gelado do polo Sul criou um fato novo. Elaborado por Oronce Fine, matematico e cartografo frances, esse mapa do globo terrestre mostra o continente austral, com razoavel nitidez e precisao, permitindo a formulacao de algumas conclusoes e hipoteses sobre as tecnicas de cartografia empregadas naquela epoca. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 309 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiFran:1991:StClCh Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Franchito, Sergio Henrique Studies of climatic change with zonally averaged model 1991 Fisica de la Tierra 3: 375-398 7310 estudo do tempo e do clima, climatologia dinamica, modelos atmosfericos, zacm, el nino, la nina. A brief review of the classification of climate models based on degrees of freedom is given.The advantages of zonally averaged climate models (ZACM)are mentioned. Two ZACM are described, a simple quasi-geostrophic (QG)model and a more complete primitive equations (PE)global model. These are used to conduct numerical experiments regarding the climatic change due to sea surface temperatures (SST)anomalies and land surface alterations. The experiments regarding de SST anomalies cinsider the situations of El Nino and La Nina. The results show that in the El Nino situatin the subtropical jet stream and the Hadley circulation are intensified and surface temperature increased in the perturbed region. The opposite situatin occurs in the case of La Nina. In the experiment of surface state modification the interaction between the geobotanic state and the climate is considered. Experiments are conducted regarding deforestation and desertification. The results show that the change in the evapotranspiration rather than the change in the surface albedo is the predominant effect in regulanting the changes in the surface temperature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 299 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BragaCORBGRIN:1989:CAANPE Journal Article Braga, João Braga, João; CORBIN,E.; GRINDLAY,J.E. CALIBRATION AND PERFORMACE OF THE ENERGETIC X-RAY IMAGING TELESCOPE EXPERIMENT 1989 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 36 : 871 2942 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 1081 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ServainMorlPere:1994:SiVeOb Journal Article Servain, Jacques Servain, Jacques; Morliere, Alain; Pereira, Claudio Pereira Simulated versus observed sea surface temperature in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1994 The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System 2 : 1-20 7394 estudos do tempo e do clima, , temperatura da superficie do mar, simulacao, sea surface temperature, siluation, interannual variability. The aim of this work was to test the accuracy of simulated sea surface temperature (SST)in the tropical Atlantic Ocean for the period 1982 to 1990 using a three-dimensional primitive-equation oceanic general circulation model. The SST reference was provided by monthly analysis of observed data obtained from selected ships. The annual mean difference between simulated and observed SST did not exceed 1.5 C, but monthly mean differences of several degrees found for some areas. There were two main problem areas, one along the western zone and other within the northern part the Gulf of Guinea. The first, characterized by excessively cold SST, corresponded to a westward early shifting of seasonal equatorial surface cooling; and the second, characterized by excessively warm SST, concerned a region of the Gulf of Guinea where winds were ight at sea warm. A series of test experiments was performed during one year (1989)using diret measurements of the meteorological varables with enter into the computation of turbulent heat flux forcing, with all other conditions remaining unchanged. the generally disappointing results may relate to the heat flux sensitiviy induced by weakvariations among basic meteorological variables. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 691 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiEtchStus:1990:DeSi Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar; Stuszinski, Caarem D A primeira friagem de 1990: Uma descricao sinotica 1990 Climanalise 5 5 43-51 6474 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 113 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantanaCoel:1999:PrCBSa Journal Article Santana, Carlos Eduardo Santana, Carlos Eduardo; Coelho, José Raimundo Braga O Projeto CBERS de satélites de observação da terra 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 203-210 October 9577 transferência de tecnologia, cooperação internacional, satelites artificiais, transferência de tecnologia aerospacial, international cooperation, artificial satellites, aerospace technology tranfer. Este artigo descreve o Programa Sino-Brasileiro de Satélite de Recursos Terrestres, CBERS, um projeto de cooperação em alta tecnologia entre duas nações em desenvolvimento. Após uma análise das razões que levaram os dois países a estabelecer uma parceria para desenvolver satélites avançados de sensoriamento remoto e explicar as implicações do trabalho conjunto, apresenta-se as potencialidades dos satélites e conclui-se avaliando os ganhos políticos e técnicos associados ao empreendimento. ABSTRACT This paper describes the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program, CBERS, a high technology cooperation project between two developing nations. After analyzing the reasons that led the two countries to establish a partnership to develop advanced remote sensing satellites and explaining the implications of the joint work, it presents the potentialities of the satellites and concludes by evaluating the technical and political gains associated with the enterprise. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES ETE 1377 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DamineliJablDiaz:1992:NoSc19 Journal Article Damineli, A. Damineli, A.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Diaz, M Nova ScorpII 1992 1992 IAU Circular 5553 8800 astrofisica, estrelas, nova scopii 1992, astronomia galatica. We have obtained low-tesolution (1 nm)CCD spectrograms of Nova Sco 1992 covering the range 480-1090 nm, using the 1.6-m telescope of LNA/CNPq in Brazil. On May 28.0 UT, the visible spectrum was like that described on IAUC 5529 and the near-infrared was chatacterized by strong emission of 0 I at 844.6 nm and the Ca II triplet. Less intense emission of Fe II 974,49,42), N I, AND Paschen lines were also present. An unidentified blend at 1069-1076 nm was the dominant feature in the spectrum, being stronger than H Coude CCD spectra (resolution 0.1 nm)taken on June 1.1 show P-Cyg absorptions with minima at -290 km/s (OI at 844.6 nm), 355 km/s (Ca II triplet)and -345 kml/s (H). Lines not showing P-Cyg profiles have FWHM 700 km/s. The coudes spectra give the following equivalent widths in nm: H, -7.3; H, -46.6, 0 I at 844.6 nm, -10.2; Ca II at 849.8 nm, -12.4; Ca II at 864.2 nm, -13.3; Ca II at 866.2 nm, -15.3; Fe II at 9997 nm -3.5; Pa , -5.0. The Na D interstellar doublet I superimposed on a broad emission and has a heliocentric velocity of -11 km/s. The equivalent width for the D1 component was 0.058 nm. A broad Na D absorption system is seen at -408 km/s. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 504 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSoNeFeRoCeMa:1992:DeHiRe Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Sobral, J.R.A; Neri, Jose Angelo Costa Ferreira; Fernendez, F.C.R.; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Cecatto, Jose Roberto; Martinazzo, D Decimeter hig resolution solar spectroscope 1992 Lecture Notes in Physics - Eruptive Solar Flares 399 : 318-321 8665 astrofisica, espectroscopio, alta resolucao. High sensitivity (8 - 0.8 s.f.u.), high time (100 msec), frequency (300 - 3000)KHz resolution decimeter spectroscope operating at present in the frequency range of (1600+-50)MHz has been put into operation in Sao Jose dos Campus at the National Space Research Institute, Brazil. Finally, this spectroscope will be operated over a frequency range of (2W - 2500)MHz. However. in high resolution mode it will be operating over a frequency range of (fs +- f), (f will be selected in the range of (50 - 500)MHz or as desirable), where fs. is the frequency selected in the entire range of band. At the same time, the entire frequency band will be monitored with low resolution made. Initial observations of this spectroscope at (1600 ñ 50)MHz, the details of spectroscope and future development plans (up to 1992)are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 494 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MONTESFILHODEND:1986:ABOFEL Journal Article MONTES FILHO,A. MONTES FILHO,A.; DENDY,R.O. ABSORPTION OF ELECTRON CYCLOTRON WAVES BY SUPERTHERMAL ELECTRON VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS IN TOKAMAK PLASMAS 1986 Physics Fluids 29 9 2988 5691 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT FIS 601411 1275 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonzPint:1991:WeDrSo Journal Article Pinto Jr.,Osmar Pinto Jr.,Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida The westward drift of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly 1991 Annales Geophysicae 9 4 239-241 8704 geofisica espacial, , anomalias magneticas, eletricidade atmosferica, sama. The westward drift of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)has long been known. Recent computations based on an eccentric geomagnetic dipole, as compared with archeomagnetic data obtained in South America, seem to indicate that the SAMA region has a periodic movement around the Earth with a period of about 2300 years. We think that this evidence may contribute to a better understanding of the complex physical processes occurring in the Earth's liquid core, where the magnetic field originates. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 307 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DanelonMore:1991:OcNaE Journal Article Danelon, Olga Maria Danelon, Olga Maria; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Ocorrencia natural e antropogenica de CI-,Na+,NO-3,NH+4 e SO2-4 na Bacia do Rio Quilombo - (Cubatao - SP) 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 21 1 96-101 March 7308 ciencias meteorologicas, , , geoquimica ambiental, poluicao, balanco ionico. De abril de 1984 a outubro de 1985 foram medidas as concentracoes de Sulfato,Nitrato,Amonia,Sodio e Cloreto nas aguas pluviais e fluviais no vale do Rio Quilombo, na regiao de Cubatao (Estado de Sao Paulo - Brasil), a fim de estabelecer um balanco geral desses ions na bacia. Os resultados obtidos foram interpretados em funcao da contribuicao natural e antropica. Os balancos para Sodio e Amonia mostraram que a entrada total ( deposicao seca +umida)e menor do que a saida total na agua do rio, sendo obtido assim um balanco positivo. O balanco ionico foi negativo para Sulfato e Cloreto, e a razao Cloreto/Sulfato e maior do que um. Uma experiencia de lixiviacao dos solos de Cubatao, em laboratorio, mostrou que Sulfato e Cloreto sao adsorvidos e/ou absorvidos por eles. Esta absorcao, seguida pela retencao no mangue, explica a baixa concentracao destes ions nas aguas do Rio Quilombo, embora a entrada ionica no vale do Quilombo atraves da atmosfera seja muito alta. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 297 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoStudSilv:1990:AsVaIn Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; kousky, Vernon Edgar; Studzinski, Caarem D.; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite As variacoes infra-sazonais da precipitacao no Brasil durante o verao de 1989/1990 1990 Climanalise 5 4 40-50 April 6472 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 111 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Barbosa:1999:ImEsCo Journal Article Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira A importância estratégica da cooperação internacional na área do espaço 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 131-136 October 9573 transferência de tecnologia, cooperação intrnacional, programa espacial brasileiro, international cooperation, brazilian space program. Este artigo busca evidenciar a importância estratégica da cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento das atividades espaciais brasileiras. Uma breve retrospectiva histórica mostra o papel preponderante representado pela cooperação internacional em áreas como a formação de recursos humanos; a implantação da infra-estrutura de solo para coleta e processamento de dados de satélites, dos serviços de lançamento de foguetes, e dos laboratório de desenvolvimento e testes; e as fases iniciais do desenvolvimento do Veículo Lançador de Satélites nacional - o VLS. Destaca-se, ainda, a realização de projetos conjuntos como o CBERS, em parceria com a China, e a Estação Espacial Internacional, envolvendo um consórcio de 16 países, incluindo o Brasil, como forma de atender às demandas nacionais que possibilitam o compartilhamento de custos, a melhoria da imagem do País perante a comunidade internacional e a abertura de novos mercados para produtos brasileiros. ABSTRACT This article focus on the strategic importance of international cooperation for the development of the Brazilian space activities. A brief historical retrospective shows the fundamental role that has been played by international cooperation in areas of the Brazilian space sector such as the formation and further training of human resources; the implantation of the ground infrastructure for the reception and processing of satellite data, the rocket launching services and the development and test laboratories; and in the early development stages of the national satellite launch vehicle - the VLS. It also emphasizes joint development projects such as the CBERS, in cooperation with China, and the International Space Station, done by a consortium of 16 countries, including Brazil, as means to satisfy national demands at shared costs, while improving the image the international community has about the country and opening new markets for Brazilian products. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES DIR 1375 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtTaTeSoTiRo:1988:MuOpOb Journal Article Sahai Yogeshwar Sahai Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Tinsley, B.A.; Rohrbaugh, R.P. Multispectral optical observations of ionospheric F-region storn effects at low latitude 1988 Planetary and Space Science 36 4 371-381 2754 aeronomia, luminescencia atmosferica, ionosfera, regiao f. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE LUME 923 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiTaTeFaClBi:1992:ObThTe Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao; Texeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Clesmesha, Barcley Robert; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Observations of thermospheric temperatures at 23 deg.S 1992 Planetary and Space Science 40 11 1545-1549 8780 aeronomia, anomalias magneticas5temperatura doppler, termosfera, emissoes oi 630.0, interferometro fabry-perot. Observations of night-time thermospheric temperatures from measurements of Doppler widths of the OI 630.0 nm airglow emission line, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer =, have been carried out from 23 degree S geographic latitude in the Brazilian sector. during the period March 1988-October 1989. The observing locations is situated inside both the equatorial ionospheric and South Atlantic magnetic anomalies. In this paper we present and discuss salient features of average nacturnal variations of the thermospheric temperature during equinox and winter seasons. The results are compared with the thermospheric temperatures predicted by the MSIS-86 model. The observed temperatures are in good agreement compared with the MSIS-86 model temperatures. They are comarable wwith those reported from other low latitude satations and no anomalous higt thermospheric temperatures have been observed in this region of the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 502 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtTinsHickReed:1976:AnOg4 Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Tinsley, B.A.; Hicks, G.T.; Reed, E Tropical F region winds from O I 1356 Angstron and [O I]6300 Angstron emissions 2. Analysis of ogo 4 data 1976 Journal Geophysical Research 81 22 3786-3789 3108 aeronomia, regiao f, regiao tropical, ionosfera, ultravioleta, oxigenio. The Ogo 4 tropical nightglow data on the 0 I 1356-Angstronand OI 6300-Angstron during several months in the fall of 1967 are analyzed in conjuction with theoretical models. From the latitudinal asymmetry present in the tropical emissions the neutral wind velocities in the magnetic meridian at the time of the observations are found to reach 150 m/s near 2000 LT in the Pacific sector and 110 m/s in the Indian sector. The longitudinal dependence of the emissions indicates a strong zonal component (referred to geographic coordinates)and allows the resolution of the inferred wind velocities into geographic zonal and meridional wind components. The geographic zonal component reaches a maximum velocity of 260 m/s near 2200 LT. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 473 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MFDR:1985:RASTOF Journal Article MONTES FILHO,A. DENDY,R.O. MONTES FILHO,A. DENDY,R.O. A RAY-TRACING STUDY OF ELECTRON CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING IN TOKAMAR PLASMAS WITH A SUPERTHERMAL ELECTRON TAIL 1985 CULHAM LABORATORY PREPRINT CLM-P754 5687 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601411 1273 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediFourSouzPaul:1981:MaMeAt Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Fournier, H.; Souza, E.G.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Magnetotelluric measurements at Eusebio, an equatorial station 1981 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior 25 3 241-244 1940 geofisica espacial. Magnetotelluric measurements in the period range 100 S to 86400 S were conducted at o a coastal o station under the equatorial electrojet viz Eusebio (3.87§S, 321.58§ E). The MT data were hard scaled and analysed to obtain scalar apparent resistivity profile at Eusebio. We find the depth of intermediate coducting layer in the range of 45 - 75 7,on and the ultimate conducting layer seems to begin at a depth Of about 250 km. Possible effects of the source field equatorial electrojet are discussed and our results are compared with an African station under the equatorial electrojet. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI INPE-1527 DAE DGE 903302 138 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarinhoKirc:1991:ExAvEf Journal Article Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Projeto fogo: um experimento para avaliar efeitos das queimadas de cana-de-acucar na baixa atmosfera 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 9 2 107-119 7231 geofisica espacial, queimadas, cana-de-acucar, medição, concentração, ozonio estratosferico, cana-de-acucar. O projeto fogo foi idealizado com o objetivo de estudar o efeito das queimadas da palha da cana-de acucar sobre os gases atmosfericos ozonio (O3), monoxido de carbono (CO)e dioxido de carbono (CO2). Foram realizadas varias campanhas de campo na superficie e no ar, a bordo de um aviao Bandeirante instrumentado, na regiao canavieira do Estado de Sao Paulo. Efeitos muito expressivos foram observados nas concentracoes de CO e O3. Na epoca chuvosa quando nao ha queimadas as concentracoes ate 6 km de altitude sao menores que 30 ppbv (partes por bilhao por volumes), para o O3 e cerca de 100 ppbv para o CO. Na epoca de queimada de palha de cana (setembro)foram observadas concentracoes de ate 80 ppbv a cerca de 1,5 km de altitude para o O3, e 600 ppbv para o CO. Deve-se notar que estas medidas foram feitas a varios quilometros de distancia das fontes poluidoras, para caracterizar o estado medio da atmosfera inferior em equilibrio. Estima-se que somente no Estado de Sao Paulo as queimadas da cana injetam na atmosfera cerca de 350.000 toneladas de carbono na forma de CO. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 295 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moura:1994:PePrCl Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino Perspectivas de la prediccion climatica estacional a interanual y aplicaciones para un desarrollo sostenible 1994 Organizacion Meteorologica Mundial Boletin 43 3 215-333 7302 estudos do tempo e do clima, perspectivas. La capacidad para predecir con exactitud las variaciones climaticas representa probablemente el elemento mas importante para planificar, de una manera inteligente, las actividades futuras de las sociedades modernas. Desgraciadamente, los actuales conocimientos cientificos solo han mostrado progresos a ciertas escalas, en especial a escalas cronologicas de estacionales (100 dias)a interanuales (1 000 dias), para las que se ha demostrado exactitud en la prediccion, particularmente respecto al fenomeno del ENOS(El Nino/Oscilacion del Sur). Este progreso cientifico es uno de los mayores logros del programa PMIC/TOGA (Oceano Tropical y Atmosfera Mundial), un programa internacional de investigacion de diez anos de duracion, auspiciado por la OMM, el CIUC y la COI, que finaliza en diciembre de 1994 (OMM, 1985). Se espera que las actividades posteriores al TOGA, dentro del marco del nuevo programa CLIVAR, alcancen los objetivos posteriores del TOGA, en lo relativo a la modelizacion, la prediccion, los estudios de los procesos y un sistema de observacion apropiado. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET MET 686 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Teracine:1999:OsBeSó Journal Article Teracine, Edson Baptista Teracine, Edson Baptista Os benefícios sócio-econômicos das atividades espaciais no Brasil 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 43-74 October 9571 transferência de tecnologia, impacto econômico, programa espacial brasileiro, utilização da tecnologia, economic impact, brazilian space program, technology utilization. O Brasil, país de dimensões continentais com uma grande população, diversidade de atividades econômicas e com a maior área florestal preservada do Planeta, engajou se, dadas essas condições, em atividades espaciais, desde o início das mesmas, dotandose de instrumentos e de recursos materiais e humanos, com competência para participar do esforço mundial de utilização e exploração do espaço. Embora apresentando grande desenvolvimento em algumas regiões e áreas de atividades, apresenta várias e grandes disparidades regionais, as quais motivaram-no a adotar as aplicações da tecnologia espacial, para tentar resolver toda a sorte de problemas, como aqueles mencionados acima. O Brasil possui, por exemplo, seus próprios satélites de comunicações (cinco), voltados para um sistema de comunicações razoavelmente desenvolvido, envolvendo vídeo, dados e telefonia; em contraposição há vários locais no País, que não são servidos por qualquer tipo de telecomunicações. Ainda, devido às suas já mencionadas dimensões continentais e oceanos adjacentes, agravados por uma pobre rede terrestre de sondagem da atmosfera, tem que contar com os satélites meteorológicos para a previsão do tempo e estudos climáticos. Com relação aos satélites de sensoriamento remoto, os mesmos são a única maneira de cobrir área tão enorme, com tantos problemas ambientais e de recursos naturais, a serem monitorados e administrados. O presente artigo apresenta, de uma maneira sucinta, os principais benefícios diretos das principais aplicações brasileiras da tecnologia espacial, nas áreas da meteorologia, telecomunicações e sensoriamento remoto. São também apresentados os benefícios indiretos, proporcionados pela indústria aeroespacial, principalmente de sua componente espacial. ABSTRACT Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, with a large population, a great diversity of economic activities and the largest forest in the planet and due to these reasons has been engaged in space activities since their very beginning, adopting instruments and human and material resources to participate of the world effort on the use and exploitation of space. Although reasonably well developed in some regions and activity areas, presents several large regional desparities that motivated it towards the application of space technology to address all kinds of problems. For example, the country has its own telecommunication satellites (five of them)supporting a reasonably developed 74 Edson Baptista Teracine communication system involving video, data and telephony; in counterpart there are several sites in the country that are not served by any type of telecommunication. Due to its already mentioned dimensions and neighboring oceans, together with the poor terrestrial sounding network, the country has to count on satellites for weather forecasting and climate studies. With respect to remote sensing satellites they are the only way of covering such an enormous area with so many environmental and natural resources aspects to be monitored and managed. This paper mentions briefly the direct benefits of Brazilian main applications of space technology namely meteorology, telecommunications and remote sensing. Are also mentioned the indirect benefits provided by the aerospace industry mainly the space branch of it. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN ETES DIR 1373 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1989:PeTiGe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Periodicties in the time-series of geomagnetic inclination during the last 9000 years, recorded in sediment cores from lake kasumigaura, Japan 1989 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 41 6 525-532 2752 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo. A power-spectrum analysis of the Gcomagnetic Inclination data time-series for the last 9000 years as obtained from studies of sediment cores from Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, revealed highly significant periodicities of about 900, 1900 and 3200 years and less significant periodicities of about 375, 450 and 650 years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 921 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonzPintGonz:1992:ThDeRe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua The South Atlantic magnetic anomaly: theree decades of research 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54 9 1129-1134 8735 geofisica espacial, , anomalias magneticas, sama, tempestades magnetica, inducoes magneticas, geomagnetismo. This brief review of advances in our understanding of some physical processes related to the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)is intended to highlight specific issues on which further research is needed. The discussion focuses on the origin of the SAMA, the geomagnetic storm-related effects and the impact of the SAMA on orbiting spacecraft. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 500 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BALLONIPAEMOUSOKGAL:1987:COCADE Journal Article BALLONI,A.J. BALLONI,A.J.; PAES,A.C.J.; MOURA NETO,C.; SOKI,K.; GALVAO,R.M.O. CONSTRUCAO DE UM CANHAO DE ELETRONS PARA FUSAO DE METAIS 1987 Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo 7 1-1 114-127 5685 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA LAP 601411 1271 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1999:AdDuST Journal Article Abdu, Mangalthayil Ali Abdu, Mangalthayil Ali Coupling and energetics of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system: advances during the STEP period 1999 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 61 : 153-165 8670 aeronomia, ionosfera equatorial, bolhas de plasma. The equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system (EITS)investigations during the STEP period (1990-1997)were focused on improving our understanding of the dynamic- and electrodynamic-coupling processes and energetics that govern the climatology of the system, as well as the variabilities of the system arising from forcing by magnetospheric and high latitude processes and by atmospheric waves from below. Thermosphere dynamics and dynamo electric fields serving as drivers of the coupling processes are responsible for the major EITS phenomena and their variabilities at different time scales. Especially, the day-to-day variabilities of the equatorial spread F (ESF)have received specific attention because of interest in space application areas as well. Significant advances were achieved in our understanding and representation of quiet and disturbed electric fields. The STEP period also marked notable improvement in the experimental diagnostic facilities available in the equatorial regions as well as in theoretical modeling of the interactive processes that control the major EITS phenomena. Data from coordinated observational campaigns have contributed to a better understanding of the EITS global responses to magnetospheric disturbances. The advances to be briefly discussed in this paper concern most of the major phenomena and the inherent characteristics of the EITS: the equatorial electric field and its sunset enhancement; thermospheric winds and temperature including the MTM (midnight temperature maximum); peculiar features of the ionosphere in the immediate vicinity of the magnetic equator; equatorial spread F/plasma bubble irregularities, including the energy requirement for large scale field aligned irregularities; equatorial anomalies in ion/neutral densities and temperatures. Also presented briefly is an overview of the results on the disturbance characteristics of the key EITS parameters and driving forces under magnetospheric disturbances and atmospheric wave forcing. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1176 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMaDiPeCaAnVo:1991:EnAn03 Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade; Dias, P.L.S.; Pereira, Enio Bueno; Calheiros, R.; Andre, R.; Volpe, C Enhancements of CO and 03 from burnings in sugar cane fields 1991 Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 12 1 87-102 7229 geofisica espacial. The manual harvest of sugar cane requires the burning of its foliage. This burning has strongly increased in Brazil after the National Alcohol Program was started which substituted automobile gasoline engines for alcohol engines. Presently, the source strenght per unit area of this rural pollution is comparable to the well-known biomass burning source in Amazonia. The observd concentrations of CO and O3 in the rural area of the state of Sao Paulo during the 1988 burning season were twice as large as those reported from an aircraft experiment of 1985 for biomass burnings of the tropical rain forest. Results are reported from airplane measurements and from three fixed ground stations. Mixing ratios of ozone and carbon monoxide in the height range below 6 km are normally less than 40 and 100 ppbv (parts per billion by volume), respectively, in the absence of burnings. A strong O3 and CO layer was observed during the burning period with peak concentrations of 80 ppbv of ozone and 580 ppbv of CO at about 2 km. The concentrations of CH4 and CO2 were also large, 1756 ppbv and 409 ppmv, respectively, at 1500 m. During the dry season period of the experiment, the ground based based O3 average diurnal variations obtained at the rural sites were practically identical to the typical urban variation observed at Sao Jose dos Campos, with daytime ozone values between 45 and 60 ppbv. A second three-day airplane excursion to the sugar cane fields in the wet season of 1989 has produces results to be contrasted with the dry (burning)season of 1988 and 1989. Carbon monoxide concentrations were below 100 ppbv at all heights and ozone concentrations were around 30-40 ppbv. The maximum daytime concentrations at the ground station Bauru was 25 ppbv of O3, and at Jaboticabal it was 35 ppbv of O3, only one half of what was observed in the dry season. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 293 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraSILV:1989:ATRAME Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; SILVA,H.E. ATMOSPHERIC RANDON MEASUREMENTS BY ELECTROSTATIC PRESIPITATION 1989 Nuclear Instruments end Methods 14 2934 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE RADON 1074 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1994:CaGeSt Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio The causes of geomagnetic storms during solar maximum 1994 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 75 5 49,51 7280 geofisica espacial. One of the oldest mysteries in geomagnetism is the linkage between solar and geomagnetic activity. The 11-year cycles of both the numbers of sunspots and Earth geomagnetic storms were first noted by Sabine [1852]. A few years late, speculation on a causal relationship between flares and storms arose when Carrington [1859]reported that a large magnetic storm followed the great September 1859 solar flare. However, it was not until this century that a well-accepted statistical survey on large solar flares and geomagnetic storms was performed [Newton, 1943], and a significant correlation between flares and geomagnetic storms was noted. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 684 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovelliCRABBDKLMMPSS:1998:AnInCo Journal Article Novelli, P.C. Novelli, P.C.; Connors, V.S.; Reichle, H.G.; Anderson, B.E.; Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.; Brunke, E.G.; Doddridge, B.G.; Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Lam, K.S.; Masarie, K.A.; Matsuo, T.; Parrish, D.D.; Scheel, H.E.; Steele, L.P An internally consistent set of globally distributed atmospheric carbon monoxide mixing ratios developed using results from an intercomparison of measurements 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 D15 19285-19293 9554 geofísica espacial, comparação, medidas, monóxodo de carbono, poluição do ar, comparison, measurements, corbon monoxide, air pollution. The Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellite (MAPS)instrument measures carbon monoxide (CO)in the middle troposphere from a space platform. In anticipation of the deployment of MAPS aboard the space shuttle. Endeavor for two 10-day missions in 1994, plans were made to prepare a set of correlative measurements which would be used as part of the mission validation program. Eleven laboratories participated in the correlative measurement program by providing NASA with the results of their CO field programs during April and October 1994. Measurements of CO in the boundary layer, while not used in the MAPS validation, provide a picture of CO in the lower troposphere. Because measurements of CO made by different laboratories have been known to differ significantly, all correlative team members participated in an intercomparison of their measurements to define potential differences in techniques and calibration scales. While good agreement was found between some laboratories, there were differences between others. The use of similar analytical techniques and calibration scales did not always provide similar results. The results of the intercomparisons were used to normalize all ground-based measurements to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adiministration/Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory CO reference scale. These data provide an internally consistent picture of CO in the lower atmosphere during spring and fall 1994. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 1371 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TBJ:1975:OPSEOF Journal Article TINSLEY,B.A. BITTENCOURT,J.A. TINSLEY,B.A. BITTENCOURT,J.A. OPTICAL SENSING OF F-REGION HEIGHT AND ELECTRON CONCENTRATION USING ATOMIC OXYGEN AIRGLOW EMISSIONS 1975 : 224 3100 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 468 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiCSMTESW:1996:MU92Da Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Melo, Stella M.L.; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Eras, Agnaldo; Stegman,J.; Witt, G. Rocket measurements of the equatorial airglow: MULTIFOT 92 database 1996 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physiscs 58 16 1943-1961 8668 geofisica espacial. MULTIFOT airglow photometer payload was launched from Alcantara (2.5 degrees S, 44.4 degrees W)on a SONDA III rocket at 23:52 hrs local time on 31 May 1992. A total of ten photometers, six forward-looking and four side-looking, measured the height profiles of the airglow emissions 02 Herzberg band system, 0I557.7 mn, NaD 589.3 mn, 0I630.0 mn, OH(8,3)band R branch at 724.0 nm, 02 Atmospheric (0,0)band at 762.0 nm and the sky background at 578 nm and 710 mn. At the time of launch, a ground-based airglow photometer observed the intensity variations of these emissions, together with the rotational temperature of the OH(9,4)band, and a sodium lidar measured atomic sodium concentration from 80 to 110 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1174 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Yelisetty:1981:InFlDi Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham Infrared flux divergence in a clear tropical siuthern atmosphere 1981 Ciencia e Cultura 33 3 20-23 March 1550 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT MESA 134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoPrak:1991:OsInNa Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Prakki, Satyamurty Oscilacoes intra-sazonais na precipitacao do sul do Ceara 1991 Climanalise 6 8 38 August 7372 estudos do tempo e do clima, , precipitacao (meteorologia)>, oscilacao, chuva. Foram analisadas as precipitacoes medias moveis de 5 dias e diarias medias de 15 estacoes pluviometricas do sul do Ceara (Cariri), Brasil para o verao e outono austrais de 1974/75-1988/89. O efeito da oscilacao de 30 a 60 dias e evidente na precipitacao desta area. Em particular, durante os anos de EL Nino a precipitacao e fortemente modulada por esta oscilacao. Tambem, foram observadas um inicio de estacao chuvosa gradual durante novembro e dezembro e um termino abrupto das chuvas em maio. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC/DCM 301 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-Alarcon:1991:U.Cr Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Comment on ""a tangent subsolar merging line"" by N. U. Crooker et al 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A2 1873-1874 7221 geofisica espacial. About 15 years after quantitative models were presented on magnetopause reconnection involving a tilted reconnection line accross the magnetopause's stagnation-subsolar region [Gonzalez and Mozer, 1974; Sonnerup, 1974; Hill, 1975], it was interesting to see the recent work by Crooker et al. [1990](hereinafter C et al.)in which they try to extend the above mentioned models toward a more globally defined reconnection line. However the following comments seem necessary. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 291 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimo:1978:SiOb58 Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin Simultaneous observations of Na 5893 A nightglow and the distribution of Na Atons in the mesosphere 1978 Journal Geophysical Research 83 A6 2499-2503 1782 geofisica espacial, sodium airglow, mesosphere. Simultaneous laser radar observations of the vertical distribution of sodium in the mesosphere and the intensity of the sodium nightglow show that variations in the glow are well correlated with perturbations in the sodium density. These perturbations have a wavelike structure, with a vertical wavelength of about 10 km, and show downward phase propagation. On most occasions the airglow is best correlated with the density at 88 km, which is about 4 km below the average height of maximum sodiun concentration. It is shown that, on the average, a layer 10 km wide centered on 89 km best explains the observed variations. By using current models oxygen and ozone it is shown that such a distribution is in good agreement with the Chapman mechanism for the sodium nightglow with its height and width but that the calculated emission is about 50 times too small. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 272 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BRASScaHETVALGAY:1986:SEFOWA Journal Article BRAS,M.A. BRAS,M.A.; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; HETEM,J.C.G.; VALE,J.L.M.; GAYLARD,M. SEARCH FOR WATER VAPOR MASERS IN THE DIRECTION OF IRAS SOURCES ASSOCIATED WITH HILL REGIONS AND MOLECULAR CLOUDS 1986 Journal Astronomy and Astrophysical Supplement 77 3 465-469 2929 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1072 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchuchNoZaDaGoPe:1994:CoNaAr Journal Article Schuch, L.A. Schuch, L.A.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Zago, A.; Dallpai, D.L.; Godoy, J.M.; Pecequilo, B Correlation of natural and artificial radionuclides in soils with pedological, climatological and geographic parameters 1994 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Articles 177 1 101-106 7278 geofisica espacial. Various types of soil samples were collected in the southern part of Brazil, with depth intervals of 5 cm, down to 50 cm, using a specially designed sampler. Pedological analysis of these soils were performed. Nuclear activities of Cs (expressed in Bq m-2)and radioactive natural element (Ra, Ra and K)concentrations were determined by low background gamma-ray spectometry. Cs concentrations were correlated with radioactive natural element concentrations and pedological, climatological and geographic parameters related to the soil samples collected. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 682 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KamideBDGGJMPRRSTV:1998:StReKa Journal Article Kamide, Y. Kamide, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Daglis, I.A.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Grande, M.; Joselyn, J.A.; McPherron, R. L.; Phillips, J. L.; Reeves, E.G.D.; Rostoker, G.; Sharma A.S.; Singer, H.J; Tsurutani, B.T.; Vasyliunas, V.M ""Current understanding of magnetic storms: Storm-substorm relationships,"" by Y. Kamide et al. Reply 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 A8 17705-17728 9550 geofísica espacial. This paper attempts to summarize the current understanding of the storm/substorm relationship by clearing up a considerable amount of controversy and by addressing the question of how solar wind energy is deposited into and is dissipated in the constituent elements that are critical to magnetospheric and ionospheric processes during magnetic storms. (1)Four mechanisms are identified and discussed as the primary causes of enhanced electric fields in the interplanetary medium responsible for geomagnetic storms. It is pointed out that in reality, these four mechanisms, which are not mutually exclusive, but interdependent, interact differently from event to event. Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs)and corotating interaction regions (CIRs)are found to be the primary phenomena responsible for the main phase of geomagnetic storms. The other two mechanisms, i.e., HILDCAA (high-intensity, long-duration continuous auroral electrojet activity)and the so-called Russell-McPherron effect, work to make the ICME and CIR phenomena more geoeffective. The solar cycle dependence of the various sources in creating magnetic storms has yet to be quantitatively understood. (2)A serious controversy exists as to whether the successive occurrence of intense substorms plays a direct role hn the energization of ring current particles or whether the enhanced electric field associated with southward IMF enhances the effect of substorm expansions. While most of the Dst variance during magnetic storms can be solely reproduced by changes in the large-scale electric field in the solar wind and the residuals are uncorrelated with substorms, recent satellite observations of the ring current constituents during the main phase of magnetic storms show the importance of ionospheric ions. This implies that ionospheric ions, which are associated with the frequent occurrence of intense substorms, are accelerated upward along magnetic field lines, contributing to the energy density of the storm-time ring current. An apparently new controversy regarding the relative importance of the two processes is thus created. It is important to identify the role of substorm occurrence in the large-scale nhancement of magnetospheric convection driven by solar wind electric fields. (3)Numerical schemes for predicting geomagnetic activity indices on the basis of solar/solar wind/interplanetary magnetic field parameters continue to be upgraded, ensuring reliable techniques for forecasting magnetic storms under real-time conditions. There is a need to evaluate the prediction capability of geomagnetic indices on the basis of physical processes that occur during storm time substorms. (4)It is crucial to differentiate between storms and nonstorm time substorms in terms of energy transfer/conversion processes, i.e., mechanical energy from the solar wind, electromagnetic energy in the magnetotail, and again, mechanical energy of particles in the plasma sheet, ring current, and aurora. To help answer the question of the role of substorms in energizing ring current particles, it is crucial to find efficient magnetospheric processes that heat ions up to some minimal energies so that they can have an effect on the strength of the storm time ring current. (5)The question of whether the Dst index is an accurate and effective measure of the storm time ring current is also controversial. In particular, it is demonstrated that the dipolarization effect associated with substorm expansion acts to reduce the Dst magnitude, even though the ring current may still be growing. KeyWords Plus:. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1368 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaCSTTGBBM:2002:SiLiOb Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Taylorb, Michael J.; Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbia, Delano; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Buriti, Ricardo A.; Medeiros, Amauri F. de Simultaneous lidar observation of a sporadic sodium layer, a ""wall"" event in the OH and OI5577 airglow images and the meteor winds 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics In press 9882 AERONOMIA, aeroluminescência, imagens, radar óptico, aeroluminescência naturna, airglow, images, optical radar (Lidar), nughtglow. Rare and sporadic events, caused by unusual conditions in the MLT region may occur such as the sporadic metal layers, observed by lidars, and the more recently detected sharp front in the nightglow emissions imaged with CCD all sky cameras. Few events of this latter kind have been reported in the literature and no simultaneous occurrence of both. In this work, we report the observation of a sporadic sodium layer measured by lidar in São José dos Campos, Brazil (22.5øS, 46øW)on the night of July 13-14, 1999 which was followed by a rare ""wall"" event observed at Cachoeira Paulista (CP)(23øS, 45øW)in the OH NIR and OI5577 by a CCD imager, and zenith tilting filter photometers. The wind field was also observed by a SkiYmet meteor radar system also operated at CP. At around 23:45 the sodium layer had an abrupt change in its shape. At the same time unusual situation also had occurred in the airglow data taken in CP both with the imager and with the zenith photometer. A sequence of all sky images for the OI557.7 nm and OH NIR showed very clear lines dividing the sky into bright and dark areas, with the first propagating from the NE to SW at 70 m/s and the second propagating to NNE. Zenith photometer also showed a rapid decrease of the OH(6,2)intensity at around 23:45 and a very large increase in the rotational temperature of O2(0,1)(at 94 km)from 23:00 to 24:00 ( 40 K). The meridional and zonal wind structure measured by the meteorradar in CP showed that from 21:00 to 01:00 a wind shear was present both in the meridional and zonal winds with the phase propagating from 97 to 80 km during this time which were very well correlated with the vertical displacement of the sporadic peak. Large-amplitude gravity wave was also detected. The temperature enhancement above 90 km could be responsible for the sodium density increase and also for the set up of the conditions for the airglow events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8940-PRE/4642 PI CEA DAE DAE 229 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:2002:TiOsAt Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin Tide-induced oscillations in the atmospheric sodium layer 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics In press 9883 AERONOMIA, radar óptico, física da atmosfera, correntes atmosféricas, medições, atmospheric tides, optical radar, atmospheric physics, measurements. Lidar observations 24 h of the vertical distribution of sodium in the upper atmosphere have been made at various locations. Early measurements at São José dos Campos (23øW,46øW)showed strong diurnal and semidiurnal components in the sodium profile, and Batista et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 90 (1985)3881)interpreted these variations as being the result of tidal modulation of the sodium distribution. In a more recent analysis of measurements made at Urbana, Illinois (40øN,88øW)States and Gardner (J. Geophys. Res. 104 (1999)11783)concluded that the variations observed by them were not related to tides, but were the result of solar zenith angle driven changes in photo- and ion chemistry. In this paper, we present simultaneous measurements of meteor winds and sodium density in the 80î110 km region. It is shown that the observed vertical oscillations in the sodium isopleths are closely correlated with the meridional winds, confirming our earlier conclusion that the sodium density oscillations are driven by the solar diurnal and semidiurnal tides. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8941-PRE/4643 PI CEA DAE DAE 230 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGoGoTaAr:1995:InOrGe Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tang, Frances; Arballo, John K.; okada, Masaki Interplanetary origin of geomagnetic activity in the declining phase of the solar cycle 1995 Journal of geophysical Research 100 A11 21717-21733 8666 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera, tempestades magneticas, ciclo solar. Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)and plasma data are compared with ground-based geomagnetic Dst and AE indices to determine the causes of magnetic storms, substorms, and quiet during the descending phase of the solar cycle. In this paper we focus primarily on 1974 when the AE index is anomalously high (AE = 283 nT). This year is characterized by the presence of two long-lasting corotating streams associated with coronal holes. The corotating streams interact with the upstream low-velocity (300-350 km s-1), high-density heliospheric current sheet (HCS)plasma sheet, which leads to field compression and 15 to 25-nT hourly average values. Although the Bz component in this corotating interaction region (CIR)is often < - 10 nT, typically the field directionality is highly variable, and large southward components have durations less than 3 hours. Thus the corotating strean/HCS plasma sheet interaction region can cause recurring moderate (-100 nT:5 Dst... -50 nT)to weak (50 nT...Dst:5 -25 nT)storms, and sometimes no significant ring current activity at all (Dst > -25 nT). Storms of major (Dst... - 100 nT)intensities were not associated with CIRs. Solar wind energy is transferred to the magnetosphere via magnetic reconnection during the weak and moderate storms. Because the B, component in the interaction region is typically highly fluctuating, the corresponding storm main phase profile is highly irregular. Reverse shocks are sometimes present at the sunward edge of the CIR. Because these events cause sharp decreases in field magnitude, they can be responsible for storm recovery phase onsets. The initial phases of these corotating stream-related storms are caused by the increased ram pressure associated with the HCS plasma sheet and the further density enhancement from the stream-stream compression. Although the solar wind speed is generally low in this region of space, the densities can be well over an order of magnitude higher than the average value, leading to significant positive Dst values. Since there are typically no forward shocks at 1 AU associated with the stream-stream interactions, the initial phases have gradual onsets. The most dramatic geomagnetic response to the corotating streams are chains of consecutive substorms caused by the southward components of large-amplitude Alfven waves within the body of the corotating streams. This auroral activity has been previously named high-intensity long-duration continuous AE activity (HILDCAAs). The substorm activity is generally most intense near the peak speed of the stream where the Alfven wave amplitudes are greatest, and it decreases with decreasing wave amplitudes and stream speed. Each of the 27-day recurring HILDCAA events can last 10 days or more, and the presence of two events per solar rotation is the cause of the exceptionally high AE average for 1974 (higher than 1979). HILDCAAs often occur during the recovery phase of magnetic storms, and the fresh (and sporadic)injection of substorin energy leads to unusually long storm recovery phases as noted in Dst In the far trailing edge of the corotating stream, the IMF amplitudes become low, <3 nT, and there is an absence of large-amplitude fluctuations (Alfven waves). This is related to and causes geomagnetic quiet. There were three major (Dst... -100 nT)storms that occurred in 1974. Each was caused by a nonrecurring moderate speed stream led by a fast forward shock. The mechanisms for generating the intense interplanetary B, which were responsible for the subsequent intense magnetic storms was shock compression of preexisting southwardly directed Bz (Bs)for the two largest events and a magnetic cloud for the third (weakest)event. Each of the three streams occurred near a HCS crossing with no obvious solar optical or X ray signatures. It is speculated that these events may be associated with flux openings associated with coronal hole expansions. In conclusion, we present a model of geomagnetic activity during the descending phase of the solar cycle. It incorporates storm initial phases, main phases, HILDCAAs, and geomagnetic quiet. It uses some of the recent Ulysses results. We feel that this model is sufficiently developed that it may be used for predictions, and we encourage testing during the current Dhase of the solar cycle. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1172 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaTrivVitoCost:1991:GeCoOn Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Vitorello, Icaro; Costa, José Marques da Geophysical contraints on tectonic models of the Taubate Basin southeastern Brazil 1991 Tectonophysics 196 1-2 157-172 7218 geofisica espacial. Magnetotelluric, gravity and geothermal flux data are analysed to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Taubate Basin, a SW-NE 20 km wide and 170 km long rift-like Tertiary basin in southeastern Brazil. The basin is characterized by half-grabens and contains up to 1000 m of sediments cut by normal faults. The magnetotelluric measurements show the presence of two layers: an upper highly conductive one (less than 10 omega m from 1-D inversions), associated with Tertiary sediments, and an extremely resistive (more than 10 000 omega m)lower layer, related to the crystalline basement. Gravity anomalies in the region are ascribed to both near-surface sources, sediments and granites, and a deep-seated source associated with crustal thinning towards the continental margin. Available geothermal flux values within the basin are anomalously high; however, they have probably been affected by convective transport because they were determined in water boreholes. These results suggest a stable thermal regime at present and, viewed together with the absence of magmatism and thermal subsidence, indicate that the mechanism related to the basin formation did not originate a deep-seated thermal anomaly in the region. The event can be seen as a shallow one, involving a small area in the upper part of the crust. The region can be characterized typically as a strike-slip mobile zone, with horizontal displacements between juxtaposed blocks. A transtensional model is suggested for the Taubate Basin to explain some of its principal geological features. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 288 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:RoLaRe Journal Article Pinto Jr, Osmar Pinto Jr, Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio The roce of landau resonance in energetic electron preciptation from the inner radiation belt 1989 Journal of Geophysical research 94 A9 12027-12030 2924 geofísica espacial. In this report the role of Landau resonance between energetic electrons and plasmaspheric hiss waves at the inner radiation belt is investigated. These nearly structureless turbulent waves have been observed to exist at the inner belt over a large range of latitudes and to propagate with a wide distribution of wave normal angles relative to the geomagnetic field. For these waves, we show that at low L values, Landau resonance with electrons near their mirror points can give pitch angle diffusion coefficients larger than those expected for equivalent cyclotron resonances at the equator. Because of this fact, and because Landau resonance can occur at practically all electron energies that characterize this region (< 1 MeV), we suggest that this resonance may be regarded as the most important process to explain the enhancement in energetic electron precipitation at the inner belt, at least during the recovery phase of storms, when the plasmaspheric hiss population seems to be intensified (e.g., Tsurutani et al., 1975). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PLACIR 1069 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:SoAtMa Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio South Atlantic magnetic anomaly for how long? 1989 EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 70 2 17 2925 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PLACIR 1070 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSchuHils:1994:NoNoSu Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Schuch, N.J.; Hilsenrath, E Buraco de ozonio: novidades no Sul 1994 Ciencia Hoje 17 99 6-7 7276 geofisica espacial, , buraco de ozonio, ozone, ozone hole, biomass burning. Um equipamento instalado pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, INPE, na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, detectou uma diminuicao significativa da camada de ozonio sobre esta localidade. O fato que causou espanto, uma vez que nao se esperava que fenomenos semelhantes ao Buraco da Camada de Ozonio da Antartica pudessem ocorrer em latitudes tao baixas quanto as de Santa Maria ou Porto Alegre. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 680 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMari:1994:LaEnTr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade Layer enhancements of tropospheric ozone in regions of biomass burning 1994 Atmospheric Environment 28 1 69-74 7275 geofisica espacial, ozone, biomass burning, ozone in troposphere, vegetation burning effects on ozone. Several field expeditions were organized in recent years to study modifications introduced into the lower atmosphere of the Amazon region, as a result of anthropogenic influence. In a simplified way, the legal Brazilian Amazon is formed by the rainforest ecosystem in the north and west, and the savanna (cerrado)in the central region. The frontier region between these two quite different types of vegetation is where most burning occurs, and due to the large areas and amounts of phytomas involved these burnings may represent sources of Global importance. This report describes enhancements of atmospheric ozone concentrations in the remote cerrado troposphere which are believed to result from biomass burning activity. The measurements were obtained in two filed expeditions to the Brazilian cerrado region of central Brazil, an area subject to cyclic burning, during the local dry season. Ozone concentrations are known to increase in the burning season. However, this process is normally a gradual increase over the season and proportional at all heights. Occasionally, large layer enhancements are seen. Three such cases are discussed, showing concentrations of ozone between 80 and 120 ppbv (parts per billion by volume), when normal averages are about 60 ppbv. To our knowledge this is the first time that such large concentrations were observed in areas of biomass burning. In one event the ozone mixing ratio was increased in a layer near 800 mbar (2.0 km above ground)to a maximum of 112 ppbv, when the known maximum observed near this height was 80 ppbv. Other events show a layer near 250 mbar (10.9 km above ground)reaching 120 and 122 ppbv at the peak. It is believed that these are special events which could be produced by a coincidence of chemical production and dynamical layering effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 679 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoNobr:1989:InVeTS Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Nobre, Carlos Afonso A Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT)e a precipitacao no norte do nordeste do Brasil. Parte II: a influencia dos ventos e TSM do Atlantico Tropical 1989 Climanalise 4 10 39-47 October 7407 estudos do tempo e do clima, , vento, correlacao, zcit. Esta e a segunda parte de um trabalho que visa estabelecer a influencia da posicao da Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT)do Atlantico Tropical sobre a precipitacao da regiao norte do Nordeste brasileiro (NNE). Nesta fase procurou-se determinar relacoes entre a posicao da ZCIT e as tensoes de cisalhamento zonal (TX)e Meridional(TY)do vento a superficie e a temperatura da surpeficie do mar (TSM)no Atlantico Tropical. Observou-se que a posicao da ZCIT esta correlacionada a ty e a TSM em algumas regioes do Atlantico Tropical, nos primeiros meses do ano. Durante a estacao chuvosa do NNE (marco, abril e maio), a posicao da ZCIT esta correlacionada a tx,ty e TSM numa regiao que compreende grande parte do Atlantico Tropical Norte. Evidenciou-se ainda , que e a posicao da ZCIT nos meses de abril e maio que define a qualidade da estcao chuvosa no NNE. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1461 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KamideYoGoTsDaBr:1998:TwDeGe Journal Article Kamide, Y Kamide, Y; Yokoyama, N; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Démetrio; Tsurutani, BT; Daglis, IA; Brekke, A; Masuda S Two-step development of geomagnetic storms 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 A4 6917-6921 9548 geofísica espacial, campos magnéticos interplanetários, vento solar, tempestades magnetica, tempo (estado atmosférico), magnetic storms, space, weather, solar wind, interplanetary magnetic fields. Using the Dst index, more than 1200 geomagnetic storms, from weak to intense, spanning over three solar cycles have been examined statistically. Interplanetary Magnetic field(IMF)and solar wind data have also been used in the study. It is found that for more than 50 of intense magnetic storms, the main phase undergoes a two-step growth in the ring current. That is, before the ring current has decayed significantly to the prestorm level, a new major particle injection occurs, leading to a further development of the ring current, and making Dst decrease a second time. Thus intense magnetic storms may often be the result of two closely spaced moderate storms. The corresponding signature in the interplanetary medium is the arrival of double-structured southward IMF at the magnetosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1366 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduVogaFors:1974:MeIoAb Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Vogan, E.L.; Forsyth, P.A. Measurements of ionospheric absorption using radio reflections from meteors 1974 Canadian Journal of Physics 52 2 145-153 3094 aeronomia, ionosfera, ondas de radio, meteoro, radiometro, medição. An earlier note by Chu, Vogan, and Forsyth suggested the use of a two-frequency meteor scatter system for the measurement of ionospheric absorption, particularly when the absorbing layer is sufficiently patchy to render conventional riometer measurements inaccurate. A system, incorporating a novel method of signal comparison, has been tested between Winnipeg and London. It seems to offer specific advantages over a riometer for specialized studies of rapidly varying absorption, but in its present form has certain defects which should be remedied in any system intended for routine use. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 464 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoraesMoli:1980:MoHiBa Journal Article Moraes, J.C. Moraes, J.C.; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Um modelo hidrometeorologico para bacias hidrograficas de medio porte 1980 Ciencia e Cultura 32 7 24 July 6455 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 129 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbduBati:1980:AiStIo Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Airglow studies on the ionosphere dynamics over low latitude in Brazil 1980 Annales Geophysicae 36 2 199-204 9318 aeronomia, ionosfera, regioes tropicais (baixa latitude), bolhas de plasma, airglow, ionospheres, tropical region (low latitude), plasma bulbles. This work presents and discusses certain features of the ionosphere dynamics over Cachoeira Paulista (22§ 41'S, 45§ W), Brazil, based on recent photometric observations of O1 6300 A emission and ionosonde data, both taken at that site. The photometer scanned the geomagnetic meridional plane in a zenith angle range of 75§S to 75§N. Remarkable wavelike structures in the airglow intensity were observed in the premidnight period, which propagate from north to south (poleward)at an average speed of about 240 ñ 70 m/s, assuming the emitting layer to be at an altitude of 250 km. These distrubances had wavelength of a few hundred kilometers and were associated with spread F echoes in the ionograms. A discussion is made on the possible source of the poleward propagating airglow disturbances. It is argued that these are possible manifestations of the vertical propagation of plasma bubbles over the magnetic equator. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 130 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Cavalcanti:1996:AnVaRa Journal Article Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca A.; Hada Kioshi Annual variation of rainfall over Brazil and water vapor characteristics over South America 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 D21 26539-26551 7397 ciencias meteorologicas, . A large region in central Brazil is characterized by summerainfall and winter dry conditions. During the 6-month period of September, Octaber, November, December, January, and February (SONDJF)this region receives 70 or more of its annual rainfall. Calculations of vertically integrated water vapor flux and its divergence are made for South America. the results suggest that the Amazon basin is the principal sources of moisture for central Brazil during the period SONDJF. Water vapor flux from the equatorial Atlantic associated with trade is the main moisture source for the Amazon Basin. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 874 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaStei:1991:AcDiIm Journal Article Baptista, Raymundo Baptista, Raymundo; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Accretion disk image reconstructions in V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615) 1991 Astronomy and Astrophysics 249 1 284-294 7177 astrofisica, image processing, eclipses, binary stars, novae, cataclysmic variables. We have developed a program to map the accretion disk brightness distribution in cataclysmic variables from their eclipse light curves. This program is an alternative implementation of the Eclipse Mapping Method (Horne, 1985), employing penalty function optimization techniques with a conjugate-gradient algorithm. To improve the method's performance when faced with relatively low signal-to-noise (S/N)input data we used the combination of qui2 and another statistic (T'), which measures the correlation between the residuals and the inverse of the measured fluxes, as the statistical consistency check. This avoids the occurrence of the biased residuals in the light curve, present when the qui2 statistic alone is used. We applied this method to map the accretion disk brightness in V4140 Sgr (NSV 12615). The analysis of the reconstructed images suggests the existence of an optically thick disk, which presents a temperature distribution with radial dependency very close to the one expected from the standard accretion disk model (T R-3/4). The results are compatible with the scenario proposed for V4140 Sgr by Baptista, Jablonski Steiner (1989), emphasizing the differences between this system and the ultrashort period eclipsing dwarf novae. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 286 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GUIMARAESFERR:1983:ONTHVA Journal Article GUIMARAES,P.S. GUIMARAES,P.S.; FERREIRA,L.G. ON THE VALIDITY OF THE CLUSTER METHOD FOR CRYSTALS 1983 R. BRAS. FIS., V.ESP 363-367 4653 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT lLAS 602108 521 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1994:NoDiAn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Non-uniform dissipation of the Antarctic ozone hole 1994 Mausam 45 1 23-28 7273 geofisica espacial, , ozone hole, ozone depletion, toms, total ozone mapping spectrometer. The evolution of the Antarctic ozone hole is illustrated for 1985-1990 springs. A detailed study for 1986-1989 and 1990 events indicates that the evolution, which occurs in early October, is fairly uniform over the South Pole. Hence the fluctuations observed at Syowa, McMurdo and Palmer during this period are mostly due to the vortex wall passing in and out over these periferial locations. However, later in November when the hole is dissipating, the vortex may shift from the South Pole in any direction and may also come back or intensify on South Pole before finally disappearing. At South Pole, the recovery started by October end in 1985, 1986 and 1988 but later in 1987 (November end), 1989 (November beginning)and 1990 (November end). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 677 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreSkukSell:1989:ImClDe Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Skukla, J.; Sellers, P Impactos climaticos do desmatamento da Amazonia 1989 Climanalise 4 9 44-55 September 7404 estudos do tempo e do clima, , modelos numericos, desmatamento, floresta tropical. Utilozou-se um modelo numerico acoplado da atmosfera global e biosfera para avaliar os efeitos do desmatamento na Amazonia no clima global e regional. Encontrou-se que, quando a floresta tropical foi substituida por pastagem degradada no modelo, houve um significativo aumento na temperatura a superficie e uma substancial diminuicao na evapotranspiracao e precipitacao, alem de decrescimo no escoamento superficial (runoff). Houve tambem um aumento na duracao da estacao seca, o que podera ter serias implicacoes para o restabelecimento da floresta tropical nas areas desmatadas. Notou-se tambem algumas mudancas na circulcao global devido ao desmatamneto na Amazonia, especialmente sobre a America do Norte. Entretanto, a variabilidade climatica natural sobre as latitudes medias do Hemisferio Norte e batante pronunciada mesmo sem perturbacoes externas, de tal modo que se pode, atualmente, afirmar com confianca que tais mudancas advir do desmatamnto na Amazonia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1458 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSahSalZamVal:1997:Ob19Oz Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Valter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Valter Johann Heinrich; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia; Zamorano Banda, Felix de la Cruz; Valderrama, V Observations of the 1995 ozone hole over Punta Arenas, Chile 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 D13 16109-16120 9545 geofísica espacial, , radiação ultravioleta, depleção de ozonio, observações, ultraviolet radiation, ozone depletion, observations. We examine the appearance of the ozone hole over a populated area with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The largest population concentrations on the South American continent nearest the ozone hole region are Punta Arenas, Chile (53.0 degrees S, 70.9 degrees W)and Ushuaia, Argentina (54.5 degrees S, 68.0 degrees W), located close to the strait of Magallanes, opposite the Antarctic Peninsula. A special field mission was held in Punta Arenas, in September-October 1995 to investigate the vertical distribution of ozone during the appearance of the Antarctic ozone hole. Previous work has shown that the city of Punta Arenas is located at the edge of the hole area and is affected every year during a few days in the October period. The ozone trend near these locations is -0.5 per year using the yearly averages and -1.2 per year using the October means. This trend is 2 to 5 times larger than the global average. Several ozonesondes of the electrochemical concentration cell type were launched from Punta Arenas to determine the vertical distribution of ozone during ''normal'' and ''perturbed'' conditions. The ozone hole passed over Punta Arenas on October 12, 13 and 14, 1995. In addition to the sondes, which were launched once a day, ozone column amounts and UVB radiation were measured with a ground-based ozone Brewer spectrophotometer. The strongest ozone depletion over Punta Arenas in 1995 occurred on October 13, when the ozone column decreased from a ''normal'' value of about 325 Dobson Units (DU)to 200 DU; the vertical distribution of ozone on October 13 compared with October 6 shows depleted ozone roughly 50 less during hole conditions in the stratosphere. The UVB intensities have increased accordingly. The spectral ratio for October 13 to October 4 is 13 times larger at 297 nm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE QUIAT 1364 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LUDWIGFERRMONT:1987:EXINOF Journal Article LUDWIG,G.O. LUDWIG,G.O.; FERREIRA,J.l..; MONTES FILHO,A. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF DOUBLE LAYERS FORMED BY ION-ACOUSTIC TURBULENCE 1987 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 5638 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 60111X 1262 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GraceLMMMMNMMMWG:1995:CaDiUp Journal Article Grace, John Grace, John; Llyd, Jon; Mclntyre, Jon; Miranda, Antonio C.; Meir, Patrick; Miranda, Heloisa S.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Moncriet, Jon; Massheder, Jon; Malhi, Yadvinder; Wright, Ivan; Gash, John Carbon dioxide uptake by an undisturbed tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia, 1992 to 1993 1995 Science 270 3 778-780 7395 estudos do tempo e do clima, . Measurements of carbon dioxide flux over undisturbed tropical rain forest in Brazil for days inthe wet and dry seasons of 1992 to 1993 show that this ecosystem is a absorber of carbon dioxide. Photosynthic gains of carbon dioxide exceeded respirar iosses irrespective of the season. These gains cannot be attributed to measurements en nor to ioss of carbon dioxide by drainage of cold air nigth. A process-baed model, the to the data, enabled estimation of the carbon absorbed by the ecosystem over the as 8.5+-2.0 moles per square meter per year. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPTC 872 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BragaVilJayDAmNer:1991:NeMaCo Journal Article Braga, Joao Braga, Joao; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Jayanthi, Udaya Baskharam; D'Amico, Flavio; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira A new mask-antimask coded-aperture telescope for hard X-ray astronomy 1991 Experimental Astronomy 2 2 101-113 7175 astrofisica, instruments, x rays, telescopes, detectors. A new imaging balloon-borne telescope for hard X-rays in the energy range from 30 to 100 keV is described. The imaging capability is provided by the use of an extended URA-based coded-mask. With only one motor and suitable stop pins we can rotate a carbon-fiber wheel with most of the mask elements attached to it by 180 degrees, and a bar, which is also part of the mask pattern and is allowed to rotate freely over the wheel, by 90 degrees; this combined rotation creates an antimask of the original mask, except for the central element. This is a novel and elegant manner of providing an antimask without additional weight and complex mechanical manipulations. We show that the use of antimasks is a very effective method of eliminating systematic variations in the background map over the position-sensitive detector area. The expected sensivity of the instrument for the 30-100 keV range is of the order of 7 x 10-5 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1, for an integration time of 10 4 seconds at a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g cm-2. This telescope will provide imaging observations of bright galactic hard X-ray sources with an angular resolution of 2 degrees in a 10 degrees by 10 degrees FOV, which is defined by a collimator placed in front of the detector system. We are particularly interested in the galactic center region, where recent imaging results in X-rays have shown the presence of an interesting source field. Results of computer simulations of the imaging system are reported. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 284 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GUIMARAES:1983:CRCLME Journal Article GUIMARAES,P.S. GUIMARAES,P.S. A CRYSTALLINE CLUSTER METHOD FOR DEEP IMPURITIES IN INSULATORS 1983 R. BRAS. FIS., V.ESP 448-452 4644 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 518 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1994:InVaSo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Interannual variability of some trace elements and surface aerosol 1994 International Journal of Climatology 14 6 691-704 7271 geofisica espacial. After correcting for seasonal variations and long-term (linear or quadratic)trends, the residual interannual anomalies (variations)of the trace elements and surface aerosol show periodicities in the Quasi-biennial Oscillation (2-3 years)and 3-5 years range. Quasi-biennial Oscillations (QBO)of some elements match with the QBO of equatorial 50-hPa wind, but for some others, matching is not good. For some elements, matching with Southern Oscillation index is good. The relationship is probably through the sea-surface temperature changes, which affect the role of the ocean as a source/sink for these trace elements. Interaction between equatorial wind QBO and extratropical phenomena should also be involved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 675 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CohenSilvNobr:1989:AsClLi Journal Article Cohen, Julia Clarinda Paiva Cohen, Julia Clarinda Paiva; Silva Dias, Maria assuncao Faus da; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Aspectos climatologicos das linhas de instabilidade na Amazonia 1989 Climanalise 4 11 34-40 November 7402 estudos do tempo e do clima. Bandas longas e estreitas de nuvens convectivas formam-se na costa norte-nordeste da America do Sul desde a Guiana ate o Maranhao, no Brasil. Algumas destas bandas movem-se continente adentro como uma linha de instabilidade (LI), enquanto outras dissipam-se proximo a costa. A genese de formacao da LI na costa esta associada a circulacao de brisa maritima. LIs com atividade moderada e forte observadas de 1979 a 1986 foram analisadas a partir de imagens de satelites meteorologicos. A maxima frequencia das LIs ocorre entre abril e agosto. Do total de 268 LIs analisadas, somente 38 propagaram-se para o interior do continente. A velocidade media de propagacao das LIs e entre 12 e 16m/s. A maioria das LIs sao observads ao sul da Zona de Convergencia Intertropical no Atlantico (ZCITA). A dimensao horizontal media destes sistemas e 1400km de comprimento e 170 km de largura. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1456 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OyamaABBWTPBIO:1997:HiElTe Journal Article Oyama, KI Oyama, KI; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Balan, N; Bailey, GJ; Watanabe, S; Takahashi, T; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Ines Staciarini; Isoda, F; Oya, H High electron temperature associated with the prereversal enhancement in the equatorial ionosphere 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 A1 417-424 9543 aeronomia, energia de eletrons, atividade solar, regiões equatoriais, densidade de eletrons ionosféricos, electron energy, solar activity, equatorial regions, ionospheric electron density. High electron temperature in the equatorial ionization anomaly region detected first by Kyokko satellite and later observed frequently by Hinotori satellite are found to be closely associated with the ionization crests of the anomaly. This phenomenon, called the equatorial electron temperature anomaly, is found to occur predominantly in the equinoctial months and to become enhanced with the increase in solar activity. It is mainly a nighttime phenomenon and shows maximum temperature enhancement at around 2100 LT. Using a theoretical model, a mechanism for its occurrence is presented. The mechanism is based on the plasma transport in the evening equatorial ionosphere resulting from the sunset electrodynamical processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1362 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiJablBrag:1987:LoGaRa Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Jablonski, Francisco José; Braga, Joao Low-energy gamma rays from pulsar gx 1+4 balloon results 1987 Astrophysics and Space Science 138 1 183-189 2727 astrofisica, alta energia, raios gamas, balao. We present the results from a search of pulsed emission in low-energy gamma-rays from GX 1 + 4 e observed during zenith transit in a balloon experiment in April, 1982. The observed pulsar period is 120.6 + 0.2 s with pulsed emission flux of (1.3 + 0.4)x 10 -5 photons cm - 2 s -1 keV -1 at an average energy 342 keV. These pulsations, observed at gamma-ray energies perhaps for the first time from any pulsar, in conjunction with the period determined in X-rays, indicate a spin-down in contrast with in-up behaviour observed by others at earlier epochs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 899 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StraussKaufOphe:1980:FiMiMi Journal Article Strauss, F.M. Strauss, F.M.; Kaufmann, Pierre; Opher, Reuven Five minute microwave solar oscillations 1980 Solar Physics 67 : 83-87 6177 astrofisica, fisica solar, oscilacoes solares. Oscillations with a period of 5.6 min were observed on 10 July, 1978 while tracking at 22 GHz the active region McMath 15403. The oscillations were strong, clearly defined, had no damping, and lasted for about two hours. The rarity of the phenomenon is indicated by the fact that it occurred only once in more than 250 hr of solar observations. The possibility that these oscillations are due to a standing Alfv6n wave driven by the photospheric velocity field is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 125 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FigueroaPrakDias:1995:SiSuCi Journal Article Figueroa, Silvio Nilo Figueroa, Silvio Nilo; Prakki, Satyamurty; Dias Silva, Pedro Leite Simulations of the Summer Circulation over South America Region with an Eta Cordinate Model 1995 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 52 10 1573-1584 7366 estudos do clima, , , zona de convergencia, sacz. A multilevel limited-area primitive equations model in eta coordinate is used to simulate the effects of the Amazonian latent heat source and the Andean topography on the summer (December, January, February)circulation over the South American region. The observed circulation features, such as the Bolivian high and the trough near the coast of Northeast Brazil in the upper troposphere, the elongated South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ)oriented northwest to southeast from the southern Amazon region into the Atlantic Ocean, and the subtropical anticyclones in the South Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans in the lower levels are well simulated. Although heating alone produces the SACZ,the moutain and the basic flow put in the observed position. It is found that regular daily pulses of heating are necessary for the maintenance of the SACZ. The position and intensity of the SACZ change rather substantially from the no-mountain case, thus showing the importance of the effect of the Andes on determining the convergence zone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPTC 869 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiNealRobs:1996:InVaIn Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Neal, Colin; Robson, Alice J Modelling the long-term changes in stream, soil and ground water chemistry for an acid moorland in the Welsh upalnds: the influence of variations in chemical weathering 1996 The Science of the Total Environment 180 3 187-200 7367 ciencias meteorologicas, geoquimica ambiental, magic, qualidade da agua, chuva acida. A long-term model of stream acidification, MAGIC, has been applied to an acidic moorland catchment, the Gwy, in mid-Wales. This application has been used to examine the effects of variability of weathering on soil, groundwater and stream water chemistry from 1844 to the present day and onwards to 2080 with a predicted acidic oxide reduction of 60 in the future. The results show that weathering initially affects soil, groundwater and stream water chemistry profoundly. Despite this, the results indicate that a simple two-layer ( one soil and one groundwater end-member)model can still provide a good prediction of long-term stream water quality even when each soil and groundwater area is heterogeneous in composition. The work provides support for the use of the lumped MAGIC model. However, for the predictions to be applicable it is shown that it is critical that the relative contribution of waters and soil exchange materials from the hydrochemically distinct region with in the catchment are adequately represented within the model. This probably means that further field work is required to examine source contributions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 870 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CapelatoMaPrVaLeSo:1991:NeMeOf Journal Article Capelato, Hugo Vicente Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Mazure, A.; Proust, D.; Vanderries, C.; Lemonniert, J.P.; Sodre Jr., L New measurements of radial velocities in clusters of galaxies. III 1991 Astronomy Astrophysics Supplement Series 90 2 355-364 7173 astrofisica, galaxies, galaxies clusters. We have obtained 95 redshifts in eight Abell galaxy clusters using multi-object spectrograph SILFID. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and the accuracy of the determined velocities are discussed as well as some properties ofthe cluster. Near complete samples of galaxies have been obtained for the clusters A957, A2063 and A2589 in their central regions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 282 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PERONDIKISH:1983:INDOES Journal Article PERONDI,L.F. PERONDI,L.F.; KISHORE,R. INFLUENCIA DOS ESTADOS DE CONDUCAO SOBRE AS PROPRIEDADES ELETRONICAS DE SEMICONDUTORES DOPADOS 1983 R. BRAS. FIS., V.ESP. : 395-404 4642 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 602108 516 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconJoKaKrRoTsVa:1994:WhGeSt Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Joselyn, J.A.; Kamide, Y.; Kroehl, H.W.; Rostoker, G.; Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Vasyliunas, V.M What is a geomagnetic storm? 1994 Journal of Geophysical Research 99 A4 5771-5792 7269 geofisica espacial, magnetic storm. After a brief review of magnetospheric and interplanetary phenomena for intervals with enhanced solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, an attempt is made to define a geomagnetic storm as an interval of time when a sufficiently intense and long-lasting interplanetary convection electric field leads, through a substantial energization in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, to an intensified ring current sufficiently strong to exceed some key thresold of the quantifying storm time Dst index. The associated storm/substorm relationship problem is also reviewed. Although the physics of this relationship does not seem to be fulled understood at this time, basic and fairly well stablished mechanisms of the relationship are presented and discussed. Finally, toward the advancement of geomagnetic storm research, some recommendations are given concerning future improvements in monitoring existing geomagnetic indices as well as the solar wind near Earth. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 673 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SaManz:1988:EnFlPa Journal Article Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar Energy flux partitioning over Amazon forest 1988 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 39 1 1-16 7398 ciencias meteorologicas, , metodos avancados, energia. The present study involved determination of the experimental energy receipt partitioning over the tropical Amazon forest. Diurnal variation of net radiation (Q*), sensible heat flux (Qh)and latent heat flux (Qe)es presented. The daytime Qe is in phase with and it is always an important term in the energy balance. The daily averaged Qe is 59 to 100 of the daily whereas is 5 to 28 at the Amazon forest site (2 degreu 57S, 59 degreus 57 W)for the sample periods. The results present evidence that Qe over the Amazon forest is greater than Q* in the afternoon hours. The role of sensible heat advection in maintaining large Qe over the forest surface is discussed Hourlly Bower ratio beta values for two campaigns of the Amazon forest micrometeorological experiment are presented. During daylight hours, the differences in beta are not significant, and exhibit a systematic pattern. The only time that the variation in Bowen ratio increased significantly was at sunrise and sunset when the thermal structure of the air was changing from a strong inversion to lapse and vice versa. The diurnal beta values changed from - 3.50 to 0,85. The mean houly beta calculated from values from 07.00 to 16.00h, varid from 0.05 to 0.85. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1454 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuoChiaBoro:1999:BrThLa Journal Article Luo, QH Luo, QH; Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang; Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo A broadband theory of Langmuir-whistler events in the solar wind 1999 Astronomy and Astrophysics 348 1 L13-L16 9539 geofísica espacial. Recent interplanetary observations presented evidence of simultaneous excitation of high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves in the magnetic holes of the solar wind. In this letter, we formulate a broadband theory of the interplanetary Langmuir-whistler events. We show that whistler waves can grow exponentially as a result of nonlinear interactions of Langmuir waves and left-hand circularly polarized radio waves. In particular, the growth of whistler waves favors propagation parallel to the Langmuir waves. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1359 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaSastMedeAbdu:1997:EvEfEq Journal Article Batista, Ines Staciarini Batista, Ines Staciarini; Sastri, J.H.; Medeiros, Rui Tertuliano; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Nighttime thermospheric meridional winds at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W): Evidence for effects of the equatorial midnight pressure bulge 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 A9 20059-20062 9541 aeronomia, termosfera, equador magnético, região f, atividade solar, thermosphere, magnetic equator, f region, solar activity. We have studied the local time and seasonal variations of thermospheric nighttime meridional winds at the low-latitude station, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, corresponding to quiet geomagnetic conditions of high solar activity (F10.7 > 150 units). The meridional winds are derived from F layer peak height (h(max)) data using a modified form of the ''servo'' model wherein plasma transport,due to electric field is taken into account. It is found that during the solstices the meridional winds exhibit the transequatorial neutral airflow from the summer to the winter hemisphere, i.e., the nighttime winds are primarily equatorward (poleward)during the December (June)solstice: It is shown that this neutral wind flow pattern is effectively modulated by winds related to equatorial midnight temperature maximum (MTM)and the associated midnight pressure bulge, especially in the December solstice (local summer); The seasonal visibility of the effect of MTM on low/equatorial latitude meridional winds seems to be different in the east Brazil (45 degrees W)and Indian (75 degrees E)sectors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1360 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1987:PrAnRa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Prediction of annual rainfall at Fortaleza, CE, Brazil in recent years 1987 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 5 : 53-62 2736 geofisica espacial, , chuva. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 907 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ POSSIBILIDADESDEDETECCAODALINHAGAMANUCLEAREM6:1982:DEDALI Journal Article POSSIBILIDADES DE DETECCAO DA LINHA GAMA NUCLEAR EM 6,13 MEV DO 016 DE ORIGEM ATMOSFERICA E COSMICA POSSIBILIDADES DE DETECCAO DA LINHA GAMA NUCLEAR EM 6,13 MEV DO 016 DE ORIGEM ATMOSFERICA E COSMICA DETECCAO DA LINHA GAMA NUCLEAR EM 6,13 MEV DO 016 DE ORIGEM ATMOSFERICA E COSMICA 1982 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 12 14 875 2287 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE ASTRO 320 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiKaneTeix:1982:LOTOOZ Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues LOW-LATITUDE TOTAL OZONE MEASUREMENTS IN THE BRAZILIAN SECTOR. 1982 Pure and Applied Gophysics 120 4 616-625 2286 geofisica espacial, quasi biennial oscillations, total ozone, tropical meteorology. Regular measurements of the atmospheric ozone in the Brazilian sector were started at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7§S, 45.0§W), and Natal (5.8§S, 35.2§W)in May 1974 and November 1978, respectively. The results of the total ozone measurements carried out at these two stations up to 1981 are presented in this communication and compared with other Iow- and mid-latitude stations. Although Natal is an equatorial station, it presents a prominent annual variation, and the average total ozone content is high compared to satellite measurements. During 1977-78, abnormally low values of total ozone were observed at Cachoeira Paulista. Some preliminary results about the QBO (quasi-biennial oscillation)during 1974-81 are also presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE FISAT 319 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSLSSFRGC:2000:BrDeAr Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Subramanian, K.R.; Ludke, E.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Swarup, G.; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Cecatto, José Roberto Brazilian Decimetric Array 2000 Advances Space Research 25 3 1809-1812 9861 ASTROFÍSICA, espectroheliográficos, emissão de radio, flaares solares, tempestades magnéticas, explosões radio, antenas parabólicas, predição, spectroheligraps, radio emission, solar flares, magnetic storms, radio bursts, parabolic antennas, predictions. A radio heliograph operating in the frequency range of 1200-1700 MHz is planned by INPE, Brazil, for investigations of time evolution of active regions, which will lead to better understanding of the physics of the flares energy release and particle acceleration, in order to suggest better criteria for the prediction of solar flares, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), and solar terrestrial relations, such as geomagnetic storms and radio blackouts. In the first phase, the Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA)will be a T shaped array 256 m by 144 m, consisting of 26 parabolic dish antennas of 4 m diameter. This array will produce full disk images of the sun with a spatial resolution of 3 by 5 are minutes at 1420 MHz with a time resolution of 100 ms and sensitivity of similar to 10 Jy. In the second phase, in addition to the compact T array there will be 6 more 7 m diameter antennas on an East-West baseline of 2560 m to obtain higher spatial resolution and better sensitivity. Thus, finally this radioheliograph will have wide field of view and couple of arcsec spatial resolution and high time resolution (100 ms). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9800-PRE/4609 PI CEA DAS DAS 221 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoBrit:1992:MoEsCh Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Monitoramento da estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 6 12p. June 7387 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, monitoramento. Acompanhando a estacao chuvosa do norte do Nordeste foram emitidos boletins meteorologicos especiais mensais que se iniciam em janeiro de 1992, com uma previsao para a estaao chuvosa como um todo, e prosseguiram com uma analise da evolucao da estacao chuvosa em si e do fenomeno EL Nino. Este boletim, ultimo da serie para 1992, tras uma analise da estcao chuvosa como um todo e suas consequencias para o norte do Nordeste. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 476 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChristensenTeixAngr:1973:CoPhEx Journal Article Christensen, A.B. Christensen, A.B.; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Angreji, Pramod D Conjugate photoelectron exicitation of OI 4368 airglow emission 1973 Journal of Geophysical Research 78 13 2315-2323 3084 aeronomia, fisica da alta atmosfera, luminescencia. Conjugate photoelectron fluxes are shown to be mainly responsible for the excitation of 0I 4368 radiation observed with a grille spectrometer located at Langmuir Laboratory, New' Mexico (L = 1.7). On the basis of observations of 0 I 7774 and 4368 tropical emissions it Agulhas, Negras, Brazil (L = 1.1),,the contribution of radiative recombination to the New Mexico intensity is shown to be small. Conjugate photoelectron excitation at the Brazilian site has not been observed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 457 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KunduGergKaneSawa:1986:StHaXr Journal Article Kundu,M.R. Kundu,M.R.; Gergely,T.E.; Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar A study of hard x-ray associated meter-decameter burste observed on December 19, 1979 1986 Solar Physics 103: 153-164 5614 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 1257 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbdu:1991:SoAcEf Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Solar activity effects on equatorial plasma bubble zonal velocity and its latitude gradient as measured by airglow scanning photometers 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53 8 729-742 7116 aeronomia, equatorial aeronomy. Using a new mode of scanning 630-nm photometer operation the zonal velocities of ionospheric plasma depletions were measured over Cachoeira Paulista in Brasil in two east-west planes tilted 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S with respect to zenith. The measurements cover a time period of approximately 2 years, from January 1988 to January 1990, a period marked by significant increase in solar activity of the ongoing cycle. The results have permitted a rather detailed evaluation of the local time and latitude variations in the zonal plasma bubble velocity as a function of solar activity. Although the mean trend in the velocity local time variation is a decrease from early evening to post-midnight hours, a strong tendency for velocity peak is observed near 21 LT and midnight. The velocities as well as their height (latitude)gradients show perceivable increases with solar activity represented as sunspot numbers. The present results are compared with the ambient plasma velocities measured using the Jicamarca radar by Fejer et al. (1985)J. Geophys. Res.90,12249, with that measured on board the DE 2 satellite on the equatorial latitudes by Coley and Heelis (1989), J. Geophys. Res.94, 6751, and with various theoretical calculations, in an attempt to bring out the salient features of the plasma dynamics of the equatorial ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 280 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerPaulGonzWood:1991:AvVeZo Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Gonzalez, S.A.; Woodman, R.F Average vertical and zonal F region plasma drifts over Jicamarca 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A8 13901-13906 7115 aeronomia, eletric fields, equatorial ionosphere. The seasonal averages of the equatorial F region vertical and zonal plasma drifts are determined using extensive incoherent scatter radar observations from Jicamarca during 1968-1988. The late afternoon and nighttime vertical and zonal drifts are strongly dependent on the 10.7-cm solar flux. We show that the evening preversal enhancement of vertical drifts increases linearly with solar flux during equinox but tends to saturate for large fluxes during southern hemisphere winter. We examine in detail, for the first time, the seasonal variaton of the zonal plasma drifts and their dependence on solar flux and magnetic activity. The seasonal effects on the zonal drifts are most pronounced in the midnight-morning sector. The nighttime eastward drifts increase with solar flux for all seasons but decrease slightly with magnetic activity. The daytime westward drifts are essentially independent of season, solar cycle, and magnetic activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 279 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianLopeAlve:1994:NoExLa Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian-Long Chian, Abraham Chian-Long; Lopes, Sergio Roberto; Alves, Maria Virginia Nonlinear excitation of Langmuir and Alfven waves by auroral whistler waves in the planetary magnetosphere 1994 Astronomy and Astrophysics 288 3 981-984 7267 geofisica espacial, ondas alfven. A new excitation mechanism of auroral Langmuir and Alfven waves in the planetary magnetosphere is proposed. It is shown that a large-amplitude electromagnetic whistler wave propagating along the magnetic field lines can nonlinearly generate Langmuir and Alfven waves through three-wave parametric instabilities, provided the interacting waves satisfy the phase matching and wave helicity conservation conditions. The proposed mechanism can account for the observation of Langmuir-Alfven-whistler (LAW)auroral events in the Earth's magnetosphere. It is suggested that similar parametric processes are likely to occur in the other field-aligned current regions of astrophysical plasmas wherein the electron plasma frequency is of the order of or less than the electron cyclotron frequency. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 671 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzLeeTsur:1990:RoLiRi Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Lee, L.C.; Tsurutani, B.T Role of the lifetime of ring current particles on the solar wind-magnetosphere power transfer during the intense geomagnetic storm of 28 August 1978 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 6 765-769 7211 geofisica espacial. For the intense magnetic storm of 28 August 1978 it is shown that the power transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere is well represented by the expression obtained by Vasyliunas et al. (1982, Planet. Space Sci. 30, 359)from dimensional analysis, but this representation becomes improved when such an expression is modified by a factor due to an influence of the lifetime of ring current particles as suggested by Lee and Akasofu (1984, Planet. Space Sci. 32, 1423). During a steady state regime of the ring current evolution of this storm, our study suggests that the power transfer depends on the solar wind density, the transverse component of the IMF (with respect to the Sun-Earth line)and also, explicitly, on the time constant for ring current energy decay, but not on the solar wind speed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1452 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GneidingSteiCies:1999:DeOpBu Journal Article Gneiding, C.D. Gneiding, C.D.; Steiner, João Envagelista; Cieslinski, Deonisio Detection of optical bursts from the transient X-ray source XTE 1999 Astronomy and Astrophysics 352 2 543-546 9529 astrofísica, raios x, estrelas, explosões, x rays, stars, bursts. We report the detection of four large optical bursts from the transient X-ray burster XTE J2123-058. This is the third case of detection of optical bursts in an X-ray transient during the active phase; the bursts are recorded with high time resolution and signal-to-noise. The total duration of the bursts is about 80 seconds and the amplitudes vary from 0.7 to 1 magnitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA 1357 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiStei:1987:OnTeSt Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Steiner, Joao Envagelista On teh stability of the 13.2 min scillation of V1223 sagittarii 1987 The Astrophysical Journal 323 2 Part 1 672-677 2734 astrofisica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 905 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SodrePrCaLiCuQuFo:2001:ClGaAb Journal Article Sodre, L. Sodre, L.; Proust, D.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Lima Neto, G.B.L.; Cuevas, H.; Quintana, H.; Fouque, P. The cluster of galaxies Abell 970 2001 Astronomy and Astrophysics 377 2 428-441 9857 ASTROFÍSICA, galáxias, agrupamentos galáticos, distância, raio x, desvio para o vermelho, galaxies, galatic clusters, distance, x rays. We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 970 based on a new set of radial velocities measured at ESO, Pic du Midi and Haute-Provence observatories. Our analysis indicates that this cluster has a substructure and is out of dynamical equilibrium. This conclusion is also supported by differences in the positions of the peaks of the surface density distribution and X-ray emission, as well as by the evidence of a large-scale velocity gradient in the cluster. We also found a discrepancy between the masses inferred with the virial theorem and those inferred with the X-ray mission, which is expected if the galaxies and the gas inside the cluster are not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Abell 970 has a modest cooling flow, as is expected if it is out of equilibrium. We propose that cooling flows may have an intermittent behaviour, with phases of massive cooling flows being followed by phases without significant cooling flows after the accretion of a galaxy group massive enough to disrupt the dynamical equilibrium in the centre of the clusters. A massive cooling flow will be established again, after a new equilibrium is achieved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9804-PRE/4613 PI CEA DAS DAS 218 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoBrit:1992:MoEsCh Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Monitoramento da estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 4 7p April 7385 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, monitoramento. Climatologicamente, marco e o mes mais chuvoso da regiao do semi-arido do Nordeste. Normalmente, as precipitacoes de marco correspondem a 33 do total de precipitacao da estacao chuvosa (fevereiro a maio). Neste marco, as chuvas ocoridas no semi-arido nordestino nao seguiram as caracterisiticas apresentadas em janeiro e fevereiro. O resultado da precipiacao foi 30 abaixo da media climatologica do mes. Considerando o total da precipitacao ocorrida em fevereiro e marco, observa-se que as chuvas no semi-arido encontram-se dentro da normalidade. O episidio quente do fenomeno EL Nino-Oscilacao Sul (ENOS)intensificou-se em relacao ao mes anterior. No Oceano Atlantico Sul foi observado um resfriamneto na temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM), pasando a predominar anomalias negativas de TSM nesse Oceano. Como consequencia dessa interacao, e esperado que a precipitacao nos meses de abril e maio, no semi-arido nordestino, seja abaixo da media. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 474 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TinsleyChBiGoAnTa:1973:ExOxPe Journal Article Tinsley, B.A. Tinsley, B.A.; Christensen, A.B.; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Gouveia, H.; Angreji, P.D.; Takahashi, Hisao Excitation of oxygen permitted line emissions in the tropical nightglow 1973 Journal of Geophysical Research 78 7 1174-1185 3080 aeronomia, ionosfera, emissao de oxigenio, ultravioleta, luminescencia. The ultraviolet oxygen emissions at 1304 Angstron and 1356 Angstron in the tropical nightglow seen from Ogo 4 by Hicks and Chubb and Barth and Schaffner are accompanied by emissions at 7774 and 4368 Angstron, which have been studied from the ground by looking through the beam of an ionosonde operated under the Appleton anomaly ionization peaks. Simultaneous [0 1]6300-Angstron measurements were also made. A theoretical value for the partial rate coefficient for 7774 emission by radiative recombination has been obtained, and from the ionospheric data and a model atmosphere the expected rates of radiative recombination and ion-ion recombination were calculated. The time variations and absolute intensity of the calculated and observed intensities agree reasonably well, when the uncertainties involved are considered. It is concluded that radiative recombination is the major source of the tropical oxygen permitted line emissions, accompanied by a small contribution from ion-ion recombination. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 455 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndradeeSilvaCunhFerrLeal:1988:DeStEl Journal Article Andrade e Silva, Erasmo A. de Andrade e Silva, Erasmo A. de; Cunha Lima, Ivan C. da; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio; Leal, Carlos Eduardo Density of states of electrons bound to impurities in quantum wells 1988 Surface Science 196: 352 5607 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 1255 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreMourNobr:1985:PlCiAn Journal Article Nobre, Paulo Nobre, Paulo; Moura, Antonio Divino; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Planetary-scale circulation anomalies associated with droughts over Northeast Brazil 1985 Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Newsletter 30: 11-15 2521 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT TECLIM 708 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Muralikrishna:1991:ElFiAn Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya Electric fields and currents in the equatorial E-region over American and Indian zones - A comparison 1991 Geofisica Internacional 30 4 253-256 7113 aeronomia, f regiao, e regiao, radar, declinacao geomagnetica, irregularidade de plasma, vhf. E-region electric fields estimated from VHF radar observation of the phase velocity of plasma irregularities and the strength of overhead currents estimated from ground level geomagnetic field measurements at two equatorial stations, Jicamarca, Peru and Thumba, India are compared. The overhead currents in the equatorial regions are driven by electric fields mapped from nonequatorial latitudes, where they are generated by the dynamo action. The geomagnetic declination angle at a given place thus plays an important role in determining the daytime variation of electric fields in the equatorial E-region, which in turn influences the vertical distribution of the overhead currents. The geomagnetic declination angle at Jicamarca being much larger than at Thumba, the present comparative study clearly brings out the role of geomagnetic declination angle in determining the vertical distribution of daytime currents in the equatorial E-region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 277 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SandellScalBRAZ:1983:CaSuSt Journal Article Sandell, G. Sandell, G.; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; BRAZ,M.A. The H2O/OH maser 342.01+0.25: a case of supernova-induced star formation? 1983 Astronomy and Astrophysics 124 1 139-142 4631 astrofísica, maser, oh sources, ir sources, supernova remmants, radio frequency lines: molecular lines, star formation, ate type stars. We have detected time variable H20 emission toward the 1612/1667 MHz OH maser OH 342.01 + 0.25. The maser is seen the direction of a windswept dark nebula interacting with the supernova remnant Kes 45. The maser has no optical counterpart, although it is a rather bright object in the IR (L = 2.8 3). The rapid temporal variations of the H2O maser suggest that the maser is associated with a young object and not a late type star. Possibly the H2O/1667 MHz OH maser originates in an object not associated with the 1612 MHz OH/IR source. If the H2O maser is young, the close association with Kes 45 may represent an example of supernova-induced star formation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 512 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbduBatiZaml:1980:AsBePl Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Association between plasma bubble irregularities and airglow disturbances over Brazilian low latitudes 1980 Geophysical Research Letters 7 11 980-982 2037 aeronomia. . Meridional profiles of 01 6300 nightglow emission measured using a scanning photometer over Cachoeira Paulista,a low latitude station, often show propagating patches of airglow disturbances with north to south and west to east velocity components, occurring mostly in the pre-midnight period. 132 measurements carried out during a period of 26 months since January 1978, show significant seasonal dependence in the occurrence of these disturbances, with most of the events occurring in the spring-summer months and with very rare occurrence during the winter solstice. The north to south propagation velocities lie in the range of 150 to 350 m/s. A case by case comparison of the occurrences of these airglow disturbances with simultaneous ionograms over Cachoeira Paulista show that almost the totality of these disturbances are accompanied by strong range type echoes in the ionograms and vice versa. These results therefore support our earlier contention that these types of airglow disturbances might be manifestations of the equatorial plasma bubbles. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DAE IONO 45 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianRizz:1994:CoElFi Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; Rizzato, F.B Coupling of electromagnetic filamentation instability and electrostatic Langmuir parametric instabilities in laser-plasma interactions 1994 Journal Plasma Physics 51 Part 1 61-73 7264 geofisica espacial. The interaction of electromagnetic filamentation instability and eletrostatic Langmuir parametric instabilities (parametric decay instability and oscillating two-stream instability)driven by an intense laser in a plasma is examined. Near the critical layer of an underdense plasma where the incident laser frequency is close to the local plasma frequency, coupling of unstable electromagnetic and electrostatic modes may occur. The transition from purely electromagnetic and purely electrostatic instabilities to hybrid instabilities is analysed using the generalized Zakharov equations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 668 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarquezLiCaDuLaGe:2001:ToPhUn Journal Article Marquez, I. Marquez, I.; Lima Neto, G.B.L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Durret, F.; Lanzoni, B.; Gerbal, D. Energy, entropy and mass scaling relations for elliptical galaxies. Towards a physical understanding of their photometric properties 2001 Astronomy and Astrophysics 379 3 767-780 9855 ASTROFÍSICA, galáxias, agrupamentos de galáticos, galáxias elípticas, gravitação, equipamento de medir distância, galaxies, galatic clusters, elliptical galaxies, gravitation, distance measuring equipament. In the present paper, we show that elliptical galaxies (Es)obey a scaling relation between potential energy and mass. Since they are relaxed systems in a post violent-relaxation stage, they are quasi-equilibrium gravitational systems and therefore they also have a quasi-constant specific entropy. Assuming that light traces mass, these two laws imply that in the space defined by the three Sersic law parameters (intensity Sigma (0), scale a and shape v), elliptical galaxies are distributed on two intersecting 2-manifolds: the Entropic Surface and the Energy-Mass Surface. Using a sample of 132 galaxies belonging to three nearby clusters, we have verified that ellipticals indeed follow these laws. This also implies that they are distributed along the intersection line (the Energy-Entropy line), thus they constitute a one-parameter family. These two physical laws (separately or combined), allow to find the theoretical origin of several observed photometrical relations, such as the correlation between absolute magnitude and effective surface brightness, and the fact that ellipticals are located on a surface in the [log Reff, -2:5 log Sigma (0); log v]space. The fact that elliptical galaxies are a one-parameter family has important implications for cosmology and galaxy formation and evolution models. Moreover, the Energy-Entropy line could be used as a distance indicator. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9803-PRE/4612 PI CEA DAS DAS 216 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NobreUvoBrit:1992:PeEsCh Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Brito, Jose Ivaldo Barbosa de Perspectivas para a estacao chuvosa no norte do Nordeste em 1992 1992 Boletim Especial 2 1-6 February 7383 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, perspectivas. Na maior parte do Nordeste o total de chuvas em janeiro foi abundante, apesar da distribuicao temporal ter sido bastante irregular.No sul do Nordeste, os totais pluviometricos foram substanciais, o que provocou enchentes principalmente no vale do rio Sao Francisco. Tambem na regiao semi-arida as chuvas foram significativamente acima da media, concentraram-se nas ultimas duas semanas duas semanas do mes, ao passo que, na primeira metade do mes, paraticamente nao ocorreram chuvas. Houve, no inicio de fevereiro, diminuicao das chuvas no semi-arido, porem as chuvas retornaram de maneira generalizada na segunda semana do mes para a maior parte da regiao. desta maneira, o periodo sem chuvas do inicio de fevereiro nao chegou a ser longo o suficiente para afetar adversamente a agricultura. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 472 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChristensenTinsTexeAngr:1972:Tr10Ob Journal Article Christensen, Andrew B. Christensen, Andrew B.; Tinsley, Brian A; Texeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Angreji, Pramod D Tropical He I 10830-A observations 1972 Journal of Geophysical Research 77 4 784-787 3078 aeronomia, ionosfera, helium. In a recent publication, Christensen et al. [1971, here called CPT]discussed ground-based twilight observations of the resonance-scattered He I 10830-A radiation in connection with model calculations. During the past year, the grille spectrometer used for that study was moved to Agulhas Negras, a mountain peak in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (altitude, 2.4 km; latitude, 22.38 degree; longitude, 44.68 degree). Observations of several atmospheric emissions have been carried out. In this paper, we report the results of twilight He I 10830 A for the period December 1970 to May 1971. The data indicate a seasonal variation of the upper-atmospheric helium density at tropical latitudes, in agreement with a winter-helium-bulge model determined by geomagnetic rather, than geographic latitude. The increased photoelectron loss rates of Schunk and Hays [1971)should improve the agreement with model calculations. The description of the grille spectrometer and the data reduction techniques, given by CPT, and the references cited therein will not be repeated here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 453 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSaha:1991:LoIoDy Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar Low-latitude ionospheric dynamical processes from atomic oxygen nightglow emissions 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 9 1 85-93 7111 aeronomia. Simultanoeus observations of permitted and forbidden atomic oxygen airglow emissions have been used in the past by several investigators to study nighttime dynamical processes in the low-latitude F-region ionospheric plasma. Simultaneous measurements of the emissions OI 135.6 nm (or OI 777.4 nm)and OI 630.0 nm, either from satellite or from ground-based instrumentation, can be used to infer the F-region peak electron density, nm(e), and height, hm. Results are presented showing the use of this remote sensing technique to study low-latitude ionospheric dynamical processes, including mapping of F-region plasma irregularities and transequatorial plasma bubbles, ionospheric effetcs due to thermospheric neutral winds and ionospheric response during magnetically disturbed conditions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 275 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VIEIRAFORTTAVAMORE:1989:KC1AT Journal Article VIEIRA,B.M. VIEIRA,B.M.; FORTI,M.C.; TAVARES,M.F.M.; MOREIRA-NORDEMANN,L.M. NA, CA, K, MG E C1 ATMOSFERICOS NA REGIAO LESTE DO ESTADO DE SAO PAULO 1989 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE GEOFISICA, 2909 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET 3298 907642 1056 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GFL:1983:ONTHVA Journal Article GUIMARAES,P.S. FERREIRA,L.G. GUIMARAES,P.S. FERREIRA,L.G. ON THE VALIDITY OF THE CLUSTER METHOD FOR CRYSTALS 1983 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 13 : 99-110 4601 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN cea DGE 602108 509 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ObregonNobr:1990:PrCoAn Journal Article Obregon, Guillermo O. Obregon, Guillermo O.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Principal component analyses of precipitation fields over the Amazon River Basin 1990 Climanalise 5 7 35-46 July 6348 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 98 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Jablonski:1994:OrLiCu Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose The orbital light curve of FO Aquarii 1994 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. ??? ??? ????? 7202 astrofisica, accretion, accretion discs, stars fo aqr, novae. I discuss observational properties of the orbital light curve of FO Aqr based on photometric data collected at Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica, Brazil, in the period 1981-1992. Mean annual profiles as well as a combined profile for the entire period are presented. Minimum light is resolved in two components in the combined light curve. An updated ephemeris for the time of minimum light based on the homogeneous set of data described here is presented. I discuss the new pieces of information and their relationship with the phenomenology of other Intermediate Polars. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 666 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiStei:1987:AnEcCa Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Steiner, Joao Envagelista NSV 12615 - An eclipsing cataclysmic variable with ultrashort period 1987 Astrophysical Journal 313 1 Part 1 317-376 2730 astrofisica, alta energia, headings, stars, dwarf novae, stars eclipsing binaries, stars: individual, stars u geminorum. We report the discovery of an ultrashort binary period in the star NSV 12615 =_ S7273. The object shows deep eclipses (?m 1.2)and has a period of 88.45 minutes. We suggest that the star belongs to the SU UM subclass of dwarf novae. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 901 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DantasCapeCarvRibe:2002:DiCoSp Journal Article Dantas, C.C Dantas, C.C; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Carvalho, R.R. de; Ribeiro, A.L.B. Dissipationless collapse of spherical protogalaxies and the fundamental plane 2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics 384 3 772-779 9853 ASTROFÍSICA, galáxias elípticas, metodologia, sistemas estrelares, teorema virial, propriedades físicas, estabilidade, elliptical galaxies, methodology, stellar systems, virial theorem, physical properties, stability. Following on from the numerical work of Capelato et al. (1995, 1997), where dissipationless merger simulations were shown to reproduce the ""Fundamental Plane"" (FP)of elliptical galaxies, we investigate whether the end products of pure, spherically symmetric, one-component dissipationless collapses could also reproduce the FP. Past numerical work on collisionless collapses have addressed important issues on the dynamical/structural characteristics of collapsed equilibrium systems. However, the study of collisionless collapse in the context of the nature of the FP has not been satisfactorily addressed yet. Our aim in this paper is to focus our attention on the resulting collapse of simple one-component spherical models with a range of different initial virial coefficients. We find that the characteristic correlations of the models are compatible with virialized, centrally homologous systems. Our results strengthen the idea that merging may be a fundamental ingredient in forming non-homologous objects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9801-PRE/4610 PI CEA DAS DAS 214 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WrightGRSNMZC:1992:DrSeMi Journal Article Wright, I.R. Wright, I.R.; Gash, J.H.B.; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Shuttleworth, W.J.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Maitelli, G.T.; Zamparoni, C.A.G.P.; Carvalho, P.R.A Dry season micrometeorology of central Amazonian ranchland 1992 Quartely Journal Royal Meteorological Society 118 508 1083-1099 7381 estudos do tempo e do clima, , micrometeorologia. This paper presents the first comprehensive micrometeorological measurements to be recorded over post-deforestation Amazonian ranchaland.The ranch was managed for the production of beef cattle and beencreated by felling and burning the original rainforest 12 years previous. the measurements allow derivation of the aerodynamics roughness, and a description of the response of the energy balance and surace conductance to the progressing dry season.Zero-plane displacement and roughness length were derived from wind-speed profiles as 0.17+ -0.03m and 0.26+-0.003m respectively, while measurement systems.During the 1990 dry season average evaporation diminished from 3.8 to 2.1 mm d-1 as Bowen ratio increased from 0.43 to 0.67. Values of surface conductance were derived and compare well expected trends. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPTC 470 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JanuarioYeliSenn:1992:RaSoTo Journal Article Januario, M. Januario, M.; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Senna, R.C Radiacao solar total dentro e fora de floresta tropical umida de terra firme (Tucurui, Para) 1992 Acta Amazonica 22 3 335-340 7325 ciencias meteorologicas, , instrumentacao meteorologica, terra firme, balanco energetico, medida, florestas, radiacao solar. Medidas de radiacao solar global foram executadas dentro e fora de mata tropical umida de terra firme durante o dia 07 de novembro de 1986, em Tucurui, Para. As intensidades de radiacao solar incidentes em 3 sensores instalados aleatoriamente no chao da floresta e um sensor localizado em area aberta (sensor padrao)sao avaliadas e intercomparadas. A radiacao media que atinge o chao da floresta foi 4,7 da radiacao incidente em area aberta adjacente a floresta. As diferencas entre as medidas dos sensores da mata e o padrao podem ser atribuidas a distribuicao espacial heterogenea da radiacao solar que alcanca o chao da floresta. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 469 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaushaikaTriv:1972:HoGeFi Journal Article Kaushaika, N.D. Kaushaika, N.D.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Horizontal geomagnetic field variations at low latitude in South Atlantic Magnetic anomaly 1972 Pure and Applied Geophysics 99 : 99-107 3076 geofisica espacial, , campos magneticos, anomalias magneticas, geomagnetismo. Horizontal geomagnetic field variations on international quiet days at a low latitude station situated in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly are studied with reference to the problem whether these variations are caused by the daytime increases or by the night time depressions of the field. It is found that both the mechanisms are operative significantly. The correction for noncyclic change decreases the magnitude of the night time depression. However, it does not account fully for the same. Possible causes for the night depressions are also discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 451 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoSaFranHada:1997:InVaRa Journal Article Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda; Sa, Leonardo Deane Abreu de; Franchito, sergio Henrique; Hada, Kioshi Interannual variations of rainfall and yield in Northeast Brazil 1997 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 85 : 63-74 8604 estudo do tempo e do clima, , chuvas, anomalias, zona de convergencia, oscilacao sul, variacao anual, milho. Interannual variations of rainfall in Northeast (NE)Brazil are studied giving emphasis to the unusually heavy rainfall during 1984 and 1985. It is found that a more southward location of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone is probably responsible for the higher rainfall in 1984 and 1985. In 6 of the 9 states, rainfall correlates significantly with corn yields. In 7 of the 9 states, the Southern Oscillation (SO)index shows a strong positive correlation with annual corn yields. This suggests that the SO index can be used to predict annual corn yields in NE Brazil. The feasibility of predicting annual corn yields in Northeast Brazil from prior observations of the Southern Oscillation index is examined. It is found that good success can be obtained in some states. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GanKous:1986:VoCiAl Journal Article Gan, Manoel Alonso Gan, Manoel Alonso; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Vortices ciclonicos da alta troposfera no Oceano Atlantico Sul 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 1 19-28 2517 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT TECLIM/ESOM 704 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1980:RENOCY Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long RELATIVISTIC NONLINEAR CYCLOTRON WAVES IN A WARM ELECTRON-ION PLASMA 1980 Lett Nuovo Cimento 29 12 393-398 4142 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 116 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtChry:1991:CoIRMo Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Chryssafidis, M Comparison of IRI model predictions with low latitude ionospheric observations 1991 Advances in Space Research 11 10 (10)97-(10)100 7109 aeronomia. During a period of high solar activity (1979/1980), IRI-predicted electron density profiles were compared with measurements made at Fortaleza (Brazil), 2 degrees off the dip equator. A few discrepancies were found. They are attributed mainly to dynamical effects associated with the low latitude E x B electromagnetic plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds that are not correctly reproduced in the CCIR numerical maps and in the IRI profile shapes as well. In particular, the dependence on the magnetic declination angle, which strongly affects the electrodynamical plasma motions at low latitudes, is not satisfactorily considered in the models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 273 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbrahamCostKauf:1983:TEDEIM Journal Article Abraham, Zulema Abraham, Zulema; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Kaufmann, Pierre TECNICAS DE IMAGEAMENTO E SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO DE OBJETOS ASTROFISICOS EM MICRO-ONDAS MILIMETRICAS. 1983 CIENCIA HOJE, 4586 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA CRAAE RADIO 507 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RochaNobr:1990:VaNaLo Journal Article Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Variabilidade natural de longo prazo no ciclo hidrologico da Amazonia 1990 Climanalise 4 12 36-42 6346 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 96 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HellierRamsJabl:1994:AnEpIn Journal Article Hellier, Coel Hellier, Coel; Ramseyer, Tod F.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose An ephemeris for the intermediate polar RE 0751 + 14 1994 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 271 2 L25-L29 7200 astrofisica, accretion, binaries, magnetic fields, novae. RE 0751 + 14 shows an 833-s spin pulsation which is quasi-sinusoidal in the blue, but double-peaked in the red. We present the first ephemeris for this pulsation. A weaker 872-s pulsation is also double-peaked, and is probably caused by reprocessing of the double-peaked X-ray pulse. The optical modulation at the implied orbital period is weaker than in any other intermediate polar, which suggests that RE 0751 + 14 is at low inclination. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 664 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LongoTKRFSAHSY:1999:CoBeSm Journal Article Longo, K.M Longo, K.M; .Thompson, A.M.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johan Heinrich; Remer, L.A.; Freitas, S.R.; Silva Dias, Maria A.F.; Artaxo, P.; Hart, W.; Spinhirne, J.D.; Yamasoe, M.A . Correlation between smoke and tropospheric ozone concentration in Cuiaba during Smoke, Clouds, and radiation-Brasil (SCAR-B) 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 D10 12113-12129 9461 geofísica espacial, fumaça, ozonio, troposfera, correlação, nuvens (meteorologia), smoke, ozone, troposphere, correlation, clouds (meteorology). Ozone soundings launched from Cuiaba between August 16 and September 10, 1995, during the Smoke, Clouds, and Radiation-Brazil (SCAR-B)experiment show an enrichment of tropospheric ozone when compared with average wet season values and also present a great variability in concentrations depending on the dominant circulation pattern. Smoke tracers, such as aerosol optical thickness, measured from a Sun photometer installed at the Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-Cuiaba site, and black carbon ground measurements, also show an enhancement of smoke during the same period. Although there is a connection between the enrichment of the tropospheric ozone around Cuiaba during the dry season and smoke from biomass burning, the correlation between ozone and smoke indicates different behavior in different periods. Trajectory analyses suggest that the strong ozone peak measured in the period between August 26 and 29, 1995, may be associated not only with direct biomass-burning emissions but also with urban/industrial emissions from big cities on the coast of Brazil and recirculation of old smoke. This view is confirmed by measurements made from the Cloud Lidar System instrument aboard the ER-2 aircraft. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 1351 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1988:FoGeAc Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Forecasting geomagnetic activity 1988 Pure and Applied Geophysics 126 1 85-101 2715 geofisica espacial, geomagnetismo, geomagnetic activity, ap indices. Abstract-A study of the daily, monthly and annual values of the geornagnetic activity index Ap for 1932 onwards and of the annual aa indices for 1868 onwards indicated that their variations had large random components. Long-term predictions were not possible from time-series extrapolations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI DGE GEOMAGNETISMO 888 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KarlickyBaJiMeSaFeCe:2001:LaBu Journal Article Karlicky, M. Karlicky, M.; Barta, M.; Jiricka, K.; Meszarosova, H.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Cecatto, José Roberto Radio bursts with rapid frequency variations - Lace bursts 2001 Astronomy and Astrophysics 375 2 638-642 9851 ASTROFÍSICA, sol, atividade solar, radiação, explosões solares, erupções, sun, salar activity, flares, radiation, radio bursts. The Ondrejov radiospectrograph operating in the 0.8-2.0 GHz frequency range recorded in recent years (1998-2000), three (August 10, 1998; August 17, 1999; June 27, 2000)unique bursts with rapid frequency variations (lace bursts)lasting for several minutes. On August 17, 1999, the same burst was recorded simultaneously by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope in the 1.0-2.5 GHz frequency range. The frequency variations of these bursts in four time intervals were analyzed by the Fourier method and power-law spectra with power-law indices close to -2 were found. The Fourier spectra show the presence of frequency variations in the 0.01-3.0 Hz interval which indicate fast changes of plasma parameters in the radio source. Due to the similarities in the line features of these bursts with zebra pattern lines, a model similar to that of the zebra pattern was suggested. The model radio spectra, computed using this model with a turbulent state of the solar flare atmosphere, are similar to those observed by the radiospectrographs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8910-PRE/4618 PI CEA DAS DAS 212 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiLimaFran:1992:RoCoWi Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Lima, Marley Cavalcante de; Franchito, Sergio Henrique On the role of the coastal wind in the interannual variations of rainfall over Eastern Northeast Brazil 1992 Toga Notes 9 12-16 7323 estudo do tempo e do clima, climatologia dinamica, chuva, ventos (meteorologia). For the tropics, rainfall is the principal meteorological element that directly affects aspects of human life. In Northeast (NE)Brazil, the interannual variation of rainfall is large. and in some years the seasonal deficiency of rainall leads to severe drought conditions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 467 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1971:CoPaBy Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert Comments on a paper by A.J. Dyer, ' anisotropic diffusion coefficients and global spread of volcanic dust 1971 Journal of Geophysical Research 76 3 755-756 3072 aeronomia, radar de laser, fisica da alta atmosfera. In a recente paper Dyer (1970)uses measurements of the decrement in diret solar radiation to trace the global spread of volanic dust from the 1963 Mt. Agung eruption. He assumes that this dust is carried from a tropical stratospheric resoir to middle and higt latitudes by the stratospheric circulation system. The purpose of this letter is to point out that there is a large discrepancy between the magnitude of the extinction reported by Dyer and the aerosol scattering cross sections measured by the laser radar technique. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 448 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaPaulAbduTriv:1991:IoEfMa Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Ionospheric effects of the March 13, 1989, magnetic storm at low equatorial latitudes 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A8 13943-13952 7107 aeronomia, , electric fields, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, ionospheric disturbances, particle precipitation, magnetic storms. The great geomagnetic storm of March 13, 1989 (E Kp=60, Ap=246)caused severely anomalous behavior in the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere in the Brazilian longitude sector. The ionograms over Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W)indicated F region upward plasma drifts exceeding 200 m s-1 at 1830 LT as compared to normal values of 40 m s-1 for this epoch. Large negative phases were observed in foF2 over Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W)and in total electron content measured over Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W). The equatorial ionization anomaly was totally absent either because of its anomalous expansion to higher latitudes or because of inhibition of its development on the two nights following the storm. Many anomalous variations in F region peak density and height, occurring simultaneously with sharp variations on H component of magnetic field over Fortaleza and with auroral substorms, give strong evidence of penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to equatorial and low latitudes. Auroral type sporadic E and night E layers are observed after 1830 LT over Cachoeira Paulista, the latter showing peak electron density about 6 x 10-4 el cm-3, therefore comparable to the E layer peak density in the morning hours at that station. The Fortaleza ionograms show the presence of the F1 layer at night, a phenomenon that has never been observed over our two stations before. The role played by electric fiels penetrating from high to low latitudes, particle precipitation, and composition changes in explaining the observations is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 271 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SodreJrCapeSteiMazu:1989:ONTHKI Journal Article Sodre Jr., L. Sodre Jr., L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Steiner, Joao Envagelista; Mazure, A ON THE KINEMATICAL BEHAVIOR OF GALAXIES IN CLUSTERS 1989 Astronomical Journal 97 5 1279-1282 2905 astrofísica. We have analyzed the sample of 15 galaxy clusters published by Dressler and Shectman (1988a)to search for a trend for spiral and irregular galaxies to have greater velocity dispersion than the ellipticals and lenticulars. We have shown that this trend is highly significant, with a probability of less than 0.05 that it may result from statistical fluctuations in our sample of clusters. An analogous but much less significant effect appears also to be present between lenticular and elliptical galaxies. We interpret these results as evidence that late-type galaxies are still in the process of infalling towards the virialized cluster cores. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 1052 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannSTCoDEKIFROR:1983:MIANHA Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; STRAUSS,F.M.; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; DENNIS,B.R.; KIPLINGER,A.; FROST,K.J; ORWIG,L.E. MICROWAVE AND HARD X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF A SOLAR FLARE WITH A TIME RESOLUTION OF BETTER THAN 100MS 1983 SOLAR PHYSICS 84 : 311-319 4470 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 505 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettySantGiel:1990:AdInAm Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Santos, Regina Celia dos; Gielow, Ralf Advective influences in the Amazonian Forest Terrain 1990 Bulletin American Meteorological Society 71 1 105 6331 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 94 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VillelaNetoBraDAmJayNer:1994:BaImTe Journal Article Villela Neto, Thyrso Villela Neto, Thyrso; Braga, Joao; D'Amico, Flavio; Jayanthi, Udaya Baskharam; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira A Balloon-borne imaging telescope for high-energy astrophysics 1994 Astrophysics and Space Science 214 ? 161-170 7198 astrofisica. We describe an imaging telescope for observations of celestial sources in the energy range between 30 keV and 1.8 MeV onboard stratospheric balloons. The detector is a 41 cm diameter, 5 cm thick NaI(TI)crystal coupled to 19 photomultipliers in an Anger camera configuration. It is surrounded by a plastic scintillator 15 cm thick on the sides, 0.2 cm thick at the top and 20 cm thick at the bottom. The imaging device is based upon a 19 x 19 element square MURA (Modified Uniformly Redundant Array)coded mask mounted in an one-piece mask-antimask configuration. The detector's spatial resolution is about 10 mm at 100 keV. This is the first experiment to use such a mask pattern and configuration for astrophysical purposes. The expected 3sigma sensivity for an on-axis source observed for 10 4 s at a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g cm-2 is 1.44 x 10 -5 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 at 1 MeV. The angular resolution is approximately 14 arcminutes over a 13 degrees field of view. The instrument is mounted in an automatic platform with a capability for pointing and stabilization in both azimuth and elevation axis with 2 arcmin accuracy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 662 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPGVPDCC:1999:GeDi Journal Article Pinto Jr, Osmar Pinto Jr, Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Carsoso de ALmeida; Gomes, M.A.S.S.; Vitorello, Icaro; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Diniz, J.H.; Carvalho, A.M.; Cazetta, A Cloud-to-ground lightning in southeastern Brazil in 1993 1. Geographical distribution 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 D24 31369-21379 9456 geofísica espacial. About 1.1 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes were recorded by a lightning positioning and tracking system in southeastern Brazil in 1993. The 1-year continuous lightning data set is the first obtained in Brazil. It has been analyzed for geographical distribution of total flash density, percentage of positive flashes, negative and positive flash densities, and negative and positive flash peak currents. The dependence of the flash density and peak current on latitude, altitude. and soil resistivity was investigated. Negative flash peak current was found to be inversely correlated with latitude, but no other significant correlation was found for flash density and peak current with these parameters. Positive flashes were found to be contaminated by intracloud flashes. The maximum total, negative, and positive flash densities were 15.5, 9.1, and 7.7 flashes/km(2)per year, respectively. The average percentage of positive flashes was 36.5. The geometric means of negative and positive peak current were 30.9 kA and 17.8 kA. The high density, high percentage and low average peak current of positive flashes found in this study are probably a result of such a contamination. Neglecting positive flashes below 15 kA, assuming that they correspond to intracloud flashes erroneously identified by the system, the maximum positive and total flash densities would be 3.9 flashes/km(2)per year and 11.7 flashes/km(2)per year. The percentage and geometric mean peak current of positive flash would be 23 and 38.7 kA, respectively. The results are discussed in the context of other similar measurements made at different parts of the world. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1348 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VatsShOzIyChSaDe:2001:InTeOb Journal Article Vats, HO Vats, HO; Sharma, S; Oza, R; Iyer, KN; Chandra, H; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Deshpande, MR Interplanetary and terrestrial observations of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection 2001 RADIO SCIENCE 36 6 1769-1773 November 9849 ASTROFÍSICA, perturbações, densidade, ejeção de massa coronal, solar, disturbances, density, coronal mass ejection (CME>. In this article we report interplanetary scintillation observations at 103 and 327 MHz of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME)which occurred near the center of the solar disk at 0435 UT on May 12, 1997. The disturbance was found to have plasma density similar to 4 times more than that of the ambient plasma at a distance of similar to 0.5 AU from the Sun. The most peculiar aspect of this CME is that it appears that the disturbance moved slightly slower than the ambient medium. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)and interplanetary scintillation (IPS)estimates of solar wind are quite different; it appears that the difference could be due to the projection effect of the SOHO image. Though the disturbance was not very severe, its impact on Earth's environment produced a geomagnetic storm. This event was associated with a two-ribbon flare. The ionospheric effects of soft X rays from this solar flare were observed by a digital ionosonde at Ahmedabad in the form of excess ionization (similar to1200 el cm(-3)) in the D region of the ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8908-PRE/4616 PI CEA DAS DAS 210 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraBragJabl:2000:OrPeAc Journal Article Pereira, MG Pereira, MG; Braga, João; Jablonski, Francisco José The orbital period of the accreting pulsar GX 1+4 (vol 526, pg 105, 1999) 2000 Astrophysical Journal 533 1 l69-l69 9848 ASTROFÍSICA. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8912-PRE/4620 PI CEA DAS DAS 209 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaMeGoTaBaTa:2001:MuWaOp Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Medeiros, AF; Gobbi, Delano; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Taylor, MJ Multiple wavelength optical observations of a long-lived meteor trail. 2001 Geophysical Research Letters 28 14 2779-2782 9836 AERONOMIA, caudas de meteoro, comprimento de ondas, observações, wavelengths, meteor trails, observations. A long-lived meteor trail has been observed at wavelengths of 572.5 nm, 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, 865.5 nm and in the near infrared band from 715 to 930 nm. The trail was detected at all these wavelengths, with the possible exception of 865.5 nm, where its identification was marginal. It was seen longest (17 minutes)through the wide band NIR 715 930 nm filter. The fact that the trail was only marginally visible in the 865.5 nm (0-1)band of molecular oxygen, and was strongest in the wide-band NIR image, raises serious doubts about an earlier suggestion that the infrared light from longlived meteor trails corresponds to emissions from molecular oxygen excited by the Chapman mechanism. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8889-PRE/4598 PI CEA DAE DAE 199 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoKous:1992:SoMoOs Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Kousky, Vernon Edgar Sobre o monitoramento das oscilacoes intrasazonais 1992 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 7 593-602 7307 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, oscilacao. Variabilidade intrasazonal nos tropicos, bem como refletida nas anomalias de radiacao de onda longa (ROL), e investigada utilizando analise de funcoes ortogonais empiricas estendidas. A sequencia de padroes do primeiro modo claramente indica uma propagacao dos ""loadings"" para leste, de um passo em tempo para o seguinte. A principal caracteristica deste modo e um dipolo nos ""loadigs"", orientado na direcao leste-oeste, sobre o oceano Indico/Pacifico oeste que se assemelha a associada a oscilacao intrasazonal(periodo de 30 a 60 dias)de Madden e Julian. A serie temporal de amplitudes deste modo apresenta flutuacoes mais pronunciadas durante o verao e outono do hemisferio sul com periodos variando de 40 a 55 dias. Tais flutuacoes apresentam marcada variabilidade interanual, com amplitudes relativamente reduzidas durante anos de extremos na Oscilacao Sul. As amplitudes projetadas do primeiro modo fornecem informacoes quanto a evolucao e intensidade das oscilacoes intrasazonais. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as amplitudes projetadas podem ser utilizadas como indice para monitorar estas oscilacoes e para inferir epocas favoraveis a conveccao em certas regioes tropicais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 465 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KantorMend:1971:BEOFPO Journal Article Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Mendonça, Fernando BEHAVIOR OF POLARIZATION OF DOWNCOMING RADIO WAVES INCLUDING TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC FIELD 1971 IEEETransactions on Antennas and Propagation AP19 2 246- 3070 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PE CEA DAE GEOMA 446 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SaBolzPrasSouz:1999:PeFlTu Journal Article Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves; Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga; Souza, Amaury de Percentagem do fluxo turbulento associado a ocorrencia de estruturas coerentes e sua variacao em funcao da instabilidade atmosferica acima do Pantanal (estacao seca) 1999 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 14 1 87-96 8598 estudos dos sinais geofisicos, , seca, estruturas coerente, turbulencia atmosferica. Sao utilizados dados micrometeorologicos de resposta rapida medidos em torre no Pantanal Matogrossense, estacao seca, para estudar a variacao da fracao dos fluxos turbulentos associada a ocorrencia de estruturas coerentes (M)em funcao da condicao de estabilidade atmosferica. A transformada em ondeletas foi aplicada para detectar a ocorrencia de ECs no sinal turbulento atraves da determinacao da variancia dos coeficientes da ondeleta para cada uma das escalas possibilitadas pelas condicoes de amostragem do sinal. Os resultados, obtidos para os fluxos de momentum e de calor sensivel, sob condicoes convectivas, determinados pelo metodo das covariancias aplicado a dados medidos a uma altura de 25,26 m e a uma frequencia de aproximadamente 21 Hz mostram que a participacao das ECs nos fluxos tende a diminuir com o aumento da instabilidade atmosferica. Graficos dos sinais projetados em tempo-escala, obtidos atraves da aplicacao da ondeleta do chapeu mexicano aos dados, permitem que se formule uma explicacao fisica para os resultados. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1152 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrPaulBati:1991:MaDiEf Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Inez Staciarini Magnetospheric disturbance effects on Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA): an overview 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53 8 757-771 7104 aeronomia, anomalias, anomalia equatorial, anomalies, eia, equatorial aeronomy. The Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA)development can undergo drastic modification in the form of an anomalous occurrence at local times outside that of its quiet time development and/or inhibition/enhancement at local times of its normal occurences. This happens for disturbed electrodynamic conditions of the global ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere system, consequent upon the triggering of a magnetospheric storm event. Direct penetration to equatorial latitudes of the magnetospheric electric fields and the thermopheric disturbances involving winds, electric fields and composition changes produce significant alteration in the EIA morphology and dynamics. Results on statistical behaviour based on accumulated ground-based data sets, and those from recent theoretical modelling efforts and from satellite and ground-based observations, are reviewed. Some outstanding problems of the EIA response to magnetopheric disturbances that deserve attention in the coming years are pointed out. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 268 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StraussKirhYahi:1988:NeDiIr Journal Article Strauss, M.A. Strauss, M.A.; Kirhakos, S.D.; Yahil, A A newly discovered Iras QSO close to the galactic plane 1988 Astrophysical Journal 332 2 Part 2 L45-L48 2902 headings, infrared, sources, quasars. As part of a complete survey of IRAS galaxies close to the Galactic plane, we have discovered a bright QSO, at a redshift z = 0.0571 and a Galactic latitude of -9§2. Its observed V magnitude is 13.55, making it the fourth brightest QSO in the sky, and the Galactic reddening is estimated to be E(B-V) 0.23, giving the QSO an absolute magnitude of Mv = -24.87(4pr2vFv 5x1011LT;H0=50 km s-1Mpc-1). Direct imaging and spectroscopy show that the object is surrounded by low surface-brightness fuzz, with strong lines of [O III]. The fuzz is some 2.4 mag fainter than the QSO in R. Unlike other QSOs recently discovered by IRAS, this object does not have a strong infrared excess, and has normal optical colors for a nearby QSO. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE EXTRA 1049 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCeca:1994:HiSpRe Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, Jose Roberto High-sensitivity spectral resolution mm-wavelength 18-23 GHz radiometer 1994 Solar Physics 150 1-2 375-384 7196 astrofisica. High-sensivity, high-spectral-resolution solar observations in the millimeter wavelength are scanty. A sensitive radiometer with 1 GHz resolution, operating between 18 and 23 GHz in conjunction with a 13.7 m diameter antenna has been in regular operation since the end of 1987. At present, each frequency is sampled for 100 ms, soon to be improved to 50 ms. Details of this instrumentation, including the processes of calibration, data acquisition, and reduction are described here. Also, preliminary observations of an active region and of the burst components are briefly described. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 660 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCecaNefeUral:1994:FiStSu Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, Jose Roberto; Nefedyev, V.P.; Uralov, A.M Fine structure superimposed on millimeter-wavelength (23-18 Ghz)spectra of solar active regions 1994 Solar Physics 152 2 381-391 7195 astrofisica. A milimeter-wavelength (23-18 GHz)variable frequency radiometer with frequency resolution of 1 GHz and time resolution of 0.1-16 s has been developed in conjunction with a 13.7 m-diameter antenna. In this paper we describe briefly this new instrument, and its use to observe active regions. Spectra of four active regions show that: (i)spectra of the quiet-Sun region and those of the active region were of the same nature and the spectral index of both varied between -0.4 and +0.3; (ii)for two cases the spectra of the active region remained almost flat during the observing period of about one hour; (iii)spectra of the two other active regions exhibited frequency fine structures similar to the trough and crest type with a width of the order of 2 GHz in frequency and lasting about 40 to 90 min. The spectra of the quiet-Sun region and those of the active regions are attributed to bremsstrahlung emission. Fine structures in frequency type crest and trough are attributed to the radio signatures of the temperature plateau in the chromosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 659 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1999:SCMi Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Observations of atmospheric methane and carbon monoxide in Brazil: SCAR-B mission 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 D24 32101-32105 9454 geofísica espacial, monóxido de carbono, medição, metano, methane, carbon monoxide, measurements. Methane (CH4)concentrations have been measured in the lower atmosphere in Brazil on board a Brazilian research aircraft. Air samples were obtained at different heights by grab sampling, and taken for analysis by flame ionization detector (FID)gas chromatography at INPE (the Brazilian Institute for Space Research). The sampling region is the cerrado area of central Brazil, around the cities of Brasilia, Cuiaba, Alta Floresta, and Porto Nacional. Instead of concentrating on plume characteristics, an effort was made to describe the average mixed atmosphere, keeping a distance from direct burning sources. The measurements of atmospheric CH4 during the dry season have shown larger mixing ratios compared to the wet season. This finding has consistently been observed for different dry seasons, but especially for the Smoke, Clouds, and Radiation: Brazil (SCAR-B)field mission. For comparison, measurements near the ground in a region not directly affected by biomass burning (Natal, Brazil)show concentrations that are 39 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)less than the biomass burning results, which is 4 times the size of the seasonal amplitude at oceanic stations within about 10 degrees of the equator, thus making the biomass burning values comparable to those observed at northern hemisphere midlatitudes. The vertical distribution for these regions seems to be well mixed, showing differences of about 40 ppbv between the different sampling areas of the SCAR-B experiment. The CH4 mixing ratio was in general well correlated with the CO mixing ratio. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1346 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannFortEspi:1986:RaChCe Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Forti, Maria Cristina; Espirito-Santo, Clovis Monteiro do Rainwater Chemistry of Central Amazonia (dry season 1985) 1986 Journal of Geophysical Research 24 May 2711 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT GTE ABLE 884 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShiokawaOESKIOIMS:2002:ImObEq Journal Article Shiokawa, K. Shiokawa, K.; Otsuka, Y.; Ejiri, M.K.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kadota, T.; Ihara, C.; Ogawa, T.; Igarashi, K.; Miyazaki, S.; Saito, A Imaging observations of the equatorward limit of midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances 2002 Earth Planets and Space 54 1 57-62 9844 AERONOMIA, disturbios ionosféricos, regiões temperadas, aeroluminescência, ionospheric disturbances, temperate regions, airglow. This paper reports the first attempt to observe the equatorward limit of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)in the middle latitudes. The TIDs usually propagate southwestward in the northern hemisphere. An all-sky cooled-CCD imager measured 630-nm airglow at a southern island of Japan, Okinawa (26.9degreesN, 128.3degreesE, geomagnetic latitude (MLAT)= 17.0degrees), during the FRONT-2 campaign of August 4-15, 1999. The TIDs were detected at the mainland of Japan (similar to21degrees-36degrees MLAT)by the total electron content (TEC)observations of more than 1000 GPS receivers. In the August 4 event, the TIDs moving southwestward was seen only in the northern sky of Okinawa as a depletion band in the 630-nm airglow images. In the August 6 event, the TIDs were not seen in the 630-nm images at Okinawa, although weak TID activity was observed by the GPS network at the mainland of Japan. The TEC data also showed weakening of the TID activity below 18degrees MLAT. Based on these observations, we suggest that there is a possible limit of medium-scale TID propagation around similar to18degrees MLAT. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8895-PRE/4604 PI CEA DAE DAE 207 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SakaKTSTSRG:2001:SuOnSi Journal Article Saka, O Saka, O; Kitamura, T; Tachihara, H; Shinohara, M; Trivedi, NB; Sato, N; Ruohoniemi, JM; Greenwald, RA A substorm onset signature at the auroral zone as observed with SuperDARN and equatorial magnetometers 2001 Journal Geophysical Reseaech 106 A12 29037-29050 9833 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, zonas aurorais, assinaturas, propagação, partículas energéticas, auroral zones, signatures, ionospherics, convection, energetic particles. Ionospheric convection enhancement with high westward velocities exceeding 1500 In s(-1)was observed in association with the particle injection event by SuperDARN in the dusk sector of the auroral zone. Such a convection enhancement could be attributable to the enhanced sunward plasma flows in the dusk sector of the magnetosphere. At the dip equator a ground Pi2 onset was found to occur in association with these convection transients. The onset of the Pi2 lagged behind the convection enhancement by 4-11 min. It is argued that the convection transient could be the earliest indicator of the substorm onset among energetic particle injection, low-latitude Pi2 onset, and, perhaps, the auroral breakup. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8886-PRE/4595 PI CEA DGE DGE 197 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaTrivVitoCost:1992:UpCrSt Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Vitorello, Icaro; Costa, José Marques da Upper crustal structure of the northeast Parana basin, Brazil, determined from integrated magnetotelluric and gravity measurements 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 B3 3351-3365 7252 geofisica espacial. Eight magnetotelluric (MT)soundings were performed as a continuation of an earlier audiomagnetotelluric (AMT)survey conducted in the northeastern border of the Parana basin, a large intracratonic basin located in central eastern South America and constituted by Silurian to Jurassic sedimentary rocks with Lower Cretaceous sill-type magmatic intrusions and overlying volcanics. Two of the MT stations were carried out near two deep petroleum wells. The remaining MT soundings were done on a profile traversing two important gravity features: a positive anomaly near the border of the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais and a strong (trending NW-SE)linear gradient. Major findings of an integrated interpretation of the MT survey and of available gravity data are as follows: (1)inhomogeneities and/or strong magnetization of the superficial volcanics and diabase intrusions in the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks appearing to distort the MT results; (2)identification of important structural discontinuities, including a possible different crustal structure beneath the Parana basin compared to the region on the north, a thickening of the crust toward the NE, and the probable existence of a through (graben?)within the basin, characterized by a thick accumulation of sediments and basalts. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 463 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VilaNovaRibeNobrSala:1978:RaSoEm Journal Article Vila Nova, N.A. Vila Nova, N.A.; Ribeiro, M.N.G.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Salati, E. Radiacao solar em Manaus 1978 Acta Amazonica 8 3 417-421 2791 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 444 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ InnocentiniCaet:1996:NuSiWa Journal Article Innocentini, Valdir Innocentini, Valdir; Caetano Neto, E.S. A case study of the 9 August 1988 South Atlantic storm: numerical simulations of the wave activity 1996 Weather and Forecasting 11 : 78-88 8596 estudos do tempo e do clima, , ciclones, modelos atmosfericos. During 9-11 August 1988, a cyclone developed over Uruguay in the lee of the Andes Mountains and moved over the South Atlantic Ocean, where it redeveloped into an intense storm. This storm was responsible for unusual wave activity along the Brazilian shoreline from 22 degrees to 32 degrees S. The Brazilian news media reported the loss of at least one life, waves of 3 m and higher, and the disappearance of a drainage pipe, which weighed 8000 kg, off the shores of Rio de Janeiro. In this paper, the evolution of this intense storm and the associated ocean wave response is studied through European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analyses, a hydrostatic limited-area meteorological model, and a second-generation prognostic wave model. Tbe atmospheric model results indicated the presence of a long-lived and large fetch with surface. kind velocities higher than 12m s -1 directed toward the coast. Some areas with velocities of 20 m s-1 wereembedded in the fetch. The wave model forced by this wind field was able to simulate waves with a significant height of 8 in far from the coast and about 4 m in regions very close to the Brazilian coast in agreement with the occurrence reported at Rio de Janeiro. The swell propagation toward the coast of Rio de Janeiro was obstructed by a northeastward 10-m wind during the first 24-h period of the model's integration. During the second 24-h period, the fetch was still large and strong, but the obstacle was removed by a counterclockwise rotation of wind direction favoring the swell and windsea, propagation toward the Rio de Janeiro coast. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET 1150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoGan:1996:CoOnCl Journal Article Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda; Gan, Manoel Alonso Comments on ""climatology of cyclogenesis for the Southern hemisphere"" 1996 Monthly Weather Review 124 11 2614 8595 estudos do tempo e do clima, , ciclogenes, vortices. In a recent paper Sinclair ( 1995, hereafter SI)made a climatological study of cyclogenesis in the Southern Hemisphere using seven years ( 1980- 86)of European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF)data. Geostrophic vorticity at 1000 hPa is used to locate cyclones and determine their intensity. In an earlier study Gan and Rao (1991, hereafter GR91)also examined the cyclogenesis using the surface pressure charts for four hours an each day for the period January 1979 December 1988. Their study was for South America (the area enclosed by 15 degrees-50 degrees S and 30 degrees-90 degrees W). In GR91, the method used to manually identify surface cyclogenesis was that at least one closed isobar around a low pressure center should be found for an analysis of 2-hPa intervals. The purpose of this comment is to compare the results of these two studies for the South American region in a recent paper Sinclair ( 1995, hereafter SI)made a climatological study of cyclogenesis in the Southern Hemisphere using seven years ( 1980- 86)of European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF)data. Geostrophic vorticity at 1000 hPa is used to locate cyclones and determine their intensity. In an earlier study Gan and Rao (1991, hereafter GR91)also examined the cyclogenesis using the surface pressure charts for four hours an each day for the period January 1979December 1988. Their study was for South America (the area enclosed by 15 degrees-50 degrees S and 30 degrees-90 degrees 'W). In GR91, the method used to manually identify surface cyclogenesis was that at least one closed isobar around a low pressure center should be found for an analysis of 2-hPa intervals. The purpose of this comment is to compare the results of these two studies for the South American region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaDiasBona:1986:VeMoDe Journal Article Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Bonatti, Jose Paulo Vertical mode decomposition and model resolution 1986 Tellus 38A 3 205-214 2499 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT METBA 687 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbdu:1977:MaStAs Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Magnetic storm associated delayed sporadic e enhancements in the brazilian geomagnetic anomaly 1977 Journal of Geophysical Research 82 29 1752 aeronomia, anomalias magneticas, tempestades magnéticas, atraso, região e, magnetic anmalies, magnetic storms, delay, e region, magnetic disturbances. Sporadic E layer behavior over Cachoeira Paulista (11 degree 57'S, 22 degree 32'E geomagnetic coordinates), located near the center of the Brazilian Geomagnetic Anomaly., is investigated during magnetically disturbed periods. Significant enhancements in the Es layer parameters, ftEs and fbEs take place for short periods (2-3 hours)following a magnetic disturbance of moderate intensity. The enhancements, however, are delayed by 1-3 days with respect to the initiation of a disturbance. The electron density enhancement in the Es layer inferred from fbEs during such events are at times an order of magnitude larger than undisturbed values. Also, during some night events the ambient E region electron densities appear comparable to the regular daytime maximum values. The Es traces in the ionograms during these events exhibit range spread in the echoes resembling the a-type Es, know to occur over auroral latitudes under disturbed conditions. These results are interpreted as evidence of enhanced charged particle precipitation in the E region over the geomagnetic anomaly following magnetic disturbances. The results also provide evidence that the E region response over our station is delayed with respect to magnetic activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 247 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AmiciTBBDLSSVW:1994:RePrMa Journal Article Amici, G. de Amici, G. de; Torres, S.; Bensadoun, M.; Bersanelli, M.; Dall'Oglio, G.; Limon, M.; Smoot, G.; Sironi, G.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Witebsky, C. A research program to map the galactic emission at low frequencies 1994 Astrophysics and Space Science 214 ? 151-160 7193 astrofisica. The need for accurate and complete maps of the galaxy at radio frequencies is made evident not only by the importance of the data in the study of galactic dynamics and structure formation but also in the analysis of cosmic background radiation data. A summary of the existing radio surveys of our galaxy is presented along with their limitations. A new program, the Galactic Emission Mapping (GEM)project, to obtain calibrated and complete maps of the galaxy in the 400 to 1400 MHz range, is outlined. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 657 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanBaAbSoMaBa:1999:OcAdLa Journal Article Balan, Nalin Balan, Nalin; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; MacDougll, J.; Bailey, GJ Occurrence of an additional layer in the ionosphere over Fortaleza 1999 Advances in Space Research 24 11 1481-1484 9415 aeronomia, camadas, ionosfera terrestre, região f, ionogramas, layers, earth ionosphere, f region, ionograms. The ionograms recorded at the equatorial station Fortaleza in Brazil in 1995 are analysed to study the occurrence and other characteristics of an additional layer, called the F-3 layer, that has been predicted to exist in the equatorial ionosphere. At Fortaleza, the F-3 layer occurs on 49 of the days, with the occurrence being most frequent 75 in summer as predicted. The occurrence time of the layer varies from about 0800 LT to 1500 LT and the layer lasts from about 15 min. to 6 hours. The peak (virtual)height of the layer ranges from about 375 km to 750 km and the critical frequency of the layer exceeds that of the F-2 layer by 0.2 MHz to 2.3 MHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1344 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2001:ExThQu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 2001 Journal Geophysical Research 106 A11 25125-25131 9842 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8882-PRE/4591 PI CEA DGE DGE 205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneVatsSawa:2001:ShPeTi Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Vats, H.O.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Short-term periodicities in the time series of solar radio emissions at different solar altitudes 2001 Solar Physics 201 1 181-190 9831 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. A spectral analysis of the time series of daily values of 12 parameters, namely, ten solar radio emissions in the range 275-1755 MHz, 2800 MHz solar radio flux, and sunspot numbers for six continuous intervals of 132 values each during June 1997-July 1999 showed considerable differences from one interval to the next, indicating a onstationary nature. A similar to 27-day periodicity was noticed in Interval 2 (similar to 26.8 days), 3 (similar to 27.0 days), 5 (similar to 25.5 days), 6 (similar to 27.0 days). Other periodicities were near 11.4, 12.3, 13.3, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 35, 40, 50-70 days. Periodicities were very similar in a large vertical span of the coronal region corresponding to 670-1755 MHz. Above this region, the homogeneity disappeared. Below this region, there were complications and distortions due to localized solar surface phenomena. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8884-PRE/4593 PI CEA DGE DGE 195 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaVitTriRibCro:1992:SeVaIn Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Ribeiro, M.J.; Cross, J.M Seasonal variation in apparent resistivity probably associated with drastic rainfall changes in Southern Brazil 1992 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 44 8 651-660 7250 geofisica espacial. Three scalar AMT campaigns were conducted in the mid-summer, late-fall, and late-winter seasons of 1990 in two nearby localities of southern Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Comparisons of the results obtained at each season highlighted the problem of seasonal variation in the apparent resistivity measurements in the area. From 1-D inversions, the most striking fact in this temporal variation is the presence, in the last two campaigns of a new deeper conductive layer (conductance of 6 to 7 S)at depths of the order of 500 m, which was not observed in the mid-summer campaign. Careful observation of the regional rainfall data indicated that the seasonal conductive layer could be generated by the occurrence of a transitory deep aquifer that would grow or wane in time in accordance to the climatological conditions. Another likely explanation could be in terms of a misinterpretation of the geoelectrical section due to the distortion of the MT curves by induction effects generated by a saturated surficial layer. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 461 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GranatoRanFerCunSou:1987:CoElCa Journal Article Granato, Enso Granato, Enso; Ranvaud, R>; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio; Cunha Lima, van da; Souza, J.P Comportamento eletrico de camadas implantadas por ions de P de baixa energia no Si 1987 Revista de Fisica Aplicada e Instrumentacao 2 1 77-91 5576 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISMAT LAS 1242 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TarasovaNobHolEckSet:1999:AsOfSm Journal Article Tarasova, T.S Tarasova, T.S; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Holben, B.N.; Eck, T.F.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Assessment of smoke aerosol impact on surface solar irradiance measured in the Rondonia region of Brazil during smoke, clouds, and radiation - Brazil 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research 104 D16 19161-19170 8590 micrometeorologia, nuvem (meteorologia), projeto abracos, aerosol, vapor de agua, scar-b. The impact of smoke aerosols on the surface solar irradiance in the Rond6nia region of Brazil is examined. The climate of this region is subequatorial, with two distinct seasons. There is a sharp decline of the precipitation and cloudiness during the dry season which lasts from June to September accompanied by anthropogenic burning of savanna and forest in August and September with the resultant strong emission of smoke into the troposphere. Thus the magnitude of the column aerosol optical depth increases in these months while both precipitable water and cloud amount decrease in accordance with the seasonal cycle of humidity. All these atmospheric constituents influence the Magnitude of the solar irradiance at the surface. In order to assess the aerosol and gaseous effects on the surface irradiance as compared with impact of cloudiness, we performed the clear-sky radiative transfer model calculations by employing a broadband radiation code and both aerosol optical depth and precipitable water retrieved from Sun photometer measurements. Calculation results show that the elevated aerosol optical depth observed in Rond6nia during August and September causes a negative trend in the daily mean clear-sky surface solar irradiance during this period. Since the daily mean solar irradiance measured at the surface under all-sky conditions demonstrates a similar negative trend, it can be explained by the aerosol influence while the effect of clouds appears in the daily variations of the irradiance. It was also shown that smoke aerosols cause a decrease of the monthly mean values of all-sky surface irradiance in August and September as compared with July and October. Corresponding decreases in the near surface air temperature due to the smoke aerosols were not found. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPTEC 1147 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OliveiraCostaSmoo:1995:DoCORu Journal Article Oliveira Costa, Angelica de Oliveira Costa, Angelica de; Smoot, G.F Does COBE rule out a toroidal universe? 1995 Nuclear Physics B 43 ? 299-302 7301 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 852 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1977:TrNoIn Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert Transient noise in photomultiplier tubes 1977 Journal Physics: Science Instruments 10 8 814-816 1750 aeronomia. Measurements are presented of the transient noise in a photomultiplier tube resulting-from illumination by a short pulse of light of low intensity. It is shown that both for a 9558 and for a 9569 PMT the transient noise is more than two orders of magnitude smaller than has previously been reported in the literature for a 56 TUVP tube. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE FISAT 245 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaSteiCies:1994:ObSyPa Journal Article Baptista, Raymundo Baptista, Raymundo; Steiner, Joao Evangelista; Cieslinski, Deonisio Multicolor eclipse studies of UU aquarii. I Observations and system parameters 1994 Astrophysical Journal 433 1 Part 1 332-349 7191 astrofisica, novae, stars, cataclysmic variables. A study of the eclipses in UU Aqr from multicolor high-speed photometry is presented. A revised ephemeris for the times of minimum and an upper limit for orbital period variations are obtained. We use measurements of contact phases in the eclipse light curve to derive the binary geometry and to estimate masses and relevant dimensions. We find a mass ratio of q=0.30+-0.07 and an inclination of i=78 degrees +- 2 degrees. The masses of the component stars are M1=0.67+-0.14 M and M2=0.20+-0.07 M . Our photometric model predicts K1=84+-26 km s-1, which is 30 smaller than the velocity amplitude obtained from the emission lines. From the white dwarf fluxes we estimate Twd -34.000 K and a distance of d=270+-50 pc if the inner disk is opaque. UU Aqr has long-term brightness variations of 0m.3 on timescales of 4 yr. The system was in a ""high"" state in 1989 and 1990 and in a ""low"" state in 1988 and 1992. The high state results from an increase in the brightness of the outer and cooler parts of the disk, mainly due to the appearance of a bright spot at disk rim. Based on the smooth and gradual eclipse shape and on the absence of a prominent hump in the light curve we suggest that UU Aqr is a high mass-transfer nova-like system with a relatively bright and optically thick accretion disk. We find no perceptible eclipse in the Halfa emission line. The fluxes at mid-eclipse can be fitted by a composition of a late-type spectrum plus an optically thin hydrogen emission-line spectrum. These evidences suggest that the emission lines are formed in an extended region only partially occulted during eclipse. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 655 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraMaAbCoCoSt:1999:BiBuCo Journal Article Pereira, Enio Pereira Pereira, Enio Pereira; Martins, F.R.; Abreu, S.L.; Couto, P.; Colle, S.; Stuhlmann, R Biomass burning controlled modulation of the solar radiation in Brazil 1999 Advances in Space Research 24 7 971-975 9413 geofísica espacial, desmatamento, radiação solar, biomasa, combustão, deforestation, salar radiation, biomass, combustion. Atmospheric combustion products from forest fires in Brazil can affect routine satellite techniques for the assessment of solar energy resource information. The mean overestimation of solar irradiance by BRASIL-SR clear sky model was up to 2.5 times larger than that found outside the region of biomass burnings. Within the region of biomass burnings the overestimation was over 5 times larger at the peak of the burning season when compared to the rest of the year. A positive correlation between combustion products and the number of fire spots counted by satellite technique suggests a possible method for the parameterization of these effects in radiation transfer models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1342 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTakaShai:1987:VeGlOb Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao; Shai, Yogeshwar Vehicle glow observed during a rocket souning experiment 1987 Planetary and Space Science 35 11 1367-1372 2707 aeronomia. In a recent rocket-borne photometer experiment strong contaminating signals were observed at 5577 and 7619 . The contamination was observed in the ram direction on both upleg and downleg trajectories and no contamination was observed in the wake direction. A strongly spin-modulated signal was observed at heights up to 88 km on the upleg and at heights below 78 km, where the rocket inverted, on the downleg. The signals at both wavelengths were observed to decrease exponentially with increasing height, but with different e-folding intervals, the latter being 1.23 km for the OI 5577 emission and 2.65 km for the O2 7619 . At a height of 81.5 km the intensities were the same and were equal to 220 Rayleighs per Angstrom (R -1). It is suggested that the contamination glow most probably has its origin in reactions involving atomic species produced by thermal dissociation in the shock wave in front of the photometers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 880 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahaBitt:2001:ThZoTe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, José Augusto Thermospheric zonal temperature gradients observed at low latitudes 2001 Annales Geophysicae 19 9 1133-1139 9840 AERONOMIA, composição atmosféricas, aeroluminescência, auroras, estruturas, termosfera, ionosferas, atmosfera equatorial, atmospheric composition, airglow, auroras, strutures, thermosphere, ionospheres, equatorial atmosphere. Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI)measurements of thermospheric temperatures from the Doppler widths of the Of 630 nm nightglow emission line have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W, 16 degrees S dip latitude), Brazil. The east-west components of the thermospheric temperatures obtained on 73 nights during the period from 1988 to 1992, primarily under quiet geomagnetic conditions, were analyzed and are presented in this paper. It was observed that on 67 of these nights, the temperatures in both the east and west sectors presented similar values and nocturnal variations. However, during 33 of the nights, the observed temperatures in the west sector were usually higher than those observed in the east sector, with zonal temperature gradients in the range of 100 K to 600 K, over about an 800 km horizontal distance. Also, in some cases, the observed temperatures in the east and west sectors show different nocturnal variations. One of the possible sources considered for the observed zonal temperature gradients is the influence of gravity wave dissipation effects due to waves that propagate from lower altitudes to thermospheric heights. The observed zonal temperature gradients could also be produced by orographic gravity waves originated away, over the Andes Cordillera in the Pacific Sector, or by dissipation of orographic gravity waves generated over the Mantiqueira Mountains in the Atlantic sector by tropospheric disturbances (fronts and/or subtropical jet streams). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8892-PRE/4601 PI CEA DAE DAE 203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2001:DiPrMa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Did predictions of the maximum sunspot number for solar cycle 23 come true? 2001 Solar Physics 202 2 395-406 9829 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. For solar cycle 23, the maximum sunspot number was predicted by several workers, and the range was very wide, similar to 80-210. Cycle 23 started in 1996 and seems to have peaked in 2000, with a smoothed sunspot number maximum of similar to 122. From about 20 predictions, 8 were within 122 +/- 20. There is an indication that a long-term scillation of similar to 80-100 years may be operative and might have peaked near cycle 20 (1970), and sunspot maxima in cycles in the near future may be smaller and smaller for the next 50 years or so and rebound thereafter in the next 50 years or so. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8883-PRE/4592 PI CEA DGE DGE 193 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffNPMSPFSSMCSGC:1992:Pr2nWo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Pereira, Enio Bueno; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade; Souza, A.; Pavao, H.G.; Freire, E.D.; Silva, V.; Silva, I.M.O.; Marques, J.; Cassetti, V.; Santos, M.H.; Guimaraes, S.; Coutinho, L.M. TRACE-A Brazil: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 10 1 65-80 7246 geofisica espacial, trace a. The second worshop TRACE-A Brazil intends to evaluate the progress of the mission to date and program the major experiment for September. Project TRACE-A proposes to perform a major field experiment in the region of the South-Atlantic, the Brazilian coast, and the African coast, to make atmospheric chemistry measurements in the troposphere. Atmospheric chemistry, in this context, includes a number of disciplines with a broad interest in the Atmosphere, especially in Chemistry, Physics, Meteorology, Particles, and Biological aspects. The major interest of TRACE-A Brazil will consist of observations in the Brazilian sector, but keeping in mind the international cooperation character. The basic idea is that the South-Atlantic will be investigated by American scientists on board the NASA DC-8. In Africa, scientists from Germany, France, and Africa will be active. Operations in Brazil will include ground based activity for surface measurements, vertical soundings, and instrumented aircraft flights with the INPE and FUNCEME Bandeirantes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 458 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:SpAnPr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Spectrum analysis and prediction possibilities of the onset dates of southwest monsoon over Kerala (India) 1995 Mausam 46 1 15-24 7299 geofisica espacial. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of the time series for the onset dates of the southwest monsoon over Kerala (India)revealed several periodicities significant at a 2sigma apriori level, some at a 3 Csigma apriori level. However, these contributed only 40-50 to the total variance, thus indicating 50-60 as purely random component. Also, many of the significant periodicities observed were in the QBO region (T= 2-3 years)which due to their variable periodicities and amplitudes, are almost equivalent to a random component. Hence, predictions were possible only with a sigma limit exceeding 5 days, which are probably not very useful for any planning purposes, agricultural or otherwise. No relationship was found between onset dates of established monsoon rainfall and 50 h Pa mean monthly equatorial zonal wind for the months of March, April, May or June. However, there is a possibility that a relationship may exist between westerly (easterly)winds in May and early (late)onset of the first monsoon (or pre-monsoon?)rainfall in Kerala, meagre or otherwise. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 850 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CapelatoCarl:1995:ClAbFu Journal Article Capelato, Hugo Vicente Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Carvalho R.R. de; Carlberg, R.G Mergers of dissipationless systems: clues about the fundamental plane 1995 Astrophysical Journal 451 2 Part 1 525-532 7298 astrofisica. We report the results of a set of simulations that were designed to study the physical properties of the ""fundamental plane"" (FP)of elliptical galaxies. By starting with two similar king models and varying the orbital energy and angular momentum, we have investigated the global properties of the remnants. The characteristic parameters of the end products seem to follow closely the observed FP. This trend was confirmed by a subsequent set of simulations in which merger remnants were merged among themselves; that is, merging of objects in the FP produces a new object in the FP. We find that the small departure from the virial theorem, which is characteristic of the fundamental plane correlations, is explained by the nonhomologous nature of the remnants. The simulated FP has a very small intrinsic scatter: compared to the observed one it enables us to establish that the central potential Wo and the mass of the primordial units from which galaxies were formed could not have very broad distributions, although this is not a unique way to explain the difference in scatter between the predicted and the observed fundamental planes. Even though merging is selective (not all cosmological reasonable orbits merge), it cannot completely erase initial conditions. In other words, given appropriately correlated primordial units, subsequent merging will maintain a fundamental plane. Therefore, under the ""dissipationless"" approximation here, the FP should be independent of redshift (except for the evolution of theiur stellar populations)even if substantial merging has occurred. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 849 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaDiasEtchPrak:1991:AsChMa Journal Article Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar; Prakki, Satyamurty As chuvas de marco de 1991 na regiao de Sao Paulo 1991 Climanalise 6 5 44-59 6476 estudos do tempo e do clima, , chuva, enchente, frentes. O mes de marco de 1991 caracterizou-se por chuvas bem acima do normal no estado de Sao Paulo, causando grandes enchentes na Capital. O episodio coincidiu com a organizacao da Zona de Convergencia do Atlantico Sul sobre a Regiao SE, com aparente modulcao associada a Oscilacao de 30/60 dias no final do mes.Uma analise detalhada do episodio de 19/03 revelou a ocorrencia de uma oclusao na costa do rio Grande do Sul, com desenvolvimento extremamente rapido, cuja frente chegou rapidamente a Capital, onde estacionou durante o dia 19. O episodio poderia ter sido previsto com relativa precisao com os prognosticos do Centro Nacional Americano e do Centro Europeu de Previsao de Tempo a Medio Prazo. O presente episodio mostou a necessidade de maior integracao de dados e previsoes meteorlogica dos centros mudiais, ede tecnicas de monitoramnto e analise por radar e satelite no setor opercional.Mostra, tambem, a necessidade de treinamneto do pessoal operacional para que fenomenos que nao se enquadram nos esquemas tradicionais de previsao possam ser identificados com maior antecedencia. Operacao em tempo integral tambem deveria ser mandatoria nos centros operacionais de previsao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 262 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbramofFerrBoscBand:1990:InInOn Journal Article Abramof, Eduardo Abramof, Eduardo; Ferreira, S.O.; Boschetti, Cesar; Bandeira, Iraja Newton Influence of interdiffusion on N-PbTe/P-Pb0.80Sn0.20Te heterojunction diodes 1990 Infrared Physics 30 1 85-91 5973 fisica e tecnologia de materiais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 85 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiElizStei:1994:ObSuSy Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Elizalde, Flavio; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Observations of suspected symbiotic stars 1994 Astronomy Astrophysics Supplement Series 106 2 243-251 7189 astrofisica, stars, binary stars, symbiotic stars. We present optical and near infrared spectroscopy of the stars V417 Cen, V704 Cen, RT Cru, HI-25, NVS 10435 and NSV 11776. All of these objects show a late-type continuum with bright HI, HeI and [OIII]emission lines. The stars HI-25 and NSV 11776 present emission lines of Hell 4686, [FeVII]6086 and the 6830 A band, while RT Cru and NSV 10435 show only the Hell line. Photoelectric U BV RI and short CCD time series photometry were also obtained for most of these objects. RT Cru presented brightness variations with time scales of 10-30 minutes and amplitude 0.03-0.05 mag in the V band and up to 0.09 mag in the B band; the other stars have not shown short time variations. RT Cru, HI-25, NSV 10435 and NSV 11776 are classified among the symbiotic stars. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 653 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:QuQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillations in the rainfall of northeast Brazil 1998 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 16 1 38-51 9393 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1339 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPiGoDuWyMo:1988:StElFi Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes; Wygant, J.; Mozer, F.S Stratospheric electric field and conductivity measurements over electrified and clouds in the South American region 1988 Journal Geophysical Research 93 D1 709-715 2704 geofisica espacial, estratosfera, campos electricos, nuvens. In this work, stratospheric dc electric fields and conductivity measurements, associated with electrified convective clouds identified by satellite infrared imagery, are presented. These measurements were obtained at an altitude of 26 M by a balloon-borne doubleprobe detector, launched from Cachoeira Paulista (geographic coordinates 23 degrees 40'S, 45 degrees W)on April 2, 1980. The electric fields are found to correspond to electrified convective clouds with charges of the order of a few coulombs. The conductivity measurements show variations by over a factor of 2 around the average value of 4 x 10-12 mho/m. Such variations, which merit more investigation, did not show an apparent relation with the simultaneous electric field measurements. Using the vertical electric field and conductivity measurements, a current density is also estimated. Furthermore, a detailed original discussion on conductivity measurements in the atmosphere as well as a suggestion for estimating distances from the detector to the cloud, using the ratio between the magnitudes of the measured vertical and horizontal electric fields, is included. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 877 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1982:CoStCh Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Complexities of the storm-time characteristics of ionospheric total electron conten 1982 Annales Geophysicae 38 6 761-764 2254 The complexities of the storm-time variations of the ionospheric total electron content are briefly reviewed. It is suggested that large variations from storm to storm may be due to irregular flows from the auroral region towards equator. A proper study of such flows needs an elaborate network of TEC measuring instruments. The need of planning and organizing such a network is emphasized. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 300 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSFFSCRVNAMPM:2001:BrSoSp Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Subramanian, KR; Faria, C; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Cecatto, José Roberto; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Vats, HO; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira.; Alonso, Eduardo Mena Barreto; Mesquita, FPV; Portezani, VA; Martinon, ARF Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) 2001 Solar Physics 200 1-2 167-176 9838 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. Digital, decimetric (200-2500 MHz)Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS)with high time (10-1000 ms)and frequency (1-10 MHz)resolution is in regular operation since April, 1998, at National Space Research Institute (INPE)at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. BSS operates in conjunction with a 9-m diameter polar mounted antenna. It allows to select suitable observing frequency range, frequency and time resolutions and data can be digitized up to 100 channels. BSS has capabilities of quasi-real time display of the ongoing dynamic spectra of the solar activity that enables the observer to modify observational parameters so as to suit a specific type of activity such as spikes and improve the quality of data acquisition and storage. Minimum detectable flux density of the spectroscope, for different combinations of the observational parameters, is similar to3 s.f.u. Observations are carried out routinely from 11 UT to 19 UT. Necessary software for data acquisition and reductions has been developed in IDL 5.3 environment. Data are available in FITS and ASCII formats. Absolute timing accuracy of the station is less than 3 ms. Here, we present examples of the bursts which have been recorded by BSS and available display facilities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8890-PRE/4599 PI CEA DAS DAS 201 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2002:SoImUs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Some implications using the group sunspot number reconstruction 2002 Solar Physics 205 2 383-401 9827 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. The Wolf or Zurich sunspot number Rz, (values available from 1700 onwards)is considered the primary descriptor of solar activity for the past 100 years or more. Recently, another, more accurate time series, called the Group sunspot number, R-G, has become available. Comparison of the indices suggests that Rz may be grossly overestimated in the early sunspot records. In this paper, some results based previously on Rz are reexamined using R-G. Conclusions based on data from about 1850 to the present remain the same. For the 18th century, however, small differences are seen. For estimates of solar irradiance in the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), because both Rz and R-G were near zero then and are almost comparable today, irradiance estimates remain about the same, whether Rz or R-G is used to calculate them. However, the evolutions of Rz and R-G from their near zero value in the Maunder Minimum to their present similar value, are different, with Rz increasing more rapidly than R-G from 1700 to 1790. While the temperature of the Earth has increased almost monotonically for the past few centuries, the relationship of both Rz and R-G with the temperature trend is not especially great. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8881-PRE/4590 PI CEA DGE DGE 191 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffNakaMariMari:1992:ExOzPr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Nakamura, Y.; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade; Mariano, Marina M Excess ozone production in Amazonia from large scale burnings 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54 5 583-588 7244 geofisica espacial. Very large fires can be seen every year during the local dry seasons, in the Brazilian Amazon region. These fires do not only scar the surface, but also appreciably modify the composition of the lower atmosphere, by the production of several gases. Since the occurrence of the fires is so strongly dependent on the season, a dry-wet season map of strategic geographic locations of Brazil is given, defining quantitatively these periods, using climatological means of temperature and precipitation rates. It becomes clear how different these regimes are, varying from no dry season at all in the far northwest Amazon forest, to the intermediate mid year dry season period of central Brazil, up to the unusually dry areas of the Brazilian northeast. Ozone (O3), produced indirectly in the atmosphere, has been systematically observed at strategic locations in Amazonia (and a control site, outside the burning area, for comparison)for several years. Ozone and carbon monoxide concentrations vary seasonally following similar patterns, with high concentrations in the dry season and low concentrations in the wet season. The ratio between these extremes has been observed to be as high as a factor of 7 for CO and 4 for O3, for monthly averages. In contrast, the comparison with results from the control site show no significant differences between stations in the wet season period, but excess ozone of about 30 p.p.b.v. can be seen in the dry season. Measurements of the ozone vertical distribution reveal occasional highly concentrated layers of tropospheric ozone or high ozone loadings in the whole troposphere. One event is shown when up to 90 p.p.b.v. of ozone were observed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 456 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MendesdaCostaPaes:1995:LoIoEf Journal Article Mendes da Costa,Aracy Mendes da Costa,Aracy; Paes Lemes, N.M.; Rizzo, Piazza, Liliana Lower ionosphere effect observed during the 30 June total solar eclipse 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 1 13-17 7295 astrofisica. VLF radio signals (12.9 kHz)transmitted from Argentina (43 degrees 12' S, 65 degrees 24'W)were received in Atibaia, Brazil (23 degrees 11'S, 46 degrees 33'W)during the total solar eclipse of 30 June 1992. The surface path of the totality crossed the VLF propagation path in the sunrise transition period causing a phase delay of 6A ps and an amplitude change of 1.3 dB. The ionospheric response to the Sun's obscuration was compared with the phase delays reported for several solar eclipses that occurred from 1966 to 1979. The results are mainly discussed in terms of the length of VLF propagation path affected. Some similarities between a sudden phase anomaly and a reversed eclipse effect are also raised. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE 847 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralMAGPCTTJKZDC:1994:BrScSa Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Gonzales-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose; Dias, Oscar Pereira; Ceballos, Decio Castilho The Brazilian scientific satellite 1994 Acta Astronautica 32 10 675-682 7147 aeronomia, ionosfera, plasma espacial, satelite cientifica. Two scientific satellites are being proposed by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). The first of them is being designed to carry out about ten ionospheric, thermospheric, magnetospheric and astrophysical experiments. Its orbit will be circular, inclined 25 degrees with respect to the equatorial plane and 700 km of altitude. The spacecraft is to be launched by the Brazilian VLS rocket from the Brazilian equatorial launching facility Alcantara. Details on such a satellite program will be given in this presentation. The plans for the second satellite were incomplete by the time that this paper was written, thus it will not be focused upon here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 651 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:QuQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillations in the rainfall of northeast Brazil 1998 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 16 1 38-51 9391 geofísica espacial. As médias móveis aí, 12 meses centradas a cada 3 meses (4 valores por ano)das precipitações no Nordeste do Brasil (NE)passaram por unia Análise Espectral de Máxima Entropia e os resultados foram comparados com análises similares para outros parâmetros. As características das chuvas no NE setentrional e oriental foram quase similares, mas diferenciam consideravelmente das chuvas no NE meridional. Na região do OBO, o NE setentrional teve pequenas periodicidades em 2,03 e 2,45 anos, o NE teve fortes periodicidades em 2,26 e 2,60 anos enquanto o NE meridional não leve nenhum significante OBO. O vento zonal equatorial teve o pico mais, forte em 2,33 anos, um pico menor em 2,64 anos e outro ainda menor em -2,00 anos. O índice de oscilações meridional TD (pressão atmosférica do Taiti, menos em Darwin), teve picos em 2,05 e 2,56 anos enquanto que a EU-SST(temperatura da superfície do mar no Pacífico Oriental Equatorial)leve picos em 2, 10 e 2,57 anos. 0 SST do Atlântico Norte e Sul leve picos em (2,10-2,15)anos enquanto o SST na costa NE do Brasil leve pico em 2,29 anos e a tensão dos ventos teve picos em 2,20 anos. Na região QTO, o vento em 50nib teve um pequeno pico em 3,2 anos e a tensão de ventos na costa NE leve pico em 3,3 anos. Todos os outros parâmetros, incluindo todos os 3 índices regionais de chuvas no NE do Brasil, tiveram picos significantes próximos de 3,5 anos. Apareceram também picos nas faixas de (4,5-5, 0)anos e (9,5-13,9)anos. Todos os três índices de precipitação tiveram correlação moderada com T-D e EEP-SST ( 0,3)e o vento em 50mb ( 0,4). As correlações com o SST no Atlântico Norte e Sul foram mais altas ( 0,5)e também com o SST costal do NE ( 0, 6). A precipitação do NE oriental leve afia correlação (0, 5)com a tensão de vento costal do NE ABSTRACT: The 12-monthly running means centered 3 months apart (4 values per year)of the rainfalls in NE (Northeast)Brazil were subjected to Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis and results compared with smilar Jar analysis for several other parameters. Characteristics of northern NE and eastern NE rainfalls were almost similar but differed considerably from those of southern NE rainfall. In the QBO region, northern NE had small periodicities at 2.03, 2.45 years, eastern NE had strong periodicities at 2.26, 2.60 years while southern NE had no significant QBO. The 50mb equatorial zonal wind had a strongest peak at 2.33 years, a smaller peak at 2.64 years and a still smaller peak at 2.00 years. The Southern Oscillation Index T-D (Tahiti minus Darwin atmospheric pressure)had peaks at 2.05, 2.57 years while FEP-SST (equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperature)had peaks at 2.10, 2.57 years. (North and South Atlantic SST)had peaks at (2.10-2.15)years while NE Brazil coast S T had 2.29 years and Wind Stress had 2.20 years, In the QTO region, 50mb wind had a small peak at 3.2 years and NE coastal Wind Stress at 3.3 years. All other parameters including all the 3 regional rainfalls of NE Brazil had significant peaks near3.5 years. Peaks were also in the (4.5-5.0)year and (9.5-13.9)year bands. All the three rainfalls had moderate correlations with T-D and EEP-SST ( 0.3)and with 50mb wind ( 0.4). Rainfall correlations were higher with North and South Atlantic SST ( 0.5)and with NE coastal SST ( 0.6). The eastern NE rainfall had a high correlation (0.5)with NE coastal Wind Stress. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1337 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1987:PROFTH Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam PREDICTION OF THE MAXIMUM ANNUAL MEAN SUNSPOT NUMBER IN THE COMING SOLAR MAXIMUM EPOCH 1987 Solar Physics 108 2 415-416 2702 geofísica espacial. Using an earlier correlation analysis between the annual sunspot numbers at sunspot maximum epochs and the minimum annual aa index in the immediately preceding years, the minimum annual aa index (21.6)during 1985-86 implies a maximum annual sunspot number of about 190ñ40 in the coming solar maximum epoch, in about 1988-89. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 875 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonSobDalVie:2001:SoInCa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Dal Lago, Alisson; Vieira, L.E Solar and interplanetary causes of very intense geomagnetic storms 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 63 5 403-412 9822 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, tempestades magnéticas, vento solar, pertubações, ejeção de massa coronal, campos magnéticos interplanetários, magnetic storms, solar wind, disturbances, coronal mass ejection, interplanetary magnetic field. The dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of such class of storms, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures also lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more B-s structures. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8873-PRE/4583 PI CEA DGE DGE 188 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzMendTsur:1992:DiDeSt Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Mendes Jr., Odim; Tsurutani, Bruce T. Difficulties defining storm sudden commencements 1992 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 73 16 180-181 7242 geofisica espacial. Joselyn and Tsurutani [1990]and Kamide and Joselyn [1991]suggested ways of improving the existing definition of Storm Sudden Commencements (SSCs)and Sudden Impulses (SIs). Because those two articles apparently present controversial opinions on some aspects of SSCs, we would like to point out some difficulties in defining SSCs that we think explain such a controversy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 454 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ASO:1988:THMOOF Journal Article ASO,Y. ASO,Y. THEORETICAL MODEL OF HALO PLASMA OBSERVED IN SMALL-ASPECT FRC PLASMA 1988 NUCLEAR FUSION 28 5 809-815 5550 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601160 1235 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:QuOsIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial oscillation in ionospheric parameters measured at Juliusruh (55 degrees N,13 degrees E) 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 4 415-419 7293 geofisica espacial. When seasonal variations were eliminated by evaluating 12-month running means, the ionospheric parameters foE, foF2 and hmF2 at Juliusruh (54.6 degrees N, 13.4 degrees E)showed large solar cycle variations. However, when further 3-yr running averages were evaluated and subtracted, QBO (Quasi-biennial oscillations)were noticed in all these parameters. Sunspot series did not reveal a QBO, but geomagnetic AP did show a QBO. The peaks of the ionospheric QBO and QBO of Ap could be roughly compared, with lags or leads of a few months. Also, these compared roughly with the well-known QBO peaks of tropical stratospheric (50 mb)zonal winds. Similar analyses at other locations are warranted. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 845 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YamazakiVadl:1977:TrClOv Journal Article Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Yoshihiro; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Tropical cloudiness over the south Atlantica Ocean 1977 Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan 55 2 205-207 1742 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT CEA SEM 238 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BARROSOMONTLUDWCORR:1990:DE35GY Journal Article BARROSO,J.J. BARROSO,J.J.; MONTES,A.; LUDWIG,G.O.; CORREA,R.A. DESIGN OF A 35GHZ GYROTRON 1990 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMITER WAVES, 11 2 251-274 5948 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601136 81 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sobral:1994:AiStLo Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Airglow studies of the low latitude ionospheric dynamics 1994 COSPAR Colloquia Series 5 ? 383-390 7144 aeronomia. A concise review of the contribution of the optical studies of the nocturnal ionosphere to the knowledge of the dynamics of the low latitude ionosphere-thermosphere system is presented. Focus is given to studies based on experimental data that have significantly contributed to the understanding of the nocturnal F-region phenomena which are associated with neutral winds, electric fields and gravity waves. The contribution of the airglow studies to the knowledge of the ionospheric chemistry and atomic processes are not discussed here for economy of space. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 648 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1988:AmClGl Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero A Amazonia e o clima do globo 1988 Ciencia Hoje 6477 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 1429 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CorreiaCosKauMagHer:1995:SpPoFa Journal Article Correia, Emilia Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Kaufmann, Pierre; Magun, A.; Herrmann, R Spatial positions of fast time structures of a solar burst observed at 48 GHz 1995 Solar Physics 159 143-155 9388 radiastronomia, explosões de radiação solar, emissão de radiação, estrutura fina, soalr radio bursts, radio emission, fine structure. The impulsive solar burst of October 28, 1992 showed temporal and spatial fine structures that were observed at 48 GHz with the multi-beam antenna of the Itapetinga Radio Observatory. The relative positions of burst centroids were determined with a spatial accuracy of 2"", with a temporal resolution of 1 millisecond. The burst intensity time profile shows fast pulses of about one second duration, superimposed by subsecond time structures. The spatial analysis of the fast pulses suggests that the emission originated from distinct locations, separated by about 5"". Our results favour the idea that impulsive solar bursts are a superposition of small elementary events spread both in time and space, probably resulting from discontinuous energy release processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA CRAAE 1335 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraLacaSobr:2001:PrAn Journal Article Ferreira, NJ Ferreira, NJ; Lacava, CIV; Sobral, ZR A climatological study of convective cloudbands in northeastern Brazil Part I: preliminary analysis 2001 Austalian Meteorological Magazine 50 2 9767 This work analyses the role of convective cloudbands (CCBs), associated with low-level convergence zones on the northeast region of Brazil (NE). A preliminary analysis of synoptic situations based on six years of meteorological satellite images and observed rainfall data for the region is presented. The results show two main patterns of CCBs. The first one classified as type A has a NW-SE orientation. It is associated with convergence zones due to cyclonic vortices or fronts, both rain-producing systems that reach mainly the southern, central and western regions of the NE. The second pattern type S)results from interactions between frontal systems and upper-level cyclonic vortices over the Atlantic Ocean, to the east of the NE, as well as with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). These frontal systems or convergence zones move northeastward and remain semistationary over the southeast coast of Brazil. The north-south orientation of these CCBs seems to be responsible for above average rainfall over the western and central parts of the NE. The type A cases are observed more frequently in October and November, while the type S cases are common in January, February and March. December is considered to be a transition month. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8785-pre/4506 PI MET DSR DSR 186 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonzTangLee:1992:GrMaSt Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tang, Frances; Lee, Yen Te Great magnetic storms 1992 Geophysical Research Letters 19 1 73-76 7240 geofisica espacial. The five largest magnetic storms that occurred between 1971 to 1986 are studied to determine their solar and interplanetary causes. All of the events are found to be associated with high speed solar wind streams led by collisionless shocks. The high speed streams are clearly related to identifiable solar flares. It is found that: 1)it is the extreme values of the southward interplanetary magnetic fields rather than solar wind speeds that are the primary causes of great magnetic storms, 2)shocked and draped sheath fields preceding the driver gas (magnetic cloud)are at least as effective in causing the onset of great magnetic storms (3 of 5 events)as the strong fields within the driver gas itself, and 3)precursor southward fields ahead of the high speed streams allow the shock compression mechanism (item 2)to be particularly geoeffective. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 452 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneGobb:1995:InVaUn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Gobbi, Delano Interannual variability of United States cloudiness 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 6 660-665 7291 geofisica espacial, biosphere-atmosphere interactions. United States cloudiness data for 1950-1992 show quasi-biennial (QBO)and quasi-triennial (QTO)oscillations which match partly with the QBO and QTO of the Southern Oscillation (SO)index (the Tahiti minus Darwin pressure), but not with the QBO of the 50-mb equatorial zonal wind. Cloudiness also shows significant periodicities near 4.2 and 7.5 years, and probably a sunspot cycle effect (periodicities 11-14 years), with minimum cloudiness at or soon after sunspot minima, though this could be due to periodicities of 10 and 17 years observed in the SO index. During 1955-1970, cloudiness increased by about 1. Thereafter, it remained almost steady for the eastern and central parts of the USA, but continued to rise until about 1980 for the western USA. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 843 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1990:ObTh Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert Stratification processes in the atmospheric sodium layer: observations and theory 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 10 (10)59-(10)70 2886 aeronomia, atmospheric lasers, atmospheric tides, sodium layer. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of the alkali metal layers seem to be quite different in nature to those responsible for other atmospheric layers. In discussing the sodium layer in this context we must include both the mechanisms responsible for its basic production and the phenomena which produce structures within the layer. Although there is little doubt that the sodium layer owes its origin to the deposition into the atmosphere of extra-terrestrial material, how this deposition leads to the formation of a narrow layer of free sodium atoms is still an open question. With respect to the formation of structures within the layer it is clear that tides and gravity waves play an important role, although there can be little doubt that other factors are also at work. Of particular interest is the observation of thin layers having peak densities about an order of magnitude greater than normal, and a width an order of magnitude less. A number of mechanisms for the formation of these layers have been discussed in the literature, including direct meteor deposition, ion layer formation via the windshear mechanism, and evaporation from aerosol layers. None of these mechanisms has been analysed in detail, however, and the origin of these layers is still open to debate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1036 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Padilha:1983:INDEAN Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes INTERPRETACAO DE ANOMALIAS AEROMAGNETICAS DA REGIAO DO QUADRILATERO FERRIFERO 1983 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 2 : 31-38 2408 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE GEOMA 480 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoVeraCarv:2002:ExInSm Journal Article Carvalho, E.R. Carvalho, E.R.; Veras, Carlos A. Gurgel; Carvalho, J.A. Experimental investigation of smouldering in biomass 2002 Biomass and Bioenergy 22 4 283-294 10187 combustão lenta, biomassa, combustão, transferência de calor, smoldering, biomass, combustion, heat transfer. The smouldering process of wood logs was studied experimentally in a laboratory facility and in prescribed forest bums. The main goal was to check the parameters that initiate and control the stability of the smouldering process. To do so, sample temperatures at five different locations and concentrations of CO, CO2 and O-2 were measured and discussed. By varying the temperature and air supply of the flow tunnel apparatus, different rates of smoulder propagation were identified. In prescribed bums, the main characteristics of the self-sustained smouldering combustion front in logs of different sizes and species are reported. The average smouldering speed in the field is about one order of magnitude lower than that reported for different materials in laboratory experiments. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9093-PRE/4768 PI MET CPT CPT 381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKirSimTakBat:1980:SpLiNi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado Space lidar and nightglow observations of an atmospheric sodium enhancement 1980 Journal Geophysical Reearch 85 : 3480-3484 2008 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 23 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaSouzAbduPaul:1994:ToElCo Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Total electron content at low latitudes and its comparison with the IRI90 1994 Advances in Space Research 14 12 (12)87-(12)90 7142 aeronomia. We used total electron content (TEC)data measured by Faraday rotation technique over Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W), in Brazil, to study the TEC variations with the solar flux at 10.7 cm(F10.7)and to compare the results with the IRI90 predictions. The data were divided into summer, equinox and winter. During the analysed period F10.7 varied from 66 up to 330. Our data shows that the observed TEC at 1600 LT (around the diurnal maximum)and at 0500 LT (around the diurnal minimum)increases with f10.7 until saturation is reached which occurs at F10.7 210 to 220 for equinox and summer, and at f10.7 180 for winter months. Comparison with the IRI90 predictions shows that IRI overestimates the TEC at 0500 LT for all solar flux values. At 1600 LT, IRI overestimates the observed TEC for low solar flux but underestimates it for high solar flux values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 646 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1985:SeEtRe Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Secas e Eterno Retorno 1985 Ciencia Hoje 3 18 26-32 June 6470 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 1427 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:CoQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Comparison of quasi-biennial oscillations of stratospheric winds and atmospheric temperatures at different altitudes 1998 Mausam 49 2 223-228 9384 geofísica espacial. During 1959-89, the 12-month running means of 5OhPa zonal winds, the average atmospheric temperatures in the northern and southern hemisphere at four altitude slabs (95OhPa, 850- 300hPa, 300-100hPa and 100,5OhPa), Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST)and. 30hPa temperatures at North Pole and average for (10 degree-90 degree N), all showed quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO). However, whereas the wind QBO had an average spacing of 29 months, only temperatures at 300-100hPa and Atlantic SST had similar average spacing. Other temperatures as also SO index (represented by Tahiti minus Darwin atmospheric pressure)had larger average spacing. Spectral analysis showed that whereas wind QBO had only one prominent peak at T=2.33 years, other parameters had weak QBOs near T=2.5-2.6 years except Pacific SST and 30hPa North Pole temperature which had small peaks near T=23 years. All the temperatures had prominent peaks in the 3-6 year region which matched with smilar peaks in the SO index. There is some indication that stratospheric wind QBO had some relation with parameters at all altitudes in tropics and with North Pole, while ENSO had considerable influence at other latitudes/altitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1333 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreSilvMoliNobr:1988:BaRaSo Journal Article Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Balanco de radiacao sobre a Floresta Amazonica (estacoes seca e umida) 1988 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 3 2 269-274 December 2698 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT MICRA 871 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantFCVNPMKJM:2002:DeDoSt Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Cecatto, José Roberto; Vats, HO; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira; Portezani, VA; Martinon, ARF; Karlicky, M; Jiricka, K; Meszarosova, H Decimetric dot-like structures 2002 Advances in Space Research 29 3 349-354 9763 ATROFÍSICA, análises estatísticas, estruturas finas, erupções solares, emissão de radiação solar, statistical analysis, fine structure, solar flares, solar radio emission. Various types of fine structures have been observed by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS)in the frequency range of (1000 - 2000)MHz, since its regular operation from 1998. Here, we report for the first time statistical analysis of the 165 isolated dot-like emissions and their chains observed, from September 1999 to September 2000, in the decimetric band. Dots are observed in groups spread over the frequency - time plane. Rarely their chains are observed. Chains of dots cover the frequency range of similar to 150 MHz and hardly cover the entire frequency range of observations. Isolated dot-like emission has been observed to the limit of the BSS resolutions (3 MHz, 50 ms). In 50of the cases the observed instantaneous bandwidth and flux values are 5 MHz and similar to 20 sfu, respectively. Also, in 90 of the cases total duration is of about 50 ms, equal to the limit of BSS time resolution. The groups of the dots have been found to be associated with the rising part of the impulsive flares and a radio-continuum. A model of dot-like emissions based on the anisotropic beam instability is suggested. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8781-PRE/4502 PI CEA DAS DAS 184 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1992:TwMa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzales-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Tweaking the magnetosphere 1992 Nature 358 6381 26 7237 geofisica espacial. SIR - Kurth's News and Views article captures much of the excitement of the phenomenon of solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs)and their role in triggering terrestrial magnetic storms. But we wish to correct the impression that we do not yet know why some CMEs cause storms and others do not. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 449 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1992:InCoDu Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, Bruce T. Interplanetary-magnetosphere coupling during intense geomagnetic storms at solar maximum 1992 Geofisica Internacional 31 1 11-18 7238 geofisica espacial. During the interval of August 16, 1978 - December 28, 1979, 90 of the intense geomagnetic storms (Dst <-100nT)were preceded by the arrival of interplanetary fast forward shocks at IAU, as identified with magnetic field and plasma data collected by the ISEE-3 spacecraft. For these events we discuss the interplanetary structures that are associated with the large-amplitude and long-duration negative Bz fields that are thought to be main cause of the intense storms. We also present a summary of the interplanetary-magnetosphere coupling functions, based on the magnetopause reconnection process. We end by an overview of the long-term evolution of intense geomagnetic storms such as those associated to the seasonal and solar cycle distributions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 450 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:SoCyDe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Solar cycle dependence of thermospheric neutral winds at Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1995 Indian Journal of Radio Space Physics 24 4 199-204 7289 geofisica espacial. The 12-month running averages of the meridional wind velocities obtained at Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer, showed transitions during the night which were of different natures during sunspot cycle maximum and minimum. The meridional component at 18-21 AST (Atlantic Standard Time)shifted form large southward at sunspot maximum to small northward at sunspot minimum. The meridional and zonal components at other local times showed small variations. The F-layer height obtained from incoherent scatter radar measurements decreased from about 400 km to about 300 km from sunspot maximum to sunspot minimum in a manner compatible with the variations of neutral wind. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 841 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuivanJaBrJaMaVE:1983:CATEPA Journal Article Buivan, N. A. Buivan, N. A.; Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias; Braga, João; Jardim, Maria Virginia Alves; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; VEDRENNE,G. CALIBRACAO DE UM TELESCOPIO PARA ESPECTROSCOPIA GAMA COM UMA NOVA CONFIGURACAO DE DIODOS GE(LI) 1983 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 13 7 552 2403 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE ASTRO 477 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyMoli:1988:RaEnBa Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; et al Radiation and Energy balances for different campaigns of the Amazon Forest 1988 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 69 16 314 6467 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1425 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:ElNiSo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam El Nino, Southern Oscillation, equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperatures and summer monsoon rainfall in India 1998 Mausam 48 1 103-114 9382 geofísica espacial, oscilação sulista, temperatura da superfície do mar, eventos, monções, el nino (so), souuthern oscillation (so), sea surface temperture (sst), monsoons, events. For the 120 years (1871-1990), every year was designated as an El Ni¤o (EN), or Southern Oscillation (SO), minimum or a combination of these, or none. For all India summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR), unambiguous ENSOW [SO and W (warm events)in the middle of the calendar year]seemed to be best associated with droughts and events of type C (cold events)were best associated with floods. However, some droughts occurred without the presence of EN related events and some floods occurred even in the presence of EN related events. In these cases, other parameters such as Eurasian snow cover or stratospheric wind QBO might have had a larger influence. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1331 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1982:PaPrIo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Particle precipitation in the ionospheric F2 region at locations in the vicinity of the South-Atlantic magnetic anomaly 1982 Annales Geophysicae 38 6 841-848 2213 geofísica espacial. CT. - The fF, daily variation characteristics were compared for IGY equinox months for pairs of stations at roughly similar dip angles, geomagnetic latitudes and L-shell values. One station in each pair was in the South-Aftican Continent and another in the South-American Continent. It was found that locations on the west coast of South-Africa showed larger foF., in the afternoon hours as compared to locations on the east coast of Souh-America. It is suggested that at least a part of this excess may be due to particle precipitation effects in the South-African mid-Zatitude region. The particles could be either ions of few MeV enemies or seconda?y electrons of a few hundred e V, or, if from plasmasphere, electrons of only a few e V energies. In low latitudes, Buenos Aires showed larger afternoon fo F2, indicating its probable vicinity to the anomaly regiom ME. - On a comparé les caracteristiques des variations journalières de f0F2 pour les mois dïéquinoxe de l'Année Geophysique Internationale pour des paires de stations à des valeurs voisines des angles dinclinaison, des latitudes gdomagnetiques et des couches L Une station de chaque paire est dans le continent Sud-Afficain et I'autre dans le Continent Sud-A Wricain. On a trouv6 que les .stations sur la c6te ouest dAfrique du Sud enregistraient des valeurs plus grandes de fo F2 I'apres-midi par rapport aux stations de la c6te est dAmirique du Sud. On suggere quau moins une partie de cette diff6rence peut dtre due aux effets de pr6cipitations de particules dans la rigion Sud-Afficainede moyenne latitude. Les particules pourraient 46tre soit des ions de quelquesMeVou des dectrons secondaires de que1ques centaines de V, ou s'lls proviennent de k plasmasph e, des dlectrons de queZques e V. Aux basses latitudes, Buenos Aires enregistrait un important f, F. I'apres-midi, indiquant le voisinage probable de I'anomalie. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 281 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZhouTsurGonz:2000:TrAuPs Journal Article Zhou, X.Y. Zhou, X.Y.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio The solar wind depletion (SWD)event of 26 April 1999: triggering of an auroral ""pseudobreakup"" event 2000 Geophysical Research Letters 27 24 4025-4028 9761 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, vento solar, depleção, auroras, cauda geomagnética, magnetosfera terrestre, solar wind, depletion, auroras, geomagnetic tail, earth magnetosphere. The interplanetary solar wind depletior (SWD)event of 26 April 1999 and its magnetospheric consequences are examined. The SWD event is characterized by a solar wind density decrease from to 3.0 to 0.7 cm- 3 leading to a solar wind ram pressure decrease from to 2.0 to 0.2 nPa. This SWD onset is followed by a dipolarization of nightside magnetospheric fields. At approximately the same time, an auroral pseudo breakup occurred in the near-midnight auroral zone. A model is presented to explain the pseudobreakup as energy release by the tail magnetic field reconfiguration. The release of magnetic tension energy is estimated to have been similar to 3.3. x 10(19)ergs, while the auroral energy was approximateley 30 of this value, similar to 1.1. x 10(19)ergs. This result may imply that the magnetic field collapse led to direct particle acceleration through parallel electric fields. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8779-PRE/4500 PI CEA DGE DGE 182 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DutraGonzGonzPere:1992:DoMaQu Journal Article Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pereira, A.E.C. Downward mapping of quasi-static ionospheric electric fields at low latitudes during fair weather 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54 3-4 223-230 7234 geofisica espacial. The problem of downward mapping of equatorial ionospheric electric fields is studied in two dimensions employing the finite elements and finite differences numerical techniques. The solutions obtained for low latitudes are compared with known results for high latitudes. It is found that equatorial ionospheric electric fields of scale lengths of the order of 100 km or more reach balloon heights (30-40 km)without undergoing noticeable attenuation. However, in the case of equatorial ionospheric electric fields of scale lengths of a few tens of kilometers it is found that these fields reach balloon heigths with severe attenuation. The corresponding attenuation factors are significantly larger than those known for high latitudes. It is also shown that the presence of mountains with a fairly large height as well as of a large-scale conductivity irregularity in the middle atmosphere, such as that expected in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)region during energetic electron precipitation events, can considerably distort the mapped ionospheric electric fields at the middle atmosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 447 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1995:ReOnIn Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, Bruce T Review on interplanetary-magnetosphere interactions 1995 Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 345 ? 391 7286 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 838 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiSahCleBatTei:1977:DiSeVa Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Diurnal and seasonal variation of the OH (8,3)airglow band and its correlation with OI 5577A 1977 Planetary and Space Science 25 6 541-547 1736 aeronomia. In this paper the results of OH (8, 3)emission intensity and rotational temperature measurements made in the Brazilian sector (23'S)from 1972 to 1974 are presented. Diurnal variations of both the parameters are found to fall into distinct classes, showing significant seasonal effects. A correlative study with the 015577 kemission measured simultaneously is also presented. It is shown that both the phase and amplitude of the major part of the mean nocturnal intensity variations of the two emissions can be explained by the density and temperature perturbations caused by the solar semidiurnal tide. The OH emission is found to increase slightly during magnetic disturbances. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 232 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YamazakiNakaCabrNing:1987:SoToRa Journal Article Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Yukitaka; Cabral, Maria Roseli; Ning, Carlos Ho Shih Experimento de intercomparacao: sondagens Tovs e radiossondagens 1987 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 2 1 157-166 December 2881 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT SONSAT 1032 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaStei:1990:AcDiIm Journal Article Baptista, R. Baptista, R.; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Accretion disk image reconstruction in cataclysmic variables 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 429-432 3047 astrofisica, stars, cataclysmic variables, accretion. A program to recover the accretion disk brightness distribution in Cataclysmic Variables from their eclipse light curve is presented. The results of performance tests for synthetic data are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 74 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ThorpeHoskInno:1989:PaMeBa Journal Article Thorpe, A.J. Thorpe, A.J.; Hoskins, R.J.; Innocentini, Valdir The parcel Method in a baroclinic atmosphere 1989 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 46 9 1274 6463 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 1423 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeloLoweTaka:1999:CoGrMe Journal Article Melo, S.M. Melo, S.M.; Lowe, R.P.; Takahashi, Hisao The nocturnal behavior of the hydroxyl airglow at the equatorial an low latitudes as observed by WINDII: comparison with ground-based measurements 1999 Journal Geophysical Research 104 A11 24657-24665 9379 aeronomia, emissões de hidroxila, luminescência noturna, regiões tropicais, medição, hydroxyil emissions, airglow, tropical regions, measurements. Measurements of the hydroxyl nightglow from the Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII)satellite-borne experiment and from ground-based photometers are compared and combined in order to characterize the hydroxyl airglow nocturnal behavior at 23 degree S and the equatorial region. Ground-based observations at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W)and at Fortaleza (4 degree S, 38 degree W)from 1987 to 1994 and WINDII data from March 1992 to January 1994 are selected, and two periods are studied: the March/April equinox and the December/January solstice. The WINDII results for the equinox/solstice difference and for the nocturnal behavior of the vertically integrated emission rate of the hydroxyl nightglow are found to be in very good agreement with the ground-based observations. The WINDII measurements revealed two general characteristics of the hydroxyl nightglow altitude variation at the latitudes above. The hydroxyl nocturnal variations are predominantly occurring below 90 km, and the vertically integrated emission rate and the peak height of the volume emission rate show an inverse relationship with seasonal, latitudinal, and inter annual effects. The interpretation of these results in terms of atmospheric tides is then discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE 1328 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBona:1987:OrUpTr Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo Om the origin of upper tropospheric cyclonic vortices in the South Atlantic Ocean and adjoinning Brazil during the Summer 1987 Meteorology and Atmodpheric Physics 37: 11 11-16 2693 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT 866 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Santos:2001:BrReCo Journal Article Santos, Alvaro Fabricio Santos, Alvaro Fabricio Brazil and the registration convention 2001 Revista Brasileira de Direito Aerospacial 35-39 December 9756 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL, tratados do espaço exterior, relações internacionais, outer space treaty, international relations, Copus. During the 40"", Session of the Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS, which was held in Vienna, Austria, from April 02 to 12, 2001, the Head of the Brazilian Delegation informed the adience that the Brazilian Government had recommended the adherence of Brazil to the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (hereinafTer referred to as REG)to the National Congress. REG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 12, 1974 (Resolution 3235), opened for signatures on January 14, 1975, and has been in force since September 15, 1976. Current, the REG is no longer open for Signature, Only for adherence. Brazil's adherence to the REG is the result of Brazilian space development, which has been closely overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), as well as the Brazilian Society of Aerospace Law (SBDA). Adherence is also the result of changes in world affairs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8776-PRE/4499 PN ETES DIR DIR 179 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RizzatoChia:1992:InInIo Journal Article Rizzato, F.B. Rizzato, F.B.; Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear generation of the fundamental radiation in plasmas: the influence of induced ion-acoustic and Langmuir waves 1992 Journal Plasma Physics 48 Part 1 71-84 7232 geofisica espacial. A nonlinear emission mechanism of electromagnetic waves at the fundamental plasma frequency has been examined by Chian Alves. This mechanism is based on the electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instability driven by two oppositely propagating Langmuir waves. The excitation of the electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instability is due to nonlinear wave-wave coupling involving Langmuir waves, low-frequency density waves and electromagnetic waves. In this paper the Chian Alves model is improved using the generalized Zakharov equations. Attention is directed toward the influence of induced low-frequency and Langmuir waves on the properties of the electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instability. Presumably, the properties derived in the present context may be relavant to both space and laboratory plasmas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 445 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthGLMRMFSRMSNCPM:1984:ObRaEx Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Gash, J.H.C.; Lloyd, C.R.; Moore, C.J.; Roberts, J.; Marques Filho, A.O.; Fisch, Gilberto; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Ribeiro, Maria de Nazare Goes; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Patel, Sukaran R.; Moraes, J.C Observations of radiation exchange above and below Amazonian Forest 1984 Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 110 466 1163-1169 2479 meteorologia, , florestas, radiacao solar, energia solar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT MICRO TECLIM 669 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthGLMRMFSRMSNCPM:1984:EdCoMe Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Gash, J.H.C; Lloyd, C.R.; Moore, C.J.; Roberts, J; Marques Filho, A.O.; Fisch, Gilberto; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Ribeiro, Maria de Nazare Goes; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Patel, Sukaran R.; Moraes, J.C. Eddy correlation measurements of energy partion for Amazonian Forest 1984 Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 110 466 1143-1162 2480 meteorologia, , florestas, evapotranspiracao, umidade. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT MICRA TECLIM 670 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1995:EfViIn Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio The efficiency of ""viscous interaction"" between the solar wind and the magnetosphere during intense northward IMF events 1995 Geophysical Research Letters 22 6 663-666 7284 geofisica espacial. We examined 11 cases when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)was intensely northward (>10 nT)for long durations of time (>3 hours), to quantitatively determine an upper limit on the efficiency of solar wind energy injection into the magnetosphere. We have specifically selected these large BN events to minimize the effects of magnetic reconnection. Many of these cases occurred during intervals of high-speed streams associated with coronal mass ejections when viscous interacton effects might be at a maximum. It is found that the typical efficiency of solar wind energy injection into the magnetosphere is 1.0 x 10 -3 to 4.0 x 10 -3, 100 to 30 times less efficient than during periods of intense southward IMFs. Other energy sinks not included in the numbers are discussed. Estimates of their magnitudes are provided. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 836 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SalatiNobr:1991:PoClIm Journal Article Salati, E. Salati, E.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Possible climatic impacts of tropical deforestation 1991 Climatic Change, Special Issue 19: 1-2 177-196 6334 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 248 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonz:1988:CoOnGe Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Comments on geomagnetic response to magnetic clouds by Robert M. Wilson 1988 Planetary and Space Science 36 12 1485-1487 2879 geofísica espacial. The paper ""Geomagnetic Response to Magnetic Clouds"" by Wilson (1987)tries to show the existence of an association of geomagnetic storm intervals with the passage of interplanetary magnetic clouds at the Earth's magnetosphere. This association is shown through a superposed epoch analysis of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)-B. component and the geomagnetic storm D,, index for 19 cloud events that occurred in the time interval 1973-1978. Although such association is actually shown in the paper, two fundamental aspects about the ""magnetic cloud-storm relationship"" needs further clarification. As commented in the introduction of Wilson's paper and in most of the papers that deal with magnetic clouds (e.g. Klein and Burlaga, 1982), it is known that the IMF-BZ component of the cloud occasionally rotates from a southward to a northward (SN)direction, because at other times (we suppose with similar occurrence probability?)it rotates in the opposite way. However, from what is shown in Wilsonïs paper one can interpret that the northward-southward (NS)rotation never occurs! In fact, it would be very interesting to know the type of Dst-behaviour related to clouds with NS rotations and contrast it with that already obtained for clouds with SN rotations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1030 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconPint:1989:BaObBr Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto Jr., Osmar Solar terrestrial processes at the South Atlantic Anomaly: from balloon observations to a brazilian satellite 1989 EOS Transactions. American Geophysical Union 70 13 194 2878 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 1029 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiVNWFFCSSA:1990:BaBoGa Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Figueiredo, Newton; Fernandes, J.O.; Correa, Ricardo Varela; Santos, Elisete Rinke dos; Silva, Edson Rodrigues da; Alves, Alexandre Magno Rodrigues Balloon borne gamma ray telescope for observations of SN 1987A 1990 Revista de Fisica Aplicada e Instrumentacao 5 2 229-242 3045 astrofisica, ballon-borne instruments, telescopes, gamma-rays. The details of a balloon experiment conducted to measure gama ray flux in the energy range 0.15-5.00 MeV in continuun and line emission from supernova SN1987A are presented. The telescope employed two NaI(T1)detectors with geometrical area 649 cm2, and mechanical collimators which defined a field of view of 25 degrees for gamma rays of energy below 300 keV. The detector assembly was mounted on an alt-azimuth platform with capability to monitor any celestial object in its trajectory with stabilization accuracy 1 degree in azimuth and <- 0.5 degree in elevation. The expected sensivity (2sigma)of the telescope for observations of objects at elevation angles of >- 45 degrees and at float altitudes of 4.5 mbar for duration of 3 hours. is 2.45x10-5 and 5.42 x 10-6 photons.cm-2s-1 keV-1, in the nominal energy ranges of 150 to 300 keV and 300 to 1000 keV, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 72 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthMoli:1988:StAmEv Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; et al Studies of Amazon evaporation 1988 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 69 16 359 6461 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1421 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatiMuraSobr:1996:LoTeTr Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Long term trends in sporadic E layers and electric fields over Fortaleza, Brazil 1996 Geophysical Research Letters 23 7 757-760 9377 aeronomia, , camada e esporádica, campos elétricos, ionosfera terrestre, sporadic e layer. Long term trends in the sporadic E-layer occurrences and associated electric fields over the equatorial station, Fortaleza are analysed using 16 years (1975-1990)of ionosonde data. The secular drift of the magnetic equator and hence that of the equatorial electrojet current (EEJ)to northward of Fortaleza has resulted in marked long term changes in the occurrence characteristics of the different types of Es layers: the q-type (arising from electrojet instability processes)and the 1, f, c and h types (resulting from wind/wind shear mechanisms). Systematic decrease in the occurrence rates of the q-type Es, accompanied with increases in the remaining types of Es, was registered from 1975 to 1990, during which period the magnetic equator drifted to north of Fortaleza by 400km. The long term trend manifests competing roles of the equatorial electric field and wind systems, in the generation of the different types of Es layers as a function of the distance from the electrocjet center. The F-layer dynamo electric field is seen to exercise strong control of Es layer formation near sunset. Solar cycle variations, represented by the F10.7cm flux, seems to be present in electrojet intensity and the lower thermospheric wind system. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1326 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1988:SpChAn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Spectral characteristics of the annual rainfall series for nostheast Brazil 1988 Climate Change 13 3 317-336 2691 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo. The rainfall series for Fortaleza (Ceará)is compared with similar series for several other locations in Northeast Brazil. It is shown that the correlations are high for distances up to about 600 km from Fortaleza. The Fortaleza series shows prominent periodicities at T=2.1, 10.1, 12.9, 25.1, and 61.0 years, all significant at a 3 s a priori level. Amongst these, T= 12.9 and 25.1 years are significant at a 4a a priori level. A master Curve (for 1912-1978 only), obtained by averaging rainfall data for 93 stations having good correlations with Fortaleza, shows very prominent periodicities at T= 5.6, 12.3 and 47.3 years, significant at a 3 s a priori level. T= 12.3 is significant at a 4 s a priori level. Predictions from both the Fortaleza series (1849-1976)and the Master Curve (1912-1978)indicated droughts during 1979-1983. This prediction seems to have come true. In the future, droughts during 1992-1994 and 2002-2006 are indicated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMAGNETISMO 864 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconERCMDuPiWYMO:1982:LAHOEL Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; EREIRA,A.E.; CMartin, Ignacio Malmoge; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimarães; Pinto Jr., Osmar; WYGANT,J.; MOZER,F.S. LARGE HORIZONTAL ELECTRIC FIELDS MEASURED AT HIGHTS OF THE BRAZILIAN MAGNETIC ANOMALY AND ASSOCIATION TO LOCAL ENERGETIC PARTICLE PRECIPITATION 1982 Geophysical Research Letters 9 5 567-570 2168 geofísica espacial. During a stratospheric balloon flight on April 9, 1980, large scale electric fields have been measured, for the first time, at the Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly with a double-probe detector. We report here the results of this flight performed during a time interval with fair weather at the observing region and enhanced geomagnetic activity. These results suggest that a BAND of precipitating energetic particles, moving equatorwards with respect to the balloon, could have produced a conductivity enhancement down to the middle atmosphere, distorting the vertical atmospheric electric field and giving rise to the type of horizontal fields observed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE ASTRO 276 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiCies:1992:DwNoVe Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Cieslinski, Deonisio V1159 orionis: a dwarf nova with very short outburst cycle 1992 Astronomy and Astrophysics 259 1 198-204 7180 astrofisica. We have discovered that V1159 Ori is a short orbital period (P=0.059 days)dwarf nova with outsburts characterized by a recurrence time of about 4 days and amplitude 1.5 magnitudes. We present UBVRI photometric measurements that cover both bright and faint states of the variable, together with simultaneous spectroscopic coverage of an outburst from minimum to maximum along three nights. The low semi-amplitude of the H radial velocity curve (K 40 km s-1), together with other spectroscopic constraints, indicates a low inclination (i 40 degrees)for the system, and a probable mass of 0.8 M for the white dwarf. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 443 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OliveiraRizzChia:1995:LeScQu Journal Article Oliveira, G. de Oliveira, G. de; Rizzato, F.B.; Chian, Abraham Chian Long Length scale, quasiperiodicity, resonances, separatrix crossings, and chaos in the weakly relativistic Zakharov equations 1995 Physical Review E 52 ? 2025-2036 7282 geofisica espacial. Nonlinear saturation of unstable solutions to the weakly relativistic, one-dimensional Zakharov equations is considered in this paper. In order to perform the analysis, two quantities are introduced. One of them ro*, is proportional to the initial energy of the high frequency field, and the other is the basic wave vector of the low frequency perturbing mode k= 2pi/L, with L as the length scale. With these quantities it becomes possible to identify a number of regions on a ro* versus k parametric plane. For very small values of ro*, steady-state solutions become unstable when k is also very small. In this case ion-acoustic dynamics is found to be unimportant and the system is numerically shown to be approximately integrable, even if k is below a critical value where the solutions are not simply periodic. For larger values of ro* the unstable wave vectors also become larger and the ion-acoustic fluctuations turn into active dynamical modes of the system, driving a transition to chaos, which follows initial inverse pitchfork bifurcations. The transition includes resonant and quasiperiodic features; separatrix crossing phenomena are also found. The influence of relativistic terms on the chaotic dynamics is studied in the context of the Zakharov equations; it is shown that relativistic terms is generally enhance the instabilities of the system, therefore anticipating the transition. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 834 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasStei:1990:PhNoMu Journal Article Dias, M.P. Dias, M.P.; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Photometry of nova muscae 1983 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia Y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 369-372 3043 astrofisica, stars, novae, photometry. We present photometric observations of GQ Mus at quiescence which reveal a strong orbital modulation. We also discuss recent spectroscopic observations which reveal a very short orbital period (85 min)phased with the photometric period. On the basis of the results we argue that the system belongs to the class of magnetized cataclysmic variables. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 70 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1986:Au19 Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; et al Micrometeorological measurements in Amazon Forest during July - August 1985 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 16 248 6458 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 1418 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LabelleJPSSAMP:1997:ReLaSc Journal Article Labelle, J.W. Labelle, J.W.; Jahn, J.M.; Pfaff, R.F.; Swartz, W.E.; Sabral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de The Brazil/Guará equatorial spreed-F campagn: results of the large scale measurements 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 13 1691-1694 9375 aeronomia, regiões equatoriais, propagação f, medidas, equatorial regions, spread f, measurements. The Guará campaign equatorial spread F rocket was launched from Alcântara, Brazil, on 14 October 1994 at 1955 LT (2255 UT)into an active topside spread F event. Spread F plasma irregularities observed up to 822 km altitude correlate well with plumes observed simultaneously with a coherent backscatter radar. Matching 1-10 km features in the rocket and radar data over the altitude range 300-800 km implies an eastward drift speed of 110 m/s, versus 95 m/s at 400-500 km based on radar interferometry. Combining these two measurements implies an average upward drift of 30 m/s for the highest altitude structures. The amplitude difference between low-and high-altitude 10km density structures, if attributed to temporal effects, implies an effective diffusion coefficient (decay time constant)of 500-1000 M2/S (2-4x10-4 s-1), which agrees with previous estimates from other techniques and supports the idea that the decay of spread F turbulence occurs in a scale-independent manner. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1324 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SaYeliManz:1988:EnRePa Journal Article Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar Energy receipt partitioning over the Amazon Forest 1988 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 39 1 1-16 2688 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT MICRA 862 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuskoStei:1992:AnLoLi Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Profiles of emission lines in active galactic nuclei-IV. Analysis of a low-ionization line profile sample 1992 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 258 2 306-320 7178 astrofisica, spiral galaxies, extended ionized gas, seyfert galaxies, x ray, spectropolarimetry, ngc 1068, kinematics, galaxies. A sample of high-resolution AGN narrow spectral line profiles is statistically analysed. Lines included are narrow H alfa and H beta, [N ii]gamma6583, [S ii]gamma gamma6717, 6731, [O iii]gamma5007 and [Oi]gamma6300. Although not very large, differences in width and shape between these lines, seen in the same object, are found to be significant. The range spanned by these differences is the same object, are found to be significant. The range spanned by these differences is the same in Seyfert 1 (Sy 1), Seyfert 2 (Sy 2)and LINER objects. Width and shape profile parameters show systematic dependences with ionization potential and critical density of each forbidden emission line. These dependences are significantly different in nature between Sy 1 and 2 classes. In Sy 1, there is clear evidence that regions with larger internal velocities emit preferentially lines of higher ionization conditions. There is also evidence that regions of higher electron density are associated with larger internal velocities. There is marginal evidence that the linewidths of forbidden lines in Sy 1 objects correlate better with critical density than with ionization potential. Sy 2 objects, on the contrary, do not show the same correlations of linewidths and shape with ionization conditions. In a particular object, forbidden lines of higher ionization can be wider or narrower than lines of low ionization. The results indicate that in Sy 1 objects the central ionization source plays a fundamental role in shaping the narrow-line region structure. The same is not necessarily true in Sy 2 galaxies, in which the narrow-line region line profiles seem to depend on other factors besides the central location of the ionization source. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 441 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:QuQuOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillations in the summer monsoon rainfall of the meteorological subdivisions of India 1995 Monthly Weather Review 123 4 1178-1184 7247 geofisica espacial. The summer monsoon rainfall time series for 29 subdivisions of India from 1951 to 1991 (41 years)were subjected to maximum entropy spectral analysis and showed significant periodicities in a wide range, including quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO 2-3 years)and quasi-triennial oscillation (QTO 3-3.9 years). After filtering out periodicities of 4.0 years or more, the residual series, considered as representative of QBO and QTO only for each series, could be separated into 4 categories (viz., category A of 10 subdivisions having only one strong QBO peak but no QTO, category B of 4 subdivisions having two strong QBO peaks but no QTO, category C of 4 subdivisions having no strong QBO or QTO, and category D of 11 subdivisions having a strong QTO). The 50 mb zonal wind showed two strong QBO peaks at 2.33 years (28 m)and 2.75 years (33 m). A comparison of stratospheric (50 mb)westerly wind and rainfall maxima showed that for many subdivisions, maximum rainfall was associated with the increasing westerly phase of zonal wind and droughts were associated with the easterly phase. A loose relationship with El Nino-Southern Oscillation was also noticed for droughts in some subdivisions (mostly western India), and the two effects (50-mb wind and ENSO)seem to be operating independently of each other. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 832 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:1988:COTHOR Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale Martin CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF ENHANCED SODIUM LAYERS 1988 Geophysical Research Leters 15 11 1267-1270 2873 aeronomia. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of the thin layers of enhanced sodium concentration observed in the atmospheric sodium layer. The proposed mechanism involves the wind shear distortion of initially thick sodium clouds of limited horizontal extent, originally produced by the deposition of material of extraterrestrial origin. This mechanism explains almost all the observed characteristics of the enhanced layers, including their height of occurrence, small vertical extent, vertical motion, rapid growth and decay and highly variable duration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 1025 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiBoulMelfNeal:2000:CoBeNa Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Boulet, R.; Melfi, A.J.; Neal, C. Hydrogeochemistry of a small catchment in Northeastern Amazonia: A comparison between natural with deforested parts of the catchment (Serra do Navio, Amapa State, Brazil) 2000 Water air and soil pollution 118 3-4 263-279 March 10176 To undertake a comprehensive study of the disturbance effects due to mining activities (manganese ore exploitation)on the chemical composition of drainage waters, a 164 ha catchment in North-eastern Amazonia tropical forest was sampled weekly for a year period (June 1993 to June 1994)to determine the contrasts in rainwater, throughfall and stream water chemistry between the upper undisturbed area and the lower part affected by deforestation and mining works. During the 3 dry months season only about 15 of the total annual inp0ut-output of chemical species to and from the catchment occurs. In the three wettes months, about 30 of the flux occurs, except 60 of the potassium and nitrate release from the catchment occurs these three months. The rain waters are slightly acidid (pH appoximate to 5.2)with low alkalinity, while the stream water is nearly neutral (pH approximate to 6.9): alkalinity is generated within the soil and soil water system. The rainfall-throughfall relationship of the chemical species in the natural areas exhibits strong internal recycling and little export from the catchment. In the area changed by deforestation and mining works almost all chemical species show a net export in surface waters: these are mainly derived from the deforested area of the basin, where most probably due to enhanced weathering processes because the vegetation cover has to re-establish itself. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9253-PRE/4924 PI MET LMO LMO 370 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DeOliveiraMeFoFoFáBo:2001:SoImSi Journal Article De Oliveira, S.M.B. De Oliveira, S.M.B.; Melfi, A.J.; Fostier, A.H.; Forti, M.C.; Fávaro, D.I.; Boulet, R. Soils as an important sink for mercury in the Amazon 2001 Water air and soil pollution 126 3-4 321-337 March 10175 This work focuses on the behaviour of mercury in lateritic soil profiles found in the Serra do Navio and Tartarugalzinho areas of the State of Amapa in Northern Brazil. The Hg contents are high in the upper horizons of the soil profiles (100-300 mug kg(-1)), and decrease to less than 100 mug kg(-1)at depths of 200 or 300 cm. The higher levels of Hg are associated with higher Fe concentrations, particularly in the ferruginous accumulations as mottles and nodules. For each horizon of the soil profile, balance calculations were used to distinguish the amount of mercury naturally accumulated from rocks through lateritic pedogenesis (lithogenic mercury)from the anthropogenic mercury introduced in the profile through atmospheric contamination. The results show that the anthropogenic contribution is significant in the upper horizons (up to 95 of the total Hg), and decreases downward in the soil profile. Mercury burdens were calculated for soil profiles in both upslope (272 880 and 217 440 mug m(-2)for the first 70 cm)and downslope positions (118 800 and 182 160 mug m(-2)for the first 70 cm). The loss of Hg in downslope profiles seems to be related to the natural evolution of iron duricrust into latossols, which has been brought about by climatic changes toward increasing humidity in the Amazon since the Tertiary. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9252-PRE/4923 PI MET 369 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KilKintPaulKant:2000:GlPoSy Journal Article Kil, H. Kil, H.; Kintner, P.M.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan J Global Positioning System measurements of the ionospheric zonal apparent velocity at Cachoeira Paulista in Brazil 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 A3 5317-5327 March 9430 AERONOMIA, sistema de posicionamento global, medições, deriva ionosférica, velocidade, cintilação, global positioning systems (GPS), measurements, ionospheric drift, velocity, scintillation. Ionospheric irregularities and their zonal apparent drift were studied using Global Positioning System (GPS)measurements at Cachoeira Paulista (22.41 degrees S, 45.00 degrees W, -26 degrees dip angle)in Brazil during November 6-19, 1998. Radio scintillations at the GPS L1 frequency (1.575 GHz)were monitored using four GPS receivers spaced geomagnetically east-west and north-south. Total electron content (TEC)was measured through the ionospheric advance of the GPS L1 and L2 (1.227 GHz)phases. Strong amplitude scintillations coincided with TEC fluctuations associated with spread F bubbles elongated along the magnetic field. Movement of the Fresnel-scale (400 m)ionospheric irregularity layers caused the scintillation to drift, and their zonal apparent drift velocities were measured using a crosscorrelation technique. Our measurements show that the apparent eastward velocity varies from 200 m/s to 150 m/s at 2000 LT, and then it decreases to 100-50 m/s at midnight. On a magnetically disturbed day, reversal of the zonal apparent drift was observed just after midnight, and the apparent westward velocities observed at early in the morning showed large variations with location in the sky. From the receivers spaced in the geomagnetic north-south direction we measured near-zero time shifts, from which we conclude that the correlation length of severd-hundred-meter-scale irregularities is much larger than 70-m separation between the north and south receivers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8457-PRE/4222 PI CEA DAE DAE 99 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbreuSetz:1984:PrSiPo Journal Article Abreu, Magda Luzimar de Abreu, Magda Luzimar de; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Previsores sinotico-meteorologicos de poluicao do ar em regioes urbanas 1984 Ciencia e Cultura Suplemento 36 7 684 6456 meteorologia. Este estudo apresenta uma analise de parametros sinotico-meteorologicos relacionados com casos de altos e baixos indices de poluicao do ar na cidade de Sao Paulo no periodo de 1978 a 1982. Foram analisadas as variacoes nas concentracoes diarias de particulados e dioxido de enxofre em funcao do escoamento da atmosfera em altos niveis (500 e 250 mb)e do deslocamento de frentes e anticiclones na superficie. Observou-se que a presenca do anticiclone subtropical ao norte de Sao Paulo, associada a uma crista em niveis superiores, favorece o aumento da concentracao de poluentes. Esta situacao difere das normalmente observadas em latitudes medias no Hemisferio Norte, onde o aumento das concentracoes esta associado a presenca do anticiclone em superficie sobre a regiao afetada. Observou-se tambem que a aproximacao de uma frente associada a um cavado em ar superior provoca a dispersao dos poluentes e, consequentemente, reducao no potencial de poluicao. Estas conclusoes estao sendo usadas no desenvolvimento de um modelo de previsao do potencial de poluicao do ar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT DSR 1416 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1999:ElNiTi Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam El Nino timings and rainfall extremes in India, Southeast Asia and China 1999 International Journal of Climatology 19 6 653-672 9372 geofísica espacial, , el ni¤o, oscilação sulista, seca, southern oscillation (so), drowght. Whereas some El Ni¤o years are known to be associated with droughts in some parts of the globe, notably India, other El Ni¤o do not seem to be effective. Recently, it was observed that Unambiguous ENSOW (El Ni¤o years, in which the Southern Oscillation Index minima and Pacific sea surface temperature maxima occurred in the middle of the calendar year)were better associated with droughts. This association was checked for rainfalls in South Asia and China. Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and East Asia (comprising of the People's Republic of China and adjacent regions, including India)showed a good association of Unambiguous ENSOW events with droughts. Thailand, Malaysia and the whole Philippines showed some association; but the northwest Philippines showed opposite results. To find a rational for this criterion, it was checked whether such events were in any way related to the timings of the El Ni¤o events. In general, El Ni¤os active during the main rainy season (June-September for all India's summer monsoon rainfall)were better associated with droughts. But some events did not fit this pattern. Also, many years not having El Nifios were associated with droughts. Thus, the El Ni¤o relationship is not clear-cut and predictions based on the same alone are likely to go wrong more often than not, as in the case of the recent El Ni¤o (1997). Copyright C 1999 Royal Meteorological Society. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1322 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BonattiVadl:1987:MoBaIn Journal Article Bonatti, Jose Paulo Bonatti, Jose Paulo; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Moist baroclinic instability in the development of North Pacific and South American intermediate-scale disturbance 1987 Journal of the Atmospheric Science 44 18 2657-2667 2685 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT CLIMA 859 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimoBati:1992:PoEvGl Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Batista, Paulo Prado A long-term trend in the height of the atmospheric sodium layer: possible evidence for global change 1992 Geophysical Research Letters 19 5 457-460 7132 aeronomia. An analysis of a long series of lidar measurements of the vertical distribution of atmospheric sodium shows the existence of a long-term trend in the centroid height of the layer. After making allowance for the sampling effects of the mean seasonal and diurnal variations in centroid height, it is found that the height of the layer fell by approximately 700 meters between 1972 and 1987. A regression analysis indicates a mean rate of fall of 49 +-12 m yr-1, with a correlation coefficient of -0.33, significant at the 99,99 level. The observed change is consistent with long term trends in mesospheric temperatures detected by other techniques. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 438 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ COSTAPiaz:1987:PCEFVL Journal Article COSTA,A.M. COSTA,A.M.; Piazza, Liliane Rizzo PCA EFFECTS ON A VLF TRANSANTARTIC PROPAGATION PATH 1987 MEMOIRS OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF POLAR RESEARCH, JAPAN 48 : 293-312 5482 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE IONO 1220 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GundersenLSWFGKMSCSL:1995:SPRe Journal Article Gundersen, J.O. Gundersen, J.O.; Lim, M.; Staren, J.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Figueiredo, Newton; Gaier, T.C.; Koch, T.; Meinhold, P.R.; Seiffert, M.D.; Cook, G.; Segale, A.; Lubin, P.M Degree-scale anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background: SP94 results 1995 Astrophysical Journal 443 2 Part 2 L57-L60 7205 astrofisica, cosmic background radiation, cosmology, observation. We present results from two observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)performed from the South Pole during the 1993-1994 austral summer. Each observation employed a 3 degree peak-to-peak sinusoidal, single-difference chop and consisted of a 20 degrees x 1 degree strip on the sky. The first observation used a receiver which operates in three channels between 38 and 45 GHz (Q-band)with a FWHM beam which varies from 1 degree to 1.15 degree. The second observation overlapped the first observation and used a receiver which operates in four channels between 26 and 36 GHz (Ka-band)with a FWHM beam which varies from 1.5 degree to 1.7 degree. Significant correlated structure is observed in all channels for each observation. The spectrum of the structure is consistent with a CMB spectrum and is formally inconsistent with diffuse synchrotron and free-free emission at the 5 sigma level. The amplitude of the structure is inconsistent with 20 K interstellar dust; however, the data do not discriminate against flat or inverted spectrum point sources. The root mean square amplitude (+-1sigma)of the combined (Ka + Q)data is delta Trms=41.2+15.5-6.7 miK for an average window function which has a peak value of 0.97 at =68 and drops to e-0.5 of the peak value at =36 and =106. A band power estimate of the CMB power spectrum C , gives =1.77+1.58-0.54 x 10 -10. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 830 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VillelaNetoBragDAmiJaya:1995:MUCoMa Journal Article Villela Neto, Thyrso Villela Neto, Thyrso; Braga, Joao; D'Amico, Flavio; Jayanthi, Udaya Baskharam A MURA-based coded mask telescope 1995 Advances Space Research 15 5 (5)95-(5)98 7204 astrofisica. A high-energy telescope that employs a Modified Uniformly Redundant Array (MURA)coded mask is described. The imaging device is a 19x19 element square MURA-based extended mask mounted in a single mask-antimask configuration. This is the first experiment to use such a mask pattern and configuration for astrophysical purposes. The detector system consists of a 41 cm diameter, 5 cm thick NaI(TI)crystal coupled to 19 photomultipliers. The anticoincidence system is composed of plastic scintillators on the sides and a NaI(TI)crystal at the bottom. The angular resolution is approximately 14' over a 13 degrees field of view. The expected 3sigma sensivity for an on-axis source observed for a 10 4 s at a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g.cm -2 is 1.4 x 10 -5 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 at 100 keV and 1.0 x 10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 at 1 MeV. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 829 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RamosRosRodBolSa:2002:GeThDe Journal Article Ramos, Fernando Manuel Ramos, Fernando Manuel; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Rodrigues Neto, C.; Bolzan, M.J.A.; Sa, L.D.A. Generalized thermostatics description of probability densities of turbulent temperature fluctuations 2002 Computer Physics Communications 147 1-2 556-558 August 10172 ASTROFÍSICA. In this paper, we present evidence, based on data from the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), that the generalized thermostatistics provides a simple and accurate framework for modeling the statistical behavior of turbulent temperature fluctuations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9249-PRE/4920 PI CEA LAC LAC 367 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VillelaNetoFoSoAlMeCoBr:2000:DeAtCo Journal Article Villela Neto, Thyrso Villela Neto, Thyrso; Fonseca, R.A.; Souza, P. de; Alves, A.; Mejia, J.; Correa, Ricardo Varela; Braga, João Development of an attitude control system for a ballon-borne gamma ray telescope 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 9 1415-1418 9428 ASTROFÍSICA, sistemas de controle de atitude, telescópio de raios gama, arquitetura (computadores), programa de computador, attitude control, gamma ray telescopes, architeture (computers), computer programs. We describe the attitude control system employed by the MASCO balloon-borne gamma ray telescope and present the first laboratory tests of this system. The MASCO experiment is a low energy gamma ray imaging telescope that employs a MURA coded mask. Its angular resolution is 14' over a 13 degrees field of view, which requires a pointing accuracy of some arcminutes in order to allow the accomplishment of the scientific goals. The attitude control system was designed to provide pointing and stabilization of a 1400 kg, 7 m-high, 2 m-wide, 2 m-deep gondola that encompasses the telescope detector system and its associated electronics. The sensors used are an electronic magnetic compass, an encoder, a two-axis solar sensor, a sun-tracker, two accelerometers, a gyroscope and three CCD stellar sensors. A GPS system is also employed. The actuators are a reaction wheel for azimuth control, an azimuth motor located in the balloon-gondola decoupling mechanism for desaturation of the reaction wheel, and a telescope elevation motor with a harmonic drive reduction. The software architecture and the operation modes are also presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8449-PRE/4217 PI CEA DAS DAS 97 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1996:QuOsIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Quasi-biennial oscilations in quiet-day ranges of low latitude geomagnetic H component 1996 Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics 25 : 101-105 9369 geofísica espacial. After correcting for long-term variations, the geomagnetic H ranges at Trivandrum, Kodaikanal, Annamalainagar (equatorial electrojet region, India)for 1972-90 showed strong QBOs (Quasi-biennial oscillations)while Alibag (low latitude, India)showed weak QBO. Sunspots showed very weak QBO. The geomagnetic QBO matched very roughly with OBO of stratospheric (50 mb)equatorial zonal winds, which, in turn, seems to be linked with Tropospheric weather cycles. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1320 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBaBuGoNaTsFu:1999:ReAiOH Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Buriti, R.A.; Gobbi, Delano; Nakamura, T.; Tsuda, T.; Fukao, S Response of the airglow OH emission, temperature and mesopause wind to the atmospheric wave propagation over Shigaraki, Japan 1999 Earth Planets Space 51 7-8 863-875 9366 astrofísica, aeroluminescência, radiação atmosférica, propagação de ondas, mesopausa, airglow, atmospheric radiation, wave propagation, mesopause. Simultaneous observations of the night airglow OH (6, 2)band emission intensity and rotational temperature, by a sky scanning airglow spectrophotometer, and meteor winds, by a middle and upper atmosphere radar (MU radar), were carried out at Shigaraki (34.9 degree N, 136.1 degree E), Japan, from October 29 to November 11, 1994, as the first phase of a campaign, and from July 25 to July 31, 1995 as the second phase. Horizontal structures in the OH emission intensity and rotational temperature were monitored optically, together with the background wind and its wave induced fluctuations, measured by MU radar. Since the MU radar makes a direct measurement of the vertical wavelength, and the OH spectrophotometer makes a direct measurement of the horizontal wavelength, the two techniques are mutually complementary to determine intrinsic wave parameters. Gravity waves with intrinsic periods of 2 to 9 hours, horizontal wavelengths of 500 to 3000 km and vertical wavelengths of 12 to 75 km were identified. Between the two different observation techniques, there is a reasonable agreement in the inferred wave characteristics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1319 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiGOAgBEMaKo:1982:SPOBOF Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; GONZALEZ-B.,F.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; BENSON,J.L.; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao SPECTRAL OBSERVATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC GAMMA-RAY BACKGROUND 1982 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 12 3 431 2089 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS ASTRO 269 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiSahaBatiClem:1992:AtGrWa Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Atmospheric gravity wave effect on the airglow O2(0,1)and OH(9,4)band intensity and temperature variations observed from a low latitude station 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 10 (10)131-(10)134 7130 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the night airglow O2 atmospheric (0,1)band (864.5 nm)and OH(9.4)band (774.6 nm)emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)since 1983. We present a study of gravity wave induced variations in the emission intensities and rotational temperatures. For both the emissions, the intensity variations are normally delayed with respect to the temperature variations, and the phase difference is larger for OH(9,4)than for O2(0,1). The ratio between the amplitudes of fluctuation of the intensity and temperature, expressed as n=(deltaI/I)/(deltaT/T)has been calculated for both the emissions. The mean value of eta for OH(9,4)was 4.9 with a range of 1.03 to 7.9, in agreement with a recent model. For the O2A(0,1)band, varied from 3.4 to 16.1, with a mean of 7.1. The relation between eta and the fluctuation period is also different for the two emissions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 436 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCosTRELATKau:1987:LOLEDE Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; TREVISAN,R.H.; LATTARI,C.J.B.; Kaufmann, Pierre LOW LEVEL DECIMETRIC (1.6 GHZ)SOLAR BURST ACTIVITY 1987 Solar Physics 111 1 189-199 5459 radiastronomia. Observations of solar bursts at 1.6 GHz were carried out in the month of July 1985 for about two weeks. Five intervals of solar burst activity, each one lasting for a couple of minutes, were observed. Predominantly, two classes of fast bursts were observed: viz: 'spike' and 'blips'. However, some of these bursts were two orders of magnitude less intense than those reported earlier. Low-level blips have typical duration 350 ms, excitation time 200 ñ 25 ms, decay time 130 ñ 25 ms and a low degree of circular polarization of about 15. Detailed investigations of decay times of the blips have been carried out in terms of collisional damping and Landau damping. Observed decay times of the blips seem to favour the hypothesis of collisional damping. This investigation suggests that blips probably originate at second harmonic by beam plasma interaction as that of metric type III bursts. Also, low-level ms-spikes with the half power duration in the range of 5 to 20 ms suggest that source sizes be smaller than 50 km if the process of emission is electron-cyclotron maser. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS CRAAE RADIO 1217 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GonzalezGonz:1997:AnStEn Journal Article Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Analytical study of the energy balance equation for the magnetosferic storm-ring current 1997 Annales Geophysicae 16 11 1445-1454 7188 geofisica espacial, magnestofera, magnetospheric instability, solar wind, equations (balance equations), interplanetary magnetic fields, energy flux (rate). We present some results of the analytical integration of the energy rate balance equation, assuming that the input energy rate is proportional to the azimuthal interplanetary electric field, Ey, and can be described by simple rectangular or triangular functions, as approximations to the frequently observed shapes of E, especially during the passage of magnetic clouds. The input function is also parametrized by a reconnection-transfer efficiency factor (which is assumed to vary between 0. 1 and 1). Our aim is to solve the balance equation and derive values for the decay parameter 'c compatible with the observed Dst peak values. To facilitate the analytical integration we assume a constant value for T through the main phase of the storm. The model is tested for two isolated and well-monitored intense storms. For these storms the analytical results are compared to those obtained by the numerical integration of the balance equation, based on the interplanetary data collected by the ISEE-3 satellite, ,with the T values parametrized close to those obtained by the analytical study. From the best fit between this numerical integration and the observed Dst the most appropriate values of r are then determined. Although we specifically focus on the main phase of the storms, this numerical integration has been also extended to the recovery phase by an independent adjust. The results of the best fit for the recovery phase show that the values of r may differ drastically from those corresponding to the main phase. The values of the decay parameter for the main phase of each event, c, are found to be very sensitive to the adopted efficiency factor, , decreasing as this factor increases. For the recovery phase, which is characterized by very low values of the power input, the response function becomes almost independent of the value of and the resulting values for the decay time parameter, Tr do not vary greatly as varies. As a consequence, the relative values of T between the main and the recovery phase , Tm/Tr, can be greater or smaller than one as varies from 0.1 to. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 827 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuritiNaTsFuTsTaBa:2000:MeTeOb Journal Article Buriti, R.A. Buriti, R.A.; Nakamura, T.; Tsuda, T.; Fukao, S.; Tsutsumi, M.; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado Mesopause temperature observed by airglow OH spectra and meteor echoes at shigaraki (34.9 degrees N, 136.1 degrees E)Japan 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 6 1005-1008 9426 AERONOMIA, aeroluminescência, mesopausa, espectra, espectrofotômetros, temperatura, medições, airglow, mesopause, spectra, spectophotometers, temperature, measurement. Simultaneous measurements of the airglow OH(6,2)band spectra by a sky scanning spectrophotometer and meteor echoes by the MU radar were carried out at Shigaraki (35 degrees N, 136 degrees E), Japan, during July 24-30, 1995. The spectrophotometer observed the P-1(2)and P-1(4)line intensities and derived rotational temperature, T-OH, in 8 cardinal points in the sky with a time sequence of 6 minutes. The MU radar was operated in a meteor radar mode, observing wind velocities and ambipolar diffusion coefficient. From the diffusion coefficient the relative temperature fluctuations, T-MU, were derived in a height range of 75 - 100 km, with a time resolution of 1/2 hour. We found that there is, in general, good agreement in the nocturnal variation between the T-OH and T-MU, indicating effectiveness of the parameter T-MU to monitor temperature variation in the mesopause region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ inpe-8451-PRE/4218 PI CEA DAE DAE 95 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuraokaRamoVlas:2001:AnOpCh Journal Article Muraoka, I> Muraoka, I>; Ramos, Fenenado M>; Vlassov, V.V Analysis of the operational characteristics and limits of a loop heat pipe with porous element in the condenser 2001 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 12 2287-2297 3144 This paper analyzes the operational characteristics and limits of a loop heat pipe (LHP)with Rat porous elements in the condenser and evaporator. A mathematical model, based on the nodal method, was developed to simulate the thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of this: specific type of LHP. Previously, the model was verified and validated by experiential data [I. Muraoka. F.M. Ramos, V. Vlas of this device were investigated and its operational limits identified in terms of the heat load dissipated in the evaporator and the heat sink temperature at the condenser. Three distinct operational regimes were identified and characterized, taking into account the volume of vapor in the liquid core of the evaporator and the capillary pressure limit. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9161-PRE/4834 PI ETES DMC DMC LAC 9 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DantasCarvCapeMazu:1997:EvSuCl Journal Article Dantas, Christine C. Dantas, Christine C.; Carvalho, Reinaldo R. de; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Mazure, Alain Evidence of substructure in the cluster of galaxies A3558 1997 Astrophysical Journal 485 1 447-459 9358 astrofísica, galaxias, catálogos, agrupamentos, desvio para o vermelho, fotometria, galáxias elipticas, galaxies, catalogs, clusters, red shift, photometry, elliptical galaxies. We investigate the dynamical properties of the cluster of galaxies A3558 (Shapley 8). Studying a region of 1 deg2 3 Mpc)centered on the cluster cD galaxy, we have obtained a statistically complete photometric catalog with positions and magnitudes of 1421 galaxies (down to a limiting magnitude of B 21). This catalog has been matched to the recent velocity data obtained by Mazure et al. and from the literature, yielding a radial velocity catalog containing 322 galaxies. We analyze the resulting catalog in search of substructure, using different statistical techniques. This analysis shows that the position/velocity space distribution of galaxies hows significant substructure. A central bimodal core, detected previously in a preliminary study by Dantas, de Carvalho, Capelato and by an analysis of the X-ray emission map by Slezak, Durret, Gerbal, is confirmed using the adaptive kernel technique and wavelet analysis. We show that this central bimodal substructure is nevertheless composed of a projected feature, kinematically unrelated to the cluster, plus a group of galaxies probably in its initial merging phase into a relaxed core. The cD galaxy's velocity offset with respect to the average cluster redshift, reported earlier by several authors, is completely eliminated as a result of our dynamical analysis. The untangling of the relaxed core component also allows a better, more reliable determination of the central velocity dispersion, which in turn eliminates the problem"" for A3558. The cluster also shows a ""preferential"" distribution of subclumps coinciding with the direction of the major-axis position angle of the cD galaxy and of the central X-ray emission ellipsoidal distribution, in agreement with the anisotropic merger scenario described by West. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1317 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuralikrishnaAbdu:1992:NiFrPl Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Nighttime F-region plasma structures observed by rocket-borne Langmuir and high frequency capacitance probes from Natal, Brazil 1992 Geofisica Internacional 31 1 59-63 7127 aeronomia. Simultaneous in-situ measurements of electron densities were made by rocket-borne Langmuir and High Frequency Capacitance probes from the equatorial station Natal in Brazil, using Brazilian SONDA III rockets. On both occasions, the rockets carrying a swept voltage Langmuir probe and a dual frequency High Frequency Capacitance probe, in addition to other experiments, were launched into the nighttime ionosphere. During the first launch the rocket passed through developing plasma bubbles and during the second launch it passed through a practically bubbleless F-region. Electron density irregularities of vertical scale sizes ranging from a few kilometers to as large as 40 to 50 kilometers were observed by both probes. The general features of the large scale structures as observed by the two probes were similar, but there existed also considerable differences. For instance, the amplitudes of small scale structures in the F-region as observed at one of the HFC frequencies were generally larger then those measured by the LP. Experimental factors as well as physical processes responsible for these differences are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 434 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatiSouz:1996:AnOvIR Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de An overview of IRI-observational data comparison in American (Brazilian)sector low latitude ionosphere 1996 Advances in Space Science 18 6 13-22 7171 aeronomia, international reference ionosphere. This paper presents an overview of the existing results of comparisons between the IRI-90 predictions and the observational data for the Brazilian longitude sector and attempts to place the major findings in a global perspective. The observational data subjected to comparison with the IRI model include NmF2/foF2 (the peak density/critical frequency of the F2-layer), hmF2/hpF2 (the height of NmF2/foF2), TEC (total ionospheric electron content)and the electron density-height profiles. The Brazilian stations for which results are presented are: Fortaleza near the magnetic equator and Cachoeira Paulista near the equatorial anomaly crest. The results are compared with those from Asia and Indian longitude sectors. An attempt is made to identify points of agreement/disagreement between the observational data and the IRI. Seasonal and solar activity dependent persistent trends of discrepancies have been found with respect the NmF2, hmF2 and TEC. We have tried to highlight the global nature of such discrepancies aiming at providing an eventual basis for incorporating needed modification for improving the predictive capability of the IRI for the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 825 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoCava:1988:ReGeSo Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque Uma revisao geral sobre as circulacoes locais e seus efeitos no clima regional 1988 Ciencia e Cultura 34 2863 meteorologia. Apresenta-se uma revisao das circulacoes locais, com enfase destas no clima regional. E feita uma discussao geral das caracteristicas das brisas maritima-terrestre e da sua interacao com o escoamento medio, levando-se em conta varios estudos realizados, tanto observacionais como de simulacao numerica. Estes estudos mostram importancia destas circulacoes no clima regional, nao so devido ao escoamento de ar caracteristico como pela precipitacao associada. Sao discutidos, tambem aspectos teoricos e observacionais referentes as circulacoes vale-montanha, que sao responsaveis por grande parte da precipitacao que ocorre em regioes situadas em um vale. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT DCT PRECLI 1018 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SatyamurtyFoBoSeLoGo:2002:AnEaFr Journal Article Satyamurty, Prakki Satyamurty, Prakki; Fonseca, J.F.B.; Bottino, M.J.; Seluchi, M.E.; Lourenço, M.C.M.; de Gonçalves, L.G.G. An early freeze in southern Brazil in April 1999 and its NWP guidance 2002 Meteorological Applications 9 1 113-128 March 10166 METEOROLOGIA. A cold air outbreak occurred in the third week of April 1999 in southern Brazil. A synoptic study of this rare event is undertaken. A surface high pressure cell in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile slowly built up and moved eastward on 14 April. It started crossing the Andes, acquiring the characteristic shape of a bean on 15th, and separated into two cells later in the day. The cell on the lee side of the mountains moved gradually northwards over central South America affecting northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and southern Brazil. The temperature fell 15 degreesC in the state of Mato Grosso (about 15degreesS). In southern Brazil temperatures below freezing were registered in some places on the 17th and 18th and frost occurred in many states. There was snowfall in the uplands of Santa Catarina on the 17th, and such an early snow had not been recorded for 30 years. Baroclinic synoptic wave intensification followed by surface low development in association with a cut-off low formation in the middle and upper troposphere were responsible for strong surface southerlies over Argentina on the 16th and 17th. Cold air advection by the southerlies in the eastern sector of the high-pressure centre was responsible for the northward projection of the high pressure cell east of the Andes. The whole event was well predicted by the Centro de Previsao de Tempo a Estudos Climaticos/Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (CPTEC/INPE)operational global and regional models with lead times of 120 and 60 hours respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9243-PRE/4915 PI MET CPT CPT 363 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiNAMJTSOSSOR:2000:GlScEa Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Neri, José Angelo Costa Ferreira; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Okano, S.; Shepherd, G.; Sargoytchev, S.; Oyama, K.I.; Russell, C.T. Global scale Earth's upper atmosphere monitoring by SACI-1 micro-satellite 2000 Advances in Space Research 26 6 929-937 9424 ASTROFÍSICA, órbitas de baixa altitude, alta atmosfera, atmosfera terrestre, Programa Espacial Brasileiro, equatorial electrojet. The first Brazilian scientific micro-satellite, SACI-1, is scheduled to be launched in the 2nd semester of 1999. It will be placed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit at a height of 750 km. Four scientific payloads, airglow photometer, high energy particle telescopes, plasma probes and high sensitive magnetometer, are on board to monitor the Earth's upper atmosphere environment. The main scientific goal is focused on upper atmospheric dynamics, ionospheric plasma irregularities, anomalous cosmic ray and field-aligned electric current system in the magnetosphere. International collaboration will be necessary, and this will be a key point in order to maximize the utilization of the data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ inpe-8447-pre/4215 PI CEA DAS DAS 93 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ IbrahimKausMend:1974:DeMeIo Journal Article Ibrahim, M. Ibrahim, M.; Kaushika, Narendra D; Mendonca, Fernando de On the determination of mean ionospheric height related to faraday rotaion 1974 Journal Atmospherics Terrestrial Physics 36 4 713-715 1595 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DIR RASA I 97 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BeaugeRoig:2001:PrElFa Journal Article Beauge, C Beauge, C; Roig, F A semianalytical model for the motion of the Trojan asteroids: Proper elements and families 2001 Icarus 153 2 391-415 3103 asteroids, dynamics, asteroids, Trojans, celestial mechanics, ECCENTRICITY ASYMMETRIC EXPANSION, DISTURBING FUNCTION, SECULAR RESONANCES, LAGRANGIAN POINTS, OUTER PLANETS, ORBITS, PERTURBATIONS, PARAMETERS, EVOLUTION. In this paper we develop a semianalytical model to describe the long-term motion of Trojan asteroids located in tadpole orbits around the L-4 and L-5 jovian Lagrangian points. The dynamical model is based on the spatial elliptic three-body problem, including the main secular variations of Jupiter's orbit and the direct perturbations of the remaining outer planets. Based on ideas introduced by A. H. Jupp (1969, Astron. J. 74, 35-43), we develop a canonical transformation which allows the transformation of the tadpole librating orbits into circulating orbits. The disturbing function is then explicitly expanded around each libration point by means of a Taylor-Fourier asymmetric expansion Making use of the property in which the different degrees of freedom in the Trojan problem are well separated with regard to their periods of oscillation, we are able to find approximate action-angle variables combining Hori's method with the theory of adiabatic invariants. This procedure is applied to estimate proper elements for the sample of 533 Trojans with well determined orbits at December 2000. The errors of our semianalytical estimates are about 2-3 times: larger than those previously obtained with numerical approaches by other authors. Finally, we use these results to search for asteroidal families among the Trojan swarms. We are able to identify and confirm the existence of most of the families previously detected by Milani (1993, Celest. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 57, 59-94). The families of Menelaus and Epeios, both around L-4, are the most robust candidates to be the by-product of catastrophic disruption of larger asteroids. On the other hand, no significant family is detected around L-5. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9157-PRE/4830 ETES ETE ETE 7 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoRibeCapeZepf:1997:ReSuGa Journal Article Carvalho, Reinaldo R. de Carvalho, Reinaldo R. de; Ribeiro, André L.B.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Zepf, Stephen Redshigt survey of galaxies around a selected sample of compact groups 1997 Astrophysical Journal 110 : 1-8 9356 astrofísica, galaxias, constelacoes, distâncias, galaxies, red shift, star clusters, distance. We report the results of a spectroscopic survey of faint galaxies in the regions surrounding Hickson compact groups. Our sample is composed of 17 groups within 9000 km s-1. The spectra were taken at the prime focus of the Tololo 4 m telescope, using the ARGUS fiber-fed spectrograph. From these observations, redshifts were determined for the faint galaxies previously identified by de Carvalho, Ribeiro, Zepf in the surroundings of the groups. Statistical methods were applied to the resultant catalog in order to determine the kinematical structure of each group. This analysis confirms the idea that the Hickson sample of compact groups contains a wide variety of projection and dynamical configurations. Our results demonstrate the necessity of new spectroscopic surveys around compact groups in order to assess their complete velocity distribution. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1315 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoVadlMour:1989:WaCiAt Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Moura, Antonio Divino The walker circulation and atmospheric water vapour characteristics over pacific for two contrasting years 1989 Journal of Climatology 9 3 243-251 2679 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT PRECLI 853 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PimentaFaguBittSaha:2001:ReAsEq Journal Article Pimenta, A.A. Pimenta, A.A.; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar Relevant aspects of equatorial plasma bubbles under different solar activity conditions 2001 Advances in Space Research 27 6-7 1213-1218 9738 AERONOMIA, bolhas de plasma, atividade solar, regiões tropicais, plasma bubbles, solar activity, tropical regions. Observations of the OI 630 nm nightglow emission using a wide-angle imaging system have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45 degrees W, 15.8 degrees S dip latitude), Brazil during the period 1987 to 1999. The OI 630 mn images obtained during this period show frequently the optical signature of the plasma bubbles (quasi north-south aligned depleted intensity regions). During the period studied a strong seasonal variation was noticed in the plasma bubble formations. Also, it was observed that, during high solar activity, the plasma bubble bifurcation occurrences were Higher than during low solar activity. Important features from this set of observations are presented and discussed in this paper. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9774-PRE/4497 PI CEA DAE DAE DGE 166 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimoBatiTaka:1992:EvLaDi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Batista, Paulo Prado; Takahashi, Hisao Evidence for a lack of diffusive control of the atmospheric sodium layer 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54 3/4 355-362 7125 aeronomia. If the final loss of atmosphere sodium occurs in the same height range as its initial entry to the atmosphere, then vertical transport will have little influence on the total abundance of sodium although it could affect its vertical distribution. If, on the other hand, as suggested by a number of recent models, the final sink for sodium is situated well below the layer, and the sodium density depends on a chemical quasi-equilibrium between free sodium and sodium compounds, then the sodium density will be aproximately inversely proportional to the eddy diffusion coefficient. An examination of the experimental evidence suggests that the eddy diffusion does not play an important role in controlling the total abundance of sodium, thus suggesting that the final loss of sodium must occur in the same height region as its initial input. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 432 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyChag:1985:UmEsDa Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Chagas, Julio Cesar Santos Um estudo das funcoes de similaridade da camada limite planetaria. Parte I: teoria 1985 Ciencia e Cultura 37 4 623-634 2466 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT RECAT 656 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduPaul:1996:CoBeIR Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Comparison between IRI predictions and digisonde measurements at low latitude station 1996 Advances in Space Research 18 6 (6)49-(6)52 7169 aeronomia. The Digisonde database from Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W)is used to compare the observations with the IRI predictons. The data were registered during some periods from 1990 to 1993. The comparison is made for the F region paramets NmF2 and hmF2 and for true height profiles as well. The analysis, based on the quietest days during the data period, shows that while IRI provides realistic profiles during daytime hours of high solar activity periods, it seems to underestimate the bottomside electron density during the early morning and late afternoon hours. The F-layer peak density obtained using the CCIR-89 coefficients are understimated for most of the nightime hours during equinox and summer months of high solar activity periods, and overestimated for most of the time during low solar activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 823 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1998:ElCoTe Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José Elastic collision terms for transport equations of high flow velocity plasmas 1998 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 31 6 712-716 9845 aeronomia, plasmas espaciais, ionosferas, distribuição, space plasmas, ionospheres, distribution, aeronomy. The continuous evolution of the transport equations used to describe the wide variety of plasma flow conditions found in all areas of aeronomy and space plasma physics requires improved collision terms to be determined over and over again. Present attention to high flow velocity plasmas has revived this demand. The theoretical problems related with the derivation of reliable collision terms for transport equations of high-speed plasmas are considered at length. An alternative approach to handle the matter properly is discussed and comparisons are performed with currently used methods. It can be appreciated that considerable improvements can be Made as fat as the present understanding of the subject is concerned. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1499 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KurganskyPisn:2000:MoErPo Journal Article Kurgansky, M.V. Kurgansky, M.V.; Pisnichenko, I.A. Modified Ertelïs potential vorticity as a climate variable 2000 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 57 6 822-835 March 10164 Fundamental freedom existing in Ertel's general definition of potential vorticity (PV)is used to construct an essential invariant measure in (q, chi)space, where q is an ""optimal"" modified PV and chi is a monotonic increasing function of potential temperature, which enters q. This novel measure is preserved in idealized climate processes, when external diabatic hearing and frictional forcing, bring applied to zonally oriented infinitely thin (q, chi)tubes (formed at the expense of intersection between isoscalar surfaces q = constant and chi = constant), annihilate each other. A reference stationary airmass distribution on (q, chi)values is introduced for both hemispheres, separately, which corresponds to a hypothetical atmospheric climate equilibrium state. This reference distribution, with no dependence on chi, is characterized by exponentially decaying function of the absolute value of q and has the same total amount of ""PV substance"" (atmospheric vorticity charge)as the actual atmospheric state. Comparison of the actual monthly mean airmass distribution on q (calculated on the basis of 1980-89 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts data)with this reference stationary distribution by their informational entropy values enables one to quantify a degree of nonequilibrium of real atmospheric climate processes, with respect to the introduced invariant measure. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9241-PRE/4913 PI MET CPT CPT 361 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FernandesSawMelBenKan:2000:InAcRe Journal Article Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Melendez, J.L.; Benz, A.O.; Kane, S.R. Investigations of the accelaration region of energetic electrons asociated with decimetry type III and X-ray bursts 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 9 1813-1816 9421 GEOSTROFÍSICA, explosões radio, flares solares, aceleração, cromosfera, radio x duro, fotosfera, accelaration, chromosphere, hard x ray, photosphere. Preliminary results of the association between type III decimetric bursts, mainly having center frequency above 1000 MHz and recorded by Phoenix radio spectrometer, and seven hard X-ray flares observed by the Yohkoh/HXT from September, 1992 to October, 1993 are reported here. (a)For an assumed improved density model of the solar chromosphere, an average electron beam velocity (similar to 0.16 c)and hence an average electron energy (similar to 7 keV)was inferred from the average frequency drift rate (similar to 1350 MHz/s)of 160 isolated type III bursts. Assuming the electrons lose energy primarily by collisions, the height of injection of the energetic electrons was estimated (1.2 x 10(9)- 4.5 x 10(9)cm). (b)In two flares at the onset of the bursts, the correlation between X-rays and radio was better at lower frequencies (less than or equal to 500 MHz). However, during the time evolution of those flares, the correlation improved for higher and higher frequencies (greater than or equal to 800 MHz), suggesting that the acceleration region was displaced towards the photosphere. The estimated velocity of the acceleration region is similar to 3 x 10(3)- 8 x 10(3)km/s. (c)In two flares, the enhancement of the radio decimetric emission above 500 MHz started earlier (similar to 10 s)than the X-ray emissions, suggesting in case of these two flares that the acceleration region is located near to where the decimetric emission is generated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8444-PRE/4212 PI CEA DAE DAE 91 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MacLeodScalSaedGayl:1998:MaInMa Journal Article MacLeod, Gordon C. MacLeod, Gordon C.; Scalise Jr., Eugenio; Saedt, Sharon; Gaylard, M Masers in massive star-forming regions associated with the brightest steep-spectrum IRAS point sources 1998 The Astronomical Journal 116 1714: 1897-1905 9353 astrofísica, astronomia galática, regioes de formacao de estrelas, regiões h ii, formação de estrela, satélite astronômico infravermelho, variável cataclísmica, h ii regions, masers, star formation, infrered astronomy satellite (iras), cataclysmic variable. Twenty-four bright, steep-spectrum far-infrared IRAS point sources, which were originally discussed by Hughes MacLeod, have been searched for hydroxyl, water, and methanol masers and for formaldehyde absorption features. Distances and spectral types for the stars exciting these masers were estimated using radio continuum, IRAS spectra, and maser velocity data. It is found that 21 of the 24 sources are regions of massive star formation containing stars earlier than type B2. We report the discovery of five new OH masers, one new 6.7 GHz CH OH maser, and two new 12.2 GHz CH OH masers toward these IRAS sources. By contrast, no 4.765 GHz excited-OH masers were found toward these sources. This sample contains only star-forming regions; there are no planetary or reflection nebulae or extragalactic sources present, as seen in samples with less extreme IRAS colors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1313 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Muralikrishna:1982:DeFaPa Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya Design and fabrication of payload for OH emission experiment onboard spacelab-A case study 1982 Journal of Aeron. Soci. of India 34 3-4 133-138 1062 aeronomia, emissão de hydroxila, ondas, mesosfera, atmosfera terrestre, carga útil, hydroxyl emission, waves, mesosphere, earth atmosphere, payloads. It is Proposed to conduct a collaborative experiment between the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India and Service d' Aeronomie of CNRS, France, on the 'Study of mesospheric wave motions by photography of the OH emission layer, frorn the SpaceLab during the first Spacelab sortie. The experiment consists in photo graphing the OH emissions from the scan path of the camera onboard the Spacelab during selected orbital nights. As a part of this collaborative effort, the detailed design and fabrication of the mechanical housing for the image intensifier - camera system, were made at PRL. A case study of this, starting from the experiment concept, is briefly presented in this paper. Also given here, are the detailed analysis and test procedures adopted for finalising the design drawings. These include the preliminary vibration and resonance survey tests conducted on the design verification and prototype models of the payload, as well as the theoretical evaluation of the static and dynamic stresses at various vulnerable points in the payload. The experiment operation and data analysis procedures are also summerised here. As a ground support for this experiment, several ground campaigns of photographing the OH clouds from selected ground stations in India are being conducted since 1979. The highlights of these observations are reported here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 263 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VeissidPere:2000:AsPlAl Journal Article Veissid, Nelson Veissid, Nelson; Pereira, Enio Bueno Assessment of the Planetary Albedo by using data from the Solar Cell Experiment of the Brazilian SCD2 satellite 2000 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 18 1 9733 FISICA DE MATERIAIS, células solares, albedo, radiação planetária, solar cells, planetary radiation, clouds. This work describes a new self-calibrated method for the assessment of the Earth's planetary albedo with a synthetic ground resolution of 2.5ø latitude x 2.5ø longitude by using the telemeterized data from the Solar Cell Experiment (SCE)of the second INPE's data collection satellite (SCD2), launched on October, 1998. A semi-empirical examination of this new method's result is reported, and the calculated planetary albedo for the years 1998 and 1999 is presented and discussed. This experiment may establish a cost-effective innovation for the Brazilian space program as regards to the study of the climate system by cloud cover monitoring. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8772-PRE/4495 PN CEA LAS LAS DGE 164 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatiSobr:1992:NeAsMa Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade A new aspect of magnetic declination control of equatorial spread F and F region dynamo 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 A10 14897-14904 7121 aeronomia. Range spread F (RSF)data for a 12-year period (1978-1990)over the Brazilian low-latitude station, Cachoeira Paulista, are analyzed to determine the fine structure of the seasonal pattern of the irregularity occurrence, which appears consistent throughout an entire solar cycle. The RSF occurrence for one of these years is compared also with that over the equatorial station, Fortaleza, to show that the seasonal pattern discussed here corresponds to that of plasma bubble irregularity developments. A striking result that has come out of the present analysis concerns two secondary minima, during the epoch of broad annual maximum, in the RSF that occur in association with the two nodal points at the magnetically conjugate E layer sunset local times, that is, at the perfect alignment of the sunset terminator with the magnetic meridian of the station. The occurrence of these minima, seen in individual solar minimum and solar maximum years (as also in the overall mean behavior), is interpreted on the basis of a simplified F region dynamo development model that considers also asymmetric conjugate E layer decay conditions. Competing roles of a prereversal zonal electric field enhancement and of its height gradient seem to determine the occurrences of these secondary minima in RSF. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 429 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ForbesAnBaCaCoRo:1992:CoPaIn Journal Article Forbes, J.M. Forbes, J.M.; Anderson, D.N.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Carter, L.; Codrescu, M.; Roble, R.G Coupling parameterizations in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere modeling 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 6 (6)293-(6)301 7122 aeronomia. A review is provided of some of the major interactons in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system, with emphasis on those internal interactions involving mutual coupling between neutral winds, plasma drifts, and the F2-layer peak height. Examples of parameterizations for interactions of this type at low, middle, and high latitudes, intended for use in numerical predictions, are presented. A new parameterization for hmF2 in terms of wind- and electric field-driven drifts at equatorial latitudes is given, and verifications of the accuracy of previously developed parameterizations at middle and high lalitudes are provided. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 430 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CorreiaKauf:1987:RERAOF Journal Article Correia, Emilia Correia, Emilia; Kaufmann, Pierre REPETITION RATES OF FAST PULSES IN MM-WAVES/X-RAY SOLAR BURST 1987 Solar Physics 111 : 143-154 5440 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA CRAAE 907316 1211 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimTakMelPla:1995:ExEvPh Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao; Melo, H.; Plane, S.M.L. Experimental evidence for photochemical control of the atmospheric sodium layer 1995 Journal of Geophysical Research 100 D9 18909-18916 7167 aeronomia. On May 31, 1992, a rocket payload equipped with 10 airglow photometers was launched from the Alcantara Launch Center in northern Brazil. The payload measured sodium, hydroxyl, atomic, and molecular oxygen airglow emissions, and a sodium lidar, operating at the launch site, provided simultaneous vertical profiles of atmospheric sodium density. The airglow profiles, in conjunction with the sodium density distribution, are used to derive vertical profiles for atomic oxygen, ozone and hydrogen in the 80 to 100 km region. These profiles are then used as inputs to a photochemical model for the sodium layer. Good agreement is achieved between the modeled and experimental profiles of sodium and Na D line airglow, and the results indicate that the branching ratio for the production of Na (2P)in the reaction NaO+O Na(2P, 2S)+O2 must be between 0.05 and 0.20. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 821 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJr:1996:CoAsNu Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar Como as nuvens comandam a vida no planeta 1996 Globo Ciência 5 57 25-27 9826 geofísica espacial. The relationship between rainfall in sub-regions of Uruguay and South Brazil and a finer classification of El Ninos (ENs), was studied. ENSOWs were defined as years when an EN existed on the Peruvian coast, the southern oscillation index (SOI = Tahiti minus Darwin pressure)was negative (SO), and Pacific sea-surface temperature SST)nomalies were positive (W). Further, unambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the middle of the calendar year, and ambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the earlier or later part of the calendar year (not in the middle). In contrast with India and some other regions where unambiguous ENSOWs were associated predominantly with droughts, in the case of southern South America the association was with excess rains. Among the ambiguous ENSOWs, some were associated with floods in southern South America, but some had normal or mixed rainfalls (floods in some sub-regions, droughts in others)and a few even had droughts. C events (La Ninas, i.e. no EN, SOI positive, and SST negative)were associated mostly with droughts, but occasionally with floods in southern South America. Many non-events were associated with floods or droughts, indicating that factors other than EN/La Nina could also be important. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1497 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaBailAbduBati:2000:IoMoAt Journal Article Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Bailey, G.J.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Ionospheric modelling at low latitudes over Brazil during summer solar minimum 2000 Advances in Space Research 25 1 133-138 9418 AERONOMIA, Fortaleza (Estado), região F, regiões tropicais, modelos, ionosféricos, verão, F region, tropical regions, ionospheric, summer. The F-region critical frequency and peak height (foF2 and hmF2, respectively), measured simultaneously at Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W, mag. lat. = 3 degrees S)and Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees S, 45 degrees W, mag, lat. = 15 degrees S)in Brazil, are compared with values calculated by the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model to determine the equatorial ExB vertical plasma drift and thermospheric meridional wind of the low-latitude ionosphere. The calculation procedure also allows us to estimate an additional ionization source, that is required to account for the observed diurnal variation of foF2 over Cachoeira Paulista. While the determination of the vertical drift is based on criteria for matching the calculated and observed F-region peak heights over the magnetic equator, the meridional winds over the Brazilian low-latitude region and over its conjugate locations are calculated by comparisons based on the observed and modelled values of hmF2 and foF2. The results presented in this paper are for summer at solar minimum. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8441-PRE/4209 PI CEA DAE DAE 88 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiSteiJabl:1998:SoEqIr Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista; Jablonski, Francisco José Southern and equatorial irregular variables 1998 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 131 1 119-135 9350 astrofísica, , variáveis cataclísmicas, estrelas variáveis, variable stars, cataclysmic variable. The results of optical spectroscopy of 169 southern and equatorial objects previously known as irregular variables are presented. The targets were selected via photoelectric UBV photometry among objects classified as L, L:, I, I, IS and IS: in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars and New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars. Among these objects we have identified 8 cataclysmic variables, 8 variables, 8 symbiotic stars and stars that belong to a variety of other classes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1311 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AraujoAgui:2000:StBaGr Journal Article Araujo, José C.N. de Araujo, José C.N. de; Miranda, Oswaldo, D.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Stochastic background of gravitational waves 2000 Physical Review D 61 12 4015-1-4015-6 9731 ASTROFÍSICA, emissão, fontes, processos estocásticos, ondas gravitacionais, explosões, gravitational waves, bursts, sources, emission, stochastic processes. A continuous stochastic background of gravitational waves (GWs)for burst sources is produced if the mean time interval between the occurrence of bursts is smaller than the average time duration of a single burst at the emission, i.e., the so-called duty cycle must be greater than one. To evaluate the background of GWs produced by an ensemble of sources, during their formation, for example, one needs to know the average energy flux emitted during the formation of a single object and the formation rate of such objects as well. In many cases the energy flux emitted during an event of production of GWs is not known in detail; only characteristic values for the dimensionless amplitude and frequencies are known. Here we present a shortcut to calculate stochastic backgrounds of GWs produced from cosmological sources. For this approach it is not necessary to know in detail the energy flux emitted at each frequency. Knowing the characteristic values for the ""lumped"" dimensionless amplitude and frequency we show that it is possible to calculate the stochastic background of GWs produced by an ensemble of sources. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8770-PRE/4493 PI CEA DAS DAS 162 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:1992:InEqEl Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali The International Equatorial Electrojet Year 1992 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 73 5 49-54 7119 aeronomia, projeto eits, ionosfera, plasma ionosferico, flutuacao de plasma, eletrojatos equatorial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 427 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Cavalcanti:1996:PrClNo Journal Article Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Previsao climatica no CPTEC 1996 Climanalise Especial 229-235 October 8522 estudo do tempo e do clima, circulacao atmosferica, temperatura da superficie do mar, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, mcga. 0 Modelo de Circulacao Geral da Atmosfera (MCGA)do CPTEC/COLA (Ver secao 26), tem sido utilizado para a realizacao de previsao climatica, de forma experimental, no CPTEC, desde janeiro de 1995. 0 modelo e espectral. e a resolucao utilizada e de 62 ondas na coordenada horizontal e 28 niveis na coordenada vertical (T62 L28). As previsoes sao realizadas mensalmente e sao usadas quatro condicoes iniciais de quatro dias consecutivos do meio do mes. Para cada condicao inicial, o MCGA e integrado duas vezes, uma com condicoes de contorno inferior dadas por valores climatologicos da Temperatura da Superficie do Mar (TSM)e outra com TSMs observadas entre a data da condicao inicial ate o mes no qual esta sendo feita a integracao, e anomalias de TSM persistidas para os meses de previsao. Sao feitas medias das diferencas entre as integracoes de previsao-controler para fornecer a previsao do conjunto, para 4 meses. Os resultados mensais e trimestrais sao analisados, com os destaques para as previsoes sazonais. Pretende-se utilizar, no futuro, a TSM prevista atraves de metodos estatisticos (Ver Secao 5)e tambem utilizar um modelo acoplado atmosfera-oceano, para melhorar as previsoes de TSM. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1114 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WatanabeOyamAbdu:1995:CoSiEl Journal Article Watanabe, S. Watanabe, S.; Oyama, K.I.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali A computer simulation of electron and ion densities and temperatures in the equatorial F-region and comparison with HINOTORI results 1995 Journal of Geophysical Research 100 8 14581-14590 7164 aeronomia, ionospheric electron temperatures, ion density in inosphere, ionospheric electron density, equatorial f-region, satellite ionospheric investigations, japanese satellite. A time-dependent three-dimensional computer simulation of equatorial F region ionosphere has been carried out to understand the electron temperature structure observed by Hinotori satellite in the low and middle ionosphere. This model provides three-dimensional distributions of ion densities, electron temperature, and ion temperatures. The simulations showed the electron temperature enhancements around the equator in the morning, in the midlatitude in the afternoon, and around the equatorial anomaly region from afternoon to midnight. The enhancements in the morning are due to photoelectron heating. The afternoon enhancements in the midlatitude come from the balance of heating and cooling. When no meridional neutral wind is included in the simulation, the electron temperature did not show remarkable enhancements in the midlatitude in the afternoon because of strong cooling by the dense electron density. Around the equatorial anomaly region the electron temperature increased at high altitude in the evening because of the competing effects of plasma cooling and the plasma movements. Since the ionospheric plasma zonal E x B drift is eastward near the sunset (where E is ionospheric electric field and B is magnetic field)and the vertical drift is downward, the high-altitude dayside hot plasma can enter into the topside F region in the premidnight. The computer simulations were directly compared with the Hinotori satellite data. The simulation results were consistent with the equatorial electron density and temperature observed by the Hinotori satellite. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 818 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyCava:1988:PrAtCi Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque Precipitation and atmospheric circulation anomaly patterns in the South American Sector 1988 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 3 1 199-206 2857 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1012 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatalhaQTPJSRS:1998:PhVaSo Journal Article Batalha, C.C. Batalha, C.C.; Quast, G.R.; Torres, C.A.O.; Pereira, P.C.R.; Jablonski, Francisco; Schiavon, R.P.; Reza, J.R.; Sartori, M.J Photometric variability of southern T Tauri stars 1998 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 128 3 561-571 9345 astrofísica, , estrelas, estrelas variantes, stars, variable stars, pre main sequence stars. We present photometric light curves of T Tauri Stars (TTS)observed in the Southern hemisphere. Our list includes 26 TTS, half of which were discovered by the Pico dos Dias survey (PDS). The majority of the observed PDS stars are weak TTS and present, on average, the low range of variability typical of such stars. We monitored some of the stars for several seasons in order to detect possible changes in rotational modulation. In particular, we find that the classical TTS, AS 216, shows a stable period of 3.12d for three consecutive years (between 1985 and 1987)which then does not reveal itself during the observing season of 1989 and 1990. Coupled with this change during the last two observing seasons is an overall increase in the amplitude of the photometric variability in all colors. We derive photometric periods for 13 previously unmonitored objects, and confirm the previously published rotational period of SY Cha. In addition, we confirm that TW Cha and SZ 82 do riot reveal any signs of periodic modulation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1308 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiGoBaMeTeBu:1998:DyInEq Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbi, Delano; Batista, Paulo Prado; Melo, S.M.L.; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Buriti, R.A. Dynamical influence on the equatorial airglow observed from the South American Sector 1998 Advances Space Reseach 21 6 817-825 9319 aeronomia, , emissao atmosférica, ondas, mares, luminescência, atmosférica equatorial, atmospheric emission, tides (tidal oscillation), equatorial atmosphere, airglow (atmosphere emission). The upper atmospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm, NaD 589.3 nm, OH (9,4)and O2 atmospheric (0,1)bands and their rotational temperatures have been measured using ground-based multichannel airglow photometers, one located near the equator at Fortaleza (3.9 S, 38.4 W)and the other at low-middle latitude Cachoeira. Paulista (22.7 S, 45.0 W). Monthly averaged nocturnal variations calculated from the data from 1987 to 1993 were used to study the influence of atmospheric dynamical processes on these emissions. Harmonic analysis revealed that the Cachoeira Paulista data are mainly represented 12 hour period oscillation. Phase differences between the different emissions reveal that the vertical phase velocity is about 4 km/h and the vertical wavelength about 50 km. Fortaleza data on the other f. showed longer period, 24 hours, slow vertical propagation velocity, 1.1 km/h, and short veil wavelength, about 30 km. These facts lead us to conclude that the Cachoeira Paulista data are mainly controlled by the semidiurnal tidal oscillation and the Fortaleza data are controlled by the diurnal tide. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1298 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MouraShuk:1981:ObThNu Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino; Shukla, J On the dynamics of droughts in northeast Brazil: obsrvations, theory and numerical experiments with a general circulation model 1981 Journal Atmospheric Science 38 12 2653-2675 8591 estudos do tempo e do clima, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, mcga, temperatura da superficie do mar. It is proposed that a possible mechanism for the occurrence of severe droughts over northeast Brazil is the establishment of a thermally direct local circulation which has its ascending branch at about 10 degrees N and its descending branch over northeast Brazil and the adjoining oceanic region. The driving for this anomalous circulation is provided by warming due to enhanced moist convection associated with warmer sea surface temperature anomalies over the northern tropical Atlantic, and cooling associated with colder sea surface tcrnperaturc anomalies in the southern tropical Atlantic. The combined effects of thermally forced subsidence and reduced evaporation and moisture flux convergence produces severe drought conditions over northeast Brazil. We have examined the monthly mean sea surface temperature anomalies over the tropical Atlantic and rainfall anomalies over two selected stations (Fortaleza, 3 degrees 46'S 38 degrees 31'W and Quixeramobim, 5 degrees 12'S 39 degrees 18'W)for 25 years (1948-72). It is found that the most severe drought events are associated with the simultaneous occurrence of warm sea surface temperature anomalies over north and cold sea surface temperature anomalies over the south tropical Atlantic. Simultaneous occurrences of warm sea surface temperature anomaly at 15 degrees N, 45 W and cold sea surface temperature anomaly at 15 degrees S, 5 degrees W were always associated with negative anomalies of rainfall, and vice versa. A simple primitive equation model is used to calculate the frictionally controlled and thermally driven circulation due to a prescribed heating function in a resting atmosphere. The heating function is designed to simulate a heat source to the north and a heat sink to the south of the equator. This prescribed thermal forcing produces a thermally direct circulation with ascending motion to the north and descending motion to the south. Low-level cyclonic circulation and high-level anticyclonic circulation is generated to the north of the equator and low-level anticylonic circulation and high-level cyclonic circulation is generated to the south of the equator. The analytical solutions agree well with the results of numerical experiments carried out with a multilevel global general circulation model. We also have carried out a series of numerical experiments to test the sensitivity of the GLAS (Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Sciences)model to prescribed sea surface temperature anomalies over the tropical Atlantic. It is found that the sea surface temperature anomaly patterns, which resemble the observed ones during drought years, produce an intensified convergence zone, enhanced rainfall and lowlevel cyclonic circulation to the north, and reduced rainfall and anticyclonic: circulation to the south. The reduction of rainfall over continental northeast Brazil is large enough to give further support to the proposed mechanism. Since the sea surface temperature anomalies over the tropical Atlantic persist for several months, the proposed mechanism could provide guidance for predicting droughts over northeast Brazil. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 258 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconTsurLeppSchw:2002:InPhAs Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lepping, R.P.; Schwenn, R Interplanetary phenomena associated with very intense geomagnetic storms 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 64 2 173-181 9729 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, atividade solar, campos magnéticos interplanetários, tempestades magnéticas, solar activity, interplanetary magnetic field, magnetic storms. The dominant interplanetary phenomena that are frequently associated with intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two such interplanetary structures, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF are: the sheath region behind a fast forward interplanetary shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures, when combined, lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more Bs structures. Another aspect that can contribute to the development of very intense storms refers to the recent finding that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense magnetospheric energization. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8767-PRE/4490 PI CEA DGE DGE 160 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PugachevaGusJayMarSpj:2002:AnLiEl Journal Article Pugacheva, G.I. Pugacheva, G.I.; Gusev, A.A.; Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Spjeldvik, W.N Antiparticles and light element isotope ions in the earth's magnetosphere 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 64 5-6 625-631 9728 ASTROFÍSICA, antiparticulas, positrons, magnetosfera terrestre, reações nucleares, raios cósmicos, antiparticles, positrons, earth magnetosphere, nuclear rays. The ratio of positron/electron fluxes originating in nuclear reactions in the Earth's Magnetosphere is considered. It is supposed that positrons as well as electrons are mainly produced in the decay of charged pions pi(+/-)-->mu(+/-)-->e(+/-)born in nuclear collisions of trapped relativistic inner zone protons and of cosmic rays with the residual atmosphere. These positrons and electrons are captured in the magnetosphere and create a positron and electron radiation belt of nuclear origin. The positron/electron trapped magnetospheric fluxes formed with this mechanism from radiation belt proton source are simulated and the resulting computed e(+)/e(-)flux ratio approximate to 4 appears to be in agreement with the recent observations made by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)(The AMS collaboration, 1999). A > 200 MeV positron flux with an intensity about 4 times higher than the electron flux of the same energy was registered in the equatorial region at the attitude of 400 kill. This ratio is significantly different from the computed ratio approximate to1 obtained from the primary cosmic ray source through the same mechanism. As our modeling of nuclear spallation reaction shows, in the same reaction nuclei of isotopes of hydrogen and helium are also produced, which are the source of light element isotope radiation belts of D, T, He-3 and He-4 with a significant excess of He-3 over He-4 fluxes. The AMS instrument, as we have known, also looked at the distribution of helium nuclei and only He-3 was observed, which is one more evidence in favor of the above hypothesis. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8469-PRE/4234 PI CEA DAS DAS 159 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nunes:1996:MoRePr Journal Article Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno Modelo regional de previsao numerica do tempo da Florida State University 1996 Climanalise Especial 219-224 October 8520 estudo do tempo e do clima, , modelo de area limitada, umidade, precipitacao (meteorologia). Os modelos numericos globais sao muitas vezes complementados por modelos numericos regionais e de area limitada. Uma vantagem no uso de modelos regionais e sua relativa economia computacional em relacao aos modelos globais. Por vezes, a utilizacao de uma fisica mais detalhada e permitida exatamente devido ao relativo baixo custo operacional dos modelos de area limitada. No entanto, a maior desvantagem no emprego dos modelos regionais esta relacionada com as condicoes de fronteiras das quais um modelo de area limitada nao pode escapar. Para uma boa "" performance"" dos modelos de previsao, tanto os globais quanto os regionais, e importante que as condicoes iniciais representem de forma adequada o comportamento da atmosfera naquele dado instante. A representacao da conveccao profunda, tipica da regiao tropical, e irremediavelmente comprometida quando os campos iniciais de umidade sao incluidos de forma deficiente nos modelos de previsao de tempo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1112 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraNorTakDutMan:1984:SiMoRa Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Takashima, A.M.; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimarães; Mantelli Neto, Sylvio Luiz Um sistema para monitoracao do radonio e seus produtos de decaimento na atmosfera 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 2 2 2457 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE CAPRE 649 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahaBittTaka:1995:ObThNe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao Observation of thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W)during a geomagnetic storm 1995 Advances in Space Research 16 5 527-530 7162 aeronomia, tempestades magnéticas, interferometros fabry perot, termosfera, energia, magnetic storms, fabry perot interferometers, thermosphere, energy. Observations of nighttime thermospheric neutral wind velocities and temperatures from measurements of Doppler shifts and widths, respectively, of the OI 630.0 nm airglow emission line, using a Fabry-Perot interferometer, have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), Brazil, since 1988. In this paper we present observations of thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures during the period July 6-10, 1991, which included the strong magnetic disturbance of July 8-9, 1991 when the Kp value reached 8. During this storm the meridional and zonal neutral wind velocity patterns were strongly modified. On July 9-10, the observed meridional wind during the storm shows a behaviour opposite to that observed during winter and the observed zonal wind at the beginning of the night shows a behaviour similar to its quiet time behaviour (to the east), but at 01:15 LT the zonal wind changes its direction rapidly to the west and at 03:45 LT it reverses to east again. Also, from the observed thermospheric temperatures, inferred from the thermal broadening of the 630.0 nm line emission, we find that during this event there is thermospheric cooling over Cachoeira Paulista. This result is surprising, because we would normally expect thermospheric heating during geomagnetic storms, since a large amount of energy is deposited in the thermosphere at high latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 816 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuskoStei:1989:AnSaII Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Profiles of emission lines in AGN - II. Analysis of a sample of [O III]profiles 1989 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 238 4 1479-1495 2854 astrofisica. Summary. Statistical analysis of a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN)[Oiifl 5007 high-resolution (FWHM < 130kms-1)fine profiles, complemented with other observational information, showed that line kurtosis correlates with narrow-line Balmer decrement, indicating that there is dust inside the narrow-line region. The dust affects preferentially the low-velocity emitting regions. Line kurtosis depends also on radio luminosity and presence of a broad-line region. The analysis shows a correlation between line FWHM and host galaxy inclination, pointing to the planar and aligned nature of the narrow-line region velocity field. Radio-quiet objects showed a good correlation between line FWHM and optical/radio luminosity. No correlation was found on the radio-loud ones, indicating that probably different mechanisms are at play in these two classes of objects. Late-type spirals showed, on the mean, lines with narrower FWHM than early-type ones. The effect is measurable, however, only on the low-velocity emitting regions, indicating that the velocity field in these regions may be shaped by the galaxybulge gravitational field. Line asymmetry does not appear to be a good diagnostic tool for probing the velocity field. About 23 per cent of the radio-quiet objects showed lines with red asymmetry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS EXTRA 1009 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kotanyi:1990:SsRaGa Journal Article Kotanyi, C Kotanyi, C NGC3309: an s-shaped radio galaxy in a nearby cluster 1990 Revista mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 20 : 173-176 2989 astrofisica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 52 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiSall:1973:Au1419 Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Salles, M.A.O. Effects on transequatorial VLF propagation for retrosprctive world interval July 26 - August 14, 1972 1973 World Data Center A, Report UAG UAG-28 Part 3 627 1586 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 88 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:ReENRa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam On the relationship of ENSO with rainfall over different parts of Australia 1997 Australian Meteorology Megazine 46 : 39-49 9340 geofísica espacial, , oscilação sulista, secas, inundações, chuva, el nino (en), southern oscilation (so), droughts, floods, rain. Each year of the 120-year period 1871-1990 has been characterised as having an El Nino (EN)and/or a Southern Oscillation Index minimum (SO)and/or warm (W)or cold (C)water anomalies in equatorial eastern Pacific sea-surface temperatures. Unambiguous ENSO events, defined as those where El Nino existed and both SO and W occurred in the May to' August period, showed a very good association with widespread droughts in Australia. Ambiguous ENSOW events, defined as those where El Nino existed but SO and W were outside the May to August period, were sometimes associated with widespread droughts or floods, but were mostly associated with droughts in some parts and floods in others. A similar conclusion applied to other events involving one or more of EN, SO and W, and also to non-events (none of EN, SO, W or Q. Cold (C)events were mostly associated with widespread floods, but a few were associated with droughts. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1306 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatMacSobMur:1997:PeChIn Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; MacDougall, J.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Muralikrishna, Polinaya Permanent changes in sporadic E layers over Fortaleza,Brazil 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 11 2165-2168 9311 aeronomia, regiao e, eletrojatos equatorial, ionogramas, equador magnético, e region (e layer), equatorial eletrojet, ionograms, magnetic equator. Data available on sporadic E layers in ionograms, from 1975 to 1995 over Fortaleza (38 degree W, 4 degree S)in Brazil are analysed as an extension of a previous study to examine permanent changes in the occurrence characteristics of the different types of Es layers. The so called q type Es produced by plasma instability (type II)process of the equatorial electrojet and the other types of Es produced by wind/wind shear mechanism are studied separately. The results show that while the occurrence of the former variety steadily decreased during the period of analysis, the latter type showed marked increases. These characteristics are shown to be associated mainly with the steady drift of the magnetic equator to northward of Fortaleza at a rate of 0.2 degree per year. The long term trends are, however, modulated by solar activity cycle in F10.7 flux. Also there is a suggestion of a possible effect from the June 1991 Pinatubo volcanic eruption. The competing roles of the neutral winds and electric fields in the formation of the low latitude sporadic E layer is demonstrated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE 1296 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RosaVRZRFBRBVS:2002:ChLoSe Journal Article Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Vats, H.O.; Ramos, F.M.; Zanandrea, A.; Rodrigues Neto, C.; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Bolzan, M.J.A.; Rempel, E.L.; Brito, R.C.; Vijaykumar, N.L.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Characterization of local self-similarity and criticality in the solar active regions 2002 Advances in Space Reseach 29 3 463-468 9726 ASTROFÍSICA, atividade solar, regiões, explosões radio solares, análise de ondas pequenas, distribuição de frequência, solar activity, regions, solar radio bursts, wavelet analysis, frequency distribution. From solar radio burst data we computed wavelet transforms and frequency distribution for investigation of self-similar temporal variability and power-laws, as the fundamental conditions for characterization of dynamical criticality (self or forced)in the solar active regions. The main result indicates that, as for the global activity, the local coronal magnetic field, in millisecond time scales, can be in a critical state where the dynamics of solar active regions works as avalanches of many small intermittent particle acceleration events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8765-PRE/4488 PI CEA DAS DAS 157 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chou:1996:MoReET Journal Article Chou, Sin-Chan Chou, Sin-Chan Modelo regional ETA 1996 Climanalise Especial 203-207 October 8518 estudo do tempo e do clima, modelo de area limitada, eta, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera. 0 modelo de area limitada Eta, foi desenvolvido pela Universidade de Belgrado em conjunto com o Instituto de Hidrometeorologia da Iugoslavia, e se tomou operacional no National Centers for Enviromnental Prediction (NCEP)(Mesinger et al., 1988; Black, 1994). Esse modelo foi instalado no CPTEC em 1996 com o fim de complementar a previsao numérica de tempo que vem sendo realizada desde o início de 1995 com o modelo de circulacao geral atmosferica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1110 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Bonatti:1996:MoCiGe Journal Article Bonatti, Jose Paulo Bonatti, Jose Paulo Modelo de circulacao geral atmosferico do CPTEC 1996 Climanalise Especial 198-202 October 8517 estudo do tempo e do clima, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, mcga, parametrizacao. 0 modelo de circulacao geral atmosferico (MCGA)em uso no CPTEC tem sua origem naquele usado para previsao de tempo de medio prazo pelo National Centers for Environinental Prediction . (NCEP, entao NMC)em 1985. Esse modelo, chamado IVIRF (Medium Range Forecasting Model)pelo NCEP, era uma combinacao do codigo espectral global desenvolvido pelo NCEP e as parametrizacaes fisicas de escala subgrade desenvolvidas no Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)do NOAA na Universidade de Princeton, EUA. Esse modelo foi transferido ao Center for Ocean, Land and Atmospliere Studies (COLA), onde foram adicionados, a principio, calculos diagnosticos para um melhor entendimento dos processos fisicos simulados e de sua importancia relativa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1109 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Tomasella:1996:PeCoEn Journal Article Tomasella, Javier Tomasella, Javier Permanencia de cotas/vazoes entre 1986 e 1996 em algumas bacias brasialeiras 1996 Climanalise Especial Edicao Comemorativa de 10 anos 101-105 October 8506 estudos do tempo e do clima, mudanca de clima, bacias hidrograficas. Este trabalho visa determinar a importancia das vazoes ou cotas que ocorreram nos ultimos 10 anos nas bacias hidrograficas brasileiras dentro do contexto historico. A presente analise se concentra em eventos hidrologicos recentes e, devido ao periodo de tempo curto analisado, os resultados nao podem ser considerados indicativos de mudancas no regime hidrologico por alteracoes antropicas ou climaticas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CEPTEC 1099 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesBittSaha:1995:CoSaVe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar Comportamento sazonal dos ventos e temperaturas termosfericas em baixas latitudes em funcao do ciclo solar durante um periodo geomagneticamente calmo 1995 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 13 1 5-14 7160 aeronomia. O modelo termosferico global, tridimensional e dependente do tempo desenvolvido na University College London (UCL)foi usado para estudar o comportamento sazonal dos ventos neutros e temperaturas em funcao do ciclo solar, durante um periodo geomagneticamente calmo. Foi encontrada uma variacao sazonal significativa em ambos os ventos meridional e zonal. O padrao sazonal da temperatura termosferica e das velocidades dos ventos neutros nao apresentou mudancas em funcao do ciclo solar, embora a temperatura termosferica seja de 300 K a 400 K mais fria durante o periodo de atividade solar minima e a velocidade dos ventos tenha apresentado uma variacao diurna com uma amplitude maior durante o periodo de atividade solar maxima. Sao apresentadas e discutidas as comparacoes entre os resultados das simulacoes e as observacoes de ventos neutros realizadas em tres localidades de baixas latitudes: Cachoeira Paulista (23 graus S, 45 graus W, 15 graus S latitude magnetica), Arequipa (16,5 graus S, 71,5 graus W, 3,2 graus S latitude magnetica)e Arecibo (18,3 graus N, 66,8 graus W, 30 graus N latitude magnetica). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 814 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPGGMPGGM:1990:InNuTe Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gin, Rosangela Barreto Biasi; Mendes Jr., Odim; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio; Gin, Rosangela B.B.; Mendes Jr., Odin A influencia das nuvens de tempestade nas cmadas superiores da atmosfera. 1990 Ciencia e Cultura Suplemento 42 7 388-389 2985 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE 903469 49 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbMuTaAqSaZa:1997:HoGrNo Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Takahashi, H.; Aquino, M.G. de; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Zamlutti, Carlos José Horizontal gradients of the nocturnal OI 557.7 nm and OI 630 nm photoemission rates in the equatorial ionosphere based on rocket electron density data 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 6 1317-1320 9327 aeronomia, gradiente, emissão fotoelétrica, densidade de electron ionosférica, provas eletrostáticas, gradients, photoelectric eletron density, electrostatic probes. Altitude profiles of the nocturnal atomic oxygen 557.7 nm and 630.0 nm photoemission rates were calculated based on in-situ ionospheric electron density data obtained frorn a rocket experiment carried out on 31 May 1992, 23:52 LT, at the Brazilian equatorial rocket launching facility Alcântara (Geogr. 2 degree 19'S; 44 degree 22'W). The onboard instrumentation utilized for the electron density measurements was a Langmuir plasma probe and the vehicle was a Brazilian Sonda III rocket. Horizontal gradients of the photoemission rates were then calculated at 5 km height intervals based on the trajectory upleg and downleg photoemission rates. The resulting gradients are discussed in this paper. At some height levels these gradients resulted to be very large, namely, over a factor of two. The airglow resulting from the atomic oxygen dissociative recombination is generally assumed to stem from all uniform emitting layer. We show that the integrated airglow intensity, in Rayleighs, along the upleg and downleg portions of the trajectory are seen to differ from each other both for the red ( 10 difference)and the green lines ( 50 difference)which shows that in this case the red line emitting layer is about 5 times closer to uniformity than that of the green line. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1304 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbaldeBoroChia:2001:BoChFé Journal Article Abalde, José Ricardo Abalde, José Ricardo; Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo; Chian, Abrahan Chian Liang Borotto Chávez, Félix Aldo Plasma emission mechanism for radio spikes from solar flares 2001 Advances in Sapce Reseach 28 5 741-746 9724 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. Narrowband spiky radio bursts, at decimetric and decametric wavelengths, with high degree of circular polarization are observed in solar flares. We discuss a new plasma emission mechanism for solar radio spikes. It is shown that narrowband radio bursts of right- and left-hand circular polarizations can be produced via nonlinear conversion of Langmuir waves into high-frequency electromagnetic electron cyclotron waves near the plasma frequency by coupling to low-frequency electromagnetic cyclotron waves such as Alfvén-ion cyclotron or magnetosonic-whistler waves. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8763-PRE/4486 PI CEA DGE DGE 155 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:ElNiLa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam El Nino and La Nina events and rainfall in NE and South Brasil 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 10 2 49-59 6662 geofisica espacial. The relationship between El Nino (warm episodes)and La Nina (cold episodes)and rainfall in NE and South of Brazil is very loose. In some El Nino years, the rainfall at Fortaleza in DJF (December, January and February)could be above average while rainfall in MAM (March, April, May)may be below average (or vice-versa). On the average, deviations at Fortaleza (CE, NE Brazil)are slightly negative than those at Porto Alegre and Bage (RS, South Brazil)are slightly positive during El Nino years. However, for individual events, the deviations can be from large positive to large negative. Hence, predictions can be very uncertain and hazardous. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 421 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MONTESFILHOLUDW:1986:ELBEWA Journal Article MONTES FILHO,A. MONTES FILHO,A.; LUDWIG,G.O. ELECTRON BERNSTEIN WAVE CURRENT DRIVE IN THE START-UP PHASE OF A TOKAMAK DISCHARGE 1986 PLASMA PHYS. CONTROLLED FUSION 28 : 1765 5374 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 1202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Hallak:1996:SiTiNu Journal Article Hallak, Claudine Dereczynski Hallak, Claudine Dereczynski Sistema do tipo nuvem virgula 1996 Climanalise especial 183-187 October 8514 estudo do tempo e do clima, nuvens (meteorologia), nuvens virgula invertida, disturbios (meteorologia), sistemas frontais, ciclones. 0 sistema do tipo nuvem virgula (invertida no hemisferio sul)ou simplesmente nuvem virgula e um disturbio de escala subsinotica que se forma em baixos ou medios niveis dentro da massa de ar frio, na retaguarda de um sistema frontal ou zona baroclinica. Esses sistemas, tipicos de inverno, podem provocar chuvas intensas mesmo quando se formam. sobre o continente. Carlson (1980)ressalta que o formato de uma virgula na fase madura nao deve ser confundido com outros disturbios de mesmo padrao, como por exemplo os ciclones extratropicais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1107 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Fuentes:1996:Bl Journal Article Fuentes, Marcia Vetromilla Fuentes, Marcia Vetromilla Bloqueios 1996 Climanalise Especial 70-89 October 8504 estudos do tempo e do clima, bloqueios atmosferico, circulacao atmosferica. A circulacao atmosferica de latitudes medias e caracterizada predominantemente por um escoamento zonal, com deslocamento para leste de frentes, ciclones e anticiclones. No entanto, em condicoes de bloqueio, a presenca de um anticiclone quase estacionario de grande amplitude interrompe a progressao normal dos sistemas para leste. A caracteristica da circulacao atmosferica associada a situacao de bloqueio é a divisao do jato em dois ramos, que ocasiona um rompimento do padrao zonal. Na situacao de bloqueio um anticiclone se forma em latitudes mais altas do que aquelas onde se localiza a alta subtropical e e frequentemente acompanhado por uma baixa fria em baixas latitudes. Nesta situacao deve-se esperar, naturalmente, um escoamento mais meridional onde os sistemas transientes; de leste, como cavados e anticiclones, sao desviados de suas trajetorias. Assim, as baixas migratorias ao se aproximarem de uma alta de bloqueio ficam estacionarias ou deslocam-se na periferia da alta, podendo causar condicoes de tempo duradouras sobre grandes areas (Sanders, 1953). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1097 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClemSimo:1995:ObOfAt Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Observations of atmospheric density and temperature between 35 and 70 km by Rayleigh lidar at Sao Jose dos Campos. SP 1995 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 13 1 15-23 7158 aeronomia, . During 1993, a total of 34 nights of measurements of the Raleigh backscattered signal was obtained at Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W), with a laser radar (lidar). Relative atmospheric density and absolute temperature profiles between 35 and 70 km of height were determined. The performance of the lidar system was evaluated on the basis of the number of laser shots necessary to attain a certain accuracy. Measured temperature profiles show consistently colder stratosphere and a hotter mesosphere compared with available models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 812 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ANDERNACH:1990:FIRECA Journal Article ANDERNACH,H. ANDERNACH,H. THE NEED FOR A RADIO ASTRONOMICAL DATA BASE: FIRST RESULTS OF A CAMPAIGN. 1990 BULL. INFORM. CDS 38 24 2983 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 47 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoJrCVSAGSS:2001:BiFiCo Journal Article Carvalho Jr., João A. Carvalho Jr., João A.; Costa, Fernando S.; Veras, Carlos A.Gurgel; Sandberg, David V.; Alvarado, Ernesto C.; Gielow, Ralf; Serra Jr., Aguinaldo M.; Santos, José Carlos Biomass fire consumption and carbon release rates of rainforest-clearing experiments conducted in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 106 D 16 17877-17887 August 10151 Biomass consumption and carbon release rates during the process of forest clearing by fire in five test plots are presented and discussed. The experiments were conducted at the Caiabi Farm, near the town of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, in five square plots of 1 ha each, designated A, B, C, D, and E, with different locations and timing of fire. Plot A was located in the interface with a pasture, with three edges bordering on the forest, and was cut and burned in 1997. Plots B,C, D, and E were located inside the forest. Plot B was cut and burned in 1997. Plot C was inside a deforested 9-ha area, which was cut and burned in 1998. Plot D was inside a deforested 4-ha area, which was cut in 1998 and burned in 1999. Plot E was inside a deforested 4-ha area, which was cut and burned in 1999. Biomass consumption was 22.7, 19.5, 47.5, 61.5, and 41.8, for A, B, C, D, and E, respectively. The effects of an extended curing period and of increasing the deforested area surrounding the plots could be clearly observed. The consumption, for areas cut and burned during the same year, tended toward a value of nearly 50 when presented as a function of the total area burned. The aboveground biomass of the test site and the amount of carbon before the fire were 496 Mg ha(-1)and 138 Mg ha(-1), respectively. Considering that the biomass that remains unburned keeps about the same average carbon content of fresh biomass, which is supported by the fact that the unburned material consists mainly of large logs, and considering the value of 50 for consumption, the amount of carbon released to the atmosphere as gases was 69 Mg ha(-1). The amounts of CO2 and CO released to the atmosphere by the burning process were then estimated as 228 Mg ha(-1)and 15.9 Mg ha(-1), respectively. Observations on fire propagation and general features of the slash burnings in the test areas complete the paper. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9110-PRE/4784 PI MET LCP LCP LMO 349 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TelloVSBFDWTB:2000:SpDiSi Journal Article Tello, Camilo Tello, Camilo; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Smoot, G.F.; Bersanelli, M.; Fiqueiredo, Nilton; De Amici, G.; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Torres, S.; Bensadoun, M Spillover and diffraction sidelobe contamination in a a double-shielded experiment for mapping galactic synchrotron emission 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 145 3 495-508 9351 ASTROFÍSICA, radiação sincroton, radiação galática, padrões de radiação de antena, variavel cataclística, metodologia, synchroton radiation, sidelobes, galactic radiation, antenna radiation patterns, cataclysmic variable, methodology. We have analyzed observations from a radioastronomical experiment to survey the sky at decimetric wavelengths along with feed pattern measurements in order to account for the level of ground contamination entering the sidelobes. A major asset of the experiment is the use of a wire mesh fence around the rim-halo shielded antenna with the purpose of levelling out and reducing this source of stray radiation for zenith-centered 1-rpm circular scans. We investigate the shielding performance of the experiment by means of a geometric diffraction model in order to predict the level of the spillover and diffraction sidelobes in the direction of the ground. Using 408 MHz and 1465 MHz feed measurements, the model shows how a weakly-diffracting and unshielded antenna configuration becomes strongly-diffracting and double-shielded as far-field diffraction effects give way to near-field ones. Due to the asymmetric response of the feeds, the orientation of their radiation fields with respect to the secondary must be known a priori before comparing model predictions with observational data. By adjusting the attenuation coefficient of the wire mesh the model is able to reproduce the amount of differential ground pick-up observed during test measurements at 1465 MHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8373-PRE/4153 PI CEA DAS DAS 79 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2000:EnReIn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Enso relationships with Indian rainfull in different months 2000 International Journal of Climatology 20 7 783-792 9373 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. The rainfall anomalies in All India (AI)and its six subdivisions, North west (NW), North central (NC), west peninsular (WP), North east (NE), east peninsular (EP), and south peninsular (SP), were examined during years of different categories representing ENSO effects, in the period of 1901-1990. Unambiguous ENSOW-U had the best association with droughts in NW, NC, WP, in the monsoon months June, July, August and September, but with large month-to-month variability in some events, indicating the effects of Madden-Julian Oscillations (MJO). In subdivisions NE, EP, SP, effects were mixed, with droughts in monsoon months preceded and/or followed by, or interspersed with, excess rainfall in some months. In La Ni¤as (C events), effects were generally opposing those of ENSOW-U. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8397-PRE/4172 PI CEA DGE DGE 80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantSrTrSoFeCeSu:1997:RaObTo Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Srivastava, N.; Trigoso, H.E.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Cecatto, José Roberto; Subramanian, K.R Radio observations of total solar eclipse of November 3, 1994 at Chapecó (Brazil) 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 12 2359-2363 9325 astrofísica, observaçao por radio, eclipse solar, efeitos da atividade solar, radio observation, solar eclipes, solar activity effects. Radio observations of the eclipse on November 3, 1994, were carried out at Chapecó, Brazil by using a decimetric spectrograph having high spectral and time resolution. The light curve shows that: (1)Time variation of the radio flux before the totality was more compared to that after. (2.)During the totality radio emission at 1.5 CHz was observed. Advantage of high spatial resolution ( 3.2 arc sec)possible during solar eclipse enabled us to determine the height of radio emission at 1.5 GHz. (3)Microwave bursts were observed associated with metric Type III-RS bursts. The source size of one of the microwave bursts was 7 arc sec and its physical parameters have been estimated. (4)The time difference between radio and optical contacts suggested for the first time asymmetrical limb brightening at 1.5 GHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1302 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BonattiAraiFranYama:1988:ApMoNu Journal Article Bonatti, Jose Paulo Bonatti, Jose Paulo; Arai, Nelson; Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Aplicacao de um modelo numerico a camada limite planetaria 1988 Geociencias 7: 304-306 2666 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT DCM PNTE 840 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2000:ReBeEl Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Relationship between El Ni¤o timings and rainfall extremes in NE Brazil, São Paulo city and south Brazil 2000 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 15 : 45-57 9720 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. El Ni¤os are believed to be associated with droughts in NE Brazil and excess rains in south Brazil. However, some El Ni¤os do not show such a relationship. Since El Ni¤os can commence in any month during the year,. El Ni¤os starting after the main rainy season or terminating before the main rainy season may not be effective. In this communication, the timings of El Nifios vis a vis rainfall are examined. For NE Brazil near Fortaleza, the main rainy season is MAM (March, April, May). It was noticed, that during 1940-1992, there were I I El Ni¤o events that had commencements in Jan.-Feb.Mar., suitable for resulting in droughts in MAM; but only 4 resulted in droughts. Thus, the El Nifio relationship (expected droughts)in the main rainy season of NE Brazil was very poor. In contrast, the pre.-rainy season months DJF seeined to show significant rain deficits, in 9 out of the 11 events. The reason for this needs further study. In Sao Paulo City, the El Ni¤o effects were erratic. Normal as well excess or deficit rainfalls occurred, though a slight bias for excess rains during local spring (ASON months)was indicated. In south Brazil, only El Ni¤os active during the latter half of the calendar year were effective in causing excess rains. Overall, the El Ni¤o-rainfall relationship was poor, and effects due to other factors (Atlantic sea surface temperatures, cold fronts from the Antarctic, etc.)are probably more important, as is already reported in the literature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8730-PRE/4463 PN CEA DGE DGE 153 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PezziRosaBati:1996:CoJaSu Journal Article Pezzi, Luciano P. Pezzi, Luciano P.; Rosa, Marcelo B.; Batista, Nadja N.M A corrente de jato subtropical sosbre a America do Sul 1996 Climanalise Especial 155-162 October 8512 estudo do tempo e do clima, , vento, corrente de jato, escoamento. Em altos niveis da atmosfera, proximo a tropopausa, existe uma regiao onde a componente do vento zonal, de oeste, atinge valores maximos. Esta componente aumenta com a altura devido a existencia de gradientes meridionais de temperatura. 0 escoamento caracterizado por valores maximos e denominado de Corrente de Jato ou simplesmente Jato. Segundo Riehl (1969), a descoberta do Jato foi uma grande surpresa e ocorreu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando avioes bombardeiros sobrevoavam as Ilhas Japonesas a uma altura aproximada de 10.000 metros e algumas vezes permaneciam praticamente parados em relacao ao solo, em virtude da existencia de ventos fortes em sentido contrario. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1105 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Cavalcanti:1996:EpElNi Journal Article Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Episodios el Nino/oscilacao sul durante a decada de 1986 a 1996 e suas influencias sobre o Brasil 1996 Climanalise Especial 52-64 October 8502 estudo do tempo e do clima, , el nino, enos, oscilacao sul, anomalias, temperatura da superficie do mar, anomalias, precipitacao (meteorologia), oscilacao sul. Apos o intenso episodio El Nino/Oscilacao Sul (ENOS)de 1982/83, o fenomeno ocorreu novamente em 1986/87, porem com menor intensidade, e de 1990 ao inicio de 1995. Este foi considerado o mais longo evento nos ultimos 50 anos, sendo comparavel apenas com o episodio de 1911-1915, (Halpert et al, 1996). Na Fig.1 sao mostradas as series temporais do indice de Oscilacao Sul, anomalia de pressao em Tahiti e Darwin. e anomalias de Radiacao de Onda Longa, para o periodo analisado. Durante os episodios ENOS, anomalias sao observadas, nao so na regiao de aquecimento do Oceano Pacifico, como em todo o globo. As principais regioes do globo cujas precipitacoes sao relacionadas com o ENOS foram identificadas em Ropelewski and Halpert (1987). 0 mesmo sinal da anomalia nas regioes nordeste (negativo)e sul do Brasil (positivo)encontrado em Kousky et al (1984)foi verificado por Ropelewski and Halpert (1987), embora na regiao sul essa relacao tenha ocorrido de Novembro a Fevereiro. No estudo de Kousky et al (1984), a precipitacao anomala no sul ocorreu no inverno de 1983. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1095 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NadjaWarrFrajAgui:1995:DeAsPa Journal Article Nadja, S. Magalhaes Nadja, S. Magalhaes; Warren, W. Johnson; Frajuca, Carlos; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Determination of astrophysical parameters from the spherical gravitational wave detector data 1995 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 274 3 670-678 7156 astrofisica. The response of a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave antenna can be written in terms of symmetric trace-free tensors. We apply this formalism to determine the direction of an incoming monochromatic wave, the orientation of its polarization ellipse and the wave's two independent amplitudes, using the response amplitudes at five different points on the sphere surface. This formalism also allows us to determine the directions of burst sources. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 810 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerPaulHeelHans:1995:GlEqIo Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Heelis, R.A.; Hanson, W.B Global equatorial ionospheric vertical plasma drifts measured by the AE-E satellite 1995 Journal of Geophysical Research 100 A4 5769-5776 7155 aeronomia. Ion drift meter observations from the Atmosphere Explorer E satellite during the period of January 1977 to December 1979 are used to study the dependence of equatorial (dip latitudes <- 7.5 degrees)F region vertical plasma drifts (east-west electric fields)on solar activity, season, and longitude. The satellite-observed ion drifts show large day-to-day and seasonal variations. Solar cycle effects are most pronounced near the dusk sector with a large increase of the prereversal velocity enhancement from solar minimum to maximum. The diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle dependence of the longitudinally averaged drifts are consistent with results from the Jicamarca radar except near the June solstice when AE-E nighttime downward velocities are significantly smaller than those observed by the radar. Pronounced presunrise downward drift enhancements are often observed over a large longitudinal range but not in the Peruvian equatorial region. The satellite data indicate that longitudinal variations are largest near the June solstice, particularly near dawn and dusk but are virtually absent during equinox. The longitudinal dependence of the AE-E vertical drifts is consistent with results from ionosonde data. These measurements were also used to develop a description of equatorial F region vertical drifts in four longitudinal sectors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 809 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Jablonski:1990:SePhPu Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose Search for photometric pulsations from SN1987A 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 329-330 2981 astrofisica, stars, supernova 1987a, photometry. We report the results of a photometric search for optical pulsations from SN1987A. We show that 768 days after the explosion, the upper limit to the amplitude of any pulsed signal in the range 5-5000 Hz corresponds to magnitude V~20. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 45 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediMartCost:1973:PaPrIn Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Martini, I. M.; Costa, Jose Marques da Particle precipitation in Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly during magnetic storms 1973 Planetary and Space Science 21 10 1699-1700 1580 geofisica espacial. Particle precipitation in Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly during magnetic storms is investigated using riometer and VLF propagation data. It is found that during large storms the changes in the ionosphere caused by particle precipitation are detectable. There is a good correlation between the behavior of the absorption and the variations of the magnetic field intensity during different phases of a storm. In particular, there seems to be a close relationship between the precipitation of high energy particles and short-period fluctuations of the magnetic held intensity of the order of 5-6 min. During the main phase of the storm, when the field intensity reaches its minimum, the flux of soft electrons also plays a significant role in producing absorptl. The nature of precipitation associated with a sudden commencement appears to be more co lex; the predominance of low or high energy particle flux may depend on the magnitude of the field increase. The amplitude and phase records of VLF signals also show the effect of the disturbance, but it is difficult to correlate the changes in these records with the features observed on the magnetogram, because only a small part of the propagation th li"" the region of the anomaly. A more detailed analysis of riometer data from different stations a d VLF phase and amplitude records for different paths will be helpful in understanding the mechanism of particle precipitation associated with magnetic disturbances. In future experiments it may also be fruitful to look for detectable radiation emitted by the precipitating electrons, for example, Cherenkov and synchrotron radiation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE RASA I 82 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SrivastavaGonzSawa:1997:AsErPr Journal Article Srivastava, N. Srivastava, N.; Gonzales-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar On the association of eruptive prominences, coronal holes and current sheets with the coronal mass ejections 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 12 2355-2358 9323 missao máxima solar, buracos solares, ejeçao de massa solar, vento solar, solar maximum mission, coronal holes, solar wind, coronal mass ejection, cmes. In this paper, a study of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs)observed by Solar Maximum Mission satellite (SMM)during the period March - September, 1980, is presented. An attempt to identify various possible associations of the solar phenomena, for example, the location of coronal holes, the role of eruptive filaments or prominences, and current-sheets with the CMEs is carried out. It is shown that the combined associations of these three play an important role in the occurrence of geoeffective CMEs and also act as a tool to predict the associated geomagnetic activity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE 1300 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MagalhãesAguiFrajMari:2001:CoNoGr Journal Article Magalhães, Nadja S. Magalhães, Nadja S.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; Frajuca, Carlos; Marinho Jr., Rubens M Cosmic-ray noise and gravitational wave antennas at the quantum limit 2001 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 457 1-2 175-179 9701 ASTROFÍSICA, raios cósmicos, ruido, ondas gravitacionais, detectores, gravitational waves, cosmic rays, noise, detectors. When present-day bar antennas reach the standard quantum limit, cosmic rays are expected to become a significant source of noise. In this work. we estimate the influences of single hadrons and muons on such detectors and compare them to those expected for a hypothetical CuAl detector, since next generation resonant-mass detectors are being considered to have antennas made with this material. (C)2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8710-PRE/4440 PI CEA DAS DAS 151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LemosCalb:1996:SiFrQu Journal Article Lemos, Carlos Fernando Lemos, Carlos Fernando; Calbete, Nuri Oymburo Sistemas frontais que atuaram no litoral do Brasil (priodo 1987-1995) 1996 Climanalise Especial 131-135 October 8510 estudos do tempo e do clima, sistemas frontais, disturbios (meteorologia). Os sistemas frontais atuam durante o ano todo sobre o Brasil com frequencias maiores para as latitudes mais altas e menores para as latitudes mais baixas, como pode-se notar no estudo de Oliveira (1986), e sao um dos maiores causadores de disturbios meteorologicos sobre o pais. A interacao entre a conveccao tropical e sistemas frontais ocorre mais frequentemente quando os sistemas frontais se encontram na banda entre 2O graus S e 35 graus S. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1103 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nobre:1996:VaInAt Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso A variabilidade interanual do Atlantico Tropical e sua influencia no clima da America do Sul 1996 Climanalise Especial 42-45 October 8500 estudos do tempo e do clima, , circulacao atmosferica, variabilidade, modelo de circulacao geral da atmosfera, mcga, temperatura da superficie do mar. Ha evidencias observacionais, teoricas e resultados de modelos de circulacao geral da atmosfera, que as condicoes oceanicas e atmosfericas sobre a Bacia do Atlantico Tropical influem fortemente na variabilidade interanual do clima sobre as Americas (Hastenrath and Heller, 1977; Moura and Shukla, 1981; Hastenrath, 1984; Chu, 1984; Hastenrath, 1990; Nobre and Shukla, 1996)e África (Parker et al., 1988; Folland, 1991). Particularmente sobre a America do Sul, as regioes mais significativamente influenciadas pelas circulacoes atmosfericas e oceanicas do Atlantico Tropical sao: 0 leste da Amazonia (Molion, 1987; Molion, 1993; Nobre and Shukla, 1996); A Regiao do Nordeste do Brasil (Namias, 1972; Hastenrath and Heller, 1977; Markham and McLain, 1977; Moura and Shukla, 1981; Hastenrath, 1984; Hastenrath, 1990; Alves et al., 1993; Nobre, 1993; Rao et al., 1993; Nobre and Shukla, 1996); 0 extremo sul do Brasil e Uruguai (Diaz and Studzinski, 1994)Ha evidencias observacionais, teoricas e resultados de modelos de circulacao geral da atmosfera, que as condicoes oceanicas e atmosfericas sobre a Bacia do Atlantico Tropical influem fortemente na variabilidade interanual do clima sobre as Americas (Hastenrath and Heller, 1977; Moura and Shukla, 1981; Hastenrath, 1984; Chu, 1984; Hastenrath, 1990; Nobre and Shukla, 1996)e Africa (Parker et al., 1988; Folland, 1991). Particularmente sobre a America do Sul, as regioes mais significativamente influenciadas pelas circulacoes atmosfericas e oceanicas do Atlantico Tropical sao: 0 leste da Amazonia (Molion, 1987; Molion, 1993; Nobre and Shukla, 1996); A Regiao do Nordeste do Brasil (Namias, 1972; Hastenrath and Heller, 1977; Markham and McLain, 1977; Moura and Shukla, 1981; Hastenrath, 1984; Hastenrath, 1990; Alves et al., 1993; Nobre, 1993; Rao et al., 1993; Nobre and Shukla, 1996); 0 extremo sul do Brasil e Uruguai (Diaz and Studzinski, 1994). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1093 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahaTaka:1995:In55Nm Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao Investigation of OI 557.7 nm and OI 630.0 nm nightglow intensity ratios during the occurrence of equatorial F-region plasma bubbles 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 8 929-932 7153 aeronomia, bolhas de plasma, plasma bubbles. It is well-known that, at equatorial and low-latitudes, the OI 557.7 nm emission emanates both from the mesosphere and F-region. Earlier investigations using, in general, ground-based simultaneous obeservations indicate that the contribution to the OI 557.7 nm emission from the F-region is about 20 of the F-region OI 630.0 nm emission. Both of these emissions are excited by the dissociative recombination process (O+2+e-O*(1S, 1D)+O)in the F-region. The nocturnal intensity variations of these emissions sometimes show large short-lived depletions, associated with the passage of equatorial spread-F plasma bubbles through the field of view of a photometer. Regular observations of these emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W), Brazil, since 1973. In this paper, we present and discuss simultaneous observations of these emissions, during periods of strong equatorial spread-F conditions, when both emissions show large intensity drop-outs. Twenty-five nights of measurements from Cachoeira Paulista have been analysed for this study, which indicate that the average ratio of the intensity depletions (Delta I557.7 nm/Delta I630 nm)is about 0.26+-0.07 for F-region altitudes, and this components has a dependence on the eight of the electron density profile. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 807 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AnanthakrishnanAbduPiaz:1973:DrReCo Journal Article Ananthakrishnan, S. Ananthakrishnan, S.; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Piazza, Liliane Rizzo D-region recombination coeficients and the short wavelength X-ray flux during a solar flare 1973 Planetary Space Science 21 367-375 9706 astrofísica, erupções solares, registros de emissões vlf, radiação de onda curta, raio x, solar flares, vlf emission recorders, short wave radiation, x ray. VLF phase and amplitude measurements were made on five different frequencies at Sao Paulo, Brazil during a solar flare which occurred on 22nd January 1972. The phase and amplitude measurements during the decay phase of the flare were combined with the full wave solutions of Wait and Spies (1964)to calculate the recombination coefficient in the lower ionosphere. The values thus obtained are lower than those reported by Reid (1970), but are compatible with those reported by Montbriand et al. (1972)during Solar X-ray events. The effective loss rates have been utilized to calculate the ion-production at the maximum of the flare, which in turn has been utilized to calculate the incident X-ray flux as a function of wavelength at the maximum of the flare. Extensions to the calculations are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 778 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirhakosStei:1990:XrInSe Journal Article Kirhakos, S.D. Kirhakos, S.D.; Steiner, Joao Evangelista X-rays and infrared selected AGN. 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 169-172 2979 astrofisica, galaxies, x-rays. Looking for obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN), we selected a sample of infrared/X-rays emitting galaxies, most of which are seen as edge-on. Optical spectroscopy of the nuclear region of the selected galaxies revealed that 76 of them show emission lines. Classification of the spectra according to the widths and line intensity ratios shows that there are 34 AGN, 34 transition type objects and 43 nuclear HII-like region galaxies. Among the AGN, three are Seyfert type 1 and the others are type 2 objects. We suggest that the objects identified as narrow line AGN are obscured Seyfert 1. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 43 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NandamudiPrakTant:1973:OnThVa Journal Article Nandamudi, Jogan Monhana Rao Nandamudi, Jogan Monhana Rao; Prakki, Satyamurty; Tantravahi, Venkata Ramana Rao On theb values of atmosphere circulation index over Natal-Brazil 1973 608-613 1576 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET CPT MESA 79 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraMaAbCoStCo:2000:EfBuBi Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Martins, F.R.; Abreu, S.L.; Couto, P.; Stuhlmann, R.; Colle, S. Effects of burning of biomass on satellite estimations of solar irradiation in Brazil 2000 Solar Energy 68 1 91-107 9673 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, combustão, biomassa, incêncios florestais, radiação solar, efeitos atmosféricos, aerossóis, combustion, biomass, forest fires, solar radiation, atmospheric effects, aerosols. Atmospheric combustion products from forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon and `Cerrado' regions during the dry season (JulyîOctober)induce systematic deviations on the routine satellite techniques for the assessment of solar energy resource information. This study, based on clear-sky days, has shown model overestimations of the incoming solar radiation as high as 44. On the average, clear-sky model overestimation was four times larger than that found for clear-sky days in regions outside the biomass-burning season. A positive correlation between the combustion products of black carbon, total aerosols, CO, N2O, CH4, and the number of fire spots counted by the AVHRR sensor from the NOAA series satellites suggests a possible mechanism for the parameterization of these effects on the radiation transfer methods. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8660-PRE/4396 PI CEA DGE DGE 148 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Algarve:1996:GeNoBr Journal Article Algarve, Viviane regina Algarve, Viviane regina Geadas no Brasil 1996 Climanalise Especial 123-128 October 8508 estudos do tempo e do clima, , geadas. Entre os varios fenomenos atmosfericos que ocorrem no Brasil, a geada e um dos que causam muitos prejuizos, principalmente com relacao a agricultura e a economia do pais. Muitas vezes, o impacto social e economico pelos danos das geadas e significativo, uma vez que envolve fatores tais como a producao e o preco de alimentos. Durante os meses de inverno no Hemisferio Sul (HS), observa-se sobre a. Regiao Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil, a ocorrencia de temperaturas baixas, que favorecem a formacao de geadas. Esse fenomeno caracteriza-se pela ocorrencia de temperaturas do ar abaixo de O graus C, com a formacao de gelo nas superficies expostas. Sua intensidade varia e pode ser forte quando resulta da associacao de dois fenomenos: a incursao de massa de ar polar sobre o continente, seguida de perda noturna de energia pela superficie devido a emissao de radiacao infravermelha para o espaco (Molion et al., 1981). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1101 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Cavalcanti:1996:Te Journal Article Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Teleconexoes 1996 Climanalise Especial 8-23 October 8498 estudos do tempo e do clima, circulacao atmosferica, vento (meteorologia), teleconexoes (meteorologia), propagacao de ondas. A identificacao de teleconexoes e a analise de suas influencias na estrutura horizontal da circulacao atmosferica pode ser util para a compreensao da ocorrencia de eventos anomalos em varias regioes do globo. Analises de teleconexoes compreendem uma visao geral da circulacao atmosferica, onde forcantes locais agem para influenciar regioes remotas. Essas analises tem sido usadas principalmente para estudar as flutuacoes de grande escala, de baixa frequencia, na atmosfera. Estudos de teleconexões tem fornecido um bom exemplo da uniao entre observacoes, teoria e modelos, como discutido por Hoskins (1983). A teoria de propagacao de ondas de Rossby devido a um forcante local pode explicar as configuracoes de trens de onda obtidos em estudos observacionais e em resultados de modelos, como pode ser visto em Hoskins and Karoly (1981). Contudo, Frededksen and Webster (1988)discutem a necessidade de uma teoria unificada de propagacao de ondas de Rossby e instabilidade baroclinica para explicar as configuracoes de teleconexoes observadas. Essa teoria seria a de instabilidade em tres dimensoes, que poderia ser usada para examinar a ocorrencia de anomalias de baixa frequencia. Um outro aspecto de estudos de teleconexoes e a utilidade destes para previsao de longo prazo. Quando algumas configuracoes de teleconexoes no H.N. foram consideradas em um modelo de previsao, as anomalias encontradas em uma escala maior que a sinotica puderam ser corretamente previstas, como descrito em Opsteegh and Doel (1980). Os primeiros estudos de teleconexoes foram relacionados com a Oscilacao Sul. Analisando dados de pressao ao nivel do mar, Walker and Bliss (1932)encontraram correlacoes negativas entre as regioes do Oceano Pacifico Sul e da Australia/ Oceano Indico. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 1091 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBatiShaiClem:1985:AtWaPr Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Shai, Yogeshwar; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Atmospheric wave propagations in the mesopause region observed by the OH(8,3)band, NAD, 02A(8645A)band and OI5577A nightglow emissions 1985 Planetary and Space Science 33 4 381-384 2444 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the upper mesospheric NaD and OH(8,3)band emissions by meridional scanning photometers, and the 01 5577A,02 Atmospheric band at 8645A, NaD and OH(8,3)band emissions by multi-channel tilting filter type zenith photometers have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista(22.7'S,45.0'W), Brazil. Ontwo nights during the period May-August 1983, the meridional scanning observations showed horizontal intensity gradients and phase propagations. The nocturnal intensity variations on one of these occasions 13-14 June 1983, which was a magnetically disturbed night with 4 < KP < 8, also showed vertical phase propagation. In this paper, we present these observations and discuss the possible effects of the horizontal wind system and of gravity wave propagation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 638 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Clemesha:1995:SpNeMe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert Sporadic neutral metal layers in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 7 725-736 7151 aeronomia. Although the existence of thin ionized layers at heights around 100km has been known for many years, it is only much more recently that thin neutral metal layers have been observed. Such layers, initially sodium and more recently calcium and iron, have been detected by lidar. The layers, with thicknesses between about 100 m and several kilometers, and concentrations between about 10 2 and 10 5 cm -3, occur most frequently between 90 and 100 km, and are normally superimposed on a background layer about 10 km thick. The occurrence of thin neutral layers appears to be latitude dependent, and is strongly linked to the appearance of Es on ionograms. Several causative mechanisms have been suggested, none of which appears to be capable of providing an altogether satisfactory explanation for the formation of the layers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 805 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiMore:1991:CeAm Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Rainwater and throughfall chemistry in a ""Terra Firme"" rain forest: Central Amazonia 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 D4 7415-7421 3050 ciencias meteorologicas, , , , geoquimica ambiental, chuva, agua, gte 2b campanha. During the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE)- Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE)2B campaign in the Amazon basin, samples of rainwater and throughfall were obtained in a ""terra firme"" (non flooded forest)rain forest at the Ducke Reserve (2 degrees 57'S, 59 degrees 58'W). The samples were collected during one wet period (April 1 to May 13, 1987)and one dry period (August 1 to October 1, 1987). All samples were analyzed for Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Amonium, Chloride Sulfhate, and pH. The rainwater was acidic, with a volume-weighted mean pH of 4.6 for the two periods. Rainwater input from the dry period was two times greater for Sodio, Magnesio, Amonio and Sulfato and about four times greater for Potassium than from the wet period. The ionic concentrations in throughfall were higher than those in rainwater, except for Amonium during the dry period. This enrichment of throughfall is attributed to the interaction of precipitation with the forest canopy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM GTE-ABLE-28 217 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduVoga:1971:AbFeSu Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Vogan, E.L Studies of radio wave - absorption features at a subauroral latitude 1971 Canadian Journal of Physics 49 11 1411-1418 9696 aeronomia, ondas de radio extraterrestres, medições, ionização auroral, absorção auroral, extraterrestrial radio waves, measurements, auroral absorption, auroral ionization. Cosmic noise absorption measurements at 30 MHz were made simultaneously on two antennas having different beam widths at London, Ontario(53§N geornagnetic,L = 3.1),a subauroral zone station. The data show that absorption is caused by regions of ionization which exhibit marked spatial nonunformity within the antenna beams, and which have horizontal extensions limited more toward the south than toward the north of the station. The measurements also indicate the presence of auroral ionization at all times of the day over London. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 776 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SodreJrCape:1990:EvThDy Journal Article Sodre Jr.,L Sodre Jr.,L; Capelato,Hugo Vicente Low levels of luminosity segregation in clusters of galaxies: evidence for their dynamical youth? 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 65-68 2977 astrofisica, clusters, galaxies. We present preliminary results of a study on the projected galaxy distribution of a homogeneous sample of 14 rich clusters for which the photometry was given by Colless (1989). We find that more than a half of these clusters are luminosity segregated at low levels. We compare our results with those coming from large scale samples to suggest that these clusters are dynamically young. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 41 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UvoNobr:1989:PoZCNo Journal Article Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi Uvo, Cintia Regina Bertacchi; Nobre, Carlos afonso A Zona de Convergencia Internacional (ZCIT)e a precipitacao no norte do Nordeste do Brasil. Parte: a posicao da ZCIT no Atlantico Equatorial 1989 Climanalise 4 7 39-40 July 6375 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1380 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Franchito:1988:MoQuSi Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique Um modelo quantitativo para simulacao da brisa maritima 1988 Geociencias 7: 307-310 2659 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT PNTE 833 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbrahamVilaCIAM:1986:THTIBE Journal Article Abraham, Zulema Abraham, Zulema; Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; CIAMPO,L.F.D. THE TIME BEHAVIOUR OF THE 8 KM/S WATER MASER SOURCE IN ORION - 16P 1986 Astronomy and Astrophysics 167 : 311-314 5289 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1183 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1984:ONECO Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger ONDE E COMO SAO ARMAZENADAS AS VARIAVEIS NA MEMORIA DO 2X81/TS1000/TK82C/CP200 - 10P 1984 MICROHOBBY 1 12 45-47 2442 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 903507 636 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduColeSast:1995:PrSpIs Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Cole, K.D.; Sastri, J.H Preface to special issue of Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 1995 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 10 1063 7149 aeronomia. The Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling and Dynamics (EITCD)symposium organized with the 7th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (SAGA)held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 8 to 20 August 1993, served to bring together recent results on experimental, theoretical and modelling studies. It reflected the steady progress, over the last few years, in improved understanding of the complex problems of the equatorial region. During these years some internationally coordinated projects were initiated with the specific objective of focussing collaborative efforts on the outstanding problems in equatorial geomagnetism and aeronomy. The Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (EITS)project within Working Group 3 of the Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP)of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP), and the International Equatorial Electrojet Year (IEEY)project coordinated by SAGA through its Inter-Divisional Commission on Developing Countries (ICDC)are two of the most comprehensive of such projects. A few observational campaigns were coordinated (and a few more are planned)jointly by these two projects. The IAGA EITCD Symposium, cosponsored by SCOSTEP, served as a forum for presenting some first results from these campaigns. Of the 45 papers accepted for presentation at the Symposium, 25 covered the following seven topics: Equatorial electric fields and winds; Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling-observation and modelling of the equatorial anomalies in temperature, densities and wind; Tides, winds and longitudinal effects in the equatorial electrojet; Planetary wave effects in the EITS; Plasma instability processes in equatorial spread F and electrojet; Airglow; and Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at equatorial latitudes. Selected papers from those presented at the Symposium are published in this special issue of the Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. As convenors of the Symposium we are grateful to Prof. M.J. Rycroft, the Editor-in-chief, for offering us the opportunity to publish these papers from the EITCD Symposium. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 803 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiBrag:1991:PhImAn Journal Article Jayanthi,Udaya Baskharam Jayanthi,Udaya Baskharam; Braga, Joao Physical implementation of an antimask in URA based coded mask systems 1991 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A310 3 685-689 3042 astrofisica. X- and gamma-ray astronomy experiments which employ rectangular URA coded masks alone show artifacts in the images reconstructed due to nonuniform background levels in the detector plane. The employment of a separate antimask in addition to the mask in observations is useful to eliminate this problem. We propose here a method to implement the antimask with the same mask, utilizing the antisymmetric properties in the mask pattern, thereby avoiding the need for a separate antimask in an experiment. Simulations performed with this mask-antimask system are presented to show its advantages. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 215 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sobral:1979:PeLuNo Journal Article Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Perfis de luminescencia noturna a partir de medidas de radar de espalhamento incoerentes e fotômetros 1979 Revista Brasileira de Física 9 2 485-497 9675 aeronomia, radar de espalhamento incoerente, fotômetro, luminescência, perfis, incoherent scatter radar, photometer, airglow, profiles. An incoherent scatter radar plus a 6300 photometer compose together an excellent equipment to predict dissociative recombination 0 I 6300 A emission rate profiles. Another option for measuring emission rate profiles is rocket technique. However, rocket experiments are so far quite costly and their results applicable only to instantaneous time scales. Experiment utilizing incoherent scatter radar and 6300 photometer were performed at Arecibo, Puerto Rico (geographic coordinater 18,35§S, 66,75§W). Such measurements allowed simulation of nigh-time 0 I 6300 A emission rate profiles and gave rise to remarcable aspects of emission rate dynamics. O radar de espalhamento incoerente e o fotômetro medindo a linha vermelha (6300 )do oxigênio formam um excelente par para a determinação do perfil de luminescência 6300 . A outra opção para a medida de tal perfil seria de medidas ""in loco"" através de foguetes. Entretanto estas experiências são raramente feitas devido ao seu alto custo e sua amostragem só se aplica a um certo instante. Experiências com radar de espalhamento incoerente e fotômetro na linha 6300 foram realizadas em Arecibo, Porto Rico. Tais medidas possibilitaram efetuar uma simulação do comportamento dos perfis de emissão de 0 I 6300 durante a noite. Os resultados, de ótima confiabilidade, mostram interessantes aspectos da dinâmica de emissão. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 774 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BeraldoScalLepi:1990:AcSp2. Journal Article Beraldo, Nori Beraldo, Nori; Scalise Jr., Eugenio; Lepine, Jacques Raymond Daniel The acousto-optic spectrometer of the 2.4 m IAG-USP radiotelescope 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia Y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 655-658 2974 astrofisica, instruments, radio telescopes. We describe a compact acousto-optic spectrometer and its data acquisition system, developed for radioastronomical observations with the 2.4 m millimetric antena of the University of Sao Paulo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 38 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VitorelloPadi:1993:CoReEs Journal Article Vitorello, Icaro Vitorello, Icaro; Padilha, Antonio Lopes Perfis de resistividade AMT: contribuição ao reconhecimento estrutural da borda sudeste Bacia do paranaíba 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geociências 23 1 81-91 March 9679 geofísica espacial. Resistivity data from 105 audiomagnetotelluric soundings (AMT)are used to construct eleven interpreted geoelectric sections from Floriano to Jaicós cities, in southeast Piaui State. Based on preliminary analysis of layered earth model inversion, the depth and thickness of resistive and conductive layers arc defined and tentatively related to lithological sedimentary units and the basement. Notwithstanding inherent limitations, gently dipping layers, sinclines and anticlines, are followed within depths of 500 and sometimes even 1000 meters. Other geological structures, such as faults, horst and grabens are also inferred from the soundings. However, steeply dipping conductive structures and lateral conductivity inhomogeneities seem to affect horizontal layer model interpretation and require further studies. Nevertheless, the profiles indicate a highly structured basin border. Consequently, the lateral shallowing of the sedimentary layer towards the present day border might be apparent. In fact, it could have been associated with a tectonism that produced foldings and faultings. Geoelectrical evidences of major vertical displacements are seen near the cities of Floriano, Nazaré, Oeiras and Picos. RESUMO Dados de resistividade de 105 sondagens audiomagnetotel4ricas (AMT)sio utilizados para compor onze perfis geoelétricos entre as cidades de Floriano e Jaicós, no sudeste do Piauí. Com base em uma analise preliminar de invers6es unidimensionais e na comparação das camadas elétricas com dados de um furo estratigráfico e com dados geol6gicos, a profundidade e a espessura de camadas resistivas e condutivas sito definidas e tentativamente relacionadas a unidades litológicas sedimentares e ao embasamento. Apesar das limitações inerentes ao método, camadas com leve mergulho, sinclinais e anticlinais, slo observadas e seguidas a profundidades de 500 e muitas vezes até 1.000 m. Outras estruturas geol6gicas, como falhas, horst e grábens, slo tamb6m inferidas a partir das sondagens. Apesar de estruturas condutoras subverticais e heterogeneidades laterais de condutividade parecerem afetar as interptetag8es baseadas em modelos de camadas horizontais, os perfis indicam uma borda de bacia altamente estruturada. Conseqüentemente, o afinamento lateral do pacote sedimentar em direção A presente borda pode ser aparente, estando na realidade associado a atividades tectônicas que resultariam em dobramentos e falhamentos. Evidencias geoelétricas que sugerem importante movimentação vertical são observadas nas proximidades das cidades de Floriano, Nazaré, Oeiras e Picos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 596 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Abdu:2001:OuPrEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Outstanding problems in the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere electrodynamics relevant to spread F 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 63 9 869-884 9638 AERONOMIA, Atlantico Sul, propação F, estabilidade magnetohidrodinâmica, eletrodinamicas, ionosfericas, spread F, magnetohydrodynamic stability, electrodynamics, ionospherics, radar observations, region dynamo, vertical wind, anomalias magnéticas. Dynamic coupling of the atmospheric regions involving upward energy transport coupled with the locally active thermal tidal modes establish the wind system of the thermosphere whose interaction with the magnetized conducting ionospheric layers produces the dynamo electric fields and currents that control the quiet time electrodynamic processes of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system. The plasma fountain responsible for the ionization anomaly, the vertical and zonal plasma drifts of the post-sunset hours leading to plasma bubble/spread F irregularity generation, and the Hall electric field that drives the electrojet current system are among the most notable manifestations of the these processes. The electrodynamic processes to be discussed in this paper will concern mainly the equatorial spread F (ESF)irregularity generation and their variabilities. The key factors that control the ESF generation by generalized Rayleigh-Taylor instability process, such as the the prereversal enhancement electric field (vertical drift)that is controlled by post-sunset zonal wind and longitudinal conductivity gradients, meridional/transequatorial winds, flux tube integrated conducitvities, and the seed perturbations are discussed in some detail, focussing attention on the aspects of their seasonal, logitudinal and day-to-day variabilities. The role of the evening F layer vertical drift in the instability process leading to ESF has been the most extensively investigated experimentally so far. Recent theoretical and computational results have advanced greatly our understanding of the importance of the key factors in the development process of spread F. However, observational identification of the relative importance of some of the key control factors in a given spread F event or in its day-to-day variablity is still lacking, the main examples being that of the seed perturbation, meridional/transequatorial winds and integrated conductivities. However, some progress on understanding the seasonal pattern has been achieved. Enhanced conductivity below F region and in E layer in the longitude sector of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly seems to influence the equatorial spread F electrodynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8678-PRE/4414 PI CEA DAE DAE 144 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasJr:1992:CoAp Journal Article Dias Jr., Oscar Pereira Dias Jr., Oscar Pereira Ranking alternatives using fuzzy sets: a computational approach 1992 Fuzzy Sets and Systemas 9 6527 engenharia e tecnologia espacial. The method presented in [1]for ranking alternatives by using fuzzy numbers is discussed as far as computational aspects are concerned. An alternative procedure is presented which allows for the use of any convex and normalized fuzzy set to assess the contribution of each alternative to some overall objective, according to a set of criteria. The procedure also allows the criteria to be structured in nlevel hierarchies. An example is presented to illustrate the algorithm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES ETE ENGESP 410 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Yelisetty:1979:ReRiNu Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadhan Yelisetty, Viswanadhan Relationship of richardson number to the curvature of the wind profile 1979 Boudary-Layer Meteorology 17 4 537-544 1913 meteorologia, vento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT 381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MACKINNONCostKaufDENN:1986:INOFTE Journal Article MACKINNON,A.L. MACKINNON,A.L.; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Kaufmann, Pierre; DENNIS,B.R. INTERPRETATION OF TEMPORAL FEATURES IN A HARD X-RAY AND MICROWAVE BURST - 21P 1986 Solar Physics 104 : 191-198 5276 radiastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1181 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZamluttiFarl:1975:InScMu Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José; Farley, D.T. Incoherent scatter multiple-pulse measurements at Arecibo 1975 Radio Science 10 6 573-580 9659 aeronomia, espalhamento incoerente, região e, pulsores, medições, ionosphericos, incoherent scattering, e region, pulses, measurements. The important points governing the design of a multiple-pulse measurement of the incoherent scatter autocorrelation function in the E region are discussed. Since the requirements for good signal-to-noise ratio and good resolution are contradictory, compromises must be made. These considerations dictated the choice of two multiple-pulse schemes which are now being used at the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. These schemes, one involving five pulses and one involving seven, are described and a few typical examples of the results obtained are presented. The data show that it is now practical during the day, or at night in reasonably strong sporadic-E layers, to make accurate measurements of the complex autocorrelation function in the E region with an altitude resolution of the order of 1 to 3 km in a time of less than 10 min. The number of heights which can be studied simultaneously is limited only by computer capabilities. In the measurements reported here ten altitudes were sampled. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 772 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoJrSantSantHigu:1994:EsCoEf Journal Article Carvalho Jr., Joao Andrade Carvalho Jr., Joao Andrade; Santos, J.C.; Santos, Jesus Marden dos; Higuchi, N Estimate of combustion efficiency in a forest clearing experiment in the Manaus region 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 45-49 1373 ciencias meteorologicas, , instrumentacao meteorologica, carbono dioxido. Carbon dioxide generation rates are among the most significant parameters to evaluate and quantify the impact of forest clearing processes on the environment. These rates are calculated based on the average carbon content of the biomass and total mass obove the ground, knowing that only a certain portion of the carbon reacts to carbon dioxide and other gases. this portion is basically the combustion efficiency and depends on the type of forest, on how the trees were cut and piled, on the material size on the biomass moisture content, among others. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET LCP DCM 604 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DalLagoGonzGonzViei:2001:CoMaCl Journal Article Dal Lago, A. Dal Lago, A.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Cluisa Clua; Vieira, L.E.A Compression of magnetic clouds in interplanetary space and increase in their geoeffectiveness 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 63 5 451-455 9635 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. Using a set of 54 magnetic clouds observed in the period from 1965 to 1997, we found that the magnetic cloud field and velocity strength relationship proposed by Gonzalez et al. (Geophysical Research Letters 25 (7)(1998)963-966)is generally followed. However, for a few events, the field strength is fairly higher than that predicted by the work of Gonzalez et al. We examined some of these events and found that compression of these magnetic clouds might have occurred, due to the follow-up presence of a igher speed stream, which led to a stronger magnetic field strength at the back region of the cloud. This intensification of the magnetic field strength is closely related to the occurrence of intense geomagnetic storms when the field has a north-south polarity. Such interplanetary compression of magnetic clouds should be considered in space weather forecasting models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8676-PRE/4412 PI CEA DGE DGE 142 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakashMura:1976:NaElFi Journal Article Prakash, S. Prakash, S.; Muralikrishna, Polinaya The nature of electric field in E-region close to morning and evening reversals 1976 Geophysical Research Letters 3 8 445-447 9597 aeronomia, eletrojato equatorial, região e, ionozação, irregularidades, equatorial eletrojet, e region, ionization, irregularities. The nature of electro-static field driving the equatorial electrojet was studied using a coherent backscatter radar at Thumba. The doppler spectra of radar echoes from ionization irregularities in the E-region, during periods close to the morning and the evening electrojet reversals, show that the electric field, in general, is stronger during the pre-reversal periods than during the post- reversal periods. Similar results for the evening hours were reported earlier from the radar studies conducted at Jicamarca. This indicates that this effect is likely to be present at all the equatorial stations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 769 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTeix:1990:PoSpAn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Power spectrum analysis of the time-series of annual mean surface air temperatures 1990 Climatic Change 17 1 121-130 2968 geofisica espacial. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of the annual mean surface temperature series for land masses and sea in the northern and southern hemispheres indicated long-term linear warming trends of (0.12 to 0.56)C/century with superposed significant periods in the ranges T=5-6 yr, 10-11 yr, 15 yr, 20 yr, 28-32 yr, and 55-80 yr. Extrapolation in future indicated for 2000-2030 a departure of (+0.4 degree C)above the 1950-70 level. However, for the 1980s, the observed values are above the expected level, probably indicating large greenhouse effects due to human intervention. In that case, our predictions would be underestimates. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 34 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoAraiBona:1986:SiUmMo Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Arai, Nelson; Bonatti, Jose Paulo Simulacoes com um modelo de camada limite planetaria 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 4 2 193-199 July 2652 estudo do clima. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DSM DCT CPT TECLIM PNTE 826 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiFaguBitt:2000:SoCyEf Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, José Augusto Transequatorial F-region ionospheric plasma bubbles: solar cycle effects 2000 Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 62 15 1377-1383 9632 AERONOMIA, ciclos solar, efeitos da atividade solar, região F, bolhas de plasma, solar cycles, solar activity effects, F region, plasma bubbles. During the recent past, wide-angle optical imaging observations of F-region nightglow emissions (e.g. OI 630 nm)have provided excellent results related to the occurrence, evolution and dynamics of large-scale range spread-F irregularities, as they are characterized by large-scale ionospheric plasma depletions, generally known as transequatorial plasma bubbles, which result in quasi north-south aligned intensity depleted bands. The intensity depletions seen in the airglow images are the optical signature, at the height range of the emitting layer of transequatorial magnetic field-aligned plasma bubbles. An all-sky imaging system, observing the OI 630 nm emission, was operational at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W; similar to 16 degreesS dip latitude), Brazil, during the period March 1987 to October 1991. It was put back in operation again in September 1994 and observations are continuing. These observations have provided an extensive data-base of OI 630 nm images which permitted us to address several aspects related to the formation and development of large-scale spread-F plasma irregularities during both high- and low solar activity periods. An analysis of about 11,000 images from these investigations are presented and discussed in this paper. The seasonal occurrence characteristics are fairly similar for both low and high solar activities. However, the occurrences of intensity depleted bands are much less during low solar activity (33) as compared with high solar activity (55). Also, some of the intensity depleted bands in the images (which show the optical signatures at the height of the emitting layer around 250-300 km)indicating that plasma bubbles attaining very high altitudes (>1500 km)at the magnetic equator (by mapping the depletion bands along geomagnetic field lines to the equatorial plane (e.g., Mendillo and Tyler, J. Geophys. Res. 88 (1983)5778), are much less during low solar activity (34 of the images with intensity depleted bands)as compared with high solar activity (66 of the images with intensity depleted bands). The average nocturnal variations of intensity depleted regions show different characteristics during the high and low solar activity periods. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8673-PRE/4409 PI CEA DAE DAE DGE 139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GonzalezSilbGonzTsur:2001:AnVaGe Journal Article Gonzalez, Alicia Luiza Clúa de Gonzalez, Alicia Luiza Clúa de; Silbergleit, Virginia M>; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Tsurutani, Bruce T Annual variation of geomagnetic activity 2001 Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 63 4 367-374 9633 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, geomagnetismo, variaçôes anuais, indices, geomagnetism, annual variations, indexes (ratios). The annual variation of geomagnetic activity is studied through the geomagnetic indices aa, Dst and AE, according to different levels of intensity for each of the indices. For thresholds that correspond from moderate to fairly intense storms (i.e., peak aa greater than or equal to 90), the distribution follows the well-known pattern of a seasonal variation, with maxima around the equinoxes and minima near the solstices. Deviations from this behavior are observed when the distribution refers to levels associated with the occurrence of more intense storms. In particular, the annual distribution of days with a geomagnetic index a greater than about 90, shows the occurrence of a peak in July. The contribution of very intense storms (aa greater than or equal to 210)to the July peak, seems to be evenly distributed along the 12 solar cycles covered by this index. Furthermore, the indices Dst and AE, although restricted to a much shorter interval of time (they have been recorded only since 1957), seem as well to show the existence of a peak of occurrence for July. The study done for the indices Dst and AE gives some indication for the existence of another peak in November, also for thresholds associated with intense storms. However, due to the lack of longer records for these indices, the real existence of this peak in the geomagnetic activity is questionable. A statistical analysis of the distribution of events according to the levels of intensity of the aa and Dst is also presented. From this analysis it is seen that the number of occurrences of storms above a given level of intensity of those geomagnetic indices, can be approximated by an exponential law. Furthermore, an estimation of the occurrence of storms during a solar cycle as a function of the peak aa (or aa*)has been also done. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8674-PRE/4410 PI CEA DGE DGE 140 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBonaSant:1984:MoVa20 Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo; Santos, Rosalvo P Monthly variation of 200 MB flow in the tropics 1984 Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Bioclimatology A33 1 21-30 2425 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT DCT METBA 629 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyCava:1984:CaEvAn Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque Eventos oscilacao do sul - El Nino: caracteristicas, evolucao e anomalias de precipitacao 1984 Ciencia e Cultura 36 11 1888-1899 2428 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT SINO 630 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JainJanaMura:1973:DeBaRa Journal Article Jain, C.L. Jain, C.L.; Janardhanan, K.V.; Muralikrishna, Polinaya Design of back-scatter radar system at Thumba 1973 Indian Journal of Radio Space Physics 2 : 76-80 9560 aeronomia, eletrojato, irregularidades, propagação dispersa, electrojet, irregularities, scatter propagation. An indigenously developed coherent back-scatter radar operating at 54.95 MHz was installed at Thumba (8§31' N; 76§ 52' E; dip 0§ 47' S)for carrying out systematic investigation of the electrojet irregularities of about 3 m vertical scale size. The system is, in principle, similar to that used at Jicamarca, Peru (11§ 37' S; 76§ 52' W; dip 1§ N), which operates at 50 MHz. The correlation between scattered signal and variation in horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is also presented for a quiet day. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAE 767 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BragaCovaManaGrin:1990:HaXrAr Journal Article Braga, Joao Braga, Joao; Covault, Corbin E.; Manandhar, Raj; Grindlay, Jonathan E Hard x-ray arcmin imaging with the exite telescope 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 20 Numero Especial 633-637 2966 astrofisica, instruments, x-rays, exite, telescopes. In this paper we describe the Energetic X-ray Imaging Telescope Experiment (EXITE)and show the first results obtained. We discuss the coded-aperture technique for imaging of cosmic X-ray sources, used by EXITE. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 32 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiHada:1994:AnExLi Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Hada, Kioshi An experiment with linear regression in forecasting of spring rainfall over south Brazil 1994 Atmosfera 7 : 83-87 960 estudo do tempo e do clima, , , climatologia dinamica, chuva. The feasibility of predicting spring rainfall over Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)from the prior observations of SO index is examined. It is found that moderate success can be obtained. The optimum data period for deriving the prediction equations is about 11 years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 600 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DAmicoHeRoPeGrPeTo:2001:DeHaXr Journal Article D'Amico, Flávio D'Amico, Flávio; Heindl, W.A.; Rothschild, R.E.; Peterson, L.E.; Gruber, D.E.; Pelling, M.; Tomsick, J.A. HEXTE studies of SCO X-1 spectra: detections of hard X-ray tails beyond 200 Kev 2001 Advances in Space research 28 2-3 389-394 9618 ASTROFÍSICA, espectro raio X, estrela de neutron, binarias raio X, buracos negros, X ray spectra, neutron stars, X ray binaries, black holes. Using the HEXTE experiment on-board the RXTE satellite, we performed a search for hard X-ray tails in Sco X-1 spectra. We found strong evidence for the presence of such a non-thermal component on several occasions. Using the PCAIRXTE we were able to track the position of the source along the Z diagram, and we observed that the presence of the hard X-ray tail is not confined to a particular region. However, we found a correlation between the power law index of the non-thermal component and the position of the source in the Z diagram, suggesting that the hard X-ray spectrum (i.e., E > 50 keV)becomes flatter as the mass accretion rate increases. We were also able to study the temporal variation of the appearance/absence of the hard X-ray component. With our derived luminosities, we were also able to test the idea that X-ray luminosities can be used to distinguish between X-ray binary systems containing neutron stars and black holes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8644-PRE/4378 PI CEA DAS DAS 137 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaDiasBona:1985:PrStOb Journal Article Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; Bonatti, Jose Paulo A preliminary study of the observed vertical mode structure of the circulation over tropical South America 1985 Tellus 37A 2 185-195 2418 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT MASC METBA 627 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HapperWandZamlFarl:1976:ReIoDr Journal Article Happer, R.M. Happer, R.M.; Wand, R.H.; Zamlutti, Carlos José; Farley, D.T E Region Ion Drifts and Winds From Incoherent Scatter Drifts and Winds From Incoherent Scatter Measurements at Arecibo 1976 Journal of Geophysical Research 81 1 25-35 9451 aeronomia, região e, dispersão incoerente, oscilações, medidas de velocidae, e region, incoherent scattering, oscillations, velocity measurements. Ion velocity and temperature measurements at Arecibo for two winter days were analyzed to determine the large-scale dynamical structure of the E region. Southward neutral winds were derived directly from the ion velocity, while the southward electric field was obtained with a reasonable extrapolation of the measured ion-neutral collision frequency. Eastward winds were estimated after assuming a model eastward electric field taken from previous F region measurements at Arecibo. The main results are as follows: (1 ) Large oscillations in the ion drifts, neutral winds, and temperatures were present on the days of observation. The oscillations possessed a characteristic downward phase progression and dominant periods that were near semidiurnal. (2)Wind and temperature amplitudes were 40-100 m/s and 30 degree -60 degree K, respectively. Vertical wavelengths for a semidiurnal period were about 50 km. The calculated southward electric fields are typical of daytime F region values at Arecibo, -1 to -2 mV/m. (3)The observed semidiurnal amplitudes, phases, and vertical wavelengths of the wind and temperature oscillations do not closely match the predictions of classical tidal theory or the theory of Lindzen and Hong which includes dissipation and background winds. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 765 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiMartKondJard:1983:CODIGA Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao; Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias COSMIC DIFFUSE GAMA RAYS BALLOOM OBSERVATIONS AT EQUATORIAL LATITUDE 1983 Ciência e Cultura 35 12 1893 2308 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 901105 431 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCeca:1990:FiStMm Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, Jose Roberto Fine structure in the mm-wavelength spectra of the active region 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 552-556 2963 astrofisica, sun. There is a lack of mm-wavelenght spectroscopic solar observations. There are suggestions that a fine structure in frequency may be superimposed on the S-component of solar active region as well as on the burst component at mm-wavelenghts. To study fine structure in frequency and time, a high sensitivity step frequency receiver operating in the frequency range 23-18 GHz with frequency resolution of 1 GHz and variable time resolution 1.2 to 96 sec, using 13.7 m diameter Itapetinga radome covered antenna, has been developed. Here, we discuss mm-wavelenght spectra of active regions and their time evolution. Study of time evolution of an active region AR 5569 observed on 29th June, 1989 suggests existence of fine structures as a function of time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 29 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantRosa:1990:HiSeHi Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto High sensitivity, high frequency and high time resolution decimetric spectroscope 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 651-654 2964 astrofisica, instruments, spectroscopy, data processing. First Latin American Decimetric Spectroscope operating over a band of 100 MHz with high resolution in frequency (100 KHz)and time (10 ms), around any center frequency in the range of 2000-200 MHz is being developed. The purpose of this note is to describe planned solar, and non-solar, research programmes and present status of development of this spectroscope. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 30 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiFran:1993:ReSiCl Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Franchito, Sergio Henrique The response of a simple climate model to the sea surface temperature anomalies 1993 Annales Geophysicae 11 9 846-856 7331 ciencias meteorologicas, climatologia dinamica, modelos atmosfericos, anomalias, el nino, la nina, mudancas climaticas. A global two-layer satistical-dynamical primitive equations model is developed to simulate the mean annual conditions and the annual cycle of some zonally averaged atmospheric variables. The model is also used to conduct climatic change experiments related to surface boundary conditions like the sea surface temperature anomalies. The results show that the mean annual conditions and the annual cycle of the zonally averaged atmosphere are reasonably well-simulated. The response of sea surface temperature anomalies for the cases of El Nino, La Nina and the dipole mechanism involving the centers of positive and negative anomalies is studied, In the case of El Nino there is an incrase in the 500 mb temperature and the jet at 250 mb is intensified in both hemispheres. There is also an intendification of the Hadley cell and an increase of the precipitation in the tropical region. The opposite occurs in the case of La Nina. In the experiment considering the dipole case the rising motion in the Hadley cell increases in the northern hemisphere and decreases in the southern hemisphere, and the precipitation is enhanced in the tropical region of the northern hemisphere and reduced in the southern hemisphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 587 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ConforteYeli:1987:DiTuEn Journal Article Conforte, Jorge Conrado Conforte, Jorge Conrado; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Dissipacao turbulenta de energia na camada limite atmosferica 1987 Ciencia e Cultura 38 11 1897-1903 July 2648 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT PROSAT 822 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:2001:SiMeMe Journal Article Clemesha, Baecley Robert Clemesha, Baecley Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, D.M Simultaneous measuments of meteor winds and sporadic sodium layers in the 80-110 km region 2001 Advances Space Research 27 10 1679-1684 9615 AERONOMIA, atmosfera superior, mares, radar óptico, upper atmosphere, tides, optical radar (lidar). We have made simultaneous 24-hour measurements of meteor winds and atmospheric sodium in the 80-110 km height range. The winds were measured by a meteor radar installed at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), and the sodium density was measured by lidar at Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W). The distance between the two sites is 102 km. During the southern winter of 1999 a total of 320 hours of simultaneous measurements were obtained. Within this measurement period a large number of sporadic sodium (Ns)layers were observed. As we have previously reported, on many occasions Ns layers occur near the peaks of descending structures in the sodium layer. The simultaneous measurements reported here enable us to show that the descending structures involved are closely related to similar structures in the meridional wind profile. A clear tidal structure is visible in the sodium layer, with a vertical wavelength which corresponds to that seen in the meteor winds. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8642-PRE/4376 PI CEA DAE DAE 135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzales-AlarconGonz:1984:EnTrBy Journal Article Gonzales-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzales-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Energy transfer by magnetopause reconnection and the substorm parameter epsilon 1984 Planetary and Space Science 32 8 1007-1012 2415 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 625 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChristensenTinsTeix:1972:Tr10Ob Journal Article Christensen, Andrew B. Christensen, Andrew B.; Tinsley, Brian A.; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Tropical He I 10830-A Observations 1972 Journal of Geophysical Research 77 4 784-787 9448 aeronomia, espalhamento de resonãncia, aeroluminescência, luminescência crepuscular, resonance scattering, airglow, twilight glow. In, a recent publication, Christensen et al. [1971, here called CPT]discussed ground-based twilight observations of the resonance-scattered He I 10830-A radiation in connection with model calculations. During the past year, the grille spectrometer used for that study was moved to Agulhas Negras, a mountain peak in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (altitude, 2.4 km; latitude, 22.38 degree'; longitude, 44.68 degree). Observations of several atmospheric emissions have been carried out. In this paper, we report the results of twilight He 1 10830 A for the period December 1970 o May .1971, The data indicate a seasonal variation of the upper-atmospheric helium density at tropical latitudes, in agreement with a winter-helium-bulge model determined by geomagnetic rather than geographic latitude. The increased photoelectron loss rates of Schunk and Hays [1971]should improve the agreement with model calculations. The description of the grille spectrometer and the data reduction techniques, given by CPT, and the references cited therein will not be repeated here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 763 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClem:1983:EDDICO Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert EDDY DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN THE LOWER THERMOSPHERE. 1983 Journal Geophysical Research 88 A7 5765-5768 2284 aeronomia. The seasonal variation of the eddy diffusion coefficient is deduced for a height of 94 km at 23§S on the basis of two independent methods of analysis. One of these methods, already used in the past, is related to indirect measurements of atomic oxygen, and the other one is a new method related to measurements of the density of upper atmospheric sodium. The results are mutually consistent, giving a maximum eddy diffusion coefficient during summer. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 428 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalboaScal:1990:ReReSt Journal Article Balboa, Avelino Manoel Gomez Balboa, Avelino Manoel Gomez; Scalise Jr., Eugenio Results of recent studies of the temporal variability of silicon monoxide masers 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 494-498 2961 astrofisica, masers, stars formation. We present here the preliminary results of the first long term program for the monitoring of SiO J = 1-0 v = 1 and two masers undertaken in the southern hemisphere. All observations were carried out at the Itapetinga Radio Telescope and covers the period from March 1988 to October 1989. The spacing between the observations were from 20 to 30 days. Several sources were monitored during this period but here we present only the results of the M5 Supergiant VY Cma, the SRa M7.5-M9 W Hya, Orion A and the M6-M9 Mira R Leo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 27 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FelipePrad:2001:MaReEn Journal Article Felipe, G. Felipe, G.; Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Manobras de Rendezvous entre órbitas keplerianas com controle impulsivo 2001 SBA Controle e Automação 12 2 156-162 10117 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9199-PRE/4872 PN ETES DMC DMC 330 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoraesKugaCamp:2002:OrPrBr Journal Article Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de; Kuga, Hélio Koiti; Campos, Daniela Yara Orbital propagation for Brazilian satellites using NORAD models 2002 Advances in Space Research: New Trends in Space Geodesy 30 2 331-335 10086 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL, NORAD models, two line elements, orbit propagation. The performance of the NORAD models for near Earth satellites (SGP, SGP4, SGP8)using two Brazilian flying satellites, SCD-1 and SCD-2, and the Chinese-Brazilian satellite CBERS-1 is compared. The achievable accuracy of such models is compared against the predicted 2-lines elements set for the satellites. Every week an updated fresh set of 2-lines elements for these satellites is made available through the Internet. About ten years of observations of the SCD-1 satellite are available and therefore solar activity influences on the orbit can be analyzed. Data are selected considering also orbital (for CBERS-1)and attitude (for SCD-2)maneuvers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9176-4849 PI ETES DMC DMC 329 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraMoreNord:1993:ARaNa Journal Article Ferreira, C. Ferreira, C.; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger A radioatividade natural da regiao de Irece - Ba 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 22 3 7329 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, radioatividade. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM DGE 585 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BuivanBragJardVedr:1987:GaBaIn Journal Article Buivan, N.A. Buivan, N.A.; Braga, Joao; Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias; Vedrenne, G. Gamma-ray background induced in a double ge(LI)spectrometer at balloon altitudes in the southern hemisphere 1987 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A258 1 132-140 2645 astrofisica. A double coaxial Ge(Li)spectrometer has been flown for the first time in December 1983 from the Southern Hemisphere. Despite an electronics failure which shortened the flight duration, the induced background at ceiling in the diodes can be studied. Nevertheless, the low statistics of the data requires some caution in the identification of the features of the lines. During the flight, different anticoincidence modes were operated to estimate the local production. The atmospheric 511 keV line results show that the fluxes detected by the upper diode are in good agreement with previous measurements, and, at the same time, indicate a probable contamination of the lower diode. The techniques used with a double coaxial Ge(Li)seem to demonstrate a better method to reject the induced background in the upper diode (the heart detector)than with the single Ge(Li)telescope. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTROFISICA DE ALTAS ENERGIAS 820 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StevensonInosStecAlon:1989:VaInTe Journal Article Stevenson, Merritt Raymond Stevenson, Merritt Raymond; Inostroza Villagra, Hector Manuel; Stech, Jose Luiz; Alonso, E.M.B Variations in temperature, salinity, density and circulation in Bransfield Strait 9-14, March, 1985 1989 Pesquisa Antartica Brasileira 1 1 45-53 2644 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT 819 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EcherKircSahaLeme:2001:StSoCy Journal Article Echer, Ezequiel Echer, Ezequiel; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Leme, Neusa Maria Paes A study of the solar cycle signal on total ozone over low-latitude brazilian observation stations 2001 Advances Space Research 27 12 1983-1986 9613 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, efeitos da atividade solar, espectrometro de mapeamento de ozonio total, solar activity effects, total ozone mapping spectrometer, tropical regions (low latitudes)regiões tropicais (baixa latitude). Observations of total ozone at low latitudes in Brazil have been made using Dobson spectrophotometers since 1974 for Cachoeira Paulista (23.1 degrees S, 45 degrees W)and since 1978 for Natal (5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degrees W), Annual averages, 12 months and 36 months running averages have been analyzed. Spectral analyses of the data revealed that the most important periods found (confidence level > 90) were: for Natal, 2.5 years (93.1, quasi-biennial oscillation-QBO)and 10 years (98.2, possibly the solar cycle signal), for Cachoeira Paulista, 2.4 years (96.8, QBO)and 8 years (99.6). The difference in total ozone between maximum and minimum solar cycles were estimated, using yearly averages of total ozone, For solar cycle 21, 1.16 and 1.26 for Natal and Cachoeira Paulista were found; for solar cycle 22, a larger difference of 3.8 for Natal and 4.1 for Cachoeira Paulista were found. The corresponding variation in UV-B at 300 nm, using Beer's law, is 8-10 for C. Paulista and 4-5 for Natal, with maxima occurring during the minimum of the solar cycle. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8640-PRE/4374 PI CEA DGE DGE 133 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiShaiBati:1984:TiSoCy Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Shai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado Tidal and solar cycle effects on the OI5577A, NAD and OH(8,3)airglow emissions observed at 23 degree South 1984 Planetary and Space Science 32 7 897-902 2411 aeronomia. The upper mesosphere airglow emissions 01 5577,NaDand OR have been observed at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7§S: 45.0§W)Brazil. Nocturnal variations and their seasonal dependencies in amplitude and phase, and the annual variations of these emissions are presented, analysing the data obtained from 1977 to 1982during the ascending phase of the last solarcycle. The nocturnal variations of the OI5577 emission and the OR rotational temperature showed a significant semidiurnal oscillation, with the phase of maximum moving from midnight in January to early morning in June. Semiannual variation of the 015577 and NaD emissions with the maximum intensities in April/May and October,""November were observed. The OR rotational temperature, however. showed an annual variation, maximum in summer and minimum in winter, while no significant seasonal Variation was found in the OR emission intensities. Long-term intensity variations are also presented with the solar sunspot numbers and the 10.7 cm flux. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 623 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoKousJano:1995:OuLoRa Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Janowiak, John E. Outgoing longwave radiation biases and their impacts on empirical orthogonal functions models of interannual variability in the tropics 1995 Journal of Geophysical Research 100 D2 3173-3180 6996 ciencias meteorologicas, climatologia dinamica, ondas longas, radiacao, tiros-n, olr. The effects of different equator-crossing times on the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)data record are examined. A simple procedure proposed by Kousky and Kayano (1994)is used to reduce these effects. Large-scale interannual modes of OLR within the tropics are determined by performing empirical orthogonal function analyses on OLR anomalies and on bias-corrected OLR anomalies. Both analyses result in two physically meaningful leading modes, which describe different large-scale anomalous features of the OLR related to the southern oscillation. A mode related to changes in the satellite observing system is found only in the analysis for the uncorrected OLR anomalies. Evidence is presented indicating that estimates of the mean daily OLR are affected by changes in the equator-crossing times due either to the replacement of satellites or to long-term drifts from the orbital plane during the lifetime of individual satellites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DCM 779 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraLourVasc:1972:ReElCo Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Loureiro, Ana L.M.; Vascancellos, marina B.V Shot communication: reconnaissance of elemental composition in aerosols of the Antartic Penninsula 1972 Atmospheric Environment 26A 8 1549-1550 8718 geofisica espacial, , aerossois, analise de elementos, traco presentes, neutrons, estacao comandante ferraz, radon. The composition of sub-antarctic aerosols collected during 1986/1987 in the Brazilian coastal station Ferraz (62 degrees S, 58 degrees W), is presented in this paper. The soil dust components Al and Mn were about 30 times larger than at the South Pole. Yearly averages of Al, Mn, Na, Cl and trace gas radon presented higher values during 1986 when higher winds prevailed. The trace metals Zn and Sb exhibited a clear seasonal trend with a minimum during winter. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 761 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClem:1983:DiSoCl Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert The dissipation of a sodium cloud 1983 Planetary Space Science 31 4 369-372 2279 aeronomia. Occasional observations of strong increases in the atmospheric sodium densities and/or Na nightglow intensities suggest that the cause is the deposition of a sodium cloud in addition to the local equilibrium sodium layer. This situation is simulated to investigate the response of the atmospheric sodium layer to variations of the source influx rate. The settlement of the sodium to the equilibrium layer after the deposition of a sodium cloud is shown to be a long lived event in which the excess sodium is transported downwards, to the sink, by eddy diffusion. The possibility of a modulated source influx rate is also investigated showing a tendency for a strong attenuation of this modulation below the source. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 426 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RaoSantFranSant:2002:VaNCRe Journal Article Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda; Santo, C.E.; Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Santo, C.E. A diagnosis of rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Nino event. Part I: Validation of NCEP-NCAR reanalysis rainfall data 2002 Journal of Climate 15 5 502-511 10077 A comparison between the National Centers for Environmental Predictions-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR)reanalysis rainfall data and the Agencia Nacional de Energia Eletrica (ANEEL)rain gauge data over Brazil is made. It is found that over northeast Brazil, NCEP-NCAR rainfall is overestimated. But over south and southeast Brazil, the correlation between the two datasets is highly significant showing the utility of NCEP-NCAR rainfall data. Over other parts of Brazil the validity of NCEP-NCAR rainfall data is questionable. A detailed comparison between NCEP-NCAR rainfall data over northwest South America and rain gauge data showed that NCEP-NCAR rainfall data are useful despite important differences between the characteristics in the two data sources. NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data seem to have difficulty in correctly reproducing the strength and orientation of the South Atlantic convergence zone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9100-PRE/4775 PI MET LMO LMO 327 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ InnocentiniFerrCaet:1993:SiNuMe Journal Article Innocentini, Valdir Innocentini, Valdir; Ferreira, Nivaldo Silveira; Caetano Neto, Ernesto dos Santos A simple numerical method for hydrostatic incompressible models with rigid lids 1993 Monthly Weather Review 121 12 3438-3442 7327 ciencias meteorologicas, estudo do tempo, modelos. A simple and easily implemented method is developed to keep the vertical velocity equal to zero at the bottom and top of hydrostatic incompressible numerical models. The pressure is computed at the top by correcting its value given in the previous time step so that the vertical integral of the horizontal divergence is zero at each column. Numerical experiments that exhibit small time variations of pressure at the top are able to simplify the algorithm and save computer time. Numerical simulations illustrate the method effectiveness for a horizontal deformation-induced frontogenesis. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 583 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MartiniRaiCosPalTri:1973:EvEnEl Journal Article Martini, I. M. Martini, I. M.; Rai, D. B.; Costa, Jose Marques da; Palmeira, R.A.R; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Evidence of enhanced electron precipitation in brazilian magnetic anomaly in associated with sudden commencement 1973 Nature - Physical Science 240 100 84-86 1559 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE TELA MATE 62 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CohenNobr:1989:AsClLi Journal Article Cohen, Julia Clarinda Paiva Cohen, Julia Clarinda Paiva; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Aspectos climatologicos das linhas de instabilidade na Amazonia 1989 Climanalise 4 11 34-40 6345 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1364 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1986:CoOnGe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Comment on ""general theory of the alkali metals present in the earth's upper atmosphere"" 1986 Anuales Geophysicae 4 5 413-417 2642 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE FISAT 817 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:2001:InStTe Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José On the influence of the stress tensor and heat flow vector in collisional multispecies fluids 2001 Planetary and Space Science 49 2 213-222 9606 AERONOMIA, tensores estressados, transmissão de calor, fluidos, colisão de partículas, interação de partículas, euqção de Navier Stokes, segunda lei de Newton, stress tensors, heat transmission, fluids, particle collision, particle interactions, Navier Stokes equation, Newton second low. The effective influence of the stress tensor and heat flow vector in collisional multispecies fluids is quite a controversial matter. Suggested by phenomenological laws these parameters are usually evaluated with the simple Newton and Fourier relations. The kinetic theory attributed them to the motion and interactions of particles. The validity of the Navier-Stokes set of equations with Newton's-law of stresses and Fourier's law of heat how has been contested in many cases based on simple traditional models of the collision frequency. Thanks to many recent advances on the evaluation of the Boltzmann collision term, now one can make a more reliable analysis as to proper account for the effect of these parameters. To accomplish this task in this work, the essential aspects of the matter are revised with improved accuracy. It is shown, in particular, that the theory can present now reasonable grounds to properly set appropriate boundaries on the validity of the currently used expressions for modelling stresses and heat flow. The theoretical results presented here are applicable to a wide range of gas and plasma conditions covering the needs from rarefied to dense fluids and also low- (subsonic)and high-speed (supersonic)flows. Thus, they can be used for problems of physics of fluids, geophysics, solar and interplanetary physics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8633-PRE/4367 PI CEA DAE DAE 131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AraujoHiguCarv:1996:CoMeDe Journal Article Araujo, Thais Maia Araujo, Thais Maia; Higuchi, Niro; Carvalho Jr., Joao Andrade Comparacao de metodos para determinar biomassa na regiao Amazonica 1996 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 68 1 35-41 7928 meteorologia, , biomassa, determinacao. The aboveground biomass content of a region can be estimated by either direct or indirect methods. Direct methods correspond to the biomass content determination with scales and extrapolation of results to larger areas. It is a destructive and very laborious procedure. Indirect methods utilize formulas whose entrance parameters are obtained from forest inventories. Forest inventories are made with the purpose to plan exploration and land use and the inventory data are frequently not suitable for biomass estimation. Problems with both methods increase in the Amazon region, where little information is available on forest biomass. The objective of this paper is to establish, by comparing the application of the indirect and direct methods in the determination of the biomass, the more appropriate indirect formulation to represent the characteristic vegetation of a region in the amazonian forest. A 0.2 hectare area was chosen, which was part of a major forest clearing experiment conducted in Tome Acu, a town located 250 Km south of Belem, the capital of the Brazilian state of Para. The entire biomass in the area was weighted with scales during the three weeks that followed the cut of the forest in July 1994. A detailed inventory was carried out in the area and then the indirect method was applied in the data. Seven different formulas for determining biomass were used. Comparison of the data of real mass and the mass obtained through the application of the seven formulas indicated that the more suitable for the region is given by FW = , where FW is total fresh weight (kg), is the diameter at breast height (cm), H is the total height of the tree and , and are regression coefficients (equal to 0.026, 1.529 and 1,747, respectively). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET LCP 974 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SestokasFoScal:1991:LoTeVa Journal Article Sestokas Filho, B. Sestokas Filho, B.; Scalise Jr., Eugenio Long term variabilty of Southern Hemisphere Water Masers 1991 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 88 1 177-187 3007 astrofisica, interstellar medium, water maser. The intensities of several water vapor masers in the direction of HII regions were monitored, almost on a monthly basis, from December 1980 to December 1986. The spectral shape of all sources changed in time with the fluxes of individual velocity components varying on timescales of 106 to 107 sec. We discuss the evolutionary stage and the dynamics of three of the monitored sources: G331.5-0.1, GGD25 (NGC6334C)and Orion A. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI cea DAS RADIO 189 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-NordemannSief:1979:DiUrIn Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Sieffermann, G Distribution of uranium in soil profiles of Bahia State (Brazil) 1979 Soil Science 127 5 275-280 7400 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, uranio, solos, perfies. Previus studies have shown that the uranium yields in soils are generally higher than those of the rocks from which they originated (Hansen and Stout 1968). Pliler and Adams (1962)found that the uranium yields in the most advanced horizons of soils are four times higher than those of the underlying fresh rock. They attributed this to the concentration of uranium in heavy minerals, resistant to weathering. Rosholt et al. (1966), who measured the uranium yields of the varioys horizons of soil profiles and studied the radioactive disequilibrium234U:238U, prosed a complicated model to explain the isotopic evolution of uranium in soil profiles. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 758 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JardimMartJard:1983:MEDAEM Journal Article Jardim, Maria Virginia Alves Jardim, Maria Virginia Alves; Martin, Inacio Malmonge; Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias MEDIDA DA EMISSAO CONTINUA EM RAIOS GAMA DE BAIXA ENERGIA NA DIRECAO DO CENTRO GALATICO. 12P. 1983 Ciência e Cultura 35 8 1159-1162 2273 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 901105 424 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchulzPradKugaMora:2002:OpSpMa Journal Article Schulz, W Schulz, W; Prado, AFBA; Kuga, HK; Moraes, RV de Optimal space manoeuvres in a non-Keplerian force field 2002 Advances in Space Research 30 2 345-350 10075 In this work the problem of a spacecraft bi-impulsive transfer between two given non coplanar elliptical orbits, with minimum fuel consumption, is solved considering a non-Keplerian force field (the perturbing forces include Earth gravity harmonics and atmospheric drag). The problem is transformed in the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. It is developed and implemented a new algorithm, that uses the analytical expressions developed here. A dynamics that considered a Keplerian force field was used to produce an initial guess to solve the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. Several simulations were performed to observe the spacecraft orbital behaviour by different kind of perturbations and constraints, on a fuel consumption optimization point of view. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9151-PRE/4824 ETES DMC DMC 325 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaViTrCoRiCr:1993:SoAuNa Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Costa, José Marques da; Ribeiro, M.J.; Cross, J.M Sondagens audiomagnetoteluricas nas proximidades das Minas do Camaqua (RS) 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 1 81-99 7263 geofisica espacial. Sondagens audiomagnetoteluricas foram efetuadas em duas areas proximas das Minas do Camaqua (RS)com dois objetivos distintos: na area de Rodeio Velho procurou-se obter evidencias corroborativas as interpretacoes geologicas a partir de dados geomagneticos e gravimetricos anteriores; na regiao de Santa Maria, sondagens comparativas seriam realizadas entre areas mineralizadas e nao-mineralizadas em sulfetos. Em Rodeio Velho, as sondagens confirmam a presenca de centenas de metros de sedimentos, provavelmente afetados por estruturas verticais e alternancia de camadas resistiva e condutora. Na regiao de Santa Maria, as sondagens nas areas mineralizadas apresentaram uma camada intermediaria mais condutora, que aproximadamente coincide com a posicao de camada mineralizada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 581 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaNobr:1988:MoEsQu Journal Article Fonseca, L.B. Fonseca, L.B.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Um modelo estatistico que relaciona os valores de cota e vazao 1988 Climanalise 3 9 32 September 6343 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 1362 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKirSimTakBat:1979:SiObSo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Paulo Simultaneous observations of sodium density and the NaD OH(8,3)and OI 5577 a nightglow emision 1979 Journal Geophysical Research 84 NA11 6477-6482 1884 aeronomia. Simultaneous observations of the vertical distribution of sodium density and the intensities of the OI 5577 A, NaD, and OH (8,3)airglow emissions show that the nocturnal variations of the emissions are well correlated with those of the sodium at 91 km, 87 km, and 84 k-n respectively. The correlated variations appear to be caused by atmospheric waves having vertical wavelengths between 10 km and 15 km, and whose phase propagates downwards with velocities between 1 km hr-1 and 2 km hr-I. Enhanced sodium density is observed on days of exceptionally high OH (8,3)band rotational temperature. The amplitude of the correlated nocturnal variations in sodiun density on the bottomside of the layer is normally too large to be explained as the direct result of atmospheric density changes, and it appears that chemical effects must be taking place. On a number of occasions large nocturnal changes in sodium density were seen to be closely correlated with changes in rotational temperature, suggesting that the changes were caused by a temperature dependence of the appropriate rate coefficientes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 113050 365 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduKantBatiPaul:1985:ImOnVe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de East-west plasma bubble irregularity motion determined from spaced VHF polarimeters: Implications on velocity shear in the zonal F region bulk plasma motion 1985 Radio Science 20 1 111-122 2378 aeronomia. VHF electronic polarimeters were used to monitor Faraday rotation angle and amplitude of geostationary satellite (GOES 3)beacon signals, simultaneously at two stations, Cachoeira Paulista (22§41'S, 45§W)and Sao Jos6 dos Campos (23§12'S, 45§55'W), separated by 110 km exactly in the magnetic east-west direction in Brazil. The analysis of the data for a few months in the 1981-1982 period, carried out in this paper, shows TEC fluctuations correlated with range type spread F events in the local ionograms and amplitudes scintillation in the satellite beacon signals, thereby identifying themselves as plasma bubbles and associated structures in the equatorial ionosphere. The spaced polarimeter system has permitted determination of the east-west velocities of these plasma bubble structures whose nighttime variation pattern is in excellent agreement with those of the eastward bulk plasma measured by Jicamarca radar and with those of the plasma bubble irregularities obtained from different radio and optical measurements carried out in the equatorial and low-latitude regions. There exist, however, significant differences in the magnitude of the velocities in the different measurements, our results over low-latitude locations showing highest values of all. These differences are interpreted as suggesting the possibility of a latitudinal variation in the plasma zonal velocities, consistent with the already known existence of vertical shears in the bulk plasma zonal flow over the equator. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE GEOMA 618 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoVadl:1995:SiSeSu Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao On the simulation of sea surface temperature with a zonally averaged model 1995 The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System 3 : 35-53 6668 ciencias meteorologicas, climatologia dinamica, modelos, temperatura da superficie do mar. A two-layer statistical-dynamical (SD)primitive equations model is used to simulate the mean annual sea surface temperature (SST)and its seasonal cycle. The model includes parameterizations of friction, diabatic heating and atmospheric large-scale eddies. At all latitudes the surface is considered to be covered only by water. Since no acean dynamics are included in the model it investigates how well the surface energy balance alone determines SST. The simulations performed with the SD model are compared with the observations and GCM studies. The results show that the gross characteristics of the mean annual SST and its seasonal cycle are well simulated by the model. The simulated seasonal cycle of SST agrees in phase with the observation , and the differences between the computed and observed maxima are lower that 1 degree C. However the amplitude of the simulated seasonal cycle is higher than the observed one mainly in the extra-tropical latitudes. Although the differences between the SST simulated by the model and the observations may be attributed to the absence of dynamical and physical ocean processes, the results suggest that the radiative processes play a fundamental role in determining the SST pattern. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DCM 775 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTeix:1991:PoSpAn Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Power spectrum analysis of the annual rainfall series for Massachusetts (NE, USA) 1991 Climatic Change 18 1 89-94 2970 geofisica espacial. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of the annual rainfall series for 1887-1976 (90 years)for Massachusets (northeastern U.S.A.)shows T= 17.8 (very near the 18.6 year luni-solar signal)as the most prominent periodicity. However, it explains only 12 variance. Also, the next prominent periodicity is T=2.72 years, i.e. in the QBO (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, T=2-3 years)region. Also, regular periodicities account for only 50 variance, leaving 50 as a random component. Hence, predictions are unreliable. Roughly, excess rainfall during 1990-1994 and droughts during 1992-2002 are indicated; but occasional years of opposite behavior cannot be ruled out. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAS 187 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarquesVadlMoli:1983:VaFlVa Journal Article Marques, Valdo da Silva Marques, Valdo da Silva; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Variabilidade do fluxo de vapor d'agua na regiao Nordeste do Brasil 1983 Ciencia e Cultura 35 8 1133-1139 2269 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT APLIMI 422 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SestokasFoScal:1990:MoWaMa Journal Article Sestokas Filho, B. Sestokas Filho, B.; Scalise Jr., Eugenio Monitoring of water masers from IRAS sources 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 481-485 2945 astrofisica. Twenty three water vapour masers in the direction of IRAS sources in the southern hemisphere had their intensities monitored sistematically at Itapetinga Radio Observatory. These masers were detected in four surveys in which each run had different selection criteria. The IRAS fluxes analysis and the shape of the spectra of these masers suggest that the objetcs are associated with pre-main sequence stars, still surrounded by the dust cocoon. Almost all sources presented drastic changes in the overall spectral line distribution in their spectra. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 21 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VlassovDrei:2001:ExInNa Journal Article Vlassov, V.V. Vlassov, V.V.; Dreitser, G.A Experimental investigation of natural convective heat transfer from a round plate of comlex configuration 2001 Iternational Journal of Heat and Mass transfer 44 13 2511-2521 10072 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9143 -PRE/4816 PI ETES DMC DMC 323 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HoellJrGMBDBKMNDO:1993:OpOvNA Journal Article Hoell Jr., James M. Hoell Jr., James M.; Davis, Douglas,D.; Gregory, Gerald L.; McNeal, Robert J.; Bendura, Richard J.; Drewry, Joseph W.; Barrick, John D.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Motta, Adauto Gouveia; Navarro, Roger L.; Dorko, William D.; Owen, Dennis W. Operational overview of the NASA GTE/CITE 3 airborne instrument intercomparisons for sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide 1993 Journal of Geophysical Research 98 D12 23291-23304 7260 geofisica espacial. This paper reports the overall experimental design and gives a brief overview of results from the third airborne Chemical Instrumentation Test and Evaluation (CITE 3)mission conducted as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Global Tropospheric Experiment. The primary objective of CITE 3 was to evaluate the capability of instrumentation for airbone measurements of ambient concentrations of SO2, H2S, CS2, dimethyl sulfide, and carbonyl sulfide. Ancillary measuremants augmented the intercomparison data in order to address the secondary objective of CITE 3 which was to address specific issues related to the budget and photochemistry of tropospheric sulfur species. The CITE 3 mission was conducted on NASA's Wallops Flight Center Electra aircraft and included a ground-based intercomparison of sulfur standards and intercomparison/sulfur science flights conducted from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia, followed by flights from Natal, Brazil. Including the transits flights, CITE 3 included 16 flights encompassing approximately 96 flight hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUAIT 578 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoVadlServ:1988:AtSeSu Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Servian, J Atlantic sea surface temperature and rainfall over Brazil 1988 Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Newsletter 46 5-8 6339 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT 1360 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RastogiTriv:1968:StSuCh Journal Article Rastogi, R.G. Rastogi, R.G.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Studies of sudden changes in H at equatorial stations in American zone 1968 Annales Geophyique 24 3 771 3105 aeronomia. The storm sudden commencements (SC)and sudden impulses (SI)in H at equatorial stations in American Zone during IGY1IGC are discussed. The occurrence of SI is most frequent around midday whereas distribution of SC frequency with local time is uncertain. The amplitude of both SC and Slat the equatorial stations are enhanced during daylight hours. At any particular hour the amplitudes are enhanced only over a narrow zone over the magnetic equator. The enhancement is identical for SC an4 SI. It is suggested that the mechanism for equatorial enhancement for SC and SI is same. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE IONO 94 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1981:INOFIO Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long INFLUENCE OF ION MOTION IN THE INVERSE FARADAY EFFECT 1981 Physics Fluids 24 12 369-370 4163 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 225 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nobre:2001:PoImNo Journal Article Nobre, Carlos Afonso Nobre, Carlos Afonso Mudanças climáticas globais: possíveis impactos nos ecossistemas do País 2001 Parcerias Estratégicas 12 239-258 9568 ESTUDO DO CLIMA, mudanças climáticas, desflorestamento, efeito estufa, aquecimento global, monitoramento ambiental, climate change, deforestation, greenhouse effect, global warning, environment monitoring. Modelos computacionais de simulação das mudanças climáticas sugerem que o clima do planeta Terra poderá alterar-se significativamente neste século se as emissões dos gases do efeito estufa continuarem a crescer. No caso do Brasil, se as emissões continuarem a crescer, os vários cenários de mudanças climáticas indicam aquecimento de até 4 a 6 oC em partes do país, principalmente na Amazônia, ao final do século. Há ainda muita incerteza com relação às possíveis mudanças na precipitação pluviométrica e quanto à modificações na freqüência de extremos climáticos (por exemplo, secas, inundações, geadas, tempestades severas, vendavais, granizo etc). Desmatamentos na Amazônia também podem causar mudanças climáticas regionais, com aumento de temperatura e redução de precipitação. Se alterações climáticas globais agirem sinergisticamente, com alterações climáticas regionais advindas de desmatamentos, a floresta tropical estará mais vulnerável à perda de biodiversidade e a incêndios florestais. De qualquer maneira, parece certo que o país estará sujeito a impactos climáticos adversos. Grande parte da população do país, em função da baixa renda e do baixo nível educacional, está mais vulnerável às mudanças climáticas, e têm menores possibilidades de adaptação. Abstract Climate change computational models indicate that the climate of Earth may change significantly throughout this Century, if emissions of grenhouse gases continue to grow. For Brazil, the various scenarios of climate change show a warming of 4 to 6 C, mostly in Amazonia, towards the end of the Century, in the case of unabated emissions. Scenarios of rainfall change and odifications on the frequency of extreme weather and climate phenomena (e.g., droughts, floods, frost, severe storms, intense winds, hail, etc.)are laden with uncertainty. Amazonia deforestation can change the regional climate as well. Large scale deforestation are likely to cause temperature increase and rainfall decrease regionally. If global warming and regional climate change due to deforestation, the tropical forest can become more vulnerable to losses of biodiversity and to forest fires. At any rate, it seems all but certain that Brazil will be subject to adverse climate change. A large proportion of Brazil's population is poor and uneducated, which makes them specially vulnerable to climate change. It cannot be forgotten that these people will experience greater difficulties to adapt to this situation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8587-PRE PN MET CEP CEP 126 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GangSaNordBevi:1996:PrSeSu Journal Article Gang, Li Wei Gang, Li Wei; Sa, Leonardo Deane Abreu; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Bevilaqua, Rute Maria Predictions of Sea Surface Temperature in Tropical Ocean using neural networks 1996 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 68 1 23-33 7924 meteorologia, redes neurais, superficie do mar, temperatura. A review of researches on the relationship between the tropical ocean sea surface temperatures (SST)and rainfall anomalies in Northeast Brazil was introduced. In this work, two neural network models are implemented to reconstruct and predict the time series of the SST in two regions: the tropical Atlantic ocean (Wright index, from 1854 to 1985)and the tropical Pacific ocean (regions Nino 1-2: 0 N-10 S, 270 E-280 E and Nino4: 5 N-5 S, 160 E-150 E, from 1950 to 1995). The selected neural networks include Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN)and Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN). Both were implemented in the neural network stimulator SNNS. For the Wright index, the trained Backpropagation Neural Network successfully predicted the index of the following four months with the relative errors from 1.40 to 3.34. For SST in Nino 1-2 and Nino4 regions, the Time Delay Neural Network was used for reconstruction and prediction. Comparing with the next six month observations and predictions, all of them are located within the predicted error bars. These results show that neural network methods may be used, within certain limits, for prediction and evaluation of predictability of time series measured from phenomena influenced by complex climatic and geophysical processes, like SST. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DGE 970 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sansigolo:1997:NoMaCh Journal Article Sansigolo, C.A Sansigolo, C.A Non-stationary Markov chains for modelling daily sunshine at Sao Paulo, Brazil 1997 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 56 3-4 225-230 7923 meteorologia, . Non-stationary, four-state Markov chains were used to model the sunshine daily ratios at Sao Paulo, Brazil. Fourier series were used to account for the periodic seasonal variations in the transition probabilities. All the regressions and tests, based on Generalized Linear Models, were made through the software GLIM. Significant seasonal variations were detected in the conditional probabilities, especially for the extreme categories of overcast and clear days. The fitted model provided a concise summary of the daily data, useful for short-range (1 day)sunshine predictions and simulations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 969 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoVadl:1992:ClChDu Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Climatic Change due to land surface alterations 1992 Climate Change 22 1 1-34 6340 estudo do tempo e do clima, , climatologia dinamica, modelos, parametrizacao, mudancas climaticas. A primitive equations global zonally averaged climate model is developed. The model includes biofeedback mechanisms. For the Northern Hemisphere the parameterization of biofeedback mechanisms is similar to that used by Gutmam et al. (1984). For the Southern Hemisphere new parameterizations are derived. The model simulates reasonably well the mean annual zonally averaged climate and geobotanic zones. Deforestation, desertification and irrigation experiments are performed. In the case of deforestation and desertification in the surface net radiation, evaporation and precipitation and an encrease in the surface temperature. In the case of irrigation experiment opposite changes occurred. In all the cases considered the changes in evapotranspiration overcome the effect of surface albedo modification. In all the experiments changes are smaller in the Southern Hemisphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 382 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiMarq:1984:WaVaCa Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Marques, Valdo da Silva Water vapor caracteristics over Northeast Brazil during two contrasting years 1984 Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 23 3 440-444 2376 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT METBA 616 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WrightManzRoch:1995:MoApCa Journal Article Wright, I.R. Wright, I.R.; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da Surface conductance of Amazonian pasture: model application and calibration for canopy climate 1995 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 75 1-3 51-70 6238 ciencias meteorologicas, , micrometeorologia, pasto, medida, modelos. Bulk stomatal conductances of Amazonian pasture, derived from micrometeorological measurements, are used to calibrate existing climated-based models of stomatal response. In the models, specific humidity deficit and solar radiation are the dominant controls on transpiration, with soil moisture providing the necessary seasonality. This paper relates hourly conductances to canopy-space climate to achieve parameters which are substantially independent of the aerodynamic characteristics of the measurement site, and a method is described for implementing this scheme within resistence-based models surface fluxes for use in general circulation models. The results are compared with those from simpler methods using unmodified climate data measured at 3.5 m above the pasture. Although additional uncertainty is introduced by the estimation of canopy climate, reasonable accuracy is achieved in predicting evaporation at this site. It is demonstrated that errors may be introduced the difference between measurement height for application is ignored. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 773 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Molion:1975:AmBaWa Journal Article Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Amazonas Basin water supply, storage and discharge, according to regional hydrology, aerology, surface energy budgets and climatology 1975 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 59 9 6466 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 754 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1989:WACOOF Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long WAVEBREAKING CONDITION OF SPACE-CHARGE WAVES IN A RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON BEAM 1989 PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 39 5 2561-2564 2839 física de plasma. Wavebreaking conditions, in terms of the electron velocity or the ma wave amplitude, of space-charge waves in a relativistic electron bean obtained. The discussion includes both negative-energy and positive-modes as well as wave propagation parallel and anti-parallel to the electron beam. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 903434 997 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClem:1983:2.DIVA Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barclay Robert THE ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRAL SODIUM LAYER. 2. DIURNAL VARIATIONS. 32P. 1983 Journal Geophysical Research 88 A1 442-450 2257 aeronomia. Using recently proposed chemistry which includes the NaOH molecule, static calculations simulating the nocturna sodium layer have been shown to give results in good agreement with an average of sodium measurements. In order to further evaluate this Na layer model, a dynamic time dependent atmospheric photochemistry vertical diffusion model has been developed to calculate the diurnal variation of sodium and compare it with recent measurements. The diurnal calculations show that the Na model fails to reproduce the measured diurnal behavior of the Na layer, which, for example, shows little variation in abundance, between day and night. The situation is further aggravated if we include the reaction NaO2+O NaO+O2. After a thorough review of the reaction rates, it is shown that the major modification which needs to be-introduced with respect to the previous model is the elimination of the reaction NaOH+H- Na+H20. The production of the NaOH molecule is thus effectivelly transformed into a height dependent sink for Na. The sensitivity of the model is tested for variations of the reaction rates and the eddy diffusion coefficient and the results are shown to be in much better agreement with experiment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 419 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMediSobrBitt:1983:SpPlBu Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Mediros, Rui Tertuliano; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Bittencourt, José Augusto Spread F plasma bubble vertical rise velocities determined from spaced ionosonde observations 1983 Journal of Geophysical Research 88 A11 000 2258 aeronomia, ionosonda, sondas ionosféricas, bolhas de plasma, propagação f, densidade dp plasma, ionosonds, plasma bubbles, spread f, plasma density. Systematic time differences in the onsets of spread F events in the ionograms are observed between the magnetic equatorial station Fortaleza (4 degree S, 38 degree W, dip latitude 1.8 degree S)and the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W, dip latitude 14 degree S), two stations in Brazil, located at close-by magnetic meridional planes (actually some 12 degree of magnetic longitude apart). On the assumption, justified from different experimental observations, that the spread F irregularities occur in strongly field-aligned plasma bubbles that extend several degrees on either side of the magnetic equator, and rise up in vertically elongated columns over the magnetic equator, we have related the observed time differences in the onsets of spread F events at the two stations to the plasma bubble vertical rise velocities over the magnetic equator. The vertical rise velocities of the plasma bubble so determined are found to be well within the values measured by VHF radar and satellite techniques, and further show, at times, good correlations with the amplitude of the prereversal peak in the vertical drift velocities and the heights of the evening equatorial F layer. Possible implications of these results are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 420 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralAbdu:1990:LAGRIN Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali. LATITUDINAL GRADIENT IN THE PLASMA BUBBLE ZONAL VELOCITIES AS OBSERVED BY SCANNING 630 NM AIRGLOW MEASUREMENTS 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 A6 8253-8257 2935 Equatorial ionospheric plasma bubble zonal velocities were measured using two 630-nm scanning photometers. Simultaneous scanning measurements were made in two east-west planes that were tilted 30§ northward and southward of the vertical. The results of measurements carried out during 5 days covering the summer equinoctial period of 1988, presented here, show evidence of marked latitudinal gradient in the bubble zonal velocities, the velocities decreasing with increasing latitude over our low-latitude observing site, Cachoeira Paulista (-28§ dip). We suggest that this velocity gradient is consistent with expectations at solar minimum, when our measurements may be associated with the region above the maximum in the eastward plasma velocity height profile. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONAP 18 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:2001:CoTaLo Journal Article Sukhanov, Alexander, A Sukhanov, Alexander, A; Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini Almeida Constant Tangential Low-Thrust Trajectories near an Oblate Planet 2001 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 24 4 723-731 10063 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. The problem of changing spacecraft energy in minimum time near an oblate planet by means of tangential low thrust is considered. The mass flow rate and the exhaust velocity are assumed constant. Simple approximate formulas allowing calculation of the spacecraft three-dimensional spiral trajectory are obtained. Simple first-approximation formulas and more accurate second-approximation formulas are given. All of the formulas are valid both for ascent and descent of the spacecraft orbit. The accuracy of the formulas is estimated; it is shown that they provide high accuracy when the thrust acceleration is much smaller than the gravitational acceleration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9133 -PRE/4806 PI ETES DMC DMC 321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffPOPAGMPCP:1993:ReWoTR Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Pereira, Enio Bueno; Oliveira, M.A.; Pereira, M.C.; Alvala, Plinio Carlos; Gerab, F.; Mariano, Marina M.; Pavao, H.G.; Casseti, V.; Penha, T.L.B Goiania 93: resumos do Workshop TRACE-A Brasil 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 2 247-266 7258 geofisica espacial. Descrevem-se os resultados iniciais obtidos no experimento TRACE-A. A reuniao de trabalho de Goiania serviu para os pesquisadores principais de trabalho de campo relatar os resultados obtidos nas diversas areas cientificas de atuacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 576 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediRast:1968:StSuCh Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Rastogi, G. Studies of sudden changes in H and Z equatorial stations in Indian zone 1968 Annales Geophysique 24 4 1037 3082 aeronomia. The storm time commencements (SC)and sudden impulses (SI)in H and Z at equatorial stations in the Indian zone during IGYIIGC are discussed. The amplitude of both SC and SI in H at the equatorial stations are enhanced during the midday hour. At any particular hour during the daytime the amplitudes are enhanced over a narrow zone over the magnetic equator. There is no distinct latitudinal enhancement of SC or SI during nighttime but the amplitudes are significantly higher at Annamalainagar. The latitudinal variation of the amplitude of SC in Z in Indian zone do not conform to the simp1q.thin sheet model of the electrojet and the interpretation should be sought in the abnormal induced currents. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE GEOMA 92 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VilasBoasMyerFull:2000:XICOCO Journal Article Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; Myers, PC; Fuller, GA Dense cores of dark clouds. XII. (CO)-C-13 and CO)-O-18 in Lupus, Corona Australis, Vela, and Scorpius 2000 Astrophysical Journal 532 2 Part 1 1038-1050 9557 RADIASTRONOMIA, nuvens, moléculas, formação de estrelas, ondas submilimétricas, núcleos, clouds, molecules, satr formation, submillimeter waves, cores. More than 110 dense condensations of the dark clouds in Lupus, Corona Australis, Norma, Vela, and Scorpius were observed in the (CO)-C-13 and (CO)-O-18 (J = 1-0)transitions. The condensations of dark clouds with high star formation activity like the Ophiuchus, Taurus, and Cepheus have average (CO)-O-18 and H-2 column densities of 1.8 x 10(15)and 1.1 x 10(22)cm(-2). If We take the average size of the condensations to be 0.2 pc, a condensation must have average H-2 volumetric densities greater than or equal to 2 x 10(4)cm(-3)in order to ea good candidate to form stars. The four Lupus filaments have similar radial velocities and velocity dispersions, suggesting that they originated from the same parental cloud. Among these filaments, Lupus 1 is unique in having recent star formation activity, despite the high number of T Tauri stars observed toward the others. Lupus 1 also shows a complex velocity gradient along its main axis. The distribution of radial velocities of the condensations observed toward Scorpius are in good agreement with the hypothesis that they are in a region with expansion velocity smaller than or equal to 18 km s(-1). The Corona Australis cloud has velocity gradients ranging from -0.5 km s(-1)pc(-1)at one extreme to 0.1 km s(-1)pc(-1)at the other. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8501-PRE/4253 PI CEA DAS DAS 124 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:1996:OpReMa Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Optimal rendezvous maneuvers for space vehicles 1996 Journal of the Brazilian Soc. Mechanical Sciences 18 3 297-301 7921 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, manobra orbital, mecanica espacial, rendezvous. This paper considers the problem of optimal rendezvous maneuvers between two space vehicles. The rendezvous is a space maneuver where a spacecraft, called the chaser, has to be transferred from its initial orbit to a final orbit where it has to reach and follow a second spacecraft, called the target. In the present research those two spacecrafts are supposed to be in Keplerian orbits around the Earth. Those two orbits can be coplanar or fully three-dimensional. The control available to perform this maneuver is the application of two impulses (instantaneous change in the velocity of the spacecraft)to the chaser vehicle. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 967 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1992:MaEnSp Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Maximum entropy spectral analysis of the geological time series of the oxygen isotope record from deep-sea cores 1992 Pure and Applied Geophysics 139 1 145-162 6330 geofisica espacial. A Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of the geological time series of the oxygen isotope 18 for the last 782,000 years showed 98,000 years as the most prominent periodicity, followed by 40,000 years of less than half the amplitude and still smaller peaks at 24,000, 67,000, 84,000, 107,000 and 786,000 years. Among the astronomical parameters, only eccentricity showed a similar periodicity viz. 96,000 years. Obliquity had a prominent periodicity at 41,000 years which was reflected in the oxygen isotope series also. Corresponding to the bimodal precession peaks (23,000 and 19,000 years), the oxygen isotope series showed a peak at 24,000 years and smaller peaks at 22,000 and 19,000 years. Our results compare well with those obtained by Thomson (1990)with a more sophisticated method. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 380 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1984:ANINOF Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich TROPOSPHERIC OZONE: AN INTERPRETATION OF LOW LATITUDE DATA 1984 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 65: 449 2350 geofisica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE FISAT 614 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MahfoufManNoiGioDeq:1995:ImPrRe Journal Article Mahfouf,J.-F. Mahfouf,J.-F.; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Noilhan, J.; Giordani, H.; Deque, M. The land surface scheme ISBA within the meteo-france climate model ARPEGE. Part I: implementation and preliminary results 1995 Journal of Climate 8 8 2039-2057 6228 ciencias meteorologicas, , micrometeorologia, isba, modelos, arpege, interacao, solo, planta, vegetacao, parametrizacao. This paper describes recent developments in climate modeling at Meteo-France related to land surface processes. The implementation of a simple land surface parameterization, Interactions between Soil Biosphere Atmosphere (ISBA), has gained from previous validations and calibrations at local scale against field datasets and from aggregation procedures devised to define effective land surface properties. Specific improvements for climate purposes are introduced: spatial variability of convenctive rainfall in canopy drainage estimation and subsurface gravitational percolation. The methodology used to derive climatological maps of land surface parameters at the grid-scale resolution of the model from existing databases for soil and vegetation types at global scale is described. A 3-yr integration for the present day climate with a T42L30 version of the climate model has been performed. Results obtained compare favorably with available observed climatologies related to the various components of the continental surface energy and water budgets. Differences are due mostly to a poor simulation of the precipitation field. However, some differences suggest specific improvements in the surface scheme concerning representation of the bare soil albedo, the surface runoff, and the soil moistured initialization. As a first step prior to tropical deforestation experiments presented in Part II, regional analyses over the Amazon forest indicate that the modeled evaporation and net radiation are in good agreement with data collected during the Amazon Region Micrometeorological Experiment campaign. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 771 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPintGinzGonz:1991:AbOrPe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara regina Cardoso de Almeida; Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua About the origin of peaks in the spectrum of inner belt electrons 1991 Journal of Geophysical research 96 D2 1857-1860 794 geofísica espacial. A power spectral analysis of geomagnetic data between June and November 1982 from Vassouras, a low-latitude observatory located in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA), is carried out in order to investigate the origin of multiple peaks commonly observed in the energetic electron spectra in the inner magnetosphere. Comparison with energetic electron observations made by the low-altitude satellite S81-1 during the same time interval [Datlowe et al., 1985]indicates that even it the peaks are due to a quasi-resonance process as Cladis [1966]has suggested, whereby energetic electrons are accelerated and transported radially as a result of magnetic fluctuations with periods comparable to their azimuthal drift periods, the driver of such magnetic fluctuations is not the ionospheric current in the equatorial electrojet, modulated by electron precipitation in the SAMA region, such as Cladis [1966]proposed. We suggest that the source of drift-resonant magnetic fluctuations, if they exist, must instead be sought in the solar wind. Otherwise, the drift-resonant mechanism cannot be viable. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 183 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PROUSTMAZSODCapLUN:1988:NEMEOF Journal Article PROUST,D. PROUST,D.; MAZURE,A.; SODRE,L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; LUND,G. NEW MEASUREMENTS OF RADIAL VELOCITIES IN CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES - II 1988 Astronomy and Astrophysics. Supplement Series 30 2837 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DAS 901105 995 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarquesVadlMoli:1983:InSeVa Journal Article Marques, Valdo da Silva Marques, Valdo da Silva; Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero Interannual and seasonal variation in the energetic of the atmosphere over Northeast Brazil 1983 Tellus 35A 2 136-148 2244 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT MET.BASICA 417 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KantorMuraAbdu:1990:CoIoEl Journal Article Kantor, Ivan Jelinek Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Manlatahyil Ali Comparison of ionospheric electron temperature rocket measurements over Natal, Brazil, with the IRI model 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 8 91-90 2896 aeronomia, , sonda iii, f region, ionosfera. A SONDA III rocket was launched from Natal on 11 December 1985, at 2030 LT, carrying a Langmuir probe that measured the kinetic electron temperature in the E and F regions of the equatorial ionosphere over Natal, Brazil. The rocket attained an altitude of 524 km. The electron temperature was determined through the derivative of the current versus voltage characteristics of the Langmuir probe and the detection of the floating potential. Results are compared with the IRI model, and the divergence of the results with the model is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 16 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrotterRaKaSiKlGa:2002:FiDeIm Journal Article Trotter, G. Trotter, G.; Raulin, J.P.; Kaufmann, Pierre; Siarkowski, M.; Klein, K.L.; Gary, D.E. First detection of the impulsive and extended phases of a solar radio burst above 200 GHz 2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics 381 2 694-702 January 10058 RADIOASTRONOMIA. We present a detailed analysis of radio observations obtained at 212 and 405 GHz during the 2000 March 22 Halpha 2N flare that occured in AR8910 at similar to1834 UT. These data are compared with microwave, soft X-ray and hard X-ray measurements of this flare, While the flare emission is not clearly detected at 405 GHz, the time profile of the 212 GHz emission exhibits an impulsive burst, associated in time with the 1-18 GHz impulsive microwave burst and a long-lasting thermal burst which finishes at about the same time as the soft X-ray emission but reaches its maximum later. The 212 GHz impulsive emission and the lack of detection at 405 GHz are consistent with synchrotron radiation from a population of ultrarelativistic electrons in an average magnetic field of 400 600 G. This radiating population of electrons has a hard energy spectrum (power law index approximate to 2.7). The expected >1 MeV gamma-ray continuum emission from the radio emitting electrons is comparable to that detected for mid-size electron-dominated events and the hard X-ray flux they would produce at 100 keV is consistently lower than the upper limit inferred from the observations. It is shown that the 212 GHz thermal source has to be different from that radiating the soft X-ray and microwave thermal emission. The present observations 4 solar burst provide the first evidence of the extension of the gyrosynchrotron spectrum of an impulsive radio burst in the synchrotron domain above 200 GHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9127-PRE/4800 CEA CRAAM CRAAM 318 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GonzalezGonzDutrTsur:1993:StBaAp Journal Article Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimaraes; Tsurutani, Bruce T Periodic variation in the geomagnetic activity: a study based on the Ap index 1993 Journal Geophysical Research 98 A6 9215-9231 7256 geofisica espacial. The monthly and daily samples of the Ap geomagnetic index for 51 years, 1932-1982, were investigated by means of the power spectrum technique. In general, the results confirm previous findings about possible periodicities in the geomagnetic activity. However, in our opinion the following aspects are either new or they are being interpreted somewhat differently than other authors have done. The period around 4 years in the monthly Ap power spectrum is associated to the double peak structure observed in the geomagnetic activity variation [Gonzalez et al., 1990]. Several of the peaks shown by the daily Ap spectrum are interpreted as harmonics of the 6-month period and other peaks as caused by the solar rotation periodicity, in such a way that the two series of Fourier sequences are consider to be juxtaposed. A strong solar cycle modulation is observed in these series, particularly in that related to the solar rotation period, which almost disappears for the solar maximum phase. The study of the seasonal variation was complemented by a superposed epoch analysis. The profiles resulting from this analysis seem to show a multiple origin of the 6-month periodicity, so that it does not seem realistic to search for a unique cause for this well-known seasonal variation. This conclusion is also supported by the histograms of the occurrence of storms above a given intensity level, taken over short duration intervals (i.e., 8 days). According to these histograms, for large data samples the dates with largest number of storms are spread out around those predicted by the different theoretical models, while for short intervals the semiannual periodicity may sometimes not even be present. Therefore these known mechanisms would combine to give a resulting modulation of the geomagnetic response to the randomly generated source of storms. It was also found that an additional seasonal peak seems to exist in July, with an amplitude comparable to those of the equinoctial peaks, for the range of the most intense storms (Ap>-150 nT). A weak periodicity around 158 days, well correlated to that of about 155 days observed in the solar activity, has also been detected for some years during solar cycle 21. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 574 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RamamurtiNandTant:1972:PrStRa Journal Article Ramamurti, Keelappandal Subramaniayler Ramamurti, Keelappandal Subramaniayler; Nandamudi, Jogan Mohama Rao; Tantravahi, Venkata Ramana Rao A prelimirary study of rainfull variability in the Easthern parts of Brazil 1972 ITA Engenharia 19: 20-23 1549 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DME 53 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HeirtzlerMendMont:1966:RaGeAc Journal Article Heirtzler, J.R. Heirtzler, J.R.; Mendonca, Fernando de; Montes, H Rapid geomagnetic activity at very low latitude conjugate stations 1966 Annales Geophysicae 22 3 502-507 September 3063 aeronomia, camada-f, campo magnetico, medição. Geomagnetic total field intensity measurements were made at opposite ends of a line of force that passes through the F-layer. The activity was similar in great detail especially for periods greater than 40 seconds. Therewas abundant small scale micropulsation activity at all periods but 50 to 70 second period activity was most frequently observed and that type event occurred most frequently at local noon. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 90 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CaproniAbraVila:2000:StAmEm Journal Article Caproni, A Caproni, A; Abraham, Zulema; Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Study of the ammonia emission in the NGC 6334 region 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 361 2 685-694 9534 RADIASTRONOMIA, estrelas, formação, regiões HII, moleculas, abundâncias, nuvens, star, formation, HII regions, molecules, abundances, clouds. The region centered in the NGC 6334 I(N)radio continuum source was surveyed in an extension of 6' in right ascension and 12' in declination, in the NH3(J,K)= (1,1)transition, using the Itapetinga radio telescope. The spectra show non-LTE behavior, and gradients of velocity and line-width were detected along the region. A detailed analysis of the spectra showed that the surveyed region is composed of at least three overlapped sources related to regions that are in different stages of star formation: NGC 6334 I, associated with an already known molecular bipolar outflow, NGC 6334I(N)w, the brightest ammonia source, coincidental with the continuum source NGC 6334 I(N), and NGC 6334 I(N)e, weaker, more extended and probably less evolved than the others. The physical parameters of the last two sources were calculated in non-LTE conditions, assuming that their spectra are the superposition of the narrow line spectra produced by small dense clumps. The H-2 density, NH3 column density, kinetic temperature, diameter and mass of the clumps were found to be very similar in the two regions, but the density of clumps is lower in the probably less evolved source NGC 6334I(N)e. Differences between the physical parameters derived assuming LTE and non-LTE conditions are also discussed in this work. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8507-PRE/4258 CEA CRAAE CRAAE DAS 122 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NetoPrad:1998:TiAnGr Journal Article Neto, Ernesto Vieira Neto, Ernesto Vieira; Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Time-of-flight analyses for the gravitational capture maneuver 1998 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 21 1 122-126 7919 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, mecanica espacial, manobra orbital, captura gravitacional. Several aspects of the time of flight involved in the problem of gravitational capture in the regularized, restricted three-body problem are studied. A gravitational capture occurs when a massless particle changes its two-body energy around one celestial body from positive to negative without the use of nongravitational forces. The importance of several parameters involved in a capture in the Earth-moon system is studied. In particular, the time required for the capture is studied under different initial conditions. This information is very important for mission designers for two reasons: 1)the time for gravitational capture has an impact in the duration of any mission that uses this technique; and 2)the gravitational capture is a very sensitive phenomenon and, if the time involved is too large, perturbations from different sources may influence the mission too much. The results show the existence or regions where the time for the capture is reduced by a factor close to 10 with an adequate choice of initial conditions, without the reduction of the energy savings. In addition, the results are used to solve a family of optimization problems, such as the problem of finding trajectories that can perform a gravitational capture in a minimum time with a fixed savings or with maximum savings with an upper time limit. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 965 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoYama:1986:MoSiCa Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Um modelo simplificado de camada limite 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 2 91-99 2330 estudo do clima. O modelo simplificado da camada limite planetaria (CLP)apresenta a sub-camada do solo modelada segundo Blackadar (1976)e a superficial empregando a teoria da similaridade de Monin-Obukhov. As trocas de calor e quantidade de movimento na CLP sao efetuadas atraves do esquema de ajustamento do numero de Richardson proposto por Chang (1979). Uma serie de experimentos foram conduzidos objetivando uma analise da habilidade do modelo em apresentar os detalhes dos processos fisicos envolvidos na CLP e na possibilidade de ser incorporado como parte de modelos mais complexos que requeiram tratamento especial da CLP. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT MASC MET.Basica 612 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LopesChia:1996:CoNoTh Journal Article Lopes, Sergio Roberto Lopes, Sergio Roberto; Chian, Abraham Chian-Long A coherent nonlinear theory auroral Langmuir-Alfven-whistler (LAW)events in the planetary magnetosphere 1996 Astronomy and Astrophysics 305 669-676 6196 geofisica espacial, ondas alfven. A coherent nonlinear theory of three-wave coupling involving Langmuir, Alfven and whistler waves is formulated and applied to the observation of auroral LAW events in the planetary magnetosphere. The effects of pump depletion, dissipation and frequency mismatch in the nonlinear wave dynamics are analyzed. The relevance of this theory for understanding the fine structures of auroral whistler-mode emissions and amplitude modulations of auroral Langmuir waves is dicussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 768 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettySilvAndr:1991:PrPaAl Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula; Andre, Romisio Geraldo Bouhid The Priestley-Taylor parameter alfa for the Amazon Forest 1991 Forest Ecology and Management Journal 38 3-4 211-225 235 ciencias meteorologicas, , , micrometeorologia, balanco energetico, parametrizacao. Priestley and Taylor provided a practical formulation of the partitioning of net radiation between heat flux and evaporation contained within a parameter alfa . Their model (PTM)needs verification under a range of environmetal condition. Micrometeorological data sets collected over the Amazon forest at the Ducke Reserve site (2 degrees 57'S; 59 degrees 57'W)gave an opportunity to evaluate alfa. Evidence presented here and by others shows that there is pronounced diurnal variation in alfa, with minimum values around midday and maximum values in the morning and evening hours. During unstable and stable conditions in the daylight hours, the Bowen ratio (B)varied from 0.10 to 0.57 and -0.71 to -0.08, respectively, whereas alfa varied from 0.67 to 1.16 and 1.28 to 3.12, respectively. A mean value of alfa =1.16 more or less 0.56 was obtained from daytime hourly values for two days. The daily data sets from three expeditions gave a mean of alfa=1.03 more or less 0.13. This work confirms that alfa is a function of atmospheric stability over the Amazon forest. Thus the PTM should be applied with caution over time-intervals of one day or less because of the sensitivity to variation in alfa. The calculated values of alfa are in general agreement with those reported in literature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 181 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MelendezMorenoFenaSawaBenz:1996:CoEnEx Journal Article Melendez Moreno, J.L. Melendez Moreno, J.L.; Fenandes, Grancisco Carlos R.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Benz, A.O Correlação entre explosões solares decimétricas e raios-X duros 1996 Boletim da SAB 16 1 61 9777 astrofísica, flares solares, aceleração de elétrons, atmosfera solar, raios x duro, emissões, electron acceleration, solar atmosphere, hard x ray, emission. Durante os ""flares"" solares ocorre a injeção e aceleração de elétrons ao longo dos arcos magnéticos presentes na atmosfera solar. Portanto, as populações de elétrons energéticos que geram as explosões solares tipo III métricas e decimétricas, através da interação do feixe de elétrons com o plasma, e as explosões em raios-X duros, através do mecanismo bremsstrahlung não-térmico, tem uma origem comum, como mostram diversos trabalhos publicados anteriormente. No entanto, até o momento, existem apenas III acima de 1000 MHz. Com o objetivo de aprimorar as investigações justamente para frequênica maiores que 1000 MHz, foram selecionados 20 grupos de explosões observados pelo Rádio Espectrêmetro PHOENIX, do Rádio Observatório Bleien (Suiça), na faixa de frequências de de (100-3000)MHz, associadoscom observações em raios-X duros do satélite YOHKOH. Estão sendo feitas as análises de correção em tempo e intensidade, além da determinação da banda de frequência e taxa de deriva em frequência das emissões em rádio e a análise espectral ds emissões em raios-X. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 1455 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MAZUREPROSODCapLUN:1987:MUOBRE Journal Article MAZURE,A. MAZURE,A.; PROUST,D.; SODRE,L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; LUND,G. MULTIPLE OBJECT REDSHIFT DETERMINATIONS IN CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES USING OPTOPUS 1987 MESSENGER 47 41 2835 astrofísica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 993 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kousky:1983:SeCyOv Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgard Kousky, Vernon Edgard; S. Srivatsangam The seasonal cycle over the United State and Mexico 1983 Monthly Wather Review 111 1 165-171 2241 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME META/SINO 415 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1990:DeFlRo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Decade fluctuations in the rotation rate of the Earth in the last 200 years 1990 Pure and Applied Geophysics 132 4 771-779 2882 geofisica espacial. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis of the 200 year series (1781-1980)of the change in L.O.D. (Length of Day)revealed significant peaks at T=21,32,50,63 and possibly 120 years. The periods T=22 and 44 years seem to be stable over 200 years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 14 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BocherBoGuJaMaPuSp:2002:NeHeRa Journal Article Bocher, D. Bocher, D.; Bourdarie, S.; Gusev, A.A.; Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram; Martin, I.M.; Pugacheva, G.I.; Spjeldvik, W.N. Space weather impact on magnetosphere: New helium radiation belt storm time formation 2002 Brazilian Journal of Physics 32 2B 624-631 June 10056 The consequences of the March 1991 storm oil the Earth's radiation environment are now well known through many in-situ magnetospheric observations. Measurement from the CRRES spacecraft show the sudden formation of a new Helium ion structure deep within the magnetosphere. In that event, two additional new radiation belts were reated, one containing large fluxes of 10 MeV electrons, and the other forming a structure containing 30 MeV protons. These sudden space weather phenomena appear to be due the conjunction of the two occurrences: (1)a solar energetic particle (SEP)event ariving in the vicinity of the Earth, and (2)a very intense magnetic storm within the Earth's magnetosphere. Attempts to reproduce the appearance of storm time helium belt by computational modeling are made using a three-dimensional charged particle code (Salammbo code)incorporating Helium ion charge exchange and post-event classical diffusion theory. We have extended the capabilities of the code to Helium ions, and we show that these physical phenomena can also lead to a build-up of a new Helium belt in the 30 MeV range. Detailed modeling predictions of the location of this belt and computed flux levels will be presented and discussed in the context of space weather phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9124-PRE/4798 PN CEA DAS DAS 316 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1993:CoSeVa Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, Bruce T Comment on ""the semiannual variation of great geomagnetic storms and the postshock Russell-Mcpherron effect preceding coronal mass ejecta"" by N.U. Crooker, E.W. Cliver and B.T. Tsurutani 1993 Geophysical Research Letters 20 15 1659-1660 7254 geofisica espacial. Crooker et al. [1992]showed examples of pronounced semiannual variation (at a 100 level or more)of great geomagnetic storms (Peak Dst <-250 nT and equivalent thresolds). Another similar example for a range of intense storms (Peak Dst <-100 nT)has also presented by Gonzalez and Tsurutani [1992]. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 572 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Calheiros:1971:FoSiVi Journal Article Calheiros, R.V Calheiros, R.V Fotodetecao de sinais de video 1971 ITA Engenharia 12: 38-43 1547 meteorologia. Apresenta-se um metodo de detecao fotografica de sinais de video em processos de modulacao em amplitude. Formula-se um modelo matematico para a detecao e enuncia-se a relacao entre a luminosidade emitida e o sinal de video correspondente. Confirma-se experimentalmente essa relacao e mostra-se a adequacao do metodo para a fotodetecao descrita. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DME MESA 51 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SANDONATO:1989:PRCODE Journal Article SANDONATO,G.M. SANDONATO,G.M. PROJETO CONCEITUAL DE UMA CAMARA DE VACUO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PROPULSORES IONICOS EM SIMULACAO DE AMBIENTE ESPACIAL 1989 Revista Brasileira de Aplicações 9 : 5941 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601144 1353 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ProustCuCaSoLeLeMa:2000:DyXrCl Journal Article Proust, D Proust, D; Cuevas, H.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Sodre Jr., L.; Lehodey, BT; Le Fevre, O; Mazure, A Dynamics of the X-ray clusters Abell 222, Abell 223 and Abell 520 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 355 2 443-453 9531 ASTROFÍSICA, galáxias, agrupamentos, cosmologia, observação, desvio para o vermelho, distância, galaxies, cosmology, observation, red shift, distance. We present the results of a dynamical analysis of three rich, X-ray luminous galaxy clusters, Abell 222, Abell 223 and Abell 520, that are at intermediate redshifts. Our study is based on radial velocities for 71 cluster members, respectively 30 for A 222, 20 for A 223 and 21 for A 520, measured from spectra obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, the European Southern Observatory, and the Pic du Midi Observatory, and supplemented with radial velocities from the literature. A 222 galaxies have slightly higher velocities than those of A 223, with hi-weighted mean velocity of V-bi = 64242 +/- 194 km s(-1)for A 222, and of V-bi = 63197 +/- 266 km s(-1)for A 223. The velocity dispersions of the two clusters are about the same: sigma(bi)= 1013 +/- 150 km s(-1)and sigma(bi)= 1058 +/- 160 km s(-1)for A 222 and A 223, respectively. For A 520 we obtain V-bi = 60127 +/- 284 km s(-1)with sigma(bi)= 1250 +/- 189 km s(-1). We also give mass and mass-luminosities ratio estimates for each cluster separately. We argue that these clusters are presently undergoing strong dynamical evolution and that A 222 and A 223 will probably merge in the future. We have applied a Principal Component Analysis to a sample of 51 CFHT spectra to produce a spectral classification for these galaxies. This classification has allowed us to show that the morphological and kinematical segregations were already established in these intermediate redshift clusters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8505-PRE/4256 PI CEA DAS DAS 119 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VilasBoasAbra:2000:NHToSo Journal Article Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos Vilas Boas, José Williams dos Santos; Abraham, Zulema NH3(1,1)survey toward southern hemisphere HII regions. I 2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics 355 3 1115-1121 9532 RADIASTRONOMIA, abundâncias, nuvens de moléculas, linhas, galaxias, amônia, abundance, clouds, molecules clouds, lines, galaxies, ammonia. The (J,K)=(1,1)metastable ammonia line was searched for in the direction of more than one hundred southern HII regions located between 270 degrees and 15 degrees in galactic longitude, resulting in new detections toward 21 of them. Ammonia detection rate was about 30 towards all directions except in the longitude interval 270 degrees-290 degrees where no ammonia lines were found in the 15 selected HII regions. A high detection rate (greater than or equal to 0.6)was observed toward positions where IRAS point sources with color indices of ultra-compact HII regions were in the beam of the telescope. An anticorrelation between the number of detected NH3 sources and the distance to the Galactic Center was found, compatible with the observed gradient in N abundance. From the Value of this gradient and the detection rate of ammonia lines toward HII regions, it is inferred that the number of ammonia sources must be proportional to the inverse of the column density of the molecular cloud. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8951-PRE/4646 PI CEA DAS DAS 120 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:1997:ClTrEl Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Close-Approach trajectories in the elliptic restricted problem 1997 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 20 4 797-802 7917 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, manobra orbital, mecanica espacial, tecnica swingby. The swing-by maneuver uses a close approach with a celestial body to modify the velocity, energy, and angular momentum of a spacecraft's orbit. The swing-by trajectories are studied and classified under the model given by the elliptic restricted three-body problem. Several simulations are made to show the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver. The position of the secondary in its orbit (specified by its true anomaly)also has effects on the results, and they are quantified. To show the results, the orbit of the spacecraft is classified in four groups: elliptic direct, elliptic retrograde, hyperbolic direct, and hyperbolic retrograde. Then the modification in the orbit of the spacecraft due to the close approach is shown in plots that specify from which group the spacecraft's orbit is coming and to which group it is going. Several families of orbits are found and shown in detail. An analysis about the trends as parameters vary is performed, and the influence of each of them is shown and explained. The results presented can also be used to find optimal sets of parameters for several types of problems, such as finding an escape orbit that has minimum velocity at periapsis and other related problems. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 963 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SaSambGalv:1998:OnMoAp Journal Article Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Sambatti, Sabruna Bergich Monteiro; Galvao, Geraldo Pereira Ondeleta de Morlet aplicada ao estudo da variabilidade do nivel do Rio Paraguai em Ladario, MS 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero especial 1775-1785 October 8314 estudo do sinal geofisico, , transformada em ondeletas, analise de sinais, hidrometeorologia, variabilidade. A ondeleta complexa de Morlet foi utilizada para estudar as escalas em que o nivel do rio Paraguai em Ladario (MS)apresenta maior variabilidade. Para tanto, investigou-se uma serie de dados diarios deste rio, abrangendo o periodo de janeiro de 1900 a junho de 1995. Obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados relevantes: (a)verificou-se variabilidade dominante na escala anual, a qual se manteve estacionaria; (b)detectou-se variabilidade importante num intervalo de escalas de 2 a 5 anos, a qual nao se mostrou persistente; (c)observou-se outra variabilidade marcante no intervalo de escalas de 10 a 11 anos, aproximadamente, a qual se mostrou persistente; (d)no diagrama resultante da analise da fase do sinal em tempo-escala, apontaram-se regioes com linhas de convergencia de fase. Estas conclusoes sao discutidas e comparadas com outras investigacoes sobre a variabilidade de dados hidrometeorologicos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 1062 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrBati:1984:CaStBa Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Batista, Inez Staciarini Comment on ""Modeling the Ion Chemistry of the D Region: A Case Study Based Upon the 1966 Total Solar Eclipse"" by Sears et al 1984 Journal of Geophysical Research 89 A4 2406-2408 April 2282 aeronomia, região d, eclipes solar, densidade de eletrons, cinturão de radiação interna, d region, solar eclipse5electron density, inner radiation belt. In a recent paper, Sears et al. [1981]modeled the data set from the November 12, 1966, total solar eclipse campaign conducted in Casino, Brazil, by using a D region chemical code. One of the main conclusions from their analysis was that for adequate modeling of the D region electron density it was necessary to include in the chemical code an ionization source function arising from the precipitation of inner radiation belt energetic electrons into the lower ionosphere over the south Atlantic anomaly. They calculated ion production profile by using electron energy spectra based on the trapped flux in the energy range from 50 kev to 1.5 MeV as measured by Pfitzer and Winkler [1968], and obtained a peak value of 0.5 ion pairs s-1cm-3 in the region of 70 km, decreasing to about 0.05 ion pairs at a height of 100 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 609 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiMarqBona:1984:PoBaIn Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Marques, Valdo da Silva; Bonatti, Jose Paulo On the possibility of barotropic instability over Northeast Brazil 1984 Tellus 36A 2 207-210 2294 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT MET.BASICA 610 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1990:SiAt Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger A ""fusao fria"" e a geofísica: situacao atual 1990 Mineracao Metalurgica 510 : 51 9387 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 178 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FernandesSawaMctiKane:1996:CaSpEx Journal Article Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Mctiernan, J.; Kane, S.R Características spectrais de explosões solares em raios-X duros 1996 Boletim da SAB 16 1 58 9775 astrofísica, explosões solar, raio x duro, aceleração de elétrons, emissão espectral, solar bursts, hard x ray, electron ecceleration, spectral emission. Com o objetivo de investigar a aceleração de elétrons responsáveis pela geração das explosões solares impulsivas em raio-X duros e o comportamento espectral destas explosões, foi selecionado um grupo de 81 explosões solares observadas pelo satélite YOHKOH (através dos instrumentos HXT (14- 93 keV)e WBS/HXS (20-830 keV)), de acordo com os seguintes critérios de seleção: (a)presença de um ou mais eventos individuais apresentando comportamento impulsivo; (b)duração inferior a 30 segundos para cada explosão individual; (c)contagem de fótons do pico>104 cnts/s; (d)fluxo de fótons significativo pelo menos para energias de100 ke V (HXS)ou 33-53 KeV (HXT). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 1453 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BarrosoJrJablQuas:1987:19MuPh Journal Article Barroso Jr., J. Barroso Jr., J.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Quast, G.R 1985 mutual phenomena of Jupiterïs satellites observed in Brazil 1987 Annales Geophysicae 12 1 Suppl. 109-115 2833 astrofisica. We present the results of the photoelectric photometry measurements on the mutual phenomena conong the satellites of Jupiter- occurred in 1985. The data reduction method is explained and the results are discussed. The position of the satellites in their orbits was obtained with an error of 100 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 991 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Zamlutti:1983:ANOVON Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos Jose Zamlutti, Carlos Jose AN OVERVIEW ON INCOHERENT SCATTER OBSERVATIONS OF MID-LATITUDES SPORADIC E AND FURTHER COMMENTS FOR IMPROVED DATA ANALYSIS 1983 Journal of Atmospheric Terrestrial Pahysics 45 2-3 000 2208 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 413 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTakaMend:1990:CoLoLa Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahshi, Hisao; Mendillo, M Comparasion of a low latitude ionospheric model with observation of OI 630 nm emission and ionospheric parameters 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 10 1243-1250 2874 aeronomia. A comparative study is carried out between a semi-empirical low-latitude ionospheric model (SLIM), including calculated 01630 nm airglow emission intensities predicted by the SLIM model, with ionospheric and 01 630 nm airglow measurements carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.71S, 45.01W; geomag. 11.9'S), Brazil. A long series of regular measurements of ionospheric F-region peak electron densities and peak heights, and regular zenith measurements of the 01630 nm airglow emission intensities, made during the period 1975-1982, are used for comparison with corresponding parameters predicted by the SLIM model. Large discrepancies between the observed and model-predicted 01 630 nm intensities have been found for high solar activity, mainly due to an overestimate of the F-region peak heights by the SLIM model. Use of SLIM profiles normalized by actual F-region peak height and density observations essentially removed the disagreements. The reasons for the height discrepancies are discussed in terms of the longitudinal dependence of the geomagnetic control on the ExB vertical plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral wind effects on the F-region. The effects of the magnetic declination angle on both the E x B ionospheric plasma drifts and thermospheric neutral winds at low-latitude suggest that ionospheric models need to address separately the longitudinal zones of magnetic declination either positive, negative or zero. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS LUME 12 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KozyraLRTBRJG:2002:MuDsDe Journal Article Kozyra, J.U. Kozyra, J.U.; Liemohn, M.W.; Clauer C.R.; Ridley, A.J.; Thomsen, M.F.; Borovsky, J.E.; Roeder, J.L.; Jordanova, V.K.; Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio Multistep Dst development and ring current composition changes during the 4-6 June 1991 magnetic storm 2002 Journal of Geophysical Research 107 10054 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9121-PRE/4795 PI CEA DGE DGE 314 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BaptistaJablCiesStei:1993:MaNoIn Journal Article Baptista, Raymundo Baptista, Raymundo; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Cieslinski, Deonisio; Steiner, Joao Evangelista Nova V2214 Ophiuchi 1988: a magnetic nova inside the period gap 1993 Astrophysical Journal 406 2 Part 2 L67-L70 7186 astrofisica, binary stars, cataclysmic variables, ophiuchi clouds. We have discovered a coherent photometric modulation in Nova Oph 1988 with period 0.117515+-0.000002 d (2.82 hr)which we associate to the orbital period of the underlying binary. This places the system at the upper side of the gap of the cataclysmic variables'(CVs)period distribution. The striking similarity of the orbital light curve with that of AM Her and the presence of prominent He ii lines in the optical spectrum-similar to the magnetic nova candidates V1500 Cyg, GQ Mus, and CP Pup-strongly suggest that this is also a magnetic nova. Inclusion of this object in the statistics of novae raises an interesting scenario. There are presently four novae with known orbital period Porb< 3 hr, half of which lie in the period gap. All these systems are suspected to harbor magnetic white dwarfs. This evidence suggests (1)that there is no period gap for novae, and (2)that magnetic CVs are strongly favored among novae for Porb< 3.3 hr. Implications and support for these conclusions are discussed in the light of thermonuclear runaway models and the hibernation model of classical novae, and of current models to explain the period gap. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 569 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchusterGGMKSWL:1993:FuReSo Journal Article Schuster, Jeffrey Schuster, Jeffrey; Gaier, Todd; Gundersen, Joshua; Meinhold, Peter; Koch, Timothy; Seiffert, Michael; Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre; Lubin, Philip Cosmic background radiation anisotropy at degree angular scales: further results from south pole 1993 Astrophysical Journal 412 2 Part 2 L47-L50 7187 astrofisica, cosmology, cosmic background radiation. We report further results from the University of California at Santa Barbara program to measure anisotropy in the cosmic background radiation to angular scales near 1 degree, an angular range corresponding to the largest scales where structure is observed. A 30 GHz high electron mobility transistor amplifier based detector was coupled to the Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer, a 1 m off axis Gregorian telescope. We present data that represent 64 of the total of 500 hr acquired with this system during the 1990-1991 season. The data have a statistical error of 13.5 miK pixel -1. These are the smallest error bars of any data set of this type published to date. The data contain a significant signal with a maximum likelihood deltaT/T 1 x 10-5, under the assumption of a Gaussian sky autocorrelation function at a coherence angle of 1.5 degree. The spectrum of the signal seen in slightly less than 2 sigma away from the thermal spectrum expected of primordial fluctuations in the cosmic background radiation. If the source of the fluctuations is primordial, then the data are consistent with cold dark matter scenarios when normalized to the large-scale anisotropy observed by COBE, while if the origin of the signal is foreground emission or another form of contaminant then the data are marginally inconsistent with standard cold dark matter models. In either case, the data are sufficiently sensitive to provide a crucial test of many models. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 570 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconPintMendMoze:1986:LaPlEl Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Mendes Jr., Odim; Mozer, F.S. Large plasmaspheric electric fields 1986 Gophysics Research Letters 13 4 363-365 2619 geofisica espacial, campo eletric, magnetosfera. Large plasmaspheric electric fields at L 2 measured by the S3-3 satellite during strong geomagnetic activity are reported in this letter. Since these measurements have amplitudes comparable to those of the local corotation electric field, during such events the plasmasphere is expected to get strongly altered even at such low L-values. Furthermore, those measurements could contribute to the understanding of the physics of the convection-electric field penetration to the low latitude plasmasphere as well as of the ""disturbed"" dynamo, during strong geomagnetic activity. For this purpose, critical parameters related to geomagnetic activity are also presented for the reported electric field events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE MAGNET 794 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesMaga:2000:RaPhPo Journal Article Rodrigues, Cláudia Vilega Rodrigues, Cláudia Vilega; Magalhaes, A.M Blobs in Wolf-Rayet winds: Random photometric and polarimetric variability 2000 The Astrophysical Journal 540 1 Part 1 412-421 9528 ASTROFÍSICA, envelopes estelares, estrelas Wolf-Rayet, estrelas prematuras, polarização, transferência radiativa, stellar envelopes, Wol-Rayet star, polarization, early stars, radiative transfer. Some isolated Wolf-Rayet stars present random variability in their optical flux and polarization. We make the assumption that such variability is caused by the presence of regions of enhanced density-i.e., blobs-in their envelopes. In order to find the physical characteristics of such regions, we have modeled the stellar emission using a Monte Carlo code to treat the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous electron scattering envelope. We are able to treat multiple scattering in the regions of enhanced density as well as in the envelope itself. The finite sizes of the source and structures in the wind are also taken into account. Most of the results presented here are based on a parameter study of models with a single blob. The effects caused by multiple blobs in the envelope are considered to a more limited extent. Our simulations indicate that the density enhancements must have a large geometric cross section in order to produce the observed photopolarimetric variability. The sizes must be of the order of 1 stellar radius, and the blobs must be located near the base of the envelope. These sizes are the same inferred from the widths of the subpeaks in optical emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars. Other early-type stars show random polarimetric fluctuations with characteristics similar to those observed in Wolf-Rayet stars, which may also be interpreted in terms of a clumpy wind. Although the origin of such structures is still unclear, the same mechanism may be working in different types of hot star envelopes to produce such inhomogeneities. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8508-PRE/4259 PI CEA 117 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PradoBrou:1995:TrOrIn Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida; Broucke, Roger A Transfer orbits in restricted problem 1995 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 18 3 593-598 7915 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, mecanica espacial, manobra orbital, problema restrito de tres corpos. This paper studies transfer orbits in the planar restricted three-body problem. In particular, we are searching for orbits that can be used in two situations: 1)to transfer a spacecraft from one body back to the same body (known in the literature as Henon's problem)and 2)to transfer a spacecraft from one body to the respective Lagrangian points L4 and L5 . To avoid numerical problems during close approaches, the global Lemaitre regularization is used. Under this model, Henon's problem becomes a Lambert three-body problem. After the simulations, we found orbits to transfer a spacecraft between any two points in the group formed by Earth and the Lagrangian points L3 , L4 , L5 (in the Earth-sun system)with near-zero (near 10 in canonical units). We also found several orbits that can be used to make a tour to the Lagrangian points for reconnaissance purposes with near-zero for the entire tour. The method employed was to solve the two-point boundary value problem for each transfer using the results available from the two-body version of this problem as a first guess. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 961 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Airoldi:1992:EsEmCr Journal Article Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus Trava Estudo em crescimento de diamante 1992 Revista Brasileira de Vacuo; Application Physical Letter 60 13 6309 engenharia e tecnologia espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES 373 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NnakamuraSobrAbdu:1984:SIOFEQ Journal Article Nnakamura, Y. Nnakamura, Y.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalahyil Ali A SIMULATION OF EQUATORIAL PLASMA BUBBLE SIGNATURES ON THE OI 6300 A NIGHTGLOW MERIDIONAL PROFILE OVER BRAZILIAN LOW LATITUDE 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 2 2 75-77 2216 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE IONO 607 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiazStei:1990:EcCaVa Journal Article Diaz, M.P. Diaz, M.P.; Steiner, Joao Envagelista The eclipsing cataclysmic variable AY Piscium 1990 Astronomy and Astrophysics 238 1-2 170-172 9349 astrofísica, estrelas, nova, estrelas binárias, stars, eclipses, novae, binary stars. Photometric observations of the cataclysmic variable AY Psc are presented. We found that the star shows deep eclipses with an orbital period of 5.2 h. The orbital ephemeris is given as well as an analysis of 30 h of fast photometry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 176 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyAndr:1983:EnBaSy Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Andre, Romisio Geraldo B Energy balance of sybeans grown in Brazil 1983 Archive for Meteorology Geophysical, and Bioclimatology 33 1-2 141-157 2182 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DCT RECAT 411 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2002:PeTiSe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Periodicities in the time series of solar coronal radio emissions and chromospheric UV emission lines 2002 Solar Physics 205 2 351-359 February 10049 A spectral analysis of the time series of daily values of ten solar coronal radio emissions in the range 275-1755 MHz, the 2800 MHz radio flux, several UV emission lines in the chromosphere and in the transition region, and sunspot number, for six successive intervals of 132 days each, during June 1997-July 1999 (26 months)showed that the spectral characteristics were not the same for all intervals. Details are presented for Interval 1, where there was no 27-day oscillation, and Interval 2, where there was a strong 27-day oscillation. In every interval, periodicities were remarkably similar in most of these indices, indicating that the solar atmosphere (chromosphere and corona)rotated as one block, up to a height of similar to 150 000 km. Above this height, the periodicities became obscure. Near the solar surface, sunspots showed extra or different periodicities, some of which vanished at low altitudes. For the 27-day feature as also for the long-term rise during 1996-1998, the maximum percentage changes were for radio emissions near 1350-1620 MHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9122-PRE/4796 PI CEA 312 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeinholdCGSSLMV:1993:MiTeSt Journal Article Meinhold, P.R. Meinhold, P.R.; Chingcuanco, A.O.; Gundersen, J.O.; Schuster, J.A.; Seiffert, M.D.; Lubin, P.M.; Morris, D.; Villela Neto, Thyrso The Advanced cosmic microwave explorer: a millimeter-wave telescope and stabilized platform 1993 Astrophysical Journal 406 1 Part 1 12-25 7184 astrofisica, telescopes, cosmic background radiation, microwaves, cbr. We have developed and flown a 1 meter diameter Gregorian telescope system for measurements of anisotropy in the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR). The telescope in incorporated in a balloon-borne stabilized platform with arcminute stabilization capability. To date the system has flown 4 times and observed from the ground at the South Pole twice. The telescope has used both coherent and incoherent detectors. We describe the development of the telescope, pointing platform, and one of the receivers employed in making measurements of the CBR. Performance of the system during the first flight and operation on the ground at the South Pole are described, and the quality of the South Pole as a milimeter wave observing site is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 567 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatMacSobMur:1996:PeChIn Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Macdougall, J.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Muralikrishna, Polinaya Permanent changes in sporadic E layers over Fortaleza, Brazil 1996 Journal of geophysical Research 101 A12 2629-2640 8809 aeronomia. We present an evaluation of global-scale equatorial and low latitude ionospheric disturbances in response to the weak-to-moderate disturbed conditions that marked the SUNDL,kL/ATLAS 1 twelvc-day campaign of March 22 to April 2, 1992, lonosonde data from South American and Indian-Asian longitudes are analyzed to examine first the climatological (the average)pattern of the critical F region parameters, (the layer peak density and height)in comparison with the empirical International Reference Ionospheric model, and then to characterize the day-to-day variabilities aiming at identifying potential causal contributions from either disturbance zonal and meridional winds or magnetosphcric and disturbance dynamo electric fields. Included in this analysis are data from South American midlatitude locations which are used to determine meridional winds using an adaptation of the servo analysis technique in the Field Line Integrated Plasma (FLIP)model. We have made an assessment of the causal mechanism of the day-to-day variabilities as arising from latitude dependent disturbance meridional winds, and from electric fields produced by disturbance zonal winds and disturbance dynamo. While the contribution from disturbance meridional winds decreases from middle to equatorial latitudes, that of the electric fields maximizes around the equator. In particular, first-time evidence based on ionosonde data is provided for a disturbance dynamo electric field in the equatorial ionosphere. It is found that there are two time intervals of maximum ionospheric variability resulting from the weak to moderate magnetospheric disturbance conditions that prevailed during the campaign: one near the evcning/postsunset hours and the other in the postmidnight-sunrise hours over low latitudes. At midlatitudes a broad maximum of the response occurs from premidnight to morning hours. We provide a comparison of results for the South American and Indian-Asian longitudes and a discussion of the competing roles of the disturbance zonal and meridional winds, and magnetospheric and disturbance dynamo electric fields as a function of latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1254 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayMagaElizRodr:2000:SpLuNa Journal Article Kay, L.E. Kay, L.E.; Magalhaes, A.M.; Elizalde, Flávio; Rodrigues, C Spectropolarimetry of the luminous narrow-line Seyfert galaxies IRAS 20181-2244 and IRAS 13224-3809 2000 The Astrophysical Journal 518 1 219-225 9525 ASTROFÍSICA, galaxias Seyfert, galáxias ativas, polarização, Satélite Astronômico Infravermelho, active galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, polarization, Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS). We observed the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies IRAS 20181-2244 and IRAS 13224-3809 with a new spectropolarimeter on the Ritchey-Chretien spectrograph at the CTIO 4 m telescope. Previously it had been suggested that IRAS 20181-2244 was a type 2 QSO and thus might contain an obscured broad-line region that could be detected by the presence of broad Balmer lines in the polarized flux. We found the object to be polarized at about 2 and constant with wavelength (unlike most narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies), but with no evidence of broad Balmer lines in polarized flux. The spectropolarimetry indicates that the scattering material is inside the broad-line region. IRAS 13224-3809, notable for its high variability in X-ray and UV wavelengths, has a low polarization consistent with a Galactic interstellar origin. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8500-PRE/4252 PI CEA 115 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1984:DiBeEq Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Differential behaviour of the equatorial ionosphere on the eastern and western coasts of the South-American continent 1984 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 36 5 197-201 2202 geofísica espacial. A comparison of the daily variation patterns of the geomagnetic field components H, Z, D and the ionospheric f0F2, at the equatorial locations Huancayo (12§S, 75§W, dip + 1.9§)on the west coast and Eusebio, Fortaleza (4§S, 39§W, dip - 3.5§)on the east coast of the South-American continent, shows that the equatorial electrojet and the associated ""fountain effect"" are weaker on the east coast. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 605 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraPaulKant:1990:RoMeEq Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor,Ivan Jelinek Rocket-borne measurements of equatorial ionospheric eletron densities and their comparison with IRI-10 predictions 1990 Advances in Space Research 10 8 41-44 9320 aeronomia, altas frequencias, densidade eletronica ionosférica, instrumentos (a bordo)do foguete, instrumentos de medida, bolhas de plasma, high frequencies, ionospheric electron density, rocket-borne instruments, measuring instruments, plasma bubles, international reference ionosphere, iri. Three experiments were conducted using high frequency capacitance probes carried on board SONDA III rockets launched off the coast of Natal (6 degree S, 36 degree W), Brazil. Electron-density height profiles from two of the experiments, one daytime, and one nighttime, are representative of quiet equatorial ionospheric conditions whereas for the third experiment the rocket was launched into a nighttime ionosphere that was disturbed by a developing plasma bubble event. Agreement between experimental results and the IRI predictions for the quiet day and night densities varies with height. Comparisons are also made with electron densities obtained from the semi-empirical Low Latitude Ionospheric Model (SLIM). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 174 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Vadlamudi:1971:ThSySt Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahamananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahamananda Rao A theoretical and synoptic stydy of westen disturbance 1971 Pure and applied Geophysics 90: 193-208 6337 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 743 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlonsoFeMeSrCeSoSa:1996:EsDiSo Journal Article Alonso, Eduardo Mena Barreto Alonso, Eduardo Mena Barreto; Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Melendez Moreno, J.L.; Srivastava, N.; Cecatto, José Roberto; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Espectrógrafo digital solar decimétrico (200-2500)MHz 1996 Boletim da SAB 16 1 59 9770 astrofísica, espectrógrafo solar, spectroheliographs. O Espectrógrafo Decimétrico (200-250)MHz Digital de altas resoluções em freqüências e tempo está em fase final de desenvolvimento para as observações de fenômenos solares e citilações ionosféricas. Os dados serão digitados e gravados em fitas HEXABITES. A precisão de tempo deste sistema é melhor de que 0,5 ms em tempo absoluto. Os fenômenos solares serão investigados simultaneamente em Ha, raios-X e em microondas para o estudo dos fenômenos solares, relações solares-terrestres e para predições de tempestades geomagnéticas. Atualmente estamos participando de campanhas internacionais de observações solares observando na faixa de (2500 - 200)MHz, com resolução temporal de 100 ms e espectral de 3 MHz. Observações do sol calmo na faixa de freqüência citadas acima, eficiência de antena e sistema de marcação de tempo com precisão menor de que 5 mseg serão apresentados. Será também apresentada a metodologia útil. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 1448 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaPereFernSamp:2002:ImWoEx Journal Article Silva, Heitor Evangelista da Silva, Heitor Evangelista da; Pereira, Enio Bueno; Fernandes, H.M.; Sampaio, M. Radon dynamics and reduction in an underground mine in Brazil. Implications for workers' exposure 2002 Radiation Protection Dosimetry 98 2 235-238 10047 This work was aimed at studying the behaviour of Rn-222 in an experimental underground copper mine in Brazil with a single entrance, The Rn-222 concentrations. measured by using a dynamic radon measuring technique, varied between 30.5 Bq.m(-3), during ventilated conditions applied to the mine galleries. and 19.4 x 10(3)Bq.m(-3)for non-ventilated conditions and when operational mining activities were conducted inside. High radon concentration surges were observed after blasting and drilling activities. In the cases of inadequate ventilation, it was estimated that workers could be subjected to exposures as high as 10 muSv.h(-1), only due to Rn-222 and its short-lived progeny. The results show the importance of real-time measurements to evaluate radon dynamics during mining operations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9006-PRE4684 PI CEA 310 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaPere:2002:RaFlAt Journal Article Silva, Heitor Evangelista da Silva, Heitor Evangelista da; Pereira, Enio Bueno Radon Flux at King George Island, Antartic Peninsula 2002 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 61 3 283-304 10046 Fluxes of Rn-222 from the ice-free terrain to the atmosphere were measured directly, for the first time, at the Brazilian Antartic Station Ferraz during the summer field campaign of 1998/99. Average value for the flux was 7.7 +/- 4.8x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1)and it ranged between 0.21x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1)and 28x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1). The average flux of Rn-220 was estimated to be 23 atoms cm(-2)s(-1), using a combination of two techniques: nuclear track detection and alpha spectrometry of radon daughters. It was found that the production of radon by uranium (41.54 +/- 7.17 Bq kg(-1)) and thorium (57.97 +/- 12.14 Bq kg(-1)) equivalent soil contents, and a diffusion coefficient derived from experimental data for the local terrain could account for this average flux. Nevertheless, the large surges of Rn-222 in the atmosphere frequently observed for that area could not be-explained by this flux only. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9004-PRE/4682 PI CEA DGE DGE 309 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiTsuBurGob:2002:FiMeAt Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Nakamura T.; Tsuda, T.; Buriti, R.A.; Gobbi, Delano First measurement of atmospheric density and pressure by meteor diffusion coefficient and airglow OH temperature in the mesopause region 2002 Geophysical Research Letters 29 8 10016 (1)Atmospheric density and pressure in the mesopause region, around 87 km, are inferred using meteor trail ambipolar diffusion coefficient D, and simultaneously observed airglow OH rotational temperature, TOH. This is the first time to determine the atmospheric density, temperature and pressure by this method. From the 17 nights of data, we found thet the number density at around 87 km of altitude varied from 0.9 to 1.2 X 10 (14)cm-3, and the pressure varied from 0.27 to 0.35 Pascal. The density variation is opposite to the temperature. The OH (6,2)band emission rates showed negative correlation with the density, contrast to positive relation with the temperature. In order to explain temporal variation of the OH emission rate, therefore, it is necessary to assume change of atomic oxygen mixing ratio in the emission heights. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9000-PRE/4678 PI CEA DAE DAE 299 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SawantCecDenGarHur:1993:HiSpRe Journal Article Sawant, Hanumant Shankar Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Cecatto, Jose Roberto; Dennis, B.R.; Gary, D.E.; Hurford, G.J High spectral resolution, high sensitivity microwave and associated hard x-ray bursts 1993 Advances in Space Research 13 9 (9)191-(9)194 7182 astrofisica. We have carried out mm-wavelength (18 - 23)GHz observations of solar bursts in June 1989, in Brazil. Nine of the bursts were observed simultaneously with the Hard X-ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS)on the Solar Maximimum Mission (SMM). The Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO)observed five of these events from 1 to 18 GHz. To date, we have analyzed six of these events and the preliminary results are: (i)The turnover frequency of all of these bursts were in the frequency range of 7 - 11 GHz and the radio spectral index ranged from -0.3 to -5.3; (ii)In three bursts, dominant features of high energy (>-200 keV)X-rays coincided in time with mm-wavelenght peaks, suggesting that the high energy electrons are responsible for the mm-wavelenght emission. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 565 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffZamoCasi:1997:UVEnAt Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Zamorano Banda, Felix de la Cruz; Casiccia, S.C UV-B enhancements at Punta Arenas Chile 1997 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 38 2-3 174-177 8804 geofisica espacial, , ozonio estratosferico, radiacao ultravioleta, camada de ozonio, buraco de ozonio. One of the most significant environmental changes that occurs in our atmosphere, the ozone depletion in the stratosphere, produces increases in damaging UV-B radiation at the surface, especially in Antarctica. The largest populations nearest to the ozone hole region are Punta Arenas (53.0 degree S, 70.90 degree W, Chile)and Ushuaia (54.5 degree S, 68.0 degree W, Argentina)at the southern extreme of the South-American continent. The ozone trend near these locations is - 0.5 per year using the yearly averages, and - 1.2 per year using the October means. This is 2 to 5 times larger than the global average. UV-B radiation has been measured at Punta Arenas in small spectral bands, from 290 nm to 320 nm, during ""normal"" and ""perturbed"" conditions. It has been found that at Punta Arenas, during significant ozone column reductions, the largest UVB increase occurs near 296-297 nm, which is the wavelength where the human skin has its highest sensitivity to UV-B. The relative factor of enhancement has been observed to vary between 10 and 38, depending on the values used for normalization. At longer wavelengths these enhancement factors are lower, until they equal unity at about 325 nm. The integrated biologically effective radiation on perturbed days iE more than twice as large as the ""normal"" values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 1252 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneGobb:1992:PeTiSe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Gobbi, Delano Periodicities in the time series of annual minimum temperatures for the United States Gulf Coast region 1992 Pure and Applied Geophysics 138 2 323-233 6274 geofisica espacial. The minimum winter temperature series for the United States Gulf Coast for 1799-1988 (190 values)was subjected to Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis. Significant periodicities in the QBO region (T = 2-3 years)and at T = 3.7, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 12.9, 15.5 and 22 years were detected. Some of these were present in the first half only (1799-1893)while others in the latter half only (1894-1988), indicating a transient nature. Also, more than 50 of the variance was random. Many of the significant periodicities are seen in other geophysical parameters. Some may be harmonics of the 11 year sunspot cycle and the 22 year Hale magnetic sunspot cycle. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 368 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScaliseJrVALEBakoScha:1986:ACSPAT Journal Article Scalise Jr.,Eugenio Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; VALE,J.L.M.; Bakor, Yaeer; Schaal, Ricardo Enersto ACOUSTO-OPTICAL SPECTROMETERS AT ITAPETINGA RADIO OBSERVATORY 1986 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 12 Sp.Iss 409-413 5126 astrofísica, radio, spectrometers, acousto-optic. The characteristics of two low cost acousto-optical spectro-meters are presented. They will be used mainly for line work in the frequency range from 20 to 4S GHz. The first instrumental stability tests indicate that integration times lasting several minutes are possible. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kaufmann:1986:MIANHA Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre MICROWAVES AND HARD X-RAYS ULTRAFAST TIME STRUCTURES AT THE IMPULSIVE PHASE OF SOLAR BURSTS 1986 Revista Mexicana de Astrofísica 12 : 347-354 5125 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSRGHRCSB:1996:ZoWiDi Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Richards, P.; Gonzalez, Marta M.de; Huang, Y.N.; Reddy, B.M.; Cheng, K.; Szuszczewicz, E.P.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; 26729-26740 Zonal/meridional wind and disturbance dynamo electric field control of the low-latitude ionosphere based on the SUNDIAL/ATLAS 1 Campaign 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 A12 December 8115 aeronomia, perturbacoes ionosféricas, campos eletricos, regioes tropicais (baixa latitude), ionospheric distrurbances, eletric fields, tropical regions (low latitudes). We present an evaluation of global-scale equatorial and low latitude ionospheric disturbances in response to the weak-to-moderate disturbed conditions that marked the SUNDIAL/ATLAS1 twelve-day campaign of March 22 to April 2, 1992. Ionosonde data from South American and Indian-Asian longitudes are analyzed to examine first the climatological (the average)pattern of the critical F region parameters (the layer peak density and height)in comparison with the empirical International Reference Ionospheric model, and then to characterize the day-to-day variabilities aiming at identifying potential causal contributions from either disturbance zonal and meridional winds or magnetospheric, and disturbance dynamo electric fields. Included in this analysis are data from South American midlatitude locations which are used to determine meridional winds using an adaptation of the servo analysis technique in the Field Line Integrated Plasma (FLIP)model. We have made an assessment of the causal mechanism of the day-to-day variabilities as arising from latitude dependent disturbance meridional winds, and from electric fields produced by disturbance zonal winds and disturbance dynamo. While the contribution from disturbance meridional winds decreases from middle to equatorial latitudes, that of the electric fields maximizes around the equator. In particular, first-time evidence based on ionosonde data is provided for a disturbance dynamo electric field in the equatorial ionosphere. It is found that there are two time intervals of maximum ionospheric variability resulting from the weak to moderate magnetospheric; disturbance conditions that prevailed during the campaign: one near the evening/postsunset hours and the other in the postmidnight-sunrise hours over low latitudes. At midlatitudes a broad maximum of the response occurs from premidnight to morning hours. We provide a comparison of results for the South American and Indian-Asian longitudes and a discussion of the competing roles of the disturbance zonal and meridional winds, and magnetospheric and disturbance dynamo electric fields as a function of latitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA 1055 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SabaGonzGonz:1997:ReBeAE Journal Article Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Relationships between the AE, ap and Dst indices near solar minimum (1974)and at solar maximum (1979) 1997 Annales Geophysicae 15 10 1265-1270 3754 geofísica espacial, magnetosfera, heliosfera, tempestades geomagnéticas, solar terrestrial interactions, geomagnetic storms, kp index, auroral eletrojets. Three-hourly average values of the Dst, AE and ap geomagnetic activity indices have been studied for 1 year's duration near the solar minimum (1974)and also at the solar maximum (1979). In 1979 seven intense geomagnetic storms (Dst < -100 nT)occurred, whereas in 1974 only three were reported. This study reveals: (1)the yearly average of AE is greater in 1974 than in 1979, whereas the inverse seems to be true for the yearly average of Dst, when a higher number of intense storms is present. These averages indicate the kind of activity occurring on the sun as shown in earlier work. (2)The seasonal variation of Dst is higher than that of ap and is almost negligible in AE. (3)The correlation coefficient of ap x AE is in general the highest, as the magnetometers that monitor both indices are close, and is surpassed only by the ap x Dst correlation during geomagnetic storms, when the influence of the ring current is dominant. The correlation of ap x Dst also shows a seasonal variability. (4)For the first time a study of correlation between ap and a linear combination of AE and Dst has also been made. We found higher correlation coefficients in this case as compared to those between ap x Dst and ap x AE. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 760 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SastriAbduSobr:1997:ReEqIo Journal Article Sastri, J. H. Sastri, J. H.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Response of equatorial ionosphere to episodes of asymmetric ring current activity 1997 Annales Geophysicae 15 10 1316-1323 3753 aeronomia, ionosfera, eletrojato equatorial, equatorial eletrojet, ionosphere currents, eletric fields, polarity. We present the characteristics of the response of equatorial ionospheric zonal electric field and F-region plasma density to the asymmetric ring current intensifications that occurred in succession on 16 December 1991, corresponding to the STEP/EITS-2 campaign period. The study is based on high-time-resolution (1-min)data of asymmetic ring current indices, ASY(H/D)and F-region vertical plasma drift, Vz measurements at Kodaikanal (10.25§N; 77.5§E; dip 4§), India and quarter-hourly ionosonde data of Fortaleza (4§S; 322§E; dip -9§), Brazil. It is shown that short-lived disturbances in F-layer vertical plasma drift, K and height (h'F,/hpF2)indicative of westward and eastward electric fields prevail simultaneously in the dusk (18-21 LT)and predawn (02-05 LT)sectors, respectively, in association with the decay phase of asymmetic ring current events. Electric fields of opposite polarity do also seem to manifest at these local times, particularly in the early-morning sector in conjunction with the intensification of the asymmetric ring current. At a given location, electric field disturbances associated with individual asymmetric ring current events are thus bipolar in nature, with fields of opposite polarity during the growth and decay phases. The nature and polarity structure of the observed electric field disturbances are in agreement with the theoretical/model predictions of prompt penetration of high-latitude electric fields to the equatorial region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI 759 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbduMedr:1990:MaAcEf Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Magnetic activity effects on range type spread-F and vertical plasma drifts at Fortaleza and Huancayo as studied through ionosonde measurements and theoretical modelling 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 5 357-364 9314 aeronomia, ionosfera, efeitos magnéticos, magnetic effects, spreed f, ionosondes, equatorial regions, equinoxes, zonal flow, wind. Ionosonde measurements are used to study the effects of magnetic activity on spread F and on the postsunset enhancement (Vzmax)of the F region vertical plasma drift at two longitudinally separated stations, Fortaleza and Huancayo, situated along the magnetic equator, in the American sector. during a period of high solar activity. The analysis is made for three different levels of magnetic activity. It is seen that, during the winter, Vzmax and the range spread F occurrence (RSFO)in the premidnight hours systematically increase with Kp at both locations. During the summer and equinoxes the RSFO decreases with magnetic activity in the premidnight hours and increases in the postmidnight hours, the increase being generally more pronounced during very disturbed periods. On the other hand Vzmax deduced from ionosonde measurements shows almost no variation with magnetic activity during equinoxes and summer although during individual months of those periods both increases and decreases are seen. With the help of theoretical model calculations for the electrodynamical coupling between the equatorial E and F regions it is shown that a disturbance F region dynamo associated neutral wind could account for the variations of Vzmax with magnetic activity, that are consistently observed during winter months. On the other hand, competing influences of penetration electric fields, and/or those of disturbance meridional winds, seem to mask the expected gross effect of zonal winds in the summer and equinoctial months. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 172 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPint:1988:CaReEn Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardos de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardos de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar Calculo da relacao entre tmpo de relaxacao e condutividade na estratosfera 1988 Revista de Fisica Aplicada e Instrumentacao 3 3 191-199 2825 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE MAGNET 984 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffBati:1983:CaVeDr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joann Heinrich; Batista, Paulo Prado Calculation of the vertical drift of the sodium ion 1983 Annales Geophysicae 1 6 509-514 1755 aeronomia, ion drift, sodium ion, sodium layer. A numerical application of the wind shear theory is made for the sodium ion aiming at a better understanding of the role of this ion in the sodium layer theory. The vertical ion drift velocity is calculated as induced by the summation of all semidiurnal and diurnal tidal wind modes, as well as the vertical drift component induced by the average ionospheric electric field. An ion layer convergence zone is formed between 2 and 16 hrs. The addition of the electric field inhibits a tendency for downward propagation of the convergence center between 2 and 8 hrs, but the downward motion is little affected between 10 and 16 hrs. Between 18 and 24 hrs the ions are swept out of the region since a divergence center is present between about 98 and 95 kin, also with a downward movement. The addition of the electric field induced vertical drift decreases the net vertical drift and increases the height of convergence by about I km The calculations are made for low latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 406 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MatsuyamaMareObreNobr:2002:SpTeVa Journal Article Matsuyama, H Matsuyama, H; Marengo, JA; Obregon, GO; Nobre, CA Spatial and temporal variabilities of rainfall in tropical South America as derived from Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of precipitation 2002 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 22 2 175-195 10044 América do SulBacia Amazônica, SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE, INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY, GAUGE OBSERVATIONS, LEPAGE TEST, ATLANTIC, RIVER, DEFORESTATION, TRENDS, OCEAN. We investigated the spatial and temporal variabilities of Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of precipitation (CMAP)in tropical South America from 1979 to 1998. First, we validated CMAP using other hydro meteorological data. In comparison with the high-density precipitation data of the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)Ver.2, CMAP reproduces the spatial pattern well, although it underestimates (overestimates)heavy (light)precipitation. CMAP also reproduces the interannual variability well, compared with the discharge data of the River Amazon. Next, we applied the rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF)to CMAP after subtracting the annual cycle. Simultaneous and lag correlations were calculated aniong the scores of REOFs 1 to 4, the southern oscillation index, and the dipole index of the Atlantic. REOF 1 (15)represents the north-south pattern that exhibits the maximum precipitation in the summer hemisphere. REOF 2 (12)indicates the gradual decrease of precipitation in the northern part of tropical South America, reflecting the effect of the Atlantic. REOF 3 (11)exhibits an east-west pattern related to El Nino. In REOF 4 (7), the centre of the factor loading is located in Colombia, and the score jumps abruptly around 1985-86.The Lepage test detected the abrupt increase of CMAP in 1985-86 around Colombia. Since such a jump is not found in GHCN Ver. 2, the discontinuous changes of CMAP and REOF 4 around 1985-86 are artificial and peculiar to CMAP. In this region, CMAP should be applied with caution when evaluating recent trends and the interannual variability. The importance of the abrupt increase of precipitation around Colombia is also addressed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9087-PRE/4763 PI MET CPT CPT 307 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTaka:1993:AiStVi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao Airglow studies via rocket-borne photometers in Brazil 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 2 139-155 7139 aeronomia, sodio, experiencia em foguetes, luminescencia, oxygen, fisica da alta atmosfera, rocket, airglow. Since 1985 the Brazilian National Space Research Institute (INPE), together with the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), has carried out a number of rocket experiments aimed at measuring mesospheric and thermospheric airglow emissions. The photometer payloads have been launched from the Barreira do Inferno, Natal (6 degrees S, 35 degrees W)and Alcantara (2 degrees S, 44 degrees W)launch sites, on SONDA II and SONDA III rockets. The emissions measured in these experiments were O2 275 nm, OI 557.7 nm, Na D 589 nm, OI 630 nm, O2 761.9 nm, and OH (8,3)742.2 nm. The results of these experiments together with simultaneous ground-based measurements by photometers, lidar, and ionospheric sounding, have been used to study excitation mechanisms and minor constituent concentrations in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. This article presents a brief review of the published results of these studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE PROJETO 563 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NONOFERR:1989:SIDECA Journal Article NONO,M.C.A. NONO,M.C.A.; FERREIRA,J.L. SISTEMA DE CARACTERIZACAO DE CATODOS TERMOEMISSORES DE ELETRONS 1989 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE VACUO 9 : 4 July 5918 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA LAP 601136 1344 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:RoENUs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Prurushotam Kane, Rajaram Prurushotam Prediction of droughts in north-east Brazil: role of ENSO and use of periodicities 1997 International Journal of Climatology 17 6 655-665 8801 geofisica espacial, , enso, precipitacao (meteorologia), temperatura da superficie do mar, chuvas, el nino, oscilacoes sul, componente principal. The relationship between El Nino and droughts in north-east Brazil is poor. From 46 El Nino events (strong and moderate)during 1849-1992, only 21 (ca. 46 per.cent)were associated with droughts at Fortaleza, Ceara (north-east Brazil)and only 26 (ca. 57 per cent)with negative deviations (of any size). Thus, forecasts of droughts based on the appearance of El Nino alone would be wrong half the time. Instead, predictions based on significant periodicities (ca. 13 and ca. 26 years)give reasonably good results. Data up to 1978 could predict the drought that occurred during 1979-1983, although the severe drought of 1983 was attributed to a strong El Nino. Mild droughts during 1991-1993 were also foreseen. In future, severe droughts are predicted for 2000-2010 in north-east Brazil. However, the prediction skill is not very good and predictions should be checked by analysis of as much updated data as possible. Predictions beyond about 5-10 years are not reliable. The significant periodicities in North-east Brazil rainfall series might be related to periodicities in Atlantic parameters (sea-surface temperatures, etc.)that are well correlated with north-east Brazil rainfall. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1250 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconTsur:1996:MaStIn Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T Magnetic storm investigad as chain of processes from sun to Earth 1996 Ciencia e Cultura 77 42 410-411 8799 geofisica espacial, geomagnetismo, tempestades magneticas. exciting new data returned by the Yohkoh and Ulysses spacecraft on the dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)and how they propagate in the interplanetary medium are just a few of the developments in magnetic storn research discussed in February at a Chapman conference in Pasadena, Calif. In spite of the importance of magnetic storms to the solar-terrestrial relatioship, this was, surprisingly, the first large -scale international coference ever held on this topic. More than 100 scientists from 20 coutries at-tended. A press conference was held to alert the public of the most important developments in magnetic strm reseach. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE MAGHEL 1249 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiNeal:1992:SpVaTh Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Neal, Colin Spatial variability of throughfall chemistry in a tropical rainforest (Central Amazonia, Brazil) 1992 Science of the Total Environment 120 3 245-259 6270 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, chuva, florestas. A statistical analysis is made on throughfall data for a location in a ""terra firme"" rain forest in central Amazonia. The results show a large variability in water and chemical fluxes. For all the ions there is a variance in the mean value due to the positions of samples collectors. Despite of large variability, throughfall volume is correlated with rainfall. This is not the case for any the chemicals studied. The use of a transect design with collectors at variable positions is shown to be sound. It is concluded that to obtain flux estimates to within 10 of the mean at 90 confidence level, about 300 collections are required for the wet period and 200 collections are required for the dry period. It is proposed that in future studies, a minimum of 20 roving gauges over as wide an area as practical be employed to achieve reliable estimates. Sampling programmes should run for a period of at least one year. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM GTE-ABLE-2B 366 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Pereira:1990:RaTiSe Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno Radon-222 time series measurements in the Antarctic peninsula (1986-1987) 1990 Tellus 42B 1 39-45 8808 geofisica espacial, , radonio, medição, estacao comandante ferraz. Continuous measurements of radon-222 were conducted at Comandante Ferraz (62 degree S, 58 degree W), a Brazilian station in the Antarctic Peninsula, during the winters of 1986 and 1987. The average concentration of radon-222 was 0.026 ñ 0.018 Bq M-3 in 1986 and 0.014 ñ 0.008 Bq m-3 in 1987. The higher average of 1986 was attributed to the stronger winds in 1986 compared to those observed in 1987. Large surges of radon reaching up to 0.13 Bq M-3 were affected by local radon emissions due to soil defrosting. Bare soils and atmospheric stability also favored local contributions. Radon peaks attributed uniquely to air mass trajectories passing over the South American continent occurred during the 2 years of monitoring. Periodicities; of 25 to 30 days in the time series of radon corroborate with previous results obtained by other authors in east Antarctica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 170 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonPinMenGon:1990:TrDePe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Mendes Jr., Odim; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Anomalia magnetica brasileira: tres decadas de pesquisa 1990 Ciencia e Cultura 42 7 236-387 8798 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo, anomalias magnetica. Neste trabalho e apresentado um resumo das pesquisas realizadas sobre a Anomalia Magnetica Brasileira (AMB), desde a sua decoberta no inicio da decada de 60. A AMB e uma extensa regiao que engloba todo o sul do Brasil e parte do oceano Atlantico e cujo centro encontra-se atualmente sobre o Rio Grande do sul. Tres grandes areas de estudo podem ser identificadas: origem da AMB;seu papel no contexto da fisica da magnetosfera da Terra; e seus efeitos sobre a ionosfera, atmosfera e, ate mesmo, sobre a meteorologia e biologia locais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 169 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1979:THINOF Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long THE INTERACTION OF LARGE-AMPLITUDE PLASMA WAVES WITH A MOVING ELECTRON PLASMA 1979 Physics Letters A 73 3 180-182 4096 geofísica espacial. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE 601101 738 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SchuchNorZagPecGod:1995:RaNaAr Journal Article Schuch, L.A. Schuch, L.A.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Zago, A.; Pecequili, B.; Godoy, J.M Radionuclídeos naturais e artificiais em seis perfis de solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul 1995 Ciência e Natura 17 : 17-33 9737 geofísica espacial, isotopos radiativos, amostras de solo, nuclídeos, radiative isotopes, soil sampling, nuclides. Determinou-se as concentrações de radionuclídeos pertencentes às séries radioativas naturais, do K-40 e do Cs-137, proveniente da precipitação radioativa. Muitos parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos influenciam a distribuição vertical da radioatividade dentro dos solos. Estes fatores incluem a natureza e as características do solo; a quantidade de chuva depositada; as perturbações das camadas superficiais; e outras propriedades peculiares do solo, como teores e tipos dos minerais de argila, matéria orgânica, etc. Para as medidas das concentrações de radionuclídeos, utilizou-se a técnica de espectrometria gama de alto desempenho. Foram coletadas 10 amostras de cada tipo de solo, até 50 cm de profundidade, com amostras obtidas de 5 em 5 cm. Foram efetuadas análises que determinam, entre outros parâmetros, pH, teores de argila, carbono orgânico e cátions K+, Na+, Ca++ e Mg++ e acidez extratível. Também foram obtidos dados sobre a precipitação pluviométrica local, temperatura e relevo, e relativos a latitude, longitude e altitude. Observou-se que as maiores concentrações de Cs-137, em Bqm-2, encontram-se nas três amostras mais superficiais de cada perfil. Acima de 60 da concentração esta confinada nos 25 contímetros superiores de todos os locais de amostragem. Constatou-se uma elevada correlação linear entre as concentrações de Cs-137, nas amostras superficiais de solos de cada perfil, e o conteúdo de carbono orgânico e, que até os 50 cm de profundidade, os teores de Ac-228 e TI-208, para as diferentes amostras de cada perfil de solo analisado, não variam substancialmente. Estes dados contribuem para mostrar o estado de relativo equilíbrio radioativo nos seis perfis de solos estudados. Observa-se, assim, que estes solos não sofreram erosão, e que o processo de lixiviação é pouco importante para estes elementos pertencentes às famílias radiativas naturais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE 1444 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosYeliSant:1988:EsCa Journal Article Santos, Regina Celia dos Santos, Regina Celia dos; Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Santos, Jesus Marden dos Propriedades termicas do solo: um estudo de casos 1988 Ciencia e Cultura 40 12 1227-1231 2823 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT MET 982 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoRaoFernChap:2002:19LaNi Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Rao, VB; Fernandez, JPR; Chapa, SR Transport of potential vorticity and Eliassen-Palm fluxes for two contrasting years: 1995-1996 (La Nina)and SR1997-1998 (El Nino) 2002 Annales Geophysicae 20 5 717-727 10042 METEOROLOGIA, anomalias, oscilação sul, impactos, circulation, southern oscilation, anomalies, impacts, circulation, climate, El Nina, El Nino. Potential vorticity transport (PV)-Eliassen and Palm (EP)cross sections are studied for two contrasting years: 1995-1996 (La Nina)and 1997-1998 (El Nino). The results show that the largest differences in PV transport-EP fluxes between El Nino and La Nina events occur in winter in both hemispheres, but the changes are higher in the Northern Hemisphere. PV transport-EP fluxes are stronger in both July 1997 and January 1998 than in July 1995 and January 1996, respectively, indicating stronger baroclinic activity in the El Nino year compared to the La Nina year. The changes in PV transport seem to be due mainly to the changes in eddy heat fluxes. Due to the increase in the wind shear the Eady growth rate is stronger in the 1997-1998 El Nino compared to 19951996 La Nina. Consequently, the zonal winds are stronger in the El Nino event, although the location of the jet streams is almost the same in both the contrasting years. However, in the Southern Hemisphere, there are two regions of maxima Eady growth rate in July 1997 and a double jet is observed while a single jet is seen in July 1995 associated with only one maximum of Eady growth rate. In the case of summer, there is little difference in PV transport-EP fluxes between the two contrasting years in the hemispheres, although they are slightly higher in the El Nino event than in the La Nina event. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9071-PRE/4747 PI MET LMO LMO 305 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzuszczewiczWSPARFEBBGHJKLLRRSSWW:1993:MeEmMo Journal Article Szuszczewicz, E.P. Szuszczewicz, E.P.; Wilkinson, P.; Swider, W.; Pulinets, S.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Roelof, E.; Fuller-Rowell, T.; Evans, D.S.; Bateman, T.; Blanchard, P.; Gustafsson, G.; Hanbaba, R.; Joselyn, J.; Kikuchi, T.; Leitinger, R.; Lester, M.; Reddy, B.; Ruohoniemi, M.; Sands, M.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Walker, G.O.; Wickwar, V Measurements and empirical model comparisons of F-region characteristics and auroral oval boundaries during the solstitial SUNDIAL campaign of 1987 1993 Annales Geophysicae 11 7 601-613 7137 aeronomia, sundial, solar-minimum equatorial campaign. We report on the SUNDIAL campaign conducted during the solstitial period May 29-June 7, 1987. For generally quiet conditions a global network of ionosonde data, supported by topside sounder observations of the Intercosmos 1806 satellite, were compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). The comparisons included F-region peak characteristics NmF2(i.e., foF2)and hmF2, as well as topside height profiles Ne(z). Overall, the IRI specification of foF2 was found to be higher than the observations. The difference in the daytime hemispheres was nearly twice that in the night-time hemispheres, with no obvious bias in universal time nor in phenomenological domains (e.g., equatorial anomaly, mid-to-high latitudes, etc.). With regard to hmF2 and topside profiles, a small data sample shows relatively good agreement with the IRI. In the topside Ne(z)comparisons there was good qualitative agreement in shape; but there were quantitative differences resulting from differences in NmF2. To improve IRI specifications at high latitudes comparisons also included Feldstein, DMSP, and NOAA/TIROS auroral oval models and their relative agreements with satellite-borne particle measurements of oval boundaries. The NOAA/TIROS model demonstrates the largest range in dynamic oval boundary responses to magnetic activity. It was also found to be in the best agreement with observations and appears to offer highest promise for a proper high-latitude adjunct to the IRI and an improved empirical specification of ionospheric distributions in auroral zones. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 561 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ UEDAASOROSPRAGAL:1989:DIELMA Journal Article UEDA,M. UEDA,M.; ASO,Y.; ROSAL,A.C.; PRADO,F.; GALVAO,R.M.O DIAGNOSTICOS ELETRICOS, MAGNETICOS E ESPECTROSCOPICOS PARA DETERMINACAO E OTIMIZACAO DE PARAMETROS DE PLASMA NO DISPOSITIVO ""CECI"" 1989 Revista Brasileira de Aplicações d evácuo 9 : 5 5916 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA Lap 601160 1342 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraColl:1997:EnQuVe Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Colle, S.A. A energia que vem do Sol 1997 Ciencia Hoje 22 130 24-35 8796 geofisica espacial, energia solar. A exploração intensiva das reservas - esgotaveis de combustivel fosseis e os prejuizos ambientais trazidos pelo uso desses recursos energeticos pressupoem um cenario preocupante para o proximo seculo. Nesse contexto, assume crucial importancia a busca de fontes de energia alternativas, em especial renovaveis e nao-poluentes, como a solar e a eolica. diversos paises ja investiram na opcao solar, investigando desde as caracteristicas do fluxo de radiacao solar que chega a Terra ate a tecnologia necessaria para viabilizar, em termos tecnicos e economicos, o aproveitamento dessa energia. O Brasil tambem participa dessa corrida para o futuro, com estudos como por exemplo, a avaliacao da eficacia de pequenos modulos solares em regioes remotas e o mapeamento do potencial energetico solar existente no pais, indispensavel ao estabelecimento de uma politica nacional para o setor. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1247 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisetyAndr:1997:EsMoVe Journal Article Yelisety, Viswanadham Yelisety, Viswanadham; Andre, Romisio G.B Estatistica do movimento vertical sob varias condicoes de estratificacao 1997 Meteorologica 8/9 : 407-418 3129 estudo do tempo e do clima, camada limite atmosferica, turbulencia. Na derivacao e varios modelos da camada limite turbulenta, valores das varias constantes obtidas atraves de analise experimental de dados, sobre as caracteristicas da turbulencia, sao praticamente usadas nas camadas inferiores da atmosfera. A razao do desvio padrao de cada urna das tres flutuacoes das componentes da velocidade para a velocidade de friccao e uma funcao da estabilidade, devido a teoria da similaridade. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 755 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPintGonz:1990:EnTe Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio A energia das tempestades 1990 Ciencia Hoje 11 61 38-44 8792 geofisica espacial, eletricidade atmosferica, ralampagos, tempestades eletricas atmosfericas, tempestades magneticas. 0 brilho subito dos relampagos, cortando 0 ceu antes ou durante as tempestades,e um dos mais espetaculares fenomenos da natureza. 0 fascinio do fenomeno, porem, nao impede que as nuvens de tempestade, responsaveis pelas descargas eletricas, sejam observadas com grande interesse cientifico, no Brasil e em outros paises. a participacao destas nuvens nos complexos processos de eletrificacao atmosferica ainda precisa ser mais bem esclarecida, mas torna-se cada vez mais evidente que elas desempenham um papel fundamental, influenciando a vida de todo 0 planeta terra. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE ELAT 167 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1979:ONTHPR Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long ON THE PROPAGATION OF RELATIVISTIC NONLINEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN A COLD PLASMA 1979 Revista Brasileira de Fïsica 9 : 725 4094 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISPLASMA LAP 601101 736 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DAmicoBrViAlSiNe:1995:AnOvTI Journal Article D'Amico, Flavio D'Amico, Flavio; Braga, João; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Alves, Alexandre M.R.; Silva, Edson R.; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira An overview of the TIMAX experiment 1995 Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumental 105 1 15-22 9721 astrofísica, imagem de raio, técnicas de imageamento, telecópio de raio, fontes de raio, x ray imagery, imaging techniques, x ray telescope, x ray sources. Neste artigo descrevemos o experimento TIMAX, o primeiro telescópio imageador de raios-X totalmente concebido, construído e lançado por um país do Hemisfério Sul. A capacidade de imageamento é obtida através do uso de uma máscara baseada num padrão URA 7 x 5. Mostra-se urna maneira de se obter uma antímáscara a partir da máscara original, com o uso de padrões URA, sem a adição de peso extra à experiência e sem manipulações mecânicas complicadas. O experimento TIMAX tem uma resolução angular de 1§,7 num campo de visada de 10§ x 10§ (FWHM). 0 plano de detectores sensíveis à posição consiste em 35 cintiladores cilíndricos de NaI(TI), operando na faixa de 30 -100 keV, com uma área geométrica, total de 400 em São apresentadas imagens obtidas durante a calibração do instrumento, mostrando as vantagens da utilização de uma antimáscara para a obtenção de imagens. Utilizando-se o ruído de fundo medido no primeiro vôo em balão estratosférico, do experimento, mostra-se que a sensibilidade é de 1.2 x 10-4 fótons em cm-2 s-1 keV-1 na banda de 60-70 keV, para um tempo de integração de 8 horas para uma atmosfera residual 2 g cm-2. Esta sensibilidade permite a detecção da maioria das fontes na região do Centro Galáctico. The TIMAX experiment, the first X-ray imaging telescope entirely conceived, built and launched by a country in the Southern Hemisphere, is described. The imaging capabiblity is provided by an extended mask based in a 7 x 5 URA pattern. A new and elegant technique for providing an ""antimask"" on URA coded-mask systems, without the addition of either extra, weight or complex mechanical maneuvering systems to the experiment, is introduced . The TIMAX experiment has an angular resolution of 1'.7 in a 10 x 10 FOV(FWHM). The position-sensitive detector plane consists in 35 cylindrical NaI(Tl)scintillators, operating in the 30 - 100 keV energy range, with a total area of 400 cm2. Images produced during the calibration of the instrument in the laboratory are presented, showing the advantages of the mask-antimask imaging technique. The background measured at balloon altitudes on the first flight of the experiment demonstrates that the sensitivity of the telescope is 1.2 x 10-4 protons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 60-70 keV range, for an integration time of 8 hours at a residual atmosphere of 2 g cm-2. This sensitivity allows the detection of most X-ray sources in the Galactic Center region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 1442 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianKENN:1984:REELWA Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long; KENNEL,C.F. RELATIVISTIC ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN AN ELECTRON-ION PLASMA 1984 Laser International and Related Plasma Phenomena 6 : 1129 5702 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 402 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediSZSYKSD:2002:SiTrCo Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Sibeck, D.G.; Zesta, E.; Santos, J.C.; Yumoto, K.; Kitamura, T.; Shinohara, M.; Dutra, Severino Luiz Guimarães Signatures of traveling convection vortices in ground magnetograms under the equatorial electrojet 2002 Journal of Geophysic Research 107 A6 SMP 16-1 to 16-9 10039 GEOFÍSICA. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9068-PRE/4744 CEA DGE DGE 303 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FedrizziPaKaLaSaKo:2002:MaLoIo Journal Article Fedrizzi, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Mariangel; Paula, Eurico de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Langley, Richard; Santos, Marcelo; Komjathy, Attila Mapping the low-latitude ionosphere with GPS 2002 GPS World 41-47 9977 Despite significant recent progress in studies of the behavior of the ionosphere, there are still many questions to be investigated in order to achieve a better understanding of the energy coupling processes between the Sun and the Earth. Various observing techniques, such as transionospheric radio signals, ionosonde measurements and incoherent scattering radars, have been used to study ionospheric behavior during both magnetically quiet and disturbed periods. However, previous ionospheric studies were based mainly on measurements obtained either from a single station or a local network of instruments. On a global scale, isolated orbiting satellites carrying ionospheric sensors also were not able to monitor ionospheric behavior due to the lack of instaneous worldwide coverage. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9001-PRE/4679 PI CEA DAE DAE PAN 293 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBatiMuraSobr:1993:LoTeCh Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Long term changes in the sporadic E-layer phenomena over Fortaleza, Brazil 1993 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 11 3 387-395 7134 aeronomia, camada e - esporadica, mudanca de longo prazo, ionosfera, campo eletrico, sporadic e, long term change, electric field. Sporadic E layer occurrences over the equatorial station Fortaleza are analysed for a 15-year period, from 1975 to 1990. The secular drift of the magnetic equator and hence that of the equatorial electrojet current (EEJ)northward of Fortaleza has resulted in marked long terms changes in the occurrence characteristics of the different types of Es layers: q,l,f,c and h types. Systematic decrease in the occurrence rates of the q-type Es, accompanied with increases in the remaining types of Es, was registered from 1975 to 1990, during which period the magnetic equator drifted northward of Fortaleza by 400km. The overall results show competing roles of the equatorial zonal electric field and winds systems, as well as their long term changes, in the generation of the different types of Es layers at the central region and at the flanks of the EEJ. The F10.7cm radio flux variation during the solar cycle seems to control both the electric field and E region winds of the equatorial region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 558 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeloClemTaka:1997:EsExOx Journal Article Melo, S.M.L. Melo, S.M.L.; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Takahashi, Hisao Estados excitados do oxigenio na mesosfera 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 15 1 45-58 8787 aeronomia, aeroluminescencia, espectroscopia, emissoes mesosfericas, perfis verticais, emissoes oi 557.7 nm. Neste trabalho apresentamos resultados da analise de perfis verticais, obtidos simultaneamente, das emissoes 0I 557,7 nm, banda (0-0)do sistema 0 2 atmosferico e sistema 0 2 Herzberg I, em termos dos processos de formacao e perda dos estados O(1S), 0 2 (...)02(...). Os perfis de emissao foram obtidos via fotometros instalados a bordo de um foguete lancado de Alcantara (2 graus S, 44 graus 0)em 31 de maio de 1992, as 23:52 (LT). A carga util continha 6 fotometros dispostos paralelos ao eixo do foquete para medir a taxa de emissao volumetrica das linhas 0I 557,7 nm e NaD (589 nm), da banda (0,0)do sistema 0 2 atmosferico, do sistema 0 2 Herzberg I (275 nm)e do continuo a 578 nm e 4 fotometros dispostos transversalmente, em um angulo de 90 para medir a taxa de emissao volumetrica das linhas 0I 630 nm e NaD (589 nm), da banda OH(8-3)e do continuo a 710 nm. Nossos resultados, no caso dos estados O(1S)e 0 2 (...), sugerem a validade, tambem para regiao equatorial, de parametros derivados de experimentos em latitudes altas. No caso do estado 02(...), nossos resultados sugerem coeficientes de perda por colisoes com 02 e/ou N 2 maiores que os anteriormente propostos com base em dados aeronomicos, mas em acordo com resultados recentes de laboratorio. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE LUME 1245 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1985:PrElEn Journal Article Pinto Jr.,Osmar Pinto Jr.,Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Precipitacao de eletrons energeticos na anomalia magnetica do Atlantico Sul para baixas valores de ""L"" e sua relacao com a atividade geomagnetica 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 4 1 15-20 2603 geofisica espacial, , anomalias magnetica, geomagnetismo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE PESQUISA DE MAGNETOSFERA 783 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PimentaFBSGMTT:2001:MeUsOI Journal Article Pimenta, A.A. Pimenta, A.A.; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Gobbi, Delano; Medeiros, A.F.; Taylor, M.J.; Takahashi, Hisao Ionospheric plasma bubble zonal drift: A methodology using OI 630 nm all-sky imaging systems 2001 Advances in Sapce research 27 6-7 1219-1224 9460 AERONOMIA, fotografia todo céu, técnicas de imageamento, metodologia, ionosféricos, bolhas de plasma, deriva de plasma, all sky photography, imaging techniques, methodology, ionospherics, plasma bubbles, plasma drift. With the recent advances in all-sky imaging technology for nightglow emission studies, the F-region OI 630 nm emission has become an important tool for ionospheric/thermospheric coupling studies. At equatorial and low latitude regions, the all-sky imaging observations of the OI 630 nm emission show quasi north-south aligned intensity depletion bands, which are the optical signatures of large scale F-region plasma irregularities. By observing the motion of the intensity depleted bands it is possible to infer the ionospheric plasma zonal velocity of the depletion. The north-south aligned structures seen in the field of view of the all-sky imaging system corotate with the ionospheric plasma, so that by calculating the spatial displacements occurring during successive OI 630 nm emission images we can infer the ionospheric plasma drift velocity. However, the plasma bubbles have their own internal space-time dynamics leading to changes in their shape and dimensions and this may induce some errors in the calculated drift velocities. In this paper we take into account the space-time changes in the plasma bubbles in order to calculate the ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities using the Of 630 nm nightglow emission. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8473-PRE/4238 PI CEA DAE DAE DGE 106 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraBatiChav:1988:RoWaDi Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Chaves, A.H.P On the rocket-induced wave disturbances in the daytime,equatorial ionosphere 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 A4 2758-2760 2796 aeronomia, região f, medidas no local, densidade eletron ionosferica, f region, in situ measurements, ionospheric electron density. In situ measurements of daytime equatorial ionospheric E and F region electron densities were carried out using a high-frequency capacitance probe on board a SONDA III rocket launched from Natal, Brazil, on July 26,1984. Wave structures in the electron density profile having a scale length of -1.5 km to -10 km and amplitude of-10 percent of the ambient density were detected during the downleg trajectory. Possible sources of these waves are discussed, and their possible implication for irregularity formation under nighttime conditions is briefly mentioned. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 753 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBiTaTeTiRo:1990:AnStSi Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao; Texeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Tinsley,B.A.; Rohrbaugh, R.P Analysis of storm-time-latitude simultaneous ionospheric and nightglow emission measurements 1990 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52 9 749-757 8733 aeronomia, luminescencia, emissoes ionosfericas, emissoes io 6300nm, emissoes mesosfericas, emissoes io 55.7 nm, aeroluminescencia. The first simultaneous ground-based observations of permitted atomic oxygen OI 777.4 nm emission line and the forbidden 0I 630.0 and 557.7nm emission lines have been carried out from Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S 45.0 degree W)and Fortaleza (39 degree, 38.4 degree W), Brazil, during the period November 1986-March 1988. In addition, N+2 391.4 nm emission observations have hen carried out at Cachoeira Paulista during the same period. At both stations ionosonde measurements are carried out on a routine basis. These simultaneous multispectral optical and ionospheric measurements have made possible studies on the response of the equatorial and low - latitude ionospheric F region to magnetic storm. A comparison of the observations obtained during magnetically quiet and disturbed conditions shows that the nocturnal intensity variations of the atomic oxygen emissions observed are well correlated with the variations of the F- region parameters (foF2 and h'F), showing the dominant role played by the enhanced F-region dynamical processes during disturbed period, possibly induced by substorm-associated electric fields and disturbed neutral winds in the low-latitude F-regionWhile the N+2 emission is enhanced in disturbed periods, as expected from energetic neutral particle precipitation, any enhancements in the atomic oxygen emissions were not detectable against the airglow due to recombination processes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO LUME 165 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SabaSilvSouz:1999:FiCaBa Journal Article Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares; Silva, F.J.F.; Souza, R.G.C. A fisíca em um canhão de batatas 1999 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 21 1 85-90 9718 geofísica espacial, física, velocidade, projéteis, mecânica (física), physics, projectiles, mechanics (physics). Um canhão de batatas que dispara uma batata a uma velocidade de aproximadamente 200 km/h é certamente algo atrativo. Porém, não somente quanto ao aspecto lúdico, mas também do ponto de vista didático. Neste artigo descrevemos a sua construção e os diferentes métodos, alguns originais, utilizados na determinação da velocidade do projétil. Mais da metade dos tópicos do estudo de mecânica visto no segundo grau são abordados nos métodos e experiências propostas. A potato gun that fires a potato at an approximate speed of 200 km/h is certainly something attractive. Not only as a funny project, but also as a didactic one. In this article we describe the construction plans and also different methods, some of them original, to determine the velocity Of the, projectile. More than half of the topics seen in the study of mechanics in the secondary level axe discussed in the methods and experiments proposed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA 1440 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Aguiar:1996:AcQuFa Journal Article Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Acoustic quality factor of vanadium 1996 Cryogenic 36 1 53-55 9712 astrofísica, fatores q, vanadio, ondas gravitacionais, detectores, q factors, vanadium, gravitacional waves, detectors. The mechanical quality factor of vanadium has been measured at audio frequencies at 294, 77.4 and 4.2 K. A quality factor as high as 1.2 x 10 7 was obtained in an annealed disc at 4.2 K. The vanadium resonator, however, presented an abundant oxidation layer on its surface a few years later, and part of this layer could easily loosen itself from the resonator. Therefore, when not in use, pure vanadium electromechanical transducers should be kept in vacuum or inert gas environments in order for them to work efficiently for long periods of time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1439 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GonzalezGonzSilb:2002:AuRe Journal Article Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua de; Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani B.T.; Silbergleit, V.M. Letter to the editor - Author's response 2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 64 7 871-871 10018 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9004/4682 CEA DGE DGE 301 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaVitoBrit:2002:MaSoAc Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Ícaro; Brito, Paula Márcia A. de Magnetotelluric soundings across the Taubate Basin, Southeast Brazil 2002 Earth Planets and Space 54 5 617-627 9975 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. Thirteen magnetotelluric (MT)soundings were carried out in Neoproterozoic crystalline terrains and Tertiary sediments of the Taubate basin, southeastern Brazil. The soundings were deployed in a cross-strike profile bisecting the basin along one of its thickest sub-basins and extending over mountain plateaus to the southeast and the northwest. Occurrences of numerous alkaline plugs and aligned tectonic grabens in the region are records of intense Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic activity. MT analysis techniques were used to evaluate data quality, infer strike direction, and correct for near-surface distortion. As the studied area is located only some tens of kilometers away from the Atlantic Ocean and in one of the most densely populated regions of the country, the data are severely distorted by industrial interference and the coast effect. Because of such effects. the data are modelled using a 2D inversion scheme within periods shorter than 0.1 s for the Taubate Basin sites and shorter than 1-10 s for the off-basin sites, the latter depending on the distance of the site from the coast. The main result observed in the modelling is the identification of a conducting zone below 10 km depths beneath the region. There is poor resolution in the data of structures below this conductor, which is also not imaged beneath the basin. Studies carried out in different tectonic regions of the world have also reported conductive layers at about the same depth but in the studied area it is impossible to reach any conclusion about the total conductance of the layer with the available MT data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8997-PRE/4675 PI CEA DGE DGE 291 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralTAMSZPB:1993:DeQuRa Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Takahashi, Hisao; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Paulo Prado Determination of the quenching rate of the O(1D)by O(3P)from rocket-borne optical (630 nm)and electron density data 1993 Journal of Geophysical Research 98 A5 7791-7798 7129 aeronomia, luminescencia, escurecer, ionosfera, emissoes oi 6300, emissoes iomosfericas. The quenching rate k7 of the O(1D)by O(3P)in the nocturnal F region is evaluated on the basis of rocket-borne photometric and electron density measurements that have been carried out aboard a Brazilian Sonda III rocket launched from Natal (geography 5.8 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W)on October 31, 1986 at 2259 Local Standard Time (LST). The nightglow emission and electron density vertical profiles were obtained respectively from 630-nm photometer and a high-frequency capacitance probe. The quenching rate k7 was evaluated from model calculations of the OI 630-nm emission rate, utilizing as input data the measured electron density. Assuming the value of 1.1 for the quantum yield factor f(1D)a mean value estimated for k7 turned out to be 9.2x10-13 cm3 s-1, the upper and lower limits being 2.8x10-12 cm3 s-1 and zero, respectively. On the other hand, assuming Bates'[1990]height profile of Franck-Condon f(1D)for this same experiment, k7 resulted in 2.55x10-12 cm3 s-1. These results are discussed and compared with previous measurements from other authors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO LUME 556 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alurkar:1972:NoOnSo Journal Article Alurkar, Sadashiv Kushna Alurkar, Sadashiv Kushna Note on solar plasma irregularities and plasma instabilities 1972 Solar Physics 26: 225-228 1531 Observations of interplanetary scintillation of radio sources are used to estimate the size of plasma irregularities down to a distance of about 6 R from the Sun. This is compared with the values of the ion gyro-radius estimated for a range of distance from 1 a.u. to about 6 R from the Sun. The results of the calculations are discussed in the context of the hypothesis of plasma instaility which is invoked to interpret the observations of the scattering of radio waves in the solar corona and of interplanetary scintillations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CEA RASA I 35 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBitSobFagTak:1996:ObIoPl Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, Jose Agusto; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Takahashi, Hisao Observations of ionospheric plasma depletions using OI 630.0 nm nightglow imaging 1996 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 14 1 15-28 8785 aeronomia, monosfera, bolhas de plasma, deplecoes de plasma, luminescencia, imageamento otico, emissao oi 630.0 nm. Ionospheric plasma irregularities associated with nighttime equatorial spread-F phenomena have been the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigations during recent years. Large scale plasma depletions, referred to as transequatorial bubbles or plumes, continue to attract considerable attention. The studies of ionosphere plasma irregularities assume great importance, because the irregularities degrade the radio wave signals passing through the region and, therefore, have considerable influence on the ionospheric/trans-ionospheric radio wave communications. The F-region nightglow emissions arising from ionospheric recombination processes can be used to remotely observe the dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and smaller scale plasma irregularities. In a collaborative project between the Center for Space Physics, Boston University, USA- and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, an all-sky imaging system was put in operation at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W, dip latitude 15.8 degree S), in March 1987. This wide angle imaging technique provides an unique capability of permiting observations over regions covering several million square kilometers from a single observing station. Also, regular measurements of several nightglow emissions and ionospheric sounding are carried out at Cachoeira Paulista and Fortaleza (3.9 degree S, 38.4 degree W, dip latitude 3.7 degree S). A VHF electronic polarimeter was in operation at Cachoeira Paulista. This clustering of observational facilities in the Brazilian sector provided coincident and complementary observations of various upper atmospheric parameters. In this paper we present and discuss some features of the 01630.0 nm emission all-sky imaging observations carried out during the period 1987-1989. The transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles manifest in all-sky optical imaging observations as nearly north-south aligned intensity-depleted regions. The observed seasonal variation of the airglow depletions shows a maximum during the summer months and virtually no airglow depletions during the winter months. The case studies presented show different forms of generation and development phases of airglow depletions during the course of a night. The all-sky images also permitted the determination of the altitude-latitude extent of the plasma depleted regions and some results are presented. It has been observed that the attitudes reached by the plasma depleted flux tubes over the magnetic equator in the Brazilian sector-often exceed 2500 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE IONO 1243 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiShaiBati:1986:Ai02Si Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Shai, Yogeshwar; Batista, Paulo Prado Airglow 02 singlet sigma atmospheric band at 8645 and the rotational temperature observed at 23 DEGREE S 1986 Planetary and Space Science 34 3 301-306 2601 aeronomia. Regular observations of the O2 (1?,0-1)atmospheric band at 8645 [O2A(0,1)] and the rotational temperature, together with the OH(9,4)band and 015577 A airglow emissions, using multichannel tilting filter type photometers, have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7'S, 45.0'W), Brazil, since February 1983. The 02A(O, 1)band intensities occasionally vary from 200 to 1000 R during a night. Covariations in nocturnal and seasonal variation with the OI5577 A emission were observed. The temperatures determined from the P branch of the O2A(0,1)band vary between 180 and 230 K. The amplitude of the nocturnal temperature variation is sometimes larger than that determined from the OH emission, and the phase of the variation, on some occasions, leads that of the OH. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 781 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanBaAbWaBaMaSo:2000:VaAdLa Journal Article Balan, N. Balan, N.; Batista, Inez Staciarine; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Watanable, S.; Bailey, G.J.; Mac Dougall, J.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Variability of an additional layer in the equatorial ionosphere over Fortaleza 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 A5 10603-10613 9435 AERONOMIA The day-to-day variations (or the weather)of an additional layer, called the F-3 layer, that has been predicted to exist at altitudes above the F-2 peak in the equatorial ionosphere are studied through ionosonde observations and theoretical modeling. The ionograms recorded in 1995 at the equatorial station Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W; dip angle 9 degrees S)in Brazil show the occurrence of the F3 layer during daytime from 0800 to 1630 LT, with the duration of occurrence ranging from 15 min to 6 hours. Although the layer occurs most frequently (75. of the days)in local summer as previously predicted, there are consecutive and individual magnetically quiet and disturbed days when the layer does not occur. There are also days when the layer reoccurs. The model results, obtained using the Sheffield University plasmasphere-ionosphere model, show that the day-to-day variations of the F-3 layer arise from the corresponding variations of the vertical plasma velocity. The layer occurs when the time-cumulative vertical velocity displaces the daytime F-2 peak to high altitudes, to form the F-3 layer, while the normal F-2 layer develops at low altitudes. Sudden displacements result in more distinct F-3 layers than gradual displacements. Model results also show that the plasma temperature within the F-3 layer decreases as the plasma density increases, and, like the plasma density, the plasma temperature also undergoes large day-to-day variations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8461-PRE/4226 PI CEA DAE DAE 104 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamposLorSteSteSou:1996:PeWaBr Journal Article Campos, Edmo J.D. Campos, Edmo J.D.; Lorenzzetti, Joao A.; Stevenson, Merrit R.; Stech, Jose Luiz; Souza, Ronald B. de Penetration of waters from the Brazil-Malvinas confluence region along the South American continental shelf up to 23 S 1996 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 68 1 49-58 7884 meteorologia, , correntes, current, waters, santos bight. A variety of moored, surface layer drifters, ship and satellite-based measurements have been collected since the Fall of 1992 as part of the COROAS (Circulacao Oceanica na Regiao Oeste do Atlantico Sul)project. Analysis of hydrographic, drifter and satellite data for the austral winter of 1993 has revealed the presence of a tongue of relatively cold (14-17 C)and low salinity (33.0-34.0)water between the coast and the Brazil Current, extending from south of the Rio de La Plata estuary (35 S)to latitudes as low as 23 S, with a typical average northbound velocity of 10.7 cm s. These three data sets rule out the possibility that the origin of this water is river runoff or from deeper water upwelled near the coast, due to Ekman dynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DSR 947 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1995:EfAnOz Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Effect of Antartic ozone holes of 1988, 1989, and 1990 on lower latitudes of the southern hemisphere 1995 Annales Geophysicae 13 6 656-659 2231 geofísica espacial, geoma, efeitos do buraco de ozonio, hemisferio sul, antarctic regions, ozone depletion, southern hemisphere, annual variations, middle atmosphere, planetary waves. The October depletions in the Antarctic ozone spread to lower latitudes in early November in 1988, in late November in 1989, and in late October in 1990, The depletions were 10-15 for latitudes up to 40§S and smaller thereafter, and almost negligible at 25§S and beyond. However, for the southern hemisphere, the normal seasonal changes at middle latitudes from October to December are much larger (about 20), Also, there are superposed fluctuations of about 20 over a few (5-6)days. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 751 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrKircGonz:1990:MeOzDe Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Mesospheric ozone depletion due energetic electron precipitation at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 5 365-367 8703 geofisica espacial, , anomalias magneticas, sama, ozonio, tempestades magneticas. In this letter, we have investigated the effect of energetic electron precipitation at the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly on the local mesospheric ozone concentration. In the mesosphere. the ionization produced by precipitation acts as a source of odd hydrogen. Since odd hydrogen processes dominate ozone destruction in this region, a decrease in the ozone concentration should be expected during these events. Based on a simple photochemical equilibrium model. it is estimated that at large solar zenith angles the ozone concentration between about 70 and 80 km altitude in the anomaly region can be considerably depleted mainly during large geomagnetic storms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 163 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Saba:1998:FaDa Journal Article Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares Fantasma dançarino 1998 Revista Ciência Hoje das crianças 11 82 32 9710 geofísica espacial. Você gostaria de fazer um fantasma flutuar e dançar misteriosamente no ar? Para isso, consiga o seguinte material:o um balão de aniversário (bexiga)branco o pincel atômico ou canetinha hídrocor o secador de cabelo o uma folha de papel em branco o fita adesiva. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1437 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaSilvLudiMagu:2002:BePrDe Journal Article Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Silva, A.V.R.; Ludi, A.; Magun, A. Beam profile determination by tomography of solar scans 2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics 387 3 1153-1160 9972 ASTRONOMIA. Beam patterns of radio telescopes with moderate (arcmin)angular resolution in the millimeter and sub-millimeter range are difficult to measure as only weak sources are available in that spectral range. This limitation can be overcome with the deconvolution of radial scans over the knife edge of the solar limb which provides beam profiles down to secondary lobe levels Numerous applications, such as quick adjustments and eckups of telescope optics, efficiency estimates and the reconstruction of partially unresolved structures such as active regions,become possible. We investigate here the inverse problem of the beam profile reconstruction from the beam convolution with the solar limb. With simple derivatives of solar radial scans we obtained line integrals of the beam profile under different scanning angles. Reconstruction methods used in tomography of filtered reverse projection allowed us then to obtain beam profiles down to the level of secondary lobes. Tests of the algorithm were carried out with simulated data and solar scans that are verified by planet observations and terrestrial beam pattern measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8988-PRE/4666 PI < CEA CRI/CRAAM CRI/CRAAM 288 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKirc:1975:AuWaCo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Automatic wavelength control of a flashlamp pumped-dye laser 1975 Optical and Quantum Electronics 7 2 193-196 1529 aeronomia. This paper describes a technique for automatically tuning a flashlamp pumped dye laser to the sodium D line with a precision of 0.01 A. The same technique could be used for tuning to other emission lines for wich a monochromatic source of reasonable intensity is available. A slight modification of the method would enable the laser to be accurately tuned within a range of 0.1 A of the given emission line. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE MIRO II 33 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DamineliJablFreiFrei:1997:PhSyDe Journal Article Damineli, A. Damineli, A.; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Freitas, L.C.de; Freitas-Pacheco, J.A. A photometric system for detection of embedded wolf-rayet stars 1997 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 106 736 633-638 8774 astrofisica, galaxias, astronomia, estrelas, wolf-rayet. We describe a photometric system designed for detection of WR stars in the near-infrared region and based on a combination of narrow-band filters and a CCD detector. The system is sensitive to of and faint-lined WN and WC stars and suitable for obscured regions of star formation in our Galaxy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1241 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MendoncaSobrRai:1969:EqAtMe Journal Article Mendonca, Fernando de Mendonca, Fernando de; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Rai, D.B. Equatorial atmosphere measurements obtained with the sounding rocket grenade experiment 1969 Radio science 4 2 741-750 1481 aeronomia. Under a Grenade series of experiments with sounding rockets, carried out att Barreira do Inferno, Natal (5.6 S, 35 W), nineteen successful launchings have yielded useful data on the upper stratosphere and the mesosphere during the period 7 August 1966 to 5 March 1968. These experiments covered the height range of about 35-95 km and were supplemented by 19 balloons radiosonde which provided data up to approximately 35 km. Also data from 29 meteorological rockets, with an upper limit of 60 km, are available for the period 14 September 1966 to 24 July 1968. Only two of these 29 launchings were instrumented for temperature measurements. Winds, temperatures and densities have been obtained and analysed from the rocket-grenade and balloon experiments. Some features of the wind and temperature distributions in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere are discussed. Extremely low mesopause temperatures of the order of 130 K were noticed in early summer at about 90 Km. The temperature at this height was found to be higher in winter than in summer. A correlation between temperature at 40 Km and absorption of cosmic noise at 30 MHz is also presented as a probable evidence of a stratosphere-ionosphere coupling. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Pre CEA SAFO 70 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:2000:TrSpCh Journal Article Kane, Rajaam Purushottam Kane, Rajaam Purushottam Trends, spectral characteristics, and rainfall relationships of low-latitude sea surface temperatures at different longitudes 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research 105 D2 2071-2089 9433 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, temperatura da superfície do mar, temp (condições do tempo), variações anuais, florestas tropicais, sea surface temperature, weather (weather conditions), annual variations, rainforest. The sea surface temperature (SST)data for low latitudes in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans for 1950-1996 (47 years)showed different seasonal variation patterns at different longitudes. When the seasonal patterns were subtracted from the monthly values, the deseasoned residuals showed considerable anomalies (interannual variability). In the Pacific the main features were the El Nino events. In the Atlantic, North and South Atlantic SST showed dissimilar anomalies, and these did not have any fixed lag or lead relationships with the Pacific events. The same was true for the low-latitude Indian Ocean SST. The correlation of Pacific SST with Atlantic or Indian Oceans' SST was less than similar to 0.65, yielding a common variance (square of the correlation)of less than similar to 40. Thus, whereas SST anomalies might have some common origin, the manifestation of SST anomalies at different longitudes was erratic, with no preference for any longitude to start with, nor any definite sequence of occurrence in the Pacific relative to the Atlantic or Indian Oceans. A spectral analysis showed that all regions had quasi-biennial, quasi-triennial, and higher periodicities, but the exact values of these periodicities differed significantly at different longitudes. All parameters had long-term trends. These were mostly nonuniform, almost negligible in the first half (1950-1973)and mostly upward in the second half (1973-1996), indicating warming in recent decades, which is also reflected in decreases in snow cover area in the Northern Hemisphere. Rainfalls in various regions are considerably influenced by local SST regimes. For northeast Brazil, Atlantic SST influence is overpowering and often operates independently of the Pacific SST (El Ninos). Hence the emphasis given in mass media (press, radio, and television)to the role of El Nino events only in influencing the rainfalls may turn out to be misleading, as seems to have happened for the 1997 El Nino. This El Nino started in early 1997 but did not have any significant influence on rainfall in northeast Brazil and India. It continued strongly in 1998, causing a severe drought in northeast Brazil but no drought in India. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8459-PRE/4224 PI CEA GDE GDE 102 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NunesYeli:1978:ApMeNu Journal Article Nunes, Getulio Soriano Nunes, Getulio Soriano; Yelisetty, Viswanadham Aplicacao de um metodo numerico para o calculo de radiacao infravermelho na atmosfera 1978 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 11 3 683-709 July 1854 meteorologia, radiacao, temperatura. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DCT 338 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiEtStCaLoGrGl:1990:DeSi Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Etchichury, Paulo Cesar; Studzinski, Caarem D.; Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo de; Lopes, Rosangela Rizani; Grammelsbacher, Iclea Assuncao V.; Glammelsbacher, Ernesto Alvin A primeira friagem de 1990: uma descricao sinotica 1990 Climanalise 5 5 43-51 7378 estudos do tempo e do clima, , , , , , monitoramento, previsao de tempo, friagem. Observou-se a ocorrencia de duas ondas de ar frio que afetaram a Regiao Sul, Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, sul de Minas Gerais e sul de Goias na segunda quinzena de maio do ano de 1990. As massas de ar frio, com pressoes centrais da ordem de 1030 mb, levaram cerca de 72 horas para se deslocar do continente ate o litoral da Regiao Sudeste do Brasil. O padrao do fluxo na alta troposfera apresentou forte confluencia das correntes de Sul e de oeste sobre o Paraguai, precedendo a friagem e ocorrencia de geadas nestas regioes. Verificou-se que o prognosticos do National Meteorological Center(NMC), com ate 72 horas de antecedencia, apontaram o acontecimento de friagem na Regiao Sul e adjacencias. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 161 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSahaSilv:1985:MeOzBo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite Medidas de ozonio a bordo do avião bandeirante do INPE 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 4 : 21-26 9683 geofísica espacial, ozonio, concentração, medição, ozone, concentration, measurements. Ozone concentration measurements on board of an aircraft indicated a relatively sharp variation between Curitiba and São Paulo, at a height of 700 mb (3 km), with the relative ozone concentration decreasing by a factor of 2. A possible explanation for our observations is purely chemical, on the basis of the high pollution emissions in the vicinity of São Paulo. Simultaneous meteorological data obtained by radiosoundings lead to two different alternative interpretations. The first of these assumes that the sampled air in S5o Paulo is of marine origin being thus less rich in ozone. The second points out that over Curitiba, the mixing layer had a higher upper limit, with the aircraft exiting the planetary mixing layer just after Curitiba. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1530 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaAbdu:1986:SiNuCo Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Simulação numérica das componentes zonais da deriva do plasma e do vento termosférico em regiões equatoriais 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 4 2 135-141 9682 aeronomia, região f, regiões equatoriais, medições de radar, deriva do plasma, f region, equatorial regions, radar measurement, plasma drift. The equatorial F region plasma zonal drift (Vi›)and the thermospheric zonal wind (U›)are simulated using the numerical model described by Batista (1986). The simulated Vi› diurnal variations are in good agreement with the Jicamarca radar measurements. The simulation results show that the nocturnal peak in Vi› undergoes the influence of the local magnetic declination, in the same way that was already observed for the evening F -region plasma vertical drift pre-reversal enhancement (Batista Abdu, 1985). Another observed feature is concerned with the vertical Vi› profiles that show, in the evening hours, negative drifts (westward)at lower heights and positive drifts (eastwart)at higher heights. All these results, as well as the simulated thermospheric zonal wind, are discussed and compared with other models and measurements showing good agreement. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1529 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovelloLoreFreiAgui:1999:VeGrWa Journal Article Novello, M. Novello, M.; Lorenci, V.A.; Freitas, L.R.; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de The velocity of gravitational waves 1999 Physics Letter A 254 : 245-250 9705 astrofisica, ondas gravitacionais, teoria gravitacional, propagação, gravitational waves, gravitation theory, propagation. We examine the propagation of gravitational waves in the new field theory of gravitation recently proposed by Novello-De Lorenci-Luciane (NDL). This examination is done on a solvable case corresponding to a spherically symmetric static configuration. We show that in NDL theory the velocity of gravitational waves is lower than light velocity. We point out some consequences of this result and suggest a possible scenario for its verification. (C)1999 Elsevier Science B.V. PACS: 04.50.+h; 04.30.Nk; 04.90.+e. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1435 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1989:ReEs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Maximum sunspot number RZ(MAX)in the coming solar cycle N.22: a revided estimate 1989 Solar Physics 122 1 175-185 2812 geofísica espacial. The 12-month running mean of the geomagnetic index aa seems to have attained a minimum value of 17.5 centered at December 1986. The fresh estimate of RZ (max)is now - 165 + 35. Also, if RZ(min)is taken into consideration, the RZ(max)estimate will drop to - 130. Details of the methodology and the data used are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 973 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarinhoMagaAguiFraj:2002:ReSpGr Journal Article Marinho, R.M. Marinho, R.M.; Magalhães, Nadja Simão; Aguiar, Odylio Denys; Frajuca, Carlos Response of spherical gravitational wave antenna modes to high-energy cosmic ray particles 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 9969 ASTROFÍSICA. High-energy cosmic ray particles are expected to be a significant source of noise in resonant mass gravitational wave detectors close to the quantum limit. The spherical, fourth generation antennas have been designed to attain such a limit. In this work we will show how the energy of a cosmic ray particle interacting with such an antenna is distributed over its eigenmodes. We will then make some comments on the relevant consequences of such a distribution for gravitational wave detection. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8995-PRE/4673 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 286 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuoChia:1997:EfPhAc Journal Article Luo, Qinghuan Luo, Qinghuan; Chian, Abraham Chian - Long Pulsar eclipsing mechanisms: effect of photon-beam-induce acoustic turbulence 1997 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 289 1 52-58 8770 geofisica espacial, plasma espacial, turbulencia, estrelas. Pulsar eclipse due u)induced three-wave interactions involving low-frequency acoustic turbulence is discussed. We consider both the case of electron acoustic waves when the ion temperature Ti, is higher than the electron temperature Te and that of ion acoustic waves when Te > Ti. In each case the corresponding growth for low-frequency acoustic waves induced by a high-frequency photon beam evaluated. For T, > Te, the maximum growth rate for electron acoustic waves depends strongly on Ti/Te and may be comparable to that of a Langmuir counte for sufficiently large temperature ratio Ti/Te,. It is shown that induced scatterir electron acoustic waves can be important and can cause pulsar eclipse. We shov that for Te > Ti and in the small-angle approximation, growth of low-frequenc acoustic waves due to the photon beam is always slower than Langnmir wave the corresponding induced scattering is less effective than induced R scattering. Thus, induced Brillouin scattering involving low-frequency ion acoustic waves cannot be the main cause for pulsar eclipses. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1238 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSahaDias:1985:MeOzBo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Sahai, Yogeshawar; Dias, Pedro Leira da Silva Medidas de ozonio a bordo do aviao Bandeirante do INPE 1985 Revista Brasiliera de Geofisica 4 : 21-26 2596 geofisica espacial, ozonio, medição, concentração. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 776 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneSalg:2001:TwTuPu Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia Twisting I turning and pulsating of the Antarctic ozone hole, as revealed by TOMS data 2001 Mausam 52 2 9431 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL, Antartic ozone hole, TOMS data, Pulsations of ozone, vertical structure. Using data from TOMS/Nimbus 7 and Meteor 3, the evolution of Antarctic ozone holes during the southern springs of 1992, 1993, 1994 was studied. At the South Pole, the evolution was mostly smooth, a steady decrease up to about September end and a steady recovery up to about December end. At latitudes near 65 degree S, the ozone levels ( 220 DU)at different latitudes and longitudes showed fluctuations compatible with passing of a noncircular (oval)vortex boundary (two ends of a major axis of an ellipse), with a rotation period of 15 days (full rotation period 30 days)in 1992 and 17 days (full rotation period 34 days)in 1994, different from the 2-3 weeks reported by earlier workers. However, the rotation was not with uniform speeds. During a full rotation, the speeds varied sometimes from almost zero (stalling)for a few days to 20 degree per day during other intervals. Outside the oval boundary, often there were depletions with spacings of a few (5-8)days, extending to lower latitudes up to 30 degree S, indicating corrugations in the oval boundary, probably due to the effects of synoptic disturbances on total ozone through tropopause pressure changes and/or ozone mini- holes caused by anticyclonic tropospheric forcing under the southern polar vortex. The shape of the ozone hole changed from elliptic to almost circular and vice versa within a few days and the area also changed by 15-20. Thus, the ozone bole was twisting, turning and pulsating, probably due to a varying strength of the wave number 2 component of the wind system prevailing there. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8439-PRE/4207 PI CEA DGE DGE 100 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraMore:1984:OcIoNa Journal Article Ferreira, C. Ferreira, C.; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Ocorrencia de ions nas precipitacoes de Salvador-BA 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 3 1 9-14 5033 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 1136 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JenkinsBaiAbdBatBal:1997:FoAdLa Journal Article Jenkins, B. Jenkins, B.; Bailey, G.J.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Balan, N The formation of an additional layer in the equatorial topside ionosphere 1997 Advances in Space Research 20 6 1137-1140 9 aeronomia, plasmasfera, ionosfera, regiões tropicais, camada de plasma, região f, plasmaphere, ionosphere, tropical regions, plasma layers, f region. Calculations using the Sheffield University plasmasphere ionosphere model have shown that under certain conditions an additional layer can form in the low latitude topside ionosphere. This layer (the F3 layer)has subsequently been observed in ionograms recorded at Fortaleza in Brazil. It has not been observed in ionograms recorded at the neighbouring station, Sao Luis. Model calculations have shown that the F3 layer is most likely to form in summer at Fortaleza due to a combination of the neutral wind and the E x B drift acting to raise the plasma. At Fortaleza the horizontal wind moves the plasma up the inclined field lines; at Sao Luis the field lines are nearly horizontal and the wind cannot raise the plasma further. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 746 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ObregonNobr:1990:PrCoAn Journal Article Obregon, Guillermo O. Obregon, Guillermo O.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso Principal component analysis of precipitation fields over the Amazon river basin 1990 Climanalise 5 7 35-46 July 7375 estudos do tempo e do clima, . Aplicou-se a Analise de Componentes Principais Rotacionadas (ACPR)as series temporais da precipitacao mensal de 28 estacoes pluviometricas da Bacia Amazonica com vistas a aumentar o entendimento de alguns dos padroes espaciais dos campos de precipitacao. As series de precipitacao cobrem o periodo de 35 anos (1951-1985). Efetuou-se ACPR para as series originais e, tambem, para series onde removeu-se o ciclo anual de modo a procurar-se os padroes de variabilidade inteanual dos campos de precipitacao. Os quatro primeiros Componentes Principais (CPs)explicam 65,1 (32,6) da variancia para os casos com o ciclo (sem o ciclo)anual. Os dois primeiros padroes no caso com o ciclo anual relacionam-se fortemente a aspectos do ciclo sazonal de precipitacao na Amazonia: o dipolo norte-sul de maximas precipitacoes no hemisferio de verao para o primeiro padrao, e a migracao sazonal da ACIT (e linhas de instabilidade associdas na costa atlantica amazonica para o segundo padrao. A forma do primeiro padrao no sul da Amazonia segere uma associacao deste com o ciclo sazonal da Zona de Convergencia do Atlantico Sul (ZCAS). O segundo e quarto padroes do caso o sem ciclo annual parecem estar relacionados a eventos El Nino-Oscilacao Sul. Verificou-se esta associacao atraves da analise espectral cruzada entre o Indice de Oscilacao Sul e os coeficientes das series temporais (Scores)associados a estes padroes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 158 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NakamuraSobrAbdu:1984:SiEqPl Journal Article Nakamura, Y. Nakamura, Y.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Simulation of equatorial plasma bubble signatures on the OI 6300 nighglow meridional profile over Brazilian low latitude 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 2 2 65-78 9680 aeronomia, bolhas de plasma, regiões tropicais, luminescência noturna, medição, plasma bubbles, tropiocal egions, nightlow, measurements. The [0I]6300 nightglow emission measurements carried out by scanning photometers over Cachoeira Paulista (geogr. coord. 22§S, 45§W, geom. coord. 11§57'S, 22§32'E)often show propagating disturbances on the meridional and east-west intensity profiles. The disturbances propagate from north to south and from west to east and they are identified as the airglow manifestations of the equatorial plasma bubble (or depletion)events. The low latitude footprints of the field aligned plasma depletions could have two types of characteristic signatures in the meridional scanning photometer data: (a)events that have their onsets well westward of the photometer observing longitude, representing the post growth phase of a bubble event, and (b)those having onsets in the vicinity of the photometer longitude representing the growth phase of a bubble event. In the case of (b)it is possible to detect vertical rise velocity of the head region of a plasma bubble over the magnetic equator. On the other hand the east-west scan photometer signature represent in a straight forward way, the eastward propagation of the plasma depletions. In this paper a quantitative interpretation of the meridional propagation of the airglow disturbance for the type (b)events is attempted by carrying out a numerical simulation of the phenomenon. Airglow intensity as observed from a photometer at a low latitude site was calculated in the presence of a field aligned plasma bubble, whose vertical rise velocity over the equator was determined from a numerical simulation under nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor instability condition. The result of the simulation demonstrate that, as the field aligned plasma bubbles rises up over the equator in their growth phases, their extremities trace out poleward motion in the low latitude ionosphere giving rise to the observed north to south propagation of the airglow intensity valleys, observed in the early post sunset hours. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1527 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DAmicoHaMeViCoViBr:1999:DeLaVo Journal Article D'Amico, Flavio D'Amico, Flavio; Hamada, M.M.; Mesquita, C.H.; Vieira, J.M.; Costa Jr., N.P.; Villela Neto, Thyrso; Braga, Jõao Development of large volume organic scintillators for use in the MASCO telescope 1999 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 422 1/3 139-143 9702 astrofísica, contadores de cintilação, plasticos, masco, sensitividade, medição, efeito campton, supressores, scintillation counters, palstics, sensitivity, compton effect, suppressors, measurements. The development and construction of plastic scintillators of large volume, to be used as Compton suppressors in the MASCO telescope, are described. We also outline some characteristics of MASCO, which is a coded-mask gamma-ray imaging telescope with an angular resolution of 14 in a 14 degrees (diameter, conical)field-of-view with a sensitivity of 3.92, 1.33 and 1.18 x 10(-5)photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 in 0.05, 0.30 and 1 MeV respectively, for an integration time of 6 h and a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g cm-2. The Compton supressor described contains 12 modules of plastic scintillators, each one built as a trapezoidal prism (1 m of length)with a cross section with sides of 14 x 22 cm2 and 15 cm thick (271 of volume). Measurements of transmittance, luminescence, X-ray fluorescence and light output were carried out with the purpose of characterizing the detector. We present the estimates of the imaging sensitivity and the sensitivity for pulsed sources of the MASCO instrument. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1433 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FurtadoAgui:2002:FaCoTe Journal Article Furtado, Sérgio Ricardo Furtado, Sérgio Ricardo; Aguiar, Odylio Denys Fast cooling techniques for gravitacional wave antennas 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1973-1978 9967 ASTROFÍSICA. The resonant-mass technique for the detection of gravitational waves may involve, in the near future, the cooling of very large masses (about 100 tons)from room temperature (300 K)to extreme cryogenic temperatures (20 mK). To cool these detectors to cryogenic temperatures an exchange gas (helium)is used, and the heat is removed from the antenna to the cold reservoir by thermal conduction and natural convection. With the current technique, cooling times of about I month can be obtained for cylindrical bar antennas of 2.5 tons. Should this same technique be used to cool a 100 ton spherical antenna the cooling time would be about 10 months, making the operation of these antennas impracticable. In this paper, we study the above-mentioned cooling technique and others, such as thermal witching and forced convection from room temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K)using an aluminium truncated icosahedron of 19 kg weight and 25 cm diameter. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8993-PRE/4671 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 284 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GherardiBose:2001:CoCoSt Journal Article Gherardi, D.F.M. Gherardi, D.F.M.; Bosence, D.W.J Composition and community structure of coralline algal reefs from Atol das Rocas, South Atlantic, Brasil 2001 Coral Reefs 1936 3 205-219 7166 OCEANOGRAFIA. Coralline-algal frameworks from Atol das Rocas reefs were sampled along windward and leeward transects. and multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the composition and community structure of the encrusting community. The following components of the reefs were identified in slabbed and polished reef blocks sampled along each transect: encrusting coralline algae dominated by Porolithon cf. pachydermum, vermetid gastropods, Homotrema rubrum, acervulinid foraminiferans, molluscs, corals, polychaete tubes, clionid sponge borings, polychaete/sipunculid borings, cemented sediments, and growth cavities. Q-mode cluster analysis correctly classified 78 of all windward samples and 69 of all leeward samples, and R-mode separated reef components adapted to high wave energy environments from those adapted to low wave energy. Separate classification and ordination of samples from each transect indicate that seriation breakdown occurs in the windward reef between 25 and 45 m from the reef front. In the leeward reef between 75 and 90 m from the leeward reef front, seriation breakdown was not found to be significant. These results confirm that seriation (zonation)is best developed in the windward reef, as has been ocumented in coral-dominated reefs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-5759-PRE/1920 PI CEA DAS DAS 24 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:ReNiOs Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Relationship of El Nino-Southern oscilation and pacific sea surface temperature with rainfall in various region of the globe 1997 Montly Weather Review 125 8 1792-1800 8768 geofisica espacial, el nino, oscilacoes sul. After characterizing every year in the 120-yr interval 1871-1990 as having an El Nino (EN)or Southern Oscillation minimum (SO), or equatorial sea surface temperature maximum (warm events W)or minimum (cold events C), or any combination of these, or none (nonevents), the rainfalls in various regions of the globe were examined for each category of year, using the data of Ropelewski and Halpert, who had identified some regions as having a negative response (deficit rains)and some as having a positive response (excess rains)to ENSO events. The author finds that this response is best with ENSOW-type events, especially the unambiguous ones (El Nino in the early part of the year and SO and W in the middle of the year), though, in some cases, even ambiguous ENSOW gave good results. Also, the response is reverse for C-type events. Out of the 46 years having El Nino (all types), and 36 years having cold (C)events, the response for some regions is good. But for some other regions, only about half could be associated with the expected response, making predictions uncertain in those regions. Factors other than ENSO may have considerable influence on rainfalls in different regions at different times, thus distorting the ENSO effects. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1236 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1986:ThOfTh Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Theory of the atmospheric sodium layer: A review 1986 Canadian Journal Physics 64 12 1664-1672 2594 aeronomia, alta atmosfera. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DGE FISAT 774 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1980:REBESU Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUNSPOT NUMBER DURING YEARS OF SUNSPOT MAXIMUM AND SUNSPOT MINIMUM 1980 SOLAR PHYSICS 68 1 135-139 1912 geofisica espacial. A correlation analysis shows that the sunspot numbers at the peaks of the last eight solar cycles well-correlated with the sunspot numbers in heliolatitudes 20§-40§ (specially in the southern hemisphere)occurring in the solar minimum years immediately preceding the solar maximum years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ CEA DGE GEOMA 6 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1986:NOTEMO Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long NONLINEAR TEMPORAL MODULATION OF PULSAR RADIOEMISSION 1986 Revista Mexicana Astron Astro 12 Sp. Iss 337 February 5017 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 1134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PascholatiFujiPere:1994:EsRaPr Journal Article Pascholati, E.EM. Pascholati, E.EM.; Fujimori, K.; Pereira, Enio Bueno Estudos radiogeológicos preliminares do complexo granitóide São Roque, SP 1994 Cadernos IG 4 2 132-149 9717 geofísica espacial. Foram determinadas as concentrações de Y, U e Th em 26 amostras do Complexo Granitóide São Roque, SP. Os valores médios foram 4,1 5,6 ppm e 12,8 ppm, respectivamente. A produção de calor radiogênico calculada foi de 2,7 æWm-3. Os gradientes das concentrações de K, U e Th indicados pela análise de superfícies de tendência indicam alguma associação, ou com processos de resfriamento ou com sistemas de f delimitando o corpo. As concentrações observadas para K e U apresentaram-se normais para corpos granitóides ( 3,7 e 4, 8 ppm, respectivamente), enquanto o Th revelou-se bem menor que a média (2 1,0 ppm)para este tipo de rocha. Não foram observadas concentrações anômalas destes elementos, associadas, eventualmente, a mineralizações. ABSTRACT: U, Th and K concentrations were determined for 26 samples of the São Roque granitic inúmion. Average values were, respectively, 5.6 ppm, 12.8 ppm and 4.1. The calculated radiogenic heat production was 2.7 æWm-3. The gradients of the concentration of U, Th and K indicated by the trend surface analysis suggest some association either with the cooling processes or with the fault systems which are limiting the: body. The observed concenft-Mons of K and U were normal for Wanites (3,7 e 4,8 ppm, respectively); however Th is lower than the normal average (21.0 ppm). Anomalous concentration of these elements, locally associated with mineralizations were not observed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 744 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KayanoKousStudSilv:1990:AsVaIn Journal Article Kayano, Mary Toshie Kayano, Mary Toshie; Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Studzinski, Caarem D.; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite As variacoes intra-sazonais da precipitacao no Brasil durante o verao de 1989/1990 1990 Climanalise 5 4 40-50 April 7373 estudos do tempo e do clima, , , precipitacao (meteorologia), circulacao atmosferica, oscilacao intra-sazonal, verao, radiacao de onda longa, rol, pressao ao nivel do mar, pnm. Sao discutidas caracteristicas da circulacao atmosferica associadas com a oscilacao intra-sazonal as quais contribuiram para a variabilidade de precipitacao extrema sobre o leste da regiao sudeste e regiao nordeste do brasil, durante o verao do Hemisferio Sul de 1989/90. Existem algumas indicaoes, baseadas nas medias a cada cinco dias da Pressao ao Nivel do Mar (PNM)e da Radiacao de Onda Longa (ROL), que mostram que a conveccao tropical possivelmente foi fortemente modulada pela oscilacao intra-sazonal durante o presente verao do Hemisferio Sul. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimo:1989:StLiSp Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, D.M. Comments on a paper entitled sudden neutral ""sodium layers: a strong link to sporadic e layers"" by U.Von Zahn and T.L. Hansen 1989 Journal Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51 2 145-146 9625 aeronomia, precipitação de partícula, radar optico, chuvas de meteoritos, particle precipitation, optical radar, meteoroid showers. Observations of thin, enhanced, layers within the atmospheric sodium layer have recently been interpreted in the literature as resulting from the liberation of sodium from dust particles by the effect of auroral particle precipitation. In this note we point out that one of the assumptions on which the argument for this mechanism is based is incorrect, and that direct deposition of meteoric material is more likely to be the cause of the observed enhancements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1525 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Padilha:1995:DiInMa Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes Distortions in magnetotelluric field possibley due to ULF activity at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region 1995 Journal of Geomagnetism and geolectricy 47 : 1311-1323 9699 geofísica espacial. Several MT soundings carried out in different sites at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region in Brazil are distorted by severe incoherent noise. Apparent resistivity curves are displaced downwards showing local minima in frequencies around 0.1 Hz. On the other hand, power spectra analyses of pulsations in the Pc1-2 range observed at a ground station in the same region indicate the presence of linearly polarized Pi-bursts. These events may be related to the intensification of particle precipitation at localized low L values of the anomaly during magnetic disturbed periods with the characteristic polarization being probably associated with a local ionospheric current system driven by middle atmospheric ionization enhancement. It is speculated here that the mechanisms responsible for the Pibursts generation can introduce local spatial inhomogeneities in the external inducing field in the anomaly area generating the observed distortions in NIT curves. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1431 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1982:REGEOF Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long RELATIVISTIC GENERALIZATION OF STRONG PLASMA TURBULENCE 1982 Revista Brasileira de Física Volume especial 7 4463 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AguiarACCANSFFFFFMMMMMMORSSV:2002:StBrSp Journal Article Aguiar, Odylio Denys Aguiar, Odylio Denys; Andrade, Luiz A. de; Camargo, L.; Costa, C.A.; Araujo, José Carlos Neves de; Neto, E.C.D.; Souza, S.T. de; Fauth, A.C.; Frajuca, Carlos; Frossati, Giorgio; Furtado, V.G.S.; Furtado, Sérgio Ricardo; Magalhães, Nadja Simão; Marinho Jr., Rubens de Melo; Matos, E.S.; Meliani, M.T.; Melo, José Luiz; Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte; Oliveira Jr., Nei Fernandes; Ribeiro, Kilder Leite; Salles, Karla B.M.; Stellati, C.; Velloso Jr., Walter Ferreira The status of the Brazilian spherical detector 2002 Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 7 1949-1953 9965 ASTROFÍSICA. The first phase of the Brazilian Graviton Project is the construction and operation of the gravitational wave detector Mario Schenberg at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo. This gravitational wave spherical antenna is planned to feature a sensitivity better than h= 10(-21)Hz(-1/2)at the 3.0-3.4 kHz bandwidth, and to work not only as a detector, but also as a testbed for the development of new technologies. Here we present the status of this detector. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8991-PRE/4669 PI CEA DAS DAS GRAVITON 282 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Prado:2001:MiFuTr Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Minimum fuel trajectories for the lunar polar orbiter (LPO) 2001 SAB Controle e Automação 12 2 163-170 7018 ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL. In this paper the problem of sending a spacecraft from Low Earth Orbit (LEO)to the Moon with minimum fuel comsuption is considered. It is assumed that the ""Two-Body model"" approximation is valid in all phases of the mission and that the final orbit around the Moon is polar. The first part deals with impulsive maneuvers, and obtain a set of values for fuel expenditure and trip time for several trajectories. Two possible scenarios are considered: a single mission (only one spacecraft in orbit around the Moon)and a double mission (one main spacecraft and a sub-satellite around the Moon). A more detailed study, including a V in each phase and analysis of the effects of the errors involved in the final orbit around the Moon, for one of the trajectoires, is also presented. The second part considers the use of low-thrust trajectoires. The Euler-Lagrange equations are used to generate a set of differential equations that are numerically integrated to obtain the final orbit. The difficulty caused by a lack of initial values for all variables in the same point (Two point Boundary Value Problem)is treated by making interations in the initial values of the Lagrange multipliers, using the gradient projection method. The results showed that large savings in fuel consumption can be obtained by using low thrust trajectoires for the Earth-Moon part of the mission. A first analysis for the behavior of the orbit around the Moon, including predictions for the frequency and V for station-keeping maneuvers, is also included. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-5603-PRE/1818 PI ETES DMC DMC 22 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ChianAbalAlveLope:1997:CoGeNa Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chiang-Long Chian, Abraham Chiang-Long; Abalde Guedes, Jose Ricardo; Alves, Maria Virginia; Lopes, Sergio Roberto Coherent generation of narrow-band circularly polarized radio bursts from the sun and flare stars 1997 Solar Physics 173 1 199-202 8766 geofisica espacial, magnetosfera, ondas de langmuir, oscilacoes de radio. It is shown that narrow-band radio bursts of right-and left-hand circular polarizations from and Rare stars can be produced via nonlinear conversion of Langmuir waves into high-frequency electromagnetic electron cyclotron waves near the plasma frequency by coupling to low-frequency electromagnetic cyclotron waves such as Alfven-ion cyclotron or magnetosonic"" histler waves. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA DGE LAP PROJETO MAGHEL 1234 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1987:XrMeSo Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio X-ray measurements at the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly 1987 Jornal Geophysical Research A 91 6 7072-7078 2592 geofisica espacial, , magnetosfera, anomalias magnetica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PESQUISA DE MAGNETOSFERA 772 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Braga:1994:BuNeNa Journal Article Braga, João Braga, João Buracos negros na nossa Galáxia 1994 Boletim da Sociedade de Astronômica Brasileira 13 3 59-68 9715 astrofísica, buracos negros, estrêlas supermassivas, supernovas, black holes, supermassive stars, supernovas. A busca pela comprovação da existência dos buracos negros estelares tem sido um dos maiores desafios da astrofísica neste final de século. Nos últimos anos, com o advento de vários experimentos espaciais extremamente sensíveis, surgiram evidências de que vários sistemas galácticos poderiam abrigar estes cadáveres estelares, singularidades do espaço-tempo previstas pela teoria da Relatividade Geral de Einstein. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 742 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraNeiv:1990:Pe19At Journal Article Ferreira, Marlene Elias Ferreira, Marlene Elias; Neiva, Eugenio J. F Centro de aplicacao de satelites ambientais: perspectivas para 1990-1992 e atendimento ao setor de recursos hidricos 1990 Climanalise 5 1 39-45 January 7369 meteorologia por satelite, recusos hidricos, satelites meteorologicos. Em funcao do potencial dos dados de satelites para a gestao dos recursos hidricos, sao discutidas as pesquisas e as aplicacoes pertinentes ao setor, a luz do estado atual e do futuro dos sistemas de satelites meteorologicos, considerando adicionalmente a criacao do Centro de Aplicacao de Satelites Ambientais (CSA/INPE)em 1988. Configura-se uma situacao propicia para que os setores de hidrologia e recursos hidricos no Pais passem a tirar efetivo proveito dos satelites meteorologicos. Para tanto, serao necessarrios esforcos de coordenacao, estabelecimento de prioridades e direcionamento do fomento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTC 154 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AroraTrViPaRiCh:1999:OvGeDe Journal Article Arora, B.R. Arora, B.R.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Vitorello, Icaro; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Rigoti, A; Chamalaun, F.H. Overview of Geomagnetic Deep Soundings (GDS)as applied in the Parnaíba Basin, North-Northeast Brazil 1999 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 17 1 9692 geofísica espacial, indução magnética, resistividae elétrica, geomagnétismo, sondagem, magnetic induction, electrical resistivity, geophysics, geomagnetism, sounding. Geomagnetic Deep Sounding (GDS)is an electromagnetic method of geophysics, which is capable of imaging the Earth's interior in terms of electrical conductivity using natural geomagnetic transient variations. The method is particularly suited to map geological structures marked by large lateral conductivity contrasts. An overview of the methodology is presented for a magnetometer array study undertaken within and around the intracratonic Parnaíba Basin, north-northeas Brazil. The artical describes the sequential steps of data processing, the results of numerical modeling, and the related geological/tectonic implications of the inferred conductivity distribution. In the initial stages of data processing, an advanced robust regression technique is applied to derive transfer functions used to diagnose the lateral conductivity distribution in the study region. The presentation of the transfer functions in the form of induction arrows helps to identify regions of enhanced conductivity. Contour plots and pseudo-sections of the anomalous vertical fields, estimated from the hypothetical event analysis on transfer functions, are essential to characterize the orientation and dimensionality of the electrical conductive structures of the region. The analysis of various frequency and polarization parameters indicates that an anomalous behavior of the magnetovariational field, with periods longer than one hour, is determined by currents induced in the seawater, and perhaps in the raised asthenosphere beneath the oceanic region. Yet, anomalous signatures observed at periods shorter than one hour are primarily controlled by concentrated currents in two inland conductive structures. They are the Parnaíba Basin Conductivity Anomaly (PBCA), that follows the trend of the Transbrasiliano Lineament in the eastern part of the Parnaíba Basin, and the LINK anomaly, that extends from the central part of the basin to the Marajó Graben. A non-uniform thin sheet modeling has mapped the lateral extent and estimated the depth-integrated conductances of PBCA and LINK to be of the order of 2000 S and 1000 S, respectively. The overall pattern of the inferred conductivity distribution helps to visualize the LINK anomaly as relics of a probable sedimentary channel connecting the Parnaíba Basin and Marajó Graben, and which could have acted as a gateway for sea transgressions during early stages of the basin evolution. The combined inversion and forward modeling of the GDS response functions provides the PBCA structural cross-section as an ensemble of a graben-like structure in the basement and a highly conducting block confined to the deeper central part of the basin, with an embedded resistive body in the middle. The existence of a broad conducting block confined to the central part of the basin is also consistent with magnetotelluric data, and the graben-like structure in the basement is corroborated by aeromagnetic data. The origin of graben-like structures in the basement could be possibly related to an extensional tectonism, whereas the resistive body is tentatively interpreted as a diabase dike or a recrystallized magmatic body intruded during a Cretaceous magmatic event. Carbon bearing sediments are suggested as an alternative to hydrated siliciclastic sediments to account for the high conductivity of the central block. A hydrothermal event associated with the Cretaceous magmatic activity may be the likely process to produce carbon through the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon-saturated Paleozoic sediments. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1428 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VENKATARAMANCARDOLIV:1982:THREOF Journal Article VENKATARAMAN,N.S. VENKATARAMAN,N.S.; CARDOSO,H.P.; OLIVEIRA FILHO,O.B. THERMAL RESISTANCE OF CONVECTIVELY COOLED PLATES WITH APPLIED HEAT FLUX AND INTERNAL HEAT GENERATION 1982 Acta Astronautica 9 10 613-620 4439 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 34110X 378 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RigozoNorEchZanGon:2002:SoVaEf Journal Article Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Echer, Ezequiel; Zanandrea, Ademilson; Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio Alarcon Solar variability effects studied by tree-ring data wavelet analysis 2002 Advances in Space Research 29 12 1985-1988 9963 ASTROFÍSICA, variações periódicas, mudança climática, processamento de dados, periodic variations, climate change, data processing. The global change approach to study the Sun-Earth system gives a growing amount of evidences that climate dynamics is affected by a large number of factors. The solar variability is very likely to be among them. Natural records, such as tree ring data, can be investigated to study the past global and regional climate, which was influenced by the solar radiative output variations, associated to solar activity. Wavelet transform analysis was applied to sunspot number and tree ring width time series from 1837 to 1996 at Concórdia, Brazil. The amplitude and cross-amplitude spectral representation in the time-frequency domain allowed us to detect the occurrence of predominant periodicities and the relationship between the sunspot number and the tree ring time series. The Morlet complex wavelet analysis was used to study the most important variability factors on time scales ranging from from 2 to 100 years, and their stability in time, which is shown in both time series studied. We also applied the cross-wavelet spectral analysis to evaluate time delay among different tree ring time series, and between tree ring and sunspot number time series. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8986-PRE/4664 PI CEA DGE DGE 280 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MarengoLieKouFilWai:2001:OnEnRa Journal Article Marengo, JA Marengo, JA; Liebmann, B; Kousky, VE; Filizola, NP; Wainer, IC Onset and end of the rainy season in the Brazilian Amazon Basin 833-852 2001 2001 Journal of Climate 14 5 833-852 6252 SOUTH-AMERICAN, OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION, AUSTRALIAN SUMMER MONSOON, SECTOR, INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY, ANNUAL CYCLE, SURFACE TEMPERATURE, CONVECTIVE ACTIVITY, SST ANOMALIES, CIRCULATION, RAINFALL. Onset and end of the rainy season in the Amazon Basin are examined for the period 1979- 96. The onset and end dates are determined by averaging daily rainfall data from many stations, and then constructing 5- day averages (pentads). Onset (end)is defined as the pentad in which rainfall exceeds (falls below)a given threshold, provided that average rainfall was well below (above)the threshold for several pentads preceding onset (end), and well above (below)the threshold for several pentads after onset (end). For the criteria chosen, the climatological onset progresses toward the southeast, arriving in mid- October, and then toward the mouth of the Amazon, arriving near the end of the year. The end dates are earliest in the southeast and progress toward the north, but withdrawal is slower than onset. The onset dates, however, are quite sensitive to changes in the threshold. If the threshold is doubled, for example, the sense of onset is reversed, with onset occurring toward the northwest. Changes in threshold do not change the direction of the progression of the end of the rainy season. The central Amazon shows the largest variation in the date of onset. In several years, onset in the southeast occurs before that in the central Amazon, but onset near the mouth is always latest. There is an unexpectedly low relationship between the length of the rainy season and total accumulation. Likewise, there is little relationship between the onset (and end)date and the total accumulation. Composites of outgoing longwave radiation and the low- level wind field show that in the central Amazon, onset is associated with an anomalous anticyclone and enhanced trade winds in the Atlantic. Near the mouth of the Amazon, however, onset is associated with large- scale northerly anomalies, and the zonal component of the trade winds is reduced. There is an apparent association between sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific and the pentads of onset and end of the rainy season in the northern and central Amazon, and near its mouth. The sense is that a warm Pacific and cold Atlantic result in a delayed onset and early withdrawal. Although the strong El Nino of 1982/ 83 and La Nina 1988/ 89 were examples of a delayed and early onset, respectively, the relationships it still holds these years are not considered. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9098-PRE/4773 PI MET CPT CPT 20 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MullerNuneSelu:2000:ReBeEN Journal Article Muller, GV Muller, GV; Nunez, MN; Seluchi, ME Relationship between ENSO cycles and frost events within the Pampa Humeda region 2000 International Journal of Climatology 20 13 1619-1637 6241 Pampa Humeda Region, El Nino, El Nino-Southern Oscillation, La Nina, Southern Oscillation, SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE, HEMISPHERE, PATTERNS, CLIMATE, PAST. The objective of the present paper is to analyse the possible impact of ENSO events on the spatial and the temporal distribution of frost occurrences, within the central region of Argentina. Therefore, the minimum temperature series have been studied for 41 meteorological stations within the Pampa Humeda region and, for a period of 30 years from 1961 to 1990, exploring possible relationships with El Nino (EN)/La Nina (LN)events and the changes in the Southern Oscillation. It can be concluded that part of the frost frequency variability within this region is explained by the ENSO cycle. Results indicate that, for at least 1 of the 2 years in which the EN event takes place, the mean number of frost occurrences drops below the climatological value. The low phase of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)also coincides with those years for which the number of frost events remained below the total annual mean in all cases, with the year 1965 as an exception. Conversely, during the high phase of the SOI, this number was above the total annual mean for four of the six classified cases. In the particular case of seasonal frost occurrence, it is related to the warm event development state, exhibiting a greater impact during the autumn and winter months, for which the cold event also seems to have influence. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-9086-PRE/4762 PI MET CPT CPT 19 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FernandesSawaZhel:1996:NaSpFr Journal Article Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Zheleznyakov, V.V Narrow-band split frequency decimeter solar burst 1996 Solar Physics 168 : 159-169 8764 astrofisica, explosoes solares, fisica solar, coroa solar. A wide-band digital decimetric spectroscope is in the process of development at INPE (Brazil), in conjunction with a 9-m diameter polar mounted antenna. Initially, this spectroscope was operating over a narrow-band 1.6 ñ 0.05 MHz in an analogue mode. Here we report a slow drifting - 5.0 MHz s- 1, narrow-band 16:30-15:80 MHz, split frequency solar burst lasting for about 15 s, observed on 15 June, 1991 The separation between the split components is = 30 MHz, and the upper split frequency component is more intense than the lower split frequency component. These observed characteristics favour the hypothesis of conversion of plasma waves by combinational scattering on upgoing ion-sound waves in a magnetic loop. Existing strong electron density gradients across the magnetic field in the source region will reduce the free-free absorption of radiation at the fundamental frequency. In order to explain the observed temporal characteristics of the upper and lower split frequency components, the radiation has to propagate at some angle to the electron density gradient in the source region. Estimated physical parameters of the source and exciters are as follows: (i)maximum source size (height)2 x 107 cm; (ii)velocity and length of ion-sound pulse 3.1 x 106 cm s-1 and 5 x 107 cm, respectively, and (iii)velocity of the exciter of plasma waves (electron or proton beam)5 x 108 cm s-1. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1232 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCorCosVazDEN:1985:OFSOBU Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; Vaz, Ana Maria Zodi; DENNIS,B.R. OF SOLAR BURSTS WITH MM-WAVE EMISSION AT HIGH FREQUENCY ONLY 1985 NATURE 313 6001 380-382 4999 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1130 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSetzPereMari:1988:QuNoBr Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Valter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Valter Johann Heinrich; Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos da Costa; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade Queimadas no Brasil e seus efeitos na atmosfera de regioes remotas 1988 Ciencia e Cultura 40 7 659-668 1377 geofísica espacial, queimadas. Nos paises tropicais e comum a pratica de queima de mat derrubada para criar areas de plantio e pastagens. E a maneira mais facil e economica de remover troncos, galhos e folhagens ""inuteis"". Nos ultimos anos, no entanto, a queima de fitomassa, no Brasil, aumentou tanto que comeca causar serios prejuizos. O excesso de queimadas empobrece o solo, provoca casos, provoca casos de fechamento de aeroportos, e a falta de controle leva ainda a queima de lavouras e madeiras de lei nas florestas. Alem destes prejuizos obvios produz quantidades indesejaveis de gases CO e NOx, que por sua vez podem produzir O3, aumentando a taxa de gases toxicos na baixa troposfera que prejudicam a saude de homens e animais e inibem o bom desenvolvimento das lavouras. E nossa tese que as queimadas se tornaram uma verdadeira praga, cuja extensao e intensidade estao muito alem de limites razoaveis. Nao se queimam apenas vegetacao cortada e seca. E comum, tambem, a ocorrencia de queimadas em areas de vegetacao viva, o que se comprova em viagens de aviao por rodovias pelo Brasil. Para estudar cientificamente estes problemas sao feitas as amostragens de ar em local onde ha grande incidencia de queimadas, proximo a Cuiaba, MT. Mede-se a concentracao de C), simultaneamente com O3. A concentracao de CO em julho-agosto e da ordem de 500 partes por bilhao por volume, ppbv, mas de grande oscilaoes com valores ate 700 ppbv, e na epoca chuvosa, em janeiro e apenas 100 ppbv. as concentracao elevadas sao investigadas tambem em funcao da identificacao, atraves de imagens de satelite, de um grande numero de queimadas no norte de Mato Grosso, Rondonia de sul do Para, e tambem da analise meteorologica das trajetorias de massas de ar das regioes de queimadas para o local de mostragem. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA DGE DSR CEA 573 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZamluttiBati:1994:NeCoCo Journal Article Zamlutti, Carlos José Zamlutti, Carlos José; Batista, Inez Staciarini On a new computation of the collisional transfer rates for Maxwell molecules interaction 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 12 2 191-194 9687 aeronomia, taxas de colisão, interações, moléculas, computação, collision rates, interactions, molecules5computation. A new computation of the collisional transfer rates for Maxwell molecules type interactions is presented. The relevance of tile present computation is the an approximated analitical expression is proposed to substitute and invert the infinite series relating the apsidal angle to the impact parameter. This allow us to use more refined computer methods to compute the transfer integrals. A comparison with the old results is performed and conclusions are drawn as to the relevance of the discrepancies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 740 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Busko:1994:PhPrHS Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio Photometric properties of HST restored images 1994 Astronomy Society of the Pacific 106 706 1310-1321 9596 astrofísica, telescópio espacial hubble, restauração, imagens, algoritmos, hubble space telescope (hts), restoration, images, algorithms. Simulated and real images from Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field/Planetary Camera were processed by several image-restoration algorithms, and stellar photometry performed on the restored images. Results were used to evaluate photometric properties of the tested algorithms. It was found that reliable results can be obtained from such photometry, provided a combination of linear and nonlinear restoration techniques is used instead of a single restoration method K. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 739 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FitzjarraldMoCaScMaSa:1990:DaTuEx Journal Article Fitzjarrald, D.R. Fitzjarrald, D.R.; Moore, K.E.; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Scolar, J.; Manzi, Antonio Ocimar; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Daytime turbulent exchange between the Amazon forest and the atmosphere 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D10 16825-16838 7305 ciencias meteorologicas, , estudo do sinal geofisico, turbulencia, chuva, atmosfera. Detailed observations of turbulence just above and below the crown of the Amazon rain forest during the wet season are presented. The forest canopy is shown to remove high-frequency turbulent fluctuations while passing lower frequencies. Filter characteristics of turbulent transfer into the Amazon rain forest canopy are quantified. In spite of the ubiquitous presence of clouds and frequent rain during this season, the average horizontal wind speed spectrum and the relationship between the horizontal wind speed and its standard deviation are well described by dry convective boundary layer similarity hypotheses originally found to apply in flat terrain. Diurnal changes in the sign of the vertical velocity skewness observed above and inside the canopy are shown to be plausibly explained by considering the skewness budget. Simple empirical formulas that relate observed turbulent heat fluxes to horizontal wind speed and variance are presented. Changes in the amount of turbulent coupling between the forest and the boundary layer associated with deep convective clouds are presented in three case studies. Even small raining clouds are capable of evacuating the canopy of substances normally trapped by persistent static stability near the forest floor. Recovery from these events can take more than an hour, even during midday. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 152 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SimonichClem:1989:DeElCh Journal Article Simonich, Dale Martim Simonich, Dale Martim; Clemesha, Barclay Robert Decay of the el Chichon aerosol cloud at 23 degree S 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 D10 12803-12806 9446 aeronomia, aquecimento estratosférico, circulação atmosférica, aerosois, efeitos atmosféricos, stratospheric warming, atmospheric circulation, aerosols, atmospheric effects. We present the stratospheric backscatter profiles obtained by the Sao José dos Campos lidar (23 degree S, 46 degree W)during the period of the persistence of the El Chichon aerosol cloud (July 1982 to November 1985). The backscatter coefficient integrated from 17 to 27 km shows an overall 1/e decay rate of about 13 months, but the decay was considerably more irregular than that observed at other sites. In June and July of 1984 there occurred a significant secondary maximum in the integrated backscatter. It is not clear whether this peak was caused by circulation effects or whether it was the result of the injection of new material by a series of moderate equatorial eruptions during the first half of 1984. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1521 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JorgeClemBatiSimo:1997:PeTeNa Journal Article Jorge, M.P.M. Jorge, M.P.M.; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale M O perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa em São José dos Campos (23ø S, 46ø O)obtido com radar de laser 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 15 2 109-199 9690 aeronomia, temperatura atmosférica, mesopausa, radar óptico, atmospheric temperature, mesopause, optical rdar. Este artigo trata da obtenção do perfil de temperatura atmosférica entre 80 e 100 km de altura, região da mesopausa. Ele é baseado no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de uma técnica experimental simples que permite determinar a temperatura da atmosfera utilizando um radar de laser e as propriedades físicas do sódio mesosférico. A técnica consiste em sintonizar o radar de laser na linha D2 do sódio (5890 )e substituir o espelho de saída do laser por um interferômetro Fabry-Perot com ""free-spectral-range"" de 0,0198 , mesmo valor da separação da estrutura hiperfina da linha D2 do sódio. Inicialmente um controlador de temperatura permite variar a temperatura do Fabry-Perot e realizar uma varredura em comprimento de onda na estrutura hiperfina do sódio. Posteriormente um Fabry-Perot controlado por pressão permite mudar o comprimento de onda do laser do máximo para o mínimo da estrutura hiperfina. A temperatura do sódio, ou da atmosfera, uma vez que estão em equilíbrio termodinâmico, é inferida da convolução entre o perfil do laser e o perfil ressonante do sódio. Alguns experimentos foram realizados para verificar a validade da nova técnica e para fornecer o perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa. Aqui são apresentados os perfis de temperatura do dia 28/08/95, obtido com o Fabry-Perot controlado por temperatura, e do dia 17/10/96, obtido com o Fabry-Perot controlado por pressão. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 1426 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PHILLIPSPHBGHSJSCSWHTSTHMRLURGCSLLSS:1987:OPPHAN Journal Article PHILLIPS, MM PHILLIPS, MM; PHILLIPS, AC; HEATHCOTE, SR; BLANCO, VM; GEISLER, D; HAMILTON, D; SUNTZEFF, NB; JABLONSKI, FJ; STEINER, JE; COWLEY, AP; SCHMIDTKE, P; WYCKOFF, S; HUTCHINGS, JB; TONRY, J; STRAUSS, MA; THORSTENSEN, JR; HONEY, W; MAZA, J; RUIZ, MT; LANDOLT, AU; UOMOTO, DA; RICH, RM; GRINDLAY, JE; COHN, H.; SMITH, H.A.; LUTZ, JH; LAVERY, RJ; SAHA, A; Steiner, Joao Envagelista THE TYPE IA SUPERNOVA 1986G IN NGC5128: OPTICAL PHOTOMETRY AND SPECTRA 1987 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 99 617 592-605 2800 astrofísica, supernovae, photometry, spectrophotometry. Optical light curves and spectra of the Type la supernova 1986G in NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)are presented. SN 1986G was discovered approximately one week before maximum light. The initial rate of decline of the B light curve was remarkably fast and characteristic of the infrequently observed Pskovskii photometric class á = 12. Although the spectral evolution closely resembled that of the more common ""slower"" photometric classes of Type la supernovae, subtle differences in the maximum-light spectra were detected. The expansion velocity of the photosphere of SN 1986G decreased rapidly at early phases, suggesting that the outer-envelope density gradient was less steep than in supernovae with smaller values of P. SN 1986G appears to have been heavily obscured (E (B -V)= 0.90 ñ 0. 10)by the dust lane of NGC 5128. This circumstance accounts for the strong interstellar-absorption lines of Ca ii H and K and Na I D observed in the spectra as well as for several weaker absorption features that we identify with the diffuse interstellar bands. SN 1986G provides graphic confirmation of the existence of intrinsic differences in the optical light curves and spectroscopic properties of Type la supernovae. Consequently, these objects must be used with considerable caution as cosmological standard candles. On the basis of the very close resemblance of SN 1986G to SN 19711 in NGC 5055, we derive a relative distance of D NGC 5128 / D NGC 5055 = 0.39 ñ 0.04. Further distance estimates are hampered due to the lack of other well-observed Type la supernovae with á = 12. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 964 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScaliseJrBRAZ:1982:H2MASU Journal Article Scalise Jr.,Eugenio Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; BRAZ,M.A. H2O MASER SURVEY IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS 1982 Astronomical Journal 87 3 528-531 4429 astrofísica. An extensive search for water vapor maser emission towards the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds is reported. The 6,6-523 transition of water molecule was detected in two H 11 regions in LMC (including N 159, previously was detected)and in two H ii regions in SMC. A total of 32 positions was searched in both Clouds. The strength of the sources detected is comparable with galactic masers with luminosities L<10-2LSID/SCD. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 376 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShinoharaYuSaSoVeTrCo:1997:WaChDa Journal Article Shinohara, M. Shinohara, M.; Yumoto, K.; Saka, O.; Solovyev, S.I.; Vershinin, E.F.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Costa, Jose Marques da Wave characteristics of daytime and nighttime Pi 2 pulsations at the equatorial and low latitudes 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 18 2279-2282 8762 geofisica espacial, geomagnetismo, pulsacoes. Peculiarities of daytime and nighttime Pi 2 pulsations at the dip equator are examined by using multipoint measurements from the 210 degree magnetic meridian (AIAI)magnetometer network. We found that during daytime the amplitude of Pi 2 pulsations at the dip equator is enhanced, and the phase lags 34 degree behind those at low-latitude (magnetic latitude = 19.5-46.2 degree)stations. On the other hand during nighttime the amplitude of Pi 2 pulsations at the dip equator is depressed, and the phase lags 18 degree behind those at the lower latitudes. Because the zonal ionospheric conductivity at the dip equator is much higher than that at the off-dip equator region, Pi 2 signals are expected to be distorted more effectively at the dip equator. The observations imply that the daytime and nighttime Pi 2 pulsations in the equatorial and low-latitude regions can be explained by invoking an instantaneous penetration of electric field variations from the nightside polar ionosphere to the dayside equatorial ionosphere, and a direct incidence of compressional oscillations from the nightside inner magnetosphere, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 1230 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1997:PrEsSi Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam A prelimitary estimate of the size of the coming solar cycle 23, based on Ohl's precursor method 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 15 1899-1902 8761 geofisica espacial, ciclo solar. Solar Cycle 22 seems to be nearing its end. The 12-month moving averages of sunspot number and aa. index seem to have levelled near 8.1 and 17.9. If these are confirmed as the rninimurn values, a prediction for Cycle 23 by the precursor method indicates a maximum amplitude of 170 13 (by the single variable regression analysis)and 177 21 (by the bivariate analysis), suggesting that cycle 23, potentially, will be one of the laige9t sunspot cycles on record (i.e., Rmax > 160). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1229 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiBona:1981:OnSoCl Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Bonatti, Jose Paulo On some climatological aspects of the zonally averaged atmosphere in the southern hemisphere 1981 Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie 30: 87-94 2161 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCT CPT 179 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FERREIRA:1984:REOFTH Journal Article FERREIRA,A.C.A. FERREIRA,A.C.A. REPRESENTATION OF THE FOKKER-PLANCK COLLISION TERM FOR COULOMB INTERACTIONS AS SERIES OF LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS 1984 JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, 027 August 4992 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FISMAT 040X 601101 1127 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Tello:1994:DaDeAn Journal Article Tello, Camilo Tello, Camilo Sampling of globular clusters and the distance to the galactic center 1. Data description and analysis 1994 Astromical Journal 107 4 1381-1387 9589 astrofísica, aglomerado globular, distância, análise de dados, globular clusters, distance, data analysis. A recent compilation of globular cluster data [Harris, private communication (1991)] has been examined for the purpose of selecting a sufficiently large set of globular clusters with reliable distance estimates. The absolute differences between recent and past estimates of the cluster parameters V(HB)and E(B - V)have been studied in statistically representative (but not mutually exclusive)subsets; resulting in a conservative estimate of the average distance modulus error of 0.40m for a total selected sample of 134 objects. The effects of spatial and metallicity segregation on the statistics of this sample are investigated. The adopted distance scale uses consistent correction terms for metallicity and reddening according to the precepts in Racine Harris [AJ, 98, 1609 (1989)]. From a direct comparison with the spatial configuration of clusters derived in the past, random observational errors are shown to dominate the uncertainties in locating the clusters along their lines of sight. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 737 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FortiMoreAndrOrsi:1990:PaCiBr Journal Article Forti, Maria Cristina Forti, Maria Cristina; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria; Andrade, M.F.; Orsini, C.Q Elements in the precipitation of S. Paulo city (Brazil) 1990 Atmospheric Environment 24B 2 355-360 7303 ciencias meteorologicas, , geoquimica ambiental, precipitacao (meteorologia), agua, chuva acida, aerosol, medida. Rainwater samples in S. Paulo city were collected on an event basis from October 1983 to October 1985 covering two dry and two rainy periods. Bulk samples only were obtained. At the same site and period, fine, coarse and inhalable particles were also collected. Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, NO-3, SO2-4 and NH+4 contents were determined in rainwater samples, while Na, Ca, K, Cl and S concentrations were measured in aerosol samples. Rainwater is slightly acid (mean pH=5.0), and contains high concentrations of Ca2+, NO-3, SO2-4 and NH+4. Dry and wet fluxes and washout ratios were determined for some elements. Results obtained suggest that the atmosphere composition in this city is strongly influenced by anthropogenic sources. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ScalaGTPTSKBSTRK:1990:ClDrSt Journal Article Scala, John R. Scala, John R.; Garstang, Michael; Tao, Wei-Kuo; Pickering, Kenneth E.; Thompson, Anne M.; Simpson, Joanne; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Browell, Edward V.; Sachse, Glen W.; Torres, Arnold L.; Gregory, Gerald, L.; Rasmussen, R.A.; Khalil, M.A.K Cloud draft structure and trace gas transport 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D10 17015-17030 7228 geofisica espacial. Field observations obtained during the second NASA Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE 2B), and two-dimensional moist cloud model simulations are used to determine the dominant transport pathways within a continental tropical squall line. A surface-based network triangle provided the focus for a multi-instrumental sampling of the May 6, 1987, squall line which propagated through the central Amazon basin at a rate of 40-50 km h-1. Extensive use is made of the vertical distribution of specific trace gases that are representative of the prestorm and poststorm environment. One-dimensional photochemical model results suggest the observed poststorm changes in ozone concentration can be attributed to convective transports rather than photochemical production. Two-dimensional cloud model results detail the dynamic and thermodynamic attributes of the simulated squall convection. The well-mixed moist troposphere in which the observed squall system developed may have hindered strong downdraft development. Parcel trajectory analyses are conducted to investigate the flow patterns of convective transports. A significant proportion (>50) of the air transported to the anvil region originated at or above 6 km, not from the boundary layer via undilute cores. The presence of a midlevel inflow and a strong melting layer at 5.5 km reduced the vertical development of the core updraft and aided in the maintenance of a rotor circulation. The predicted absence of more than one active cell in the model cloud field, the lack of a well-organized downdraft in the presence of model estimated net upward mass flux, and the initial wind profile suggest the May 6 squall line was unicell in character. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClem:1989:ChSpSo Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Robert Barcley Characteristics of the sporadic sodium layers observed at 23 0 s 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A11 15349-15358 9442 aeronomia, sodio, mesosfera, medição, região e, chuvas de meteoros, sodium, mesosphere, measurements, e region, meteoroid scuwers. The mesospheric sodium data, obtained between 1975 and 1987 at São José dos Campos (23 degree S,46 degree W)with a laser radar, have been analyzed in order to identify the appearance of thin sporadic sodium layers. In this search, a total of 65 events were identified. The average height of the peaks is 95.0 km. The ratio of the maximum peak density to the average layer density is normally 2.5 to 3.0, but values as high as 7 have been observed in the most outstanding cases. The events last from a few minutes to several hours, although durations of 1-2 hours are more typical. The events occur more often during periods of large meteor showers, especially in August. The diurnal variation shows an increasing number of observed peaks from 1500 LT to midnight and remains almost constant from midnight to 0600 LT. In 52 out of 54 days for which sodium and ionosonde data are available there was an sporadic E layer nearly coincident with the sodium cloud. The coincidence is good for short-lived sporadic layers, but a substantial increase in sporadic E critical and blanketing frequencies normally precedes the long-lasting and broader ones. These results are compatible with the suggestion that the enhanced layers are produced by the wind shear distortion of sodium clouds originating in meteor deposition, but we cannot rule out the possibility of an ion conversion mechanism. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1518 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBitSobFagTak:1996:ObIoPl Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Takahashi, Hisao Observations of ionospheric plasma depletions using OI 630.0 nm nightglow imaging 1996 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 14 1 15-28 9688 aeronomia, ionosféricos, bolhas de plasma, luminesc encia, depleção, emissão, imagens, ionospherics, olasma bubbles, airglow, depletion, emission5images. Ionospheric plasma irregularities associated with nighttime equatorial spread-F phenomena have been tile subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigations during recent years. Large scale plasma deplections, referred to as transequatorial bubbles or plumes, continue to attract considerable attention. The studies of ionosphere plasma irregularities assume great importance, because the irregularities degrade the radio wave signals passing through the region and, therefore, have considerable influence on the ionospheric/trans-ionospheric radio wave communications. The F-region nightglow emissions arising from ionospheric recombination processes can be used to remotely observe the dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and smaller scale plasma irregularities. In a collaborative project between the Center for Space Physics, Boston University, USA, and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, an all-sky imaging system was put in operation at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7§S, 45.0§ W, dip latitude 15.8§ S), in March 1987. This wide angle imaging technique provides an unique capability of permitting observations over regions covering several million square kilometers from a single observing station. Also, regular measurements of several nightglow emissions and ionospheric sounding are carried out at Cachoeira Paulista and Fortaleza (3.9§ S, 38.4§ W, dip latitude 3.7§ S). A VH:IF electronic polarimeter was in operation at Cachoeira Paulista. This clustering of observational facilities in the Brazilian sector provided coincident and complementary observations of various upper atmospheric paramcte7-s. In this paper we present and discuss some features of the OI 630.0 nm emission all-sky imaging observations carried out during the period 1987-1999. The transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles manifest in all-sky optical imaging observations as nearly north-south aligned intensity-depleted regions. The observed seasonal variation of the airglow depletions shows a maximum during the summer months and virtually no airglow depletions during tile winter months. The case studies presented show different forms of generation and development phases of airglow depletions during the course of a night. The all-sky images also permitted the determination of tile altitude-latitude extent of the plasma depleted regions and some results are presented. It has been observed that the altitudes reached by the plasma depleted flux tubes over the magnetic equator in the Brazilian sector often exceed 2500 km. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE DGE 1424 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSaha:1988:COGLOB Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar CONTAMINATION GLOW OBSERVED DURING TWO ROCKET SOUNDING EXPERIMENTS 1988 Progress in Atmospheric Physics 109-119 2798 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 962 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduDega:1967:DeElTe Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Degaonkar, S.S. Deduction of electron temperature from F-region component of absorption of cosmic radio noise 1967 Journal of Geophysical Research 72 21 5559-5562 9438 aeronomia, região f2, energia de eletrons, absorção, ruído cósmico, ionização, f2 region, electron energy5absorption, cosmic noise, ionization. In a recent paper by Abdu et al. [1967], the total cosmic radio absorption at Ahmedabad was divided into two components (1)a component that depends on f0F2, and (2)a com- ponent that arises mainly in, the D region of the ionosphere. In the present note we describe the results of deduction of electron temperatures from the component of F-region absorption of cosmic radio noise recorded at Ahmedabad at -25 Mhz during 1957-1958 and at 21.3 Mhz during 1964-1965. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 112 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BrazScal:1982:H2MaSu Journal Article Braz, M.A. Braz, M.A.; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio H2O Masers - Survey of the Galactic Plane. II 1982 Astronomy and Astrpphysics 107 2 272-275 4411 astrofísica, maser, molecules, interstellar, radio lines. Summary. We report here the result of a search for H20 maser emission sources performed towards radio continuum peaks of southern galactic H it regions, Type I OH emission sources and OH emission sources for which the type is still unknown. 16 new sources displaying H20 maser emission were found. Comments on individual sources are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS RADIO 374 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSasMacBatSob:1997:CaStGU Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sastri, J.H.; MacDougall, J.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Equatorial distribance dynamo electric field longitudinal structure and spreas F: a case study from GUARA/EITS campaigns 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 13 1707-1710 8759 aeronomia, radar doppler, magnetrometro, ionossonda, radar de laser, ionosfera. Digisondes/ionosondes, an HF Doppler radar and magnetometers were operated in Brazil and India during the September/October 1994 GUARA/EITS campaigns. Analysis of the data for the two disturbed intervals, 2-4 October and 2507 September provided evidence of a longitudinal structure in the disturbance dynamo (DD)electric Add at low latitudes. The DD electric field which is westward in the evening, inhibited the developments of the equatorial prereversal electric field and postsunset ESF, whereas the simultaneous eastward field in the predawn sector, did not lead to ESF, contrary to what is normally expected. This nondevelopment of ESF is suggested as evidence of the stabilizing effect of transequatorial neutral winds associated with stormtime circulation. The campaign observations clearly demonstrate that the DD electric fields could often mask the low latitude ionospheric responses to prompt penetration electric fields in the course of sustained substorm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1227 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffBatiClemSimo:1986:TwSoLa Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin The twilight sodium layer 1986 Journal Geophysical Research D 91 D12 3303-3307 2584 aeronomia, alta atmosfera. It is believed that sodium photochemistry is strongly influenced by mesospheric atomic oxygen and ozone, and one might thus expect sodium variations to occur during twilight. We have investigated this expectation by measuring the sodium density using a laser radar system. We report the results for 31 evening twilights and compare them with recent model calculations. The measurements show a rapid decrease in sodium density at the bottom of the layer, immediately after sunset, in agreement with theoretical predictions. Na variations are triggered by NaOH photolysis, while Na airglow variation occurs from O3 change. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 765 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kousky:1979:FrInOn Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar Frontal influences on Northeast Brazil 1979 Monthly Weather Review 107: 1140-1153 1840 meteorologia, , climatologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 325 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Busko:1994:WiImRe Journal Article Busko, Ivo Claudio Busko, Ivo Claudio Wiener image restoration 1994 Astrophysical Journal 26 2 1012-1014 9361 astrofísica, telescópio espacial hubble, restauracao, imagens, hubble space telescope, restoration, images. The Wiener filter is one of the simplest approaches for image restoration, and gives good results when applied to high signal-to-noise Hubble Space Telescope images. Its implementation in the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis Software (STSDAS)is described. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 735 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSilvBrow:1990:DrSeVe Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Silva, I.M.O. da; Browell, E.V. Ozone measurements in Amazonia: dry season versus wet season 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D10 16913-16926 7226 geofisica espacial. The concentration of atmospheric ozone was measured in the Amazoniam rain forest. Observations were made almost continuously at the surface, and in addition, 20 ozone profiles were obtained in the troposphere and stratosphere. These ozone measurements were part of a field expedition to the Brazilian Amazon region, the ABLE 2B mission, a joint American-Brazilian effort to measure local concentrations of several species, relevant to atmospheric chemistry. The time period of this expedition was April-May 1987, during the local wet season. For the surface ozone data the measurement technique used was UV absorption. Ozone profiles were obtained with electrochemical concentration cell sondes, launched on balloons. The major site of operaton was set up near Manaus (3 degrees S, 60 degrees W). The results are presented and compared with a previous dry season experiment. Surface ozone mixing ratios show diurnal variations that have maxima in the daytime and minima at night. The diurnal maximum at noontime, considered very low (12 ppbv)in the dry season was even lower in this wet season period (6 ppbv). A significant difference can be seen between clearing and forest data, and between different height levels above the surface, showing the existence of a large positive gradient of ozone with height. The ozone profiles in the troposphere show that there is less ozone not only at the surface but in the whole troposphere, with the wet season average showing between 6 and 12 ppbv less ozone. This difference is much smaller in the stratosphere, where there is slightly more ozone in the region of the peak, during the wet season. An isolated shower or thunderstorm in the dry season could produce transient ozone variations (mixing ratio increases or decreases)that were not observed in the wet season. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 147 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FejerPauBatBonWoo:1989:EqReVe Journal Article Fejer, B.G. Fejer, B.G.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Bonelli, E.; Woodman, R.F. Equatorial f Region vertical plasma drifs during solar maxima 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A9 12049-12054 9440 aeronomia, região f, radar de dispersão contraditória, medições, fluxo solar, deriva de plasma, atividade solar, f region, measurements, incoherent scatter radar, solar flux, plasma drift, solar activity. Incoherent scatter radar measurements at Jicamarca are used to study the effects of large solar fluxes and magnetic activity on the F region vertical plasma drifts. The average drifts from the two last solar maxima are almost identical except in the late afternoon-early evening sector where their variations with solar flux and magnetic activity are strongly season dependent. The average evening winter (May-August)drifts appear to remain almost constant after a certain solar flux level is reached but increase with magnetic activity. The equinoctial evening drifts increase systematically with solar-flux but decrease with magnetic activity. Very large prereversal enhancement velocities, up to about 80 m/s, were often observed during the 1978-1981 equinoctial periods when the solar flux was very high. Comparison of incoherent scatter radar drifts with vertical velocities inferred from ionosonde observations indicate that the latter technique substantially underestimates the plasma drifts during periods of large solar fluxes except during winter. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1516 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MelendezSawaFernBenz:1999:StAnHi Journal Article Melendez, J.L. Melendez, J.L.; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Fernandes, F.C.R.; Benz, A.O Statistics analysis of high frequency decimetric type III burst 1999 Solar Physics 187 1 77-88 9668 astrofísica, análise estatísticas, emissão, explosão radio, eletrons solares, statistical analysis, emission, radio bursts, solar electrons. Here we report the statistical analysis of 160 isolated decimetric type III bursts, a majority of them (74) having central frequency above 1000 MHz, observed in 8 flares by the spectrometer Phoenix. The most important finding of the detailed analysis is: 67 of all the bursts are reverse slope, 38 normal and 5 bi-directional. Also, we obtained the following results: (a)the best fits for the average half power duration and for the average drift rate as a function of frequency are given by t1/2=1.7x10(4)f-0.60 and /df/dt/=(0.09 +/- 0.03)f((1.35 +/- 0.10)), respectively; (b)the frequency range of most of the type III bursts is less than 250 MHz; (c)the number of bursts decreases with increasing starting frequency and flux; (d)peak flux decreases with increasing frequency. The relations obtained fit well for higher frequency observations. Assuming an improved density model and type III emission at 2(nd)harmonic, the beam parameters of type III bursts are determined. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1422 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduMuraBatiChav:1988:RoWaDi Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Chaves, A.H.P On the rocket-induced wave disturbances in the daytime,equatorial ionosphere 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 A4 2758-2760 2796 aeronomia, região f, medidas no local, densidade eletron ionosferica, f region, in situ measurements, ionospheric electron density. In situ measurements of daytime equatorial ionospheric E and F region electron densities were carried out using a high-frequency capacitance probe on board a SONDA III rocket launched from Natal, Brazil, on July 26,1984. Wave structures in the electron density profile having a scale length of -1.5 km to -10 km and amplitude of-10 percent of the ambient density were detected during the downleg trajectory. Possible sources of these waves are discussed, and their possible implication for irregularity formation under nighttime conditions is briefly mentioned. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 960 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PfaffSASLLGS:1997:SeRoIn Journal Article Pfaff, R.F. Pfaff, R.F.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Swartz, W.E.; LaBelle, J.W.; Larsen, M.F.; Goldeberg, R.A.; Schmidlin, F.J. The Guara campaign: a series of rocket-radar investigations of the Earth's upper atmosphere at the magnetic equator 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 13 1663-1666 8757 aeronomia, campanha guara, sondagem ionosferica, ionosfera, regiao equatorial, experimento, ionossonda. The Guara Campaign consisted of a series of sounding rockets that were launched from August - October, 1994 at a new launch facility at Alcantara, Brazil, which is within one degree of the Earth's magnetic equator. The campaign consisted of focused scientific experiments designed to investigate the electrodynamics and irregularities in the equatorial ionosphere and mesosphere and to study their relationship with neutral upper atmosphere motions. In all, 13 large sounding rockets and 20 small meteorological rockets were launched as part of four different experiment groups designed to investigate: (1)the daytime equatorial electrojet, (2)very high altitude Spread-F processes, (3)sunset electrodynamics, and (4)middle atmosphere- thermosphere coupling at the equator. All of the experiments utilized ground-based scientific instruments including a VHF backscatter radar interferometer, magnetometers, ionosondes, and scintillation receivers. The project was a joint undertaking of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)of the United States and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espacias (INPE)of Brazil. The project was named the Guara Campaign after a beautiful species of bird that is native to the equatorial region of Brazil. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1225 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMari:1990:SuCaMo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade Surface carbon monoxide measurements in Amazonia 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D10 16933-16943 7224 geofisica espacial. The concentration of atmosphere carbon monoxide, CO, was measured in the Amazonian rain forest. Air samples were collected at least three times a day during a continuous sequence of 36 days, from a height of 1.5 m above the ground. These surface CO measurements were part of a large binational field expedition to the Brazilian Amazon Region, the ABLE 2B mission, a joint American-Brazilian effort to measure local concentrations of several species relevant to atmospheric chemistry. The time period of this experiment was April-May of 1987, in the local wet season. The measurement technique used was chromatographic separation followed by mercury vapor detection. The surface CO measurements obtained represent a comprehensive CO data set, unique in that the concentrations were measured immediately after collection, by a measurement system installed next to the sampling sites. The CO lab was set up at Ducke Forest Reserve, some 30 km north of the city of Manaus (3 degrees S, 60 degrees W). The results show a small but consistant diurnal variation of the CO concentration, with a maximum around noon. The average CO mixing ratio for the period was 102.9+-11.4 parts per billion by volume (ppbv), with most samples giving concentrations between 95 and 105 ppbv. On six occasions in April, large CO concentrations were observed during relatively short periods, and these were classified as pollution episodes associated with unusual wind conditions which probably brought air into the forest that had contact with the city of Manaus. No such episodes were seen during May. Simultaneous sampling inside the forest, under the canopy, and in the Duke Forest clearing, show larger concentrations in the forest, by a few ppbv. This result is consistent with the direct measurement of the CO profile below the forest canopy, which gave a concentration gradient consistent with an upward flux of 4 x 10 11 CO molecules cm-2 s-1. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 145 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMari:1988:CoMoCa Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos de Andrade A concentracao de monoxido de carbono (CO)no ar como parâmetro de pureza 1988 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 6 1 9-16 9390 geofísica espacial, ozonio, monóxido de carbono, sensores, poluição do ar, carbon monoxide, sensors, air pollution, ozone. Carbon monoxide (CO)is a natural atmospheric component, taking part in some important chemical cycles, especially regarding ozone. Combustion processes can add CO to the atmosphere, and in this case it may become an ozone precursor. Our objective is to determine quantitatively to what degree industrial centers can affect the atmosphere of natural ecosystems. INPE's ozone group has recently installed a CO sensor of great sensitivity, capable of detecting a few parts per billion of CO. Initial measurements were made with air samples from São José dos Campos, Cachoeira Paulista, Dutra Highway, and near a forest preserve in Campos do Jordão, in the state of São Paulo, and in Belim, in the state of Pará. The largest concentrations were observed in São José dos Campos where in comparison to the forest preserve the concentrations are between 3 to 6 times larger. Surface concentrations are larger in the morning, decreasing towards the afternoon by dilution in the mixing layer. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 1514 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SrivastavaGonzGonzSato:1998:SoOrIn Journal Article Srivastava, N. Srivastava, N.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua de; Satoshi, Masuda On the solar origins of intense geomagnetic storms observed during 6-11 March 1993 1998 Solar Physics 183 2 419-434 9666 geofísica espacial, atividade solar, tempestades magnéticas, ejeção de massa da coroa, solar activity, magnetic storms, coronal mass ejection. Intense geomagnetic storms with DST index less than or equal to-100 nT were recorded on 9 March and II March 1993 associated with solar activity on 6 March and 9-10 March, respectively. In this paper, we discuss the characteristic features of the solar origins of the two events that gave rise to coronal and interplanetary disturbances and as a consequence produced strong geomagnetic activity at the Earth. The source of the activity in one case is attributed to a major 3M7.0 flare that occurred on 6 March 1993 and in the other case, to two large filament disruptions on the disk during 9-10 March, 1993. Both these sources were found to be located near changing or varying low-latitude coronal holes. They were also located close to the heliospheric currents sheets. Distinct X-ray activity was observed for both the events as observed by the Yohkoh SXT telescope. The detailed evolution and a comparison of these events on the basis of Yohkoh soft X-ray observations are presented here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1420 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneBuri:1997:LaAlDe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Buriti, R.A Latitude and altitude dependence of the interannual variability and trends of atmospheric temperatures 1997 Pure and Applied Geophysics 149 4 775-729 9665 geofísica espacial, temperatura atmosférica, variações anuais, el nino (en), oscilações sulista, atmospheric temperature, annual variations, southern oscilation (so). The 4-season (12-month)running means of temperatures at five atmospheric levels (surface, 850-300 mb, 300-100 mb, 100-50 mb, 100-30 mb)and seven climatic zones (60 degrees N-90 degrees N, 30 degrees N-60 degrees N, 10 degrees N-30 degrees N, 10 degrees N-10 degrees S, 10 degrees S-30 degrees S, 30 degrees S-60 degrees S, 60 degrees S-90 degrees S)showed QBO (Quasi-biennial Oscillation), QTO (Quasi-triennial Oscillation)and larger periodicities. For stratosphere and tropopause, the temperature variations near the equator and North Pole somewhat resembled the 50 mb low latitude zonal winds, mainly due to prominent QBO. For troposphere and surface, the temperature variations, especially those near the equator, resemble those of eastern equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperatures, mainly due to prominent QTO. In general, the temperature trends in the last 35 years show stratospheric cooling and tropospheric warming. But the trends are not monotonic. For example, the surface trends were downward during 1960-70, upward during 1970-82, downward during 1982-85 and upward thereafter. Models of green-house warming should take these non-uniformities into account. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1419 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1982:EFOFIO Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long EFFECT OF ION DYNAMICS ON RELATIVISTIC NONLINEAR PLASMA OSCILLATIONS 1982 Plasma Physical Controle F 24 1 19-29 4132 física de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ FISPLASMA LAP 601101 370 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RigotiPadiChamTriv:2000:EfEqEl Journal Article Rigoti, A Rigoti, A; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Chamalaun, F.H.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal effects of the equatorial electrojet on aeromagnetic data acquisition 2000 Geophysics 65 2 553-558 3149 GEOFÍSICA ESPACIAL. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE-8869-PRE/4579 PI CEA DGE DGE 11 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PadilhaVito:1997:FiReNo Journal Article Padilha, Antonio Lopes Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Vitorello, Icaro Effects of the equatorial electrojet on magnetotelluric surveys: field results from Northwest Brazil 1997 Geophysical Research Letters 24 1 89-92 8755 geofisica espacial, , eletrojatos equatorial, geomagnetismo, analises magnetoteluricas. The distortion effect that the nonuniform equatorial electrojet (EEJ)currents might have on the plane-wave assumption in magnetotelluric (MT)applications is investigated under experimental conditions. A broad-band (0.0006-2048 s)MT survey, consisting of 8 stations aligned at right angles to the magnetic equator and probing diverse geologic terrains, was carried out during the dayhme, under the presence of the EEJ nonuniform source, and at nighttime, when the EEJ flux almost vanishes. A comparison between the daytime and nighttime soundings did not show any significant divergence, contrary to expectation from some theoretical calculations. Thus, the results assure that the traditional plane-wave formula employed in MT can provide reliable subsurface conductivity structures even under the influence of the EEJ, at least up to periods of 2048 s. An additional modelling exercise considering the two models most commonly used to simulate the EEJ sources was also performed. It indicates that the line-current model generates departures from the plane-wave results not observed in practice and that the Gaussian model only agrees with the experimental data, within their error bars, if the geoelectric section approaches its most conductive limit defined from a static shift evaluation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1223 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiBatCleSimSah:1979:CoBeOH Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Sahai, Yogeshwar Correlation between OH, NaD and Oi 5577 A emission in the airglow 1979 Planetary and Space Science 27 6 801-807 1836 aeronomia. Simultaneous measurements of the night airglow OI 5577 and OH (8, 3)band have been in out at Cachoeira Paulista (23'S, 45oW), Brazil since 1976. Cross correlation analyses between the nocturnal variations of these emissions and also with the OH rotational temperature (ROT)for various time shifts are presented. It is found that OH (8,3)is well correlated with ROT but with a time of about 1 h. The variations of 015577 A lead OH (8, 3)by about 2-3 h and ROT covaries with 5577 with a time lag less than 1 h. For the sake of comparison, Of 5577A,OH and NaD data f,cxr a number of IQSY stations have been analysed. It is noted that (1)01 5577AIeads OH by about 2 h at mid-latitude stations and (2)OH is well correlated with Na 5893 with a time lag of less than 1 h. The presence of the phase lagged correlation patterns between OH/5577 , OH/ROT and OH NaD indicates vertical propagation of a wavelike perturbation of the upper atmosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YelisettyNogu:1980:DiWiPr Journal Article Yelisetty, Viswanadham Yelisetty, Viswanadham; Nogueira, Maria Tereza de Lima Carvalho Diabatic wind profile and its relation to the scale of turbulence 1980 Meteorology Geophysics and Bioclimatology 31 1-2 105-115 2120 meteorologia, turbulencia, perfis de vento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 97 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiBaBaGnRoCa:1994:CaUBHi Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Baptista, R; Barroso Jr., J.; Gneiding, C.D.; Rodrigues, F.; Campos, R.P. Calibration of the UBVRI higt-speed photometer of Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica, Brazil 1994 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 106 : 1172-1183 8773 astrofisica, fotometro, calibracao. We describe the characteristics and performance of a high-speed multicolor photometer, FOTRAP, which has been used since 1988 at LNA, Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica/CNPq, Brazil. The optomechanical concepts, electronics, and software are outlined. We discuss the quality and consistency of the transformations from the natural system to the UBVRI standard system. We give particular attention to the problem of transforming to the standard system observations of objects with blue spectra, like cataclysmic variables. We compare the results of our UBVRI measurements for a few spectrophotometric standards with the values published in the literature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 731 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1990:EqSoWi Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luiza Clua; Tsurutani, Bruce T On the equivalence of the solar wind coupling parameter epsilon and the magnetospheric energy output parameter Ut during intense geomagnetic storms 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 3 341-342 7216 geofisica espacial. For intervals with intense geomagnetic activity it is shown that the solar wind coupling parameter epsilon and the magnetospheric output parameter Ut are equivalent and that ranges of values of epsilon can be set up in terms of values of the ring current-time constant tau. These conclusions were originally suggested by Akasofu (1981, Space Sci. Rev. 28, 111). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 143 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DelBoscoDallLudwBitt:1987:IsEnPl Journal Article Del Bosco, Edson Del Bosco, Edson; Dallaqua, Renato Sergio; Ludwing, Gerson Otto; Bittencourt, José Augusto Isotopic enrichment in a plasma centrifuge 1987 Applied Physics Letters 50 24 1716-1718 9354 física de plasma, enriquecimento isotópico, gases ionizados, centrífugas, plasma (física), separação de isotopos, isotopic enrichment, ionized gases, centrifuges, plasma (physics), isotope separation. Higth rotational velocity and centrifugal isotopic separation of carbon in a vacuum-arc plasma centrifuge are preseted. Enrichments of up to 390 for Care meaasured at 6 cm radius with angular totation freqquencies in excess of 1.0X105 rad/s in a axial magnetic field of 0.12 T. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP DAE 1512 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MiyazakiTGHKSTTNYIKYNMBN:1996:XrGaOb Journal Article Miyazaki, S. Miyazaki, S.; Takahashi, T.; Gunji, S.; Hirayama, M.; Kamae, T.; Sekimoto, Y.; Tamura, T.; Tanaka, M.; Noriko, Y.; Yamasaki, N.Y; Inoue, H.; Kano, T.; Yamagami, T.; Nomachi, M.; Murakami, H.; Braga, João; Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira X-ray/soft gamma-ray observation of Centaurus A and its implication on the emission mechanism 1996 Publications of the Astronomical of the Pacific society of Japan 48 801-811 9661 astrofísica, galaxias, raios gamma, observação, núcleo galático ativo, discos de acreção, produção par, espectro, variabilidade, galaxies, gamma rays, observations, active galactic nuclei, accretion disks, pair prodution, spectro, variability. We have studied Cen A (NGC 5128)in the X-ray band (3-20 keV)and soft gamma-ray band (40-600 keV)with the Large Area Counter (LAG)of the Ginga sattellite (1989 March and 1990 February)and with a balloon-borne low background detector (Welcome-1, 1991 November), respectively. The observed continuous spectra show a power-law shape (r similar to 1.8)with relatively heavy absorption (N-H similar to 1.5 x 10(23)H cm(-2)) at the low-energy end and a possible break at similar to 180 keV. We analyzed the total spectra as the sum of the direct power-law flux from the central engine, the Compton-scattered flux from a cold cloud near to the engine, and the iron fluorescence-line flux. By assuming that the geometry around the central engine remained unchanged during the two-year period, we studied two possible cold cloud geometries by comparing Monte-Carlo simulations with our observations: the first is the Compton-reflection model in which the cloud forms a slab covering 2 pi sr behind the central engine, the second is a case where the central source is totally surrounded by a cold cloud. We found that the latter geometry reproduces our data well; the observed power-law spectrum is then identified as direct flux from the central engine which undergoes a break at similar to 180 keV. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1417 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthGLMRMNSMFFRC:1987:AmEv Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Gash, J.H.B.; Lloyd, C.R.; Moore, C.J.; Roberts, John; Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Marques Filho, A.D.; Fish, Gilberto; Fattori, A.P.; Ribeiro, Maria Nazare Goes; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R. Amazonian evaporation 1987 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 2 1 179-191 July 2789 meteorologia, . 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT 955 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1982:CoEqEl Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Comparison of equatorial electrojet characteristics at Huancayo and Eusebio (Fortaleza)in the South-American region 1982 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 44 9 785-729 2427 geofísica espacial. The H, D and Z average daily variations for five international quiet days are compared for Huancayo (12§S, 75§W, dip + 1.9§)and Eusébio near Fortaleza (4§S, 39§W, dip - 3.5§)in the South American region, for the 12 successive months, October 1978-September 1979. The H range shows that the electrojet is weaker in the Fortaleza region. Also, the electrojet center has latitudinal excursions from month to month at both the locations, but not in a similar way. The D variations indicate excursions of northern hemisphere Sq current systems into the southern hemisphere (or vice versa)but in a dissimilar way at Eusébio and Huancayo. Also, significant ?D magnitudes are noticed even at midday, indicating possibility of meridional currents. It seems that the overhead Sq current pattern changes in form, while moving over from the Fortaleza region to the Huancayo region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 367 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaSimoBatiBati:1998:LiObAt Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin; Batista, Paulo Prado; Batista, Inez Staciarini Lidar observations of atmspheric sodium at an equatorial location 1998 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 60 18 1773-1778 8752 aeronomia, , sodium, medição, atmosfera, radar de laser, lidar, fisica da alta atmosfera. Lidar measurements of upper atmospheric sodium were made at Alcantara (2 degree 20' S, 44 degree 30' W), Brazil, on 8 days during the month of November 1996. These are be ho sodium measurements to be reported from an almost equatorial location. The average sodium distribution at Alcantara was found to be very similar to the annual mean for Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degree S), but about 1 km higher than the November mean value of 92 km for the latter site. Only one, weak, sporadic sodium layer was observed during more than 26 h of observations, an occurrence frequency much less than that seen at low latitude sites in the northern hemisphere. A survey of the observations of sporadic layers at various locations suggests that both magnetic dip and declination angles might influence their rate of occurrence. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO FISAT 1221 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimoTaka:1978:EvExSo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin; Takahashi, Hisao Evidence of a extraterrestrial source for the mesospheric sodium layer 1978 Gophysics Research Letters 5 10 873-876 1833 aeronomia. Lidar observations of the mesospheric sodium layer, made at São José dos Campos (23§S, 46§W), show three distinct types of organized structure in the vertical distribution of sodium. Profiles averaged over several days show a smooth but asymmetrical distribution. A sequence of profiles for a given night normally shows a wavelike structure which descends through the layer with time. Very occasion an extremely narrow peak is observed at a constant several hours. On one occasion a layer e, with scale heights of 700 m on the bottomside and 900 m on the topside, was observed to persist at a constant height for hours. It is concluded that such a layer could neither be produced by neutral density perturbations nor by photochemical processes and therefore indicates a source of sodium in the mesosphere. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 318 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RicheyNobrDese:1989:1919 Journal Article Richey, J.E. Richey, J.E.; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Deser, C Amazon river discharge and climate variability: 1903 to 1985 1989 Science 246 4926 101-103 707 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 562 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniSuIyGoGoAkSm:1990:SpBrAt Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Sugiura, Masahisa; Iyemori, Toshihiko; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Akasofu, Syun I.; Smith, Edward J The nonlinear response of AE to the IMF Bs driver: a spectral break at 5 hours 1990 Geophysical Research Letters 17 3 279-282 7214 geofisica espacial. We demonstrate the existence of a sharp break in the power spectrum of AE at 5 hours. At frequencies below the break, AE has a f-1.0 dependence, and at higher frequencies it has a f-2.2 to f-2.4 dependence. The power spectrum of the IMF Bs for the same time interval has a f1.4 dependence with no spectral breaks or peaks. Thus, at frequencies above the break, the power in AE varies as f-0.5 to f-0.8 times the power in Bs and at low frequencies it ranges from being f0 (frequency independent)to f+0.4 times the power in Bs. Several possible explanations of the nonlinear response of AE to the IMF Bs driver are briefly discussed, including: 1)variable ionospheric conductivity (increasing with Bs)for the high frequency regime, and 2)several AE saturation mechanisms for the low frequency regime. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 141 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SFL:1978:UNSTRE Journal Article SANTANA,C.E. FELSEN,L.B. SANTANA,C.E. FELSEN,L.B. UNSTABLE STRIP RESONATORS WITH MISALIGNED CIRCULATOR MIRRORS 1978 Applied Optics 17 15 2352-2357 3851 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPQ ETES ETE 331015 710 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TangTsuGonSmiAka:1989:SoSoIn Journal Article Tang, F. Tang, F.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Smith, E. J.; Akasofu, S.I Solar Sources of Interplanetary Southward Bz Events Responsible for Major Magnetic Storms (1978-1979) 1989 Journal of Geophysical Research 94 A4 3535-3541 9229 geofísica espacial. Tsurutani et al. [1988]analyzed the 10 intense interplanetary southward Bz events that led to major magnetic storms (Dst < -100 nT)during the 500-day interval, August 16, 1978, through December 28, 1979. In this paper we report solar sources of the major storms and discuss their interplanetary effects, Seven of the sources of the 10 major storms are flares and 3 are prominence eruptions. The ratio is consistent with frequency of these two types of events occurring on the Sun during this period. The flares range from M1 to X2 in peak soft X ray emissions. However, the largest of the 10 storms (Dst = -220 nT)as well as the two strongest shocks (M>3.0)are associated with prominence eruptions. For three of the five southward Bz events in which the driver gases are the causes of the intense southward field leading to magnetic storms, the photospheric fields of the solar sources have no dominant southward component, indicating the driver gas fields do not always result from a simple outward convection of solar magnetic fields. Finally we compare the solar events and their resulting interplanetary shocks and find that the standard solar parameters do not correlate with the strengths of the resulting shocks at 1 AU. The implications are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1510 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TsurutaniGonz:1987:InAlWa Journal Article Tsurutani, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio The cause of hight-intensity long-duration continuous AE activity (HILCAAS): interplanetary alfen wave trains 1987 Planetary and Space Science 35 4 405-412 8776 geofisica espacial, vento solar, ondas magnetohidrodinâmicas, meio interplanetário, auroras, magnetohydrodynamic waves, interplanetary medium, solar wind. It is shown that high intensity (AE > 1,000 nT), long duration (T > 2 d)continuous auroral activity (HILDCAA)events are caused by outward (from the sun)propagating interplanetary Alfven wave trains. The Alfven waves are often (but not always)detected several days after major interplanetary events, such as shocks and solar wind density enhancements. Presumably magnetic reconnection between the southward components of the Alfven wave magnetic fields and magnetospheric fields is the mechanism for transfer of solar wind energy to the magnetosphere. If the stringent requirements for HILDCAA events are relaxed, there are many more AE events of this type. A brief inspection indicates that these are also related to interplanetary AlMnic fluctuations. We therefore suggest that most auroral activity may be caused by reconnection associated with Affv6n waves in the interplanetary medium. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO MAGHEL 1499 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BalanBatAbdMacBai:1998:PhMeSt Journal Article Balan, N. Balan, N.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Abdum, Mangalathyil Ali; MacDougall, J.; Bailey, G.J Physical mechanism and statistics of occurrence of an additional layer in the equatorial ionosphere 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research 103 (A12) 29169-29181 December 9658 geofísica espacial, região f, euador magnético, atividade solar, análise estatística, mecanismo, deriva ionosférica, f region, magnetic equator, solar activity, statistical analysisi, mechanism, ionospheric drift. A physical mechanism and the location and latitudinal extent of an additional layer, called the F-3 layer, that exists in the equatorial ionosphere are presented. A statistical analysis of the occurrence of the layer recorded at the equatorial station Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W; dip 9 degrees S)in Brazil is also presented. The F-3 layer forms during the morning-noon period in that; equatorial region where the combined effect of the upward ExB drift and neutral wind provides a vertically upward plasma drift velocity at altitudes near and above the F-2 peak. This velocity causes the F-2 peak to drift upward and form the F-3 layer while the normal Fa layer develops at lower altitudes through the usual photochemical and dynamical effects of the equatorial region. The peak electron density of the F-3 layer can exceed that of the F-2 layer. The F-3 layer is predicted to be distinct on the summer side of the geomagnetic equator during periods of low solar activity and to become less distinct as the solar activity increases. Ionograms recorded at Fortaleza in 1995 show the existence of an F-3 layer on 49 of the days, with the occurrence being most frequent (75) and distinct in summer, as expected. During summer the layer occurs earlier and lasts longer compared to the other seasons; on the average, the layer occurs at around 0930 LT and lasts for about 3 hours. The altitude of the layer is also high in summer, with the mean peak virtual height being about 570 km. However, the critical frequency of the layer (f(o)F(3)) exceeds that of the F-2 layer (f(o)F(2)) by the largest amounts in winter and equinox; f(o)F(3)exceeds f(o)F(2)by a yearly average of about 1.3 MHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS PROJETO IONO 1415 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JayanthiJablStei:1989:GaAb18 Journal Article Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram; Jablonski, Francisco José; Steiner, Joao Envagelista Gamma-rays above 184 kev from 4U1820-30 associated with 685 second period 1989 Astrophysical Letters Communications 27 4 347-350 2787 astrofísica, clusters, globular, gamma-rays, bursts, x-rays, bursts. An analysis of the low-energy gamma-ray data acquired in a balloon experiment performed on 1982 April 12 indicates a possible detection of modulation due to the X-ray source 4UI820-30. The identification was made possible by the observed modulation period value of 681.5 ñ 4.5 s and by the phase of the maximum in modulation, 0.59ñ0.10. Both these aspects are consistent with the observations by satellites at X-ray wavelengths. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS ASTRO 953 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BelotoVeiNubAndPer:1989:DeCeSo Journal Article Beloto, Antonio Fernando Beloto, Antonio Fernando; Veissid, Nelson; Nubile, Paulo; Andrade, A.M.; Pereira, I Desenvolvimento de celulas solares de silicio monocristalino por implantacao ionica 1989 Revista BrasileirA Física Instrumentacao 4 1 21 5822 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, celulas solares. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN FISMAT LAS 1313 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SakaKiTaShTrReHa:1998:AmMoEq Journal Article Saka, O. Saka, O.; Kitamura, T.; Tachihara, H.; Shinohara, M.; Trivedi, Nali Babulal; Reeves, G.D.; Hansen, T.L Amplitude modulation of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ)during a magnetospheric storm 1998 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 60 11 1129-1137 8749 geofisica espacial, geomagnetismo, eletrojatos equatorial, disturbios magneticos, tempestade magneticas. An encounter of the earth with a high velocity solar wind stream triggered the magnetic storm of 29 January 1995. The storm lasted for the following seven days, keeping the level of the Dst index in the range of - 25- - 50 nT. At the dip-equator, a regular enhancement of the magnetic H component during daytime, referred to as the Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ), was seen to be suppressed and modified during this storm interval. We attempted to classify the type of the EEJ modification by analyzing magnetometer data from two stations at the dip-equator but located in the opposite hemisphere, and energetic particle data from two geosynchronous satellites located close to the ground magnetometer meridian. As a result, three different types of modulation of EEJ amplitudes, with time scales of 15 min to 1 day, were found to appear during the periods when the flux level of low energy charged particles (>30 keV)in the midnight magnetosphere was increased above the quiet level. These modulations were characterized by referring to the nightside particle signatures. We argue that, although the EEJ is a local enhancement of the ionospheric currents at the dayside dip-equator, the EEJ is definitely affected by changes of the magnetosphere, probably in various ways arising from the complexities of the storm effects. All rights reserved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 1218 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PerondiFabbFerr:1989:DeOfSt Journal Article Perondi, Leonel Fernando Perondi, Leonel Fernando; Fabbri, Mauricio; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio Density of states with randomly distributed donormonovalent imputities in two dimensions: an analytical 1989 Journal Physics. Condens. Matter 1: 1101-1105 4870 fisica e tecnologia de materiais, materia condensada. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 1116 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzLeeTsur:1990:RoLiRi Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Lee, L.C.; Tsurutani, B.T Role of the lifetime of ring current particles on the solar wind-magnetosphere power transfer during the intense geomagnetic storm of 28 August 1978 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 6 765-769 7211 geofisica espacial. For the intense magnetic storm of 28 August 1978 it is shown that the power transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere is well represented by the expression obtained by Vasyliunas et al. (1982, Planet. Space Sci. 30, 359)from dimensional analysis, but this representation becomes improved when such an expression is modified by a factor due to an influence of the lifetime of ring current particles as suggested by Lee and Akasofu (1984, Planet. Space Sci. 32, 1423). During a steady state regime of the ring current evolution of this storm, our study suggests that the power transfer depends on the solar wind density, the transverse component of the IMF (with respect to the Sun-Earth line)and also, explicitly, on the time constant for ring current energy decay, but not on the solar wind speed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 138 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffMaDiCaAnVo:1989:O3COBu Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Marinho, Edith Vasconcellos Andrade; Dias, P.L.S.; Calheiros, R.; Andre, R.; Volpe, C O3 and CO from burning sugar cane 1989 Nature 339 6222 264 8806 geofisica espacial, cana-de-acucar, queimadas, ozonio estratosferico. SiR-Brazil produced the first alcoholpowered automobiles after 1980, following a National Plan for reducing oil imports. They proved to be a great success: today 99 per cent of all manufactured vehicles for the internal market run on alcohol. Tropical countries make their sugar and alcohol from sugar cane. The manual harvest of sugar cane requires the initial burning of its foliage. This burning increased sharply in Brazil after the National Alcohol Programme was started. In 1988, more than four million hectares of sugar cane were grown in Brazil, about half of which was in the state of Sdo Paulo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1507 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TrivediKanePadiCost:1989:GeDaVa Journal Article Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Kane, Rajaram Purushotam; Padilha, Antonio Lopes; Costa, Jose Marques da Geomagnetic daily variations in H at Alcantara and Eusebio in the Brazilian equatorial region 1989 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51 3 155-157 8732 geofisica espacial, , regiao equatorial, eletrojatos equatorial, geomagnetismo. Daily variations in H at Alcantara (dip +3.8 degree)and Eusebio (dip -6.5 degree), two stations in the equatorial electrojet region in Brazil, are compared. The electrojet in NE Brazil exhibits N-S asymmetry. The discrepancy between the daily variation range in H indicates the presence of complicated ionospheric currents in this region and warrants a detailed investigation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 1497 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduGoBaGo:1997:EfInSt Journal Article Sobral. José Humberto Andrade Sobral. José Humberto Andrade; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Tsurutani B.T.; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua de Effects of intense storms and substorms on the equatorial ionosphere/thermosphere system in the American sector from ground-based and satellite data 1997 Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (A7) 14305-14313 9656 geofísica espacial, tempestades magnéticas, eletrojato auroral, região f, efeitos magnéticos, magnetic storms, auroral electrojets, f region, magnetic effects. Equatorial ionospheric responses to magnetospheric storm/substorm-associated electric fields are investigated for a few intense events of the equinoctial months of solar maximum years 1978-1979. All the magnetic storms considered here are the result of the transit at Earth of interplanetary magnetic clouds. The interplanetary magnetic field data B-z from the ISEE 3 satellite, the auroral electrojet activity index AE, and the ring current index Dst are used as indicators of the disturbed magnetospheric conditions, and the ionospheric response features are analyzed using the F layer critical parameters h'F, h'F-3, h(p)F(2), and f(o)F(2). Focus is given to identify, when a large number of sequential substorms occurs, (1)the responses to prompt penetration electric field (from individual substorm events)as different from the delayed effect from the disturbance dynamo electric field and (2)the verification of local time dependences of the disturbance electric field polarity as predicted from the existing theoretical models. We have found evidence of near-midnight polarity reversal of prompt penetration disturbance electric field during the course of a developing substorm. Evidence is provided also on the near-midnight polarity reversal for the disturbance dynamo electric field. The prereversal enhancement electric field at sunset, produced by the F layer dynamo, is found to undergo drastic day-to-day variations in the course of a disturbed interval. However, the competing influences of the prompt versus delayed electric fields after a series of substorms could result at times in partial, or even complete, cancellation of the effects, so that the prereversal enhancement in the vertical drift could appear unaffected by the disturbances. There are indications that the disturbance dynamo electric field effects on the equatorial ionosphere last for one more day past the end of the substorm recovery. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE 1413 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoraesAraiAlme:1988:AvAtNu Journal Article Moraes, Elisabete Caria Moraes, Elisabete Caria; Arai, Nelson; Almeida, Fausto Carlos de Avaliacao da atenuacao por nuvens na estimativa da radiacao solar incidente na superficie terrestre atraves de satelite geostacionario 1988 Ciencia e Cultura 40 10 1012-1014 October 2785 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM PROSAT 951 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SobralBABSZTN:1997:PoWi63 Journal Article Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Borba, Gilvan L.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini; Sawant, Hanumant Shankar; Zamlutti, Carlos Jose; Takahashi, Hisao; Nakamura, Y Post-sunset wintertime 630.0 nm airglow perturbations associated with gravity waves at low latitudes in the South America sector 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 13 1611-1623 8747 aeronomia, , regiao f, oxigenio, ionosfera, ondas de radio, ionossonda. We report photometric southern hemisphere wintertime perturbations of the nocturnal F-region atomic oxygen 630 nm red line intensity which are observed to occur concurrently with apparent ionogram signatures of F-region gravity waves. Such airglow events were detected on a total of 40 days of experiments. The airglow experiments were run at Cachoeira Paulista (CP, geographic 22 degree 41' S, 45 degree 00'W, dip 28 degree S). The events are characterized by south-to-north travelling airglow valleys, or depletion events (SNE). They were obtained from a set of 299 experiments performed during the period of 10 August 1977 to 4 July 1984. Their equatorwards velocities, wavelengths and periods vary within the ranges of 150-300ms-1, 100-200 km and 15 min - 3 h, respectively. They appear during the post-sunset period and remain within the field of view of the meridional scanning photometer from about ten minutes to a few hours. The SNE were seen to occur more frequently in July and were absent from September to March. The photometer scanned ñ 75 degree around zenith in the magnetic meridional and zonal planes. ionogram. spread-F and VHF polarimeter data that showed no phase or amplitude scintillations during the SNE indicated no concurrent existence of equatorial plasma depletions. It is shown that the SNE are not necessarily related to geomagnetic disturbed conditions. The present results are, to the authors' knowledge, the first showing gravity wave effects, near the sunset side of the solar terminator, on the low-latitude F-region atomic oxygen red nightglow under undisturbed geomagnetic conditions. The characteristics of these waves point to the solar terminator as their source of generation. A series of physical and morphological features of the phenomena are presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 1216 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1990:NoRaPr Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonthermal radiation processes in interplanetary plasmas 1990 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 21 Numero Especial 541-544 7209 geofisica espacial. Nonthermal radio emissions near the local electron plasma frequency have been detected in various regions of interplanetary plasmas: solar wind, upstream of planetary bow shock, and heliopause. Energetic electron beams accelerated by solar flares, planetary bow shocks, and the terminal shock of heliosphere provide the energy source for these radio emissions. Thus, it is expected that similar nonthermal radiation processes may be responsible for the generation of these radio emissions. As energetic electron beams interact with interplanetary plasmas, intense Langmuir waves are excited due to a beam-plasma instability. The Langmuir waves then interact with low-frequency density fluctuations to produce radiations near the local electron plasma frequency. If Langmuir waves are of sufficiently large amplitude to exceed the threshold conditions, nonlinear mode conversion into electromagnetic waves can be effected through parametric instabilities. A number of electromagnetic parametric instabilities driven by intense Langmuir waves can be excited in a plasma: (1)electromagnetic decay/fusion instabilities driven by a traveling Langmuir pump; (2)double electromagnetic decay/fusion instabilities driven by two oppositely directed Langmuir pumps; and (3)electromagnetic oscillating two-stream instabilities driven by two counterstreaming Langmuir pumps. It is concluded that the electromagnetic parametric instabilities induced by Langmuir waves are likely sources of nonthermal radiations in interplanetary plasmas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 136 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:AnMaBr Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Anomalia magnetica brasileira 1989 Ciencia Hoje 9 52 30-35 8790 geofisica espacial, , geomagnetismo, anomalias magnetica, cinturoes de radiacao. Campo magnetico da Terra e asimetrico. Sua mais baixa intensidade se encontra numa extensa regiao que compreende parte do oceano Atlantico e parte do territorio brasileiro. Como consequencia direta desse fenomeno - denominado ' anomalia magneticas brasileira' ou ' anomalia magnetica do Atlantico Sul' - o cinturao de radiacao que circunda o planeta, conhecido como cinturao de Van allen, encontra-se ali rebaixado, recebendo a atmosfera local um maior bombardeamento de particulas oriundas do espaco exterior. Esta particularidade, descoberta no inicio da era dos satelites, nos anos 50, faz da regiao um singular laboratorio natural de pesquisa sobre fisica do plasma e da radiacao, geofisica, geomagnetica e aeronomia (investigacao das camadas superiores da atmosfera). Destacam-se neste contexto os estudos dos processos relacionados com a origem das particulas incidentes e os efeitos que produzem na atmosfera local. Mediadas efetuadas ao longo dos ultimos quatro seculos indicam que, numa escala de alguns milhares de anos, essa regiao de baixa intensidade magnetica tende a mover-se ao redor do planeta, na diracao leste-oeste. E observacoes astronomicas mostram que anomalias semelhantes e essa - que resulta, fundamentalnente, de uma nao-coincidencia entre os centros magneticos e geograficos da terra - devem ocorrer em muitos outros planetas do sistema solar, ideia reforcada pela recente verificao do fenomeno em Jupiter. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE GEOMA 1505 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiGoBaMeTeBu:1988:DyInEq Journal Article Takahashi,Hisao Takahashi,Hisao; Gobbi, Delano; Batista, Paulo Prado; Melo, Stella M.L.; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Buriti, R.A Dynamical influence on the equatorial airglow observed from the south american sector 1988 Advances in Space Research 21 6 817-825 8716 aeronomia, luminescencia. The upper atmospheric airglow emissions, 0I 557.7 mn, NaD 589.3 nm, OH (9,4)and 02 atmospheric (0, 1)bands and their rotational temperatures have been measured using ground-based multichannel airglow photometers, one located near the equator at Fortaleza (3.9 S, 3 8.4 W)and the other at low-middle latitude Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 S, 45.0 W). Monthly averaged nocturnal variations calculated from the data from 1987 to 1993 were used to study the influence of atmospheric dynamical processes on these emissions. Harmonic analysis revealed that the Cachoeira Paulista data are mainly represented by a 12 hour period oscillation. Phase differences between the different emissions reveal that the vertical phase velocity is about 4 km/h and the vertical wavelength about 50 kni- Fortaleza data on the other hand showed longer period, 24 hours, slow vertical propagation velocity, 1. 1 km/h, and short vertical wavelength, about 30 km. These facts lead us to conclude that the Cachoeira Paulista. data are mainly controlled by the semidiumal tidal oscillation and the Fortaleza data are controlled by the diurnal tide. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1495 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShaiTeiAngBitTak:1974:TrFrNi Journal Article Shai, Yogeshwar Shai, Yogeshwar; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Angreji, P. D; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Takahashi, Hisao Tropical F-region nightglow enhacements in the Brazilian sector 1974 Annales Geophysicae 30 3 397-403 1616 aeronomia. Measurements of OI 7774§A and 6300§A tropical nightglow emission were made with a grille spectrometer and a tilting-filter photometer, respectively, during March-September, 1972 at Mt. Agulhas Negras, Brazil. The temporal and spatial enhancements observed are studied in terms of F-region electron density and height changes, sometimes associated with enhanced magnetic activity. The observed time variations of intensities in the zenith are compared with model calculations using electron density profiles obtained from an ionosonde operating- at São José dos Campos. There is a good agreement between the calculated and observed intensities, with the major contribution for 01 77742 and 63002 emissions coming from radiative recombination and dissociative recombination processes, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE LUME 117 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaMeAbSoBaPa:1996:EqIoVe Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Medeiros, Rui Tetuliano de; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de; Bailey, G.J.; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues Equatorial ionospheric vertical plasma drift model over the Brazilian region (vol 101, pg 10887, 1996) 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A12) 27043 9654 aeronomia. In the paper ""Equatorial ionospheric vertical plasma drift model over the Brazilian region"" by 1. S. Batista, R. T. de Medeiros, M. A. Abdu, J. R. de Souza, G. J. Bailey, and E. R. de Paula (Journal of Geophysical Research, 10](A5), 10,887-10,892, 1996), Figure I appeared with different prereversal drift values around 1800 LT for equinox. The corrected figure and its caption appear below. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1411 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JahnLaBSobAggHan:1997:DeEqSp Journal Article Jahn,J.-M. Jahn,J.-M.; LaBelle, J.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Aggson, T.L.; Hanson, W.B. Detection of an equatorial spread-F bubble by ground-based photometers and theand the San Marco 5 satellite 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 13 1601-1609 8745 aeronomia, regiao f, fotometros, san marco, ionosfera. In the Fall of 1988, San Marco 5. instrumented with ion density and electric field experiments, made passes through the equatorial F-region in the Brazilian sector, where scanning photometers have been operated at Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, for many years. We have cross-checked these large data sets and report here on one night of active spread-F with good data from both San Marco 5 and Cachoeira Paulista. As expected, a correlation is observed between airglow bubbles and ion density depletions encountered by San Marco 5. Additional airglow bubbles can be linked to enhanced AC electric field fluctuations, similar to those previously suspected to characterize satellite passes through pinched off spread-F bubbles. These data complement existing airglow-satellite correlations made in other longitude sectors and provide information relevant to the interpretation of satellite and airglow data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO IONO 1214 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1992:SoCyVa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Solar Cycle Variation of FOF2 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54: 9 1201-1205 3061 geofisica espacial. For solar cycle 19 (1954-1964), the 12 monthly mean values of noon-time foF2 at Ahmedabad (23 degrees N, 73 degrees E)show a large hysteresis effect when plotted against sunspot number or against geomagnetic Ap. However, a multiple regression analysis for the dependence of foF2 on solar 2800 MHz flux and geomagnetic Ap simultaneously, shows a better matching. Thus, long-term predictions need to take into account not just sunspot number but some solar index and geomagnetic index as two key parameters, simultaneously. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE GEOMA 331 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VadlamudiHada:1990:AnVaCo Journal Article Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao; Hada, Kioshi Characteristics of rainfall over Brazil: annual variations and connections with the southern oscillation 1990 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 42 2 81-91 2803 estudo do tempo e do clima, climatologia dinamica, chuva, variacao anual, zona de convergencia intertropical, oscilacao. Annual and interannual variations of rainfall over Brazil are discussed. First, rainy and dry seasons for several stations of Brazil are determined using the data of 21 years(1958-1978). The progressive movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone seems to be associated with the progresive variation of rainfall seasons in the equatorial eastern Brazil. The annual migration of deep tropical convection from Central and southern Portion of the Amazon basic in austral summer to the northwestern sector of South America in austral winter seems to be responsible for the annual cycle of rainfall in the Amazon basin. The conncection between the interannual variation of rainfall over Brazil and the Southern Oscillation is also discussed. The correlation coefficient between the Southern Oscillation index and the rainfall is generally small over most of Brazil except over Rio Grande do Sul. The correlation between the spring rainfall of Rio Grande do Sul and and the Southern Oscillation index of the same or of the previous season is significantly high and shows prospects for seasonal rainfall prediction. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM CLIMA 9 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconGonzTsur:1990:DuSoCy Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Tsurutani, B.T Dual-peak solar cycle distribution of intense geomagnetic storms 1990 Planetary and Space Science 38 2 181-187 7207 geofisica espacial. The solar cycle distribution of intense geomagnetic storms has been studied for cycles 20 and 21 (1965-1985), using values of the Dst index <-100 nT, and for cycles 12-19 (1879-1964), using values of aa index >100 nT. It is claimed that a dominant dual-peak (DP)distribution exists in the solar cycle variability of these storms, with one peak occurring at the late ascending phase of the cycle or at solar maximum and another at the early descending phase of the cycle. From the 10 cycles studied, the average separation of the peaks from solar maximum is about 8 months ahead for the first peak and about 25 months after for the second one. For the cycles studied, the ratio of the average numbers of storms occurring at the peaks as compared with that occurring at the valley of the DP distribution was found to be statistically significant to better than a 95 confidence level. Although the present study is restricted to intense storms, their distribution including moderate events for the interval 1965-1985, in terms of Dst values <-50 nT, also shows evidence of a dual-peak distribution. Thus, in contrast with previous work on the solar cycle distribution of geomagnetic storms, which have emphasized the idea that they tend to peak at the descending phase of the cycle, the present work provides evidence for another important enhancement of this distribution at the late ascending phase of the cycle, extending sometimes to solar maximum. The origin of the dual-peak distribution of intense storms is associated to a similar dual-peak distribution obtained for large-amplitude (<-10 nT)and long duration (>3 h)values of the negative Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), computed for the interval 1970-1981. This class of Bz fields was shown to be cause of all intense storms studied for the interval August 1978-December 1979 (Gonzalez and Tsurutani, 1987, Planet. Space. Sci. 35, 1101). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kirchhoff:1988:VaTeCo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Variacao temporais da concentracao de ozonio de superficie 1988 Revista Brasileira de Geopfisica 6 1 3-8 8783 geofisica espacial, , ozonio estratosferico, medidas da concentracao, quimica da atmosfera, sensor uv, radiacao ultravioleta. The first results of ozone concentration measurements are presented for the region of Sao Jose dos Campos. The results show for the first time some of the time variations of the ozone concentration sampled close to the surface. Ozone is a natural gas of the non polluted atmosphere but it has become increasingly difficult finding an ecosystem not affected by artificial elements, added to the atmosphere, that might interfere with the ozone chemistry. Its presence in the stratosphere is highly desirable for the absorption of UV radiation, but in the troposphere its concentration may become excessive owing to combustion processes, and since it is a toxic gas, may become harmful to life. Surface ozone measurements are presented for several ecosystems showing its diurnal variation. Seasonal and meteorological influences can be seen in a 13 month set of data from Sao Jose dos Campos. The concentrations are larger than results from the remote sites Cuiaba (MT), Belem (PA), and Manaus (AM), showing well pronounced diurnal variations, with maximum around noon and minimum close to dawn. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1503 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGonz:1989:RaMeAt Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio X ray measurements in the atmospheric environmental of Brazil 1989 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A280 23 499-502 8700 geofisica espacial, , magnetosfera, raios x, anomalias magneticas, eletricidade atmosferica. X-ray measurements using balloon-borne omnidirectional scintillation detectors were done in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, on April 14 and December 18, 1981. The atmospheric, diffuse and magnetospheric components were measured. The atmospheric and diffuse components were found to be of the same order of magnitude in this region. The magnetospheric component showed to be strongly dependent on magnetic activity. Analysis of variations of this component suggests the occurrence of wave-particle interactions in this region in association with the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly (SAMA). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO ELAT 1493 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:1996:FoSpSo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, Dale M Formation of sporadic sodium layers 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A9) 19701-19706 9651 aeronomia, radar laser, sódio, camada e esporádica, região e, optical radar, lidar, sodium, sporadic e layer, e region. A study of sporadic sodium (Ns)layers observed at Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W)shows that during their occurrence the form of the background sodium layer is different from that which it normally takes when Ns layers are absent. During Ns events, peak sodium in the background layer typically occurs below 90 km, whereas the peak of the average layer observed at our location is around 93 km. The observed change could be caused either by a loss of sodium on the topside of the layer or by a displacement of sodium to lower heights. The consistency of these two mechanisms with our observations, and with the known properties of Ns layers, is examined, but we are unable to determine which of the mechanisms is responsible for the observed phenomenon. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1408 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1999:SoChPr Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Some characteristics and precipitation effects of the El Nino of 1997-1998 1999 Journal of atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 61 18 1325-1346 9631 geofísica espacial, el nino, temperatura da superfície do mar, variações anuais, chuva, sea surface temperature, annual variations, rain. The 1997-1998 El Nino was the strongest in known history. However, its effects on rainfall in different parts of the globe were not all as expected (floods were expected in some regions and droughts in others). The characteristics of this El Nino, and the expected and observed precipitation effects are described; the reasons for the expectations not coming true in some regions are discussed. This paper attempts to review the important scientific issues involved in El Nino phenomena for the general reader. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA 1398 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrMePiGoHoHu:1997:AtXrSo Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Mendes Jr., Odim; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Holzworth, R.H.; Hu, H Atmospheric X-rays in the Southern himispheric 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 12 1381-1390 8743 geofisica espacial, , atmosfera, raios x, albedo, anomalias geomaticas, experimento, balao estratosferico. Atmospheric X-rays in the energy range from 30 to 150 keV were measured in the Southern hemisphere extending from 53 to 81 degrees magnetic latitude during two long-duration balloon flights. The measurements were obtained during the Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories (ELBBO)experiment. The experiment consisted of five superpressure balloon flights launched from Dunedin, New Zealand, in November and December 1992. The ELBBO X-ray data can be considered the longest continuous data set ever obtained in the Southern Hemisphere, and extend over 30 degrees of magnetic latitude previously unmeasured. The X-ray measurements are compared to similar data obtained in the past by several groups in the Southern and Northern hemispheres, as well as with available model results. Most ELBBO results confirm earlier findings about the flux and spectra of atmospheric X-rays and are in general agreement with model results for higher energies. However, they indicate that the X-ray flux in the Southern hemisphere is almost constant from high latitudes up to 30 magnetic degrees, in contrast to the model results that indicate a drop off around 50 magnetic degrees. Whether such discrepancy should be attributed to the different energies involved or to the presence of the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly is a point that remains to be investigated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO GEOMA 1212 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DCLFDSA:1984:TWIMBA Journal Article DA CUNHA LIMA,I.C. FERREIRA DA SILVA,A. DA CUNHA LIMA,I.C. FERREIRA DA SILVA,A. TWO-DIMENSIONAL IMPURITY BANDS AT SEMICONDUCTORS HETERO-STRUCTURE INTERFACES 1984 Physical Review B 30 : 4819 4855 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAP 602108 1110 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira-Nordemann:1984:SaChWe Journal Article Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Salinity and chemical weathering rate of rocks in a semi-arid region 1984 Journal of Hydrology 71: 131-147 4629 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1099 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MuralikrishnaAbdu:1991:InMeOf Journal Article Muralikrishna, Polinaya Muralikrishna, Polinaya; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali In-situ measurement of ionospheric plasma density by two different techniques - a comparison 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53 8 787-793 7114 aeronomia, equatorial aeronomy. Night-time ionospheric plasma density profiles over the equatorial station Natal, Brazil measured simultaneously using a rocket-borne Langmuir Probe (LP)and a High Frequency Capacitance Probe (HFC)on two occasions, show considerable differences, especially above the F-region peak. In this height region, the electron density values estimated from the LP ion currents are considerably less than those estimated from the HFC data, while below the F-region peak, the LP electron densities seem to be slightly greater than the HFC electron densities. From considerations of the basic principles of the two experiments it is seen that while the higher LP electron densities at lower heights are probably due to an increase in the effective sensor surface area caused by the sheath formation, in the region above the F-peak the relative lower plasma density obtained from LP current seems to be caused by (a)change in the floating potential of the rocket, (b)a decrease in the thickness of the plasma sheath, and (c)an increase in the mean ion thermal velocity relative to the rocket velocity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 132 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiKaneTeix:1987:AnOzDe Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Kane, Rajaram Purushotam; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues Antartic ozone decline and ozone measurements in Brazil 1987 Revista Brasileira de Geopfisica 5 : 49-52 8781 geofisica espacial, , ozonio, camada de ozonio, medidas da concentracao, espectrofotometro, ozonio estratosferico. Recent satellite and ground-based observations of decline of atmospheric ozone in Antarctic region during southern spring (September-November)have attracted world-wide attention of scientists due to possible global environmental implications. Measurements of the total atmospheric ozone started at our Institute at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.O degree W), SP, using a Dobson spectrophotometer in 1974. In 1978, another station was added at Natal (5.8 degree S, 35.2 degree W), RN, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, U.S.A. Both the stations carry out regular total ozone measurements and with Huancayo (12.O degree S, 75.3 degree W), Peru, and Buenos Aires (34.5 degree S, 58.7 degree W), Argentina, are the only four stations in the South America. In this paper, a comparison of the monthly ozone values in Brazil in relation to other South American and Antarctic stations is presented. It' is shown that the Antarctic ozone decline does not ex A to the middle and low latitudes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE QUIAT 1501 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPintMend:1996:RaMiSo Journal Article Pinto, Osmar Pinto, Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Mendes Jr., Odim X ray microbursts in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (A5) 10909-10917 9649 geofísica espacial. Balloon-borne X ray measurements with high time resolution were carried out in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly to investigate the fine structure of the precipitation in this region. Measurements were obtained on two balloon flights launched from Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, on January 26 and February 1, 1994, and were supported by onboard electric field and geomagnetic field ground data. In one flight, we have found that rapid changes do occur in times of about 0.05 s during periods of a few seconds. They should be considered as the first evidence of the presence of microbursts in the low L value region of the South Atlantic anomaly. These microbursts were not correlated with sferic signatures in the same hemisphere and may be correlated with magnetic fluctuations in the geomagnetic field. Energy-time features of the microbursts are examined in order to identify possible responsible mechanismsSID/SCD. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1406 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraBragJabl:1999:OrPeAc Journal Article Pereira, M.G. Pereira, M.G.; Braga, João; Jablonski, Francisco José The orbital period of accreting pulsar GX 1+4 1999 Astrophysical Journal 526 2 L105-L108 9620 astrofísica, deposição, discos de acréscimo, pulsares, estelas simbióticas, binarias raio x, estrelas de neutron, deposition, accretion disks, pulsars, symbiotic stars, x ray binaries, neutron stars. We report strong evidence for a 304 day periodicity in the spin history of the accretion-powered pulsar GX 1 +4 that is most probably associated with the orbital period of the system. We have used data from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory to show a clear periodic modulation of the pulsar frequency from 1991 to date, in excellent agreement with the ephemeris proposed by Cutler, Dennis, Dolan in 1986. Our results indicate that the orbital period of GX 1+4 is 303.8 ñ 1.1 days, making it the widest known low-mass X-ray binary system by more than I1 order of magnitude and putting this long-standing question to rest. A likely scenario for this system is an elliptical orbit in which the neutron star decreases its spin-down rate (or even exhibits a momentary spin-up behavior)at periastron passages due to the higher torque exerted by the accretion disk onto the magnetosphere of the neutron star. These results are not inconsistent with either the X-ray pulsed flux light curve measured by BATSE during the same epoch or the X-ray flux history from the All-Sky Monitor on board the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1396 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtSahaFaguTaka:1997:SiObEq Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Takahashi, Hisao Simultaneous observations of equatorial F-region plasma depletions and thermospheric winds 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 9 1049-1059 8741 aeronomia, , bolhas de plasma ionosferico, sondagem ionosferica, ionossonda, regiao -f, regiao equatorial, diminuicao de plasma, modelagem ionosferica. Simultaneous observations of the 0I 630.O nm nightglow emission using an all-sky imaging system, and thermospheric winds and temperatures using a Fabry-Perot interferometer at 630.0 nm, have been recently conducted at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 S. 45.0 W, dip latitude 15,8'S). The all-sky imaging observations of the 0I 630.O nm nightglow emission, which arises from the 0+2 ionospheric dissociative recombination process are used to monitor the morphology and dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles in the height range of the nightglow emissions. In this paper we present simultaneous observations from these two instruments obtained in April and August 1991, in which some nights showed the presence of ionospheric plasma bubbles. These observations are also complemented by ionospheric sounding data obtained at the equatorial station Fortaleza (3.9 S, 38.4 W, dip latitude 3.7 S). Significant features of the morphology and time evolution of the plasma depletions as seen through the 0I 630.0 nm emission images and possible influence of the thermospheric winds on the generation of the plasma irregularities are analyzed and discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONOSFERA 1210 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeloTakaClemSimo:1997:AnExSt Journal Article Melo, Stella M.L. Melo, Stella M.L.; Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin An experimental study of the nightglow OH(8,3)band emission process in the equatorial mesosphere 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 5 479-486 8740 aeronomia, , luminescencia, emissao de perfis, oxigenio, fisica da lata atmosfera, atmosfera equatorial. Simultaneous rocket measurements of the OH Meinel (8-3)band and 02 Atmospheric (0-0)band emission profiles are used to investigate the OH (v = 8)loss in the equatorial mesosphere due to collisions with 02 and N2. The 02 Atmospheric (0-0)band emission profile is used to obtain the atomic oxygen concentration. The derived branching ratios, A(8)/A(8-3), and quenching parameters are found to be about a factor of two smaller than those obtained by McDade et al. (1987). Adopting branching ratios A(8)A(8-3)from the literature, the best agreement between the emission profiles of oxygen and OH is obtained using the Meinel band transition probabilities of Turnbull and Lowe (1989). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO FISAT 1209 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MagalhaesJohnFrajAgui:1997:GeMeLo Journal Article Magalhaes, Nadja S. Magalhaes, Nadja S.; Johnson, Warren W.; Frajuca, Carlos; Aguiar, Odylio Denys de A geometric method for location of gravitational wave sources 1997 Astrophysics Journal 475 : 462-468 8724 astrofisica, ondas gravitacionais, deteccao, antenas de ondas gravitacionais, polarizacao. We show that the interaction of a gravitational wave with a spherical resonant-mass antenna changes the antenna's shape to that of an ellipsoid. These changes in shape always determine the direction of the incoming wave and may provide information on the wave's polarization. We present a new approach for determining the position of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves which involves fewer calculations than in earlier methods. We also show how the measured quantities relate to the energy density of the wave. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS PROJETO GRAVITON 1199 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneGobb:1992:PeInSe Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam; Gobbi, Delano Periodicities in sea-level changes at Stockholm 1992 Climatic Change 21 1 77-85 3033 geofisica espacial. The annual mean sea-level time series for Stockholm (Sweden)for 1825-1984 (160 data points)had a large long-term negative (almost linear, only slightly quadratic)trend. After correcting for the same, the detrended series was subjected to maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA). Choosing selected periodicities for further multiple regression analysis, series for the first 80 yr (1825-1904)showed periodicities at T=2.40, 5.0, 6.1, 13.5, 14.8 and 32 yr, significant at a 2 sigma level. The three largest peaks (italicized)had amplitudes of approximately (2.5-3.0)+- 0.8 cm. The latter 80 yr (1905-1984)showed significant periodicities at T= 2.05, 2.7, 3.0, 3.6, 4.4, 5.5, 6.3, 7.7, 9.8, 20.5 and 33 yr. The three largest peaks (italicized)had amplitudes of approximately (2.0-2.5)+- 0.7 cm. The whole period of 160 yr (1825-1984)showed significant periodicities at T= 2.05, 2.9, 3.2, 4.5, 4.9, 5.6, 6.4, 7.8, 11.0, 13.7, 14.8, 29 and 43 yr. The three largest peaks (italicized)had amplitudes of approximately (1.6-1.9)+- 0.6 cm. All these significant peaks explained a variance of only about 30 or less, indicating a large random component of approximately 70. Peaks at T=11 yr (sunspot cycle)or T=18.6 yr (lunar nodal term)were either absent or very weak. Most of the other peaks were transient (present in the first 80 yr or the latter 80 yr)except an uncertain quasibiennal oscillation (QBO)(T=2-3 yr)and T= 5-6 yr and T= 30 yr, which seemed to be persistent throughout the whole period. Some periodicities seem to resemble those seen in the Southern Oscillation (SO)index. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 326 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaPaulAbduTriv:1991:IoEfMa Journal Article Batista, Inez Staciarini Batista, Inez Staciarini; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Ionospheric effects of the March 13, 1989, magnetic storm at low equatorial latitudes 1991 Journal of Geophysical Research 96 A8 13943-13952 7107 aeronomia, , electric fields, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, ionospheric disturbances, particle precipitation, magnetic storms. The great geomagnetic storm of March 13, 1989 (E Kp=60, Ap=246)caused severely anomalous behavior in the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere in the Brazilian longitude sector. The ionograms over Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W)indicated F region upward plasma drifts exceeding 200 m s-1 at 1830 LT as compared to normal values of 40 m s-1 for this epoch. Large negative phases were observed in foF2 over Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista (22.5 degrees S, 45 degrees W)and in total electron content measured over Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W). The equatorial ionization anomaly was totally absent either because of its anomalous expansion to higher latitudes or because of inhibition of its development on the two nights following the storm. Many anomalous variations in F region peak density and height, occurring simultaneously with sharp variations on H component of magnetic field over Fortaleza and with auroral substorms, give strong evidence of penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to equatorial and low latitudes. Auroral type sporadic E and night E layers are observed after 1830 LT over Cachoeira Paulista, the latter showing peak electron density about 6 x 10-4 el cm-3, therefore comparable to the E layer peak density in the morning hours at that station. The Fortaleza ionograms show the presence of the F1 layer at night, a phenomenon that has never been observed over our two stations before. The role played by electric fiels penetrating from high to low latitudes, particle precipitation, and composition changes in explaining the observations is discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 130 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduSobrPaulBati:1991:MaDiEf Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Batista, Inez Staciarini Magnetospheric disturbance effects on Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA): an overview 1991 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53 8 757-771 7104 aeronomia, anomalias, anomalia equatorial, anomalies, eia, equatorial aeronomy. The Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA)development can undergo drastic modification in the form of an anomalous occurrence at local times outside that of its quiet time development and/or inhibition/enhancement at local times of its normal occurences. This happens for disturbed electrodynamic conditions of the global ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere system, consequent upon the triggering of a magnetospheric storm event. Direct penetration to equatorial latitudes of the magnetospheric electric fields and the thermopheric disturbances involving winds, electric fields and composition changes produce significant alteration in the EIA morphology and dynamics. Results on statistical behaviour based on accumulated ground-based data sets, and those from recent theoretical modelling efforts and from satellite and ground-based observations, are reviewed. Some outstanding problems of the EIA response to magnetopheric disturbances that deserve attention in the coming years are pointed out. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 129 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ThompsonPMSHKBKN:1996:WhDiTr Journal Article Thompson, A.M. Thompson, A.M.; Pickering, K.E.; McNamara, D.P.; Schoeberl, M.R.; Hudson, R.D.; Kim, J.H.; Browell, E.V.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Nganga, D Where did troposheric ozone over southern Africa and the tropical Atlantic come from in October 1992? Insights from TOMS, GTE TRACE A, and SAFARI 1992 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D19) 24251-24278 9646 geofísica espacial, , troposfera, ozônio, concentração, projeto trace, espectrômetro de mapeamento de ozônio total, troposphere, ozone, concentration, total ozone mapping spectrometer (toms). The seasonal tropospheric ozone maximum in the tropical South Atlantic, first recognized from satellite observations [Fishman et al., 1986, 1991], Save rise to the IGAC/ STARE/SAFARI 1992/TRACE A campaigns (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry/South Tropical Atlantic Regional Experiment/Southern African Fire Atmospheric Research Initiative/Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator-Atlantic)in September and October 1992. Along with a new TOMS-based method for deriving tropospheric column ozone, we used the TRACE A/SAFARI 1992 data set to put together a regional picture of the O-3 distribution during this period, Sondes and aircraft profiling showed a troposphere with layers of high O-3 (greater than or equal to 90 ppbv)all the way to the tropopause. These features extend in a band from 0 degrees to 25 degrees S, over the SE Indian Ocean, Africa, the Atlantic, and eastern South America. A combination of trajectory and photochemical modeling (the Goddard (GSFC)isentropic trajectory and tropospheric point model, respectively)shows a strong connection between regions of high ozone and concentrated biomass burning, the latter identified using satellite-derived fire counts [Justice et al., this issue]. Back trajectories from a high-O-3 tropical Atlantic region (column ozone at Ascension averaged 50 Dobson units (DU)) and forward trajectories from fire-rich and convectively active areas show that the Atlantic and southern Africa are supplied with O-3 and O-3-forming trace gases by midlevel easterlies and/or recirculating air from Africa, with lesser contributions from South American burning and urban pollution. Limited sampling in the mixed layer over Namibia shows possible biogenic sources of NO, High-level westerlies from Brazil (following deep convective transport of ozone precursors to the upper troposphere)dominate the upper tropospheric O-3 budget over Natal, Ascension, and Okaukuejo (Namibia), although most enhanced O-3 (75 or more)equatorward of 10 degrees S was from Africa. Deep convection may be responsible for the timing of the seasonal tropospheric O-3 maximum: Natal and Ascension show a 1- to 2-month lag relative to the period of maximum burning [cf. Baldy et al., this issue; Olson ct al., this issue]. Photochemical model calculations constrained with TRACE A and SAFARI airborne observations of O-3 and O-3 precursors (NOx, CO, hydrocarbons)show robust ozone formation (up to 15 ppbv O-3/d or several DU/d)in a widespread, persistent, and well-mixed layer to 4 km. Slower but still positive net O-3 formation took place throughout the tropical upper troposphere [cf. Pickering et al., this issue (a); Jacob et al., this issue]. Thus whether it is faster rates of O-3 formation in source regions with higher turnover rates or slower O-3 production in long-lived stable layers ubiquitous in the TRACE A region, 10-30 DU tropospheric O-3 above a similar to 25-DU background can be accounted for. In summary, the O-3 maximum studied in October 1992 was caused by a coincidence of abundant O-3 precursors from biomass fires, a long residence time of stable air parcels over the eastern Atlantic and southern Africa, and deep convective transport of biomass burning products, with additional NO from lightning and occasionally biogenic sources. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO TRACE 1404 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:ENReRa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam ENSO relationship to the rainfall of Sri Lanka 1998 International Journal of Climatology 18 8 859-871 9609 geofísica espacial, , chuva, oscilação sulista, monções, el nino, rain, southern oscilation (so), monsoon. Each year during 1881-1990 was examined to check whether it had an El Ni¤o (EN)and/or a Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)minimum (SO)and/or warm (W)or cold (C)equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperatures SST. Several years were ENSOW, which were further subdivided into two groups namely, unambiguous ENSOW where El Ni¤o existed and SOI minima and SST maxima were in the middle of the calendar year (May-August), and ambiguous ENSO W where El Ni¤o existed but the SOI minima and SST maxima were in the early or late part of the calendar year, not in the middle. Other El Ni¤o events were of the type ENSO, ENW, ENC and EN. Some years not having El Ni¤o were of the types SOW, SOC, SO, W and C, the last one (C)containing all anti-El Ni¤os, i.e. La Ni¤as. Remaining years were termed as non-events. For all these years, the normalized rainfall deviations from the mean were examined for seven rainfall series, three in India and four in Sri Lanka, For the all India summer monsoon rainfall and Indian southern peninsula summer monsoon rainfall, unambiguous ENSOW years showed a very good association with droughts. The Sri Lanka southwest monsoon rains also showed a similar tendency; but the Sri Lanka second intermonsoon season rainfall showed a strong opposite tendency (floods instead of droughts). For other types of El Ni¤o years, results were generally obscure. For C type events, results were opposite to those of unambiguous events, as expected. It is suggested that for obtaining composite maps based on El Ni¤o years, only the unambiguous ENSOW years may be used. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1394 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BittencourtAlve:1987:SiCoFe Journal Article Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Bittencourt, Jose Augusto; Alves, Maria Virginia Simulacao computacional de fenomenos em plasma utilizando particulas 1987 Revista Ciencia e Cultura (Suplemento) 39 7 297 5787 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 60111X 1302 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MeloTakaClemSteg:1997:02HeBa Journal Article Melo, Stella M.L. Melo, Stella M.L.; Takashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Stegman, J The 02 Herzbrg I bands in the equatorial nightglow 1997 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 59 3 295-303 8738 aeronomia, , luminescencia, oxigenio, banda herzberg, fisica da alta atmosfera, emissao de perfis, regiao equatorial, multifot. Simultaneous measurements of the nightglow profiles of the 02 Herzberg I bands, the 02 Atmospheric (0-0)band and the atomic oxygen green line, carried out at Alcantara (2.3 degree S; 44.4 degree W), are presented and discussed. This is the first measurement of the vertical profile of the Herzberg I band to be carried out at equatorial latitudes. The atomic oxygen concentration derived from the 02 Atmospheric (0-0)band emission profile is used to test a photochemical scheme to explain the measured 02... nightglow emission based on atomic oxygen recombination. The kinetic analysis is carried out assuming the emission ratio Herzberg 1: Herzberg II = 5:1, 10:1 and the extreme case where Herzberg II brightness = 0. For all three cases studied, the quenching rates required to explain the measurements are higher than the values derived from previous airglow measurements. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO FISAT 1207 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JablonskiPereBragGnei:1997:DiOpPu Journal Article Jablonski, Francisco Jose Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Pereira, Marildo G.; Braga, Joao; Gneiding, Clemens Discovery of optical pulsations in V2116 Ophiuchi GX 1+4 1997 Astrophysical Journal Letters 482 : l171-l174 8722 astrofisica, astronomia galatica, pulsacoes estrelares, estrelas, v2116 ophiuchi. We report the detection of pulsations with an approximately 124 s period in V2116 Oph, the optical counterpart of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4. The pulsations are sinusoidal with modulation amplitude of up to 4 in blue light and were observed in 10 different observing sessions during 1996 April-August using a CCD photometer at the 1.6 m and 0.6 m telescopes of Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica, in Brazil. The pulsations were also observed with the UBVRI fast photometer. With only one exception, the observed optical periods are consistent with those observed by the BATSE instrument on board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory at the same epoch. There is a definite correlation between the observability of pulsations and the optical brightness of the system: V2116 Oph had R magnitude in the range 15.3-15.5 when the pulsed signal was detected, and R = 16.9-17.7 when no pulsations were present The dicovery makes GX 1+4 only the third of about 40 accretion-powered X-ray pulsars to be firmly detected as a pulsating source in the optical. The presence of flickering and pulsations in V2116 Oph adds strong evidence for an accretion disk scenario in this system. The absolute magnitude of the pulsed component on 1996 May 27 is estimated to be My ~ -1.5. The implied dimensions for the emitting region are 1.1 R, 3.2 R, and 7.0 R, for blackbody spectral distributions with T 10-5 K, 2 X 10-4 K, and 1 X 10-4 K, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1197 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffClemSimo:1981:AtNeSo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin The atmospheric neutral sodium layer, I, recente modeling compared to measurements 1981 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 86 A8 6892-6898 2126 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 157 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SodreJrCapSteProMaz:1992:ClGaSC Journal Article Sodre Jr., Laerte Sodre Jr., Laerte; Capelato, Hugo Vicente; Steiner, Joao Evangelista; Proust, Dominique; Mazure, Alain The cluster of galaxies SC2008-57 (A3667) 1992 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 259 2 233-246 2956 astrofisica, galactic clusters, luminosity. We present the results of photometric and spectroscopic observations of the cluster of galaxies SC2008-57 (A3667). The observations have resulted in a catalogue with positions and magnitudes for 203 galaxies, complete at b25=18.0 and radial velocities for 128 galaxies, 91 per cent complete at b25=17.5. The cluster can be classified as type L because its balaxy distribution is highly flattened. It shows two strong concentrations: a main concentration, centred on the cluster brightest galaxy (a D galaxy)and coincident with the peak of X-ray emission, and a substructure around the second brightest galaxy (also a D galaxy). Most of the galaxies in this substructure seem to be found to the second-brightest galaxy, forming a dynamical subunit inside the cluster. The extreme flattening of the cluster may at least partially be due to the presence of the substructure. The cluster also shows evidence for luminosity segregation, with the brightest galaxies being preferentially found in high galaxy density regions. Most of the luminosity segregation, however, is produced by galaxies associated with the two clumps around the D galaxies, suggesting that dynamical friction is effective in subclusters with low velocity dispersions and may be associated with the formation of D galaxies. The velocity dispersion of SC2008-57 is high, about 1200 km s-1, but consistent with the observed X-ray luminosity. The cluster mass, derived using several estimators, is about 2.6 x 10 15 M . Both the cluster mass and velocity dispersion may be overestimates due to the presence of the substructure. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 324 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmannCoCoDEHUBR:1984:MUENIN Journal Article Kaufmann, Pierre Kaufmann, Pierre; Correia, Emilia; Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende; DENNIS,B.R.; HURFORD,G.H.; BROWN,J.C. MULTIPLE ENERGETIC INJECTIONS IN A STRONG SPIKE-LIKE SOLAR BURST 1984 SOLAR PHYSICS 91 2 359-376 4776 radioastronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CEA CRAAE 90130X 1105 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MartinFlexKousCava:1984:PoLiDe Journal Article Martin, Louis Martin, Louis; Flexor, Jean-Marie; Kousky, Vernon; Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Inversions du sens transport littoral enregistrees dans les cordons littoraux de la plaine coriere du rio Doce (Bresil). Possible liaison avec des modifications de la circulation atmospherique 1984 C.R. Acad. Sc. 298 1 25-27 3157 estudos do tempo e do clima, circulacao atmosferica. Les cordons littoraux de regression enregistrent dans leur géometrie la direction du transport littoral et donc indirectement le quadrant dans lequel les vagues dominantes ont atteint, par le passe, la cote. Dans la plaine cotiere du Rio Doce, une inversion du sens du transport littoral, enregistrée entre 5000 et 4000 ans B. P., semble liee a une periode de blocage de la circulation atmospherique meridienne ayant entrainé une predominance de la houle de NE. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPTEC 1095 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduBittBati:1983:LoDiSp Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Batista, Inez Staciarini Longitudinal differences in the spread F characteristics 1983 Revista Brasileira de Física 13 4 647-663 9678 aeronomia, características, equador magnético, diferenças, propagação f, irregularidades, ionosferas, spread f, characteristics, magnetic equador, differences, ionospheres, irregularities, ionospheres. A comparative study is carried out of the spread F occurrence rates at Fortaleza (40§S, 38§W)and Huancayo (12 §S, 75§ W), two stations located along the magnetic equator in the American zone. While there are similarities in the gross features of the range type spread F occurrences, profound differences, on a seasonal basis, are present in the case of the frequency type spread F at the two stations. Profound dissimilarities are observed also in the evening enhancement in the F -region vertical drift velocity (Vz ) measured over Jicamarca (and the F-region height changes observed over Huancayo), with respect to that observed over Fortaleza, in that the seasonal trends in the local times of prereversal V z peak occurrences are in exactly opposite sense at the two stations. An attempt is made to interpret these results in terms of the differences in the magnetic field declinations at the two stations that cause significant differences in the conjugate E- region sunset durations and, hence, in differing rates of F-region polarization electric field developments at these stations. Influence of the F-region dynamo on the gross features of the prereversal Vz peak and spread F characteristics seems to be born out in the present results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAE 548 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffAlveSilvFish:1996:ObOzCo Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Alves, J.R.; Silva, F.R. da; Fishman, J Observations of ozone concentrations in the brazilian cerrado during the TRACE A field expedition 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D19) 24029-24042 9644 geofísica espacial, , ozônio, concentração, observação, medições, biomass, combustão, ozone, concentration, observation, measurements, biomass, combustion. The Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A)experiment, sponsored by the NASA GTE program, was a multinational field mission that took place simultaneously in Brazil, Africa, and the South Atlantic region, between the African and the Brazilian coasts. The general objective of the field mission was to investigate the tropospheric minor constituent composition, known to be disturbed by biomass burning practices. This report describes ozone measurements that were made by the Brazilian component. Two field missions in central Brazil were made with the objective of investigating ozone concentrations in the biomass burning source region: one smaller mission in the wet season period, April, and a major mission in the dry season, September/October 1992. The main field expedition during the dry season obtained data over a period of about 20 days in September and a few days in October 1992, in a savanna environment of central Brazil. Simultaneous surface ozone and ozone soundings were made. In the wet season the observation site was Goiania (16 degrees S, 49 degrees W); and in the dry season, two other sites were added: Cuiaba (16 degrees S, 56 degrees W)and Porto Nacional (11 degrees S, 48 degrees W). In addition, measurements were also made at an Atlantic coast site, Natal (6 degrees S, 35 degrees W), outside of the savanna region, and not affected directly by the biomass burning source areas, used as a control site. The average behavior of the ozone concentrations at the different sites suggests that surface ozone concentrations tend to be rather uniform, despite different precipitation rates, but slightly larger at the drier sites. However, other factors, such as burning fuel, for example, or cloudiness, may be also important to determine ozone concentrations. This is reflected by large day-to-day variabilities that are common in the source region. The diurnal variation of the surface ozone concentrations maximize around 1600 LT. Hourly averages in September, at this time, amount to 47 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)at Porto Nacional and 40 ppbv at Cuiaba. For this station the values are lower than those of previous years (55 ppbv in 1991 and 48 ppbv in 1990). Only small differences, of the order of 5 ppbv, are observed between the source (burning)sites and Natal (the control site)in the wet season. In April, only 16 ppbv are observed at Natal. Much larger concentrations may be observed occasionally in the source areas, in the dry season. For example, at Porto Nacional, 80 ppbv have been measured at the surface and in the lower troposphere. In comparison with the coastal site, near the surface, large scatter in concentration values at Porto Nacional (20-80 ppbv)contrast with the smaller concentration range seen at Natal (20-40 ppbv). In addition, at Natal the ozone mixing ratios below about 600 hPa are distributed around a vertical gradient in which the mixing ratios increase with height, whereas at Porto Nacional in the same height region, larger concentrations and a large scatter of the data are apparent. In the upper troposphere, perhaps surprisingly, the ozone concentrations at Natal and Porto Nacional are about equal, 70 ppbv at 10 km (with larger scatter at Natal than at Porto Nacional), probably reflecting a net production of ozone along the pathways from the source regions, coupled with its longer lifetime at the higher altitudes. This data set is consistent with the hypothesis that tropical ozone in the troposphere is produced photochemically from biomass burning products in the dry season. These products are exported from the source regions to the upper atmospheric levels by dry and wet convection and once in the upper atmospheric levels are taken eastward to the South Atlantic by the prevailing winds, where they contribute to local ozone formation. The air masses at Natal, Brazil, in the lower atmospheric levels, i.e., below about 500 hPa, originate from the South Atlantic. This allows one to classify Natal air masses as pristine over most of the year and justifies the stations use as a control station. However, the data now presented, combined with the detailed analyses of the other TRACE A studies, allows on to conclude that in the dry season, Natal ozone concentrations below about 500 hPa are perturbed by combustion products consistent with long-range transport from Africa. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1402 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:ExENPh Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Extremes of the ENSO phenomena and indian summer monsoon rainfall 1998 International Journal of Climatology 18 7 775-791 9607 geofísica espacial, , chuva, el nino (en), ocilação sul, seca, rain, southern oscilation(so), drought. Characterizing every year during the 120 year interval 1871-1990 as a year of El Nino (EN), or Southern Oscillation minimum (SO), or equatorial eastern Pacific sea-surface temperature (SST)warm (W)or cold (C)episode or none (non-events), the corresponding summer monsoon rainfall departures for all India and for the 29 meteorological subdivisions were examined. The best relationship for droughts was with unambiguous ENSOW (El Nino year with SO and W near the middle of the calendar year)and for floods with C (cold SST). The droughts were generally widespread, although Assam and Bengal might have had normal rainfall or even floods when other subdivisions had droughts. In some ENSOW years when all India rainfall was normal, the rainfall in subdivisions was either normal or mixed (droughts in some subdivisions, floods in others). However, droughts and floods occurred during other types of events also, and ENSOW or C were neither sufficient nor necessary. Some floods and droughts were associated with incorrect type (floods during El Nino, etc.), and some occurred during non-events, indicating that factors unrelated to EN, or SO, or W, or C may be more influential in some years. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1392 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesSteBonFraSil:1986:MoPrNu Journal Article Rodrigues, Jose Carlos Rodrigues, Jose Carlos; Stech, Jose Luiz; Bonatti, Jose Paulo; Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Silva Dias, Pedro Silva Um modelo de previsao numerica de tempo 1986 Ciencia e Cultura 38 7 771 July 2771 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCT CPT MOPCIN 939 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesSahTakGobBit:1996:ThMeTe Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Sahai, Yogeshwar; Takahashi, Hisao; Gobbi, Delano; Bittencourt, Jose Augusto Thermospheric and mesospheric temperatures during geomagnetic storms at 23 degree S 1996 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 58 16 1963-1972 8736 aeronomia, tempestades magneticas, interferometro fabry-perot, temperatura. Night-time thermospheric temperatures, T630, and mesospheric rotational temperatures, T(OH)and T(02), have been measured at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degreeS, 45 degreeW, 16 degree S dip latitude), located in both the equatorial ionospheric anomaly and the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly, with a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a multi-channel tilting filter-type photometer, respectively. The thermospheric temperatures are obtained from the Doppler line broadening of the 0I 630.0 nm emission and the mesospheric rotational temperatures from the OH(9,4)and O2A(O, 1)band emissions. Measurements made during three geomagnetic storms showed that the nocturnal mean values of T630 during the recovery phase of the storms were lower than those observed during quiet time and from model predictions. Also, the nocturnal mean value of the T630 soon after the SSC event on 27 June 1992 was higher than the quiet time and model predictions. The observed mesospheric nocturnal mean rotational temperatures, T(OH)and T(02), were unaffected by the storms, A comparison of the night-time observed temperatures T630, T(OH)and T(02)with those calculated using the MSIS-86 model is also presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO LUME 1205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaJorgSimoBati:1997:NeMeMe Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Jorge, M.P.P. Martins; Simonich, Dale Martin.; Batista, Paulo Prado A new method for measuring the doppler temperature of the atmospheric sodium layer 1997 Advances in Space Research 19 4 681-684 8714 aeronomia, medição, temperatura, sodio, fisica da alta atmosfera, radar de laser. Over the past few years measurement of the thermal broadening of lidar returns from the atmospheric sodium layer has become a practical technique for monitoring temperature between 80 and 105 km. The method, first demonstrated more than 15 years ago, has now reached the point where it provides the best accuracy, time and height resolution of any technique for the relevant height interval. The principal drawback to the method, as implemented at present, is the high cost of the laser equipment needed to produce the highly stable narrow line-width emission required to measure the hyperfine structure of the sodium resonance. This paper presents a new technique, using a comb laser, which makes it possible to determine the Doppler temperature of the lidar signal with only small modifications to a lidar not originally designed to measure temperature, thus reducing the cost by more than an order of magnitude. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1195 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyFerr:1981:SpDiOr Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Ferreira, Nelson de Jesus Interdiurnal surface pressure variations in Brazil: their spatial distribution origins and effects 1981 Monthly Weather Review 109: 9 1999-2008 2124 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DSM 155 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NunesAndrVianMarq:1979:EsDiRa Journal Article Nunes, Getulio Soriano Torres Nunes, Getulio Soriano Torres; Andre, Romisio Geraldo B.; Vianello, Rubens L.; Marques, Valdo da Silva Estudo da distribuicao de radiacao solar incidente sobre o Brasil 1979 Revista Brasileira de Armazenamento 4 2 5-30 1816 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MET DME 303 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbrahamMedeKauf:1984:22AN44 Journal Article Abraham, Zulema Abraham, Zulema; Medeiros, José renan; Kaufmann, Pierre 22 AND 44GHZ CONTINUUM OBSERVATIONS OF EXTRAGALACTIC RADIO SOURCES 1984 Astronomical Journal 89 2 200-202 4769 radioastronomia. 22- and 44-GHz flux densities of a sample of extragalactic radio sources with expected flux densities larger than I Jy at 22 GHz were measured with the Itapetinga radio, telescope during the period July 1978 - October 1980. For most of the sources, the flux densities at these frequencies, together with published values at other frequencies, combine to form smooth spectra, even when the measurements were made at different epochs. For two of the sources (0906 + 01 and 1546 + 02), we found that the flat spectra between 1 and 100 GHz had changed into a peaked one, with maximum intensity probably around 15 GHz. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CRAAE RADIO 1103 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GonzalezGinz:1989:CoOnIn Journal Article Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio Comment on inferred and measured interplanetary sector structure -reply 1989 Journal Geophysical Research 94 A6 7017-7018 3122 geofísica espacial. We apologize for not having included references to the works by Fougere [1974]; and Fougere and Russell [1975]in our paper ""Periodicities in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Polarity"" [Gonzalez and Gonzalez, 1987]. As summarized in the companion comments [Fougere, this issue], Fougere [1974]claimed that caution should be taken for any association of the inferred interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)polarity values during the presatellite era, such as those obtained by Svalgaard [1968]and Mansurov [1969], with the actual values that would have been measured by a satellite. However, it has not been the aim of the Gonzalez and Gonzalez [1987]paper to judge the validity of the Svalgaard-Mansurov index as an indicator of the actual IMF polarity, since this matter has been extensively discussed before [e.g., Wilcox, 1972; Svalgaard, 1975a, 1975b, 1976, Fairfield, 1977; Matsushita, 1979; Matsushita and Trotter, 1980. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 1093 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PrakkiFerrGan:1990:CyVoOv Journal Article Prakki, Satyamurty Prakki, Satyamurty; Ferreira, C.; Gan, Manoel Alonso Cyclonic vortices over South America 1990 Tellus 42A 1 194-201 790 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 1 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTeixTaka:1983:ObLaSc Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bittencourt, José Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Takahashi, Hisao Observations of large scale F-region irregularities using airglow emission at 7774 A and 6300 A 1983 Annales Geophysicae 1 3 271-276 9317 aeronomia, ionosfera, luminescência atmosférica, f-region (flayer), nightglow, ionospheric, plasma depleted. Simultaneous scanning measurements of the atomic oxygen 7774 A and 6300 A emissions, to study the dynamics of low-latitude large scale F-region irregularities, were carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (geographic coordinates 22.7§ S, 45.0§ W; geomagnetic latitude 11.95§ S), Brazil, during the period October-November, 1980. The measurements were made with a two-channel photometer which permitted scanning observations both along and across the magnetic meridian. Observations at 7774 A can detect large scale irregularities near the F-region peak height, whereas observations at 6300 A detect such irregularities at an altitude about 50 km to 100 km lower, depending on the F-region height. On many nights. during spread-F conditions, as indicated by an ionosonde operating at the same location, the presence of large intensity depletions of short duration were detected in both emissions. These depletions were observed to move towards the east in the east-west scans, and apparently towards the south in the north-south scans. Salient features of these observations are presented and discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 546 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaneTriv:1994:SpAnMa Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushotam Kane, Rajaram Purushotam; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal Spectral analysis of the magnetic susceptibility record of chinese loess 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 61-69 8608 geofisica espacial, analise espectral, permeabilidade magnetica, loess chineses. The magnetic susceptibility record of Chinese Loess Plateau for the last 2.5 million years was subjected to Maximurn Entropy Spectral Analysis. The portion 0 - 800 ka B.P. showed 95,000 years as the strongest peak, resembling the 98,000 year peak in the spectra, of oxygen isotope series from deep-sea cores, and matching the eccentricity peak of Earth's rotation axis. The astronomical peaks 19,000 and 23,000 years related to Earth's precession and 41,000 years related to Earth's obliquity were also observed but weakly. For earlier periods (800 ka - 2400 ka B.P.), nine peaks were observed (including 41,000 and 100,000 years)but weakly. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DGE 713 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTakaBati:1990:MeTeAt Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Takahashi, Hisao; Batista, Paulo Prado Mesopause temperatures at 23 degrees S 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D6 7677-7681 7099 aeronomia, mesoupause, airglow. Observations of the OH(9,4)and 02A(0,1)atmospheric band emissions at 7750 Angstron 8645 Angstron, respectively, made between 1983 and 1986, have been analyzed to give atmospheric temperatures for the corresponding emission heigths. The annual mean temperatures are found to be 193 K and 198 K for the OH and O2 emissions, respectively. The OH rotational temperature shows an annual oscillation of 2.3 K amplitude with a maximum in late March, and the semiannual component shows equinoctial maxima with an amplitude of 3.0 K. The O2-derived temperature shows a 2.5 K annual component maximizing in May. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 125 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FishmanHoeBenMcNKir:1996:NaGTA Journal Article Fishman, Jack Fishman, Jack; Hoel Jr., James M.; Bendura, Richard D.; McNeal, Robert J.; Kirchhoff, Volker Valter Johann Heinrich Nasa GTE a experiment (September-October 1992): overview 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D19) 23865-23879 9641 geofísica espacial, composição atmosférica, química atmosférica, ozônio, produção, atmospheric composition, atmospheric chemistry, ozone, production. An overview of the Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A)field mission is presented. TRACE A was conducted to provide a comprehensive investigation of the chemical composition, transport, and chemistry of the atmosphere over the tropical South Atlantic Ocean and the adjacent South American and African continents. Measurements for TRACE A consisted of a remote sensing component to derive tropospheric ozone and biomass burning patterns, an airborne atmospheric chemistry component to determine the composition of the air in the most pristine areas of our research domain as well as to characterize the photochemistry and transport of trace gas emissions from both fire and biogenic sources, a series of ozonesonde observations, and an enhanced radiosonde network and airborne meteorological measurements that provided information about the transport of trace gases and the physical processes that were responsible for their observed distributions. The data were interpreted through the use of both photochemical and meteorological numerical models. The picture that emerges from TRACE A is that widespread biomass burning in both South America and southern Africa is the dominant source of the precursor gases necessary for the formation of the huge amounts of ozone over the South Atlantic Ocean. In addition, however, the meteorology in this region of the world is favorable for the accumulation of these pollutants over the tropical Atlantic basin so that photochemical processes produce large quantities of ozone in situ. The generation of ozone occurs over scales of thousands of kilometers and is unusually enhanced in the upper troposphere where relatively high concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx)prevail. This latter finding suggests that convective processes (or other lifting mechanisms)may play an important role in the generation of tropospheric ozone or that there may be an additional significant upper tropospheric source of NOx, such as from lightning. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE Projeto QUIAT 1400 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduJayMacCecSob:1998:EqFrZo Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali; Jayachandran, P. T.; MacDougall, J.; Cecile, J.F.; Sobral, José Humberto Andrade Equatorial Fregion zonal plasma irregularity drifts under magnetospheric disturbances 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 22 4137-4140 9603 aeronomia, anomalias magnéticas, inicio de tempestades súbitas, região f, ionização, ionosfera, magnetic anomalies, sudden storm commencements, plasma drift, f region, ionization, ionosphere. Equatorial F region plasma drift velocities measured by a digital. ionosonde (CADI)that was recently installed in Fortaleza, Brazil, are used to investigate magnetospheric disturbance effects in the vertical (zonal)and zonal (vertical)velocities (electric fields). For the first lime we report evidence of large fluctuations in irregularity zonal drift velocities (similar to 50-180 m/s)associated with magnetospheric disturbances. The fluctuations in the zonal velocity, anti correlated with those in vertical velocity, are unlikely to be produced by prompt penetration of disturbance meridional electric field of high latitude/magnetospheric origin. A mechanism is proposed to explain the velocity fluctuations that involves: (1)Hall polarization vertical electric field in the E-layer that is field line mapped on to F- layer, and (2)electric field caused by vertical current arising from divergence in field line integrated zonal Pedersen current; both produced by the primary disturbance zonal electric field. Enhanced nighttime E region conductivity with possible spatial gradients, a requirement for the functioning of this mechanism, is observed to be present from other simultaneous measurements, whose source is suggested to be particle induced ionization in the south Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA)zone, as known also from previous studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DAS 1390 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Kane:1998:PrEsCo Journal Article Kane, Rajaram Purushottam Kane, Rajaram Purushottam A preliminary estimate of the comin solar cycle 23, based on Ohl's precursor method 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 16 3121 9602 The size of a sunspot cycle is important for a variety of physical effects on the Earth or in its vicinity. A wide variety of rnethods are used for its predictions. In a recent communication [Kane, 1997], these rnethods were mentioned. Amongst these, the ""precurso"" methods [Ohl, 1966; Brown and Williams, 19691 are considered to be the most successful. The minimum values of the 12-monthly moving averages of the geomagnetic aa index in the beginnings of the various Solar Cycles are very well-correlated (correlation + 0.91, using 11 data points for Solar Cycles 12-22)with the 12-monthly moving averages R(max)12 of the maximum sunspot number of the various cycIes. For Solar Cycle 23, Kane [1997]gave a prediction for R(max)as 170 ñ 13. However, this estimate had an error. lt should have been 170 ñ 3 1, where (ñ 3 1)represents a ñ la estimate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1389 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TINSLEYBIONSahaMERI:1988:EQPAPR Journal Article TINSLEY,B.A. TINSLEY,B.A.; BIONDI,M.A.; Sahai, Yogeshwar; MERIWETHER JR.,J.W. EQUATORIAL PARTICLE PRECIPITATION DURING MAGNETIC STORMS AND RELATIONSHIP TO EQUATORIAL THERMOSPHERIC HEATING 1988 Journal Geophyical Research 93 A1 270-276 2769 We compare optical observations of ring current particle precipitation from a near equatorial site in Brazil with variations in the AE and Dst indices. Precipitation occurs during ring current injection when AE is large, but for AE large without ring current injection, little precipitation is seen. Comparisons are also made with 630-nm observations of thermospheric heating made simultaneously in Peru. The thermospheric temperatures have been corrected for instrumental drift and temperature enhancements of several hundred kelvins are present. It is not possible to associate clearly the heating with direct precipitation nor in the short term with transport of heat from higher latitudes. On a longer time scale it is likely that both mid-latitude ring current sources and high-latitude Joule heating sources are involved. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 937 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SomaYana:1988:GrSoPr Journal Article Soma, Nei Y. Soma, Nei Y.; Yanasse, Horacio Hideki A graphical solution procedure for linear diophantine equations 1988 Siam J. Algebraic Discrete Meth. 24 5750 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI COMP LAC 1287 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CieslinskiJabl:1997:SoEqIr Journal Article Cieslinski, Deonisio Cieslinski, Deonisio; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Steiner Joao Envagelista Southern and equatorial irregular variables I.Photoelectric photometry 1997 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 124 1 55-56 8730 astrofisica, estrelas, agb. We present the results of an optical photometric survey of 616 irregular variables. The targets were selected among objects classified as L, L:, I, I:, IS and IS: in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars and New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaTaka:1996:RoNeOd Journal Article Clemesha, Barcley Robert Clemesha, Barcley Robert; Takahashi, Hisao Rocket-borne neasurements od horizontal structure in the OH(8,3)and Na D airglow emisions 1996 Advances in Space Research 17 11 81-84 8712 aeronomia, multifot, densidade atmosferica, sodio, medição, fisica da alta atmosfera. The MULTIFOT airglow payload included 4 side-looking instruments which measured the OH(8,3)band and Na D line emissions. For much of the rocket flight the photometers were well above tile emission layers, so that the 4 rps rotation of the rocket payload resulted in a raster scan of the emission layers by the fields of view of the side-looking photometers. The combined effects of the mean vehicle motion, payload rotation, and coning, resulted in the scanning of an area more than 600 km in the N-S direction and 800 km in the N-S direction. The airglow intensities show horizontal variations by as much as a factor of two. In the case of the OH emission a localised area of enhanced emission involved an increase in intensity of around 50 over a horizontal distance of only 20 km. The observed horizontal variations do not appear to be associated with gravity wave propagation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1193 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MouraKaya:1986:DiPrAn Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino; Kayano, Mary Toshie A distribuicao da precipitacao para os anos extremos do Nordeste do Brasil 1986 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 1 1 1-9 2557 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET CPT TECLIM 741 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyGan:1981:UpTrCy Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Gan, Manoel Alonso Upper tropospheric cyclonic vortices the tropical South Atlantic 1981 Tellus 33 6 538-551 2115 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET CPT 153 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ForbesAnCoRo:1992:CoPaIn Journal Article Forbes, J.M. Forbes, J.M.; Anderson, D.N.; Batista Inez Staciarini; Carter. L.; Codrescu, M.; Roble, R.G Coupling parameterization in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere modeling 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 6 293-301 2043 aeronomia, conexão ionosfera, parametrização, termosfera, região f2, magnetosphere, ionosphere coupling, parametrization, thermosphere, f2 region. A review is provided of some of the major interactions in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system, with emphasis on those internal interactions involving mutual coupling between neutral winds, plasma drifts, and the F2-layer peak height. Examples of parameter-izations for interactions of this type at low, middle, and high latitudes, intended for use in numerical predictions, are presented. A new parameterization for hmF2 in terms of wind-and electric field-driven drifts at equatorial latitudes is given, and verifications of the accuracy of previously developed parameterizations at middle and high latitudes are provided. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 319 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CarvalhoSantSantHigu:1994:EsCoEf Journal Article Carvalho, Joao Andrade Carvalho, Joao Andrade; Santos,J.C.; Santos, Jeus Marden; Higuchi, N Estimate of combustion efficiency in a forest clearing experiment in the Manaus region 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 45-50 8606 , carbono dioxido, florestas, biomassa. Carbon dioxide generation rates are among the most significant parameters to evaluate and quantify the impact of forest clearing processes on the environment, These rates are calculated based on the average carbon content of the biomass and the total mass above the ground, knowing that only a certain portion of the carbon reacts to carbon dioxide and other gases. This portion is basically the combustion efficiency and depends on the type of forest, on how the trees were cut and piled, on the material size and the biomass moisture. content, among others. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 711 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaClemSimo:1990:SeVaIn Journal Article Batista, Paulo Prado Batista, Paulo Prado; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Simonich, Dale Martin Seasonal variations in mesospheric sodium tidal activity 1990 Journal of Geophysical Research 95 D6 7435-7442 7097 aeronomia, , ionosfera, sodium, middle atmosphere, mesospheric. Diurnal and nocturnal laser radar measurements of mesospheric sodium density at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W), show strong oscillations with 12 and 24 hour periods. Data obtained in 1981 showed that atmospheric tides, mainly the vertical wind field, are the major causes of the density variations at a fixed height, thus making it possible to infer vertical wind parameters over a limited height range. In this work, 1984 and 1985 data are added to the earlier 1981 data and the 12- and 24-hour components are determined for different seasons in order to study the seasonal variations of the the tides. It is shown that the amplitudes of the oscillations in sodium density and consequently the vertical wind amplitudes, in general, are larger in winter than in other seasons. Above 97 km, the semidiurnal amplitude is larger than the diurnal in winter, of the same order of magnitude at the equinoxes and smaller in summer. The phases of the inferred semidiurnal vertical wind component, above 97 km, show regular propagating characteristics with little differences between winter and equinoxes, but a confused pattern in summer. Below 93 km the wavelenghts decrease from winter to summer. In all seasons, the phase of the inferred diurnal vertical wind component stays at around 19-23 h below 85 km and above 93 km. The behavior of the phase of the diurnal oscillation in sodium density between 85 amd 90 km is quite different in the three seasons. This is explained by seasonal differences in the relative phases of the oscillations in vertical wind and density. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 123 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarcaonGDTALBH:1998:MaClFi Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcaon, Walter Demétrio Gonzalez-Alarcaon, Walter Demétrio; Gonzalez, Alicia Luisa Clua; Dal Logo, Alisson; Tsurutani, B.T.; Arballo, J.K.; Lakhina, G.S.; Buti, B.; Ho, C.M Magnetic cloud field intensities and solar wind velocities 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 7 963-966 9600 geofisica espacial. For the sets of magnetic clouds studied in this work we have shown the existence of a relationship between their peak magnetic field strength and peak velocity values, with a clear tendency that clouds which move at higher speeds also possess higher core magnetic field strengths. This result suggests a possible intrinsic property of magnetic clouds and also implies a geophysical consequence. The relatively low field strengths at. low velocities is presumably the cause of the lack of intense storms during low speed ejecta. There is also an indication that this type of behavior is peculiar for magnetic clouds, whereas other types of non cloud-driver gas events do not seem to show a similar relationship, at least for the data studied in this paper. We suggest that a ield/speed relationship for magnetic clouds, as that obtained in our present study, could be associated with the cloud release and acceleration mechanism at the sun Since for magnetic clouds the total field tyically has a substantial southward component, B-s, our results imply that the interplanetary dawn-dusk electric field, given by v x B-s (where v is the cloud's velocity), is enhanced by both factors. Therefore, the consequent magnetospheric energization (that, is governed by this electric field)becomes more efficient for the occurrence of magnetic storms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 1387 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzales-AlerconTsur:1987:CrOfIn Journal Article Gonzales-Alercon, Walter Demetrio Gonzales-Alercon, Walter Demetrio; Tsurutani, B.T Criteria of interplanetary parameters causing intense magnetistorms (DST - 100NT) 1987 Planetary and Space Science 35 9 1101-1109 2767 aeronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 935 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MozerGinBogKelSch:1974:HiLaEl Journal Article Mozer, F.S. Mozer, F.S.; Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio; Bogott, F.; Kelley, M.C.; Schutz, S. High latitude electric-field and 3-dimensional interaction between interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic-fields 1974 Journal of Geophysical Research 79 1 56-63 3146 geofísica espacial. More than 200 hours of ionospheric electric field measurements taken on balloons flown from three polar cap sites have been analyzed to determine average properties of the largescale polar cap electric field and its dependencies on the interplanetary magnetic field. The major component of this electric field was directed from dawn to dusk and produced an average polar cap potential drop of about 55 kV. The magnitude of this potential provides an upper limit of about 700 RE for the length of the magnetospheric tail and implies an energy input from the solar wind to the magnetosphere of about 5 X 1019 ergs/see, The dawn to dusk component of the high4atitude polar cap electric field responds to BZ, the northward component of the interplanetary magnetic field, on a time scale <1 hour and with an average increase of about 3 mV/m for each 1 ? decrease of BZ. The hourly averages of the electric field data at each of the three sites are well described by a two-cell convection pattern whose location depends on the y component of the interplanetary magnetic field. When BY is positive (negative), the two-cell convection pattern shifts toward dawn (dusk)in the northern hemisphere with the following consequences: the maximum intensity of the northern polar cap: dawn to dusk electric field component occurs at local morning (evening), and the auroral zone return flow reaches higher latitudes in the evening (morning). Evidence of the vector nature of the interaction between interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic fields is provided by the observation that the above BY dependent signatures are most evident when BZ is most negative. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 485 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TorresQuCoJaReLeGr:1997:DiLuQu Journal Article Torres, Carlos A.O. Torres, Carlos A.O.; Quast, Germano R.; Coziiol, Roger; Jablonski, Francisco Jose; Reza, Ramiro de la; Lepine, J.R.D.; Gragorio-Hetem, J Discovery of a luminous quasar in the universe 1997 Astrophysics Journal 488 : L19-L22 8726 astrofisica, quasares, galaxias, astronomia estragalatica, iras 17254-1413, pds 456. In the course of the Pico dos Dias survey (PDS), we identified the stellar-like object PDS 456 at coordinates = 17h28m19s796 = -14 degrees15'55"".87 (epoch 2000), with a relatively nearby (z = 0.184)and bright (B = 14.69)quasar. Its position at Galactic coordinates l= 10 degrees 4, b = + 11 degrees 2, near the bulge of the Galaxy, may explain why it was not detected before. The optical spectrum of PDS 456 is typical of a luminous quasar, showing a broad (FWHM 4000 km s-1)H line, very intense Fe II lines, and a weak [0 III]5007 line. PDS 456 is associated to the infrared source IRAS 17254-1413 with a 60 infrared luminosity L60 = 3.8 x 10 45 ergs s-1. The relatively flat slopes in the infrared [ (25, 60)= -0.33 and (12, 25)= -0.78]and a flat power index in the optical (Fv oc v-0.72)may indicate a low dust content. A good match between the position of PDS 456 and the position of the X-ray source RXS J172819.3-141600 implies an X-ray luminosity Lx = 2.8 x 10 44 ergs s-1. The good correlation between the strength of the emission lines in the optical and the X-ray luminosity, as well as the steep optical to X-ray index estimated ( ox = - 1.64), suggests that PDS 456 is radio quiet. A radio survey previously performed in this region yields an upper limit for radio power at about 5 GHz of approximately 2.6 x 10 30 ergs-1 Hz-1. We estimate the Galactic reddening in this line of sight to be Ab 2.0, implying an absolute magnitude Mb = -26.7 (using H0 = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1 and qo = 0). In the optical, PDS 456 is therefore 1.3 times more luminous than 3C 273 and the most luminous quasar in the nearby (z 0.3)universe. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1201 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FagundesGobbTakaSaha:1997:MeEnLo Journal Article Fagundes, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Gobbi, Delano; Takahashi, Hisao; Sahai, Yogeshwar Mesospeheric energy loss rates by OH and O2 emissions at 23 degree S 1997 Annales Geophysicae 15 6 797-904 8708 geofisica espacial, luminescencia, emissoes ionosfericas, propagacao de ondas, aeroluminescencia. The nightglow OH(9,4)and 02 atmospheric (0,1)band emission intensities and their rotational temperatures T(OH)and 2), respectively, observed at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S, 45 degree W), Brazil, during the period from October 1989 to December 1990, have been analyzed to study the nighttime mesospheric energy loss rates through the radiations from the vibrationally excited OH* and electronically excited 0*2 bands. The total emission rates of the OH Meinel bands, 02 atmospheric (0,0)and 02 infrared atmospheric ... bands were calculated using reported data for the relative band intensities I(...)/I(9,4)I02A(0.0)/I02A(0.10)and. IO2(...)/IO2A(0.1). It was found that there is a minimum in equivalent energy loss rate by the OH Meinel bands during December/January (equivalent energy loss rate of 0.39K/day*, when day* means averaged over the night)and maximum in equivalent energy loss rate during September (equivalent energy loss rate of 0.98K/day*). Energy loss rate by the 0*2 radiation, on the other hand, is weaker than that by the OH* Meinel bands, showing equivalent energy loss rates of 0. 12 K/day* and 0.22 K/day during January and September, respectively. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE PROJETO LUME 1191 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PaulaKantAbdu:1981:CoStCc Journal Article Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de; Kantor, Ivan Jelinek; Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali A comparative study of the ccir predictions with observations of F0F2 and F2 over Brazil 1981 Telecommunication Journal 48 10 589-593 2105 aeronomia. The F-region critical frequency, foF2 and the peak height, hmF2, predicted by the CCIR model are compared with their values observed by ionosondes over two Brazilian low latitude stations, namely, Cachoeira Paulista (22.68§S, 45§W)and Fortaleza (3.89§S, 38.44§ W)for the months March, June, September and December, 1978. The results suggest (in agreement with some previous works)that attempts should be made to improve the prediction system, taking into account the day-to-day variabilities of the F region critical frequencies, rather than improving the median prediction, which is only desirable for local times around sunrise and sunset. Also the overall day-to-day variability of the F-region over Cachoeira Paulista seems to be larger than over the mid-latitude station Port Stanley, in the same hemisphere. The CCIR prediction of hmF2 is found to be systematically higher than that deduced from ionograms for both Cachoeira Paulista and Fortaleza. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE IONO 151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RANVAUDSCHMKIEPGASP:1983:THINOR Journal Article RANVAUD,R. RANVAUD,R.; SCHMIDT-KOENIG,K.; KIEPENHEUR,J.; GASPAROTO,O.C. THE INITIAL ORIENTATION OF HOMING PIGEONS OF THE MAGNETIC EQUATOR, WITH AND WITHOUT SUN COMPASS 1983 BEHAV. ECOL. SOCIOBIOL (REVISED VERSION) 14 : 77-79 4921 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES ETE 903337 542 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PradoBrou:1994:StHeOr Journal Article Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida; Broucke, Roger A. Study of henon's orbit transfer problem using the Lambert algorithm 1994 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 17 5 1075-1081 7913 engenharia e tecnologia espacial, manobra de orbita, mecanica espacial, problema de lambert. The problem of transfer orbits from one body back to the same body (the moon or a planet)is formulated as a Lambert problem and solved by Gooding's Lambert routines . Elliptic and circular orbits are considered for the moon or a planet and any type of orbit (elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic)is considered for the spacecraft. The solutions are plotted in terms of the true anomaly (instead of the eccentric anomaly)for several cases. The use of the true anomaly simplifies the solutions in several ways. The problem of transfers from this body to the corresponding L4 and L5 points is also solved. Next, the same problem is studied in terms of the and the time required for the transfer. Among all of the possible transfer orbits, a small family with almost zero was studied in detail. A transfer from the moon to the corresponding Lagrangian equilibrium points L or L is shown, as an example of a practical application of this theory. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI ETES DMC 708 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbduWRSFKTS:1990:GlPeSU Journal Article Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Walker, G.O.; Reddy, B.M.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Fejer, B.G.; Kikuchi, T.; Trivedi, Nalin Babulal; Szuszczewicz, E.P Electric field versus neutral wind control of the equatorial anomaly under quiet and disturbed condition: a global perspective from SUNDIAL 86 1990 Annales Geophysicae 8 6 419-430 7095 aeronomia, ionosonda, anomalia equatorial, ionosfera equatorial, sundial, solar-minimum equatorial campaign, magnetometros, ionossonds, magnetometers, anomalies, sundial 86 campaign, equatorial atmospheric. Development of equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA)under quiescent and disturbed ionospheric conditions are investigated using the data collected from the low-latitude network of ionosondes and magnetometers operated at different longitude sectors of the globe as a part of the SUNDIAL 86 campaign (22 September to 3 October, 1986). Based on case studies of EIA developments, attention is focused on identifying the EIA response to changes in the electric fields associated with the equatorial electrojet and counter electrojet events. The response time of the EIA to electric field changes is found to vary from 2.5 to 4 h. An anomalous EIA development observed in the morning sector on September 23 suggested possible electric field penetration to low latitude during a substorm energy storage/Dst development phase. The analysis also shows that the afternoon EIA could be inhibited due to equatorward blowing disturbed neutral winds. The results of the present analysis emphasize the need for pursuing further investigations for the response of EIA to magnetosphere-induced disturbances. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE 121 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BarnesHollKirc:1987:EqOzPr Journal Article Barnes, Robert A. Barnes, Robert A.; Holland, Alfred C.; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Equatorial ozone profiles from the ground to 52 km during the Southern Hemisphere autumn 1987 Journal of Geophysical Research 92 D5 5573-5583 8663 geofisica espacial, , ozonio, medição, rocoz-a, ecc. We report the results of an ozone measurement campaign conducted at Natal, Brazil (5.9 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W)from March 25 to April 15, 1985. Seven profiles were obtained during this period, using ROCOZ-A and electrochemical concentration cell ozonesondes, standard U.S. meteorological radiosondes, and Super-Loki datasondes. Complete profiles of ozone, pressure, and temperature were obtained from the ground to 52 km, and all of the profiles correspond with site overpasses by ozone instruments on NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellites. The profiles from this measurement series show reasonable agreement with established satellite climatologies. Stratospheric ozone variability was 2 or less during the 3 weeks of the measurement campaign, with stratospheric temperature and pressure variabilities half that amount. Low variability at a single location for this period implies comparable uniformity for ozone profiles over a large area around the measurement site. This condition at Natal removes the requirement of exact concurrence between satellite and local ozone measurements, allowing comparisons of larger sets of profiles and improving the precision of the intercomparisons. Regional ozone stability also allows an overall intercomparison of ozone measurements among the four satellites without the need for zonal mean averages. The auxiliary pressure and temperature profiles presented here allow the use of this data set as a transfer standard between satellite instruments with different fundamental ozone measurements. Finally, the low ozone variability in the stratosphere at Natal during this measurement series should provide an opportunity for high-quality intercomparisons of measured and modeled ozone concentrations in the equatorial stratosphere and lower mesosphere as well as a consistency check among satellite ozone measurementsm. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO QUIAT 1480 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShuttleworthGLRMFSRMNC:1984:ObRaEx Journal Article Shuttleworth, W.J. Shuttleworth, W.J.; Gash, J.H.C.; Lloyd, C.R.; Roberts, J.M.; Marques, A.O.; Fisch, Gilberto Fernando; Silva, P.; Ribeiro, M.N.G.; Molion, L.C.B.; Sa, Leonardo, deane de Abreu; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Patel, S.R.Moraes, J.C. Observations of radiation exchange above and below Amazonian forest 1984 Quartley Journal Royal Meteorological Society 110 466 1163-1169 8605 estudo do tempo e do clima, , florestas, floresta tropical, radiacao. Measurements of shortwave and longwave components of the radiation budget were made above and below tropical forest in the Amazon Basin for a total duration of 203 hours in September 1983. Albedo was (12.25ñ0.2), and showed a small variation with solar altitude. The net outward flux of longwave radiation was around 30W m-2, and fairly constant over the day. The relationship between net radiation, R, and solar radiation, S, was adequately described by the expression R = (0.858+-0.006)S - (35.0+-l.9)(Wm-2). The fraction of solar radiation reaching the bottom of the canopy was low, about one per cent net radiation in this position was consistent with low soil heat flux and low soil evaporation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1479 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TakahashiClemSaha:1974:NiOH83 Journal Article Takahashi, Hisao Takahashi, Hisao; Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Sahai, Yogeshwar Nightglow OH (8,3)band intensitites and rotational temperatures at 23 S 1974 Planetary and Spacce Science 22 9 1323-1329 1600 aeronomia. The OH (8,3)band airglow emission has been observed over I year at a latitude of 23§S. The average band intensity observed was 385 Rayleighs with a nocturnal range typically less than 100 R. The nocturnal variation in rotational temperature was usually less than 10§K, and the mean temperature was 179§K. The nocturnal variation of intensity is usually uncorrelated with that of the rotational temperature. Time average values of these parameters do, however, show some correlation. On some occasions large post-twilight and pre-dawn intensity enhancements are observed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE DAE FISAT 102 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaBatiSimo:1998:VeStTo Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Roberto Clemesha, Barclay Roberto; Batista, Paulo Prado; Simonich, D.M. Vertical structure in the topside sodium layer 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 17 3305-3308 9598 aeronomia, camadas, sódio, movimento vertical, propagações misturadas, gradientes, camada e esporádica, sodium, layers, vertical motion, gradients, sporadic e layer. It is shown that the assumption that sodium can be used as a passive tracer for studying atmospheric waves in the region above 90 km is not always valid. An analysis of wave structures observed in the sodium layer by lidar shows that the associated oscillations in the mixing ratio of sodium are frequently too large to be produced by vertical displacements in the presence of mixing ratio gradients. On some occasions these large amplitude oscillations appear to be associated with the formation of sporadic sodium layers, and it is suggested that both phenomena are most probably related to the windshear concentration of sodium ions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE 1385 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NordemannSchuMant:1992:EsGaPe Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Schuch, L.A.; Mantelli Neto, S.L. Espectrometro gama para pesquisas em geofísica espacial 1992 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 10 2 85-95 9686 geofísica espacial, espectrometros de raio gamma, radioatividade, gamma ray spectrometers, radiactivity, germanium. Com o objetivo de desenvolver pesquisas sobre a história das relações Terra- Atmosfera-Espaço, através do estudo da radioatividade natural (primitiva, radiogênica ou cosmogênica)ou artificial, o Grupo de Geofísica Nuclear da Divisão de Geofísica Espacial (DGE)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)construiu um espectrômetro gama de alto desempenho, usando um detector de germânio hiperpuro comercial, dentro de unia blindagem de chumbo de alta pureza, destinada a proteger o detector da radiação beta e gama ambiente durante a medida. Abstract: A high performance gamma-ray spectrometer, using a manufactured hyper pure germanium detector, inside of a high purity lead shield, was built by the Nuclear Geophysics Group of the Space Geophysics Division (DGE)at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), in order to develop research on the history of Space-Atmosphere-Earth relationship through studies of natural (primordial, radiogenic and cosmogenic)or artificial radioactivity. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 512 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GREENLYUEDARONDHAMM:1988:MAINIO Journal Article GREENLY,J.B. GREENLY,J.B.; UEDA,M.; RONDEAU,G.D.; HAMMER,D.A. MAGNETICALLY INSULATED ION DIODE WITH A GAS-BREAKDOWN PLASMA ANODE 1988 JOURNAL OF APPILED PHYSICS 63 6 20 5734 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISMAT LAS 601411 1283 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SahaiBittTeixTaka:1981:SiOb77 Journal Article Sahai, Yogeshwar Sahai, Yogeshwar; Bitterncourt, José Augusto; Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues; Takahashi, Hisao Simultaneous observations of OI 7774A and (oi)6300A emissions and correlative study with ionopheric parameters 1981 Journal of Geophysical Research 86 A5 3657-3660 2095 aeronomia, disturbios ionosféricos, região f, densidade de eletros da ionosféra, meididas, ionospheric disturbances, f region, ionospheric electron density, measurements. Regular measurements of the OI 7774- A and OI 6300- A nightglow emissions were carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W), Brasil during the period April 1978 to March 1979. An ionosonde is also operated at Cachoeira Paulista. A correlative study of the OI 7774- A and [OI]6300- A emission observations, with simultaneous ionosonde measurements, shows good correlations between (J7774)1/2 and F layer peak electron density (nm(e)) and between the ratio (J 7774)1/2/ (J 6300)and the height of the F layer (hmF2), where J7774 and J6300 are the column emission rates for the OI 7774-A and OI 6300- A emissions, respectively. Simultaneous measurements of these two emissions would be a very useful technique for remote sensing of the ionospheric F layer dynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE DGE FISAT 148 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KouskyChu:1975:FlInAn Journal Article Kousky, Vernon Edgar Kousky, Vernon Edgar; Chu, Pao Shin Fluctuations in annual rainfall for Northeast Brazil 1975 Journal Meteorological Society of Japan 56 5 457-465 1798 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DME 286 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moura:1986:PoReTe Journal Article Moura, Antonio Divino Moura, Antonio Divino E possivel resgatar o tempo perdido? 1986 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 17 1 5-14 January 8592 estudos do tempo e do clima. A ciencia meteorologica, bem como as tecnicas de observacao e previsao do tempo, tem apresentado um avanco notavel nos anos mais recentes. Hoje, varios paises europeus, os Estados Unidos, o Canada, o Japao, para citar alguns exemplos, beneficiam-se de previsoes acuradas para ate dez dias, com enorme impacto em suas atividades produtivas e de defesa civil. Em contraste, o Brasil recebe uma previsao de tempo precaria, valida somente para ate dois dias. Por outro lado, poucas instituicoes de pesquisa e ensino do pais detem conhecimento cientifico e tecnologico compativel com as necessidades do pais, carecendo, inclusive, de formacao de pessoal em cursos de pos-graduacao de alto nivel. Area de grande impacto social, cuja atuacao e fundamental em setores como agricultura, defesa civil, transportes e ate turismo, a meteorologia no Brasil reclama atualmente a definicao de uma politica realista e ousada para atendimento adequado as prioridades do pais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI MET DCM 1477 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ProustMazVanSodCap:1995:NeMeOf Journal Article Proust, D. Proust, D.; Mazure, A.; Vanderriest, C.; Sodré, L.; Capelato, Hugo Vicente New measurements of radial velocities in clusters of galaxies. IV* 1995 Astronomy and Astrophysics Suplement Series 114 565-574 9592 astrofísica, galáxias, agrupamento de galáxias, velocidade radial, medição de velociadade, galaxies, redshift, galactic clusters, radial velocity, velocity measurement. We have obtained 65 new redshifts in 4 Abell galaxy clusters as well as 15 velocities of galaxies observed through the galactic plane, at ESO and OHP. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and the accuracy of the determined velocities are discussed as well as some properties of the clusters. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1383 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Espirito-SantoMore:1988:MoSiEs Journal Article Espirito-Santo, Clovis Monteiro do Espirito-Santo, Clovis Monteiro do; Moreira-Nordemann, Lycia Maria Um modelo simplificado para estimativa da taxa de precipitacao do SO2 antropogenico na grande Sao Paulo 1988 Revista Ciencia e Cultura 40 1 78-82 January 2763 meteorologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN MET DCM 931 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Medrano-BalboaAbduBati:1992:IoCoVi Journal Article Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid Medrano-Balboa, Rene Adalid; Abdu, mangalathayil Ali; Batista, Inez Staciarini Ionosphere-atmosphere coupling via stratospheric ozone 1992 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 54 3/4 231-234 8734 aeronomia, ionosfera, regiao d. In this work the onset of the night-to-day phase transition in VLF signals, transmitted from Golfo Nuevo, Argentina (43 degree S, 65 degree W)and received at Atibaia, SP (23 degree S, 46 degree W), are studied in conjunction with ozone data from a Dobson spectrophotometer operated at Cachocira Paulista, SP (22 degree S, 45 degree W), for the years 1977-1979. Meaningful values of the cross-correlation coefficients for trends of significant number of days, after eliminating the annual variation time series in both sets of data, have been obtained. The superposition of the lag-times of the correlation found for each year reveals a semi-annual variation, which may indicate a meridional transport of ozone in the mesosphere assuming a significant role of the 03 molecules in the solar UV absorption and perhaps indirectly in the negative ion chemistry of the ionospheric D-region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE PROJETO IONO 499 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoGinDinAraCar:1992:2.LiDa Journal Article Pinto, Iara Regina Almeida Prado Pinto, Iara Regina Almeida Prado; Gin, Rosangela Barreto Bias; Diniz, J.H.; Araujo, R.L.; Carvalho, A.M. A coordinated study of a storm system over the South-American Continent. 2. lightning-related data 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 D16 18205-18213 9463 geofísica espacial, , campos elétricos, temporais, condutividade, ionosfera, costas, electric fields, thunderstorms, condutivity, ionosphere, coasts. On December 13, 1989, a coordinated campaign was conducted in Brazil to study the electrical signatures associated with a large storm system over the South American continent. Balloon-borne VLF electric field data showed more than a hundred lightning-related stratospheric vertical electric field (sferics)signatures during approximately 6 hours. The sferic signatures were characterized by a rapid transient with peak amplitudes exceeding 7 V/m which would be expected by the removal of positive charge below followed by a slow recovery. This signature indicates that the lightning strokes experienced by the balloon were either cloud discharges or positive ground discharges. The peak amplitudes indicate that the positively charged region is of the order of tens of coulombs. The recovery curves are quite variable, reflecting the complex nature of the propagating phenomena in the atmosphere. A lightning position and tracking system (LPATS)network recorded 326 ground strokes at distances less than 100 km of the balloon. In contrast with previous observations during the summer in the northern hemisphere it was found that most lightning flashes (60) were positive. In addition, only a small fraction of them occurred simultaneously with a balloon sferic signature, indicating that most balloon sferics were a result of cloud discharges. An analysis of wind and temperature data during the event showed that the predominance of positive ground flashes is apparently not supported by the tilted dipole hypothesis, being necessary to search for other mechanisms to explain it. Although this observation cannot be considered as usual in this region, it clearly indicates that the flash polarity should depend on many factors besides the season. These factors should be probably related to the geographical location and the meteorological environment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 509 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrPintGinMend:1992:1.WeIn Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida; Gin, Rosangela Barreto Bias; Mendes Jr., Odim A coordinated study of a stoRm system over the South-American Continent. 1. Weather information and quasi-dc stratospheric electric-field data 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 D16 18195-18204 9464 geofísica espacial, , temporais, registros de dados sobre o tempo, raios, relâmpagos, tempestades, sistemas, condutividade, campos elétricos, thunderstorms, conductivity, weather data recorders, lightning, storms, systems, electric fields. This paper reports on a coordinated campaign conducted in Brazil, December 13, 1989, to study the electrical signatures associated with a large storm system over the South American continent. Inside the storm, large convective cells developed extending up to the tropopause, as revealed from meteorological balloon soundings. Quasi-DC vertical electric field and temperature were measured by zero-pressure balloon-borne payload launched from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil. The data were supported by radar and GOES satellite observations, as well as by a lightning position and tracking system (LPATS). The analysis of infrared imagery supports the general tendency for lightning strikes to be near to but not exactly under the coldest cloud tops. In turn, the radar maps located the strikes near to but outside of the most intense areas of precipitation (reflectivity levels above 40 dBz). The balloon altitude and stratospheric temperature show significant variations in association with the storm. The quasi-DC vertical electric field remained almost during the whole flight in a reversed direction relative to the usual fair weather downward orientation with values as large as 4 V/m. A simple calculation based on a static dipole model of electrical cloud structure gives charges of some tens of coulombs. In contrast with most electric field measurements in other regions, no indication of an intensification of the vertical field in the downward fair weather orientation was observed. This fact is in agreement with past observations in the South American region and seems to be related to a particular type of storm that would occur with more frequency in this region. If so, such a difference may have an important role in the global atmospheric electrical circuit, considering that South America is believed to give a significant current contribution to the global circuit. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE 510 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Gonzalez-AlarconDuta:1978:ElHiRe Journal Article Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon, Walter Demetrio; Duta, Severino Luis Guimarães; Gonzalez. Alicia Luisa Clua Electromagnetic hiss and relativistic electron interaction at the brazilian magnetic anomaly 1978 Trans. IGU 59 12 1156 3141 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE ASTRO 481 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Chian:1984:NoReLa Journal Article Chian, Abraham Chian Long Chian, Abraham Chian Long Nonlinear, relativistic langmuir waves in astrophysical magnetospheres 1984 Radiation in Plasma 2 : 639 5701 fisica de plasma. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601101 1281 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GarriotMend:1963:ACoOf Journal Article Garriot, Owen K. Garriot, Owen K.; Mendonca, Fernando A comparison of methods used for obtaining electron content from satellite observations - 11p 1963 Journal Geophysical Reseach 68 17 4917-4927 1409 Measurements of the effects of the ionosphere on the polarization and the Doppler shift of radio transmissions from earth satellites permit the electron content of the ionosphere to be calculated. Thirty-five passages of Transit 2A have been analyzed in a variety of ways in order to permit the accuracy of the several methods to be estimated. The most accurate method is a hybrid analysis using both Faraday and Doppler data simultaneously. Methods based on the rate of polarization rotation, on the number of rotations between two times and on best-fitting polynomials to either the Faraday or the Doppler data are compared and their errors estimated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA CEA 1 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Nordemann:1991:RaMeDu Journal Article Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger Radon measurements during GTE/ABLE-3A aircraft mission in Artic regions (July-August 1988) 1991 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 9 1 69-76 9684 geofísica espacial, , radônio, medição, radon, measurement. Radon measurements were performed during the 33 transit and mission flights of the GTE/ABLE-3A campaign aboard NASA Electra aircraft 429 from Virginia to Thule (Greenland), Barrow, Bethel and Cold Bay (Alaska)and over adjacent areas. Radon was measured by a real-time radon-meter based on electrostatic precipitation of Rn-daughter products and alpha-ray spectrometry. Large scale variations of tropospheric radon versus latitude were observed from the mean results of radon activity for all the flights. It appears that there is generally a good agreement between the radon activity means, considered by altitude band, and the assessed origin of the airmasses, on the basis of a low radon emission by permafrost and tundra covered continental areas in Arctic regions. From the significant lowest values of radon activities measured during the GTE/ABLE-3A, an average radon activity for Arctic air-mass was determined and found to be (56 ñ 7)mBq /m3 . Radon free air-mass were not encountered, which indicates, in most cases, at least some continental influence, from the point of view of radon presence. The study of possible correlations between radon variations and events recorded for other species has not been pursued because of the high uncertainties associated to the very low radon activities recorded by the instrument in Arctic regions. Resumo: Medidas de radônio foram realizadas durante os 33 vôos da Missão GTE/ABLE3A a bordo da aeronave Electra 429 da NASA, da Virginia (USA)até Thule (Groelândia), Barrow, Bethel e Cold Bay (Alaska, USA)e nas regiões adjacentes. O radônio foi medido por um medidor funcionando em tempo real e baseado na precipitação eletrostática dos produtos de decaimento do radônio e na espectrometria alfa. Variações de grande escala do radônio troposférico em função da latitude foram observadas através da análise das médias para todos os vôos. Observou-se geralmente uma boa concordância entre as médias das atividades de radônio por faixa de altitude, e a possível origem das massas de ar, considerando a baixa emissão de radônio nas regiões cobertas pelo permafrost e pela tundra nas regiões Árticas. A partir dos valores mais baixos das atividades de radônio registradas durante esta campanha, um valor de atividade típica da atividade de radônio nas massas de ar no Ártico foi determinada: (56 ñ 7)mBq/m3. Massas de ar desprovidas de radônio não foram encontradas, o que parece indicar na maior parte dos casos uma certa contribuição continental, do ponto de vista da presença de radônio. A análise das possíveis correlações entre as variações dos teores de radônio e eventos registrados para outras espécies medidas simultaneamente durante a missão não foi desenvolvida devido às incertezas elevadas, associadas às atividades, de radônio muito baixas registradas pelo instrumento nas regiões Árticas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 313 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ZhengScalHan:1998:RaFlWa Journal Article Zheng, Xing Wu Zheng, Xing Wu; Scalise Jr.,Eugenio; Han, Fu Rapid fluctuations of water maser emission in VY Canis Majoris 1998 Astrophysical Journal 507 1 384-386 9586 astrofísica, matéria interestellar, estrela supergigantes, circunstellar matter, water masers, supergiant stars. We report the observational results of short timescale monitoring of the 22 GHz water maser emission in VY CMa. A quasi-sinusoidal fluctuation has been detected with the relative flux intensity change of 20-25 and a period of 10.3 day for two dominant features. This detected variability appears to be superimposed on the normal maser lines. We cannot easily explain the rapid fluctuation with the variation of the radiative input or the strong interstellar scintillation along the line of sight. The variation may be caused by the periodic shock. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAS 1381 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SzuszczewizFRSWABBEFHJKLLSRRSWW:1992:MoMeGl Journal Article Szuszczewiz, E.P. Szuszczewiz, E.P.; Fjer, B.; Roelof, E.; Schunk, R.; Wolf, R.; Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Bateman, T.; Blanchard, P.; Emery, B.A.; Feldstein, A.; Hanbaba, R.; Joselyn, J.; Kikuchi, T.; Leitinger, R.; Lester, M.; Sobral, Jose Humberto Andrade; Reddy, B.M.; Richmond, A.D.; Sica, R.; Walker, G.O.; Wilkinson, P. Modelling and measurement of global-scale ionospheric behavior under solar minimum, equinoctial conditions 1992 Advances in Space Research 12 6 105-115 8709 aeronomia, ionosfera, comportamento, conexão ionosfera, magnetosfera, região f, ionospheric, ionosphere coupling, f region, behavior, magnetosphere. We treat the global-scale modelling and measurement activities of the SUNDIAL campaign of September 1986 and investigate averaged, quiet-time, and dynamic ionospheric behavior. Trea ment is given to developments in empirical and first-principle models; and we investigate various aspects of magnetosphericthermospheric-ionospheric coupling mechanisms. Overall results point to good empirical model specification of averaged F-region behavior, with suggestions for improvements in specification of layer peak densities near and across the sunset terminator. We elucidate the difficulties in achieving a unique determination of electric fields, thermospheric winds, and plasmaspheric fluxes in first-principle model attempts to reproduce global observations of quiet-time F-region heights and densities. In this connection, and in our treatment of magnetospherically-imposed electric field influences on low-latitude F-region dynamics, we show a greater need for comprehensive measurements of auroral oval dynamics, thermospheric winds, electric fields, ion coi posi6on, and ionospheric layer heights and densities; and we discuss the growing importance of the lower regions of the ionosphere and thermosphere and the associated controls of dynamo-driven electric fields. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DGE PROJETO IONOSFERA 497 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoJrGoncPintMend:1992:CaMaPl Journal Article Pinto Jr., Osmar Pinto Jr., Osmar; Goncalez-Alarcon, Walter Demétrio; Pinto, Iara Regina Almeida; Mendes Jr., Odim O campo magnético dos planetas 1992 Ciência Hoje 14 79 32-37 9364 geofísica espacial, campos magnéticos planetário, sistema solar, teoria do dínamo, planetary magnetic fields, solar system, dynamo theory. Graças aos dados proporcionados pela ondas Espaciais, o conhecimento acerca do campo magnético dos planetas tem avançado rapidamente nas duas últimas décadas. Sabe-se hoje que, como a Terra, a maioria dos outros planetas do Sistema Solar possui um campo magnético. Sua origem é atribuída a processos físicos que ocorrem no interior desses planetas. Pela primeira vez temos um visão global, embora em muitos aspectos incompleta, desses campos magnéticos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DGE 507 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DENDYLASHMONT:1986:THSIPA Journal Article DENDY,R.O. DENDY,R.O.; LASHMORE-DAVIES,C.N.; MONTES FILHO,A. THE SINGLE PARTICLE AND COLLECTIVE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ANOMALOUS DOPPLER RESONANCE AND THE ROLE OF ION DYNAMICS 1986 PHYSICS OF FLUIDS DEC. 1986 29 12 4040-4046 5696 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI FISPLASMA LAP 601411 1278 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ClemeshaKircSimoBati:1981:MeWiLi Journal Article Clemesha, Barclay Robert Clemesha, Barclay Robert; Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich; Simonich, Dale Martin; Batista, Paulo Prado Mesospheric winds from lidar observations of atmospheric sodium 1981 Journal Geophysical Research 86 A2 868-870 2059 aeronomia. Laser radar observations of the atmospheric sodium layer, made by various groups of workers during the past decade, have shown that the layer exhibits considerable time-varying structure. In this paper we describe horizontally spaced measurements of this structure and use the results of these observations to derive horizontal velocities in the height range 82 to 99 km. The measurements were made with a steerable lidar operating at a fixed zenith angle of 20.9§ and pointed at each of three azimuths in turn, the complete sequence taking 5 min. The azimuths were chosen such that the intersections of the lidar beam with the sodium layer formed a triangle with approximately 60 km sides. We present here the analysis of a 10-hour data run taken on the night of July 21, 1979. After low pass filtering to remove rapid uncorrelated fluctuations, a cross correlation analysis was carried out for each of the height intervals in the range 82 to 99 km. The velocities calculated from the derived time shifts were found to vary with height in an oscillatory manner, with amplitude increasing with height. The east-west component showed a vertical wavelength of approximately 10 km, the north-south component a wavelength of 5 km, and the magnitude of the velocity varied between 6 and 146 m s-1. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI CEA DAE FISAT 144 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AguiarJohn:1991:TaPaDe Journal Article Aguiar, Odylio Denys de Aguiar, Odylio Denys de; Johnson, W.W Tansdutor paramétrico para detectores de ondas gravitacionais por massas ressonantes 1991 Ciência e Cultura 4313 73 687-688 9363 astrofísica, transdutores, ondas gravitacionais, supercondutores, transducers, gravity waves, superconductors. Desde a sua derivação matemática por Einstein in 1916, até os nossos dias, as ondas gravitacionais ainda não foram diretamente observadas. Uma das técnicas mais empregadas e mais competitivas no mundo, para a detecção de ondas gravitacionais na faixa de freqüência de 50 Hz a 10 z , utiliza uma grande massa sólida que entra em ressonância mecânica, quando é banhada por essas ondas gravitacionais. Acelerômetros, também chamados de transdutores eletro-mecânicos, aparafusados na superfície da massa ressonante, convertem parte da energia mecânica de oscilação da massa ressonante em energia elétrica. Este sinal elétrico na saída do transdutor é amplificado por amplificação de baixíssimo ruído e gravado em fita magnética para análise posterior. Existem duas classes de transdutores eletro-mecânicos: os ativos e os passivos, dependendo se eles são ativados por uma corrente AC ou DC, respectivamente. Os transdutores ativos, também chamados de paramétricos, permitem em princípio, medir a fase ou a amplitude do sinal com precisão melhor que o limite quântico padrão estabelecido pelo princípio de incerteza de Heísenberg. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do funcionamento, a 4,2 K de temperatura, de um transdutor paramétrico com circuito supercondutor por nós projetado construído na Universidade Estadual da Louisiana. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN CEA DAS 311 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesSoAmMeAlSiSi:1997:BiPrSe Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas; Soares, Joao Vianei; Amaral, Silvana; Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil; Almeida, sergio A.S.; Silva, Osman Fernandes da; Silveira, Andrea Biomass of primary and secondary vegetation in Rondonia, Western Brazilian Amazon 1997 Global Change Biology 3 5 451-461 8444 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , biomassa, carbono, uso da terra, florestas, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, vegetacao, floresta tropical, desmatamento, land use, land cover, tropical forest, carbon cycle, biomass, forests, patterns. Biomass estimates of primary and different ages of secondary vegetation are reported for a tropical forest region in Rond6nia, Western Brazilian Amazon. The estimates are based on published allometric equations, and on vegetation composition and allometric data collected in areas of primary forest and secondary vegetation of ages 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 16 and 18, years. Primary forest biomass estimates varied from 290 to 495 t ha-1. Secondary vegetation biomass estimates accounted for 40-60 of the primary forest biomass after 18 years of abandonment. Secondary growth rates in lightly used areas are estimated to have varied from 6.6 to 8.7 t ha-1 y-1 between the third and the eighteenth years after abandonment. C02 sequestration by regrowing vegetation is discussed for two scenarios of land abandonment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 1121 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KrugMart:1995:InLoDe Journal Article Krug, Thelma Krug, Thelma; Martin, R.J Information loss on the dependence parameter due to incomplete data from a one-parameter spatial gaussian process 1995 Communications in Statistics: theory and methods 24 12 3055-3072 7730 The Fisher information loss on the dependence parameter is considered for three one-parameter Gaussian processes on a rectangular lattice when some values are not observed. Formulae are given for the general case, and simplified versions for two of the special cases. Approximations are considered, and cases with a small number of missing sites are compared. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 881 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1993:OpSaMo Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort Operational Satellite monitoring of fires in Brazil 1993 International Forest Fire News 9 08-11 6878 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, queimadas. Fire detection and control are complex tasks in Brazil. The country has old and popular established traditions of burning the vegetation whenever possible, weak environmental concerns, and little or nor capability of fire detection in most of its territory (8 million km2). Among its main uses, fire is normally employed to renew pastures all over the country, to clear felled trees and shrubs in areas of new deforestation, and in sugar cane plantations prior to manual harvesting. A pronounced dry season of about four months in the southern and central regions during the austral winter create very favorable conditions for the wide spread use and propagation of fires. Natural fires (e.g. lightning fires)represent a negligible fraction of fire events. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 487 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Santos:1994:PrCoUs Journal Article Santos, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Joao Roberto dos Monitoramento of Amazonian Forest Ecosystem: present conjuncture on the use of remote sensing technology 1994 Anales da Academia Brasileira 66 Supl. 1 109-115 8477 vegetacao, , monitoramento, florestas, radarsat, desmatamento, desflorestamento, imagens de radar, satelites noaa, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, ers 1, radar de abertura sintetica, sar. Talking into account the need of an upgrade on remote sensing applications on Ecology and Biodiversity studies, the objective of this paper is to show the state of the art of these technologies to monitor the forest cover and deforestation process occurring in the Brazilian Amazon Region. An analysis on the importance of orbital remote sensing data (Landsa/TM, ERS-1/SAR .... ) was done in order to characterize land use changes. The present annual conversion rate of forests (mainly for pasture, agricultural use)in Amazonia is 0.26 per year. Furthermore, comments are made on the use of segmentation and classification of digital images together with GIS as a component of an Amazonia Database made by INPE. The use of NOAA/AVHRR data is demonstrated for the analysis of seasonal behavior of the vegetation cover as well as for the detection of biomass burning. A description is made of the results from SAREX nidssion in Amazonia (a Canadian airborne C-Band SAR), with simulations of RADARSAT, are described, in order to show the potential of new spaceborne radar sensor systems to identify abandoned deforested areas with natural regeneration process. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 680 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2001:GeFuAm Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto O geoprocessamento e o futuro da Amazônia 2001 InfoGeo 17 January 10006 É sempre estimulante quando o ramo de conhecimento em que trabalhamos aparece com destaque na imprensa, mas muitas vezes este encorajamento deve ser temperado com um pouco de cautela. Refiro-me à polêmica provocada pelo artigo ""The Future of the Brazilian Amazon"", publicado na prestigiosa revista ""Science"" por um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros e americanos, liderados por William Laurance, do Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panamá)e do INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia), de Manaus. O artigo realiza um exercício de simulação, num ambiente de Geoprocessamento, sobre a expansão do desmatamento que poderá ser causada pelas estradas e demais projetos de infra-estrutura previstos no programa Avança Brasil, patrocinado pelo Governo Federal. Este programa prevê a construção ou recuperação de vias de transporte na região, como a restauração das estradas Cuiabá-Santarém e Manaus-Porto Velho e da construção da hidrovia do Rio Madeira, além do estabelecimento de saídas para o Norte - via Rio Branco (RR)e Oiapoque (AP)- e para o Pacífico (via Cruzeiro do Sul, AC). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 198 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVito:1994:ChCoRe Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Soares Galvao, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro Spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of terrigenous rocks of the Parnaiba basin, Brazil: chemical composition relationships 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 24 1 22-31 March 7829 reflectancia espectral, rochas sedimentares, composicao quimica, spectral reflectance, sedimentary rocks, chemical composition. As associacoes funcionais de espectros de reflectancia com constituintes de rochas sedimentares foram analisadas para sete unidades estratigraficas da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaiba, no nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionadas vinte e seis amostras de testemunhos, para analises quimicas, de lamina delgada e de difracao de raios X. Fatores de Reflectancia Bidirecional (BRF)foram obtidos em laboratorio com direcoes de visada e iluminacao proximos ao nadir, na faixa do visivel e infravermelho refletido (400-2.500 nm). A dependencia da BRF em relacao a composicao quimica foi avaliada para os seguintes constituintes: SiO2, Al2O3, ferro total (expresso como Fe2O3), K2O, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, P2O5 e TiO2. Adicionalmente, foram considerados o tamanho medio dos graos dos arenitos, o conteudo de carbono organico total (TOC)e as razoes SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/Fe2O3 e Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes negativas com a reflectancia foram obtidas para Al2O3, Fe2O3, materia organica e razao Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes positivas foram obtidas para SiO2, razoes SiO2/Fe2O3 e SiO2/Al2O3. Muito embora componentes importantes como SiO2, Al2O3 e K2O nao produzam absorcoes na faixa 400-2.500 nm, como produzem, por exemplo, os ions de ferro e carbono, o escrutinio dos graficos revelou o papel destas variaveis interdependentes no processo de espalhamento e absorcao. Um aumento de SiO2 e frequentemente associado a maiores reflectancias, enquanto o reverso e verdadeiro para Al2O3 e K2O. Este estudo indica a necessidade de modelagens empiricas para a melhor compreensao do processo de transferencia de radiacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE 677 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Banon:1990:SiImBa Journal Article Banon, G Banon, G simulacao de imagens de baixa resolucao 1990 Controle Automacao 2 3 180-192 March 6230 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 100 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2001:NaGe Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto O Napstar e a geoinformação 2001 InfoGeo 18 40-41 March 10004 Na condição de pai de internauta adolescente, tenho acompanhado com atenção a luta judicial entre o software Napster e as empresas de música americanas. Caso o leitor não esteja ainda familiarizado, lembro que o Napster é um software simples, mas genial, que permite o intercâmbio de arquivos MP3. Ao iniciar, o Napster faz uma varredura em áreas previamente definidas do micro em busca de arquivos MP3, envia uma lista com o resultado a um servidor central e em seguida, permite a busca e o acesso a todos os dados MP3 dos demais computadores conectados ao sistema (veja Figura 1). Para garantir a reciprocidade, os arquivos do micro registrados no servidor também estão disponíveis para todos. O serviço funciona melhor do que deveria: na última vez que executei o Napster, haviam mais de 200 mil arquivos on-line com cerca de 6.000 usuários. Como resultado, meu disco rígido está completamente cheio de músicas, que variam do rapper Eminen (argh!)até o inimitável João Gilberto (yes!). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 196 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoraisParaFrei:2002:AnAsDi Journal Article Morais, M.C. de Morais, M.C. de; Paralla, Waldir Renato; Freitas, Corina Costa An assessment of the discrimination of iron-mineralized laterites in the Amazon region (Carajás Province)based on textural attributes from C-band airborne SAR data 2002 Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 2 3 11-20 10014 geologia, , imagens de radar, radar de abertura sintetica, sar, analise de textura, sinthetic aperture radar, imagery radar, texture, imagery radar. Imaging radar has potential for application in the tropics mainly due to the ll-weather sensing capability. This allows penetration through cloud cover, rain, haze, or smoke, and makes SAR unique in their ability to recover information under conditions when optical sensors are unable to perform. As the topography and surface roughness are highlighted, SAR textural attributes can be used for rock alteration mapping. The N1 deposit is located in the Carajas Province, Brazilian Amazon Region. The deposit is related to a plateau with a lateritic cover showing units related to iron mineralisations and to specific savanna-type vegetation. The research was based on airborne C-band data with distinct illumination geometry and polarization. The images were analyzed through textural classifications (GLCM, GLDV)aiming at the mapping of the laterites. Differences were found when the classified maps and ground truth information were compared, but textural attributes can be used for preliminary mapping (i.e., as a guide for field based verification). Textures were sensitive to the sensor and the target parameters, and surface roughness measurements were important for the evaluation of the results. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR DPI} {DSR DPI} 206 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraSetz:1993:SpChFi Journal Article Pereira, Marcos da Costa Pereira, Marcos da Costa; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Spectral characteristics of fire scars in Landsat-5 TM images of Amazonia 1993 International Journal Remote Sensing 14 11 2061-2078 6779 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , florestas, desmatamento, landsat-5, reflectancia espectral, queimadas, fires, deforestation, spectral reflectance. This work describes spectral characteristics of fire scarsin an area of intense deforestation in the Amazon tropical forest as recorded inthe seven Landsat-5 TM spectral channels of an image in 1985. Ground covers weredivided into four themes: natural forests, ""capoeiras "",pastures in general and fire scars. Single-cell and maximum likelihood classification algorithms were used in the analysis. TM channel 4 was the best to identify fire scars, with digital counts differences in relation to other themes about two times higher than inother channels. Fire scars were also detected in channel 5, with the limitation thatr recent scars could be, mistaken with water. Channels 3 and 7 also contained information abour the scars. Results indicated that TM images can be used in automatic detection and assessment of biomass burning in tropical forests, contributing to the understanding of biogeochemical cycles related to the use of fire in thse areas. Comparison of the results for channels 3, 4 and 5 in two more TM scenes in 1987 and 1989, showed that minor variations accurred in the spectral definition of the themes, mainly as a result of atmospheric pollution from biomass burning. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 481 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraMont:2001:GeTeSp Journal Article Camara, Gilberto Camara, Gilberto; Monteiro, Antônio Miguel Vieira geocomputation tecnhniques for spatial analysis is it the case for heath data sets 2001 Cadernos de Saúde Pública 17 5 1059-1081 9995 geographical information systems, spatial databases, geographical data models. This paper describes a unified framework for the problems of modelling and processing spatial entities. We propose a general definition of spatial objects, and show that the different types of spatial data can be expressed as particular cases of this definition. Furthermore, we present a taxonomy for the various types of GIS operations, defined in terms of the properties of this definition. Our goal is to argue that GIS data types and operations can be defined based on a single formal notion, which encapsulates the GIS concepts of both continuous fields and discrete features, with important consequences for system and interface design, interoperabilty issues and language proposal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 194 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CâmaraMontSouzPaiv:2002:QuNeQu Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto; Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira; Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de; Paiva, João Argemiro Carvalho TerraLib, tecnologia brasileira de geoinformação: para quem ne para quê 2002 Informática Pública 4 1 9-16 10012 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informação geográfica, sgi, biblioteca de software, terralib, geographic information systems, gis. Este artigo descreve a iniciativa do INPE para o desenvolvimento de uma nova biblioteca de software chamada TerraLib. A iniciativa TerraLib objetiva essencialmente em prover um ambiente rico e poderoso para o desenvolvimento cooperativo na área de sistemas de informações geoespaciais e banco de dados geográficos. A grande motivação e ambição do projeto TerraLib é tornar-se o Linux no universo dos aplicativos geográficos, obervada a inexistência de bibliotecas no mundo GIS, quer públicas ou proprietárias que atendam à crescente complexidade do tratamento necessário à informação espacial, em particular quando observamos os recentes avanços da ciência da informação geoespacial. TerraLib está desenhada como uma biblioteca baseada no modelo de open source software, código aberto, permitindo a construção de um ambiente colaborativo e seu uso para o desenvolvimento de variados aplicativos e ferramentas para o mundo geográfico. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 204 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FranchitoRaoStecLore:1998:NuEx Journal Article Franchito, Sergio Henrique Franchito, Sergio Henrique; Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda; Stech, Jose Luiz; Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio The effect of coastal upwlling on the sea-breeze circulation at Cabo frio, Brazil: a numerical experiment 1998 Annales Geophysicae 16 7 866-881 8426 oceanografia, , mesoescala, modelo atmosferico, modelagem, interacao oceano atmosfera, meteorology and atmospheric dynamics, mesoscale meteorology, ocean atmosphere interactions, numerical modeling. The effect of coastal upwelling on sea-breeze circulation in Cabo Frio (Brazil)and the feedback of sea-breeze on the upwelling signal in this region are investigated. In order to study the effect of coastal upwelling on sea-breeze a non-linear, three-dimensional, primitive equation atmospheric model is employed. The model considers only dry air and employs boundary layer formulation. The surface temperature is determined by a forcing function applied to the Earth's surface. In order to investigate the seasonal variations of the circulation, numerical experiments considering three-month means are conducted: January-February-March (JFM), April-May-June (AMJ), July-August-September (JAS)and October-November-December (OND). The model results show that the sea-breeze is most intense near the coast at all the seasons. The sea-breeze is stronger in OND and JFM, when the upwelling occurs, and weaker in AMJ and JAS, when there is no upwelling. Numerical simulations also show that when the upwelling occurs the sea-breeze develops and attains maximum intensity earlier than when it does not occur. Observations show a similar behavior. In order to verify the effect of the sea-breeze surface wind on the upwelling, a two-layer finite element model is also implemented. The results of simulations using this model, forced by the wind generated in the sea-breeze model, show that the sea-breeze effectively enhances the upwelling signal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DCM DSR} {DCM DSR} 1109 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaFoPara:2002:ReMaGe Journal Article Souza Filho, P.W. Souza Filho, P.W.; Paradella, Waldir Renato Recognition of the main geobotanical features along the Brangança mangrove coast (Brazilian Amazon regions)from Landsat TM and Radarsat-1 data 2002 Wetlands Ecology and Management 10 2 123-132 9993 geologia, , mapeador temático (landsat), uso da terra, imagens landsat, coastal mapping, thematic mappers (landsat), land use, multisensor data integration, radarsat 1, wetlands, landsat imagery. Orbital remote sensing data were assessed for mapping of the main geomorphological and vegetation units of the Bragança peninsula (North Brazil), which belongs to a vast though sparsely mapped mangrove coast. Wide wetland environments characterize the region with extreme variations in extension, temporal evolution, and spatial complexity. This work was based on different digital processing techniques separately applied to Landsat TM and RADARSAT-1 images. In addition, both data were merged on a pixel-to-pixel basis using algorithms, which rendered an enhancement of the coastal landforms and a better discrimination of wetlands and landform types. The interpretation of the integrated product, aided by field validation, made it possible to significantly extend existing mapping. Nineteen geobotanical units were identified: estuarine channels, submerged sand banks, sandflats, old estuarine sandbanks, mudflats, ebb-tidal deltas, barrier-beach ridges, coastal dunes, chenier sand ridges, young intertidal mangroves, intertidal and supratidal mangroves, outer and inner marshes, fluvial flood plains, coastal plateau, degraded and regenerated mangroves, and an artificial lagoon. The digital integration of Fine RADARSAT-1 and Landsat TM data sensitively highlighted geobotanical coastal features, providing a useful tool for a synoptic analysis of their natural and man-driven changes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 192 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2002:PaGe Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Crime e castigo: o papel das geotecnologias 2002 InfoGeo 23 March 10010 geoprocessamento, criminalidade, tecnologias, segurança pública, crime, security, techenology, geoprocessing. A explosão da violência nas grandes cidades brasileiras tem motivado um substancial interesse no uso de tecnologias de geoinformação. Algumas empresas do setor vêem a questão da segurança pública como uma boa oportunidade de negócios, uma chance de oferecer mais um sistema integrado de alerta criminal, agora acompanhado da capacidade de mapeamento das ocorrências. Isto não basta e pode até atrapalhar. Quando se trata de criminalidade, tais respostas simplistas não vão muito longe. A associação direta entre pobreza e violência esbarra em casos como a Índia, cujos crimes contra o patrimônio são muito baixos, apesar da miséria que leva 2 milhões de pessoas a morar nas ruas de Calcutá. A ênfase em equipar a polícia com a tecnologia mais recente também falha em esclarecer como Londres, com seus bobbies sem armas, tem taxas de homicídio cinco vezes menores que Chicago. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:2002:SpDyDe Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas Space-time dynamics of deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 14 2903-2908 9990 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , desmatamento, desflorestamento, impacto ambiental, deflorestation, environmental impact. Deforestation maps derived from Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS)and Thematic Mapper (TM)imagery were used to analyse spatial patterns of deforestation in the 1970s and the 1991-1997 period in Brazilian Legal Amazonia. Nearly 90 percent of the deforestation has occurred within 100 km from major roads established under federal development programmes. Clearings larger than 50 ha and 200 ha accounted, respectively, for 74 percent and 50 percent of the total deforestation in the 1991-1997 period. Results show that more intense deforestation has been concentrated over some regions, leading to the continuous enlargement of forest clearings and contributing to aggravate deforestation impacts in such areas of the total deforestation in the 1991-1997 period. Results show that more intense deforestation has been concentrated over some regions, leading to the continuous enlargement of forest clearings and contributing to aggravate deforestation impacts in such areas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 189 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AssireuRVLRRABZ:2002:ApLaDa Journal Article Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli; Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto; Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli; Lorenzzetti, João Antonio; Rempel, Erico Luiz; Ramos, Fernando M; Abreu, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Bolzan, Mauricio José Alves; Zanandrea, Ademilson Gradiente pattern analysis of short nonstationary time series: an application to lagrangian data from satellite tracked drifters 2002 Physical D: Nonlinear Phenomena 168-169 397-403 9991 oceanografia, turbulencia, análise de series temporais, turbulence, nonlinear phemena, lagrangian functions, time series analysis. Based on the gradient pattern analysis (GPA)technique we introduce a new methodology for analyzing short nonstationary time series. Using the asymmetric amplitude fragmentation (AAF)operator from GPA we analyze Lagrangian data observed as velocity time series for ocean flow. The results show that quasi-periodic, chaotic and turbulent regimes can be well characterized by means of this new geometrical approach. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR LAC LMO} {DSR LAC LMO} 190 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2001:DaCoCe Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Das coisas certas e incertas 2001 InfoGeo 21 34-36 November 10008 O inventor e político americano Benjamin Franklin costumava dizer que na vida só existem duas coisas certas: a morte e os impostos. Tivesse vivido no Brasil e chegasse a conhecer certos senadores e dirigentes de clubes de futebol, reduziria suas certezas quanto aos impostos. Mas Ben Franklin estava no caminho certo: esta vida é mesmo incerta e por boas razões. Basta considerar nossa realidade e pensar no mundo que nos cerca. Os quasares, placas tectônicas, luas, baratas, bactérias e átomos de hidrogênio do universo tem o direito à sua própria existência, de forma independente de nossa consciência. Como conhecer o mundo, senão através de nossos sentidos e de nossos instrumentos? E aí mora o perigo: qualquer instrumento de medida, seja ele um olho humano, um aparelho GPS ou um sensor de imageamento a bordo de satélite, tem suas limitações. Pior ainda: nossos sensores apenas nos fornecem amostras incompletas dos fenômenos da natureza, e temos que apelar para nossa imaginação, ou melhor, para nossa capacidade de construir modelos abstratos de como o mundo funciona. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 200 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioValeVito:1984:SeReTe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Valerio Filho, Mario; Vitorello, Icaro Sensoriamento remoto termal na diferenciacao de cultivares de soja (Clycine Max (L)Merriyl)submetidas ao deficit hidrico 1984 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 24 2 253-258 463 agronomia, sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, soja, deficiencia hidrica, irrigacao, agriculture, sensors and remote sensing techniques, soybeans, water stress, irrigation. O sensoriamento remoto na faixa do infravermelho termal (8-14 ) fornece elementos para o estudo do mapeamento termico de areas urbanas, controle de efluentes poluidores, avaliacao de inercia termal, deficiencia hidrica em culturas, etc. A falta ou o excesso de agua provoca anomalias no metabolismo vegetal e a deficiencia hidrica afeta diretamente a abertura estomatal com o consequente fechamento dos estomatos, o que provoca um aquecimento foliar, pois nao havendo a evaporacao de agua esta nao consome energia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o comportamento termico entre cultivares de soja submetidas ao deficit hidrico. Para a realizacao deste estudo foi instalado um experimento com diferentes cultivares de soja sob dois tratamentos (irrigado e nao-irrigado), constituido de tres repeticoes. Leituras da temperatura do dossel foram efetuadas atraves do uso de um radiometro de infravermelho termal PRT-5 e, paralelamente, foram obtidas as temperaturas do ar. Os resultados demonstraram que quando ha disponibilidade hidrica adequada as cultivares nao se diferenciam em termos de temperatura do dossel. Entretanto, no tratamento nao-irrigado as cultivares comportaram-se diferentemente, o que possibilitou a separacao em grupos distintos de eficiencia dos mecanismos controladores da perda de agua. isto denota o potencial da tecnica de sensoriamento remoto termal nos estudos relacionados ao desenvolvimento e a selecao de cultivares mais resistentes a seca. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 505 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SignoriniMirEvaSteIno:1989:EsTeEn Journal Article Signorini, Sergio Romano Signorini, Sergio Romano; Miranda, Luiz Bruner de; Evans, David L.; Stevenson, Merritt Raymond; Inostroza Villagra, Hector Manuel Corrente do Brasil: estrutura termica entre 19 graus e 25 graus e circulacao geostrofica 1989 Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico 37 1 33-49 7703 oceanografia. In April 1982, an oceanographic investigation was conducted off the Brazilian coast in order to obtain the spatial characteristics of the thermal structure and to locate the Brazil Current flow both north and south of the seamount chain at 20 degrees 30'S. During the survey, remote sensing satellite data were also obtained on several occasions to assist in the delineation of the surface thermal structure. A 23 degrees C thermostad was observed along most sections. Along sections with stronger baroclinic signatures, such as the one in Cabo Frio, the thermostad seems to be pinched off somewhat similar to the pinching off the 18 degrees C water in the Gulf Stream North wall. The current structure and volume transports, relative to the 500 dbar isobaric surface, were calculated using both hydrografic station data and the closely spaced XBT measurements. A comparison of these results, for the data observed along the section of Cabo Frio, indicates that some details of the geostrophic currents are lost when the hydrograpic data are used; the corresponding volume transports agree within 17 (3.3 Sv using hydrographic data against 2.8 Sv using XBT data). A volume transport budget, obtained through the transport computation along all sections between 19 degrees and 22 degrees S, indicates that the Brazil Current appears to flow through the passage between the most inshore banks and not to the east. The net volume transport (2.9 Sv)is in close agreement with the Cabo Frio section volume transport, where the total flow of the Brazil Current was supposedly bracketed by the station sampling. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1129 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaEgenDaviCama:2002:SeGrIn Journal Article Fonseca, Frederico T. Fonseca, Frederico T.; Egenhofer, Max J; Davis, C.; Camara, Gilberto Semantic granularity in ontology-driven geographic information systms 2002 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 36 1-2 121-151 9988 geoprocessamento, modelo, ontologia, informação espacial, sistemas de informação geográfica, semantica, sgi, geographic information systems, gis, semantics, spatial information, models. The integration of information of different kinds, such as spatial and alphanumeric at different levels of detail, is a challenge. While a solution is not reached, it is widely recognized that the need to integrate information is so pressing that it does not matter if detail is lost, as long as integration is achieved. This paper shows the potential for information retrieval at different levels of granularity inside the framework of information systems based on ontologies. Ontologies are theories that use a specific vocabulary to describe entities, classes, properties and functions related to a certain view of the world. The use of an ontology, translated into an active information system component, leads to ontology-driven information systems and, in the specific case of GIS, leads to what we call ontology-driven geographic information systems. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 187 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HartmannSano:1986:CoEsHi Journal Article Hartmann, Carlos Hartmann, Carlos; Sano, Edson Eyji Contribuicao ao estudo da hidrodinamica e evlucao das massas de agua na Laguna dos Patos atraves de imagens MSS-Landsat no periodo de 1979 a 1983 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica February 715 sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, , mss landsat, sensors and remote sensing techniques. Este trabalho e parte de um programa de pesquisas desenvolvido no estuario da laguna dos Patos e tem a finalidade de obter informacoes que venham a contribuir para uma caracterizacao hidrodinamica da laguna e estuario, alem de analisar o impacto dos sedimentos no estuario e zona costeira adjacente. outro aspecto estudado e a evolucao sazonal das massas de agua provenientes principalemente da parte norte do sistema hidrografico Patos e, ao nivel de estuario, do canal Sao Goncalo. Os resultados obtidos foram baseados na fotointerpretacao visual de 26 imagens de satelites da serie MSS-LANDSAT, banda 5 (0,6-0,7 ), num periodo de cinco anos (1979-1983). De acordo com a distribuicao e ocorrencia de solidos em suspensao (""plumas""), associados a precipitacao na bacia de drenagem da laguna dos Patos e aos grupos principais de ventos para a regiao, estes resultados foram classificados em cinco classes, as quais caracterizam as situacoes mais gerais no que diz respeito a hidrodinamica e ao impacto dos sedimentos para a laguna, estuario e regiao costeira adjacente. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RPE SRE DSR ANAMB 700 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SoaresViaSedCoeEuc:1981:MoFiSa Journal Article Soares, Joao Vianei Soares, Joao Vianei; Vianello, Rubens Leite; Sediyama, Gilberto Chohaku; Coelho, Dirceu Teixeira; Euclydes, Ricardo Frederico Modelos fisico-matematico de saida estatistica para diagnosticar e prever a marcha diaria da temperatura, para a regao sul de Minas Gerais 1981 Experientiae 27 12 235-248 1269 agronomia, geada. Cumpre ao agrometeorologista, dentre outras atividades, de desenvolver modelos que prevejam riscos de geadas; modelar o crescimento de plantas de acordo com as condicoes atmosfericas, visando a expansao das fronteiras agricolas; estudar balncos de energia e transferencia da massa; coletar e analisar os dados para fins agropastoris, bem como desenvolver pesquisa que estabecam relacoes entre clima e fisilogia vegetal e animal, com a finalidade de obter melhor rendimento e adaptacao do homem, dos animais e das plantas ao ambiente fisico. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 112 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoVitoCorr:1996:UsLaTh Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Vitorello, Icaro; Correia, Virginia Regina M. Use of Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery as mineral prospecting tool in the Tin Province of Goias, Brazil 1996 Geocarto International 11 1 61-69 7704 . The Tin Province of Goias, in central Brazil, includes several granitoids with greisenized-albitized facies, which occupy the apical parts of the massifs. Stanniferous mineralizations (cassiterite)frequently occur associated with these metasomatically altered facies. Areas of altered rocks bear open grasslands in contrast to the savanna-type vegetation cover composed of small tress, shrubs and herbaceous plants occurring everywhere over the granitoids. Landsat Thematic Mapper ratio images (TM4/TM3)of the rainy season were used to delineate these target areas within the granitoids. Follow-up field checking confirmed the occurrence of metasomatic rocks with cassiterite in most of the delineated areas. Thus, future prospecting work for primary tin deposits in the granitoids of the region can be largely facilitated by the use of this procedure. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR DGE DPI} {DSR DGE DPI} 863 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YanasseQuegMart:1992:InOnSp Journal Article Yanasse, Corina C.F. Yanasse, Corina C.F.; Quegan, S.; Martin, R.J. Inferences on spatial and temporal variability of the backscatter from growing using AgriSar data 1992 International Journal Remote Sensing 13 3 439-507 6313 processamento digital de imagens, retroespalhamento, agricultura, interpolacao. AgriSAR 86 data from the Feltwell Site, U.K., was affected by a variety of radiometric distortions. These distortions prevent accurate calibration of the images, but analysis of the image statistics, after some radiometric corrections have been performaed, permits a number of qualitative inferences about variations in crop backscatter in time and space. Cerals and sugar beet appear to exhibit different incidence angle responses. The separability of wheat and sugar beet varies with time. Cereals show greater spatial variability than sugar beet. Individual fields exhibit apparent variability in their temporal responses; for sugar beet this can in the main be explained by the effects of speckle, but there is some evidence of variation for winter wheat. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 275 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Stevenson:1984:EsCoDi Journal Article Stevenson, Merritt Raymond Stevenson, Merritt Raymond Estimativas de coeficientes de difusao de manchas de corante em aguas costeiras atraves de fotografias aereas 1984 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 36 7 685 7681 oceanografia, agua costeira. Ate agora poucas estimativas do coeficiente de mistura horizontal (coeficiente de difusao)tem aparecido na literatura nacional. Tal informacao e muito util ou necessaria para uma grande variedade de estudos costeiros e ambientais. Os resultados aqui descritos estao baseados em um experimento de campo, feito no dia 22 de outubro de 1981, em duas baias costeiras ao longo da costa sudeste do Brasil, utilizando a tecnica da rodamina B. A area inicial de cada mancha de corante considerada foi de 1m no t=0. Durante o experimento, uma aeronave voou sobre a area e tirou varias fotografias com uma camara metrica RC-10. Das fotografias foi possivel extrair informacoes das mudancas da dispersao. Utilizando o metodo dos minimos quadrados, foram determinados os coeficientes de difusao para tres manchas. Estes coeficientes foram: K=8,6 x 10 cm /seg, 4,4 x 10 cm /seg e 7,8 x 10 cm /seg, respectivamente. O valor maior correspondeu a uma baia mais aberta para o mar que nos outros dois casos. Os valores obtidos com fotografias aereas quando comparados com outros valores de K obtidos com a metodologia convencional, utilizando o fluorometro numa area proxima, foram muito consistentes. Estes resultados sugerem que e possivel obter estimativas razoaveis da difusao atraves de fotografias aereas e aplicar tal tecnica no Brasil. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1125 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ QueganDutrGrov:1994:PhMeIn Journal Article Quegan, S. Quegan, S.; Dutra, Luciano Vieira; Grover, K Phase measurements in MAESTRO polarimetric data from the U.K test sites 1994 International Journal Remote Sensing 15 4 2719-2736 7570 Tests using MAESTRO data from the Reedham and Fetwell test sites suggest that the assumptions of a multi-variate complex zero-mean Gaussian distribution for scattering amplitudes and a linear distortion model for polarimetric data lead to a viable model for C-band observations, through with some deviations between theory and measurements. P-band observations are in general not consistent with this data model. When viable, the Gaussian model provides a basis for defining phase information, and has implications for the statistical measures which should be used to do so. The usual mean and standard deviation statistics are shown to have undesirable characteristics when applied to phase measurements. The effects of calibration and noise on phase measurements from distributed targets are discussed, and other system effects on phase are noted. Analysis of phase data from fields at the Feltwell test site shows that at C band the copolarized phase difference can discriminate between different crop types, but not at P band. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 662 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1984:PrPeIn Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort Principais pesquisas do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)em poluicao do ar 1984 Ciencia e Cultura Supl. 36 7 684 7611 Varios Departamentos do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, vem desenvolvendo pesquisas relacionadas com poluicao do ar. O Departamento de Meteorologia atua nas areas de modelagem e dispersao de poluentes na troposfera, previsao de altos e baixos indices de poluicao em centros urbanos, climatologia da poluicao, sensoriamento remoto de plumas e coleta e analise de aerossois. O Departamento de Aplicacoes Tecnologicas tem estudado a fisico-quimica da precipitacao seca e umida da atmosfera atraves de teores ionicos em aerossois e aguas de chuva, bem como ciclos geoquimicos em ecossistemas atraves de ions tracadores de origem natural ou nao. O Departamento de Geofisica e Aeronomia mantem programas de lancamento de sondas para medidas de ozonio na estratosfera e de medidas de aerossois na alta atmosfera atraves de Lasers a sodio. O Departamento de Astrofisica tem detectado contaminacao radioativa natural e antropogenica atraves de baloes estratosfericos e aeronaves. Todas estas atividades estao sendo coordenadas pelos projetos Analise Ambiental (ANAMB)e Pesquisas na Media e Baixa Atmosfera (MEBATM), os quais tambem preveem, em futuro proximo, atividades conjuntas com outros paises. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1121 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioFormFran:1990:AvBaSa Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Franca, Geraldo Victorino Avaliacao das bandas TM do Satelite Landsat-5 na discriminacao entre culturas de trigo e feijao 1990 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 25 3 371-377 March 823 agronomia, , reflectancia, tm landsat, landsat-5, trigo, feijao, reflectance, bean, wheat, agriculture. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi fazer uma avaliacao quantitativa da potencialidade das seis bandas refletivas do sensor ""thematic Mapper"" (TM)instalado a bordo do satelite Landsat-5, para a diferenciacao de areas cultivadas com trigo daquelas com feijao. Foram selecionados 15 talhoes de trigoe 15 de feijao irrigado poraspersao (pivos centrais), na regiao de Barretos?Guaira (SP), e tres imagens isentas de nuvens, obtidas em tres diferentes datas do ciclo cultural de inverno de 1986. Os numeros digitais amostrados nas imagens, referentes aos varios talhoes, foram submetidos a correcao para efeitos atmosfericos aditivos, transformados para valores de reflectancia, senso entao esses utilizados para o calculo de um indice (EAC)que exppressa o potencial de cada banda para a discriminacao espectral entre as duas culturas. A banda de maior potencial discriminatorio foi a TM7: com potencial intermediario foram as bandas TM2, TM3 e TM5; e, com o menor potencial, as bandas TM1 e TM4. O periodo vegetativo mostrou-se mais propocio que o reprodutivo para a discriminacao. Comparando-se dados simulados por um modelo de reflectancia de dosseis vegetais com os dados reais reflectancia obtidos por satelite so nao houve concordancia para a banda TM7. Indica-se a necessidade de investigacoes mais detalhadas quanto as carcteristicas refletivas desta banda para as diversas culturas e suas potencialidades discriminatorias. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 18 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CâmaraNeto:2000:CoMeMa Journal Article Câmara Neto, Gilberto Câmara Neto, Gilberto Como mentir com mapas (sem o saber) 2000 Revista InfoGeo 15 16-18 September 9038 geoprocessamento, mapas, disseminacao da informacao, maps, information dissemitation. O título do artigo é uma menção deliberada ao livro ""How to Lie with Maps"", de Mark Monmonier, excelente apresentação sobre diferentes técnicas de construir mapas com o intuito de confundir, enganar ou desinformar. O livro reúne um conjunto de exemplos extremamente didáticos de mentiras com mapas, algumas sutis e outras deslavadas. Como mostra Monmonier, os componentes essenciais de um mapa (escala, projeção e apresentação visual)envolvem sempre um grau de arbitrariedade em sua escolha. Assim, sempre estamos mentindo ao gerar mapas; a questão é sabermos quanto, e informarmos ao leitor. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 87 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VelascoRose:1980:SoMeAn Journal Article Velasco, Flavio Roberto Dias Velasco, Flavio Roberto Dias; Rosenfeld, Azriel Some methods for the analysis of sharply bounded clusters 1980 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC-10 8 511-518 6172 Some methods of cluster extraction are described in which local dot densities, computed at each dot, are smoothed and thresholded. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI 57 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ INPE:1992:DeInBr Journal Article Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia 1992 Revista SELPER 2 2 35-36 6283 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , mapeador tematico (landsat), landsat 5, imagens landsat. Avaliou-se a potencialidade das imagens correspondentes as sete bandas do sensor ""Thematic Mapper"" do satelite LANDSAT 5 (TM/LANDSAT), com a finalidade de classificar a cobertura vegetal de uma area (selecionada)no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, atraves de tecnicas de analise visual. A interpretacao obedeceu duas fases: a)preliminarmente, foram delimitadas e mapeadas as diferentes classes de vegetacao e, b)classificacao da vegetacao com checagem das informacoes extraidas no campo, carta cartografica e nas fotografias aereas infra-vermelho colorido (escala aproximada 1:20.000). Conclui-se que as bandas 3, 4 e 5 do sensor TM/LANDSAT foram aquelas que mostraram-se mais apropriadas para a analise da vegetacao. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1116 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioVito:1983:MoSeRe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Vitorello, Icaro Areas irrigadas: monitoramento por sensoriamento remoto 1983 Irrigacao e Tecnologia Moderna 14: 20 September 674 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , agricultura, irrigacao, mss landsat, hydrology, agriculture, irrigation. Este trabalho apresenta consideracoes sucintas sobre aplicacoes de sensoriamento remoto no monitoramento de areas irrigadas, tendo como exemplo a regiao de Guaira (SP). Para tanto, sao discutidos os principais conceitos necessarios a aplicacao dos produtos LANDSAT a deteccao e mapeamento de areas irrigadas. Neste trabalho, sao apresentados resultados iniciais obtidos por processamentos de dados digitais por computadores, discussao sobre produtos MSS/LANDSAT realcados por metodos alternativos e a disponibilidade de novos produtos de sensoriamento remoto. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR RENAM COMEA 285 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Carvalho:1987:VeVi Journal Article Carvalho, Vitor Celso de Carvalho, Vitor Celso de Imagens e computadores: vegetacao a vista 1987 Ciencia Hoje 7 38 26-32 6928 vegetacao. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1112 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FormaggioEpipSimo:2001:RaBaAn Journal Article Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves; Simoes, M.D Radarsat backscattering from an agricultural scene 2001 Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 36 5 823-830 9898 agronomia, radar de abertura sintética, imagens de radar, uso da terra rural, terra cultivada, agricultura, sar, synthetic aperture radar, radar imagery, crop, radar imagery, rural land use, farmlands, agriculture. Orbital remote sensing in the microwave electromagnetic region has been presented as an important tool for agriculture monitoring. The satellite systems in operation have almost all-weather capability and high spatial resolution, which are features ppropriated for agriculture. However, for full exploration of these data, an understanding of the relationships between the characteristics of each system and agricultural targets is necessary. This paper describes the behavior of backscattering coefficient (sigma (o)) derived from calibrated data of Radarsat images from an agricultural area. It is shown that in a dispersion diagram of cr there are three main regions in which most of the fields can be classified. The first one is characterized by low backscattering values, with pastures and bare soils; the second one has intermediate backscattering coefficients and comprises well grown crops mainly; and a third one, with high backscattering coefficients, in which there are fields with strong structures causing a kind of double bounce effect. The results of this research indicate that the use of Radarsat images is optimized when a multitemporal analysis is done making the best use of the agricultural calendar and of the dynamics of different cultures. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 169 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HolvorcemVian:1992:PaIIRo Journal Article Holvorcem, Paulo R. Holvorcem, Paulo R.; Vianna, Marcio Luis Integral equation approach to tropical ocean dynamics: Part II - Rossby wave scattering from the equatorial Atlantic western boundary 1992 Journal of Marine Reseach 50 : 33-61 3635 We develop a linear theory for the scattering of equatorial waves of a fixed frequency by islands and continental margins of arbitrary geometry by use of the boundary integral equation (BIE)method of Vianna and Holvorcem (Part I of this work). All the solutions of the equatorial -plane dispersion relations at frequency are treated explicitly through the extensive use of exact Green's functions, so that the approach is more general and more rigorous than previous attempts to solve equatorial scattering problems, many of which employ the low-frequency and long-wave approximations. The numerical solution of the BIE is obtained through application of the boundary element method. A numerical study of the scattering of Rossby waves with periods between 50 and 90 days from the equatorial Atlantic western boundary is presented. Some of the resulting interference patterns exhibit a sharp amplitude maximum, whose center lies between 3-9N, 35-47W. The position, width and intensity of this maximum all depend on wave period. We find evidences that this maximum arises from the superposition of zonally damped equatorial modes (evanescent waves)excited at the western boundary. The largest pressure amplitudes along the boundary are found in the southern hemisphere between the Equator and 5S. The phase propagation along the boundary is generally northwestward, except at a few positions where the phase is stationary. We discuss similarities and differences between the calculated responses and observations of intraseasonal oscillations in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 257 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoShim:2002:DiPrLa Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Digital processing of a Landsat-TM time series for mapping and monitoring degraded areas caused by independent gold miners, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon 2002 Remote Sensing of Environmental 79 1 42-50 9896 geologia, , mapeador temático (landsat), análise de series temporais, mapeamento, monitoramento ambiental, exatidão, degradação, thematic mappers (landsat), time series analysis, environmental monitoring, accuracy, degradation. A 12-year Landsat-Thematic Mapper (TM)time series (1987-1999)was used for mapping and monitoring evolution of degraded areas caused by independent miners (""garimpeiros"")in the search for gold and diamond. Discrimination of target areas was achieved through third principal component images, due to their best enhancement of bare soil areas relative to the surrounding savanna vegetated terrain. A postclassification approach, based on image segmentation/region classification techniques, was used to map degraded areas. This procedure allowed to save time and to curtail inherent subjectivity commonly involved in visual interpretation, producing accurate land-cover change maps. According to these maps. degraded areas comprise 94.4 ha in 1987. 286.4 ha in 1991, and 404.4 ha in 1994. After ""garimpeiros"" abandoned the region sometime prior to 1994, vegetation soon started recovering mined areas as shown in images acquired in 1995, 1996, and 1999. According to these images, degraded areas decreased to 311.2, 283.7, and 246.2 ha, respectively. Data also indicate that vegetation regrowth is faster near the border of degraded areas, and becomes slower to the center of these areas, where damage process is more intense. Based on the satellite images-derived regrowth rates. it is possible to infer that degraded areas would not be entirely recovered by vegetation by the year 2019. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 167 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioHuet:1994:SoLiRe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Huete, A. R Soil and litter reflectance contrast effects on vegetation indices and their relationship to FAPAR 1994 American Geophysical Union 75 44 206 7044 agronomia. Vegetation indices (VIs)derived from remote sensing data are related to important vegetation parameters, e.g. fAPAR and LAI. These parameters are regular inputs to models of primary productivity. Generally, VIs use relationships between near infrared (NIR)and red reflectances and may utilize the blue band for atmospheric correction. Soil brightness influences on canopy reflectance and VIs have been well shown. Soil color effects as well as canopy backgrounds with litter present, however, have been less well studied. These backgrounds not only affect brightness, but also significantly alter the contrast ratio of NIR and red reflectances. The effects of background NIR/red reflectance contrast due to presence of litter and soil on different VI's were studied using the Myneni canopy radiative transfer model. Several ground cover percentages and two clump LAI's were simulated. The background NIR/red reflectance ratio was varied from 0.9 to 1.5, and the red reflectance was allowed to vary from 0.1 to 0.35, thus covering a large range of background reflectances. It is shown that the NIR/red contrast of backgrounds affect the VIs, and that VIs which reduce background brightness effects also reduce background NIR/red contrast effects, mainly for low vegetation amounts. fAPAR was computed and the effects of background NIR/red reflectance ratio on the relationships between VIs and fAPAR are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 646 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WingeBanoRosaCiva:1989:PeEmCa Journal Article Winge, Manfredo Winge, Manfredo; Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Rosa, Paulo Jorge Carneiro; Civatti, Flavio Vivacqua Pesquisa em cartografia geologica por processamento digital de imagens MSS Landsat em duas areas do Brasil Central 1989 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 19 1 92-100 1034 geologia, , sistemas multiespectrais de varredura, litologia, rochas, imagens landsat, resolucao espacial, grupo bambui, assinaturas espectrais, estratigrafia, fotografia geologica, spatial resolution, lithology, stratigraphy, spectral signatures, landsat imagery, photogeology. The purpose of this work is to evaluate Landsat-MSS data processing techniques for lithostratigraphic discrimination in Central Brazil. Two areas were chosen for presenting good geological maps with significant variety of stratigraphic units that guarantee adequate control of.results: 1. Ceres/Rubiataba area with: granite gneissic basement; high grade granulitic terrains; amphibolitized oceanic crust with associated meta-vocano-sedimentary rocks of probable Lower Proterozoic age; metassediments of Middle Proterozoic age; and 2. Sao Domingos area with: granite-gneissic basement; low grade metamorphic volcano-sedimentary sequence cut by tonalitic and granite stocks of probable Lower Proterozoic age; platformal carbonatic and pelitic deposits of Upper Proterozoic age (Bambui Group); continental Cretaceous sandstones; residual sand deposits. Geological maps were digitalized to match the Landsat images as overlays in the view screeen. A supervised thematic classification was run using computer-generated training sites that correspond to studied outcrops coordinates. Other digital techniques of image enhancement were run and are discused elsewere. The multispectral analysis applied to geological cartography proved that much more research has yet to be done. Some steps are suggested for future tests and implementation. Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar tecnicas de processamento de dados Landsat-MSS para discriminacao litologica no Brasil Central. Duas Areas foram escolhidas por apresentarem bons mapas geologicos com variacoes significativas de unidades estratigraficas que garantern um controle adequado dos resultados: 1. Area de Ceres/Rubiataba, com: embasamento granito-gnfissico; terrenos granulicos de alto grau; crosta oceanica anfibolitizada associada a rochas tavulcano-sedimentares de idade, provavel do Proterozoico Inferior; 2. Area de Sao Domingos, com embasamento granito-gnassico; sequencia metamorfica vulcano-sedimentar de baixo grau cortada por stocks tonaliticos e graniticos de idade provavel do Proterozoico Inferior; depositos carbonaticos e peliticos do Proterozoico Superior (Grupo Bambui; arenitos cretaceos continentais; depositos de areias residuais. Mapas geologicos foram digitalizados de modo a se justapor como overlays na tela. Uma classificacao tematica supervisionada foi feita usando estacoes geradas por computador, correspondentes a coordenados de afloramentos estudados. Outras tecnicas digitais de melhoramento de imagens sao discutidas em outra comunicacao. A analise multiespectral aplicada a cartografia geologica provou que a necessfiria muita pesquisa ainda. Alguns passos sao sugeridos para testes futuros e implementacao. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 864 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KonoQuinCarvRudo:2002:AmRaMo Journal Article Kono, Janio Kono, Janio; Quintino, H.; Carvalho, H.; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor The Amazon rainforest monitoring satellite SSR-1 2002 Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung 1 : 11-14 9894 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 165 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1986:PaTeSe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes A participacao da tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto na pesquisa geografica brasileira 1986 Revista Paulista de Geografia 63 675 sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, producao cientifica, geography, remote sensing, environment. Este trabalho apresenta algumas observacoes sobre o grau de aceitacao e de incorporacao do sensoriamento remoto pela comunidade brasileira de geografos. O trabalho se desenvolveu a partir da analise da producao tecnica divulgada em revistas especializadas em Geografia e pela avaliacao de frequencia de geografos no I e no II Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. Os resultados apresentaram uma contradicao entre a frequencia relativamente alta de geografos aos simposios de Sensoriamento Remoto. e a pequena producao cientifica relativa ao tema. Pelos resultados pode-se concluir que a comunidade academica de geografos precisaria se interessar de forma mais intensa por esta tecnica para que haja progresso nas aplicacoes de Sensoriamento Remoto em Geografia. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR COMEA 667 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Krug:1999:TeEsCo Journal Article Krug, Thelma Krug, Thelma Tecnologia espacial como suporte à gestão dos recursos naturais 1999 Parcerias Estratégicas 7 211-225 October 9578 transferencia de tecnologia, transferência de tecnologia aerospacial, observação da terra (do espaço), administração de recursos, administração ambiental, aerospace technology transfer, earth observation (from space), resources management, environment management. Este trabalho fornece uma breve introdução sobre os benefícios do uso da tecnologia espacial na administração de recursos naturais. Com o advento de satélites cada vez mais sofisticados, o conjunto de aplicações se torna cada vez maior. No Brasil, dados do satélite norte-americano Landsat estão disponíveis desde os anos 70. O seu uso foi explorado em muitas áreas, tais como geologia, oceanografia, estudos florestais, agricultura, estudos de água, planejamento regional e urbano, etc. Mais recentemente, há um interesse significativo em se entender melhor o impacto de mudanças no uso da terra/cobertura da terra no clima regional e global. Novos satélites, tais como o Terra previamente denominado Sistema de Observação da Terra -EOS), a ser lançado este ano, e o europeu Envisat, a ser lançado no ano 2000, certamente trarão um novo conjunto de observações que melhorará nosso conhecimento sobre o funcionamento do sistema terrestre. Para países com extensão continental, como o Brasil, ou para estudos globais, o uso de tecnologia espacial é imprescindível e constitui uma das ferramentas mais importantes. ABSTRACT This paper gives a very brief introduction to some of the benefits of the use of space technology for natural resources management. With the advent of increasingly more sophisticated satellite systems, the range of applications becomes larger and larger. In Brazil, data from the North-American satellite Landsat is available since the 70's. Their use have been explored in many areas, such as geology, oceanography, vegetation, agriculture, water studies, regional and urban planning etc. More recently, there is a strong scientific interest to understand better the impact of land use/land cover change in the regional and global climate. New satellites, such as the Terra (previously named Earth Observing System EOS), to be launched this year, and the European Envisat, to be launched in the year 2000, will certainly bring a new set of observations which will enhance our knowledge about the Earth System functioning. For large countries such as Brazil, or for global studies, the use of space technology is unavoidable and constitutes one of the major working tools. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1265 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KuplichFreiSoar:2000:StERSA Journal Article Kuplich, Tatiana M. Kuplich, Tatiana M.; Freitas, Corina Costa; Soares, Joao Vianei The study of ERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM synergism for land use classification 2000 International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 10 2101-2111 1275 processamento digital de imagens, , uso da terra, imagem de satelite, analise de imagens, analise estatistica, ers 1, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, landsat 5, mapeador tematico (landsat), land use, satellite imagery, image analysis, statistical analysis, thematic mapper (landsat), synthetic aperture radar. This work presents a comparative analysis of ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)images used for land use classification. The study area of 361km' is located in the City of Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and contains several classes of land use, including urban, agricultural and forests. The TM and SAR images were registered and transformed using the principal components transformation. SAR images were also filtered using an average filter. The principal components derived from SAR filtered, SAR, TM and coregistered TM/SAR and TM/SAR filtered images were classified using the maximum likelihood approach. Tests of 'goodness of fit' were also made to assess the statistical properties of the images. The results, confirmed by Kappa statistics, show a significant improvement when classifying the principal components of filtered SAR and TM images for urban, pasture and forest classes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 5 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroNovoMert:2002:AmRiMa Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leão de Moraes; Mertes, L.K. Amazon river mainstem floodplain Landsat TM digital mosaic 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 1 57-69 9892 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , planícies inundadas, mapeadore temático (landsat), metodologia, correção radiométrica, mosaicos, inundation area, floodplain, thematic mappers (landsat), methology, radiometric correction, mosaics. This paper presents the methodology used to build a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)digital mosaic for the Amazon River mainstem floodplain. Twenty-nine almost cloud-free TM Landsat scenes covering a period from 1985 to 1995 were selected from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)archive. Most of the scenes were acquired from July to September, a period that begins with high waters and ends with receding water up to about the beginning of the low waters. Radiometric rectification was applied to the images to reduce variability of environmental conditions during Landsat TM data acquisition. The radiometric rectification applied had a good performance for bands 3, 5, and 7, for most of the scenes. For bands 1 and 2 the radiometric rectification was limited, especially for scenes with intense haze. Nevertheless, the overall performance of radiometric normalization allowed the production of a uniform dataset for the entire Brazilian Amazon River mainstem floodplain. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 163 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaBruc:1989:GePoSe Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Bruce, Willian D. Geobotanica por sensores remotos: uma revisao 1989 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 19 4 425-435 August 672 geologia, geobotanica, sensores remotos, sensores, geology, geobotany, remote sensors, sensors. Avancos recentes na tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto tem propiciado o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens em Geobotanica aplicada a pesquisa mineral e ao mapeamento geologico. O inter-relacionamento entre este dois campos de pesquisa e examinado neste trabalho dentro de um contexto conceitual. Como consequencia, uma distincao entre Geobotanica de Reconhecimento (""Background Geobotany"")e Geobotanica de Alvo (""Target Geobotany"")e estabelecida. A fundamentacao teorica desta distincao, sua interdependencia e potencial no que se refere as investigacoes geologicas sao tambem enfocados. Uma bibliografia atualizada sobre pesquisas em Geobotanica via Sensoriamento Remoto e apresentada no texto. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 665 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Batista:1994:AsAVDa Journal Article Batista, Getulio Texeira Batista, Getulio Texeira Assessment of AVHRR data for deforestation estimation in Mato Grosso (Amazon Basin) 1994 Remote Sensing Reviews 10 1-3 35-50 7039 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , desmatamento, satelites noaa, vegetacao, florestas, cerrado, maxver, maxima verossimilhanca. A large area ( 900.000 km2)corresponding to Mato Grosso, a southern most State of Brazilian Legal Amazon region, was selected for this study. All five channels of selected dates of 1988,1989, and 1990, full resolution NOAA AVHRR data were investigated to map ""forest"" and ""non-forest"" (""cerrado"")using on the screen visual interpretation. Maximum likelihood classifier (MLC)was used to classify deforestations for the 1988 AVHRR images. The vegetation map obtained data agreed well with the available vegetation map used as reference. Results based on cells of 1. by 1,5. showed r2=0.94 (significant at a=0.01)between the AVRHH map of forest and the available map. Comparisons for 1988 between AVHRR deforestation estimates and two independent estimates using TM data, i.e. Landsat TM band 5 habitat fragmentation and Landsat TM bands 3,4 and 5 color composite deforestation estimates were within 3 of each other for the entire State (range from 71,128 km2 for the habitat fragmentation to 73,120 km2 for the AVHRR estimate). Results based on 1. by 1,5 cells indicated a good agreement between AVHRR and Landsat TM estimates (r2 greater than 0.7 significant at a=0,01). The major source of variation between these estimates are the discrepancies in the ""forest""and ""non-forest"" boundaries. In areas where the non-forest boundaries are coincident in the independent estimates, an r2=0.93 was observed. The contribution of AVHRR thermal bands seems to be significant for the discrimination of 'cerrado'(""non-forrest"")areas. The sensivity of MLC to yhe parameters ""thresold"" and ""bias"" was examined. It was observed that if deforestation estimate based on high resolution sensors, such as TM is available for a representative sample, an unbiased estimate of deforestation using AVHRR data (five channels)is possible by adjusting the ""bias"" parameter of MLC. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 642 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvãoVitoAlme:1999:EfBaPo Journal Article Galvão, Lenio Soares Galvão, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro; Almeida Filho, Raimundo Effects of band position and bandwidth NDVI measurements of tropical savannas 1999 Remote Sensing of Environments 67 2 181-193 9563 vegetação, índice de vegetação, banda espectral, indice de vegetação da diferença normalizada, ndvi, landsat 5, mapeador temático (landsat), vegetation index, spectral band, normalized difference vegetation index, thematic mappers (landsat), airborne visible unfrared imaging apectrometer, aviris. The consequences of shifting the spectral location of narrow and broad red (R)and near-infrared (NIR)bands on measurements of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)of Brazilian savannas were investigated for different plant communities and seasonal phenology. The basic data came from an Airborne Visible/ Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)image obtained during the regional dry season and two Landsat 5-Thematic Mapper (TM)images from the dry and rainy seasons. Principal components analysis (PCA)was applied to a set of 64 AVIRIS bands from the interval of 5001100 nm in order to select the R-NIR band pair of greatest spectral contrast and respective endmember spectra for the R and NIR band variations. For the endmember spectra, modeled AVIRIS-derived NDVI values, obtained by changing the spectral positioning and bandwidths of R-NIR band pairs, were compared with NDVI calculated from simulated R-NIR band pairs of orbital sensors. Furthermore, the suitability of different positions and bandwidths was also examined employing, as criterion, the calculated NDVI contrast between the endmember spectra. The results revealed that the NDVI of the green vegetation was essentially a affected by the proximity of the R and NIR bands to the spectral interval of the red edge (690-750 nm). The strongest effects were observed for the R bands that partly extended longwards the 690 nm wavelength. On the other hand, the NDVI of the nonphotosynthetic vegetation varied up to 100 within the studied interval, especíally as a function of the R-NIR spectral distance. The largest NDVI contrast between green and dry vegetation was obtained with the convergent displacement of the R and NIR bands, respectively, towards the 690 nm and 750 nm wavelengths, as predicted from PCA. Results from simulated orbital sensors demonstrated that bandwidths have no significant influence on the NDVI provided the R and NIR bands are not extended into the red edge domain. The variable NDVI contrasts along traverses presented the smallest values when associated with the conspicuous green vegetation, and the largest values when associated with the dried-out grasslands or exposed soils. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1263 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosPardArauKeil:2002:SaTrRa Journal Article Santos, João Roberto dos Santos, João Roberto dos; Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia; Araujo, Luciana Spinelli; Keil, M Savanna and tropical rainforest biomass estimation and spatialization using JERS-1 data 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 7 1217-1229 9890 , floresta tropical, biomassa, pastagem, estimativa, distribuição espacial, imagens de radar, jers 1, rain forest, biomass, grasslands, estimates, spatial distribution, radar imagery. The objective of this study is to show the relation among backscatter signals of JERS-1 images and biophysical parameters (biomass values)of forest and savanna formations. Two contact zones involving these vegetation units in Brazilian Amazonia (Roraima and Mato Grosso States)were selected. A regression model was applied during the analysis of these two variables, based on the best fit function and taking into account the data dispersion. Maps were generated showing biomass spatialization of the vegetation typology found in the study areas. The importance of this study is the innovation referring to the joint analysis of JERS-1 data of these two contact zones in Amazonia, representing both an abrupt contact and a smooth contact along a transition zone of savanna/tropical rainforests formations. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 161 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ForestiOlivNierParr:1980:UsTeRe Journal Article Foresti, Celina Foresti, Celina; Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Neves de; Niero, Madalena; Parreira, E. M. M. F. O uso da tecnica de registro de imagens para o monitoramento do crescimento urbano 1980 Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 39 December 1340 planejamento urbano. Este trabalho descreve o uso de um Programa de Registro de Imagens para o estudo do crescimento urbano. Este programa, implementado no IMAGE-100 (Multispectral Image Analysis System), permite uma identificacao rapida das areas de crescimento urbano atraves de superposicao de uma mesma cena em diferentes datas e do uso de filtros digitais adequados. A cidade de Brasilia, Brasil, foi selecionada como area teste. A dinamica do crescimento urbano desta cidade foi analisada atraves da superposicao de imagens de junho de 1973, 1978 e 1983. Os resultados mostraram a adequacao da utilizacao desta tecnica para o monitoramento do crescimento urbano. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 42 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVitoPiza:2000:AnAdBa Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Soares Galvao, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro; Pizarro, Marco Antonio An adequate band positionig to enhance NDVI contrast among green vegetation, senescent biomas, and tropical soils 2000 International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 9 1953-1960 8973 vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, aviris, landsat 5, mapeador tematico (landsat), reflectancia espectral, mapeador tematico (landsat), radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, advanced very high resolution radiometer, spectral reflectance. Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)imagery was used in a quantitative evaluation of the impact of band positioning bandwidth on values of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)green vegetation (GV), senescent biomass (SB), and soils (S). The results A that the band positioning needed to maximize the NDVI contrast between and SB or S should include a narrow or broad red band centred around chlorophyll absorption band, between 660 and 680 nm, and a narrow near-infrared (NIR)band placed at the shortest wavelength in the 750-110onm range. NI differences between extreme NIR band positioning can reach values of 0.35 in areas of accentuated phenological contrast. Of the broad-band sensors at sed in this study, Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)and NOAA-11 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)presented, respectively, the most favourable and unfavourable positioning. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR DGE} {DSR DGE} 70 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoShim:2000:DeArDi Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Detecting areas disturbed by gold mining activities through JERS-1 SAR images, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon 2000 International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 17 3357-3362 758 geologia, , radar de abertura sintetica, sar, jers 1, imagem de radar, mineracao, imaging radar, ouro, gold, mining, plateaus, radar sintetic aberture. Three JERS-1 SAR images (1993, 1994, 1996)were evaluated for detection of areas disturbed by gold mining activities in the region of Serra Tepequem, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon. Subtle tonal contrast between eroded areas and savannah grass fields in the Tepequ6m plateau, constitutes a serious constraint on the identification of the disturbed areas, using SAR original images. However, normalized difference index (NDI)images allowed identification of cover changes related to mining activities. NDI images indicated increase in areas disturbed from 1993 to 1994 and from 1993 to 1996. The 1994-1996 NDI image did not show significant changes, indicating that most areas were disturbed prior to 1994. Results showed that processed JERS-1 SAR images may be used to detect land cover changes even in non-forested terrain with low spectral contrast among scene components. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AngelisFreiValeDutr:2002:MuAnLa Journal Article Angelis, C.F. Angelis, C.F.; Freitas, Corina Costa; Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson; Dutra, Luciano Vieira Multitemporal analysis of land use/land cover JERS-1 backscatter in the Brazilian tropical rainforest 2002 International Journalof Remote Sensing 23 7 1231-1240 9887 processamento digital de imagens, , floresta tropical, biomassa, carbono, resolução temporal, uso da terra, rain forest, biomass, carbon, temporal resolution, land use. The temporal evolution of L-band microwave backscatter for several land cover types in the Tapajo's National Forest is analysed using JERS-1. Five images were acquired from 1993 to 1997. Samples of the studied land cover types were identified after analysis of a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)dataset of 12 images obtained from 1984 to 1999. The following land cover types were investigated: bare soil, agriculture, pastures, forest regrowth from 1 to 23-year-old and primary forest. Backscatter behaviour of regrowth stands is influenced by the previous land use and by human impacts such as fire and selective logging. This selective logging can be mechanized or not, because people who live in the Amazon usually cut trees to build houses, bridges, fences, etc. Backscatter of young regrowth stands on sites immediately abandoned after slash and burn increases at a faster rate than young regrowth on sites abandoned after some years of agriculture. Backscatter of old regrowth stands also behaves differently where there are disturbances such as fire or selective logging. In the presence of such disturbances, one finds an oscillating pattern over time, while undisturbed forest shows either a progressive trend or a stable pattern, depending on the age of the stand. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DPI DSR} {DPI DSR} 158 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NewsamBhaKenManFon:2001:ObReSp Journal Article Newsam, Shawn Newsam, Shawn; Bhagavathy, Sitaram; Kenney, Charles; Manjunath, B.S.; Fonseca, Leila Object-based representations of spatial images 2001 Acta Astronautica 48 5-12 567-577 9885 imagens, processamento de imagens, armazenamento de dados, data bases, espaço, images, image processing, data storage, space. Object based representations of image data enable new content-related functionalities while facilitating management of large image databases. Developing such representations for multi-date and multi-spectral images is one of the objectives of the second phase of the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL)project at UCSB. image segmentation and image registration are two of the main issues that are to be addressed in creating localized image representations. We present in this paper some of the recent and current work by the ADL's image processing group on robust image segmentation, registration, and the use of image texture for content representation. Built upon these technologies are techniques for managing large repositories of data. A texture thesaurus assists in creating a semantic classification of image regions. An object-based representation is proposed to facilitate data storage, retrieval, analysis, and navigation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 156 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesPerSouSoaYam:1999:ChLaCh Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas; Pereira, J.L.G.; Souza, C.L.; Soares, Joao Vianei; Yamaguchi, Fernando Characterizing landscape changes in central Rondonia using Landsat TM imagery 1999 International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 14 2877-2882 8984 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , uso da terra, desmatamento5desflorestamento, imagens landsat, mapeador tematico (landsat), deteccao de mundancas, change detection, deflorestation, landsat imagery, thematic mappers (landsat). An analysis of landscape changes in a region of pioneer settlements in central Rondonia, western Brazilian Amazon, was derived from Landsat TM data. Total deforested area increased from 206 x 10 3 ha in 1977, to 565 x 103 ha in 1985 and to 1210 x 10 3 ha, or 315 of the region, in 1995. Eighty-one per cent of the total 1995 deforestation had occurred in regions within 12.5 km from areas of pioneer colonization deforested by 1977. Deforested area exceeded 79 in regions within 12.5 km from the region's first road. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 1254 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ JoelsCâma:2001:PaCi Journal Article Joels, Luiz Carlos Joels, Luiz Carlos; Câmara, Gilberto O workshop ""modelos e cenários para a Amazônia: o papel da ciência 2001 Parcerias Estratégicas 12 129-134 9567 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , modelos ambientais, environmental models. O número 12 da revista ""Parcerias Estratégicas"" dedica uma seção à apresentação de estudos científicos sobre a dinâmica de ocupação da região Amazônica, um dos maiores desafios nacionais neste início de século XXI. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:2001:PrDeNa Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas O processo de desmatamento na Amazônia 2001 Parcerias Estratégicas 12 259-275 9569 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, desflorestamento, interação ambiente e homem, monitoramento ambiental, efeitos ambientais, deforestation, environmenta effects, man environment interactions, environment monitoring. O desflorestamento na Amazônia tem sido monitorado através de imagens dos satélites Landsat, que mostraram taxas de desflorestamento variando entre 1,1x106 e 2,9x106 Haano-1 nos anos 90 e mais de 55x106 ha desflorestados até 1998. Cerca de 90do desflorestamento tem-se concentrado nos limites de 100 km da malha rodoviária principal, ao redor dos eixos e pólos de desenvolvimento dos anos 70 e 80. A concentração e a rapidez do desflorestamento intensifica os impactos negativos da ocupação, afetando sistemas de produção e populações. Este trabalho reivindica que esforços de pesquisa sejam direcionados para reconhecer a diversidade de regiões e de problemas que coexistem na Amazônia atual, com ênfase nos impactos que o desflorestamento pode causar sobre sistemas de produção e grupos sociais. Para tanto, as iniciativas de monitoramento existentes devem ser integradas a estudos dos processos sócio-econômicos nas diferentes regiões, produzindo-se diagnósticos e cenários que contribuam para políticas públicas melhor adaptadas às particularidades de cada região. Abstract Monitoring of Brazilian Amazônia based on satellite imagery has shown deforestation rates varying from 1.1x106 to 2.9x106 hayear-1 in the 1990's and more than 55x106 ha deforested by 1998. Nearly 90 of the deforestation has been concentrated within 100 km from main road networks, around development corridors and projects from the 1970's and 1980's. Fast, concentrated deforestation intensifies negative impacts of human occupation. This work demands that researching efforts should be directed to study regional diversities, focusing on deforestation impacts on production systems and social groups. To that effect, monitoring initiatives should be combined with socio-economic studies, to generate diagnostics and scenarios that might help to formulate policies better adapted to local and regional conditions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosParaVeneMora:1999:AvGeNa Journal Article Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos; Paradella, Waldir Renato; Venezziani, Paulo; Morais, Maria Carolina de A estereoscopia com imagens Radarsat-1: uma avaliacao geologica na provincia Mineral de Carajas 1999 Revista brasileira de Geociencias 29 4 627-632 8975 geologia, , estereoscopia, imagem de radar, radarsat 1, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, reserva mineral. This paper discusses the concept of SAR stercoscopy and related aspects. Different from optical stercoscopy, a balance has to be achieved between geometric disparity (parallax)and radiometric similarity (stereo viewability)when dealing with SAR stereoscopy. Several authors still discuss the stereo radar depth perception under specific conditions of terrain relief and stereo configuration. Results from RADARSAT-1 standard images are presented for the Carajas Mineral Province based on the analysis ofsix stereo pairs collected under distinct beam positions (S5, S6, S7)and illumination azimuth angles (78 and 282 degree). The geological performance of the stereo pairs was evaluated as a function of distinct types of terrain relief/geology. The results of this research have shown that an effective applicability of the radar stereoscopy is obtained only when aspects of the SAR stereo background and the photointerpreter's experience are taken into account. RESUMO: Este trabalho discute os conceitos relacionados a estereoscopia de radar e os aspectos que a influenciam. Diferentemente da estereoscopia optica, a de radar necessita que se busque um equilibrio entre as diferencas geometricas (paralaxes)e as similaridades radiometricas; (visibilidade estereoscopica)das cenas do par. Alguns autores ainda discutem o nivel de aplicabilidade da estercoscopia de radar, devido as dificuldades de percepcao de profundidade, sob certas condicoes de relevo do terreno e de geometria de iluminacao das cenas do par. Sao apresentados os resultados obtidos na regiao da Provincia Mineral de Carajas, atraves da analise de seis pares estereoscopicos, formados por imagens RADARSAT-1, em diferentes modos Standard (S5 S7 e S7 e azimutes de iluminacao (78 e 282'). Os pares foram avaliados em diferentes tipos de relevo/geologia. Os resultados demonstraram a efetiva contribuicao e aplicabilidade da esteremirolfia de quando sao aspectos que a influenciam e a experiencia do interprete neste tipo de abordagem. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1249 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BarbosaAgui:2001:AeFrIn Journal Article Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira; Aguirre, José Luiz B GEOS: an aexample of fruitful international cooperation 2001 Acta Astronautica 48 5-12 793-797 9565 transferência de tecnologia, cooperação internacional, observação da terra, programas espaciais, international cooperation, erath observation (from space), space programs. This paper reviews the evolution of CEOS (Committee on Earth Observations Satellites)from the early days, where participating agencies were primarily concerned with compatibility issues and space programs, were chiefly technology-driven, up to the present, where complementarity of satellite programs and fulfillment of final user needs are the main goals being pursued. lt also analyzes the favorable conditions that allowed continuity and evolution of the efforts carried by the Committee, in both the technical and the administrative areas, and granted the results achieved so far. Finally, it addresses the expectations of the Committee about the cooperation and interaction with other international bodies, with national governments and with the private sector, with the final aim of maximizing the benefits that Earth Observations can provide for Science and for the well-being of humanity, in particular the people of less-favored regions of the Earth. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DIR DIR 147 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoCast:1992:ReDiBr Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Castelo Branco, Raimundo M.G. Location of kimberlites using Landsat thematic mapper images and aerial photographs: the Redondao Diatreme, Brazil 1992 International Journal of Remote Sensing 13 8 1449-1457 826 geologia, , fotografia aerea, mapeador tematico (landsat), indice de vegetacao, rochas sedimentares, topografia, aerial photography, image enhancement, thematic mappers (landsat), vegetative index, sedimentary rocks, topography. Landsat Thematic Mapper images and aerial photographs were used in the detection of kimberlite-derived material in the Redondao test site. In this area kimberlite-derived soils show a flora constitud mainly by grasses and shrubs, which differ from the surrounding savana-prk (""cerrado"")vegetation cover. Band-radio images were able to distinguish kimberlite-derived materials by enhancing areas with different vegetation covers. However, the coarse spatial resolution of Landsat TM images compared with the spatial variability shadowing effects on ratio images blurred several landscape features. To increase discrimination, Landsat Thematic Mapper ratio images were merged with digitized aerial photographs through intensity, hue and saturation (IHS)coulor transforms. The resulting merged colour composite highlighted the spatial and spectral features of the study area permitting an accurate definition of the kimberlite-derived materials within the Redondao diatreme. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 235 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniGonc:1999:SpFeAs Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Goncalves, J.L. de M Spectral features associated with nitrogen phosphorous and potassium deficiencies in eucalyptus saligna seedling leaves 1999 International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 11 2249-2264 8972 vegetacao, reflectancia espectral, estresse em planta, metabolismo mineral, eucalipto, resolucao radiometrica, spectron se 590, spectral reflectance, plant stress, mineral metabolism, radiometri resolution. Nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P)and potassium (K)deficiency symptoms were induced in Eucalyptus saligna seedlings. Leaves of these seedlings were measured radiometricaly in order to characterize spectrally the symptoms. It was used the SPECTRON SE-590, linked to a LICOR integrating sphere, running at 0.4 to 0.09 um spectral range. The results indicated that only the symptoms related with K deficiency could be spectrally detected in the visible region. The time lag from the beginning of the experiment was fundamental to characterize the symptoms, due to the synergism of the symptoms related with mineral deficiencies. The SPECTRON SE-590 fine spectral resolution proved unnecessary to spectrally characterize the symptoms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1247 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViannaCabrGher:1994:TMImAp Journal Article Vianna, Marcio Luis Vianna, Marcio Luis; Cabral, Alexandre Pereira; Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino TM-Landsat imagery applied to the study of the impact of global climate change on a tropical coastal environment during the last deglaciation 1994 International Journal of Remote Sensing 14 16 2971-2984 6948 The discovery and subsequent mapping of an ancient shoreline at 25m depth in N-E Brazil by TM-Landsat imagery is described. The study area is located on a tectonically stable part of the Brazilian shelf which presently shows a minor uplift rate of 02mm year , to the north of Natal in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. This submerged shoreline is characterized by the occurrence of a large number of long beachrock outcrops (>3Km in length), observed by diving, which are comparable to their analogues seen on the present-day beaches of the adjacent coast. The good state of preservation of this shoreline and the large number of carbonate rock 'reefs' on it suggest abruptness of a return to transgressive sea-level relating to the 11000-9000 yr B.P. band. By reviewing high resolution paleoclimatic data from this period, we conjecture that this stillstand could be a consequence of the Younger Dryas cold event in the north Atlantic, which might have also had importance as a driving morphogenetic process for coasts in a global scale. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 624 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BanonBarr:1991:MiReTr Journal Article Banon, Gerald Jean Francis Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Barrera, Junior Minimal representations for translation-invariant set mappings by matehematical morphology 1991 SIAM Journal Mathematical 51 6 1782-1989 7512 In his 1975 book, Matheron introduced a pair of dual representations, written in terms of erosions and dilations, for increasing translation invariant set mappings, using the concept of a kernel. Based on hit-miss topology, Maragos, in his 1985 Ph.D. thesis, has given sufficient conditions under which the increasing mappings have minimal representations. In this paper, a pair of dual representations for translation-invariant set mappings (not necessarily increasing)is presented. It is shown that under the same sufficient conditions such mappings have minimal representations. Actually, the representations of Matheron and Maragos are special cases of the proposed ones. Finally, some examples are given to illustrate the theory. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 231 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraMira:1980:EsMoAp Journal Article Pereira, Claudio Solano Pereira, Claudio Solano; Miranda, Luiz Bruner Correntes costeiras: estudo de um modelo aplicado ao Litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (Lat. 29 graus S 35 Graus S) 1980 Ciencia e Cultura Supl. 32 7 561 186 oceanografia, , correntes costeiras, oceanography, coastal currentes. Um modelo analitico desenvolvido para determinar correntes costeiras (Bishop, 1975)e aplicado ao litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (Lat. 29 graus S a Lat. 35 graus S). O modelo descreve correntes costeiras em estado estacionario, livre das influencias da mare. O equilibrio do momentum considerado e estacionario, nao-acelerado, e hidrostatico. Gradientes de pressao ao longo da costa sao desprezados, enquanto o parametro de Coriolis, f, e o coeficiente de troca de momentum vertical, k, sao considerados constantes. A densidade da agua, p , e considerada constante em uma coluna vertical, mas pode variar, a uma taxa constante, na direcao perpendicular a costa. Com condicoes de contorno apropriadas, obtem-se uma unica relacao entre a tensao de cizalhamento do vento, o gradiente de densidade media perpendicular a costa, e a velocidade do fluido. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 22 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Rodrigues:1980:ApSeRe Journal Article Rodrigues, Jose Eduardo Rodrigues, Jose Eduardo Aplicacao de sensoriamento remoto ao estudo da geologia na regiao do complexo alcalino de Itatiaia 1980 Ciencia e Cultura Supl. 32 7 547 184 geologia, , sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, sistemas multiespectrais de varredura, periodo pre-cambriano, satelites landsat, projeto radambrasil, bauxita, geology, sensors and remote sensing techniques, precambrian period, landsat satellites, multiespectral scanning systems, bauxite. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para a avaliacao da metodologia de aplicacao de Sensoriamento Remoto em areas geologicamente complexas. Assim, escolheu-se como area-teste a que contem os macicos alcalinos de Itatiaia e de Passa Quatro, abrangendo seu polemico embasamento pre-cambriano, num total de 3.600 km2. Como instrumentos de fotointerpretacao, utilizaram-se imagens multiespectrais MSS do sistema LANDSAT e mosaico de radar do Projeto RADAMBRASIL, os quais foram trabalhados com base em criterios fotointerpretativos convencionais, tais como textura fotografica, tonalidades de cinza e aspectos morfologicos. O conhecimento previo sobre a geologia da area foi obtido atraves da analise da bibliografia disponivel, selecionada conforme o interesse especifico para a realizacao deste trabalho. Entre os resultados obtidos, cabe destacar as correcoes observadas na distribuicao espacial das unidades estratigraficas pre-cambrianas e a alta densidade de lineamentos fotogeologicos assinalados. Relevante, sob o ponto de vista economico, foi a possibilidade de individualizacao dos depositos de talus ao sope dos corpos alcalinos, onde se formam depositos bauxiticos expressivos. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE 20 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AndreaBGGHHJPSSSTTW:1988:BiEmAs Journal Article Andrea, E.M.O. Andrea, E.M.O.; Browell, E.V.; Garstang, M.; Gregory, G.L.; Harrido, R.C.; Hill, G.F.; Jacob, D.J.; Pereira, Marco da Costa; Sacse, G.W.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Silva Dias, P.L.; Talbot, R.W.; Torres, A.L.; Wofsy, S.C. Biomass-burning emissions and associated haze layers over Amazonia 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research 93 D2 1509-1527 6315 Biomass burning plumes and haze layers were observed during the ABLE 2A flights in July/August 1985 over the central Amazon Basin. The haze layers occurred at altitudes between 1000 and 4000m and were usually only some 100 to 300-m thick but extended horizontally over several 100Km. They could be traced by satellite imaging and trajectory studies to biomass burning at the southern perimeter of the Amazon Basin, with transport times estimated to be 1-2 days. These layers strongly influenced the chemical and optical characteristics of the atmosphere over the eastern Amazon Basin. The concentrations of CO, CO2, O3, and NO were significantly elevated in the plumes and haze layers relative to the regional background. The NO/CO ratio in fresh plumes was much higher than in the aged haze layers, suggesting that more than 80 of the NOx in the haze layers had been converted to nitrate and organic nitrogen species subsequent to emission. The haze aerosol was composed predominantly of organic material, NH4, K, NO3-, SO4-, and anionic organic species (formate, acetate, and oxalate). While the concentrations of most aerosol ions were substantially higher in the haze layers than in the regional background aerosol, the ratios between the aerosol ions in the haze layer aerosols were very similar to those in the boundary layer aerosol over the central Amazon region. Simultaneous measurements of trace gas and aerosol species in the haze layers made it possible to derive emission ratios for CO, NOx, NH3, sulfur oxides, and aerosol constituents relative to CO2. Regional and global emission estimates based on these ratios indicate that biomass burning is an important contributor in the global and regional cycles of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen species. Similar consideration suggest that photochemical ozone production in the biomass-burning plumes contributes significantly to the regional ozone budget. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 1068 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FormaggioEpipValeOliv:1996:CoEs45 Journal Article Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson; Oliveira, J.B Comportamento espectral (450-2.450 nm)de solos tropicais de Sao Paulo 1996 Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Solo 20 : 467-474 8936 agronomia, comportamento espectral, espectrorradiometria, solos, reflectancia bidirecional, spectroradiometry, tropical soils, bidirectional reflectance. 0 presente trabalho visou analisar as relacoes entre caracteristicas pedologicas, em regioes tropicais sob intemperismo intenso, e o comportamento especetral. dos solos. Contou-se com 109 amostras, de superficie e de subsuperficie, provindas de 52 perfis correspondentes a 13 classes de solos, as quais; representam os solos de maior ocorrencia e significancia pedologica e agricola do Estado de Sao Paulo. Obtiveram-se as curvas dos fatores de Reflectancia bidirecional (FRB)medidos sobre amostras de solos em condicoes de terra fina seca ao ar, na faixa espectral de 450 a 2.450 nm, com um espectrorradiometro em condicoes de laboratório. Quatro padroes de curvas espectrais foram identificados, segundo a forma das curvas e a intensidade de influencia dos parametros teor de oxidos de ferro, teor de materia organica e material de origem Os agrupamentos das classes de solos estudados, segundo o criterio de comportamento espectral, nao obedeceram as mesmas compartimentacoes estabelecidas pelo sistema de classificacao taxonomica de solos. As rochas basicas dao origem aos solos de mais baixo albedo, seguidas das intermediarias e das acidas, cujos valores de reflexao, em geral sao os mais altos. Abstract: The objective of this research was to study the influence of characteristics of highly weathered tropical soils on their spectral behavior A total of 109 surface and subsurface soil samples from 52 profiles and 13 agriculturally and pedologically most important soil classes from Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were used. The curves of the Bidirectional Reflectance Factors (BRF)in the 450 to 2,450 nm spectral range were obtained, using a lab spectroradiometer Four types or standards of spectral curves were identified, according to the curve shapes and the intensity of influence of the parameters iron oxides content, organic matter content and type of parent material. The clustering of the studied soil classes according to the spectral behavior criterion didn't followed the same type of compartmentation established by the soil taxonomic classification system. Overall reflectance intensities of the soils decreased, when comparing those derived from acid, to those derived from intermediate, to those derived from basic igneous rocks. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1238 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YanasseSanRenSoaLuc:1997:ExStRe Journal Article Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas; Santa Anna, Alejandro Cesar Frery; Renno, Camilo Daleles; Soares, Joao Vianei; Luckman, Adrian John Exploratory study of the relationship between tropical forest regeneration stages and SIR-C and C data 1997 Remote Sensing of Environment 59 2 180-190 8341 processamento digital de imagens, , dados cartograficos, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagens de radar, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, florestas, sir-c, floresta tropical. In this article, the relationship between secondary forest regrowth stage and SIR-C SAR data is assessed, for an area located near to the Tapajos National Forest, south of Para State, in the Amazon region. These regeneration stages are mapped by making use of a consecutive annual sequence of Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper)images. Using this map as a mask over the radar images, the tonal means (expressed in dB)and coefficient of variation (CV)for several second-growth succession stages classes are calculated. It is shown that the discrimination between regeneration stages is difficult when individual small areas are used, but this discrimination might be possible when L-band means over a large area are computed. In particular, the L-HV band seems to carry more information. The maximum difference of means among classes occurred in this band and it is of about 5 dB. The CV appeared to be less well suited than the mean value for regeneration stage discrimination, although some discrimination among early stages of regeneration may be possible using this measure at L-band. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DPI DSR} {DPI DSR} 1042 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BarbosaCunh:1987:SeReTe Journal Article Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira; Cunha, Roberto Pereira da Sensoriamento remoto, a Terra vista do espaco 1987 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 18 4 39-46 July 6251 Os satelites artificiais sao hoje o instrumento mais comum de sensoriamento remoto. Com essa tecnica, as propriedades fisicas e quimicas da superficie do Planeta, incluindo recursos naturais e agricolas, sao devidamente mapeadas. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DIR CRI 1066 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoVitoBins:1997:ApTeFu Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Vitorello, Icaro; Bins, Leonardo Sant'Anna Aplicacao de tecnicas de fusao de imagens segmentacao e classificacao por regioes como uma nova abordagem para o mapeamento tematico detalhado de associacoes solo-vegetacao 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 27 2 207-210 June 8905 processamento digital de imagens, segmentacao, classificacao por regiao, mapeamento tematico, fusao, image merge, uso da terra, digital processing, land use, thematic mappiong, region classification. The paper discusses the, combined use of image merge, segmentation and region-classification techniques, as a new approach in the serni-autornatic mapping of land-cover types. In the first step of the procedure, a digitized panchromatic aerial photograph was co-registered with Landsat-TM images. A hybrid image se: with high-spatial resolution was then produced by merging the Landsat images; and the aerial photograph, through intensity (I), hue (H)and saturation (S)color transform. Using segmentation techniques, hybrid images were partitioned off into hornogeneous regions, and classified according to a region-based classification algorithm. The analysis of the hybrid IHS color composite supported by field data information permitted to identify the, classes on the classified image, so, producing accurate thematic mapping of different soil-vegetation assemblages in the study area. Enhanced precision and time saving are the main advantages of this approach, in comparison with the conventional visual visual interpretation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 1234 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MascarenhasCorr:1982:MeQuEs Journal Article Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila; Correia, Virginia Ragoni Morais Medidas de qualidade de estimadores de proporcoes de classes dentro de um ""Pixel""de imagens de satelites 1982 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 37 7 107 7684 A resolucao de imagens de satelites de recursos naturais nao e suficiente, em muitos casos, para abranger um unico tipo de terreno. Tem sido desenvolvidos, portanto, metodos para estimar a proporcao desses tipos de terreno dentro de um elemento de resolucao de imagem (""pixel""), baseados em modelos estatisticos de regressao. A variancia dos estimadores depende fortemente da geometria, definida pelos vetores medias estatisticas das classes. Propoe-se neste trabalho, novas medidas relacionadas a qualidade dessa geometria. Tais medidas sao baseadas nas nocoes de angulos definidos por tal geometria e no ""numero de condicao"" do problema envolvido. Apresentam-se resultados que relacionam medidas de qualidade anteriores, propostas na literatura, angulos da geometria do problema e variancia dos estimadores com o referido numero de condicao. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 241 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Krug:1998:SpTeEn Journal Article Krug, Thelma Krug, Thelma Space technology and environmental monitoring in Brazil 1998 Journal of Internacional Affairs 51 2 655-674 8061 politica de programas, , programas espaciais, programa nacional de atividades espaciais, monitoramento, meio ambiente. Brazil encompasses the fifth largest territory in the world and possesses the largest tropical forest on earth. Yet these attributes have not come without a cost: the country faces a diversity of environmental problems that could have irreversible, negative consequences for both its ecology and its people. To address these problems, the Brazilian Government has led the way in developing a space technology program to monitor the environment and it has used data from remote sensing satellites for diverse applications of critical importance to both national and international policymakers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 992 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:2000:ImIrDe Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas Impactos irreversiveis do desmatamento 2000 Pesquisa Fapesp 52 26-29 8874 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, queimada, impacto ambiental, gas carbonico, desflorestamento, monitoramento do meio ambiente, desmatamento, efeito estufa, environmental monitoring, desforestation. 0 gas carbonico retirado da atmosfera pela recuperacao natural de areas desmatadas; para a formacao de pastagens e culturas agricolas na Amazonia representa apenas uma fracao modesta das emissoes devidas ao desmatamento, ao contrario do que se pensava. E o que mostra pesquisa realizada por uma equipe do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe)em Rondonia. Essas conclusoes podem alterar a enfase de pesquisas relacionadas com desmatamento e emissoes de gases do efeito estufa, ja que o desmatamento e considerado uma das principais fontes brutas desses gases e tanto emissoes como sequestro de carbono nas areas abandonadas interessam aos cientistas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 38 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaMart:2000:AnTeIm Journal Article Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e; Martini, Paulo Roberto Reservas indígenas e fronteiras agrícolas na Chapada dos Parecis (MT): uma análise temporal por imagens TM-Landsat 2000 Revista Estudos Avançados 14 40 251-264 9506 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , distribuição espacial, mapeador temático (landsat), monitoramento ambiental, spatial distribution, thematic mappers (landsat), environmental monitoring, landsat imagery. PARECIS Plateau in the State of Mato Grosso has been submitted to an intense process of occupation for the last thirty years. Through this work a temporal analysis is done on the borders of Nambikwara and Enawene-Nawe which are two of several other indian reservations that are distributed over the Parecis Plateau. The study analyses the spatial distribution of the reservation boundaries and the expanding nearer cropfields. TM-LANDSAX images collected in June of 1984 and May/June of 1997 are the main data support. The general procedures included: digitizing the reservation bounds; conforming cartographic bases and projections; registering images and maps; linear model of spectral mixture; analysis. Results show that the reservation boundaries are getting closer and are often trespassed by cropfields bounds. Trespassed boundaries were depicted in the northwestern edge of Enawene-Nawê along the route that links Vilhena to Juína (route MT 319). The spatial distribution of the roads in the region showed that the vicinals were the main vectors of the process that need to be continuously observed. The results allow recommending the application of the same procedures elsewhere in the country. The experience also aliows anticipating that the same methodology can be used even for reservations poorly known or known just by preliminary surveys or descriptive memorials. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 127 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoStefBrag:1991:ReLaEx Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao Moraes; Steffen, Carlos Alberto; Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes Results of a laboratory experiment retaling spectral reflectance total suspended solids 1991 Remote Sensing Environment 36 1 67-72 6833 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. This paper presents the results of a laboratory experiment performed to chose optimal wave-lengths for the estimation of total suspended solids (TSS)from remotely sensed water reflectance. The experimental method involved the determination of the water reflectance as produced by the simulation of different TSS concentrations. The results for the oxisoil sediment used in the experiment showed a linear correlation between spectral reflectance and TSS concentration. This correlation was statistically significant and constant from 450 to 900 nm, but the rate of change in the spectral reflectance with TSS concentration peaked in the red region of the spectrum. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 213 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ManéMeHyNoOkYoSo:1996:RePrDo Journal Article Mané, M.A. Mané, M.A.; Melfi, A.J.; Hydo, F.Y.; Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger; Okuno, E.; Yoshimura, E.M.; Souza, Edilberto Bezerra de Resultados preliminares de dosimetria gama ambiental na região de Irecê-BA 1996 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 68 4 615-616 8004 geofisica espacial, , radiação, raios gamas, dosimetria, radiação ionizante, fosfato, radiation, gamma rays, dosimeters, ionizing radiation, calcium phosphates (apatites). O objetivo do trabalho é estimar doses se radiação gama natural nos seres vivos, na região de Irecê (Bahia).A partir de medidas de concentrações de 40K e dos nuclídeos das séries do U e Th presentes no solo, é possível determinar a dose de radiação ionizante no ar, a 1 metro da superfície. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DGE DGE 985 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FreryMullYanaSant:1997:MoExHe Journal Article Frery, alejandro Cesar Frery, alejandro Cesar; Muller, H.J.; Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas; Santa'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira A model for extremely heterogeneous clutter 1997 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 35 3 648-659 8323 reconhecimento de padroes, retroespalhamento, agrupamento, modelos. A new class of distributions, distributions, arising from the multiplicative model is presented in this paper, along with their main properties and relations. Their densities are derived for complex and multilook intensity and amplitude data. Classical distributions, such as ,are particular cases of this new class. A special case of this class called here , that has as many parameters as distributions, is shown able to model extremely heterogeneous clutter, such as that of urban areas, that cannot be properly modeled with distributions. One of the parameters of this special case is related to the degree of homogeneity, and a limiting case is that of a scaled speckle. The advantage of the distribution becomes evident through the analysis of a variety of areas (urban, primary forest and deforested)from two sensors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1026 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MascarenhasBanoCand:1996:MuImDa Journal Article Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino Avila Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino Avila; Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Candeias, Ana Lucia Multispectral image data fusion under a baysian approach 1996 International Journal Remote Sensing 17 8 1457-1471 7518 Multispectral image data fusion is understood here as a process that generates synthetic images from a combination of primary images, by attempting to preserve the best characteristics of each primary image. The obtained product is important in helping the users of remote sensing in visual analysis. This paper describes a new method for multispectral image data fusion using a Bayesian framework. As an example, the method is applied to the synthesis of new bands for the SPOT satellite. The method comprises two steps: (a)a new interpolator for the multispectral bands, obtained through the orthogonality principle, and leading to the estimator and its covariance matrix, which will be used as a priori information for the second step; and (b)a new statistical synthesis formulation, also obtained through the orthogonality principle, using as observations the panchromatic and the multispectral bands. Experimental results with SPOT images over Guarulhos Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil, are presented, including both the interpolated multispectral bands and the synthetic bands. A discussion of the visual output also includes a comparison between the new interpolation process with conventional interpolators such as nearest neighbour and bilinear. Furthermore, the flexibility of the Bayesian interpolator is obtained through the possibility of using different horizontal and vertical correlation coefficients that adapt the model to the local characteristics of the image being interpolated. The proposed interpolation method also allows the use of a simple unsharp masking procedure, with improved visual edge delineation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 786 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Moreira:1991:ExDiEs Journal Article Moreira, Mauricio Alves Moreira, Mauricio Alves Expansao direta para estimar areas de soja e milho atraves de dados multiespectrais e temporais do LANDSAT/TM 1991 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 26 10 1607-1613 October 6303 agronomia, sensoriamento remoto, sistema de amostragem, estimativa de area, interpretacao visual. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a contribuicao de dados do LANDSAT/TM para estimar areas das culturas de soja e milho, com base em tecnicas de amostragem, atraves do Metodo de Expansao Direta. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Distrito Federal (area de 5.814 km2), o qual esta contido na orbita 221, ponto 71. A metodologia empregada consistiu em identificar e mapear areas de soja e milho de uma amostra de 135 unidades, estratificada segundo a intensidade de cultivo. Para esta etapa do trabalho utilizaram-se imagens em composicao colorida, das bandas 3,4 e 5 do sensor TM, escala 1:100.000, das passagens de 01.02.89 e 06.04.89. Os resultados da interpretacao visual foram utilizados no metodo de expansao direta para estimar a area total destas culturas no Distrito Federal. Os resultados obtidos neste procedimento permitiram concluir que: a)a metodologia adotada pode ser uma abordagem alternativa para estimar area de culturas agricolas onde nao ha cobertura aerofotografica ou existencia de fotos aerea muito antigas, o que dificultaria a utilizacao do metodo de expansao direta da maneira como e conduzido pelo IBGE (coleta de dados em campo), e b)o metodo, apesar de vantajoso, apresenta limitacoes relacionadas como o tipo de cultura e epoca de selecao de dados de satelites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 198 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GaloNovo:2000:MeInDa Journal Article Galo, Maria de Lourdes Bueno Trindade Galo, Maria de Lourdes Bueno Trindade; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Normalizacao radiometrica de imagens: um meio de integrar dados multitemprais de sensoriamento remoto para monitoramento ambiental 2000 Revista do Instituto Florestal 12 1 67-75 7506 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, monitoramento ambiental, resolucoes radiometricas, deteccao de mudancas, environmental monitoring, radiometric resolutions, change detection. As caracteristicas espaciais, espectrais, radiometricas e temporais das; imagens orbitais de sensoriamento remoto permitem sua utilizacao em muitas propostas de monitoraniento ambiental, tornando-as uma ferramenta efetiva para a deteccao de mudancas temporais na paisagein. Entretanto, na analise de dados multitemporais e necessario considerar as variacoes decorrentes dos efeitos atmosfericos, de iluminacao e dos parametros do sensor. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se um metodo de normalizacao radiometrica de dados multitemporais o qual, apesar de nao remover os efeitos das diferentes fontes de variacao, utiliza os proprios parametros. da cena para tornar as imagens comparaveis em relacao a uma data de referencia. Alem disso, com base em um experimento de a licacao da tecnica, mostra-se que uma escolha adequada da imagem de referencia para o procedimento de normalização, pode melhorar consideravelmente a visualizacao de cenas de baixo contraste e realçar feicoes que eram imperceptiveis na imagem original. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 29 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Batista:1994:RoReSe Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira Role of remopte sensing in large field experiments in Amazonia 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 12 1 35-38 6900 agronomia, . The Amazon Basin has an important role in the global climate due to its dimension. Change in forest cover impacts the hydrological and the biogeochemical cycles of the region. Deforestation with subsequent biomass burning and decomposition causes CO2 to be released to the atmosphere contributing to the greenhouse effect. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 590 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroCarvRudo:1997:NODaPr Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Carvalho, Vitor Celso de; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor NOAA-AVHRR data processing for the mapping of vegetation cover 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 3 671-677 8321 vegetacao, , satelites noaa, imagens noaa, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, cobertura vegetal, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada. The NOAA-AVHRR images have been widely used for global studies due to their low cost, suitable wavebands and high temporal resolution. Data from the AVHRR sensor (Bands 1 and 2)transformed to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)are the most common product used in global land cover studies. The purpose of this Letter is to present the vegetation, soil, and shade fraction images derived from AVHRR, in addition to NDVI, to monitor land cover. Six AVHRR images from the period of 21 to 26 June 1993 were composed and used to obtain the above mentioned products over Sao Paulo State, in the south-east of Brazil. Vegetation fraction component values were strongly correlated with NDVI values (r=0 95; n=60). Also, the fraction image presented a good agreement with the available global vegetation map of Sao Paulo State derived from Landsat TM images. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1024 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MirandaMassMarq:1996:AnOcLe Journal Article Miranda, Cristina Miranda, Cristina; Massa, Jose Luis; Marques, Cristiano C.A Analise da ocorrencia de leishmaniose tegumentar americana atraves de imagem obtidas por sensoriamento remoto orbital em localidade urbana da regiao sudeste do Brasil 1996 Revista Saude Publica 30 5 433-437 7516 monitoramento ambiental, leishmaniose mucocutanea, epidemiologia. As areas onde, segundo notificacao, ocorreram casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana, na regiao de Lagoinha, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil (Lat 23 05 S;Lon 45 11), nos anos de 1993 e 1994, foram localizadas numa imagem do satelite TM-LANDSAT. A composicao colorida artificial feita com as bandas 3, 4 e 5 da imagem permitiu a identificacao de vegetacao arbustiva, ou dentro dos limites indicados para aquelas localidades ou a distancia maxima de cerca de 250 metros do perimetro de cada area. A utilizacao de um recurso capaz de possibilitar uma visao mais abrangente de uma area geografica tornou evidente as vantagens do sensoriamento remoto orbital para o estudo desta endemia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 784 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuckmanFrerYanaGroo:1997:TeInAi Journal Article Luckman, A.J. Luckman, A.J.; Frery, Alejandro Cesar; Yanasse, Corina da Costa freitas; Groom, G.B Texture in airborne SAR imagery of tropical forest and its relationship to forest regeneration stage 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 6 1333-1349 8319 processamento digital de imagens, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, campanha sarex, floresta tropical, analise de texturas. At C-band, SAR imagery often exhibits little variation in mean amplitude between different types of natural land cover. However, there is frequently a large amount of information to be found in the textural properties of such imagery, especially when it is acquired at high spatial resolution. This textural information may be useful in observing processes that affect the homogeneity of land surface vegetation such as the staged succession of regenerating tropical forest following human disturbance which is characterized by the gradual decrease in canopy homogeneity as regrowth species are succeeded by hardwood species. In this study, three techniques of measuring the texture in C-band airborne SAR imagery from a tropical forest region in central Brazil are compared. The dependence of these measures on the stage of forest regeneration is assessed by using a temporal sequence of Landsat TM imagery to independently estimate the age of regrowth. Each texture measure is able to discriminate well between different ages of regrowth appears possible but is difficult to demonstrate quantitatively because a satisfactory validation of regeneration age is difficult to achieve. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1022 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SilvaPonz:1995:CoEnRe Journal Article Silva, Edileuza Lopes Sette Silva, Edileuza Lopes Sette; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Comparacao entre a reflectancia hemisferica de folhas e a reflectancia bidirecional de um dossel 1995 Revista Arvore 19 4 467-478 October 7514 vegetacao, reflectancia espectral, dosseis. Foram coletadas folhas de especies pertencentes a um dossel arboreo da Reserva Florestal ""Prof. Augusto Ruschi"", localizada no Municipio de Sao Jose dos Campos (SP), cujos fatores de reflectancia hemisferica foram determinados mediante o uso de um radiometro dotado de esfera integradora. Esses fatores foram comparados com aqueles referentes a reflectancia direcional aparente do dossel do qual as folhas faziam parte. Essa reflectancia foi estimada por intermedio de dados orbitais TM/Landsat. Os resultados indicaram que, em termos espectrais (e relativos), as especies foram mais diferenciadas entre si nas regioes do verde e do vermelho. Considerando-se o fator de reflectancia medio das especies e a reflectancia aparente do dossel, as maiores diferencas absolutas foram identificadas na regiao do infravermelho, enquanto, em termos relativos, as maiores diferencas o foram na regiao do visivel. No uso do fator de reflectancia hemisferica de folhas, como parametro de entrada de modelos de reflectancia de dosseis, deve-se levar em consideracao as diferencas relativas e absolutas entre as reflectancias das folhas e a reflectancia do dossel, a epoca da avaliacao de seus desempenhos. Pelos resultados alcancados neste trabalho, espera-se que os modelos dotados de tais caracteristicas apresentem desempenhos melhores na regiao do visivel. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 782 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioForm:1991:SeReTr Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Sensoriamento remoto de tres parametros agronomicos de trigo e de feijao 1991 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 26 10 1615-1624 October 6316 agronomia. Os indices de vegetacao estao entre as abordagens mais utilizadas no sensoriamento remoto de culturas agricolas. Neste trabalho utilizam-se, alem da banda TM4, a razao simples (RS)e o indice perpendicular de vegetacao (PVI), obtidos a partir de dados espectrais do sensor TM/Landsat-5. Os dados orbitais foram corrigidos quando aos efeitos radiometricos e atmosfericos. Os parametros agronomicos do trigo e do feijao foram: indice de area foliar (IAF), a percentagem de cobertura vegetal sobre o terreno (COV)e a densidade de clorofila, coletados em plantacoes comerciais irrigadas. Constatou-se haver relacoes de interesse agronomicos das duas culturas, trigo e feijao. Isto evidencia a possibilidade de estimacao das condicoes de vigor de uma uma cultura a partir de dados orbitais. Em determinado momento do ciclo cultural, os parametros biofisicos atingem valores em que as relacoes com as variaveis espectrais tornam-se assintoticas, enquanto seria ideal ocorrerem relacoes lineares. O PVI propicia melhores condicoes de minimizacao do efeito dos solos na resposta espectral da vegetacao, em relacao as bandas individuais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 204 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WeigangSaGalvBevi:1998:PrLePa Journal Article Weigang, Li Weigang, Li; Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu; Galvao, Geraldo pereira; Bevilaqua, Rute Maria Prediction of the level of Paraguay river using neural networks 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1791-1797 October 8316 estudo do sinal geofisica, , redes neurais. Backpropagation neural networks are implemented for prediction of the level of Paraguay River at Ladario city, MS. Using 274 monthly mean values, the trained network predicts the levels of the four next months with relative errors smaller than 17. For some special points, the prediction results also show that the neural network method seems to be usefull to predict time series related to phenomena influenced by complex climatic and geophysical processes, and it does not deal directly with causal relationships involved in the phenomena studied. A discussion about the variability of the estimation errors for different predicted data is carried out here. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DCM DCM 1019 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbdonVilPotPotSil:1998:UtDaAn Journal Article Abdon, Myrian de Moura Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos; Pott, Vali Joana; Pott, Arnildo; Silva, Marta Pereira Utilizacao de dados analogicos do Landsat-TM na discriminacao da vegetacao de parte da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia no Pantanal 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero especial 1799-1813 October 8317 vegetacao, , mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, mapeamento, sistema de posicionamento global, gps, sistemas de informacao geografica, sig, carta de vegetacao, manejo pecuario. Objetivou-se discriminar, a partir de dados analogicos do satelite Landsat-TM, as fitofisionomias de parte da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia, a fim de auxiliar o manejo pecuario e da vida silvestre. A area caracteriza-se por apresentar variacoes na densidade da vegetacao, na composicao floristica e na umidade do solo. Utilizou-se imagem na escala de 1:50.000, obtida no periodo de seca (21/10/90). O metodo utilizado constou de interpretacao visual da imagem Landsat. Selecionaram-se pontos com diferentes tipos de vegetacao, em campo e nas imagens com auxiliio do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS). Em doze pontos efetuaram-se o levantamento da composicao floristica e a caracterizacao estrutural das formacoes arboreas. Gerou-se uma carta de vegetacao na escala de 1:50.000, em que se encontram diferenciadas as seguintes fitofisionomias: 1)Cerradao; 2)Cerrado ou Cerrado denso; 3)Cerrado aberto; 4)Campo com manchas de cerrado; 5)Campo; 6)Vazante com caapoes de mata; 7)Vegetacao aquatica/arbustiva. Os produtos espacializados foram armazenados no Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG). Os resultados demonstraram ser bastante adequados para diferenciar os diversos tipos de cobertura vegetal presentes na regiao e fornecer importantes subsidios para caracterizacao e manejo das grandes propriedades rurais, bem como da vida silvestre. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1020 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVitoForm:1997:ReSpRe Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Soares Galvao, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Relationships of spectral reflectance and color among surface and subsurface horizons of tropical soil profiles 1997 Remote Sensing of Environment 61 1 24-33 7507 vegetacao, reflectancia espectral, solos, reflectancia bidirecional. The reflectance spectra (400-2500 nm)and color attributes of samples from the major horizons of six soil classes with broad distribution in Brazil were analyzed for intrinsic relationships (principal components analysis)as well as for correlations with chemical components. The objective was to detect the spectral changes with depth that are related to the soil chemical properties, thus improving the pedological characterization of the soil profile and vertically extending the links between topsoil properties and remote sensing data. The albedo (first principal component)differentiated the studied soil profiles in all horizons and was inversely related to Fe2O3 (total iron), TiO2, and Al2O3 contents. The spectral variability within each soil profile was associated with changes in the shape (slope)of the spectra (second principal component). Such changes produced ratio values between longer and shorter wavelengths that tended to decrease with depth because of the increasing quantities of clay components, and the interplay between iron and carbon, respectively. Thus, in each profile, the albedo was generally preserved, but the shape of the spectra was not, except for soils with very low albedo. Hematite-rich soils were distinguished from goethite-rich soils by the redness index, which was estimated from the three color parameters: dominant wavelength, purity, and luminance. The results suggested that the use of spectroradiometers to measure reflectance of samples from several horizons can expedite soil surveys, and also optimize laboratory analysis for soil chemical evaluation. Also, they can be important to characterize the relative distribution of some soil constituents in large unvegetated areas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 779 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PiresNovo:1991:UsTMDa Journal Article Pires, J.S.R. Pires, J.S.R.; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Use of TM/Landsat data to identify silting areas in the Tucurui Reservoir 1991 Ciencia e Cultura 43 5 385-387 September 6312 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. Areas of higt silting rate within the Tucurui reservoir were identifield by integrating limnological data to radiometric data collected by the Earth resources satellite Landsat/Thematic Mapper sensor. Limnological data were analyzed for three years following the reservoir filling. The satellite images were also analyzed for the same period, during the dry season. Optically distinct water masser were identified through Landsat image analyses. The optical differences were related to the total suspended solids and the region subject to high silting rates was identified. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SouzaMart:2000:AnTeIm Journal Article Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e; Martini, Paulo Roberto Reservas indigenas e fronteiras agricolas na Chapada dos Parecis (MT): uma analise temporal por imagens TM-Landsat 2000 Estudos Avancados 14 40 251-259 6210 planejamento digital de imagens, , sistema de processamento de informacoes georreferenciadas, spring, modelo linear de mistura espectral, desmatamento, desflorestamento, uso da terra, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, analise temporal, reservas indigenas, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, planejamento regional, deflorestation. A regiao da Chapada dos Parecis, estado do Mato Grosso, vem sendo submetida desde o inicio da decada de 60 a um acelerado processo de ocupacao, fruto da expansao das fronteiras agricolas para a Amazonia Ocidental. Os eixos principais sao duas estradas federais: a BR 364 que, deixando Cuiaba no Mato Grosso, se estende atualmente ate a fronteira com o Peru, passando por Porto Velho em Rondonia e Rio Branco no Acre; a BR 163 que, deixando Cuiaba, segue para Santarem no estado do Para. As estradas foram perenizadas em meados dos anos 60 para uma rapida interiorizacao da pane da Amazonia Legal. compreendida pelos estados do Mato Grosso, Rondonia e Acre. Em se tratando de um ambiente geomorfico apropriado para desenvolvimento de agricultura ostensiva e mecanizada, os Parecis foram aceleradamente ocupados por grandes propriedades agrícolas dedicadas principalrnente a cultura de graos como soja e arroz. Neste processo tambem aconteceu o estabelecimento rapido de novos municipios, uma grande parte deles com menos de 30 anos, como Comodoro, Sapezal, Juina, Campos Novos, Sinop, Sorriso e tantos outros, criados a partir dos eixos de ocupacao instalados pelos rodovias mencionadas. A instalacao dos municipios trouxe a necessidade tambem de se estabelecer limites para as reservas indigenas a fim de serem preservadas sua cultura e sua natividade. Assim, no estabelecimento da diretriz original da BR 364, ou seja, no planejamento da rodovia o tracado se preocupava com os limites de algumas reservas ja entao definidas como por exemplo a Reserva Nambikwara, talvez a maior dos Parecis. A Reserva Enawene-Nawe foi outra area de preservacao dos Parecis, criada mais para o final da decada de 70, com limites controlados em pane pela importante rodovia estadual (MT 319)que liga Vilhena a Juina. Ambas sao exemplos de reservas cujos limites Abstract: PARECIS Plateau in the State of Mato Grosso has been submitted to an intense process of occupation for the last thirty years. Through this work a temporal analysis is done on the borders of Nambikwara and Enawene-Nawe which are two of several other indian reservations that are distributed over the Parecis Plateau. The study analyses the spatial distribution of the reservation boundaries and the expanding nearer cropfields. TM-LANDSAT images collected in June of 1984 and May/June of 1997 we me main data support. The general procedures included: digitizing the reservation bounds; conforming cartographic bases and projections; registering images and maps; linear model of spectral mixture; analysis. Results show that the reservation boundaries are getting closer and are often trespassed by cropfields bounds. Trespassed boundaries were depicted in the northwestern edge of Enawene-Nawe along the route that links Vilhena to Juina (route MT 319). The spatial distribution of the roads in the region showed that the vicinals were the main vectors of the process that need to be continuously observed. The results allow recommending the application of the same procedures elsewhere in the country. The experience also allows anticipating that the same methodology can be used even for reservations poorly known or known just by preliminary surveys or descriptive memorials. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 23 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HernandezFoPonzPere:1998:MaFiUs Journal Article Hernandez Filho, Pedro Hernandez Filho, Pedro; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Pereira, Madalena Niero Mapeamento da fitofisionomia e do uso da terra de parte da bacia do Alto Taquari mediante o uso de imagens TM/Landsat e HRV/SPOT 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero especial 1755-1762 October 8312 vegetacao, , mapeamento, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, uso da terra, spot (satelite fraces), imagens spot, maxima verossimilhanca, sistemas de informacao geografica, sgi, sig, sistema de posicionamento global, gps. Imagens TM/Landsat referentes a duas epocas do ano e HRV/SPOT foram utilizadas nos mapeamentos fitofisionomico e de uso da terra de parte da bacia do Alto Taquari (MS). Imagens analogicas foram dispostas sob a forma de composicoes coloridas (TM3B, TM4R e TM5G; HRV1B, HRV2R e HRV3G). Estas imagens foram interpretadas visualmente, procurando-se identificar os seguintes itens: 1)Campo; 2)Cerrado; 3)Cerradao; 4)Cerrado + mata aluvial; 5)mata aluvial; 6)formacao alterada; 7)areas destinadas a agropecuaria; 8)culturas agricolas implantadas; e 9)espelho d'agua. A avaliacao dos desempenhos dos dois produtos revelou uma ligeira superioridade dos produtos HRV/SPOT em relacao aos produtos TM/Landsat. A area referente a uma das folhas topograficas (Pedro Gomes)foi considerada no processamento das imagens digitais TM/Landsat. Aplicou-se a tecnica de componentes principais para a elaboracao de duas novas imagens. Seguiu-se a classificacao digital pelo algoritmo Maxver (Maxima Verossimilhanca), cujo resultado foi introduzido no banco de dados mencionado sob a forma de um Plano de Informacao (PI). O PI referente a interpretacao visual da folha Pedro Gomes foi entao comparado com o PI desta mesma folha, elaborado a partir da classificacao digital pela estatistica Kappa. Os resultados indicaram pouca similaridade entre os dois PIs. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1017 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NoernbergNovoKrug:1999:VaLi Journal Article Noernberg, Mauricio Almeida Noernberg, Mauricio Almeida; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Krug, Thelma Aplicacao de sistemas radar no monitoramento de infestacoes de planta aquaticas em reservatorios: vantagens e limitacoes 1999 Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas 5 : 41-51 8876 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, monitoramento do meio ambiente, reservatorio, sistemas aquaticos, vegetacao aquaticas, qualidade da agua, imagem de radar, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, environmental monitoring, reservoirs, sythetic aperture radar. 0 monitoramento de processos dinamicos em reservatorios artificiais e uma necessidade para a manutencao da estabilidade da cadeia trofica e da qualidade da agua nos reservatorios. 0 uso de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto tem-se apresentado como uma ferramenta importante para tal, devido a sua capacidade de proporcionar visao sinoptica do estado do reservatorio. Imagens de radar mostram-se particularmente interessantes para o monitoramento de processos dinamicos em reservatorios, principalmente em regioes tropicais, visto que estas imagens nao sofrem interferencia das condicoes meteorologicas. Este trabalho apresenta uma discussao sobre o potencial e as limitacoes do uso de dados de radar no estudo de plantas aquaticas em reservatorios. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1212 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViladaSilvaAbdoSilvRome:1998:LeDeNo Journal Article Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos; Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Silva, Marta Pereira; Romero, Hilda Ribeiro Levantamento do desmatamento no Pantanal Brasileiro ate 1990/91 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1739-1745 October 8310 vegetacao, , sistemas de informacao geografica, sig, sistema de processamento de imagens georreferenciadas, spring, sgi, desmatamento, sistema de posicionamento global, gps, fotografia aerea, mapeador tematico(landsat), imagens landsat. O trabalho envolveu 138.183 km2 de area referente ao Pantanal localizado no Brasil, com o objetivo de mapear e quantificar as areas desmatadas ate 1990/91, na escala de 1:250.000. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da interpretacao de imagens de satelite, observacoes no campo (terrestre e aerea), e do uso de dois Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG's)e do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS). Realizaram-se interpretacoes visuais de imagens do TM-Landsat na escala de 1:250.000, em composicao colorida (3B, 4G, 5R), do ano de 1990/91. Destas interpretacoes extrairam-se as areas com padroes caracteristicos de desmatamento e as areas onde a vegetacao nativa foi substituida por vegetacao exotica. Por meio de sobrevoo obtiveram-se fotografias obliquas de 35 mm para verificacao das informacoes e, por via terrestre, as areas visitadas foram fotogradas, posicionadas pelo GPS, identificadas e marcadas nos mapas de trabalho e de imagens. Ao final do trabalho elaboram-se os mapas dos 16 municipios que compoem o Pantanal, com a delimitacao planalto/planicie e as manchas de desmatamentos no interior da planicie. Essas informacoes foram armazenadas e manipuladas nos SIG's (SGI-INPE e SPRING). A area desmatada no Pantanal, no ano de 1990/91, foi quantificada em 5.437,73 km2, ou 3,9 da area do Pantanal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1015 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoShim:1994:SpMiAn Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Spectral mixture analysis of inland tropical waters 1994 International Journal of Remote Sensing 15 6 1351-1356 6829 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, analise ambiental. This letter results of experiments conducted to assess the use of linear mixing models to unmix the reflectance spectra of water. The model was tested with 11 reflectance spectra measured at Tucurui reservoir, Brazilian Amazon. The results showed that fraction of chlorophyll reflectance accounting for the reflectance spectra of the various samples corrlate significantly withthe cholorophyll concentration in the 600 to 700 nm spectral region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 578 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PARADANova:1984:EMDESE Journal Article PARADA,N.J. PARADA,N.J.; Novaes, Rene Antonio O EMPREGO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO NO BRASIL 1984 Revista SELPER, 5043 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 924024 1039 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PARADANOVA:1984:SENOBR Journal Article PARADA,N.J. PARADA,N.J.; NOVAES,R.A. A SELPER NO BRASIL 1984 Revista SELPER, 5044 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 924024 1040 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KuxMaxiSaad:1999:EsTeAg Journal Article Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich; Maximo, Orlando A; Saad, A.M Estimativa do teor de agua no solo utilizando dados de radar de abertura sintetica 1999 Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo 23 3 745-752 8871 vegetacao, umidade do solo, solo, milho, modelos preditivos, radar de abertura sintetica, sar, monitoramento do meio ambiente, imagens de radar, environmental monitoring, synthetic aperture radar, retrieval models, water content. Em virtude da crescente demanda mundial por alimentos, um monitoramento eficaz e em larga escala da umidade do solo constitui fator de grande importancia para a previsao de safras. Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar uma tecnica para o calculo do teor de agua no solo, utilizando modelos preditivos de umidade do solo, baseados em dados de radar de abertura sintetica (SAR). Foram utilizados dados do SAR a bordo do JERS-1 (""Japanese Earth Resources Satenite"")e dois modelos empiricos. 0 primeiro relaciona o coeficiente de retroespalhamento com a permissividade complexa (modelo de Dubois), e o segundo relaciona a perinissividade complexa com o teor de agua do solo e algumas de suas caracteristicas fisico-hidricas, tais como percentagem de areia e argila (modelo de Hallikainen). Inicialmente, os dados do SAR/JERS-1 foram calibrados e, por meio do modelo de Dubois, foram calculados os valores de permissividade complexa. Para tanto, foi necessario inserir niveis estimados de rugosidade do solo. A partir destes resultados, utilizou-se o modelo de Hallikainen para calcular a umidade volumetrica. A analise geral dos resultados indica que a tecnica de estimaçao de umidade do solo a partir de imagens de radar de abertura sintetica, utilizada neste estudo, mostrou-se fisica e matematicamente exequivel. No entanto, apresentou uma precisao moderada, nao sendo ainda recomendada para o uso operacional no mapeamento de umidade do solo. A analise dos resultados revelou tambem que a precisao dos dados e bastante influenciada pela precisao dos valores de rugosidade introduzidos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1209 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoreiraAnguRudo:1999:EfUsRa Journal Article Moreira, Mauricio Alves Moreira, Mauricio Alves; Angulo Filho, R.; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Eficiencia do uso da radiacao e indice de colheita em trigo submetido a estresse hidrico em diferentes estadios de desenvolvimento 1999 Revista Scientia Agricola 56 3 597-603 July 8872 agronomia, estresse hidrigo, radiacao, trigo, indice de colheita, estresse hidrico, radicao, radiation, drought stress, wheat, havest index. Durante a safra de Inverno de 1995 conduziu-se um experimento de campo, em Piracicaba, SP, para analisar a eficiencia do uso da radiacao ( ) e o índice de colheita (IC)do cultivar de trigo IAC287 'YACO', quando submetido ao estresse hidrico em diferentes estadios de desenvolvimento da cultura. 0 delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e tres repeticoes. 0 estresse hidrico foi aplicado nas fases de perfilhamento, espigamento, enchimento de graos e maturacao. A eficiencia do uso da radiacao para producao de fitomassa ( ) foi reduzida em 22,8 e 15,4em relacao a testemunha, quando o estresse hidrico foi aplicado durante as fases de perfilhamento e de enchimento de graos, respectivamente. 0 estresse hidrico, quando aplicado durante as fases de perfilhamento, espigamento e enchimento de graos, reduziu a eficiencia do uso da radiacao para a producao de graos ( ) em 21,1; 22,2 e 22,2respectivamente, em relacao a testemunha. Com relacao ao IC, o efeito do estresse hidrico foi maior quando aplicado durante o enchimento de graos, cuja reducao em relacao a testemunha foi de 19,1Uma reducao do IC, em relacao a testemunha, tambem foi observada, em menor intensidade, quando o estresse hidrico foi aplicado nas fases de espigamento (7,5p < 0,05)e de maturacao (7,9p < 0,05). ABSTRACT: During the winter season of 1995 a field experiment was conducted In Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, to analyse the radiation use efficiency ( ) and the harvest Index (IC)of the wheat cultivar IAC-287 'YACO', when submitted to drought stress at different growth stages. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with five treatments and three replicates. Thedrought stress was applied during tillering, booting, grain filling and ripening stages. The radiation use efficiency for fitomass production ( ) was reduced by 22.8 and 15.4 when compared to the control treatment, for drought stress applied during tillering and booting stages, respectively. The drought stress, when applied during tillering, booting and grain filling stages, reduced the radiation use efficiency for grain production ( ) by 21.1, 22.2 and 22.2, respectively, when compared to the control treatment. With regard to the harvest index (IC), the drought stress effect had a major Impact on the grain filling stage, being reduced by 19.1 when compared to the control treatment. A less intense reduction of the harvest index, when compared to the control treatment, was also observed, when drought stress was applied during booting (7.5, p < 0.05)and ripening stages (7.9, p < 0.05). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1210 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Florenzano:1998:ImTMHR Journal Article Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti Imagens TM-Landsat e HRV-SPOT na elaboracao de cartas geomorfologicas de uma regiao do rio Taquari, MS 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1721-1727 October 8308 , geomorfologia, mapeador tematico (landsat), cartas geomorfologicas, satelites spot (frances), imagens spot, imagens landsat. Avaliou-se a contribuicao das imagens TM-Landsat e HRV-SPOT na elaboracao de cartas geomorfologicas de uma regiao do rio Taquari, Mato Grosso do Sul. Analisaram-se imagens analogicas e digitais do TM e HRV, de diferentes periodos de aquisicao. Aos dados digitais foram aplicadas tecnicas de realce de imagens e obtidas composicoes coloridas multiespectrais. A analise e interpretacao das imagens TM, HRV e das cartas topograficas, alem das informacoes de campo, possibilitaram identificar nove unidades de relevo, agrupadas em tres categorias de acordo com a morfogenese: formas estruturais/denudacionais (escarpas), formas denudacionais (pedimentos, tabuleiros, colinas e relevos residuais)e formas de acumulacao (planicies fluviais e planicie do pantanal, esta subdividida em pouco umida, umida e muito umida). As formas de relevo de origem estrutural/denudacional e denudacional foram caracterizadas de acordo com os niveis de dissecacao e classes de amplitude de relevo e declividade. A partir dos resultados conclui-se que as imagens TM e HRV permitem elaborar cartas geomorfologicas da area de estudo, na escala de 1:100.000. Entretanto, o apoio das cartas topograficas e fundamental na definicao mais precisa dos limites das unidades de relevo, bem como na caracterizacao morfometrica destas unidades. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1013 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerVers:1994:PoReNo Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Verstraete, M.M. Fire and glint in AVHRR's channel 3: a possible reason for the non-saturation mystery 1994 International Journal of Remote Sensing v.15 3 711-718 6827 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, queimadas, noaa-11, avhrr. Evidence from a very strong and rare case of sunglint in a NOAA-11 AVHRR image is used to show that a problem exists in the on-board signal processing of channel 3. This problem, associated only with targets of high reflectivity and/or temperature, causes erroneous indication of digital counts (DN)and calculated brightness temperatures for near-saturation ranges in channel 3 images. The explanation proposed, a spurious conversion fo the sensor signal to DNs fits observations of sunglint and fire detection data in AVHRR images of the NOAA-series satellites which could not otherwise be explained. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 576 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniShim:1998:CaMaMG Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Relacao entre indices de vegetacao (NDVI e SAVI)e parametros biometricos de plantios de eucalyptus sp. em Cachoeira do Manteiga MG 1998 Revista Arvore 22 3 357-366 8869 vegetacao, , indice de vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, biomassa, floresta, parametros biofisicos, indice de area foliar, iaf, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, eucaliptos, vegetation indices, biomass, biophysical parameters, savi, leaf area index, lai, thematic mappers (landsat), landsat images. Foram coletados dados radiometricos referentes a amplitude espectral compreendida entre 400 e 1.100 nm, por mao de um radiometro SPECTRON-SE 590 colocado a bordo de um helicóptero ESQUILO, de plantios de Eucalyplus urophy11a e Eucakyptus canaldulensis localizados em Cachoeira do Manteiga-MG. As imagens TM/Landsat foram transformadas em imagensreflectancia e calibradas, utilizando os dados radiometricos coletados com o helicotero. Os idices de vegetacao (NDVI e SAVI)foram determinados a partir dos dados coletados nesses dois níveis de aquisicao, os quais foram correlacionados com os dados biometricos (indice de area foliar - IAF, volume de madeira, area basal e número de arvores)estimados em campo. Os resultados indicaram a viabilidade de estimar os dados biometricos a partir de valores de IAF, em campo. Os NDVIs determinados por meio dos dados orbitais mostraram-se mais correlacionados com os dados biometricos que os SAVIs. A atenuacao do efeito do solo mostrou-se desnecessaria para as condicoes dos plantios considerados. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1207 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViladaSilvaAbdo:1998:DePaBr Journal Article Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos; Abdon, Myrian de Moura Delimitacao do Pantanal Brasileiro e suas sub-regioes 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1703-1711 October 8306 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, < pantanal>, landsat 5, inundacao, delimitacao, sistema global de posicionamento, gps, dados cartograficos, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat. Objetiva-se delimitar e quantificar a planicie do Pantanal no Brasil, na escala de 1:250.000, suas sub-regioes e a participacao estadual e municipal nessa regiao. Os criterios adotados na delimitacao foram os aspectos relacionados a inundacao, relevo, solo e vegetacao. Os materiais utilizados foram os estudos anteriores relacionados a delimitacao fisiografica do Pantanal, Sistema Global de Posicionamento (GPS), mapas municipais estatisticos, cartas topograficas e imagens coloridas do satelite Landsat 5 TM, ambos na escala de 1:250.000, apoiados em trabalhos de campo. A extracao das informacoes foi feita a partir de metodos de interpretacao visual das imagens. Os criterios adotados mostrarams-e consistentes na delimitacao, e a inundacao e o relevo foram os de maior importancia. A bacia do Alto Paraguai foi quantificada em 361.666 km2 e o Pantanal no Brasil, em 138.183 Km2, ou seja, 38,21 da area da bacia. Determinou-se a participacao de 16 municipios na composicao da area fisiografica do Pantanal, sendo sete municipios no Estado de Mato Grosso, ocupando 35,36 da area do Pantanal, e nove municipios no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, ocupando 64,64 da area do Pantanal. O Pantanal ficou subdividido em 11 sub-regioes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1011 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvãoPizzEpip:2001:VaInRe Journal Article Galvão, Lenio Soares Galvão, Lenio Soares; Pizzaro, Marco Antonio; Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves Variations in reflectance of tropical soils spectral-chemical composition relationships from AVIRIS data 2001 Remote Sensing of Environment 75 2 245-255 5995 agronomia, variacoes, reflectância espectral, amostra de solo, composicao química, variation, spectral reflectance, soil sampling, chemical composition. The relationships between Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)surface reflectance values and constituents (total iron, organic matter, TiO2, Al2O3, and SiO2)of samples representative of three important soil types from central Brazil [Terra Roxa Estruturada (S TE), Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (SLE), and Areia Quartzosa (SAQ)] were analyzed. End member spectra for green vegetation (GV), nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV), water (W), and the three soil types were selected by inspecting scatter plots derived from the principal components analysis (PCA)of 140 AVIRIS bands. They were then used to compose a six end member unmixing model to characterize the spectral reflectance variations associated with the different scene components, the spatial distribution of the soil types, and the effects of spectral mixing on the spectral-chemical composition relationships. Finally, regression equations fitted to soil constituents and their highly correlated spectral bands were used to produce maps showing the chemical variability in the scene for areas dominated by the presence of exposed soils, as indicated by the results from the unmixing model. The results showed a very good agreement between the spatial variability of the soil types and of the soil constituents. The largest squared correlation results were obtained for Fe2O3, TiO2, and Al2O3, but the relationships were affected in the transition from the red to the near-infrared interval by the presence of nonsoil residues (e.g., senescent vegetation or litter)over the soil surfaces. In comparison with the light and loamy sand SAQ, the dark-red clay STE and SLE presented higher contents of Fe2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2, and consequently lower overall reflectance in the scene, because of the presence of greater amounts of opaque minerals. The prediction of these constituents from remote sensing data and their close association with the spatial distribution of the different soil types demonstrate the importance of the present investigation for soil mapping and soil erosion studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 14 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniGonc:1999:SpFeAs Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Goncalves, J.L.M. Spectral features associated with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium deficiencies in Eucalyptus saligna seedling leaves 1999 International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 11 2249-2264 8867 vegetacao, resolucao espectral, resolucao radiometrica, reflectancia espectral, estresse de planta, radiometria, eucaliptos, radiometria, eucaliptos, analise espectroscopica, spectroscopic analysis, spectral resolution, radiometrical resolution, spectral reflectance, plant stres, radiometry. Nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P)and potassium (K)deficiency symptoms were induced in Eucalyptus saligna seedlings. Leaves of these seedlings were measured radiometricaly in order to characterize spectrally the symptoms. It was used the SPECTRON SE-590, linked to a LICOR integrating sphere, running at 0.4 to 0.09 spectral range. The results indicated that only the symptoms related with K deficiency could be spectrally detected in the visible region. The time lag from the beginning of the experiment was fundamental to characterize the symptoms, due to the synergism of the symptoms related with mineral deficiencies. The SPECTRON SE-590 fine spectral resolution proved unnecessary to spectrally characterize the symptoms. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BetencurtSant:1982:UsSeRe Journal Article Betencurt, Juan Jose Verdesio Betencurt, Juan Jose Verdesio; Santos, Joao Roberto dos O uso de sensores remotos como abordagem ao conhecimento da vegetacao natural 1982 Roessleria 4 2 146-161 1279 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 214 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbdonPottVila:1998:AvCoPl Journal Article Abdon, Myrian de Moura Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Pott, Vali Joana; Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos Avaliacao da cobertura por plantas aquaticas em lagoas da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia no Pantanal por meio de dados Landsat e SPOT 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1675-1681 October 8303 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , plantas aquaticas, lagoas, canais, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, satelites spot (frances), imagens spot, avaliacao. Avaliaram-se, por meio de sensores no espectro optico, areas ocupadas por plantas aquaticas nas lagoas e nos canais de escoamento temporario de agua. A area de estudo faz parte da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia e caracteriza-se por apresentar lagoas de agua doce, de agua salobra, salinas, corixos e vazantes, que sao temporariamente ocupados por plantas aquaticas e algas. Utilizaram-se imagens digitais do Thematic Mapper (TM)do satelite Landsat, datada de 26/08/93 e HRV-SPOT, datada de 12/06/87. Realizou-se um sobrevoo na area de estudo para obtencao de fotos 35 mm de algumas baias, e realizaram-se trabalhos de campo para levantamento de informacoes sobre distribuicao espacial e composicao floristica das plantas aquaticas nas baias. Algoritmos de classificacao deterministicos (fatiamento)e probabilisticos (maxima verossimilhanca)foram aplicados em baias selecionadas. Areas com predominancia de Salvinia auriculata e Scirpus cubensis foram bem discriminadas. A presenca de plantas aquaticas foi facilmente observada nas bandas 4 e 5 do Landsat. No entanto, a dificuldade encontrada em diferenciar areas ocupadas por plantas aquaticas, pela utilizacao de dados com resolucao espacial de 20 e 30 metros, sugere que estudos com fotografias aereas e radiometros possam levar a resultados mais detalhados. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1008 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CâmaraNeto:2000:AsRoNo Journal Article Câmara Neto, Gilberto Câmara Neto, Gilberto As roupas novas do imperador 2000 Revista InfoGeo 12 : 24-26 5897 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geográfica, geographic information systems. Em 1994, publiquei o artigo ""Anatomia de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica"", que apresentava os diferentes componentes da tecnologia de Geoprocessamento, e analisava o que ofereciam alguns dos sistemas disponíveis no mercado. Neste artigo, pretendo atualizar esta visão geral, e explicar o que mudou desde então. Também espero preparar o leitor para o debate ""O Futuro do GIS"", que será realizado como parte do GeoBrasil 2.000, em junho na cidade de São Paulo, em que esperamos a presença de representantes da ORACLE, Intergraph e SmallWord, além deste colunista. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 12 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SippelHamiMelaNovo:1998:PaMiOb Journal Article Sippel, S.J. Sippel, S.J.; Hamilton, S.K.; Melack, J.M.; Novo,Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Passive microwave observations of floodplain inundation in the Amazon River floodplain 1998 International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 16 3055-3074 8863 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , inundacao, microondas, microwave radiometers, amazon region, flood plains, open chanel flow, water flow. Inundation patterns in Amazon River floodplains are revealed by analysis of the 37Ghz polarization difference observed by the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer on the Nimbus-7 satellite. Flooded area is estimated at monthly intervals for January 1979 through August 1987 using mixing models that account for the major landscape units with distinctive microwave emission characteristics. Results are presented separately for 12 longitudinal reaches along the Amazon River main stem in Brazil as well as for three major tributaries (the Jurua, Purus and Madeira rivers). The total area along the Amazon River main stem that was flooded (including both floodplain and open water)varied between 19 000 and 91000 km2. The correlation between flooded area and river stage is used to develop a predictive relationship and reconstruct regional inundation patterns in the floodplain of the Amazon River main stem over the past 94 years of stage records (1903-1996). The mean flooded area along the Amazon River during this 94-year period was 46800km2, of which the openwater surfaces of river channels and floodplain lakes comprised about 20 700 Km2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasPara:1997:InDaAe Journal Article Dias, R.R. Dias, R.R.; Paradella, Waldir Renato Integracao de dados aereos gamaespectrometricos com imagens TM-Landsat no mapeamento geologico da area do Pojuca, Povincia Mineral de Carajas 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 15 1 23-33 8301 geologia, , mapeador tematico (landsat), satelites landsat, produto digital integrado, gamaespectrometria, imagens landsat. Esta pesquisa enfoca a integracao digital de dados aereo-gamaespectrometricos com dados TM-Landsat no mapeamento geologico da area do Pojuca, Provincia Mineral de Carajas (Regiao Amazonica). A area de estudo esta relacionada com gnaisses, metassedimetnose metavulcanicas de idade Arqueana e granitos anorogenicos do Proterozoico Medio. A cobertura vegetal e tipica de floresta tropical umida de terra firme. A integracao dos dados TM-Landsat e gamaespectrometricos produz produtos realcados, os quais mostram os relacionamentos espaciais entre morfologia do terreno e radioatividade do substrato, que sao indicadores valiosos da distribuicao de unidades litologicas, estruturas, tipos de rochas e processos de metassomatismo hidrotermal. Apesar da baixa resolucao espacial dos dados aereo-gamaespectrometricos, os produtos integrados gama/TM-Landsat apresentam-se como uma poderosa ferramenta para o mapeamento geologico na area de pesquisa. Os resultados da investigacao enfatizam a importancia do uso da integracao digital de dados baseada em imagens orbitais de sensores remotos e dados aerogeofisicos, como uma rotina no mapeamento sistematico da Regiao Amazonica, particularmente nas regioes onde dados aerogeofisicos estao disponiveis. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1006 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoPonz:2000:DaRaNa Journal Article Pinto, R.M.S. Pinto, R.M.S.; Ponzoni, Flávio Jorge Dados radiométricos na avaliação de efeitos da poluição atmosférica em folhas de espécies da Mata Atlântica 2000 Revista Árvore 24 4 465-475 5137 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 10 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ippoliti-RamiloEpipShimForm:1999:SeReOr Journal Article Ippoliti-Ramilo, Gabriela Alexandra Ippoliti-Ramilo, Gabriela Alexandra; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Sensoriamento remoto orbital como meio auxiliar na previsao de safras 1999 Agricultura em Sao Paulo 46 1 89-101 8854 agronomia, previsao de safras, landsat 5, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, indice de vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, estimativa, area agricola, crop forecasting, vegetation indices, vegetation indices. A previsao de safras e uma atividade necessaria para o planejamento das politicas agricolas no Pais, sendo de interesse tanto do setor publico quanto da iniciativa privada, Ate o momento, na Brasil, o uso de dados de satelites para previsao de safras e feito de maneira marginal. Entretanto, a possibilidade de usar dados de satelite como meio complementar as metodologias correntes deve ser mais bem explorada. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia baseada em imagens do satelite Landsat-5 adquiridas no periodo do inverno/primavera visando a estimativa da area destinada ao cultivo de verao. Foram utilizadas imagens de junho, setembro o outubro de 1997, nas quais se fizeram os processamentos retificacao radiometrica e geracao do indice de Vegetacao Diferença Normaizada (NDVI). Apos uma avaliacao do calendario agricola da regiao e das classificacoes multitemporais das imagens NDVI, auxiliadas pela classificacao unitemporal da imagem de junho, foram definidas as areas das diversas classes de uso para o verao. Os resultados mostraram discrepancias superiores a tres vezes entre os dados de area fornecida pelas imagens e aqueles fornecidos pelo Levantamento Sistematico da Producao Agricola (LSPA). Faz-se uma dicussao das causas de tais discrepancias e apontam-se direcoes para o uso de dados de sensores remotos em estatisticas agricolas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1201 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoVitoBins:1997:ApImMe Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Vitorello, Icaro; Bins, Leonardo Santa' Anna Application of images merging, segmentation and region-classification techniques as a new approach for the detailed thematic mapping of soil-vegetation assemblages 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 2 27 207-210 June 8299 processamento digital de imagens, , mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, segmentacao de imagens, mapas de solos-vegetacao, fotografia aerea, transformacao no espaco de cores. Este trabalho discute o uso combinado de tecnicas de fusao, segmentacao de imagens e classificacao por regioes, como uma nova abordagem para o mapeamento semi-automatico de associacoes solo-vegetacao. Como primeiro passo, uma fotografia aerea pancromatica foi corregistrada com imagens Landsat-TM. A fusao desses produtos, atraves de transformacoes no espaco de cores (IHS), gerou um conjunto de imagens hibridas de alta resolucao espacial. Essas imagens foram segmentadas e classificadas usando-se um classificador de regioes. A analise das imagens IHS, baseada em informacoes de campo, permitiu identificar as classes indicadas na imagem classificada, produzindo um mapa tematico das diferentes associacoes de solo-vegetacao na area de estudo. Alta precisao e economia de tempo sao as principais vantagens do metodo empregado, em comparacao com as tecnicas convencionais de fotointerpretacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1004 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoreiraChenBati:1986:WhArEs Journal Article Moreira, Mauricio Alves Moreira, Mauricio Alves; Chen, Sherry Chou; Batista, Getulio Teixeira Wheat area estimation using digital Landsat MSS data and aerial photographs 1986 International Journal Remote Sensing 7 9 1109-1120 327 agronomia, classificacao digital, trigo, estimativa, previsao de safra, amostragem, estimativa, sistemas multiespectrais de varredura, fotografia aerea, agriculture, digital processing and correction, digital classification, mathematical and statistical analysis, wheat, estimating, crop inventories, sampling. A procedure to estimate wheat (Triticum aestivum l)area using sampling technique based on aerial photographs and digital LANDSAT MSS data was developed. Aerial photographs covering 720km2 were visually analyzed. Computer classification of LANDSAT MSS data acquired on Sept. 4, 1979 was done using unsupervised and supervised algorithms and classification results were spatially filtered using a post-processing technique. To estimate wheat area, a regression approach was applied using different sample sizes and various sampling units. Based on four decision criteria proposed in this study, it was concluded that: (a)as the size of sampling unit decreased, the percentage of sample area required to obtain similar estimation performance also decreased; (b)the lowest percentage of the area sampled for wheat estimation under established precision and accuracy criteria through regression estimation was 13.09 using 10km2 as the sampling unit; and (c)wheat area estimation obtained by regression estimation was more precise and accurate than those obtained by direct expansion method. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 394 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SimoniRodrOliv:1989:AnArIn Journal Article Simoni, Paulo Ouvera Simoni, Paulo Ouvera; Rodrigues, Valter; Oliveira, Pedro Paulo Balbi de An artificial intelligence approach to lineation and lineament extraction from remote sensing data 1989 323-329 2995 computacao aplicada, inteligencia artificial, sistemas baseados no conhecimento, processamento de imagens, artificial intelligence, knowledge based systems, image processing. A knowledge based vision system, under development, to help structural geologists in the extraction of lineations and lineaments from remote sensing images is described. The proposed approach departs from traditional image processing techniques in the sense that it takes into account the integration of many factors (e.g., sensor type, position of the observer, shadowing, knowledge about dominant structures)that may have influence over the inference of relief convexity, the detection of linear features and the type of feature. This integration is accomplished by means of declarative and procedural knowledge which allow: the reinforcement of image processing algorithm parameters, the choice of the region to be focused on an image, and both the generation and confirmation of hypotheses about the geologic significance of an extracted linear element. The system is not intended to fully automating the extraction task; interpretive and extraction data should be entered by an user at any point during the analysis process. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE LAC 907316 1028 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoLeitBallMela:1997:AsAmFl Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Leite, Fernanda A.; Ballester, Vitoria; Melack, J.M Assessment of Amazon floodplain habitats using TM/Landsat data 1997 Ciencia e Cultura 49 4 280-284 8297 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , mapeador tematico (landsat), satelites landsat, habitats, metano, landsat 5, mapeamento, imagens landsat. The size and diversity of the Amazon region make it difficult to know the area and the spatial distribution of its habitats. The use of satellite imagery can help to map those habitats. In this study, images acquired by the Thematic Mapper sensor on board of the American satellite Landsat-5 were used to map floodplain habitats within reach of the Amazon river between Parintins and Obidos. The following habitats were mapped: Turbid water lakes and rivers, clear/black water lakes and rivers, mixed water lakes and rivers, aquatic vegetation stands, flooded nonforest vegetation and flooded forest vegetation. The extent of each habitat is an essential information to determine the contribution of the Amazon floodplain to the global methane budget. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 1002 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraFrei:1995:PeSiIn Journal Article Camara, Gilberto Camara, Gilberto; Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de Perspectivas em sistemas de informacao geografica 1995 Fator GIS 1 4 31-34 July 7321 engenharia de sistemas computacionais, sistemas de informacao geografica, sig, banco de dados espaciais, evolucao, sgi. Como serao os caminhos da evolucao da tecnologia de SIG e sua utilizacao no Brasil? Aqui comparamos as duas principais abordagens para uso dos sistemas: SIG como instrumento de mapeamento e SIG como ferramenta para construcao de bancos de dados espaciais. O maior uso da tecnologia de SIG no Brasil esta no mapeamento - CAD cartografico. A medida em que sao realizados projetos de maior porte e crescem a experiencia das equipes e a importancia do Geoprocessamento nas organizacoes, a enfase passa para a construcao e manutencao de grandes bases de dados espaciais. Este trabalho avalia a evolucao recente das solucoes disponiveis em SIG e faz uma prospeccao tecnologica da proxima geracao de sistemas. E baseado na experiencia do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, no desenvolvimento e uso da tecnologia de Geoprocessamento. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 762 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1985:CoEnMe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Metodos de analise da morfodinamica fluvial: uma comparacao entre metodos de analise fluviometrica e metodos de analise multitemporal de sensoriamento remoto 1985 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 15 3 207-212 324 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , bacias hidrograficas, resolucao temporal, fotografia aerea, hydrology, aerial photography. O objetivo deste trabalho e comparar as vantagens e desvantagens de dois metodos de analise morfodinamica. Para estabelecer esta comparacao foi selecionada a Bacia do Ribeirao Canas, afluente do Rio Paraiba do Sul, para o qual se dispunha de dados fluviometricos entre 1956 e 1981 e dados de sensoriamento remoto entre 1957 e 1981. Os metodos comparados foram: a)a analise temporal das relacoes entre vazao e cota fluviometrica; b)analise multitemporal de dados de sensoriamento remoto, que se baseia na premissa de que alteracoes de forma sao indicadores de alteracoes nos processos fluviais. Os resultados demonstraram que o metodo de analise multitemporal de sensoriamento remoto apresenta as seguintes vantagens sobre o metodo de Gilbert: a)permite diagnosticar as variacoes ao longo do canal, e nao para uma secao apenas; b)permite levantar hipoteses sobre os fatores de variabilidade. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 392 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AdamsSaKaAlRoSmGi:1995:ApLaCh Journal Article Adams, J.B. Adams, J.B.; Sabol, D.E.; Kapos, V.; Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Roberts, D.A.; Smith, M.O.; Gillespie, A.R. Classification of multispectral images based on fractions of endmembers: application to land-cover change in the Brazilian Amazon 1995 Remote Sensing of Environment 52 ? 137-154 7318 Four time-sequential Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)images of an area of Amazon forest, pasture, and second growth near Manaus, Brazil were classified according to dominant ground cover, using a new technique based on fractions of spectral endmembers. A simple four-endmember model consisting of reflectance spectra of green vegetation, nonphotosynthetic vegetation, soil, and shade was applied to all four images. Fractions of endmembers were used to define seven categories, each of which consisted of one or more classes of ground cover, where class names were based on field observations. Endmember fractions varied over time for many pixels reflecting processes operating on the ground such as felling of forest, or regrowth of vegetation in previously cleared areas. Changes in classes over time were used to establish superclasses which grouped pixels having common histories. Sources of classification error were evaluated, including system noise, endmember variability, and low spectral contrast. Field work during each of the four years showed consistently high accuracy in per-image classification. Classification accuracy in any one year was improved by considering the multiyear context. Although the method was tested in the Amazon basin, the results suggest that endmember classification may be generally useful for comparing multispectral images in space and time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 759 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Paradella:1995:SeRePr Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato Sensoriamento remoto e o processamento digital de imagens em geologia 1995 Revista Escola de Minas 47 4 297-302 7319 geologia. Imagens de satelites tem sido utilizadas em geologia, tanto no formato em papel, como digital, atraves de fitas magneticas. O uso cada vez mais intenso de computadores para a analise dos dados digitais tem fornecido o impeto para o desenvolvimento do Processamento Digital de Imagens de Sensores Remotos, um termo generico para um conjunto de tecnicas de manipulacao de imagens, que visa a efetiva extracao de informacao pelo usuario. O texto discute, de forma introdutoria, aspectos gerais que envolvem o uso desta abordagem na investigacao geologica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 760 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoValeGarc:1989:UtImTM Journal Article Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira; Valerio Filho, Mario; Garcia, Gilberto Jose Utilizacao de imagens TM/Landsat na analise comparativa entre dados de uso da terra e de aptidao agricola 1989 Revista Brasileira de Ciencia da Solo 13 1 101-110 April 319 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , uso da terra, solos, i-100, agricultura, soil science, land use, digital processing and correction, soils, agriculture. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o mapeamento do uso atual da terra atraves de dados TM/LANDSAT e fazer analise comparativa com os dados de uso da terra planejado contidos em mapa de aptidao agricola. Como area de estudo selecionou-se a regiao de Conchal situada na porcao centro-leste do Estado de Sao Paulo por se tratar de area de intensa e diversificada ocupacao agricola. Informacoes referentes ao uso atual da terra foram obtidas atraves da analise interpretativa de imagens TM/LANDSAT em composicoes coloridas multiespectrais (escala 1:50.000)processadas digitalmente atraves do sistema Image-100. Foi obtido mapa de dominancia de uso da terra cujos dados foram confrontados com as informacoes contidas em mapa de aptidao agricola pre-existente. Verificou-se nesta comparacao que, no periodo de estudo, cerca de 16,0 da area ( 2.963 ha)apresentavam desconformidade entre o uso atual da terra e o uso adequado (mapa de aptidao agricola). Com referencia aos dados TM/LANDSAT observou-se que a composicao colorida multiespectral TM7, TM5, TM4 foi a que se mostrou mais informativa para o mapeamento do uso da terra. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 390 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1986:ApSeRe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Aplicacoes de sensoriamento remoto em hidrologia e recursos hidricos 1986 Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Caderno de Recursos Hidricos 4 2 5-18 November 318 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, monitoramento ambiental, recursos hidricos, hidrologia, hydrology, monitoring, water resources, environment. O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar algumas possibilidades de aplicacao de dados de sensoriamento remoto em Hidrologia e Recursos Hidricos. Em primeiro lugar analisam-se, com base na bibliografia disponivel, os principais campos de atuacao e as faixas do espectro eletromagnetico mais utilizadas. Fornecem-se tambem alguns exemplos de aplicacao de dados orbitais ao monitoramento de recursos hidricos em desenvolvimento no INSTITUTO DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS/MCT. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 389 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HenebryKux:1995:LaTeMe Journal Article Henebry, G.M. Henebry, G.M.; Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Lacunarity as a texture measure for SAR imagery 1995 International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 3 565-571 7316 Lacunarity analysis is a simple technique for characterizing texture in binary images. Lacunarity quantifies deviation from translational invariance by describing the distribution of gaps within the image at multiple scales: the more lacunar an image, the more heterogeneous the spatial arrangement of gaps. For grey-level data, a series of binary images are formed through slicing the image histogram by quantiles. Characteristic decays of lacunarity as a function of window size permit scene object texture to be distinguished from speckle. Using a series of ERS-1 SAR images of the Brazilian Pantanal, we demonstrate how lacunarity functions can link image phenomenology with scene dynamics. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 757 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Paradella:1984:AvCrSe Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato Avaliacao de criterios de selecao de atributos espectrais de imagens digitais MSS-Landsat, em discriminacoes litologicas no Baixo Vale do Rio Curaca, BA 1984 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 2 2 105-117 316 geologia, , discriminacao litologica, geology, lithologic discrimination. Foi investigado o uso de criterios de selecao de atributos espectrais em imagens MSS-LANDSAT, visando a indicacao de subconjuntos de bandas para composicoes coloridas que melhor detectassem e discriminassem litologias no Baixo Vale do Rio Curaca, Bahia. Dois criterios de selecao de atributos com Distancias JM foram utilizados na pesquisa, baseados em amostragens dos ""pixels"" mais representativos de classes tematicas relacionadas as unidades litilogicas da area: a)maximizacao da distancia media entre as Distanias JM@ para todos os pares de classes; b)maximizacao da Distancia JM2 minima entre os pares de classes. A analise se ateve somente aos dados digitais MSS-LANDSAT da epoca seca, sendo investigadas tres situacoes:a)selecao dos tres melhores canais, considerando os quatro canais originais MSS (bandas 4, 5, 6 e 7); b)selecao dos tres melhores canais, considerando os seis canais ""MSS-ratios"" (bandas 4/5, 4/6, 4/7, 5/6, 5/7 e 6/7)e c)selecao dos tres melhores canais de composicao ""hibrida"", levando em conta as 4 bandas originais e as 6 ""ratios"". Cada conjunto selecionado, foi visualmente avaliado segundo indices de deteccao e discriminacao, tendo-se por base as disposicoes espaciais conhecidas das unidades litologicas. A pesquisa mostrou que o produto hibrido (canais 4, 5/7 e 7 e cores verde, azul e vermelha, respectivamente)e a Composicao Colorida Normal (canais 4, 5 e 7 e cores azul, verde e vermelha, respectivamente)apresentaram os melhores desempenhos, ao passo que os produtos ""ratios"" foram os que mostraram grandes ambiguidades. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 387 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVitoPara:1995:SpDiLa Journal Article Galvao, Lenio S. Galvao, Lenio S.; Vitorello, Icaro; Paradella, Waldir Renato Spectroradiometric discrimination of laterites with principal components analysis and additive modeling 1995 Remote Sensing of Environment 53 2 70-75 7314 geologia. Bidirectional reflectance factor determinations in the visible and and near-infrared of mineralized laterite samples collected at the surface of the alkaline/ultramafic rockscarbonative complex of Maicuru, northern Brazil, were evaluated for iron, phosphate, and titanium content. Nineteen spectra were subjected to principal components analysis in order to get a better insight into the factors affecting spectral discrination. The spatial distribution in a PC1 vs. PC2 plot is related to the overall reflectance (albedo)along the PC1 axis and to the spectral inversion around 1100 nm along the PC2 axis. The latter can be characterized by any spectral ratio of reflectance values taken before and after the inversion wavelength. Two major groups were thus identified: titanium-rich (anatase, ilmenite)laterites and aluminum phosphate laterites. The former presented spectra with low to intermediate albedos and lower near-infrared/visible and very near-infrared reflectance ratio values. The phosphate-rich samples presented intermediate to high albedos and higher reflectance ratios. Titaniferous laterites have a greater content of opaques than the phosphates which are usually richer in iron oxides. The presence of titanium lowers the albedo whereas iron oxides absorb only in the visible and very near-infrared. Binary mixtures of Fe2 O3 and carbon provided spectral variations analogous to the ones observed in the titaniferous laterites. Such modeling helped in evaluating the effects of opaques. As a practical result, a band radiometer could conceivably identify the titanium mineralized areas in the field. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 755 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaVito:1995:GeSoSp Journal Article Paradella, Valdir Renato Paradella, Valdir Renato; Vitorello, Icaro Geobotanical and soil spectral investigation for rock discrimination in the ""caatinga""environment 1995 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 21 1 52-59 7312 geologia. A multifaceted data set has been applied to the lithological discrimination of complex metamorphic Precambrian units in northeastern Brazil (State of Bahia). The study site (Upper Curaca River Valley), characterized by an unremitting flat, low-relief terrain, is situated in a semi-arid tropical ecosystem known as the Caatinga, which has xerophytic vegetation and very shallow residual soils. The remote sensing analysis was based on geobotanical and pedological considerations, which were considered essential factors in the selection of: the best acquisition period for the multiseasonal data; the appropriate processing techniques; mapping scales; and interpretations. Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS)images of the wet and dry seasons were useful in mapping major units at a reconnaissance scale. These images made it possible to discriminate between migmatites, gneisses, gabbros, schists, phyllites, and marbles. Digitally enhanced multispectral SPOT images (oblique viewing)revealed fractures and foliation trends in an apparetly featureless terrain. The near infrared channels of the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)offered unique discrimination of montmorillonite-rich soils because of hydroxyl absorption bands in the infrared. Merged TM/SPOT (panchromatic nadir viewing)product separated distinct units corresponding closely to the mapped units of a 1:50,000-scale map carried out by conventional methods. The remote sensing discrimination was aided by the presence of residual soils closely related to the lithology and associated geobotanical characteristics. But only after judicious examination of the remote sensing data and very extensive fieldwork was it possible to compose a complete picture of the site. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 753 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaHixsBaue:1985:LaMSCr Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Hixson, N. M.; Bauer, M. E. Landsat MSS crop classification perfomance as a function of scene characteristics 1985 International Journal of Remote Sensing 6 9 1521-1533 1383 In order to utilize remote sensing fully to inventory crop production, it is important to identify and quantify the effects of the factors that affect the accuracy of LANDSAT classifications. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of scene characteristics involving crop, soil and weather variables on the accuracy of LANDSAT classifications of corn and soybeans. Segments of multitemporally registered LANDSAT MSS data from two key acquisition periods sampling the U.S. Corn Belt were classifield using a Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier. Field size had a strong effect on classification accuracy with small fields tending to have low accuracies even when the effect of mixed pixels was eliminated. Other scene characteristics accounting for variability in classification accuracy included proportions of corn and soybeans, crop diversity index, proportion of all field crops, soil order, soil drainage class, percentage of slope, long-term average soybean yield, maximum yield, relative position of the segment in the Corn Belt, weather and crop development stage. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSM 1011 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerPere:1988:AnEsNu Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos da Costa An estimate of the number and emission of forest burning in the Amazon with sateellite-inetial results 1988 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 69 6 314 1378 Images of the NOAA-series satellites with a 1Km resolution covering July-August 1985 and April-October 1987 were used to detected Large biomass burnings in the Amazon. About 6,000 independent fires were detected daily at the peak of the 1987 burning season, together with very dense clouds of smoke covering millions of Km2. Air chemistrymeasurements of the GTE/ABLE-2A and -2B experiments corroborated that significant changes in the Amazon troposphereare related to the forest burnings. The results also show that the role of biomass burning emission in global tropospheric chemistry will be difficult to evaluate. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 1008 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FreryCRFJVMS:1999:MoSyAp Journal Article Frery, Alejandro Cesar Frery, Alejandro Cesar; Correia, Antonio; Renno, Camilo D.; Freitas, Corina da Costa; Jacobo-Berlles, Julio; Vasconcellos, Klaus L.P.; Mejai, Marta; Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira Models for synthetic aperture image analysis 1999 Resenhas IME-USP 4 1 45-77 8581 processamento digital de imagens, radar de abertura sintetica, sar, filtro. After reviewing some classical statistical hypohesis commonly used in image processing and analysis, this paper.presents some models that are useful in synthetic aperture radar (SAR)image analysis. The main focus is on how these models deviate from, the classical ones, and on the impact these departures have on processing and analysis techniques. The multiplicative model, an important tool for SAR data modeling and analysis, and the Potts model, which plays a central role in image classífication, are recalled. A selection of books and papers is collected, aiming at presenting some bibliographic references for the interested reader. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 1168 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoMoraGodo:1988:ExBaRi Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Morais, Thelma Krug; Godoy Jr., Moacir Utilizacao de tecnicas de grupamento na compartimentacao geomorfologica: o exemplo das bacias do Ribeirao Canas e Rio Bocaina (SP) 1988 Geociencias 7: 290-294 839 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , meio ambiente, geomorfologia. Frequentemente a geomorfologia tem sido criticada pelo carater hemetico da terminologia que utiliza para descrever as formas de relevo e compartimentar a topografia em termos de unidade geomorfologicas. Desta forma, a transposicao da terminologia para outras areas de conhecimento se faz com dificuldade. Tanto e asswim, que pesquisadores ligados a outras disciplinas tem se preocupado em desenvolver criterios para a caracterizacao mais precisa do relevo. Neste contexto, a utilizacao de tecnicas numericas de classificacao permite identificar classes de relevo a partir de variaveis numericamente definidas, oferecendo, em principio, maior objetividade a compartimentacao. O emprego dessas tecnicas, entretanto, apresenta alguns problemas que, se nao forem contornados, colocam em risco todo p processo de classificacao. O objetivo dessa comunicacao e, justamente, levantar tais problemas e mostrar como foram solucionados no caso especifico das bacias do Ribeirao Canas e Rio Bocaina. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM ANAMB 765 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CeccatoForeKurk:1993:PrMeAv Journal Article Ceccato, Vania Aparecida Ceccato, Vania Aparecida; Foresti, Celina; Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira Proposta metodologica para avaliacao da qualidade de vida urbana a partir de dados convencionais e de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informacoes geograficas (SIG)e de um banco de dados 1993 Revista UNIVAP 1 1 19-26 6184 Due to encreasing urbanization process very often associated with life quality deterioration, more efficient methods for evaluating the standard of living in brazilian cities have become necessary. Dispite aquisition, availability and reliability difficulties the intra urban conventional data (statistical data, map, etc)is still the main source of data for this type of study. Higher quality results can be obtained when combining conventional data with remote sensing data. This combination increases the generation capacity of new products containing more detailed information from urban space. The integration of a Geographical Information System (GIS)to a relational database can be useful to manipulate this information. Thus allowing the generation and manipulation of new data in a flexible and accurate way by automation resources. This paper proposes a preliminary methodology of urban life quality evaluation integrating conventional data and remote sensing data by a GIS and relational database. This methodology is based on a conceptual model envolving the following variables: salary of urban population (income), contagious disease occurrence (health), violent crimes occurrence (criminality)and environmental variables extracted from remote sensing products like vegetation density (green areas)and built space pattern (texture). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 351 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MattosVene:1988:AgViSa Journal Article Mattos, Juercio Teixeira de Mattos, Juercio Teixeira de; Veneziani, Paulo Agua via satelite 1988 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 19 8 50-51 August 836 geologia, , landsat-5, agua, fotografia aerea. Uma sofisticada tecnologia de localizacao de agua no subsolo por meio de sensoriamento remoto ja esta disponivel no pais. Desenvolvida, originalmente, para os estados do Nordeste - que tem uma longa e dramatica historia de secas - sera aprovitada de forma integral, pela primeira vez, no estado de Sao Paulo. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 763 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraSeGeArPeMo:1996:AiMeAe Journal Article Pereira, Enio Bueno Pereira, Enio Bueno; Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Gerab, F.; Artaxo, P.E.; Pereira, Marco da Costa; Monroe, G. Airbone measurements of aerosols from burning biomass in Brazil related to the TRACE A experiment 1996 Journal of Geophysical Research 101 D19 23983-23992 7830 Results are reported from an airborne campaign to investigate the impacts of burning biomass upon the loading of lower-tropospheric aerosols and its composition over the Brazilian tropics. The flights, conducted as part of the NASA/Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A)mission, started on September 1, 1992, when the dry (fire)season still prevailed in the central part of Brazil, and ended on September 29. Of the total number of burnings detected in Brazil by the advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR)/NOAA satellite sensor, 74 were concentrated in the states of Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Roraima, and Tocantins during this period. Aerosol particles were sampled from a twin-engine aircraft in transit and vertical profile flights were made up to 4,000 m altitude. Black carbon measurements made in real time and in areas of burning biomass peaked at 2,500 m above the ground, increasing to 12,000 ng/m. In other areas these values were lower by 1 order of magnitude. A condensation nuclei counter measuring small particles (>0.014 m)produced values ranging from 2,000 to 16,000/cm3 for areas with low and high burning biomass, respectively. Deposition filters in a two-stage cascade impactor, and Nuclepore filters collected aerosols for analysis of 13 elements through particle-induced X ray emissions (PIXE). Primary elements associated with soil dust (Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Ni)prevailed in the aerosol coarse mode (>1 m)while the fine mode aerosols were enriched in S, K, Br, and Rb, which are tracers normally associated with burning of biomass. The good correlation between fire spot counts, obtained via AVHRR aboard NOAA satellites, and black carbon, counts of small particles and total aerosol mass, suggests the determining of local concentrations of fire-derived aerosol fire emissios by satellite to be a new and useful approach. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 936 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoreiraNitz:1991:AnInVe Journal Article Moreira, Mauricio Alves Moreira, Mauricio Alves; Nitzsche, Regina Phillis Analise de indices de vegetacao obtidos de dados do Landsat/TM e do SPOT/XS 1991 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 26 10 1583-1588 October 876 agronomia. O ojetivo deste trabalho foi avalkiar indices de vegetacao (Razao Simples, Diferenca Normalizada e Indices de Vegetacao Transformado)obtidos sobre as culturas de soja e do milho, a partir de dados digitais do Landsat /TM e do SPOT/XS (adquirido em 01/02/89). A area de estudo localiza-se a sudeste do Distrito Federal. Os indices de vegetacao foram obtidos a partir da media de niveis cinza de uma amostra, de area de 20 unidades, alocada sobre as culturas estudadas. Os resultados foram avaliados atraves da analise de correlacao de indices iguais porem, proviniente de sistemas sensores diferentes. De acordo com os resultados desta pesquisa conclui-se que: indices de vegetacao iguais foram bastantes correlacionados entre si, independente da cultura estudada, quando obtidos pelos diferentes sensores e; a menor correlacao (0,72)verificada foi sobre a cultura da soja para o indice de vegetacao transformado. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 152 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Paradella:1986:SiLiIn Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato O significado litologico da informacao espectral e temporal (sazonal)de dados digitais MSS do satelite Landsat-3 para baixo do vale do Rio Curaca, Bahia 1986 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 16 2 135-148 June 834 geologia, , mss landsat, landsat-3, litologia, lithology. Spectral and seasonal information from computer enhanced MSS Landsat 3 data were evaluation within the context of lithological discrimination in the lower valley of Curaca River, State of Bahia, Northeast of Brazil. The chosen area im made up of low to high Archean-Proterozoic metamporphic rockes and constitutes part of the important copper province of the Curaca Valley, 100 km north of the Caraiba Copper Mune. The vegetation is represented by the caatinga, typicalof the Brazilian semi-arid environment with variable cover density and marked seasonality. The occurrence of rock outcrops is not high. Several digital enhacement techniques were applied including: 1)Linear Contrast Stretch: 2)Stretched Band Ratio and 3)Principal Component Transformation. These techniques allowed to emphasize subtle difference in the spectral reflectance of the surface which were good indicatos of the changes in the residual soil composition and geobotanical controls given by variations in the vegetation cover well-correlated with the lithological variations of the lithological units mapped by conventional methods in the 1:50,000 scale and provided additionally new contributions to the geological knowledge of the area. The spectral measurements collected in situ for with the data registered ny the Landsat MSS CCT's and provided additional information to the understanding of the causes of the variations in the registered spectral data. The analysis of the orbital data from the dry season was not sufficient to express the lithological differences, but the multiseasonal approach was of great value. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE 761 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RolimParaVascAzev:1993:CoInDa Journal Article Rolim, Silvia Beatriz Alves Rolim, Silvia Beatriz Alves; Paradella, Waldir Renato; Vasconcelos, Ricardo M. de; Azevedo, Maria Laura Vereza de Metodologia para a geracao de imagens de geofisica: uma contribuicao a integracao de dados na pesquisa geologica 1993 Revista UNIVAP 1 1 7-12 September 5782 The Amazon region has very few geological surveys, in spite of having several mineral districts. The relationship between geology, relief, soils and vegetation cover is poorly investigated. This lack of knowledge is caused by many factors, such as the non-accessibility to the area, its environmental complexity, the absence of systematic and integrated multidisciplinary studies, etc. These problems can be partially solved by the use of Digital Processing Image (DPI)and Geographical Information System (GIS). In order to perform this research, digital magnetic images (derived from aerial profiles)were created. This geophysical data (N-S profiles)were converted to a regular grid of 30m and subsequently, to a black and white digital image with a Cubic Spline interpolation algorithm. These images were generated in order to improve a better correlation between geological and geophysical knowledge of the Pojuca Test Area. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 346 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoHansCurr:1989:EfViGe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Hanson, J. D.; Curran, P. J. The effect of viewing geometry and wavelength on the relationship between reflectance and suspended sediment concentration 1989 International Journal of Remote Sensing 10 8 1357-1372 830 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. The relationship between reflectance and suspended sediment concentration (SSC)is depended upon the wavebands sensed and the viedwing geometry of the sensor. The laboratory experiment report in this paper investigated these dependences. The reflectance in four wavebands (two visible and two near-infrared)of a large watwe-filed and wave -free tank were recorded as three variable were changed namely SSC, sensor viewing angle and relative sensor azimuth. The strength of the positive relationship between reflectance and SSC was shown to very with (i)wavelength as the maximum reflectance and SSC class separability occurred at the longer visible waveigths and, (ii)viewing geometry, as the reflectance SSC asymptote was dependent upon both the angle and azimuth of the sensor. The optimum condition for the sensing of SSC were concluded to be nadir in visible (0.55 and 0.65 um)and near-infrared (0.75 um)wavelengths. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 758 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasCamaBarrSouz:1987:OlQuTu Journal Article Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira; Camara Neto, Gilberto; Barrera, Junior; Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto Imagens e computadores: o olho que tudo ve 1987 Ciencia Hoje 7 37 34-44 December 1283 geoprocessamento, imagens, informacao, conhecimento, images (optical images), information, knowlwdge, image processing. O que tem em comum uma pintura, um fotograma, um desenho, uma amostra examinada em microscopio, um trecho do ceu observado em telescopio, uma regiao da Terra vista de um aviao ou de uma sonda espacial, uma chapa de raios X? Todos eles sao exemplos de um conceito intuitivo, a imagem, e reunem os tres elementos primitivos que a constituem: cor, posicao e forma. Esses elementos se harmonizam e podem ser traduzidos em dados, sensacoes, emocoes. Em suma, em informacao e conhecimento. É justamente a riquza contida pelas imagens que tem motivado um numero cada vez maior de especialista a estuda-las por meio de computadores. Sao muitas as facilidades oferecidas pelos sistemas computacionais dedicados a essa tarefa: armazenamento de informacao visual em banco de dados de rapido acesso, realce de certas características de interesse, extracao automatica de informacao, correlacao dos dados extraidos com outros conhecidos a priori. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE OBT DPI 953 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaRudo:1989:SpReSo Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Spectral response of soybeans by field radiometry 1989 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 44: 828 agronomia, , soja, radiometria de campo, radiometry, soybeans. The spectral responses of two soybeans varieties planted monthly (in a period of three months)and their relationship to percent ground cover, phytomass and yield were investigated. Bidirectional reflectance factor was measured throughout the growing period (five campaings at 20-day interval, approximately)of six experimental plots of 5 x 10 m size (three plots of each variety planted at one-month interval)using a 17 band (visible and NIR)portable radiometer. In each campaign, six measurements per plot were taken in order to obtain a representative estimate of the plot reflectance factor. Plant height and development stage were estimated concomitant to the radiometric measurements; phytomass estimates were sampled three times per plot during specific development stages (flowering grain filling, and maturation)and total plot production was measured at harvest. The percent ground cover was estimated through photographs taken simultaneously to the radiometric measurements. Results indicated that differences in reflectance between the two varieties correspond to differences in their phytomass. However, in the visible peaked at 550nm there is a slight difference between the to 80 percent of the variation in the fresh phytomass. This results is particulary important because these varieties are planted during the winter growing season for phytomass production to be used for cattle feeding in Paraiba river valley. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 756 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OrellanaDHGFONPFAR:1985:ImAmEx Journal Article Penteado, Penteado,; Orellana, M. M.; Drumond, A.; Hidely, G. R.; Gorgonio, A. S.; Foresti, Celina; Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Neves de; Niero, Madalena; Parreira, E. M. F.; Farias, A. C. P; Araujo Filho, M. C.; Ribas, O. O impacto ambiental da expansao urbana do Distrito Federal 1985 Boletim de Geografia Teorica 15 29/30 128-140 1280 planejamento urbano. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 951 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerPerePere:1994:SaStBi Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos C.; Pereira Jr., Alfredo C Satellite studies of biomass burning in Amazonia-some practical aspects 1994 Remote Sensing Reviews 10 ? 91-103 6708 Remote sensing from space is the only technique that can be used operationally to detect, monitor and map biomass burning of tropical forests on large or global scales. However, high and low resolution imagery from existing satellites present many limitations in such studies. This paper discusses some of these limitations based on case studies in the tropical forests of Amazonia. Results showed that Thematic Mapper (TM/Landsat)images provide estimates of the area burned in association with new deforestation, but because of cloud cover and low frequency of acquisition, are limited in indicating the total extent of fire activity. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR/NOAA)images detect fires on a daily basis and are suitable for real-time operational use to identify and locate fires, but are of limited value for estimating the area burned or the fire temperature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 536 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Pereira:1988:AvExUr Journal Article Pereira, Madalena Niero Pereira, Madalena Niero Avaliacao da expansao urbana de Sao Jose dos Campos atraves de dados orbitais 1988 Revista Geografia 12 26 156-160 October 821 planejamento urbano, , crescimento urbano, areas urbanas, tm landsat, fotografia aerea, urban areas. O presente trabalho trata da expansao urbana de Sao Jose dos Campos-SP, no periodo de 1966 a 1985. Para isto foram utilizadas imagens TM/Landsat referente a 1985, fotografias aereas obtidas em 1985 e cartas topografica do IBGE relativa ao ano de 1974. Atraves da superposicao dos dados resultantes da interpretacao visual de imagem TM na banda 3, escala 1:100.000, com a carta topografica 1:50.000, usando o restitutor planimetrico Kartoflex, foi verificado o crescimento urbano de Sao Jose dos Campos, no periodo analisado. Foi obtida uma precisao de classificacao da mancha urbana de 85, o que justifica a utilizacao de imagem TM/Landsat em trabalhos que visam o crescimento da expansao de areas urbanas. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM ANAMB 754 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DisperatiRosoSant:1986:MaPoBr Journal Article Disperati, Attilio Antonio Disperati, Attilio Antonio; Rosot, N. C.; Santos, Joao Roberto dos Mapeamento dos povoamentos de bracatinga (mimosa sacabrella Benth)em diferentes idades usando fotografia aereas 35 mm 1986 Acta Forestalia Brasiliensis v1 75-84 1276 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 948 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:2002:LaUsIn Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas Land use intensification and abandonment in Rondonia, Brazilian Amazonia 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 10315 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , desmatamento, desflorestamento, impacto ambiental, deflorestation, environmental impact. D. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 249 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CrepaniDuarShimFida:2002:SeReGe Journal Article Crepani, Edison Crepani, Edison; Duarte, Valdete; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Fidalgo, Elaine Cristina Cardoso Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento no mapeamento regional da cobertura e uso atual da Terra 2002 Revista Geografia 10313 geoprocessamento, imagens sintéticas, cobertura vegetal, uso da terra., geoprocessing, synthetic images, land cover, land use. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma abordagem metodológica para mapear a cobertura e o uso atual da terra, a nível regional, utilizando técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento. A área de estudo compreendida entre as coordenadas 01o 45' e 08o 20' de Latitude Sul e 44o 00' e 54o 00' de Longitude Oeste é coberta por 17 imagens do sensor ""Thematic Mapper"" (TM)do satélite Landsat. Esta metodologia consiste na geração de imagens sintéticas (vegetação, solo e sombra), através do modelo linear de mistura espectral utilizando as bandas 3, 4 e 5 do TM, para realçar os alvos de interesse e minimizar o tempo de processamento na tarefa de classificação. Esta tarefa foi realizada utilizando o processo de segmentação de imagens, seguida da classificação não supervisionada por regiões e mapeamento das classes de interesse pré-definidas (legenda temática). O resultado do mapeamento é finalmente editado pelo fotointérprete com a finalidade de corrigir os erros de classificação do sistema, baseado na sua experiência e informações auxiliares disponíveis (fotografias aéreas, mapas, etc.). A abordagem proposta é viável para grandes regiões utilizando imagens do TM ou de outros sensores de alta resolução espacial, produzindo mapa bem confiável, e permitindo a atualização a qualquer tempo e a integração com outras informações do banco de dados gerado.Abstract: The objective of this work is to present a methodological approach for land use land cover regional mapping, using Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques. The study area, comprised between the geographic coordinates 01o 45' and 08o 20' South Latitude and 44o 00' and 54o 00' West Longitude, is covered by 17 Thematic Mapper (TM)images of Landsat satellite. This methodology consists on the generation of synthetic images (vegetation, soil and shade), through the spectral linear mixing model using the TM bands 3, 4, and 5, to enhance the contrast among targets of interest and to minimize computer processing time during the classification task. This task was performed using the image segmentation algorithm, followed by the non-supervised classification of regions and mapping the pre-defined classes of interest (thematic legend). The mapping result is finally edited by the photointerpreter with the purpose of correcting any classification errors, based on his experience and using available ancillary information (aerial photographs, maps, etc.). The proposed approach is feasible for large areas using TM or other high-resolution data, producing very reliable map, and permitting to update it at any time and to integrate it with other information in the data base. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 247 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BernardSoarVida:1986:DiBaFi Journal Article Bernard, R. Bernard, R.; Soares, Joao Vianei; Vidal-Madjar, D Differential bare field drainage properties from aiborne microwave observations 1986 Water Rosources Research 22 6 869-875 791 agronomia, umidade do solo, drenagem, sensoresde microondas, sistemas aerotransportado, drenagem, sensoresde microondas, sistemas aerotransportado, soil moisture, drainage, drying, microwave sensing, airoborne systems. Time variations of the surface soil moisture can be monitored using active microwave remote sensing. With the existence of airborne systems, it is now possible to estimate this variable on a regional scale. Data from a helicopter-borne scatterometer show that the surface water content reductions during a 9-day period are quite different from one field to another. A simple model describing the water budget of the soil surface layer due to evaporation and drainage is applied. From this model, a pseudodiffusivity can be calculated for each field using only the remotely sensed data. This new parameter gives a quantitative estimate of the observed drying heterogeneities. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 749 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:1990:SoCoAb Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas Geographical information systems development: Some considerations about their use, problems and trends at INPE 1990 Revista SELPER 6 1 47-50 March 8990 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, sistemas de gerenciamento de base de dados, processamento de dados, classificacao de imagens, mapeamento com auxilio do computador, gis, sig, geographical information systems, data base management systems, data processing, image classification, computer aided mapping. This paper presented some considerations about GIS use and development at INPE. Some problems and trends in this field are presented. A list of iniciatives that should be undertaken and some guidelines are proposed for future developments. The principal aspects considered are the multidisciplinary characteristic for GIS facilities at INPE, the need for powerful analysis and modelling operations and the necessity to anticipate future modelling functions necessary for future generation satellites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 138 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GurgelFerrLuiz:2002:EsVaND Journal Article Gurgel, H.C. Gurgel, H.C.; Ferreira, Nelson Jesus; Luiz, Alfredo Jose Barreto Estudo da variabilidade do NDVI sobre o Brasil utilizando-se análise de agrupamentos 2002 Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola de e Ambiental 10311 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 245 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SausenDiMa:1994:INImCu Journal Article Sausen, Tania Maria Sausen, Tania Maria; Di Maio, Angelica Carvalho Programa de transferencia de tecnologia - INPE/UNIVAP implantacao de cursos de especializacao em sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento 1994 Revista UNIVAP 2 2 27-30 February 3155 A tecnologia de sensoriamento remoto vem sendo amplamente utilizada no Brasil, nos ultimos 25 anos. Gracas ao sucesso alcancado, esta tecnologia expandiu-se e hoje e possivel encontrar-se cerca de 3000 usuarios no Brasil. Mas, apesar do grande numero, muito poucos tiveram formacao aprofundada em sensoriamento remoto. A grande maioria obteve sua formacao em cursos de treinamento de curta duracao. A principal razao disto e a falta de cursos de longa duracao, como especializacao ou mestrado. Devido a isso, a UNIVAP, em parceria com o INPE, decidiu criar cursos de especializacao em sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento aplicados a recursos naturais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 530 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MascarenhasErth:1992:ReBeGa Journal Article Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila; Erthal, Guaraci Jose Image registration by sequential tests of hypotheses: the relationship between gaussian and binomial models 1992 Computer Graphics 16 3 259-264 7702 In previous papers [1,2], a method for treating translational image registration problems by sequential tests of hypotheses was presented. Two types of statistical models were used to describe the accumulated error between the images to be registered, namely, a Gaussian and a binomial model. The proposed method successfully registered a LANDSAT image against noisy versions of itself, different channels of the same image as well as images taken 6 months apart. In this paper, relationships between both models are established. First, by assuming that both images to be registered are Gaussian and one image is essentially a noisy version of the other, and that both images are thresholded at the mean value, a derivation is made of the probability curve of the binary error being equal to one, at the registration point, versus the signal-to-noise ratio. Second, by assuming that the cross correlation between the signals in both images is auto-regressive of order one and separable, the set of probability curves of the binary error being equal to one versus the distance from registration point is derived. Third, under the same assumptions of the previous case, the set of curves relating the error variance versus the displacement is also obtained. The curves, for the second and third cases, are described for different values of the correlation coefficients in both directions and of the signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, a comparison between the theoretical curves and the experimental results is performed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 333 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FerreiraAlmeSilv:2002:MoDeDa Journal Article Ferreira, F.J.F. Ferreira, F.J.F.; Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Silva, F.V Modelagem de dados aeromagnéticos para estimar elargura e espessura do complexo Máfio/Ultramáfico de Campo Formoso - BA 2002 Boletim Paranaense de Geociências 10309 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 243 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DemattêFiorCampNann:2002:LeSoSu Journal Article Demattê, J.A.M. Demattê, J.A.M.; Fiorio, P. R.; Campos, R.C.; Nanni, M.R Levels of soil survey and its to land use planning 2002 Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing 39 4 10307 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR PCI} {DSR PCI} 241 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FischPonz:1995:EsDiFl Journal Article Fisch, Simey Thury Vieira Fisch, Simey Thury Vieira; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Estudo da dinamica florestal atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 1995 Revista Biociencias 1 1 7-24 July 6246 vegetacao, , florestas, florestas tropicais, uso da terra, índice de vegetação, dinâmica florestal. Os processos dinamicos das florestas tropicais umidas podem ser estudados em diferentes escalas. As alteracoes naturais de pequena escala sao, p.ex., abertura de clareiras, processos sucessionais, fenologia. As alteracoes naturais observadas em grande escala podem ser causadas principalmente por inundacoes, vento e fogo. As alteracoes antropicas sao, entre outras, queimadas, uso agropecuario, exploracao madeireira. Foram ilustrados exemplos de como o Sensoriamento Remoto pode contribuir para estudos de dinamica florestal, procurando enfocar: a)sua aplicabilidade nas diversas formas em que se processa a dinamica; b)algumas formas de emprego dessa tecnica nos estudos de dinamica e c)algumas limitacoes do seu uso neste tipo de estudo. Atraves da literatura consultada, verificou-se que o sensoriamento remoto permite uma visao sinoptica da area em estudo; os dominios temporal e espectral fornecem informacoes que dificilmente seriam obtidas em nivel de campo. Quanto as formas de emprego, observou-se que, tanto atraves de imagens analogicas como digitais, e possivel obter informacoes que facilitem analises dos fenomenos dinamicos; as interpretacoes sao ampliadas por comparacoes de produtos em diferentes bandas espectrais, por meio de indices de vegetacao etc. Quanto as limitacoes, constatou-se: que as alteracoes que ocorrem em pequena escala nao podem ser monitoradas por sensoriamento remoto orbital, ficando restritas ao uso de fotografias aereas; e que este recurso so permite uma avaliacao estrutural da vegetacao, podendo ser utilizado como informacao complementar em analises mais aprofundadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 719 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LeePauRowMulRud:1997:EsElSO Journal Article Lee, Edward H. Lee, Edward H.; Pausch, Roman C.; Rowland, R.A.; Mulchi, Charles L.; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Responses of field-grown soybean (cv. Essex)to elevated SO2 under two atmospheric CO2 concentrations 1997 Environmental and Experimental Botany 37 : 85-93 6762 agronomia, indice de area foliar, carbono dioxide, feijao, biomassa, fotossintese. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2)and sulfur dioxide (SO2)on field-grown soybean. Soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. 'Essex')were grown a full-season in open-top field chambers exposed to either ambient (350 L-1)or elevated CO2 (500 L-1 levels under two levels of SO2 (0.00 and 0.12 L-1 ). Enriched CO2, with or without SO2 treatments, significantly increased net photosynthesis rates, leaf area index (LAI; in R4 growth stage)and leaf dry weight, but did not significantly affect stomatal resistance, transpiration rates, leaf area, plant height, total biomass or grain yield. Elevated SO2 treatments significantly decreased photosynthesis and LAI during pod fill stages, but did not significantly affect stomatal resistance, transpiration, total biomass, plant height or grain yield. Sulfur dioxide inhibited growth and development (i.e., LAI)during canopy coverage before any effects on photosynthesis were detected. The interactive effects of CO2 and SO2 treatments on the gas exchange parameters were significant during pod fill, where high SO2 reduced photosynthesis at ambient CO2 but not under elevated CO2. Leaf area index values were likewise reduced by SO2 exposure under ambient CO2 during late flowering and pod fill stages. Thus, enriched CO2 under high SO2 exposure partially compensated for the negative impact of SO2 stress on PS and LAI during the pod fill stages. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 720 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HernandezFo:1990:UsDaSa Journal Article Hernandez Filho, Pedro Hernandez Filho, Pedro Uso de dados de satelite para levantamento de reflorestamento 1990 Revista SELPER 6 3 15-29 6909 vegetacao, reflorestamento, pinus, eucaliptos. O Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)atraves do Departamento de Pesquisas e Aplicacoes (DPA)tem realizado pesquisas e desenvolvido de metodologias de aplicacoes da tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto para fins de conhecimento dos recursos naturais, contando para isso com um grupo de pesquisadores especialistas em ciencias da terra. Desde 1973, na area de vegetacao tem sido realizados varios trabalhos com o proposito de melhor conhecer a cobertura vegetal natural e tambem reflorestamentos com base em dados de satelite e aeronave completados com observacoes no campo. Uma das areas que tem sido feito um estudo minucioso foi em reflorestamento que apresenta estudos a nivel de caracterizacao e mapeamento anivel de genero (Pinus e Eucalyptus)de idade e de densidade (degradacao)e tambem em inventario de madeira, utilizando o modelo de multiplos estagios.O setor de reflorestamento no Brasil representa um peso importante na economia do pais tornando-o no maior produtor mundial e exportador de papel e celulose proveniente de fibra curta de Eucalyptus. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 132 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Camara:2002:PaQuLa Journal Article Camara, Gilberto Camara, Gilberto Para que lado fica o futuro 2002 InfoGeo 25 60-61 September 10304 No recente congresso ""GeoBrasil"", foi divulgado que o tamanho do mercado de geoinformação brasileiro seria de pelo menos R- 800 milhões por ano, e que 85 dos empregos do setor estão vinculados a pessoas com curso superior ou técnicos qualificados. Os dados, embora ainda incompletos, mostram um crescimento substancial do setor nos anos recentes. Para fins de comparação, o mercado americano de geotecnologias em 2002 seria da ordem de 1.4 bilhões de dólares, ainda dominado pelos clientes de governo (68 do total), de acordo com a consultoria de Frost Sullivan. O principal problema com os levantamentos como estes é a questão básica que tentam resolver: afinal das contas, quem é o mercado de geoinformação? Atualmente, duas tendências complementares podem ser identificadas: a tendência de clientes antigos solicitarem dados e serviços melhores e a inserção das geotecnologias em empresas que não utilizam informação geográfica. Para simplificar o raciocínio, rotularemos o primeiro cenário de mais-e-melhores-dadose o segundo de ""localização-é-mais-um-atributo-de-dados-da-empresa"". Deve-seainda levar em consideração uma mudança tecnológica fundamental: o uso desistemas gerenciadores de bancos de dados para armazenar tanto os atributos quanto as geometrias dos dados geográficos, e permitir o acesso e compartilhamento eficiente de dados em ambiente multiusuário. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DPI DPI 238 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Martini:1992:ExRe Journal Article Martini, Paulo Roberto Martini, Paulo Roberto Panamazonia project: an executive report 1992 Revista SELPER 8 2 26-30 June 6970 Panamazonia Project is a joint effort of South America countries to monitor the Amazonia Forest. In Brazil the Tropical Rainforest has been mapped through the years since 1975 following a methodology where Remote Sensing data and GIS procedures play a key role. The approach defined for Brazilian Amazonia has been adopted by Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana. On cooperative basis the project comprising the following steps: i)Selection and generation of LANDSAT CIR frames, 250.000 scale of two periods (1984-1987 and 1988-1991). ii)Transference of GIS technology and implementaton of computer data set in those countries where these procedures are not available. iii)Training of a technical staff to develop the project within each country. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 326 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LiuRodrMart:1986:GeReSe Journal Article Liu, Chan Chiang Liu, Chan Chiang; Rodrigues, Jose Eduardo; Martini, Paulo Roberto Geologic remote sensing at INPE: an overview 1986 Revista SELPER 2 2 24-30 530 geologia, recursos minerais, imagens, inpe, geology, mineral resources, images. In Brazil, LANDSAT imagery has been used for regional geological and mineral resources mapping. The launching of the first LANDSAT is a milestone in the history of the geological studies by remote sensing techniques in this country. Because LANDSAT images give a bird's eye view of the earth's surface, this regional geological mapping has been carried out first, and then followed by structural and geotectonic studies. On the other hand, because LANDSAT data in digital format on Computer Compatible Tapes (CCT)are available to be analyzed by computer-processing techniques, thus the researches for mineral deposits and rocks discriminations have been carried out especially in recent few years. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR Geologia 544 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaRudo:1990:SpReSo Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Spectral response of soybeans by field radiometry 1990 Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 45 2 111-121 6875 agronomia. The spectral responses of two varieties of soybeans, selected for phytomass production and planted during the winter growing season in a tropical environment, are analyzed. Reflectance data were collected from six experimental plots of 5 x 10 m size throughout the growing period at 20-day intervals using a radiometer held at 3 m above the crop canopy. The data are correlated with total fresh phytomass, grain yield, plant heigh, and percent soil cover parameters. It is found that the differences in reflectance between the two varieties correspond to the differences in their phytomass, except for a slight difference at 550 nm in the visible. Thus, the ratio vegetation index can explain 78 percent of the variation in the phytomass. This result is considered to be important since the phytomass production is intended for cattle feeding. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 129 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DemattêFiorCampNann:2002:LeSoSu Journal Article Demattê, J.A.M. Demattê, J.A.M.; Fiorio, P.R.; Campos, R.C.; Nanni, M.R Level of soil survey and its evaluation to land use planning 2002 Mappin Sciences and Remote Sensing 39 4 10301 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 236 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TardinCunh:1992:ThUsOf Journal Article Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi; Cunha, Roberto Pereira da The use of Landsat images in the evaluation of deforested areas in the Legal amazon and some of its environment effects: an overview 1992 Revista SELPER 2 2 31-36 June 6892 agronomia, , desmatamento, florestas, imagens landsat, regiao tropical, mapeador tematico (landsat), deforestation, satellite imagery, amazon region, tropical regions, thematic mappers (landsat). Regions covered by tropical rainforest in the world are characterized by a low index of human activity and the Amazon region is a typical example. The Amazon Forest is the largest tropical rainforest of the world and occupies approximately 30 of the Brazilian territory (Pandolfo,1978)and considerable part of the Guineas, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Equador and Bolivia. Due to the low population and highway densities and the low number of towns, the Brazilian Government has encountered its occupation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 324 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroAmarRudo:1997:CoInVe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Amaral, Silvana; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Comparacao dos indices de vegetacao NDVI e GEMI derivados de imagens AVHRR/NOAA na regiao Centro-Sul do Brasil 1997 Boletin SELPER-Mexico 41 28-35 July 6187 vegetacao, indice de vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, satelites noaa, gemi, avhrr. Este trabalho apresenta uma comparacao dos indices de vegetacao Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)e Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI)para discriminacao de diferentes alvos na regiao Centro-Sul do Brasil cujo limite superior esta definido pelo paralelo 14 graus S. As imagens NDVI e GEMI, foram geradas a partir dos dados do sensor Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer / High Resolution Picture Transmission (AVHRR/HRPT), a bordo do satelite NOAA, nas bandas 1 (580 a 680 nm)e 2 (780 a 900 nm). Os dados AVHRR foram obtidos no periodo de 21 a 26 de junho de 1993 com uma resolucao espacial de 1.1 km e corrigidas para a projecao Equidistante de Lambert. As imagens GEMI e NDVI de 22 de junho de 1993 foram analisadas para os principais alvos da area de estudo (agua, nuvem, vegetacao e area urbana), procurando avaliar a sensibilidade destes indices na identificacao dos alvos. Os resultados preliminares mostram que as imagens NDVI foram, em geral, mais sensiveis na identificacao dos alvos quando comparado com as imagens GEMI. Analises mais detalhadas das imagens GEMI sao recomendadas uma vez que o comportamento deste indice ainda e pouco conhecido. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 715 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RibeiroAlvSoaYanIi:1998:PoUsTe Journal Article Ribeiro, Milton Cezar Ribeiro, Milton Cezar; Alves, Diogenes Salas; Soares, Joao Vianei; Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas; Ii, Fernando Mitsuo Potencialities of using texture measures for mapping land use dynamics based on radar imagery 1998 392-396 8462 processamento digital de imagens, , sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagens de radar, classificacao de texturas, jers-1. This paper presents a methodology based on the selection of texture measures obtained from JERS-1 and Radarsat SAR data. We studied 6 cover classes: recent deforestation, pasture and bare soil, young, intermediate and old secondary forest and mature forest. Our interest is to find how texture measures can be used for land cover/land use classification. Were generated 140 Haralick's texture images combining SAR image and window sizes. The best window sizes were 11x11 and 15x15 pixels for JERS-1 and Radarsat data, respectively. For recent deforestation or pasture cover classes the best discrimination were found when using entropy and mean of sum vector, for JERS-1 data, and mean, contrast and variance of difference vector for Radarsat data. Our results show that JERS-1 was better than Radarsat for recent deforestation discrimination. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 1139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1992:OsNuFa Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort Desmatamento: Os numeros falam 1992 Jornal da Ciencia Hoje 6 March 6873 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 322 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Martini:2002:BaSoAm Journal Article Martini, Paulo Roberto Martini, Paulo Roberto Regional cooperation through space technology: Basis for a South America space agency 2002 Acta Astronautica 51 559-567 10214 transferencia de tecnologia, , projeto panamozonia, treinamento, technology transfer, training. In South America only Brazil and Argentina have steadily growing space programs. The other countries are not creating truly in-doors capabilities that allow the development and launching of native orbital devices. This figure changes when the analysis runs through the use of Space Technology. As users, the South America countries play a very important role in the world scenery. Within the continent there are three operational receiving stations for Earth Observation satellites and many large regional cooperating projects are being developed mostly in the Panamazonia Region. These projects have raised the level of human resources through training and education in excellent centers such as those in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. The stations, the projects and the training programs within the Earth Observation branch in South America open the possibility to integrate the countries in a regional space agency following the way that ESA was established in the early 70's. This document describes the technological facilities available in the region, the possible integration projects and the regional environmental themes that can mosaic South American countries in a space agency. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 232 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroAmarRudo:1998:CoInVe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Amaral, Silvana; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Comparacao dos indices de vegetacao NDVI e GEMI derivados de imagens AVHRR/NOAA na regiao centro-sul do Brasil 1998 Boletin SELPER 41 28-35 July 8460 vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, satelites noaa, imagens noaa, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, avhrr, gemi, indice de monitoramento global de ambiente. Este trabalho apresenta uma comparacao dos indices de vegetacao' Nonnalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)e Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI)para discriminacao de diferentes alvos na regiao Centro-Sul do Brasil cujo limite superior esta definido pelo paralelo 14 degree S. As imagens NDVI e GEMI, foram geradas a partir dos dados do sensor Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer / High Resolution Picrure Transmission (AVHRR/IHRPT), a bordo do satelite NOAA, nas bandas 1 (580 a 680 nm)e 2 (780 a 900 nm). Os dados AVHRR foram obtidos no periodo de 21 a 26 de junho de 1993 com uma resolucao espacial de 1. 1 km e corrigidas para a projecao Equidistante de Lambert. As imagens GEMI e NDVI de 22 de junho de 1993 foram analisadas para os principais alvos da area de estudo (agua, nuvem, vegetacao e area urbana), procurando avaliar a sensibilidade destes indices na identificacao dos alvos. Os resultados preliminares mostram que as imagens NDVI foram, em geral, mais sensiveis na identificacao dos alvos quando comparado com as imagens GEMI. Analises mais detalhadas das imagens GEMI sao recomendadas uma vez que o comportamento deste indice ainda e pouco conhecido. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1137 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffMulLeeRowPau:1996:PhChIn Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Mulchi, C.L.; Lee, E.; Rowland, R.; Pausch, R. Photosynthetic characteristics in wheat exposed to elevated O3 and CO2 1996 Crop Science 36 5 1247-1251 7768 Tropospheric trace gases such as CO2 and O3, have progressively increased over the past century and are predicted to increase to levels at which they may have a significant impact on agricultural production. The effects of CO2 enrichment and O3 air pollution on leaf photosynthesis (Pn)and stomatal conductance (gs)were investigated. Two soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)cultivars, Massey in 1991 and Saluda in 1992, were studied in field experiments at Beltsville, MD, by means of open-top chambers to mimic atmospheric environments predicted for the first half of the 21st century. Plants were exposed to two levels of O3 (charcoal filtered air and ambient air + an average of 40 nmol O3 mol from Monday-Friday of every week). Ozone treatments were superimposed on two CO2 treatments (350 mol CO2 mol and 500 mol CO2 mol ). Averaged over O3 treatments, Pn was stimulated during the early and late growing season under enriched CO2. Averaged over CO2 treatments, high O3 exposure had a negative impact on Pn early in the season of 1992 and a major impact late in the season of 1991 and 1992 due to premature senescence. Decreases in gs occurred under the enriched CO2 environment and to a lesser extent with high O3. Interactive effects on Pn and gs were mostly absent. It is likely that if CO2 and O3 concentrations continue to increase, the beneficial effect of CO2 enrichment on Pn may be partially negated by O3-induced stress. Conversely, damaging effects of O3 on Pn may be compensated by elevated atmospheric CO2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 897 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1990:DiFoBr Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort The Burning of Brazil: a discussion with Foster Brown and Alberto Setzer 1990 Camoes Center Quaterly 2 1-2 20-25 6789 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 123 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFo:2002:ReDeHy Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo Remote detection of hydrocarbon microseepage-induced soil alteration 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 18 3523-3524 10212 geologia. Cover Article no International Journal of Remote Sensing: Remote sensing techniques focused on the detection of the surface manifestation of hydrocarbon microseepage can be a complementary prospecting tool, minimising cost and time in the search for oil/gas deposits. The leakage of hydrocarbon and associated fluids to the surface is responsible for a number of chemical alterations in rocks and soils that overlay oil and gas reservoirs. Some of the microseepage-induced minerals exhibit diagnostic spectral features that allow their remote identification. The reducing environment created by the microseepage phenomenon can, for example, convert limonitic minerals to the ferrous state, resulting in bleaching of red beds. Owing to the fact that ferric-iron rich rocks exhibit a fall-off in reflectance from 0.8 *m towards shorter wavelengths, Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper ratio images of the bands 2 (0.52-0.60 *m)and 3 (0.63-0.69 *m)can be used to estimate the distribution of limonitic materials on the surface, which are indicated by low TM2/3 ratios. In contrast, ferric-iron depleted materials yield high TM2/3 ratios. However, vegetation cover also yields high TM 2/3 ratios, due to the high response in green and low in red wavelengths. The presence of healthy vegetation cover can be estimated by including a vegetation index, through the ratio of the TM4 (0.76-0.90 *m)and TM3 bands. Areas yielding high TM2/3 and low TM4/3 ratios may be assigned to ferric-iron poor materials, expressed as subtle grey shades in ratio images. Since the human eye is much more sensitive to colour hues than to grey tones, a false-colour composite consisting of TM2/3, TM4/3 and of the difference TM2/3-TM4/3, displayed as red, green and blue, respectively, can be used to express these subtle grey tones as colour variations. The cover photo is a band-ratio colour composite [TM2/3(R), TM4/3 (G), TM2/3-TM4/3 (B)], which covers a soil gas anomaly previously identified through a soil gas geochemical survey conducted by the Brazilian National Oil Co. (PETROBRAS), in the North Tucano Basin, north-eastern Brazil. Contour lines over the image indicate anomalous concentration (ppm)of soil gas (sum of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane). The use of a triangle of colours makes the interpretation of such a band-ratio colour composite very easy. Green and yellow hues, which result from high responses in both TM2/3 and TM4/3 ratios, express variations in the vegetation cover. On the other hand, hues of magenta, representing both high contribution of TM2/3 ratio and TM2/3-TM4/3 ratio difference are related to terrain conditions and represent altered areas induced by the microseepage phenomena (bleached materials), indicated by a arrow in the cover colour composite. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 230 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoNascBati:1998:AvTeSe Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Nascimento, P.S.R.; Batista, Getulio Teixeira Avaliacao de tecnicas de segmentacao e classificacao automatica de imagens Landsat-TM no mapeamento do uso do solo na Amazonia 1998 Acta Amazonica 28 1 41-54 8458 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, uso da terra, mapeamento, segmentacao. 0 mapeamento do uso da terra e fundamental para o entendimento dos processos de mudanças globais, especialmente em regioes como a Amazonia que estao sofrendo grande pressao de desenvolvimento. Tradicionalmente estes mapeamentos tem sido feitos utilizando tecnicas de interpretacao visual de imagens de satelites, que, embora de resultados satisfatorios, demandam muito tempo e alto custo. Neste trabalho e proposta uma tecnica de segmentacao da imagens com base em um algoritmo decrescimento de regioes, seguida de uma classificacao nao-supervisionada por regioes. Desta forma, a classificacao tematica se refere a um conjunto de elementos (pixels da imagem), beneficiando-se porLanto da informacao contextual e minimizando as limitaçoes das tecnicas de processamento digital baseadas em analise pontual (pixel-a-pixel). Esta tecnica foi avaliada numa area tipica da Amazonia, situada ao norte de Manaus, AM, utilizando imagens do sensor ""Thematic Mapper"" - TM do satelite Landsat, tanto na sua forma original quanto decomposta em elementos puros como vegetacao verde, vegetacao seca (madeira), sombra e solo, aqui denominada imagem nusturas. Os resultados foram validados por um mapa de referencia gerado a partir de tecnicas consagradas de interpretacao visual, com verificacao de campo, e indicaram que a classificacao automatica e viavel para o mapeamento de uso da terra na Amazonia. Testes estatisticos indicaram que houve concordancia significativa entre as classificaçoes automaticas digitais e o mapa de referencia (em tomo de 95 de confiança). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HernandezFoLeeShim:1996:ReFlNa Journal Article Hernandez Filho, Pedro Hernandez Filho, Pedro; Lee, David Chiang Liang; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Classificacao da cobertura vegetal utilizando dados do SAR aerotransportado e do TM/ Landsat: regiao da Floresta Nacional do Tapajos 1996 Investigaciones Geografica 5 : 19-25 7766 . Com o objetivo de avaliar dados do radar de abertura sintetica (SAR)para a identificacao da cobertura vegetal, foram analisadas visualmente as imagens da missao aerotransportada denominada SAREX (South American Radar Experiment), obtidas em abril de 1992 na regiao da Floresta Nacional do Tapajos. Atividades agropecuarias e areas de colonizacao sao as formas de ocupacao do territorio nesta regiao. Foram utilizadas as imagens da banda C da banda larga com polarizacao HH em papel, na escala 1:1 000 000. Como dados auxiliares foram analisadas as imagens do satelite Landsat, composicao colorida, das passagens de junho de 1992 e agosto de 1988. Neste trabalho foram considerados os elementos de analise visual de imagens, como a textura, a tonalidade, a forma e a sombra, alem de informacoes contextuais. A avaliacao dos resultados foi feita atraves da comparacao com mapas de vegetacao existentes e tambem com observacoes obtidas no trabalho de campo. Foram mapeadas tres classes de floresta, duas de regeneracao, uma de pastagem e uma de solo exposto. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 895 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaManj:1995:ReTeMu Journal Article Fonseca, Leila Maria G. Fonseca, Leila Maria G.; Manjunath, B.S Registration techniques for multisensor remotely sensed imagery 1995 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 62 9 1049-1056 5900 geoprocessamento. Image registration is one of the basic image processing operations in remote sensing. With the increase in the number of images collected every day from different sensors, automated registration of multisensor/multispectral images has become a very important issue. A wide range of registration techniques has been developed for many different types of applications and data. Given the diversity of the data, it is unlikely that a single registration scheme will work satisfactorily for all different applications. A possible solution is to integrate multiple registration algorithms into a rule-based artificial intelligence system so that appropriate methods for any given set of multisensor data can be automatically selected. The first step in the development of such an expert system for remote sensing application would be to obtain a better understanding and characterization of the various existing techniques for image registration. This is the main objective of this paper as we present a comparative study of some recent image registration methods. We emphasize in particular techniques for multisensor image data, and a brief discussion of each of the techniques is given. This comprehensive study will enable the user to select algorithms that work best for his/her particular application domain. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 708 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1990:DaCo Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort Desmate: dados conflitantes 1990 Ciencia Hoje 11 63 66 6787 florestas. Em 07/05/89, a Folha de Sao Paulo estampava a manchete: ""Governo maquiou dados sobre a Amazonia"". E que, no mes anterior, o presidente Sarney anunciara que, segundo levantamento feito pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)o desmatamento na Amazonia Legal Brasileira (ALB)chegara a 5,12 - menos da metade que os 12 divulgados pelo Banco Mundial em janeiro. Pesquisadores e tecnicos interessados na questao tambem contestaram a avaliacao do INPE - coordenada pelo diretor de sensoriamento remoto, Roberto Pereira da Cunha - ,que acabou na pauta de uma reuniao da Comissao Parlamentar de Inquerito da Amazonia, no final de maio. Quase um ano depois, esses numeros continuam gerando controversia, inclusive no seio da comunidade cientifica. Parecem oportunos, portanto, alguns esclarecimentos. A taxa divulgada pelo Banco Mundial foi fornecida por J.R.Mckenna Jr., especialista em sensoriamento remoto da instituicao Ora, segundo informacoes de Mckenna, os 12 resultaram da combinacao de varias tecnicas: exame visual de imagens recentes enviadas pelo satelite Landsat-TM, observacoes de campo, informacoes prestadas por tecnicos e cientistas ligados a questao e, sobretudo, projecoes obtidas a partir de levantamentos feitos pelo proprio INPE e o entao Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (IBDF), com base em imagens do Landsat-MSS. Ai esta o x da questao: essas projecoes se referiam a todo tipo de alteracao antropica ocorrida na vegetacao da ALB: nao so em florestas ou matas densas, mas tambem em cerrados. A estimativa resultante - a de que tinham sido desmatados 600.000 km2 ou 12 da ALB - referia-se, pois, a vegetacao em geral. Por outro lado, o levantamento do INPE so considerou as regioes originalmente cobertas por floresta ou cerradao. Com base nesse criterio, a area desmatada nasultimas decadas foi estimada em 151.000 km2, ampliando-se para 343.000 km2 quando se consideravam desmatamentos antigos. Esses valores, divididos pela area da ALB, resultaram, respectivamente, nos percentuais de 5,12 e 7,01. Nao e precisoser perito em estatistica para perceber que o imbroglio foi fruto de uma diferenca basica nas metodologias utilizadas. INPE e Banco Mundial usaram denominadoresquase iguais - consideraram a area de ALB, respectivamente, 4.906.784 km2 e 5.005.425 km2. Os numeradores, porem referiam-se a grandezas distintas, e a comparacao entre os percentuais apurados era, portanto, descabida. Finalmente, oito meses apos a divulgacao de seu levantamento, o INPE publicou relatorio que explicitaessa discrepancia de metodologia. Alem disto, revela que areas notorias por desmatamentos recentes, como o Norte do Mato Grosso e o Sul do Para, nao foram incluidas no estudo, e que algumas imagens de satelite utilizadas eram anteriores a 1988, ano base para o trabalho. Fica claro, portanto, que o levantamento do INPE,o mais atual e completo ja feito, subestima o desmatamento. Quanto ao Banco Mundial, infelizmente ainda nao foi publicado um documento tecnico que permita sua avaliacao critica - falha grave, se considerarmos que mais de um ano se passou desde a divulgacao dos 12. Enquanto isso, aguardamos a solucao de mais esse misterio, em torno da ja tao polemica Amazonia: em que porcentagem, afinal, foi desmatada ou alterada?. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 121 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BanonBarr:1993:GeLa Journal Article Banon, Gerald Jean Francis Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Barrera, Junior Decomposition of mappings between complete lattices by mathematical morphology, part I. General lattices 1993 Signal Processing 30 : 299-327 7513 matematica morfologica, erosão. Two canonical decompositions of mappings between complete lattices are presented. These decompositions are based on mathematical morphology elementary mappings: erosions, anti-erosions, dilations and anti-dilations. The proposed decompositions are obtained by introducing the concept of morphological connection, that extends the notion of Galois connection. The definitions of sup-generating mapping, kernel and basis within the framework of complete lattices are given. The decompositions are built by analysing the kernel and may be simplified from the basis. The results are specialized to the cases of inf-separable, increasing and decreasing mappings. The presented decompositions are dual. Some examples, including the case of boolean functions simplification, illustrate the key concepts and the decomposition rule. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 512 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NepstadSetz:1998:FoFiPr Journal Article Nepstad, D. Nepstad, D.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Forest fire prediction and preservation in the brazilian Amazon 1998 Conservation Biology 12 5 951-953 8456 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , florestas, queimadas. Many Amazonian forest are spectacular in their capacity to resist burning during the severe seasonal droughts that occur in nearly half of the basin. Tree and liana root systems can expend more than 10 m down into the region's cly soils, absorbing enough soil water during periods of low rainfall to supply forest transpiration and to prevent substantial leaf shedding (Nepstad et al. 1994). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1133 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KuxAherPiet:1995:EvRaRe Journal Article Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich; Ahern, Frank J.; Pietsch, R.W. Evaluation of radar remote sensing for natural resource management on the tropical rainforests of Acre State, Brazil 1995 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 21 4 430-440 7764 In the framework of a Canada/Brazil Cooperation Project, an airborne SAR-580 campaign to acquire C-band radar data was undertaken during April 1992 in Brazilian Amazonia. The overall objective was to evaluate airborne and spaceborne C-band SAR in tropical forest environments. Results of these investigations will be used to increase the ability of professional and technical staff responsible for tropical forest management in Brazil to use radar data. This paper presents results of the SAR data evaluation in Acre, a state in Brazilian Amazonia. The use of geometrically and radiometrically corrected SAR images is described and related to the detection of deforestation practices for pasture and small settlements as well as other manmade features. When applicable, examples of different relief features (dissection by drainage, erosion, topography, for example)depicted from SAR images and their relationships with vegetation cover, land use, and land use planning are shown. Based on the interpretation of airborne wide swath images and simulated RADARSAT standard and fine mode images, it appears that airborne and spaceborne SAR data have an important monitoring potential for this region. From the data, information on tropical deforestation, drainage networks, soils, and vegetation may be obtained. With such information, development may be managed to avoid many of the severe environmental problems that have previously occurred in this region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 893 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoMiraYama:1999:ReDeTo Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Miranda, Fernando Pelon de; Yamakawa, Tadashi Remote detection of a tonal anomaly in area of hydrocarbon microseepage, Tucano basin, north-eastern Brazil 1999 International Journal of Remote sensing 20 13 2683-2688 1068 geologia, , mapeador tematico (landsat), analise do terreno, imagens landsat, prospeccao geoquimica, hidrocarbonetos, thematic mappers (landsat), hydrocarbons, terrain analysis. Mapping of a tonal anomaly in an area of hydrocarbon microseepage was possible using a Landsat-Thematic Mapper false-colour composite consisting of TM2/3, TM4/3 and of the difference TW.3-TM4/3, displayed as red, green and blue respectively. In this false-colour composite, green and yellow express variations in the vegetation cover, whereas hues of magenta are related to terrain conditions representing bleached materials, which occur close to the centre of a soil gas anomaly. Simultaneous occurrence of anomalous soil gas values with magnetic and radioactive minerals suggests that a reducing environment associated with the microseepage phenomenon created the bleached materials, identified as a tonal anomaly in the enhanced TM image. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 696 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CostaNoAhIiMaBa:1998:LoGrMo Journal Article Costa, Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa, Maycira Pereira de Farias; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Ahern, Frank J; Ii, Fernando Mitsuo; Mantovani, Jose Eduardo; Ballester, M.V.; Pietsch The amazon floodplain Through radar eyes: Logo Grande de Monte Alegre case study 1998 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 24 4 339-349 8454 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , inundacao, imagens de radar, radarsat, jers 1, sar, radar de abertura sintetica. There is a lack of information on the seasonal changes in the floodplain habitat in the Amazon regions of Brazil. This lack of information is due to the large size of the Amazon, persistent cloud cover and difficult access for field campaigns. Satellite radar sensors can provide multitemporal images over these cloudy tropical regions which can result in better mapping of the extent of thefloodplain habitat. This research shows the synergism multi-frequency and multi-incidence angle radar, data for studying the Amazon floodplain.RADARSAT and JERS-1 images were acquired on May 1996 for the Lago Grande test site in Brazil. The acquisitions coincide with the high water period of the hydrological cycle of the region of study. The images were calibrated, ortho-rectified and filtered allowing for the integration and classification of the data.The results show that the synergism of multi-frequency (C- and L- band)data provides a better combination of microwave information to discriminate among the floodplain habitat. C-band data is more sensitive to aquatic plants and water whereas L-band data is more effective in distinguishing between flooded forest and aquatic plants, and non-flooded forest and pasture. The combination of the two wavelengths increased the separability of the different classes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoVito:1997:ReSeFi Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Vitorello, Icaro Remote sensing and field data integration in the definition of hydrothermally altered areas in vegetated terrain, central Brazil 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 8 1835-1842 7761 A Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)natural colour composite allowed the discrimination of areas of hydrothermally altered materials, even where vegetation (mainly herbaceous plants)covered portions of the terrain. Field spectra data showed that broad iron-oxide absorption features in TM 1 and TM 2 bands enabled the spectral discrimination between areas of hydrothermally altered materials and areas of soils derived from biotite-granites. In order to improve the definition of the target areas, the TM images were merged with a digitized aerial photograph through IHS technique. The resulting high resolution hybrid images were segmented using a region growing method, which generated images partitioned into a number of homogeneous regions. The segmented images were classified using an unsupervised clustering region classifier algorithm. The result, compared with field observations, demonstrated that the method eliminated the subjectivity of the visual image interpretation and increased the accuracy in the delineation of the hydrothermally altered areas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 891 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerPerePere:1992:UsSaNO Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos da Costa; Pereira, Alfredo da Costa O uso de satelites NOAA na deteccao de queimadas no Brasil 1992 Climanalise 7 8 41-53 6863 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, queimadas. O sensoriamento remoto orbital para deteccao de queimadas no Brasil e uma tecnica adequada, considerando a extensao territorial do Pais e a relativa falta de condicoes de controle e fiscalizacao do uso do fogo. Atraves de imagens termais (faixas de 3,7 um)diarias dos satelites meteorologicos da serie NOAA, tem sido possivel, desde 1987, a deteccao de queimadas em tempo quase-real de 01/junho a 30/novembro, epoca da estiagem no Brasil central e sul da Amazonia. Sao monitoradas diariamente mais de uma centena de areas de preservacao federal (p/IBAMA), varias areas estaduais em SP (p/Operacao Mata Fogo/DPRN), a area integral de todos os estados (Operacao Prevfogo/IBAMA), e quadriculas de 1 grau de latitude por 0,5 de longitude que cobrem todo Pais (p/EMBRAPA, NMA),alem dos paises vizinhos. Coordenadas geograficas dos incendios sao transmitidas pelo INPE aos usuarios via telex, fax-simile ou redes de dados, cerca de 30 minutos apos a recepcao das imagens. O uso dos satelites tem permitido acoes de combate a incendios florestais e simples queimadas com rapidez e eficiencia nao conseguidas por outros metodos. Neste trabalho sao resumidos resultados e limitacoes a partir da experiencia dos ultimos anos. Mais de 10.000 focos por dia chegam a ser detectados no Pais no auge do periodo de queimadas, no final de agosto e inicio de setembro; o total anual tem sido superior a 300.000 focos de queimadas. Frentes de fogo menores que 100 metros, ou protegidas sob a espessa vegetacao, e incendios iniciados depois ou terminados antes da passagem do satelite, nao sao detectados. Cerca de 98 das queimadas detectadas tem sido comprovadas por equipes de campo. Nas areas de Sao Paulo, mais de 90 dos incendios sao detectados apenas via satelite. Em area teste nos cerrados, 26 das queimadas ocorridas nao foram detectadas pelo satelite. Ate quatro passagens de satelites diarias podem ser utilizadas. Variacoes na deteccao sao acusadas pela reducao da sensibilidade dos sensores a bordo dos satelites, por sua substituicao cada dois anos, por variacoes orbitais, e por reflexao solar em algumas superficies, em casos muito particulares. O Brasil foi e e pioneiro no uso de satelites na deteccao operacional de queimadas. Esta tecnica revelou a dimensao desconhecida e exagerada do uso do fogo no Pais, alem de seus efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente; e permitiu seu controle de maneira mais eficaz, que resultou na reducao nos desmatamentos indevidos na Amazonia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 313 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NoernbergNovoKrug:1999:UsBiIn Journal Article Noernberg, Mauricio A. Noernberg, Mauricio A.; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Krug, Thelma The use of biophysical indices and coefficient of variation derived from airborne synthetic aperture radar for monitoring spread of aquatic vegetation in tropical reservoirs 1999 International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 1 67-82 8451 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , sar, radar de abertura sintetica, reservatorios, vegetacao, plantas aquaticas, uso da terra. This paper compares the use of biophysical indices and coefficients of variation derived from airborne synthetic aperture radar for discriminating and characterising land cover classes in the Tucurui reservoir. It assumes that the structural and dielectric properties of the land cover classes are sufficiently distinct to permit their discrimination using airborne C-band SAR data at different polarizations. Analyses of the results show that any of the proposed indices can be used effectively to discriminate among the land cover classes in the Tucurui reservoir. Certain combinations of polarizations and biophysical indices can, however, improve the separability of the land cover classes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1128 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraJrSetz:1996:CoFiDe Journal Article Pereira Jr., Alfredo Costa Pereira Jr., Alfredo Costa; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Comparison of fire detection in savannas using AVHRR's channel 3 and TM images 1996 International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 10 1925-1937 7758 Detection of active fires in NOAA-11 AVHRR channel 3 (3.75 m)afternoon images for an area of savannas in central Brazil was studied in relation to fire scars in Landsat TM images. Three consecutive TM images of the same area thus covering two periods of 16 days provided the ""ground truth"" for the comparison of fire detection in AVHRR images of 15 and 14 days in each period. Using TM data as reference, 57 per cent of the new fire scars were associated with fires in channel 3 at the same places, in the first period. Seventy-four per cent of the active fires detected by AVHRR were verified in the TM imagery while the remainder was associated mainly with agricultural areas burned before the first period. For the second period, percentages were 53 per cent and 36 per cent respectively; the high percentage of unverified fires occurred mainly in grassland areas previously burned. Reasons for these results are discussed, namely, reflective soils in AVHRR's channel 3, fire scars not detected by TM because of precipitation, wind and fast changes in soil surfaces, and fires not active, or covered by clouds during AVHRR overpasses. A regression equation between the areas of the AVHRR fire pixels and of TM fire scars is also presented for the study area. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 888 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SippelHamiMelaNovo:1998:PaMiOb Journal Article Sippel, S.J. Sippel, S.J.; Hamilton, S.K.; Melack, J.M.; Novo, Evlyn Marcial Leao de Moraes Passive microwave observation of inundation area and the area/stage ralation in the Amazon river floodplain 1998 International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 16 3055-3074 8449 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , inundacao, nimbus 7, satelites nimbus. Inundation patterns in Amazon River floodplains are revealed by analysis of the 37GHz polarization difference observed by the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer on the Nimbus-7 satellite. Flooded area is estimated at monthly intervals for January 1979 through August 1987 using mixing models that account for the major landscape units with distinctive microwave emission characteristics. Results are presented separately for 12 longitudinal reaches along the Amazon River main stem in Brazil as well as for three major tributaries (the Jurua, Purus and Madeira rivers). The total area along the Amazon River main stem that was flooded (including both floodplain and open water)varied between 19 000 and 91000 km2 . The correlation between flooded area and river stage is used to develop a predictive relationship and reconstruct regional inundation patterns in the floodplain of the Amazon River main stem over the past 94 years of stage records (1903-1996). The mean flooded area along the Amazon River during this 94-year period was 46 800 km2, of which the openwater surfaces of river channels and floodplain lakes comprised about 20 700 km2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1126 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Santos:1982:UtImOr Journal Article Santos, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Joao Roberto dos Utilizacao de imagens orbitais como forma adequada de areas de preservacao 1982 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 44 3 497-506 July 323 vegetacao, , tecnicas de interpretacao visual, ciencia do solo, estudos integrados do meio ambiente, fotointerpretacao, queimadas, florestas, solos, monitoramento ambiental, mss landsat, florestas, queimada, conservacao, vegetation, visual interpretation techniques, soil science, integrated environmental studies, photointerpretation, forest fires, forests, soils, environmental monitoring. A visao sinoptica e a aquisicao repetitiva das imagens de satelite LANDSAT, a intervalos regulares de obtencao, tem proporcionado informacoes precisas em tempo real, com bases espectrais, temporais e espaciais, que podem auxiliar na dinamica de monitoramento das areas de preservacao. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma area do Parque Nacional do Araguaia, no Estado de Goias, Brasil, e tem como objetivo demonstrar a viabilidade das imagens multiespectrais nesse processo de monitoramento, em virtude da ocorrencia de queimadas sistematicas, anuais, que causam a degradacao dos ecossistemas ali existentes. Foram utilizadas as imagens dos canais e (0.6 0.7 ) e 7 (0.8 a 1.1 ) do sensor MSS/LANDSAT na escala de 1:250.000. A identificacao e a delimitacao das diferentes unidades de vegetacao, bem como das areas de queimada, foram efetuadas com base no parametro fotointerpretativo de tonalidade. Os resultados alcancados mostraram ser possivel discriminar as areas de floresta de varzea das areas de campos-cerrados inundaveis. Evidenciaram tambem que as queimadas atingem 4,14 da area estudada. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que as imagens do LANDSAT devem ser utilizadas no desenvolvimento e implementacao de medidas de protecao ambiental, principalmente no que se refere aos parques nacionais. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 135 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffMulcDaugLee:1996:GrRaUs Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Mulchi, Charles .; Daughtry, Craig S.T.; Lee, Edward H Growth, radiation use efficiency, and canopy reflectance of wheat and corn grown under elevated ozone and carbon dioxide atmospheres 1996 Remote Sensing of Environment 55 2 163-173 7756 Estimates of increases in future agricultural production in response to increases in carbon dioxide (CO2)concentrations in the atmosphere are often based on the beneficial physiological effect of CO2 enrichment on plant growth, especially in C3 plants. However, these estimates fail to consider the negative impact of ozone (O3)air pollution on crop production. Increases in tropospheric concentrations of both gases, CO2 and O3 have been observed over the past century, and both are predicted to continue to increase at even higher rates in the near future to levels when they may have a significant impact on agricultural production. Field studies with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)in 1991 and 1992, and corn (Zea mays L.)in 1991 were conducted using open-top chambers to mimic atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (~500 L CO2)and O3 (~40 nL L O3 above ambient air [O3]during 7 h day , 5 days week ) that are predicted to occur at the Earth's surface during the first half of the 21st century. Wheat and corn (C3 vs. C4)produced clearly different responses to CO2 enrichment, but similar responses to O3 exposure. In wheat, O3 exposure led to reduced grain yield, biomass, and radiation use efficiency (RUE, phytomass production per unit of energy received); in both years; but reduction in accumulated absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (AAPAR)was observed only in 1991. Conversely, CO2 enrichment produced greater grain yield, dry biomass, and RUE. With CO2 enrichment, the O3-induced stress to wheat plants was apparently ameliorated since responses were equivalent to the control group (low O3 and ambient CO2)for all variables. In contrast, corn demonstrated no benefit to CO2 enrichment for measured variables, and corn grain yield was the only parameter negatively influenced by O3 exposure that is attributed to O3-induced damage during the flowering process. Additionally, no treatment differences were observed for leaf area index (LAI)as determined nondestructively using the LICOR LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. Also, treatment differences for normalized difference vegetation index (ND)were only observed for wheat plants from the high-O3 and ambient-CO2 treatment, at some growing stages. Otherwise, ND data were not helpful for identifying damage due to O3 fumigation or benefits due to CO2 enrichment. Significant interactive effects of CO2 vs. O3 were observed only for wheat grain yield in 1991 (p < 0.10), indicated that the detrimental effect of O3 air pollution was more than overcome under the CO2-enrichment environment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 886 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sausen:1992:SiAcPe Journal Article Sausen, Tania Maria Sausen, Tania Maria Entreinamiento en percepcion remota en Brasil: situacion actual y perspectivas futuras 1992 Serie Geografica 2: 151-156 6627 educacao, treinamento, sensoriamento remoto, historia. El Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)es la institucion de investigacion mas importante en el area de pescepcion remota en Brasil, y quizas en Latinoamerica. En ultimos siete anos el INPE ha contribuido a la formacion de mas de mil tecnicos brasilenos, africanos y altinoamericanos, y ha brealizado mas de cien cursos. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una retrospectiva historica de las actividades educativas el INPE, en el area de percpcion remota, desde octubre de 1985 hasta hoy en dia, y presentar las metas futuras que nos proponemos alcanzar. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DED DED 308 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNeto:1999:AnEs Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto Analise espacial 1999 InfoGeo 8 42-43 July 788 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, saude, mortalidade, analise de dados, planejamento urbano, distribuicao espacial, distribuicao geografica, public health, geographic information systems, spatial distribution, geographic distribution, urban planing. Uma das operacoes mais utilizadas em sistemas de informacao geografica e a apresentacao espacial de variaveis como populacao, indices de qualidade de vida e mapas de vendas de empresas. Basta dispor de uma planilha em Excel ou dBase e de uma base geografica (como um mapa de municipios); o GIS ""automaticamente"" nos apresenta um mapa colorido (que os cartografos chamam pomposamente de cloropletico)com o padrao espacial do fenomeno. Grande parte dos usuarios limita seu uso de GIS a essas operacoes de visualizacao, tirando conclusoes intuitivas. Mas e possivel ir muito alem. Quando visualizamos um padrao espacial, e muito util traduzi-lo em consideracoes objetivas: o padrao que observamos e aleatorio ou apresenta uma agregacao definida? Esta distribuicao pode ser associada a causas mensuraveis?. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 690 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ponzoni:1998:AvImIm Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Avaliacao de imagens-indice e imagens-proporcao na identificacao de plantios florestais desfolhados por geadas e pelo ataque de insetos 1998 Scientia Florestalis 54 107 107-118 1265 vegetacao, , reflectancia espectral, infestacao, geada, pragas, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, eucaliptos, pinus, fazendas, thyrinteina arnobia, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, veg, florestas, danos, infestation, frost damage. Foram utilizadas imagens TM/Landsat referentes a duas passagens para o estudo de areas afetadas por geadas e a outras duas passagens para a avaliacao de areas atacadas por Thyrinteina arnobia, em areas de plantios de Eucalyptus spp. localizados em fazendas da Duraflora S/A do municipio de Lencois Paulista (SP). A selecao destes pares de passagens levou em consideracao as datas anteriores e posteriores a ocorrencia das geadas e dos ataques, respectivamente. As imagens anteriores a ambas ocorrencias foram consideradas como referencias em um processo de retificacao radiometrica que teve como objetivo minimizar as diferencas radiometricas entre as passagens, decorrentes de efeitos atmosfericos e de calibracao de detetores. Neste processo, foram elaboradas as imagens reflectancia de cada banda espectral, as imagens subsequentes foram registradas (registro imagem imagem)e, uma vez retificadas, procedeu se a determinacao das imagens indice (NDVI)e de imagens proporcao (Veg). Foram identificadas sete areas afetadas e sete outras nao afetadas pela geada e uma area sabidamente atacada e outra area nao atacada por Thyrinteina arnobia. Sob estas areas nas imagens NDVI e nas imagens Veg, forami compostas mascaras a partir das quais foram determinados os valores medios de NDV I e Veg de cada uma das areas. Os resultados indicaram tendencia de diminuicao, tanto de NDVI quanto de Veg, na passagem posterior a ocorrencia da geada, porem as diferencas entre os valores medios destes parametros nao foram significativas ao nivel de 5 de significancia. Para o caso das areas atacadas por Thnrinteina arnobia, os resultados indicaram que nao foi possivel individualizar as areas atacadas das nao atacadas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 700 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVito:1998:RoOrMa Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Spares Galvao, Lenio Spares; Vitorello, Icaro Role of organic matter in obliterating the effects of iron on spectral reflectance and colour of brazilian tropical soils 1998 International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 10 1969-1979 8447 agronomia, reflectancia espectral, solos, reflectancia bidirecional. The relations between reflectance and soil constituents of groups, stratified according to the organic matter (OM)content, were quantitatively analysed in the 400-2500nm spectral region. In order to demonstrate the OM spectral influence, a group of soil samples was submitted to the removal of this constituent by H202. Despite the relatively poor correlations obtained with reflectance, OM seems to be the main component responsible for lowering the reflectance in the 550-700nm range. The presence of more than 1.7 per cent of OM effaces the iron spectral features and induces a reduction greater than 40 per cent in the negative correlation between total iron (Fe2O3)content and reflectance. The greater the amount of OM, the stronger is its effect in subduing the iron features, and in reducing the correlations between Fe2O3, and colour attributes (dominant wavelength, purity, and luminance). In the short-wavelength infrared, iron- and titanium-bearing minerals and clay minerals are accountable for lowering the reflectance. After the removal of OM by chemical treatment, the soils show slightly reddish shades, which are more saturated and especially brighter than those observed in untreated samples, as indicated by increases in the dominant wavelength, purity, and luminance values, respectively. The treated samples present a substantial reflectance increase (more than 100 per cent)and conspicuousness of iron related features in the 600-900nm range. The general result of the OM removal is an increase in albedo and a change in the shape of the spectra. After the treatment, the increase in the values of the colour attributes and in the depth of the absorption band around 900nm is less accentuated in. soils with Fe2O3 content greater than 10 per cent because of the presence of other opaques. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1124 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniGonc:1997:DePo Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Goncalves, Jose Leonardo de Moraes Avaliacao do uso de dados TM/Landsat na identificacao de plantios de Eucalyptus spp. deficientes em potassio 1997 Revista Arvore 21 3 421-431 July 7754 vegetacao, estresse, reflectancia espectral, vegetation, stress, spectral reflectance. Foram utilizadas imagens TM/Landsat referentes a parte da Fazenda Morro de Ouro, localizada no municipio de Botucatu-SP, de propriedade da empresa Duratex Florestal S.A., ocupada por plantios de Eucalyptus spp. que apresentavam sintomas de deficiencia de K. Na selecao das imagens, levou-se em consideracao uma data concomitante ao aparecimento dos sintomas (detectados em campo)e outras duas datas nas quais tais sintomas ja haviam desaparecido. As imagens foram transformadas em imagens-reflectancia e homogeneizadas quanto ao aspecto radiometrico. Foram comparados os valores de reflectancia aparente (VRA)extraidos de plantios deficientes e nao-deficientes em K. Os resultados indicaram a inviabilidade do uso dos dados TM/Landsat na identificacao de plantios deficientes em K, pelo menos para as condicoes deste trabalho. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 884 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FormaggioEpipVale:1981:AnQuDr Journal Article Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Valerio Filho, Mario Analise quantitativa da drenagem obtida atraves de fotografias areas e imagens do RBV/Landsat 1981 Ciencia e Cultura 33 7 17 July 512 hidrologia, drenagem, solos, fotografia aerea, rbv landsat, hydrology, drainage, soils, aerial photography. O presente trabalho procurou mostrar uma comparacao entre a densidade de drenagem, a frequencia de rios, o comprimento medio de rios, e a textura de drenagem, quando analisados em fotografias aereas pancromaticas na escala de 1:60.000 e em imagens do RBV/LANDSAT na escala de 1:100.000. A analise estatistica dos dados mostrou que ha significativa diferenca entre os dois produtos no tocante aos indices utilizados. Concluiu-se, ainda, que havia uma maior perda de informacao em relacao ao numero de rios que em relacao ao comprimento medio. As areas mais drenadas tambem perderam mais informacao que as menos drenadas. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 89 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVitoCunh:1989:CoReEs Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Soares Galvao, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro; Cunha, Francisco M. Bezerra da O comportamento da reflectancia espectral de rochas da bacia do Parnaiba 1989 Mineracao Metarlurgica 510 52-53 8939 radiometria, reflectancia espectral, rochas, reflectancia bidirecional, estratigrafia, rochas sedimentares, spectral reflectance, bidirectional reflectance, stratigraphy, sedimentary rocks, radiometry, bidirectional reflectance, stratigraphy, sedimentary rocks, radiometry, bidirectional reflectance, stratigraphy, sedimentary rocks, radiometri, bidirectional reflectance, stratigraphy, sedimentary rocks, radiometri. Radiometric determinations in laboratory of the ""Bidirectional Reflectance Factor"" of rock samples from the Paleozoic Parnaiba Basin have been done in 5nm intervals between 400 to 1000 nm, with the objective of detecting spectral behaviour that might be used in stratigraphic correlations. The spectral and radiometric resolutions of the equipment utilized favored the detection of significant reflectance characteristics, most of them related to the presence of iron oxides. However, the upper 1000 nm spectral range limit prevents the observation of other very important infrared characteristics. Furthermore, the spectral response from surface weathered samples seems to be affected mainly by the ""microrelief"" and iron oxides coating on sedimentary grains. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1148 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BanoLotuHira:1998:MaMoTo Journal Article barrera, Junior barrera, Junior; Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Lotufo, Roberto de Alencar; Hirata Jr., Roberto MMach: a mathematical morphology toolbox for the KHOROS system 1998 Journal of Electronic Imaging 7 1 174-210 8445 morfologia matematica, algebra, sistema khoros, erosao. Mathematical morphology is a general theory that stud. as Me dwmposftn of operators between complete lattices in tam's of some families of simple operators. dilations, erosions, anOdWirons, andantierosions. Nowadays, this theory is largely used in Image processing and computer vision to extract information from images. The KNOROS system is an open and general environment for image processing and visualization Mat has become very popular. One of the main characteristics of KHOROS is its flexibifitl, since it runs on standard machines, supports several standard data formats, uses a visual programming language, and has toots to help the users to build in and install their own programs. A set of new programs can be organized as a subsystem ca#ed a toolbox. We Present MMach, a fast and comprehensive mathematical morphology looftx for Me KNOROS system dealing w4f; I-D and 2-D grayscale and binary images. Each program that is applicable to graywale and binary images has specialized algorithms for each of these data Wpes, and these algorithms are chosen automatically according to the input data. Several examples illustrate applications of Me foolbox in image ana""is. c law sPlE and IS T [S1017-9909(98)01701-2]. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 1122 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2001:LeMiSa Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Geometrias não são geografias: o legado de Milton santos 2001 InfoGeo 20 34-35 July 10007 ""O território é o dado essencial da condição da vida cotidiana"". Assim falava o geógrafo e pensador Milton Santos, recentemente falecido. Neste artigo, examinaremos algumas de suas reflexões, fundamentais para estabelecer as bases da Ciência e Engenharia da Geoinformação. Esperamos que o texto motive os leitores a conhecer melhor Milton Santos, de quem recomendamos A Natureza do Espaço (ed. Hucitec, 1996)e Por uma nova Globalização (ed. Record, 2000). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 199 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HolbenShim:1993:LiMiMo Journal Article Holben, Brent N. Holben, Brent N.; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Linear mixing model applied to coarse spatial resolution data from multispectral satellite sensors 1993 International Journal of Remote Sensing 14 11 2231-2240 6869 vegetacao. A linear mixing model was applied to coarse resolution data from tehe NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. The reflective component of the 3.55-3.95 um channel was used with the two reflective cannels 0.58-0.68 um and 0.725-1.1 um to run a Constrained Least Squares model to generate fraction images for an area in the west central regio of Brazil. The fraction images were compared with an unsupervised classification derived from Landsat TM data acquired on the same day. In addition, the relationsphip between the fraction images and normalized difference vegetation index images show the potential of the unmixing techniques when using coarse soptial resolution data for global studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 484 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MantovaniSetz:1994:MeSiOp Journal Article Mantovani, Angelica C. Di Maio Mantovani, Angelica C. Di Maio; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Metodologia de um sistema operacional de deteccao de desmatamentos na Floresta Amazonica 1994 Revista UNIVAP 2 3 59-67 November 7890 Este trabalho apresenta metodologia simples e de custo relativamente baixo para um sistema operacional de deteccao de desmatamentos da Floresta Amazonica em tempo quase-real. A comparacao digital de imagens da mesma regiao, mas de datas distintas, do canal 3 (3.7 m)do sensor AVHRR (""Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer"")dos satelites NOAA (""National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration""), permite identificar novos desmatamentos em um Sistema de Processamento de Imagens e de Informacoes Geograficas. Testes realizados em uma regiao no norte do Mato Grosso sao descritos, indicando a possibilidade do uso de imagens AVHRR operacionalmente na deteccao de novos desmatamentos. Os resultados obtidos, comparando-se desmatamentos verificados nas imagens AVHRR, com dados correspondentes de diferentes tamanhos, para os pares de imagens de setembro de 1989 e setembro de 1990, e de julho de 1990 com setembro de 1990, respectivamente. Nas mesmas imagens foram obtidos, respectivamente, 82 e 90 de acerto para 50 poligonos de desmatamentos com tamanho minimo de 3,1 Km2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 678 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RennoSetz:1984:InPlPe Journal Article Renno, Nilton Renno, Nilton; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Instrumentacao de um planador para pesquisas meteorologicas 1984 Ciencia e Cultura Supl. 36 7 684 7802 O objetivo deste trabalho foi instrumentar um motoplanador para pesquisas meteorologicas. Utilizou-se um motoplanador de dois lugares equipado com termometros de mercurio de precisao para leitura de temperaturas de bulbo seco (td)e de bulbo umido (tw)externas ao planador, com altimetro para indicacao de altitude, e com velocimetro para manter a velocidade de voo constante durante as leituras. A umidade relativa (RH)foi calculada a partir destas temperaturas e da pressao indicada pelo altimetro. Os registros das observacoes visuais foi feito com o auxilio de um gravador de voz portatil. Foi tambem usado um barografo que registrou continuamente a variacao de pressao (altitude)durante os voos. Os voos iniciais na Serra do Palmital, Cacapava, SP, documentaram a estrutura de ""termicas"", que sao correntes de ar ascendentes, de natureza convectiva, com dimensoes da ordem de 200 m de extensao e 2 Km de altura. Um caso tipico observado apresentou cerca de 1 C para td, 2 C para tw, e 10 para RH, a mais, no interior da termica. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1139 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2001:BeBeFu Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Bertha becker e o futuro das geotecnologias 2001 InfoGeo 19 34-35 June 10005 Bertha Becker é certamente uma das personalidades mais fascinantes da Geografia brasileira. Ao longo de seus anos de dedicação a pensar o Brasil, Bertha produziu alguns dos mais importantes estudos sobre nosso País, com a Amazônia como foco privilegiado. Conviver com Bertha é um destes privilégios que tornam a vida menos monótona, seja ao assistir suas agradáveis palestras ou tomando um bom uísque numa mesa de bar (single malt, por favor). É como ouvir um bom disco de Piazolla. A vivacidade de seus argumentos desconcerta qualquer marmanjo que acha que, por saber definir um modelo de dados no SPRING, sabe também representar o mundo num computador. Lembrei-me de Bertha imediatamente após ser convidado para proferir a palestra ""O Que Esperar da Tecnologia GIS para a Próxima Década"", no Congresso GeoBrasil 2001. Pode parecer uma estranha associação, de vez que ela, apesar de entusiasta das geotecnologias, jamais irá converter arquivos SHP para MIF. Mas a leitura de Bertha é uma referência justamente por estar seu discurso além das atuais capacidades das geotecnologias, e colocar em questão os instrumentos que utilizamos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 197 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaEgenAgouCâma:2002:UsOnIn Journal Article Fonseca, Frederico T. Fonseca, Frederico T.; Egenhofer, Max J.; Agouris, Peggy; Câmara, Gilberto Using ontologies for integrated geographic information systems 2002 Transactions on GIS 6 3 231-257 10015 geoprocessamento, ontologia, sistemas de informação geográfica, represetação do conhecimento, sgi, interoperabilidade, ontology, interoperability, geophraphic information systms, gis. Today, there is a huge amount of data gathered about the Earth, not only from new spatial information systems, but also from new and more sophisticated data collection technologies. This scenario leads to a number of interesting research challenges, such as how to integrate geographic information of different kinds. The basic motivation of this paper is to introduce a GIS architecture that can enable geographic information integration in a seamless and flexible way based on its semantic value and regardless of its representation. The proposed solution is an ontology-driven geographic information system that acts as a system integrator. In this system, an ontology is a component, such as the database, cooperating to fulfill the system's objectives. By browsing through ontologies the users can be provided with information about the embedded knowledge of the system. Special emphasis is given to the case of Remote Sensing Systems and Geographic Information Systems. The levels of ontologies can be used to guide processes for the extraction of more general or more detailed information. The use of multiple ontologies allows the extraction of information in different stages of classification. The semantic integration of aerial images and GIS is a crucial step towards better geospatial modeling. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 207 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Batista:1985:SaNaPr Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira Satelites na previsao de safras agricolas 1985 Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia 14 August 714 agronomia, previsao de safra, agriculture, crop inventories. Todo processo de tomada de decisao que afeta o sistema produtivo de um pais necessita de sistemas diagnosticos da producao agricola que fornecam informacoes confiaveis em tempo oportuno e a custos razoaveis. E oportuno lembrar que os sistemas convencionais de previsao ou estimativa de safras atualmente utilizadas no Brasil carecem de maior objetividade. Atualmente, dados de satelites, tanto os de observacao da Terra (exemplo, o LANDSAT MSS e TM)como os ambientais (principalmente o TIROS-N com o sensor AVHRR), apresentam grande potencial de contribuicao para os sistemas de informacao agricola, fornecendo estimativas tanto de area como de produtividade. Alem disso, os dados de satelites constituem uma base continuamente atualizada para o estabelecimento de um universo amostral essencial ao desenvolvimento de um sistema de amostragem para previsao objetiva de safras agricolas. Para que um sistema seja confiavel, e preciso que ele permita a utilizacao de fontes alternativas de dados (por exemplo, satelite e campo)para garantir sua operacao ininterrupta. A experiencia mostra que estes sistemas devem ser amostrais com a utilizacao de metodos de estratificacao baseados em dados de satelites, pois o pequeno erro amostral incorrido e compensado pelo ganho em custo e pela diminuicao de erros nao-amostrais do sistema. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR SAFRAS 699 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Mendonca:1981:UsLaDa Journal Article Mendonca, Francisco Jose Mendonca, Francisco Jose Use of Landsat data for automatic classification and area estimation of sugarcane plantation in Sao Paulo State, Brazil 1981 International Journal of Remote Sensing 2 4 361-368 325 agronomia, , classificacao digital, cana-de-acucar, image 100, agriculture, digital classification, sugar cane. Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)plantation of Sao Paulo State was classified automatically using IMAGE-100 system and LANDSAT digital data. Ten segments of the size 20 x 10 km were aerially photographed and used as training areas for automatic classification. The study area was covered by four LANDSAT paths 235, 236, 237 and 238. The percentages of overall correct classification for these paths range from 79.56 for path 238 to 95.59 for path 237. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 78 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2000:ARFuGI Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto ARC/INFO e o futuro do GIS 2000 InfoGeo 10 November 10003 De uma coisa podemos ter certeza: especulações sobre o futuro são tão necessáriasquanto fadadas a erros garrafais. No entanto, é impossível não resistir à tentação de analisar a intrigante entrevista de David Maguire (um dos ""gurus"" do Geoprocessamento e atualmente diretor de novas tecnologias da ESRI), publicada neste número da InfoGeo InfoGeo. As opiniões de Maguire, combinadas com o anúncio do ARC/INFO-8, sinalizam um conjunto substancial de mudanças num dos SIGs mais populares do mercado. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 195 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DiasOlivCâmaCarv:2002:PrEsRe Journal Article Dias, Taciana de Lemos Dias, Taciana de Lemos; Oliveira, Maria da Piedade Gomes de; Câmara, Gilberto; Carvalho, Marilia Sá Problemas de escala e a relação área-indivíduo em análise espacial de dados censitários 2002 Informática Pública 410 1 89-103 June 10013 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informação geográfica, dados censitários, sig, análise espacial, geographic information systems, gis, spatial analysis, census. Este artigo apresenta os problemas relacionados com a manipulação de dados agregados por área e sua interpretação em diferentes subdivisões de unidades de áreas. A granularidade da subdivisão territorial interfere nos resultados, podendo gerar conclusões impróprias sobre o fenômeno estudado. Assuntos relevantes para a análise desses dados, tais como agregação e zoneamento, além de estimativas de taxas em áreas de pequenas populações, são discutidos através de exemplos. Soluções no campo da análise espacial são propostas para reduzir as distorções causadas pela agregação dos dados em áreas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraSetz:1993:SpChDe Journal Article Pereira, Marcos da Costa Pereira, Marcos da Costa; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Spectral characteristics of deforestation fires in NOAA/AVHRR images 1993 International Journal Remote Sensing 14 3 583-597 6778 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , queimadas, radiometry, deforestation, fires, spectral reflectance. This work presents optical-spectral and radiometric characteristics of fires associated to tropical deforestation as recorded by full resolution AVHRR/NOAA-9 images in the Amazon region during a dry season. Results showed that fires and smoke clouds were spectrally distinct and easily separated from surrounding ground covers by automatic digital processing. Channel 3 (3-55 to 3-93um)was the most appropriate to identify active fires whose pixels had digital counts about one order of magnitude higher than common ground covers. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 480 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1988:UtDaSe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia de Moraes Utilizacao de dados de sensoriamento remoto em estudos ambientais 1988 Revista Geografia 13 25 43-51 712 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, impacto ambiental, integrated environmental studies, environmental impact. Nesse trabalho sao apresentados alguns exemplos de utilizacao de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto em estudos ambientais. Os exemplos envolvem metodos de deteccao de mudancas dos sistemas ambientais (Change detectition methods), metodos de diferenciacao espacial de sistemas ambientais (classificacao)e metodos de estimativa de variaveis ambientais. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM ANAMB 697 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuizOlivEpihForm:2002:AuImSa Journal Article Luiz, Alfredo José Barreto Luiz, Alfredo José Barreto; Oliveira, Júlio César; Epihanio, José Carlos das Neves; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Auxílio das imagens de satélite nos levantamento por amostragem em agricultura 2002 Agricultura em São Paulo 49 1 41-54 9994 agronomia, , estatística, agricultura, amostragem, agriculture, statistics, sampling. Levantamentos agrícolas por amostragem são atividades necessariamente freqüentes no tempo, devido à dinâmica e sazonalidade próprias da agricultura, e que precisam ser realizados sobre extensas áreas. O costumeiro compromisso entre os custos dos levantamentos e a precisão e confiabilidade dos dados estabelecem um desafio para que novas técnicas sejam desenvolvidas no sentido de permitir uma diminuição dos custos sem comprometimento da qualidade da informação. O auxílio de fotografias aéreas na localização, identificação e quantificação das áreas de talhões agrícolas, utilizado no passado, tem um custo proibitivo no que diz respeito à atualização constante do material de referência. As imagens de satélite, com um custo muito menor por unidade de área monitorada e uma resolução temporal muito mais alta do que a dos levantamentos aerofotogramétricos, são uma opção técnica e economicamente viável. É apresentado um método de preparo e utilização de material de campo e é descrita a realização de um levantamento em três municípios do Estado de São Paulo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE {DSR DPI} {DSR DPI} 193 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2002:QuPaQu Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Imagens CBERS: para que e para quem? 2002 InfoGeo 24 26-28 June 10011 imagens de satélites, cbers 2, satélite sino-brasileiro de recursos terrestres. As imagens de sensoriamento remoto vem se tornando ferramentas cada vez mais úteis para todos quantos lidam com o espaço geográfico, a partir do lançamento do satélite LANDSAT em 1974, que tornou operacional sua coleta sistemática. É evidente que o impacto mais imediato das imagens é sensorial, ao despertar nossa curiosidade pelo território que ocupamos. Após séculos de visualização doespaço através das abstrações ritualizadas dos mapas, de repente pudemos perceber que aqueles polígonos coloridos escondem uma textura rica e variegada, que as homogeneidades requeridas pela cartografia não contam toda a história, e que ademais o espaço está em perpétua mudança, transformadopelos homens e pelos elementos. Quem quiser exercitar sua percepção sobrenosso planeta pode começar por uma vista ao excelente site ""Visible Earth"" da NASA (http://visibleearth.nasa.gov), ou aqui mais perto, admirar os mosaicos do Brasil disponíveis no INPE (http://www.dpi.inpe.br/mosaico)ou na Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite (http://www.cdbrasil.cnpm.embrapa.br). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RennaeSouzaMasc:1981:ImPrRe Journal Article Renna e Souza, Celsa Renna e Souza, Celsa; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfini D'Avila Image processing and recognition at INPE, Brasil 1981 International Association for Pattern Recognition Newsletter 4 2 9 1382 The program on image processing and recognition at the informatics Division of INPE is directed mainly toward research in processing methods and algorithms, and remote sensing and meteorological applications. The group is presently composed of nine full time members and three M.Sc.students. At the moment, research effort is being directed to: a)Preprocessing Techniques: geometric correction and registration of multitemporal scenes, including interpolation and non-recursive bidimensional filters; b)Feature Selection and Data Compression: linear and non-linear mapping of multivariate Landsat data for interactive classification and transform coding of multispectral images; c)Classification Algorithms: hierarchical multispectral clustering, classification of clouds in meteorological imagens and estimation of proportion of classes within a resolution element; d)Spatial Context: use of spatial attributes combined with spectral features for Landsat classification and texture edge detection. Research on structural description of scenes is also being conducted toward including semantic information on a previously developed graph-based syntactic model (a generalization of webs and web grammars). Some results of all this research effort has already been published in the international literature (1)- (4). 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DPI 117 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVito:1994:ChCoRe Journal Article Galvao, Lenio S. Galvao, Lenio S.; Vitorello, Icaro Spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of terrigenous rocks of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil: chemical composition relationships 1994 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 24 1 22-31 March 7762 reflectancia espectral, rochas sedimentares, composicao quimica. As associacoes funcionais de espectros de reflectancia com constituintes de rochas sedimentares foram analisadas para sete unidades estratigraficas da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaiba, no nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionadas vinte e seis amostras de testemunhos, para analises quimicas, de lamina delgada e de difracao de raios X. Fatores de Reflectancia Bidirecional (BRF)foram obtidos em laboratorio com direcoes de visada e iluminacao proximos ao nadir, na faixa do visivel e infravermelho refletido (400-2.500 nm). A dependencia da BRF em relacao a composicao quimica foi avaliada para os seguintes constituintes: SiO2, Al2O3, ferro total (expresso como Fe2O3), K2O, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, P2O5 e TiO2. Adicionalmente, foram considerados o tamanho medio dos graos dos arenitos, o conteudo de carbono organico total (TOC)e as razoes SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/Fe2O3 e Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes negativas com a reflectancia foram obtidas para Al2O3, Fe2O3, materia organica e razao Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes positivas foram obtidas para SiO2, razoes SiO2/Fe2O3 e SiO2/Al2O3. Muito embora componentes importantes como SiO2, Al2O3 e K2O nao produzam absorcoes na faixa 400-2.500 nm, como produzem, por exemplo, os ions de ferro e carbono, o escrutinio dos graficos revelou o papel destas variaveis interdependentes no processo de espalhamento e absorcao. Um aumento de SiO2 e frequentemente associado a maiores reflectancias, enquanto o reverso e verdadeiro para Al2O3 e K2O. Este estudo indica a necessidade de modelagens empiricas para a melhor compreensao do processo de transferencia de radiacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 672 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosMans:2002:SeDeLa Journal Article Santos, João Roberto dos Santos, João Roberto dos; Manso, A.a.F Seguimiento de la deforestación de la Amazonia Brasile¤a mediante técnica de teledetección espacial. Montes 2002 Revista de Ambito Forestal 67 : 3442 January 9992 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 191 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Câmara:2002:OsGaPa Journal Article Câmara, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Os gatos de Paris, a Argentina e a boa geogovernança 2002 InfoGeo 22 February 10009 geoprocessamento, zee, zoneamento ecológico-econômico, ordenamento territorial, regional planning, ecological and economical zoning. Na Paris do século XVI, um dos grandes prazeres das festividades do dia de São João (24 de junho)consistia em queimar vivos uma ou duas dúzias de gatos. A população se reunia, música solene era tocada e, sob uma espécie de forca, erguia-se uma pira enorme. Em seguida, um saco contendo os gatos era pendurado na forca. O saco começava a queimar, os gatos caíam na pira e queimavam até a morte, enquanto a multidão se regozijava em meio a enorme algazarra. Geralmente, o rei e a rainha compareciam e concedia-se ao rei a honra de acender a pira. Esta história foi extraída do livro O processo civilizador, clássico da sociologia, onde Norbert Elias apresenta discussões saborosas sobre a evolução dos costumes; ele nos mostra como, a partir de aspectos aparentemente simples como a evolução do uso do garfo à mesa, pode-se traçar um histórico da civilização. O que há de tão singular na história dos gatos de Paris? Trata-se de um momento fundamental na evolução da humanidade, quando a agressividade e a violência medievais, decorrentes de uma sociedade desagregada, estão em processo de ser substituídas por um Estado organizado. Como se sabe, o grande avanço civilizador na formação do Estado moderno decorre do fato da sociedade transferir para um poder centralizado alguns direitos originalmente individuais: a força, a lei, os impostos e a gestão do território. A cerimônia de queima dos gatos, repugnante à consciência moderna, é representativa do processo de ritualização da violência, no qual a catarse organizada e o respeito às instituições ajudam a controlar nossos instintos. Na história da humanidade, as nações que alcançaram mais alto grau de civilização são aquelas em que o Estado está organizado de maneira adequada para coletar impostos e distribuir dividendos, produzir leis justas e garantir segurança a seus cidadãos. Infelizmente, nos anos recentes, temos vários exemplos de colapso de sociedades organizadas, como na Argentina. Embora os argentinos possuam elevado grau de educação e forte consciência cívica, suas instituições públicas atravessam séria crise, com redução do poder regulador do Estado e conseqüente caos social. Esperamos que esta situação seja passageira e que nossos amigos argentinos em breve recomponham sua bela pátria. Aqui, o leitor pode perguntar: o que os gatos de Paris e a Argentina tem a ver com geoinformação? Ora, um dos monopólios cruciais dos Estados modernos é justamente o direito soberano de gerir seu território, que inclui o poder concedente do uso do solo, subsolo e serviços públicos, e o mandato para ordenar a ocupação do espaço. Não preciso repetir neste espaço o quanto a tecnologia de geoinformação é fundamental para um país se quer desenvolvido e o quanto sua eficiente aplicação pelas instituições públicas é uma marca de governos eficientes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 201 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StechLore:1992:ReSoBr Journal Article Stech, Jose Luiz Stech, Jose Luiz; Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio Response of the South Brazil bight to the passage of Wintertime Cold Fronts 1992 Journal Geophysical Research 97 C6 9507-9520 6335 oceanografia, vento, inertial oscillations, wind, shelf. On the southeastern continental shelf of Brazil the wintertime subtidal variability of the circulation is highly dominated by the passage of cold fronts. Hydrographic data for the region reveal that during this (July, August, September)season only a weak vertical stratification is observed. In this paper the response of the region to cold fronts is studied by using a barotropic finite element model, forced by a conceptual cold front wind field derived from the analysis of coastal winds and satellite imagery. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 278 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoraesBanoSand:2002:FuExSy Journal Article Moraes, Ronei Marcos Moraes, Ronei Marcos; Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Sandri, Sandra Aparecida Fuzzy expert systems architeture for image classification using mathematical morphology operators 2002 Information Sciences 142 1-4 7-21 9989 morfologia matematica, , sistemas nebulosos, fuzzy systems, mathematical morphology. We propose a fuzzy expert systems architecture for image classification, whose rules areimplemented through translation invariant mathematical morphology operators. The use of the architecture is illustrated by an expert system that classifies an area of the Tapajos National Forest, in Brazil. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DPI LAC} {DPI LAC} 188 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Cunha:1984:UsImSt Journal Article Cunha, Roberto Pereira da Cunha, Roberto Pereira da The use of imagery in the study of fault zones 1984 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Journal 716 sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, falhas geologicas, imagens infravermelhas, sensors and remote sensing techniques, geological faults, infrared imagery. Both photoidentification and photointerpretation of fault zones are greatly helped by using near infrared imagery. This is demonstrated combining the knowledge of spectral response of certain minerals (e.g. iron bearing minerals)with the knowledge of geologic process. Mechanical and chemical modifications during faulting lead to differentiated indurance and composition of host rocks. These modifications, which occur along fault zones, are more readily identified in the near infrared portion of the photografic spectrum. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 701 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SoaresVianSediCoel:1981:EsEfSe Journal Article Soares, Joao Vianei Soares, Joao Vianei; Vianello, Rubens Leite; Sediyama, Gilberto Chohaku; Coelho, Dirceu Texeira Estudo da eficiencia da serie de fourier para representar a marcha diaria da temperatura 1981 Experientiae 27 11 225-231 1310 analise de fourier, temperatura atmosferica, crescimento de vegetacao, doencas das plantas, temperatura. Dentre outros elementos climaticos, a temperatura do ar atua sobre os processos fisiologicos, como fotossintese, respiracao e producao,do de materia seca e verde. Esse elemento exerce ainda consideravel influincia no crescimento e no desenvolvimento das espocies vegetais, bem como no aparecimento de doencas, etc. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 113 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ToutinAmar:2000:StRaDa Journal Article Toutin, T. Toutin, T.; Amaral, Silvana Stereo Radarsat data for canopy height in brazilian forests 2000 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 26 3 189-200 9339 dados de radar, cobertura, floresta tropical, medidas, imagens de radar, radar imagery, canopy, rain forest, measurement. This paper demonstrates the applicability of RADARSAT stereo-images for the interpretation and measurement of some characteristics of the Brazilian tropical rain forest. Clearing boundaries, vegetation cover and canopy heights were qualitatively interpreted and quantitatively measured on a fine mode RADARSAT stereo-pair using a PC-based softcopy stereo workstation. Since no ground truth was specifically acquired for this project, the validation of the results is realized in two steps using previous research studies of the same site. The clearing boundaries were first overlaid on a previously orthorectified Landsat-TM image to verify their planimetric accuracy and the interpretation of the vegetation cover. The planimetric positioning error of 30 metres for the clearing boundaries was mainly due to the accuracy of the input cartographic data. Larger errors were a result of the deforestation and regeneration between image acquisition dates, the dominant scattering regime from the forest and the misinterpretation of SAR backscatter The computed canopy heights were then compared to an existing vegetation map, which described the tree species and their characteristics of each class. The results in canopy heights were generally consistent and a good representation of terrain reality. With few exceptions, a mean height variation of about 5 metres with the 11 expected"" canopy heights based on previous studies was obtained. In the context of monitoring the Amazon forest in Brazil, these results based on radar stereo geometry show promise as a complementary tool to traditional methods based only on radar radiometry. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 97 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1984:SeReSi Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Sensoriamento remoto de sistemas fluviais 1984 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 36 7 679 7687 O desenvolvimento de grandes parques industriais, o crescimento urbano e a expansao das fronteiras agricolas tem concorrido para o aumento da utilizacao de recursos hidricos, quer no abastecimento industrial e domestico, quer na geracao de energia. Esta utilizacao tem acarretado modificacoes substanciais no funcionamento natural dos sistemas fluviais, seja atraves da construcao de grandes barragens ou pela regularizacao de debitos. Tais modificacoes deliberadas dos sistemas fluviais contribuem para a ruptura de seu equilibrio natural, levando a intensificacao de processos de degradacao ou agradacao de canais fluviais. As modificacoes na intensidade dos processos de erosao e deposicao sao possiveis de identificacao atraves da deteccao de alteracoes na forma e padrao do canal fluvial. Para isso, torna-se essencial a disponibilidade de dados multitemporais, o que se faz do sensoriamento remoto orbital uma tecnica extremamente util ao estudo da dinamica fluvial. Tais dados, entretanto, devido ao carater incidental de sua aquisicao, podem estar sujeitos a variacoes que devem ser cuidadosamente identificadas. Dentre as principais caracteristicas que interferem na analise multitemporal de dados de sensoriamento remoto destacam-se: data de aquisicao, condicoes de tomada variaveis, tipo de produto, escala, direcao de voo, etc. No presente trabalho algumas dessas caracteristicas foram analisadas, tais como efeitos do tipo de produto de sensoriamento remoto, frequencia e data de aquisicao sobre a obtencao de informacoes a cerca do funcionamento dos sistemas fluviais. A area estudada corresponde a um segmento do Rio Bocaina, afluente do Rio Paraiba do Sul (SP). Os resultados da analise demonstraram que e extremamente arriscado, ao comparar dois produtos diferentes (quanto a data, condicoes de tomada e faixa espectral), estabelecer que modificacoes sao resultantes da variacao do produto utilizado ou da alteracao nas caracteristicas intrinsicas ao sistema fluvial. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1128 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FormaggioAlveEpip:1992:SiInGe Journal Article Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Alves, Diogenes Salas; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Sistemas de informacaoes geograficas na obtencao de mapas de aptidao agricola e de taxa de adequacao de uso das terras 1992 Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Solo 16 2 249-256 6311 agronomia, , sgi, solos, sistemas de informacao geografica, uso da terra, landsat 5, imagens landsat, monitoramento, mapas de aptidao agricola. Nem sempre os usos dados aos solos correspondem a aptidao indicada e, quando ha um sobreuso, podem advir problemas ligados a sua conservacao. Atualmente dispoe-se, alem de mapas de solos, de dados de satelite de sensoriamento remoto com elevado poder de repetibilidade e de sistemas computacionais que permitem a manipulacao de dados espacialmente distribuidos. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma sistematica de aplicacao do sistema de informacoes geograficas (SGI)/ Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Esopaciais (INPE)na determinacao da aptidao agricola (imagens de satelite como origem). A area de estudo corresponde a 400 km2 na regiao de Leme (SP). Foram gerados onze planos de informacao referentes aos fatores limitantes, para a determinacao do mapa de aptidao agricola via SGI/INPE. O uso atual foi mapeado pela interpretacao de imagens do satelite Landsat-5. Com o cruzamento dessas informacoes via SGI/INPE, obteve-se o mapa de taxas de adequacao de uso, mostrando que 17,5 da area de estudo se enquadrava nas classes baixa ou inadequada, devido a usos mais intensivos que os recomendados. As classes de aptidao agricola, conjuntamente com as classes de uso da terra mapeadas via imagens de satelite e cruzadas atraves atraves de sistemas de informacoes geograficas constituem excelentes ferramentas para o monitoramento periodico das taxas de adequacao, principalmente quando se considera a dinamica das variacoes dos usos das terras. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 274 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MachadoeSilvaIiCamSerSou:1984:EsPrPr Journal Article Machado e Silva, Antonio Jose Ferreira Machado e Silva, Antonio Jose Ferreira; Ii, Fernando Augusto Mitsuo; Camara Neto, Gilberto; Serra, Paulo Roberto M.; Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo M. de Especificacao e projeto preliminar do Sistema Carta para Cartografia por Satelite 1984 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 36 7 681 7680 cartografia. As imagens digitais obtidas por satelite apresentam distorcoes geometricas inerentes devido as caracteristicas do sensor e as variacoes da plataforma. No INPE esta sendo desenvolvido um sistema computacional para corrigir geometricamente imagens digitais do sensor MSS do satelite LANDSAT. Tais imagens corrigidas serao uteis tanto para a geracao de cartas quanto para o mapeamento tematico. Exemplos importantes sao a geracao de cartas-imagem LANDSAT para a regiao Amazonica e a obtencao de imagens digitais em projecao desejada para a integracao em um Sistema Geografico de Informacao. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 1124 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaTardChenDall:1990:AvPrHR Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi; Chen, Sherry Chou; Dallemand, Jean Francois Avaliacao de produtos HRV/SPOT e TM/Landsat na discriminacao de culturas 1990 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 25 3 379-386 March 833 agronomia, , spot (satelite frances), hrv, tm landsat, cafe, cana-de-acucar, pastagem, trigo, coffe, sugarcane, pasture, agriculture, wheat. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os dados do SPOT/HVR e do Landsat TM na discriminacao das culturas de cafe (Coffea arabica L.), cana-de-acucar (Saccharum officinarum L.), trigo (Triticum aestivum L.)e pastagem (varias especie)no nordeste do Parana. Informacoes sobre variedade, data de plantio, estagio fenologico, altura de plantas, espacamento e orientacao de plantio, percentagem de cobertura do solo, etc., foram obtidas durante o priodo da tomada das imagens (tres cenas do SPOT e uma cena do TM). Os resultados mostram que nao houve diferenca significativa na identificacao visual das culturas, ao nivel de 95 entre os produtos analisados. No entanto, verificou-se uma significativa diferenca entre os produtos considendo cada cultura isoladamente. Os resultados da analise digital, nao mostrou diferenca significativa ao nivel de 95 quando eram analisados dados multiespectrais do SPOT ou bandas equivalentes do TM. A inclusao de uma do TM na regiao do infravermelho medio em substituicao a segunda banda no visivel melhorou sensivelmente o desempenho obtido na analise digital. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 20 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffBatiTard:1990:AePhAi Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi Aerial photography as an aid for agricultural credit control 1990 Revista SELPER 6 4 25-32 December 825 agronomia, irece (ba), fotografia aerea, credito agricola, cadastro rural, identificação de safra, uso da terra rural, aerial fotography, agriculture, cadastral mapping, rural land use, crop identification. This work had the objective to develop a methodology for the control process of governmental loans a for agriculture with the aerial photographs. The study area, named Irece region, is located in Bahia State and comprises the municipal areas of Irece, Lapao, Gabriel, and Joao Dourado. For monitoring the proper use of agricultural loans provided by ""Banco do Brasil S.A."" (Bank of Brazil), aerial photographs were used in a first phase after the plowing or at crop emergence stage and in a second phase just before harvesting. Vertical aerial photographs were cobtained in color prints at the scales of 1:30.000 and 1:15.000, respectively for the first and second phases of this work. The farms with granted loans were outlined over the aerial photographs using cadastral maps at the scales of 1:5.000 and 1:25.000. The aerial photographs photographs obtained in the first phase of the work were used to assese the area of soil prepared for planting and it was possible to assess 92 percent of the farms of the study area of which 27.2 percent presented area reduction when compared to the area agreed to be plented in the loan contrct. For the second phase the serial photographs were utilizad, both to identify the crop and to evaluate the planted area . In accordance with the loan contract. In this phase, 50 percent of the loan contract were analyzerd of which 27.7 percent were in irregular situation to planted crop or area reduction. From the aircraft flight mission to the delivery of results to the local branch of the Bank 15 and 20 days were spent, repectively, for the first and second phases of the work. This experience has shown that both technically and economically the loan control can be done operationally using aerial photography in the region of Irece. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 19 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LorenzzettiWangLee:1988:TwMoSu Journal Article Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio; Wang, J.D.; Lee, T.N. Two-layer model of summer circulation on the Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf 1988 Journal of Physical Oceanography 18 ? 591-608 7571 oceanografia. The summer circulation in the South Atlantic Bight is investigated using a two-layer finite element model. Simulations using a steady state mean summer wind field lead to the following conclusions: (i)the adjustment time of the shelf circulation to sudden changes in the wind varies between 12 to 24 hours; (ii)the main dynamical balances were geostrophic in the cross-shelf direction and with the Coriolis, pressure gradient, wind and bottom stresses all being significant in the alongshore momentum balance. Both findings agree with data analysis of Lee and Pietrafesa. This experiment produced an upwelling cell that matched well with the summer upwelling observed north of Cape Canaveral. Results of a second experiment using a 9-day real wind event compared reasonably well against observed coastal sea level, midshelf currents and an upwelling-downwelling event. Momentum balance results, associated with the short adjustment time compared to the time scale of the wind forcing (4 to 12 days), indicate that quasi-steady state conditions are dominant with a dynamical balance similar to the arrested topographic wave model of Csanady. A third experiment where the model was forced with an alongshelf pressure gradient applied along the open offshore boundary, characteristic of the Gulf Stream, also produced an upwelling cell north of Cape Canaveral. These findings support the idea that Cape Canaveral upwelling is determined by the joint effect of wind and Gulf Stream intrusions over the shelf. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 1119 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LorenzzettiWangLee:1987:SuUpSo Journal Article Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio; Wang, J.D.; Lee, T.N Summer upwelling on the Southeastern Continent shelf of the U.S.A. during 1981. Circulatiom model 1987 Progress in Oceanography 19 3/4 313-327 7572 oceanografia. Summer upwelling on the continental shelf north of Cape Canaveral, Florida, has been previously observed to result from wind forcing. A two-layer, finite element model reproduces reasonably well the characteristics of the wind-driven upwelling in respect to location and magnitude. Model investigation also shows that upwelling results from offshore current forcing which is imposed through an along-shelf sea level slope. This sea level slope, which has been found to be of the order of -10 , represents a mean Gulf Stream effect. The results suggest that the strongest upwelling events near Cape Canaveral occur when the wind and Gulf Stream forcings act together. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 1120 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaViLiMaDuMe:1990:EsCoVa Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Vitorello, Icaro; Liu,Chan Chiang; Mattos, Juercio Tavares de; Dutra, Luciano Vieira; Meneses, Paulo Roberto Imagens do satelite SPOT-1 em mapeamento geologico: um estudo comparativo com varios produtos sensores no Vale do Rio Curaca, Bahia 1990 Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 20 1-4 282-292 822 geologia, , spot (satelite frances), sopt-1, mss landsat, tm landsat, fotografia aerea, litologia, aereialphotography, litholoy. O objetivo da pesquisa e o de comparar qualitativamente o desempenho espacial e espectral de dados SPOT multiespectral e pancromatico, em condicoes de visada obliqua, com dados do MSS-Landsat e fotos aerea pancromaticas, no contexto de mapeamento estrutural e discriminacao litologica. Como area teste, foi escolhido o baixo vale do Rio Curaca, Estado da Bahia. Imagem em papel foram analisadas visualmente, em escala adequadas a mapeamento regional e de de talhe, e os dados digitais foram submetidos a processamento regional e de detalhe, e os digitais foram submetidos a processamentos de realce de integracao (merging). Adicionalmente, os dados digitais foram normalizados em valores radiometricos com o proposito de deteccao de efeitos da visada obliqua. Valores radiometricos da visada para o oeste do SPOT e nadir para o TM do mesmo sitio mostraram diferecas que podem ser atribuidas a maior interferencia atmosferica na configuracao de visada SPOT. Na escala regional, nem SPOT nem TM-Landsat, em imagens em papel, adicionaram informacoes geologicas significantivas, ao mapeamento previo da area teste baseado em dados digitais MSS-Landsat. Contudo, produtos obtidos da integracao SPOT/TM (merged)mostraram que discriminacao litologicas podem ser melhoradas pela combinacao da elevada resolucao da banda pancromatica do SPOT com as bandas do infravermelho do TM. Do mesmo modo, a visao estereoscopica do SPOT pode ser combinada com produtos digitais TM-Landsat na otimizacao de interpretacoes a escala de detalhe. Enquanto os dados TM requerem procdessamento digital de custo mais elevado, a visao estereoscopica do SPOT requer imageamento em visada obliqua oposta sob boas condicoes atmosfericas e uma programacao com antecedencia no recobrimento pelo satelite, o que representa dificuldades adicionais na obtencao dos dados SPOT. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 17 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Velasco:1980:ThUsIS Journal Article Velasco, Flavio Roberto Dias Velasco, Flavio Roberto Dias Thresholding using the ISODATA clustering algorithm 1980 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC10 11 771-774 6166 An investigation is made of the use of the ISODATA clustering algorithm as applied to a one-dimensional feature space. For two classes, the ISODATA turns out to be an iterative thresholding scheme, which is very convenient for its simplicity. In this case (two classes)it is proved that the ISODATA algorithm always terminates. For a number of classes larger than two, ISODATA can be used to requantize images into a specified number of gray levels. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI 56 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SoaresBerTacVidWei:1988:EsBaSo Journal Article Soares, Joao Vianei Soares, Joao Vianei; Bernard, R.; Taconet, O.; Vidal -Madjar, D.; Weill, A Estimation of bare soil evaporation from aiborne measurements 1988 Journal of Hydrology 99 : 281-296 6951 vegetacao, evaporacao, umidade do solo, superficie da agua, infrared radiometer, evaporation, soil moisture, surface water. C-band (5 GHz)active microwave instruments can be used to sense remotely the variations in space and time of soil moisture up to 5 or 10 m below the surface. The thermal infrared radiance is also related to soil evaporation through the energy balance at the soil-air interface. If those two measurements are made simultaneously over a long period, it may be possible to monitor the actual evaporation and the soil water budget. Over a period of 10 days at the end of September 1983 airborne remote sensing equipment gave the surface temperature (from an infrared radiometer)and the surface water content (from a radar)of an essentially bare agricultural region. Using a Deardorff-like two-reservoir parameterization the evaporation and soil water budgets were derived from the remotely sensed data. To validate the results, the sensible heat fluxes derived are compared with regional fluxes measured using a vertical Doppler SODAR. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 1113 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BustosFrer:1992:ExThBy Journal Article Bustos, Oscar H. Bustos, Oscar H.; Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide A contribution to the study of Markovian degradated images: an extension of a theorem by geman and german 1992 Mathematica Aplicada e Computacional 11 1 17-29 6042 Desenvloveu-se este trabalho experimental visando o estudo das caracteristicas do desempenho do combustor pulsante tipo tubo de Rijke operado com gás. O combustível utilizado foi o GLP. A combustor, foi diversificada da seguinte forma: queimador sem os tubos de distribuicao, distribuidor sem grade, distribuidor com grade e leito de esferas de argila expandida. Atingiram-se os mais elevados niveis de amplitudes de pressao acustica, operando-se com o leito de esferas, obtendo-se, no centro do tubo a maxima amplitude de pressao igual a 44 mBar. As frequencias de oscilacoes acusticas variaram de 66 a 78 Hz. Observou-se a possibilidade de se atingir frequencias iguais as obtidas em queimadas de solidos e liquidos no mesmo combustor. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 258 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OviedoHerzRudo:2001:EfEsHí Journal Article Oviedo, A.F.P. Oviedo, A.F.P.; Herz, Renato; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Efeito do estresse hídrico e da densidade de plantio no uso da radiação e produtividade do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) 2001 Revista Biociência 7 1 23-33 9897 agronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 168 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoCurr:1988:FaAmQu Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de; Curran, P.J Fatores ambientais que afetam a estimativa de concentracoes de sedimentos em suspensao a partir de dados de sensores remotos 1988 Caderno de Recursos Hidricos 7 1 49-65 6746 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, meio ambiente. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 1098 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Epiphanio:1983:AbSeRe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Avaliacao da condicao hidrica da cultura do milho (Zea mays L.): abordagem atraves de sensoriamento remoto termal 1983 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 18 1 1233-1241 321 agronomia, , sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, milho, deficiencia hidrica, agriculture, sensors and remote sensing techniques, corn, water stress. E apresentada uma metodologia de utilizacao de sensoriamento remoto na faixa espectral do infravermelho termal (8-14 ) para deteccao de estresse hidrico na cultura do milho (Zea mays L.). Atraves da coleta horaria da temperatura radiante de dossel e da temperatura do ar durante o periodo reprodutivo da cultura, foi construido um indice que expressa as diferentes condicoes hidricas a que a cultura foi submetida. Com esse indice sao estabelecidas correlacoes com a produtividade afetada pelo deficit hidrico. Tambem e feita uma discussao sobre os horarios mais adequados as leituras, de acordo com a finalidade desejada. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia apresentada e eficiente para os objetivos propostos. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 277 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvãoPizaEpip:2001:SpCoRe Journal Article Galvão, Lenio Soares Galvão, Lenio Soares; Pizarro, Marco Antonio; Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves Variations in reflectance of tropical soils: spectral-chemical composition relationships from AVIRIS data 2001 Remote Sensing of Environment 5 2 245-255 9895 agronomia, reflectância espectral, erosão do solo, composição química, espectrômetros infravermelho, mapeamento do solo, spectral reflectance, soil erosion, chemical composition, infraed spectrometers, soil mapping. The relationships between Airborne Visible. Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)surface reflectance values and constituents (total iron, organic matter, TiO2, Al2O3, and SiO2)of samples representative of three important soil types from central Brazil [Terra Roxa Estruturada (S-TE), Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (S-LE), and Areia Quartzosa (S-AQ)] were analyzed. End member spectra for green vegetation (GVd), nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV), water (W), and the three soil types were selected by inspecting scatter plots derived from the principal components analysis (PCA)of 140 AVIRIS bands. They were then used to compose a six end member unmixing model to characterize the spectral reflectance variations associated with the different scene components, the spatial distribution of the soil types, and the effects of spectral mixing on the spectral-chemical composition relationships. Finally, regression equations fitted to soil constituents and their highly correlated spectral bands were used to produce maps showing the chemical variability in the scene for areas dominated by the presence of exposed soils, as indicated by the results from the unmixing model. The results showed a very good agreement between the spatial variability of the soil types and of the soil constituents. The largest squared correlation results were obtained for Fe2O3, TiO2, and Al2O3, but the relationships were affected in the transition from the red to the near-infrared interval by the presence of nonsoil residues (e.g., senescent vegetation or litter)over the soil surfaces. In comparison with the light and loamy sand S-AQ, the dark-red clay S-TE and S-LE presented higher contents of Fe2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2, and consequently lower overall reflectance in the scene, because of the presence of greater amounts of opaque minerals. The prediction of these constituents from remote sensing data and their close association with the spatial distribution of the different soil types demonstrate the importance of the present investigation for soil mapping and soil erosion studies. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 166 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BragaSetz:1993:WaQuAs Journal Article Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Water quality assessment with simultaneous Landsat-5 TM data at Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro 1993 Remote Sensing of Envirment 45 2 95-106 6716 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. This study aims at determining relationships between water quality parameters and digital data from the Lansat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM). The study area was the Guanabara Bay, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Water samples were collected on two dates, coincident with Landsat passages, and when different tide conditions were present at the Bay. TM Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, band ratios 1/3 and 2/3 and principal component analysis of TM Bands 1-4 were compared with in situ measurements and laboratory analysis of water samples. Some water quality parameters were very well correlated with the digital remotely sensed data, especially during high tide: for instace, iron and manganese concentration in total suspended solids; salinity and Secchi depth; temperature and Secchi depth; temperature and total suspended solids; total suspended solids and Bands 4 and 6; Secchi depth and Bands 4 and 6; temperature and Band 6. Lower correlation coefficients, although also significant, were found for the low tide condition. No correlation was found with chlorophyll-a quate to analyze temperature, Secchi depth, total suspended solids, and iron and manganese contents in the total suspended solids for the polluted estuary area studied. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 451 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNeto:2000:PaII Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto As roupas novas do imperador. Parte II 2000 InfoGeo 13 3 26-27 8987 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, analise de dados espaciais, geographic information systems, spatial distribution. Em nossa coluna na edicao passada da ""Infogeo"", fizemos uma apresentacao das diferentes tecnologias de Geoprocessamento disponiveis no mercado. Procuramos demonstrar que a escolha de uma solucao GIS tornou-se mais complexa, por envolver a montagem de um sistema de informacao e nao apenas a selecao de um aplicativo para uso pessoal. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma visao adicional da questao, para apontar tendencias de medio e longo prazo. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 75 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CorreiaFreiFrerSant:1998:UsFrSt Journal Article Correia, A.H. Correia, A.H.; Freitas, Corina Costa; Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide; Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira A user friendly statistical system for polarimetric SAR image classification 1998 Revista de Teledetección 10 79-93 9581 processamento digital de imagens, contexto, radar de abertura sintética, estatística, classificação de imagens, context, synthetic aperture radar, sar, statistics. En este artículo se presenta un sistema para la clasificación de imágenes SAR polarimétricas. Este sistema utiliza información contextual a través de un modelo Markoviano para las clases, además de modelos estadísticos para los datos. El sistema fue desarrollado pensando en el usuario y, por lo tanto, está íntegramente basado en interfaces gráficas. Toda vez que el usuario trata de activar una operación inválida, el sistema le informa la secuencia correcta de pasos. La funcionalidad del sistema se verifica clasificando áreas de cultivo, en una imagen SIR-C/X-SAR. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DPI DPI 1266 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PizarroEpipGalv:2001:MiChTr Journal Article Pizarro, Marco Antonio Pizarro, Marco Antonio; Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves; Galvão, Lenio Soares Mineralogical characterization of tropical soils by hyperspectral remote sensing 2001 Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 36 10 1277-1286 October 9893 agronomia, sensores, reflectância, espectroscopia, minerais, recursos, identificado, sensors, reflectance, spectroscopy, minerals, resources, identifying. AVIRIS (Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer)data collected in Brazil were used for the spectral characterization of a typical crop-pasture scene, and for the evaluation of the Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF)technique for clay mineral identification in the image. A six-endmember linear spectral unmixing model was applied, consisting of green and senescent vegetation, water, and the soils Alfisol, Oxisol and Entisol. For mineral identification of kaolinite, montmorillonite and gibbsite in the AVIRIS image, reference spectra from the JPL/NASA spectral library were selected. Pixel and reference spectra were normalized by the continuum removal method, in the 2,100-2,330 nm interval, and then compared by the use of the SFF technique. Kaolinite is the dominant mineral in the scene, whose identification is dependent on the soil type and on the spectral mixture at sub-pixel level. The best results were obtained for soils with intermediate to high overall reflectance and for pixels with soil abundance values greater than 70, due, respectively, to the lower amount of opaque substances of these soils and to the reduction of spectral effects of the lignin-cellulose features. These factors tend to obliterate the absorption bands of clay minerals. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 164 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoTund:1994:CoReSe Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Tundisi, J. G Contribution of remote sensing techniques to the assessment of methane emission from large tropical reservoirs 1994 Remote Sensing Reviews 8: 93-108 7040 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, analise ambiental. The objective of this paper is to exemplify the use of remote sensing to assess methane emissions from reservois. Man-made reservoirs seem to behave as flood plain environments that are known to make a significant contribution to tropospheric methane (CH4). Methane emissions from the flood plain, however, are variable: open water environments produce lower fluxes than those covered by floating aquatic vegetation. TM/Landsat images were used to identify aquatic habitats resulting from the construction of the three largest reservoirs in the Amazon region: Tucurui, Balbina and Samuel. These habitats are: open water, floating aquatic vegetation, and transition zone. The area covered by each of these environments was computed for each of the reservoirs. Data on the methane emission for these various environments were not available. Published data were then used to compute their likely contribution to the methane flux, assuming that the reservoir's environments were similar to those on which the data are available. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 643 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sausen:1999:EdEsNa Journal Article Sausen, Tania Maria Sausen, Tania Maria A educação espacial na América Latina e a posição do Brasil no contexto regional 1999 Parceria Estratégica 7 151-164 October 9576 transferência de tecnologia, educação, ciências aerospaciais, qualificação, recursos humanos, transferência de treinamento, education, aerospace science, qualification, human resources, transfer of tecnology. Este artigo trata da educação espacial na América Latina, bem como da posição do Brasil no contexto regional. São apresentados alguns aspectos históricos sobre as atividades espaciais, as necessidades de educação espacial e as três fases pelas quais esta última passou, desde o lançamento do primeiro foguete. Observa-se que entre todos os países da América Latina, o Brasil foi o que fez mais investimentos na área espacial, por esta razão é o que apresenta maior número de oportunidades de capacitação e treinamento em todas as áreas do ensino (fundamental, médio, graduação e pós-graduação). É salientado também neste artigo a atuação da ONU como instituição motivadora das atividades educacionais na área espacial. ABSTRACT In this paper some historical aspects are presented on the space activities, the needs of space education and the three phases by which this last one passed, from the launch of the first rocket. It is observed that from all countries of Latin America, Brazil was the one that made more investments in the space area, for this reason it is the one that presents larger number of education and training opportunities in all levels of education (fundamental, medium, graduation and masters degree). It is also pointed out in this article the performance of UN as institution that promotes educational activities in the space area. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE CEP CEP 1264 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RodriguesLore:2001:NuStEf Journal Article Rodrigues, Regina R. Rodrigues, Regina R.; Lorenzzetti, João Antonio A numerical study of the effects of bottom topography and coastline geometry on the Southeast Brazilian coastal upwelling 2001 Continental Shelf Research 21 4 371-394 9891 oceanografia, , água costeira, circulação atmosférica, topográfia, efeitos, simulação númerica direta, coastal water, upwelling water, atmospheric circulation, topography, effects, direct numerical simulation, upwelling water, atmospheric cir. A two-layer finite element model is used to investigate the effects of bottom topography and coastline geometry on the coastal upwelling of the Southeast Brazilian continental shelf. Three cases are analyzed: (1)real topography and real coastline; (2)flat bottom and real coastline and (3)real topography and smoothed coastline. For all the numerical simulations the model was integrated for five days using a constant northeast wind. The first case reproduces reasonably well the characteristics of wind-driven upwelling with respect to location and magnitude. When comparing the second and third case results with the first one, it can be seen that local bottom topography and coastline geometry affect the upwelling magnitude in the whole domain. The coastline irregularities are important in the location of the upwelling cores in the south portion, which extends from Cabo de Sao Tome to Rio de Janeiro, primarily near Cabo Frio. Moreover bottom topography seems to be responsible for the location of the upwelling cell in the north portion of the domain, from Cabo de Sao Tome to Vitoria. In contrast to previous findings, the coastline irregularities are found to dominate over topographic variations in determining the location of Cabo Frio coastal upwelling. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 162 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Rodriguez-YiShimRudo:2000:ImSeCl Journal Article Rodriguez-Yi, Jose Luiz Rodriguez-Yi, Jose Luiz; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Image segmentation for classification of vegetation using NOAA AVHRR data 2000 International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 1 167-172 8976 vegetacao, , segmentacao de imagem, satelites noaa, imagem noaa, avhrr, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, sistema de processamento de informacao georreferenciadas, spring, mapa de vegetacao, ndvi, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, vegetative index, advanced very high resolution radiometer, image segmentation. A classification procedure for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA AVHRR)data based on image segmentation following supervised classification by regions is presented. The procedure was applied to channel 1 (0.58-0.68,um)and channel 2 (0.72-1.10um)AVHRR mosaics composed of images acquired between 13 and 26 June 1993 for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Eight vegetation classes were identified using this procedure. The result was compared with an existing vegetation map of Mato Grosso state for reference. The quantitative evaluation yielded a kappa coefficient of 0.4. The result indicate that image segmentation and supervised classification by regions is a procedure that is useful for mapping vegetation classes on a regional scale. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 71 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Batista:1994:AmEsIs Journal Article Batista, Getulio Texeira Batista, Getulio Texeira Amazon especial issue: foreword 1994 Remote Sensing Reviews 10 1-3 1-4 7038 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , impacto ambiental, desmatamento, queimadas, florestas. Any change in the forest cover of a region impacts the hydrological abd biogeochemical cycles of that region. Deforestation followed by biomass burning and decomposition releases CO2 to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Tropical deforestation is a serious global problem. Therefore, availability of methods of continuing monitoring of changes in tropical forests is critical for quantifying impacts on biodiversity and for providing baseline data for modelling fluxes of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (from biomass burning and decomposition associated with deforestation). Since the Amazon Basin comprises about 40 of the reamining global tropical forest, the amount of CO2 potencially to be released from deforestation from this region is of global importance, especially in affecting global climate. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 641 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Sausen:2000:ExSoAm Journal Article Sausen, Tania Maria Sausen, Tania Maria Space education in developing countries in the information era, regional reality and new educational material tendencies: example, South America 2000 Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 55 2 129-135 787 transferencia de tecnologia, sensoriamento remoto, educacao, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, transferencia de treinamento, remote sensing, transfer of training, geographic information systems. The initial activities an space education began right after World War II, in the early 1950s, when USA and USSR started the Space Race. At That time, Space education was only and exclusively available to researchers and technicians working directly in space programs. This new area was restricted only to post-graduate programs (basically master and doctoral degree)or to very specific training programs dedicated for beginners. In, South America, at that time there was no kind of activity on space education, simply because there was no activity in space research. In the beginning of the 1970s, Brazil, through INPE, had created masteral and doctoral courses on several space areas such as remote sensing and meteorology. Only in the mid-1980s did Brazil, after a UN request, create its specialisation course on remote sensing dedicated to Latin American professionals. At the same period, the Agustin Codazzi Institute (Bogota, Colombia)began to offer specialisation courses in remote sensing. In South America, educational space programs are currently being created for elementary and high schools and universities, but the author personally estimates that 90 of these educational programs still make use traditional educational materials - such as books, tutorial, maps and graphics. There is little educational material that uses multimedia resources, advanced computing or communication methods and, basically, these are the materils that ane best suited to conduct instructions in remote sensing, GIS, meteorology and astronomy of these educational programs still make use of traditional educational materials - such as books, tutorials, maps and graphics. There is little educational material that uses multimedia resources, advanced computing or communication methods and, basically, these are the materials that an: best suited to conduct instructions in remote sensing, GIS, meteorology and astronomy. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE CEP CEP 2 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HessMSHSVMKMGHH:2002:GeDiVi Journal Article Hess, L.L. Hess, L.L.; Moraes, Evlyn Marcia Leao de; Slaymaker, D.M.; Holt, J.; Steffen, C.; Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson; Mertes, L.A.K.; Krug, Thelma; Melak, J.M.; Gastil, M.; Holmes, C.; Hayward, C Geocoded digital videography for validation of land cover mapping in the Amazon Basin 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 7 1527-1555 9889 , exatidão, confirmação, floresta tropical, classificação de imagens, topografia do terreno, mapeamento, videografia, accuracy, proving, rain forest, image classification, terrain topofraphy, mapping. Four Validation Overflights for Amazon Mosaics (VOAM)aerial video surveys have been carried out in the Brazilian Amazon to provide ground verification for mapping of wetland cover with the Global Rain Forest Mapping (GRFM)Project JERS-1 (Japanese Earth Remote Sensing Satellite)mosaics of the Amazon basin. Surveys in 1995 and 1996, acquired with handheld analog camcorders from small aircraft, were timed to imaging of the GRFM low- and high-water mosaics, and limited to within 600 km of Manaus. For the 1997 and 1999 flights, digital camcorder systems were installed in the Bandeirante survey plane operated by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research. The VOAM97 and VOAM99 surveys circumscribed the Brazilian Amazon, documenting ground conditions at resolutions on the order of 1 m (wide-angle format)and 10 cm (zoom format)for wetlands, forests, savannas, and human-impacted areas. Global Positioning System (GPS)information encoded on the video audio track was extracted by mosaicking software that automatically generates geocoded digital mosaics from video clips. On the 1999 survey, a laser altimeter recorded profiles of terrain and vegetation canopy heights. A validation dataset was compiled from the videography for a portion of the GRFM mosaics extending 6degrees by 4degrees in longitude and latitude, using randomly selected points along flight lines. Other applications of the VOAM videography include acquisition of ground control points for image geolocation, creation of a high-resolution geocoded mosaic of a forest study area, forest biomass estimation, and rapid assessment of fire damage. Geocoded digital videography provides a cost-effective means of compiling high-resolution validation datasets for land cover mapping in remote, cloud-covered regions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 160 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FrancaSetz:2001:AVAnSa Journal Article Franca, Helena Franca, Helena; Setzer, Alberto W AVHRR analysis of a savanna site through a fire season in Brazil 2001 International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 13 2449-2461 9888 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, reflectãncia, radiômetro de alta resolução muito avançado, análise, calor (climatologia, reflectance, advanced very hight resolution radiometer (avhrr), analysis, grasslands, fire (climatology). A temporal sequence of images form the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)orbital sensor along 1.5 year was used to study the response of a savanna site that burnt in the dry season. The Emas National Park of Brazil was monitored with 1.1 km high resolution afternoon images from June 1992 to October 1993 through the responses of channels 1 (0.6 mum), 2 (0.9 mum), 3 (3.7 mum). and of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)combination of channels 1 and 2. A fire consumed 23 of the park's 1300 km(2)surface in August 1992, based on a subsequent Landsat Thematic Mapper image. three sub-areas that burnt were chosen for a detailed AVHRR comparative analysis with five sub-areas that did not burn. From the 344 images recorded on different days only 26 were effectively useful, Channel 1 showed little difference for burnt and unburnt vegetation. Channel 2 and NDVI displayed strong evidence of the fire for up to 13 months, while in channel 3 this period was less than 8 months. Howeve channel 3 and NVDI presented the strongest evidence of the fire occurence on a short-term basis short-term basis. The results support the use of AVHRR products based on channels 2 and 3 to monitor and evaluate the extent of vegetation burn and regrowth in savannas, important information for tropical vegetation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 159 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosCarv:1980:UtImMS Journal Article Santos, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Joao Roberto dos; Carvalho, Vitor Celso Utilizacao de imagens MSS do Landsat no levantamento da cobertura vegetal de Parques Nacionais e reservas equivalentes 1980 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 32 7 499 July 1339 O Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (IBDF)mostrou interesse em avaliar a aplicabilidade do sensoriamento remoto, a nivel orbital, no levantamento dos recursos naturais de Parques Nacionais e Reservas Equivalentes. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo o mapeamento da cobertura vegetal do Parque Nacional da Amazonia (Tapajos), tendo em vista que a classificacao da vegetacao e uma fase primordial na manipulacao dos recursos naturais. Este parque foi escolhido por estar localizado em regiao de dificil acesso e apresentar grande extensao (1.000.000 hectares), compativel com a escala de trabalho, o que dificultaria a utilizacao de tecnicas convencionais. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas as imagens do sensor MSS do LANDSAT, nos canais 5 (0.6 a 0.7 m)e (7 0.8 a 1.1 m), na escala 1:250.000. A metodologia constou das etapas: analise visual preliminar das imagens multispectrais, utilizando como parametro interpretativo o padrao de tonalidade; verificacao de campo com percursos terrestres e aereo, com a finalidade de testar a precisao da interpretacao e estabelecer a legenda para as unidades de vegetacao mapeadas; correcao de interpretacao preliminar e elaboracao do mapa final. Os resultados mostraram a identificacao de quatro unidades fisionomicas de vegetacao: Floresta Densa, Floresta Aberta I, Floresta Aberta II e Floresta Aluvial. O canal 5 ofereceu maiores condicoes de discriminacao entre as unidades. Pode-se concluir a viabilidade desta tecnica no levantamento da vegetacao dos Parques Nacionais. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSM 41 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoMiYaBuMoCaBe:2002:DaInGe Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Miranda, Fernando Pelon; Yamakawa, T.; Bueno, G.V.; Moreira, F.R.; Camargo, EG.; Bentz, C.M Data integration for a geologic model of hydrocarbon microseepage areas in the Tona Plateau region, North Tucano basin, Brazil 2002 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 28 1 96-107 9886 geologia, integração da dados, hidrocarbonetos, superfícies, exploração, tectônico, óleo cru, data integration, hydrocarbons, geochemistry, supefices, tectonics, crude oil. A diversified database was used for investigating the major factors controlling the distribution of hydrocarbon microseepage in the region of the Tona Plateau, North Tucano sedimentary basin, Brazil. Visual analysis of this database suggested the existence of spatial relationships between anomalous geochemical soil gas data with rift faults, lithologic contact, and groundwater discharge areas. As a result, a geologic model was proposed. According to this model, rift faults constitute the primary pathways for the upward migration of gaseous hydrocarbons from a deep-seated source rock in the depocenter of the basin. Cherty limestone layers in the Tona Plateau act as a seal to prevent the escape of the hydrocarbons to the surface. As a result, hydrocarbon microseepage occurs preferentially in the contact zone of the cherty limestones of the Tona Sequence with porous sandstones of the Marizal Formation, mainly in areas of groundwater discharge. The importance of these three patterns for controlling the near-surface distribution of the anomalous soil gas samples was estimated through Bayesian probability analysis. According to this interpretation, lithologic contact is the spatial pattern more strongly associated with the anomalous soil gas samples, followed by groundwater discharge areas. Rift faults show the weaker spatial correlation with the anomalous near-surface areas of hydrocarbon microseepage. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 157 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniDisp:1994:AsSp Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Disperati, Attilio Antonio Aplicacao do modelo SAIL no estudo da reflectancia espectral de mudas de eucalyptus sp. e de aspidosperma sp. 1994 Floresta 21 1-2 45-69 6971 O modelo SAIL foi aplicado ao estudo da reflectancia espectral de dosseis constituidos por mudas de Eucalyptus sp. (eucalipto)e de Aspidosperma sp. (peroba). Foram elaborados dois diferentes dosseis, sendo um constituido por mudas de eucalipto e o outro por mudas de peroba. Medicoes radiometricas (de 0,4 e 0,9 m)foram realizadas em cada um destes dosseis em diferentes horarios do dia. Nestas medicoes foram ainda considerados os angulos zenitais de visada de 0, 15 e 30. Atraves destas medicoes radiometricas foram determinados os valores medidos de reflectancia (VMRs). Foram determinados os parametros biofisicos destes dosseis, os parametros espectrais das folhas de ambas as especies e do solo e ainda os parametros geometricos de iluminacao. Estes parametros foram submetidos ao processamento SAIL para a determinacao dos valores calculados de reflectancia (VCRs). Estes VCRs foram entao comparados com seus respectivos VMRs para a avaliacao da dinamica dos VMRs, em relacao as condicoes de iluminacao e de visada consideradas, e do desempenho do modelo. Verificou-se que com o aumento do IAF, houve uma diminuicao dos VCRs na regiao do visivel e seu aumento na regiao do infravermelho. Esta dinamica nao foi evidente nos VMRs devido a influencia de fatores como sombras e orvalho. A acao da DAF sobre os VMRs deve ser analisada conjuntamente com a densidade do dossel e com as geometrias de iluminacao e de visada. Os parametros espectrais das folhas exerceram influencia sobre os VCRs. A analise da influencia dos parametros geometricos da fonte e do sensor sobre os VMRs deve levar em consideracao a densidade do dossel, a disposicao ou nao das plantas em fileiras, bem como a orientacao espacial destas fileiras. Para dosseis densos e visada vertical, a diminuicao do valor do angulo zenital solar acarretou o aumento ods VMRs, principalmente na regiao do visivel. Na regiao do infravermelho a comprovacao deste efeito foi prejudicada pela presenca do orvalho e de sua evaporacao coincidente com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar. Para dosseis menos densos e plantas dispostas em fileiras, o aumento dos VMRs na regiao do visivel com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar foi atribuido a diminuicao do sombreamento mutuo das plantas e do solo. Na regiao do infravermelho, houve tambem o aumento dos VMRs com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar. O efeito do angulo zenital de visada sobre os VMRs deve ser analisado conjuntamente com o valor do azimute relativo (w). As diferencas entre os VMRs e seus respectivos VCRs foram frequentemente superiores a 10. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 634 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNeto:1999:MiDaEs Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto Mineracao de dados espaciais 1999 InfoGeo 2 9 48-49 8986 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, estatistica, analise de dados espaciais, fatores sociais, planejamento urbano, distribuicao espcial, distribuicao geografica, geographic information systems, social factores, urban planing, saptial distribution, geographic distribution. O levantamento de dados em campo representa a tarefa de maior custo em aplicacoes de Geoprocessamento que usam dados socio-economicos, como Geonegocios, Políticas Publicas, Saude, Educacao e Planejamento Urbano. Por este motivo, e preciso extrair o maximo possivel dos dados que dispomos, atividade comparavel ao trabalho do minerador, que atraves de uma "" bateia "" (o GIS)busca encontrar "" pepitas de ouro "" (padroes e relacionamentos existentes, mas que nao sao evidentes). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 1255 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ElvidgeHBDSKNE:2001:19Ve19 Journal Article Elvidge, C.D. Elvidge, C.D.; Hobson, V.R.; Baugh, K.E.; Dietz, J.B.; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Krug, T; Novo ,Evlyn Marcia Leão Moraes; Echavarria, F.R DMSP-OLS estimation of tropical forest area impacted by surface fires in Roraima, Brazil: 1995 versus 1998 2001 International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 14 2661-2673 9639 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , satélite dmsp, floresta tropical, incêndio florestal, dmsp satellite, rain forest, forest fires. A procedure has been developed to locate and estimate the area of heavy forest burning based on the frequency of DMSP-OLS (US Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System)fire detection from time series of observations across the fire season. A calibration was developed for Roraima, Brazil, using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)data acquired near the end of the 1998 burn season and analysed to identify unburnt, partially burnt and heavily burnt forest areas. A fire detection frequency threshold of five nights was used to map heavily burnt forest using the 3 months of DMSP-OLS observations. The threshold of five fire detections, which could occur anytime during the 3-month time period, was selected to constrain errors of commission involving unburnt forest to 10 of the total area for unburnt forest in the calibration area. At this threshold setting the DMSP-OLS estimate of heavily burnt forest area covered 79 of the Landsat measured area. It was found that 77 of the 1998 heavily burnt forest area was outside of the state's protected areas (national parks, reserves, indigenous areas). Two of the protected areas sustained a substantial increase in heavily burnt forest in 1998 relative to 1995 (Reserva Biologica Mucajai and Parque Indigena Yanomami). The 1998 forest burning in these two areas was concentrated in their eastern-most sections. The core of the Yanomami area did not sustain extensive burning in 1998. Protected areas in the north-eastern section of the state, where forests are mixed with cerrado, had moderate increases in heavily burnt forest in 1998. Other protected areas were largely free of the heavy forest burning, which was concentrated to the west of the state's primary cerrado zone. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 151 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TardinAssuSoar:1992:AnPrIm Journal Article Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi; Assuncao, Getulio Vargas de; Soares, Joao Vianei Analise preliminar de imagens TM visando a discriminacao de cafe, citrus e cana-de-acucar na regiao de Furnas, MG 1992 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 27 9 1355-1361 1267 agronomia, , processamento de imagens, analise de imagem, inventarioda producao agricola, cafe, citrus, cana-de-acucar, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagem landsat, maxima verossimilhanca, reflectancia, image processing, image analysiscoffe, citrus trees, thematic mappers (landsat), reflectance espectral, crop identification, crop inventories, spectral reconnaissance, spectral reflectance, sugar cane, maximum likelihood. Cafe, citrus e cana-de-acucar desempenham papel importante na economia, contribuindo na pauta dos produtos de exportacao. Furnas localizada em Minas Gerais, tem sido caracterizada por um expressivo incremento em areas plantadas. Varios trabalhos tem sido realizados para discriminar e mapear a cana-de-acucar, utilizando dados orbitais, mas pouco tem sido feito para as culturas de cafe e citrus atraves de imagens de satelite. Neste trabalho foi utilizada analise digital de dados TM correspondentes a quatro bandas. A discriminacao espectral e a classificacao das culturas foram obtidas utilizando um algoritmo de maxima verossimilhanca implementado em um sistema interativo de analise de imagens. Sao apresentados dados de matrizes de classificacao, desempenhos medios e valores de reflectancia. Os resultados na area de estudo mostraram altos indices de discriminacao entre as culturas estudadas. ABSTRACT: Coffee, citrus and sugarcane play an important role on the national economics in terms of export products. Furnas region localized in Southeastern Brazil has been characterized by an increased agricultural area, mainly for coffee plantation. Several works have been carried out in Brazil with the objective of discrimination and mapping sugarcane using satellite images, but almost nothing has been done to study coffee and citrus through orbital remote sensing data. In this paper, digital image analysis was applied to TM data, bands 3, 4, 5 and 7 which are sensitive to red (B3), and infrared (B4)and middle infrared (B5 and B7)regions. Spectral discrimination and crop classification was obtained on an interactive image processing system using a maximum likelihood algorithm. Classification matrices, average performance, and percentage of reflectance are presented for all crops and channels. Results achieved for the test site show high level of discrimination (greater than 95) among the studied crops. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 238 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosKrugArau:2002:CoÁrVi Journal Article Santos, João Roberto dos Santos, João Roberto dos; Krug, Thelma; Araujo, Luciana Spinelli Corte de árvores visto do espaço 2002 Ciência Hoje 30 179 67-69 9566 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , monitoramento ambiental, imagens landsat, desflrestamento, desmatamento, satellite imagery, environmental monitoring, deforestation. Estudo feito durante 11 anos comprova que imagens espaciais são instrumentos eficientes para acompanhar as atividades que promovem a derrubada seletiva de árvores na região Norte. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 148 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbdonVilPotSilPot:1998:UtDaAn Journal Article Abdon, Myrian de Moura Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos; Pott, Vali Joana; Silva, Marta Pereira da; Pott, Arnildo Utilizacao de dados analogicos do landsat-5 e do SPOT na discriminacao da vegetacao de parte da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia no Pantanal 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 33 Número especial 1799-1813 7637 vegetacao, , imagens de satelite, spot, satelite landsat, fisionomia. A vegetacao e um importante indicador das condicoes ambientais de uma regiao, quer seja no que refere a protecao do solo, quanto na definicao de habitats de animais silvestres. Para o Pantanal, o conhecimento detalhado e confiavel dos tipos de vegetacao forneceria subsidios para seu manejo. Alguns trabalhos foram desenvolvidos no Pantanal com essa finalidade, tais como Brasil (1982), Mato Grosso do Sul (1988), Silva (1985)e Ponzoni (1988). Dentre esses, o resultado mais detalhado se refere a mapeamento na escala 1:100.000. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a potencialidade de dados analogicos dos satelites Landsat-TM e Spot-HRV, na escala de 1:50.000, na descriminacao das fitofisionomias de parte da sub-regiao da Nhecolandia, no Pantanal. O trabalho foi desenvolvido utilizando metodos de interpretacao visual com dados obtidos destes dois satelites, e faz parte de um projeto desenvolvido pelo INPE e EMBRAPA-CPAP, com o objetivo de avaliar dados de varios sensores para estudos no Pantanal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 824 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoMira:1997:DiImPr Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Miranda, Fernando Pelon de Digital image procesing and enhancement of gravity data as an aid to the definition of the structural framework of the North Tucano-Jatoba basins, Northeastern Brazil 1997 Boletim IG 28 : 119-127 8974 geologia, , processamento digital de imagens, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, tectonica, falhas geologicas, tectonics, geological fauts (rifts), georaphic information systems. Digitally processed and enhanced gravity data in raster format were used to improve the definition of the main structural features in the northern part of the Reconcavo-Tucano-Jatoba Rift. Image processing techniques included: (a)conversion of Bouguer and residual-Bouguer gridded data into contrast-enhanced gray-level images; (b)generation of enhanced hybrid pseudo-color composites, and (c)gaeneration of a gravity digital elevation model in perspective views. The integrated analysis of this dataset permitted the recognition of subtle trends and intensity-related spatial variations in gravity data, tentatively related to the following tectonic units of the RTJ Rift: ramp platforms, structural lows and highs, along-Iength horsts, grabens, faulted borders and extensional faults. Resumo: Tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens foram aplicadas a dados gavimetricos visando melhorar definicao das principais feicoes estruturais na porcao norte do Rift Reconcavo-Tucano-Jatoba. Os processamentos utilizados incluiram: (a)conversao de dados Bouguer e residual-Bouguer, no formato de grids, em imagens realgadas; (b)geracao de composicoes falsa cor hibridas e (c)geracao de modelos de elevacao digital com visdo em perspectiva. A analise integrada desse conjunto de dados permitiu reconhecer feicoes lineares e sutis variacoes espaciais nos dados gravimetricos, as quais foram associadas a unidades tectonicas no contexto do rift, tais como: plataformas, em rampa, baixos e altos estruturais, horsts, grabens e falhas de borda. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1248 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Ohara:1980:CoImLa Journal Article Ohara, Tomoyuki Ohara, Tomoyuki Contribuicao das imagens Landsat ao conhecimento geologico do escudo Sul Riograndense 1980 Ciencia e Cultura 32 7 546 185 geologia, , mapeamento geologico, mss landsat, satelites landsat, sistemas multiespectrais de varredura, geology, geological mapping, landsat satellites, multiespectral scanning systems. Realizou-se um mapeamento geologico da porcao centro-oeste do Escudo Sul Riograndense (30 degrees 00' a 31 degrees 30' sul e 52 degrees 45' a 54 degrees 30' Oeste), na escala de 1:500.000, utilizando-se imagens multiespectrais do satelite LANDSAT. A abordagem da metodologia utilizada para a investigacao geologica regional foi baseada numa sequencia generica de trabalho. O processo de extracao de informacoes de um dado alvo da superficie, atraves da analise da resposta espectral, consistiu, basicamente, na identificacao e analise dos diferentes padroes tonais e texturais, em cada canal espectral. A sintese geologica da area estudada encontra-se representada na coluna estratigrafica anexa. Como resultado, notou-se que o grau de informacao dos tracoes de estruturas (lineamentos e falhas)e relativamente maior. Observou-se que: a area de ocorrencia da Formacao Santa Barbara e mais ampla; e possivel a delimitacao das Camadas Varzinha e Camadas Guarda Velha da Formacao Guaritas; os corpos graniticos e migmatitos heterogeneos da porcao sudeste da area estudada mostram-se consideravelmente diferentes em relacao aos trabalhos existentes. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 21 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KuxSantEherPard:1998:EvRaLa Journal Article Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich; Santos, Joao Roberto dos; Ehern, F.J.; Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia Evaluation of Radarsat for land use and land cover dynamics in the southwestern brazilian Amazon State Acre 1998 Canadian Journal Remote Sensing 24 4 350-359 8937 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1239 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosPardArauXaud:1998:ExMoCo Journal Article Santos, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Joao Roberto dos; Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia; Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de; Xaud, Haron Abrahim Magalhaes El proceso de quema de biomasa de bosque tropical y de sabanas en la Amazonia Brasileira: experiencias de monitoreo con datos opticos y de microondas 1998 Serie Geografica 7 : 97-108 8938 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , queimada, biomassa, mapeador tematico (landsat), monitoramento ambiental, landsat 5, jers 1, imagens landsat, imagens de radar, florestas, savanas, biomass, forest fires, grasslands (savannahs), radar imagery, landsat imagery, thematic mappers (landsat), environmental monitoring, forets. El presente trabajo muestra experiencias en el uso de imagenes multisensores (TM/Landsat y JERS-1)para el inventario de biomasa de formaciones forestales y de sabanas, y como herramienta del monitoreo de las quemas que ocurren en estos tipos de vegetacion en la region Amazonica. Se describen procedimientos metodologicos de adquisicion de datos de biomasa vegetal de porte forestal y de las sabanas. Estos datos son relacionados con las informaciones espectro-texturales de las imagenes de satelite, con la finalidad de elaborar la cartografia de la biomasa por tipologia vegetal. El efecto de las quemas y el nivel de intensidad de la perdida parcial o total de biomasa esta siendo investigado y descrito a partir de la verificacion muestral en campo y en las imagenes opticas o de radar. La posibilidad de un inventario sinoptico de la antropizacion de la tipologia forestal, la cual viene acompahada de la accion de la deforestacion, renovacion de pastos implantados o naturales con el proceso tradicional de quema, es demostrado en areas de los estados Mato Grosso, Rondonia, Roraima y Acre, que forman parte de la Amazonia brasilera. Abstract: This study presents the experiences on the use of TM/Landsat and JERS-1 images for the inventory of areas covered by tropical rainforest and savanna in Brazilian Amazonia, within sections affected by burning, that is a common practice in the land occupation. Feature extraction techniques such as image segmentation and modelling by linear mixture analysis are presented to show the capacity to discriminate those areas covered by natural vegetation, where land use activities started using the old-fashioned slash-and-burn pratices. Methods for field surveys to estimate the biomass of forest and savannas are described, as well as the procedure used for areas affected by fire, in order to define the intensity of burning by the analysis of physiognomic-structural features of vegetation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1240 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ OrtizFormEpip:1997:ClCrTh Journal Article Ortiz, Manuel Jose Ortiz, Manuel Jose; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Classification of croplands through integration of remote sensing, GIS, and historical database 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 1 95-105 8934 agronomia, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, sistema de gerenciamento de base de dados, fazendas, farmlands, geographic information systems, data base manegement system. This work presents a methodology to classify croplands using a multitemporal/historical dataset of images and ground ancillary data referring to three consecutive years. An image processing/geographic information system as well as a database management system (DBMS)were used to make the integration of these multisource data. In order to evaluate the usefulness of a database for crop classification, the area under study was digitally classified by two groups of interpreters, using two methodologies: (a)the proposed methodology using maximum likelihood classification assisted by an historical/multisource database, and (b)a conventional maximum likelihood classification only. Both results were compared using the Kappa statistics. The indices to both the proposed and the conventional digital classification methodologies were 0-669 (very good)and 0-472 (good), respectively. The use of the database rendered an improvement over the conventional digital classification. Furthermore, along with this study some problems related to multisource data integration are discussed. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1237 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SoaresRenForYanFre:1997:AnInSe Journal Article Soares, Joao Vianei Soares, Joao Vianei; Renno, Camilo Daleles; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Yanasse, Corina da costa Freitas; Frery, Alejandro Cesar An investigation of the selection of texture features for crop discrimination using SAR imagery 1997 Remote Sensing of Environment 59 2 234-247 8340 agronomia, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagens de radar, uso da terra, classificacao de textura, colheita. This article presents a methodology for selecting texture measures to maximize the discrimination of agricultural land use classes in SAR images. The images were acquired during the first flight of the Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C)experiment, in April 1994. L (24 cm)-and C (5 cm)-band SAR data at HH (horizontal transmitting and receiving), HV (horizontal transmitting, vertical receiving), and VV (vertical transmitting and receiving)polarizations both in ground range and slant range and in two different passes were analyzed. The kappa statistic was used to identify meaningful texture measures to discriminate seven classes. The results show that the classifications of land use based only on tonal averages produced a kappa coefficient only slightly higher than 0.50. A kappa threshold of 0.90 was reached with the simultaneous inclusion of 15 texture measures for the six images (two bands, three polarizations). It was also found that the inclusion of texture features when only one band and one polarizations was used could produce kappa values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE {DSR DPI} {DSR DPI} 1041 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Epiphanio:2000:MeAmTe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves O meio ambiente e a tecnologia espacial 2000 ECO 21 48 12-15 September 8935 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, ecologia, tecnologia espacial, meio ambiente, environments, ecology. Em muitos estudos ambientais, notadamente aqueles que envolvem extensoes geograficas mais amplas, uma area do conhecimento que tem dado uma contribuicao significativa e a de sensoriamento remoto. Originado pelo uso da fotografia aerea desde a epoca da primeira guerra mundial e evoluido fortemente a partir de 1972, atualmente o sensoriameino remoto e uma tecnologia fundamental para a evolucao do conhecimento em multiplos campos cientificos e tecnologicos. Assim e que diversas areas das ciencias cartograficas, agrarias, florestais, ambientais, biologicas, humanas, computacionais, oceanicas, atmosfericas, e outras, fazem do sensoriamento remoto aliado necessario. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 44 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroRudoPonz:1998:FePr Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge A cobertura vegetal vista do espaco: uma ferramenta para a preservacao 1998 Floresta e Ambiente 5 1 195-198 8278 vegetacao, cobertura vegetal, avhrr, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, satelites noaa, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, resolucao temporal. As imagens AVHRR do satelite NOAA tem sido amplamente utilizadas para estudos globais devido ao baixo custo, bandas espectrais adequadas e alta resolucao temporal. Os dados do sensor AVHRR (bandas 1 e 2)transformados no Indice de Vegetacao de Diferenca Normalizada (NDVI)sao os produtos mais comuns utilizados no estudo global da cobertura vegetal. As bandas 1 e 2 do AVHRR podem tambem ser transformadas em imagens fracoes (vegetacao, solo e sombra)usando o modelo linear de mistura espectral para aprimorar a distincao entre os diferentes tipos de cobertura vegetal. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 995 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNetoThomFrei:1999:PrInSe Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto; Thome, Rogerio; Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de; Monteiro Antonio Miguel Vieira Interoperability in practice: problems in semantic conversion from current technology to OpenGIS 1999 Lect Notes Comput Sc 1580 : 129-138 8904 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis, semantica, sistemas operacionais, geographic information systems, operating systems, semantics. This work investigates the practical issue of mapping existing GIS to the OpenGIS standards. We describe the data models used in three systems (MGE,ARC/INFO and SPRING)and analyse the problems involved when mapping them to OpenGIS. Our conclusion is that the OpenGIS standard has not been defined in a formal and unequivocal way, and therefore, there are indefinitions and competing alternatives for mapping existing GIS systems into the proposed standard. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 1233 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GroverQuegFrei:1999:QuEsTr Journal Article Grover, Kevin D. Grover, Kevin D.; Quega, Shaun; Freitas, Corina de Costa Quantitative estimation of tropical forest cover by SAR 1999 Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37 1 479-490 8123 processamento digital de imagens, , sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagens de radar, florestas, jers-1. The potential of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)for monitoring tropical forest areas is assessed, using three ERS images from the Tapajos region of Amazonia gathered in 1992 and a single JERS-1 image of the same area acquired in 1993. The multitemporal ERS- 1 data indicate that primary forest areas display a very stable radar backscattering coefficient ()while in some cases, disturbed areas (nonforest and regenerating forest)exhibit changes that appear to be associated with soil moisture variations. To counteract distortions caused by to topography, change detection based on ratios of intensity images (or diferences of log images)provides a more useful discrimination approach than variations in single images. Change detection techniques are compared, and their ability to classify primary and disturbed forest is quantitatively assessed, assuming that a land cover map inferred from a 1992 Landsat thematic mapper TM)image is correct. Even in the best case, less than 50 of the disturbed forest region is detected in the ERS-1 images. This figure may be improved by more frequent image acquisition, but there are fundamental limitations in using C-band data since the efects of soil moisture changes on are masked once even comparatively low levels of standing biomass are present. At the longer wavelength of JERS-1, much better discrimination is possible, but the correction of topographic distortions is likely to present problems. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 993 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ YamamotoCâmaLore:2002:TaSeHe Journal Article Yamamoto, Missae Yamamoto, Missae; Câmara, Gilberto; Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira Tabu search heuristic for point-feature cartographic label placement 2002 Geoinformatica 6 1 77-90 9510 mapeamento com auxílio do computador, programa de aplicações geográficas, marcando (etiquetando), computer aided mapping, geographic applications program, marking (labelling), tabu search, label placement, heuristic, metaheuristic. The generation of better label placement cofigurations in maps is a problem that comes up in automated cartographic production. The objective of a good label placement is to display the geographic position of the features with their corresponding text in a clear and harmonious fashion, following accepted cartographic conventions. In this work, we have approached this problem from a combinatorial optimization point of view, and our research consisted the evaluation of the Tabu Search (TS)heuristic applied to cartographic label placement. When compared, in real and random test cases, with techniques such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithm (GA), TS has proven to be an efficient choice, with the best performance in quality. We concluded that TS is a recommended method to solve cartographic label placement problem of point features, due to its simplicity, practicality, efficiency and good performance along with its ability to generate quality solutions in acceptable computational time. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI 131 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNetoMascMend:1982:PrInEm Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila; Mendes, Celso Luiz Projeto de interpoladores em imagens digitais por meio de metodos de janelamento 1982 Suplemento de Ciencia e Cultura 34 7 107 7683 O processo de interpolacao e familiar para quem ja teve ocasiao de ""ler por entre as linhas"" uma tabela de funcoes matematicas: estimam-se os valores de um evento continuo a partir de amostras discretas. O uso de interpoladores e frequente em processamento digital de imagens, tendo-se em vista a correcao de distorcoes espaciais ou os aumentos de escala. Neste sentido, pode-se pensar no processo de interpolacao como sendo a mudanca da taxa de amostragem de uma imagem digital: o enfoque do problema e feito do ponto de vista da teoria de processamento digital de sinais, em vez de uma abordagem de analise numerica (e.g., no caso de interpoladores de Lagrange, ""splines"", etc.). Como consequencia do teorema de amostragem, sabe-se que para a reconstrucao de um sinal sem perda de informacao dever-se-ia ter - idealmente - um interpolador de infinitos coeficientes: a funcao senx/s; poder-se-a obter uma resposta finita multiplicando-se a resposta ideal por uma sequencia finita de pesos, chamada janela. O uso de janelas procura minimizar o fenomeno de oscilacao que seria causado pelo truncamento puro e simples; na teoria de filtragem digital, foram propostas varias janelas, com diferentes caracteristicas e propriedades otimas. O presente trabalho apresenta uma nova classe de interpoladores, formados pelo produto da funcao senx/s - interpolador ideal - com as varias janelas existentes na literatura. Apresentam-se resultados da aplicacao desses metodos ao problema de ampliacao de escala, medindo-se os parametros de erro de cada imagem ampliada; e feita ainda avaliacao no dominio da frequencia, atraves da comparacao do espectro resultante com o espectro do interpolador ideal. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 240 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroHolbTuck:1994:FrImDe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Holben, Brent N.; Tucker, Compton J Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for studying the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon 1994 International Journal Remote Sensing 15 3 517-520 6929 vegetacao, florestas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 607 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroSmit:1991:LeMiMo Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Smith, James A. The Least-square mixing models to generate fraction images derived from remote sensing multispectral data 1991 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 29 1 16-20 6801 vegetacao. The remote sensing instrumentation measures the spectral radiance reflected or emitted within its instataneous field of view (IFOV). At target level, this means to sense the spectral radiance reflected or emitted by a limite target area (pixel). The pixel size in present-day remote sensing systems is large enough to include different types of land cover. The Constrained Least Square (CLS)and Weighted Least Square (WLS)mixing models to generate fraction images derived from remote sensing multi-spectral data are presented. An experiment considering three components within the pixels - eucalyptus, soil (understory), and shade - was performed. The generated fraction images for shade (shade image)derived from these two methods were compared by considering the performance and computer time. The derived shade images are related to the observed variation in forest structure: i.e. the fraction of infrared shade in the pixel is related to different eucalyptus ages. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 212 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AbreuSetz:1984:PrSiPo Journal Article Abreu, Magda Luzimar de Abreu, Magda Luzimar de; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Previsores sinotico-meteorologicos de poluicao do ar em regioes urbanas 1984 Ciencia e Cultura Supl. 36 7 684 5435 Este estudo apresenta uma analise de parametros sinotico-meteorologicos relacionados com casos de altos e baixos indices de poluicao do ar na cidade de Sao Paulo no periodo de 1978 a 1982. Foram analisadas as variacoes nas concentracoes diarias de particulados e dioxido de enxofre em funcao do escoamento da atmosfera em altos niveis (500 e 250 mb)e do deslocamento de frentes e anticiclones na superficie. Observou-se que a presenca do anticiclone subtropical ao norte de Sao Paulo, associada a uma crista em niveis superiores, favorece o aumento da concentracao de poluentes. Esta situacao difere das normalmente observadas em latitudes medias no Hemisferio Norte, onde o aumento das concentracoes esta associado a presenca do anticiclone em superficie sobre a regiao afetada. Observou-se tambem que a aproximacao de uma frente associada a um cavado em ar superior provoca a dispersao dos poluentes e, consequentemente, reducao no potencial de poluicao. Estas conclusoes estao sendo usadas no desenvolvimento de um modelo de previsao do potencial de poluicao do ar. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1054 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioAlmeForm:1997:WhDeEv Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Almeida Jr., A.C.; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Wheat development evaluated by remote sensing using two vegetation indices 1997 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 69 4 471-478 8324 agronomia, indice de vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, trigo, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat. Remote sensing techniques, such as vegetation indices, can be used to study crop development. Here, two of such vegetation indices (NDVI - normalized difference vegetation index and SAVI - soil adjusted vegetation index)were evaluated for deriving biophysical variables or wheat through its development. Two viewing zenithal angles are tested as additional influencing factors. Implications of reflectance derived from field radiometric measurements in the intervals of two Thematic Mapper (TM)bands (red and near infrared)on the vegetation indices are discussed. It is shown that the TM4 (near infrared band)reflectance has much more influence on the SAVI than on the NDVI. When the viewing angle changed from 0 to 30 degrees the correlations between VIs and biophysical parameters decreased for TM3 and NDVI; and the changes of those correlations for TM4 and SAVI were not conclusive. The correlations between agronomic variables and the SAVI or NDVI were better than those correlations obtained with single TM3 but not with single TM4 band. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1027 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuckmanBakKupYanFre:1997:StReBe Journal Article Luckman, A.J. Luckman, A.J.; Baker, J.; Kuplich, Tatiana T.; Yanasse, Corina da Costa; Frery, alejandro cesar A study of the relationship between radar backscatter and regenerating tropical forest biomass for spaceborne SAR instruments 1997 Remote Sensing of Environment 60 1 1-13 8322 processamento digital de imagens, radar de abertura sintetica, sar, floresta tropical, biomassa, missao sir-c, ers 1, jers 1, retroespalhamento. The relationship between mean backscattering coefficient, as measured by spaceborne SAR instruments, and the areal density of above-ground biomass in regenerating tropical forest is investigated for a study area in the central Amazon basin. Measurements of tree height, diameter, and species composition were made in 1994 in the Tapajos region of Para State in Brazil in order to estimate the biomass density in 15 widely distributed sample plots. These plots were chosen so as to characterize homogeneous forest areas representing a range of ages of regeneration from new regrowth to mature forest. The mean backscattering coefficients of these forest areas, as measured by SAR instruments on the ERS-1 and JERS-1 satellites and by SIR-C on the Space Shuttle, was determined so that its dependence on the biomass density of regenerating forest at different radar wavelengths and polarizations could be quantified. Results confirm the findings of similar studies of different types of forest, and of radar backscatter models, that the longer wavelength (L-band)SAR imagery may be used to discriminate between different levels of forest biomass up to a certain threshold and that cross polarized backscatter is more sensitive to changes in biomass density. The shorter wavelength (C-band)SAR imagery is limited to differentiating between vegetation and bare soil when it is dry. The biomass density limit of around 60 tonnes per hectare, above which the L-band backscatter shows no further sensitivity to increased biomass density, suggests that spaceborne SAR imagery is suitable for estimating the biomass density and determining the extent of cleared and regenerating forest in tropical regions. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1025 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SousaRibePonz:1996:InTeTi Journal Article Sousa, Claudia Linhares de Sousa, Claudia Linhares de; Ribeiro, Milton Cezar; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Influencia do tempo e do tipo de armazenamento na reflectancia espectral de folhas de Eucalyptus grandis ""EX-SITU"" 1996 Revista Arvore 20 2 255-265 7517 vegetacao, reflectancia espectral, comportamento espectral. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influencia do tempo e de dois diferentes tipos de armazenamento na reflectancia de folhas de Eucalyptus grandis ""ex-situ"". Foram realizadas medidas de reflectancia hemisferica em quarenta folhas desta especie, utilizando-se uma esfera integradora acoplada a um espectroradiometro. Vinte folhas foram armazenadas em sacos plasticos lacrados com algodoes umedecidos e vinte foram deixadas a luz e temperatura ambientes, dentro do laboratorio. As medicoes foram realizadas no momento da abscisao e apos 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23 e 29 horas. Para a regiao do visivel, os resultados indicaram diferencas significativas seis horas apos a extracao das folhas, quando armazenadas em sacos plasticos e, somente 23 horas, em condicoes ambientais. Para a regiao do infravermelho, essas diferencas foram significativas ja nas primeiras tres horas apos a extracao para as folhas armazenadas em condicoes ambientais, mas nao foram para aquelas armazenadas em sacos plasticos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 785 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffBati:1991:WhYiEs Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Batista, Getulio Teixeira Wheat yield estimation at the farm level using TM Landsat and agrometeorological data 1991 International Journal of Remote Sensing 12 12 2477-2484 6302 agronomia, agrometeorologia, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, milho. Wheat plays an important role in the Brazilian commodity production. Therefore, objective and reliable methods for yield estimation are needed particularly at the farm level where several management actions have to be taken. TM Landsat and agrometeorological data were integrated in a model for wheat yield estimation the farm level for a test site in the south of Sao Paulo State. Landsat data for the crop years of 1986 (three acquisitions)and 1987 (two acquisitions), agronomic and meteorological data were related to yield estimates at the field level (250 fields approximately). Results have shown that the vegetation index derived from TM Landsat explained 60 and 40 per cent of wheat yield variavility for the two crop years analysed. The joint use of both vegetation index and agrometeorological data in a single model improved significantly the results as compared to either vegetation index or agrometeorological data separately. The proposed model is to be validated for future crop seasons. Nevertheless, it provided objective and reasonably accurate results for wheat estimation on the two crop seasons analysed (R2 = 0,65 with a standard error of 339Kg/ha). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 197 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroKrugNovoRodr:2000:InViEs Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Krug, Thelma; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Rodriguez-Yi, Jose Luiz Roraima: o incendio visto do espaco 2000 Ciencia Hoje 27 157 32-34 6958 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , desmatamento, queimada, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagem landsat, incendio, imagens dmsp, imagens noaa, satelites noaa, satelites dmsp, landsat 5, burnes, forests, thematic mappers (landsat). Roraima no noticidrio nacional e internacional foi consequncia de uma longa estacao seca e do baixissimo indice de chuvas registrado no estado desde meados de 1997. Na origem desses fatores estava o fenomeno El Nino (o aquecimento das aguas do oceano Pacifico, alterando o clima de parte do planeta, em especial o da Amarica do Sul), que tem seu efeito maximo nessa regiao. Dados do Centro de Previsto de Tempo e Clima, do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), ja indicavam essa situacoes dramatica: desde 1973 quando ocorriam condicoes de seca tao extremas quanto as do comeco de 1998. Tal fato, associado a pratica de queimadas em areas agricolas ou pastagens, desencadearam o maior incendio florestal ja ocorrido no pais. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 28 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoShim:1997:IdMaAm Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Identification and mapping of the Amazon habitats using a mixing model 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 3 663-670 8320 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, mapeador tematico l(landsat), imagens landsat, habitats, inundacao. A methodology is described for identifying and mapping floodplain habitats in a reach of the Amazon mainstream. A linear mixing approach was used to determine the fraction of three pure endmembers. This method was tested for two radiometrically rectified Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)scenes and the proportions of endmembers were used to identify the following classes: (1)clear mixed water: (2)turbid water; (3)flooded non-forest; (4)flooded forest; (50 human settlements and (6)aquatic vegetation. The results were compared to visually interpreted Landsat TM images. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1023 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFo:1995:ExNoPl Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo Integracao, manipulacao e analise espacial de dados na pesquisamineral atraves de modelos empiricos de prospecao: um exemplo no planalto de Pocos de Caldas 1995 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 13 2 127-142 7515 geologia. Tecnicas de integracao, manipulacao e analise espacial de dados foram testadas no macico alcalino de Pocos de Caldas visando a indicacao de areas alvos potenciais a ocorrencia de mineralizacoes radioativas, tendo como base um modelo prospectivo empirico definido para a area de estudo. Para aplicar o modelo foi criado um banco de dados digitais geocodificados, o qual incorporou informacoes gama-radiometricas (contagem total), informacoes litologicas e estruturais, ocorrencias minerais, rede de drenagem e modelo numerico do terreno. Operacoes de algebra booleana e de medias ponderadas foram as tecnicas utilizadas para a manipulacao do banco de dados, de acordo com regras definidas no modelo prospectivo. Nas operacoes de algebra booleanas, determinada area seria apontada como potencial para mineralizacoes radioativas se valores gama-radiometricos maiores que 1,8 vezes o background regional ocorressem em areas de litologias favoraveis, cortadas por falhas e/ou fraturas. As areas selecionadas por esse procedimento ocuparam cerca de 12 da superficie total do macico alcalino, englobando 77 das mineralizacoes radioativas conhecidas. Apesar dos bons resultados obtidos por esse metodo, sua principal limitacao foi nao permitir estabelecer prioridades para pesquisa entre as areas indicadas. Isso foi conseguido atraves do modelo baseado em medias ponderadas, que permitiu classificar as areas indicadas em quatro niveis de prioridades para a pesquisa de minerais radioativos: baixa, media, alta e muito alta. Embora as areas de prioridade maxima cubram apenas 1,5 da superficie total do macico alcalino, elas encerram todos os principais depositos minerais conhecidos, atestando alta confiabilidade ao modelo prospectivo adotado. Os resultados obtidos mostram que modelos semiquantitativos de prospeccao podem ser ferramentas valiosas, resultando em economia de tempo e de recursos em campanhas de prospeccao mineral. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 783 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerPere:1991:AmBiBu Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marco da Costa Amazonia biomass burnings in 1987 and estimate of their trophospheric emissions 1991 Ambio 20 1 19-22 6317 vegetacao, , queimadas, florestas. Biomass burning in Brazil's Amazon Basin was detected during the dry season of 1987 using 46 images of the AVHRR sensor on board the NOAA-9 satellite. A conservative estimate indicated 350 000 independent fires, corresponding possibly to about twently million hectares of different types of vegetation burned, of which eight million were associeted with recent deforestation. Giant smoke and haze clouds produced by the fires extended over million of Km2 and were regularly detected on the continent and spread over the southern Atlantic Ocean. Estimates od emissions from the fires, in millions of tons, were 1700 for CO2,94 for C0,6 for particulates, 9 for ozone (secundary reactions), 10 for CH4, 1for NOx, and 0.1 for CH3CI. These emission caused severe atmospheric pollution effects on a synoptic scale wiith possible global implications, and should be of high concern in the future following current tropical deforestation associated biomass burning. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 205 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ QueganYanGroChuSie:1991:RaQuAg Journal Article Quegan, S. Quegan, S.; Yanasse, Corina C.F.; de Groof, H.; Churchill, P.N.; Sieber, A. The radiometric quality of AgriSAR data 1991 International Journal Remote Sensing 12 2 277-302 6314 The AgriSAR '86 data set for the Feltwell, U.K. test site is assessed for its ability to provide information on the spatial and temporal variation of backscatter from growing crops. The image data is shown to contain several sources of radiometric distortion which affect any attempt at image calibration. Of these, the simples to correct is that caused by range interpolation in the amplitude data. All interpolated pixels should be discarded from the amplitude data supplied by CNES. Correction from slant range to ground range is comparatively straightforward. Effects due to variations in antenna pattern, in the range and azimuth direction, require assumptions about the angular variation of the backscatter of crops and statistical homogeneity of ground cover before they can be removed. The properties of system noise appear complicated and are not yet properly characterized, but interfere with corrections for the antenna pattern. Offsets in the two channels of the complex data also interfere adversely with antenna pattern corrections. The size of these offsets cannot be estimated reliably from the AgriSAR amplitude data, and complex data should be supplied as a standard product. No sound basis for inter-image comparison has been found. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 203 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Jimenez-RuedaPessMatt:1998:MoEsDi Journal Article Jimenez-Rueda, Jairo Roberto Jimenez-Rueda, Jairo Roberto; Pessotti, Jose Ernesto Sacchi; Mattos, Juercio Tavares Modelo para o estudo da dinamica evolutiva dos aspectos fisiograficos dos pantanais 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero especial 1763-1773 October 8313 geologia, , geomorfologia, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, pedologia. Estudou-se a aplicacao de um modelo a dinamica evolutiva dos aspectos fisiograficos do Pantanal. O Pantanal de Miranda-Aquidauana desenvolveu-se, no comeco, de uma planicie fluvial pre-existente a partir do rio Paraguai, cujas marcas antigas, reconhecidas pelas alteracoes intempericas, mostram componentes que tornam possivel sua datacao relativa e, consequentemente, permitem a compreensao de sua evolucao dinamica, antiga e atual, que sao responsaveis pela sua presente forma fisiografica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1018 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PereiraDiasDalm:1999:ElSiCa Journal Article Pereira, Adriana Castreghini de Freitas Pereira, Adriana Castreghini de Freitas; Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira; Dalmolin, Quintino Elaboracao de simbolos cartograficos para mapas turisticos em meio digital 1999 Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas 5 : 3-14 8877 processamento digital de imagens, simbolos cartograficos, turismo, sistema de processamento de informacao georreferenciadas, spring. Projetos de simbolos cartograficos para mapeamento turistico tem sido pouco explorados no Brasil, principalmente para a visualizacao dos mapas e dos simbolos em meio digital. 0 presente artigo visa apresentar um estudo sobre o assunto, que foi desenvolvido como parte da dissertacao de mestrado em Ciencias Geodesicas pela Universidade Federal do Parana. Os objetivos principais deste artigo foram: a elaboracao de simbolos cartograficos apropriados a um Mapeamento de pontos turisticos e outros pontos de informacao de localizacao ao turista, assim como a aplicacao de teste de eficiencia dos simbolos cartograficos gerados com estudantes de segundo grau. A metodologia adotada baseou-se em estudos cientificos publicados sobre o assunto, e utilizou os programas AutoCAD R12 para a elaboracao dos simbolos cartograficos e SPRING (INPE)para a elaboracao dos mapas da cidade de Sao Sebastiao (SP)com informacoes turisticas. Observou-se, ao final do trabalho, que foi possivel a geracao de simbolos dentro do conceito cartografico, apesar de algumas dificuldades encontradas para a transferencia de simbolos projetados analogicamente para o meio digital. Tomando-se por base os resultados dos testes com os estudantes, concluiu-se que a maioria dos simbolos foi eficiente na comunicacao, podendo-se prever que um turista decodificara corretamente a informacao transmitida pelos simbolos, quando utilizar os mapas turisticos. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE OBT OBT 1213 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ VenezianiSanCreAnjOki:1998:MaClEr Journal Article Veneziani, Paulo Veneziani, Paulo; Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos; Crepani, Edison; Anjos, Celio Eustaquio; Okida, Rosana Mapa de classes de erodibilidade de parte da regiao do rio Taquari baseado em imagens TM-Landsat 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1747-1754 October 8311 geologia, , mapas de erodibilidade, projeto mulpan, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, erosao, relevo. O trabalho apresenta a contribuicao dos estudos geologicos complementados com dados geomorfologicos para a obtencao de mapas de classes de erodibilidade. Faz parte do Projeto Mulpan (dados multissensores para levantamentos do meio fisico no Pantanal), desenvolvido dentro do Convenio de Cooperacao Tecnico-Cientifica INPE/Embrapa. Escolheu-se como exemplo a Folha Pedro Gomes (escala 1:100.000 - SE.21 ZB-II MIR 2401), que abrange parte da bacia do Rio Taquari. O objetivo principal e evidenciar a relacao entre a erodibilidade e a geologia-geomorfologia da area estudada, e mostrar que os dados geologicos-geomorfologicos podem ser obtidos de forma indireta, com a interpretacao de imagens TM-LANDSAT. Deu-se enfase as propriedades fisico-quimico-mecanicas dos diferentes litotipos, tais como: permeabilidade, ruptibilidade-plasticidade, infiltracao, escoamento e movimentacao de massa, bem como o reconhecimento das formas de relevo e analise da declividade. Embora os dados sobre solos e clima tenham grande importancia para elaboracao de mapeamentos de classes de erodibilidade, neste trabalho nao foram consideradas propositalmente para que, desta forma, se conseguisse uma nocao exata sobre a contribuicao da avaliacao geologica. Como resultado, obteve-se a compartimentacao da area em sete classes de erodibilidade e tres classes de acumulacao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1016 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Frery:1991:MoCaDe Journal Article Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide Monte Carlo determination of the convergence time of two cluster-filp algorithms in the ising model 1991 Revista Brasileira de Fisica 21 4 482-491 6043 We use the maximum pseudolikehood estimator as stopping rule for two cluster-flip algorithms in the Ising model. Swendsen-Wang and Wolff dynamics are compared by means of the number of iterations and CPU time required to achieve convergence for different values of the atractivity parameter B. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 188 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LinharesPonzShim:2000:EsCa Journal Article Linhares, Cláudia A. Linhares, Cláudia A.; Ponzoni, Flávio Jorge; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Relação entre volume de madeira e índice de área foliar em um povoamento de Pinus ssp.: estudo de caso 2000 Revista Árvore 24 1 47-54 6197 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 20 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Paradella:1994:FrImDe Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for studying the deforestation in the brazilian Amazon 1994 International Journal of Remote Sensing 15 3 517-520 6830 geologia. Fraction images derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA)Advenced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)imsgrs contain useful information for studying tropical deforestation. Vegetation,soil and shade fraction images are formed by the proportion amount od each component within the pixel. These values are estimated using the two reflective channels (0-58-0-68 um and 0-725-1.1 um)and the reflective component of the 3.55-3.95 um channel (Kaufman and Nakajima 1993, Kaufman and Remer 1993). The endmenbers for AVHRR image to run the Constrained Least Squares (CLS)Metrod (Shimabukuro nand Smith 1991)were estimated using the fraction images derived from Landasat Thematic Mapper (TM)as a ground trutth as presented by Holben and Shimabukuro (1993).Figures 1 and 2 show teh color composite (Vegetation=Red,Soil=Gren andShade=Blue)of the fraction images and NDVI image, respectively for AVHRR data acquired on 26 July 1988 over the Rondonia State in the Brazilian Amazon. Figures 3 and 4 show the composite fraction and NDVI images, respectively obtained from AVHRR( 26 July 1988)and TM ( 8 August 1988)for the same region.The NDVI images are very similar to vegetaion fraction images and are highly correlates with the fraction images for both remote sensors. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 579 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Setzer:1982:UsCoPh Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort The use of color-IR photos for air pollution plumes 1982 Journal of the air pollution Control Association 32 8 837-138 1379 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 219 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViswanadhamTors:1982:StAtDi Journal Article Viswanadham, Yelisetty Viswanadham, Yelisetty; Torsani, Jose Aparecido A study of a atmospheric diffusion from the Landsat imagery 1982 Journal of Geophysical Research 87 C12 9621-9635 1384 Detailed analyses of the LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS)data of the smoke plumes that originated in eastern Cabo Frio (22o 59'S; 42o 02'W)and crossed over into the Atlantic ocean are presented to illustrate how high-resolution LANDSAT imagery can aid meteorologists in evaluating specific air pollution events. The eleven LANDSAT images selected are for different months and years. Conventional interpretation techniques are applied to analyze the imagens with a view to arrive at certain plume characteristics. The analysis of the visible smoke plumes revealed that the plume was 130 Km long and attained a maximum width of 937 m, 10 Km away from the chimney emitting the effluent. The results show that diffusion is governed primarily by water and air temperature differences. With colder water, low-level air is very stable and the vertical diffusion is minimal; but water warmer than the air induces vigorous diffusion. The applicability of two empirical methods for determining the horizontal eddy diffusivity coefficient (Ky)in the Gaussian plume formula was evaluated with the estimated standard deviation of the crosswind distribution of material in the plume (oy)from the LANDSAT imagery. Most consistent estimates for Ky, are obtained from the formula based on Taylor's theory of 'diffusion by continuous moment.' Ky values of about 158 m2 s-1 in quasi-neutral conditions and 49 m2 s-1 in stable conditions are obtained from a plot of oy2 as a function of distance from the source. The rate of Kinetic energy dissipation (E)is evaluated from the diffusion parameters oy-5 and Ky-3. The E value ranges from 0.1 x 10-5 m2 s-3 to 80.2 x 10-5 m2 s-3 in quasi-neutral and stable stratifications. These results compare well with the previous experimental values obtained over water surfaces by various workers. They form a data base for use in the development and validation of mesoscale atmospheric diffusion models. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DCT 220 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroNovoPonz:1998:InVeMo Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Novo, Evlyn Marcia leao de Noraes; Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Indice de vegetacao e modelo linear de mistura espectral no monitoramento da regiao do Pantanal 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 1 (Numero Especial) 1729-1737 October 8309 vegetacao, , cobertura vegetal, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, imagens fracao, retificacao radiometrica. Este trabalho apresenta a contribuicao da imagem indice de vegetacao de diferenca normalizada (NDVI)e das imagens-fracao derivadas de modelo linear de mistura espectral para o monitoramento da dinamica da cobertura do solo na regiao do Pantanal. As imagens indice de vegetacao e as imagens-fracao (vegetacao, solo e sombra ou agua)foram derivadas dos dados digitais do TM (Thematic Mapper)do Landsat obtidos sobre a regiao do alto Taquari (MS), em 22 de dezembro de 1992 (periodo seco)e 12 de marco de 1993 (periodo chuvoso). Estas imagens permitiram analisar a cobertura de solo da regiao nas datas das imagens, bem como detectar as mudancas ocorridas entre o periodo de aquisicao dessas imagens. Aparentemente, os resultados indicaram maior sensibilidade da imagem-fracao de vegetacao as variacoes de cobertura vegetal do solo quando comparada com a imagem indice de vegetacao (NDVI). O metodo de retificacao radiometrica apresentou bom desempenho, indicando que tanto os alvos escuros quanto os alvos claros, selecionados nas imagens, nao sofreram mudancas durante o intervalo de aquisicao das imagens. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1014 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KrugMart:1991:CoInSt Journal Article Krug, Thelma Krug, Thelma; Martin, R.J. Information loss on the mean for spatial processes when some values are missing. Comunications in Statistics 1991 Theory and Methods 20: 2169-2194 6031 agronomia. The loss of information on the meandue to the presence do missing values is discussed for a Gaussian univariate process on a rectangular lattice. The exact as well as the approximate formalae for this loss are given for general conditioanl autoregressive (CAR)and simultadneous autoregressive (SAR)processes. The approximate formula is shown to give a good insight into how the loss varies over the different configurations of missing sites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 186 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaSilvRosaKush:1994:GeApTr Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Silva, M.F.F. da; Rosa, N.de A.; Kushigbor, C.A. A geobotanical approach to the tropical rainfores environment of the Carajas Mineral Province (Amazon region, Brazil), based on digital TM-Landsat and DEM data 1994 International Journal of Remote Sensing 15 8 1633-1648 6828 geologia. Digital TM Landasat images integrated with elevation model variables were usef to evaluate the potentialily for lithological unit discriminationin the tropical rain forest fenvioronment of the Carajas Mineral Province Brazilian Amazon region. The data set analysed through digital image processing techniques ( enhancements and non-supervised classification). The investigation has shown that the Up-Land rain forest vegetation in the area is mainly controlled by elevation and slope which reflect variations in the geology. Botinical verrification has also indicated that ths physiognomy(density and stratification), would be the most important vegatation attribute which influences the remote sensing responses. The research has provided useful information for the geological model of the area. Thus, by understanding the relationships among vegetation, terrain descriptors and geology,geobotinical remote sensing provides an additional tool for geological exportation in this kind of environment. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 577 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoFerrVene:1999:CoEsCo Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Ferreira, F.J.F. da; Veneziani, Paula Contribuicao ao estudo do complexo mafico/ultramafico de Campo Formoso usando sensoriamento remoto e dados aeromagneticos 1999 Revista Brasileira de Geociencia 29 2 301-304 8870 0 trabalho discute o uso combinado de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e dados aeromagneticos, no estudo do complexo Campo Formoso, A distribuicao dos corpos magneticos associados as rochas maficas/ultramaficas do complexo reflete forte controle estrutural, segundo orientacao geral NE-SW, evidenciado em imagens de satelite. Analise das imagens orbitais sugere tambem que o trecho sul do complexo, onde se localizam as principais mineralizacoes de cromo conhecidas, constitui um bloco estrutural rebaixado, melhor preservado pela erosao que o trecho norte, mais erodido. Estimativas de profundidades de topos de fontes magneticas atraves de tecnicas de deconvolucao de Euler, indicam que na porcao sul do complexo as fontes magneticas atingem maiores profundidades que na porcao norte.0 trabalho discute o uso combinado de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e dados aeromagneticos, no estudo do complexo Campo Formoso, A distribuicao dos corpos magneticos associados as rochas maficas/ultramaficas do complexo reflete forte controle estrutural, segundo orientacao geral NE-SW, evidenciado em imagens de satelite. Analise das imagens orbitais sugere tambem que o trecho sul do complexo, onde se localizam as principais mineralizacoes de cromo conhecidas, constitui um bloco estrutural rebaixado, melhor preservado pela erosao que o trecho norte, mais erodido. Estimativas de profundidades de topos de fontes magneticas atraves de tecnicas de deconvolucao de Euler, indicam que na porcao sul do complexo as fontes magneticas atingem maiores profundidades que na porcao norte. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1208 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaSantVeneMora:2000:ExBrAm Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos; Veneziani, Paulo; Morais, M.C. de Synthetic aperture radar for geological application in the Moist tropic: Experiences from the Brazilian Amazon region 2000 Revista Brasileira de Geociências 30 3 534-538 9485 geologia, , imagem de radar, radar de abertura sintética, processamento de imagens, interpretação fotográfica, geology, synthetic aperture radar, sar, imaging radar, photointerpretation, radar de imageamento. A reasonable amount of airborne and orbital Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)data, with distinct characteristics (frequency, polarization, viewing terrain geometry, resolution, etc.), has been acquired over the Amazon Region during the last decade. As the region is involved in rain, cloud, haze and smoke, SAR images are invaluable in providing geological information due the enhancement of the terrain caused by the side-viewing geometry, and the all-weather sensing capability. In this paper, we discuss the effects of the sensor/terrain variables on geological mapping and exploration using C-band SAR examples from the Tapajós National Forest and Carajás Province. The experience with this kind of remote sensing data in the tropics has shown that an effective applicability of the technology is obtained when a consistent background in SAR imagery, digital image processing and photointerpreterïs skill are taken into account in the approach. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 106 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViladaSilvaAbdoBoocSilv:1998:FiDoPa Journal Article Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos; Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Boock, Arae; Silva, Marta Pereira da Fitofisinomias dominantes em parte das sub-regioes do Nabileque e Miranda, Sul do Pantanal 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1713-1719 October 8307 vegetacao, , inundacao, cobertura vegetal, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat. Objetiva-se definir uma metodologia de discriminacao de fitofisionomias em ambiente alagavel, por meio de produtos de sensoriamento remoto e trabalhos de campo. A area avaliada localiza-se no sul do Pantanal. O estudo consistiu na interpretacao visual de imagens TM (Thematic Mapper)analogicas do satelite Landsat, correspondente a epoca seca (setembro/89), na escala de 1:100.000, obtidas nas bandas individuais 4 e 5 em branco e preto e em composicao colorida 3 (azul), 4 (verde)e 5 (vermelho). Definiram-se, nas imagens, areas amostrais com diferentes padroes de cor, textura e forma associadas a diferentes fitofisionomias, sendo estas verificadas em campo. Utilizaram-se, tambem, fotos aereas pancromaticas na escala de 1:20.000, do ano de 1974, para avaliar areas em que os limites das fitofisionomias nao se apresentavam nitidos. A metodologia utilizada permitiu identificar a cobertura vegetal diferenciada estruturalmente, correspondente aos estratos arboreo, arbustivo e herbaceo, subdivididos em 14 classes de mapeamento, associadas as fitofisionomias dominantes distintas floristicamente e conhecidas regionalmente por paratudal (Tabebuia aurea), carandazal (Copernicia alba), mata ciliar, mata semidecidual, caapao de mata, mata mista de carandazal, paratudal e semidecidual, canjiqueiral (Byrsonima orbignyana), espinheiral, espinheiral inundado, estadio seral da mata ciliar, brejo, campo de gramineas e arbustos, e campo inundado. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1012 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVitoAlme:1999:EfBaPo Journal Article Galvao, Lenio Soares Galvao, Lenio Soares; Vitorello, Icaro; Almeida Filho, Raimundo Effects of band positioning and bandwidth on NDVI measurements of tropical savanas 1999 Remote Sensing of Environment 67 2 181-193 8868 amplitude da banda, indice de vegetacao, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi, resolucao espectral, cerrado, bandwvidth, vegetative index, infrared bands, spectral resolutions, normalized difference vegetation index, grassland. The consequences of shiffting the spectral location of narrow and broad-red (R)and near-infrared (NIR)bands on measurements of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)of Brazilian savannas were investigated for different plant communities and seasonal phenology. The basic data came from na Airborne Visiblel Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)image obtained during the regional dry season and two Landsat 5-Thematic Mapper (TM images from the dry and rainy seasons. Principal components analysis (PCA)was applied to a set of 64 AVIRIS bands from the interval of 500-1100 nm in order to select the R-NIR band pair of greatest spectral contrast and respective endmember spectra for the R and NIR band variations. For the endmember spectra modeled AVIRIS-derived NDVI values, obtained by changing the spectral positioning and bandwidths of R-NIR band pairs, were compared with NDIVI calculated from simulated R-NIR band pairs of orbital sensors. Furthermore, the suitability of different positions and bandwidths was also examined employing, as criterion, the calculated NDVI contrast between the endmenber spertra. The results revealed that the NDVI of the green vegetation was essentially affected by the proximity of the R and NIR bands to the spectral interval of hile red edge (690-750 nm). The strongest effectes were observed for the R bands that partly extended longwards the 690 nm wavelength. On the other hand, the NDVI of the nonphotosynthetic, vegetation varied up to 100within the studied interval, especially as a function of the R-NIR spectral distance. The largest NDVI contrast between green and dry vegetation was obtained with the convergent displacement R and NIR bonds, respectively, towards the 690 nm and 750 nm wavelengths, as predicted from PGA Results from simulated orbital sensors demonstrated that bandwidths have no significant influence on the, NDVI provided the R and NIR bands are not extended into the red, edge domain. The variable NDVI contrasts along travers presented the smallest values when associated with the conspicuous green vegetation, and the largest values when associnated with the dried-out grasslands or exposed soils. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1206 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BignelliAbdoPalmVila:1998:AvPrDa Journal Article Bignelli, Pedro Alberto Bignelli, Pedro Alberto; Abdon, Myrian de Moura; Palme, Ulf Walter; Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos Avaliacao preliminar de dados RADAR ERS-1 para estudos do Pantanal Brasileiro 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1691-1701 October 8305 vegetacao, , imagens de radar, ers 1, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, mapeamento, geomorfologia. A pesquisa sobre sensores de microondas aponta o radar como excelente delimitador agua/terra e tambem como uma nova ferramenta complementar para estudos de vegetacao e culturas agricolas, especialmente nas regioes do Planeta comumentemente recobertas por nebulosidade. Sendo assim, a regiao pantaneira do Mato Grosso do Sul constitui-se numa area teste ideal para avaliacao de imageamentos de radar quanto ao potencial desta tecnologia na discriminacao daqueles parametros. Assim, realizou-se um estudo piloto na sub-regiao de Nhecolandia, sobre a qual ja estavam sendo conduzidos trabalhos de pesquisa pela Embrapa-CPAP em conjunto com o INPE, objetivando: 1)comparar o desempenho dos dados do radar ERS-1 em relacao aos do TM-Landsat para o mapeamento da fisionomia da vegetacao e a delimitacao agua/terra; e 2)analisar as contribuicoes do produto integrado daqueles sensores para o mapeamento da fisionomia vegetal e a geomorfologia da area-teste. Neste contexto, as analises visuais apontaram o radar como excelente discriminador das areas com presenca de solos arenosos, salinas e associacoes de plantas aquaticas; assim como os produtos hibridos apresentaram grande contribuicao quanto a visualizacao da fisionomia dos grupos de vegetacao e aos aspectos da geomorfologia local. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1010 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MantovaniAmar:1998:AvPrUt Journal Article Mantovani, Angelica Carvalho Di Maio Mantovani, Angelica Carvalho Di Maio; Amaral, Silvana Avaliacao preliminar da utilizacao de imagens AVHRR/NOAA na deteccao de desmatamento no Pantanal 1998 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 33 Numero Especial 1683-1690 October 8304 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, desmatamento, desflorestamento, satelites noaa, imagens noaa, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, projeto mulpan, sistema de processamento de informacoes georreferenciadas, spring. Apresentam-se resultados preliminares da deteccao de areas desmatadas no Pantanal a partir de dados de imagens AVHRR/NOAA. Esta primeira analise compreende uma das abordagens do Projeto MULPAN, que avalia a potencialidade dos dados obtidos por diferentes sistemas sensores para levantamento de dados tematicos do meio fisico no Pantanal. Este Projeto e resultado da cooperacao entre o INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)e a Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria). Na deteccao de desmatamentos utilizou-se imagem AVHRR/NOAA de 15/09/90, nos canais 2 (0,72-1, 1 ) e 3 (3,5-3,9 ). A imagem foi inicialmente corrigida geometricamente, registrada em um mapa, e classificada com o algoritmo Maxver. No procedimento de registro e classificacao da imagem utilizou-se o Sistema de Processamento de Informacoes Georreferenciadas - SPRING-1.1. A avaliacao da classificacao baseou-se no mapeamento realizado com imagens TM/Landsat de 1990/91, e observou-se que na regiao do Pantanal, com alta incidencia de cerrados, a metodologia adotada nao foi eficiente para discriminar os desmatamentos. Do total de 112 pontos de desmatamento, identificados no mapeamento TM/Landsat, apenas cerca de 20 foi registrado pela imagem AVHRR/NOAA. A maior parte dos demais pontos de desmatamento foi classificada como Cerrado ou Cerradao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 1009 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaSanVenSanMor:2000:GeInUs Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos; Veneziani, Paulo; Sant'Anna, Marilia Vidigal; Moraes, M.C Geological investigation using Radarsat-1 images in the tropical rain forest enviromental of Brazil 2000 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 26 2 82-90 5904 geologia, radar de abertura sintética, imagens de radar, investigacao, levantamentos geológicos, sythetic aperture radar, radar imagery, investigation, geological surveys. As part of the ADRO Program, RADARSAT-1 ScanSar, and Standard images were acquired in the Carajás Province, Amazon Region. The area, with a heterogeneous relief totally covered by tropical rain forest, is part of the Archean Itacaiúnas Shear Belt, a geotectonical province with metasediments, metavolcanics, gneisses and granulites. Anorogenic granites are also found with Proterozoic ages. The ScanSAR Mode image has revealed the importance of the synoptic overview and proved suitable for identification of large-scale domains and structures. A prominent NESW lineament was detected crossing the Province diagonally, which was not previously reported in the literature. The ascending and descending Standard Mode images have provided complementary geological information and reinforced the importance of using SAR data in the tropics with opposite look-directions. Despite the small stereo, intersection angles, the same-side, stereo for ascending or descending pass has presented almost similar results in terms of three-dimensional (3-D)perception, with a slightly better performance with the descending pair, due to a larger intersection angle. The extraction of information through the same-side pairs in easier than the opposite-side pairs. However, for areas with moderate relief, the best results were obtained from opposite-side stereo due to the vertical exaggeration, caused by higher geometric disparities. In addition, the opposite-pairs with steeper viewing geometry have presented the best performance for flat areas due to the enhancement of the micro-topography. Finally, a SAR integrated product (Standard/Total Count gamma)has proved to be highly effective in revealing new image patterns quite distinct from the mapped units by conventional methods. The information obtained with this investigation is relevant in planning future field campaigns and it is providing new insights into the current geologic models for the Province. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 13 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AguiarShimMasc:1999:UsSyBa Journal Article Aguiar, Ana Paula Dutra Aguiar, Ana Paula Dutra; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Use of synthetic bands derived from mixing models in the multispectral classification of remote sensing images 1999 International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 4 647-657 8866 reflorestamento, classificacao multiespectral, assinaturas espectral, multispectral resourde sampler, visual perception, reforestation, spectral signatures, mixing. An analysis of the use of features derived from class proportions in a pixel for the multispectral classification of reforested areas in Landsat images is performed. Through a linear mixing model, synthetic bands derived from those proportions are obtained either using the constrained or the weighted least squares procedures.The method indicates that the synthetic bands offer an alternative to well-known dimensionality reduction techniques such as principal components or canonical analysis. Furthermore, those bands provide a useful tool for visual interpretation, since they contain information that is related to physical concepts (proportions)more easily assimilated than class spectral signatures. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1204 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CastroVale:1997:SiExPe Journal Article Castro, Alexandre Crimaldi Castro, Alexandre Crimaldi; Valerio Filho, Mario Simulacao da expectativa de perdas de solo em microbacia sob diferentes manejos florestais 1997 Revista Brasileira e Ciencia do Solo 21 3 419-426 8302 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , solos, erosao, equacao universal de perdas de solos, sistemas de informacao geografica, sgi, simulacao, florestas, sig. Este estudo foi designado a avaliar, por meio de simulacao cartografica em Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG), o impacto de diferentes estrategias de manejo florestal na escala de uma microbacia hidrografica. O projeto foi desenvolvido em uma pequena microbacia (2,8 km2), localizada na porcao norte do litoral capixaba (Estado do Espirito Santo), inserida em uma area de plantacao industrial de eucalipto pertencente ao complexo agroindustrial da Aracruz Celulose S.A. A avaliacao dos impactos potenciais foi efetuada por meio da aplicacao da equacao universal de perdas de solo (EUPS), sendo diferentes cenarios simulados com base no processamento digital da base primaria de dados (dados ancilares relativos a cobertura pedologica, relevo, clima e vegetacao). A simulacao considerou quatro diferentes estrategias de manejo, variando de uma situacao mais critica (completa ausencia de qualquer tecnica conservacionista)ate uma abordagem mais proxima da situacao atualmente observada (onde diferentes tecnicas de manejo tem sido empregadas). Os primeiros resultados permitem denotar a adequacidade do uso dessas tecnicas de investigacao prospectiva em suporte ao manejo operacional de florestas de producao. Todavia, alguns cuidados devem ser adotados quanto ao alcance desta abordagem, especificamente quanto ao modelo EUPS e, ainda, a uma tendencia a dispersao multiplicativa de erros detectada durante o processamento digital. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1007 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CâmaraNeto:2000:QuSaAs Journal Article Câmara Neto, Gilberto Câmara Neto, Gilberto Imagens de alta resolução: quais sao as alternativas 2000 Revista InfoGeo 14 : 32 August 5847 geoprocessamento, alta resolucao, satélite ikonos, imagens ikonos, high resolution, ikonos imagery, ikonos satellite. Neste número da infoGEO, os leitores podem apreciar uma completa reportagem sobre o advento dos sensores orbitais de alta resolução, como o IKONOS. O enorme impacto visual, técnico e gerencial causado por estas imagens é provavelmente a maior revolução recente da Geoinformação, depois do advento do GPS. Neste artigo, estaremos discutindo em maior detalhe algumas alternativas ao uso de satélites para produção de imagens de alta resolução. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 11 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GherardiBose:1999:MoEcSu Journal Article Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino; Bosence, Daniel W.J Modeling of the ecological succession of encrusting organisms in recent coralline-algal frameworks from Atol das Rocas, Brazil 1999 Palaios 14 2 145-158 8855 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , ecologia, coral, recifes, coral reefs, algae, hydrodynamics, atols, reefs. Models of the ecological succession of encrusting organisms in the recent coralline-algal reefs from Atol das Rocas (South Atlantic, Brazil)are presented for a windward and a leeward transect. These models are constructed on probability calculations that use the relative frequencies of upward (overgrowing)transitions (succession)of observed pairings of reef- framework builders. These are taken from blocks excavated across a reef-front / reef-crest / reef-flat section in the windward transect, and a reef-crest / reef-flat section in the leeward transect. The main substrate available for encrustation is the dominant primary framework - building coralline alga Porolithon cf. pachydermum. The diversity (number)and complexity of competitive interactions among encrusters increase from reef-front and reef-crest to reef-flat in both transects. Vermetid gastropods and homotrematid and acervulinid foraminiferans are the most important secondary framework builders in the surveyed reefs. The proposed successional models present an account of the operation of competitive processes over time and space, providing further evidence of a non-hierarchical pattern of competition for space. Changes in reef-framework succession along the reef transects are controlled by extrinsic factors. However, intrinsic factors are likely to be the main control of the succession when windward and leeward reef-flat environments are compared. Finally, reef-framework successional models derived from transition-probability matrices can be used to investigate paleoenvironmental gradients (such as wave energy)in preserved frameworks from ancient reefs and to understand reef-community structure based on the succession of encrusting epibionts. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1202 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StevensonKamp:1997:UsSaTr Journal Article Stevenson, Merritt Raymond Stevenson, Merritt Raymond; Kampel, Milton Use of satelite tracked oceanographic buoys in Brazil 1997 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 15 1 59-63 8300 oceanografia, boias oceanografica, derivadores oceanograficos, telemetria, boias de deriva, sistema argos. Satellite tracked drifting buoys have become an important field component in several international studies of ocean circulation and related marine climate programs over the past 19 years. The First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE)took place in 1978-1979 and utilized about 365 drifting buoys in the southern hemisphere oceans. About 10 years then passed, during which time the buoy technology underwent significant improvements that where used in smaller scale research activities. The first large program to use modern drifting buoys, or drifters as they are often called, occurred during the Surface Velocity Programme (SVP)of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), during the early to mid 1990's. In contrast, buoy development and use in Brazilian field studies began in the mid 1980's, within the national antartic research program (PROANTAR). Brazilian participation in international programs began with SVP/WOCE and is continuing within CLIVAR, the follow-on program to WOCE. Because of its interest in Antartica, Brazil is also a member of the International Program for Antartic Buoys (IPAB)and more recently of the International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP). A new national buoy program (PNBOIA)has been approved and acquisition and deployment of WOCE/TOGA type drifters should begin in 1997. In another large project, PETROBRAS, the national oil company, will be collaborating with INPE in the launch of similar drifters, also planned for 1997. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 1005 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AmaralMoaAlmCunPar:1976:CaGeMi Journal Article Amaral, Gilberto Amaral, Gilberto; Moattos, Juercio Tavares de; Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Cunha, Roberto Pereira da; Paradella, Waldir Renato Carta geologica ao milionesimo da folha de Belo Horizonte base na interpretacao de imagens Landsat 1976 229-238 6950 geologia, , landsat 1, imagens landsat, mapeamento geologico, grupo bambui. De modo a testar aplicabilidade de imagens multiespectrais do satelite LANDSAT ao mapeamento goologico de areas complexas e ricas em informacoes geologicas, os autores selecionaram a folha de Belo Horizonte da Carta Internacional ao Milionessimo. A metodologia utilizada foi em tudo semelhante aquela de Mapeamentos geologicos convencionais, tendo sido interpretado 12 quadros de imagens Landsat, executados 12.000 Km de caminhamentos geologicos e a analisadas mais do 300 referencias bibliograficas.Os resultados obtidos demonstraram claramente o enorme, potencial das imagens LANDSAT para mepeamentos geologicos regionais. Como subproduto, o projeto permitiu atualizar a base em escala 1:1.000.000 Do ponto do vista geologico, os resultados obtidos permitiram, uma reformulacao do sub-divisoes estratigraficas previamente propostas, o mesmo ocorrendo com esquemas anteriores da evolucao geotectonica da regiao abrangida. Nesse sentido as areasmais criticas foram, a Serra do Espinhaco a suas rolacoes com o Supergrupo Minas a Grupos Bambui a Macaubas, a Faixa de Dobramentos Brasilia. Foi possivel ainda, um maior detalhamento das unidades Mesozoicas e Conozoicas. Da maior importancia, tanto geotectonica como motalogenica, foi a caracterizacao elineacao detalhado do Arco da Canastra, associado a importantes falhamentos e intrusoes alcalinas a ultrabasicas. Foi possivel, ainda, a delimitacao das areas com prodominancia do calcario do Grupo Bambui as quais, aliadas a feicoes estruturais controlam as principais mineralizacoes dasta unidade. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 395 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SaatchiSoarAlve:1997:MaDeLa Journal Article Saatchi, Sasan S. Saatchi, Sasan S.; Soares, Joao Vianei; Alves, Diogenes Salas Mapping deforestation and land use in Amazon rainforest using SIR-C imagery 1997 Remote Sensing of Environment 39 2 191-202 8298 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, ciclo de carbono, uso da terra, deteccao de mudancas, desflorestamento, monitoramento ambiental, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagem de radar, land use, carbon cycle, change detection, deforestation, environmental monitoring. In this paper, the potential of spaceborne polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR)data in mapping land-cover types and monitoring deforestation in tropics is studied. Here, the emphasis is placed on several clearing practices and forest regeneration that can be characterized by using the sensitivity of SAR channels to vegetation biomass and canopy structure. A supervised Bayesian classifier designed for SAR signal statistics is employed to separate five classes: primary forest, secondary forest, pasture-crops, quebrado, and disturbed forest. The L- and C-band polarimetric SAR data acquired during the shuttle imaging radar-C (SIR-C)/X-SAR space shuttle mission in 1994 are used as input data to the classifier. The results are verified by field observation and comparison with the Landsat data acquired in August of 1994. The SAR data can delineate these five classes with approximately 72accuracy. The confusion arises when separating old secondary forests from primary forest and the young ones from pasture-crops. It is shown that Landsat and SAR data carry complementary information about the vegetation structure that, when used in synergism, may increase the classification accuracy over secondary forest regrowth. When the number of land-cover types was reduced to three classes including primary forest, pasture-crops, and regrowth- disturbed forest, the accuracy of classification increased to 87. A dimensionality analysis of the classifier showed that the accuracy can be further improved to 92 by reducing the feature space to L-band HH and HV channels. Comparison of SIR-C data acquired in April (wet period)and October (dry period)indicates that multi-temporal data can be used for monitoring deforestation; however, the data acquired curing the wet season are not suitable for accurate land-cover classification. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1003 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoGodo:1985:GeMoDi Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Godoy Jr., Moacir Geomorfologia, modelos digitais de terreno e sensoriamento remoto 1985 Boletim de Geografia 4 1-21 326 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , geomorfologia, modelos numericos de terreno, modelos digitais de terreno, geomorphology, terrain analysis, digital terrain model, environment. Este trabalho apresenta algumas ideias sobre a utilizacao de Modelos Digitais de Terreno como dados auxiliares de interpretacao de produtos de sensoriamento remoto. Desta forma sao discutidos os tipos de interferencia da topografia sobre os processos de extracao de informacoes de objetos da superficie terrestre e como os Modelos Digitais de Terreno podem auxiliar nestes processos. E apresentado um exemplo pratico de utilizacao de Modelos Digitais de Terreno para as Bacias dos rios Canas e Bocaina (afluentes do medio rio Paraiba do Sul). 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 393 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KirchhoffSetzPere:1989:SeEfOn Journal Article Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich; Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos da Costa Biomass burning in Amazonia: seasonal effects on atmospheric O3 and CO 1989 Geophysical Research Letters 16 4 469-472 2928 geofisica espacial. The prectice of shifting agriculture and the need for the colonization of new land areas determine each year considerable amounts of biomass burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. This paper describes new results on the effects of the these burnings on the composition of the lower atmosphere. Simultaneous measurements of 03 and CO are described at two sites: one within the burning region of central Brasil, Cuiaba (16 graus selsius, 56 graus selsius), and another one qway from it, Natal (6 graus selsius, 35 graus selsius). The data obtained so far cover the 1987, 1988 dry season periods, when the burning intensity is maximum (July, August, september), and the wet season period of 1988, when practically no burnings accur. Both sites show minimum concentrations of 03 and CO in the wet season with monthly averages in March of about 12 and 140 ppbv (parts per billion by volume)for Cuiaba, and about 10 and 80 ppbv, for Natal. While the seasonal increase at Natal is of the order of a factor of 2, the seasonal increase at Cuiaba for 1987 was about a factor of 4, and a factor of 6 for 1988. For the month of September 1987, 03 and CO had concentrations of 23 and 110 ppbv for Natal, whereas at Cuiaba these concentrations were 41 and 470 ppbv. The larger concentrations observed in September correlate well whit the large number of fires detected by the infrared radiometer on the NOAA-9 satellite. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DGE DSR PROJETO QUIAT 1027 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffEpiShiBogKru:1995:NoTeSe Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edenir; Bogossian, O.L.; Krug, Thelma Brasil cria satelite para fotografar Amazonia: novas tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto aperfeicoam avaliacao do territorio 1995 Ciencia Hoje 20 115 58-61 November 7320 agronomia. Muda a orbita, o sensor e o sistema de transmissao de dados. Sao estas as principais alteracoes introduzidas na nova concepcao dos satelites de sensoriamento remoto (SSR), que serao fabricados pelo Brasil para gerarem imagens das regioes Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste - justamente aquelas que nas ultimas decadas sofrerao as mais profundas modificacoes em funcao da presenca do homem. Rotas de mineracao, estradas, avancos da agricultura e da pecuaria e, e claro, as queimadas, serao o alvo principal do projeto, ja que as informacoes obtidas ate agora pelos satelites Landsat e Spot nao atendem as necessidades de avaliacao. O SSR operara com uma altissima frequencia temporal, permitindo detalhamentos nunca antes registrados. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 761 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroSantLeePere:1991:CaPaNa Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Santos, Joao Roberto dos; Lee, David Chung Liang; Pereira, Marcos da Costa Dados sensoriados no monitoramento e avaliacao de areas queimadas: o caso do Parque Nacional de Emas (GO) 1991 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 26 10 1589-1598 October 1389 vegetacao, , queimadas, florestas. Na ocupacao agropecuaria do pais, o metodo de queima e comumente empregado, sobretudo, na regiao Centro-Oeste, sob dominio dos cerrados. Porem, a acao do fogo tem atingido frequentemente areas de preservacao, como o Parque Nacional de Emas (Goias), o que pode ocasionar a destruicao de habitat e nichos, morte de animais menores, alem de poluicao ambiental. Este trabalho objetiva uma analise dos dados de sensor TM/Landsat, subsidiada com informacoes do AVHRR/NOAA, para monitorar e avaliar as areas atingidas pelo fogo nesta unidade de conservacao. Com base nas imagens do mapeador tematico em 29/07/88 e 14/08/88, aliada as informacoes diarias das imagens AVHRR/NOAA, foi realizado um acompanhamento da queimada, chegando ao conhecimento de sua distribuicao espacial no Parque Nacional. Foram utilizadas tecnicas de deteccao de mudancas como a comparacao pos-classificacao e analise de ""componentes principais"" no tratamento das imagens do TM/Landsat. Os resultados mostram estimativas de 73.884 hectares queimados, dos quais cerca de 80 em areas de formacao campestre. A integracao dos dados TM (maior resolucao espacial)e do AVHRR (maior resulucao. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 173 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Mascarenhas:1987:TePoAp Journal Article Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Processamento de imagens: tecnicas, potencial de aplicacoes e atividades atuais no INPE 1987 Revista de Controle e Automacao 1 1 42-49 January 320 processamento digital de imagens, sistemas de informacao geografica, analise de imagens, sig, digital processing and correction, geographic information systems, image analysis. Este artigo apresenta um ""tutorial"" sobre a area de processamento digital de imagens. Os principais itens cobertos incluem: amostragem e quantizacao; realce; restauracao e reconstrucao; codificacao e analise de imagens. Sao tambem apresentados os trabalhos atualmente em desenvolvimento no Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais nesta area. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI 391 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvaoVito:1995:QuApSp Journal Article Galvao, Lenio S. Galvao, Lenio S.; Vitorello, Icaro Quantitative approach in the spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of the Wind River and southern Bighorn basins, Wyoming 1995 International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 9 1617-1631 7317 geologia. A procedure developed for quantifying spectral variability was applied to visible and near-infrared spectra from a database of the Wind River and Bighorn basins. Principal Components Analysis (PCA)of 94 sedimentary rock spectra distinguished shales, sandstones, limestones, dolostones, bedded gypsum and bentonites from 25 stratigraphic units. However, only twelve spectrally distinct groups were delineated because of lithological homogeneity. Albedo and slope characteristics of the spectra were found to be related to the first and second PC, respectively, and absorption bands related to the remaining components. A second PCA phase, using vertically scaled spectra to minimize the albedo variability, indicated space distributions that enhanced major absorption features in the near-infrared region. Parameters describing absorption bands were also calculated from spectral continuum. The best parameters for spectra discrimination were band depths at 1900, 2200 and 2300 nm, in agreement with the PCA results using scaled spectra. Finally, the stratigraphic column was characterized by correlated log sections composed by PC scores of the original data an of scaled spectra, in lieu of band, band-ratios, area and depths of absorption bands. Reflectance-lithostratigraphic markers were identified in the log sections and indicated the potential of reflectance-lithostratigraphy in correlation studies. We concluded that PCA using a small number of narrow bands to represent the spectrum was an adequate mathematical approach for spectral analysis. PCA of scaled spectra was found to be a useful tool to enhance differentiations due to absorption features. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 758 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFo:1984:MuGeAp Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo Multiseasonal and geobotanical approach in remote detection of greisemization areas in the serra da Pedra Branca Granite, Goias State, Brazil 1984 Economic Geology, as Scientific Communications 79 (6-8) 1914-1920 317 geologia, , geobotanica, vegetacao, geology, geobotany, vegetation. Multiseasonal analysis of Landsat multispectral images in CCT format permitted the mapping of lithologic facies in the Pedra Branca Granite, using geobotanical associations, which occur in the form of variations in the density of ""cerrado"" vegetation, as well as the predominance of certain distinctive vegetation species. Dry season images did not show very good results in lithological differentiation due to anomalous illumination conditions related to the low solar elevation and the homogeneity in the vegetation cover, specially the grasses that become dry during this season. Rainy season image, on the other hand, allowed the separation of the lithological types, a fact that can be attributed to a greater differentiation among the geobotanical associations. As a result of this study, the muscovite-granite facies with greisenization zones, which are lithological control of important tin mineralization within the Serra da Pedra Branca Granite, were mapped. This methodology can be sucessfully applied to similar known granite bodies else where in the Thin Province of Goias. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 388 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ TanakaInou:1987:TeEfDe Journal Article Tanaka, Keiko Tanaka, Keiko; Inoue, Toshiro Temperature effect detection of typhoon on the sea by remote sensing using split window data of NOAA-7 AVHRR 1987 Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 2 1 151-155 December 2807 meteorologia. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DCT PROSAT 1023 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioHuet:1995:DeNDSA Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Huete, A.R Dependence of NDVI and SAVI on Sun/Sensor Geometry and its effect on fAPAR relationships in alfalfa 1995 Remote Sensing of Environment 51 3 351-360 7315 agronomia. This article describes the impacts of sensor view and solar zenith angles on two vegetation indices - NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index)and SAVI (soil adjusted vegetation index). An evaluation of these geometric factors on the relationships between these VIs (vegetation indices)and fAPAR (fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy)was performed. To accomplish this, an experiment was conducted in Phoenix, Arizona, over plots of bare soil and low, medium, and high alfafa. Reflectances were measured from 0.4 um to 1.0 um in nine view angles (from -40 graus to +40 graus, in 10 graus steps)over varying solar zenith angles. This was done simultaneously with fAPAR measurements. Changes in view angle caused variations in the indices to be as high as 50 in relation to nadir. However, there was an opposite view angle behavior between NDVI and SAVI, with the former increasing from antisolar to forward scattering view direction. A derivative analysis of the indices showed the SAVI to exhibit a more linear relationship than NDVI with the individual bands. The relationships between both VIs and fAPAR were, in general, linear. However, view angle variations perturbed these relationships and caused an over- or underestimation of fAPAR, depending on view direction (antisolar or forward), view angle, and vegetation index (NDVI or SAVI). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 756 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioCarvVale:1989:SeReTe Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Carvalho, Joaquim Castelo Branco; Valerio Filho, Mario Sensoriamento remoto termal na discriminacao de cultivares de soja (Clycine max (L.)Merril)submetidas a estresse hidrico 1989 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 24 2 253-258 February 315 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, soja, deficiencia hidrica, irrigacao, analise ambiental, agriculture, sensors and remote sensing techniques, soybeans, water stress, irrigation. E apresentado um experimento no qual cinco cultivares de soja foram submetidas a dois tratamentos: irrigado e nao-irrigado. Sobre as parcelas (3 repeticoes)foram obtidas temperaturas de dossel com um radiometro de infravermelho termal em diversos horarios por varios dias. Paralelamente foi medida a temperatura do ar tanto no interior do campo experimental como na estacao meteorologica. Os resultados mostraram que as cultivares podem ser diferenciadas em grupos quanto ao comportamento termico apenas quando em estresse hidrico. No tratamento irrigado nao houve diferenca entre as cultivares. Discutem-se tambem as implicacoes de tais resultados na area de melhoramento genetico em relacao a resistencia a seca. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE 386 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroSmit:1995:FrImDe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Smith, J.A Fraction images derived from Landsat TM and MSS data for monitoring reforested areas 1995 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 21 1 67-74 7313 agronomia. Fraction images of the tree canopy, soil/understorey, and shade derived from multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM)data were analyzed for monitoring the reforested areas of Mogi-Guacu, a study site located in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The Constrained Least Squares (CLS)method was used to generate fraction images using TM images of the study area acquired in 1985, 1986, 1989, and 1990. The derived fraction images and their colour composites show differences both in the eucalyptus forest related to the age of trees and in the pine forest related to the species of tree. The green biomass variation of these reforested areas was detected from the multitemporal fraction images. In addition, the fraction images derived from higher-resolution TM data were used as ground truth for estimating the endmember spectral response for the lower-resolution Multispectral Scanner System (MSS)sensor. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 754 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SoaresBernVida:1987:SpTeBe Journal Article Soares, Joao Vianei Soares, Joao Vianei; Bernard, R.; Vidal-Madjar, D Spatial and temporal behavior of a large agricultural area as observed from airborne c-band scatterometer and thermal infrared radiometer 1987 International Journal of Remote Sensing 8 7 981-996 1385 agronomia. Natural thermal emission in the 8-12um band as well as emission or diffusion of microwaves at low frequencies are known to be strongly correlated with the soil surface wafer content. Theoretical studies of the interaction between the soil/plant system and the atmosphere have shown that such measurements may be used to monitor the soil water budget. Experimental results from an airborne campaign are presented here. The surface temperature and radar cross-section spatial properties and their interrelations are examined for very different situations (wet and dry, bare and vegetated). It is shown that, as far as large-scale applications are concerned, the field scale can be considered as homogeneous for both measurements and that it is possible to derive meaningful regional information from measurements at that scale. Therefore, at least for the test region, a high spatial resolution (of microwaves and thermal infrared measurements)is not required for the monitoring of surface soil moisture and thermal equilibrium for this 10-day period. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 1012 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LiuRodrMart:1989:DeSaRe Journal Article Liu, Chan Chiang Liu, Chan Chiang; Rodrigues, Jose Eduardo; Martini, P. E. Development of satellite remote sensing for geology 1989 Remote Sensing of Envirnment 4 3 163-170 1381 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 1010 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SetzerPere:1986:DeLaBi Journal Article Setzer, Alberto Waingort Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Pereira, Marcos da Costa Detection of large biomass burning in the Amazon with satellite imagens 1986 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 67 16 247 1380 , get/able-2. noaa 8/9 FULL RESOLUTION (1 Km)satellite images of the Amazon region were recorded during july and August 1985. The number of biomass burning fires and the area covered by smoke plumes increased significanty whit the transition from the wet to the dry season. Extremes variede from 3 plumes with 3,750 km2 of smoke for the first image to 45 plumes with 65,000 km2 of smoke at the last image. Concentrations of particulate matter and gases measured by the GTE/ABLE-2A experiment a few hundred kilometers away indicated the long range transport of the plumes. Preliminary trajectory analysis of the plumes corroborated their transport. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 1009 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MorelliFormEpip:1993:InGeVi Journal Article Morelli, Ademir Fernando Morelli, Ademir Fernando; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Influencia da geometria de visada na reflectancia espectral de duas gramineas forrageiras 1993 Revista UNIVAP 1 1 27-42 September 6186 The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence's valuation of view geometry variation in spectral behavior of herbaceous vegetation and soil, underlying in composition pastures for Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk Stapf and Brachiaria brizantha Stapf. cv. Marandu. The methodology development involved the report analysis between the spectral reflectance and the biophysics parameters of herbaceous vegetation and soil. For this purpose radiometric and biophysics measurements were done for 25 vegetation samples andone soil sample, in experiment areas of 1000 m2, for each species. The multispectral bidirectional reflectance measurements (500 to 1100 nm)were obtained in the view zenith angles ( v)of 0 , 15 , 30 , 45 and 60 for three sectors of azimutal plain ( v=0 , 90 and 180 ), with the solar zenith angle variation controlled for an amplitude of the 10 ( s=45 to 55 ) and the solar azimutal variation compensated in the acquisition method. The following vegetation parameters were measured: fresh and dry biomass, fresh and dry green biomass, droughtry biomass and leaf and stems; water content of total, green and droughtry biomassa, Leaf Area Index (LAI)and percentage of canopy cover. The soil parameters available were color, roughness and chemistry composition. This research intent was the comprehension of physical mechanisms involved in the directional reflectance factor distribution of complete homogeneous vegetation canopies and its influences in the relation between spectral behavior and vegetation parameters. The general scattering behavior was coherent with the dinamics observed in the literature and wassupported by two principal phenomena: the ""phase function"" and ""geometric effect 1"". The major trends observed in the reflectance factor ocurred in the azimuth in the principal plane of the sun ( s=0 and 180 ), while the minor trends ocurred in the azimuth direction perpendicular to the principal plane of the sun ( s=90 ). For all view angles and spectral bands the minimum reflectance ocurred near nadir ( v=0 ) and increased with increasing view zenith angles for all azimuth directions. This trend is caused by the shading of flower canopy layers, by components in the upper layers and by viewing different proportions of the layer components as the view angle changes (""effect 1""). In some cases by an additional effect of ""phase function"", the reflectance minimum was shifted slightly off-nadir in the foward scattering direction ( s=0 ). This shift was maximized for ocurrence of reproductive structures in the top layers of cover, because this structure is vertical and opaque. The near infra-red band was less influenced by view geometry variation than in the spectral bands of visible, because in the near infra-red band the transmitance was nearly equal to the reflectance for most structural components of herbaceous vegetation, while in the visible the reflectance is major, consequentely the ""effect 1"" is maximized. The major information content about vegetation cover was obtained in the principal plane of the sun, in the backscattering direction ( =180 ), than showed better relationships to the vegetation parameters, because of the ocurrence of ""hot spot"". The vegetation parameters of prodution and water content showed the best correlations, because its parameters have more association to the near infra-red, that exbited the better performance than visible bands, more associated to LAI and fresh and dry biomass components. The ""effect 1"" was the dominant phenomenon with controlled the directional reflectance distributions observed, but had its effects alterated by the action of aditional phenomenon ""phase function"". 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 352 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaVitoEpipForm:1989:MoEsGe Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Paradella, Waldir; Vitorello, Icaro; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Um modelo de espectrorradiomentria geobotanica de alta resolucao para prospecccao de cobre na provincia mineral dos Carajas 1989 Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 7 1 87 837 geologia, . A constatacao em ambientes frios e temperados, que variacoes na concentracao de matais no substrato induzem mudancas na resposta espectral da cobertura vegetal, abre perspectivas em termos de investigacao geobotanica para o ambiente amazonico. O estado da arte neste campo de pesquisa indica duas tendencias (1)abordagem baseadas em espectrorradiometros de campo de bandas largas (50-200nm)onde um aumento de teores de metais pesado (Cu, Pb, etc)no solo causariam acrescimos daq reflectancia espectral de folhas e (2)estudos de laboratorio e campo com espectrorradiometros de alta resolucao (1-3nm), onde o stress geoquico pode ser detectado atraves de variacoes na forma e posicao da borda -vermelha (efeito blue-shift). Um experimento geobotanico envolvendo estas duas abordagens esta sendo implementado para as faixas mineralizadas em Cu do Solabo e Pojuca, Provincia dos Carajas. O trabalho discute a fundamentacao teorica e a metodologia a ser empregada na investigacao. O experimento sera baseado no espectrorradiometro REFSPEC IIA (resolucao espectral de 1,5nm para o visivel/infravermelho proximo e 3,5nm para o infravermelho medio). A pesquisa a parte de um projeto aprovado pelo PADCT com participacao do INPE, DOCEGEO, Museo E. Goeld e IG/UFRGS. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 764 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoVitoCorr:1996:UsLaTh Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Vitorello, Icaro; Correia, Virginia Regina M. Use of Landsat thematic mapper imagery as mineral prospecting tool in the Tin Province of Goias, Brazil 1996 Geocarto International 11 1 61-70 7831 . The Tin Province of Goias, in central Brazil, includes several granitoids with greisenized-albitized facies, which occupy the apical parts of the massifs. Stanniferous mineralizations (cassiterite)frequently occur associated with these metasomatically altered facies. Areas of altered rocks bear open grasslands in contrast to the savanna-type vegetation cover composed of small trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants occurring everywhere over the granitoids. Landsat Thematic Mapper ratio images (TM4/TM3)of the rainy season were used to delineate these target areas within the granitoids. Follow-up field checking confirmed the occurrence of metasomatic rocks with cassiterite in most of the delineated areas. Thus, future prospecting work for primary tin deposits in the granitoids of the region can be largely facilitated by the use of this procedure. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 937 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MorelliSCOMAFCM:1993:InSGGe Journal Article Morelli, Ademir Fernando Morelli, Ademir Fernando; Santos, Rafael Duarte Coelho dos; Ceccato, Vania Aparecida; Oliveira, Jose Luis de; Moreira, Mario Jose; Andrade, Rogerio Benedito; Fernandes, Silene de Freitas; Costa, Vladimir Moreira; Morelli, Suely Izumi Takamatsu Projeto SGIDB - Integracao do SGI a gerenciadores de bancos de dados relacionais 1993 Revista UNIVAP 1 1 43-47 September 6182 The objective of this research was to integrate the SGI (Geographical Information System developed in the National Institute of Space Research-INPE)in the relational data base system. The methodology involved a development of external programs for the optimization of the map preparing process in the SGI and the integration of SGI to Dbase III Plus data base. The methodology involved the basic studies of programming and operation of the SGI. Some tools were defined to providing this study: graphical interface, programming interface, general reclassifier and SGI specific and editor data. These preliminary tests using SGI integrated to Dbase III Plus data base have demonstrated a great performance of the mapping process and a otimization of the operational process. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 350 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FuruieMasc:1990:ReImIm Journal Article Furuie, S.S. Furuie, S.S.; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila Reconstrucao de imagens impondo restricao de rugosidade nas projecoes 1990 Revista Brasileira Engenharia 7 1 22-229 October 1376 reconhecimento de padroes, rugosidade, tomografia, teoria da estimacao, roughness, pattern recognition, tomgraphy, estimation theory. O presente trabalho propoe, na reconstrucao tomografica de imagens, uma tecnica otimizada para a incorporacao da restricao de rugosidade nas projecoes ruidosas. Esta tecnica se aplica a todo processo de reconstrucao onde a natureza do sinal e do ruido permite o processamento das projecoes antes da reconstrucao, como e o caso da tomografia por emissao com ruido Poisson. A abordagem consiste, basicamente, na filtragem otima das projecoes minimizando conjuntamente o erro de estimacao e a rugosidade na estimativa. Foram realizadas comparacoes qualitativas e quantitativas com metodos classicos como a Filtragem-Retroprojecao (FRP), e o metodo estatistico e iterativo Estimation-Maximization (ML-EM). Mostra-se que o metodo proposto produz resultados comparaveis ao ML-EM porem com custo computacional bem menor (1 a 2 ordens de grandeza). 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 89 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SerraMach:1987:GeMoDi Journal Article Serra, Paulo Roberto Martins Serra, Paulo Roberto Martins; Machado e Silva, Antonio Jose Ferreira Geracao de mosaicos digitais de imagens TM-Landsat no INPE 1987 Revista Cartografica 51/52 835 processamento digital e correcoes, tm landsat, correcao geometrica, correcao radiometria, mosaico, geometric correlation, radiometric correlation, mosaic. Este trabalho apresenta os procedimentos utilizados no INPE para a correcao geometrica e radiometrica de imagens digitais do sensor TM do satelite Landsat objetivando a mosaicagem de cenas de orbitas adjacentes. Para a geracao dos mosaicos, as imagens sao corrigidas geometri camente visando a equalizacao das densidades. O procedimento de mosaicagem equaliza as imagens linha a linha e monta as linhas do produto final. Tais procedimentos estao operacionais nos laboratorios do INPE e sao utilizados para a confeccao da cartas-imagens nas escalas 1:250.000 ou maiores. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE 762 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MollerJrLoreStecMata:1996:PaLaSu Journal Article Moller Jr., Osmar O. Moller Jr., Osmar O.; Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio; Stech, Jose Luiz; Mata, Mauricio M. The Patos Lagoon summertime circulation and dynamics 1996 Continental Shelf Research 16 3 335-351 7828 oceanografia, . The main aspects of the summertime circulation and dynamics of the Patos Lagoon, a system located in southern Brazil and considered as one of the world's largest choked coastal lagoons, are studied through the analysis of time series of wind stress, water level and freshwater discharge, combined with the results of a barotropic circulation model. The longitudinal wind component has been verified as the main driving force, generating a set-up/set-down mechanism of oscillation with the nodal line in the midlagoon area. The period of this oscillation coincides with the passages of frontal systems for this region. The sea breeze acts as a secondary effect, being clearly observed in the northern part of the lagoon. Freshwater discharge is expected to cause variations in water level on the seasonal band and to a lesser degree in the 8-15 day time-scale. The tidal signal is of importance only near the exit to the ocean, being strongly reduced in the interior of the lagoon. Model results suggest a wind set-up momentum balance in the longitudinal direction in the deeper parts of the lagoon; near the margins, the longitudinal momentum balance is mostly of frictional form, with the wind stress being balanced by the bottom friction. In the lateral direction, a geostrophic balances is verified in both regions. The wind forced circulation is characterized by the presence of several cells with downwind velocity near the margins and upwind return flow occurring in the central areas. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 935 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ DallemandTardBatiChen:1988:SeReAg Journal Article Dallemand, Jean Francois Dallemand, Jean Francois; Tardin, Antonio Tebaldi; Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Chen, Sherry Chou Sensoriamento remoto e agricultura 1988 Ciencia Hoje 8 43 44-51 June 832 agronomia, previsao de safra. Prever safras com auxilio de satelites e fundamental na agricultura moderna. O primeiro satelite brasileiro com esse fim devera entrar em orbita ja na proxima decada. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR SPG AGRO 760 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Novo:1989:EfSeTy Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao Moraes The effect of sediment type on the relationship between reflectance and suspended sediment concentration 1989 International Journal of Remote Sensing 10 7 1283-1289 831 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. The use of remotely-sensed optical data to estimate the suspended sediments concentration (SSC)of water is dependent upon the correlation between SSC and reflectance. The strength of this relationship was hypothesized to vary with sediment type, as it is known that sediments, when dry, differ in their particle size distributions, colour and therfore reflectance properties. To test this were reflectance of pure water with four concentrations of white clay and red silt were measured in the laboratory using a spectroradiometer. The correlation between SSC and reflectance varied with wavelenght and sediment type. For white clay the correlations were very high ( 0.98)in visible and near-infrared wavelenghts but for the red silt was lower ( 0.8)in blue wavelenghts increasing to much higher levels ( 0.98)in blue/green and longer wavelenghts. It was concluded that sediment types can affect the strenght of the correlation between SSC and reflectance and that this will be noticeable at shorter wavelengths. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 759 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoAbre:1988:UsAePh Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Abreu, Adilson Avansi de Use of aerial photographs to detect changes in a brazilian fluvial system 1988 ITC Journal 3 285-289 829 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, meio ambiente. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of aerial photographs for evaluation of human interference in fluvial systems. The Canas reiver basin was selected as the test site. It belongs to Paraiba river basin where human action has disrupted the natural equilibrium. Multitemporal aerial photographs were analyzed to detect changes in fluvial morphology. The rate of environmental change was checked by fiedwork against interpretation of aerial photographs. Results allowed the identification of changes in the river chanel as well as other local factor which explain the variability of the change rates. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM ANAMB 757 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HernandezFoLeeShim:1976:ReFlNa Journal Article Hernandez Filho, Pedro Hernandez Filho, Pedro; Lee, David Chung Liang; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Classificacao da cobertura vegetal utilizando dados do SAR aerotransportado e do TM/landsat: regiao da Floresta Nacional do Tapajos 1976 Investigaciones Geograficas Boletin 5 19-25 1159 vegetacao, , missao sarex, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, satelites landsat, radar de abertura sintetica, sar, cobertura vegetal. Com o objetivo de avaliar dados do radar de abertura sintética (SAR)para a identificação da cobertura vegetal, foram analisadas visualmente as imagens da missão aerotransportada denominada SAREX (South American Radar Experiment), obtidas em abril de 1992 na região da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. Atividades agropecuárias e áreas de colonização são as formas de ocupação do território nesta região. Foram utilizadas as imagens da banda C da banda larga com polarização HH em papel, na escala 1: 1 000 000. Como dados auxiliares foram analisadas as imagens do satélite Landsat, composição colorida, das passagens de junho de 1992 e agosto de 1988. Neste trabalho, foram considerados os elementos de análise visual de imagens, como a textura, a tonalidade, a forna, e a sombra, além de informações contextuais. A avaliação dos resultados foi feita através da comparação com mapas de vegetação existentes e também com observações obtidas no trabalho de campo. Foram mapeadas três classes de floresta, duas de regeneração, uma de pastagem e uma de solo exposto. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI 169 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LuchiariKux:1986:AvImTM Journal Article Luchiari, Ailton Luchiari, Ailton; Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Avaliacao das imagens do TM-Landsat para orientar a implantacao de projetos de colonizacao no Estado do Acre 1986 Geografia 11 22 83-94 October 1281 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 952 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BustosFrer:1994:SuAnEx Journal Article Bustos, Hoscar H. Bustos, Hoscar H.; Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide Repotring Monte Carlos experiences in statistics: suggestion and an example 1994 Revista de la Sociedad Chilena Estadistica 6731 metodo de monte carlo, simulacao, sar, monte corlo method, simulation, image processing, statistics. The minimal content of every report about statistical results obtained by stochastic simulation are suggested. A manner to present these results is shown. This is applied to a Monte Carlo experinece designed to compare estimation procedures of the parameter of a Raighley distribution, aproblem often encountered is synthetic aperture radar image processing. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 537 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CurranNovo:1988:ThReBe Journal Article Curran, P.J. Curran, P.J.; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes The relationship between suspended sediment concentration and remotely sensed spectral radiance: a review 1988 Journal of Coastal Rersearch 4 3 351-363 827 meio ambiente. Information on the concentration of suspended sediments in coastal waters in necessary for the understanding and management of the coastal environment. Traditienally, suspended sedimdent concentration (SSC)has been measured by time-consuming and costly boat surveya which allaw the accurate measurement of SSC for single points in space and time. Remote sensing from airborne and spaceborne sensors has proved to be a useful adjunct to such surveys as it provides an instantaneous and synoptics view of sediments that would otherwise be unavaible. The key to the sucess of remotely sensing in such a role is the strong positive relationship that exists between SSC and remotely sensed spectral radiance (L(A)). This review provides an introduction to this SSC/L(A)relationship, exploring physical basis, itis robustness under a range of envirnmental conditions and its utility as a tool for estimation. It is concluded that future research on this relationship should concentrate upon the suppression of environmental influences and the optium sampling of SSC. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM 755 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ValerianoEpipFormOliv:1995:BiReFa Journal Article Valeriano, Marcio Morisson Valeriano, Marcio Morisson; Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Oliveira, J.B Bi-directional reflectance factor of 14 soil classes from Brazil 1995 International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 1 113-128 7028 agronomia. The espectral reflectance of soils is required for effective use of remote sensing products. The absence of studies concerned with spectral reflectance of the soils from the tropical region in the 400 to 2500 nm spectral range is the main motivation of this research. The objetive of this study was to present spectral reflectance data from different tropical soil types. This spectral characterization was done through measurements of the bi-directional reflectance factor of 111 selected soil samples, grouped in 14 tropical soil classes, taken from 53 sites (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). The measurements were made with a spectroradiometer operating in the 400 to 2500 nm region of the eletromagnetic spectrum. Each soil sample is associated to a set of physical and chemical analyses data, with part of these published in descriptive reports of soil surveys. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 732 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PintoVale:1989:UtImTM Journal Article Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira; Valerio Filho, Mario; Garcia. G. J. Utilizacao de imagens TM/Landsat na analise comparativa entre dados de uso da terra e de aptidoes agricola 1989 Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Solo 13: 101-110 1278 O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o mapeamento do uso atual da terra atraves de dados TM/LANDSAT e fazer analise comparativa com os dados de uso da terra recomendado contidos em mapa de aptidao agricola. Como area de estudo, selecionou-se parte do municipio de Conchal situada na porcao Centro-Leste do Estado de Sao Paulo por se tratar de area de intensa e diversificada ocupacao agricola. Obtiveram-se informacoes referentes ao uso atual da terra atraves da analise interpretativa de imagens TM/LANDSAT, em composicoes coloridas multiespectrais (escala 1:50.000)processadas digitalmente atraves do sistema Image-100, e o mapa de dominancia de uso da terra, cujos dados foram confrontados com as informacoes contidas em mapa de aptidao agricola preexistente. Verificou-se nessa comparacao que, no periodo de estudo, cerca de 16,0 da area (2.963ha)apresentava desconformidade entre o uso atual da terra e o uso adequado (mapa de aptidao agricola). Com referencia aos dados TM/LANDSAT, observou-se que a composicao colorida multiespectral TM7, TM5, e TM4 foi a que se mostrou mais informativa para a cartografia do uso da terra. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM 950 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Manso:1987:EmSeRe Journal Article Manso, Adalton Paes Manso, Adalton Paes O emprego do sensoriamento remoto no urbanismo 1987 Revista Projeto 105 November 1277 planejamento urbano. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE OBT 949 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioLeonForm:1994:ReEnPa Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Leonardi, Luiz; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Relacoes entre parametros culturais e resposta espectrais de cafezais 1994 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 29 3 439-447 March 6701 agronomia. Para a utilizacao eficiente de dados de sensoriamento remoto visando a obtencao de informacoes relativas ao parque cafeeiro nacional, e necessario o conhecimento dos efeitos interativos entre estes dados e as variaveis biofisicas dessa cultura. Objetivando estudar as relacoes entre variaveis biofisicas de cafezais e sua resposta espectral, foram coletadas, em campo, quase simultaneamente a passagem do satelite, variaveis biofisicas para 145 talhoes. Das imagens TM/Landsat-5 foram obtidos os dados de reflectancia para as bandas 1 a 5 e 7, referentes a cada talhao. Foi analisada, inicialmente, a correlacao entre os parametros culturais e, em seguida, a correlacao entre parametros culturais e reflectancia. Apesar da complexidade inerente a cultura, observaram-se correlacoes significativas, como, por exemplo, entre percentagem de cobertura do terreno por arvores e colheita, e ano de poda e altura. Os parametros culturais referentes as caracteristicas biofisicas da planta foram mais bem correlacionados com a reflectancia do que os parametros relativos ao substrato ou os parametros geomorfologicos do terreno. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 535 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MoreiraAlmeCâma:2002:ApAbAp Journal Article Moreira, F.R.S. Moreira, F.R.S.; Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Câmara, Gilberto Aplicação da abordagem de aplicações semântica (IS)para caracterização de contatos litológicos em modelos de inferência espacial 2002 Revista da Escola de Minas 10314 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 248 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFo:2002:ReDeHy Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo Remote Detection of hydrocarbon microseepage areas in the Serra do Tonã region, Tucano Basin, Brazil 2002 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 28 6 750-757 10312 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 246 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioLuizForm:2002:EsÁrAg Journal Article Epiphanio, José carlos Neves Epiphanio, José carlos Neves; Luiz, Alfredo José Barreto; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto Estimativa de áreas agrícolas municipais usando sistema de amostragem sobre imagens de satélite 2002 Bragantia 10310 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 244 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FonsecaMascPras:1993:CoInLa Journal Article Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia; Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila; Prasad, G.S.S.D Combined interpolation-restoration of Landsat images through FIR filter design techniques 1993 International Journal of Remote Sensing 14 13 2547-2561 8985 processamento digital de imagens, restauracao, interpolacao, imagens landsat, mapeador tematico (landsat), filtros fir, filtros resposta impulso infinito, restoration, interpolation, thematic mappers (landsat), fir filters, finite impulse response filters (fir). In digital image processing for remote sensing there is often a need to interpolate an image. Examples occur in scale magnification, image registration, geometric correction, etc. On the other hand, this image can be subject to several sources of degradation and it would be interesting to compensate also for this degradation in the interpolation process. Therefore, this article addresses the problem of combining interpolation and restoration in a single operation, thereby reducing the computational effort. This is done by means of two-dimensional, separable, Finite Impulse Response (FIR)filters. The ideal low pass FIR filter for interpolation is modified to account for the restoration process. The Modified Inverse Filter (MIF)and the Wiener Filter (WF)are used for this purpose. The proposed methods are applied to the interpolation-restoration of L-andsat-5 Thematic Mapper data. The later process takes into account the degradation due to optics, detector and electronic filtering. A comparison with the Parametric Cubic Convolution (PCC)technique is made. The experimental results consist of interpolation-restoration processes of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper images from 30m to 15m (scale magnification)but they could also be generalized to include deblurring on more general interpolation problems, like geometric correction. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 528 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ViannaHolv:1992:PaThCo Journal Article Vianna, Marcio L. Vianna, Marcio L.; Holvorcem, Paulo R. Integral equation approach to tropical ocean dynamics: PartI - Theory and computational methods 1992 Journal of Marine Research 50 1 1-31 7688 In linear, three-dimensional, continuously stratified equatorial -plane ocean models with arbitrary and western boundaries the shallow water equations for each vertical mode must be solved numerically in the horizontal variables. This paper introduces a new numerical method of solution for the time-Fourier transformed shallow water equations with slip boundary conditions at boundaries of arbitrary geometry. The method is based on a boundary integral equation (BIE)for the pressure pertubation response to the specified wind-stress forcing field. All other dependent variables are expressed as boundary functionals of the pressure pertubation. The kernels of all functionals are constructed from the Green's function for the Laplace Tidal Equation on the -plane and its derivatives. The efficient computation of these kernels from their exact meridional mode representations may be performed by use of asymptotic methods especially developed for the numerical evaluation of functions expressed as slowly converging series of Hermite functions. The solution of the basic BIE and the computation of the boundary functionals involve the discretization of the ocean boundaries into a number of boundary segments (boundary elements). It is shown that the terms of the BIE involving the wind-stress field over the ocean may be reduced to a boundary integral, which effectively reduces the simulation problem to the solution of a one-dimensional BIE. The method incorporates the ocean physics through the relationship between the coastal pressure field and the basin-wide variables, pointing out to the possibility that the dynamic topography of the ocean may be estimated directly from the wind-stress field and coastal sea-level data. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 332 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosFADMGSS:2002:AiSAAp Journal Article Santos, João Roberto Santos, João Roberto; Freitas, Corina Costa; Araujo, Luciana Spinelli; Dutra, Luciano Vieira; Mura, José Carlos; Gama, Fábio Furlan; Soler, Luciana S.; Sant'Anna, Sidenei João Siqueira Airbone-band SAR applied to the above ground biomass studies in the brazilian tropical rainforest 2002 Remote Sensing of Environment Aceito 10308 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 242 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Alves:1990:GeInSy Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas Geographical information systems development 1990 Revista SELPER 6 1 47-49 March 6969 geoprocessamento, sistemas de informacao geografica, gis. This paper presented some considerations about GIS use and development at INPE. Some problems and trends in this field are presented. A list of iniciatives that should be undertaken and some guidelines are proposed for future developments. The principal aspects considered are the multidisciplinary characteristic for GIS facilities at INPE, the need for powerful analysis and modelling operations and the necessity to anticipate future modelling functions necessary for future generation satellites. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 133 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ GalvãoPeAbNoSiPo:2002:SpReCh Journal Article Galvão, Lenio Soares Galvão, Lenio Soares; Pereira Filho, W.; Abdon, Mirian Moura; Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leão de Moraes; Silva, F.J.; Ponzoni, Flávio Jorge Spectral reflectance characterization of shallow lakes from the brazilian Pantanal wetlands with field aiborne hypectral data 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 10306 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 240 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Camara:2002:MaAqMe Journal Article Camara, Gilberto Camara, Gilberto O realismo fantástico em ação: macondo é aqui mesmo 2002 InfoGeo 26 November 10305 Para o leitor ainda não familiar com a nova legislação deaerolevantamento, explico. Durante o regime militar, em tempos onde ""livre-pensar era só pensar"", foi cunhada uma lei típica daquelas eras de AI-5, que determinava ser o aerolevantamento uma atividade regulada pelo Estado-Maior das Forças Armadas. As empresas tinham de solicitar autorização para qualquer atividade e manter a guarda dos chamados originais de aerolevantamento"", que poderiam ser requisitados a qualquer momento pelos poderes então constituídos. A lógica era evidente: numregime de censura, a cartografia devia ser mantida sob estrito controle dos militares. A sociedade brasileira foi às ruas, e o vendaval das mudanças varreu o regime militar, o AI-5 e a Lei da Segurança Nacional. No entanto, a velha lei de aerolevantamento continua em vigor. Quando o governo FHC decidiu renová-la, deixou toda a comunidade de geoinformação fora do processo de proposição, e manteve a discussão restrita à burocracia estatal. A proposta de lei (atualmente no Congresso em fase final de parecer por comissões temáticas)mantém toda a atividade de aerolevantamento e levantamento espacial regulada pelo governo e restrita às empresas ""cadastradas"". A proposta prevê que todo usuário de fotos aéreas e imagens de satélite, seja ele pessoa física ou jurídica, tenha de obter ""autorização"" do governo parafazer qualquer tipo de serviço. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DPI DPI 239 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PonzoniGalvEpip:2002:SpReIn Journal Article Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge; Galvão, Lenio Soares; Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves Spatial resolution influence on the identification of land cover classes in the Amazon environment 2002 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 74 4 10302 agronomia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 237 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KaufmanSWTHMPR:1992:BiBuAi Journal Article Kaufman, Y.J. Kaufman, Y.J.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort; Ward, D.; Tanre, D.; Holben, B.N.; Menzel, P.; Pereira, Marco da Costa; Rasmussen, R Biomass burning airborne and spaceborne experiment in the Amazon (Base-A) 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 D13 14581-14599 6894 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , queimadas, base-a, experimento. In the Biomass Burning Airborne and Spaceborne Experiment in the Amazonas ( BASE-A ), conducted in September 1989, trace gas and particulale matter emissions were measured from biomass burning due to deforestation and grassland fires in South America. This information is requires for a better understanding of the environmental impacts of biomass burning in the tropics and to improve algorithms for remote sensing of biomass burning from satellite platforms. The fiels experiment utilized the twin-engine Embraer Bandeirante EMB-101 instrumented aircraft of the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE). Concentrations of ozone,CO2,CO, CH4, and particulate matter were measured from the aircraft. Fires were observed form satelitte imagery and the smoke optical thicknessparticle size,and profiles of the extinction coefficient were measured using sunphotometers in the aircraft and from the ground. Four smoke plumes were sampled,three vertical profiles were measured, and extensive ground measurements were conducted of smoke optical characteritics for different smoke types. The collected data were analyzed for determining the emission ratios and combustion efficiency of a fire to convert the total burned carbon to carbon dioxide and were compares with teh results from fires in North America. Combustion efficienty was foundto be higher in tropics (97 for the cerrado and 90 for the deforestation fires)with emission factors similar to those of North American fires, for a given combustion efficienty. A strong was found between the spatial distribution of fires (up to 9000 per day in on state)and ozone concentration (up to 80 ppbv)and teween biomass burging and concentration of trace gases, particulate matter and ozone. These relations strongly suggest a correlation between biomass burning in the tropics and ozone formation. An optical model the smoke aerosol was derived applied to radiance measurements. The smoke single scattering albedo was computed from the graphitic carbon concentration( assuming external mode mixture)as 0.90 +- 0.01. The particles effective radii were 0.1 to 0.2 um, expcept for 1-day aged smoke with values up to 0.4 um. Radiance measurements indicate that the width of the particle size distribuition may be smaller in the tropics than for North American fires. The measured optical properties of smoke and the high correlation between emitted trace gases and particles form a basis for remote sensing of radiatively important trace gases and particulate matter from biomass burning using AVHRR imagery. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 325 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffBati:1990:SpMo Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Batista, Getulio Teixeira Yield estimation of sugarcane based on agrometeorological - spectral models 1990 Remote Sensing of Environment 31 3 183-192 6874 agronomia. This work assess the performance of a yield estimation model for sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum)that uses spectral data in conjunction with yield estimated from an agrometeorological model. The test site was the sugarcane plantations of the Lencois Paulista municipality in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Production data for four crop years were analyzed. Yields (tons of stalks/ha)of the first crop year (1983/84)were regressed against spectral and agrometeorological data of that same year and used to predict the yield the following crop year, i.e. 1984/85. The models to predict the yield in subsequent years (up to 1987/88)were developed similarly, incorporating all previous years data. The yield estimations obtained from thse models explained 69, 54 and 50 of the yield variation in the 1984/85, 1985/86 and 1986/87 crop years, respectively. The accuracy of yield estimations based on spectral data only vegetation index model)and agrometeorological data only (agrometeorological model)that were also investigated gave poorer results than the combined agrometeorological - spectral model. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 128 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosJrSantRudoMarc:2002:DeInAr Journal Article Santos Jr., Renato F. dos Santos Jr., Renato F. dos; Santos, Jaime M. dos; Rudorff, Bernardo F.T.; Marchiorato, Ivo A Detection of infested areas with Heterodera glycines in a soybean field using spectroradiometry in the visible and near infrared 2002 Fitopatologia Brasileira 27 4 355-360 10300 agronomia, espectrorradiometria de campo, resposta espectral, fitonematóides. O ataque do nematóide de cisto da soja, Heterodera glycines, limita o potencial de expansão e maior produtividade de áreas plantadas com soja (Glycine Max). O conhecimento da distribuição espacial desse patógeno na lavoura é fundamental, para elaboração de estratégias de manejo. A área em estudo estava localizada em lavoura de soja, variedade BRS133, localizada no Município de Florínea, SP, com solos naturalmente infestados por H. glycines. Foram obtidas medidas de espectrorradiometria de campo, 112 dias após o plantio, nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho próximo do espectro eletromagnético, a fim de se conhecer o padrão da resposta espectral de plantas atacadas pelo fitonematóide. Paralelamente, foram retiradas amostras de solo e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Nematologia, Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Jaboticabal, onde foram processadas para determinação da densidade populacional do nematóide. As medidas do espectrorradiômetro foram transformadas em índice vegetativo, com diferença normalizada (NDVI), que foi relacionado com a densidade populacional do nematóide, peso da matéria fresca e número de vagens por planta. Observou-se que diferentes densidades de população estão diretamente relacionados com a resposta espectral das plantas expressa, através dos valores do NDVI. Abstract:The damage caused by the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, not only limits expansion of the soybean (Glycine Max)crop but also reduces the yield of soybeans in Brazil. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of this pathogen is needed in order to establish management measures. This study was conducted in Florínea County, São Paulo, Brazil, in a commercial soybean field, cultivar BRS133, previously known to be infected with H. glycines. In order to see the pattern of the spectral response of plants attacked by the phytonematode, field spectroradiometry measurements in the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum were obtained 112 days after sowing. At the same time, soil samples were taken to the ""Laboratório de Nematologia do Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Jaboticabal"", where they were processed and where the population density of the nematode was determined. The spectroradiometric measurements were transformed to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)that was related to population density of the nematode, to fresh biomass and to pods per plant. It was observed that different population densities are directly related to the spectral response of the plants expressed by NDVI values. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE 235 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PellerinPougValeSant:1993:ReMaSP Journal Article Pellerin, J. Pellerin, J.; Pouget, J.; Valerio Filho, Mario; Santana, M.A Metodologia de utilizacao de dados espaciais Landsat MSS e TM no estudo de uso do solo: regiao de Marilia, SP 1993 GEOSUL 16 8 79-97 7753 Sao apresentados resultados de tratamentos de imagens Landsat MSS e TM de estacao umida e estacao seca da regiao de Marilia. Inicialmente foram classificadas imagens MSS pelo metodo dos hipercubos utilizados no ORSTOM (Bondy, Franca). Cerca de quinze temas foram buscados, alguns nao apresentando problemas de identificacao, mesmo em modo monotemporal (florestas, solo nu e superficies urbanizadas perfeitamente diferenciadas em estacao umida). Os resultados sobre a cana-de-acucar e as classes de pastagens sao melhores em estacao seca, enquanto outros so puderam ser separados por tratamentos multitemporais (cafe, diversas pastagens, culturas anuais). Os dados TM (visivel, infra-vermelho proximo e medio)exploram as contribuicoes fornecidas de uma parte por uma maior resolucao espacial, d'outra parte pela contribuicao dos canais 5 e 7. Os principais resultados obtidos a partir duma imagem de estacao seca foram: - a contribuicao da resolucao espacial, capital para uma regiao onde as parcelas sao relativamente pequenas e o relevo contrastado. As composicoes mais interessantes foram, em ordem decrescente: 7-5-4 e 1-4-5 associadas, 2-3-4, e 1-2-3; - o acesso a heterogeneidade das parcelas ou grupos de parcelas obriga a efetuar classificacoes sobre zonas reduzidas, atraves de mascaramento com um zoneamento em funcao das unidades geomorfologicas; - a interpretacao e a utilizacao completa de dados TM nao podem ser efetuadas senao atraves de um conhecimento aprofundado do campo e exige assim observacoes permanentes; - a utilizacao de tratamentos multitemporais e o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos, tais como testes de textura, permitem avancar na identificacao de diferentes tipos de uso do solo. A avaliacao de um metodo de classificacao multitemporal, utilizando um banco de dados regional elaborado no IGN (Franca)e sumariamente exposto. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 519 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroRudo:2000:FrImDe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Rudorff, Bernardo F T Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for global studies 2000 Internaional Journal Remote Sensing 21 17 3191-3194 10215 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 233 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FreryYanVieSanRen:1997:UsSySy Journal Article Frery, Alejandro Cesar Frery, Alejandro Cesar; Yanasse, Corina Costa de Freitas; Vieira, Pedro Ronauld; Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira; Renno, Camilo R A user-friendly system for synthetic aperture radar image classificacao based on grayscale distributional properties and context 1997 211-218 8461 processamento digital de imagens, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, imagens de radar, classificacao de imagens. The purpose of this paper is present a system for the analysis and clasification of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)images. This system, unlike most of its competitors, allows a careful modeling of the statistical properties of the data beyond the usual Gaussian hypothesis. The modeling tools include basic descriptive measures and the choice of suited distributions, through goodness-of-fit tests, to model the data. The classification tools ofter the choice between pointwise and contextual (Markovian)techniques, and the quatitative assessment of the quality of the results. The system is gols-driven, and its interfaces are soley based on pull-down menus; the user is prompted with the corret sequence of operation, whenever an invalid option is invoked. An example of the use of this system for the classification of a SAR image is presented. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DPI DPI 1138 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffMulFenLeeRow:1996:WhGrQu Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Mulchi, C.L.; Fenny, P.; Lee, E.H.; Rowland, R. Wheat grain quality under enhanced tropospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations 1996 Journal of Environmental Quality 25 6 1384-1388 7769 It is expected that the progressive increase of tropospheric trace gases such as CO2 and O3 will have a significant impact on agricultural production. The single and combined effects of CO2 enrichment and tropospheric O3 on grain quality characteristics in soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)were examined in field studies using 3m in diam. open-top chambers. Wheat cultivars 'Massey' (1991)and 'Saluda'(1992)were exposed to two CO2 concentrations (350 vs. 500 mol CO2 mol ; 12 h d ) in combination with two O3 regimes (charcoal-filtered air vs. ambient air + 40 20 nmol O3 mol , 7 h d ; Monday to Friday)from late March until maturity in June. Grain quality characteristics investigated included: test weight, milling and baking quality, flour yield, protein content, softness equivalent, alkaline water retention capacity, and cookie diameter. In general, exposure of plants to either elevated CO2 or weekly chronic O3 episodes caused only small changes in grain quality. Milling and baking quality score were not significantly changed in response to treatments in both years. Flour yield was increased by elevated CO2 but this increase was counteracted when elevated CO2 was combined with chronic O3 exposure. Flour protein contents were increased by enhanced O3 exposure and reduced by elevated CO2. Softness equivalent was increased by 2.4 by enhanced O3 exposure but unaffected by O3 under elevated CO2. Although the single effect of either CO2 enrichment or chronic O3 exposure had some impact on grain quality characteristic, it was noted that the combined effect of these gases was minor. It is likely that the concomitant increase of CO2 and O3 in the troposphere will have no significant impact on wheat grain quality. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 898 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ WardSKBCDHKRS:1992:BaEx Journal Article Ward, D.E. Ward, D.E.; Susott, R.A.; Kauffman, J.B.; Babbitt, R.E.; Cummings, D.L.; Dias, B.; Holben, B.N.; Kaufman, Y.J.; Rasmunen, R.A.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Smoke and fire characteristics for cerrado and deforestation burns in Brazil: Base-B experiment 1992 Journal Geophysical Research 97 D13 14601-14619 6872 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , poluicao do ar, desmatamento, desflorestamento, fogo, queimadas. Fires of the tropical forests and savannas are a major source or particulate matter and trace gases affecting the atnmosphere globally. A paucity of quantitative information exists for these ecosustems with respect to fuel biomass,smoke emissions, and fire behavior conditions affecting the release of emissions. Five test fires were performed during August and September 1990 in the cerrado savannalike region)in central Brazil (three fires)and tropical moist forest (two fires)in the eastern Amazon. Thios paper detaila the gases realeased, the ratios of the gases to each other and to particulate matter,fuel loads and the fraction consumed ( combustion factors), and the fire behavior associated with biomass consumption. Models are presented for evaluating emission factors for CH4, CO2, CO, H2, and particles less than 2.5 um diameter (PM2.5)as a function of combustion efficienty. The ratio of carbon released as CO2 ( combustion efficiency)for the cerrado fires averaged 0.94 and for the deforestation fires it decreased from 0.88 for the flaming phase to <0.80 during fthe smoldering phase of combustion. For tropical ecosystems, emissions of most products of imcomplete combustion are projected to be lower than previous estimales for savanna ecosystems and somewhat higher for fires used for deforestation purposes. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSM DSM 321 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroDuarMell:1999:LeArDe Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Duarte, Valdete; Mello, Elina Maria Kallil Levantamento de areas desflorestadas na Amazonia atraves de processamento digital de imagens orbitais 1999 Floresta e Ambiente 6 1 38-44 January 6149 processamento digital de imagens, , desmatamento, desflorestamento, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, floresta tropical, florestas. Este trabalho apresenta a sequencia metodologica para identificar e mapear as areas desflorestadas, na Amazonia, atraves de processamento digital de imagens do sensor TM (Thematic Mapper)do satelite Landsat. 0 modelo linear de mistura espectral foi utilizado para a geracao das imagens tracao vegetacao, solo e sombra a partir das bandas originais das imagens TM adquiridas em 1997 e 1998. Um exemplo desta abordagem e apresentado em area no Estado de Rondonia, caracteristica da ocupacao humana na forma de espinha de peixe. A imagem f racao sombra de 1997 e utilizada para o mapeamento da extensao do desflorestamento (incluindo tanto as areas recem desflorestadas, bem como as areas de pastagem e areas em processo de regeneracao). Este mapeamento e feito atraves da utilizacao do algoritmo de segmentacao e classificacao nao supervisionada por regioes. A seguir, essas areas desflorestadas sao sobrepostas a imagem fracao solo de 1998, permitindo o mapeamento do incremento de desflorestamento utilizando identico processo de classificacao. 0 resultado dessas duas classificacoes, em formato digital, podem ser incluidas em um banco de dados sobre a Amazonia. Atualmente, este metodo esta sendo utilizado, de modo operacional, em 47 imagens que formam a area critica (PROARCO - IBAMA)em termos de desflorestamento da regiao Amazonica. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 712 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlmeidaFoMiraGalvFrei:2002:TeChTo Journal Article Almeida Filho, Raimundo Almeida Filho, Raimundo; Miranda, Fernando Pelon; Galvão, Lênio Soares; Freitas, Corina Costa Terrain characteristics of a tonal anomaly remotely detected in an area of hydrocarbon microseepage, Tucano Basin, north-eastern Brazil 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 18 3893-3898 10213 geologia, hidrocarbonetos, imagens landsat, mapeador temático (landsat), landsat 5, bacias hidrograficas, hydrocarbons, thematic mappers (landsat), geochemistry, terrain analysis, landsat imagery, geology, watersheds. This study reports the geological characteristics of a tonal anomaly in an area of hydrocarbon microseepage, identified in Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)images. A diversified dataset was gathered, which included soil gas geochemistry determinations, soil radioactivity intensity and soil magnetic susceptibility measurements, as well as laboratory soil spectra. Data indicated that the tonal anomaly holds a higher concentration of gaseous hydrocarbons in soils than the surroundings, accompanied by enrichment in radioactive minerals. However, there is no definitive evidence of magnetic mineral enrichment inside the tonal anomaly compared with the surroundings. An intense silicification process, characterized by a cover of fine-grained silicified cobbles and boulders, seems to be responsible for inhibiting the development of diagenetic clay mineralization, as indicated by variations in the depth of the 2200 nm soil spectra absorption band. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 231 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoShimMert:1998:RiAmMo Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Shimabukuro, Eyosio Edemir; Mertes, L O rio Amazonas em mosaico 1998 Ciencia Hoje 24 144 59-61 8459 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, planicie de inundacao, mosaico, mapeamento, mapeador tematico (landsat), mudanca da paisagem, imagens landsat. A planicie de inundacao do rio Amazonias e um dos ambientes menos conhecidos do mundo e um dos mais ameacados pela atividade humana. A sua ocupacao nao vem ocorrendo de maneira homogenea: em algumas regioes a populacao esta diminuindo, enquanto em outras o crescimento rural e urbano e intenso. Um mosaico digital vem sendo montado, a partir de imagens de satelite, para mapear a regiao e estudar como se deu essa ocupacao. A construcao do mosaico visa responder a questoes como ate que ponto as caracteristicas naturais da planicie determinaram a dinamica das estruturas economicas e como os diferentes graus de dinamismo dessas estruturas interferem nas caracteristicas naturais da planicie. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 1136 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LanariFRMPMSDPFC:1996:EtCaSt Journal Article Lanari, R. Lanari, R.; Fornaro, G.; Riccio, D.; Migliaccio, M.; Papathanassiou, K.P.; Moreira, J.R.; Schwabisch, M.; Dutra, Luciano Vieira; Puglisi, G.; Franceschetti, G.; Coltelli, M. Generation of digital elevation models by using SIR-C/X-SAR multifrequency two-pass interferometry: the etna case study 1996 IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 34 5 1097-1114 7767 In this paper, we exploit the interferometric multifrequency potentiality of the SIR-C/X-SAR system which is equipped with an L-, C-, and X-band sensor. We present a solution to improve the unwrapping performance of the C- and X-band data by considering the L-band unwrapped pattern. A new algorithm for the generation of a single digital elevation model (DEM)combining L-, C-, and X-band information is presented. This solution is based on the fusion of the unwrapped phase patterns by using a Kalman filter. The proposed fusion operation also accounts for the coherence characteristics of the three data sets. The selected test site is the Mt. Etna region in Italy which is very interesting from the volcanological and geological point of view. Numerical assesments of the achieved results are provided by evaluating the height accuracy with respect to a reference DEM. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 896 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MantovaniSetz:1997:DeDeAm Journal Article Mantovani, Angelica Carvalho Di Maio Mantovani, Angelica Carvalho Di Maio; Setzer, Alberto Waingort Deforestation detection in the Amazon with an AVHRR-based system 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 2 273-286 6109 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , desflorestamento, desmatamento, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, satelites noaa, imagens noaa, mapeador tematico (landsat). This paper presents initial tests of a novel and relatively simple methodology for near real-time operational detection of deforestation in Amazonia. Channel 3 (3 7 m)full resolution (1 1 km)and geometrically corrected images of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)on-board the NOAA series satellites covering the same region on different dates are digitally compared. Differences in forest cover between pairs of images are automatically selected as potential deforestation sites. In the tests, three AVHRR images (September 1989 and 1990; July 1990)were compared with 30m high-resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)data using a geographical information system (GIS)integrated to the image processing. The percentages of correct location of newly deforested sites for September 1989-1990 and September 1990-July 1990 comparisons were, respectively: 49 1 and 56 5 per cent for about 200 deforestation sites of assorted sizes, and 82 and 90 per cent for sites larger than 3 1 km2. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SRE DSR DSR 710 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ SantosSaus:1996:ExSaJo Journal Article Santos, Vania Maria Nunes dos Santos, Vania Maria Nunes dos; Sausen, Tania Maria Disseminacao das tecnologias espaciais na comunidade estudantil de 1o. grau e 2o. grau: exemplo Sao Jose dos campos, Brasil 1996 Boletin SELPER-Mexico 32 24-31 5997 As atividades espaciais sao muitos uteis para a preservacao ambiental. Uma das principais preocupacoes do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE e a disseminacao e transferencia das tecnologias espaciais para usuarios finais. Apesar disso a ciencia espacial e conhecida apenas pelos individuos envolvidos diretamente em pesquisas e aplicacoes nesta area. E necessario estender tambem este processo de disseminacao para alunos das escolas de 1o. e 2o. graus, pois e desta comunidade de estudantes que surgira o cidadao do futuro, que devera entender o relacionamento entre meio ambiente e sociedade, para proteger e preservar a Terra. O objetivo deste trabalho e introduzir a ciencia espacial nas escolas de 1o. e 2o. graus atraves da socializacao deste conhecimento. Os passos do projeto sao: introducao da ciencia espacial para os professores de geografia, ciencias e artes; introducao da ciencia espacial para os alunos atraves dos professores; organizacao, pelos alunos e professores, de uma feira espacial nas escolas; visita dos alunos ao campus do INPE. Este projeto piloto foi testado em duas escolas, uma publica e uma privada, em Sao Jose dos Campos, SP. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 709 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroAmarAherPiet:1998:LaCoCl Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Amaral, Silvana; Ahern, Frank J.; Pietsch, R.W Land cover classification from Radarsat data of the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil 1998 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 24 4 393-401 1187 vegetacao, , radarsat. The objective of this research was to analyse RADARSAT images for forest types and land cover classification. Image processing techniques used to enhance RADARSAT images and forest types discrimination are presented. An area including the Tapajos National Forest and its immediate surroundings, located in Para State, Brazil, was chosen for this investigation. The area to the east of the national forest is comprised of numerous small agricultural plots and abandoned areas with early secondary successional forest while the national forest itself is mainly undisturbed primary forest. RADARSAT standard and fine mode images were used in this study. Generally, the RADARSAT standard mode images showed good association with an existing vegetation map as characterized primarily by topographic features. Also, these images show recent clear cut areas, especially the S7D)image which has a high incidence angle. Several other image enhancement techniques were applied to the RADARSAT data for land cover assessment. For a more detailed analysis, the same methodological approach was applied to the RADARSAT fine mode images acquired over a small portion of the Tapajos National Forest. RADARSAT data present much more information through visual inspection than one can attain by using digital classification algorithms that are based on per-pixel classifications. This study shows the potential of RADARSAT (standard and fine mode)images for refining the vegetation cover type classification andfor updating the land cover class boundaries of an existing vegetation map. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 699 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ RudorffBati:1990:SpReWh Journal Article Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Batista, Getulio Teixeira Spectral response of wheat and its relationship to agronomic variables in the tropical region. 1990 Remote Sensing of Environment 31 1 53-63 6788 agronomia. The spectal behavior of theree varieties of wheat (Anahuc, IAC-24, and BH-1146)was analyed using field radiometry throghout the 1988 growing season, in the region of Assis, SP. Reflectance factors were measured in the visible and near infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum for 30 sampled field from four commercial farms and transformed into vegetation indices. These indices were related to agronomic variables (grain yield, etc)after 10 measurement mission conducted weekly from 30 days planting until harvest. the main objective of this work was to verify the potential of spectral data to estimate grain yield of whwat growing in tropical region. The vegetation index abtained at booting to beginning of flowering stages related quit well to the final grain yield (corrrelation coefficients of 0.82-0.93). the radiometric data were analyzed multitemporally also, whwre the vegetation indices were integrated throghout the growing cycle and related to grain yield. results clearly indicated that the reflected energy at certain stages of the crop development and at certain wavelenght nbands are well related to the final grain yield. Therefore spectral data, transformed into vegetation indices, have grat potential to be used in yield predicting models for wheat growing in tropical region. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 122 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BruceMePeSoBaCo:1999:AlReIm Journal Article Bruce, W.N. Bruce, W.N.; Mesquita, R.; Pereira, Jorge Luis Galvina; Souza, S.G.A.; Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Couto, L.B Allometric regressions for improved estimate of secondary forest biomass in the Central Amazon 1999 Forest Ecology and Management 117 1-3 149-167 8457 vegetacao, , florestas, biomassa, desmatamento, desflorestamento, estimativa. Estimates of the sequestering of carbon by secondary forests - which occupy almost half the deforested area of the Brazilian Amazon - will be improved by the use of accurate allometric relationships for non-destructive measurement of standing biomass and by an evaluation of the suitability of existing equations for application in secondary forest. Species-specific and mixed-species regressions for estimating total above-ground dry weight (DW)were therefore developed using eight abundant secondary forest tree species in the central Amazon. Using only DBH as the input variable, the species-specific equations estimated DW of individual trees with an average error of 10-15. For the mixed-species equations, developed using 132 trees from seven of the eight species (excluding Cecropia), average error in estimating DW of individual trees was 19.8 uslag only DBH and 15.0 using DBH plus specific density of the wood (SD). Average SD for each species can be substituted without increasing the error of the estimate. Adding total tree height (H)as an input variable provided only a slight reduction in error to 14.0. Previously published mixed-species biomass regression models, based on primary and secondary forest trees of the Amazon, were also cross-validated against the trees of this study. Two of these models, based on primary forest plots and using only DBH as an input, overestimated biomass by 10-60 for central Amazonian secondary forest trees in the size range 5-25 cm. The overestimate was greatest for the larger trees. Including Cecropia in the test group will make the overestimate even greater. Those published equations using DBH, H and SD as inputs, whether from secondary or primary forest plots, showed better agreement with the sample-derived regressions and lower average errors in estimation of individual tree dry weights. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ MulchiRudLeeRowPau:1995:MoReAm Journal Article Mulchi, C. Mulchi, C.; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor; Lee, E.; Rowland, R.; Pausch, R Morphological responses among crop species to full-season exposures to enhanced concetrations of atmospheric CO2 and O3 1995 Water, Air Soil Pollution 85 : 1379-1386 7765 global climate change, photochemical oxidants. Field studies using open-top chambers were conducted at USDA-BARC involving the growth of soybeans ('89 '90), wheat ('91 '92), and corn ('91), under increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and O3. Treatment responses were compared in all cases to plants grown in charcoal-filtered (CF)air (seasonal 7-h mean = 25 3n mol O3 mol ) having 350 or 500 mol CO2 mol . Elevated seasonal O3 levels for the soybean, wheat, and corn studies averaged 72.2 4, 62.7 2, and 70.2n mol O3 mol , respectively. Results presented were obtained for plants grown in silt loam soil under well-watered conditions. Grain yield increases in response to elevated CO2 in the absence of O3 stress averaged 9.0, 12.0, and 1.0 for soybean, wheat, and corn, respectively. Reductions in grain yields in response to the elevated O3 treatments at 350 mol CO2 mol averaged 20.0, 29.0 and 13.0 for soybean, wheat, and corn, respectively. Reductions in grain yields in response to elevated O3 at 500 mol CO2 mol averaged 20.0, 8.0, and 7.0 for soybean, wheat, and corn, respectively. Dry biomass and harvest index in wheat were significantly reduced by O3 stress at 350 mol mol CO2 but not at 500 u mol mol CO2. Seed weight 1000 for soybeans and wheat was significantly increased by CO2 enrichment and decreased by O3 stress. Seed weight 1000 in corn was increased by O3 stress suggesting that O3 affected pollination resulting in fewer kernels per ear. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 894 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ KuxSanAhePiePar:1998:EvRaLa Journal Article Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich; Santos, Joao Roberto dos; Ahern, Frank J.; Pietsch, R.W.; Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia Evaluation of Radarsat for land use and land cover in the Southwestern brazilian Amazon State of acre 1998 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 24 4 350-359 8455 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , radarsat, imagens de radar, calibracao, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, desmatamento, desflorestamento, uso da terra. In order tofacilitate the incorporation of RADARSAT data into on-going programs for monitoring land use and land cover changes in the Brazilian portion of the Amazon basin, a rapid assessment of the visibility and detectability of features of interest was carried out and on the dynamics of change of thesefeatures with time. RADARSAT images were acquired for five dates in 1996: one in April, one in May and three in October These have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively,in conjunction with aerial photographs. Field trips were made concomitantly with both first and second series of RADARSAT overpasses; a Landsat - TM image was obtained from June 14, 1996. The most significant findings were: Visual interpretation of Standard Mode RADARSAT images could be used to detect urban areas, streams, and the general pattern of deforestation resultingfrom human settlement on all five images. The contrast between deforested areas and the primary forest was variable, being the greatest on an afternoon overpass at the end of the dry season, when no rain was recorded in the previous 24 hours. Compared to the undisturbed or minimally disturbed upland rainforest, anthropic areas were observed to exhibit much larger temporal variations in backscatter (up to 4 dB in the case of recently-burned forest); under the proper conditions of recent precipitation at the end of the dry season, RADARSAT imagery appears to be a very sensitive indicator of forests which have been recently burned. With C-HH radar the use of multitemporal data will increase the reliability of detecting and mapping deforestation; the ideal two date combination would be to obtain one image under very dry conditions and a second image following a recent rainfall. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1132 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ Paradella:1996:FuExSA Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato Imagens de radar: fundamentacao e experiencias com o SAR na Amazonia 1996 Fator GIS 14 6-7 40-43 June 7763 geologia. A aquisicao da primeira cena do Radarsat-1, em 28 de novembro de 95, anteve a competicao no uso comercial de dados orbitais de radar em aplicacoes ambientais no Brasil. Hoje imagens orbitais baseadas em radar estao disponiveis pelos programas ERS-1 e 2, da Comunidade Europeia, JERS-1, do Japao e Radarsat-1, do Canada. O Brasil dispoe de recobrimento de radar feito pelo projeto RadamBrasil mas a cultura na extracao de informacao destes novos dados, agora digitais, ainda e incipiente. Discussoes sobre desempenho dos sensores em aplicacoes, com enfoque sobre as novas caracteristicas, parametros de importancia de alvos na interacao com microondas e ainda processamento digital especifico sao escassas na literatura. Por isso este artigo apresenta brevemente fundamentos de imageamento por radar, relatando caracteristicas de investigacoes dos projetos Sarex e Adro, feitos na Amazonia. Espera-se assim fornecer conhecimento que ajude a comunidade de usuarios potenciais a especificar melhores produtos e avaliar custo/beneficio da tecnologia. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 892 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ StevensonDiasStecKamp:1998:HoCoWa Journal Article Stevenson, Merritt Raymond Stevenson, Merritt Raymond; Dias Brito, Dimas; Stech, Jose Luiz; Kampel, Milton How do cold water biota arrive in a tropical bay near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1998 Continental Shelf Research 18 13 1595-1612 1330 oceanografia, , imagens noaa, satelites noaa, circulacao da superficie do mar, noaa satellite, satelite de localizacao, bioa de deriva, satellite tracked, drifting buoys. Previous ecological studies on foraminifera and ostracoda from the tropical Sepetiba Bay, located in the southern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have noted the presence in this area of some cool water taxons typical of the Argentine continental platform. These studies have proposed that parcels of these temperate waters with their associated biological indicators are advected northward along the platform, penetrating into some tropical entrances of the southeast coast of Brazil. In the present study, ecological data (foraminifera, ostracoda and microbivalves), are used together with information obtained by satellite tracked driffing buoys and digital thermal imagery obtained from NOAA satellites to indicate the path taken by these high latitude species along the southern Brazilian coast to arrive in the Sepetiba Bay, near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Our general conclusion is that biotic elements native to the colder, less saline marine waters seen to the south of Brazil have been and are being advected northward along the inner part of the continental platform to about 22 degree S. Water parcels containing this biota may, in a sporadic fashion, enter into the tropical Sepetiba Bay. The passage of meteorological fronts through the region is considered to be an important if not the principal mechanism for the sporadic entry of the cool water into the Southern Coastal Entrance of the State of Rio de Janeiro. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE 705 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ NovoCostMant:1998:RAExSu Journal Article Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes; Costa, Mycira Pereira de Freitas; Mantovani, Jose Eduardo RADARSAT exploratory survey on macrophyte biophysical parameters in tropical reservoirs 1998 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 24 4 367-375 8453 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, , macrofitas, radarsat, imagens de radar, reservatorios, sar, radar de abertura sintetica, retroespalhamento. This study reports preliminary results from an experiment to understand the relationship between C-band Radarsat relative backscatter and several macrophyte biophysical variables. In this paper, the effect of incidence angle on the relationship between macrophyte biophysical variables and radar backscatter is examined. The results show that the sensitivity of radar backscatter to macrophyte stand variable is dependen on both incidence angle and macrophyte dominant genus. Radarsat backscatter was sensitive to the following variables: Wet Weight, Dry Weight and Percent Moisture. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1130 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HolbenESTBSVRKNLJS:1998:FeInNe Journal Article Holben, B.N. Holben, B.N.; Eck, T.F.; Slutsker, I.; Tanre, D.; Buis, J.P.; Setzer, Alberto Waingort.; Vermote, E.; Reagan, J.A.; Kaufman, Y.J.; Nakajima, T.; Lavenu, I.; Jankowiak, I>; Smirnov, A AERONET - A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization 1998 Remote Sensing of Environment 66 1 1-16 8452 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, monitoramento, aerosol. Te concept and description of a remote sensing aerosol monitoring, network initiated by NASA, developed to support NASA, CNES, and NASDA's Earth satellite systems under the name AERONET and expanded by national and international collaboration, is described. Recent development of weather-resistant automatic sun and sky scanning spectral radiometers enable frequent measurementsof atmospheric aerosol optical properties and precipitable water at remote sites. Transmission of automatic ineasurements via the geostationary satellites GOES and METEOSATS' Data Collection Systems allows reception and processing in near real-time from approximately 75 of the Earth's surface and with the expected addition of GMS, the coverage will increase to 90 in 1998. NASA developed a UNIX-based near real-time processing, display and analysis system providing internet access to the emergin,global database. Information on the system is available on the project homepage, http://spamergsfc.nasa.gov. The philosophy of an open access database, centralized processina and a user-friendly graphical interface has contributed to the growth of international cooperation for ground-based aerosol monitoring and imposes a standardization for these measurements. The system's automatic data acquisition, transmission, and processing fiacilitates aerosol characterization on local, regional, and global scales with applications to transport and radiation budget studies, radiative transfer-modeling and validation of satellite aerosol retrievals. This article discusses the operation and philosophy of the monitoring systein, the precision and accuracy of the measuritig radiometers, a brief description of the processing system, and access to the database. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1129 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamposIkCaGaLoSt:1996:ExStCi Journal Article Campos, E.J.D. Campos, E.J.D.; Ikeda, Y.; Castro, B.M.; Gaeta, S.A.; Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio; Stevenson, Merritt R. Experiment studies circulation in the western South Atlantic 1996 EOS, Transactions , American Geophysical Union 77 27 253-259 7760 oceanografia. Observations in the Brazil Current region between 20 and 30 S are revealing many interesting oceanographic features. In the austral winter of 1993, what appears to be an anomalous northward penetration of waters from the Brazil/Malvinas confluence region into the South Brazil Bight was observed. Despite its dynamical similarity to the South Atlantic Bight (SAB)in the North Atlantic, the South Brazil Bight (SBB)(also referred to as Santos Bight)is often overlooked by the physical oceanografic community. Wost of the historical ocenographic cruises in this area focused on the shelf, leaving the shelf break and slope - and therefore the Brazil Current itself - largely unstudied. For instance, the first time a conductivity-termperature-depth (CTD)survey was made of the SBB was in January 1991 [Campos et al., 1994, 1995]when German and Brazilian oceanographers on board the German FS Victor Hensen performed a CTD hydrographic survey in the area between Santos and Rio de Janeiro. Due to this substantial lack of knowledge in a region regarded as one of the most ecologically and economically important oceanic regions along the Brazilian coast, a group of Brazilian scientists set forth a comprehensive oceanographic survey called Project COROAS to study the SBB and the nearby portions of the Brazil Basin. This multi-disciplinary data collection effort, a component of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)Deep Basin Experiment program, is an extensive study of part of the Brazil Basin that places particular emphasis on the SBB. COROAS focuses on different aspects of oceanography. It incorporates a high-quality hydrographic survey, satellite remote sensing, and Lagrangian and Eulerian current studies. Since the program began in 1993, researchers have performed several oceanographic cruises on board the R/V Prof. W.Besnard, conducted seasonal hydrographic surveys, and deployed and recovered an array of current meter moorings along a transect extending from near Santos (Brazil)to the Vema Channel. Additionally, satellite-tracked WOCE-type drifters are collecting data in the Brazil Current, and satellite advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR)data are being continuously recorded to map sea surface temperature. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 890 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ EpiphanioGlerFormRudo:1996:InVeNo Journal Article Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves; Gleriani, Jose Marinaldo; Formaggio, Antonio Roberto; Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Indices de vegetacao no sensoriamneto remoto da cultura do feijao 1996 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 31 6 445-454 June 7759 agronomia, radiometria, reflectância bidirecional, indice de vegetação, resposta espectral, angulo de iluminação, solo, radiometry, reflectance, view angle, illumination angle, spectral response, bidirectional refletance, wheat, savi, crop, yield estimation, vegetative index, soil. As aplicacoes de sensoriamento remoto em estudos de culturas agricolas tem feito uso extensivo dos indices de vegetacao (IVs). Constituidos de duas ou mais bandas, servem para realcar as feicoes de vegetacao e ao mesmo tempo minimizar efeitos espurios, como solos ou efeitos angulares, ou ainda efeitos atmosfericos. Nao se formou ainda opiniao unanime sobre as propriedades dos IVs, ou seja, nao existe consenso sobre a utilizacao dos diversos IVs nas situacoes variadas que existem na natureza. Este trabalho visa fazer uma avaliacao de tres dos mais importantes IVs quanto a suas variacoes, em funcao de tres parametros relevantes em sensoriamento remoto: solos, angulos de visada e angulos de iluminacao, num experimento fatorial com feijao, em quatro estadios de desenvolvimento. Constatou-se que as influencias dos fatores sobre as bandas individuais constituintes dos IVs foram relevantes na compreensao dos efeitos sobre os IVs. Os IVs apresentaram diferencas significativas quanto aos solos, nos quatro estadios de crescimento da cultura. Ja o angulo de visada influenciou de forma significativa o NDVI (Indice de Vegetacao Diferenca Normalizada)no estadio inicial de crescimento do feijao. Os IVs nao foram afetados quanto ao angulo de iluminacao, quando a cultura cobriu totalmente o solo. Alem disso, houve saturacao do NDVI, enquanto o SAVI (Indice de Vegetacao Ajustado para Solo)e o PVI (Indice de Vegetacao Perpendicular)continuaram a responder aos tratamentos, principalmente em decorrencia de suas sensibilidades ao infravermelho. Abstract: Vegetation indices (VIs)are an important tool in remote sensing of vegetation. These VIs are composed of two or more single bands and they are supposed to minimize some intervening effects such as soil background, view and illumination angles and atmospheric effects. However, there is a lack of knowledge on how different VIs behave on a developing crop over different soils and submitted to different viewing conditions; the exact role the bands play in the VIs under those conditions is to be understood. This paper describes an experiment in which bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)was planted on the same soil, but in a changing three soil backgrounds, under two view angles and four times of the day, in four dates along the crop cycle, and in randomly blocks design. It is shown that the analysis of individual bands is very important for understanding the behavior of VIs. Soils were statistically significant in all stages analyzed for the three VIs; however, the view angle was significant only for NDVI and for low ground cover. The illumination angle was significant for all VIs and for all ground covers, except for 100. Moreover, there was an expected NDVI saturation as the ground cover increased while the SAVI and PVI keep on responding to treatments, mainly in function of their sensitivities to near inf. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR DSR 889 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ FrancaSetz:1998:AVTeAn Journal Article Franca, Helena Franca, Helena; Setzer, Alberto Waingort AVHRR temporal analysis of a savana site in Brazil 1998 International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 16 3127-3140 8450 estudos integrados do meio ambiente, cerrado, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, avhrr, noaa 11, mapeador tematico (landsat), (imagens landsat, satelites landsat, satelites noaa, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada. This work investigated the temporal monitoring of savanna ('cerrado')vegetation phenology in the E.mas National Park of Brazil utilizing 1.1 km full resolution daily images of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)on-board the NOAA-11 satellite. For a period of 18 months studied in 1992-93, only 26 images had useful data. Digital analysis of individual images concentrated on five sub-areas of up to 30km2 each. Channels used were I (0.6-0.7), 2 (0.7-1.1,)and 3 (3.5-3.9), as well as the Vegetation Index (NDVI)which combines channels 1 and 2. A high resolution Thematic Mapper (TM)Landsat image and field work provided ground data to identify the vegetation types. Channel 3 and NDVI showed the strongest temporal response to phenological changes of the vegetation, while channels 1 and 2 presented high dependence on the off-nadir scan angle. The results indicated large variations in the daily AVHRR signal of channels 1 and 2 for the san e area, regardless of vegetation changes. Regular monitoring of the 2 x 1-6km2 of Brazilian cerrados using AVHRR full 1.1 km resolution is recommended, particularly with the 3.7 band. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1127 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ CamaraNetoSouzFreiGarr:1996:InReSe Journal Article Camara Neto, Gilberto Camara Neto, Gilberto; Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de; Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de; Garrido, Juan SPRING: integrating remote sensing and GIS by object-oriented data modelling 1996 Computer Graphics 20 3 395-403 7757 This work discusses the design and implementation of SPRING, a geographical information system designed to support environmental projects over large spatial data base. SPRING is based on an object-oriented data model, which caters for the diversity of data sources and formats, and combines the ideas of ""fields"" and ""objects"". The system includes functions for image processing, geographical analysis and digital terrain modelling, integrated with a spatial data base environment. The paper describes the project objectives, the object-oriented data model, the LEGAL spatial language and system functionality. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 887 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LimaKuxSaus:1992:SiInGe Journal Article Lima, E.R.V.de Lima, E.R.V.de; Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich; Sausen, Tania Maria Sistema de informacoes geograficas e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto na elaboracao de mapa de riscos de erosao no Sertao de Paraiba 1992 Revista Brasileira Ciencia do Solo 16 2 257-263 6852 estudos integrados do meio ambiente. Apresenta-se um metodo de utilizacao de um sistema de informacoes geograficas (SIG)/Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)e de dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital para gerar mapas de suscetibilidade e de risco de erosao do solo. Planos de informacao (PIs)sobre erodibilidade, erosividade, litologia e declividade foram gerados. Estes dados foram integrados no SIG/INPE para obtencao de um mapa de suscetibilidade a erosao. Atraves de dados digitais do TM-Landast, obteve-se um mapa de cobertura vegetal, que, integrado ao de suscetibilidade a erosao, originou o mapa de risco de erosao. Os resultados demonstraram que a utilizacao do SIG/INPE e de imagens orbitais digitais na geracao e integracao dos PIs foi bastante satisfatoria, inclusive se comparada a procedimentos convencionais. Com o metodo proposto, foi possivel elaborar mapas de risco de erosao do solo, principalmente para grandes areas, de forma a utilizar o importante recurso da visao sinotica que oferecem os dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSM DSM 310 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ShimabukuroBatMorMelDua:1998:UsShFr Journal Article Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Moreira, Jose Carlos; Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil; Duarte, Valdete Using shade fraction image segmentation to evaluate deforestation in Landsat thematic mapper images of the Amazon region 1998 International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 3 535-541 8448 vegetacao, , desmatamento, desflorestamento, mapeador tematico (landsat), imagens landsat, segmentacao de imagens, florestas, floresta tropical, imagem fracao. Image segmentation based on the shade fraction of a Landsat TM image was effective in measuring the areal extent of Amazonian deforestation. The shade fraction image derived from spectral mixture models was related to the forest canopy structure. Dense tropical forest have a medium proportion of shade within their canopy while deforested areas (bare soil, pasture, and/or regrowth)have a comparatively small proportion. Comparison of image segmentation results with conventional techniques showed visual agreement. Even though additional tests are necessary to validate this approach for large areas, the technical soundness of the approach has been demonstrated. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1125 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ ParadellaVito:1982:TeAtPe Journal Article Paradella, Waldir Renato Paradella, Waldir Renato; Vitorello, Icaro Sensores remotos na geologia: tendencia atual e perspectivas futuras com dados de satelites 1982 Revista Ciencias da Terra 5 7/8 19-23 322 geologia, spot (satelite frances), discriminacao espectral, slar, interpretacao visual, fotointerpretacao, geology, spot (french satellite), spectral discrimination, visual interpretation, photointerpretation. O proposito deste artigo e o de expor sucintamente topicos sobre a aplicabilidade de produtos de sensores remotos, especialmente Imagens LANDSAT em pesquisa geologica. No Brasil, o historico de aplicacoes de sensoriamento remoto esteve, inicialmente, dirigido, ao uso de tecnicas de fotointerpretacao visual com fotografias aereas, Imagens SLAR e LANDSAT. Contudo, o efetivo uso da informacao contida nestes produtos, depende em grande parte do entendimento da natureza e comportamento sazonal das interacoes entre energia eletromagnetica e materia. Neste trabalho, sao apresentados resultados de investigacoes previas, que tem levado, ao conhecimento basico sobre as regioes do espectro mais adequadas, a abordagem de discriminacoes de rochas e minerais por sensores multiespectrais, bem como, discute os futuros avancos previstos com a disponibilidade de novos produtos de satelites orbitais, dentro deste campo de pesquisa. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 134 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ AlvesSkol:1996:ChLaCo Journal Article Alves, Diogenes Salas Alves, Diogenes Salas; Skole, D.L. Characterizing land cover dynamics using multi-temporal imagery 1996 International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 4 835-839 7755 An analysis of land cover changes was performed using a time-series of five SPOT HRV images for an area of the State of Rondonia (western Brazilian Amazon)from 1986 to 1992. The total deforested area and the fraction of land abandoned to secondary vegetation were determined by means of image classification and Geographical Information System (GIS)techniques. Areas deforested by 1986 were traced throughout the period to estimate the fraction of land remaining continuously in the secondary vegetation category, possibly forming older secondary vegetation. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI DPI 885 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ LorenzzettiWangLee:1987:CiMo Journal Article Lorenzzetti, João Antonio Lorenzzetti, João Antonio; Wang, J.D.; Lee, T.N circulation modeling 1987 Progress in Oceanography 19 3-4 313-327 9900 oceanografia. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR 1150 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BanonBarr:1989:MoFiSt Journal Article Banon, Gerald Jean Francis Banon, Gerald Jean Francis; Barreira, Junior Morphological filtering for stripping correction of SPOT images 1989 Photogrammetria 43 3/4 195-205 8991 morfologia matematica, , foltro morfologico, imagens spot, spot (satelite frances), spot imagery, morphological filtering. The objective of this paper is to show how a sequence of elementary morphological filtering operations can lead to the corretion of the stripping affect present on some level 1B SPOT images. The basic idea employed is to design the morphological filter using as a priori modeling of the stripes. The overall algorithm is divided in three steps. A binary image showing the high frequencies in the vertical direction is first obtained. Another binary image is then daduced which indicates the location of the stripes. Finally, the corrected image is obtained by morphological interpolation. The effect of each processing step is illustrated from an original image of the Porto Alegre city corrupted by the stripes at the stripe location. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DPI 1149 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ BatistaShimLawr:1997:LoMoVe Journal Article Batista, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Getulio Teixeira; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Lawrence, W.T The long-term monitoring of vegetation cover the Amazonia regionof northern Brazil using NOAA-AVHRR data 1997 International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 15 3195-3210 8446 vegetacao, , satelites noaa, radiometro avancado de resolucao muito alta, avhrr, imagens noaa, indice de vegetacao da diferenca normalizada, ndvi. We have analysed monthly composites of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)calculated from NOANs Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)for the Amazonian region of northern Brazil across a decade (August 1981 to June 1991)to ascertain if the dominant vegetation types could be differentiated, and to seek inter-annual climatic variation due to changing environmental conditions. The vegetation types observed included dense forest (submontana and terras baixas), open forest (submontana and terras baixas), transitional forest, seasonal forest (caatinga), and two types of savanna (cerrado). We found that monthly NDVI composites revealed seasonality in cerrado and especially in caatinga cover types, which can be used in their identification, whilst the phenology of other forest cover types varies little throughout the year. Additionally, yearly composite NDVI values showed a clear and significant reduction (p>0.95)in dry years, such as those with El Nino Southern Oscillation events. These results indicate the potential use of multi-temporal NDVI data for the environmental characterization and identification of forest ecosystems. Our research found NDVI images from NOAA AVHRR offer a long-term data set that is unequalled for monitoring terrestrial land cover. However, these data have to be used with a degree of caution, especially in regards to atmospheric interference, such as cloud contamination and volcanic eruptions, and post-launch changes in calibration. 2002: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PI SRE DSR DSR 1123 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ HernandezFoShimSant:1981:AvReSe Journal Article Hernandez Filho, Pedro Hernandez Filho, Pedro; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Santos, Joao Roberto dos Avaliacao de reflorestamento atraves de sensoriamento remoto 1981 Ciencia e Cultura 33 7 17 July 511 florestas, , sensores e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, tecnicas de interpretacao visual, classificacao digital, reflorestamento, mss landsat, pinus, eucaliptos, forests, sensors and remote sensing techniques, visual interpretation techniques, digital classification, reforestation, eucalyptus. Este trabalho tem como finalidade avaliar as potencialidades dos dados de sensoriamento remoto a nivel orbital, no levantamento de areas reflorestadas, atraves da interpretacao tanto visual quanto automatica. O referido estudo desenvolveu-se numa area com aproximadamente 462,100 ha constituida pelos municipios de Ribeirao Preto, Altinopolis, Cravinhos, Serra Azul, Luis Antonio, Sao Simao, Santa Rita do Pssa Quatro e Santa Rosa do Viterbo. utilizaram-se as imagens fotograficas em papel preto e branco, dos canais 5 (0,6 a 0,7 um)e 7 (0,8 a 1,1 um)do sensor MSS do LANDSAT na escala de 1:250.000, e as fitas compativeis com computador (CCT). A analise visual das imagens permitiu o mapeamento de 37.766,00 ha em 1977 e 38.003,75 ha em 1979, com o generos Pinus spp e Eucalyptus spp apresentando uma diferenca relativa de 237,50 ha entre as duas datas que foi feito o estudo. os resultados obtidos mostram que os dados do satelite LANDSAT podem ser utilizados, com eficiencia, no levantamento de areas reflorestadas. 2001: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ PN SRE DSR 88